Springs, Summer 2020, Vol 59 No 3

Page 50

SMI Awards $31,000 in 2020 Scholarship Program By Gary McCoy ©iStockphoto.com/vm


he results are in for the 2020 SMI Scholarship program. Awards of $31,000 were granted to 14 students among a pool of applicants from SMI’s members in the U.S., Canada and Mexico. This marks the 10th year of SMI‘s scholarship program. In total the program has awarded scholarship assistance to 146 students representing $287,000 in financial aid. “SMI recognizes the importance of higher education with the growth of our scholarship program that directly benefits the employees of our member companies,” said SMI president Bert Goering. “As we celebrate our 10th year since the program’s inception, I want to congratulate each of our 14 recipients and extend best wishes to each of them in their career pursuits.” To be eligible for an SMI scholarship, award winners must be a full-time employee or a dependent child of a fulltime employee who works for an SMI member company. For 2020, SMI awarded nine regional scholarships in the amount of $2,000 each. In addition, five at-large scholarships were also selected: • Ronald and Adrienne Banas Scholarship, $5,000 • International Spring Scholarship, $4,000 awarded to two students in the amount of $2,000 each • Callaghan-Hart Scholarship, $2,000 • Albert H. Goering Memorial Scholarship, $2,000 SMI member companies will be sent information for the 2021 scholarship program in the fall, via mail, email and SMI’s website, www.smihq.org.

48 / SPRINGS / Summer 2020

2020 Regional Scholarships

Canada Amira Gill

Hometown: Toronto, Ontario, Canada SMI Member Parent: Gurmail Gill, Commercial Spring & Tool Attending: Queen’s University, School of Graduate Studies, Kingston, Ontario, Canada Major: Structural Engineering

Michigan Connor Burrows

Hometown: Zeeland, Michigan SMI Member Parent: Brad Burrows, Automatic Spring Products Attending: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan Major: Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology

Chicago Mina Truesdale

Hometown: Whitewater, Wisconsin SMI Member Parent: Stephen Truesdale, R&L Spring Attending: Cedarville University, Cedarville, Ohio Major: Chemistry

Mid-Atlantic Brendan VanDeven

Hometown: Harleysville, Pennsylvania SMI Member Parent: Jason VanDeven, Rolled Metal Products Attending: Penn State Abington Major: Information Sciences and Technology

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