2020 Impact Report

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Because of You How the Almoner's Fund helped Brother Dueñas overcome COVID-19 PA G E 8

Impact Report 2020 | Scottish Rite Charities




Impact Report Table of Contents

Charities Team David A. Glattly, 33°

Sovereign Grand Commander, President

By the Numbers


Grand Almoner's Fund


Helping Hand Initiative


Cover Story


A Decade of Thanks


Children's Dyslexia Centers Highlights


Because of You


Museum & Library Highlights


First-Time Donors


Leon M. Abbott Scholarship Fund


Membership Education Fund


Blue Envelope Appeal


Bridget Steele

Giving Tuesday


Manager of Research & Grants

White Flower Society


Darien A. Koons

Cornerstone Society


Commander's Circle


Builders Council


Gifts in Honor & Memory


Lifetime Giving


Michael C. Russell, CAE Executive Director

Walter F. Wheeler, 33° Director of Charities

Mary Ann Bichajian

Manager of Development & Planned Giving

Matt Blaisdell

Creative Director

Development & Planned Giving Coordinator

Jocelyn Wallace

Grant Writer & Coordinator


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A message from

Scottish Rite Charities This year has brought some unimaginable changes to our world. Over the past few months, we’ve received calls from our Brothers sharing the ways the COVID-19 pandemic has reshaped their daily lives and routines. Face-to-face gatherings with Brothers evolved into coming together virtually through programs like Thursday Night at the Rite. In-person social events and business meetings transitioned into Zoom sessions. Family celebrations became remote FaceTime calls with the kids and grandkids.


n the midst of this new normal, you remained committed to the vision of the Scottish Rite: “We will strive to be a Fraternity that fulfills our Masonic Obligation to care for our members.” Adding to your incredible list of personal and professional demands, you stepped up in a big way to support our Scottish Rite Charities. Because of you, we were able to raise more than $1 Million for the Grand Almoner’s Fund this year to support our Brothers and their families in need. This funding is needed now more than ever.

Walter F. Wheeler, 33° Director of Charities

"As the new Director of Charities, I am very excited to begin this journey and continue to advance Freemasonry. The vision of the Scottish Rite is only possible because of you. We hope you take great pride in what you have accomplished. Your donations change lives."

Because of you, the widows of our Brothers can feel secure in knowing they are not alone. Because of you, children with dyslexia are learning how to read. Because of you, the children, grandchildren and even great grandchildren of our members get financial support to help them get a college education. Because of you, education and leadership programs for our members have become a reality. Because of you, Masonic artifacts and books are being preserved and made available for our members and the public to enjoy. Do us a favor? Take a deep breath and smile. You deserve a proud moment knowing you have changed lives, forever. These pages are filled with stories of the impact you have made. Every life touched is because of you. Your donations make this incredible journey of impact possible. Thank you for everything you do. Because of you, the world is a better place for all of us.


Walter F. Wheeler, 33° Director of Charities

Michael C. Russell, CAE Executive Director

"I am so proud of our members stepping up again in such a tremendous way to support our Charities. Caring for our members is the most important role we have within our Fraternity. As artfully said by Thomas Paine, ‘The harder the conflict, the greater the triumph.’ This year has brought much conflict, but I can say, with our team, we feel like we triumphed."

Michael C. Russell, 32° Executive Director




We will strive to be a Fraternity that fulfills our Masonic Obligation to care for our members. Spearheaded by Eugene “Cappy” Capobianco, 33°, Commander in Chief at the Massachusetts Consistory, Brothers from the Massachusetts Consistory worked together to assemble and distribute care packages to members, along with much-needed personal protective equipment to The Overlook, a large Masonic retirement community in Charlton, Massachusetts, during the COVID-19 pandemic.


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Scottish Rite Charities

By the Numbers Despite the tremendous challenges of 2020, your outstanding support of Scottish Rite Charities helped make this a monumental year. Because of you, Masonic families in need saw their hope restored, children with dyslexia experienced the gift of reading, students had

doors opened to further their education, the rich history of our Fraternity was shared and preserved for future generations, and our members were given new opportunities to delve deeper into the Craft. Thank you for making this possible.




Total Donations in 2020 $6,007,224



Children’s Dyslexia Centers



$ M Grand Almoner's Fund $1,003,073



Membership Education Fund $197,917



Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library




Leon M. Abbott Scholarship Fund





Thank You Scottish Rite Charities

Grand Almoner's Fund This year, you answered the call to care for our members in need like never before, donating more than $1,000,000 to the work of the Grand Almoner’s Fund. This staggering show of support helped Brothers and their families facing medical emergencies, employment loss, flood damage, fire, and unexpected funeral costs just to name a few. Because of you, the Grand Almoner’s Fund helped more than 100 Masonic Brothers and their families facing unexpected challenges, distributing:

Peter J. Samiec, 33°

Lieutenant Grand Commander Grand Almoner

"The Grand Almoner’s Fund allows us to live up to the obligation that we took when we became Master Masons – to help, aid and assist a Brother in distress, their widows and orphans. I couldn’t do my job without the support of our members. It’s a job that I’ve held since 2015, and I’ve never grown tired of it. My passion for it has never died. The amount of satisfaction that I get from helping people in need, the thank you letters I get from our members – that’s more inspirational and important to me than any award I could ever receive."


in financial assistance to Masonic Brothers and their families


to Masonic widows in need through the White Flower Society


in emergency debit cards for Masonic families facing immediate needs


in relief to young men in DeMolay facing hardships through the DeMolay Congress Almoner’s Fund Thank you for your continued support of the Grand Almoner’s Fund. Every dollar you contribute directly benefits your fellow Masons, making an impact in the lives of Brothers all across the Jurisdiction when they need it most.

Assistance *If you know of a Brother Mason in need, please contact your Valley Secretary or Deputy. Should the need arise, the Almoner’s Fund stands ready to help.


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Scottish Rite Charities

Helping Hand Initiative This spring, we launched the Helping Hand Initiative, a digital fundraising campaign for the Scottish Rite Grand Almoner’s Fund in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The goal of the Helping Hand Initiative was two-fold:

To remind all of our members that the Grand Almoner’s Fund exists to assist them in times of need. To raise funds to lend a #HelpingHand to those Brothers impacted by the Coronavirus. Over the course of four weeks, we shared stories from members whose lives and hearts have been touched by the work of the Grand Almoner’s Fund. At the start of the Helping Hand initiative, we set a goal to raise $100,000 for the Grand Almoner’s Fund. As Masons do, you went above and beyond, surpassing this goal by more than $30,000 to support Brothers impacted by the COVID-19 crisis.

133K Total Raised


Total Donations

David A. Glattly, 33°

Sovereign Grand Commander

"Our members' response to the Helping Hand Initiative has been absolutely amazing. Your support makes it possible for checks to go out literally overnight when we get requests for assistance. You are doing so much good out there. Thank you, thank you, thank you. It is very much appreciated."

767 Total Donors




to need help himself—until he contracted the COVID-19 virus. His symptoms started with a tickle in his throat. The next day, the tickle progressed to a cough. Just two days later, when he woke up and tried to stand, he collapsed to the ground. “It happened that fast,” Brother Alex said. “I couldn’t get up. I couldn’t get myself back to the couch.” After his wife and son called 911 and the paramedics arrived, they checked his oxygen and confirmed that his levels were dangerously low. “The paramedic told me if I had waited another half “She told me that since I became an hour, I would have had a massive heart attack.” a Mason, I was a better man, a Brother Alex was admitted to the hospital, and better father and a better husband. his oxygen levels continued to drop. The last thing he That meant so much to me.” remembers was gasping for air. He was sedated for almost three weeks, a harrowing experience for his family who at times went days without receiving an update on his condition due to the hospital being overrun with critical patients. COVER STORY • IMPACT REPORT 2020 In the midst of these challenges, his father-in-law, who lived with the family, passed away from Brother Alex Dueñas complications due to COVID-19. is confident that joining When Brother Alex finally had Freemasonry eight years ago was his ventilator tube removed and one of the best decisions he’s woke up, he saw dozens of nurses ever made. He still remembers and physician’s assistants cheering his mother-in-law noticing how him on. “It was amazing. They’re the fraternity had changed him: my superheroes.” “She told me that since I became a The next few days were far from Mason, I was a better man, a better easy. He had to undergo physical father and a better husband. That therapy to practice moving and meant so much to me.” walking again. He experienced Over the years he witnessed severe withdrawal symptoms as the power of Freemasonry helping his body detoxed from the intense Brothers in need, but he never medication he had been given. imagined he’d be in a situation He also contracted bacterial

Because of You The Grand Almoner’s Fund was there to lend a helping hand to this Brother as he battled the COVID-19 virus. 8

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pneumonia and was experiencing kidney problems. The recovery issues continued when his medical team recommended he be transferred to a rehab facility that refused to take him because of the expensive antibiotics he was on. With mounting medical costs, compounded with lapsed insurance coverage and the unexpected funeral costs after his father-in-law’s passing, pressures on the family were overwhelming. During a phone call with a Scottish Rite Brother, Alex was asked what the fraternity could do to help. The Scottish Rite responded swiftly, sending support from the Grand Almoner’s Fund to help cover the medical and funeral costs for this overburdened Brother and his family. Funds were received by Brother Alex within 48 hours. “It’s amazing what this organization does. It happened so fast. I wasn’t expecting that,” he said. Brother John Walker Robinson, 33°, Secretary for the Valley of New York City, was amazed by how quickly the request was fulfilled: “This experience was rewarding beyond explanation, and I thank you for allowing me to be a part of it. This truly is Masonry in action.” Brother Alex said the unexpected assistance he received from the Grand Almoner’s Fund allowed him and his family to focus completely on his recovery. When he was finally able to return home, his son arranged for a drive by parade for people to show their support. “It was so amazing. I had cops come, my Mason Brothers, I had family, friends. It was just overwhelming,” he said. It was only after he left the hospital that he learned of all the people who

were concerned for him and praying for his recovery. “Sometimes I just scroll through and read the comments and the messages people sent, and it just touches my heart,” he said. “What brought me back, I feel, was the power of prayer. People that I didn’t even know were praying. There were people from all over the world praying for me. It was amazing.” Brother Alex continues to experience the effects of the virus. He is still battling nerve damage and is working to build his stamina. Along with the physical challenges, he said that learning of his father-inlaw’s passing was a particularly hard blow. “I blamed myself,” he said. “I got depressed. My family kept telling me that it was the virus that killed him, but to this day, it hurts. Because we didn’t have the opportunity to say goodbye.” Brother Alex said his battle with COVID-19 has made him see life through a different lens. “I got a second chance,” he said. As his recovery continues, he’s looking forward to being able gather with his Masonic Brothers again. “You have done so much. It’s my time to give back. I’m hoping everything gets back to normal soon so we can start going to our meetings again. Because I miss my Brothers.” Brother Alex said it’s hard to put into words the appreciation he feels for the Scottish Rite and the Grand Almoner’s Fund. “It’s amazing what this organization does. What Scottish Rite did for me – all my Brothers – you guys have done so much.” “I’m very proud to be part of this organization, so very proud.”

“It’s amazing what this organization does. What Scottish Rite did for me – all my Brothers – you guys have done so much.”




Scottish Rite Charities

A Decade of Thanks In recent years, the Scottish Rite has worked to recommit to the core values of Freemasonry. Caring for members and their families in need became a top priority for the fraternity, and your ongoing support of the Grand Almoner’s Fund in the last decade makes this possible. The following are a few of the thank you letters we’ve received over the last ten years from some grateful Brothers and their families.


Generosity and Compassion “Your gift has enabled our family’s flood recovery to become a reality instead of an extended hope. My family and I were in complete disbelief but very grateful. Thank you. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. You have provided not only the resources to enable our family and others to recover from a devastating act of nature, but you provided the illustration and complete comprehension of Brotherhood. We are truly indebted to your generosity and compassion.”


A Renewed Hope


A Scottish Rite Pride “How do words express my gratitude for the monetary gift bestowed on me? I am overwhelmed at this gift, as well as your Brotherly love. My pride as a Scottish Rite member is shining! Thank you, and God bless.”

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Lifted Hearts and Spirits “Thank you for your generous support that you have rendered me in the aftermath of my loss. I only hope that I may repay someone else in the future who may be down and in need as you have helped me. My family and I are deeply touched by your kind help at one of our lowest points in life. Thanks for lifting our hearts and spirits.”


The Spirit of Fraternity “The help we received from the Grand Almoner’s Fund greatly eased the burden of our family’s medical bills. To feel connected to people who care is a great gift to us. I have always been proud to be a Freemason. To know that the spirit of Fraternity reached out and embraced us is humbling.”

“This generous contribution from the Almoner’s Fund has touched my family in a way I never thought possible. Not only were my wife and I surprised by it, we were literally brought to tears. Needless to say, this has renewed our hope. We cannot thank you enough.”





A Proud Freemason “If it was not for the Scottish Rite, I would not be able to pay the mortgage or feed my four children. I knew that Masons help each other during hard times, but what you have done is beyond anything I could ever imagine. My husband was proud to be a Freemason, and I am proud he was part of such an honorable organization.”


A Generous Gift “How can we ever express our gratitude for your generous gift? It was more than words could express. This experience still seems so surreal. I will never be able to express how grateful we are. We were rescued by boat, lost both cars, and took in three feet of water. We had been in our new house for two months. Again, I don’t know how to thank you.”


A Deep Appreciation


A Roof Overhead “My husband was a member of the Scottish Rite for more than 40 years. He continues to decline due to Alzheimer’s and dementia, and our savings are depleted. Thanks to the Grand Almoner’s Fund, we were able to fix our house. You helped us replace our roof, and literally keep it over our heads. I am so grateful for your relief at this very difficult time. I don’t know what I would have done otherwise.”

“On behalf of my wife and family, I wish to humbly thank the Scottish Rite for coming to my aid in a time of desperate financial need. The past nine months following my unexpected cardiac bypass surgery have been both a tumultuous and life changing period in my life. I did not expect to be out of work for an extended period of time, and we had exhausted all of our savings with bills mounting beyond our control. We cannot express our deep appreciation and thanks enough to the Brethren that have established this Fund and continue each day to come to the aid of a fellow man.”


An Act of Kindness “I am beyond humbled and grateful for the gift to my family. Because of you, my family will have a Christmas this year, be able to make our car payments and keep the lights on. I will never forget this act of kindness, and I will always cherish the Fraternity for its dedication and love for the members. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.”


A Reflection of True Masonry “It is with sincere gratefulness and from the very bottom of my heart that I say thank you to all of my treasured Masonic friends for the kindness you have shared with me. My chair lift is making a wonderful and safe change for me. I will always be grateful to you for your generosity and kindness for this reflection of true Masonry.”




Children's Dyslexia Centers

2020 Highlights Because of You, our more than 40 Children’s Dyslexia Centers and satellite locations served 1,370 children this year, with 265 students graduating from the program. In addition, the program’s nationally-recognized training program certified 184 educators at the Practitioner 1 Initial Level, 84 at the Practitioner 2 Level, and 3 at the Instructor of Practitioner 1 Level.

One Leaf, One Life

Virtual Walk for Dyslexia

New Associate Clincal Director

Developed by our Scottish Rite Charities team, the One Leaf, One Life fundraiser featured colorful leaves our Centers could sell to support their important work. Launched at the Supreme Council Annual Meeting, the program raised more than $2,000 in just 3 days. Centers created Giving Trees to feature their leaves, and all proceeds went directly to support local Dyslexia Centers.

The CDC in Madison, Wisconsin was one of a handful of Centers that took their annual Walk for Dyslexia virtual. The Center encouraged supporters to participate by plotting their own course and making the walk or run in their own neighborhoods. Madison’s event was a tremendous success, raising over $20,000 for the Center.

Cynthia Allen-Fuss was named the new Associate Clinical Director of the Children’s Dyslexia Centers, Inc. Reporting to CDC Clinical Director Carin Illig, Ms. Allen-Fuss brought a wealth of experience and perspective to the position. She began as a parent of a student at our Harrisburg Center, then trained as a tutor, supervisor, and most recently served as the Co-Director of the Center.


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Going Virtual When COVID-19 forced our Children’s Dyslexia Centers to halt in-person tutoring, leaders were committed to continue serving children. Through an astounding team effort, staff worked tirelessly to adapt the program to virtual tutoring sessions via Zoom. “They have shown extraordinary leadership in these challenging times,” said CDC Clinical

Director Carin Illig. The Children’s Dyslexia Centers peaked at more than 1,600 Zoom sessions a week before transitioning into the summer months. Below: Staff from the Great Lakes Bay Region CDC wanted their students to know they were missed!

Reuniting Tutors and Students

Move to Online Training & Meetings

CDC Director of Operations David Sharkis, 33°, said that that the relationship that builds between tutor and child is really special. "The excitement isn't just from the kids, but the tutors too. They were happy to see each other and happy to work together again. And the lessons are going better than expected. These kids are working really hard."

In spite of these challenges, moving to online meetings, training and even conferences has allowed for greater collaboration and consistency. More online content and continuing education options are being developed for staff, and sessions are recorded to enable viewing at later times.

Noah’s mother Heather shared: “I would like to express my gratitude to all of the Children’s Dyslexia Center staff. I appreciate all the effort you have put into making the transition to online tutoring so easy! We feel absolutely blessed to have the opportunity to be a part of this program and now to be able to continue the program under these unprecedented circumstances is truly amazing! Thank you for all that you do!”

Brooke, 2nd grade, had this to say about her Zoom tutoring lessons: “The tutors are so nice. I learned a lot and I often use the techniques at school. I am happy we could finish the year with online tutoring. My tutor was very patient and flexible when Zoom wasn’t working.” CDC student Noah begins his first virtual lesson




Scottish Rite Charities

Because of You Hayden and Kaya have the confidence and skills to succeed in school and in life.

This year, Children’s Dyslexia Center graduate Hayden Miskinis was named one of the top three winners in the New York Times’ Seventh Annual Student Contest in the middle school category. Hayden and her sister Kaya both attended the Seacoast Center for two years. Read on for an account from their mother Elaine on the difference the Center made in their lives. Hayden was in third grade when we really began to worry about the fact that she couldn’t read. Her younger sister, Kaya, was only in first grade, but it was evident that she was on a similar path. We didn’t have the resources to hire private specialists, and it was clear that the services being provided by the school weren’t going to be adequate to help our girls. After discovering the Seacoast Dyslexia Center, I immediately called Center Director Brenda Peters to find out more about the program. When I got off the phone after my first conversation with Brenda, I cried. I was so relieved that there was hope on the horizon but also worried that there was a year long waiting list. It was a one year wait followed by a two year, year-round commitment. The girls sacrificed school activities and time with friends, but they never really complained (not much anyway). They knew what a tremendous difference it was making in their reading and in their lives. After two years in the program, Kaya was reading at grade level, and Hayden had gone from being unable to read to finishing 14

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Seacoast Children’s Dyslexia Center Alumni sisters, Hayden and Kaya

only a year “behind” as a reader. Words can’t begin to describe the impact that the Seacoast Center has had on our family. Not only are Hayden and Kaya readers now, but they are both excelling in school, and Hayden is now using her voice to raise awareness about the challenges facing dyslexic learners. In addition, both girls credit the Center with helping them to pursue their goals outside of the classroom. Kaya, a budding actor, auditions for roles with confidence because she can now tackle “cold reads” of scripts; Hayden was accepted into a preprofessional ballet program where she trains between 15 and 40 hours a week in the Vaganova Russian ballet technique. Hayden has said many times that the dedication and commitment that she gained from her time at the Seacoast Center showed her that hard work really does pay off. There is no way that the girls would be where they are today if it weren’t for the dedicated, impeccably trained professionals at the Seacoast Center. I can honestly say that the Seacoast Center changed our lives.


Hayden’s essay, featured below, was published in the New York Times and was chosen as one of the top 3 winners in the middle school category from 1,242 entries.

Switching Letters, Skipping Lines: Troubled and Dyslexic Minds By Hayden Miskinis, age 12, Epping Middle School, Epping, N.H. I look down at my book. I slowly read the first line of jumpy letters that won’t stay still. It takes me a minute to find the next line, as my eyes jump around. This is a repeating process until I’m at the end of the page. This doesn’t just happen to me; it happens to 70-80 percent of dyslexic students in schools, and yet schools aren’t providing resources, teachers aren’t getting trained and people don’t even really understand dyslexia. What is dyslexia? I didn’t know until 2015 when I was faced with the truth as to why I wasn’t progressing in school. I had been given interventions through a program called Title I which helps kids who don’t have access to books or reading in their homes, but it wasn’t working for me. I had plenty of books; I just couldn’t read them. What I needed were interventions that would work for me. Many people think that dyslexia is just switching letters. In my case, and that of many other dyslexic people, switching letters is only a small part of the bigger issue. A recent study suggests that “The brains of dyslexics do form accurate neurological representations of language sounds” (Paul). This would explain why a dyslexic learner’s comprehension is so much higher than their reading ability. In other words, a dyslexic student could understand Harry Potter but not be able to read a simple word like “the.” In order for a dyslexic student to succeed, correct interventions should be applied early in school. While it might be true that some schools acknowledge dyslexia, most schools don’t. In my case, it wasn’t until third grade that I started to get the right interventions. The delay made becoming a strong reader especially challenging. I don’t blame my teachers for this. Teachers don’t recognize dyslexia or use interventions because they aren’t prepared to. “One-on-one, individualized intervention is almost never an option in the public school system, but it is necessary for a dyslexic student” (Lunney). Students need to “attain functional reading and spelling as fast as possible. The longer that is delayed the farther behind they fall academically” (Lunney). I was fortunate that my school hired an Orton-Gillingham specialist who was trained in dyslexia. But, I’m one of the lucky ones. Most schools don’t have the funding to provide these necessary resources. After years of intensive interventions including tutors and outside programs, I can finally pick up a book and read it like it’s nothing. This could be the future for many kids but not until teachers are trained properly and appropriate interventions are provided. In the meantime, we all need to remember, “Great minds don’t think alike.” Works Cited Emanuel, Gabrielle. “Dyslexia: The Learning Disability That Must Not Be Named.” NPR, 3 Dec. 2016. • Lunney, Marie. “Why Schools Don’t Do Dyslexia Intervention.” Lexercise, 25 Oct. 2016. • Paul, Annie. “Reading Experience May Change The Brains of Dyslexic Students.” The New York Times, 15 May 2014. • Source: The New York Times by The Learning Network June 17, 2020




Scottish Rite Charities

Because of You

Because of you, Darius was able to follow his dreams. As a child, Darius Dancer was always fascinated with television production. His family encouraged this interest, but he faced one major hurdle: he struggled with reading. Then he began attending the Children’s Dyslexia Center in Indianapolis. Gradually his reading and self-confidence improved, and he graduated after two years in the program. He continued pursuing his passion in videography, gaining practice by filming family gatherings. His work caught the attention of the Youth Video Institute sponsored by Indiana Black Expo, and he entered the program when he was just 12 years old. His work was so impressive that he received an internship at a local Indianapolis television station while still in high school, the first person to achieve such an honor. After college, Darius returned to work at the television station as a paid employee for a few years before moving to Los Angeles to experience working in Hollywood. Since then, he’s done production work for ESPN, CBS Sports and MTV on programming that’s included The Rose Bowl, The Super Bowl, various NASCAR events, America’s Got Talent, and The Voice. Eventually he hopes to work overseas, especially within the documentary genre. Darius is quick to give credit to those who have supported him in each step of his career, including the staff from the Indianapolis Dyslexia Center. Because of you, Darius was able to overcome his dyslexia and pursue the future he had always dreamed of. He shared, “No matter what limitations you face, you can take control of your life, work with mentors, and be successful.”


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Because of you, Cindy is helping students like her son experience the gift of reading. Cindy Allen-Fuss’s son was diagnosed with dyslexia when he was 7 years old. Despite extra help at school and at home, he struggled to read, write and spell. Cindy said her son’s reading differences began to have an effect on her. She had a master’s degree in education and was a reading teacher herself, but she had not learned how to teach a child with dyslexia. “We spent hours on homework and extra reading practice. By the end of the night, we were both in tears,” she recalled. After being introduced to the Children’s Dyslexia Centers, she enrolled her son and was so impressed with the program that she decided to take the Center’s training course. “This method was so different than what I had been taught in undergraduate and graduate school,” she said. After attending the Center for three years, her son went on to graduate as valedictorian from his high school and is excelling in college. Seeing his success led her to expand her training at the Center to help others. She went on to became a trainer and later a Co-Director at her local Dyslexia Center. Today she serves as the Associate Clinical Director of the Children’s Dyslexia Centers, Inc. and is looking forward to continuing to impact dyslexic children and their families. “As a tutor and parent, I experienced firsthand what it was like to see my child and other children learn to read for the first time,” she said. “My family is forever grateful to the Children’s Dyslexia Centers.”


Because of you, Josiah’s education remains his number one focus. Leon M. Abbott Scholarship recipient Josiah Clark has known about Freemasonry all his life. Growing up in Dayton, Ohio, he witnessed the fraternity’s core belief in service through his father, a Scottish Rite Mason, and was inspired to join DeMolay. He went on to serve as the second-highest elected official in the state, a leadership role that further instilled in him the values of service. When it came time for college, he was a first hand beneficiary of Masonic generosity when he was named a multi-year recipient of the Abbott Scholarship from the Valley of Dayton. Currently enrolled at Sinclair Community College, Josiah hopes to transfer to Ohio State University to study public affairs and eventually pursue non-profit activist work or public policy. Josiah recognizes that none of this dream could be realized without the Abbott Scholarship and the Scottish Rite Masons behind it. Calling the increased costs “the biggest obstacle to moving to Ohio State University,” he said that receiving the Abbott Scholarship has allowed him to focus his time on his education, the college experience, and on achieving grades worthy of the Scottish Rite’s investment in him. Because of you, and the Scottish Rite’s spirit of service on behalf of our communities and the youth within them, young people like Josiah get to live their dreams. Josiah has petitioned Dayton Lodge #147 and hopes to join Scottish Rite soon. Your support of the Leon M. Abbott Scholarship Fund made a life-changing difference for Josiah while strengthening our Masonic community everywhere.

Because of you, Dawn was able to pay her medical bills and concentrate on her recovery. Last fall, Dawn Mirando was in the kitchen making sugar glass to top some homemade cupcakes. A long-time member of the Masonic family, the former Rainbow Girl and New York DeMolay State Sweetheart accidentally spilled the hot liquid down the front of her body, leaving her severely burned and requiring a trip to the emergency room. “I was almost transferred to a burn center because of how bad everything was,” she recalled. The bulk of the mixture had landed on her bare feet. Doctors hoped to avoid plastic surgery, but she had to change her burn dressings twice a day and go back for weekly appointments. Dawn said the pain was excruciating, leaving her unable to walk for several weeks. The accident forced her out of work for months with no way to pay her bills or cover the costs of medical supplies. That’s when Scottish Rite member Bob Siebold reached out to her mother to see if the Grand Almoner’s Fund could help. Brother Siebold had known Dawn through their involvement with DeMolay, and he arranged a lunch meeting to present her with the financial assistance from the Almoner’s Fund. She said the support came as a total surprise. “I really wasn’t expecting it at all. I just started crying,” she said. “It really is a huge help, and it means the world to me to know that my Masonic family is thinking of me.” Dawn's recovery continues with regular checkups and physical therapy to increase mobility and reduce scarring. Your support of the Grand Almoner’s Fund helped make Dawn’s recovery go a bit smoother. “You have no idea how much it means to me,” she said. “Thank you for all you have done for me.”




Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library

2020 Highlights Collection Additions Last fall, the Museum was presented with Brother John H. Glenn Jr.’s Masonic cap as an extended loan from the Valley of Cincinnati. The cap joined Glenn’s 33° ring in the Museum & Library’s collection, which Glenn gave to the Museum in 2000. “We are really excited about telling the story of John Glenn, his many achievements, and his involvement with Scottish Rite,” said Hilary Anderson Stelling, Director of Exhibitions and Collections. “This cap helps us do that.”

Left & Above: Bro. John H. Glenn, Jr.'s Masonic cap and 33° ring. Below: Active Member M. Todd McIntosh, 33°, presents John H. Glenn Jr.’s Masonic cap to Sovereign Commander David Glattly & Museum Director of Exhibitions & Collections Hilary Anderson Stelling.


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David A. Glattly, Sovereign Grand Commander of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction (left), Memorial Association President J. F. "Jeff" Webb (center), and James D. Cole, Sovereign Grand Commander of the Southern Jurisdicion (right) cut the ribbon to the new display.

The Spirit of Cooperation The Scottish Rite Masonic Museum & Library loaned several artifacts to help contribute to the George Washington Masonic National Memorial’s new exhibition, “The Family of Freemasonry.” Debuting in February 2020 in Alexandria, Virginia, the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction’s display highlights the important work of its charities, Museum & Library, and

the Hauts Grades Academy. “The Family of Freemasonry exhibition at the George Washington Memorial is a first-class tribute to the many facets of the Craft. It is also a testament to the spirit of cooperation between the Northern and Southern Jurisdictions,” Commander Glattly said.

New Online Exhibitions While COVID-19 forced the Museum’s physical doors to close in March, staff members continued to work at adding more digital content for history enthusiasts to explore from the comfort of their own homes. WHAT’S IN A PORTRAIT? With its physical unveiling postponed, a virtual version of the Museum’s “What’s In A Portrait?” exhibition debuted in April. This exhibition includes paintings, prints, and photographs which help tell the story

of the many people who participated in and shaped Masonic and fraternal organizations in the United States for over 200 years.

DESIGNING COSTUMES FOR THE SCOTTISH RITE, 1913-1920 The Museum’s newest online exhibition, launching this July, features costume designs that the Supreme Council commissioned in the 1910s. These designs, created by Walter B. Tripp (1868-1926) and Warren A. Newcombe

(1864-1960), include a colored rendering of the costume along with a typewritten description of the various costume elements. To view these exhibitions, along with more digital content from the Museum and Library, visit SRMML.org.




Scottish Rite Charities

First-Time Donors This year we welcomed an unprecedented number of Brothers and friends to the Scottish Rite giving family. Thank you to the more than 1,600 supporters who donated to one of our Scottish Rite Charities for the first time in fiscal year 2020!


First Time Donors in 2020 (Individuals: 1,597, Organizations: 60)


Donated from First Time Donors in 2020


Average First-Time Donor Gift

For a complete list of our Scottish Rite first-time donors, visit SRNMJ.org/New-Donors

Thank you. 20

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In addition to their initial donation, 14.8% of our first-time donors are making giving a habit by supporting Scottish Rite Charities with additional gifts this year. Thank you for helping fund work that matters and sustaining this work for years to come.


Scottish Rite Charities

Leon M. Abbott Scholarship Fund For decades, the Leon M. Abbott Scholarship Fund has been opening the doors to a college education for Scottish Rite Masons, their families, and members of Masonicrelated youth groups. Your support is helping to fulfill the Scottish Rite’s commitment to fostering the value of education. In response to the challenges of the COVD-19 Pandemic, the 2020 deadline for Abbott scholarship applications was extended to help give more students the opportunity to participate. This year, a total of $403,250 was allocated for Leon M. Abbott Scholarships, with more than 300 scholarships distributed to students attending accredited colleges, universities, and specialty schools.

A Far-Reaching Impact The Leon M. Abbott Scholarship Fund has given students an opportunity to continue their education at colleges, universities, and specialty schools in over 30 US states and even in London, England!

“Thank you for the scholarship. The money will help me cover tuition and living expenses. I appreciate your consideration of myself for this award and am honored to be a recipient. I look forward to starting classes again in the fall. Thank you.” 2020 ABBOTT SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENT, KYLE VERNOT




Scottish Rite, NMJ

Membership Education Fund

The Membership Education Fund was established to provide the tools needed to continue building a better tomorrow for the Scottish Rite. Because of generous donations from Brothers like you, we have been able to livestream educational content, create informative orientation materials for new members, establish the Hauts Grades Academy for those seeking further light from our degrees, and much more. All of these programs share the same goals – to educate our members and grow our fraternity.

This year, the Membership Education Fund raised $197,914 to enhance the Scottish Rite experience through education. This spring the Scottish Rite Scottish Rite launched its Thursday Night at the Rite program, providing much-needed connection and education for thousands of members who tuned in to enjoy virtual degree presentations and explore our fraternity’s core values.

Here’s what some of you had to say about these efforts: “Honored to be able to attend these degrees, when otherwise we would not be able to. Thank you to everyone involved!”

“I look forward to Thursday Night at the Rite each week. I’ve really enjoyed journeying deeper into the Scottish Rite.”


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“During a time of isolation, it was a spirit lifter and a great excuse to connect with my Scottish Rite Brothers.”

“The virtual Degrees have been wonderful! They have made Thursday evenings something to look forward to!”


Scottish Rite Charities

Blue Envelope Appeal

As the Scottish Rite’s oldest jurisdiction-wide fundraising appeal, the Blue Envelope represents our commitment as Brothers to the tenet of charity – a value we cherish among our highest principles.

Donations to the Blue Envelope go directly to supporting our four Scottish Rite Charities. Your outpouring of support to the Blue Envelope Appeal yielded one the best returns we’ve seen in years.

This year, the Blue Envelope Appeal raised:

Total Amount Raised $37 7,8 56 .7 2

Total Donors in 2020 6,8 8 5

Valley Competition Adding incentive to the Blue Envelope’s long tradition, the Scottish Rite, NMJ continued its friendly competition to encourage members to support the Blue Envelope and help their Valley come out on top. Running through January 31, 2020, Valleys had the opportunity to win in four categories.

Here are the Blue Envelope Valley competition results:

Highest number of member donations: Valley of Harrisburg, PA Highest percentage of member donations: Valley of Nashua, NH Most dollars donated: Valley of Columbus, OH Most dollars donated per member: Valley of Lancaster, PA Congratulations to our winning Valleys! Whether or not your Valley was recognized, you can be proud knowing that your support of the Blue Envelope is helping to change lives.





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Giving Tuesday Giving Tuesday is a global day of giving that highlights the power of people and organizations to transform their communities and the world.

Scottish Rite Charities celebrated Giving Tuesday 2019 with its second annual live telethon, and your overwhelming support helped raise $420,584 for our charities, surpassing our fundraising goal by nearly 30 percent! Thousands of you tuned in to the two-hour livestream event, featuring powerful stories of impact from our Scottish Rite Charities. Highlights included live music from guitarist Parker Hastings and the return of co-hosts Michael Russell and Bill Sardone, 33°, Grand Master of New York. Viewers enjoyed guest interviews with Sovereign Grand Commander David Glattly, 33°, on his personal experience helping a Brother in need through the Grand Almoner’s Fund, and First Lady Monica Glattly, who spoke about our newest charity for Masonic widows, the White Flower Society.

Museum & Library Director Bruce Work, 33°, and Children’s Dyslexia Centers Director of Operations David Sharkis, 33°, were also on hand to showcase the life changing work you make possible. And in a true embodiment of caring for our members, representatives from the New Hampshire Consistory presented Commander Glattly with a $100,000 donation to assist Brothers in need through the Grand Almoner’s Fund. Your generosity made this global day of giving our most successful Giving Tuesday yet. Thank you!

Starting in 2017, Scottish Rite NMJ joined in by celebrating our impact on the Charities we sponsor. Because of you and your support, since our first Giving Tuesday celebration we have raised more than half a million dollars through online and live donations.

Tune in on December 1st, 2020 as we broadcast our third annual Giving Tuesday telethon. Learn more at GivingTuesday.SRNMJ.org

Grand Almoner Pete Samiec, 33°, Abbott Scholarship recipient Darien Koons, Scottish Rite Masonic




Scottish Rite Charities

White Flower Society The White Flower Society was formed through the vision of First Lady Monica Glattly to ensure that our Masonic widows are cared for and never forgotten. Your support of the White Flower Society helps lift up our Masonic ladies and their families in some of their darkest moments. Membership in the White Flower Society reflects a $5,000 level of giving, either as a one-time gift or a pledge over five years.

White Flower Society Members Anonymous • Mary Ann Atkinson • Evelyn M. Berenbroick • Irene Berman • Jane M. Blades • Irene M. Brightbill • Leland L. & Marilyn J. Burlison • Greg & Gerti Clark • Robert & Stacia Cockerham • David & Cheryl Cyrus (In memory of Donald & Wyva Van Kirk) • Barbara Elliott • Karin M. Ernest (In memory of Ruth Beumann Mahler) • Ginnie & Raymond Foose • Mark David Gall • Monica Glattly • Brian & Lynne Hartel • Kim Hecht • George & Leslie Hixon • Keith & Judy Hoskins • Susan Jacobson • Thomas & Ginny Labagh • Charles R. & Frances H. Lefever • Judy McNaughton • G. Michael & Ruth Morris • Sandy Nakonetschny • Linda Patch • Michael & Megan Russell • Gail R. Samiec • Nancy Scott • Ellen Secallus • Kellie R. Sellars • Janice Sharpe • Willa Jean Smalley • Karen Stein • Howard & Carol Strubwle • Thomas & Joan Sturgeon • Barbara Tryon • Valley of Bridgeport, Lafayette Consistory • Brenda & Len Vander Horn • Walter & Vickie Wheeler • Maureen Williamson • Connie Wilson


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Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Monica Glattly First Lady


George A. Newbury

Cornerstone Society Newly reintroduced, the George A. Newbury Cornerstone Society recognizes individuals who have included Scottish Rite Charities as part of their financial or estate plans. It is these generous individuals who serve as the cornerstone of our future. By making a planned gift in support of our Charities, you can sustain the fraternity’s life-changing work while also providing financial and tax benefits for yourself and your family. Many of the charitable endeavors championed by the Scottish Rite were established by generous estate gifts. Through these gifts, our members have created a lasting legacy of philanthropy. You can join with them, building on the foundation they’ve laid to ensure that we can continue helping those in need for generations to come.

Qualifying Gift Types Many types of planned gifts can qualify you to become a member of the Newbury Cornerstone Society. Please consult a legal or financial advisor for assistance with more complex planned gifts. Bequests, made through your will or any kind of trust, come in many different forms and can be set up to fit the needs of the donor. Specialty Trusts, like a charitable lead or remainder trust, help Scottish Rite Charities while creating income for you or your family. Beneficiary Designations, naming Scottish Rite Charities in a life insurance plan or retirement account, is an easy and flexible way to contribute. To learn more about planned giving, or if you have already included Scottish Rite Charities in your financial/estate plans, please contact us.





“Freemasons traditionally have faced the East and the rising sun, emblematic of the attitudes of those who build. Proud of yesterday’s achievements, the true builder ever has seen an even greater tomorrow. However grand and imposing may have been the structure just completed, he has envisioned an even greater and more imposing one that he would start today.” George A. Newbury, 33°

Sovereign Grand Commander, 1965-1975




Scottish Rite Charities

Commander’s Circle The Commander’s Circle is a special group of donors who have chosen to honor their commitment to the principles of our fraternity through their generous support of the Grand Almoner’s Fund. Their passion and their giving are a true and lasting expression of “Masons caring for Masons.”

Diamond Members $100,000+

J. Marshall, Jr. & Patty K. Blizzard

Louis S. Ehrich Trust

Edward Parkinson Clark Trust

John Wm. McNaughton

Estate of Robert Morefield

G. Michael & Ruth Morris

Henry E. Thelin Trust

Sven R. Mossberg

Hilmar Gulseth Revocable Living Trust

New Hampshire Consistory

James M. Alter Trust

SEI Investments Company

A. Norman Johnson

Malcolm B. Wernik

Lafayette Consistory S.P.R.S

Ruby Members $50,000+

David & Monica Glattly

Robert William Smith

Estate of Charles McGrattan

George G. Talisse

Karl J. Mock

Sapphire Members $25,000+

Ben & Sherrie Grisham

Scottish Rite Bodies Valley of Hartford

Charles R. Lefever

Terry N. Steinheiser

Massachusetts Consistory

The Royal Order of Scotland

George Nakonetschny

Michael A. Wolcott

Paul & Joan Rubschlager 28

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Gold Members


Marcus E. Abbott

Estate of Sherman Kisner

The LIGHT Foundation

Gail N. Smith

Amwell Lodge #12 F & A.M.

Thomas E. Ewald

Charlotte E. Lomell

James R. Spencer Jr.

Herb & Mary Ann Atkinson

Paul & Semra Ferreira

Albert R. Marshall

Henry & Karen Stein

David R. & Pauline Bedwell

Raymond & Ginnie Foose

Carl L. Martenson

Richard J. Stewart

Ronald W. Beebe

Fort Wayne Scottish Rite Benevolent Fund

Masonic Family Health Foundation

Howard E. Struble

Frederick & Evelyn Berenbroick

Mark David Gall

Lois L. McNaughton Memorial Fund

Robert N. Stutz

William & Lisa Berenbroick

In Memory of the L. W. Getman Family

J. B. McNaughton

George T. Taylor III

Ross & Linda Black

Giles F. Yates Council Prince of Jerusalem

Michigan Scottish Rite Fund

George Thomas Taylor IV

Brian & Jane Blades

Bradford & Kathleen Goebel

Donald D. (Pete) Miller

Donald D. Thomas

Matt & Angela Blaisdell

The Grand Lodge of New Jersey F & AM

Paul E. Mossberg

Richard V. Travis

Boston Lafayette Lodge of Perfection

Nicholas & Marla Graff

Mount Olivet Chapter of Rose Croix

James & Susan Tungate

Timothy & Beth Boutell

Marlin & Kay Gray

D. Dee & Kathy S. Mowry

Valley of Chicago

Robert E. & Irene M. Brightbill

Matthew Francis Griffin

Dr. & Mrs. Gary L. Nicholson

Valley of Philadelphia

Leland L & Marilyn J. Burlison

Garry D. & Sonia G. Hageness

Howard & Ann Orr

Valley of Portland

William C. Chapman & Helen A. Shaw

Philip L. Hall

Kamel & Mary Oussayef

Len & Brenda Vander Horn

Austin P. Clark

Brian & Lynne Hartel

Laurence E. & Nancy Perkins

Maurice C. Vercoe

Greg & Gerti Clark

Alan R. Heath

Robert W. Reinhardt III

Paul & Karen Weglage

J. Randolph & Dana Clark

Kevin J. Hecht

Edgar J. Rennoe Jr.

Walter & Vickie Wheeler

The Cockerham Family

Dick & Susan Heldman

Carolyn Ribordy

Frank M. Williams

Cogswell Benevolent Trust

Donald & Nancy Hicks

Mark C. Roth

Gary B. Williams M.D.

Ronald & Elaine Connelly

Lee D. Hieronymus

Michael & Megan Russell

Connie & Daniel Wilson

Thomas H. & Dorothy Corson

Scott & Aubri Hilsee

Peter J. & Gail R. Samiec

Douglas N. Winter

David W. Jones Trust

George & Leslie Hixon

Scottish Rite Cathedral - Valley of

James E. Winzenreid

Michael & Annie DeWolf

Keith & Judy Hoskins


Bruce T. Work

Jim & Margie Deyo

Theodore “Ted” H. Jacobsen

Scottish Rite Valley of Boston

John & Jacque Wright

James Dill

Richard R. Jones Jr.

David & Cheryl Sharkis

Yahnundahsis Bodies AASR

Donald & Wendelyn Duquette

Bob & Maria Kefalas

Jim Sheets

James T. Elliott Jr.

Gail N. Kemp

Jeffry A. Simonton

Philip & Arlene Elliott

Darien & Stacie Koons

Verdon R. Skipper

Estate of Paul E. Lange

Thomas & Virginia Labagh

Neil & Willa Jean Smalley

Silver Members


Harold & Phyllis Aldrich

James H. Fischer

James A. Manninen

Douglas E. Robinson

Ronald & Norma Aungst

Bret & Mary Jane Fledderjohn

The McCormick Family Foundation

N. S. Jack Ruby

Archie & Kellie Canterbury

Dr. Richard Carlton Haney

Harold Dean Meade

Robert W. Sanborn

Steven B. Carr

Leon F. Higgins, II

Mark E. Megee

Frank & Debbie Sekeres

Craig & Susan Cobb

Jeffrey B. Hodgdon

Emmett W. Mills

Thomas & Pauline Skoog

Columbian Lodge AF & AM

Frank & Kathryn Howard

Anthony W. Montuori

Edward & Diana Stumm

Congdon-Overlook Lodge #163

John J. Hunt

Arthur Moore

John K. Takian

Jeffrey W. Coy

Lawrence D. Inglis

Don & Meg Moran

Valley of Allentown

Keith W. Cravens

John D. Jawor

William S. Moyer

Valley of Pittsfield A.A.S.R.

Daniel C. Deufel

Robert Johnston

Robert E. Murray

Valley of Portsmouth/Dover

E. R. H. Enterprises, Inc.

Thomas E. Julian

Samuel C. Nana-Sinkam

Deon P. White

John W. Eldred

Douglas & Diana Kaylor

North Jersey Past Master’s Association

Stephen R. & Ann Whittaker

Emil Ewald Family Foundation

Marc R. Koble

Estate of Richard H. Schnakenburg

Laurel Lodge No. 237 F. & A.M.

William R. Faulkner Jr.

Harold T. J. Littleton

Ken K. Feinthel

Richard J. Luckay

Robert & Jane Ogg The Order of the Thistle Keith & Linda Patch Macario J. Ramos Jr.

Charles Carter Wicks John L. Winkelman Charles W. Yohe




Scottish Rite Charities

The Builders Council Membership in the Builders Council requires a donation or pledge of at least $10,000 to the Children’s Dyslexia Centers. Builders Council members are recognized with the program’s signature green teddy bear tie and scarf. Once their $10,000 commitment is fulfilled, members receive a gold tie and scarf.

Builders Council Members

Total Members: 620

New Members in 2020: 10

30th Masonic District F&AM • J. Michael Aaron • Darrell & Billie Aderman • Demo Agoris • Edward & Joan Aiello • Eugene L. Albright • Harold & Phyllis Aldrich • Everett W. & Eleanor L. Allen • Almira Foundation • Robert & Janice Amend • Emery & Carol Anden • Alton D. Anderson • Roderick W. & Jeanne M. Anderson • Samuel R. Andrews • Bill C. Anthis • Emel Lee Atkins • Joseph Atkinson • Avalon Lodge #657 F & AM • Barry D. Babbitt • George Baechtold • David & Carol Bagaley • Marilyn A. Bagget • R. Perrin Baker • Russell W. Baker • Douglas M. Barker • John Baxter • Robert & Jacqueline Beatty • John L. Becker • David R. Bedwell • Ronald W. Beebe • J. Budd Bell • Terry D. Bentzel & Patricia A. Bentzel • Frederick J. Berenbroick • Joseph J. Berlandi • William H. Berman • Robert D. & Peggy Berteau • Claire & John Bertucci • Robert G. & Karen Bianchi • Dr. Jeff A. Biddle • Ross & Linda Black • Joe & Marti Blanc • Mark & Patty Bliler • Gustaf R.& Virginia Bodin • Carol L. Bond • Raymond L. & Ruth M. Bond • Timothy Boutell • William H. Boutell • M. Ray & Marlo Bradford Jr. • Creighton J. Bradler • John R. Bradshaw • Harry R. Brahmstadt • Mike Brannon • Scott E. Bratton • Helen S. Breidegam • John B. & Betty L. Brewer • Robert E. & Irene M. Brightbill • Robert & Allison Brink • Gary Brookins • Jay & Sally Brossman • Kenneth D. Brown • Robert F. Brown • Mr. & Mrs. William E. Bryant • Charles E. Buchy • Jim Buchy • Rachel Buck • Carl & Mailyn Bumen • Richard B. Burgess • Leland L & Marilyn J. Burlison • Henry Huson Bush • John C. Calvin • T. Scott Campbell • Caroline Knox Memorial Fund • Edward A Caron Jr. • Joseph R. Carter • Mrs. Shirley B. Case • Cassia Mt. Horeb Lodge 273 F & AM • Chester F. & Sylvia Caswell • Robert A. Cataldo • Tom Chalfant • James M. & Verna Lee Chapman • Nancy A. Charo • Chartiers Lodge #297 F & A M • Donald James & Dona J. Childs • Norman L. & Marcia Christensen • Otto A. Christensen • Larry Christenson • Harold L. & Marion Chute • Maynard Clark • Thomas A. & Dianne R. Clark • Robert W. & Holly S. Clarke • Frank P. Cleveland • Sidney Clifford, Jr. • Norman & Joyce Clopper • Harold A. & Judith E. Clough • Dr. Simon & Belle Coben • Cogswell Benevolent Trust • Columbian Lodge • Thomas H. & Dorothy Corson • George H. Cox • Jeffrey W. Coy • Richard L. & Judi Coy • Charles E. Cranmer Jr. • Rick & Renee Cross • Willis L. Crothers • Melvin S. Cutler • Theodore & Michelle Cutts • David Daggett • Bernice L. Davidson • Bonnie J. Davis • Robert J. & Mary W. Davis • Diana Davis • William E. & Janice R. Day • Dead River Company/The Kenduskeag Foundation • Frederick W. Deady • James S. Dean • Mario & Linda Deblasio • James J. & Beverlee DeLuca • Howard H. Demott • William M. Detterer • Michael & Marilyn DeWolf • Jim S. & Marjorie B. Deyo • Bill & Heather Dickey • Kathleen W. Diesem • Raymond T. Dietz • David P. Dill • William A. Dion • Paden F. & Ruth S. Dismore • F. E. Dixon • Fred & Kathy Donatelli • Harold E. Doney • Louie R. D’Orazio • In memory of Wilfred Dover • John D. Drinko • Helen Duncan • Herman W. & Patricia A. Dundore • Donald F. Dunkle • Terry & Leslie Duperon • Donald & Wendelyn Duquette • Almond L. Eaton • Alpha L. Eaton • Robert L. Eckbreth • James Ecker • Roger Lee Edgington • Jim & Sharon Eisele • John W. Eldred • Eleanor S. Walker • Rich & Kathy Elliot • Robert G. Elrod • Larry R. & Katherine Emigh • Royle L. & Agnes Epperson • Richard B. Ernest • Linwood M. Erskine • Matthew F. Erskine • Estate of John Henry MacQuaide • Estate of Paul Henry Steinfurth • Estate of Ralph Conway Rickard • Estate of Ralph Edward Gray, Jr. • William A. Evanko • Excelsior Scottish Rite Bodies Charity Fund, Inc. • Carl F. Fahrenkrug • Kenneth R. Faux • Joseph W. & Marian B. Fennick • Robert W. & Joyce E. Ferguson • June Ferry • F. Fredrick Fether 33° & Eleanor D. Fether • Charles F. Fick • David B. & Donna Finney • W. Donald Fisher • Paul & LaDona Fishkin • Michael J. Fitzpatrick • James R. Flanigan • Carl R. Flohr • H. Paul Florin • Howard & Sharon Flynn • Raymond Edward Foose • Pete & Carol Jean Forrest • Larry E. & Cathy J. Foster • Paul I. Foster • Bruce E. Fox • William & Linda S. Fox • George E. Franchere • Franklin / St. John’s / Trinity Lodge #221 • Herbert H. & Eileen Franks • Samuel E. Fratis • Lloyd C. Freedman • Richard & Dianne Freeman • Adrian J. & Kay French • Robert M. & Elva F. Frey • Anna D. Frink • G. Gilbert Steffe Council of Princes of Jerusalem • Mark David Gall • Jack E. Gang • Joshua E. Garfinkle • Richard E Garman • Judd F. Garrison • Harold A Gennaria • Giant Eagle Foundation • David & Monica Glattly • Bradford & Kathleen Goebel • Merle F. & Elsie Gornall • Gourgas Lodge Of Perfection • Robert G. Graham • Margaret Grant • Wilder J. Greeley • Donald & Debra Green • Jesse J. & Tamara J. Green • Frederick D. & Patricia Greene • Mr. & Mrs. Raymond B. Greer • Laurence S. Gregory • William D. & Marian J. Gregory • Lucille Grieg • Benny L. Grisham • Wally & Leah Grossett • Albert Grossman • Erich & Raylene Gumto • Harvey & Carol Gumto • Gustav & Gladys Kindt Foundation • William & Charlotte Haas • John A. Habel • Folkey E. Hagberg • R. James & Ardyce Hagen • Garry D. & Sonia G. Hageness • Leland A. Hale, Jr • Fritz Hall • Margarete & Jack Hall, 33° • Philip & Betty Hall • Winthrop L. Hall • Jerry J. Hamilton • Robert E. & Jean Hansen • Theresa E. Hansen • Robert E. Hardin • Hugh Allen Harris • Wm. H. & Ruth Hartley • Jacque Hauser • Richard G. & Marilyn Hawk • Benny & Carol Heater • Alan & Genie Heath • Jeff & Lauren Heiger • Jeanette F. Hellming • Helen Ruth Henderson • Walter A. Henshaw • John Herwick • Raymond Frank Hess • Richard & Kay Hildebrand • Ronald M. Hilmer • Scott R. Hilsee • John & Katheryn Himmelspach • Hiram’s Riders of Valley of Pittsburgh • Hiram’s Scottish Riders Motorcycle Club • George & Leslie M. Hixon • Gene Hlavac • Jeffrey Hoachlander • William H. & Cheri L. Hochstettler III • Goldie Hoffman • Robert E. Holden • The Jerome & Dorothy Holz Family Foundation • Homestead Amity McCandless Lodge #582 • Robert & Gayle Homoly • James M. Horsfall • Abner J. Houseknecht • Reinhard H. & Elizabeth Huebenthal • Alice K. Hummer • John J. Hunt • Huntington National Bank • Rolland & Susan Huss • Industrial Scientific Foundation •


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BECAUSE OF YOU Infinity Lodge No. 546 • Lawrence D. Inglis • Charlotte Jackson • Frederick E. & Janet Jackson • M. H. Jacobson • Richard F. Jakubowski • Raymond R. & Dorothy K. James • Jim & Lisa Jenkins • Jerusalem Lodge No. 506 • John H. & Emma Van Gorden Trust • A. Norman Johnson • William E. Johnson • John S. Jones • Robert B. Jones • Robert E. Jones • Julius W. Hegeler II Foundation • Paul Kappel • Paul & Jackie Kauffman • William J. Kealey • David & Sandy Kearns • Warren R. Kegerise • Joseph L. Kenick • Phillip & Jeanne Kenney • Kenneth V. & Myrtle Jean Kettlewell • David S. & Judith Kielman • Rolf T. Killingstad • Charlotte H. Kirk • Michael G. Klein • Frank R. & Betty Jane Koller • James M. Koscinski • John G. Kovac • Lloyd W. Koyl • Lila Kromer • Robert O. Kuehl • Irma C. Kurtz • C. William & Agnes M. Lakso • David J. Lamprey • Robert R. Landry • Herbert H. & Leah R. Landy • Sally C. Laplant • Kenneth L. Larsen • Richard D. Larson • Robert B. Larson • Dennis L. Lawson • Charles R. Lefever • Jack R. & Shirley Leisure • Paul & Natalie Lenz • George & Judith Lewis • John H. Lewis • Aarne & Jeanne Lillo • Carl & Edyth Lindner • Robert D. Lindner • K. D. Lindsay • Lee & Janice Lockwood • Lodge 45, Pittsburgh, P.A. • Allan L. Longnaker • Frederick H. & Carolyn Lorenson • Richard J. & Francis E. Luckay • James E. & Margaret M. MacDonald • William & Barabara Magnotti, Jr. • Mahoning Valley Nursing Rehabilitation Center • Frank R. Mangery • James A. Manninen • Margaret L. Henry Children’s Home Foundation • Margaret McCaig • Jack W. & Edna Marsh • Albert R. Marshall • Eric & Nancy Marshall • Masonic Bodies of the Valley of Reading • Masonic Family Health Foundation • Ellwood A. Mattson • May Emma Hoyt Foundation • John McCain • William L. McCarrier • Samuel R. McClure • Stanley A. & Patricia McCollough • John F. McCombs • Leon M. McCorkle • Roy A. & Sara Jane McCullough • Julia & Calvin McCutcheon • Mr. & Mrs. William H. McDaniels • Ellice McDonald • Jay E. McElravy • Joann McElravy • Forrest D. McKerley • Donald & Linda Mcmillan • John Wm. McNaughton • John W. & Lois McNaughton • Craig & Amy McVicker • M. R. Mekenian • Mike Melde • Lou Mervis • George W. Metz • Joseph T. Mezzina • Michael A. Mickey • Mary Jo Milam • William F Milam • David P. Miller • Donald D. (Pete) & Virginia Miller • Glenn D & Mary B Miller • Dr. Glenn & Roberta Miller • Jack & Carol Miller • Robert L. Miller Sr. • William & Jeanette Minch • Susan L. Minor in memory of George C. Schneider • George R. & Virginia S. Moad • Karl J. Mock • Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Molloy • Anthony W. Montuori • Arthur Moore, Jr. • Arthur D. Morey • G. Michael & Ruth Morris • Sven R. & Vivian Mossberg • Michael E. Mountz • David Dee Mowry • John & May Moy • Donald M. Murphy • John M. Murphy • Oliver A. Murphy • Glenn & Louise Murray • Russell W. Nadeau • George Nakonetschny • Thurman F. Naylor • Robert S. Neff • Morton S. & Donna M. Negin • Berthel I. Neilson • Walter F. Neumann • Larry G. Newhard • John L. Newman • John & Valerie Nicklas • Jack & Joy Nicklas • Mr. & Mrs. Roger Nitzsche • Oakdale Lodge No. 669 • John W. Oberg • Lillian Ochiltree • Erwin W. & Susan O’Dell • Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Oelgoetz III • Paul Offutt • James H. Ohlinger • Stu Olesen • James E. & Shirley Olmstead • Byron D. Olson • Frank Orlove • Howard & Ann Orr • Donald S. Orrell • Robert N. & Isamay Osborne • James C. Owen • Charles A. & Dorothy O’Wril • Arthur M. Pappas • Richard W. & Nancy Parker • Robert H. Parker • David W. Parks • Lewis T. Patterson • Peter T Patterson • Francis & Lillian Paul • Paul Family Foundation • Steven R. Pekock • Ronald C. Pennock • Bernolt & Carol Palas • Dale R. Perelman • Raymond B. Perry • Perseverance Lodge No. 21 F.& A.M Harrisburg, PA • Norman A. Peterson • Uuno T. Pitkanen • Pittsburgh Commandery No. 1 Knights Templar • Ronald & Karen Plesh • John & Kay Polzin • Frances C. Pool • Jerrold E. Potts • Daniel C. Pratt • Charmaine Prewitt • Steven E. Prewitt • Charles & Margaret Prieve • John & Ruth Prosser • Richard W. Prouty • Robert & Susann Ralston • William B. Ralston • William & Gladys Ralston • Steven, Veronica, Jesse & Blake Ramsey • C. Mark Recard • Paul E. Reichart • Helen M. Reidler • W. Bruce & Betsy A. Renner • Rhode Island Masonic Youth Foundation, Inc. • Carolyn Ribordy • Denis & Carolyn Ribordy • Albert H. Richardson, Jr. • Charles E. Ridlon • Bernard & Margaret Roberts • D. William Roberts • Bruce A. Robinson • Dennis Robinson, 33° • Douglas E. & Helen Robinson • George S. & Dorothy Robinson • Floyd K. Roby • Richard & Bette Rodibaugh • Donald J. Rogers • Loretta Rogers • Martha S. Roth • Richard L. Royer • Paul & Joan Rubschlager • Ronald L. Runion • Robert W. Russell • Ruth E. Lobley Trust • William P. & Helen Rutherford • Robert A. Rylowicz • Richard & Nancy Salsbury • Peter J. & Gail R. Samiec • Frederick P. Sample • Robert W. Sanborn & Donna J. Sanborn • Charles W. Sanders • Dr. Jim Sanger & Mary Newton • Don & Ginny Sauer • Robert W. Sawyer lV • Eric R. Schau • A. Joseph Schneider • Joseph A. Schrock Jr. • James T. Schultz • Otfried & Enyde Schultz • Gary L. Schuyler • Gardner C. Sconyers, Jr. • James W. Seel • Dale E. Seiders • John J. & Phyllis M. Sexton • David L. & Cheryl Sharkis • William P. Shaw • Harold E. Sheely • Eliot B. Shoolman • Joseph & Jeanne Silverberg • Stanley O. Simons, 33° • Jeffry A. Simonton • Teddy & Jennifer Sizemore • Verdon R. Skipper • William Slater • Norbert F Slezak Jr. • Neil & Willa Jean Smalley • Larry L. & Virginia Smerglia • David J. Smith • Gail N. & Susan L. Smith • Lincoln D. Smith • Arthur J. Smith • Franklin & Emmy Smith • Lewis C. Snell • Donald Soberg • Charles E. Spahr • Richard Jay Spangler • Samuel & Judith Spanos • David & Gale Spencer • James R. Spencer • Garrell C. & Kathryn Spires • Robert & Delores Spitzer • Allan & Bonnie Spurr • Rodney & Norma St. Clair • Virginia R. Stadtler • Frederick A. & Harriet K. Stahl • Sterling J. Standiford, 33° • Robert D. Stands • Martin P. Starr • Christian L. Stein • Stephenson Family Foundation • David S. Stewart • Richard J. Stewart • Mark A. Stimson • J. Robert & Patricia G. Stockner • Gordon M. Stone • Bruce A. Strausberger • Jesse A. Strausberger • Thomas Sturgeon • Robert N. Stutz • S. Douglas & Rita Sukeforth • Charles & Lynne Sullins • Elsa O. Sullivan • Kenneth D. Sutton, 33° • James D. Swan Jr. • Robert Taylor • Jack Michael Temsey • Kurt R. Tesche • Mark W. Tetzlaff • The LIGHT Foundation • The Pentagoet Foundation • The Supreme Council Group Valley of Pittsburgh • Donald D. Thomas • Malcolm L. Tieman • Mr. & Mrs. William E. Tienken • Elizabeth A. Tillotson • Mark F. Traupman • Richard V. Travis • C. DeForrest Trexler • Gregory Triko • Edward R. Trosin • Richard C. Trott, Jr. • Richard & Genevieve Trout • Robert & Dorothy Tubesing • James L. & Susan Summer Tungate • Jon G. Udell • Unified Lodge #2 I. O. O. F. • Valley of New Castle • Valley of Pittsburgh Legion of Honor • Valley of Uniontown • John C. Van Hollen • George T. Vance • Louis Vander Eyk • Mr. & Mrs. David Vauthier • Edgar J. & Mary Verkest • Vintage-Classic Car Club • Henry L. Waldron • S. Timothy Warco • Washington Lodge #164 • Washington Lodge #59 Philadelphia, PA. • Walter & Leslie Webber • Herman J. & Barbara Weber • Frank Weckenman • Mark A. & Rita M. Weir • David & Edith Weisman • William D. Welch • Bob & Charlene Wells • William A. & Anna M. Welsheimer • Gary P. Wendt • Malcolm B. Wernik • Louri Ann West • Chester Arthur West, Jr. • Royce G. Wheeler • Charles & Ruth Anne White • Dean G. White • John H. Whitehouse, Jr. • Robert H. Whitmer • Bruce Widger • John & Sharon Wilke • Alton Paul Williams • Gary Williams • John & Jerry Williams • The Ralph C. Wilson Foundation • William C. Wimmer • Wimodausis Club • Richard H. & Jane W. Winship • David & Kathryn Winters • Dr. George & Twila Wollaston • Lloyd Henry Wonch • Jeffrey & Sharon Wonderling • David F. Wood • Guy R. & Judith L. Wood • Roland K. Woodberry • Charles F. Yingling • Frank & Anne Young • John W. Young • Richard R. & Mary F. Young • Wilhelmina Young • John & Bonnie Youngblood • Peter & Vera Yurecko • Stanley R. Zeboski • Edward W. Zeh • James E. Zemancik • Anthony G. Ziagos • Simon L. Zimmerman




Gifts Made In Honor

Special thanks to our donors and the individuals they honored in the last year. *Honorees being recognized are listed first, followed by the donors.

Active & Emeritus members David A. Glattly

Yves Etienne Peter J. Samiec

Aaron Houpt Kathryn & Joseph Houpt

Peter J. Samiec Michael R. Siegel

All the Dedicated Tutors Cheryl A. C. Ward

Edward P. Fagan Jr. Valley of the Hudson Hospitalier

Installing Team Ronald Runion

Herbert J. Atkinson Ricky L Swalm

Cooper Feltz Sharon Bishop

Zoe James Evan & Nakisha James

William M. Sardone Peter W. Brusoe George Filippidis

David E. Barnes Jane Barnes

Gordon M. Fleming Glenn T. Visscher

Ann Janikowsky Susan Davison

Lynn Barnes Sigma Bodies AASR Valley of Schenectady

George E. Galyean David A. Stratton

Bob Jones Ronald & Elizabeth Giillum

Julia Gardner Amy L. Gardner

Carol Jones Diane Shinkle

J. Michael Gates Catherine Ann Woods

Eddie Karnatz Victoria Karnatz

Maria BoyerJensen Don & Maria Jensen

David A. Glattly John M. Rogers Peter J. Samiec

Stephen O. Ketcham III Stephen O. Ketcham

Lilly Brooks Melissa Brooks

Stephen Goe Stephen Jay Goe

Margaret Brunn Dorothy Sorlie

Moises I. Gomez St. Quentin Conclave, Red Cross of Constantine

Ronald W. Beebe John Keough Owen Boone Richard Boone

Robert Capoferri Theresa O’Neil Kathleen Carlsen Supreme Council Children’s Dyslexia Center Staff Norman & Marcia Christensen Gregory L. Clark Paul E. Clark Clarence Callahan Clayton Neil C. Clayton Vernon Cleaves Scottish Rite Bodies of New Haven Jean Colner Kara Lee Reid Cooper Ed Giroux Aileen Cormier Mary Ellen Bradley Bobbi Crystle John E. Crystle John & Jenny Custer Dean & Tanya Rubenzer Ferdinand S. Delval III Scott D. Delval Sean Demaree Lisa L. Kaiser & Brian Malinowski Haylee Erickson Dental Clinic of Marshfield John G. Eshleman Trinity Conclave


I M PAC T R E P O R T 2 0 2 0

Maria A. Gramuglia Mary Fischer Jennifer Lederer Lisa Rizzo Denise Varricchio Maureen Greene Rick S. Freedman Pieter Guequierre Nathan N. Guequierre Karen Gunderson Larry & Julianne Riemenschneider George K. Haile John James Maihos Thomas Halstead Susan Davison Edmund D. Harrison Curtis Floyd Vance Parker Hastings Robert W. Cockerham William E. Holland Herbert J. Atkinson Robert J. Bateman Jeffrey L. Bryden Gregory L. Clark Delaware Consistory Donald G. Duquette Keith Hoskins Douglas N. Kaylor Donald M. Moran Douglas R. Policastro Mark C. Roth Jeffry A. Simonton Steven E. Smith David P. Spencer Walter F. Wheeler Bruce T. Work

Mark & Tamara Koons Darien A. Koons Tyler Krawczyk Richard & Joan Gaeth Nancy Kuester Gordon Huncilman Kenneth Leroy Larsen Edgar N. Peppler Robert J. Maxson Sr Robert J. Maxson Jr. Leon M. McCorkle Jr. Jeff Shapiro John Wm. McNaughton Peter J. Samiec Sebastian J. Nepolitano David Querusio Brayden & Grayson Newcomb Ralph & Jessica Newcomb Ron & Nancy Nimocks Douglas A. Backus Elmer Hall Palmer Andrew L. Palmer Adam Peterson Janet Peterson Julianne Pfendt Ray Warrick Kim Przybylla Mandy Schmit Liam Reagan Sally Reagan Michael C. Russell Elisha Brown Peter M. Maris Kevin M. Mayeux Sarah Russell Charles R. Russell

Glen & Catherine Shipbaugh Paula Sprague Leaella Shirley John & Therese Novotny Milton E. Smith Erik Smith Derik L. Smith Wayne Spooner Elisha Brown Elizabeth S. Strow Linda Strow Gabrielle Sustache Greg & Amy Sustache Virginia Swingen Rolf T. Killingstad The Fenno Family James Andrew Fenno John Anthony Torrisi John Albin Mcintyre Dawn Valentini Debra Garten Valley of Dayton Yondal R. Combs Valley of Indianapolis Michael C. Russell Malcolm B. Wernik Ethel M. Dean Stephen R. Whittaker Peter J. Samiec Thomas H. Wible Paul J. Kelly III Jeffrey M. Williamson Curtis Floyd Vance Daniel M. Wilson Cincinnati Lodge #3 F & AM Sarah Wood Kathryn & Joseph Houpt


Gifts Made In Memory We respectfully acknowledge the following individuals who were remembered through tribute donations this year. Robert M. Adam • Ruby Alford • George J. Angelopoulos • Ben Andrada Arboleda Jr. • Charles R. Bacon • Clifford E. Bade • Donna Bailey • Raymond E. Bailey Jr. • John T. Balas • Jane Louise Barry-Triano • Ross V. Bayer • Joe Beaumont • James W. Bellinger • Harry Wightman Bennert • Sue Bennett Snyder • Montgomery M. Berrien Jr. • Robert Biddle Sr • James F. Blake Sr. • Lawrence E. Blake • Laura Jean Boyce • James Edward Bradley • Daniel Harvey Brand • Timothy Bratton • Mr. & Ms. Bremer • Robert P. Brown • Stanwood S. Brown • Wilbur R. Brown • William Brown • Richard D. Bryant • Thomas E. Bryson • Aline Buchner • Robert C. Buck • Robert R. Buckley • Franklin D. Bushwack • Michael Busichio • John P. Butler • Hakki Cakan • Ronald L. Campbell • Robert Louis Carrier Sr. • Ivan D. Chaney • Robert D. Chaput • Louis G. Chazen • Richard B. Chevalier • Charles F. Chew • Andrea Chikofsky • Stanley P. Chiz • Ada Augusta Christian • Richard S. Clarke • Doyle “Doc” Clubb • Harry Ira Cobern • Hunter L. Cole-Hatchard • Beverly Colligas • Floyd A. Conant • Robert L. Cook • Robert L. Corbett • Robert C. Corr • Robert W. Craig • Donald D. Crites • Cyrus A. Crothers Jr. • William E. Culbertson • Robert R. Currie • Elizabeth L. Curtis • Leonard F. D’Amico • Franklin D. Daniels Sr. • Louis G. D’Autremont • David Hillman • Thomas W. Davis • William E. Day • James S. De Mond • Michael R. Dean • Jason Dell • Paul E. Dickson Sr. • Cecil Edward Dobson • Ann Dona • Brooks S. Doyle Sr. • Mr. & Mrs. Arthur L Edson • James T. Elliott Jr. • Dennis Engdahl • Robert M. Erffmeyer • J. Clyde Ewan • David C. Fairbairn • N. Edward Felker • Loretta & Chuck Feltcamp • Arthur Abraham Fink • Nicholas Sidney Fitzsimmons • Carl R. Flohr • Floyd B. Flowers • Theodore Lawrence Forsberg • Charlotte A. Foryan • Robert H. Foster • Donald Richard Frazier • Marcy Frazier • Harold Freid • Raymond R. Fretz • L. James Frey • Brian Frost • Clarence Fruik • Doc & Mrs. A. Gage • Glenn T. Gaskill • Eric Ginette • Stephen Girard • Margaret Girtler-Silver • Charles Read Gleason • Ralph A. Gould Jr. • Edward W. Gray • Robert G. Gray • Sidney R. Graybill • Ronald C. Greatorex Sr. • Rosalie Greco • John & Gunda Griesenhofer • Charles L. Griffith • Ansel A. Grindall • Kenneth J. Grinde • Lester Gukenberger Jr. • Harvey E. Gumto • John C. Guth • George Stephenson Haasis • Velma Hageness • Charles Hall • Mary Hall • Steven C. Hanson • Henry H. Harned • Lowell Haverstick • Charles Hawley • Haven H. Hayes • A. Fred Hebbeler • Arthur Fred Hebbeler • George Hegerty • Andrew Lennox Henderson • Joan M. Herring • Bert L. Heyz Jr. • Jack Edward Hill • Milton Hilmer • Bobbi Hineman • Eric Hobble • William Edward Hohn • Timothy A. Holiga • Norman Holst • John L. Howlett • Barry C. Hughes • George H. Humphries • Harold C. Huskins • Richard D. Hutchins • James C. Hutchinson • D. Dean Hutton • Mary E. Ide • Paul Wesley Jackson • Henry E. James • Robert C. Jaquay • Robert G. Jaquay • Henry K. Kauffman • Charles Marvin Kelso Jr. • Wendell R. Kemper • Bob Keuster • Robert L. Kieman • Edwin I. Kimball • Herbert Erving Kimball • Margene Knudtson • John Kozuha • Al Krause • Walter P. Krichling Jr. • Paul Ladd • David J. Lamprey Sr. • Walter Lane • Frank W. Lang • Jack R. Lawson • David Lee Layman • Marvin Robert Leapman • James B. Lefever • Richard John Leya • Philip H. Lindsay • James H. Locklear • Ronald Ludewig • Phillip S. Mahan • Ruth Beumann Mahler • Jim Malmfeldt • Charles A. Manero • Norman Maracus • Norman Marcus • A. Ted Markos • Kevan B. Marsh • Ernest A. Martin Sr. • George S. Martin • Daniel L. Mason • Kenton E. McElhattan • Joseph C. McGill • William D. Mead • Richard Francis Merrill Sr. • Dr. John W. Metcalf Jr. • Chris T. Mihas • Howard D. Miller MD • Henry Lansing Millis • Kevin Miota • James A. Moller • Ross A. Moore Jr. • Don Luis Motter • John Gong Moy • Boyd Ray Murphy • Chad Myers • John M. Nay • Carolyn Nelson • Hilmer W. Neumann • Wilma Newlin • Gladys J. Nicholson • George R. A. Nye • John Oberg • Greg O’Brien • George Ochester • Malcolm L. Ogden Sr. • James H. Ohlinger • Joan Oszust • David Park • James L. Patterson • Virginia Paulsen • Jeanette Paulson • Leo Paveglio • Dennis Ira Peterson • Thomas Foley Peterson • Pete J. Petrides • John T. Phillips • Linda Pierson • Roy D. Poer • Jon M. Porter • Shane Pothier • Lawrence O. Presnell • Norris L. Provencher • Michael T. Puskarich • Harold W. Querry • James C. Rae • Frank S. Rice • James A. Roach Jr. • Richard L. Roe • Pamela Rogers • Scorpio M. Rucker • Derek A. Ruff • Jared Neal Rumford • Stephen P. Rzepka • Thomas Howard Saffell • Tom Sapinski • Clarence James Savadil • Harold Louis Saver • Peter L. Schaefer • Karl D. Schimpf • Lawrence K. Schmidt • George C. Schneider • Paul Edwin Schoeff • Charlie Schreiber • Linda Schuster • Carl E. Seely • Ronald Lee Shaffer • Edward S. Sharp • Carol Sharpe Feld • William G. Sharra Jr. • Robert J. Shearer • Walter H. Sherman III • William A. Sigman • Clara Simpson • Jennifer Ann Smart • Harold E. Smiley • Bennett B. Smith • John O. Smith • Ruth Smith • Lorraine Snyder • Stephen E. Sparks • Harley V. Stanforth • Ole Stang • William E. Stanley • Harvey Eugene Strausbaugh • Edward M. Strohmeier • Arthur J. Sullivan • George A. Sutterley • Earl F. Sutton Sr. • Russell Symes • John S. Tardibuono • John Alfred Taunt • Rachel Terkelsen • Gilbert Lee Thermes • Margaret Thistle • Ralph Edward Thompson • Franklin E. Timm • Sadie Tolle • Claude C. Tozier II • David Howard Travis • Robert Tubesing • Michael L. Tucker • C. James Turner • Joseph W. Unnold • Donald J. Van Kirk • William L. Viar • William H. Victor • Leon Visnov • Charles D. Visscher • Donald Waalen • Cathleen Ann Walters • Jeffrey M. Weekley • R. William Weisberger • Malcolm B. Wernik • Victor A. Westover • Julie Wharton • William Whitney • Robert D. Wiggins • Elwood C. Wilbur • Ray Willoughby • Richard E. Wilson Sr. • Leonard P. Wolfe Jr. • Roger Woodbury • Ralph R. Woodman • William F. Young Jr. • Clairmont Zook Jr.




Scottish Rite Charities

Lifetime Giving The following is a list of some of our most impactful donors and includes those who have given more than $50,000 in total to support our Charities. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this list, please let us know if we have made an error.



Louis S. Ehrich Trust

Estate of Robert W. Patterson

Excelsior Scottish Rite Bodies Charity Fund, Inc.

Estate of Allan M. Pike

Earl H. Goetz Trust

Scottish Rite, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction

Carl H. Lindner

Shriners of Rhode Island

Masonic Family Health Foundation

Estate of Donald J. Soberg

Forrest D. McKerley

Supreme Council, 33°

Mary McNerney Trust

Valley of Cincinnati

Russell W. Nadeau

Arnold L. Veague Scholarship Fund

New Hampshire Consistory

$500,000 - $999,999


Everett W. Allen

Grand Lodge of Masons in Massachusetts

Estate of Melba Baehr

Howard W. Kizer Trust

Helen S. Breidegam

Lafayette Consistory AASR

Edward Parkinson Clark Trust

Masonic Charity Foundation of New Jersey

Estate of Granville M. Colby

Sven R. Mossberg

Estate of Florence E. Drake

Scottish Rite of Indianapolis Foundation, Inc.

Estate of Carol Farr

Richard Smith Trust

Freeport Scottish Rite Temple Foundation

John H. & Emma Van Gorden Trust

Gourgas Lodge of Perfection

$250,000 - $499,999


Valley of Boston • Joseph R. Carter • Shirley Case • Otto A. Christensen Trust • Valley of Columbus • Thomas H. Corson • Davidson Estate • Valley of Detroit • Hilmar Gulseth Revocable Trust • Hiram’s Scottish Riders Motorcycle Club • The Robert J Gunterberg Charitable Foundation • Scottish Rite Bodies Valley of Hartford • Estate of Theodore R. and Lillian S. Helmbold Fund • Estate of Douglas Wayne Holbrook • The Jerome and Dorothy Holz Family Foundation • Valley of Indianapolis • Ira Jones Trust • Estate of Corea S. Keener • Frank & Betty Koller Foundation • Raymond Allen Krome Trust • New York State Scottish Rite Charities • Northwestern Mutual Foundation • The Pittsburgh Foundation • Valley of Portsmouth-Dover • John Thomas Preston Family Trust • Estate of Anna Mae Price • Estate of Elsie A. Pullin • Estate of Charles A. Rousselet • William P. Rutherford • Trust of Dorothy J. Scheble • Estate of Jean K. Schwankert • Scottish Rite Masonic Temple, Inc. • Dorothy & Myron T. Seifert Trust • Valley of Springfield IL • Estate of Katherine Steele • Henry & Gloria Waldron Trust • Malcolm B. Wernik • Thomas E. Wolf Trust • Estate of Roland K. Woodberry


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$100,000 - $249,999


Valley of Allentown • James M. Alter Trust • H. Gordon & Georgia Lee Bailey Trust • The Barker Foundation Inc. • Frederick & Evelyn Berenbroick • J. Marshall, Jr. & Patty K. Blizzard • Barbara & Bill Bonner Family Foundation • Boston Lafayette Lodge of Perfection • Estate of Larry Boulton • Floyd F. Burrill Trust • Valley of Cambridge • Valley of Canton • Valley of Central Jersey • Valley of Chicago • Maynard Clark • Cogswell Benevolent Trust • Corson Family Foundation, Inc. • Charles H. Dater Foundation, Inc. • Estate of John S. Dawson • Valley of Dayton • Dayton Masonic Foundation • Estate of Doris Cooper Demenint • Howard H. Demott • William A. Dion • Estate of Frank E. Dodderer • Euclid Industries, Inc. • Walter C. Fisher Trust • Benjamin Franklin Consistory • Kathryn C. French • Giles F. Yates Council Princes of Jerusalem • Estate of Leroy Glensey • Irwin A. & Robert D. Goodman Foundation • Grant A. Wish Fund • William J. Haas • Garry D. Hageness • Philip L. Hall • Valley of Harrisburg • Estate of Clyde Leroy Hartley • Helen Ruth Deike Henderson • Estate of Doris R. Herd • Carl G. and Leila F. Hertzer Trust • Patricia Hodge Trust • The Hoover Foundation • James M. Horsfall • Claremont S. Jackman Foundation • Philip Johnson Trust • A. Norman Johnson • Floyd H. Kelly Trust • Estate of Harry L. Kline • Charles Kouba Trust • Irma C. Kurtz • Charles R. Lefever • Lehigh Consistory • K. Don Lindsay • Lowell Institute • Madison Community Foundation • Maine Consistory AASR • Massachusetts Consistory • Estate of Margaret McCaig • The Masonic Charitable Foundation of The Grand Lodge of ME • John Wm. McNaughton • Paxton T. Mendelssohn • Donald D. Miller • Estate of Robert Mohrfeld • Monster.com • Dorothy Morgan Trust • G. Michael & Ruth Morris • Oliver A. Murphy • George Nakonetschny • National Football League Alumni Inc. • Scottish Rite Bodies of New Haven • Scottish Rite Cathedral Association (Schaumburg, Ill.) • The New York Community Trust • Estate of Clair M. Perry • Perseverance Lodge #21 AF & AM • Valley of Pittsburgh • Estate of Dorsey S. Place • Estate of Ronald A. Poeter • Frances C. Pool • Charles & Margaret Prieve Trust • Valley of Providence • The Provincial Grand Lodge, The Royal Order of Scotland • Pyle Foundation • Dorothy A. Richardson Trust • Richland County Foundation • Scottish Rite Almoners Fund Inc. • Verdon R. Skipper • Michael D. Socha Trust • Estate of Rose Socha • Valley of Southern New Jersey • Garrell C. Spires Trust • SEI Investments Company • Stephenson Family Foundation • Stoddard Charitable Trust • Marion & Norman Tanzman Foundation • Henry E. Thelin Trust • David Lewis Toothaker Trust • The Scott L. Urquhart Trust • Estate of Eleanor S. Walker • Valley of Waterbury • William David Welch Estate • Robert H. Whitmer • Wisconsin Masonic Foundation • Wynot Family Trust

$50,000 - $99,999


AFR Foundation • George I. Alden Trust • Phyllis Anderson • Arlington Heights Masonic Lodge 1162 AF&AM • Austin-Bailey Health and Wellness Foundation • Valley of Bangor • Bank of America • Barr Foundation • Valley of Bay City • Ronald W. Beebe • Estate of Jean R. Berger • Adam Boryczka Trust • Timothy D Boutell • William H. Boutell • Estate of Louis W. Bradley • Estate of Arthur Wilfred Bragdon • John and Betty Brewer • Jay G. Brossman • Estate of W. Keith Butler • Robert V Cadieu Irrevocable Trust • T Scott Campbell • Carvin Family Trust • Central City Bodies, AASR • Central Susquehanna Community Foundation • Valley of Cleveland • Simon Coben • The Columbus Foundation • Connecticut Freemasons Foundation Inc. • Estate of Raymond Earl Crawford • C. Dale and Marion Curtiss Trust • Frederick W. Deady • James S. Dean • Estate of Harold E. Doney • Shirley Dover • Clover E. Downs Trust • Estate of George Elwin Dresher • Duperon Corporation • Eastern Star Charity Foundation of NJ, Inc. • Elizabethtown Chapter, Order of DeMolay • Epic • Royle L. Epperson II • Erie Community Foundation • Erie Scottish Rite • Charles F. Fick • Forest City Commandery 40 KT • Valley of Fort Wayne • Anna D. Frink • The George F. and Sybil H. Fuller Foundation • Judd F. Garrison • Estate of Ida J. Gibson • David A Glattly • Porter & Alta Gorton Trust • Valley of Grand Rapids • Greater Worcester Community Foundation • Estate Of Wallace E. Grossett • Estate of Franklin H. Gruber, Jr. • Harrisburg Consistory • Marjorie H. Hayden Trust • Heartland Bank Charity Classic • Goldie Hoffman Trust • Jerome J. Holz • Industrial Scientific Foundation • Charlotte Jackson • Estate of Norman W. Johnson • Antoinette A. & Matthew Keenan Endowment • Rolf T. Killingstad • John H. Lewis • Estate of Mary Lombard • Frederick H. & Carolyn Lorenson • Estate of Evelyn Mackey • Estate of John Henry MacQuaide • Madison Rotary Foundation • Mary Marwick Trust • Masonic Brotherhood Foundation, Inc. • Leon M. McCorkle Jr. • Estate of Charles McGrattan • John W. McNaughton • M. R. Mekenian • Scottish Rite Cathedral Association (Moline, Ill.) • Morgan & Morgan, PC • Mount Olivet Chapter of Rose Croix • Berthel I. Neilson • New Castle Consistory • John L. Newman • Valley of Northern New Jersey • Valley of Norwich • Ocean Lodge #89 F&AM • Grand Chapter of Ohio OES • Estate of Evelyn Parker • Estate of Bette Paul • Paul Family Foundation • Francis & Lillian Paul • Grand Chapter of Pennsylvania OES • Valley of Portland • The T. Rowe Price Program for Charitable Giving • Ladies Auxiliary Valley of Reading AASR • Darvin E Reimann Trust • The Oscar Rennebohm Foundation, Inc. • Grand Lodge Of Rhode Island • Masonic Grand Lodge Charities of RI Inc. • Denis & Carolyn Ribordy • Valley of Rochester • The Royal Order of Scotland • Paul & Joan Rubschlager Foundation • James Sanger & Mary Newton • The Community Foundation of Sarasota County • Estate of Theodore I. Serewitch • Joseph & Jeanne Silverberg • Neil M Smalley • Robert William Smith • Lewis C. Snell • Vincent J. Stark Foundation • St John’s Lodge #1 Providence • Russell & Marguerite Stephenson Foundation • Valley of Steubenville • Arthur W. Strelow Trust • Steve Stricker American Ins Family Foundation • The Hadley and Marion Stuart Foundation • Estate of Norman Swett • George G. Talisse • Estate of James A. Tatem Sr. • Valley of Toledo • Tomara Corporation • Triangle Lodge No. 1 AF & AM • Robert and Dorothy Tubesing • Jon Udell • United Way of Greater Stark County • Valley of Utica • George T. Vance • Cyril and Dorothy Veinott Memorial Fund • Estate of Wallace J. Wagner • Walter & Leslie Webber • Whiting Foundation Trust • Trust of Reginald L. & Lillian H. Winchester • Wisconsin Scottish Rite Bodies • Lloyd Henry Wonch Trust • Estate of Robert R Wright • Estate of Charles Yoder Berger • York Lodge No. 563 F& AM • Valley of Youngstown • The Youngstown Foundation DONATERITE.ORG


Scottish Rite, NMJ 33 Marrett Rd Lexington, MA 02421


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