Goddess Guru 7th Edition

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Guru d d e s s issue 07


Online Ezine

Empathy & Compassion Alchemy & Aphrodisiacs Decending to the Dark Goddess e Spiritual Marketing 7 Deadly Sins nc e r The Crone & Wise Woman fe n o nd C The Transformation - GAIA a ss nsl r e e d e be ! Call of the Goddess od Qu cto W G ast t O NO The Power of Three 2 01 Co 1s ine www.goddessguruezine.com






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GODDESS Guru Ezine S’Roya Rose Publishing Editor,

S’Roya The Editor

Graphic Creatrix

Email: email@sroyarose.com Skype ID: goddess-sroya




S’Roya Rose, She DeMontford, Mikailah Gooda, Stacey Demarco, Apple Blossom, Amber Rose, Karen Lyons, Elizabeth Vaccaro, Rayvanne Phelan, Kali Cox, Michael Lamb, Shaman Eilee, ZaKaiRan, Bronwyn Fish, Michele Moreu, Jane Meredith, Roxanne, Esta Libero, Kerrie Friend, Lauren Clark, Rhianne Teija NewLahnd, Nicole Rowley, Ingrid Cliff, Simone Matthews, Tracey jewel, Tina Georgitsis, Tricia Szriom, Jo Jayson

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This publication and its entire contents are protected by copyright. No part of this publication may be used, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of the publisher. Publication of an article or advertisement does not constitute endorsement by the editor, publishers or any employees of Goddess Guru Ezine. While every care is taken to provide accurate information the publisher does not accept any responsibility for accuracy of any information here in. We encourage the highest possible standards of conscious ethical business and copyright practices.

GODDESS GURU Copyright: Copyright S’Roya Rose 2011 rights reserved. Photography supplied by Shuterstock.com, istock. com, 123rf.com. Visionary Artists featured: Jo Jayson, and Rayvanne Phelan. Contributions:

We welcome editorial submissions for articles, and artwork. We encourage all advertsing, event listings, notices, business directories and general classifieds. All editorial should be supplied in Word format by email as attachment to the editor S’Roya:


Articles size should be; 450-500 or 800-1000 words in length. Include a short 20 word bio and pic of yourself 300dpi jpg. Editorial must be authentically your own work, please note any references made by other writers. We reserve the right to edit any material submitted for publication.

Next Deadline for the Sept/October edition is 1st August 2012 Contact us: E email@sroyarose.com F facebook.com/GoddessGuruEzine W www.goddessguruezine.com

Hello there my lovely Gods & Goddesses, Firstly I’d like to welcome our new Astrologer Elizabeth Vaccaro, who’s first article can be seen on page 46... Many thanks, gratitude and farewell must go to the amazing Amanda Hall who has written for me for many years. I wish her well on her path and bless every step she takes. You will be missed lovely lady. YES…We will be available in PRINTED HARDCOPY in a few weeks... This will be available Online. Sorry for the delay…(had few challenges in that department recently due to lack of internet.) The new Goddess Guru website www.goddessguruezine.com. Is up and running also. The printed hardcopy will be available in both Full colour Glossy or Black& White versions, to suit your budget, and can be posted worldwide. All the back issues will also be available soon.YAY! www.magcloud.com & www.peecho.com will make them available. Thanks for your ongoing patience people. I must give heartfelt thanks to all my amazing writers who have been a source of inspiration amongst the internet challenges I’ve faced during moving overseas and interstate, sending me heaps of encouragement to keep going no matter what! So Thanks for your support… I am blessed. This magazine, while free costs me a lot of time, money, blood sweat and tears of frustration to put together… but here she is again, better than ever. Even though I do it for the Goddess, your appreciation of her is always welcome. Many put a great deal of effort into their missions and projects and often it is over looked. People criticize another’s creativity, but forget that it’s easy to criticize those who actually do the work, when they themselves don’t. I celebrate anybody who gets up in the morning motivated by something other than themselves, who chooses to get up off their backside and cares enough to make a difference. Whether you are a healer, teacher, psychic, chef, mother, artist, or struggling student who quietly goes about your day giving your heart to all that you do, know how important you are and that anything you put your heart and soul into matters and makes an impression, leaving true love’s foot prints in the proverbial sands of time.You are valued by the God/Goddess as being an important part of the natural order of things. The Universe loves you, just as you are… I am reminded that no matter what is happening in our lives, no matter how challenging it can become, we are always in the right place at the precise right time for what ever it is we are meant to be experiencing for our highest good. Like it or not that is the way it works… We cannot control many things in our lives but the choices we make on a day-to-day basis… So choose love first, second and third, cos in the end… you’ll realise that’s all that really matters. … So grab your favourite cuppa, pull up a Laptop & enjoy this issue... Blessings cosmic hitch hikers... www.goddessguruezine.com



Meet our Guru’s

Contents Guru Features... 6 Empathy & Compassion, by S’Roya Rose 8 Alchemy and Aphrodisiacs, by Amber Rose 10 Intimacy & Relationship with Self, by ZakaiRan 14 The Magical Inner Child, by Kali Cox 16 The Crone, Wise woman, by Mikailah 20 Spiritual Marketing, by Ingrid Cliff 22 Charkra Awareness, by S’Roya Art by Jo Jayson 24 The Transformation, by Tricia Szriom 26 Charkra Balance Exercise, by Tracey jewel 28 Return of the Divine Masculine, by Rhianne 30 Goddess - White Tara, by S’Roya 34 Clearing out the Cobwebs, by Nicole Rowley 36 Gratitude is no Grapevine, by Karen Lyons 38 The Fruit of Avalon...Apples!, by Apple Blosom 40 Arrival of the Dark Lady, by Lauren Clark 42 Call of the Goddess, by S’Roya Rose 44 The Power of Three, by Simone Matthews 46 Astrology - Venusian Charm, by Elizabeth Vaccaro 48 Hodgepodge, by Bornwyn Fish 50 Alchemy: Universal Love, by Micheal Lamb 52 Glorious Food - Balance is the Key by S’Roya 56 Health Break - The Challenge, by Esta Libero 58 Other Magical Realms, by S’Roya Rose 60 Feng Shui; with Roxanne 62 Image - Dreams, by Kerrie Friend 64 Egyptian Stones & Crystals, by Tina Georgitsis 66 Book Reviews - Editors Choice, by S’Roya 68 Guru Directory & Noticeboard

Guru Regulars Glorious Food, Healthy Break, Book Reviews, Hodgepodge, Goddess Archetypal, Feng Shui, Astrology, Goddess Guru’s Noticeboard & Directory.




GODDESS Guru Ezine Empowering the Goddess in us all. Bringing things back into balance, restoring and rebirthing the Sacred Feminine. Guru’s of all pursuasions sharing their infinite wisdom for growth, nuturing & support, during times of great transformational change. Blessed Be the Goddess!


The spirit of the GODDESS leads the way for us all, grounding the Sacred Feminine and the Cosmic Lunar energies into a balanced holistic Earth Walk. GODDESS Guru e-zine helps assist in anchoring these Spiritual concepts into our everyday life! We understand that everything is connected through the greater web of all life. Everything we do, everything we say, affects everything else... therefore collectively we can make a difference.


GODDESS Guru e-zine is an open forum which provides comprehensive spiritual wisdom. Our regular columns, guest writers and special features will make the magazine a highly appealing spiritual resource, that will be kept and called upon time and time again.. The Sacred Rose placed inside the triple goddess symbolises the heart, soul and hidden mysteries of the rebirthed divine feminine. May her wisdom be forever in our hearts & minds as we journey into the unknown life ahead. www.goddessguruezine.com



n o i s s a p m o C Empathy & s s e d d o G e h t f o Pathways S’Roya Rose


here are many ways we can learn to connect to another human being, but one of the first ways is through sympathetic alignment. Sympathy is usually expressed when we are in agreement with another mind, appearing to be in some kind of alignment or in compatibility with that other. It is easily spotted with in like-minded groups, whereby people show a sympathy to those who’ve shared similar experiences, backgrounds or upbringing, or who’s travail’s or crisis in life tend to match their own. They can also be sympathetic due to causes, beliefs, and ideals or shared ideas. Sympathy, while being a legitimate aspect of human intimacy, which helps us to connect, is really a product of the mind, and aligns with the third chakra, the Solar plexus.

Love however combines the first, second and third chakras creating a synthesis before arriving at the fourth chakra the heart centre, giving rise to the term ‘heart consciousness’. This happens because through the second chakra we are able to take sympathy into our emotional state, which creates ‘empathic sensing’. Here we use our emotional feelings so we can align to actually feel the same as the other person. 6



Those who walk the path of the Goddess know, Compassion like Love is an action and functional energy – and gifts one with the ability to connect to others. We do this by projecting ourselves mentally into the other person’s reality, emotionally connecting to it, and bringing those emotions back into our own body. In that moment our feelings are converted to match their feelings. We take on their feeling reality in whatever state it’s in. Of course some people develop this much easier than others. And in case you were wondering,Yes, it is a developed skill, one that anyone can learn. With empathy we get to feel and perceive from their perspective, allowing us to see things from their experience and point of being. There is a wise old saying…

“The heart sees what the mind cannot yet understand.” Which simply suggest that the heart (fourth chakra) has a better understanding of things, and aligns with a deeper set of emotional drives, accessing a deeper knowing as to why some things happen the way they do. In other words it has a timeless wisdom derived from true heart consciousness. The heart is the point of being, a divine portal and seat of the soul, which connects us to the divine feminine self. Therefore empathy is the first step to opening the heart chakra and begins the process of developing the art of real compassion. The realisation of Compassion is brought into awareness through

the fifth chakra. This is the throat chakra and aligns with the nervous system in the body and expresses itself through the voice box, which is the centre of manifestation and communication on the physical plane. Compassion like love is an action and functional energy – and gifts one with the ability to connect to others. Complete strangers can therefore demonstrate compassion, by showing sympathy (alignment & understanding) with feeling (caring) for someone, regardless of their racial or socio-economic or cultural background. These people have no ‘reason’ (agenda) to love or to bond with that person, but they do it anyway… This is true compassion. It is kindness, caring and thoughtfulness and mindfulness all wrapped up in one moment of complete connection. This demonstrates that they can give love without conditions; this is what is called true selfless (Buddhist, Christ and Goddess) compassion! If we have true compassion, we have the ability to encompass everything and anything within ourselves, we can absorb it, hold onto it without it consuming our energy. It is a fusing of the self with the other in a perfect state. It means the one who carries this has the ability to naturally emanate their love vibration to everyone and everything. The heart is the teacher, the healer and true spiritual pathway for humanity. By keeping the heart centre open practicing love,

compassion and wisdom we can transcend anything, resolve all conflict and clear any darkness that stands between our heart and us. Once that is done our heart and mind become united, open to universal heart values and ethical flow in compassionate love for our planet and all sentient beings in the universe. Adepts of the Goddess path, whether male or female, have mastered the process of creation: that being of fertilization, creation and gestation of life itself, giving birth to that life. No matter whether that life is a project, idea, business, situation or being that needs to be birthed into physical reality. They have learned to nourish, care for that life until it seeks its own destiny path. When we are heart centred, we allow that life to fulfil its own destiny with out need to control it. To do otherwise would be to smother love it, to try to control it might block it somehow. So in loving something we must learn to let it go, let it fly, let it be true to itself, to be truly in flow with its own divinity, to trust that in the divine process it will do what ever it came into being to do, no matter what the result. Ultimate trust is part of real compassion and has a unique level of understanding and acceptance of radical trust in all processes… even if it feels like a death of sorts to let go of something, this is what ultimate compassion demands we do, surrender to unconditional LOVE.




Alchemy and Aphrodisiacs


ature has provided us with many succulent temptations; roots, spices, herbs, flowers, fruits, foods and beverages – and it is believed that a skilful concoction can fire up even the most cooled of passions. Aphrodisiacs, love potions, brews, philtres, and elixirs; all of these potent little concoctions have been used to put intensity into one’s love life for centuries. And since ancient times the most famous of alchemists, conjurers, root-doctors, vodouiennes and witches have held the power to our most intimate desires, and the secret to reigniting the flames of fervour that my clients frequently wish to rekindle. There is no need to blush or feel embarrassed, attraction is a perfectly natural reaction between two people; it is a precious and beautiful experience to share. 8


To feel comfortable in sharing we all wish for that spark of romance to sweep us off our feet, to be bedazzled in the fancies of Shakespearean stories; love that would make even the angels sigh and weep opalescent tears. Some even feel these emotions should not be discussed and therefore made a social taboo. And yet others yearn to be free from such social chains, which encourage the masking and hiding of true emotions and desires. Do you ask yourself if love is simply nothing more than a fancy or an intense emotion that stirs the heart to leap? Furthermore, do you glance upon love as more of a sexual act, fuelled by lust, desire or the act pertaining to the latter, nothing more? Whatever your definition, I have a remedy for all. Throughout different cultures aphrodisiacs have been derived from bizarre plants in


Amber Rose

our own yards. Ancient temples and civilizations all used these potions and gypsies were particularly recognised for their herbal infusions that cured ailments, along with certain stimulants. Eggplant, cinnamon sticks (chewed like tobacco), oysters, okra, wild lettuce, honey, sugar, cloves, apples, roses, pomegranates, strawberries, chocolate, truffles, anise, plum, alder bark, damiana leaves, cherry, cranberry - the list is unlimited and they have all been used. Numerous deities have been revered through time as the patrons of love, lust, fertility and passion, and all have a strong affiliation with the emotion of heart, and the arousal of passion, if applied correctly. Use the following potion of these love-enhancing components sensibly and keep in mind the emotions should not be played with, or abused.

Herbs, Tea Leaves and the Intoxicating Power Of Philtres

Lover’s Fire Potion To Bring Love, Passion and Desire red rose petals Quarter cup dried strawberries Nine cloves Quarter cup of champagne Three tablespoons dark (sweet is best) chocolate flakes Quarter cup black tea Half teaspoon crystallised or Three cinnamon sticks dried ginger Ten dried small/miniature


hop the dried strawberries into slivers and place into a small jar, add the champagne and allow sitting time for as long as it takes to soak up the champagne. Allow them to dry out or carefully pat away the remaining residue. Roughly grind the cinnamon sticks and cloves. Slice the ginger into slithers. Combine all the ingredients together, taking care not to break up the rose buds and add the chocolate flakes last. Store in a cool, dry place away from the heat, and preferably in a cheesecloth/muslin pouch. When required, take out the desired amount - it all depends on how strong you prefer your tea. It does not matter when you brew this – as it is all about the right time for you and the apple of your eye. If you do not have a teapot, make up small individual cheesecloth pouches and douse them as you would tea bags. The required amount of water depends on you, but be sure to use pure spring water only. Bring it to the boil, then place in the ingredients; only boil until you begin to smell the aromas- then remove the pot/bags. Sweeten with sugar cubes or organic honey. Try to use organic products only as this heightens the flavours and quality of the potion. Pour it into your favourite cup and let the aroma fill your senses before you take your first mouthful. Serve with yummy, delicious treats to sweeten the mood, light candles, lay rose petals upon the floor and play your favourite melodies and enjoy the intimacy. Amber’Rose is the Creatrix of two of her own traditions ‘The Twilight Path’ & ‘Memento Mori-WorkingWith Death Energies’. An Edge-Walker, PrimalWitch, Spiral Dancer, ConjureWoman. For further information please access her blog http:// primalcraft.blogspot.com or Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/doyouhoodoo




f l e S h t i w p i h s n o i t a l e &R

y c a m i t n I


ll Relationship is about your relationship with Self; with your willingness to be intimate with Self - your personality Self, Soul Self, Christ Self, God Presence Self (group soul/monad self), Angelic Self, ET Self…, and the All That Is Self. How intimate will you be, how close will you get? Your outer reality is a reflection of your innner reality. How intimate your lovers/partners and to a lesser degree, your friends and family, will allow themselves to get with you, is the amount you allow yourself to be intimate with yourself; to the magnificence you are; to be the divinity you are; to be the surrendered compassionate, forgiving, impassioned avatar that you truly are. All relationship with anyone or anything is with the Self, with the One; the wholeness of “separation” within the wholeness of All That Is - with the One Self. The other person in your life who is the relationship of the moment is not another person. You are relating to the same self as yourself. There is only one Self. The other is a mirror Self, the same Self that is all mirrors.





Your judgements, desires, expectations, attachments, resistance’s… are only those aspects of yourself that are apparently unloved, still separate, or perceive themselves to be separate, unlovable, unworthy, bad, evil… All of these negative things you see in another person, if they are judged, are some aspect of yourself that is self judged; condemned by self; by itself, which is a separate self, a part of the ego world of separation, the world of separate selves, where things that people do and ways people act are different to us. Whoever you give to, you are giving to Self. It is the idea that you are giving to someone outside of yourself that creates co-dependence; that is an illusionary relationship which creates a situation whereby you are spending yourself; depleting yourself; trying to give, but really to get, to receive some attention energy, or gratification, or love. This is the goody goody syndrome, the rescuer who is helping victims, who “need their help”; someone who

balance your masculine or feminine, complete you, create oneness for you, help you back to God… This manifested in marriage, and the search for the perfect partner, and many romantic lifetimes, myths and stories. The new fantasy, is the twin flame fantasy. Now I’m not saying that twin flames do not exist, for in fact they do, and they are the closest person to ourselves as anyone, but even the manifestation of your twin flame will not complete you. You are already complete and you are not separate from your twin flame, certainly not on higher dimensional levels, and ultimately you are not separate from anyone else.

An excerpt from his soon to be published book;

‘Divine Relationship Relationship with All That Is’

operates from victimhood. Everyone is a sovereign entity, no one needs our help, for we are all divine. Support and realization of our oneness is supportive and helpful, and on spiritual levels we need no human help, only the experience. We need divine human help or synergetic support (communion). Give unconditinally, because it is natural to do so, because you are giving to Self. Who ever you take from, you are taking from your Self. If you are taking from others conditionally, it is because your consciousness is in separation, in lack, conditional love, rather than unconditional love. You are trying to fill the hole in you, the bottomless pit of separation.

The Twin Flame Fantasy There is only relationship with the One, the Self; all else is fantasy, an illusion. This is the essence of distorted romance, a fixation upon an object, a self outside of self, that will complete your self. The fantasy is finding that perfect mate that will fill that whole of separation,

The Self is complete, even without your Twin Flame, you are still complete. Only the ego has attachment to some idea of completion by obtaining the ultimate prize, the twin flame, which will allegedly complete you by bringing your God or Goddess Presence back to you, as if you lost this somehow, misplaced perhaps, but not lost. You are complete. You are the God and Goddess! Do not be deluded by your physical sex, or by your attractions to the same sex or opposite sex. Many of these attractions are a desire to retrieve those aspects that you feel you have lost. This is chasing the God or the Goddess. I have chased the Goddess all my life, chasing after something that would “make me complete”. But I have reached the end of the journey and by Divine Grace, the Divine Mother has helped me realize that - “I Am the Goddess! Previously I had considered and to a large degree realized that I am All That Is, and this gets more and more real as I grow and awaken further. And I realize that I am the son/ daughter, the offspring of the God/Goddess union. And I am the teacher and the student and…. But I had not really considered my self to be The Goddess. You would have thought that I would have since I knew I was All That Is, and the Goddess/Divine Mother is part of All That Is, but obviously there was resistance in my consciousness to consider it, aspects that felt disconnected from the Goddess aspect of creation, separate and removed from the Divine Mother, the Holy Spirit; the inner world of Shekinah. My quest as a Knight was to find this Goddess, but she was no where to be found because she was within all along. www.goddessguruezine.com


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Intimacy Relationship with Self


egardless of your gender orientation or sexual orientation, you may be chasing the God or the Goddess, or both, to heal those parts of yourself that feel cut off from the Father/ Mother aspects of Self, of All That Is. We are also now remembering, rebalancing, recollecting, realizing that we are also the Christ, the Son, the Daughter, the offspring of God/ Goddess, Father/Mother. As a species ascending, we are creating the Christs that we all are, by the combination of the Father/Mother; Father Sky (Cosmic), and Mother Earth. On planetary levels, on grounded levels, our realization of our true divinity is related to our connection with these forces of creation, to father sky, (air, water, rain - the sperm, falling to earth fertilizing the seed of earth, enlightening our bodies, the dense matter, creating light body, the Christ/Christess Body.

Attention Energy Attention is not intimacy, attention is not love, it is just attention. Because of our wounds of separation and perception of ourselves being separate from each other, and disconnection from love, that the love that is everywhere and within us, because we are disconnected from the realization that we are love itself, we act from lack, from deals and agreements with others in order to receive energy and love. Because of this lack consciousness, this feeling of unworthiness, we manipulate 12


and control others and ourselves to give and get love and energy. To the degree that we are connected to divine self, and to true intimacy, to our own ability to be intimate with self and others, will be the degree that we play this game, this control drama. This conditional love/energy stealing that we do, with our agreements to give if we are receiving, is detailed brilliantly in the “Celestine Prophecy”. This is why this book was so well read, and is still so important today, because it reveals the essence of what we do as humans on planet earth because of our disconnection with love. Attention energy is part of this scenario. It is a well intentioned pattern of relationship, whereby you give all of your attention to the person you are in relationship with. It is a co-dependent energy, one that is designed to imply to that person that you love them, and their the one for you. You will think that it is love, that it is passion, but it is just attention, it is just longing, a desire for connection, oneness, or re-connection with your divine masculine or feminine, with source. If you do not receive attention in return, you will suffer to more or lesser degrees depending on how much you have invested in the relationship, or how much attachment you have to being fulfilled/completed by their love/attention.


cont... Plain and simply, if you think that this conditional give and take of energy is love, than you have intimacy barriers, and it is time to heal your wounds and reassess your perception of reality and relationship. When this attention energy pattern was revealed to me, or I revealed it to myself, I was blown away by my level of denial, by how much of what I thought was love was complete bullshit. As a quantumly awoken sensitive new age master, I thought I was quite surrendered and open to great intimacy in relationship and in myself, but luckily I/we manifested for me a relationship that would reveal to me my denials. Luckily a divine master graciously acted out (mirrored) my resistances to intimacy by not giving me the attention (“love”) that I passionately wanted and thought I deserved. Her similar resistances to intimacy would not play the game right so that I could get what I wanted, her attention energy was elsewhere. Eventually I revealed to myself my folly which was all part of my next initiation of intimacy, relationship and life, and moved full speed on to my next step of being a sovereign entity - God/Goddess/Christ, a co-creative force of love/light. Be Divine Relationship! Be the Love you are now! ZaKaiRan www.zakairan.com

k o o B ow! N

Avalon-2013 Goddess Tour

Join S’Roya on her Avalon Saced Site Tour!

Book via email Now!

email@sroyarose.com Pay Online - www.sroyarose.com Don’t miss this opportunity! 10 days you’ll never forget! Connect with the Heart of the Goddess in Avalon!

2013 Tour dates are:

Avalon 13th - 22nd of July Unveil the Mystery within the Sacred Isle of AVALON connect with the Ancient Folk lore, Myths & Legends! Feed your inner Goddess & take part in S’Roya’s insightful workshops, let the Lady of the Lake heal any ancestral wounds of the Sacred Feminine. Rejoice, have fun, & remember the way it was.

S’Roya invites you to join her Avalon Goddess 2013 Tour the t u o n Your tour investment is $5800 eck t Pla e h C en onlin m 10 day Goddess Experience of a lifetime! m y .co le a Book your place & take advantage of the payment plan! P availabroyarose w.s ww Email: email@sroyarose.com www.goddessguruezine.com GoddessGuru 12 13

l a c i g a The M d l i h C r Inne Kali Cox

‘In my soul, I am still that small child who did not care about anything else but the beautiful colors of a rainbow.’

~Papiha Ghosh





still walk with wonder through a forest pathway guilded in moss and canopied in arches of green, gently teasing leafy fingers through my hair as I pass beneath.

Perhaps the Witch in me is seeking the Fae, or maybe it is my Inner Child coming out to play, I am sure they are there, hiding amongst the trees. The Inner Child. Jung called it the ‘Divine Child’. Some call it the ‘True Self’. Our Inner Child is that part of us which is ultimately, ‘alive’! I’d hazard a guess as to say that I am not the only slightly mentally unstable person being ‘alive’ driving their car haphazardly down random streets, chasing the end of a rainbow for a pot full of a hefty deposit for my mansion by the sea, if I could perhaps persuade the Leprechaun with enough Guinness and maybe a bed in the spare room of aforementioned mansion, to let me have it. It’s that same sense of being so alive that keeps one eye open for Santa on Christmas eve – as verification for the children of course! – and ensures you pick the least bendy carrot from the

produce section for The Easter Bunny. I am sometimes met with surprise when asked my age – thankfully pleasantly so.

My secret is not in Clarins or Loreal products, it’s simply Laughter! Bottle it and market it as an antiwrinkle device! Although it may be false advertising , for my face whilst relatively smooth still yields the lines of a thousand smiles, each one memories of the laughter of my children, celebrations of those precious moments frozen in time, that total unconditional love, all markers for my happiness. I understand the quest for growing old beautifully, and yet not why would you want to erase that natural beauty and character that is uniquely you? The fountain of youth is not in bottles, pills, lotions or potions, it is within you’re laughter, the smiles and playfulness!

How often do we encourage creativity and play in our children and yet not in ourselves? In the haste of life our connections to inner realms are lost due to the busy pace we set ourselves and our desire for electronic stimulation robs us of the capacity to be still. Reliant on televisions, computers, and smartphones - though some might argue you can be still whilst using all of the above – we limit these activities to our children and do not give ourselves the same privilege of time. Time to play with them. Time to allow our minds to be still by sitting quietly and asking for the messages being taught to us, and listening for answers. Connecting to our childlike sense of wonder and awe, of magic. This can give such a feeling of peace. A renewed breath of life. I often joke that I am a bigger child than my children, but it’s true. I think at times I get more therapy out of building Lego or a good wrestle with the necessary tickle factor than what I do bleeding my angst out on the treadmill four days a week! Encourage your Inner Child and nurture it… Preferably with chocolate.

Kali Cox is Domestic Goddess,

an empath, busy working Mum of 2, aspiring collator of the written word, and full-time Solitary Witch. She has appeared on local Brisbane radio, creatrix of and moderates the ‘Witches Of White Magic Unite’ Group Fan Page on Facebook.



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e g n a h C r o f s e i n o Cerem The Crone, Wisewoman, Dark Goddess Mikailah Gooda


he Crone is theWise Old Woman. She embodies deep magic, initiations, mystery, power, prophecy, silence, compassion, transformation, death and rebirth. She is the spiritual midwife that assists in all births and the holy wisdoms, or oracles, that comes from life eternal. Sacred to Her are snakes, dragons, owls, ravens and crows. Her dark womb is the cave of Earth, the vulva of renewal and the entrance to the Underworld. 16



as the Maiden with new freedom around the New Moon. We can feel the Crone’s energy in the dark of the night. Do not be afraid of the Death Hag for She brings immense insights as the spiral continues. The Dark Crone is not only reflective of our biological age. For even as we experience these changes each month with the lunar cycle, we also experience her energy and power at different transitional times in our lives. She asks you not to be afraid in these dark periods for they are in accordance with nature, the same as the seasons. Learn to be instinctive and in tune with your own emotions, physical body and the rhythms of your own soul. Are you feeling introspective? Remember we need the darkness to learn about our unconscious desires and turn the challenges into the gift of revelation and transpersonal growth. Her moon phase begins at the Balsamic and through to the Dark Moon, when her energy is the most intense. When we embrace her transformative powers, the Dark Crone banishes all that is no longer required in our lives. The Dark Crone Goddess is the ultimate alchemist and guardian of the unconscious. As a society we need to banish our distorted view of the Dark Feminine. She is not to be rejected for she is part of us. Denial of our shadow-side is a dangerous game, for we must descend into the Underworld to be reborn. Witches are wise women who are in touch with the rhythms of the Earth and the Moon, and their own blood cycles. They celebrate with ritual and honour the doorways of spirit. They are visionaries, mystics, Biologically the Crone is a woman whose menstruation the healers, herbalists, storytellers and midwives. Their has ceased and is in the retirement of her life knowledge is ancient. Their incantations and spells (approximately from 60-70 years of age). It is an acknowledge the deepest level of communication with incredibly transformative time as she begins to understand their creative souls ~ the power of the word and the quest the next cycle of her wise-blood. As Keeper of Women’s for transformation. Mysteries, she stirs Her cauldron of transformation. She By returning to the Sacred Feminine in all Her mysterious is forever changing and evolving. She has now reached the forms we can embrace our own beauty. Honor the Wise final metamorphosis in the cycle of Her life. We need to Old Woman within you. The Dark Crone knows the true know and accept the resplendent beauty of the Crone and meaning of life. Allow Her to fill any emptiness in your the sheer magnificence of this journey. life. She is dwelling within all women and She is more than words can express. The Crone’s magic leads us to death each lunar cycle at the Waning Dark Moon. If we are still bleeding this aspect Mikailah Gooda is a teacher of women’s is also felt within our bodies during our moon-time & sacred rites. Her passion is celebrating the wild menstruation. The Crone reminds us of rest and renewal. feminine.Visit www.mikailah.com To focus on ourselves, before we are symbolically reborn or email Mikailah@live.com.au. www.goddessguruezine.com


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S’Roya Rose Path of the Mystic Opening the Third Eye ~ 1 Day Workshop

Spirit Guides, Other Realms~ 1 Day Workshop Acended Masters & Angels ~ 1 Day Workshop Animals & Other Realms ~ 1 Day Workshop Crystals & Healing ~ 1 Day Workshop Intuitive Tarot Classes ~ 1 Day Intensive Palmistry ~ 1 Day Intensive Numerology ~ 1 Day Intensive

8 Path of Healing

Cert~ Reiki Levels 1 & 2 ~ 2 day seperate Workshops Cert~ Reiki Master Teacher ~ 10 day Intensive Chakras & the Kundalini ~ 1 day Workshop Healing of the Heart ~ 1 Day workshop Clearing & Healing the Past ~ 1 day Workshop The Use of Sacred Practices ~ 1 day Workshop Shadow Wisdom in Duality ~ 1 day Workshop




Which Path is Your path?

Choose the path that best suits your niche of development. 1 day workshops Valued @ $149ea; Choose 4 workshops for Only $369 & pay upfront to save $227! Transformation of the lower ego self by the higher self is no easy task and many will tell you it is not for the feint hearted. It takes courgae, commitment, diligence and integrity to stay on your souls evolutionary path and shed the outworn skins of the past to step into the true essence of your being. Nothing less is call for as you embark on these magical journeys with S’Roya. Those who have journeys with her know that she is not afraid of facing the truth or those darker moments that can bring many undone. Let her hold your hand

s m

Goddess School of Magic For all enquiries... call 07 5545 0838

Path of the Wise Sage Keys to Spiritual Development ~ 1 day Workshop Working with the God & Goddess ~ 1 day Workshop Understanding Universal Laws & Truth ~ 1 day Workshop Developing Ego & Soul Awareness ~ 1 day Workshop Past life, Karma & Reincarnation ~ 1 day Workshop The use of Sacred Ritual & Practices ~ 1 day Workshop Psychic, Mystic, Magical Development ~ 1 day Workshop

as she walks you through your spiritual paces and re-claim the mystical self once again in this life time. There is nothing to fear but fear itself. Whether you are aware of it or not something wonderful is about to unfold in your life. Teachers of this nature don’t come around all that often, so do not miss your opportunity to refine some aspects of your spiritual development. Cost are very reasonable and classes are fun and informative. S’Roya is very down to earth and her gifts as a spiritual teacher are vast and her methods are intensly rewarding. Much is to be gained and nothing is lost through progression. Call now to register your interest in any of her workshops that suit your development stages, as they will fill all to soon. Call 07 5545 0838 to register.

Practical Magic Full Moon Ceremony ~ 3 hrs Ritual Practical Magic ~ 4 hr Workshop Candle Magic ~ 4 hr Workshop Goddess Circle ~ 4 hr Workshop Charms & Amulets ~ 4hr Workshop Dream Catcher ~ 1 day Workshop Magical Spellcraft ~ 1 day Workshop

m s www.goddessguruezine.com


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g n i t e k r a M l a u t s i n i r i p S y l d S a e D 7 The Ingrid Cliff


hen you are on the spiritual path, bringing your spiritual practice out of your circle, church or synagogue and into everyday life is a process that doesn’t come easily at times. It’s easy being virtuous in the confines of your room – much harder to be virtuous in the rough and tumble of the world. Many spiritual practitioners start their own business as a way to fulfil their calling; as a way of reaching and touching the people they need to touch this lifetime. And yet, when it comes to letting these very same people know about their business, they curl up inside and shrink from marketing to them. Why is that? Perhaps it is because the only way most people know how to market comes from the old paradigms and taps into the old energies of fear, loss and power. Old school marketing heavily calls on the energy of manipulation – manipulating people to hand over their money in order to buy your goods and services.



It comes from a place of fear – that you and your services are not good enough for people to choose to buy without being coerced. No wonder it doesn’t feel good and people shy away from selling or marketing their business! So how is the manipulation done? The easiest way to describe these old school marketing techniques is to go back to something biblical – the 7 Deadly Sins. (These are similar to Arishadvargas in the Hindu faith and the Five Poisons in the Buddhist Mahayana tradition). Here’s how the 7 Deadly Sins are used in marketing: 1 Desire/Lust – Using sex to sell a product either in design, through use of models or language with sexual overtones (for example – using words such as crave). 2 Gluttony – Creating a culture of over-consumption (for example - 3 for the price of 2 offers). 3 Sloth/Laziness – Appealing to the lazy part of a personality (for example – make money in your pyjamas).


4 Anger/Wrath – Creating divisiveness to get a message across (for example – much of the political advertising). 5 Envy – Using a “keeping up with the Joneses” approach (for example – “I wish my wife had bought a Jeep”). 6 Pride – Appealing to a person’s pride of ownership (for example – the roofing ad where the person stares with pride at their roof). 7 Greed – Promoting that the goods or service will deliver wealth, status and power (for example – many of the ads for exclusive watches). There is a more spiritual and ethical way to share your business with the world. Just as our shadow side within ourselves contains positive aspects of ourselves taken to the extreme, these seven deadly sin marketing techniques are just the positive marketing techniques taken to the extreme. By turning towards the light, and directing our marketing towards the positive aspects, we can reach those who need to hear us. We tap into a more positive energy, one that

How does that play out in marketing? 7 Deadly Sins Desire/Lust Gluttony Sloth/Laziness Anger Envy Pride Greed

7 Spiritual Virtues

Connection Sustainability Stillness & Centeredness Inspired action Wholeness Honesty/Authenticity Abundance

builds people up - and not tears them down. One that creates sustainable relationships - not one night stands. One that matches a person to what they need - not selling endless stuff to someone who doesn’t need what you are selling. One that is not fear based but love based. Here’s how the 7 Spiritual Virtues are used in marketing: Connection – Firstly through connecting to self and your purpose, and then reaching out and connecting with your clients through two-way conversation. Only speaking when invited and not pestering or interrupting. Sustainability – Providing what people need in a way that works for them. Ensuring your business and your products are there for the long haul. Stillness & Centeredness – Coming from a space of calm knowing rather than frantic action or inaction. Being grounded - which means you are not swayed by fads

1 2 3

or fears. Listening to your inner guidance and matching all actions against your inner compass and integrity. Inspired Action – Thoughts only become things if you get off the couch and make things happen. Being honest with clients on the extent of action needed. Inspire clients to call you. Wholeness – Knowing that your clients are not broken or children. Treat them as adults and fine as they are. It’s OK to empathise with their challenges – it is not OK to pity, rescue or make their wounds deeper. Honesty/Authenticity – Tell the truth about your products and services. They will not be appropriate for all needs – but they will be perfect for the clients you are meant to serve. Present balanced viewpoints – don’t try to be something you are not. Abundance - Celebrate abundance in all things. People buy what they value. Do you value yourself and the difference you

4 5 6 7

make to your clients? Do you share information about this difference openly and honestly, in a way that people can “get”? I believe that when we are on the spiritual path there are people in this world we are meant to touch and differences we are meant to make. By shining your light clearly, coming from a space of love and connection, then you make it easier for these people to find you. Marketing can be a spiritual practice if you shake the old paradigms and lose the fear.You are good enough – otherwise you would not be on this path. Further recommended reading: Spiritual Marketing is starting to gain momentum.“The 7 Graces of Marketing” by Lynne Seraphin.“Spiritual Copywriting Program” by Suzanne Falter-Barns & JeffreyVan Dyk Ingrid Cliff is the Chief WordWizard with her copywriting business Heart Harmony www. heartharmony.com.au.



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S’Roya Rose

Chakra Awareness

Discovery of the dormant wisdom hidden within our chakras leads to illumination through shifts in awareness, peace through serenity, health and well-being. The word chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning ‘Wheel of Light’ and is the unseen energy centre within the ‘etheric’ aura body. These centres act like our energies intake and extake plumbing system, used to ensure and stimulate our health, vitality and, ultimately, enlightenment when activated. Mystics describe a set of energy centres called sefirot, that can be seen as the refined spiritual centres on the cabalistic Tree of Life, which can also be matched with points of the physical body. Buddhism, Sufism, Taoist Yoga and Tantric traditions all believe in degrees of this concept. In their individual practices, all these traditions encouraged gradual spiritual development with the belief that each chakra centre will open up more as the initiate matures spiritually. *Artwork supplied by Jo Jayson http://www.jojayson.com

Base Chakra The Base Chakra connects us to the core of mother earth and therefore relates to our will to live and supplies the body with physical vitality. Which in turn supplies energy to the spinal column, the adrenal glands, and the kidneys. This is where we integrate our fears and the will to live. Governs the amount of life-force energy an individual can sustain, and functions as action and the receiving of pleasure. Its element is Earth and vibrates as the colour RED. If this chakra is blocked or underactive the person will not make a strong impression in the physical world. They will avoid physical activity, will be low in energy and may even be sickly. It leads to lacking of physical strength. All our basic instincts for survival are latent within the consciousness of this chakra. It deals with our family-tibal connections, and in times of trevail it activates the fight and flight mechanism. An over active base chakra may result in one being very physically oriented, competitive, sporty, or can make them agressive or prone to fits of anger or rage. Regular connection with nature and physical activity will help it keep balanced. 22



Sacral Chakra The sacral chakra is located above the pubic bone beneath the naval. It is the centre of the sacrum, which governs the emotional life of the individual. It is related to our sensuality and sexuality. In women this centre is within the womb, and in men it is called the ‘will’ point and centred in the gonads. It governs the quantity of sexual energy. It sends energy to the immune system and helps us with our use of sex and food. The seat of our creative self it helps us express our emotions in a creative manner. Its element is Water and vibrates as the colour ORANGE. If this chakra is blocked it leads to malfuntioning emotional and sexual energy, resulting in tendancies to either avoid or over indulge in sexual pleasure. Issues of closeness through the sexual communion or intimacy with another are dealt with here. Understanding our emotional lives becomes paramount, and Deep-seated emotional issues or behaviour can be brought back into balance through the consciousness of this center.

Solar Plexus Chakra As the name sugests this chakra is located in the solar plexus on the front and back of the body. It supplies the stomach and all related digestive organs such as liver, gall bladder, pancreas, spleen, and nervous system with energy. It is associated with our mind processes and is related to who we are in the universe and how we interact with others and take care of ourselves. It regulates our emotional life and human connectedness. We show sympathy/empathy, our desires and aspirations. Its element is fire and vibrates as the colour YELLOW. If this centre is blocked we feel disconnected from the universe and feel lost, not belonging anywhere. Feelings become unbalanced and the ability to be able to feel sensations, emotions, energy, etc., is an issue within this chakra. One will not be aware of a deeper meaning to life and not be able to understand an individual’s uniqueness within the universe. Personal power becomes unbalanced. We become more apathetic towards our physical health. Developing a sense of how we feel in relation to and with others are all part of the consciousness of this chakra.

Heart Chakra The fourth chakra is in the middle of the chest and is the centre of spiritual awakening. Those who fully awaken the heart chakra have incredible experiences. It governs the ability for humans to give and receive love while learning about unconditional love. This is where we relate best to nature – our link with physical reality. It supplies energy to our heart, circulatory system, thymus, vagus nerve and upper back. Its element is air and vibrates as the colour GREEN. If this centre is blocked there will be a lack of self love or an increase in selfishness. A person will have trouble loving, or giving without expecting anything in return. There will be an overwhelming sense of nonconnectedness with all fellow humans and with all life. People can try to own their mate or person they love. They may lack trust in their life and be quite fearful. Soul awareness and our role in the universe can be stimulated through developing the consciousness of this chakra.

Throat Chakra

The fifth chakra is located in the front and back of the throat. It is associated with the senses of hearing, tasting and smelling. It supplies energy to the thyroid, the bronchi, lungs and alimentary canal. It is where mental creativity takes place with planning and scheming. It governs the power of speech and sound and the ability 76 Reiki - A Spiritual Pathway of the individual to express themselves. It is where we manifest and create on the physical plane. Vibrates as the colour BLUE. When this centre is blocked we blame everything and everyone else for the wrongs in our life. There will be a lack of personal responsibility towards self and others. Our fears become manifested through negative thoughts and actions. Like attracts like. There will be an inability to express thoughts, feelings and desires through speech, writing or sound (music). Trusting life is a big issue here. Pride and a lack of self-esteem are affected and how one sees oneself in society. Fulfilment and success will be difficult to obtain. Bringing what you desire to have happen in your life is manifested into reality via this chakra.

3rd Eye Chakra

The sixth chakra is located in the middle of the forehead, both front and back of the head. Awakening this centre increases our psychic abilities and intuitive thoughts. It supplies energy to our pituitary gland, lower brain, left eye, nose, ears and nervous system. It is associated with our sense of sight and sense of time and space. It is directly related to our conceptual understanding and the carrying out of our ideas, step by step, to accomplish them. Vibrates as the colour VIOLET. If this centre is blocked then a confused state of mind is common along with the inability to conceptualise ideas (create plans). Compulsive lying and even criminal activity is hatched from this centre. A lack of intuition and or spiritual integration within the person is usual. An inability to dream may occur also. This chakra develops all aspects of the mind’s psyche. Stimulate the consciousness within this chakra and spiritual sight will most likely develop.

Crown Chakra The seventh chakra is located at the top of the head or crown, located around the pineal gland. It supplies energy to our upper brain and the right eye. It is associated with our experience of direct knowing and is related to the integration of personality with spirituality. This chakra regulates the amount of light an individual can photosynthesise; hence, it controls the amount of ‘enlightenment’ or ‘consciousness’ a person can accept. When fully activated it facilitates cosmic consciousness and total integration of mind, emotions, body and spirit in oneness. Regular practices like meditation, reiki and various energy healing can also stimulate and acivate it. Vibrates to the entire colour spectrum, so it is WHITE. If this centre is blocked then one probably does not have an experiential connection to spirituality or have any real the concepts of the God/ Goddess as an energy force. Because of this, one would not understand what others are talking about when they speak of their spiritual experiences. Either a lack of faith would exist or a strong dogmatic belief could result also. www.goddessguruezine.com


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n a i l a r t s u A Goddess e c n e r e f n o C TRICIA SZRIOM






The Transformation

he Goddesses of This concept is difficult to understand The Australian Goddess Conference Transformation challenge us in our dualistic culture where we pro vides a cauldron or a cocoon; to expand our awareness, to create opposites: right and wrong, a safe and sacred place in which let go of what holds us to certainty male and female, heaven and earth, tran sformation can occur in our and move beyond the known to secular and holy, birth and death. selves, in our relationships with experience what we can only imagine The difference between change and othe rs and in our connection with at the edges of our consciousness.
 transformation can be explained in community and the Ear th. We will Most of us feel uncomfortable with, the following way: change can be wor k with the energy of thir teen and even resist, change especially reversed whereas transformation Goddesses of Transformation from when change is forced upon us and cannot. For example if I am making arou nd the world, learning from their yetchange is small compared with a garment I lay out all of the wisdom in four areas: transformation. Transformation component par ts and leave the room v Personal Transformation: How requires willingness to change at – someone comes in and moves do we become all that we imagine the very core of our being. The them around – when I return I can we can be? How do we embrace Goddesses of Transformation each reverse this change. If however, wholeness?

 show us that to create anew we need whe n I leave the room they use the v Transformation through first to destroy or let go; each of materials to make a garment this is Relationship: How do our them represents death and rebirth. transformation. rela tionships transform us and how Spring follows winter and the seed Change and transfor mation are not can we transform our relationships?

 transforms into a plant, the cocoon the same. Change is about making v Community Transformation: provides the place for transformation the current situation better while How do we re-vision our to the butterfly and new life grows transformation is about new creation. com munities to create the world we from the old and discarded. Even With transformation we get a want for our children?

 love as a transfor mative experience butterfly not a better caterpillar. v Deep Ecological Transformation: requires us to let go of self and take a Wh at’s needed right now in terms What is our role individually and risk on the unknown. of the global transformation that’s coll ectively in changing the way All that exists is made up of elements taki ng place is a new paradigm. the Ear th is treated? What are our of previous life, which have been We need to develop a model of a con nections and relationships with re-arranged and re-ordered to healthy civilization and produce Goddess?

 create anew. Plants feed on the solutions to the current problems, By fully living our Goddess selves carbon dioxide we exhale and on rather than dwelling in the problems. we bring a different energy to every the nutrients of decomposing earth, When we saturate ourselves with aspe ct of our relationships - with which is fed by our decomposing constant drama around the problem, ourselves, our work, friends and bodies. We and other animals feed we become of the same mind-set, fam ily and the world in which we on the plants, and some animals eat and begin co-creating the problem. live. By living with Goddess we other animals. This never-ending A problem can’t be solved at the bec ome the change, the transformer process is par t of the continuous same level that it is created and and The Transformation.
The annual cycle of birth, death and rebirth that per ceived. It takes a brand new con ference, convened by GAIA Inc we call life. In the same way on the form of consciousness to create the will be held at Southport Community psychological level, we must let go of solu tion, then act to manifest it as a Cen tre on the Gold Coast, QLD. the old to create room for the new. joint reality. Check out the details and register www.goddessassociation.com.au



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Mastery Exercise! Tracey Jewel


n these changing times most women are in what I call “rushing women syndrome” reacting and responding to the outside world with no time to reflect and balance from within. This simple exercise will not only balance your energy centres but allow a space for you to direct your life towards your true goals, wishes & fulfilment. There are two parts to this process. The first is to get clarity on where you are now. Clarity is power and we can’t go in the direction we want to go in without getting honest with ourselves of where we are now! The second is action and we will do this by creating a feng shui bagua (energy map) as this invites you to look at every area of your life – something most of us don’t typically take the time to do.













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An extraordinary and fulfilling life comes from constant improvement in seven areas of life which relates to our chakra energy centres.All seven areas are equally important for fulfilment, however different areas require more attention at different times in our life. Also some areas need to be balanced before others. For example it is difficult to focus on our career/mission when our body is not in a healthy vibrant state. If we have relationship troubles, we need to master our own emotions first.


So take a blank piece of paper & pen and lets “rate” each chakra and energy area on a scale of 0 to 10. 0 being not mastered and 10 being outstanding, balanced and fulfilled. Area 1 – your Base Chakra, Physical Body & Health. Do you feel healthy, vibrant with a strong foundation & grounding? Area 2 – Sacral Chakra, Emotions & Meaning. Do you feel the way you want to feel very day? Do you experience more positive or negative emotions? Area 3 – Solar Plexus Chakra & Time. This energy centre is about action & doing. Time is just an emotion. Do you have enough time to do all you want to do in a non stressful way? Have you mastered time in your life or does time control you? Area 4 – Heart Chakra & Relationships. This energy is also about the relationship with yourself. Are you fulfilled with relationships with yourself and with others? Can you be your authentic true self in these relationships? Area 5 – Throat Chakra & Work/Career/Mission. First decide do you work, do you have a career or are you living your mission and purpose. Can you express and communicate your true self in this area? Area 6 – Third Eye Chakra, finances & future planning. The value of self is usually linked to value on money. Do you master money or does your finances control you and where you are going? Area 7 – Crown Chakra, Spirituality, Connection & Celebration of Life. Do you feel connected with your spirituality every day? Do you celebrate small and big things in life regularly? Ok now let’s get this into a visual format of a chakra energy wheel. This wheel is divided into the 7 chakra’s/ areas. The middle of the Circle is 0. The outside a 10. Draw a line across the section that represents the number you currently rate yourself to be at this point in time.

Now if this was a wheel on your car would you be able to drive the direction you want to go in for your life or drive at all? So now we know where we are, we can create where we want to be on an energy map! This is similar to a vision board of creating a visual picture of our most balanced and fulfilled life! Get some coloured A3 card. A great colour would be to choose a chakra energy centre that is out of balance. For example is your base/physical body is out of balance choose red. In the middle of the board find a picture or draw one of what represents you at your happiest – even a photo of you where you where truly happy, fulfilled and balanced. At each chakra point, collect images that represent what this area of your life will look like at a level 10 – happy, fulfilled and excited! Enhance the images with words that amplify the image. Example the word “love” for heart chakra images, “abundance” for money “vibrant” for health. Hang/place somewhere where you will see it often! You can put it somewhere private just for you or hang it in the hall for all to see – the most important is that YOU will see it every day! For more information visit www.goddessinabottle.com Tracey Jewel’s online Goddess Journey Program is an 8 step program to a mind body & soul transformation which covers all this and much more! Special Goddess Guru offer $149 valued at $497! Limited to 100 participants commencing 1st August 2012…Email: tracey_jewel@bigpond.com www.goddessguruezine.com


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The Return 0f the e n i l u c s a M e n i Div lahnd

Rhianne New


ith all the talk about the Return of the Goddess with the Venus transit that happened this June, I was contemplating, as I often do, about the level of stress, excitement, impatience, scattered-ness and craving of chocolate I was feeling. I can feel and am EXPERIENCING the dimensional shifts that so many are speaking about. Sometimes I can feel different aspects of myself living simultaneously and having different experiences. I can also be very present to the fact that, all aspects are wanting to work together in harmony so that a dynamic change can occur, that will evolve me quickly and allow me to create in ways that I have only dreamed of!! Yikes, no wonder I feel stress. Add to this that my 93 year old father called from California a couple weeks ago to tell all his 5 children to get to California because he was afraid he was going to die. So we did... talk about stressful.




Well, I have not had a great relationship with my Dad for years. The last two, we have hardly spoken, a kinda stale mate, perhaps two stubborn personalities with different views taking a stand, but both hurting. He is old school patriarchy, it is simply in his blood, I am well, not that, and so I have done all possible to get him OUT of my blood, but really, it is not possible, he is my flesh and blood, or I guess, I am his.. So, it got me to thinking. What I long for more than the return of the Divine Feminine, which has dominated my life for quarter of a century, is the return of the Father, the Divine Masculine. That is what I find underneath my stress right now, I want “him” at least as much or more than I want “her. My father, thankfully, did not die. What did happen was that, one night, when everything in the hospital was very quiet, I visited him by myself. I was so longing for a personal private conversation, and my wish was granted. So, we spoke. We were both ready. We both wanted resolution. We shared truths. Our hearts, our tears, and our laughter. We agreed to forgive. He admitted his years of mental instability and abuse. He was sorry, he did not know what to do. He knew it was difficult, the worst. But you know, it was not the worst, there were some good times. He worked hard to provide a very upper middle class life for us, he did what he thought was right...ahhh, what a tangled web we have woven in the culture, and in so many of our relationships, the father/daughter one, being a big issue for many. So, I came home. And now, I am deeply healing. And what arises for me today, is my deep longing for that Divine Masculine to come and join my Divine Feminine. To live as humans, within me, without me. To share and create and love and laugh. To be wise and wonderful and supportive to one another. I call for the gates to bring that True Masculine that was lost when the patriarchy took over, as much as the true feminine was lost. Rhianne Teija NewLahnd Internationally known with 25 years in the arts, ceremony, performance, community development and innovation to connect people to the Sacred FeminineWisdom and power within. www.rhiannenewlahnd.com Lives in Sedona, Arizona.

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B EC e Q IA uic L P k! RO M O

Tracey Jewel’s Online Goddess Journey Program is an 8 step program to a mind, body & soul transformation, which covers all this & much more!

Special Goddess Guru Program Offer

$149 valued at $497 Limited to 100 participants, commencing 1st August 2012



28 29

a r a T e t i Wh S’Roya Rose S’Roya runs regular Goddess Circles up on Mount Tamborine on the Gold Coast Qld. If you’d like to know more email her; email@sroyarose.com




Goddess Archetype ~ White Tara Purify your life and cleanse your Soul from all that is toxic within & without you right now!


hite Tara is an emanation or aspect of Tara a female Buddha and Hindu Mother Goddess, the creator of all life. Tara is the many faces of the female Buddha, and is represented by many colours. The white Tara represents purity of life and is therefore connected with longevity. One calls on her for health, strength, and longevity. But it is her inner purity and sensitive nature that she is most recognized for. Her white colour indicates this purity, but also indicates that she is Truth complete and undifferentiated compassion in action.

and help develop you more spiritually. Peel away the false things and gratifications that bring only emotional comfort to the pleasure senses and base egos needs. That to be mature and grow we have to be able to be truly in the world to see it fully and not constantly want to dull the senses. Letting go of toxic foods, chemicals, relationships, situations, loud noise, crowds and violent media will protect and honour your sensitivity. These are your spiritual gifts and need to be respected. The White Tara is represented as a mature woman, fullbreasted and wise woman, someone that cares about humanity that nurtures the hurts of life away. Don’t be afraid to use her healing qualities, they can be very powerful if called upon. Spend time connecting with her, allow her to enter you mind and purify your thinking, to lift you out of negative emotional dramas. She will hear your prayers and answer them; she will act on your behalf. Such is the depth of caring and compassion of the White Tara.

Her sensitivity allows her to see all suffering and hear all cries for help, even in the human world, even in the worlds of pain, using both ordinary and psychic or extraordinary means of perception. As a result she demonstrates that to become open, to be receptive to truth one must rid oneself of all that is impure, all that is of the ego, and become sensitive to all that is visible. To put up walls and create barriers is to operate in fear, needing protection for false cause. That when ones heart and mind is of pure intent then no harm can come to you. That to be truly gifted in seeing one must White Tara helps us with our longer-term problems, particularly problems of physical or mental/emotional become sensitive to all things, remove all veils that health. It sometimes seems as if she is more aloof or would cloud ones inner perception. distant, harder to contact at first. Then it is as if she sends us healing energies and mystical power and Often our lives and our body can become toxic understandings. through low or negative energies, food and thoughts. The Rainbow Body practice is also identified with Her message is to aid your growth by purifying your White Tara, (some also consider her to be connected mental, emotional and physical bodies so that your to the Lotus family). spiritual selves may step forward in ascension. This will unblock your psychic awareness centre (third eye)



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s s e d d o G k r a D e h t o t g n i d n e c s De

Extract from Journey to the Dark Goddess: How to Return to Your Soul by Jane Meredith. Published by Moon Books, available in bookshops and on-line.


he Dark Goddess doesn’t live in the upper world, on the surface of things; she’s in the inner.You might get flashes – or whispers – of her while you’re up above, living your ordinary life but you won’t get to meet her, not really, until you’ve descended. This descending is the journey we make towards her. Most times we visit the Underworld we’re not willing. This creates a few extra problems; slowness, confusion and resistance. Of the four parts of the Descent story, the actual Descent into the Underworld is the part we find most difficult. Preparing; well, anyone can put a brave face on that. And once you’re there, of course,




there’s nothing to be done. And coming up afterwards more-or-less makes sense. But – descending! Fighting that off seems like the good fight; noble, even, to resist being dragged into the mud, being abducted, seduced, tricked into an impossible bargain. The things we have to do on the way down into the Underworld are for each of us, uniquely and in every situation, the hardest things. Do not go gently… And we don’t. And usually it’s not gentle. On the way into the Underworld we have to give up control. We have to let go of things that are dear to us, positions we’ve worked for; order and behaviors we rely on; relationships and objects so precious we hardly know

how to continue existing without them. For each woman (and maybe each time it will be different) this includes our children, our creativity, success, health, security, marriage… the list is endless. These are the things that tie us to the upper world. It’s all very well to understand that life will continue if we suddenly die – that’s beyond our control and we manage not to think of it too often – but to know that life will continue without us if we just step out of it for a while… that seems even more painful to contemplate than actual dying. Our resistance to letting go of those things dear to us is so monumental we can spend years on a Descent. On the stairs, as it were, between one state and another. No longer entirely in the upper world, but not reaching the Dark Goddess either. Lost in the labyrinthine paths of the Underworld that always bring you back to exactly where you were, until you surrender. In this state we may cling even more strongly to those things that are left to us, not understanding – and never having been taught – that this is to delay the whole, inevitable purpose. If we were to have the power to cling to being awake, and so never sleep; how would that be? If we had the power to hold summer here forever; what would happen then? If individuals did not die; how could that work? So, too, attempting to remain forever in the upper world is not sustainable. Delay on the way to the Underworld does not change the pattern, it merely delays it. And the consequences of delay – like delaying sleep or winter or death – may have their own cost. Descent is a death-like process but it is not death. On the contrary; it is life. Stripped of everything we will meet ourselves again, our soul. From that point on we can rise, like spring returning, to renew our lives with fresh meaning, vigor and insight. But the way down is hard. Perhaps because our culture has put so much emphasis on things – on owning objects, on achieving success, and on personality – to let go of all of these (or even any of these) seems truly dire to us. Maybe Buddhists, or the world’s poor, or those who maintain voluntary poverty and a life of service would not have such a hard time. Almost the only way I have found to do it successfully is not to get too caught up in the idea of what is being left behind. There’s a process I use in workshops where each woman is asked; Will you give up your (job, beauty, personality, relationship, children…)? Each woman is asked this question many times, with a different thing to give up

being asked of her each time. I tell them the only answer they can give is yes. Or they can stay silent. And if they stay silent, unable to say yes? The question will be asked again. The same question will be asked as many times as it takes until they can answer yes. To find a way to speak that word yes one may have to imagine one’s own death, where we will no longer have a choice. One may have to go on faith alone, knowing that the myths of the Goddess carve a path forward into the darkness and trusting that this path emerges again, eventually. There’s no bargaining with the Underworld. There’s no bargaining, either, with the states of life and death we’ve been born into, so you’d think we’d be used to it. We cannot hang onto the way things as they are now and expect them also to change. We cannot hang onto the very things we need to change. We cannot visit the Dark Goddess, or meet our soul again while we are still clinging to the form of things, to the vestiges of the upper world. We are born naked, with nothing. This is how we will emerge, again, from the Underworld. It is not unlike the idea of a soul choosing to incarnate and having to leave all knowledge and memory of other states or other lives behind. Once the excess is gone – and when we’re talking about the Underworld, nearly everything is excess, including possessions, relationships, habits, personality, activities, status and just about anything else that isn’t pure being – there’s bliss. Oneness. Meditators discipline themselves to reach this inner state. Cultists try to merge with it. Artists pursue its vision doggedly. Athletes force themselves into it. We all have moments of this oneness; in love, in nature, in music, in deep ritual, in dreams. If you think about the times you have experienced such simple being, such oneness, you are close to imagining what it is like in the Underworld; a place where extraneous things have been left far behind and the utter essence of existence is concentrated and almost exploding within you. Jane Meredith is a Priestess of the Goddess, a writer, and workshop presenter. Her book Aphrodite’s Magic: Celebrate and HealYour Sexuality is in the form of a magical spell. She runs workshops internationally, & can be contacted via email at: jane@janemeredith. com and her schedule, website and blog can be found at: www.janemeredith.com www.goddessguruezine.com


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e h t t u o g C Clearin Cobwebs Nicole Rowley

older days bring about time to reflect upon who we are, where we are and what we want. It’s time for reflection, re-organizing, cleaning out and connecting for inner guidance, for many reasons love, relationships, career, others and ourselves. Being kept indoors is not really ideal for many of us and there is only a select few who love the colder months. I am one of them. My birthday is on June 15, right in the middle of a fabulous love month. I am lucky to be able to celebrate and love my birthday in the middle of winter. Most of you are laughing I know, or thinking, “I am not sure if I can love winter?”, read on and allow me to try and help you enjoy the colder days.


Sitting by the fire or heater gives me a sense of belonging, slower pace and insight whilst my mind goes through a thousand and one thoughts. Taking a moment always helps us to gather information to sort through. Good or bad, our thoughts rule what and how we react, act and be. Work through your thoughts and feelings. Once I gather my information and sort it, I feel a sense of lifting to the clouds that takes me to my highest good. It’s a fabulous place to go, knowing what you need to sort or feel.


Winter for me means slowing and recharging myself. This allows me to be clear of any muck I have attracted or allowed into my psyche, and I am able to always heal others to my best intentions. A tip a great friend gave to me is to get rid of any muck, please visualise white light going in at the top of your head and flowing all the way down to your feet. Once at your feet, see the muck go from a dark color to clear. Repeat this for 3 days until no dark muck can be seen. I always feel amazing, clear and balanced once again after this. I know you will too.


If you have come up against a T-Intersection and not knowing which direction to take, please ask , “Which way do I have to go please?” and visualise a golden arrow and see which direction it’s pointing. Left can mean you have to rewind and go back or simply go left. Straight ahead, yes you guessed it, go straight ahead. Right means yes, go right or fast forward and look ahead at the consequences if you go this way. This is not necessarily just for Winter my friends, it can be all the time.





Our minds are like computers. We need to delete and archive old files. The way I have been taught by a dear friend of mine, is through meditation. Once relaxed, visualise a room with bookcases full to the brim with books. In the middle of the room there is a cauldron or a fireplace. Grab the books and place into the flames and watch them burn. When you feel you have completed taking all the books out, go to the other side of the room and you will find a big chest. Please check in there, these are those hidden old archived thoughts or deals/contracts you have made. Place these too, on the flames. Go back and check the bookcases, we always leave those last ones we don’t quite want to get rid of. *laughing*. When you feel your done, please come back to yourself as with all meditations. How do you feel? I love this technique and guide many of my clients through it. We make contracts when we were younger like, “I am going to love him/ her forever”, “I will never work there”, “I wont be friends with them”. All of these are set in our minds and unless we delete them, they sit there and cause a negative energy without us even knowing it.


Writing - this method allows us to let go of any issues on our chests. My Nan always taught us how to do this by writing lists, feelings or a situation that was bothering us. If we had anything on our minds and could not speak, this was & is still one of the best solutions I have done yet. From writing, we get to see it better, in black and white. Once we can see it from another angle it can help us to solve our problems quicker and with more confidence in ourselves. When we know something, it brings confidence. Winter - a time for warm soups, bed socks, warm cocoa or Milo sitting in your PJ’s and slippers. The part I know nobody likes is getting out of bed on a cold winters morning. I use all the light that I have to get this part done. Oh it is a time of merriness my friends, but it wont be if you don’t believe it will be. A huge part of positivity is believing and being optimistic. It is how we think or feel that tells us what is real or not. We all have been bought up with our families’ beliefs and ways. My Mum has never liked it, but my Aunty & Nan held my loving thoughts and feelings of winter. Lucky for Mum that we all have helped her through the season she most dreads. Memories of past can be important in how we react to the cold season. More clothes to wash and hard to get dry

properly in the winter, I used to worry, and trust me, it’s much better if you don’t. Negative thoughts only bring about negative feelings and this is what you are putting out to the Universe! If you have a love relationship you are trying to heal from or its excitingly just happening, winter is an excellent time for both! On the healing side of things, all things that make you feel warm can be a downer sometimes, and to stay on the positive side here;


Light a pink candle and ask that this wish send out love, healing and light to all, including yourself. Thanking those that you are most grateful for and feel love for yourself. Watch the flame as it flickers and sparkles. Visualise yourself embraced in arms that are warm, comfortable and safe. This will all help you to feel and manifest love for yourself. On the just happening side of things, winter can help with the cuddling and snuggling. The colder temperatures require warm embraces. Getting to know each other better. The meals you want to cook for your new man or woman. ‘Love’ is beautiful, and who am I to stand in the way of new or true love. Fill your hearts with love. I am a hugging person and I know how it helps people by just doing this amazing generous gift. Smiles, hope, faith and feelings of love envelope them. Touch is a wonderful sensation and helps us in ways we can’t describe. Already there side of things, winter is great for movie days, get a great comedy and share laughs together and add positive vibes to your relationship and life. Just by doing one ounce of effort each day, help let your partner know they are loved, respected and make them laugh, will earn you the brownie points. Have you ever heard the saying, “One good deed a day goes a long way.” There are plenty of ways to put in effort. Love and imagination can take you to many places. Be nice to each other, build on the friendship that you have together. Magical winter blessings to you all...



Nicole Rowley is a Psychic Medium/ Clairvoyant and Healer. Nicole has a genuine calling to help guide, heal and empower others. Contact Nicole via Facebook and Little Shop OfWicca page. goodwitchnicole@ yahoo.com.au or 0410 026 488. www.goddessguruezine.com


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Gratitude is no grapevine! Karen Lyons


alking in gratitude is a term we hear a lot of these days. I am fortunate to mingle with many who do just this. As a Counsellor & sensitive, I am regularly exposed to the anguishes & concerns of others. It has become apparent to me, that even though you can teach this form of appreciation & abundant multiplication, few, who actively seek help, choose to follow it.Why is that? This question is one I ask myself with repeated monotony. It’s not that being grateful is difficult…or is it for some? Some people are so heavily entrenched in years of learnt behavioural patterns that the mere thought of change & the unknown, unsettles them to the core & they retreat to the ‘safety’ of what they know, even if its toxic or does not serve them. I saw a client once who could not even fathom the gratitude concept. In fact several sessions later this same client was stressed trying to even find things to be grateful for. This client’s priority was about “telling everyone else’s story…but so & so did this & so & so did that” & that’s all the client could focus on. At moments like those I so want to say, well for starter’s there’s this, this, that & that to be grateful for, & you just told me about these other 6 fab things. But that is not my role; my role (amongst others) is to steer, guide & help the client discovers things for themselves, not enable them. To me, & many like me, gratitude & the benefits of a life of gratitude appear to be so obvious; it’s like the nose on your face. Why can we see it & they can’t? I’m beginning to view “Gratitude” in counselling like learning a foreign language. I’ve had to take a deep breath, step back & imagine my clients are learning Tahitian or African. Some have a natural aptitude for it, some don’t. Some have the ability & desire to instantly welcome positive change, some may slowly, gently, get there or almost there (enough to make a substantial impact in their world) & some may not. Tolerance & understanding are my lessons in these instances. When we were born life didn’t strut into our birthing room guaranteeing us an easy ride, which is why focusing on the good things in life makes the ride so much sweeter.




Speaking from experience there will always be challenges, always be hiccups of varying proportions however growth is there for the taking from every experience & every experience is ultimately the sum of how you choose to view it. It’s at times like these the essence of who we are leaps to the forefront. I very much doubt the pioneering Suffragettes, Helen Keller, Anne Frank, Josephine Baker or pick one of 1000’s of others lived lives of ungrateful wallowing? They saw the good, the great, the positive, the beautiful, the joy, the abundance, the endless opportunities!!! They were human & in being human probably had their private moments of relapse & contemplation however they did not allow a negative lack of appreciation to envelope their entire existence. So is it hard wiring, childhood beliefs, learnt behavioural patterns, life’s rough hand, strength of character & courage, fear &/or genetics that set gratitude & nongratitude people apart? I feel you intrinsically have a draw to one way or the other; there will always be the Tarzans & Jane’s who swing back & forth & we all fall into that category, to a certain extent, in varying degrees on various days. Being in the company of those walking in gratitude, like anything else, will definitely rub off, but will it stick once the person is flying solo again? So intrinsically, I believe, a draw, yes. Also, I believe courage & strength of character play a resilience role. Taught? Yes but it’s appearing to me that you can only teach gratitude to certain personality types unless they’re prepared to re-educate & overlay their hard wiring & reset their priority systems. A big ask & massive commitment for someone in a less than receptive, unhealthy, state of mind. I’m not saying it can’t be done, anything is possible. I’m merely stating food for thought that this “simple tool” may not be so simple, for a certain ratio of humans, after all. Karen Lyons holds a Counselling Diploma, (presently studying her Masters in Counselling), is an Advanced Psychotherapist, Neuro Linguistic Programmer & is about to embark on an EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) qualification. Contact: email at: k.l@live.com.au

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36 37

n o l a v A f o t i u r F The .. .Apples

Apple Blossom


s I sit beneath the apple tree, I can feel the hedges and gateways slowly open as I rise to touch dimensions of the ancient ones, like a beacon shining to a new existence. It is here that I can hear the wise ones speak as they hold me within their strong guardianship. Heavy mists surround me, moving in unison with my drifting and illusion fuelled mind. My eyes opening to see what has not been seen before - like the orchard of sparkling silver trees and glitter running streams which decorate the forest like jewels. While faeries dance merrily around a wishing well of inspiration, that holds bubbles which surface to the top, filled with answers waiting to be caught by the questioner. I let go. I trust. Then a porcelain white unicorn nudges me gently to follow. I am taken on a magical journey between the here and now, and the there and after in this wondrous realm. I learn that this is the place where musical journeys are born, and where poetic rhythms are made with each word strung in time with nature. Then within an instance, as though time had paused…I realise, I am in the land of apples…Avalon. Named Abellio by the Celts, Pomme by the French, Pomum in Latin, and Afal in Welsh, what ever name




you choose to gift this precious fruit, the apple tree has long been acknowledged for its power, mysticism, and magical powers. It is said to hold the secret passageway to Avalon, the key to the kingdom of the unicorns, faeries and the entrance to finding ancient wisdom, knowledge, and tales untold. As each humble apple hangs from the branches, almost like small buttocks in appearance, they carry a deep feminine energy, connecting to love, fertility, and even the triple Goddess. In its virgin form it is young, innocent and glows with tinted rose coloured cheeks. As the mother, the apple becomes round, ripe, full and filled with seeds of its own kind, ready to be emptied and born to continue its natural cycle of life and re-birth. Then as the crone it slowly rots, carrying wrinkles like imprinted memories once had and, a life which has experienced the sweet, as well as the sour and bitter times. Yet, as each one meets its demise, it is renewed again through the seeds. It is through this process of death and renewal that the apple has become sacred to the Celts. For they carry the power to attain immortality and eternal youth, holding within the five stages of ‘birth, initiation, consummation, repose and death.’

Personality of the Apple

June 25th to July 4th, or December 23rd to January 1st. As a person who is born between the above dates, you are highly sensitive, intuitive, and act sometimes impulsively on your natural intuition alone. This is why it is important to always monitor the balance between your actions and reactions, for sometimes you can go overboard or take things out of their natural proportion. You are also gentle, innocent as a unicorn, and young at heart, yet still hold an aura of sensuality and mysticism. Although these are all good attributes to have, it can sometimes lead you to feel vulnerable and on the defensive. For deep down you fear being hurt, and need constant reassurance that you are loved. Therefore you find yourself retreating and withdrawing as your best way of protection, for it helps you to feel safe, as to trust another does not come easily to you. Dreaming and drifting off with the faeries is a favourite past time allowing your imagination to run wild in order to create different worlds of existence, much like that of Avalon.

Apple Faeries

With the energy of youth an immortal glow is cast upon each one, showing that age to the apple faeries is non existent. For as they sprinkle the harmonious power of love and happiness to all, they remain young and radiant. Gently their feminine touch seduces one closer as they are sensed through the passing breeze that blows their scent, swirling in delirious and hypnotic puffs of beauty and sensuality. They can be reached when one accidentally finds themselves unwilling drawn in by this tempting allure, falling into their heart, their very core. On other accounts a person may be lucky to catch a glimpse of the apple faeries, as they diligently paint the white and pink blossoms, tirelessly counting each one to make sure that every flower has exactly five petals. If you are unsure if your lover is your true flame forever more, then chant the following words five times quietly as you sit beneath an apple tree: “Apple faeries that carry the powers of beauty and youth As innocent as the unicorn, gentle, sweet and alluring Is my lover the one for me? Please show me now the truth” Wait for a sign. It may be a leaf falling down to land in your palms, or a bird that perches on your shoulder. Be quiet…be still…and soon you will receive your answer.

The Apple and the Unicorn

The Unicorn is said to reside beneath an apple tree that lies in the heart of the mists of Avalon. Connecting with the Unicorn brings a feeling of innocence, and an ageless sense of purity and grace. During a waning Moon, preferably on a Tuesday, add one cup of apple cider to your bath water. Gently swirl around to mix. While bathing say these words knowing that all guilt is released, all hardship is shed, and a sense of purity and innocence is again restored in your life:

“Where rainbows are made Where dreams are born I call thee close Magical Unicorn” Fruit of the Gods

Goddess Iduna - It is believed that each night Iduna gifts the Gods an apple to keep them renewed. Bringing to them the power of immortality! Goddess Demeter - As Demeter morns the loss of her daughter Persephone, taken at the hands of Hades into the underworld, she is left empty and without a core. This is symbolic of the apple and its inner core, or heart. (Persephone also means Kore) King Arthur - Morgan le Fay, sister of Arthur was known to add a pernicious bite where she could to bring his reign as King to an end. It was only after death began to plague her brother’s body, that she boarded his lifeless form in a boat to Avalon, the land of the apples to bring him healing and restore his strength. *Cut an apple horizontally to reveal a magical pentagram. Apple Blossom is a natural psychic, medium, and witch. She writes for many new age magazines in Australia and internationally. For a copy of her books, SPIRIT IN THE MIRROR, MY BATH MY CAULDRON and PERCEPTIONS OF NATURE go to: http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/ AppleBlossomPsychic http://www.appleblossomscottage.com Photo taken by ‘Julz Photography’ 2011 www.goddessguruezine.com


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Arrival of the Dark Lady

other women. They were deemed to be removed from the domain of beauty, femininity, and womanhood.

Mainstream ideologies began to portray her as the evil, Jezebel whose Awakening and very existence was a detriment to Celebration of the the well-being of society. However, what remained of great intrigue was Dark Feminine in that simultaneously, her presence the film, was deemed as necessary for labor, skills, and production in the very “The Help” Through same systems, which were to ensure the Eyes of Minnie her “apparent” subordination. And yet, it would be within these very Davis and Celia same systems, where subconscious Lauren Clark Foote. acknowledgement of her beauty would be adorned. In the academy award winning film, “The Help,” we he Dark Goddess, a revered Yet, with the introduction, and and powerful aura of the creation of patriarchy, the demonizing are presented with one example, of such a recognition in the relationship feminine mystique. Once of the Dark Goddess, and her of Minnie Davis and Celia Foote. spirituality took place. She was cherished, nourished, and revered Throughout the book, and film, we tainted with horrendous depictions by those communities who aligned with the Circle, her very essence that associated her with evil and being are presented with the subconscious awakening in the re-celebration of the was considered the epitome of void of life. It was from the tainting beauty, allure, healing, power, and of “darkness” (and its association with Dark Goddess through this particular bond. Through the character of womanhood and femininity) which virtue by all those who experienced Minnie Davis, viewers are presented first introduced the conception of her presence. Having the ability to with the personification of the reflect not only her own existence, hierarchy as it related to skin color. dark, feminine energy. Her role as Those who personified the Dark but also the existence of others, maid, and her mistreatment by Hilly women all over were able to Goddess, in the physical realm, soon Holbrook (her previous employer) are experience themselves within her. were depicted as subservient to all





the traces of the demonizing of that dark power. Having the skill as an excellent cook, Minnie’s knowledge in her exquisite understanding of the delicacies of Mother Nature have made her a vital force in her role as a domestic worker. However, on a more subconscious level, such knowledge can be interpreted as the ability of the Dark Goddess (or that Dark Feminine energy) to use creation as a source for her own empowerment. Such becomes truly evident in Minnie’s ability to take pride and use her artistry of cooking as a validation in the ability for her to provide healing to those fortunate enough to grace her presence. It is also a peculiar aura where the validation and joy of her existence also comes through her love in the art of cooking. Such greatly contradicts the patriarchal (and sexist) notions, which attributes her to being a destroyer, and epitome of evil. In venturing to the character of Celia Foote, viewers become observant of the awakening and immersion of the dark feminine mystique. The character of Celia Foote is one, which foreshadows the awakening of woman to her praise, immersion, and desire to intertwine with this dark energy. Celia hires Minnie out of need to strengthen, and learn, skills in the domestic sphere. This partnership would later transform into an aura, where each of the two feminine beings saw themselves in each other. Celia’s connection, and eventual betterment, with Minnie through personifies the healing powers of the dark feminine. What remains of further intrigue is Celia’s first introduction to Minnie. Celia is ecstatic, pleasant, friendly, welcoming, and bewildered by Minnie’s presence. She is neither frightened nor repulsed in inhabiting the same space with Minnie. Such actions are symbolic of those ancient traditions of womankind, when darkness was celebrated for her beauty, grace, and love. She was viewed as the source for engaging, and understanding the mysteries of creation. Through this introduction, and union, the “contrast” of black and white have been rendered meaningless. Rather, black has come to be the visibility of white, and white the subtle recognition of black’s allure.

burial of her stillborn child. This particular action also brings forth another particular symbolism. Minnie’s presence in the scene where Celia is burying her child is an indirect acknowledgement of that dark force (the originator of life) that we will all have to revert back to through relatively new terminology called death. Simultaneously, we also notice the strength and power of the character of Celia Foote, through her realization of Minnie’s vulnerability, and her womanhood. The abuse inflicted towards Minnie by her partner Leroy is noticed by Celia. The recognition and advice that Celia gives to Minnie is also reclamation of the nurture for the dark, feminine power. At this specific time in the film, the physical reflections of the Dark Goddess are no longer seen as abstract objects who are systematically created to serve the needs of others. She is no longer viewed as carrying the world on her shoulders, while her own pains, sufferings, womanhood, and humanity remains ignored. Rather, she is viewed as a living being, who despite her strength, is, too, in need of life-sustaining forces that also replenishes her energy, while also benefiting from it.

Throughout the friendship, existing between Celia and Minnie, one becomes intrigued to view how the realm of balance is brought forth. Though Minnie occupies the role of a maid or “the help,” one becomes entranced to view how Minnie’s existence is also presented as deserving of that very same nurture, love, and care that she has given to Celia. During Celia’s miscarriage, it was Minnie who was there to support her during the

Lauren Clark completed her studies as a ComparativeWomen’s Studies major at Spelman College in Atlanta, Georgia (USA) in Spring 2009. Miss Clark’s concentrations included the following: African-descended, African, Asian, Latina, Indigenous, Native and European women in the areas of health, performing-visual arts, literature, sociology-anthropology, and religion. She is a freelance writer and activist for womens causes.

Towards the end of the film viewers witness the transformation of Celia Foote into a confident woman, who has found healing, and acceptance, in who she is. The most powerful scene, however, comes Celia’s final product. After having acquired her skills, Celia now prepares a meal for Minnie. She provides her with the same nutrients that Minnie has given her. Some would call this a reinterpretation of the “Golden Rule.” On a deeper level, it is none other a lesson and performance of the reflection and appreciation for the existence of the Dark Goddess. Celia’s showcase of love to Minnie re-creates the spiritual connection with this ancient power. It is also one where Celia, through her acknowledgement of Minnie, also re-discovers her own unique connection with the feminine spirit through her role as an active participant; no longer in need of rescue. Celia has become awakened, and Minnie has become restored.



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Source:Visionary Artist: Ravynne Phelan http://www.dreamsofgaia.com





s s e d d o G e h t f o l l The Ca

he Goddess as the divine aspect of the Sacred Feminine traditionally she has three parts to her natural journey as a woman; the Maiden or youth, a nubile young woman usually (under the age of 21) before she marries or bears a child; the Mother, glowing and fertile nurturer, usually (2242) once one has married and born children; the Wise One or Dark Goddess usually (43 and older) a mature wiser woman often a grandmother (traditionally she was no longer menstruating). However, there is much more to this original journey than just these three social archetypal aspects.

The divine feminine lives within men and women alike and both can embrace the energy of her as part of their natural duality and total spiritual balance. The Goddess lies dormant, hidden deep within the lunar/moon DNA part of the ancient self, deep within the core or essence of one’s Soul. Everyone’s Soul has this within his or her cellular memory; it is innate as we are all born with it. The goddess is an inherent part of our nature. She naturally surfaces from within our heart and is awakened slowly and subtly as we journey through life. However she is often unnoticed. If we look for her and embrace her, we can use her natural dormant powers to evolve and become more whole. She lifts the veils of untruths from our heart and offers us clarity and natural wisdom, which aids our integrity adding depth to our being more authentic. Her cosmic

S’Roya Rose

and mind, to know what serves her and what doesn’t, to know what to let go of and what to keep. She must become emotionally intelligent and wise and learn how to feel safe The Goddess embodies all that is expressing herself, especially her wild and natural, all that is infinite doubts, fears, anxieties, anger and wisdom, all that is infinite love and all rage. This is no easy task to undertake that is healing. She is all compassion, and some would say that it is not for all that is intimate, sensual and sexual, the faint hearted. Once known, she all that is beauty, all that represents is expressed as being a whole woman the essence of the Sacred Feminine. who is comfortable and at ease with Therefore she is all accepting, all whom she has become - mind, body allowing, all that brings balance, and and spirit. all that is non judgmental and wise. She is the keeper of duality, the very T here is a call from the womb of creation, the earth and depth of Womankind to move cosmos combined. There are many forward into balance, into time honoured ways that enable us to honouring her divine feminine get in touch with the many aspects soul, enabling her to fuly explore of the Goddess, connecting with her subtle sacredness, helping to awaken the Power of the Goddess. the divine feminine part of self. The Goddess is dormant in every human being, waiting to be awakened She understands then invited to participate in the the natural cycles of life! dance of life, allowed and unleashed To awaken the Goddess within, one and not just in women. There are some men who learn to access and must become familiar and in touch claim their goddess aspect helping to with all aspects of one’s self. One bring about balance to their maleness must awaken the feminine creative/ and duality. It is honoured within intuitive/psychic - mind; the life men as it is within women. We all bringer/sensual/sexual - body; one’s have the Goddess aspect within moods/inner tides/natural rhythm/ us to a lesser or greater degree. ebb and flow - emotions; the greatness Connecting and embracing the Call of one’s own active energy/spirit of the Goddess within will help to soul. create better balance within mankind A Goddess must know herself on once again, another reason for us all all levels within and without. To to awaken and embrace her quiet do this, she must claim all that was powers! once separate, all that was once An excerpt from S’Roya’s‘Awakening scattered. She must heal her karmic the Power of the GODDESS” ebook: wounds and gather herself from all that would claim power over her. She S’Roya holds regular Goddess workshops. Call 07 5545 0838 must come to know her own heart energy helps shift our perceptions beyond our linear time concepts to the possibility of other dimensions existing simultaneously.



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ave you ever wondered why things in life often happen in threes? Or why when good or even bad luck strikes we anticipate the event to happen three fold? Are we creating these situations with our superstitious natures? Or is there an explanation behind the power of three? We see the number three through our every day lives in movies, literature, biology, science, sport, religion and in our every day vernacular. For instance, we have the three wise men, three strikes and your out, the three wise monkeys, father, son and holy ghost, the lion, the witch and the wardrobe, the three little pigs, hat-trick, rain, hail or shine, three coins in a fountain, three blind mice, three trimesters in pregnancy, three parts of an atom, “paper, rock, scissors�, and the three great pyramids of Giza - to name but a few.




e e r h T f o r e The Pow

Even in our physical body we are made up of the number three: three parts of an arm – hand, forearm and upper arm, three parts of a leg – foot, three layers of skin, lower-body, torso and head, three layers of the eye, three ear bones, three parts of the spine, three layers of teeth, three base pairs in a codon (DNA), and the list goes on. From a metaphysical/spiritual standpoint, we are created in the vision of the number three, as we are made of body, mind and spirit. In the creation story through many bibles around the world God said let there be light, and there was light. Thus it was God’s word, that created light, created matter. So the number three appears to be an integral part of the foundations of life as we know it, as it is reflected through our physical life, is part of our mental psyche, and forms the basis of our spiritual creation. How then can we work with the number three to embody its full power and potential through us, and not fall into the trap of being a victim to it’s inner workings? The answers, of course, lie within. As a goddess, we naturally imbue the power of three within us. We experience three phases in our lives, maiden, mother and matriarch (crone). And during each of these phases we each have the power to work consciously with the number three to co-create fulfilling, creative and meaningful lives. Whether we are male or female, we have the ability to work with the feminine creative power of the number three within us to transform our lives away from victim, into active participant. Co-creating through the power of the number three, involves acknowledging the three aspects of creation within us, and hence creating our realities from the inside out. So lets make a start. Step One: Hold the mental thought of what you wish to manifest into your life. Lets not sweat the small stuff here, but focus on the higher aspects of what your inner guidance wishes to bring into your physical world. Allow the message to be fully received from your higher self, and the vision within you mind to be fully formed. Hold this vision strong and receive it in your mind with reverence for the divine wisdom gifted in this moment.

Simone Matthews

Step Two: Acknowledge the mental vision in step one throughout your physical body. What does if feel, smell, taste, and hear like to have that vision manifest physically within your world? How do you feel emotionally with that vision being present in your life? Experience the vision within your body as if it is real, as if it is already present within in - after all it is already within you, it’s just in its energetic form and you are the co-creator making it physical. If it helps to anchor the vision within your physical body then stamp on the ground, dance on the earth, shout it from the rooftops and fully receive the thought within your physical body. Step Three: Now simply bring the thought and the experience of the thought together and release these two aspects through your heart. As you take the mental thought and combine it with physical experience of the thought, simply liberate the energy through your heart, acknowledging the vision as already physically created or made manifest in the greater cosmos for the greater good. When you let go of the energy through your heart it is without fear, concern, hope or anxiety. Simply release the energy in the name of divine love, and state and it is so. Do not hold an air of anticipation for the outcome, but rather hold an acknowledgement of it as already done. By applying the power of three throughout our daily lives, we acknowledge the creator or source energy within us. By aligning the three aspects of our being and sending out ripples through the quantum fabric of our Universe we become that which our mind, body and soul aligned to co-create. We are no longer the victims of circumstance and superstitious fallacies of misfortune, but rather we are working the power of the Universe through us, and being the full divine power of three, the number of the empowered goddess. Simone Matthews is the founder of Universal Life Tools Metaphysical School of Healing. For more information visit www.UniversalLifeTools.com or email empower@universallifetools.com. www.goddessguruezine.com


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y g o l o r t As

GG welcomes our new astrologer Elizabeth Vaccaro

. . . m r a h C n a i Venus ! y h p a r g o e r o h C It’s all in the


he Goddess of love and beauty, Venus, has a refined orchestra of dark and light, melody and rhythm, and grace of form. Venus identifies our palette of the ideal in every line imaginable. To tune into Venus to find our own potential is our sacred source of light… Afterall, how effective is our truth, communication, or any form of expression, if it lacks love and devotion? As you identify with Venus, you



learn about your intrinsic beauty as a strength. It is considered a strength when your unique characteristics freely shine with the sun, and you radiate at your divine frequency; nature. Therefore, to find your most inspiring ‘choreography’ in this dance of life, you will meet with many Venusian blessings of beauty, love, joy, and contentment. When you wake to meet the day, are you surrounded by your favourite colours? Do you feel excited about


what you will have for breakfast? When you get dressed do you contemplate the practicality, yet stylishness, of your outfit? Perhaps you listen to a song or two… or three?? There are many layers that form the foundation for a day’s dance which may pass you by before you even realise. But if you pay attention, you will have coordinated an appropriately Venusian entrance for this event!

By understanding what Venus is doing right now, we can work with her to best step in her Goddess footprints. Each day in life, it is vital to start with your best choreography of lines, colours, textures, and notes; your lines with your hairstyle, clothes, and décor; you’re colours and textures in your clothes, sheets and décor; your notes when you put on your favourite perfume and music… and magically, all the lines, colours, textures, and notes will all intertwine when you take your first bite. When we move, we dance in lines… to notes. This choreography portrays the colours and textures of this music… and the beauty interweaves as they become one; just like food; just like the Earth.

To make this dance a good one, Make it begin when you awake… Rejuvenate when you sleep, And continue when you arise… Within your dance, you need to know your dreams to make your life whole, complete, one. If this isn’t the case, it will become segmented, separating all the qualities that bring us closer to Venusian love, beauty, and grace. To look out into the sky, and to gaze upon her actions, perhaps we can catch a glimpse of what she’s doing – ‘Cos she’s got it all down pat! As we left June, we experienced Venus quincunx Pluto, giving us a feeling of transformation upon our

entry into July. All the while, Venus has been retrograde. The meaning of ‘retrograde’ is exactly that – ‘retro’! Therefore, July is all about exploring all your ‘favourite oldies’ in music,

To choreograph your

ownVenusian dance… You need to listen to the beat in your heart! fashion, food, hobbies and sports. It is a time of reflection.You don’t necessarily need to tease your hair while wearing hot-pink lipstick, a balloon skirt, and Wham T-shirt… but you can if you want! It is a time about reflecting on the tastes you have delved into passionately in the past, identifying key signature pieces that you still adore, and reconnecting with them in a way that resonates with your style today. If you used to go-cart, ice skate, tap dance, knit, or something else that is creative, definitely give it another try. While you’re at it, unleash your old photo albums, records, cassette tapes, and CD’s… while indulging in your longtime fave dessert! Considering this retro phase is also in Gemini, it is a good time for reconnecting with sisters, brothers and kindred spirits – both from the present and the past.You may also wish to delve into books, movies, and cartoons that have inspired your journey so far! Reconnect and explore… Use this imaginative connection to re-identify the dreams and ideals you have envisioned for your life journey. This is a good checkpoint to be grateful for all your

wishes granted so far, to be proud of all the work you have put into your hopes and dreams, and to be aware of the steps you need to take towards the dreams you still wish to bring into your daytime reality. Remember, our dreams need to flow into our lives to be lived completely. This retrograde aspect allows us to revisit the past, and to reminisce to regather all the good we have left behind… to bring back to the present. As August graces upon us, Venus completes her retrograde activity. For one more week, she revolves forward through Gemini before reaching Cancer. At this time, the Sun aspects with Uranus, wishing for all your newfound unique tweaks to shine, shine, SHINE! All the while, Venus is trine Saturn, platforming the ideal space for you to implement your new-old loves into the structure of your life. It’s time for your old-new dreams to take stage… your dream choreography is about to premier!!! …For the remainder of August, with Venus revolving forward through Cancer, it’s time to nurture, nurture, nurture...

Allow your daydreams to grow, And your Venusian-Heart to bloom. ElizabethVaccaro is a philospher of the natural world. Her new ebook ‘Enchanted Healing Philosophy’ can be found on her website @ www.elizabethvaccaro.com



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Bronwyn Fish is an Events manager & owns Soulessence. She runs regular courses & meditaions Her website: www.soulessence.com

Symbol: Cat

Astute, secretive and extremely independent, they were seen as the Guardians of the Underworld. In Ancient Rome, the cat was sacred to Diana and considered the guardian of homes. In Muslim lore, the cat is honoured with an “M” marking on the forehead of many tabby cats for saving Mohammad from a fierce snake attack. In Norse legend the cat is depicted drawing the chariot of their fertility goddess, Freyja, and therefore a blessing upon newborns. In ancient Egypt in honour of the Goddess Bastet, cats were mummified along with mice for them to eat. Cats are synonymous with creativity and psychic power. They remind us to not fall prey to false beliefs and to trust in ourselves to be shown the truth. When a cat makes an appearance in our lives it is a message for us to shake up our old habits, make some fresh changes in our lives and be more flexible in our thinking.

Rune: Felu

Fehu literally means “cattle” and this rune acts like a catalyst. It is a wake-up call that says here you are now, your day to day reality as one of the many, but what lies beyond? Fehu is the first step in breaking away from the herd, to catch a glimpse of your potential, what is possible, a fresh start. In starting new endeavors, Fehu activates the will, restores self-confidence and gives your courage a boost and helps us in setting goals to get the ball rolling. Use this symbol against procrastination as it is a reminder to think for yourself and then take action in this present moment. 48



Angel: Ambriel

Ambriel is the Angel of Communication. Whether it be everyday speech, writing, creative expression, or mediation, this angel inspires clear conscious communication by gently and lovingly awakening our Spirit and our Inner Voice and guides our consciousness so that we might better recognise and hear our Inner Truth. Ambriel is considered to be an angel of protection and presides over the sun sign of Gemini and the month of May. In many ways, Ambriel increases our awareness of the duality related to Gemini. She helps us to understand both sides of difficult situations, to feel compassion for both parties in a conflict. She gives us flexibility, loyalty, adaptability, balance and empathy with people and problem solving.

Crystal: Haematite

Polished Hematite has a smooth almost liquid silver finish. Derived from a Greek word “haima” meaning blood, it is sometimes referred to as the “bloodstone”. Romans wore face paint made from haematite as they believed the stone brought the wearer strength and courage in the face of their enemy. Haematite stimulates iron absorption in the small intestine, which in turn improves oxygen supply to the body. It is said to help with all blood disorders including blood clots, circulation and menstruation. Associated with the Base Chakra, Hematite helps with the energy levels in the body, it reduces tension and calms stress, it relieves fatigue, backache, leg pain and even travel sickness and jet lag. It is an excellent stone to keep next to your computer and wearing a pendant will help if you’re afraid the sight of blood.

Tarot: Hermit When questions about who you are or your purpose in life start eating away at your mind, know that the answers cannot be found in the physical world. For true wisdom and guidance, you have to look within for the answers. The Hermits lamp will help him see his way to start but eventually his own inner light must shine to guide him forward on his journey. The Hermit tells us that listening to other people’s opinions, reading it in a book or being shown the answers is not really wisdom. True wisdom and enlightenment only comes from within, from experiencing life’s lessons. If the Hermit appears in a reading, it is often a sign that there is some inner work to be done and help may come in the form of a mentor. Just know that all the wisdom you will ever need is already inside you, waiting to emerge.

Faerie Goblin

Goblins are similar to Gnomes in appearance and can be found in grottos and caves however if they take up residence in a home, they will preferably choose a family with children. As long as their privacy is respected, they will perform all sorts of household chores including protecting your garden from unwanted strays. They are benevolent, very playful and a great source of fun and mischief which is probably why goblins usually prefer children. Typical goblin activity includes hiding small objects, banging on walls, slamming doors, rearranging your furniture and resetting your alarm. If you would like the help of a goblin, bury a silver coin in the garden, then wait; when you feel a goblin’s presence, quietly state your request. If however they have outstayed their welcome, simply scatter flaxseed on your floor. The cleaning will drive them to leave! www.goddessguruezine.com


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Modern Alchemy

. .. e c n ie c S ts e e m l u o S e Wher Michael Lamb




E V O L l a s r e v i Un rsal Symphony


& The Unive

o know, understand and believe everything is created through universal love is enlightenment. Like the oceans and the sky changes every day, so does life, constantly ebbing and flowing to natural, earthly, lunar, solar, galactic and universal rhythms.

frequencies. Unless you have a television or a radio you don’t receive, or see, or hear, the frequency. The more you attune your soul and spirit with universal love, the more frequencies of life, sounds and colours you can see, hear and experience.

The symbol of infinity is like two perfect circles joined together or a perfect sphere cut in half and opened up representing the spiral movement & the figure 8 on its side. The sun and the solar system move in a spiral through the twelve constellations like the helix, it is the same with the DNA in your body. Constantly growing and being influenced by those around it, it has been said that life is a journey and that we have many life times, so too we have many lives within this lifetime.

You have five basic senses and a sixth sense, with six higher senses. As you increase Universal love, or unconditional love within your being, it will increase your senses. Sight becomes clairvoyance, hearing becomes clairaudience and your taste, touch and smell are all increased. This includes the sixth sense of intuition, knowing what is going to happen and the higher aspect of that is the synchronicity, knowing what to do about it.

We can remember times in our life that happened years ago, yet they are as fresh in our mind and our hearts as if they happened yesterday.Yet there are events in our lives that only happened a few days ago, yet they seem to be so distant. This is your soul, not your mind reminding you, your soul records, the events that mean the most to you. There are some days where you can remember nearly every aspect and incident that happened so clearly, yet there are whole months of your life that have drifted away, where you find it difficult to remember the simplest thought.Your soul, much like a good scriptwriter, records your life without the boring bits. In an abundant heart there is room for everything, for everything is created from love, even evolution; it is still a part of creation. As massive as it is, your mind is only a small part of you, your soul is even greater and your spirit virtually limitless. Your soul is the true essence of you along with your spirit. With its will and personality.Your body is a living, breathing, pulsating, receiver or antenna of information, pictures, colours and sounds. We don’t see thought forms and emotions until people’s minds and bodies express them, it’s the same as radio waves and television

As you progress you begin to see beyond the visible light spectrum, into infra red, x ray, gamma ray and ultra violet.You begin to see thought forms, auras and understand the spirits of nature. Many ancient cultures can see animals, birds and insect’s movements and sounds as simple projections of what is to come. With clairaudience you begin to hear the thoughts and the sounds of your angelic guides and guardians. Many children will have an intuion for music and can tell you what song is about to be played next on the radio. As they are in touch with the higher sounds wave frequencies.You may also hear the Universal symphony of the planets and spheres during mediation. For meditations & info on how to increase universal love to see, hear and sense the higher realms see my website.

Michael Lamb studied at the School of

Inner Knowledge for 10 years, understands and teaches kabbalah and works with colour and sound. He runs the Planet Radio show and ElementalVibrations and has toured extensively for research. For more information visit his website

www.michaelsalchemy.com www.goddessguruezine.com


50 51

Glorious Eating a Balance Diet is the Key







ost food pyramids will show you the average daily requirements of different food groups that we are supposed to take eat in a balanced diet. It’s not rocket science, its not difficult; it just takes some thoughtful planning and shopping. Realising that we can have a tendency to over eat in the west has become a problem also. Obesity is on the increase especially in our young children and teenagers. Giving into their taste bud desires when shopping, having them through tantrums because they cant get what they want, when they want it is completely counter productive. If you have a hard time with them in this way when shopping, leave with a friend so as not to be harassed, and enjoy your shopping instead. When did we as mothers give our power away to toddlers, pre-schoolers and primary or high schoolers? Until they pay the food bill you are responsible as to what goes into their mouth. As parents we have to set the standards and values for them to follow into adulthood. If you spoil a young persons diet then you set them up with a poor attitude to healthy foods, unable to listening to their inner guidance when it comes to toxic food, sweets, and the ever-increasing junk food intake. Understand that Balance is the key. While I realise much is being done with restaurants and there are some amazing ones catering to all kinds of dietary needs and styles, we must as mothers and wives be disciplined as to what we dish up to our loved ones in terms of family meals. So place a copy of the food pyramid on your fridge, let them become aware of how much they need in terms of daily intake of fruit and veggie’s. Kids learn if things are made obvious to them. Ask them have you had your daily intake of fruit, water, and grains today? Toss them an apple when they need sweets or their sugar is low. Be proactive in the fight against ignorance by developing regular conscious health talks, not nagging, just topics that every can participate occasionally, you will reap the rewards when you hear your children tell others children that ‘too much of that is not good for your health’.

Think Fruit Platter!


veryone’s favourite, the humble fruit platter can be a real delight and great to use for a change. Try using fruit instead of cake at a morning or afternoon tea break; you may just be surprised at how everyone tucks in and makes comments. I find that if fruit is cut up and arranged it has more appeal to be eaten. Most people don’t eat enough fruit because it takes a little preparation. But if this is already done, whallah, the plate is already empty. Accompany the fruits with delicate cheeses and you have a gourmet selection that suits most pallets. Try using only fruits that are in season, as they taste the best. Include some exotic berries, cherries, grapes and nuts. But most of all make it fun and appetizing. Basic Ingredients: Sliced up finely and decorated: Cantelopes or mellon of choice. Bananas, Pineapple, Strawberries, Kiwis, Grapes, Cherries Apples & Pears.

Best Fruit P




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54 55

g i B e h T Nutritional Challenge S

o I’m sitting in the steam room at the gym, I found myself thinking about writing this article. While there, I got engaged in conversation with a lovely lady named Jacqualine and of course with my thoughts being on the article, a conversation about nutrition came into play. It was so refreshing to meet someone who is so open and excited to talk about healthy food, nutrition and life. It’s a far cry from the days when people thought I was “a health nut” talking about greens and twigs as a lifestyle. I think most people know the food sources (especially in America) are so depleted and they are willing to admit it more openly. Enough time and experience has passed that most of us know that taking our 1-a-day vitamin supplement is not enough either. We are craving real





food and real life. Food that is cooked on a stove or oven or fresh and raw chopped and cut and prepared with love. That’s my definition of real food. Jacqualine shared about how people these days really don’t know how to cook real food. Most of them have only prepared food from a box or can or frozen package. No wonder they all get colds and flues at least a couple of times per year or more. Almost everyone still use microwaves to cook. Many reheat already prepared items while others cook whole meals with them. We both agreed that microwaving food was not good… so I shared about the demo of watering plants with microwaved water VS plain old tap water. Here is the link to one of the many web pages http://microwavetest. blogspot.com/ My own daughter told me that when

Healthy Break

visiting friends, she asks for a pan to heat water for tea. Her friends never heard of doing such a thing. They’re boggled by the concept of heating food on a stove. Just think if they had to make a fire, they’d all starve! Real food is fresh grown or killed, not from a can or prepared package. It has an herb like aroma, kind of an earthy smell and has vibrant colors. It takes some (really very little) time to prepare and make it tasty. Real food makes you happy to see it and salivate before sitting down to a meal! Real food feels good in your body long after you’ve eaten it. Back to the steam room…..Jacqualine and I finished our conversation with what I feel is a very important point, how you eat. I have to admit, I tend to eat on the run and at the computer more often than I feel is healthy. I eat while driving, watching a show on computer or dare I admit it…talking on the phone. She really made me think about how this impacts your health and so I decided to offer a challenge for myself and to blog with all of you about it which I’ll share more at the end of the article. There is a movement called Slow Food which supports eating for health, pleasure, sustainability and quality of life with food. Slow Food’s philosophy is “Slow Food stands at the crossroads of ecology and gastronomy, ethics and pleasure. It opposes the standardization of taste and culture, and the unrestrained power of the food industry multinationals and industrial agriculture. We believe that everyone has a fundamental right to the pleasure of good food and consequently the responsibility to protect the heritage of food, tradition and culture that make this pleasure possible. Our association believes in the concept of neo-gastronomy - recognition of the strong connections between plate, planet, people and culture.”

What we eat impacts our health, but how we eat will impact our lives in such a profound and deep way. How we eat is the simplest concept and yet in our busy world, it’s almost imperceptible. There is a ancient Chinese saying “If something is simple, it has truth.” I’ve taken that concept into my life and it always holds true. Try it for yourself, if you have to make A decision about anything….try the simplest answer first, it’s usually the best answer, truly! HERE’S THE 30 DAY CHALLENGE starting in on August 1st through to August 31st. Rules of the challenge: 1 Only eat at the table. Or if outdoors, sitting somewhere. Alone or with others. 2 Reading, Television, Cell phone or Video games off. 3 Place something nice on the table. Use a candle, flowers, fruit or something lovely on your table. 4 Remember to breathe between bites. 5 Enjoy yourself. Even if its 5 minutes. 6 Bless your food. This is a real challenge for me because I’m on the go so much. But I really want to make a difference in my own life so that I can experience higher consciousness. Taking on a discipline will raise your consciousness in ways you might never know if you hadn’t taken it on. So, here’s to thirty days to a path of enlightenment. Just e mail me to join and I’ll send you the link to the blog. We’ll have pictures and fun with it. estalibero@gmail. com Lets do this together and see how a month of taking great care of ourselves can have astounding results. ESTA LIBERO, is a Holistic Health Practitioner, CMT Pheonix Arizona. Feel free to contact her for your free guide to cleansing safely. E-mail: esta@ thehealthybreak.com Phone: 602-515-1355 in USA

THE HEALTHY BREAK.COM Your Personal Guide to Nourishing Body, Self & Soul



ESTA LIBERO, NUTRITIONAL COUNSELOR – esta@thehealthybreak.com – 602-515-1355 www.goddessguruezine.com


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Other Realms


S’Roya Rose

egyptian aNKH

The Ankh is one of the oldest magical ancient symbols to survive into the modern age, still worn today is can be found in most jewelery stores. Used as an Amulet for protection it is worn around the neck, as it was in Egypt in ancient times. It represents the Key of Eternal life. It was used to lengthen and protect life. It was worn by many in ancient Egypt including the High Priests who were the keepers of spiritual knowledge. There is still a great deal of intellectual debate as to its exact origin in form, what it was derived from or where it came from. No matter, because it has such a powerful spiritual representation that it survived way into the future. The Ankh is also a hieroglyphic sign and its magic can be captured simply by writing it. Its most powerful when used during any magical work, drawn, carved, worn or spoken aloud. If you combine the Ankh with the Wejet and the Djed pillar, you create potent protection.



Oonagh is a goddess with stickability. She cares enough about things that she is prepared to weather out any hard times in the knowing that everything has a season and the things worth doing take time. Her messages is simply slow down, enjoy the journey of life, don’t rush the important events in your life. While sometimes it isn’t easy to see some things through the difficult times, either with a relationship or friendship that needs healing, or project that has great meaning to you, her counsel is to steer and maintain your course of action, as this is the only way you can be sure that matters are resolved and healed; allowing yourself the grace of completing the journey in its own time. In this way you will benefit from having carried through with your priorities, feeling good because you didn’t give into ego. In this way you honour yourself and the things that matter the most to you.You can be relied upon to make an extra effort, when time is your endurance called into action, then time becomes your friend!




Magick for the modern Goddess Totem


Owl totem holds magical powers for the advanced Soul, willing to look beyond what is presented. One who has the power of the Owl will great personal wisdom and self-confidence, peacefulness, silence and stealth are also all part of this noble totem’s magic. Like Leopards, Owls are also very reserved and dignified animals and do not represent flashiness or flamboyance. They live their life behind the scenes, getting on with the business of living out their life wisely. Owl Totem possesses the following virtues: Balanced wisom, great psychic-sight, bringer of messengers, bravery in the darkness, ability to solve problems, wisdom without ego, partnership skills, greater spiritual vision, acute senses, intelligence, prophecy, observation, objectivity in truth, and wise judgement.

Colours & their Magical Properties Colour is often used for magicical sympathitic correspondences. Wether looking to use material, candles, paint or flowers, colour can align with your desired outcome in symbolic representation. Red ~ Represents the Fire element, being the colour of passion, vigor, sexuality, strength, power in action, courage & enthusiasm. Pink ~ Conjures feelings of romantic love, friendship, morality, healing emotions, good will, affection, nurturing, partnership Orange ~ Represents the GOD (ritual candle magic), attracting things, encouragement, career, luck, ambition and general success. Yellow ~ Represents the Air element, intellect, memory, changes, learning, harmony, flow, creativity, prosperity and self promotion. Green ~ Lord & Lady of the Wild Woods, Earth element, herb magic, blessings, fertility, healing, balance, changing ones direction. Blue ~ Represents the Water element, psychic awareness, intuition, truth, dreams, understading, opportunity, patience and tranquility. Indigo ~ Meditation and Spirit communications, good for Karma path work, career promotion, wisdom, neautralizing magical work. Purple ~ Spiritual Power, spiritual healing, protection, noble actions, business progress, occultism, self assurance and influence. Black ~ The Dark Goddess, protection, remover of hexes and negativity, spirit contact, night, universal truth, spellwork. White ~ Full moon magic, purity, protection, peace, serenity, justice, meditation, also the Lord & Lady together in ritual. www.goddessguruezine.com


58 59

e s n e S a e t a e r c Want to n i g n i v i L e v i t i s o P of ? e f i L d n a e m o your H , ow shows you h t r e p x e r u o Roxanne i Principles... u h S g n e F g usin

FENG SHUI – some simple cures: To improve your life and money flow with Feng Shui, it’s important to first start applying it to your home or living quarters. It’s here that you create your inner world so that it can extend to your outer world in creating glamour and beauty to your life. If you feel a bit unsupported in life, it’s important to have a good solid wooden bed- head that supports you, as well as matching bedside tables to create balance in your life. If your bed-head is metal, then hang a clear quartz crystal in the middle of it to enhance good sleep and dreams. Beds should not be placed against a wall that’s shared with a bathroom, laundry, toilet or electric meter box, as this is not good for your health. If your rest and sleep is disturbed or not well maintained then you are not going to be looking your glamorous and beautiful self. To create beauty within the home – *Healthy plants with no spikey leaves are recommended in assisting good energy flow within the home, as plants emit positive life energy.
 *Bonsai’s are not recommended. They’re inauspicious in Feng Shui because they have stunted growth, which means ‘stunted money’.
 *Even if you love cactus plants, don’t have them near the front entrance or inside, only in the backyard.
 *Candles create a tranquil ambience, which is always good Feng Shui. They can be used in bathrooms as a cure to balance the water energy or in the bedroom to set the mood. They can be placed on the coffee table to invite peace or during meditation to invite the energy of spirit. *Use an oil burner to waft a fragrance through the home. The sense of smell is one of the most important senses to boost your mood, lemon or citrus is recommended for this.





Five Extra Positive tips:

1 2


3 4 5

Cleanse the house when you feel the energy is stagnant
 Recycle those old newspapers and magazines instead of letting them pile Don’t keep broken items – they may reflect a negative aspect in relationships
 The Entrance of your home should be clear of clutter so that it is welcoming

A water fountain in the foyer will invite wealth and prosperity to your home. TIP: The 5th month can be about changes – clear the clutter and start afresh Roxanne is a Nationally known Expert Feng Shui Consultant.
Is a regular on Psychic TV - Fox 183 or Digital 4me 74
Author of Best Selling Books “Feng Shui – A Practical & Easy Guide”
& “Life Is… Awesome”. 
Contact Roxanne to visit your Sydney home or business on 0409 369 036

S’Roya’s E-books available in Print online now! Reiki a Spiritual Pathway

The ArT of MeAnin

S’Roya Rose




RRP $$9.99 (eBook only)

In Search of SOUL

The A of Meaningrt ful

RRP $21.94 or $5.99 (eBook)

The Art of Meaningful Living


RRP $31.96 or $5.99 (eBook)

By S’Roya Rose

www.sroyarose.com S’Roya’s wrote her first book ‘In Search of SOUL’ when she was only 36, followed closely by her ‘Reiki a Spiritual Pathway’, it set a real standard for her as a metaphysical writer. An accomplished publisher in her own right, she is still setting standards with her spiritual magazines and other written works. S’Roya has lead the way with her work as a practicing

Simple Wisdom for

the 21st Century

Priestess and Goddess, lifting the lid on the Sacred Feminine bringing her back into the 21st century... S’Roya runs numerous workshops, monthly Goddess circles & yearly Goddess tours. Known for her psychic Readings & Cosmic Healing many beat a path to her door. These 3 books can be found on her website as e-books but two are available in print also. 

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Personal Courses presented in Millicent. South Australia. Correspondece manuals also available

 shamaneilee@mythonian.com … facebook.com/shamaneilee www.goddessguruezine.com


60 61

e g a m I Kerrie Friend




s m a e r D

ction. a o t n i e v o m … mers a e r d l l a o t d e t ing” o G Dedica t e G , g n i m a “Get Dre


reamers are often referred to as romantic, impractical people. I call them beautiful because dreamers change the world. A dreamer feels a burning in their heart and reaches beyond their comfort zone to believe what may seem impossible to everyone else and make it possible. I’m not talking about wishers they only talk I’m talking about the dreamers the ones that do! A dreamer accepts that failure is a part of the process to a dream fulfilled and while sometimes incredibly slow continues to see the dream in their heart and never let’s go. Dreamers have purpose, passion, perseverance and tenacity. Is it time you got your dream going again? Have you let go of yours? That still small voice within you urging you on towards your dream is there for a reason. Reignite it.You’ll be so glad you did. Waiting for your dream to fall into your laps never happens that’s a wish. Dreams require effort and work. You’ll need determination (the act of making or arriving at a decision, being resolute or firm in purpose). We must be decisive about our dreams and plan mini goals along the way to fulfillment. Trust what’s in your heart and go for it. Expect the best and enjoy the journey towards your dream. Often that’s a sadly forgotten part to a dream. Enjoyment! And don’t be fooled that if it gets too hard it’s not right. Sometimes we’ve got to learn something that’s imperative for our future success. Timing in life is everything. I’ve experienced this first hand as I had a season of learning and growth with little success in a new area for years but now I’m so thankful it didn’t happen sooner or I could’ve done damage to myself and others. Don’t always try and understand everything now because later on it usually makes sense. Most people living their dream will tell you they put their plan into action but things happened very different yet when looking back

they realize they were for the best. All dreams require action, listen to your heart and don’t quit. They may vary a little but the end result will be just as it was meant to be. Believe in yourself and your dream but don’t think for a moment just because you have a dream everyone will be supportive. Unfortunately some of our biggest deserters can be family and friends. Choose to run your race it’s yours for a reason. Most successful people I know are so thankful they listened to their heart and not the opinion of others. Our dreams will always be tested for authenticity but if we know that we know that we know what our dream is nothing or no one will deter us from achieving it. Here are some helpful tips to get your dreams going. Take time to write them out with specific time frames for achievement. Include practical steps to help you achieve these. Keep your home a clean, happy environment. Always helps our attitude. Keep a must do list that assists your dream, daily/ weekly/ monthly/yearly. Write a budget that will support your dream Exercise regularly to stay fit and healthy for your dream. Reward your victories along the way. Keep a smile on your face as you pursue your dream. Don’t forsake living your life while you chase your dream. Our dreams are a part of our life not they’re not all of it. Finally, if you’ve ever had a dream and given up on it I encourage you to reconnect with it. It may involve some changes in your life but get dreaming again. To achieve it a dream you must first dream it. God bless. Australian celebrity Kerrie Friend was co-host of hit TV shows Perfect Match andWheel of Fortune. Kerrie and her husband founded Heaven on Earth Media in 2002. She is also an ambassador and spokesperson for a number of societies and authored Image: 52Weeks to a NewYou. Visit www.kerriefriend.com. www.goddessguruezine.com


62 63

s l ta s ry C & es n to S n a ti p y g E t n ie c n A Tina Georgitsis

Amethyst was used by the Ancient Egyptians for its ability to bestow spiritual insight. The Ancient Egyptians also wore jewels made of Amethyst. Alabaster is a stone made of calcite and was used by the Ancient Egyptians to make small objects such as vases, bowls, and lamps. Alum (found in powdered form) was used in protective amulets against evil. Amazonite was obtained by the Ancient Egyptians from numerous possible sources in the Eastern desert of Egypt. It was used by the Ancient Egyptians to a limited degree for beads, inlay, and small items. Amber (Baltic amber) was used in Ancient Egypt for amulets and jewellery. Amber amulets were worn to provide fertility. Ancient Egyptians actually used pine resin as an embalming agent of which amber comes from. Aquamarine was the sea-goddesses of Ancient Egypt’s stone. Aquamarine is a protective amulet and can be worn to relieve pain and ensure good health. Beads of aquamarine were found in Ancient Egyptian mummy pits. Azurite was used by the priests and priestesses of Ancient Egypt to enhance their spiritual consciousness. Basalt was used by the Ancient Egyptians for stone coffins and sometimes for statues and small objects. Bloodstone was used in Ancient Egypt to open doors and break bonds (mental/spiritual kind). Its most famous use is to halt bleeding and it was always carried by soldiers. It was also worn to cure fevers and as a general health giving talisman. The Ancient Egyptians called this stone hematite; although what we call hematite today is a different stone entirely. Blue Lace Agate was highly regarded as a stone of protection and good luck. Country of origin is Egypt. Breccia has fragments of one type of stone embedded in another. Two types of breccia were available to the Ancient Egyptians - a green variety found in the eastern desert, and a red-and-white variety found in the western desert and along the Nile.

Breccia was used by the Ancient Egyptians for vases and other objects. Carnelian was used by the Ancient Egyptians to make amulets and it was one of the stones that the high priest wore in his breastplate. It was revered by ancient shamans as being sacred and a protector. Carnelian was the stone of good luck and was shaped into shields, amulets, and hearts. It was also carved into insignia seals because it didn’t stick to wax. Ancient Egyptian tombs are full of examples of carnelian jewels, because of their belief in the stone’s power in the afterlife. According to the Ancient Egyptians amulets of carnelian could prove helpful in ensuring the Ka’s (the soul’s) passage into the next world. Chalcedony was used by the Ancient Egyptians around 3000 B.C. Chrysoprase was the beautiful, apple green form of chalcedony which the Ancient Egyptians used. It was said to improve perception, both physical as well as mental and it improves eyesight and enhances psychic perception as well. Ancient Egyptians set it with Lapis. Coral was the stone of Isis and it was used in Ancient Egypt for its healing properties, to regulate menstruation and for agriculture purposes. In Ancient Egypt powdered coral was mixed with seed and sown or scattered over newly planted fields. This protected the growing crops from inclement weather and insects. Coral was also hung on fruit trees to increase their yield. It was extensively used in Ancient Egypt (sculpting of scarabs) in jewellery. Diorite was a stone used by the Ancient Egyptians for statues, bowls, and other fine objects. Eilat Stone is a combination of Chrysocolla, Turquoise and Copper and it is found in Eilat, Egypt. A stone used today to help attain growth and wisdom. Emerald (beryl) is the stone of Isis and was mined by the Ancient Egyptians.

Emeralds have always been highly prized by royalty and Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt wore emeralds from her mine in Upper Egypt. The Ancient Egyptians believed it stood for fertility and rebirth. It was also used as a protection from enchantment and to cure eye diseases. Fluorite was used by the Ancient Egyptians in statues and in carving scarabs. Ancient physicians used powdered fluorite in water to relieve kidney disease. Garnet can be traced to the Nile Delta in 3100 B.C. Ancient Egyptian artisans created beautiful garnet beads, bracelets and other jewellery. In Ancient Egypt garnets were used widely as an abrasive. Granite was used by the Ancient Egyptians for buildings, tombs, and statues. Hematite was used by the Ancient Egyptians in the creation of their magical amulets such as the carpenter square, headrest amulets and several heart amulets. It was used as an inscription stone for passages from the Book of the Dead. The Ancient Egyptians used it to treat hysteria, to reduce inflammation, and to place in tombs. The hematite that the Ancient Egyptians used was of the crystalline type being black, opaque, and having a metallic lustre. They also used hematite for beads, amulets, kohl sticks and other small ornamental objects. Jade is the stone of Ma’at and was a mineral found in Ancient Egyptian jewellery and the walls of their tombs and pyramids. It was probably sourced from Asia with whom they were trading with at the time. Jasper was one of the stones used in the breastplate of the high priest. It was

revered and considered a sacred, protective stone which facilitated safe astral travel. It was used in Ancient Egypt to make scarab amulets from red jasper as it was considered a symbol of eternal life. Jasper, with light and dark brown markings was referred to as “Egyptian Marble”. Green jasper had been engraved with the image of a dragon surrounded by rays was worn by the Ancient Egyptian King Nechepsus to strengthen his digestive tract. Lapis Lazuli was called “sapphire” by Ancient Egyptians because it was considered to be the most precious stone. Because of its deep blue colour, lapis was a symbol of the heavens and was widely used as a magical stone for worshipping purposes. The Ancient Egyptians used it to open the door between conscious self and higher self, creating harmony between mind, body and spirit, to reveal one’s inner truth, deepen intuition, psychic awareness and as a tool for dreams and “illumination”. They pulverized lapis and made it into a poultice, which was then rubbed into the crown of the head to draw out spiritual impurities. It’s the stone of Isis and her child Horus since it’s associated with motherhood. Ancient Egyptians called the stone “chesbet” commonly fashioning scarabs from it. Lapis was also considered to be a royal stone and the Chief Justice of Ancient Egypt wore a lapis amulet carved with the Goddess Ma’at (Goddess of Truth) as it was thought to give wisdom and fairness to its wearer and increase spiritual love. They also believed lapis to be sacred and burned it with their dead to protect and guide them in the afterlife. Limestone was the first stone used for building in Ancient Egypt. It was taken from the rocky cliffs where some of the earliest tombs were carved into the stone. Malachite was used to make green paint in Ancient Egyptian artwork. Green represented life and growing things. It was also a stone dedicated to Hathor as it was believed that malachite was a stone for womanhood as it enhanced seduction, sensuality, aesthetics and the arts. The pharaohs often had their headdresses lined with malachite to help them rule wisely.... continued in our next issue.

Tina Georgitsis is a qualified Reiki, Seichim and Sekhem Master, and Tarot Reader & Councillor with the ATA. Available for Readings, Healings, Magickal items andWorkshops in various metaphysical and occult subjects. Email: tarotwithtina@yahoo.com.au www.goddessguruezine.com


64 65

Conversations with the Goddess

By Dorothy Atalla RRP: $17.95 Pharos Press On a journey to Petra in Jordan, Dorothy Atalla underwent the most remarkable journey of her life. In that historical and spiritual place she encountered the Goddess – and quickly learned that she was not a relic or a myth – but rather a powerful figure to change you forever. Conversations with the Goddess is Dorothy’s own personal journey of spirituality, awakening and awareness – as she comes to see life is very different from what she ever thought. She intimately shares what it means to be touched by the Goddess – while offering you a rich tapestry of history, future and hope for the world.

Mythic Oracle By Carisa Mellado and Michele-lee Phelan RRP: $34.95 Blue Angel Publishing In this visually stunning set of cards Carisa Mellado and Michele-lee Phelan explore Greek Mythology and those stories that survived the ages. The pair believes these stories of mankind are a reflection of human nature and human cycles – and through them we come to a better understanding of ourselves. Whether it be love, career, creativity, family, spirituality or personal awareness – these cards are designed to guide you on a daily basis. And they are also designed to help you gain focus and fulfilment. The Mythic Oracle set includes a guidebook, which features a description of the myths, their divinatory interpretations and a range of card spreads. These allow you to give accurate readings to yourself and others. The cards are refreshing, beautifully illustrated a joy to work with. 66



Atlantean Secrets – Sleeper Awaken (Volume One) By Samuel Sagan RRP: $26.40 Clairvision Samuel Sagan has delved into the myths and legends of Atlanta to create his own new epic fantasy series – Atlantean Secrets. In the first of what is to be five volumes – readers are taken on a ride with the Masters of Thunder, who have seen the future. The Atlantean civilisation is on the verge of collapse and they must preserve the knowledge and spiritual forces of their time in a living archive. In Samuel Sagan’s world you learn that the technology of consciousness is the most phenomenal technology available – but for it to survive the looming destructions the Masters of Thunder must save it. A riveting tale that keeps you always wanting to know more.

W E N ease l e R hoice C s r Edito

Messenger Oracle by Ravynne Phelan www.blueangelonline.com

Ravynne has done it again, weaving her magical visionary artists brush, creating a truly spectacular oracle deck. The deck is filled with timeless ancient wisdom, each card portrays it’s own insight, this is cleverly married with a harmonious natural balance of artistic symbolism. Derived from the seasons and cycles of nature and how it affects us in our life, Ravynne has managed to trigger our soul’s knowing of this, sadly long forgotten in

You Are Clairvoyant – Developing The Secret Skill We All Have By Belinda Grace RRP: $27.95 Rockpool Publishing Ever heard the Universe calling you? Ever wondered if your mind has abilities you are yet to explore? Belinda Grace answers those questions and more in her exciting book You Are Clairvoyant. The best-selling author talks about her own clairvoyant experiences and opens up a whole new way of thinking through practical mental exercises. She frankly discusses those rarely talked about topics and issues that come with clairvoyant abilities – and she explains that everyone, in fact, has the ability to become more intuitive and to explore deeper parts of their mind and conscious.You Are Clairvoyant is a toolbox for personal evolution and Belinda teaches you how to meet your spirit guide and angels, conduct a psychic conversation, develop the art of automatic writing, experience past lives and also learn how to release them.

our modern world. The Messenger Oracle strengthens our ancient bond with nature and with spirit. I love how Ravynne has infused the cards with the magic of the Fae, Elementals, Ancient Dragons, magical Gods and Goddesses, mystical teaching trees with their wild animal kin. The Messenger Oracle makes a perfect guide to help us connect with and express our depper inner truths. My editors pic for this issue, Blessings to Rayvnne.

Oracles of Shadows and Light By Lucy Cavendish, artwork by Jasmine Becket-Griffith RRP: $34.95 Blue Angel Publishing If you are looking for something a bit different, quirky and just a little on the dark side – then Lucy Cavendish’s unique ‘Shadows & Light’ oracle cards willdo the trick. With the help of the exceptionally talented artist Jasmine Becket-Griffith these cards offer images of fascinating beings, guardian angels, protective faeries, wise little witches and sweet ghosts. The pair has aimed for tell-it-like-it-is images who convey magical messages and deliver authentic, clear and straightforward guidance to help the users on a daily basis. There are 45 cards in the pack and an in-depth guidebook featuring messages and clear instructions on how to give accurate, powerful and very healing readings.



66 67

Bonnie Parsons Guide Drawings

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Medium,& Clairvoyant Certified Professional. Bonnie is a well known and respected psychic who’s passionate about her work.

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E Shaman

Phone Bonnie

07 47755939 www.bonniespsychicheart.com Email: bonnie2988@hotmail.com


Apple Blossom

Psychic Witch & Counsellor, Dream Interpreter Tarot Readings Reiki Healer Medium

Mobile ~ 0419872418

Soulessence lessence Bronwyn owns Soanu online where she runs produces chakra course, n CD’s guided meditatio iry folk and a range of faer event gifts between h ork. management w

0412 407 888


Bronwyn Fish


Goddess Worship

Goddess Circles & Full Moon Ceremonys held regularly @ Tamborine North with S’Roya Call 07 5545 0838 for dates & times. Outdoors weather permitting! email@sroyarose.com

Listyour event: Hekate’s Feast Picnic - Organizer Tina Georgitsis 
Sunday, August 12, 2012
, 12:00pm
 Join us for a picnic being held at Sandringham Beach (Victoria,) in honour of Hekate’s Feast. What to bring: *Your own food and drink (please note there will be BBQ facilities available). *A picnic blanket (preferably waterproof) or alternatively fold out chairs and tables. *Anything you want charged or offered on the Hekate shrine which will be set up. *Appropriate clothing for the weather. Please note: *There are BBQ facilities in the area but if there are large numbers attending you will have to wait your turn utilising it. *This is an alcohol and illicit drug free event (prescription medication is not included in this and should be taken as normal) and anyone breaking this rule will be kindly asked to leave. *This is a child friendly event but parents need to be mindful that they behave responsibly. Sandringham Beach, Corner of Bay Road and Beach Road (Bandstand Rotanda Entrance to Beach) Melbourne,Victoria.


ffers House o reat s s e d d o the G The G er vices to als on 2nd s l a n io t o dev g ritu and healin nth. Parafield s s e d d o G o ing each m Tues even elaide. Contact: Ad visit Gardens, yahoo.com.au or @ use. ast_moon ://thegoddessho http e info. our blog /for mor m o c . t o p blags


Living Goddess Workshop - August 18th, 2012 Port Sorell, Tasmania Learn about an ancient Goddess and explore practical ways to incorporate her qualities into your daily life. Jo and Zahira will be your hostesses. Light afternoon tea will be provided. Time: 1:45pm for a 2:00pm start.Workshop finishes at 5:00pm Cost: Adults $30.00 / children $20 (must be accompanied by an adult) 10% discount if paying by August 3rd. Bring: A cushion Optional: If you have a drum, feel free to bring it too.There will be sales tables. Bring anything you would like to sell.Your surplus item may be someone else’s treasure. Wear: Something that is red. It could be an item of clothing or an accessory like a hair band or piece of jewellery. Contact: Zahira 0418 139 826 Email: zahira1au@yahoo.com.au

Ingrid Cliff is the ChiefWordWizard with her copywriting business...


Alchemy Courses now Available

BOOK NOW TO SECURE YOUR PLACE Michele-lee Phelan’s art is the key to opening and expressing the realms of earth, spirit, and the imagination. A painter of dreams,dragons, mythology, goddesses and faeries.

Cost for each One-Day Workshop is $170.00 Early payment for BOTH workshops is $310.00

Bookings essential as numbers are limited.

Michele-lee promotes and sells her book, oracle decks, original artworks, and fine art prints via her website Dreams of Gaia: www.dreamsofgaia.com

Ring Michael Lamb on w w w. d r e a m s o f g a i a . c o m “‘Mystical art and illustration of Michele-lee Phelan’”. 70



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k o o B ow! N

Avalon 2013 Goddess Tour

Book & Pay Online Now! www.sroyarose.com Don’t miss this once in a lifetime opportunity!

10 days you’ll never forget! Connect with the Heart of the Goddess in Avalon!

2013 Tour dates are:

Avalon 13th - 22nd of July Unveil the Mystery within the Sacred Isle of AVALON connect with the Ancient Goddesses! Feed your inner Goddess & let the Lady of the Lake heal the ancestral wounds of the Sacred Feminine. Rejoice, have fun, & remember the way it was.

S’Roya invites you to join her Avalon Goddess 2013 Tour Your tour investment is $5800 *Deposit Only $800 Book your place & take advantage of the payment plan! Email: email@sroyarose.com


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