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Green Man Spirit of Nature A Walk with Wendy Rule Scrying with She DeMontford Magical Sea Witch The Empowered Goddess Invoking the Spirit of Boudicca Contemplating the Tripple -Goddess pt 2 http://avalonmagazine-net.webs.com/

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Goddess of Avalon PublishER & Editor in Cheif S’Roya Rose Email: email@sroyarose.com Sub-Editor Ellen May Long Blessing all who work on Goddess of Avalon as they do so on a part time Voluntary basis!


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Goddess of Avalon Magazine!

S’Roya The Editor

Well..., after much ado, some letting go and serious contemplation I made the transition to joining both Goddess Guru with Avalon magazine, so welcome to the new look GODDESS of AVALON magazine!! It has all the same fantastic feature of both magazines.. Many of you know how busy I’ve been with my new centre NAMASTE is opening this Spring with a mini EXPO on Oct 5-6th to celebrate, busy and also exciting...!! Spring has sprung and a new cycle begins all over again... I love spring and the new winds that it brings, flowers bloom and hearts are lighter as the new sweet scent of blossoms start to appear, so to must we be rebirthed into new light of the year as a warmer cycle begins for us all. Halloween’s looming just around the corner on 31st October! What will you be doing to celebrate spooky All Hallows Eve...?! Kids love tricker treating... such merriment and mischeif. Plenty to read in this edition, some of your favourite writers, leaving their footprints on the pages of timeless existance, sharing their wisdom and interesting stories. I share my journey discovering the magnificent leafy faced ‘Green Man the Spirit of Nature’. So grab your favourite cuppa and enjoy the magazine… Happy reading Blessings S’Roya )O(

Happy Halloween 2013 31st October... Dress up, have scary fun, carve a pumkin, go tricker treating... Enjoy folks!


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Contents 2

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Green Man The Spirit of Nature, by S'Roya


A Walk with Wendy Rule, by Lizzy Rose

10 Invoking the Spirit of Beaudicca, by Gemma Lucy Smart 12 Scrying, by She' DeMontford 16 Magical Sea Witch - Sea Magic, by Sharne Tam 18 Avian Guardians of Mystery & History, by Ceri Norman 20 Profile: Galactic Goddess Starina. 22 Pagans & Politics, by Lizzy Rose 24 See you on the Dark Side of the Moon, by Kali Cox 26 Empowering the Goddess, by Blanca Beyer 28 Contemplating the Tripple Goddess Part 2, by Frances Billinghurst 31 A Rose Faery, by Apple Blossom 32 Seaching for Frejya, by ZaKaiRan 34 Good Vibrations, by S’Roya Rose 35 Goddess Book Club, by Zahira Atkins 36 Angelic Messages - Gabriel, by Lit El Star 37 Animal Dreaming, by Scott Alexander King 38 Astrology - The Moon & You, by Sheri-Elizabeth Vaccaro 41 Image - Prayer, by Kerrie Friend 42 Book & CD Reviews by S’Roya 44 Herblore Elder, by Kelly Ashton 45 AVALON Business Directory




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The Spirit of Nature

S’Roya Rose

S’Roya teaches Metaphysical Mastery and runs inspirational, Self EmpoweringWorkshops that help develop the tools needed to live a more peaceful & balanced life. Phone: 0422361040. E: email@sroyarose.com


or many years I’ve seen the leafy face of the ‘Wildman’ or ‘Greenman’, either in drawings or tapestries, paintings or ceramic designs, subtly hiding in carved stone walls or peering down obscurely from Cathedral roofs and ancient Gothic churches, witnessing every move. I even observed him showing up in plays like Shakespeare’s ‘A Mid Summer Night’s Dream’ as the wonderful character Puck…



(one of my favourites). I’ve seen him subtly in crevices of trees and depicted in movies as Robin Hood of the infamous Sherwood Forrest, but I didn’t understand the history or real meaning behind his leafy countenance even though it felt deeply familiar to me and quite comforting on some level. Then, I remembered that when I was a young girl I use to see spirit faces in many of the tress, even naming them sometimes and talking http://avalonmagazine-net.webs.com

Artwork supplied www.dreamsofgaia.com

Green Man

to them. I felt quite happy amongst nature having grown up as a country girl, riding my horse in large pine forest’s and the Aussie gum tree lined bush trails I rode along. Trees were like kin to me, friendly, familiar, kind, non-judgemental folk who listened and comforted me in time of crisis. Even now I still seek their company when I need to commune with nature, feeling freer and connect to my mystic’s soul.

Green Man


owever, it was much later tree in awe of its age, realising that as an adult that I would our time line must be so different, understand as I became one day for us must seem like one personally acquainted with the second to it! How much must this Greenman in a spiritual way that was tree have witnessed of our human both intriguing and delightful. Whilst folly, with wars and our bickering visiting Glastonbury staying with a over trivialities… It kind of put many lady friend an initiating Druid High things in perspective for me fast. At Priestess, I noticed she had placed first I just stood there drinking him a carved green face of him in every all in, feeling his energy, so gentle, room of her house. Druids are very then I hugged him for over 4 minutes, fond of nature and groves of trees are then sat underneath leaning against part of ritual and where gatherings his trunk, I closed my eyes, connected take place. So I couldn’t escape him and meditated. now, wherever I went there he was, his kind green leafy eyes smiling at It appears that, me knowingly. Before too long I the Green Man has started greeting him, even sharing returned because of conversations with him. Well, he the growing interest was there and what can I say, it’s what one does when one is alone in 'Green Living'. with no one to chat to. Missing Just as the worlds my family and friends in Aussie I Tree cover is being enjoyed his silent acceptance, while steadily eroded, a his green eyed reassuring smile love and respect for became a happy daily sight. He felt the Green Man is like family in a strange way.

being rekindled...

Then one day my friend suggested I might like to go and commune with a 2000-year-old Yew tree that resided in Compton Dunton, a little village just outside of Glastonbury. It lived in a small churchyard, quite unassuming really, but majestic in stature with it’s huge branches reaching out whilst curving down, and his massive trunk which had been hollowed out by fires from long ago. I had never seen anything living that was this old before… I felt I was in some royal court visiting with a high priest, of the non-human kind. I sat under this

To my surprise the Yew tree spoke to me telepathically, and I felt such love from it, like a grandfather greeting a grand child. I spent the whole day just sitting in his energy, letting go, allowing its wisdom of standing still perform its magic. I was humbled by its ancient timelessness, having witnessed many humans coming and going with message of slow down, just breathe and relax, the time always passes, no matter what happens all will be well, have http://avalonmagazine-net.webs.com

patience. Humbling indeed… Now Yew trees are famous as they live very long lives, have huge branches that become so heavy they eventually touch the ground, creating a new sacred circle of baby Yew trees. This is why they are considered a sacred grove and the Druids used these groves to meet and hold ceremonies and rituals. Many Yews like this one were planted or moved as younglings to a churchyard used as protectors, standing guard over those loved ones departed in the graveyards for eons of time. The Greenman is a symbol of the fertile Spirit of Nature, this lives in all of nature including us, but especially felt and seen in trees. He is representative of the natural world or our connection with our earthly nature, of our animal instinctual wildness that still wants to be free of constraint, to feel the breeze in our hair and grass at your feet, to dance with the flowers, sing with the birds, swim with the salmon, hunt for our food. He represents all that is natural, organic and simple. He reminds us of our strength to endure through all the seasons of time, to weather the storms and stand tall in the face of adversity. I can see why he has become an unofficial icon for the environmental movement, reminding us to connect and interact with the natural world around us. One thing I am sure of is that those who contact this extraordinary being ‘the Green man’ will feel changed by the encounter… I did! GODDESS OF AVALON Magazine


WWiatlck with Wendy Rule

y t i C e h t n i h


Lizzy Rose Australias’s Celebrity Psychic. Specialising in Psychic, Clairvoyant,Tarot & Medium Readings. High Priestess of Mumma Moon Women’s Circles & Goddess Temple Gatherings. Email lizzyrosebookings@gmail.com www.lizzyrose.com.au 0452 479 505 by Lizzy Rose


elighted and intrigued with the latest happenings of Australia’s own magickal songstress Wendy Rule, together we took a walk and so with Quill in hand; my mind filled with many a question. Lizzy: Welcome back to Melbourne Australia Wendy you have been deeply missed. After journeying around the world you’ve had so many adventures, do you write music as many artists do according to your current life’s state and state of mind? Wendy;Yes, my music is always a reflection of my own emotional and spiritual state. My goal is to be very open and honest in my work. In sharing my own growth and challenges, and my personal relationship with the Universe, I hope that my music becomes a gateway 8


and a healing tool for my listeners as they follow their own journeys. Lizzy:You are currently recording your latest album what’s the title? Wendy; The album is called ‘Black Snake’ Lizzy: What’s the nature and theme of this current album? Wendy; I’m working with the energies of transformation on this album, of Death and Rebirth, and reawakening to the wonders of Nature and the Universe. The past few years have been deeply transformative for me, with lots of big life changes. I got married to my wonderful husband Timothy in November 2011, left my home of 17 years, let go of most of my belongings, and set off to travel the world. We’ve http://avalonmagazine-net.webs.com

essentially been living the troubadour life since then – with no permanent home, and lots of incredible adventures. This album is an opportunity to explore the challenges and rewards that this process has awakened, and especially the process of stripping back in order to create new growth. I explore the mythological themes of descent with songs such as Ereshkigal (based on the Sumerian story of Inanna’s descent into the Underworld), and the great flow of Life, Death and Rebirth in songs such as All Life Flows into the Great Mother, and After the Storm. Over the past year I’ve spent a lot of time in the wilderness of America, and in fact wrote the bulk of the songs when on retreat in the deserts of New Mexico, and the album reflects this strong connection with Earth and her cycles. It’s been a deeply healing journey for me. Lizzy:You have a snake tattooed on your left outer arm, may I ask when you got it, where and why? I’m wondering how the evolution of the snake unites with the making of your current album? Wendy; I have always felt a strong connection with snakes. I love them for their amazing physical beauty, and also their mythical and Magical qualities that have woven through so many cultures, from the very dawn of human existence. The snake sheds its skin, its old life, only to be ‘reborn’ glistening and new. To me, it is a potent symbol of the life force. I always get such a Magical thrill

Down into ground Down into ground I’m following her trail Of spiral scale Or slither slow Deep down below I’m following my instincts I move like water seeking serpent way to low ground

when I see a snake in the wild (which I do surprisingly often – the latest being a rattlesnake in New Mexico), and I know that this is a sign that things are about to change, or a challenge to change things that are stuck – to shed my skin. I got my tattoo in 2008, but in the 5 or so years preceding that, I had often painted a red snake on my arm during ritual, using red ochre. It made me feel empowered, connected, Magical. When I decided to honor this permanently, I chose the design of the snake from the cover of my second album, Deity (released in 1998). I wanted to capture the symbolic essence of ‘snake’ then to have a realistic representation. Every time that I see the tattoo, it is a reminder of my commitment to The Goddess, and Magic, and to my spiritual growth. I chose to call the album Black Snake after writing the song of the same name. It came about very organically, as I was hiking in the desert one day. I just began singing the first lines, and the song began to flow. In this song the Black Snake is really the embodiment of the Crone energy – gently challenging me to descend into my deep self, explore my emotions and motivation, and not shy away from the feelings of loss and sadness that my process of change was bringing up. But she’s not only the challenge; she’s also the guide – reminding me of the necessity of this healing journey. That’s why, as you’ll see in the first verse below, that I follow her willingly. Black Snake leads me down

Lizzy: How many albums have you now released? Wendy; This will be my 10th studio album, but I’ve also released 3 live albums, 2 EPs, and a video (yes, way back then!) of a theatrical presentation in 1999 called ‘An Underworld Journey’. Lizzy: Looking back over the course of your career what’s an Australian highlight for you? Wendy; Oh, there are so many! Every experience has its own beauty – from the big, full band productions of my CD launches, to the small acoustic house concerts. I loved the huge show that I did at the Atheneum theatre in 2000 for my World Between Worlds CD launch. That was before I began touring internationally, so I was able to put all of my focus on that one big show. I also love all the ‘Midsummer Night Faerie Balls’ that I have presented over the past 10 years or so. Such fun to dress up, play music, and create some powerful Magic with the community. Lizzy: Looking back over the course of your career what’s an International highlight for you? Wendy; Last year’s Glastonbury Goddess Conference in the UK was magnificent. I thoroughly enjoyed that. I also loved playing the main stage at the Faerieworlds festival in Oregon, USA, a couple of years ago. But once again, some of my most powerful and joyous experiences have been at very intimate house concerts. Such a wonderful way to really get to know my fans and become part of the community, wherever I may be travelling.


Lizzy: How do you write a song? Can anyone do it, does it start with a poem? Does the music come first or the lyrics? Wendy; My process of writing is very organic. I’ll often be taken by a theme, or a story from mythology, and know that I want to explore it. I then just let it incubate – like planting a seed. The bulk of my writing is done when I’m walking in Nature. I love to hike, and will set off for a day in the woods or the seaside or the desert, with a notebook, and my phone to capture any melodies. Then I simply walk and walk, until the everyday dross has settled and I’m in a meditative state. That’s when the Magic happens. A tune will often rise up seemingly out of nowhere. I think of them as gifts from the Faeries! Sometimes I’ll find myself singing some words with that tune, like I did with Black Snake, but at other times I’ll just sing and hike, and then realize that it would be a perfect melody for one of the themes that I’ve been incubating. Often I’ll let the melody and potential words or ideas just hang out together for months before I actually sit down and say ‘ok, I’m going to write you now’! For this latest project I knew that I wanted to go really deep, so I did two separate solitary week long retreats in the desert, without any distractions like computers or other people, and just let the songs emerge. I’d been so busy on the road that I hadn’t had a chance to write deeply in almost a year, and it was really getting me down. I was incredibly relieved to find that the songs just began tumbling out when I honored the process and gave myself the two Magic ingredients: Nature and solitude. As my time with Wendy Rule draws to a close I reflect on how special her lifes journey is and how with an open heart she has shared so much. Im very thankful to have connected with such a lovely magickal soul in this lifetime. Blessed May we all be Lizzy Rose )O( www.wendyrule.com www.livingalifeofmagic.com www.kellianna.com GODDESS OF AVALON Magazine


t i r i p S e h t g n i k o v In a c c i d u o of B by Gemma Lucy Smart

In stature she was very tall, in appearance most terrifying, in the glance of her eye most fierce, and her voice was harsh; a great mass of the tawniest hair fell to her hips. - Cassius Dio, Roman historian


ave you ever felt so angry about an injustice or circumstance that you aren’t sure what to do with that feeling? Confrontation is scary, and it is tempting to do what we can to get through our day pretending that everything is okay when it clearly isn’t.

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We all have in us the spirit of Queen Boudicca of the Celts.


e have the fire and passion to rise up and speak our truths, to take action and to defy the odds, even in the worst of circumstances. The trick is tapping into that energy and using with intention, rather than letting anger control us. When hard times come knocking at our door and we think that life can’t get any worse, it’s tempting to want to hide under the covers until it’s all over. Many of us feel that same sense of hopelessness when we see others experiencing pain or harm... sometimes it’s simply too hard, too complex and too intractable to make any sense of. The only solution it seems is to run away. When Queen Boudicca was faced with the death of her husband and King in AD 60 or 61, she was dealt a very rough hand. Her husband had been an ally of the powerful Roman state, however on his death the Romans ignored his will and the kingdom was annexed as if it were conquered. Boudicca was flogged, and her daughters raped. When faced with a reality that no woman should ever have to experience, Boudicca chose to direct her energy and anger into action. She led the Celtic tribes of the Icini and Trinovantes into revolt, successfully taking over or burning to the ground the Roman strongholds of Camulodunum, Verulamium and Londinium. It is estimated that 70,000-80,000 Romans and British were killed by Boudicca’s armies in these cities.

Though Boudicca eventually suffered defeat and then died either by her own hand or by illness, her fierce spirit lives on in the hearts and minds of us today, and in the genetic memory of her ancestors. As a woman and military leader, Boudicca was profoundly influential both in her time and well into the present. She represents the indomitable part of us, the strength at the core of our being that cannot be broken. Invoking the spirit of Boudicca is about working with the spirit of the warrior in its feminine form. Boudicca is a mother figure- she is the fierce Mother Bear who seeks to bring justice through direct action. She doesn’t wallow in self pity, nor does she act without forethought. She rallies the troops and takes on the armies... no matter how big they are, or how unlikely success seems. Working with this energy is potent and effective when the odds seem stacked against us, or the injustices we face seem beyond our control. It is fiery and passionate, and it inspires the people around us. When we embody Boudicca it is like a wildfire has started in ourselves and is spreading to our loved ones, our friends and our ‘tribes’. It is important that we use this energy with intent and purpose. Untamed anger is a dangerous weapon, and we may find that the consequences of our actions prove more unwanted than our original circumstances. Before working with this energy, write down exactly what the injustice you are facing is. Ask for it to be http://avalonmagazine-net.webs.com

healed through and with your energy in the way that it needs to be. Do not attach to the outcome. Remember that Boudicca herself succumbed to Rome in the end, however it was the memory of her bravery and strength that was the most powerful and enduring gift she gave to the world.

How to Invoke the Spirit of Boudicca


Allow yourself to sit with righteous anger. Rather than let it consume you, write down your feelings and brainstorm ways to bring about change. When injustice occurs, focus on solutions rather than problems. Rally those around you with inspired action and a passionate vision for a better future. Research Queen Boudicca and other figures that represent the strength of women in positions of power. See them as a part of our history and a testament to the strength of women in adversity. Consider making a simple altar or ritual to the memory of Boudicca. Use it to inspire your actions and bring you hope in dark times.

2 3 4

Gemma Lucy Smart is a writer, creative and academic based in Sydney, Australia. Her passion for nature, ethics and the wonder and beauty of life inspires her work. http:// therootsofmanytrees.wordpress.com/ GODDESS OF AVALON Magazine


Shé D’Montford is the Editor in Chief of “Magick: and now “ESP” magazines. ESP Magazine, available in all leading newsagencies and on line at http://www.magcloud.com/browse/issue/420118 , is a unique magazine for the psychic community, Its writers, artists, editors, marketing managers, advertisers and production crew are all well respected members of the psychic community. Call +61(0)402 793 604 She is available for readings.




Scrying by She DeMontford

Scrying is the art of seeing and recognizing symbols and their meaning in the world around you. Scrying is a group of divination forms, dating back thousands of years. Different modes of scrying have been used through out history in various civilizations across the world. Scrying is still actively used by many religious and spiritual beliefs systems. All indigenous cultures on every continent use some form of scrying in their spiritual rites and journeys, including the native Asians, Africans, Americans, Australians and Europeans.

up a dialog with the universe in which you can be an active participant. You can use scrying to: Gain Security Get answers Make difficult choices. Understand De Ja Vous See Future Events Know Outcomes Predict Rises & Falls Anyone can perform scrying. Every one should. It is much better to open your eyes and try to see where you are going rather than stumble through life blindly and hope for the best. Using these techniques, you can begin to develop your own ability to directly see the future for yourself, so that you can be your own psychic.

It is also possible to see the future or prognosticate using scrying. It can show a querent their pastor present. Many great historical kings called upon "seers" to use different methods We will discuss 20 simple scrying of scrying to aid them in battle or methods (and one that is a little more with love. complex so that you can begin to stretch your skills) that you can begin Some incorrectly think of scrying to use today without any specialist as being a skill that is exclusive to training or the need for years of witchcraft; however, this is untrue. Several forms of divination are used in psychic development, such as: the Bible from Genesis to Revelations. Islamic cultures honour (scrying saved Crystal Ball Gazing. Tea & coffee cup Mohammed’s life as a child) it as does reading. Judaism and Vedic culture. Mirror Scrying. Cloud Scrying. Scrying can assist you in your daily Fire Scrying. life. It will help you understand you subconscious process and it will open Deep Water Scrying http://avalonmagazine-net.webs.com

Oghams. Runes. Bird & Animal Omens. Card Reading Dream symbols and more To perform these methods an understanding of basic symbology is required. At the end of this book is a list of symbols and their meanings. These symbols are commonly used by psychologists, Jungian analysts, dream interpreters, war propaganda agents, advertising agencies, academics and architects. These symbols transcend cultural boundaries and are a universal form of communication between humans. This is because symbols are the language used by our intelligent universe. We are hard wired to them. If we become aware of these symbols we can become aware of universal messages happening around us. This book will give you a better understanding of those symbols, their uses, their meanings and how to relate them to your environment, Once you understand these symbols you can use the methods in this book to create a way to be clear and receptive to these messages, without the conscious mind doubting, fearing and sabotaging. The techniques, methods and symbols that make up the scrying processes will become tools that you can access at any time and in any place, to help GODDESS OF AVALON Magazine


you get your needs met.Your world will become larger and more fulfilled.You will be more capable of avoiding the potholes in life’s highway as you use scrying to open up a 2-way dialogue with the universe. Cloud Scrying Laying on the beach and enjoying the morphing pictures formed by the clouds is a very ancient form of scrying. The Celtic Druids would look to the clouds for spiritual insight in battles, for spiritual rites, and for the harvest. This was called “Air Scrying.” Children love doing this and it can be a way to make them aware of their spiritual power very early in life. Method: The secret to successful cloud scrying is to be totally relaxed. Let the interpretations of the symbols flow and float as easily through your mind as the clouds through the sky. Allow your intuition to have full say when interpreting the symbols that you see. For instance, if I am thinking about my business and I notice a cloud that looks like an eagle’s head, it could indicate for me to increase my market to the US. Eagles are blessings from the gods and good things on the way. Cloud Vaporizing - Creating Your future Always remember this: A person controls their fate Their fate does not control the person

for it you can make the most of of a bad situation. For instance there were many signs to indicate the economic downturn in 2009-2013. Lack of clouds and long term drought were good indicators that his was on its way. My clients who listened to my warnings were able to clear their debit and cash up, ready to increase their assets as others who did not listen were forced to sell theirs. Method: Locate a small cloud Do the Zi Gi Meditation Focus all your intent with your out breath through the third eye on vaporizing that cloud. Di this Zi Gi with you eyes open watching the cloud. Concentrate with your eyes Continue to visualize breathing out of your third eye and blowing the cloud away like blowing a candle flame out. Say to your self: 'Make it evaporate, make it disappear.' Don't let that dark cloud out of your sight until it is gone.

If you have seen something in the clouds that may indicate a bad situation ahead this is one of many techniques you can use to make bad luck vaporize (along with the cloud image that is indicating it.) If you can make that cloud disappear then you will be able to turn away from the path that is not good for you. If the cloud persists and wont dissolve then you may not be able to avoid this situation. In that case use the information shown to you to prepare. If you are ready 14



S’Roya Rose - Priestess Psychic Tarot Readings Medium, Numerology, Reiki Master Transformational Healing Therapy Spiritual Teacher & Wellbeing Coach Goddess Circles & Workshops Publisher of numerous Books, Oracle Cards & Magazines E: email@sroyarose.com

0422 361 040

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Magical Sea Witch by Sharne Tam

Sharne Tam is a practicing Magical SeaWitch, Psychic, Healer and teaches Aromatherapy, and Crystal workshops at Namaste Centre in Lismore, Northern NSW.To book your session or purchase her famous Smudge Spray call he on 0402704536 Her website is; www.magicalseawitch.com.au


Sea Magic

onnecting with the Oceans energy to purify, transform, heal and guide you. You don’t have to live near the ocean to work with her power. Taping into her magical energies with some simple practices from the privacy of your own home can take you on a journey within, a journey that can re connect you with mother nature and bring some magic into your everyday life. After all 70% of the earth is actually water. There are a number of Goddesses associated with the Sea. The Goddess Yemaya known as the Mother Goddess of the ocean has different



names but appears is in folklore stories from all over the globe. Her origin is thought to be in Africa, but is also in stories from Brazil where she is called Yemanja. The Goddess Aphrodite known as the Greek goddess of beauty and love was according to legend ‘sea foam born’. Her name comes from the word aphros meaning foam. Scallop shells, dolphins and pearls have all been associated with her. Aphrodite, Ishtar and Venus were all called Stella Maris, or Star of the Sea. Working with a Sea Goddess or God is one of the most direct ways to connect with the seas magical energy.


Sea Alters

On my beach walks I always carry a green shopping bag; you know the ones you do the grocery shopping with. Or I have a pink sand bucket that I got from the toy section of a department store. I never carry plastic bags, it’s too risky that they fly off and end up in the ocean and a turtle will swallow it confusing it with a jellyfish. My promise to the Ocean,Yemaya and Neptune is that I will always clean up the rubbish that I see and find on the beach and surrounds. It’s my trade for the treasures that I take home. The rubbish I collect ranges from small pieces of plastic to discarded fishing lures, hooks and fishing lines. It’s a sacred trade. Regardless, if I find any treasures or not I always collect every piece of rubbish that I see.

We can use meditation, ritual or prayer to work with sea energy. One of the easiest ways to bring ritual into our everyday life is to set up an altar. Tending to your alter on a daily basis by lighting candles, changing wilting flowers or refreshing your offerings ground us and it is a physical reminder of the magic we can bring daily into our lives. It doesn’t matter what objects we have on our altar, there is no right or wrong. It’s the intention behind the object that has the most power. Some of the most powerful ritual magic and spell works I have done have come from using the most basic and humblest of items.Your sea alter can be as simple or extravagant as you On my sea alter I use candles in the like. colours of the ocean mainly Blues, turquoises and white. I surround My alter never stays the same it the bases of the candles with either changes like the ebb and flow the sea salt or beach sand. It also has a ocean. I walk on the beach quite large scallop shell that I use to burn a regularly, summer and winter and find treasures on each new adventure. charcoal disc for my resins and herbs. There is a glass jar with fresh sea There is always something to find water from my favourite local beach from seashells, feathers, driftwood and a ceramic plate in the shape of and my favourite treasure of all time to find is sea glass. Always make sure a star fish that I fill with sand. In the if you pick up a shell that it’s not still sand I draw Norse or Generic rune occupied by a tenant!!


symbols to enhance my spell work or to specifically dedicate my altar. Another precious item is a sand dollar that I found on my first of many pilgrimages to Hawaii. Sand dollars are not shells, but are related to starfish. They represent awareness, balance, wisdom and transformation and help you to acquire knowledge. Sea Glass, which is sometimes referred to as ‘Mermaids Tears’ is one of my most favourite tools that I fossick for hours to find. Although not originally from the sea, sea glass is transformed from its broken, sharp edged shards as it has been tumbled and massaged against the sand of the ocean floors over years and in some cases decades to be washed up by the tides transformed, smoothed, re shaped and beautiful. I make jewellery like earrings and pendants as well as the most beautiful crystal sounding mobiles that serenade me as they are being blown around in the fresh sea air where I live. I have quite recently started experimenting with some of the larger sea glass pieces I have found as a type of seer stone or divination tool whilst doing readings for clients. Dive in deep, relax, enjoy and be embraced by the Magic of the Sea )0(



Avian Guardians of Mystery & History by Ceri Norman


n my most recent visit to Stonehenge it was not the huge stones that drew my attention, but the vast number of crows perched atop the lintels, which appeared to give the stones a dense crown of jet black plumage. For the crows the large sarsen stones make a great vantage point, and there must be plenty of food for them in the surrounding area. Watching the crows closely, they appeared to be watching me back, with their intelligent eyes and it struck me that perhaps, just perhaps, they were also guarding this ancient megalithic monument. This idea may strike you as a little odd, but in Britain the corvid family - which include crows, ravens, magpies and rooks - has inspired a great deal of folklore and some very varied superstitions. To some they are omens of good fortune or sky based protectors, to others they are sinister omens of doom, gloom and even 18


death. The collective noun for crows is the somewhat macabre ‘murder of crows’, the rooks have a ‘parliament’, while the collective noun for magpies is ‘a tiding of magpies’ which harks back to the idea of the birds as omens of fortune. There is hardly a child in Britain that does not know one of the variations of the Magpie Rhymes, where the number of magpies seen indicates a specific omen: “One for sorrow, two for joy, etc” and in some parts of Britain people will still greet a single magpie with an almost ritual phrase and action in an attempt to ward off the sorrow the sighting of a single magpie allegedly portends. Meanwhile rooks are omens of good luck as their arrival portends the start of spring and if a raven landed on your house it was thought to bring prosperity with it. Most famous of the corvid family folklore is undoubtedly that of the ravens who live at the Tower of London, for it is said that "If the http://avalonmagazine-net.webs.com

Tower of London ravens are lost or fly away, the Crown will fall and Britain with it." Extreme lengths have been gone to in order to make sure the ravens remain; their wings are clipped to prevent them flying too far and when all but one of the ravens died during the blitz in World War II, Churchill had others brought in to make up the numbers as a matter of urgency. Just how this odd superstition came about is a bit of a mystery; it is now thought to be a Victorian flight of fancy, which has borrowed elements from history and Celtic mythology. From the ancient Welsh tales of the Mabinogi, comes the story of Brân the Blessed, King and Protector of Britain. Brân’s sister, Branwen, was married to the Irish King, Matholwch, but he mistreated her. Branwen managed to get a message to her brother, by either a crow or starling – depending on the version – and Brân and Matholwch went to

war. Brân’s name means ‘raven’ or ‘crow’ and his sister ‘s name means ‘white raven/crow’ and these two are likely to be ancient raven associated Welsh pre-Christian deities. During the battle, Brân was injured, he ordered his men to cut off his head and to bury, it facing the sea, beneath the White Hill so that Brân could continue to protect Britain, especially from invaders. That White Hill is where the Tower of London now stands. For a while this plan worked, until another figure associated with corvids, King Arthur, came along. King Arthur is most often associated with the dragon (Pendragon means ‘Chief Dragon’) or the bear as that is the literal meaning of his name, but in a very strange Welsh tale, known as The Dream of Rhonabwy (also within the Mabinogi), Arthur, like Brân, is closely associated with ravens. In Cornwall King Arthur was said not have to have died at the battle of Camlann, nor to have been taken to Avalon, but instead to have transformed into another of the corvid family - the rare red-billed and red-legged chough. Cornish legends say that King Arthur protects Cornwall in this form and that should the chough ever leave Cornwall, and subsequently return (as happened in 2001) that King Arthur would return... Unfortunately for Britain, King Arthur decided that he was so great a

warrior that he could protect Britain himself, though perhaps with the help of his Knights of the Round Table. During his reign, Arthur ordered Brân’s head to be dug up from the White Hill, and, no sooner was that done, well, the Saxons invaded, followed by the Vikings, Normans, etc. It may be that the idea of keeping ravens at the tower is symbolic of the presence and protection of Brân, the raven god of Britain. While his head is no longer beneath the hill below the tower, his sacred birds are still there, continuing to keep watch, as Arthur does over Cornwall in the form of a chough, and just like those crows at Stonehenge... Crows, ravens and the other corvids are beings that live between worlds, walking upon the earth or gliding through the sky. For centuries such birds have been believed to fly between the realms of the living and the dead ancestors, so their congregating upon the ancient stones of Stonehenge seems somewhat apt. While Edgar Allan Poe had his raven saying the pessimistic “Nevermore”, the Romans believed its call relayed a more optimistic message; they likened its croak to their word cras meaning ‘tomorrow’. I wonder of what mysteries the corvids speak as their calls echo around the sacred stones, and they continue to guard this special place of the ancestors… http://avalonmagazine-net.webs.com

Ceri Norman is a folklorist, historian and freelance writer, with a deep love and reverence for history, folklore, folk tales, history, oral history, storytelling and writing (both fiction and non-fiction). Her particular areas of interest are the stories and history of Celtic Britain and Scandinavia. www.cerinorman.com





The Galactic Goddess

very now and then I stumble across something I know that will really make a difference because it adds to the evolvement of mankind.. well... recently I had the joy of meeting a very special Galactic Goddess named Starina. What a delight it was to meet a Star Sister, who with the use of higherdimentional galactic frequencies, has cretaed a a Sacred Symbol Deck like no other. Some of these symbols caught my eye immediately as being familiar...Yes, much like crop circles that act like keys, so too these geometric designs are a way of our Star Being friends communicating their message of love and healing




to all who work with them. These ancient symbols have a way of communicating their message deep into the cells of your body. Not just a beautiful picture, they are activational healing templates, that can be used to dive deeply into the “Rabbits hole�, creating huge transformational inner shifts. While talking with her I experienced one of those deep shifts within my heart for myself. .. Just amazing! With these symbols you can seek counsel with the Elders, retrieve gifts from past lives and claim back your power. The ways in which you can use


these cards are endless. Starina has also integrated these symbols and created her own brand of Galactic Reiki workshops... Below is the book cover and the first 12 Galactic symbols. Inside her book you will find throughout, interwoven Healing Meditations: Suggested combinations for performing Readings and Healings: Grounding, Protection, and House Clearing Techniques. If you would like to know more or book an appointment or workshop contact Starina on her websites: www.thegalacticgoddess.com.au www.thelovebubble.com.au


2013 ‘INTO THE WILD’ ‘INTO THE WILD’ On October 18-20, GAIA Inc will be holding our 11th annual Australian Goddess Conference. This year’s beautiful venue, located in a bushland setting, is the Baden Powell Scout Centre in Pennant Hills NSW. Onsite accommodation available. Join us for a weekend of ritual, workshops, dance, storytelling & deep connection to the Wild Goddess. International artist Kellianna & our very own world renowned Wendy Rule will be our special guests.

We invite you to step into your Wild Wisdom! Goddess Association In Australia (GAIA Inc) is committed to educating the wider community about Goddess, She of 10,000 names and faces who has been present in every culture since the beginning of time... For all information please visit -

www.goddessassociation.com.au conference@goddessassociation.com.au


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Lizzy Rose

'Pagan's & Politics' Interview: Clive Palmer & Doug Hawkins from the new Palmer United Party


o you ever think about what you would say if you had a voice in Parliament? If your concerns could be addressed? If your Government would answer any question at all? As a Pagan,a Witch and a Psychic, I have often wondered how Politicians in positions of leadership would answer my questions that relate directly to my belief system and spiritual practices. How does the current legislation effect my magickal practices and what if anything, would the Australian Government change to aid the Australian Pagan Community? Doug Hawkins was born in the Western General Hospital Footscray Victoria on 5th May 1960 Clive Palmer was born in the same hospital in 1954. Doug is now 53 years of age and Clive is 59. Doug Hawkins is a down to earth, kind, friendly lovable man, and in his younger years, known across the country as a well known Australian football star. Doug is now running for a seat in the Senate and entering a world he isn't at all familiar with. Clive Palmer a self-made Billionaire and a strong direct character, has declared he wants to be the next Prime Minister. Using my initiative and most magickal of ways, I conjured a few meetings with both gentlemen and with a positive exchange; I share my interviews with them here. 22


Lizzy; Clive, in your opinion what needs to change in government? Clive; Government! Lizzy; Doug, As a working suburban father and a well-known man in your community what needs to change in Government? Doug; I know and see many cases of people who can’t afford to turn their heaters on; we need to address rising electricity costs. People shouldn’t be robbing supermarkets for food; some people can’t even afford to pay for a license to learn to drive to then be able to drive to work. Let’s address employment issues. We have 120,000 homeless in Australia we need to spend money on our own people. We need to enable people to live more comfortably. We need to look at the situation with the boats, who are these people coming into our shores? And detention centres, are they safe places, isn’t there another way. We should be keeping food produce and Australian made products in our country. Lizzy; Doug, How do you see the result of the 2013 election from the people’s viewpoint? Doug; I think the people are sick of both major parties, they have had enough. Lizzy; Doug I know you to be a sweet, kind, gentle, caring humble, down to earth gentleman, however, many voters in the alternative world http://avalonmagazine-net.webs.com

may not know you as I do, or as the footy world know you, so why should those that don’t know you Vote for you? Doug; I met Clive Palmer only a short time ago. I share Clive’s passion for Australia and for change. I'm a down-right, fair dinkum, not scared to laugh at myself, honest bloke. I don’t come across too seriously. I’m just an average guy that played footy well. I’m no better than anybody else, I’m straight up, not complicated yet at times I’m a larrikin but above all, I’m a genuine people person with a ‘what you see, is what you get attitude’. Lizzy; Clive, How do you feel about gay rights? If you had the authority would you legitimize gay, bi and transgender marriage and equality? Clive; Our Party Policy is that all members have a conscious vote. We don't want people to vote against how they feel. For too long Party Leaders have stated fixed positions in social issues designed to intimidate and influence others. I am not going to state my position because I want everyone to exercise their vote in accordance with their conscience. Lizzy; Tell us more about Clive Palmer. What does he mean for the alternative communities, the pagans, witches, druids, new age and alternative spiritual people of Australia? How will you help us? Clive; My aim is to help all Australians have a safe and secure

Lizzy Rose Australias's Celebrity Psychic. Specialising in Psychic, Clairvoyant,Tarot & Medium Readings. High Priestess of Mumma MoonWomen's Circles & Goddess Temple Gatherings. Email lizzyrosebookings@gmail.com www.lizzyrose.com.au 0452 479 505

future to raise the standard of living to eliminate discrimination so that all Australians are treated equally under the law.

lied about the Carbon Tax and as electricity prices went higher, she seemed to dump those who most needed her help once elected.

Lizzy; Clive, When I discuss politics with Spiritual people, hippies, artsy folk, musicians, writers, authors, tradesmen, painters, nurses, medical practioners, natural healers, meditation teachers and the like, if I ask them who they vote for, they generally answer with THE GREENS. I gather they assume or hope that this party will be better for our environment. How does your party compare? Clive; Environment doesn't just mean the external world it also means our inner spirit, what we believe in our Life. We need an environment free from fear and in sync with the natural world around us.

Lizzy; Clive, Do you think there is a place in government for women? Clive; As Chairman Mao said, women hold up half of the sky. Women and men need to be in all

Lizzy; Clive, What will you bring to the community for families, for small business and for the folk who tend to live off-the-grid, i.e, in the hills and forests, the farmers, growers, pickers, packers etc... Clive; A better return for their efforts and a safe and secure future. Lizzy; Clive, What influence do you think Julia Gillard, as a female, had on the Australian people? Clive; A negative influence as she

parts of our lives in Australia. No person or group should be excluded from Government. Lizzy; Clive, May I ask you with respect, what influence do woman have in your life? Clive; Both my mother and my wife have been my trusted advisors. My first wife was my inspiration while she was alive. Lizzy; John Dee was a famous astrologer for Queen Elizabeth 1st in 1558. She consulted him and sought http://avalonmagazine-net.webs.com

his influence in serious decisions in regards to running England. It is known historically that people in government consulted Clairvoyants with matters of state. Do you see the relevance in using psychics, astrologers and mediums to provide counsel for those in government? Clive; All citizens of Australia need to be consulted in respect of decisions that affect them. That is a fundamental principal of democracy. Doug; “Yes I do, if the Psychic was proven to be credible and accurate. If the Psychic was you yes, I would consult you. I’d be a mug not to use the gift of insight that you have. It’s wise to consult a recognised Psychic, I wouldn’t go to just anyone but, I’d most certainly consult you.Yes I’m very open to it and would support it 100% I’d see it as a great advantage for the people and for my party” As my time with both men now comes to a close, I think on how important it is for Pagans of all descriptions to be acknowledged, and understood in our society. How acceptance and tolerance is such an important part of our nations equality. Thank you to Mr Clive Palmer and Mr Doug Hawkins for answering my questions for oure readers. Will it be the Palmer United Party who brings in change? For as we Vote, so will it Be. Why not check them out yourself.?!

http://palmerunited.com GODDESS OF AVALON Magazine


See you on the Dark Side of the Moon... Kali Cox is Domestic Goddess,

an empath, busy working Mum of 2, aspiring collator of the written word, and full-time Solitary Witch. She has appeared on local Brisbane radio, creatrix of and moderates the ‘Witches Of White Magic Unite’ Group Fan Page on Facebook.




think I must have deviated off the beaten track quite spectacularly when I find myself wanting to clean. Moments of insanity such as these usually hit around waning moon and Solstice times, whereupon each turn of the wheel takes me to a place where I become possessed by the Clean Demon and am powerless to control my body as it hurtles me round the house scrubbing and polishing, exorcising dust devils who like to spite me by returning again as soon as my back is turned. I am compelled to purge by cleansing my environment. http://avalonmagazine-net.webs.com

Usually, and much to my dismay, the body often follows suit. The mind, overwhelmed by all of this activity, throws it’s hands in the air in defeat and jumps on the bandwagon, flooding everything with abundant hot salty oceans that overflow from malfunctioning tear ducts, verification that our bodies are made up of 70% water, and that certain drought for me, is imminent. As always, after such a period of unwittingly decadent self indulgence, I am depleted and exhausted, yet fresh again at the turning of the wheel, the rebirth of the sun, and the waxing silvery moon of new promise.

Benjamin Franklin said : "In this world nothing is certain but death and taxes." Life is a constant evolution of change, and when we are not prepared for, or willing to flow with this change instead of against it, we can sometimes lose our way. The path becomes overgrown and dark, choked in weeds of doubt, and the dust devils dance in the deepest corners of our minds obscuring the view of the clarity in which we seek. Sometimes, all we crave as human beings, is a little drop of 9 carat reassurance from the people that we love that it will be ok, that we will forge on ahead with scythes and swords through the bracken, creating a path forwards to the light. However due to circumstance at times, this may remain as elusive as the gold it is interned to. Sometimes we are all we have, and what remains is to find it Within. For all the support our Dear Ones can give us in times of darkness, we should really search first inside our hearts for the faith and assurances we need to find our way, for we know our own truths and what we hold tight to believing in to carry on. What is true will always remain, even if it takes another form. Like our beloved moon, negotiating the way back to whole can also be cyclic. As women in particular we are often in harmony with the moon for our menstrual cycles, our emotions, intuition and our magical practice. By working with her energy and a keeping a little faith, we can re-emerge refreshed, restored and

reassured that we are walking in the right direction, head clear, held high, with a sense of purpose. The New Moon for me is time to withdraw, to be held in her dark embrace and allow myself to let go and feel. I crawl inside, away from the world snuggled in the warm cocoon of Self and ride the wave wherever it takes me. Consciously, I have no choice over my body-mind at Dark Moon - about as much as I have at Solstice, truth be told. It's like the switch flips to Emolicious, the slippers stay on, and I take out shares in Kleenex and Cadbury. But I have learnt to go with it, because it too shall pass. It's ok to feel wretched. If things are sub-par in your life, then they are sub-par. Let them be. But don't let it take over. Don’t stay there on extended holiday, no matter how good the peppermint tastes in that chocolate. I really don't think we allow ourselves to feel like rubbish sometimes. We bottle it up, we smile through the pain and we get on with it because life doesn't stop for our sadness. We need to make it stop, before it manifests into illness - physical or mental - and before you know it, the body is ready for a purging marathon that you don’t want to run, and you trip and fall into all the cracks that have opened up on the path while you were busy denying their existence with an upper lip of steel that would make BHP proud. Throughout the moon’s Waxing phase, I like to take all of those rubbishy things that I have been struggling with and collecting rather impatiently during Her Waning phase, http://avalonmagazine-net.webs.com

and channel them into my own little personal affirmation mantra :

*Feel *Acknowledge *Release *ACT *Feel it - Good or bad. *Acknowledge it - Allow yourself to know it's ok to feel it. *Release - Let it go. Write it out and burn it. Talk. Cry. Laugh. Exercise. Pour it’s energy into a stone and throw it with all your might into the water – Just GET RID OF IT! *ACT - Start moving forward, no more dwelling in the past. CHANGE it for the better. All the affirmations in the world are wonderful for motivation, but mean nothing unless we make the choice to act upon them. I absolutely LOVE the Full Moon for this. Her revitalising, manifesting energy empowers me to create my desires, restores my faith, and shines her magical light on the way forward. I love our intimate conversations, the way she soothingly strokes my hair with silvery fingers. The Mother ; nurturing all the broken parts of me that I am restoring back to whole again. Take a few minutes at night before sleep to allow Her faithful and ever present loyalty to be the true constant that guides you on your path to Self. Treasure the 9 carat moments when they come, and hold close to your heart the faith that they bring. And don’t forget the chocolate – to help with the cleaning, of course! GODDESS OF AVALON Magazine


by Blanca Beyar

The Empowered Goddess




The Empowered Goddess


he beauty of the Goddess is often displayed by the luminous glow of her skin, the fluid movement of her body and attire, and by her nourishing and loving qualities that identifies so splendidly with the Feminine Divine. When we envision the Goddess, we visualize the mermaid, the fairy and the priestess; all very beautiful and soft representations of the Female aspect. Very rarely, do we envision the empowered aspects of the Goddess within the vision of softness—when we think of the empowered Goddess, we may find ourselves visualizing the images of Lioness; the Goddess Sekhmet, strong and powerful but not quite as soft as fairies or mermaids. It is time to fully bring into balance and fruition the totality of the Goddess; the trilogy of her being: The Maiden, Mother, Crone aspects, in their entire splendor, without the need to compromise one aspect over the other. The trilogy of the Goddess truly compromises the Empowered Goddess. Indeed, as we experience the varied cycles of life, much like the seasons, we, too, experience the heightened aspects of one of the trilogy aspects of the Goddess Energies. In our youth, we are more in tuned with the Maiden energy, filled with innocence and curiosity, a yearning for awakening and for romance. As we blossom from the Maiden to the Mother aspect, we begin to harness our maternal energies of nourishment and womb love. Our yearning to take care of others begins to dampen our

Maiden desires. And finally, as we begin to mature into a deeper sense of wisdom, the Crone aspect of our Goddess energies finally allow us to fully embrace our strength and empowerment but oftentimes, we have also allowed ourselves to lose touch with our Maiden and Motherly aspects. Like the seasons, we have unconsciously allowed ourselves to believe that our Feminine energy have a beginning and an end, instead of embracing that the trilogy of our femininity is ever-flowing and integrative; that our totality is found in the recognition that we are always embodied in the Maiden, Mother, Crone energies no matter what our biological age is...simply because we are not our physical bodies, but truly, magnificent, divine Goddesses. There is no reason or cause to compromise an aspect of our divine identity merely because we have lived through a milestone in our physical lives. Within us, we have always and will always possess the aspects of the trilogy: We have always--and will always--be the Maiden, the Mother and the Crone. The empowered Goddess recognizes that true balance is attained when she can allow herself to graciously move from one aspect of her being to the next aspect without ever losing identity with all that she truly is. For, the Mother in us, still yearns to be romanced and swept off our feet... and the Maiden still possesses great wisdom and strength within her http://avalonmagazine-net.webs.com

and the Crone is still very strong even when she allows herself to feel vulnerable and desires to be held in safety. So, as you embark on embracing the magnificence of you, no matter what your biological age is, do not be afraid to showcase and to share every aspect of who you truly are! Do not hesitate to allow your hair to flow in the winds, to kick your shoes off and to aimlessly wander amidst the grass or the golden sand...do not be shy about speaking your truth with assertiveness and to take a stance... be bold enough to share your passion in your dance, and to playfully twirl your hair as you speak, and to have a twinkle in your eyes as you smile and to raise your hands up to the sky as you proclaim your wholeness and empowerment in all that you are. For, you are a delicious, mysterious and exquisite aspect of the Goddess, in every moment and in every experience that you partake in!

Blanca Beyar wears many hats in the Goddess field. She is a Spiritual Author, Guru, Intuitive and Medium.To learn more about Blanca, visit her website at: http://blancabeyar. info



(Sanskrit for “Mother Earth”) or Gaia, the earth itself, and is thought of as the Great Mother - the divine feminine which gives birth to us, nourishes and sustains us and in which we finally find our rest and rebirth. This aspect of the Goddess, although suppressed by the Christian Church, persisted throughout the medieval period amongst scholars and others who were still orientated to the ways of ancient Paganism. In a 12th century English Herbal, for example, the Goddess is referred to as “Mother Nature, who dost generate all things and bringest forth ever anew the Sun.” It is She who “nurturest life” and “when the spirit of humankind passes, to Thee it returns”.

Contempating the Triple Goddess Part II

By Frances Billinghurst


ithin modern Paganism and Goddess-centric spiritual traditions, the Triple Goddess is perceived as being both sexual in nature and a mother. These two aspects have been divorced from each other in the nearest Western equivalent to the Goddess, that of the Virgin Mary of the Catholic Church. The original meaning of virgin may not necessarily refer to a “chaste woman noted for religious piety and having a position of reverence in 28


the Church”, but to a woman who is simply “not married” without any emphasis being placed upon her sexual behaviour (or lack thereof). It is this original meaning that is meant when referring to the Virgin (or Maiden) Goddess into which category Artemis, Hestia and Athena. The Mother aspect of the Triple Goddess is represented by the full moon, or the earth. Often this aspect of the Goddess is seen as Prithvi Mata http://avalonmagazine-net.webs.com

The last aspect of the Triple Goddess is the Wise Woman, the Crone or Hag, who is the keeper of the mysteries, and is often associated with either the waning or the dark phase of the moon. The Crone Goddess symbolises our own inner wisdom, but also the elders who, in a tribal society, were the living repositories of the history and lore of that tribe. Their role was essential to the successful functioning of society and age had an honoured place. One common error that people often tend to make when first coming across the Triple Goddess is relating human years to the various aspects. While the Maiden aspect of the Goddess is more often than not depicted as a youthful young woman, it does not mean that someone of a more mature age cannot associate with this youthfulness. It is increasingly common today to see people over 50 years of age enjoying freedom and life in a way they have never experienced before. Likewise, with the pressures of modern living and the breakdown of what is deemed

the “traditional” family unit, it is not unusual for children or even teens to step into the role of the Mother by caring for and nurturing younger siblings. Being able to identify with the Mother Goddess is also not solely reserved for those women who have physically had children, or even those who care for children. There are numerous ways of “mothering” as well as numerous “things” (animal or other) that can be mothered. The different aspects of the Triple Goddess can therefore be experienced at whatever age we find ourselves at. One obvious misconception about aligning the Triple Goddess with the moon phases is that the moon actually goes through four distinct phases during its cycle. This therefore raises the query as to whether, within modern Paganism and Goddesscentric spiritual traditions; there is actually a fourth aspect of the Goddess that Graves overlooked. The late Shekhinah Mountainwater wrote about the concept of the “Dark Maiden” who she identified as the Sorceress, who is associated with the waning moon, and who was the opposite to the “Light Maiden” of the waxing moon. Goddesses that fall under the category of the “Dark Maiden” include Morgan le Fay and Persephone, as well as those who were associated with magic, shapeshifting and transformation. Franklin also saw the Goddess as four-fold; however, within her tradition these phases are not solely

connected with the moon. The fourfold Goddess is also associated with the four seasons. Franklin further points out that within modern Strega (Italian witchcraft) the four phases of the moon are acknowledged, each with an associated aspect of the Goddess. Diana is the Maiden of the waxing moon, Losna is the “Light Mother” of the full moon, Manea is the “Dark Mother” of the waning moon; and Umbrea is the Crone connected with the dark moon. Within my own work, the Dark Goddess tends to incorporate both Mountainwater’s “Dark Maiden”, modern Strega’s concept of the “Dark Mother” as well as other aspects that tend not to be easily pigeonholed into the triplicity of “Maiden”, “Mother” and “Crone”. These Goddesses include the ancient creatrix of the heavens and earth (Tiamat in Babylonia myth), the rulers of time (the Hindu Goddess Kali), and the initiators and keepers of the hidden knowledge (Welsh Arianrhod and Cerridwen). Goddesses who rule the various Underworlds, such as the Sumerian Erieshkigal, also fall into the category of being a “Dark Goddess”. Despite the connection of the Triple Goddess with the moon being a relatively recent idea, to the followers of modern Pagan and Goddess-centric spirituality, it appears to already be anchored deep within our psyche. A reason for this could be that through understanding http://avalonmagazine-net.webs.com

the triplicity of the Goddess in this way, we are able to access and gain a deeper insight into the divine feminine as a whole. When we look upon Her many faces and feel Her changing rhythms, we are also able to go within ourselves and gain deeper knowledge about our own changes, from moon phase to moon phase, and throughout the course of the years. If we associate the Goddess with the moon, then I believe that the hidden fourth aspect, that of the “Dark Goddess”, should also be acknowledged. This is because each aspect of the Goddess lives within us, the seen as well as the unseen. Frances is an initiated Wytch and High Priestess of an active coven based in Adelaide, South Australia. She has an interest in the occult and all things magical, as well as folklore and mythology. A prolific writer, her articles have appeared in over 12 separate publications worldwide with essays in Unto Herself: A Devotional Anthology to Independent Goddesses, and Shield ofWisdom: A Devotional Anthology to Athena as well as two anthologies yet to be published by Avalonia. Her own book, Dancing the SacredWheel: A Journey through the Southern Sabbats, can be purchased by contacting the author. For further information, write to PO Box 2451, Salisbury Downs SA 5108, Australia; visit the Temple's web site www.templedarkmoon.com; or email frances@templedarkmoon.com. GODDESS OF AVALON Magazine


Wild Woman Weekend! is an annual event held in the bush lands of Western Australia that gifts a sacred, magical space for women to gather together to share stories, wisdom & journeys, to connect with Mother Earth & Goddess Moon, and to empower & encourage one another to embrace the wild within. Now in its 9th year, the custodians Ariana & Larissa have yet to theme this years inspiration. Keep checking our website for more info... With drumming around the fire, dancing, meditations, creativity, sumptuous magical feasting & weaving the threads of sisterhood, this year promises to sing to your very soul. Accommodation, nourishment & magical shenanigans are all inclusive all you need to bring is the wild woman within! For more information hop onto the website or find Wild Woman Weekend on facebook.


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The Rose Faery

Apple Blossom


s I was wandering alone in my English garden, I smelt the most intriguing fragrance, drawing, and trapping me into its delicious entice. My senses opened and I was instantly in love, for it was the energy of love which I felt throughout my whole being. It caressed my skin, my heart, and my entire aura. I was wrapped completely within a tender warmth as all fears dismissed, all negativity wiped away. As I drew closer, there she was. A faery! In her pink petticoat skirt I spotted her dancing eagerly around the petals of the rose. Singing with glee, happiness, and all heart felt things. She was in love with nature, as I was in love with her energy. Like a bee to pollen, I had been

attracted like a magnet to her inner and outer beauty, as my heart chakra now spun in colourful circles, ready, waiting, wanting… Attributes of the Rose Faery: • Nurturer • Passion • Warmth • Fertility • Desire • Sexual energy • Affection • Gentleness • Unconditional love • Feelings • Relationships • Trust • Self acceptance • Romance • Gratitude • Friendship • Kindness http://avalonmagazine-net.webs.com

FAERY BASKET OF LOVE SPELL Day: Friday - Goddess Freya, day of love. Moon phase: Any. Tools: • Baskets, one per gift. • Pink ribbon. • Cardboard. • Pen. Ingredients: • Red or pink roses • Apple blossoms. • Hibiscus. • Pansies. • Tulips. • Violets. Purpose: By making this gift and giving it to friends you are thanking them for their love, kindness and friendship. Method:You will need a basket for each person who shall receive this gift. Wrap the pink ribbon around the baskets to decorate them. In the baskets arrange an array of beautiful flowers such as the ones I suggested, each represents the energy of love - most importantly roses! Cut love heart shapes in cardboard and write this message on them to be attached to the handles.

"Abundant-fertile-soil Love and passion boil Faery energy come to thee One, two, three So mote it be…" Apple Blossom is a natural psychic, medium, and witch. She writes for many new age magazines in Australia and internationally and is the author of three books. http://www.appleblossomscottage.com Photo taken by ‘Julz Photography’ 2011 GODDESS OF AVALON Magazine


Searching for Freyja

by ZaKaiRan


have always been a searcher of the truth. This was a natural quest to pursue since I could see from the very beginning that I was surrounded by illusion when everyone else thought it was all real. And even as alluring as these trappings of life have been, none could sway me from the path of truth 32


and divinity. Of course the illusions that tantalize us along this journey can be very exciting and look and feel so delicious, and it is perfectly alright to thoroughly enjoy the fruits of the world. In fact, enjoying these fruits without getting trapped by them is where true mastery lies. Denying http://avalonmagazine-net.webs.com

and repressing the sensual world is not where true enlightenment lies. It is easy to be enlightened in a cave, but to maintain this serenity in the world of chaos, shows true mastery. And being an ascetic is not much fun and way too full of repression for this master. It is my next step in this lifetime to

live in the “real” world, which is the next step of any master’s journey. This is why so many monks and nuns of the east have been “forced” to come to the western world. And we can thank the Chinese invaders for this, otherwise most of the amazing Tibetan monks would still be in their monasteries and we would not be sharing in their amazing wisdom. This is a prime example of how every “tragedy” is a miracle if you can see the gold behind it and allow for new beginnings to take place, rather than clinging to the past. Every step along this amazing journey on earth is a miracle, and it is your choice how you will react to “tragedy” and heart-ache. Whether you will pick yourself up, dust yourself off and boldly continue on your journey with dignity. Or if you will stay down, crawl away and “live” the rest of your life in fear. Notice the quotation marks, because living in fear is not living it is dying. Either you are moving forward and growing or you are dying, there is no in between. This is why so many people decay and die with regrets, never having expressed even a portion of their true creative potential. You did not come to this planet to struggle! And you do not have to struggle to achieve enlightenment, this is a lie! Yes, you will certainly experience struggles, trials, tribulations, heart break and heartache on the yellow brick road of truth, but again – how will you react to these experiences? In an empowered state or fearful state?

The Goddess Freyja and the unknown that is off of their

I have always loved the Norse Goddess Freyja ever since I realized that Friday is named after her, (Freyja’s day). She is a ‘warrior’ goddess, (a Valkyrie), of beauty, love and destiny. She was a very sensual and compassionate goddess who helped the dying, especially warriors, transition to Valhalla. And Friday is such a typically exciting day because of the feeling that “now I can play”, now I can pursue beauty, love and my destiny, even if it is for only 2 days. Which is a much more natural state of being then the typical drudgery of the ‘work week’, which for most people is not in the pursuit of their destiny, but is just a means to an end. Unless you are masterful enough to be pursuing your destiny every day of the week. Allow the goddess Freyja to help you gracefully transition from the ‘battle field of life’ to the Valhalla of your true destiny! The Goddess Freyja is guiding us to the truth that we were not meant to be slaves to someone else’s dreams, instead, we were meant to create our own dreams! To be ‘warriors’ and pursue our own destiny. Winners go for their own dream – not anyone else’s. They do not listen to society, or parents, or siblings, or lovers, or friends…, about what they should or should not do, they determine this themselves. Achievers have very big dreams and they passionately and patiently create these dreams in their lives through consistent and persistent action. And they do not base reality upon their current circumstances. In other “Successful people are not people with no words, they do not limit themselves problems, they are people who have learned based upon their current experience. to overcome their problems.” They allow miracles to take place – Earl Nightingale. that are in the realm of mystery http://avalonmagazine-net.webs.com

‘radar screen’. Whereas ‘victims’ only believe what they see and feel. They only see what is on their radar screen. And they can’t imagine how they can change their lives, or that there even is a problem that needs to be changed. Because life has stomped their imagination in to the dirt, so they don’t try. They also base their decisions and actions upon past experience, which is fear based. “If it has happened this way in the past, then it will surely happen that same way in the future.” ‘Losers’ also have dreams, but do not typically believe they are possible. And listen to the judgmental doubters (aka friends and family) in their life, or to the media, governments, etc., rather than their own hearts. Those that listen to the call of their hearts break out of the shackles of society and family to fulfil their dreams! Don’t be afraid of your dreams! You were born to win! You were designed for accomplishment! You were engineered for success! You were endowed with the seeds of greatness! And you can be, do and have whatever you want! Desire is not your enemy! Desire is the first step of all creation! Suffering does not come from desire! Suffering comes from not believing that you can create that desire! Believe and receive, doubt and go without! May the Goddess Freyja suspend you on her wings of grace and truth to discover and manifest your dreams! Infinite blessings of immense abundance! ZaKaiRan www. YourWishIsYourCommand.co www.ZaKaiRan.com GODDESS OF AVALON Magazine


Good Vibrations

S’Roya Rose is a Celebrity Psychic, Practicing Priestess & Healer. She runs metaphysical courses & meditaions regularly. Her website: www.sroyarose.com

Movie Review: Gabriel

The movie Gabriel depicts ‘purgatory’ quiet graphically ...the realms between Heaven and hell, here is where the two forces ‘light being the Arc Angels & dark being the Fallen’ ...battle for our souls. I love the way it keeps to its theme and you never know what is happening until the end... Great cliffhanger ending... a must watch when wanting something different. It goes something like this... Fallen angel Sammael has claimed the midworld in the name of darkness. With the help of his menacing, gun toting task force, he has smothered the dark, dreary city in vice, violence and cruelty. Sammael’s victory is assured - untill the arrival of Gabriel, the last of Haeven’s seven archangels. Gabriel is young, strong and the mightiest warrior seen since Michael his predesessor disappeared. In no time, Gabriel’s bravery and skill threaten to decimate Sammael’s evil henchmen and redeem Jade, the lost angel with a heart of gold. But Sammael has one last card to play: the secret of his own past, the knowledge of which could destroy Gabriel forever... enjoy!

Vibrational Healing Tool: Vajra I stumbled across these a few years ago whilst travelling through the UK. There are many different types of Vajra. Each Vajra is a combination of a 7” Buddha Maitreya Etheric Weaver® with two 24K Gold plated or silver plated sacred geometric orbs on either end. There are 8 geometric forms available creating a wide variety of different Vajras to choose from. Use your intuition when selecting a Vajra and try the one you are most drawn to. This allows for a more soulful, rather than intellectual, choice. As pictured, the forms come from the platonic solids, the divine building blocks found in all matter and every Kingdom of nature. Each Vajra radiates the blessings of Buddha Maitreya to awaken the Soul and heal the personality. Prices vary from $250 to $1,950 US dollars. Available from www.shambhalahealingtools.com




Metraton Vajra $415 USD

Goddess Book Club


here’s nothing like getting together with likeminded Goddess women to share stories and thoughts. However, starting your own Goddess group in your area can feel like a huge task, especially if you don’t have a lot of experience in organising an event or meeting. There are all sorts of things to consider – booking a venue, venue hire (if applicable), advertising costs, insurance, little to no budget, activities etc It can be daunting. However an easy and inexpensive way to get a group together is to create a Goddess Book Club: Most of the participation takes place at home so there are no venue hire fees. Once a month, (or more if you wish) you can arrange to meet in a coffee shop or local park / barbecue area to discuss the current book. As opinions are expressed and life stories shared, the group will not just be learning more about the books, but each other as well. From there, other activities and events may blossom. Perhaps you are reading a book that features the Goddess Kuan Yin and a member of the group has visited one of her a temples.You could invite that member to bring photos or anything she would like to share of her visit. You may also choose to simply stick to reading and discussing the books. It’s entirely up to you and your group. You’ll be expanding your book collection and knowledge of Goddess authors and practices. Feel free to ask the group to make suggestions on book titles or authors.

You do not need to feel that you alone (as the organiser) have to decide on the books.You could also invite the person who suggested the book you are currently reading to prepare some questions to ask the group when it’s time to start off the discussion. Some author suggestions to get you started: Starhawk, Judith Duerk, Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Jane Meredith, Sue Monk Kidd, Charlene Spretnak, Kathy Jones, P.C. Cast and Jamie Sams. Tips for Running a Goddess Book Club 1. Only choose books that are easily attainable 2. Do you have some books piled up that you haven’t gotten around to reading yet? This is the perfect opportunity to start on them.


3. Choose your books well in advance so that everyone has ample opportunity to find a copy 4. Make sure to give everyone adequate time to read their books 5. Have some questions on hand to begin the book discussion 6. Decide if the books will be fiction or non-fiction – or both. 7. Allow the group to make suggestions on book titles or authors – you do not need to feel that you alone (as the organiser) have to decide on the books. 8. Stick to Goddess books (being that it’s a Goddess Book Club). If you deviate from them, you risk members dropping out. Zahira Atkins Zahira is co-facilitator of Living Goddess workshops in Tasmania., and the current President of the Goddess Association In Australia. )O(



Angelic Messages


here are Seven Main Archangels and Healing Rays For Mankind. They each work with our seven main chakras within our templates. Each Archangel can resonate the different Colours of entire the light spectrum and this light essence is alive and is the resonation of pure love. They are called Archangels because they were created by God to Arch around planets. There are Seven Main Archangels that hold the Seven Healing Rays for mankind in this Earth Realm. Depending on the various Ages of Mankind and the various cultures and concepts. These Archangels have be known through time by different names. However even though their names may have changed. The Main Seven are the same Archangels. And have Been with us through time helping us on our journeys with every sacred step that we take. There are many more Archangels in the Earth Realm and they all resonate On different light rays, And They all have different Divine Purposes.

Goddess Consciousness This Painting Vibrates on The Ethereal Pink Ray and is the feminine aspect of The Divine energy of God. The Transcendial Point/ Enlightenemnt. Whether it is Our Lady of The Light, The Kannon Buddha of Compassion, Isiss, Maeve, , Lakshmi, Athena, Kwan Yin, Aphrodite, White Tara, Green Tara, Mawu, Mother Mary, Ixchel, Kali, Sedna, Dana, Sarasvati,Yemany, Aphrodite, or Ishtar (Just to name a few ).This is just your own truth that you have come to experience and your own way of conceptualising the Higher Goddess powers that be.By Honouring the Goddess energy with in all of creation within all That is. It is the Energy of Birth and Creation.You are created form Love and Light.


The Goddess wishes you to know that you are being showered with the Pink ray of Love. This will help you with NURTURING and Honouring The Divine FEMININE. 36


1 2

This energy needs to be in a state of flow and movement. By being in your own Divine feminine state of Being. Allow this aspect of your feminine energy to be present and to flow with loving grace and dignity. This is needed to bring balance and acceptance not only of others but of yourself. Open your heart, there is nothing to fear. The most powerful force in the Universe is Love. Love is in the Air.


Lit-El Star is a healer & visionary artist who creates Angelic Portals for the Angelic Realms & Acended Masters of light & love.The divine purpose of theseWindows From Heaven™ is to facilitate heavenly experiences for you. Lit-El Star uses The Angelic AquasŽ. Vibrational Healing Waters together with crystal pigments & water based acrylic paints. Check out her New APP on her website www.angelessencehouse.



Red Panda


Sharing the humble, modest and empathetic energy of the Giant Panda, the Red Panda is said to resonate to the energy of Quan Yin, the goddess of compassion and mercy. The Red Panda hears and responds to the cry of all beings. Comfortable with its emotions and unafraid to show them, the Red Panda strengthens courage, enhances creativity and offers a keen and rapid force that brings light into our life and illuminates our path. Red Panda stimulates, quickens and transforms all who are drawn to explore it, while affording enlightened spirituality, wisdom, strength and the divine power of personal transformation. Quan Yin is said to have promised the people that she would not return to Heaven until all living things had discovered and honoured their purpose, while the Red Panda sits midpoint between Heaven and Earth, perched high in the trees, looking down compassionately upon the people. Because Red Panda has humbly wandered into your life today, it’s probably because you find it hard to punish, blame or accuse anyone because your heart is free of vengeance and self-importance. Although ever watchful, Red Panda has turned up today to inspire you to grow and heal. It comes promising to fill you with an overwhelming sense of empathy whenever you lose sight of your own divinity and connection to Spirit, and to remind you of the sacredness found in all life and the inherent relationship you share with the world around you. Red Panda energy will eventually deliver you from a place of ego into a state of humility and gratitude whenever you find yourself taking things for granted or when you’ve forgotten to show appreciation for the beauty in your life. So, when Red Panda appears, it’s time to nurture and integrate the beauty and compassion of Quan Yin into your life, while encouraging others to integrated it into theirs. If you yearn to see the world become a better place, with Red Panda’s help you will help make your yearning a reality. Scott Alexander King was born to love animals. He spent much of his childhood observing, drawing and writing

about the animals he experienced in the small, tattered journal he always carried in his pocket. He would record every animal he saw: where he saw them, what they looked like and what they were doing at the time. This was an activity he never tired of ... so much so that, in essence, he’s still doing it today! Scott is the author of the best-selling, internationally recognised Animal Dreaming (a shamanic reference book and field guide that offers spiritual insights into over 200 native and introduced Australian animals and birds) and the ground-breaking Animal Dreaming Oracle Cards. Scott is available for workshops, seminars, readings and interviews.Visit Scott’s official website: www.animaldreaming.com or seek him out on Facebook




n o o u o M Y e h T &

Moon Goddess...and LOVE Sept, Oct, Nov 2013


nce upon a time there was a magickal galaxy. This galaxy was surrounded and overlooked by the queen of all the stars. This queen had a lovely solar system situated amidst this whirl of constellations. It spun in whirls too… everything whirled as it all spiralled into the centre. In the very centre, where everything met, a very special act was performed; a translation of troubles and fear, into love. This love was then returned back into the outer of the galaxy… you could say that a refining process was in action… so that one day only love would exist. A very special spirit did this too! In a place where all that existed was love, perhaps we would all be situated safely within the Kingdom of the Queen.Yes… wouldn’t that be lovely. We would all shine like stars and twinkle into eternity and forever, within our complete being.

more wishes you make, the more love created. Continue to gradually and consciously put your meditative qualities back together until the Pisces Full Moon on September 19th (9:12pm). We need to prepare spiritually so that we can twinkle as complete stars in heaven. So do keep bringing your conscious awareness back to your healthiness. As you become more of a healthy complete spirit, on and around the Pisces full moon, you will receive as many spiritual gifts as you planted and harvested in the lead up, so revel and bask in this gloriousness. On October 5th (10:34am), we have a Libra New Moon. Let’s think about some wishes we can make within our partnerships… Healthy Partnership Quality: Unhealthy Partnership Quality: Feeling Plenty of Love Vs. Feeling a Lack of Love Happiness Sharing Vs. Sharing with Difficulty Flow of Joy and Harmony Vs. Stunted Communication Fun and Happy Times Vs. Bitterness in Communication

As we enter Spring, we are approaching a Virgo New Moon on September 5th (9:36pm). Do prepare for this New Moon by thinking about where your spirituality is up to. Something to contemplate includes the healthiness of It’s time to make some wishes upon these and any other your emotions… qualities within your relationships that you would like to improve upon. Do certain areas of your communication Healthy Positive Emotion: affect you disharmoniously? Consider the areas that you Unhealthy Extremity of Emotion: would like to send into the pool of troubles and fear, to be Joy Vs. Anxiety translated into love. We’re trying to make as much love as Sadness Vs. Grief possible, so the more wishes, the more love… Caution for Safety Vs. Recklessness or Worry Peace of Mind Vs. Over-thinking On October 19th (9:37pm), we have a Full Moon Lunar Adaptability Vs. Frustration or Anger Eclipse in Aries. With both the Sun and Moon completely Security Vs. Fear opposite, the Earth casts a shadow over our yin polarity. This causes a gentle ripple of change within the emotive When we are healthy it is natural to feel the range of aspects of our relationships. Changes should come healthy emotions. The ‘negative’ aspect is simply a healthy together quite harmoniously with a child-like twist of fun. emotion in an extreme state. By contemplating where our emotions can be healthier, we can make a perfect Virgo On November 3rd (10:49pm) we have a New Moon New Moon WISH on the 5th. Do wish for the translation in Scorpio with a total Solar Eclipse. Our emotional of all your troubles and fear to be turned into love. The feelings will be clarified by the Sun, and highlighted by 38



Sheri-Elizabeth Vaccaro Sheri-ElizabethVaccaro is a philospher of the natural world. Her new ebook ‘Enchanted Healing Philosophy’ can be found on her website @ www.elizabethvaccaro.com

the position of the Moon. For this New Moon, do wait until the moments transition to be enlightened to where you feel you would like to make new wishes, rather than prepare in advance. With the Sun and Moon unified together in the same house, expect to understand yourself in ultimate definition of clarity.You will know your feelings better than you have done in a while. Do you feel comfortable? What is in-between you and the comfort of your being? Now make your WISH… On November 18th (1:16am), we have a Taurean Full Moon. Allow all transitions to slowly whirl into place. All wishes that you made and harvested for your supreme level of comfort within your spirit are all coming into place. Just lap up the comfort and love. Do know that everything you have done within your own spirit, you have also done to the galaxy. All this extra love and ease that you feel, has been a gift to the entire galaxy and the Queen. As we approach the end of Spring, do say thank you to the Queen for granting your wishes… perhaps we could call her our very own Faerie-Godmother.

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Contact Julie 0412 521 118, E: julie@livelyliving.com.au




k o o B ow! N


Goddess Retreat Relax, Unwind & Rejuvinate in the island of the Gods!


2nd - 9th Dec 2013

S’Roya invites you to join her BALI Goddess Time out Retreat Your investment is Only $2550 (not including airfairs) All Accomodation & breakfast, meditations, Yoga included. 7 days of Heaven you’ll never forget & want to do regularly! Email: email@sroyarose.com Ph 0422361040 to book. 40




Kerrie Friend

r e y a r P


tillness conjures up different meaning and emotions to all of us. We hear of praying for things to change, our family, situation, finances, health and so on. But what does praying really mean? It can mean totally different things to each of us. One person maybe content sitting under a tree contemplating nature, another may need to be in a meditative position and be silent while someone else may be unfulfilled unless in a church environment? Whatever the choice one thing remains the same and that is it is a vital part of our existence and one that cannot be refused as apart of having a spiritual life. We are after all a spirit, we have a soul and we live in a body. We are tri being’s. And time spent in prayer is something that helps bring stability to our life. While success, family, health and relationships are all important facets to a beautiful life, an active prayer life is the only thing that gives us the silence within ourselves that each of us desperately need.


rayer is a technique for achieving unity with God, It is limitless life, substance and intelligence. A mixture of consciousness, concentrated rightly, directed, spiritually orientated positive thought or affirmation. It is the art of unifying ourselves with the creative source of good and the absolute divinity within us and around us. Prayer mobilizes us with divine power. The most important purpose of prayer is that we lift ourselves to a higher level of consciousness where our mind and body can be conducted with all sufficient God. It is not a way to turn on the light in God but a way to turn on the light in us. This existence lives in all of us but we have to turn the switch on. Mostly we consider God to be outside of us, not realizing that God is also within us. This brings to light the fact that prayer is an inward, outward expression of our inner being; a gift each of us has been freely given.


he great writer of “The Prophet”, Kahlil Gibran says, “For what is prayer but the expansion of yourself into the living ether”. Prayer conditions us to acknowledge a spiritual realm allowing us to open ourselves to endless possibilities beyond what we can see with our natural eye. It gives us permission to ask for help as a spiritual being and claim what life has stored for us when we believe in its existence. Prayer should replace worry and anxiety, as they have no positive effect in our lives. They don’t bring solutions to problems or help us achieve good health whereas prayer does.


rayer can be illustrated, as a plug in a battery being charged quietly, accepting the flow of energy. It gets into the depths of our inner being and connects us with our divinity. All we need to do is learn to accept the flow of energy that is being given. Prayer will dramatically improve your life.Your image needs it to become apart of your everyday life. It is sweet to the soul, vital to your spirit and immensely beneficial for your health. God bless.

Australian celebrity Kerrie Friend was cohost of hit TV shows Perfect Match andWheel of Fortune. Kerrie and her husband founded Heaven on Earth Media in 2002. She is also an ambassador and spokesperson for a number of societies and authored ‘Image: 52Weeks to a NewYou. ’Visit: www.IMAGETV.us




D C & k o o B s w e i v e R

A Journey of the Self A Guided Meditaion CD By Lizzy Rose

Music CD - The Ancient Ones by Kellianna

Journey of the Self is the debut guided meditation CD from Australia’s Celebrity Psychic Lizzy Rose. Based upon years of guiding groups of people in their meditations in her role as High Priestess of Witchcraft, Journey of the Self is an insightful contemplative incantation that wraps you in its gentle spell.

Kellianna is an American pagan singer songwriter, an international artist performing songs and chants inspired by myth, magic, sacred places and ancient times. She will be appearing at this years GAIA Goddess Conference 18-20th Oct in Sydney. With guitar and vocals she brings to life the stories of the Gods and Goddesses. Her latest Album ‘The Ancient Ones” released April of this year is a celebration of all that is Pagan. Foot stomping, heart throbbing music that gets your ancestral blood pumping. Tunes and Melodies that stay in your head as you go about your day. Kellianna’s voice has a real earthy power that calls to you in ways nothing else can. I first heard her sing in Glastonbury at a Faery Ball. Hers is a powerful voice that sends chills up your spine as you hear the call of the Ancients ringing out through her songs.

RRP $20.00 www.lizzyrose.com.au

The Ocean Oracle By Susan Marte RRP $39.00 APPStore $7.49 www.theoceanoracle.com

The guidance and wisdom offered by the ocean and its surrounds is what forms the basis of The Ocean Oracle. Using Story in the interpretation of the cards, allows the information and healing to go deeper into our being. The Stories have many meanings and, depending on the query, the meaning needed to be seen or heard will come forward. The Messages offer up areas to contemplate. Some of the messages will resonate; some won’t. Sometimes the messages may seem cryptic. That’s the nature of oracles. 42


The hour long guided meditation, recorded in a single take, retains the natural rhythm of a live performance as she leads you slowly into your hidden depths to reveal your own inner Light. The guided meditation, called The Cutting the Ties meditation, has been among Lizzy Rose’s most popular meditational performances and her fans have been requesting that she record it for them for over a decade. Combined with the new age backing track by Hellmut ‘The Wolfman’ Wolf, the gentle, hypnotic tones of this experienced High Priestess of the Craft is the perfect way to touch your center and find a peaceful place in your life.


RRP $30.00 www.Kellianna.com

Wendy Rule CD collection

Music CD - Live on Castle Hill By Wendy Rule RRP $19.00 USD www.wendyrule.com

This album was recorded in January 2011 on a rainy night in Uki, Northern NSW (Australia). The building itself was very beautiful, and the setting was magnificent. After casting circle and creating sacred space, Timothy and I performed acoustic versions of songs from all of my albums, as well as our latest song, Vasalisa. I think it was one of our finest performances, and I was thrilled when our sound guy, Rich Bell, said that he had recorded the show! The result is raw and absolutely live, and perfectly captures my current, stripped back live sound, including lots of stories and ritual. I love it, and I think you will too! What it lacks in polished production it definitely makes up for in energy.

Music CD - The Wolf Sky By Wendy Rule

RRP $19.00 USD www.wendyrule.com.

Released 2006 Earthy, wild and shamanic, The Wolf Sky is a celebration of the epic powers of Nature. Drawing deeply on Wendy’s erxtraordinary live shows that blur the line between ritual and performance, the album becomes a ritual in itself. Opening with Wendy’s renowned Circle Song - an invocation to the 4 Elements, and ending with her Elemental Chant, The Wolf Sky takes the listener on a powerful journey through the healing realms of the Underworld.


Music CD - Guided by Venus By Wendy Rule RRP $19.00 USD www.wendyrule.com

The latest release from Australia’s renowned Visionary Chanteuse is a gorgeous union of beautifully orchestrated melodies, tender and insightful lyrics, and of course, Wendy’s incredible voice. Guided by Venus takes us on a deeply personal journey through the world of Love. From the epic title track, which sets us reeling on a stormy sea, to the joyful ‘ Radiate’ (written for Wendy’s son) the album celebrates the full spectrum of emotion that only the Goddess of Love can invoke. At times dreamy and lush, at others pure and stripped back, this beautiful collection of songs is proof that Wendy Rule continues to evolve and deliver her truly unique talent.




Elder by

Kellie Ashton


lders’ use in medicine and magic dates back further than I’m sure is even recorded. There are mythologies and tales that surround this mysterious tree which have survived even to today. It is said there is a dryad called Hylde-Moer who is the elder tree mother which inhabits the branches of the tree. Supposedly if any part of the tree was harmed or cut without the permission of the elder tree mother, she would haunt their family until the taken items were returned. Mrs Grieve tells of a very old passage which was said to be muttered over the elder before it was harvested. “Lady Ellhorn, give me some of thy wood, and I will give thee some of mine when it grows in the forest.” The tree possesses powerful protective qualities, especially for children. People used to hollow out the twigs of elder and make them into charms for protection and hand the dried berries in their household to keep them safe from robbers and spirits. Like most

all herbs which are used magically for protection, they more often than not got this reputation because they are fantastic immune herbs or treatments for respiratory conditions, colds and flu. Elder is no different, people valued it as protective against illness and so these medicinal energies, they found, could also be utilised in magic to protect them in everyday life against things such as grief, psychic and physical harm. Elder is sacred to Midsummer where our ancestors would incorporate the herb into their rituals by drinking elderberry wine, burning the dried berries or flowers as incense, making charms out of the twigs (with the elder tree mothers permission of course) and inhaling the sweet fumes of the flowers to induce a narcotic effect with which people would travel to ‘the land of fae’. She is ruled by the planet Venus and therefore also the Goddess Venus as well as her Greek version, Aphrodite and the Norse Goddess, Freyja. This tree possesses extremely powerful magic, and just as when harvesting from her earthy body, if you use her magic for selfish or impure means, usually the spell will either not work, backfire, or if they do work, there is a larger lesson to be learnt from the outcome which may not be the easiest lesson you have learnt. If you are aware of a grove of elders nearby, spend some time with these trees on the full moon to connect and converse with the tree spirits. Ask for their protection and guidance, perform scrying or toast some elderberry wine to the Goddess. Harvest some berries, flowers or twigs (with permission) and use them to protect your children. Elder is renown as a funeral herb as it was regularly used as the wood for

funeral pyres. I once attended a pagan funeral service and was asked to create an appropriate incense for the event. Elder flower was the hero of the mix and works fantastically in incenses as it is so full of oils, it clumps the mix together nicely, and an added bonus, it smells delicious. Medicinally, this herb is a staple in my dispensary. I use it as part of a trio of herbs in a tea for colds and flu; yarrow, elderflower and peppermint. These three herbs together are a fantastic team which helps fight fever, is cooling, eliminates catarrh from the respiratory system and helps you to cough up all that yummy phlegm. Elder is specifically an upper respiratory herb and acts as an anti-catarrhal. This means it is particularly useful for sinusitis and sinus congestion, head colds, hay fever and blocked noses. Recent research has confirmed the invaluable qualities it possesses for fighting the influenza virus. The berries in particular, when taken medicinally, may even nip the flu virus in the bud when taken at the very early signs of onset. It may also lower the duration of the flu when the symptoms have already taken hold.The tea is yummy, the medicine is powerful (as is its magic) and the incense is divine. A must have ally for your dispensary or apothecary?

To contact Kellie email kellie@ hunternaturopath. com.au, follow her blog at www.hunternaturopath.com.au or visit her Facebook page at www.facebook.com/hunternaturopath


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Kellie Ashton


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Michele-lee Phelan’s art is the key to opening and expressing the realms of earth, spirit, and the imagination. A painter of dreams,dragons, mythology, goddesses and faeries. Michele-lee promotes and sells her book, oracle decks, original artworks, and fine art prints via her website Dreams of Gaia: www.dreamsofgaia.com

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“‘Mystical art and illustration of Michele-lee Phelan’”.





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Gaia's Garden C G C reating


• • • • • •


Tarot Readings - Tricia Wheel of the Year Festivals Journey’s with the Goddess Goddess Studies Australia GAIA Goddess Conference Personal Celebrations


Sword & the Serpent

by D G Mattichak Jr RRP $20.80 www.lulu.com/spotlight/ dgmattichakjr The Sword & The Serpent is a unique book about magick that reveals many of the arcane secrets of the occult arts.

k o o B rly! Ea

Avalon 2014 Goddess Tour

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