Avalon Vol 3

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Truth or Fiction?

Moving Past


Neo-Mythic Art

in Today’s World VOL 03 $12.60 AVALON Magazine



Rising Speaking


Bewitched Avalon Sacred

heart of the Goddess



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he heart of Avalon calls to the Souls of many, as individual Pilgrims find themselves led by its extraordinary force, that once felt can never be forgotten... Steeped in ancient mystery and Arthurian legend; where Pagan meets Christian and Folklore meets Crop circles; where lay-lines bridge East and West and Science and History debate; where Gods and Goddesses greet and dance happily at Fairy Balls. Here the search for ones inner truth (the holy grail) is respected as being sacred to each individual, even though it has many paths. Ah yes, Avalon the mystical sacred Isle is very much alive and busy in service; spiritually honouring every man and woman in complete union with the ever evolving Divineself. Throughout the pages of AVALON magazine we will attempt to meld the old with the new, combining many spiritual concepts with Arthurian legend, mystical folklores, ancient practices, sacred sites, exploring shamanic wisdoms, magickal crafts, Alchemical and esoteric knowledge, while offering alternative healing, with inner wellness techniques, as we share a variety of interesting metaphysical and New Age ideals, steeped in otherworldly spiritual developments of varying kinds. The team at AVALON Magazine hope you enjoy the visual reading experience we have created and return to journey with us through this portal time and again..! Blessing all that is sacred in you )O(


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Contents 2

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Pheonix Rising The Resurection, by ZaKaiRan

10 Speaking "Woman", by Lauren K Clarke 12 Bewitched, by She' DeMontford 16 Avalon Sacred Heart of the Goddess, by S'Roya 18 The Prophet at the Dawn of the New Age: Part 3, by D G Mattichak Jr. 22 Subscription page. 24 RockArt; Rock, Paper, Scissors, by Ceri Norman 26 Neo Mythic Art in Todays World, by Cheryl Rose 30 Moving Past Fear, by Ashwini 32 Faeries Truth or Fiction? by Frances Billinghurst 34 Channelled Message from Mermaid energies, by Michele Morseu 36 Herblore - Mugwort, by Kellie Ashton 37 Merlinite; the Stone of Avalon, by Apple Blossom 38 Wild Woman Weekend, by Ariana & Larissa 40 A Cosmic Weave, by Elizabeth Vaccaro 42 Angelic Messages - Gabriel, by Lit El Star 43 Animal Dreaming, by Scott Alexander King 44 Book & CD Reviews 46 AVALON Business Directory


AVALON Magazine


Pheonix Rising

The Resurection... by Zakairan


he journey we are all on as souls is a continual journey of birth, death and resurrection. This was the message that Jeshua (aka Jesus) was showing us. The journey of awakening and mastery is a process of losing ones illusory self to find one’s true divine self. And it is absolutely possible for each one of us to ascend to higher states of consciousness and master this mortal coil. The journey of coming to earth is an experience of leaving behind awareness of our divine self, by adopting amnesia and forgetting whom we are as Gods and Goddesses, (death). We are then reborn as “limited” humans and we adopt new personas and identities (resurrection). Identities that help us survive emotionally in a world that is unsupportive to personal empowerment. Identities that can create empowerment or disempowerment, happiness or sadness, depending on how limited or unlimited these identities are. And we adopt limiting beliefs such as: “I am unworthy”; “I am not good enough”; “I am powerless”; “I am helpless”; “I am incapable”; “there is not enough money/love/energy for everyone” and unconscious beliefs such as: “I must obtain love and energy from other people”, etc.


AVALON Magazine


Pheonix Rising


n our younger years, these identities help us survive so that someone will take care of us physically. This is why all babies, human or animal, are always cute, so someone will take care of them. Later on in life, these identities may hinder evolution and success; so, they must be left behind (death) for higher more supportive identities such as, “I am a champion” (rebirth/ resurrection). As soon as we are born, we are in a natural state of grace until we become influenced psychically from our parents and society and we believe what they tell us. It is then that we literally begin to die with each thought.

as: “I’m not good enough”, and the beliefs of “lack”, “separation”, “competition”, etc. as being natural and integral parts of life.

and lack, or to live in a world of magnificence, empowerment and abundance. It is also your choice to constantly improve and grow or to stagnate and die. And it is your These beliefs are what limits the choice to stay young or become growth of our souls and literally young again. And it is your choice kills our bodies, because our body’s to live in your current body as long health is controlled by our thoughts. as you choose and to leave your There is absolutely no need for age body if you choose, rather than die or death, because every single cell in (ascension)! You are endowed with our bodies gets replaced with brand the power of creation, so it is your new cells every 7 years. But we are choice and you can have, be and do programmed to believe that disease, whatever you want! decay and death are natural and Most mainstream religions teach inevitable, so we create it over and a conditional kind of immortality, over again. that we are all immortal spirits, but this is “only available after death and if you deserve it”. The Bible does You were born speak about people living hundreds to win, you were of years like Methuselah, but this designed for We are taught and programmed by “immortality” is only for the “extra the collective consciousness that our accomplishment, you special” and certainly not for the were engineered bodies should “naturally” age and die, average “sinner”. Only very esoteric for success and but the human body only ages and spiritual teachings entertain the you were endowed possibility that we can live within dies because we are programmed with the seeds of to believe that they should. And we our current bodies for as long as we are programmed with the belief in choose. greatness! our own unworthiness and we are – Zig Zigler taught to primarily speak and think You as a soul and spirit are negatively about most things, rather completely immortal and are in In one sense, disease, decay and death than positively. We are programmed complete control of your life and to look for the negative in people and are natural, because they are a natural reality. And you absolutely positively part of life, but they are also optional cannot be hurt or killed by anyone situations, rather than the positive, which ages and ultimately kills people and ultimately a conscious choice, or or anything. And you cannot be rather, they can be a conscious choice, “punished” by anyone without your that live in this manner. for those people who empower permission and submission, because themselves to become conscious We create and live in a world no one owns you as a soul and no one creators of reality. of illusion that is built upon the has any control over you! ludicrous belief in our “unworthiness” and the many other limited programs It is your choice to live in a world But you as a physical human do not of unworthiness, powerlessness I have previously mentioned such need to die to find out if you are an


AVALON Magazine


immortal spirit or not. And you certainly do not need to “earn your immortality” or to “earn a spot in heaven”, because heaven is available to you right now! You have the power to experience your immortal divinity right now within your “mortal” human body.

subterranean cities of the “Agartha” network, who are literally thousands of years old.

Typically, souls upon this earth go through the same journey as everyone else: forgetting who they truly are, being reborn as “ignorant” humans, but they do not really develop much further and basically start dying every If you do some research, you will discover that there are masters on this single day while they are trying to live earth right now, Indian gurus, Tibetan in a world of illusion. monks and the like, who are 150-400 or more years old, but you just don’t But many courageous souls decide know about them because they don’t that this “normal” human condition is absolutely not good enough for them, have anything to do with normal that there must be a better way to live society. And other masters come and furiously seek out alternatives. and go into different incarnations They have not come to planet earth completely consciously such as Sai Baba, or just manifest their bodies on to be powerless zombies for a lack to the earth without being physically oriented slave system controlled by greedy overlords. They know they “born”, like Babaji. have a much higher purpose than that and that life does not have to be like And you will find that many that. If you are reading this, then you “ascended” masters upon this earth are one of those courageous souls. have lived in the same body for hundreds and possibly even thousands So at some point in their lives, after a of years. You can read about them in typical period of amnesia, something miraculous happens, they start to “Teachings of the Masters of the Far wake up. Often something shocks East”, and channeled books about them out of their illusory slumber the Ascended Masters. One of the such as a huge loss of a loved one, or most well known immortal was St. a near death experience. And often Germain, who lived for hundreds of years, changing identities through the through the guidance of other masters and teachings, they start to realize ages to not be “discovered”. the truth that they are immortal eternal Gods and Goddesses having a But to accomplish this physical human experience, not the opposite immortality, each one of these belief that they are “humans having masters had to fully realize their divinity; their awesome magnificence; a spiritual experience”, which is the trap that most of humanity falls into. and fully realize the fact that they are immortal spirits having human Upon awakening, they are now able experiences. to see beyond the disempowering “matrix” of illusion and begin There are also beings that are descendents of Lemuria and Atlantis, to remember their awesome magnificence, their immortal soul, who live in the subterranean cities and start to create a “new human”. of earth, in “Telos” and other http://avalonmagazine-net.webs.com

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heir “Phoenix Spirit” rises out of the flame, the resurrection and ascension has begun. This is the journey of selfempowerment, self-mastery and creation mastery, where a soul remembers that they are the absolute creators of their own reality.

ou Whatever y focus your energy and on you attention up e of create mor h the this throug tion. Law of Crea

And you learn that this journey is a co-creation and you have many other actors who have lovingly volunteered to act out the many parts in your play. And you are the creator and the director of this “play” that you could call your life and reality - this is how powerful you are! And you also volunteer to be an actor in other people’s plays, under their direction, consciously or unconsciously. Again, it is your choice who’s play you wish to play in, if it supports your empowerment or not. You brought yourself here and put yourself into your body, either as a child or later on in life, if you are a “walk-in”. You adopted many identities along the way and you learned all about limitation. You dug yourself in deep into the illusion and now you can dig yourself out “Neo”! And the spiritual growth from digging your self out of this proverbial doody (resurrection) is absolute spiritual Gold! Each lifetime provides massive growth for you as a soul. And when you master this journey of birth, death, resurrection and ascension, you are then able to share this enlightened awareness and vibration with your other broStars and siStars who are still lost in the quagmire of illusion and need a helping hand to pull themselves out.


AVALON Magazine


But to be this helpful guide, you must “resurrect” your divine mastery in this human body, which is a continual journey of awakening, spiritual growth and success mastery. And to do so, you must let go of your instant gratification mentality and impatience because there is no such thing as fast food enlightenment. And either you are slowly dying like the majority of humanity who do not know how to focus their attention on love, truth and joy, and how to be open and teachable, because their hearts have been battered and bruised by life. Or you are awakening, slowly but surely, day-by-day. because you are completely committed to truth, love and joy in your life. And you are completely committed to taking full and complete responsibility for your life and reality. Then your life will be a constantly improving, prosperous, miraculous, joyful, loved filled life. But every time you say no to truth and no to love, and every time you listen to the self appointed “authorities” who believe it is their job to tell you what to do and how to live. And every time you say no to amazing opportunities that you have attracted to yourself, because they are too scary and “what will my friends and family think?” And every time you engage in negative conversations about anyone or anything, or you listen to, read, or watch gossip (aka the “news”), which is 99.9% negative propaganda, you are committing literal spiritual and physical suicide. So stop aging, diseasing and killing yourself by believing in and supporting the illusion of negativity.

Every time you focus on anything negative, you are supporting the dark side “Luke”, you are killing spirit and you are killing love! Yes, I know there is a lot of crap in the world, and you would like to change the world. But you cannot change the world by focusing upon its negative aspects.

corruption, etc., you are continually at war within your own mind, thusly you create similar negative experiences in your life. And you are energetically supporting these negative things in the world through your attention upon them. That certainly blows environmental and political activism out of the water.

The trap that most people fall The Dalai Lama is into is allowing their experiences, quoted regarding the circumstances and the negativity of Chinese invasion of the world to determine their attitude Tibet: ...Our country and happiness. It is entirely more can be invaded, empowering if you use your attitude our possessions and happiness to determine the can be destroyed, world. In other words, get happy and our friends can be your world will be happy. You will killed, but these are create a happy world, in your own life secondary for our and this will affect others, starting a mental happiness. wave of happiness in the world. This The ultimate source is the most empowering way that you of my mental can make change upon this planet. happiness is my peace of mind. Nothing can Again, what is the most empowering destroy this except way to deal with the crap in the my own anger. world? Does focusing on the crap, thinking about the crap and talking about the crap make it get better? NO! NYET! It increases it! Just If you focus on crap, you will create because there is crap in the world, doesn’t mean you have to live in that more crap - it is that simple! This is how reality is created through the crap. And by complaining about it, Law of Creation! And depending on watching it, talking about etc., you what you think about, you attract are living in this crap all the time! similar thoughts and experiences Whatever you focus your energy and into your life through the Law of Attraction. This is how the universe attention upon you create more of works, and it has to work that this through the Law of Creation. way because we are all Gods and And if you focus upon what you Goddesses endowed with the power dislike, you will manifest more of of creation. Any other form of what you dislike in your life through existence would make us powerless the Law of Attraction. So by you victims, controlled by some focusing your creative energy (the power of thought) upon war, conflict, malevolent overlord (aka ”god”). environmental degradation, political http://avalonmagazine-net.webs.com

Personally, I am no pawn in anyone’s game and I know that I have no limits. And I know that I cannot be controlled by anything or anyone and only I have the power to limit myself. And it is your choice to empower yourself and believe in your immortality, divinity and your completely unlimited power to create anything in your life, or to continue being a powerless victim to chance, circumstance and outside controlling forces. The universe is not conspiring against you it is conspiring with you! The universe wants what you want! And the sooner you make the universe your friend and the sooner you master the laws of the universe, the sooner you will create the amazing life you have always dreamed of and that you have come to this planet to create! So, if you want a better life, then I recommend giving up your “stinkin thinkin”, and start creating “heaven thinkin” to create heaven in your life!!! Now go ye gorgeous divine phoenixes with your brand new colorful plumage and spread heaven consciousness like a virus of love to your broStars and siStars by being the awesome magnificent masters that you truly are! Phoenix Love! ZaKaiRan - It is my utter joy to provide support and guidance to empower you to create happiness, health, joy and prosperity in your life! Co-Create Heaven on Earth! To Infinity and Beyond! www.EarthAscensionTimes.com

AVALON Magazine


Speaking “Woman” The Language of Nu Shu, & the Speech of the Goddess

By Lauren K. Clark

Lauren Clark completed Comparative Women’s Studies major at Spelman College in Atlanta, Georgia.These included: Africandescended, African, Asian, Latina, Indigenous/ Native and European women in the areas of health, performing/visual arts, literature, sociology/anthropology, and religion. As an undergraduate at Spelman College, Lauren’s been active in the Toni Cade Bambara Scholars-Activist Collective, FMLA (Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance), and WUFF (Women United in Faith and Feminism-founder).


hidden, one could presume that the Feminine had left this land. Or then again, did she? One of the mystiques of the Goddess is that when she is subconsciously suppressed, she will make her way into those very same spaces that were meant to exclude her.

Imagine a world where women are forbidden from partaking in politics, education, and the other important sectors of male dominance. Forced to be silent and deemed subservient to the authority of men, and to remain

Created in the Chinese, agricultural province of Jiangyong, the “women’s script,” was established due to women having been forbidden to learn to write the Chinese language. Poorer women were especially excluded, due to lack of having the funds to receive a “formal” education. It should be known that “Jiangyong County has always been blessed with rich and fertile soil that promises its residents abundant harvest.” How enticing that it was through the Earth that this creative magic took place! Women, who

f woman were to have her own language, what would it be? How would it sound? What would it feel like, taste like? Would it nourish the soul, and proclaim love, music, beauty, and all essence of being a woman? Would it dance, cry, love, laugh, and welcome the feminine in the communication of sisterhood? And what if this language of women created an imaginary world, a spiritual world to communicate with the Divine feminine energy, and your fellow sisters who too embraced you in the spirit of love?!


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were excluded from the material riches and illusions that authorized human value, and thus being intertwined with their Feminine connection with the Earth, became symbolic in the meaning of Creation. Being on the bottom of the social and classist hierarchies of society actually led to their liberation, and reconnection with the Great Mother Earth. And while having no formal education, were able to use, and tap into, the basic aura of Universal creativity. The creation of this enticing language, was none other than a display of the Goddess ability to create without guides from educational institutions, and other areas that mean to exclude her. Her powers are all encompassing, and reflect her presence throughout every single point on the Earth.

too, connects with the other points around it. Spiraling, and embodying the many spirals of the Universe, it serves to embody the mystery of our Great Mother Universal matrix. The art of speaking things into existence becomes enticing, for as women we begin to speak our own being into existence. What if we could imagine the languages of our foremothers, in the time when the Feminine was centered? How intriguing to communicate in a time when language celebrated woman, nature, the Great Mother, and interconnected humanity in an intricate quilt of love, peace, and beauty. How fascinating it must have been to have speech void of the auras of war, malice, betrayal, poverty, and the desire to dominate and rule over another human being!

Reclaiming back to the Earth was one of the spiritual reflections and aspects in the creation of the Nu Shu language. After all, who would have thought that women, particularly peasant women would have anything valuable to say; let alone,having the capacity to produce knowledge. It becomes more and more fascinating to explore the Universal mysteries, and the life that exists in “spoken word.” The presence of this community of Chinese, peasant women not only shows their connection to the Earth, but also the way of the Universe to protrude through the oppressive societal structures (specifically meant to control and exclude women) during that time. This “woman’s language” was a like a snake, or what some people would consider, the “Serpent Goddess.” Having the ability to slither through even the most distant, and secluded places, within a vast empire, she is able to connect with those who are deemed unworthy, unloved, and incapable of greatness, and truly “making a way out of no way.”

For the women of the Nu Shu language, the ability to give meaning to life through speech, was part of the beauty to reclaim one’s femininity, and connect with these creative beauties! Thus, it was the seclusion from the mainstream, Chinese, patriarchal, feudal system that allowed for these women to tap into the mystics of Chinese women into the Great Mother. Through the art of this hidden language, they became sisters. A sworn in secrecy, where they promised to treat their fellow sisters with love, avoiding all harm, and even treating each woman greater than a sister. Taking vows to each other, they would not only share in the joys of each other, but also in their pains. It was such a blessing to bestow upon this hidden world. Through this beautiful language, they would expresses and cherish their new love and sisterhood for each other. Just imagine a language, and magic that is void of competition, and the encouraging of women to use their womanhood and femininity to cause harm to each other.

And it was in the world of these excluded spaces, where the mysteries of womanhood were not only practiced and performed, but discovered. This special world of sisterhood, during the feudal period of China’s history lies a a sacred language of the feminine. Known as Nu Shu, only those women who were part of this community could speak and understand it. Writing poetry, songs, weaving, and metaphorically immersing in the spider’s web, their own form of language and communication became the source of their creation and creativity.

When Chinese women became included in the educational system with the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976), historical records show the decline, and eradication of this sacred language. Many of the women who knew the language were vilified, as the language was deemed as an “evil” part of China’s feudal history. Then again, it was within this oppressive institution where peasant, Chinese women found empowerment, through Nu shu. It is an example of how removal from mainstream conceptions of value, became true enlightenment for these women, while using the existing systems to connect with such. It is the way of the Circle, ever encompassing, ever flexible, ever fluid. It is the way of speaking “woman”!

The history of the Nu Shu language, this women’s language, is like a pebble thrown into the water, starting small, while expanding large. But not only does it expand, it


AVALON Magazine



How The TV Series Has Helped The Pagan Community Gain Greater Acceptance

by She DeMontford

“We are quicksilver, a fleeting shadow, a distant sound. Our home has no boundaries beyond which we cannot pass. We live in music, in a flash of colour. We live on the wind and the sparkle of a star…” – Endora


magical children and all whilst learning how to cook and clean. She began newly married life being a bit obsequious but soon showed that she was not subservient but rather over keen to master the craft skills of the mundane world.

n 1964, a cute redheaded witch moved in next door to 1164 Morning Glory Circle. (The magickal implication of that address is understood by Craft practitioners.) She was not ugly, nor evil, she had high morals and was loving and accepting of her mortal husband and friends. She always tried to help others and never hurt anyone except for nosey neighbour Mrs Kravits who had nervous attacks trying to figure out the constant magical mayhem. In fact, this friendly neighbourhood witch was very down to earth. She coped with a disapproving mother, an over controlling husband, unexpected visits from eccentric relatives, the birth of


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The Central Character’s Mythos Her name was Samantha Spellcraft, (originally named Cassandra in the first draft) who married a mortal in the 60’s and became Samantha Stevens. Her husband, a young advertising executive named Darren Stephens, bewitched Samantha with his humility and charm. Samantha’s mother Endora, father Maurice, who are separated, and The High Council Of Witches (an acronym for the Holy Cow – H.C.O.W.) do not approve of the match for fear that their mystical abilities would be weakened in future generations. The female children of these “mixed marriages” strongly retained and carried the magickal gene. The male also later manifested magick.



amantha Spellcraft/Stevens, is a twelfth generation Witch. A Witch in the show is one who possesses an extraordinarily long life-span and supernatural power, referred to as witchcraft. They are descended from the founders of Atlantis who interbred with the Immortals, the Asgardians, and the Olympians that once intermingled with humanity. Samantha was born in the early sixteenth century in the ancient Pagan village of Lismont, England. Her family has been guests and hosts for European aristocracy for centuries and retain customs of the Elizabethan and Victorian eras. Samantha's peers included her sister, Jessica, and her cousins Serena, Panda, Minerva, and Piranha. Samantha turned away many prospective suitors, because of their ego and arrogance. In the eighteenth century, she and her mother endured the Salem witch trials. Then a warlock named Clyde Farnsworth wooed her, who Samantha's aunt, Enchantra, Serena's mother, turn into a chair. Samantha also rejected a persistent warlock named Waldo who she eventually turned into a frog. During the early nineteenth century, Samantha lived with distant relatives Hilda and Zelda Spellman near Borley, England. She taught their young brother, Thomas, to have compassion for mortals, and as an adult, he married a mortal woman and had a half-Witch daughter, Sabrina. From early in the show, Samantha also became close friends with mortal practitioners of Witchcraft. These are indicated in the show by magical women whose names do not end with an “a” sound such as Abigail Beechum, Maurice's private secretary and Mary, a friend of Bertha, Endora, and Clara. Undoing The Damage The image of Witchcraft from Shakespeare’s Macbeth and the Catholic Church’s document of propaganda the “Malleus Maleficarum,” became the norm for popular media. This light-hearted fictitious television show did more to help remove the centuries of prejudice based on this misinformation than all the intellectual arguments. As we became accepting of the possibility that a witch might be the normal, non-threatening and enchanting person next door, we also became aware of what really made Witches different too. Samantha showed that though Witches had great power they also had a strong conscience and used that power responsibly and only when necessary. She was very P.C. and liked to correct prejudices wherever she encountered them. She was a bit of a ‘women’s libber’ for her day, though very in love and

over eager to please, she never let herself be spoken down to by her husband. Her show was very sexually open for a sitcom in the early 1960’s. There were open displays of kissing, touching, and constant sexual references. Samantha’s mother and father were separated and openly sort other younger lovers. It was the first T.V. show to display a couple in the same bed as opposed to twin beds. The censors allowed this for the first time as witches were expected to be more overtly sexual. Accusations of the show introducing ‘the evils of witchcraft’ to decent Christian folk of middle suburbia were swiftly quashed by Agnes Moorehead who played Endora. “This show is noble and teaches children good values. If this show was in any way evil I would have nothing to do with it.” In the mundane world, Agnes Moorehead was the daughter of Dr. John H. Moorehead, a famous evangelical Presbyterian minister. Therefore the show was not pulled. It continued its amazing run for 8 years, opening hearts and minds to the human side of The Craft, from the 17th of September 1964 to the 1st of July 1972, for 254 episodes: 74 in black and white (19641966) and 180 in colour (1966-1972). Magically, it was the longest running fantasy T.V series ever. Three cheers to the show that helped begin the change of popular public opinion about Witches. “I am a big Bewitched fan... something about the way Elizabeth Montgomery twitched her nose.” Barry Williams (AKA: Greg Brady from the Brady Bunch TV Show) Shé D’Montford is the Editor in Chief of “Magick: and now “ESP” magazines. ESP Magazine, available in all leading newsagencies and on line at http://www. magcloud.com/browse/issue/420118 , is a unique magazine for the psychic community, Its writers, artists, editors, marketing managers, advertisers and production crew are all well respected members of the psychic community. Call +61(0)402 793 604 She is available for readings.


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"Bewitched Archetype Ritual" by She DeMontford

The “Bewitched” theme song.


o celebrate 44 years of this brilliant assistance of our increased acceptance, find a fun “Bewitched Invocation” below, utilising the archetypes and egregores created by this television show: -

Ho! Elemental forces of the East and Endora. Caring mother and queen of the sarcastic comment. Come and guard our rite. Hail andWelcome! Ho! Elemental forces of the South and Uncle Arthur. Spirit of humour and the eternal trickster. Come and guard our rite. Hail andWelcome! Ho! Elemental forces of theWest and Aunt Clara. Spirit of making all things work out well despite our inept best intentions. Come and guard our rite. Hail and Welcome! Ho! Elemental forces of the North and Maurice. Absent Father, seeking what is best for us from afar. Come and guard our rite. Hail andWelcome! This circle is cast. Hold the archetypes fast! Into this circle, we invoke the lady Samantha, archetype of beauty and concord. Enter this rite and grant what we ask. Into this circle, we invoke the lord Darren, archetype of the wild man discovering spiritual life. Enter this rite and grant what we ask. We ask all present seen and unseen to add their wills to bring a continued opening of minds and hearts of the public to The Craft of the Wise. Via the use of allegory, humour, and fiction, continue to foster public good will to we, your children, and descendants of Tabitha, Amanda, Sabrina and Adam.

So Mot it be! All repeat: “So Mote it be!” Chant the “Bewitched” theme song.


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Bewitched, Bewitched, You’ve got me in your spell. Bewitched, Bewitched, You know your craft so well. Before I knew what I was doing I looked into your eyes That brand of woo you’ve been brewin’ Took me by surprise. You witch, you witch, One thing is for sure. That stuff you pitch Just hasn’t got a cure. My heart was under lock and key, But somehow it got unhitched. I never thought that I could be had But now I’m caught and I’m kinda glad To be Bewitched. (“Bewitched” theme by Howard Greenfield and Jack Keller) Dismiss the corners Turning to the North: Father Maurice we thank you for attending our rite. Hail and Farewell! Turning to the West: Aunt Clara we thank you for attending our rite. Hail and Farewell! Turning to the South: Uncle Arthur we thank you for attending our rite. Hail and Farewell! Turning to the East: Mother Endora we thank you for attending our rite. Hail and Farewell! The circle is open! Let the replays continue unbroken.


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Avalon Sacred Heart of the Goddess


Artwork supplied by Rayvnne Phelan www.dreamsofgaia.com 16

few years ago if you had tried to tell me I would take a two-week business trip to England, visit a little village called Glastonbury, and wind up feeling happier and more at home than ever, I would not have believed it. At 50 years old, having spent most of my life living in Australia, I discovered this historic place was my soul’s true home. In fact my journey to the isle of Avalon was just like coming home for me. And it’s obvious to me now that the goddess of Avalon has always been there, silently urging me on, beckoning me home, long before I even knew who she was. It’s a strange thing when you’re faced with this kind of inner truth. But I have never been as content or happier than I have in the belly of the isle of Avalon. My heart had come home to the goddess one of the ancient priestesses I’m sure. Have I lived here before? The answer is definitely yes. It is so familiar to me. I feel calm and a quiet sense of peace that only a real soul at home brings the heart.


We all come from the goddess and to her we will return, like a drop of rain running to the ocean. I have heard the call of the goddesses and sorceresses for some years and I have been dedicated to her as a practicing priestess for some time. I had already dutifully embraced my healing energetic medicines as they were each presented

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and I walked the path of the ancient shamanist. As I was put through many egoic deaths, I eventually started speaking in star language, using the spirit sounds that my voice was gifted to heal the fractured feminine souls of others. I had shed many skins, walked alone on my journey, been stripped numerous times of my ego and wept more tears than I care to remember to embrace my soul and become a living goddess once again. But nothing can truly prepare you for this kind of journey. I bare the scars of a well-travelled goddess who has been put to task to reclaim her powers and I can identify with others who have gone before me on this sacred journey. I went through much of it kicking and screaming in the beginning – as the overwhelming sense of having to let go control of everything including my mind – frightened me. But once I stopped resisting and surrendered to her call, I was able to embrace many gifts. I embraced my psychic abilities in full force and made contact with many spirit guides, angels and beings. I travelled through interdimentional doorways and portals and visited other worlds and realities. I got to cosmically connect with the outer realms and with inner realms of the mind. I learned that I could retrieve information from places that just astounded me as a psychic and oracle. I could see into time and go beyond my mind and learned to trust my clairsentients feelings and once honed they became like cats whiskers - able to detect even the slightest changes and subtleness of energies. I then learned to trust all that was given to me and never doubted the guidance that walked by my side. There were times my faith was tested but I never failed to stay on track. I faced many challenging spiritual experiences that scared me witless. I faced my inner fears and demons and made great personal sacrifices to be true to my soul’s chosen path. I lost lovers, husbands, family alliances and friends to be true to who I am today. Had I known how difficult this was going to be in

advance, I might never have undertaken such an intense journey. The goddess is in everything – she’s in nature, the cosmos, the universe and she does not judge or take sides, she simply holds everything in balance. But here I am, delivered in the sacred bosom of Avalon, suckling on her like a new birthed child - hungry for her life giving essence, knowing that it sustains the very core of my being. The energy of the goddess is everywhere and can be felt, seen and heard. Avalon’s energy holds the true heart of the goddess; you can feel her nurturing essence washing over you like a gentle soft babbling brook on a summer’s day. She is life giving in a way that words cannot express. She can be seen in the shops, in the eyes of those walking down the street, in the food that is prepared, in the way one feels walking on the land. I am still alone but I am full with the mother goddess and need nothing else to sustain me. I am excited at meeting and connecting with like minded others whose lives have been transformed by a similar journey. As many goddesses converge into Avalon, for all the right reasons. I have so far met many from all over the globe, while just sitting having coffee in a local café. We have shared our journeys, swapped tales, and poured ourselves out to each other like long lost friends. Its intoxicating and feeding me in a way I’ve not felt before. Old Magic in a New Age Many of the old magical practices are visiting a revival, as the goddesses reclaim their dormant ancient sacred knowledge. Rituals and ceremonies are rejoiced and encouraged as being normal practice here in Avalon. The initiations I have received so far have been direct from spirit. The Lady of the Lake visited me one night at 3am. She was standing majestically on her huge carved boat as


it came sailing through my bedroom at a local bed and breakfast at the base of the Tor. I was robed and crowned, given a scepter, welcomed back as a priestess of Avalon and asked to take my rightful place again and dedicate my life to the goddess (like I hadn’t already). Then I was taken through the great rite and married to the horned god once again. This was for polarity wholeness and balance and so as to embrace the true love of an equal soul mate once again. I saw numerous gods and goddesses who were all there to celebrate my return. Now years ago I would have thought this loopy, but now it all seems like an everyday spiritual occurrence to me. These kinds of spiritual initiations are common for those of us used to dealing with the realms of spirit. I must admit to taking them in my stride as normal these days, but there once was a time I didn’t. I have realised that my connection to the goddess goes back through time and that this is when one embraces the knowledge available now. My initiation was a message for my DNA to download all that has been kept within my spiritual archives and deeper memory. There is always an integration and assimilation period that takes place after such an initiation. I needed to rest, take a bath and allow myself to become known to myself again. Because I had been totally unprepared for the trip (I hadn’t thought to bring so much as a set of tarot cards), I had to go and shop for candles and sage and other ritual tools and goodies to be prepared for what was to come. I visited some of the local magical shops – Glastonbury is filled with magical shops – and every second shop was another store full of books and information, herbs, incense and candles and magical goddess implements of all kinds. This priestess was getting ready to perform some personal rituals again and couldn’t wait to dance in a circle with other goddesses. Avalon calls to the souls of the many who have the heart to stay true to their path, no matter what road it takes…

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The Prophet at the Dawn of the New Age

Aleister Crowley



by D G Mattichak jr D G Mattichak Jr. is a Hermetic occultist and Thelemite who has written extensively on the subject of ceremonial magick, Qabalah and the Aeon of Horus. Check out Dgmattichakjr's blogs - Blogging About Everything; http://dgmattichakjr.com/ or Ankhafnakhonsu's Magick Blog; http://ankhafnakhonsu.net/

The Magickal War, Dion Fortune & The Book of Thoth The advent of WWII in 1939 once again seemed to sweep Crowley into an inordinate amount of conspiracy theories and tales of clandestine operations and espionage. He has been connected to Britain's efforts to magickally attack the Nazi High Command, many of whom were known to be ardent occultists with some people believing that Hitler himself was heavily influenced by the occult. It may have been these clandestine activities that first brought him into contact with another of the Twentieth Century's greatest occultists, Dion Fortune. Dion Fortune was an initiate of the Alpha et Omega, the Mathers' evolution of the now defunct Golden Dawn but after quarreling with Moina Mathers she departed and began her own magickal order the Society of the Inner Light. Her books The Goat-Foot God, The Sea Priestess and Moon Magic went on to be influential with the emerging neo-pagan and Wiccan movements, especially via Doreen Valiente and


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her texts on Qabalah and upon the Great Work are standard works to this day. At the outbreak of WWII Fortune began a series of well documented efforts to use magick to bring an end to the war and during this time she also began a long term correspondence with the Beast which indicates that they may have been coordinating their efforts to some degree. She had already modeled a character in her book The Winged Bull on the old mage and famously attributed Crowley with much of the credit for her knowledge of the Holy Qabalah through the agency of his comprehensive writings on that subject. Fortune also seemed to be intimately involved with the final opus of the Great Beast's long life; the creation of the Book of Thoth, Crowley's own personal design for the 78 Tarot cards that he completed in partnership with the painter Lady Frieda Harris between 1938-44. This set of cards and the accompanying book were viewed by Crowley as his greatest personal legacy to the study of the occult arts (he considered The Book of the Law to be the work of Aiwass and himself as merely the scribe). The Book of Thoth


remains the most influential work on the subject of Tarot and Crowley's thinking on the subject permeates all of the literature that has followed it knowingly or otherwise with Dion Fortune going to lengths in her book The Mystical Qabalah to explain why she used the Beast's version of the Tarot correspondences. Jack Parsons & the Babalon Working During his travels through America during the Great War Crowley had established OTO and A.A. lodges across the US and the most successful of these was the Agape Lodge in Pasadena which had been administered by one of Crowley's most trusted lieutenants Wilfred Smith since 1930 and by 1945 it was one of only two OTO lodges to have survived the war. By this time too, Smith and the Beast had had a falling out which left a vacuum at the top of Crowley's American operation. This void would be filled, at least in the short term, by a brilliant young rocket scientist named John Whiteside Parsons who would be the first of a new generation of magicians that would begin to achieve results using Crowley's magick methods. Jack Parsons was an enigmatic character best known as one of the founders of Jet Propulsion Laboratories (JPL) in California. His work with solid fuel rockets during WWII led directly to the design of the rockets that NASA would later use to send men to the Moon and he was noted for his eccentricity, such as the habit of reciting Crowley's Hymn to Pan before every rocket test launch. At the same time that Parsons was designing weapons for the war effort he was also leading an existence as an acolyte of the Great Beast and a member of both OTO and A.A.. In 1942 Crowley made Parsons the head of the Agape Lodge in Pasadena, replacing Smith who had severed ties to the order and its leader. Parsons was a devout believer in Thelema and it reflected chaotically in his personal life. He lived in a rambling mansion in Pasadena which became the nexus for artists and assorted eccentrics and was known as a hotbed of sexual perversion and narcotic abuse. One of the more notable boarders at "The Parsonage", as the house came to be known, was L. Ron Hubbard who would go on to found Scientology. Parsons had initiated Hubbard into OTO and the pair began to work on a magickal operation that came to be known as The Babalon Working. The objective of this magickal opus was to to summon the Scarlet Woman with whom Parsons could beget the

magickal child that Crowley had sought for so long, the Thelemite messiah. Hubbard and Parsons invoked the Seventh Aire from Crowley's Enochian manual The Vision and the Voice before invoking Babalon using the VIII degree OTO technique of sex magick. Even though Crowley had consistently advised his young tyro against the operation, early in 1946 Parsons wrote to his master claiming to have successfully conjured his elemental. This success took the form of a red head named Marjorie Cameron who would later abscond with most of Parsons' money, his yacht and Hubbard. Parsons died soon afterwards in a bizarre accidental explosion that has never been fully explained. The other thing that resulted from these operations was a fascinating and significant book in which Parsons and Hubbard had recorded a conversation that they had conducted with Babalon. With Hubbard acting as a seer of sorts and Parsons as the scribe Babalon dictated her manifesto which would survive Parsons and go on to influence the emerging new age spiritual zeitgeist of the times while Parsons' libertarian views and occult connections made him a counterculture icon. Liber 49The Babalon Working was strangely prophetic and which revealed a new magickal path that explored the feminine magickal power, presaging the spread of Wicca in the years to follow. In a way Parsons was a bridge between Crowley and the generation in the 1960s that would begin to embrace the Great Beast and his work almost twenty years after he died.



Aleister Crow

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The Last Days of the Great Beast Crowley's influence on the world of magick endured until the end and a connection with Gerald Gardner in his final days has led many to believe that Crowley had a guiding hand in the beginnings of the modern religion of Wicca. Gardner was an admirer of the Great Beast and had used a great deal of Crowley's material in a book of magick that he had compiled during the war called Ye Bok Ye Arte Magical. Interspersed among extracts from The Goetia, Agrippa and other classical works of magick were some of Crowley's central writings including his Thelemite creed, Do What Thou Wilt. It is considered likely that later when Gardner came to compose the Wiccan Rede that he used this maxim to inform him. Gardner visited Crowley at least three times after WWII after being introduced to the Beast by Gerald Yorke. On the first visit Crowley accepted payment from Gardner for either a set of elemental rituals or a degree of initiation in OTO (or both). On their subsequent meetings it is unclear what transpired but very soon after Crowley died Gardner turned up in New York to present a document to Karl Germer, Crowley's appointed successor as head of OTO, that he alleged to be a charter that Crowley had granted him to become OHO of OTO in Britain. Germer obviously mistrusted the document because he almost immediately appointed Kenneth Grant to the vacant position and Gardner was sent on his way. The decision to appoint Grant ended badly and led to the disintegration of the OTO in Britain while Gardner went on to start Wicca, the fastest growing religion in the Western world and used a great deal of what he had learned from the writings of Crowley in his early versions of his Book of Shadows. In the process Crowley's influence continues to spread long after he has gone. Crowley died on 1 December 1947 which the death certificate indicates was from a respiratory infection but it is conjectured that it was influenced by his doctor withholding his supply of heroin which the Beast had become addicted to after it was prescribed to treat his asthma many years prior. There is a persistent story that Crowley had cursed the doctor who subsequently died within 24 hours of his patient. Contrary to reports that the Beast had become feeble and confused towards the end of his life he continued to see a steady stream of callers and to direct the affairs of OTO and A.A. right to the end. His final words are said to be "Sometimes I hate myself". 20

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From Pariah to Pop Icon Even though Crowley's eccentric habits and scandalous ways had built a reputation as the embodiment of evil that would hound him throughout his entire life his influence on many of the most notable people of his times is unquestionable. This dichotomic aspect to the personality of the Great Beast continued right to the end with a 1945 letter from Dion Fortune to Crowley declaring; "The acknowledgement I made in the introduction of The Mystical Qabalah of my indebtness to your work, which seemed to me to be no more than common literary honesty, has been used as a rod for my back by people who look on you as Antichrist". Even though he was recognized as the authority on all matters of magick and Qabalah his reputation as the Wickedest Man in the World would forever color his contribution to the occult to the point that Doreen Valiente would go to great lengths to eradicate any trace of To Mega Therion from the Gardnerian Book of Shadows when she largely rewrote it in the early 1950s. Almost every writer on the occult in the first half of the Twentieth Century was in some way connected with the Beast or his magickal society the Argentium Astrum. In addition he had an influence on many of the most notable people of his day and maintained a strong connection to people in positions of power and influence to the end. Whether he was a pariah or a prophet, as he claimed, Crowley certainly left his mark on his own time and his influence continued to weave its spell on generations to come. Largely due to the republication of many of the Beast's works in the 1960s he once again rose to prominence as a forefather of the free love, hippy counterculture of that decade. Crowley's experiments with spirituality, sex and drugs were like a blueprint for the generation that turned away from the old Aeon and embraced the spiritual discipline of Self. By 1967 Crowley had regained sufficient prominence to be one of the people chosen for The Beatle's Sgt Pepper's album cover alongside many of the most influential people of his day including Lawrence of Arabia, H G Wells and Oscar Wilde. The publication of Crowley's autohagiography in 1969 under the title The Confessions of Aleister Crowley further enhanced his influence on the new age and inspired the reissue of many of the books and articles from The Equinox.


In his book The Re-Enchantment of the West, Christopher Partridge connects the growing new age spiritual movement with the influence of popular culture and Crowley continues to exert a strong influence over artists of all kinds. Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page famously purchased Crowley's Scottish home Boleskine and was noted as a collector of Crowley memorabilia while Ozzy Osbourne penned the song Mr Crowley in his honor. Film makers have been inspired by him, most notably Roman Polanski who blatantly based much of his film Rosemary's Baby on Crowley's Moonchild. Artists of all kinds continue to be inspired by Crowley and his occult symbolism. As he has grown to become a pop icon the value of Crowley's often groundbreaking occultism has once again returned to the fore and with the growth in eclectic magick practices combined with easy internet access to his once obscure books, the teachings of the Great Beast and his magickal order are still exerting his influence over modern magicians and spiritual seekers, while his ambiguous sexuality and globe trotting lifestyle give him more in common with this century than the last. "In laying out the parallels between all systems of symbolism, Crowley prefigured the structuralism of Claude Lévi-Strauss and Joseph Campbell’s elaboration of the myth cycle of the hero. He also anticipated the eclecticism that is part and parcel of the so-called New Age or alternative religion movement, in which as much as ten percent of the population participates."- Perdurabo, Richard Kaczynski

The Aeon of Horus Aleister Crowley was the first child of the new Aeon who was forced to live in a time that wasn't ready or able to understand him and accept his law of Thelema. He ended his days alone and outcast, misunderstood by his contemporaries and yet strangely cognizant of how his work would one day come to be recognized and embraced. As the spiritual mindset of the Age of Aquarius continues to move into the mainstream of life the Great Beast's creed of Do What Thou Wilt has come to define the zeitgeist of our times as ever more people begin the new age quest to find themselves. His influence on modern magick is undeniable and as the first person to publish basic instructions like the Rituals of the Pentagram and Hexagram as well as the Grade Rituals of the Golden Dawn and the Order of the Rosy Cross put these important, and previously secret methods of spiritual attainment into the hands of everyone. The magickal instructions included in his master work The Equinox are the most complete examination of magick and its practical methods that has ever been attempted and his Magnum Opus, Magick in Theory and Practice is among the clearest and most comprehensive books ever written on the topic. If that was his only contribution to occultism it would be impressive but Crowley's legacy extends to almost every sort of modern magick in some way from Wicca and Paganism and Neoshamanism to Chaos Magick. The A.A. documents that are included in The Equinox continue to be the basis for the foundation of new magickal orders around the world while solitary practitioners use of the Beast's instruction in the dark arts ensures that the Beast's Theurgic system will continue to develop in effectiveness and relevance to the modern search for our individuality. The Book of the Law itself says that the Law of Thelema will never be taken up by the masses and that Thelemites will be "the few & the secret", but its message that "Every man and every woman is a star" and that we should "take your will and fill of love as ye will, when, where, and with whom ye will!" has come to define the moral temper of the day. Far from being a licentious creed devoted to self indulgence, Thelema demands that each of us find our True Will, seek out our most essential Self and live each day in celebration of the gifts that life bestows on us. As we abandon institutionalized salvation and begin to follow the path that leads to individual enlightenment we may find that the Great Beast was the pioneer that first blazed this trail to the eternal Light.


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Wild Woman Weekend!

Michele-lee Phelan’s art is the key to opening and expressing the realms of earth, spirit, and the imagination. A painter of dreams,dragons, mythology, goddesses and faeries. Michele-lee promotes and sells her book, oracle decks, original artworks, and fine art prints via her website Dreams of Gaia: www.dreamsofgaia.com

w w w. d r e a m s o f g a i a . c o m

“‘Mystical art and illustration of Michele-lee Phelan’”.

is an annual event held in the bush lands of Western Australia that gifts a sacred, magical space for women to gather together to share stories, wisdom & journeys, to connect with Mother Earth & Goddess Moon, and to empower & encourage one another to embrace the wild within. Now in its 8th year, the custodians Ariana & Larissa have dreamed this years inspiration – Rise of the Phoenix – to embrace the swirling energies of new beginnings and ignite the fires of creation; to journey from the ashes of the old world into the beauty, wonder and potential of the new. With drumming around the fire, dancing, meditations, creativity, sumptuous magical feasting & weaving the threads of sisterhood, this year promises to sing to your very soul. Accommodation, nourishment & magical shenanigans are all inclusive all you need to bring is the wild woman within! For more information hop onto the website or find Wild Woman Weekend on facebook.



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“All art is but imitation of nature.� Lucius Annaeus Seneca

t r A ckr, Scissors? Ro , Pape


by Ceri Norman


ur ancestors left their markings and carvings on rocks all over the world. Some are in obvious places, meant to be seen and admired, while others are in remote locations, deep within caves or hidden where a rock lies in the earth suggesting a more arcane purpose. Ancient rock art, because of its pictorial nature still resonates with us today; we can still see much of the meaning behind many of the marks, as imagery can surpass languages and cultures to some extent. Sun wheels, boats and animals are all easy to


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recognise, while other carvings show us animals lost to over-hunting, other symbols are more obscure or have lost their meaning to us such as the complex spirals which could mean so many things. To stand and stare at these images is to somehow connect with the soul that created them and the souls that are depicted, whether human or animal. We can appreciate the quality and style of the work, as well as what it shows, especially if we are creative souls ourselves. There are considered to be two main types of rock art, the petroglyphs carved into stone surfaces and the pictographs which are the paintings http://avalonmagazine-net.webs.com

upon the surface of the rock. Often the pigments used to paint the surface of the rocks come from the very rocks themselves, from the likes of haematite, malachite and manganese. The oldest hint of rock art comes from Ancient Australia where used ochre was discovered to be an amazing 60,000 years old. It seems our urge to create art is very ancient and instinctive. Rock art features many things, animals, gods, human figures, tools and ancient activities such as hunting, possible ancient star charts and shamanic practices, but what is often missing is vegetation.

Very few examples ever feature flora, yet this too was part of the ancient world so why were plants not considered as worthy of painting or carving? Rock art in its many forms is found all in locations, made by different cultures all over the world. Their purpose is not totally understood; perhaps they were a form of commemoration of events or people, perhaps they were a form of sympathetic magic, by painting a successful hunt would they then ensure they caught their prey? Or did they honour the spirit of the animal they had hunted and consumed by painting it for all to see? Do they show shamanic activities, where sometimes a connection or mysterious tool is shown to link a man and beast? Are they territorial either to mark an area as belonging to a particular tribe or do they mark the way a bit like an ancient road map to say good hunting in this area? Some of the art though is utterly abstract and mysterious, are these doodling, creative imaginings of artists, symbolic of dreams, spirits or something magical? Some images are so very simple, such as image formed by spraying paint over a human hand, of which there are many examples in the aptly named Cave of Red Hands in Argentina. There is something very personal and magical to seeing the form of an ancient hand and we find ourselves wondering who the person was and what motivated them to share their hand print for posterity. Some art features many handprints, layered over each other over the years, was this their way of recording

their family tree or connecting to their ancestors? It seems the urge to leave one’s mark in stone is still alive and well; modern graffiti is a real problem at ancient sites and stone buildings alike. In times past even great architects were guilty of what we would now call vandalism, Sir Christopher Wren, architect of St Paul’s Cathedral, is believed to have been responsible for the “Wren” carved into one of the stones at Stonehenge, a site which has its own rock art in the form of ancient tools. Great Britain has many examples of rock art, there are cup and ring marks, spirals, zig-zags such as at Barclodiad y Gawres on Anglesey, serpentine swirls, ancient labyrinths, warriors, Pictish symbols and even an ancient face carved into on standing stones. Rock art is not all about prehistoric carvings or depictions. The cave at Royston, Hertfordshire is a man made cave, probably carved in the Middle Ages. Its soft walls are covered in images, many overlapping as if there are multiple layers. Pagan imagery such as the Sheela Na Gig sit beside images of various Saints such as Catherine with her wheel and Michael with his sword. Some of the most beautiful and vibrant cave paintings are located in France, in the famous caves of Lascaux where herds of animals adorn the rock in rich hues of ochres, reds and browns. There are over 2,000 ancient paintings from over 17,000 years ago. Sadly our desire to see these images is contributing to their destruction, as our breath can be destructive to them and we bring in new funguses that eat away the art.


New rock art is being discovered all the time, as we explore further into deep caves and use modern lasers to examine surfaces of ancient monuments. Rock art has survived millennia in many cases, yet often finds itself under threat from modern industrial developments, accelerated erosion from tourism, vandalism and pollution. I feel we owe it to our ancestors to ensure their legacy lives on; their rock art has already survived far longer than anything we create now is likely to. After all we write on paper or paint on canvases that degrade so quickly in comparison, or type on computers that so love to eat our words and work when they crash. Some modern artworks borrow from these ancient masterpieces, for example the bison from the Caves of Altameira in Spain has been used as a brand, a government logo, a book cover and in cartoon strip. Symbolism and motifs from ancient Australian rock art can still be found in modern Indigenous Australian art. Ancient rock art continues to inspire modern artists all over the planet. Hopefully generations from now will be able to stop and stare in awe at these ancient images, just as we have and our ancestors have for millennia. Perhaps in time they will unlock more of their mysteries… Sources: England's Rock Art database (ERA) - http:// archaeologydataservice.ac.uk/era/ Rock art inWales - http://www.rock-art-in-wales. co.uk/ Rock art in Scotland - http://www.ancient-scotland. co.uk/ Petroglyphs around the world - http://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/Petroglyph

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Neo-Mythic Art in Today’s World ®

Artwork & Story By Cheryl Yambrach Rose


e created this term to mean “the new myth” a term to describe bringing ancient myth into the present field of time and space. Sometimes the paintings are looking at the present from a future perspective as history, and sometimes they are looking at past history in contemporary terms. Some are a little of both The images are conceived out of the morphic fields surrounding sacred sites, and vortices within them in a cornacopia of a time machine that is Neo-Mythic Art. Here are some examples : 26

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“The Codex of Airmid” was inspired by the onslaught of Monsanto and the Codex Alimentarius. I was sure there had to be a Goddess of herbs and medicinal plants. There was. Airmid was the daughter of Diancecht, the god of Healing and chief physician of the Tuatha de Dannan. She and her brother Miach had healing skills and plant knowledge that eclipsed their father, causing him to murder Miach in a jealous rage. When Airmid visited her brother’s grave, she saw there were 365 herbs growing there in the shape of his body. Each herb was a cure for that particular organ, joint or muscle. The plants began to speak to Airmid teaching her the full spectrum of their healing powers. She arranged the herbs on her cloak in the human shape to record their use when her jealous father came along and shook her cloak scattering the plants to the 4 winds. Airmid became a great healer, but no one but she knew the special properties of the plants. The herb lore and herb craft had to be relearned through generations of trial and error, but perhaps Airmid has whispered her wisdom to us through the ages knowing it is not meant to be lost to the human race. She stands in a meadow of flowering plants beneath the Paps of Anu in County Kerry. She decrees : “The children of Gaia have the right to gather, grow and use nature’s gifts of medicinal plants.”

‘Scota’s disquieting beauty expresses a wisdom that is outside time. I became fascinated with her story after two events happened. The first was finding ‘the head’ in an antique shop in Prague that was full of discarded museum displays and antiquities. I spotted her in a dusty corner behind heads of Stalin and Lenin. I said to myself “ I know who you are – you are the daughter of Nefertiti and Akhenaten – I would know those genetics anywhere.” I asked the man,”how much?”. “ Hmm 1,000 crowns. I think it’s from Asia” (he had no clue ) . I said I only had 700 crowns (about £22) “OK!”, he said. I cradled my treasure and got out the door quickly before he changed his mind. It is an exact replica of the statue in the Berlin museum cast from the original. Museums do this when the originals are on tour, as this one had been to the Met. I kept the statue for years observing the beautiful shape of the head and wanting to paint her, but it was not time… Then, my friend who was present at the archeological dig at the Mound of the Hostages at Tara in 1955, recounted to me her experiences and what she saw when they opened up the grave of the Egyptian prince. She saw him taken out with the faience beads and all the artifacts. She could walk around and look them for days because it was all left out in the open for a very long time she said. (I later learned that the archeologist had died shortly after opening the tomb). The things pretty much disappeared after that into the bowels of the Dublin National Museum.


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I began to do research, especially Lorraine Evans’ ‘Kingdom of the Ark’. The statue is an unnamed daughter of Nefertiti and Akhenaten, probably Meritaten who disappeared after Akhenaten’s death and is believed to be Scota. There are ancient references to her founding Ireland. In Scotland she became the namesake of that land. The references go back possibly to AD 320. She is specifically mentioned in the Book of Leinster dating from around AD 1150 ‘Scota, the daughter of an Egyptian pharaoh, landing with her fleet on the shores of Ireland’. Welsh monk Nennius mentions the Scota legend in AD 830, and of course in the Scotichroicon – ‘The Chronicles of Scottish History’ compiled around 1435 by Walter Bower from older sources , in a volume called ‘Origins’ spoke of an ancient time before the Romans arrived, that the north had been visited by Egyptians led by a Egyptian princess- a pharaoh’s daughter named Scota. They landed in the north of Britain in a large fleet. It is interesting that a large fleet of Egyptian ships have been found in Ferriby, in the north of England and they date to her time period! Also the faience beads in the Tara grave match exactly in age and composition to beads found in the tomb of Tutankhamun, who was the brother of Meritaten ! I was very excited to begin my Neo-Mythic painting of Scota from the bust of her head in my studio. I included the faience beads as described from the dig and other details from that time period. I wanted to paint her simple yet elegant, thinking they were not able to bring much with them when fleeing Egypt, but her royal lineage shines through the ages without a great deal of accoutrements. I sensed that she wanted her story to be known in this time space. I was entranced while painting her. I wanted the look on her face to express the losses of an exile, but with the strength to go forward. She seemed to step out of the past into this painting and begin to breath…. CherylYambrach Rose is a portrait painter, visionary artist and researcher. Using historical data along with her psychic impressions she creates empowered oil paintings based on sacred sites and their mythology. She calls this Neo-Mythic Art ®. She is creator of the “Art Through the Eyes of the Soul Oracle” deck distributed by U.S. Games Systems Inc. www.cherylrose.com 28

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Moving Past FEAR by Ashwini

of ing Function The Underly otect you... FEAR is to Pr life an current By you, I me or ego...!


lot has been said and written about overcoming, beating or battling fear. But a word we often do not associate with fear is transformation. Fear is one of the hardest emotions to overcome. Fear leads to anxiety, paranoia and depression. Fear, in its extreme form, can cause serious mental illness. At its mildest form, fear robs you of experiencing the world, feeling the thrill of new things and the joy of discovery. Imagine one of your most favorite moments. Feel the extent of the emotion - be it love, joy, happiness, compassion and so on.


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Now, imagine if you were afraid to do that one action, make that one change, take that one risk which resulted in this happy experience. You are doing that now to yourself over and over again by succumbing to fear. Now, it is unwise to say that one must never be afraid. It is normal to be frightened. The underlying function of fear is to protect you. By you, I mean your current life or ego. Since your Higher Self or Soul is truly eternal, it does not die. However, the ego brings in the function of fear for self-preservation. Fear in the right amount at the right time is wise. Fear is what helps the deer run for its life and escape the hunter's arrow. Fear is a primal emotion that is key to survival and evolution of a race or species. However, fear can also curb growth and evolution. If every tiger were afraid to make the first kill, the species would have been long gone, even without its current threat of extinction due to poaching. Moving past fear starts with acknowledging, accepting, even embracing your fear and finally healing the source of the fear and watching it transform. What are you afraid of? Why are you afraid of this? Where does the source lie? Once you answer these three questions, you can then heal your fear. We mostly talk about overcoming or fighting fear when all the situation requires is some compassion and healing towards yourself and the time and effort to understand the fear. Meditation to understand and transform fear: Sit comfortably in a quiet space.You may light incense, candles or play a

gentle soft music if you wish in order to relax yourself. Close your eyes and slowly count down from 12 to 1. At the end of the count down, take a deep breath and exhale. Relax. Feel the tension and stress melt away from the top of your head, your face and neck and shoulders, your arms and torso, hips and finally legs. See the emotions flow through your feet into the ground.You are light as a feather. Now, imagine all the things you fear. It can be physical such as fear of some animals or insects, fear of heights or water, or even fear of ghosts and spirits. It can also be fear of moving forward and change or simply put, fear of the unknown. In fact, most fears are fear of the unknown.You do not know what will happen when a spider falls on you, or when ghosts or angry spirits attacks you, or when you take that one big risk to make a change in your life. Now, visualise the fear coming true. See yourself falling, see yourself being attacked by people or things, feel the pain of failure. Feel it. This emotion can be very intense, so let yourself go through it. Cry if you must, scream, wail, and shiver. But do so with your eyes closed. It is important to not lose the visualisation. Now, see all your fears come together and take a shape. How does it look? Notice its colour, shape, and size. What energy is the shape projecting? Now, visualise a green light coming from your heart and your palms. Face this form and send it this green healing energy of Archangel Raphael. Visualise it transform into something else, something loving, gentle and beautiful. Talk to this transformed form. Reassure it that you are not abandoning it or robbing it of its duty


to protect you. Tell the form that it will still have to perform its primal function of warning and protecting you. But, it must do so without overreaching or over-functioning. See this form shrink to a small ball - a gentle and loving ball of primal energy. See this merge with your root chakra that controls flight or fight response. See the chakra function in bright red as it is no longer blocked due to an overworking fear emotion. Bring your awareness back to your breath. Feel the breath fill your lungs as you inhale and release any residual energy as you exhale. Feel courage blossom in your heart chakra with each inhalation. Slowly, focus on your toes, feet, legs, and all the way up to your head. Feel the physical presence of your body. Ground yourself and open your eyes when ready. You can call upon Archangel Michael any time you feel fear to help you understand if it is baseless fear or warning bells. Repeat this meditation as often as you like. With time, your fear will be back to only warning you when there is true danger approaching or if you are making a choice against your life purpose. Also work on improving communication with your Higher Self and exercises to increase your intuition so they do not have to rely on fear to warn you. Ashwini Ravi, Intuitive Spiritual Guidance Counselor, Reiki Therapist and Certified Angel Card Reader. Service@ThePathofService.com www.ThePathofService.com www.Facebook.com/ThePathofService

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Faeries Truth or fiction?

by Frances Billinghurst


AVALON Magazine

Do you believe in faeries? f I said that I did, would I ever be taken seriously again? But I have seen faeries, or at least something that could have been perceived as a faery. My personal experience with faeries occurred a number of years ago when I was in Ireland. I was sitting in the gardens of Blarney Castle waiting for the Summer’s crowds to subside before attempting to kiss the Blarney Stone when out of the corner of my eye, I noticed something moving amongst the bluebells. I know it was not a bird. It was not even an insect because the shape was too large. So what was it? A faery? Considering the location, anything was possible. The word ”faery” was not used before the Medieval Ages and then referred to a mortal woman who had magical powers, such as Thomas Malory describing Morgan le Fay as a faerie in Mort de Arthur. A “faery” was an extension of the French word fai, referring to a state of enchantment. It was later transferred to a being who wielded powers of illusion. Another possibility is that the word originated from the Italian fatae, referring to a group of women, similar to the three Fates, who visited the household at births and pronounced the future of the baby. By and large, the faeries themselves are said to object to the word, and there are people today who think it is better referring to them as “the Good Neighbours”, “the Good Folk”, or more distantly as “the Strangers”. Faeries are often depicted in a positive light and are usually described as being feminine, tiny humans with gossamer wings. They are said to live in a subterranean parallel Universe of their own that is entered through holes in the ground, a mountainside, or a hill. From the story of Peter Pan, we learn that in order to save a faery from dying, all we need to do is to clap our hands. However, to cause the death of a faery, we simply need to recite the words “I don’t believe in faeries”. In more recent times faeries are considered to be able to guide us mortals on our spiritual evolution. But is this an accurate depiction of them?


Faery Origins Not all members of the faery fall into our modern ideas of what the fae are supposed to be. When Evan Wentz travelled around the British Isles and Ireland collecting information on the faeries, he discovered traces of an ancient belief that faeries were a combination of the dead, fallen angels and even astral/elemental spirits.


In the Scottish Highlands, there are the Sluagh, the hosts of the unforgiven dead, who were the most formidable of the Highland faery. In Ireland such spirits were known as the Fin Vara, and were considered to be more sinister than their Scottish counterparts. The Cornish “Small People” were the souls of the heathen dead who died before Christianity, and who were not good enough for Heaven, yet not bad enough for Hell. They lingered on, gradually shrinking until they became as small as ants, when they then disappeared altogether out of the world. Cornwall and Devon were also home to Piskies, the souls of the unchristened babies who appeared at twilight in the form of little white moths. Cornish Piskies are older, more wizened and meagre than the sturdy earthy Pixies of Devon. According to Wentz, in Wales the faeries were a “race of beings half way between something material and spiritual, who were rarely seen” or “a real race of invisible or spiritual beings living in an invisible world of their own” . Faeries were also considered to have originated from a more primitive group of people driven into hiding by the invaders, lurking in caves or fens; some of them were half-domesticated and did chores about the houses, such as the shaggy and unkept Brownie of the Scottish Highlands. The Tuatha de Danann of Ireland immediately comes to mind. They are believed to be a race of people who inhabited Ireland before they were dispossessed by the Milesians (the Gaels) and were forced to take refuge under the grassy hills or in lands beneath the waters. Apart for when they kidnap human babies or borrow human males to propagate their species, faeries usually have little to do with humans. Brian Froud points out that if a human enters into the faery realm and eats their food, it is unlikely for that person to return to the land of the living. If they managed to do so, such a person would find that some seven years would have passed. Others, once enchanted by faeries, were said to find it almost always too painful to return to every day human life and people were said to have been known to waste away, pining for lost bliss. Scottish Faery Flag Belief in faeries is strong on the Scottish island of Skye, where these beings are said to vary in size from those as large as humans, to those small enough to get into a house through the tiniest of spaces. The most prized possession that can be still viewed today in Dunvegan Castle, the

ancestral home of the MacLeods, is the “faery flag”. This flag is believed to have the power to prevent the clan from destruction; however, it could only be used three times. Legend has it that the flag can only be waved one more time; then the clan would either have complete victory over its foes or become extinct forever – something they do not wish to risk. How the flag came into the MacLeod’s possession is also a fabled legend of the isles. One early chief is said to have fallen in love and married a faery on the promise that their life together would last no more than 20 years. On that day she left him at a spot known as “faery bridge”. She dropped part of her silken clothes as she flew away – these were picked up by the chief and have been displayed as the flag. However, more than likely the flag was brought back from the East where one of the chiefs was on a crusade. Whether the residue of ancient Deities, diminutive nature spirits, souls of the dead (especially unbaptised babies), or even fallen angels, faeries were considered to be supernatural beings. However, as their attributes vary considerably, they were always thought to be dangerous, and therefore, not to be taken for granted. In the 1986 movie “Labyrinth”, Hoggle does not share the modern perception of faeries. To him, they were little more than nasty insects that should be exterminated. Sarah, the heroine, quickly discovers for herself that not all faeries are nice, as one bites her. “What do you expect?” Hoggle smugly states. Frances is an initiatedWytch and High Priestess of an active coven based in Adelaide, South Australia. She has an interest in the occult and all things magical, as well as folklore and mythology. A prolific writer, her articles have appeared in over 12 separate publications worldwide with essays in Unto Herself: A Devotional Anthology to Independent Goddesses, and Shield ofWisdom: A Devotional Anthology to Athena as well as two anthologies yet to be published by Avalonia. Her own book, Dancing the SacredWheel: A Journey through the Southern Sabbats, can be purchased by contacting the author. For further information, write to PO Box 2451, Salisbury Downs SA 5108, Australia; visit the Temple's web site www.templedarkmoon.com; or email frances@templedarkmoon.com. 1.Wenzt, Evans,The Fairy Faith of Celtic Countries (Courier Dover Publications, 1911 2.ibid 3.ibid 4.ibid 5.Froud, Brian, Good Faeries, Bad Faeries (Simon & Schuster Edition, 1998)


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Artwork supplied by RachelHammond.com.au

Channelled Message from the Mermaid energies.

Loving life force


s we swim through your subconscious created by the imagination we come to you with much needed communications. It is of a time when we really need to express our observations to those willing to receive. To those who are attentive to our words, it is not of our intent to counsel on what one should do. It is only our forethought, not something that should be considered a decree. For your essence is of your own, to do with as you see fit. This information is for our dearest daughters and sisters of your earthly plane. Being entities of folklore and most of the ancient fables (that include our being) are based with the theme of love! This love that has been much described and embedded within each page and every book. The love that is being communicated is far from what it should be! Is it that these fables are in fact responsible of many sisters and daughters bestowing what should be of most importance, LOVE? Presenting their love to any who will accept, in a hope that true love will become part of their existence. To have their own fairy tale come true, for the 34

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Michelle Morseu

urge of someone's approval to be acceptance. It is the ancient ways of the human race not being a whole woman unless you do in fact have someone that loves and takes care of you. This is still part of many driving force behind offering your very being, in a hope that there is a chance they will love you. This must become part of growing up to extinguish this custom to sever the cycle. This very way of thought is responsible of many heart aches and some abusive relationships, there are few ending their existence or for a want to. Love does not depend on others, it is a matter of learning to love your very essence! Proceeding to love yourself is of more importance, really it is the most pure love (besides of coarse the love of your child)! Once you have successfully obtained self love you will find your urge to search for it elsewhere will vanish. Love will then attract love, you will find yourself spending time with those you love, doing things you love, just loving life. If you find this does not occur there is a blockage there somewhere.


Look deep within yourself with self contemplation or mediation. Is there a component of yourself that you honestly cannot love? Ask yourself question to why this is in fact the case. Forgive, change anything that you can to love even this part. Dwell deeply into these aspects be open and honest, often it is what you perceive as a way you should exist is not what others are wanting you to do. Your existence is indeed your and yours only. No one can inform you on what you can love about yourself or what not to love. Another aspect that we will like to contribute is the urgency to which you give away your physical and celestial love. When this is done with no discretion at all, it causes turmoil and troublesome times ahead. This part of ones self should be considered the most precious of anything present in existence. With this in mind when dealing with the prospect of a future partner this should not be dealt with lightly. Humans can and are very clever beings when it comes to hiding their flaws. Clues are always present that suggest to these flaws. Some of these faults are not to be concerned about, after all that what it is to be human. These small faults are not what should be dealt with early. It is the more alarming tell tale signs that most not be ignored. What are these signs is not for us to express to you, because it is far to in-depth and the way of the humans are relatively new to us. Like you we have no straight answers for everything in this existence, for it is so fluid and flowing. Just like our watery home that we reside. One solution is not for all to carry out in hopes of succeeding. The foremost action is to look within to your divine self with total honesty for the perfect justification that is right for you. This ocean is your life and is no one else's. Swim, jump, dive within it with joy and laughter. Of the most importance to give yourself away to what is dictated as love because you feel pressured into doing so. In closing this message you we will like to express that loving yourself is the hardest part of this existence. What is truly best for you is for you to know, just swim and explore until you do! Finally we send our loving energy to all our mermaid daughters and sisters!

Kellie Ashton


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Appointments: 0410841683

Michele Morseu is a sea witch and defender of the oceans.With a passion for the written word, she has been published in sister magazines. She is also a Psychic, Reiki master with a certificate in Natural Therapies.Email is dolphintouch@bigpond.com http://www.freeweb.com/dolphintouch/index http://avalonmagazine-net.webs.com

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Mugwort by


ugwort is one of the many herbs which has traditional use dating back hundreds and hundreds of years in both medicine and pagan magic. Unfortunately in modern day complimentary medicine it seems to be extremely under utilised and its many talents overlooked. There are many reasons why this herb is the absolute favourite of the naturopath as well as of the pagan within me. First and foremost, the latin name for Mugwort is Artemisia vulgaris, quite obviously named after the Greek goddess Artemis and has such a beautiful affinity with our mother moon. Artemis is an extremely feministic deity who protected women, especially in childbirth as she was one who many birthing women called upon for aid in their labouring hours. Other goddesses that Mugwort is sacred to include Isis (another moon goddess) and the Roman goddess, Venus making it absolutely obvious why Mugwort (also known as Cronewort) holds such a strong affinity to women, femininity and of course, women’s health. Mugwort has traditional use in aiding a woman regain her cyclic power. Women who experience irregular menstruation, lack of menstruation and imbalances in their reproductive phases benefit from Mugwort’s wisdom. Just like the cycles of our beloved moon, so too our bodies move in cycles. The average period of a full lunar month is around 28 days (give or take) and the average period for a healthy woman is around 28 days. It is no coincidence that we share this similarity, as we women share many other qualities by having this innate bond with our lunar mother. It is 36

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Kellie Ashton

because of this connection and Mugworts ability to act so beautifully on the female reproductive system which helped it gain its reputation in traditional wise woman medicine as a balancer of the female cycles. The soft, elongating leaves of Mugwort have been used for centuries to relieve aches and pains including the abdominal cramping of menstruation. Wise women and traditional herbalists would create a poultice with the leaves by picking them fresh, mashing them up into a paste with a little bit of water and placing the herbal mash on the affected area. Roman soldiers used to place leaves of Mugwort in their boots when they went marching to the battlefields to prevent fatigue of their feet. As powerful an ally Mugwort makes in the healing world, she also has a powerful effect in the occult world. She was a regular attendee to full moon rituals and Samhain sabbat rituals due to her powerful visionary abilities. The incense was used during scrying and modern day pagans frequently utilise her powers by drinking the tea, inhaling the incense, adding it to dream pillows, or having her beautiful leaves and flowers present on their altar during spellwork. Mugwort tea can be added to scrying water or even to ritual bath waters to literally absorb her magical qualities. This bathing technique can also be used for your scrying equipment such as crystal balls, pendulums and scrying bowls. Obviously due to her strong affinity to the moon and the lunar goddess Artemis, during the full moon is the best time to harvest and an even better time is during the full moon in June. When harvesting the herb, pinch a leaf and roll it between


your thumb and index fingers to release the juice. Rub this juice on your third eye in a sun-wise direction to increase your ‘sight’ and connect you more so to this wonderful herb. In modern day medicine Mugwort unfortunately lacks the amount of use and respect it received in pagan times. However there are many herbalists who still use her beautiful qualities. Used mainly in women’s reproductive health, Mugwort is also useful in dispelling intestinal worms and other infestations, stomach problems and to stimulate appetite. It has an extremely useful role in anorexia nervosa, just like the crone grandmother who loves to feed and nourish their loved ones with enormous amounts of delicious food, Cronewort encourages those with anorexia nervosa to feed and nourish themselves in a gentle and loving manner. Mugwort should be avoided during pregnancy and lactation as it has such a remarkable ability to help a woman menstruate, you do not want this quality while you are with child. Having said this it can be used in moxa sticks to help turn a breech baby when activating the acupuncture point at Bladder 67. This is an age old technique which should be done by a qualified practitioner or someone who is experienced in such practices. Mugwort is ruled by the signs Taurus and Libra and can be used in esbat rituals when the moon is in either of these signs. Nicholas Culpeper notes its success with helping in labour, expelling the placenta and for any obstructions or inflammation associated with the womb (more feminine attributes of my beloved Mugwort). He states, “There is no better medicine for young women, in whom the efforts of nature are too weak…”.

To contact Kellie email kellie@ hunternaturopath.com. au, follow her blog at www. hunternaturopath.com.au or visit her Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/ hunter.naturopath

Merlinite The Stone of Avalon by AppleBlossom

HMerlinite, I lay down with my olding the stone of Avalon,

back flat on the cool and refreshing moist grass as I am slowly transported to a time before time. A place where the music of the faeries can be heard as they play their flutes, the harps of the ancient ones, and the druids and witches calling out loud with pride, "Hail and welcome." I am in Avalon, the magical world of apple trees, unicorns, and mysteries, where the veil drifts gently between dimensions like clouds washing over the skies filled with rainbows above. Merlinite, the stone of Avalon Merlinite, is usually black and white in colour, balancing the masculine with the feminine energies, reminding me symbolically of the Magpie bird which too has similar coloured hues - both dark and light. The black represents being taken to the underworld, beyond, to another time, especially to the past, and to acknowledge ones deeper self and shadows. While the white is the future, what is yet to unfold, and the visions that wait to manifest, with healing and the elixir of light, power, and inner energy churning to be poured out. Working with Merlinite Fill a bowl with spring water if possible to represent healing wells.

Within, place several stones to symbolise ancient times, history, records, and magical circles such as Stonehenge. In the middle allow one piece of merlinite stone to sink to help you to connect. Keeping your eyes open, breathe deeply. Now focus your gaze on the centre stone in the bowl (the merlinite). One, two, three, you feel a shift in energy as you slowly recognise the veil between worlds lifting higher and higher, as you are exposed carefully to akashic records unfolding before your psychic eye, awakening your intuition as you time travel through a shamanistic journey to the past, and the future. Feel this magic light up your aura, shinning, as you fondly remember what you already knew, yet had forgotten as you realise that you are in Avalon. Like a huge library you notice that you are surrounded by wizardry, alchemy, inner strength, and the teaching of the ancient ones, able to hear, feel, and sense a wonderful and rich power flow through your being. You realise in this special place that you have complete control of your self will, and can now clearly see from a dimension beyond the laws and concepts of cause and effect. You http://avalonmagazine-net.webs.com

symbolically place this wisdom within the pockets of your soul to be read when you return from your travels. It is as though you have been handed a book of shadows, a handbook, a thick and well filled manual from those that live there, the Lady of the Lake, Morgan Le Fay, and of course Merlin himself. You are between the physical plane and the void of Avalon, in two places at once‌the past and in the future. It is here, in the very heart of both, where one is placed in a real, yet dreamlike environment to learn great wisdom and knowledge of the wise sage, skills, spell casting, and many more magical tools. Take notes of any feelings, images, or thoughts that come to mind. One, two, three, you now return and close the door to the veil between worlds.You are present within your mind, body, and spirit, in 'present' time, grounded. Apple Blossom is a natural psychic, medium, and witch. She is also a Reflexologist practitioner, and the author of five books. Apple enjoys writing for many new age magazines in Australia and internationally. For more information: http://www. appleblossomauthor.com.au

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Wild Woman Weekend... W

hispered on the wind, and flowing through the seas, a call was sent forth across the land for the woman to gather, to circle and to embrace the inner wyld. As they arrived for the 8th annual Wild Woman Weekend in the bushlands of Western Australia there was a stirring of wonder, an edge of excitement and the delicious hint of anticipation. I Ariana, & my sista Larissa as creators of 'Wyld Wayz' & custodians of 'Wild Woman Weekend' had spent a season creating the space, weaving the theme and pouring our energy & love into the magic of our retreat. Our guiding theme this year was ‘Rise of the Phoenix’ where through myth, story & song the sistas were invited to consider 'what do they leave as their ashes & what lights their fire? As they entered sacred space on the first evening, we shared the light of weekends past and invited all wyld sisters to join us in spirit. We created the space together, set out intent and hope for the weekend and with the beating of the heart drum, invited the Phoenix to sour in our midst. The enchantment was woven, the sisterhood strengthened and the magick of transformation created. As the sun rose on the new day we started with soundscapes in the outdoor circle where we welcomed in the sun with sound & song and partook of our morning nourishment. From there it was into the temple to delve into the myth and story of the Phoenix. We drummed deep into this space, connecting, weaving & transforming and as the mythical Phoenix took wing, with all senses heightened, we merged the energy into our bodies in an explosion of moving meditation and ecstatic dance. The sistas were then invited to create a visual piece symbolizing 38

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their journey and create a sacred talisman to be charged together. This was a very meaningful process for all with loads of laughter, contemplation and delicious cake! With the sun high in the sky, Larissa moved us into spell crafting of the transformation arrows and activation bundles. Harnessing wisdom & properties of herb lore, symbology & natures gifts, the sistas went very deep into this process where they we invited to physically create an offering to gift to the fire that embodied the things they wished to transform & a bundle of wishes, dreams & longings to be activated by the fertile ashes. Ritual began under the light of the moon & stars above with the keeper of the light leading us though the labyrinth & entrance rites into the circle where the heart drum guided our magickal workings. The energy of this space was so potent, uplifting and powerful and I know that for some this was truly a wondrous experience. Words cannot describe how this felt, it is a feeling, a tuning in, a connection so deep that only those present can know its wonder. With empowered energy still resonating within each one of us, we reentered the temple & 'decadent' is the only word that can describe the lovingly prepared nourishment of our Morrocan styled feast. Dawny Owl had spent the day singing magick into the food that nourished both our bodies and our very souls. After the feast more merriment was woven, the fire raised higher, the beat of the drums and fire twirling of the sistas began. The new day saw us moving to the magick of the falls, the drum journey and relaxation of the space. The settling in of the real bond of sisterhood & the knowing of the strength that comes from being called sista. The talismans


by Ariana & Larissa

www.wildwomanweekend.com that we had charged by Phoenix & fire were now woven into this bond where all sistas maintain their magick and effectiveness thus all dreams and wishes be fed and nourished by us all. With an afternoon of massages, magical marketing, conversation & food our wyld circle slowly came to a close. With love, joy, gratitude, laughter and tears we sent the energy from our weekend out into the ether to begin the call once more for the women to gather, to circle & embrace the wyld within. Till we gather once more dear sistas, wyld blessings Ariana & Larissa xXx We are in the process of dreaming next years theme & invite all women to to join us either in spirit or presence to call up the wyld within. Please see our website for 2014 details and to see more pics from ‘Rise of the Phoenix‘ www.wildwomanweekend. com

Ariana & Larissa are both passionate, loving & creative sistas of the Wyld. As creators of 'Wyld Wayz' & custodians of 'Wild Woman Weekend' in Western Australia, they create sacred spaces for women to circle, connect & embrace the inner wyld.Through drumming, full moon circles & weekend retreats their unique weaving of sisterhood creates a wondrous, safe & magickal space.


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A Cosmic Weave… By Elizabeth Vaccaro.


s our Solar System spins its web, everso-masterfully as a microcosmic expression of our Galaxy, we’re entwined within a whirl of energetic expression. Our web has a story to tell, a colour to envision, an enlightenment to view… a destiny to uncover. By acknowledging the weavings our Cosmos puts into place, especially to help us figure out each thread closer towards our destiny, may we more accurately arrive at the best destination for us to be in. 40

AVALON Magazine

As June arrives Venus enters the sign of Cancer. Love will be expressed with grace. If your weavings spin off-course, it is likely that someone will go into hiding within the confines of their protective, safe, introspective habitat. Until June 27, do take delicate care of those you love… and if anyone communicates outside of your comfort zone, it is perfectly natural to take time out to retreat. The web of Venusian harmony, whilst in the sign of Cancer, needs to be gracefully spun into a nurturing home. On the June 7 Neptune becomes stationary retrograde. This microscopic web is spinning impressions of your past dreams and fantasy visions. From reminiscing on these past ideals, you have the opportunity to glance upon where your gossamer threads have been weakened, or need to be released. The fates of these ties will be based upon your efforts… and your heart. http://avalonmagazine-net.webs.com

Follow the directions that bring your heart joy and happiness. Weave your very own web fibres to build a homely dream-filled labyrinth for yourself. When Neptune trines Saturn on June 11, you may have an opportunity to bring aspects of your dream-life into reality. When the Sun enters Cancer on June 21, you may feel more communicative, where you previously would have resigned to retreat. Enlightenment from the Sun gives you the energy and confidence to create and express. More joy will return to your heart-home by June 25 as Jupiter enters Cancer too. For the next few days, you will have the ultimate creative influences onside to thoroughly strengthen the incandescent fibres to make your heart-space whole. While your dreams are interlacing in a backwards oscillation, on June 26, Mercury goes into retrograde too. As a practical precautionary tactic, do have all loose ends in place before this date, with all emails sent and deadlines met in advance (where you can). During a Mercury retrograde unfolding, all entwining threads on the technological web slow down due to nature’s resistance to entangle

forwards. It is a communicative reflective influence. Backwards has the ease of momentum. If you have been needing to reverse time to arrive more presently in your pre-destined gossamer twists, an unlocking within this axis shall do the trick. Interestingly, we have been in Uranus retrograde, and both Pluto and Saturn stationary retrograde courses, for some time now.Yet, our motions are anything but stagnant. Via plaiting and turning backwards, our Cosmos gives us more time. On June 27 Venus transits into Leo. This will align your heart’s crossstitches into a tantalising fusion of warmth and courage. On July 8, Saturn becomes stationary direct, completing its retrograde momentum. Any setbacks on the practical, tangible thread, should begin to unravel with ease.You will also have taken on enlightenment from past restrictions and beliefs held. Mars enters Cancer on July 13. If you’ve been wishing for energy to put plans into motion, to make your weaved, twisted, and inter-looped home more makical, well… it’s here!

On July 17, Uranus is stationary retrograde, and Jupiter trines Saturn and Neptune. Where previously, you have been propelled through the diversity and backtracks of your unique being, you will now tread the thread of a gentle backwards momentum. At the same time, you are allied with textures of joy, dream-filled interlacing, and earthly supportive breezes to keep balance. As a woven composition, your work life should get back on thread, with some good news too. All the while, incorporating your creativity and intuitive know-how.

heart’s cross-stitches appeal to all that is neat, orderly, and refined… and you’re not afraid to express it!

Mercury changes to a stationary motion, about to progress forwards again, on July 20. Expect your technological web weavings to begin to flow smoothly again. As for your personal weave, do recollect and make note of enlightenments you received within your rewound time.

ElizabethVaccaro is a philospher of the natural world. Her new ebook ‘Enchanted Healing Philosophy’ can be found on her website @ www.elizabethvaccaro.com

Venus enters Virgo on July 22 and the Sun enters the sign of Leo.Your


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Angelic Messages There are Seven Main Archangels and Healing Rays For Mankind. They each work with our seven main chakras within our templates.

Cosmic Christ Consciousness This Painting Vibrates on The Cosmic White/ Silver ray of Purity and connects you to your pure own Core Energy, this is the energy of The Christ Consciousness which is known as Sananda, The Buddha, The Lord Jesus Christ. This is known as the Christing of man. It is the Divine state of Being, when you have the realisation and the acknowledgment by the acceptance of your own Divinity. The realisation that we are all Divine Beings incarnate and a piece of All That Is. I Honour the Divine in You. I See You, for I am You. The Flower of Life.



This is about COMMITMENT and making the right DECISION. To make your decisions simply Decide what part of your Being needs to be fulfilled and then, you may ask yourself this question.


By doing this will I be fulfilled Physically, Mentally , Emotionally and Spiritually? Honour yourself and always make decisions based on truth and integrity.

3 42

Be Authentic and true to yourself. Know that You are Deserving and Worthy.

AVALON Magazine

Lit-El Star is a healer & visionary artist who creates Angelic Portals for the Angelic Realms & Acended Masters of light & love.The divine purpose of theseWindows From Heaven™ is to facilitate heavenly experiences for you. Lit-El Star uses The Angelic AquasŽ. Vibrational Healing Waters together with crystal pigments & water based acrylic paints. Check out her New APP on her website www. angelessencehouse.com



The Antelope


The Antelope is sacred to Astarte, the Middle Eastern Goddess of balance, holding death and destruction in one hand and birth and regeneration in the other. Known as Hathor in Ancient Egypt and Demeter in Ancient Greece, her name means ‘Queen of the Stars’. Astarte watches over the souls of the departed, cladding them lovingly in robes of light and calling them her ‘star children’. Astarte’s horns resemble those of the Antelope. Like Astarte, the Antelope is a guide: a source of light that showers optimism and inspiration down upon the people. In fact, it could be said that Astarte is the spirit of the Morning Star that holds the light during an otherwise dark and confusing night. Because the Antelope has pronked her way into your life today, you are being reminded that no matter what happens in your life, Spirit will always provide a guiding light, a symbol of hope and a way of leading you out of the darkness. This darkness is very much like night-time. All things seem difficult and more overwhelming when the world is dark and everyone is asleep, and that’s because there’s nothing you can do to bring closure to a situation or heal the issues surrounding it.Your hands are tied. You are forced to sit and wait; wait for the sun to rise, for clarity to return and for an opportunity to present that allows you to do something about it. And when the Morning Star shines through your window, banishing the darkness and lighting up your room, Antelope asks that you see the light as a sign of affirmation that heralds radiant new beginnings and the dawn of a new day. In order for anything to be born, any project to start or any new relationship to begin, though, some aspect of your life must be allowed to die. Old doors must shut before new ones open. And it is the Antelope who steps up to the mark and helps channel the process, with the simple promise that everything will work out for the best.

Scott Alexander King was born to love animals. He spent much of his childhood observing, drawing and writing about the animals he experienced in the small, tattered journal he always carried in his pocket. He would record every animal he saw: where he saw them, what they looked like and what they were doing at the time.This was an activity he never tired of ... so much so that, in essence, he’s still doing it today! Scott is the author of the bestselling, internationally recognised Animal Dreaming (a shamanic reference book and field guide that offers spiritual insights into over 200 native and introduced Australian animals and birds) and the ground-breaking Animal Dreaming Oracle Cards. Scott is available for workshops, seminars, readings and interviews.Visit Scott’s official website: www.animaldreaming.com or seek him out on Facebook


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D C & k o Bo Reviews

Raising Angels By Paul Morris Segal

RRP $19.00 www.rockpoolpublishing.com

The Ocean Oracle By Susan Marte RRP $39.00 APPStore $7.49 www.theoceanoracle.com

The guidance and wisdom offered by the ocean and its surrounds is what forms the basis of The Ocean Oracle. Using Story in the interpretation of the cards, allows the information and healing to go deeper into our being. The Stories have many meanings and, depending on the query, the meaning needed to be seen or heard will come forward. The Messages offer up areas to contemplate. Some of the messages will resonate; some won’t. Sometimes the messages may seem cryptic. That’s the nature of oracles. 44

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Predicted to follow in the success of The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, Raising Angels is a charming novel. When young Raphael finds a worn out angel lying on the side of the road in the pouring rain, he decides to take it home and look after it. Smuggling it into his room without his parents’ realizing, Raphael and his sister are intrigued: this angel doesn’t look the way they had imagined angels to be. And why is this angel here? There must be a reason, because everything happens for a reason, he decides. Raising Angels, a charming short fiction book set amongst the warmth and love of everyday family life, illustrates how angels can be messengers for peace and love.


Music CD - The Ancient Ones by Kellianna RRP $30.00 www.Kellianna.com

Kellianna is an American pagan singer songwriter, an international artist performing songs and chants inspired by myth, magic, sacred places and ancient times. With guitar and vocals she brings to life the stories and sagas of the Gods and Goddesses. Using Native American frame drum and chant she honors the Earth and the Ancestors via primal drumming and powerful vocals. Her latest Album ‘The Ancient Ones” released April of this year is a celebration of all that is Pagan. Foot stomping, heart throbbing music that gets your ancestral blood pumping. Tunes and Melodies that stay in your head as you go about your day. Kellianna’s voice has a real earthy power that calls to you in ways nothing else can. I first heard her sing in Glastonbury at a Faery Ball. Hers is a powerful voice that sends chills up your spine as you hear the call of the Ancients ringing out through her songs.

Steve Parish Inspired by Nature Series

Consciousness By Steve Parish

Healing By Steve Parish

Freedom By Steve Parish

RRP $9.95 www.pascalpress.com.au

RRP $9.95 www.pascalpress.com.au

RRP $9.95 www.pascalpress.com .au

Life can be challenging and uncertain at times. We may have neglected our health or those we love, and forgotten how to have fun and relax. That is why is it important to step back and assess the authenticity in our lives. What does truth and honesty mean to us? Who are we, and how do we regain balance? Take a moment every day to contemplate the answers to these questions and to focus on healing. Use this book to reflect, reconnect and encourage the healing process. Only through our individual understanding of authenticity and balance can we truly live life to its fullest potential.

Be mindful in every thought and action of every moment of every day. This will bring you closer to your soul state of heart-connected existence. First, become aware that you are thinking and question your thoughts. Recognise this moment as being the only one you have and that it is happening right now.

Positive emotions follow positive thoughts. We have the freedom to choose how our mind works — by choosing a positive focus in life, our energy will flow towards happiness and we will know inner peace.

We can love consciously, passionately and without inhibition when we liberate ourselves from the shackles of the mind. When we are Use this daily mindful practice to free and trust in who we really are, pay attention to what is happening around you and in you, and peace and we gain the power to affect change in the world. happiness will follow.

Ingrid Cliff is ChiefWordWizard at her copywriting business...

www.heartharmony.com.au. http://avalonmagazine-net.webs.com

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