GoddessGuru 12th Edition

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BALI Goddess Retreat

2nd-9th December 2013 Book now! E: email@sroyarose.com

21 Days 2201-5965 issue 12

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Goddess Guru Ezine

Online Ezine

to a more Positive Attitude Sisterhood & Community Living With KALI What is a Doula? Go Ahead & Jump! The Reluctant MYSTIC Do You have Syndrome X? Online Activism... & much more.. www.goddessguruezine.com

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Goddess Retreat Relax, Unwind & Rejuvinate in the island of the Gods!


2nd - 9th Dec 2013

S’Roya invites you to join her BALI Goddess Retreat Your retreat investment is $2550 (not including airfairs) 7 days of Heaven you’ll never forget & want to do regularly! Email: email@sroyarose.com Ph 0422361040 to book.

GODDESS Guru Ezine S’Roya Rose

Publishing Editor in Cheif, ABN 60589837311

Email: email@sroyarose.com © Skype ID: goddess-sroya


S’Roya Rose, Lizzy Rose, Mikailah Gooda, Stacey Demarco, Apple Blossom, Elizabeth Vaccaro, Kali Cox, Gemma Lucy, Tricia Szirom, Michele Morseu, Bronwyn Fish, Jane Meredith, Kerrie Friend, Lauren Clark, Rhianne NewLahnd, Nicole Rowley, Janell Manton, Kellie Ashton, Tracey Jewel, Tina Georgitsis, Christine McDonnell,

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This publication and its entire contents are protected by copyright. No part of this publication may be used, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of the publisher. Publication of an article or advertisement does not constitute endorsement by the editor, publishers or any employees of Goddess Guru Magazine. While every care is taken to provide accurate information the publisher does not accept any responsibility for accuracy of any information here in. We encourage the highest possible standards of conscious ethical business and copyright practices.


Copyright S’Roya Rose 2011 rights reserved. Photography supplied by Shuterstock.com, istock. com, 123rf.com. Visionary Artists featured: Jo Jayson, Rachel hammond and Rayvanne Phelan.


We welcome editorial submissions for articles, and artwork. We encourage all advertsing, event listings, notices and general business directory adverts. All submissions should be supplied in Word format by email as attachment to the editor S’Roya:


Articles size should be from 800-1000 words in length. Include a short 20 word bio and pic of yourself 300dpi jpg. We exchange an 1/8th page advertisiments for articles. All Editorial must be authentically your own work, please note any references made by other writers. We reserve the right to edit all material submitted for publication.

Contact us: E email@sroyarose.com F facebook.com/GoddessGuruEzine W www.goddessguruezine.com

S’Roya The Editor

Hello to all you amazing Gods & Goddesses out there. In these contracting times we are all having to make some radical changes, the old ways in which we did things no longer serve us. Winter’s moving in upon us while the nights are becoming shorter and colder its time for inner reflection, to journey within and take time to regenerate on all levels of mind, body, emotions and spirit, ready for us to rebirth ourselves when the warmer winds of Spring emerge. *Next BIG change:… Goddess Guru & Avalon Magazines will now be QUARTERLY instead of Bi-Monthly. Yes folks there will be four magazines a year instead of six. Due to my increasing work commitments and family obligations I had to make another life transition, to surrender, let go and make adjustments to all my schedules. As many of you know I create these magazines in service to the Goddess and it comes with its own share of obligations, commitments and priorities. I wasn’t being true to myself and the huge workload this places on my life and those I care about. Superwoman I‘m not nor am I a martyre, so adjustments had to be made. Goddess Guru & Avalon Magazines will now be published quarterly. Article & Advertising Deadlines are as follows:

*Deadlines for AVALON & Goddess Guru Magazines:


Writers make a NOTE in your Diary Please!


1st of July 1st of October 1st of January 1st of April

Goddess Guru is available for purchase or via Subscription Only…. *1 Year Online subscription is only $20 *1 Year Printed version $80 Aussie & $115 International (includes postage). Click on Subscribe Page Online. So grab your subscription, pull up your Laptop, sit back with your favourite cuppa and savour our latest edition… Happy reading Many Blessings S’Roya




Meet our Guru’s Kali




Guru Features... ZaKaIRAN












6 21 Days to a Better more Positive Attitude, by S’Roya Rose 8 Sisterhood & Community, by Lizzy Rose 10 Living With KALI, by Tricia Szirom 12 What is a Doula?! by Kellie Ashton 14 Go Ahead & Jump part 1, by ZaKaiRan 16 Kali Ma - Terrible Mother; by Frances Billinghurst 18 Ocean Oracle, by Susan Marte 20 Flying Lessons, by Jannell Manton 22 The Reluctant MYSTIC , by Rhianne Teija NewLahnd 24 Do you Have Syndrome X, by Christine McDonnell 26 Steel Faith, by Kali Cox 28 Dispelling Fears Through the Tarot, by Apple Blosom 32 Backyard Activism: Online Activism, by Gemma Lucy 34 Hodgepodge, by Bornwyn Fish 38 Astrology: The Moon & You, by Elizabeth Vaccaro 41 Image - Obstacles, by Kerrie Friend 42 Book Reviews - Editors Choice, by S’Roya 44 Guru’s Business Directory

Guru Regulars Tricia 4



Book Reviews, Hodgepodge, Image, Astrology - The Moon & You, Directory.

GODDESS Guru Ezine Empowering the Goddess in us all. Bringing things back into balance, restoring and rebirthing the Sacred Feminine. Guru’s of all pursuasions sharing their infinite wisdom for growth, nuturing & support, during times of great transformational change. Blessed Be the Goddess!


The spirit of the GODDESS leads the way for us all, grounding the Sacred Feminine and the Cosmic Lunar energies into a balanced holistic Earth Walk. GODDESS Guru e-zine helps assist in anchoring these Spiritual concepts into our everyday life! We understand that everything is connected through the greater web of all life. Everything we do, everything we say, affects everything else... therefore collectively we can make a difference.


GODDESS Guru e-zine is an open forum which provides comprehensive spiritual wisdom. Our regular columns, guest writers and special features will make the magazine a highly appealing spiritual resource, that will be kept and called upon time and time again.. The Sacred Rose placed inside the triple goddess symbolises the heart, soul and hidden mysteries of the rebirthed divine feminine. May her wisdom be forever in our hearts & minds as we journey into the unknown life ahead. www.goddessguruezine.com



21 Days

to a Better more e d u it tt A e iv it s o P

Y S’Roya Rose

S’Roya teaches Metaphysical Mastery and runs inspirational, Self EmpoweringWorkshops that help develop the tools needed to live a more peaceful & balanced life. Phone: 0422361040. E: email@sroyarose.com




ou may not know this‌ but your attitude is more important than your aptitude in determining your success in life! Just how critical is attitude to achievement? Well, lets look at one of the greatest inventors from the past two hundred years - Thomas Edison. Every time you turn on a light switch, you experience the result of his determination in the face of continuous failure. Edison tried 10,000 times to get his light bulb invention to work, but failed every time. However, he had this to say about his lack of original success. "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." You too can learn to have this kind of

positive outlook, but it needs to be deliberately applied into your every day living. You probably already know that it takes approximately 21 days to break a bad habit, by replacing it with a new one. If you are plagued with persistent negative thoughts and feelings toward life, you can replace this mindset with a new positiveattitude by developing new thinking habits! Changing habits, changes our lives! 1 Habit at a time. Here is a 21-day, 5-step program to change any negative outlook and attitudes to more positive ones.

We ManifestWhat we Think Most About!


Know that thoughts have power.

We become what we're thinking, so first you must learn how to take charge of what your mind is focussed on.You can eradicate negative thinking once you start to observe your thoughts. This has to be done moment-by-moment and doesn't happen overnight. It's a habit that will take time to create. How can I do this? Choose to think uplifting and positive thoughts instead of discouraging ones. You get to decide how you feel by what you choose to think. Become aware of this and dwell only on the positive. Start keeping a journal and write down any negative thoughts you may have had and then, write down at least one good/happy/ positive thing in your life each day for three weeks. Then focus on the positive instead of any negative or unsupportive thoughts.


Use inspirational material.

During this 21-day mind training period, fill your mind with good thoughts by drawing from other inspirational things. How do I do this? In your immediate environments, including work put up some affirmations that motivate or inspire you to stay on track or help you to love yourself. Have around you inspirational books for you to pick up and open for inspiration‌ and Use

them.You'll never know what may result from reading it until you open it up! Make a habit of always starting each day and ending each day with something that inspires you to think happy thoughts.


Focus your energy on others.

For the next 21 days make an extra effort to assist and lend a helping hand to other people. Concentrating on assisting others will help you to feel good about yourself. Believe me its true! Make a special effort of focusing on others during your 21 days of developing your new positiveattitude with this daily habit.You will be amazed at how this one exercise will change your perspective.


Take care of your health needs.

It's hard to maintain a positive mindset if you've neglected your physical needs. So during the 21 days of your attitude retraining make an extra effort to eat nutritious balanced meals. Not getting enough sleep will also be a tremendous hindrance, so make sure you're getting adequate rest. And don't forget to get enough exercise. When you feel down, try to take a brisk 30-minute walk. I promise you'll feel revived and your mood will have shifted!


Gratitude is the path to real inner contentment.

One of the side effects of our commercial world is that we are constantly bombarded with the need for more‌ more of everything and this creates craving for what we perceived we need and don't have. For the next 21 days focus on what you actually have and not on what you don't have and be grateful while excepting that you can have goals to achieve more in the future. How do I do this? You achieve this by keeping yourself in the present and enjoy everything you have as a blessing. Try to forget acquiring stuff for the purpose of keeping up with others. That only leads to more anxiety. Be thankful for what you do have instead. Applying these 5 lessons for 21 days will enable you to develop positive attitudes about life and enable you to help others when they're going through tough times. So don't let negativity ruin your present and future. Instead, take control and build a new habit of having a positive attitude. It will take about 21 days to start seeing consistent changes in the way you think, but it will be worth it! Now choose the starting date for your attitude-renewal adventure and go for it! How about today?




y t i C e h t n i Witch unity m m o C d n a d o o Sisterh

MOTHER MOON Oh Mother Moon Queen of this night, Conceive within me guidance Of your divine pure light. Oh Mother Moon Priestess of this time, Nurture and empower me Water heal and cleanse my mind. Of my womb, my blood, my birth Bless my soul, my spirit, my worth.


e F s r e t is S n e v e ‘S e h t at

Oh Mother Moon Queen of this night, Embrace me as thy daughter, Sister, mother as thy light.

by Lizzy Rose


pinning into my dreams of merriment joy dance and song I’m taken back to memories made April 12th to 14th 2013 at the ‘Seven Sisters Festival’ held in Mt Martha Victoria Australia. I had the privilege to attend and perform and so I share my experience now with you all. As the sense of urgency and purpose to connect becomes more and more apparent for the female population here in Australia, I find myself at more events centred specifically for women only. The sisterhood is alive as the web we weave is bringing women closer to each other as the Goddess is re awakened and affirmed in our society. Arriving well after dark and with




storm clouds and lightening following me I was embraced by welcoming women and so I settled down to a yummy hot bowl of vegetable soup. Three old steam trains were decked out with bunk beds, a full kitchen and lounge areas that contained seated benches set into little alcoves. Led to my room I found myself in the Guards cabin. I nestled into the top bunk bed and snuggled up armed with the festival timetable. I took in the 48 workshops and activities on offer in over 8 spaces, choosing what to attend with so much variety was difficult. Seven hundred (700) women from all over Australia attended the second

annual Festival so at times workshops massages healings and food were all booked out or sold out. Morning came and I felt summoned to the ‘Circle of Stones’ I attended the Elders Discussion followed by ‘Women’s tools of empowerment’ the morning seemed to vanish in a fleeting moment as I prepared to lead my rite. In keeping with the energy of the year of the snake I created a “Witchcraft and the Serpent Kundalini Ritual” Drifting away into my own world and holding space as High Priestess for 130 women to honour embrace and activate their sacred spine brought forth a very powerful transformative and sacred ritual.

It was late into the afternoon and after much conversation laughter deep thought and absorption, I drifted into the realm of the arts were I was adorned with the most beautiful face painting and dressed for the evening’s entertainment. The Chai tent was where many a women took to the stage to share in honour of their’ Mother tongue’ I bore witness to many sisters reciting poems, filling the tent with their wonderful rhythm and rhyme as they sung to the ladies present and called to mother earth to heal their suffering hardship and pain, yet as the phoenix rises from the ashes each sister reignited their souls true flame in recognition appreciation and empowerment of their almighty steadfast tried and tested spirit. Inspired by a poem I wrote in 2011 to honour the ladies who sit in sacred space at my Mumma Moon Circles, I birthed the seed to expand my poetry into song, soon after my night came to a close. With dawn beckoning me to venture into the final day of the’ Seven Sisters Festival’ I found myself up early and on my way to the Eco Space to absorb a wonderful workshop titled “Urban Food Gardens” this

reinforced my desire to once again keep a couple of hens and to plant even more vegetables than my garden currently holds. With Ritual Space calling me back to its great belly I then journeyed through the “Crafted Sister Totem” workshop, where we were led into a silent meditation with deep drumming. A rainforest floated before me, as I watched a great waterfall in her centre appear I felt complete peace in this place. All of a sudden the God Pan arrived, I seemed to now be standing under the waterfall looking out at the rainforest watching Pan dance up and down the edge of the lake that the falls edge met against. Playing his pipes he beckoned to me with mischief in his eyes, wanting me to follow him to journey deep into the forest. Hearing the drums beat I felt myself pulling back to sit in silence and craft my totem so I began my Pan charm. I found an inner calling to work with this God as he had come to me, not I to him, he is not someone I have worked with largely over the years yet I know of him well, however I felt very privileged to meet with him in such a sacred space he has left me with a curious knowing as to what I must learn from his great spirit.

Feeling hunger in my belly and the sudden desire to shower I raced off into the afternoon sunshine, once replenished and refreshed I found myself on a mission to get to my final workshop of the Festival ‘Sustainable Pagan Lifestyle’ where we shared deep discussions on endless Eco friendly possibilities and how to better our community as a whole. Ending with an outdoor grounding meditation I felt the need to capture some memories on film. So much that I hadn’t seen as I made my way around the camps, Sacred Spaces, Dance spots and the Market Stalls. All too soon the closing ceremony was upon us where the Seven Sisters danced the drummers call and blessed the Circle participants with a communal spiral dance and enchantment that gave thanks to this great land. Tears of joy connected cemented and reinforced that sisterhood and community is indeed our soul’s true path. http://www.sevensistersfestival.com

Lizzy Rose Australias’s Celebrity Psychic. Specialising in Psychic, Clairvoyant,Tarot & Medium Readings. High Priestess of Mumma Moon Women’s Circles & Goddess Temple Gatherings. Email lizzyrosebookings@gmail.com www.lizzyrose.com.au 0452 479 505 www.goddessguruezine.com



i l a K h t i w Living Tricia Szirom


he Hindu Goddess Kali is challenging and confusing in many ways. She is the Great Mother from whom the universe emerged, however for those of us in the West, it is hard to see her as a loving mother when one considers her image which in no way represents our concept of mother; she just does not fit our notion of the gentle, meek and patient motherly figure of a goddess. She is in fact the most misunderstood of all Goddesses. Represented with the fiercest features amongst all the world's deities, Kali is usually depicted with four arms, a sword in one hand and the head of a demon in another. She has two dead heads for her earrings, a string of skulls as necklace, and a girdle made of human hands as her clothing. She is covered in blood, eyes red with tongue protruding from her mouth. In most images she stands with one foot on the thigh, and another on the chest of her husband, Shiva.

Artwork by www.coolbuddy.com




Kali is perhaps the most terrifying image of the Divine Feminine in her manifestation as a Goddess of Transformation – she who cuts away illusions and false ego. Her destruction is not wanton, She destroys ignorance, delusions and manifestations of the self-focused ego. However things are not always as they first appear and Kali has two other hands to bless us and protect us as they proclaim "fear not". In the place of ignorance and ego she imparts knowledge and awakens the truth. In her original conception Kali symbolises the wholeness of life in all its aspects: life and death, beauty and ugliness, creativity and destruction, lightness and darkness.

Her name means ‘time’ and in her is the wholeness and fullness of all creation: as a triple goddess she is Creation, Preservation and Destruction. On the one hand she rages against injustice, killing the demons of ego, and on the other she is the ever loving mother. This may be seen as a contradiction. As a destroyer of demons she was brought into existence when the gods couldn't even win against them. She frees people from negative influences, obstacles, and anything holding you back from becoming who you are truly meant to be. Living with Kali can be painful and traumatic – it can also be gentle and loving; and it is always transforming when we submit to her teachings. In order to move forward in our spiritual life we need to see the trivialities of a self- focused life and move beyond to liberation of the spirit. Kali is the ‘dance’ of life and death, everything and nothing, destruction and creativity. Her dance gives us rebirth to live a life of purpose and fearlessness. In facing our fears we move past seld imposed barriers and dance our lives with full creativity. For many of us, living as a women who is both strong and resilient is often a daunting challenge full of fear and intimidation. The stereotypes of femaleness are passive, quiet, yielding and submissive and to step out of that space demands we look our fears, and conditioning, full in the face. Honouring Kali means honouring the cycle of life and the changes in our own life. Amongst western feminists she is often seen as a symbol of women’s power and rage. What we can learn from Kali We all have issues in our past,

some dark secrets in our family background, pain, shame and hurt that we carry with us even when we try to disassociate from them. These ‘ghosts’ of times past will keep us from moving forward in our life journey if we don’t identify and heal them. Kali teaches that pain, sorrow, decay, death, and destruction are not overcome by denying or explaining them away. These are inevitable parts of life and denying them is futile. Ask Kali to reveal your true path and free you of destructive influences. Unfortunately some of our most feared ‘ghosts’ are also those we love and it isn’t easy to let them or their influence go. Admitting that we have complex relationships can be a first step in separating the fear from the love. The role of Mother Kali is to go with us into the dark and help us slay those ‘ghosts’ or ‘demons’ that pull us down and to destroy the illusions that get in the way of truth about who we really are. Wholeness is nurtured when you reclaim the pieces of yourself that you've given over to fear. Most fears are formless. By naming and witnessing each fear you gain power. Wholeness is created when you learn to acknowledge your fears and walk through them. When Kali comes into your life she is telling you it is time to face your fears. As Goddess of Transformation, she brings change, usually in a dramatic form. Things that have been long buried deep in your inner self, or fears closer to the surface, need to be faced and brought into the light of consciousness. Do your fears support you in what you do or do they prevent you from dancing your dance,

living your life, creating your future? Kali teaches us that accepting change, facing our fear of the unknown, grieving past loses, and the pain and sadness of letting go is sometimes necessary to move forward on the path of a fulfilling life. The mantra Om Kali Ma is a way of connecting with her energy. As you breathe in say Om Kali Ma and again as you exhale. Chanting the mantra for five or ten minutes can calm and refresh. We can meditate on Kali and honour all aspects of ourselves; accepting our shadow selves and limitations, our ego and masks. Kali’s sword is for that purpose. We can also know the compassion and support that Kali gives as we face our fears.You may come to dance with those ‘ghosts’. It is hard to put our-self in the hands of the Divine and let her take control and yet sometimes there is no other choice because we have denied the power of our demons and they have taken control. Liberation from this pain and despair can only come from full surrender. Finally, it is critical to acknowledge that we have choice and freewill; we can continue the way we are or we can step into the unknown where we learn the true meaning of life and death, destruction and re construction. Repressing and running from Kali maintains the fear and pain at the deepest level. Embracing her will give the confidence of liberation to live in tune with our soul’s purpose. Dr.Tricia Szirom is co-convener of Gaia's Garden a place for women's spiritual exploration in Melbourne. The author of seven books on women's rights and journeys with Goddess. She is part of the Goddess Studies program team in Australia. www.gaiasgarden.com.au www.goddessguruezine.com



? a l u o D a s What i Kellie Ashton


omen are such amazing, powerful creatures! We have the ability to create life within our bodies and bring that life into the world, isn’t that amazing!? Pregnancy and childbirth are extremely rewarding experiences, it’s a rite of passage from maiden to mother, but they both can also be stressful and emotional experiences. For this reason it is absolutely vital to have adequate emotional, physical as well as educational support during pregnancy and childbirth, and if possible post-natally as well! There are many ways in which a doula can support a mother-to-be (and her family). It’s been shown that hiring a doula throughout your pregnancy and labour can reduce caesarean rates by 50%, shorten labour by 25%, reduces the need for epidurals by 60%, reduces the need for vacuum and forceps by 40%, and a reduction in inductions and the use of narcotics by 40% and 30% respectively. Depression, anxiety and low self esteem are all considerably reduced too.




What is a doula?

and so on. So when hiring a doula it’s A doula is an emotional and physical best to choose one who suits you, your support for you and your family, a family and your needs. If your wish teacher, a researcher, a wise woman, is to go through your pregnancy with a planner, and most importantly, your optimal nutrition and herbal support rock! A doula will visit you in the then a naturopathic doula may be comfort of your own home during your best option. If you would like to your pregnancy, she will work through give a less experienced doula have the your fears with you, focus on your pleasure of experiencing your birth wishes and help you achieve your goals then a student or newly graduated and accomplish your ideal birthing doula would be great. New doulas are experience. especially fantastic because they are During your visits with your doula usually very eager to learn and grow you both will work on your birth from every experience so if you have a plan. This is your personal document question or concern they put in 110% entailing how you would like your to find you answers. Experienced labour to go in an ideal situation. All doulas are great because they have your goals and desires go into this been through it all so many times. document so the medical staff as well Every birth is different and keeping as your doula can know exactly what this in mind, the more experienced you want out of your labour. This doulas have experience with many birth plan will be followed as closely different types of labour and birth as humanly possible unless of course plans. Sit down with your partner and there is any danger to yours or your think about exactly the type of doula baby’s wellbeing. that would suit you. You may also go through exercises with your doula such as visualisation There is a fantastic site called techniques which can help you during findadoula.com.au where pregnant the course of your labour, and you women can go to search for a doula will also talk through any issues who services the area you live in. This you are experiencing whether they site initially asks you if you would like be personal, physical, emotional a birth doula or post natal doula, you or medical. Some doulas even select your approximate due date and support their women right through your area and hit the search button to the prenatal stage, helping with and a list of profiles will come up housework, meals and taking care of helping you to select the perfect doula the new baby so the mother can get for you and your growing family! some well needed rest. Read through the different profiles, check out the photographs and make your choice. How do I hire a doula? Once you have contacted a doula, Just like women, there are doulas of usually they will organise a time to all walks of life. Most are mothers meet you and discuss your pregnancy themselves, some are students, some thus far and the goals you wish to are fresh out of their training, others achieve in the future. This is usually are more experienced and some done over a coffee (but you’ll be have qualifications in more than one medical field like massage, naturopathy pregnant so no coffee for you, right?).

Every doula has different techniques and ways they go about their business so ask the doula what they would like you to bring to this visit. If you decide to hire a doula, depending on the packages your doula has on offer, usually you will have 3 to 5 visits, an hour to 3 hours in duration in your home, at different stages of your pregnancy. A doula is on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week when you are nearing your due date. If you have a question or any concerns, they are there for you to call on for help. If you’re interested in hiring a doula, go to the find-a-doula website and enquire, it’s free to do so and the initial meet up at a coffee shop with a doula to pick their brains is also free! Wether by email, text or phone calls, a doula is there unconditionally to help you through your transition from maiden to mother. Kellie is a fully qualified and accredited naturopath, herbalist, nutritionist, massage therapist and doula. Her passion lies within women’s health and fertility, detoxification and weight loss. Kellie runs her own natural health clinic in the Hunter Region of NSW and regularly holds presentations and workshops for natural health and wellbeing. Skype and telephone consultations will be available soon. To contact Kellie email kellie@ hunternaturopath.com.au, follow her blog at www.hunternaturopath.com.au or visit her Facebook page at https:// www.facebook. com/hunter. naturopath




! p m u J d n a d a e h A o G By ZaKaiRan


hat is your courageousness quotient? What are you willing to do to get what you want? What “securities” (or should I say insecurities) are you willing to sacrifice to manifest your dreams? Most people on earth are just sheep who follow whatever the masses and the “authorities” say they should do, think, believe and how to live. But at their essence no one is a sheep, because in truth, every soul’s true nature is completely courageous. Just deciding to inhabit a threedimensional body and live in a world that limits, represses and oppresses creative and divine expression is completely fearless and courageous. Everyone is a tiger, a lion, a leopard, a cheetah, a cougar, an alley cat or a kitty cat, depending on each person’s personality, but no one is naturally a sheep. Sheep are created, not born and what turns tigers into sheep is being surrounded by and being taught by other afraid sheep! The world is full of and run by scared sheep who are turning courageous, expressive, creative, amazing souls into scared, repressed, boring humans. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do about the rest of




...Part 1 the world, how they live and what choices they make in their lives, but you can declare that in ‘your world’, this pattern of repression, oppression and limitation stops now! First it stops with you, by you becoming a fearless, courageous, creator of goodness, happiness, joy, health and wealth! You do this by going back to school, not “earth school”, that system of “education” primarily represses and limits expression. No, the school you are now going to is the divine whealth school of amazing joyful creation! You are now in training, if you are courageous enough, to receive your Masters degree in reality creation. You were already a master in training, but you just didn’t know it. You have already been creating every aspect of your reality with every thought word and deed, but primarily unconsciously. Now, if you are courageous enough to go against the unconscious norm of repression, you will be mastering the art of joyful whealth creation.Yes the spelling is correct (wealth/health). Most definitely wealth, because you can’t do anything on planet earth without money, that is just a given! So get over your money and selfworth issues quick, otherwise you’re just going to struggle like the other sheople (sheep-people) on earth who don’t feel worthy of money, who believe money is “evil” and who are not willing to “plork” (play/work) to create their own empowerment and wealth.

Get over your stuff now! Stop dicking around and listening to idiots! You’re amazing! You deserve whatever you want and there is absolutely nothing that can stop you from having what you want, except yourself! And there is absolutely nothing wrong with being rich, just ask someone who is rich! Only poor people think there’s something wrong with being rich! No rich person wishes to be poor again because they were happier when they were poor!


ou must learn to dream big and envision what you want with passion, because you are a God/Goddess, and Gods and Goddesses are passionate and naturally dream big! When you can dream like a God, then you are really creating reality!

So your primary mission and focus as a creator God-Goddess is to get happy, stay happy and get happier! That should always be your number one goal above all things! If you don’t An unhappy person is unhappy get this happiness factor together whether they are rich or poor. in your life, nothing else that you Money does not make a person a want to create in your life is going to person makes money from their joy, manifest! So don’t worry be happy! passion, sweat, tears and love! Your Now the other half of what you are personality, character and happiness mastering is health, and I don’t just are not formed by your surroundings, mean physical health, I mean mental, your creations or by the lack of emotional and spiritual health. If you anything. You create your happiness leave any of these four out, you will and your happiness creates you! experience difficulty in the other three and you will not be able to To create “holistic wealth”, (not fulfil your desires as a soul and create parasitical wealth, which is created the life you have come to this Earth from exploiting people and the to create! Any thing else is going earth), you must become happy first, against your nature, and anything then you are able to naturally, joyfully against your nature is energetically and effortlessly create wealth in your debilitating to your health. So you are life without desperation, neediness either getting healthier and healthier and co-dependence, without having physically, mentally, emotionally and to sell your soul for a feeling or spiritually or you are decaying and appearance of riches and fame out of dying slowly like most of the beautiful feelings of lack and loneliness. souls on earth. “Holistic wealth”, or “real” wealth, is created through joy, because how the Law of creation reality is truly created is with our feelings, and happiness is our most potent reality creation tool! Yes absolutely, our thoughts are just as important, but to really get these thought creations fully fired up and empowered, you must get your feelings and emotions fully focused on the job of creation.

Now in one sense it’s not people’s fault that they are sheople because most people have not really been given a fair chance to really be their true selves or even know their divine selves because no one has introduced them to themselves yet. But there are no victims in any universe, or in any dimension of creation because we are all God’s and Goddesses who have the full power to create whatever reality

and life we desire. Which means every soul on earth created every single experience in their lives, which includes choosing not to get the most optimal starts in life. But every soul has chosen every experience in their lives and regardless of their choice and past experiences, every soul now has the choice to change their future. No one has to continue creating their current experience because of their past, and no one is or needs to be, a victim to their own creations. And everyone has the power to change his or her perception and feelings about the past! Yes you have the ability to change the past, to literally change time by changing your perception of the past, through forgiveness and by not making present choices now based on your past experiences. We are all Time Lords and by changing what you think, how you feel and how you react to life experiences in a courageous way, rather than a fearful way, you change your internal makeup that was previously formed by your experiences and fearful reactions of the past. And by acting differently you create new neural pathways in your brain to now create more and more beautiful experiences in your life every day and creating wealth and health in every aspect of your life like magic, like the magical master that you are.... end part 1! ZaKaiRan enjoys providing ascension tools and guidance, such as sonic alchemy, and karmic record healing to fully empower others and help them create heaven in their lives.To find out more about him visit www.ZaKaiRan.com. www.goddessguruezine.com



a M i l a K


he Hindu religion has a myriad of Gods and Goddesses that are openly revered and worshipped, and within this religion, the Goddesses fall into not only the nurturing side of the Divine Feminine (as we are used to in the West), but also into the destroyer aspect. The most revered Goddess is Kali whose image many find rather disturbing. She is usually pictured wearing a necklace of skulls and girdle of human hands, dancing on the body of her consort, Shiva. With




r e th o M le ib rr e - the T

her dishevelled hair and protruding tongue, Kali does not portray the demure image of the Divine Feminine that we in the West are comfortable with, such as the Virgin Mary found within Christianity. In fact, Kali resembles a mad woman, someone we should take caution of. Kali is thought to be one of the more ancient of the Hindu pantheon. Her dark skin is said to be representative of the native peoples of India prior to the invasion of the lighter

by Frances Billinghurst

skinned Ayrrians. This blackness also symbolises Kali’s all-embracing nature. Black is the colour in which other colours merge. It absorbs and dissolves things. Colours disappear in black just as things disappear in Kali. Black also represents total absence of colour – again signifying the nature of Kali as the ultimate reality. In Hindu mythology Kali emerged from the brow of the Goddess Durga (the slayer of demons) when, during a battle, the demon Raktabija threatened to destroy all life. It

was believed that if one drop of Raktabija’s blood was split, from it millions of demons would spring to life. Kali therefore sucked all the blood from the demon, but as a consequence, she developed a blood lust and started to dance. As her dance grew more and more frenzied, it was realised that Kali would soon destroy all that had been created in the world. The only way to stop her was for Shiva to lay on the ground and sacrifice of his own life. When Kali realised that she was dancing on the body of her consort, she stopped, and all harmony was restored. The symbolism contained within the images of Kali speaks to us at a deeper level. She is usually depicted as having four arms. In her left hand she is usually holding a sword (representing divine knowledge) and severed head of a slain demon (signifying the human ego that must be slain by divine knowledge). Her other two hands are said to be blessing her worshippers. It is not unusual, however, for Kali to be depicted having two arms or even ten. Her necklace made up of 51 or 52 skulls, representing the letters of the ancient Sanskrit alphabet. This indicates that Kali is a repository of all knowledge and wisdom. The skulls also are said to represent the fundamental vibrations that make up the Universe. This indicates that the terrifying Kali is the creator of all that is around her. The girdle made up of human hands that she wears represents work and liberation from the cycle of karma, whereas her three eyes indicate the past, present and the future. Kali is the powerful Goddess of

creation, preservation and radical transformation. She is raw female instinct, always changing, yet always changeless. She teaches that pain, sorrow, decay, destruction and death is not overcome by denial or explaining them away. Pain and sorrow are woven into our lives and to deny them is futile. For us to realise to fullness of our being, we must accept this dimension of existence.

Using Kali’s mantra

The use of sound is a very powerful technique for spiritual and magickal work. Many Hindu Gods have their own mantras, special prayers that can be repeated over and over again. In magic, the same can be used to invoke Deity. Kali’s mantra is very powerful as it brings the user very quickly into balance or alignment with regard to a specific situation. The results are often dramatic and can even be unpleasant, despite being the most compassionate. This is because personal issues that we may be attached to do not hinder the changes that Kali brings. As with all magic, it is important to consider all possible outcomes to a solution, not just the one you feel comfortable with. Kali gets right to the point and lets your ego attachments fall where they may. She is concerned with whatever will be the most beneficial outcome for you from a karmic standpoint, period. Find an image of Kali and use it as a focal point. This can be a statue obtained from an Indian supermarket or a picture from the internet. Traditionally Kali requires a blood sacrifice as an offering, however, if you are able to prick the top of your

finger with a pin, squeeze a drop of blood onto a piece of cardboard or paper. Alternatively, flowers, candles, crystals can be used. It should be noted that once a gift is given to the Goddess, it remains the property of the Goddess and should be removed for another purpose. Close your eyes, visualise the picture or image of Kali before you, and begin to recite the mantra. The traditional number of times to recite a mantra is 108. To help you keep track of the number of times you have recited it by using a mala string of beads or something similar. Kali’s mantra is: Om Klim Kalikayei Namaha. It is pronounced: “Om Kleem Kah-lee-kah-yea Nahmah-hahl” and means: “Om and salutations. I attract she who is dark and powerful.” Sit quietly and ask Kali to answer your wish. Remember that the answer you receive may not exactly be the one you were hoping for. When you feel the energies dissipating, thank the Goddess. If you have a bell or singing bowl, ring it to declare your ritual over. If not, simply clap your hands. Frances is an initiatedWytch and High Priestess of an active coven based in Adelaide, South Australia. She has an interest in the occult and all things magical, as well as folklore and mythology. Her own book, Dancing the SacredWheel: A Journey through the Southern Sabbats, can be purchased by contacting the author. For further information, visit the Temple's web site www.templedarkmoon. com; or email frances@ templedarkmoon.com.




The Ocean Oracle


l Profi


stories, messages, remembrance by Susan Marte


e all know the power of the ocean to heal. There is something special about spending time by the sea, in places where the weather and the tides shape and form daily life. Being by the ocean has the ability to help heal that, which ails us - physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. The therapeutic effects the ocean and beach can have on a body are tangible - walking along in the sand, where the water meets the shore, has a detoxing effect on the body. Hearing the ocean and being in contemplation by the sea has an effect on our mental and emotional well-being. Being by the ocean, in nature, can nurture our spirituality. Life has sped up. We are living in a world where people are often in overload. We live away from family and in isolated places. We have forgotten what it is to be connected to nature, to ourselves, to each other, to community. We need healing and our world needs healing. The Ocean Oracle offers healing in a gentle and guided way by helping us remember who we are. When we remember our brilliance and our light and our connection to Mother Earth and each 18


other, we begin to heal our Selves. As we heal individually, we are then able to heal collectively. We are better able to function from a place of love and well-being, instead of from reaction and fear.

Of the deck and its development, Susan says, "I have always felt nurtured and supported by the ocean - the ability of the ocean to heal many and varied emotional wounds is phenomenal - and I wanted to capture that healing In classical antiquity, an oracle was a ability with stories and messages. person, or place, people went to, to I wanted to honour my heartreceive divine advice or prophecy. land and to share the healing of Modern oracles can offer the same that place with others through wisdom and guidance, from the The Ocean Oracle.This land is comfort of your own home. The never far from my heart or mind. guidance and wisdom offered by My visits back to this place are the ocean and its surrounds is what filled with long rambles and forms the basis of The Ocean Oracle. summer days spent walking the Using Story in the interpretation of beaches and roads and paths of the cards, allows the information and this magical place. No matter healing to go deeper into our being. what is going on in my life, the The Stories have many meanings and, healing these walks offer is beyond depending on the query, the meaning compare to anything I have ever needed to be seen or heard will come experienced.The rhythm of the forward. The Messages offer up areas ocean as you put foot after foot to contemplate. Some of the messages on the sand of the beach offers will resonate; some won't. Sometimes its own meditation and pathway the messages may seem cryptic. That's to healing. It is with love and the nature of oracles. Trust you will gratitude that I developed this receive what you need. Hearing the deck. Use it with an open heart to Story and Messages read out loud has see, feel and hear what healing it its own ability to heal, and because has to offer you." of this the OceanOracle app has an audio feature, where you can choose www.theoceanoracle.com to hear the author reading each card. See directory for App.



2013 ‘INTO THE WILD’ ‘INTO THE WILD’ On October 18-20, GAIA Inc will be holding our 11th annual Australian Goddess Conference. This year’s beautiful venue, located in a bushland setting, is the Baden Powell Scout Centre in Pennant Hills NSW. Onsite accommodation available. Join us for a weekend of ritual, workshops, dance, storytelling & deep connection to the Wild Goddess. International artist Kellianna & our very own world renowned Wendy Rule will be our special guests.

We invite you to step into your Wild Wisdom! Goddess Association In Australia (GAIA Inc) is committed to educating the wider community about Goddess, She of 10,000 names and faces who has been present in every culture since the beginning of time... For all information please visit -

www.goddessassociation.com.au conference@goddessassociation.com.au

y t i C e h t n i Witch e

s by Lizzy Ro


RACT FINAN CIAL SUCCE SS ENCHANTM ENT... (missing from L izzy’s last issues article spell) (Speak aloud thrice x 3) As I light this candle bright I ask for stren might, that at gth I ask for this time both here and now fulfilled my em my career ployment emp owered. As I c coin this note ast this for Goddess b less these wor spoke, for as I ds that’s wish abundan ce gained by r ight by will I shall att ain. I shall be bless ed with bounty ear th’s great p full the energ y of ull, to cross d ivides and con envelope me c ur cause with gold, coin note and all.T currency of m h y home land I shall be gratefu e command wit l I shall h all my hear t a n d st r iv e to work my soul’s pure tru th my endless search. www.goddessguruezine.com



s n o s s e L Flying de to Flying High

i u G s ’ n a m o W A Janell Manton

Sometime ago I started flying lessons. The lessons started when I realised I wanted to fly high above the clouds, above ordinary, average and normal. I wanted to rise above challenges, adversity and mediocrity and explore the wonders of being a successful woman. I simply wanted to take off and be… My lessons started with a focus on navigating potential dangers and how to respond to hazards. Discovering how to put control measures in place is a big part of flying fundamentals. As you can imagine safety is a huge part of learning to fly because in order to learn to overcome dangers, sometimes we need to experience them first hand. I can relate to this during my life growing up when navigating through the battlefield of domestic violence, abuse and the like, perhaps you can also relate to this too? Learning to fly doesn’t happen without significant skills in risk management, as a woman, this is essential to my growth. Learning how to let go of my baggage and install risk controls is one of the greatest lessons in life. I had to learn from my mistakes, the mistakes of others and life experiences in order to move on or else put myself in harm’s way, again and again. “Too much baggage makes take off very challenging and dangerous. 20



Imagine a Boeing 747 taking off with too much baggage? The result can be catastrophic.” Lesson No 1. Let go of baggage that doesn’t serve your greater good, lighten the load so you can take off effortlessly. I then had to learn how to operate the controls and understand how to navigate this woman named Janelle. I developed a trust and ability to communicate with my higher self through coaching and mentoring with experts in this field. I discovered what my intuition feels like when it is ignited, this was a painful lesson for me which resulted in 6 months of not being able to walk, all because I ignored my intuitive feelings and mistook them for fear. Definitely not a lesson I want to repeat, so welcoming my intuitive messages after the ‘accident’ was easy. Intuition and flying are synonymous, it is the state of being aware of or knowing something without having to discover or perceive it. When flying, you have to know what to do, nothing is by chance. Intuition is a sense of knowing too and both are fundamentals to flying high. Other controls to know how to operate are your body and all the intricacies that come with such a complicated machine… Your sexual functionality both emotionally and physically is vital – figure out what makes you tick and let go of any negative conditioning that prevents your growth and confidence in this area. Sexuality is core to who you are

as a woman. Healthy sexuality gives you balance and sustainability and the thrust to push you forward, it’s like fuel for your soul. Imagine an aircraft without balance and thrust, it wouldn’t get off the ground? Your general health is next, a happy energetic, vibrant body is a happy one and the flow on effect impacts your mental attitude and ability to self-love and adore. Aircraft maintenance is critical for safe flights. Daily pre-start checks, grease and clean oil changes and daily test flights are crucial when flying above the clouds. Remember we don’t want an incident! ‘Look after your body and mind as if every day is saving you from a lifethreatening crash.’ Lesson No. 2 Comprehend and appreciate the controls, do daily maintenance checks and look after the aircraft so you minimise the chance of incident.You will then sustain high altitude flying for extended periods of time. Once I had the controls mastered it was time to take off… The first step in taking off is to know where I am flying to. I had to punch in the location sequence so I could navigate the best route to the destination. An accurate flight plan is paramount to a successful flight. ‘What this really means is you have to have a goal and a list of actions to get you there. If you don’t know where you’re going and how to get there, how can you take off and start flying?’ Lesson No.3 Nothing happens without a flight plan and deciding the final destination. If you want a successful take off, understand where you are going and how you are going to get there. It’s time to start flying… As you can imagine, take off burns a significant amount of fuel, the greatest part of

flying is the preparation and take off. Awareness of what it takes to get off the ground is essential for the frequent flyers. Manage your fuel levels at all times! ‘It’s only with careful planning and dedication can you really soar with eagles.’ At cruise altitude most people set back and relax and admire the

scenery, it is true this is certainly a reward for your effort. However, cruising is a time to sett new standards.You’ve reached the top safely, so this now becomes the new standard and so looking at what is beyond this point becomes your new focus. ‘Setting new standards creates renewed motivation to fly even higher.’ At this point, you have to make sure you don’t get complacent because this

is where we tend to have the most reported crash incidents, UFO’s and attacks… “We didn’t see it coming” is a common cry. Unidentified flying objects, falling asleep at the controls and personal attacks are prevalent at altitude. To prevent crash incident a warning light is installed in all aircraft, it’s called the ‘Gut Feeling’ light. When you’ve got an aircraft flying high, you may find there are some things and people who want to bring the flight down. The warning light is

green, (coincidentally, the colour of envy). The best way to manage a ‘Gut Feeling light up’ is to firstly, acknowledge the light, keep your eye on the destination, don’t look down because ‘where you look is where you go’ and start flying higher than before – out of harm’s way. Those attacking and trying to pull you down won’t expect this reaction and will fall to the wayside. The same is with UFO’s, if you have your eyes wide open at all times, you will see it coming and be able to plan your escape in advance. Lesson No.4 Understand the warning signals and the potential for UFO attacks, set new standards and never settle for complacency. Where you look, is where you go. Keep your eyes wide open! Remember this golden rule for flying high… Flying is a male dominated industry and for you to reach the Platinum Frequent Flyer status, you have to be your womanly self – steadfast, strong and lightly vibrant. Understand your body, attitude and emotional controls and stay balanced, listen and tune in. Be prepared for UFO’s and other obstacles and always strive for new standards. Thanks for flying with me today and I trust you will enjoy your flight. Yours Real and Raw, Captain Janelle Manton Janelle Manton of Top SecretWomen’s Business. Want me to take you on a journey to the centre of your universe that leads to the heart and soul of you? I have a 12 session program that teaches, coaches, enlightens and awakens the woman within. Is it time for your metamorphis? Email me for more details and a free consultation from anywhere in the world. admin@ topsecretwomensbusiness. com www.goddessguruezine.com



t n a t c u l e R The

c i t s y M



he reluctance to be fully who we are, creates a great drain of energy. We are in a fight for our lives, resisting what is, and trying to squeeze our round pegged selves into square boxes. My frustration, exhaustion and feelings of being “stuck”, finally caused my facade to topple. I dug myself out of the rubble, and the wall was gone, between my true self and my imagined self. A world of great beauty emerged before me, where I felt free to be what I had always at least partially, rejected. 22



My gifts were renewal, radiance and the joy of discovery and self love. The inner temple gates, which had been shut tight, for decades, opened magically, and Divine Union with Life herself became my daily experience. I became a magnetic field that attracts what truly supports me to be, the “Real Me”.

Allergic to the true self There are certain Immune diseases that make you allergic to yourself. This means there is a constant fight for life within the body, on a moment

to moment basis. I have come to realize I have been living like I was allergic to myself at a deep core level. The disease, denial of my truth. Not embracing my truth has caused me to often minimize incredible experiences, and be filled with doubts and insecurities about my choices in life. Living in a culture that has not given much support or acceptance to what I know that I am has caused me to isolate often, and to live in a secret inner world.

The times that I have “come out”, with my work and voice, have often been powerful, brilliant and beautiful. Yet the backlashes of judgment and condemnation from others. made me feel contracted and blocked. What could be so terrible and unacceptable about me? It was time for me to “Come out of the closet “and admit that,

“I AM A MYSTIC” What does that mean? Well, like many of you reading this, I walk a different path than most. I am fascinated with and love to inspire a sense of mystery and wonder in others through art, writing, ceremony and speech. I might seem a bit strange, my beliefs may be a bit obscure, but this is who I am. If you can relate to what I am saying, I invite you to join me in the following: I make no more apologies or hide from this divine truth. I now cease to be angry and sad or confused that this is my path in life. I no longer will see the path I have walked, that has been filled with unexplained experiences, fantastical visions, and interesting unusual (and sometimes really scary) people,as somehow flawed. I own being a Mystic, and with that, I relax and fully embody and enjoy the beautiful, magical and quirky woman I am. I speak my truth , sharing my heart’s wisdom in work and play. “ I invite you, if you have been at all reluctant, to do the same.”

Finding your true “Character” “I can’t pretend anymore, to be something I’m not”, is a line in a song that I wrote years ago for a one

woman musical show. In the show I played a number of characters, but the main character, you might guess, was a mystic. She was a bit uncertain, a novice, who was making her way through the maze of mystery without much to go on, because there had been no school for mystics for her to attend. Her guides were of other dimensions, and she had a courageous nature to follow this guidance. In looking at the script with new eyes, I see that I wrote a play, and acted the characters, so that I could express in an acceptable way ( through theatre) what was actually my true character. What is your true “character”?

Limbo Life Reluctance creates a sort of limbo life. It is neither “here nor there”. Not fully one way or the other, but in between. This is doable, and sometimes even passable, but for a Mystic, it is murder on your spirit. A favorite quote of mine goes like this. “"Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back-Concerning all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth that ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. Whatever you can do, or

dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now."

The Realized Mystic In releasing my reluctance to fully claiming my place as a Mystic Woman who is wonderfully and fully expressed, I open the door for “providence” to move for me. Since I have stepped out, spoken out, and relaxed more about who and what I am, some fantastic things have happened. I have attracted the love of my life who encourages my true self to come forth. I am having the most passion ever. I have a renewed enthusiasm for my life work, and I am attracting wonderful new friends and circumstances. I feel that, in embracing my mystic fully, the fears and doubts that have plagued me, are dissolving, and my heart is radiant with joy. Like you, I have done many wondrous things when allowing my inner Mystic to come forth for many years. It has been a process, to allow the total Mystic to come forth. Now, coming into integrity with myself at a new level, life is better than ever! I invite you to do the same. Blessings on your path, rejoice and laugh! (remember, you have to have a sense of humor about all of this)

Rhianne Teija NewLahnd Internationally known with 25 years in the arts, ceremony, performance, community development using the Sacred FeminineWisdom and power within. www. rhiannenewlahnd.com Lives in Sedona, Arizona. www.goddessguruezine.com



Do you have ? X e m o r d n y S Christine McDonnell


etabolic Syndrome/ Syndrome X or insulin resistance is a collection of conditions that often occur together and can increase your risk of type 2 diabetes, stroke and heart disease. The causes of metabolic syndrome are complex and there is thought to be a genetic link. You do not have to be overweight to have this syndrome but being overweight and physically inactive adds to your risk. Metabolic syndrome is also called syndrome X or insulin resistance syndrome. More than 25% of Australian adults have metabolic syndrome and 34% of




American adults have it! Experts aren't sure why metabolic syndrome develops. It's a collection of risk factors, not a single disease. So it probably has many different causes. Some risk factors are: Insulin Resistance. Insulin is a hormone that helps your body use glucose -- a simple sugar made from the food you eat as energy. In people with insulin resistance, the insulin doesn't work as well so your body keeps making more and more of it to cope with the rising level of glucose. Eventually, this can lead to diabetes. Insulin resistance is closely connected

to having excess weight in the belly. Elevated blood sugar. A fasting blood sugar level greater than 97mg/ dL (5.4mmol/L) indicates insulin resistance, also known as Syndrome X. Obesity -- Especially Abdominal Obesity. Experts say that metabolic syndrome is becoming more common because of rising obesity rates. In addition, having extra fat in the belly -- as opposed to elsewhere in the body -- seems to increase your risk. Unhealthy Lifestyle. Eating a diet high in fats and not getting enough physical activity can play a role. Hormonal Imbalance. Hormones

may play a role. For instance, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) -- a condition that affects fertility -- is related to hormonal imbalance and metabolic syndrome. Menopause can definitely be a contributing factor. With estrogen dominance, weight gain, thyroid imbalance, fatty livers, insulin resistance women are predisposed for metabolic syndrome. High Blood Triglycerides And Low Levels Of High Density Lipoproteins (HDL) – the “good cholesterol” HDL helps protect again a build up of fatty blockages in the arteries. Triglycerides may come from foods we eat, but they are also produced by the liver. Excess alcohol can contribute to high triglycerides. If you are insulin resistant you are likely to have higher than normal triglycerides levels. Raised triglycerides and reduced HDL cholesterol increase your risk for atherosclerosis (narrowing of the arteries) which is a contributing factor in heart disease. Raised Blood Pressure If your BP is higher than 140/90 then you are classified as hypertensive. Your ideal BP is 110/70-120/80. The Link To Diabetes Insulin resistance increase your risk of developing type 2 diabetes and is found in most people with this type of diabetes. If the pancreas can’t produce extra insulin to overcome your body’s resistance, your blood glucose levels will rise and you will develop impaired fasting glucose (IGT) or diabetes. If you have a combination of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes this will significantly increase your risk of cardiovascular disease.

Impaired Glucose Tolerance (Pre-Diabetes) This occurs when your blood glucose level is higher than normal, but not high enough to be called diabetes. One third of people who have impaired glucose tolerance will develop diabetes unless lifestyle changes are made. Can All These Conditions Trigger One Another ? From a holistic point of view, absolutely. Luckily syndrome X or metabolic syndrome can be reversed. This will greatly reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes and heart disease, and it will also help you lose weight and eliminate sugar cravings. Diet Recommendations A diet that is high in protein and low in carbohydrate is preferable. You need to limit starchy and sugary carbohydrates and include protein at every meal. Good sources of protein are legumes, seeds, raw nuts, lean red fresh meats, all seafood, eggs. Eat lots of vegetables and salads. Stop drinking alcohol, reduce or cut out sugar, reduce saturated fats, dairy and processed foods. Drink lots of filtered water preferably 2 litres daily. Recommended Supplements A good liver tonic will help your liver to burn fat more efficiently. This is important if you have a fatty liver and will help you lose weight from your abdominal region. Herbs like bitter melon and gymnema, as well as the nutrients chromium, magnesium, lipoic acid, carnitine and manganese will all help to keep blood sugar stable, therefore reduce hunger and cravings for carbohydrates.

Vitamin D: A large percentage of the population have insufficient levels of vitamin D in their bloodstream; this is especially the case for people with diabetes or a fatty liver.Your doctor can order a blood test to measure your level of vitamin D; it should be between >80 nmol/L. Taking a vitamin D supplement can help to lower blood sugar and blood pressure. Other recommended pathology tests are FBC, LFT, Cholesterol HDL, LDL, triglycerides, Fasting Glucose, HbA1c, and Hormonal essays including TSH for thyroid health. You can ask your holistic health practitioner for these tests. Anyone over 40 could have these tests annually to keep a check on optimum health and wellbeing. As we age we need to prevent disease processes from happening. We can do this with preventative and natural medicine, good organic diets, moderate exercise and spiritually being happy and healthy. As our bodies change we need to change how we look after them and be aware or what is available to us. Metabolic syndrome is becoming a universal problem but one that we can all rectify. So here is to aging well, being vibrant, joyful and at one with our physical bodies.; Christine McDonnell is an Intuitive Herbalist/Homeopath, mid life coach, educator and presenter and is available on skype and at feelyounghealthysexy@ gmail.com Check out her new website www. antiagingsecretsforyou.com www.goddessguruezine.com



h t i a F l e e t S Kali Cox

With a name like mine, fearlessness and Goddess-y empowerment should be woven into the rich tapestry of the very bones of my being. The super shield of a force to be reckoned with, sewn together with the stitches of old scars, healed and fortified in strength...it does particularly fit my quick temperament and limited patience!


ven ‘Goddesses’ have human moments of fear and insecurity, whereupon the rich soil you tended with affirmations and wise advice ends up littered with tiny seeds of doubt. It only takes one to plant roots and grow, watered lovingly with our tears, to give birth to a life of weeds that threaten to choke us whole, preventing our growth from blossoming. Fertilised by the thoughts and actions of those around us, these seeds spread in the wind and before you even realised what was happening they took control of your Self. We begin to question everything - our choices, responsibilities, duty, and most importantly, we begin to question our Faith. Faith in ourselves and who we are as people, our faith in the Deities we pray to, because how would they let this happen, right? Yet we let this happen, to a point. We are responsible for our own thoughts and actions and if we let someone plant and water that seed - because really, that’s what we are doing, allowing them to be the groundskeepers of our mind - then that also becomes our responsibility. We give them that power. We give them ourselves, cracked and bleeding and we let them plant themselves into those cracks and grow, until we shrivel up with it because we lost the faith in ourselves to rip those weeds out and nurture the soil underneath. 26



Oprah Winfrey said : “Don’t get confused by what people say you are, and who you know you are” Yet it’s the elusive Holy Grail of soul searching purpose that we spend half our lifetime trying to answer: Who ARE we? An eclectic bubbling cauldron mix of genetics, upbringing, and life experience, churned out on the potters wheel - moulded albeit a bit wonky in my case – and set with the passion of fire. What makes those individual molecules of clay fuse together to shape You? Your strengths and weaknesses, reactions, integrity, the things you love and enjoy and those you dislike, your beliefs and passions. What creates Falseness, seeds of doubt and inhibits us becoming our true self? Guilt : My amazing friend Nicole and I had a chat about this the other day, that as women in particular, we carry around bags of this stuff, loaded up on trolleys so high that you just can’t see past it. Guilt for giving up careers to focus on family, guilt for focusing on family and not seeking a career, guilt for taking and hour and a few dollars to get a haircut, guilt for ignoring that pile of folding for a day, guilt for spending money that should have been spent on the children or the household. Guilt for being compassionate, emotional creatures and putting the needs of others before our own because we do not want to cause pain for another. It is something we all suffer from at times. The other strangler of life is Fear. Stepping out of your comfort

zone, into the unknown. Fear of change. The overwhelming feeling of taking that leap of faith, free falling and trusting that you will be caught. Judgements of others. The actions and attitudes of others take can away from the person you know you are and the true person that you project to the world. Fear keeps us stagnant, attached to situations and accepting behaviours that are not worthy of us out of sentimentality, and stops us living in our truth and authenticity. It amazes me, the body’s ability to heal and adapt. We evolve. We pass on from this Earthly plane and return to Gaia, relationships grow apart and end, people move on and we all fall apart and smoulder in the ashes so that we too may begin again with new life purpose, growth and strength. We are stronger than we think. And yet we refuse to hold that same faith in ourselves that we may give to our chosen Spiritual Deity, or a loved one. We give our kindness to others, yet do not remember to be kind to ourselves in return so that we may then be able to assist others. We become martyrs for the cause of the enlightenment and empowerment of Others and yet refuse to nurture the source of our own empowerment. We simply give it away. We give ourselves away a little piece at a time until it begins to erode our sense of Self. How do we regain our fearlessness, and stand in our own truth?

*Release *Say No *Forgive *Take back control of your life

*Love Self and others *Talk *Laugh *Reconnect with Self *Alternate therapies such as meditation, yoga or kinesiology to return soul pieces *Counselling or support groups It helps to hold a steadfast belief, to trust in that steel faith for our highest good, that the Universe will provide in the good times and in the bad. Being grateful for the moments we are blessed with and the lessons being taught, no matter how painful they are. Faith is not just for the broken. If you only put yourself out there in the difficult times, how do you expect your Deity to hear you all the time? You give up because your prayers haven’t been answered how and when you want them to be yet, do we give up on our children when they are naughty all the time? Weed the garden and nurture your growth. Be safe and strong in your power. Even in the hard times. Because from some of the darkest moments comes some of the most amazing light. The truest test is when we cannot see. To Thine Self Be True.

Kali Cox is Domestic Goddess,

an empath, busy working Mum of 2, aspiring collator of the written word, and full-time Solitary Witch. She has appeared on local Brisbane radio, creatrix of and moderates the ‘Witches Of White Magic Unite’ Group Fan Page on Facebook.




Apple Blossom

s r a e F g Dispelln ot r a T e h t through DISPELLING YOUR FEARS - THROUGH THE MAJOR ARCANA OF THE TAROT I will hold your hand as you learn to give in at times, to question, and dabble within your inner shadows. You will be awakened to your fears, to look them face to face, and to reveal between the lines of confusion upon your brow the answers beyond the illusions. As I, your guide of the Tarot, now show you the way forth. Let us travel… The Fool Here you stand, at the beginning of your journey wanting to jump off the cliff of obstacles, to fly, and to be free. There is only one problem, you are filled with fear, for your imagination is running wild in swirling and inconceivable circles, leaving you stuck from looking ahead clearly. I advise you dear traveller, do not be hasty. Do not rush this process. Look down to the bottom of the cliff, but remember you are not ready to leap forth. Not until you have met many challenges, acknowledged your weaknesses, and then, maybe, you will see with oracle eyes, the truth and path of your being. The Magician Acknowledge that you are a powerful being, one with 28



creative skills who holds within the key to a vast and expansive amount of knowledge. You are the keeper of your own mind and must cherish it like a library, storing the information inside, but now also to utilise what you do know so that you may grow. The first skill you need to develop is self discipline and to take full control of your will power. This means using the tools you have gathered over the years in a positive manner. The High Priestess It is time to look at your subconscious thoughts, and the rattling and nagging clutter that may be moving inside you like an emotional storm. Breathe….and let it go! Look now not with your mind as you did as the Magician, but with your heart…your intuitive centre. Feel the assistance of the planets, heavenly bodies, and the mystery and inspiration which surrounds you. What you fear is small compared to the giants of space, for within our galaxy, you are but a grain of rice inside an enormous orb. The Empress Like the Empress who is filled with the fertility of the land, the fertility of growth, expansion, and birth, you too now need to find your passion, and make love once more to all the things which sensually touch your soul.

Continue to let go of your inhibitions, and instead give birth to hope and bravery. The Emperor My dear traveller, it is important to always remember that with every journey, there must be a plan. If you do not know where you are going, then it is inevitable that you shall become lost. Allow your mind, body, and soul, to work in unison. Keep everyday matters under control. Build strong foundations, and lay down your boundaries of what you will, and will not accept to enter your sacred being. Instead, there must now be rules and regulations or, like a sailor without a compass, you will become lost. The Hierophant As your guide, I will allow you to look back, but not to the past where hurt can be found, but to generations gone by. To the spiritual education and religious training you were taught as a child growing into an adult. For faith in what you were raised to believe, reminds you that you are not walking this path alone, but also with your ancestors. Follow their traditions to bring you strength‌if you so wish. The Lovers Like two passionate lovers you must look into a mirror and fall in love with yourself. Make a deep connection, look into the depths of your eyes, and see the beauty you hold, like a flower in bloom, vibrant, bright, and beautiful. The Chariot I gift you with a chariot to ride courageously with reigns which you hold and control. With movement, motivation, and being the boss of your being, you will travel far and wide, be self reliant, and hold the cup of victory. It is your choice however, to control the reigns, or to let them go. For I will not hold them for you! Strength Now that you have taken control you are powerful with a sense of purpose, physical strength, and a roar which allows you to finally speak up. Like the sun, you now shine like a speck of gold. Your aura has changed, for you are now truly the King of the jungle. Your fears are starting to dissolve. The Hermit If you remember like the very first step you took as the Fool, I warned you not to rush, and rush you must not. For now I need you to withdraw, evaluate, and contemplate on the past lessons learnt, but to do so you must be in complete silence, alone, and in solitude. Mediate until you find the answers you seek behind your

fears. Wheel of fortune Within the cycles of fate, the stories of the stars, and the natural flow of nature, please I now ask of you to remain centred and focussed. While the wheels keep spinning around you, perhaps in a chaotic motion as you continue to let go, remember‌you must stay still. Justice Dear traveller, it is time for karmic balance to occur, for this my dear friend lies at the root of most of your fears. Learn from your mistakes, see the errors of your ways, and realise that the actions made have now already determined your future. The Hanging man Wait, for as you hang here suspended, time may flicker away. Yet, in patience your answers shall be found to the questions which have lied dormant. Death As you release the ropes of attachment you can move forth with a clear mind. You died in many ways as you let go and allowed yourself to pause as the hangman, yet you are now reborn, like a phoenix, rising from the ashes of self sacrifice to rebirth. Temperance Your mind, body, and spirit have now reached their limits and learnt that through moderation verses extremes, you can bring balance and harmony. The Devil Dear traveller, there is no need to hide anything from me, for I see all, your past, present, and future. If you are still holding on to an obsession which is self destructive, then you must untie the bondage ropes and set yourself free. Secrets only create more fear, the fear of being discovered. I command now that the truth is shown to me! The Tower An emotional lightning strike hits you and you fall down to your knees, for face to face you have now seen your shadow side. You are in shock and the world you once viewed has been damaged. Dear traveller, this is only an illusion of your mind, for now that you recognise your true colours, the initial torment of seeing your dark side will allow you to heal. The Star I congratulate you, giving you eight stars which now shine brightly above your head, for you are almost at the end of your journey. I gift you with insight, hope, and wishes, as a token of how proud I am of you. www.goddessguruezine.com



Dispellng your Fears ..cont . t ro a T e th h g u ro th

The Moon Now, like the moon, you have been through many phases. You have waned and let go. You have waxed until you were full and bursting with emotions, and now you sit within the darkness of a new moon, ready to see through each and every deceptive situation. You know who you are. Your intuition is at its peak, and with this intuition, you no longer fear anything. For you already know the answers to your future.




The Sun A rush of contentment flows over your soul, as you now understand your role in the universe. You are happy. Judgment Through this journey you have had to judge yourself harshly, but then also learnt to love yourself proudly. Like a horn which resonates and echoes, you can hear the call of your soul, a melodious rhythm. The World Dear traveller, it is time to farewell you, for you have now accomplished and completed your journey. You are free of fear and can dance in triumph.

Apple Blossom is a natural psychic, medium, and witch. She is also a Reflexologist practitioner, and the author of five books. Apple enjoys writing for many new age magazines in Australia and internationally. For more information: www.appleblossomauthor.com.au

Wild Woman Weekend! is an annual event held in the bush lands of Western Australia that gifts a sacred, magical space for women to gather together to share stories, wisdom & journeys, to connect with Mother Earth & Goddess Moon, and to empower & encourage one another to embrace the wild within. Now in its 8th year, the custodians Ariana & Larissa have dreamed this years inspiration – Rise of the Phoenix – to embrace the swirling energies of new beginnings and ignite the fires of creation; to journey from the ashes of the old world into the beauty, wonder and potential of the new. With drumming around the fire, dancing, meditations, creativity, sumptuous magical feasting & weaving the threads of sisterhood, this year promises to sing to your very soul. Accommodation, nourishment & magical shenanigans are all inclusive all you need to bring is the wild woman within! For more information hop onto the website or find Wild Woman Weekend on facebook.





: m s i v i t c A d r a Y k Bac Online Activism

What is online activism? Broadly defined, online activism is any form of change making behaviour that utilises the internet as the basis for its work. Common forms of online activism include emailing, online petitions, fundraising campaigns, podcasting, using social media to spread information, the creation of alternative media sources and even the hacking or blocking of websites to directly affect targeted companies or governments. 32



you are trying to achieve. Generally for online activism to be most effective, it should be used in combination with offline communications and inline meditation. However, if you are most interested in getting an issue in the public eye, connecting with activists locally and internationally or fundraising for specific causes, social media in particular is fantastic. It makes use of the networks and relationships you already have in an extremely time effective way. More than that, creative online campaigns can capture a wide audience, and inspire individuals to further actions. How to translate to real policy change is where online What are the limitations? action needs to be combined with There are definitely issues with offline effort. And remember, other an online-only approach. Online people may not be as concerned as activism is sometimes labelled you are about your chosen cause ‘slacktivism’ by critics. The term or issue. It’s important not to let slactivism is meant to describe a seeming lack of support or even ‘feel-good’ measures in support of negative feedback deter you from an issue or social cause that have the illusion of change, rather than actually your passion. Not everyone has to agree with you and responding to making any substantial change. This such feedback with an open mind and is accurate, but only to an extent. It all comes down to a question of what compassion is always the best policy. Engaging with issues and social causes in an online setting allows us to connect with large numbers of people right across the globe. It is accessible to most people, and is often a loweffort way of staying connected and contributing. It’s especially great for those of us who are busy with work or family commitments or have physical limitations. Not everyone is in a position to lobby governments directly, or attend major protests or sit-ins. However most of us have access to a computer or smart phone and can spare a few minutes or hours every so often to devote to social change.



ecently I was inspired to start a monthly meet-up for friends of mine interested in making change. Together we will sit over chai and snacks and together write letters to politicians and companies; make phone calls and sign petitions about things that are important to us. This led me to think about forms of activism and how we can best use the internet to serve our intentions. ‘Online activism’ has the potential to be incredibly useful; however it has its limitations and is most effective when we combine it with other forms of activism.

Always state your position and your expectations calmly, and if abuse or negative feedback gets out of hand, block or ban the person sending it your way. How do I become an online activist? Start simply by ‘liking’ pages on Facebook or following organisations on Twitter relating to your chosen causes to keep yourself informed of events, news, petitions and fundraising efforts. Facebook apps like ‘Causes’ allow you to start your own social media campaigns quite easily. Find out the email/ postal addresses for government representatives, large corporations and businesses to send letters and petitions to. Consider starting up your own community group to get together and encourage one another to do more emailing and letter writing. There are also a number of organisations that are dedicated to online activism including: http://change.org Change.org is the world’s largest

petition platform. Their mission is to empower people everywhere to create the change they want to see. http://avaaz.org/ A global web movement with over 19 million members spanning every nation -- bringing peoplepowered politics to decision-making everywhere. http://www.getup.com.au Independent, not-for-profit, community action for Australia. http://www.reasonwell.com/ Reasonwell is Australian based and helps people to engage in productive debate, by making it easy to map out arguments, assumptions and evidence. http://www.kickstarter.com/ Creative crowdfunding site that sometimes has community and activism based projects. http://www.kiva.org/ Connecting people around the world through lending to alleviate poverty.

Change a life with a $25 loan. Similar websites can be found the world over, and cover all areas of social and political change. As with all forms of activism knowing exactly what your intentions are is vital to the success or failure of anything you do. Using the internet to provide social networks and support, as well as making use of its capacity to reach large numbers of people could be crucial in achieving change. My attitude is that as long as you’re having fun, and feeling connected and empowered there is every reason to get involved and get started right away. Enjoy! Gemma Lucy Smart is a writer, creative and academic based in Sydney, Australia. Her passion for nature, ethics and the wonder and beauty of life inspires her work. http:// therootsofmanytrees.wordpress. com/ www.goddessguruezine.com




Bronwyn Fish is an Events manager & owns Soulessence. She runs regular courses & meditaions Her website: www.soulessence.info

Symbol: Hawk

The Hawk is renowned for being skilful and stronger than most others of its species and to hear the cry of a hawk during your journey is an indication that it would be wise to be aware that upcoming situations will require boldness, courage and decisiveness in order to keep from being thrown off course. The hawk is considered a noble bird that brought the sun within his feathers. Wearing a hawk necklace attracts prosperity, success and enables the wearer to face their fears. Merlin was said to have often transformed himself into a small hawk and today, the smallest member of the hawk family is known as a Merlin.

Rune: Uruz

Uruz is the rune of strength. It inspires us to be courageous, to take action and to overcome our obstacles. It speaks of good health and shows us that often what seems to be a failure is actually an opportunity to gain deeper insight. If reversed in a reading, it cautions against being easily led or influenced by other people who can take advantage of you. It is a wakeup call to believe in yourself and your inner strength to feel the fear and do it anyway. If you wish to move forward, wear Uruz as a talisman to strengthen your will and increase your sexual potency.




Planet: Mars Mars, named after the God of War, is the planet most concerned with the way we assert ourselves in the World. It drives us to get what we want, to be bold, fearless and makes us believe that we can achieve our goals. The planet has a reddish hue due to the iron deposits on its surface. This has led to it being associated with War, bloodshed and violence. Mars rules our primal instincts, anger, passions, courage and sexual conquests. This planet makes us feel competitive, makes us want to win, it makes us fearless and challenges us to prove ourselves.

Crystal: Carnelian A crystal known for its vibrant red-orange glow, red carnelian works on the Solar Plexus chakra. It cleanses the liver, gall bladder, spleen and helps with digestive problems. It is a stone of ambition so if you are aiming for the top, a ring or necklace containing carnelian will give you the drive and determination to get there. When facing your own internal fears of self doubt and self esteem; carrying Red Carnelian will empower you to take action. It is a great stone to support you if giving presentations to others as it instils courage in the wearer. The main message of Carnelian - Do not under estimate you!

Tarot: Nine of Wands or Flames The Nine of Wands represents the last minute challenges when about to achieve your goal.You may have worked tirelessly but still feel like you’ll never get there, this card in a reading suggests that you are within reach.

Faerie Klaboterman Klaboterman are the sprites that live on the sailing ships of the Baltic Sea. Much like other faerie helpers, they like to remain invisible however enjoy giving their human companions a helping hand scrubbing decks, hoisting cargo and hauling the anchor. They show their true value when ships come into difficulties in storms, boosting morale by singing a sea shanty, giving the sailors the courage and strength needed to keep the ship moving. But look out if the Klaboterman find the sailors idle or not pulling their weight, he will happily play a trick on them, pinching them or making them trip over their own feet.

Have faith, find the courage and search deep within to find the resources to keep going, find that last drop of energy and use this tenacity for one final push.You will make it. This card means you have been given a final chance to prove you are worthy of success, so take a deep breath, look that fear in the eye and rise to the challenge.






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n o o u o M Y e h T & Moon Goddess...Artemis May June 2013


he first Goddess came about creation before there was light. Her colour was black. Creation had a rhythm and sequence… and the light beams from stars shortly followed. Essentially, Goddess is fearless, bold, and she has a primal strength. Her strength lies within her ability to feel and be, simply through her intuition. As, in the darkness she knows rhythm and has unity with creation. She is innately entwined with the masculine stars, as she envelopes them, yet she cannot be taken as a weakling. Intuition is her unique gift, as it is creation’s gift to her. She existed in the dark and felt her mastery before the arrival of her starlight counterpart.

Goddess, in her pure primeval form, gives us this knowing. We are capable of this ascension. We can boldly power through anything that lacks truth – this is our strength. Falsities give way to dormancy of the Goddess… Obliterating such inadequacies is the truth and is righteous. It is the way to conserve the dignity of the Goddess.

intuition is trustworthy.You may very well be feeling the limelight and special, with love warming your heart to melting. It seems as though through some minor hardship, you have found the right door to open. Just go through it steadily. May 6-8 * Moon in Aries As your dynamic spirit fires up for new territory to conker, your restless attitude may do you a disservice …calm and easy does it… May 8-10 * Moon in Taurus You are surprisingly inspired as you approach making your home and comforts neat and tidy. Energy and a quick-silver vocabulary are at hand.You are also exuding an appropriate amount of self-confidence and value. A tense experience with a ‘charming’ alliance tests your false-defying radar.You challenge it thoughtfully. May 11-12 * Moon in Gemini

By looking at the Moon – Queen on the eve, we can delve truly and effectively into the whispers of truth she is showering us with, in our intuitive being. She is not lost, she may be smaller in size with her crater in place, yet with her fondness for rhythm around another rhythmic force, she is ‘the’ Queen of the night.

You are wishing to be in contact with those you care about, and who care about you. Visiting an old friend may appeal to you. Take caution if travelling, and if you have any unread emails, you may wish to attend to these. As you’re attracting expansion and love, a new offer may surprise you.

May 1 * Moon in Capricorn

May 13-15 * Moon in Cancer

You have a lot of love to put into your career and social standing at the moment. Do take caution before you speak or react within communication.You may not have the complete story.

Awareness of truth comes easily. Anyone operating from a pre-thought ‘slowed-down’ beat will reveal themselves to you because your senses are heightened. It may take a little while for you to pinpoint their motive – but you’ll get there. The sun smiles on you.

May 2-3 * Moon in Aquarius Change for a more enlightened purpose is asking for your acknowledgement. Any difficulties you may experience are simply gestures showing you to the right door for you to open. May 4-5 * Moon in Pisces Peace has been restored to your inner sense of harmony.Your




May 15-18 * Moon in Leo Running forward with your truth and integrity may have its drawbacks, yet it’s successful overall. While you can expand on what you have, you are limited in gaining completely new grounds – these will have to wait for another day.

Elizabeth Vaccaro ElizabethVaccaro is a philospher of the natural world. Her new ebook ‘Enchanted Healing Philosophy’ can be found on her website @ www.elizabethvaccaro.com

May 18-21 * Moon in Virgo Everyone seems to be minding their own business. With this extra time, you could organise your desk. Identify the things you don’t need anymore, and new efficient ways of filing the things you do. It is not a time for addition, but for making adjustments.Your words may not be as quicksilver as you wish, but your inner knowing for truth is. May 21-22 * Moon in Libra Lots of happiness surrounds you, with joy and laughter in the offing. Occasional spurts of forward-thinking within your partnership crosses your inspiration.Yet, there is some difficulty below the surface, just wait a day or two and you’ll know what to do. May 23-24 * Moon in Scorpio Without thought, you may come across more dogmatic than you realise. However, you have a consistent strength in your manner and if you apply this in accordance with your intuition, your primal strength will break through anything you’ve been challenged by that isn’t in your highest good. May 25-26 * Moon in Sagittarius There’s a lot to be learnt, and your search for deeper understanding challenges and inspires you to make progress within your personal philosophy on life. May 27-29 * Moon in Capricorn Career brings you independent bliss. It strengthens your courage while further developing your trust and intelligible practice of your knowing and understanding.Your bold nature is in harmony with your surroundings. If you find yourself wishing to expand your wings… you may need to hold back for just a few days. May 29-31 * Moon in Aquarius You have an abundance of positive incomings. Something you do in a work or friendship group will be rewarded

with happiness and recognition. There will be a positive new standing for you in your community. With all this fun community action, do remember to keep up with the menial tasks in life. May 31- June 2 * Moon in Pisces You might not be having fun, but you definitely have what it takes to venture into the flaky and falsities and shine your light of truth on it. So much progress can be made if you stand up to the task.You have what it takes. June 2-4 * Moon in Aries After the past few days, you may have some nurturing to do on your spirits. Rejuvenation and lots of happiness is coming to lift you up, and get you on your path again.Your enthusiasm will propel you forward with ease. Just watch out for any confusion within communication. June 5 * Moon in Taurus Your trust in your inner truth-light has restored and is sound. It’s a good time to catch up on emails and returning phone calls.Your attention to your duties may come and go without you realising. Keeping lists may help ensure that nothing important is left undone. June 7-9 * Moon in Gemini You are a dynamic and inspirational force to those in your environment. Boldness, motivation, visionary, and enthusiasm are a few talents you bestow, which will naturally be infectious to those around you. On the down-side, you see the reality in life, but this break from your rose-coloured glasses is what’s encouraging this new growth. June 10-11 * Moon in Cancer Communicating with a natural balance of logic and love brings harmony to all your relationships.You have a languid dreamy interpretation of life, yet may be flippant with your attention to core truths. Nevertheless, you don’t seem to skip any vital beats. Implementing new projects is best kept on hold for a few days. www.goddessguruezine.com



n u o o o Y M e & Th


Moon Goddess... & Rhyme Jan & Feb 2013

June 12-14 * Moon in Leo

June 23-25 * Moon in Capricorn

Your attention is drawn towards the fun and happiness in your life – and indeed it is! You have a natural momentum drawing you towards a new way of seeing life.Your responsibilities may get you down, but that’s just because your love of life is with people at the moment.

Your attention to the orderly comes with ease.You have intuitive harmony with a strong sense of truth and justice – so much so, that others around you may be a bit startled by your realisations.

June 15-17 * Moon in Virgo A natural affinity with the welfare of humanity is apparent to you. Acts made now are selfless and pure at heart. Communication is fluent which may help with a difficult interaction that may arise.Your thoughts waver between your fantasy land and reality… yet the reality seems to ground you. June 17-19 * Moon in Libra Your intuition may be a little off. Try not to take immediate offence to upsets made by loved ones.You may be displacing a reaction or having a sore-spot triggered. Just contemplate your feelings for a few days before reacting.You receive positive recognition and perhaps a promotion at work. June 19-21 * Moon in Scorpio You have a natural inclination to be dutiful in your work, with a strong sense of purpose. With a direct oneness with Goddess truth, in combination with open, heart-felt communications, you will bask in your Goddess beauty. June 21-23 * Moon in Sagittarius Take caution with all sorts of travel; physical, emotional, and intellectual.You crave the new destinations they bring you to, however some difficulties and extreme behaviour appears. So, do avoid extravagancies, and take care.




June 25-26 * Moon in Aquarius You feel inspired discussing new topics amongst friends. When it comes to the mundane duties of life you will be less than inspired. Nevertheless, you have a lot of energy behind you, so you’ll easily avoid them or get them done quickly! June 27-29 * Moon in Pisces Being one with your intuition, life flows relatively smoothly; work is easy, and lots of joy and fun surrounds.Yet, there is some tension that may arise. Try not to make it a big deal. Focus on letting it go and enjoying the rest of this blissful transit. June 30 * Moon in Aries Your heart is feeling good – and this is the main thing. There may be some drama around you, but do you know what? You’re no weakling… you’ve got the energy and dynamic spirit to muster your truth and worth, and get your message across. Even if there are transits where your intuition isn’t at its best, you still know it in your heart, intellect… and soul. Goddess is within you always. Whatever the circumstances are, you can look untruths in the eye, and get your message across before the bat of an eyelash!


Kerrie Friend


s e l c a t s b O

ave you ever wondered why there seems to be so many challenges in life? Don’t you wish life could just be easy journey and you never had to face any problems? Dream on!!! But also know some of your greatest accomplishments in life will come through these obstacles. If there weren’t struggles (obstacles) or things to overcome we wouldn’t grow or be able to successfully have a victory or learn valuable lessons along the way to that victory. Most Olympic Gold Medals are won by breaking an obstacle of time, weight, distance etc. Even they enjoy it more when they’re challenged. “You measure the size of the accomplishment by the obstacle you had to overcome to reach your goals.” What muscle on your body will ever grow without resistance? Why bother to give tests if there was never an expansion of knowledge. There is no sense of accomplishment if things are just handed to us but when we overcome an obstacle our faith builds, the experience changes us and our confidence builds. Isn’t it ironic that the very things that can make us great we often avoid.Yet without facing our obstacles we stagnate and miss the important growth they can bring to our image. Success generally breeds more success? Why? Because most successful people have faced adversity, taken risks, found solutions or failed more times than they’d like to admit. But they choose to rise up again and face an obstacle ultimately with successful results. Most have failed MANY TIMES but instead of quitting, they persevered and learned from their mistakes. Successful people don’t quit they brush themselves off and get going again learning from their obstacles. They’re courageous and push past their obstacles. Quitters never win and winners never lose. What champion quits because the training is too hard? They would never be champions if they did. Perseverance is the extra ingredient required to overcome obstacles and succeed.

So why do we usually try and avoid obstacles when we gain so much from them? We want to avoid pain because obstacles can hurt and often times they can hurt a lot. But this is also where fulfillment and joy reside. Facing obstacles and attempting to overcome them ensures satisfaction and a life of no regrets. We live with more contentment knowing we did our best to conquer that obstacle before us. Win or lose we win because we tried and we always learn something from the attempt. Through experience I’ve learned obstacles are the weights of life that make me stronger. I’ve tried walking around them, hiding from them and even just looking at them but they always remain until I lift them. The only one way we can ever overcome them is through the attempt. The process of overcoming obstacles can be agonizing and uncomfortable but they can also be some of the most rewarding times of our life. How many dreams have you given up on because you failed to endure the pain and push past the obstacle that lay in your way? The beautiful thing about life is we can always try again and choose to go all the way through next time.You’re not the only one who’s ever thought they’re too old, not courageous enough, too set in their routine, too comfortable or too whatever to push past obstacles to succeed. Endure and persevere past your obstacles because if you knew what was on the other side of your mountain you’d do it! God bless Australian celebrity Kerrie Friend was cohost of hit TV shows Perfect Match andWheel of Fortune. Kerrie and her husband founded Heaven on Earth Media in 2002. She is also an ambassador and spokesperson for a number of societies and authored ‘Image: 52Weeks to a NewYou. ’Visit: www.IMAGETV.us




Books, Cards, & CD Reviews

Raising Angels By Paul Morris Segal RRP $19

www.rockpoolpublishing.com Predicted to follow in the success of The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, Raising Angels is a charming novel. When young Raphael finds a worn out angel lying on the side of the road in the pouring rain, he decides to take it home and look after it. Smuggling it into his room without his parents’ realizing, Raphael and his sister are intrigued: this angel doesn’t look the way they had imagined angels to be. And why is this angel here? There must be a reason, because everything happens for a reason, he decides. Raising Angels, a charming short fiction book set amongst the warmth and love of everyday family life, illustrates how angels can be messengers for peace and love.




Gaia Emerging By Patricia Rose & Tricia Szirom RRP $15 - ebook $10

www.gaiasgarden.com.au Drs. Patricia Rose and Tricia Szirom were curious about the range of beliefs and practices that exist in the Australian Goddess community so they commenced by talking with women. An on-line survey, involving over 300 respondents, added to the knowledge base. Gaia Emerging, the result of this work, tells the story of the growth of the Goddess community in this wonderful land. It links the development of community to the emergence of Goddess spirituality in the UK and USA and speaks to the multi-cultural nature of this country. Historical threads weave into discussions of present practice and beliefs which the authors then use to discuss the future of this wonderful emergence.

The Ocean Oracle By Susan Marte RRP $39 - APPStore $7.49 www.theoceanoracle.com

The guidance and wisdom offered by the ocean and its surrounds is what forms the basis of The Ocean Oracle. Using Story in the interpretation of the cards, allows the information and healing to go deeper into our being. The Stories have many meanings and, depending on the query, the meaning needed to be seen or heard will come forward. The Messages offer up areas to contemplate. Some of the messages will resonate; some won’t. Sometimes the messages may seem cryptic. That’s the nature of oracles. Trust you will receive what you need. Hearing the Story and Messages read out loud has its own ability to heal, and because of this the OceanOracle app has an audio feature, where you can choose to hear the author reading each card.

Editors Choice Music CD - The Ancient Ones by Kellianna RRP $30.00 www.Kellianna.com

Out Now!

... and so it came to pass that Merlin took the young boy king Arthur to a Magical Sacred Isle... it was called ...AVALON!

Kellianna is an American pagan singer songwriter, an international artist performing songs and chants inspired by myth, magic, sacred places and ancient times. With guitar and vocals she brings to life the stories and sagas of the Gods and Goddesses. Using Native American frame drum and chant she honors the Earth and the Ancestors via primal drumming and powerful vocals. Her latest Album ‘The Ancient Ones” released April of this year is a celebration of all that is Pagan. Foot stomping, heart throbbing music that gets your ancestral blood pumping. Tunes and Melodies that stay in your head as you go about your day.You will want to sing along to these, I did. Kellianna’s voice has a real earthy power that calls to you in ways nothing else can. I first heard her sing in Glastonbury at a Faery Ball. Hers is a powerful voice that sends chills up your spine as you hear the call of the Ancients ringing out through her songs.

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