2 minute read

Rhona Campbell-Crawford, BSc (Hons) Agriculture

Rhona, who isn't from a farming background, wanted a practical and comprehensive course in agriculture in order to gain a qualification that would set her up for working within the sector.

"I thoroughly enjoyed the module on agricultural policy in 3rd year It really helped my understanding of the complex nature of government policies, what the new infrastructure may be post-Brexit and also learning about the world trade organisation/free trade agreements was really eye opening "

"I chose SRUC as I could do my degree flexibly, with the first two years at Oatridge and last two at Edinburgh. Being a part of the Oatridge cattle show team for the beef demonstration at Agriscot has been a highlight Being in that ring with a cow I halter trained myself was a really good feeling Also being offered a summer placement at one of SRUC’s Consulting offices through the placement scheme, which opened doors to further consultancy work and invaluable industry experience "

"My dedication to my studies at SRUC were also formally recognised as lecturers nominated me for the British Farming Awards Agricultural Student of the Year, a title which I then claimed as gold winner at the awards ceremony 2022; biggest achievement to date for me and one I do owe to SRUC "

"Not being from a farm means you come to the course with a little less background knowledge than your peers, but I just had to embrace it! I worked hard and took opportunities for extra hands-on work where possible to build up that knowledge "

"The facilities at SRUC are great, my favourite thing is that we have access to many college farms and research facilities such as Green Cow at Easter Howgate Trips to these really help you ground your theoretical studies "

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