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A visit to www.sruc.ac.uk/research/facilities-capabilities will give you an overview of some of the cutting-edge research undertaken by SRUC scientists.
SRUC also works in partnership with a number of farmers across Scotland for both research and the teaching of students.
SRUC manages a number of research farms, of over 4400 hectares, to provide research, education and knowledge transfer in dairying, arable, beef, upland/hill sheep systems, pig and poultry farming
Our farms are used to support outdoor teaching and academic research as well as commercial activity
SRUC research teams work across a number of subject areas including animal behaviour and welfare, soils, genetics, disease and epidemiology, environmental management and impact, economics and policy, and agrifood systems Our Challenge Centres bring together experts to tackle some of the world’s most pressing issues such as the future of food, the global climate emergency, and digital innovation, and produce research that influences industry, policy, communities and society
The state-of-the-art GreenShed facility will use cattle waste products to power a methane capturing system and grow indoor crops, will produce low-carbon fertiliser, and has the potential to remove the equivalent of 237 tonnes of carbon dioxide per farm per year
SRUC delivers major research projects in poultry science from its Allermuir Avian Innovation and Skills Centre (AISC), the UK’s largest facility to improve avian nutrition, health and welfare Our specialist courses in Poultry Production draw on expert knowledge of the industry and scientific research.
The Dairy Nexus is a transformational project to foster innovation in the dairy sector, decarbonising and boosting productivity. A biorefinery unit will support new by-product innovation and Digital Twin technology will measure all aspects of the dairy farming system, including soil health and cow behaviour