2 minute read


Forestry involves sustainably managing trees and woodlands in rural areas for commercial, social and a range of other benefits. Arboriculture is the management and work in caring for individual trees or groups of trees in more urban areas .

Woodland and forests in Scotland cover around 19% of our total land mass, but that figure is going to increase markedly over the next few years The Scottish Government have an aspiration to increase forest cover as this has an important role to play in mitigating the effects of climate change Forestry in Scotland is worth £1 billion per year to the Scottish economy and there is an aspiration to grow that to £2 billion over the next 10 years That means planting more trees, managing and harvesting more trees, and there will be more job opportunities in a wide range of areas available

A forestry or arboricultural qualification has opened doors for many students to develop wide ranging and interesting careers such as skilled forest craftsmen, technically proficient arborists, ground workers, team leaders, tree surgeons, forest machine operators and forest managers Forests also provide job opportunities in areas such as recreation, adventure tourism and health and wellness

SRUC has excellent facilities and equipment including our forestry engineering workshop, forwarders, chainsaws, climbing equipment and simulators to help you develop your skills and knowledge We also work closely with public and private forest estates for invaluable practical experience

Forest carbon stock is the amount of carbon that has been sequestered from the atmosphere and is now stored within the forest ecosystem. Around half of the total UK forest carbon stock is in Scotland.


Find out more about our courses direct from our students and staff: www.sruc.ac.uk/experience

Find out more about courses related to Forestry and Arboriculture on our website: www.sruc.ac.uk/forestarbor

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