3 minute read

Damson Ellen, HND Environmental Management

Damson Ellen is studying Environmental Management as she wanted to learn how we can mitigate and prevent further damage to our natural environment.

SRUC offers a great range of courses but this one stood out to me as it combines classroom-based lectures with lots of field trips throughout the year. We are also taught fieldwork skills that many jobs in the sector require ”

“Soil Management has been a favourite so far We were shown different soil profiles, textures and found out how the properties affect our environment There was some lab-based work where we took soil samples to test for the phosphate and pH levels It was great to get some experience using lab equipment and how to analyse the results I am also looking forward to this year using GIS (Geographic Information System) mapping software as this is a desired skill to have for environmental jobs This is particularly cool for studying peatlands where this software maps and shows the amount of carbon stored in different areas all over the world ”

“I chose SRUC as I had heard great things about the college from others who had previously studied here It is well known and revered across Scotland with a huge amount of research happening which also interested me for future academic opportunities I chose Edinburgh as it meant I didn’t have to move away but still allows the chance to get out into the field for certain modules

“I have been involved in a number of opportunities while studying here Firstly, being a student ambassador, I have been able to create content for social media, help the marketing team with projects and attend events happening around the country The best experience was the Royal Highland Show; based in SRUC’s marquee I engaged with the public about the college, demonstrated some of the research going on, and made milkshakes with milk provided from one of SRUC’s farms! I am also the LGBTQ+ Officer for SRUCSA (the Students’ Association) so I am trying to set up some groups across different campuses to increase inclusivity I am also a class representative for my course where I take feedback from my class to meetings with staff to help improve the course and student life This lead to a job opportunity to train new reps in other colleges ”

“When I finish I am interested in working to improve environmental policy, possibly at a government level Although, research would also be an avenue I’d like to explore, potentially looking at peatlands and carbon capture . There are so many options to consider as every module has been engaging!

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