2 minute read

Chris Cullen, BSc (Hons) Environmental Management

Chris has always been interested in the environment and spent a lot of his life camping, hill walking, canoeing, and sailing. I still harboured a flame for environmental studies and given the direction the world was moving regarding net zero, it felt like the right choice to make "

"I chose SRUC because it offers a more practical based way of teaching than other Universities/Colleges and is orientated more towards the end goal of employment rather than just the achieving of a qualification.”

"My favourite module is Ecology and Ecosystems It gave a good taste of the practical side of environmental management, allowing you as the student to analyse the impacts of how human activities affect the environment in a very tangible way This module also tied in well with other course modules such as Pollution Management, Classification and Identification and Biodiversity Conservation "

"I have enjoyed meeting like-minded people with similar aspirations I enjoy the practical elements of the teaching such as field trips and experiments. I’ve enjoyed finding out what is being done globally and what I can do individually to contribute to net zero targets As a mature student I relish the realisation that I am capable of taking a new life direction, learning new relevant skills, which will add value to future employment "

I chose SRUC because it offers a more practical based way of teaching than other Universities/Colleges.

"I have an interest in environmental policy A recent careers event at SRUC highlighted Scottish Government roles around invasive marine species and its corresponding policies which seemed like an interesting avenue to pursue "

"Being a mature student, my core skills were learned over 20 years ago so sometimes I have to do some refreshment learning before I tackle the module learning e g I had to familiarise myself with a scientific calculator again before doing some calculations in the Fundamentals of Geospatial Approaches and Data Analysis module "

"Revisiting education is one of the best decisions I have made in my life so far Education and learning do not stagnate; just because the answer was A yesterday, does not mean the answer will be A today What’s amazing is, I get to be part of tomorrow’s answer SRUC have made me realise that education is a lifelong process which should be embraced

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