Money-Making Monthly April 2013

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Volume 1 Number 3 | April 2013 | $97

THE Monthly Magazine For Sharp Entrepeneurs

ak, ch n li a M s e m Ja ith W w ie rv te In Expert The Big Money Speaker® "Millionaire Entrepreneur Secrets"

Fe a t u r e A r t ic le s :


• How To Become A Local Onl

Giant Page 3 • Facebook Facts & Figures

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What’s Up

Coolest Events this Month April 2013


Monday 31

Tuesday 1

Wednesday 2


Thursday 4


Saturday 5


April 4 – 6, Cleveland, Ohio “A to Z Info-Biz Blueprints Reboot” Hosted By: Dan Kennedy “How To Organize, Structure, Fuel And Create Wealth With The Right Information-Marketing Business Model For You”

















April 15, Naperville, Illinois April 16, Wheeling, Illionis “Live Workshop & Peak Performers Training” Hosted By: Steve Sipress “Work Smart – Not Hard: The Most Powerful Marketing Tool For Your Business” www.MyChicagoBusiness. 22 23 com/workshop



April 18 – 20, Chicago, Illinois “Internet Prophets Live” Hosted By: Steve Olsher “The Premier Internet, Mobile & Marketing Workshop”





April 25 – 28, Los Angeles, California “Big Money Speaker Boot Camp” Hosted By: James Malinchak “Straightforward, No BS Ways To Become A Big Money Speaker” Get Your Free Ticket: www.




“Big Money Speaker Boot Camp”

Volume 1 Number 3 | Pg 1




The Psychology Of Persuasion, by Robert Cialdini

Book Review by Steve Sipress “For marketers, it is among the most important books written in the last 10 years.” Journal Of Marketing Research Everyone is in the business of persuading people – not just business owners and salespeople. But for anyone who owns their own business, this book is absolutely essential reading. I’ve heard lots of people claim to be a “natural salesperson.” Many people look at selling or persuasion as an art. But Cialdini examines persuasion as a science – something everyone can study, learn and apply. He also lets you know how to defend yourself from master persuaders who may not exactly have your best interests in mind. As a reader of this magazine, you are well aware that direct response marketing is, for the most part, applied social psychology. This book is a masterpiece on social psychology. Even if you only read the Table of Contents, you’re marketing (and therefore, your income) will be improved just by knowing what Cialdini calls his six “Weapons of Influence”: 1. Reciprocation 4. Liking 2. Commitment and 5. Authority Then, if you take the time to read through this Consistency 6. Scarcity clear, well-documented and thoroughly-enjoyable 3. Social Proof book, you’ll be on your way to understanding and implementing all six of these to your advantage. And that will mean you’ll help more people and make more money than ever before. So… Did I do a good job of persuading you to read this book?

Tech For Non-Techies | A friend introduced me to the website – which lets two people quickly and easily share their computer screens with each other. It’s so incredibly easy and intuitive to use, even I had no trouble instantly making use of it the very first time I was introduced to it. The “presenter” is able to share whatever is showing on his or her computer screen with the others involved in the “screen-sharing” (they can be anywhere in the world, as long as they have an internet connection), and can narrate his or her activity with a headset and microphone, or over the phone. I’ve used it for sales demonstrations, brainstorming, training my staff and instructing my clients, and I’ve even had a technician use it with me to take control of my computer and fix a problem that would have taken me MUCH longer if he had to explain all the steps to me and I had to do it all myself. I’m sure you can think of even more ways it can save you time and make you money. Join me in making use of this quick, easy and FREE technology!

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Manny’s Blog

, in the id a s n o s y n en “As Lord T lightly y c n a f ’s g o d ng spring a you W-2???” m r o F … f o ts h turns to thoug

Yes, I’ve procrastinated. So instead of romping in the yard and performing other carefree April activities, I have my shoulder to the wheel, my nose to the grindstone (and my paws in the Big Book of Clichés), trying to beat the April 15th income tax filing deadline.

The accountant started blathering something about “write-offs.” The only write-offs I knew about were when I misbehaved in obedience school. He wanted to know if I preferred the “long form.” I mumbled,

You’re surprised that I have to file taxes for the vast Manny Empire? Sure, Trigger, Lassie, Flipper, and Mr. Ed got out of personally filing their taxes; but that was before the efforts of PETA. No, not People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals; I’m talking about the other PETA: those bloodsuckers behind Parasites for Eventually Taxing Animals. Of course I’m not going it alone; I have an accountant. He is scrupulous to dot every “i” and cross every “t”; he doesn’t want to wind up behind bars. But I told him that spending time behind bars isn’t so bad; it’s when they put you in those silly little sweaters that you really feel trapped! I was really in the dark when I first went to him with my bulging box of tax documents. He asked me, “What’s your FILING status?” I answered, “The groomer filed my rear toenails this morning, but he had to put off the rest until next week because he received an emergency call. Boy, you ask some personal questions, dude!”

estate transactions? (“Um, I marked a lot of territory, but I forgot to keep the receipts.”) Finally, he asked me if I had any DEDUCTIONS. I proudly answered, “Elementary, my dear Watson. It was Colonel Mustard, in the parlor, with a candlestick!!” Even after all the study I’ve done on taxes, there are still aspects of it that leave me scratching my head. (Or maybe my flea spray is wearing off. Hard to tell.) At least I’ve learned to trim my tax liability through charitable donations. What? You don’t think I know how to be charitable? Try this on for size: “Cats are animals that are remarkably skillful at…having four legs.”

“Well, I dated this Dachshund once, but…” The questions just kept on coming. Have you inherited anything? (“Just my rugged good looks.”) Anything received under the table that really should be reported? (“Well, Michele slipped me some table scraps while Steve wasn’t looking…”) Any real

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My tax refund is already burning a hole in my pocket (metaphorically speaking, of course). But before I go shopping, I plan to release my tax returns to the public. I have nothing to be embarrassed about. In fact, Steve and Michele said I’ve routinely released things that are a lot more embarrassing. Heyyy…if they didn’t provide me food, shelter and unconditional love, I swear I’d…


James Malinchak “Millionaire Entrepreneur Success”

Expert Interview with

James Malinchak shares his Millionaire Entrepreneur Secrets with Chicagoland's Sharpest Entrepreneurs in July 2011. He will return, by popular demand, on Saturday, June 8th! STEVE: I’m sure you get asked this all the time: You went to college on a basketball scholarship and I’m sure that’s all you thought about your whole life growing up. Your goal was to be a pro basketball player, travel around, be a celebrity, be on TV and make a lot of money. It just so happens that without the basketball, you’ve carved out that kind of lifestyle for yourself. So let me ask you this: Which is a cooler lifestyle, if right now you are a pro basketball player or you are the James Malinchak that you are now? JAMES: Whoa, man! That’s a tough one. First, thanks for the great interview opportunity. I truly appreciate the opportunity to impact your folks. Man, that’s a tough question. That’s like when people ask me, “Who would you rather have dinner with: Michael Jordan or James Bond?” I’m like, “Oh, man! The pressure!” STEVE: Well you’re right about that, since I live in an “and” world -- not an “or” world. I’m always telling my people, “Don’t ask which one should you do – direct mail or e-mail.” We’re always looking for something extra to do. So who says you couldn’t have dinner with both of them? But in this case, it would a little tough to be traveling all around the world and holding all the events and being Mr. James Malinchak, entrepreneur, excellent teacher that you are, and carry on an entire NBA basketball

season. So I do get to ask that question: Which is cooler? JAMES: Well, you know what Steve, knowing me – and I’m just like you – same kind of business mind you have, thinking the same way. Knowing me, I’d be doing pro basketball and I’d be running seminars in the off-season for pro basketball players, teaching them how to do business so that they can have a career after basketball. I think that would be the smart way to do it. I think that’s a smart-thinking entrepreneur like what you teach your folks, your members, and that’s something I teach: “ABM” – Always Be Marketing – and always think of a Plan B for what if Plan A doesn’t work. So what if these guys get injured or something? At least you’ve got this ready to fall back on. That’s what I did for my college playing days. I was already learning business while I was in college. I was making connections with employers, so that if I wasn’t good enough – or like I did, blew out a knee – I had a Plan B ready to go.

“I teach: “ABM” -- Always Be Marketing -- and always think of a Plan B for what if Plan A doesn’t work.” STEVE: Well, of course that’s what you are doing. Of course that’s the

ideal perfect answer. But what I love is that the question can even be asked. I wonder how may of our readers could ask themselves the same thing -- whether my life that I have now could possibly be cooler than the life of an NBA star athlete? So I really applaud -- and everyone appreciates -- what you’ve done, and the example you set of how an entrepreneur can craft a fantastic, exciting lifestyle for themself. So, speaking of that, another thing everyone who is even ever met you for a minute knows is that you have a ton of energy and you’ve got an overwhelming positive attitude. What’s your secret? JAMES: My sister, Vicki, has always been my inspiration. She died of a brain tumor several years ago and when she was diagnosed and had three months to live and she was in a lot of pain because she had several lesions in her brain and she took so much painkiller type medicine that she was at certain points overdosing on it. So it was, “Well, if she doesn’t take the medicine, there is too much pain, and if she takes the medicine, it is overdosing her?” And here is my point: Never once did I ever hear her complain. Never once did I ever hear her say “Why me?” Was she sad? Did she cry? Yeah, obviously, we all did. But she never said that – not one time. She never moaned, she never complained or anything. As I watched her going through this and Volume 1 Number 3 | Pg 7


then eventually passing away, I said, “What do I have to moan and complain about? I’m breathing. Life is good. Okay, so maybe I have a little challenge with my business every now and then. So what? It’s not life or death. And if I get the right knowledge, if I learn the right marketing skills, the right skill set, the right direct mail skills, if I learn how to ethically influence, persuade, close deals, if I learn how to prospect, qualify, close, if I learn how to write good copy, if I learn how to do the internet, I can turn anything around. But there’s nothing going to turn around for me or nothing going to be great coming to me if I am negative and I am talking and thinking in a bad way all the time. When I do my talks for any kind of group, especially business groups, I say, “Look, it’s a very simple choice: you’ve got two choices everyday. You can either be grateful and thankful and positive, or you can be negative and whine, moan and complain. I promise you: I don’t care how tough your situation is, somebody somewhere is going through a more difficult time. So I always just think about that, and that’s what keeps me kind of on the upswing, Steve. STEVE: And it’s quite an upswing that it is. You mentioned one sister. You have another sister, which raises

“I think e-mail is one of the worst things on the planet. I think it wastes your time and it consumes your time.”

another question that might be of interest to my readers. I often get asked a lot of questions about the difficulties and the stresses of working in a family business or working with a husband, wife, sister, brother, father or daughter, and you happen to work very closely with your sister, Cindy, who was an outstanding athlete in her own right, I understand. But tell me: Is there is ever any friction there? What’s your secret to working as a well-oiled machine with a family member so closely? JAMES: That’s a great question. And not only that Steve, I don’t know if you this, but my COO, who runs my company, is actually my cousin, so there are three of us! People always say things like, “Oh, I could never work with family,” and I always say, “Oh, yes you can!” Here are a couple of things that we follow: Number One: Most conflicts and disagreements could be resolved – or never even happen – if the expectations were there and everything was clearly communicated. Think about that. My job as the leader – as the entrepreneur of the business – is to clearly define and to communicate the expectations. So, for example, she knows from 9 to 5 she’s my employee. Do I love her? Do I care about her? Absolutely. But we’re running a business, and we’re not talking about goofy stuff during 9 to 5. We’re working. After that, we’re brother and sister. So that’s one thing. The second thing is: This is about communication. If I tell her “Make a copy of this paper for me,” and she goes and makes a copy and brings it back and it’s on white paper. And I say to her, “No, I wanted pink paper.” Well, whose fault was it? Mine. I didn’t communicate it properly. I didn’t train her properly that when I say in the future, “I want a copy of this,” she knows that I always want them on pink paper, so I can easily find them. That’s my fault. So, the lesson for the entrepreneur is when you’re working with folks – whether it’s family members or not – you need to properly train them on all of the areas that you want them to do

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properly for you. If they’re not doing them, in my opinion, it’s your fault – because you haven’t trained them and taught them what to do. So, for example, they know (both Cindy and Davy) that I absolutely despise and hate e-mail. I think e-mail is one of the worst things on the planet. I think it wastes your time and it consumes your time. People contact you, and if you don’t get right back to them, they freak out and get mad at you. So, they know I don’t want e-mail. I have about 180 coaching/consulting clients. Let’s say one of them sends something over and wants me to look at it – say a brochure or a mail piece or something that they want my opinion on. She knows that she’s not allowed to e-mail it to me. Now, do I do e-mail? I do – internally with her and Davy. But I don’t do it outside of that. She knows that if somebody sends it over, she is to print it out in color on white paper and put in on my desk stapled together. She is not supposed to e-mail it. Well, if I didn’t train her on that simple, simple thing, guess what? I’d be getting e-mails from her, I’d be upset, I’d be pissed off, I might not be telling her about it, I might internalize it, and now we’ve got this rift. She’s upset because she knows I’m upset, and we’ve got this rift. Well, it’s my fault from the beginning, because I didn’t communicate the expectations properly and I didn’t train her. So I don’t care if it’s a family member or not – I think we both have to realize that we’re running a business. The other thing is this: We don’t take anything personally. It’s a business thing. We turn the light switch off when the business thing’s over, and we’re family. You’ve got to have that conversation and communicate – just like a marriage. You’ve got to communicate, and everybody needs to be on the same page. STEVE: Well, that was so much in there and so well said. I can relate, because as my people know, without my beautiful wife, Michele, nothing happens in my entire business. And what you said really rang a bell with


me, because whenever something is not done right at a meeting or with a client or something, it really gets me upset for that exact reason: Because I know I didn’t explain things properly to my beautiful wife, Michele – how I wanted it done. So it gives me double pain: Number one, I’m upset with myself that I didn’t communicate and ask her properly what I wanted; and number two, I’m upset with myself because she’s disappointed that she didn’t do it right for me. And I don’t want my wife to be disappointed. So when you’re working with family or people you care about, it can doubly disappoint you. But I love the fact that you said “The responsibility lies with the entrepreneur.” That’s why we’re the entrepreneur, isn’t it?

one reason you and I are in business as entrepreneurs. What is that?” Some of them said, “To make money.” I said, “Absolutely not.” Then I wrote the word up on the top of flip chart. I said, “It’s for freedom.”

I said, “So, okay, let’s assume you agree with that, right?” And they said, “Yeah, I get that.” I said, “Then here is the most important question you ask about every single thing and every person that comes into your life…”

Money gives us the freedom to do what we want to do. If that’s to go on a mission trip with your church, if that’s helping your community, if that’s to buy a big house, if that’s to fund your children’s college education, if that’s to get that fancy car or the second home, if it’s to pay off credit card debt – whatever it is, don’t ever forget why we’re in business. It’s for freedom. I said, “So let me tell you the most important question you ever will ask yourself ever – anytime, anyplace – when it comes to be an entrepreneur.

[*To listen to the complete recording of this month’s expert interview, go to]

JAMES: Oh absolutely. That’s why we became entrepreneurs. I just came off of a mastermind meeting about two weeks ago, where I had all my coaching members come in. We actually did this one in Los Angeles. Every beginning of the meeting, I teach something. I teach maybe about 20 minutes of it, just to kind of get the meeting started off on the right foot and give them some great stuff they may not be thinking of or heard of before. This time, Steve, I taught them one of the principles I live by forever. I said look, “There’s only

I said here it is: When you realize and you understand why you are an entrepreneur, it’s for freedom. It’s not money, because you could work for a corporation to make money. I have friends who make 3-, 4-, 500,000 bucks working for big corporations. They’ve got great incentive packages, great retirement plans, company car, medical insurance. They’re living a great lifestyle, and they’re making great money. So we don’t become entrepreneurs for money – we became entrepreneurs for freedom.

There’s only one reason you and I are in business as entrepreneurs... It’s for freedom. ”

After growing-up in a small Pennsylvania steel-mill town near Pittsburgh as the son of a steelworker and a housewife James Malinchak is a true American Success Story who is now “One of the Most Requested Highest Paid Business and Motivational Keynote Speakers” & Marketing Consultants in the world.


He has been featured in CNBC, The Wall street Journal, Reuters, Bloomberg, Business Week, Lifetime TV, TV Guide, and on stages with numerous thought leaders and celebrities. James has appeared on the Reality TV Shows, Secret Millionaire (ABC), Gene Simmons Family Jewels (A & E), The Giuliana & Bill (Rancic) Reality TV Show (Style), The Doctors (CBS) and has appeared on Lifetime and TV Guide. James is called “Big Money Speaker®” and is recognized as “The World’s #1 Big Money Speaker® Trainer & Coach” for Teaching Anyone Who Wants to Get Highly-Paid as a Motivational or Business Speaker by Correctly Positioning and Packaging their time, knowledge, experience, expertise, message, personal story and how-to advice. Get your FREE TICKET to James’ upcoming Big Money Speaker Boot Camp at: Volume 1 Number 3 | Pg 9


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Slaying Your Time-Vampires “Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you.” - Carl Sandburg

Self-discipline is the key. Here are some solutions: a. Set aside some time at least once a week to work out what’s really important to you. Time is precious, and can easily pass us by. The problem is this: Time, if not properly managed, can cause stress and anxiety. If you spend a greater percentage of your life feeling stressed instead of cool, calm and collected, you’re always going to lose out. When there are projects to be done and deadlines looming, tension is always just a step behind.

b. Use a calendar to keep track of all your appointments. c. Write a To Do list every day. Based on the priorities you’ve identified, attack the most difficult jobs first, or those items or projects that really need to be completed. Label every task as either “Urgent” or “Can Wait.”

Check the following time-wasters and know what your weaknesses are... 1. Text Messaging 2. Social Media 3. Forwarding email jokes, etc. to your friends and family 4. Gossiping during coffee break 5. Doing too much paperwork and other mindless, repetitive tasks yourself 6. Not saying the word “no” often enough

d. Don’t fill your entire day with activities – leave time for breaks.

7. Computer games

The key is to apply some simple principles of time management, so you can get rid of things that suck the life out of you. To get rid of stress and anxiety, take steps to slay your time vampires.

e. Plan time for family, recreation, spiritual and social activities, so you don’t burn out.

9. Excessive television or video viewing

Many self-employed people waste their entire day simply because they wake up in the morning without having any kind of plan at all. This usually happens when you simply don’t know what your priorities are, or should be. These days, it’s far too easy to get sidelined by unimportant emails, phone calls and texts, mindless TV shows, endless searches on the internet, watching online videos or wasting time with social media.

g. To avoid feeling out of control, don’t put off important tasks until the last minute.

f. Constantly remind yourself that time is a commodity – once gone, you can never get it back.

h. Set deadlines for yourself – and stick to them. Common Time-Wasters Have you ever sat down to work, and then before you know it, the time is gone? There are so many distractions competing for our valuable time every day.

8. Crossword puzzles

10. Wasting telephone time with idle chit-chat All of these activities are fine – as hobbies. But any of them can be disastrous to your personal productivity and profits, if you allow yourself to waste valuable money-making business time engaging in them. Remember: As an entrepreneur, the good news is that you’re your own boss. But the bad news? You’re your own boss. Now go “manage yourself” properly, and watch your income and spirits soar!

Volume 1 Number 3 | Pg 11


Client Spotlight

Felicia Slattery is everything a successful entrepreneur should be: Positive, Driven, Passionate, Caring and Brilliant. And, most important of all, she is a fast and massive action-taker who takes on and accomplishes more than just about anyone I know. All of this is even more remarkable given her dedication to her family – not to mention the tremendous physical challenges she has overcome. Here’s Felicia’s story, in her own words…

Imagine – a professional speaker who lost the ability to speak.

That’s where I was just months ago, when on September 20, 2012, after never having smoked a day in my life, never lived with smokers, and had no risk factors whatsoever, I was diagnosed with lung cancer. Earlier in the year, having become a best-selling author of my book, 21 Ways to Make Money Speaking, hitting #1 in five categories on Amazon before Noon on launch day February 29, 2012, I was soon admitted to the hospital at the end of March for a wicked case of pneumonia that months later never seemed to resolve. While having regular chest x-rays and followup visits, I went about my life, heading on vacation with my family, and continuing to speak, write, and serve my clients around the world. In August

and September I had two exploratory surgeries to see why my lung never recovered from the pneumonia. Two biopsies confirmed the worst. The next two weeks were a blur, as anyone you’ve met who was diagnosed with cancer will tell you. There are CT scans, MRIs, bone scans, radioactive tests, and appointments with all kinds of specialists whose job it is to explain what’s happening and talk about horrific things like “5-year survival rates.” I’ll tell you now, for lung cancer, the prognosis is not usually good. My father’s sister, my beloved Aunt Sylvia, had been diagnosed with lung cancer just a few years ago and for her it was less than 12 months before she passed away. My parents were terrified, my husband was freaked out, and my daughters, Grace (age 10) and Miranda (age 7 at the time), wondered why Mommy had so many doctors’ appointments all the time, disrupting their schedules. Me? I knew, s o m e h o w, ever ything would be fine, and had a strange sense of calm throughout the process. It wasn’t until the early morning hours before my surgery on October 4, which I scheduled for the day after

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what I worried might be my last ever time on stage, that I cried from fear as I waited in the hospital staging room. Being prepped for surgery involved having two IVs placed, which for me and my miniscule veins, is nearly an impossible and always painful feat requiring multiple nurses and usually ends up with an anesthesiologist being called in. After the thoracotomy – that’s open lung surgery to remove the tumor and the entire middle lobe of my right lung, I was in intensive care on four different powerful pain killers and felt on top of the world. You can see the wires and tubes on the X-ray. I stayed in the hospital just four days and recovered faster than any lung cancer patient the doctors and nurses had ever seen. During my three-month recovery, I kept asking the doctors and physical therapists if I’d need to find a new line of work. You see, after part of my lung was removed, my breathing capacity diminished dramatically and I was barely able to weakly whisper three words before my body began gasping for air. If I was ever going to get back to my career as a professional speaker, things had to improve. I was concerned, though, because I’ve been in front of audiences my entire life – since the time I was chosen to read in church at age seven through today where every job I’ve had and now my business is built on speaking and teaching others to speak.


What else could I do? I am grateful to say, I didn’t have to find out. Today I am 100% completely cancerfree, feeling fantastic, and as I write this article, I appeared live on stage three times this week. The reason I can do this: I believe I experienced my own miracle.

Here’s what happened: Since 2006, I’ve built my speaking and consulting business delivering my own Signature Speech™, my original, trademarked system I created to help service providers market their businesses, which I also still use to this day to market

my own business. I also marketed heavily online employing solid Internet marketing techniques I learned from a number of popular mentors, many of whom I’ve had the honor of sharing the stage with over the years. As a result of building my community of subscribers and social media base to more than 30,000, I was able to send an email the night before my surgery to ask: “If you’re the praying type, please send up a prayer for me and the surgeon that all goes smoothly, is easy, and painless. If you’re more of the visualizing type, please visualize the IV going in the first time easily and my body healthy and complete. And if you’re of the sending good energy type, I’ll take all the good vibes you can muster!” That simple plea the night before surgery resulted in a truly awesome shock wave of prayer and healing all

generated in my direction. The odds of 35% of being alive in five years, suddenly, the next day went to 100% because the type of tumor I was originally diagnosed with somehow, miraculously, changed literally overnight into a very rare type of lung cancer called “muco-epidermoid,” that in the 12 known cases Harvard University studied over 20 years, never came back, never spread, and never was fatal. God was with me, as was the power of prayer and my amazing community of friends, family, clients, subscribers, and more. Yet even more amazingly, this wasn’t the first time I experienced a miracle in my life.

with the world. What comes next is completely up to you. We are each in control of our own destinies. For me, I’ve only just started back to work after taking much of last year off to deal with my health challenges. Now that I’m back, I’ll be finishing my next book, Kill the Elevator Speech: Stop Selling Start Connecting, and I am about to launch an international organization designed to help speakers hone their craft, make money, and improve their lives, called Profitable Speakers International. I’m excited about what the future holds and I hope to see you from a stage soon.

Back in 2004, I was teaching communication and speech courses at college, had just defended my thesis to receive my second master’s degree, my husband and I had closed on our dream home in the suburbs, and our older daughter was two years old, when at 34 weeks pregnant, I woke up in the middle of the night knowing something wasn’t right.

During Christmas week, my baby and I almost died from another rare disease called HELLP Syndrome. Then too, God interceded and my baby, Miranda, and I survived. It took a year to recover from that trauma; and honestly if I had to compare the two, this earlier experience was far worse and far scarier than cancer. That event is what spurred me a year later to start my own business to be home with my daughters.

Felicia Slattery’s latest product, inspired by her mentor Steve Sipress, sold out in its first printing. Now available again, it’s been touted as, “the best techniques and strategies ever for marketing with testimonials.” You can discover more at

Two life-threatening diseases. Two miracles. Clearly, I’m still here for a reason. And I believe because you’re alive today, YOU are still here for a reason, too. You have an important message, unique skills, and significant work that must be done and shared

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MONEY-MAKING MONTHLY Volume 1 Number 3 | April 2013


1 2

What’s Up?

Coolest Events This Month

Interview with James Malnchak “Millionaire Entrepeneur Success”

Book Review Influence

Tech for Non-Techies Join.Me






Manny’s Blog W-K9

10 11

Facts & Figures


Client Spotlight


Time Flies

Slaying Your Time Vampires

Felicia Slattery

Publisher & Editor Steve Sipress Successful Selling Systems, Inc. 869 E Schaumburg Rd #237 Schaumburg, IL 60194 (p) 773-236-8134 (f ) 847-232-1535 Questions? Comments? Suggestions?

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Publisher’s Notice: Copyright 2013 Successful Selling Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any part of this work beyond that permitted by Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 U.S. Copyright Act without permission of the copyright owner is unlawful. Neither the author nor the publisher make any express or implied warranties concerning the legal or ethical appropriateness of any of the marketing documents, materials or instructions in or enclosed with the magazine and/or your use of the same. If in doubt about the appropriateness or legality of any materials or instructions, you should obtain competent guidance, just as you would with any marketing documents, materials or marketing plans you have developed or would develop on your own. In the interests of disclosure, we want to be open about how we may, from time to time, make money from this magazine. Certain third-party links contained in this magazine may be affiliate links for which we get paid a commission if you buy the product or service through the affiliate link.

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