MONEY- MAKING MONTHLY THE Monthly Magazine For Sharp Entrepreneurs
AMAZING POWER of Giving Stuff Away The
Volume II Number 4 | April 2014 | $97
RESOURCE By Steve Clark
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By Matt Bacak
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About the Publisher, Steve Sipress
If you want to grow your business slowly – or just maintain it as is, you’ll have to do that all on your own. But if you want dramatic growth in your income and lifestyle, then Steve’s out-of-the-box and time-tested strategies and tactics could be the keys to your dreams. You can benefit from Steve’s coaching experience and expertise to revolutionize your business – yes, even in this challenging economy – at one of the many in-person entrepreneur events he hosts, OR from the comfort of your own home anywhere in the world. You can also learn basic and advanced direct response marketing strategies and tactics from 150+ hours of video instruction, plus use any or all of Steve’s multi-million-dollar, proven “done-for-you” marketing materials at That website has been called The Single Most Powerful Client Attraction Program Available Anywhere, and you could be using it to skyrocket your income anytime you want, 24/7, along with hundreds of other sharp, successful business leaders. If you’re just starting up your new business, you’ll want to take advantage of all of Steve’s training, guidance and resources at Steve is a successful and award-winning serial entrepreneur, who has created and built nearly a dozen successful companies of his own, and he can help you do the same – more quickly and easily than you’ve ever imagined. In fact, you can immediately use plenty of his simple and powerful strategies and tactics that work especially well in this current frustrating economy! Steve is a celebrated author, speaker and business coach who has established profitable businesses and helped thousands of ambitious and aggressive business owners, entrepreneurs, executives and sales professionals all around the world. He has written numerous newsletters and articles on sales and marketing for a wide range of publications and has appeared on radio and television, helping millions of people along the way. If you want the very best, hard-hitting, no-nonsense, caring advice and help you can get, then “Straight-Talk Steve” could be exactly what you and your business need most. If you’re in the Midwest, you can meet other like-minded business people in person and learn from the world’s leading entrepreneur experts at one of Steve’s many “Chicagoland’s Sharpest Entrepreneurs” live events that he’s hosted since September 2008. You also have the chance to work with other entrepreneurs, business owners, executives and professionals like yourself who want to learn better, more effective ways to market their businesses and grow their incomes, thanks to Steve’s online group and personal coaching programs. Whether you’re a current or future business superstar, Steve can help you get exactly where you want to go as quickly, easily and powerfully as YOU want – with massive results both short-term and long-term.
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www.Facebook .com/SmallBizHelp
“An Incredible Experience!” "When we first started, I was terribly in debt and we were just a few months away from bankruptcy. We started seeing a boost right away in our business, we took what Steve's given me and we just started implementing and implementing, and it's just totally transformed my business. Steve has helped me with my laser focus, he helps me implement, he's taken my business to a whole new level. We went from a half a million dollars to a million dollars in two years. It's just an incredible experience to know that where you think you're just dead and things are horrible, to now anything is possible. I can see taking this to a whole new three or four types of businesses -- it's going to be huge. Steve is all business, he is an unbelievably smart, brilliant man. I can't say enough about him. Everything he's told me, I've made so much money it doesn't matter what it costs. They don't make enough money in this world that somebody could pay me so I would stop listening to Steve. Steve is the exact reason why I have a retirement fund now. It's probably illegal how much fun I'm having!"
Jon Bockman Owner, Bockman's Auto Care Sycamore, Illinois
Manny’s Blog
I’ve Been Workin’ On The Treadmill…
Have you ever heard anyone say, “I’m tired, but it’s a GOOD tired”? I guess that sums it up for me. My cousin Hercules has opened a gym with workouts patterned after the CrossFit hyperintensive regimens. When he gave me a free membership, I thought I would be lounging in a luxury spa. Was I ever wrong! I haven’t panted so much since the collie next door started wearing a fishnet shock collar. (Va-va voom!) I think even the bones I buried in the back yard must be aching! I don’t mind admitting that I had led an unchallenging existence up until that point. (I get paid by the word, so I really don’t mind, regret, or bemoan that I have hitherto, previously, traditionally been a pampered pooch, a coddled canine, a sheltered shedder, a…a…Oh, why did the one book I chewed up have to be a thesaurus???) Don’t get me wrong. Exercise and I are not exactly strangers (although I may have to sniff his butt a few times to refresh my memory). I have always believed in a sound mind in a sound body. (Pay no attention to my “friends” who say I have a body that MAKES sounds.) Still, I really had a lot to learn when I first entered the gym. I thought a “dead lift” had something to do with surreptitiously bringing home roadkill. I was surprised to find that there was more than one function for a “leg lift.” I thought I was well versed in “weights” (“Wait your turn for a treat,” “Wait until I’m ready for your walk,” etc.), but I got really fatigued. I thought “crunches” were what happened when you accidentally knocked Steve’s eyeglasses on the floor and he found them unexpectedly.
And I nearly fainted when they brought out the “medicine ball.” I didn’t care how much yummy stuff they coated it with, I wasn’t swallowing THAT pill. But all in all, I’m glad I’ve made a commitment to pushing myself. Each individual dog needs to know his limits (Visa and MasterCard keep reminding me of mine, doggone it), but sacrificing to be physically fit can bring satisfaction and a longer, better life. I’m asking you humans out there to do your part in seeing that your four-legged companions are spared a dull, solitary existence and get enough exercise. I realize that different owners are blessed with different amounts of space, time, and money; but one of my favorite movies (Disney’s “So Dear To My Heart”) inspires me with the song “It’s What You Do With What You’ve Got.” To the extent that you reasonably CAN, I hope you will make sure your dog gets to romp, play, and tune up all his body systems. Make happy memories of being fully involved with your dog. Or someday you’ll shed a tear when you hear that disturbing song about REALLY pampered animals. You know, “Cat’s In The Cradle.” Brrr.
Manny (full name “Emanuel” or “Dog With Us”) is Steve and Michele Sipress’ crazy, rambunctious cocker spaniel. He has a weak leg (despite a mostlysuccessful back surgery), grey hair, is totally deaf and partially blind. But he still enjoys barking at the mailman and landscapers, pulling dead frogs out of nearby ponds and chasing after his beloved squeaker toy. He loves everyone (even the mailman and landscapers), and everyone loves him.
Volume II Number 4 | Pg 1
Your Website “Must-Have Features” Checklist By David T. Fagan It’s articles and conversations like this where I always feel the need to start with this disclaimer. DISCLAIMER: There are no “silver bullets” in marketing. This means that there is no one thing that works every time for every person in every place. The idea is to always implement as many “best practices” as you possibly can…so here they are: 1.
Good picture of the product, and if you are in the advice business then YOU ARE the product. Speakers, authors, coaches, trainers, attorneys, dentists, chiropractors, realtors and CPA’s cover a fair amount of the industries I am talking about. Third party images that act as social proof. I’m talking about awards, degrees, media recognition for you, your clients or products and services. Always sell through other people, organizations, and companies. Testimonials that take the shape of both video and written words. Show diverse groups of people in both natural settings as well as sophisticated backdrops.
Images that move are keys to catching the eye and holding people’s attention. Sliders or carousels do this well.
A strong ethical bribe is paramount in capturing people’s information. I’ll give you (blank) if you give me (blank). The more valuable the gift, the more information they will give you. Videos, mind maps, demonstrations and digital books and magazines seem to have the best response.
Have an opt-in and a way to use auto responders. Capturing leads of people who visit your website is a top priority.
“Attention getters” are hugely important, especially when you have a website with lots of info on it. These “attention getters” should directly or indirectly focus on what’s in it for the website viewer or prospect.
Surveys or polls that capture feedback and promote interaction are showing positive results when tracked. Getting people to click, take action and participate will be fundamental in 2014.
Compartmentalize your website. Things shouldn’t blend or be hard to read. You should be able to glance from area to area and read everything easily.
10. Have social media feeds. Having Facebook or Twitter updates happening on your website allows you to easily and automatically be updating your website all the time. It also adds credibility and sophistication to any site. 11. Don’t let good sales copy ever take a back seat to “pretty” if you want to make good money. 12. Have lots of images that trigger the right emotions you want for your business.
Compartmentalize your website. Things shouldn’t blend or be hard to read. You should be able to glance from area to area and read everything easily. Pg 2 | Money-Making Monthly Magazine |
13. Your message should match your demographic. Age groups, professions, etc. can alter how you might determine your colors, images and video. 14. Have lots of articles or blogs that people can share, comment on or even rate. Keep in mind there is more credibility in an article than a blog. 15. Always put an image or thumbnail next to your articles. 16. Your pictures, social proof, ethical bribe, opt in, slider and attention getter should all be above the fold on your website. This means that all these things should be visible to the average viewer on your website without them having to scroll down. Everything above the fold is your website real estate. 17. Have your website built in a way that you can update as much as possible yourself. If your time is extremely valuable, have someone on call that can make changes for you at the drop of the hat. 18. Update your site regularly so people feel the need to keep coming back. This is another reason to have social media feeds and post articles. 19. Use up-to-date formats, designs and graphics. People can tell when you are using something out-of-date. The better it looks, the better you look…and the more you can charge. 20. Make sure your sites are very specific to a purpose. Selling sites, squeeze pages, membership sites, main sites, etc. can all vary a little. Set your expectations appropriately for your website. People in the advice business who sell big ticket items for services will most likely never be able to sell online. Your main site, with the checklist I just provided, should be mostly about demonstrating credibility and influence. Although some of these points are more important than others, we will keep the math easy. Go ahead and give yourself 1-5 points for every one of these “must-have’s.”
About David T. Fagan David T. Fagan is best known as an expert in marketing, media and business development. His work has made people and products icons in their respective industries.
91-100 points
81-90 points
71-80 points
He is the former CEO of Guerilla Marketing. As a Business Development Coach for Inc. 500 Infusionsoft, David strategized the company’s system and was able to turn Infusionsoft into a $14 million dollar company from a $7 million dollar company between 2008 and 2009.
61-70 points
For more information, go to:
51-60 points
Volume II Number 4 | Pg 3
Are You Wasting Your Most Valuable Resource?
By Steve Clark
What is your most valuable resource? If you said anything other than time you would be wrong. As a sales professional you are paid in direct proportion to how well you use your time. There are 1,440 minutes in a day. How many of those minutes are you productive? How many of those minutes do you waste? By most accounts people are productive less than 10 percent of those 1,440 minutes each day. Lee Iacocca, one of the most well respected CEOs of our time, admitted that he was productive only about 45 minutes each day. Various studies have shown that salespeople are productive at most about 90 minutes each day. If you think you are more productive I challenge you to do this time productivity activity. Take a legal pad and in the left hand margin write out, in fifteen increments, the hours of the day. Each 15 minutes track and write down what you did. Do this as you go through the day, not at the end of the day when your memory will fail you. Do this for three weeks and then analyze how much of your time is spent doing non productive activities. If you keep an accurate record you will be astounded. 1. Turn off the cell phone and quit answering in-bound phone calls unless you are the receptionist. Telephone usage is out of control. People are addicted to the ringing of the phone the way Pavlov’s dogs were addicted to the ringing of the bell. As a result they are constantly interrupted and suffer from poor productivity. 2. Minimize meetings. Most business meetings are a waste of time. They are attended by participants that erroneously think attendance constitutes productivity. They are punctuated by long discussions that seldom solve anything or result in decisions being made. If you must have a meeting have one with no chairs in the room and no food or drink served. This will encourage people to get the business done so they can return to the comfort of their cubicle where they can prop their feet up on their desk and check their email or surf the web. 3. Be on time. One of my mentors, Dan Kennedy, says that the single greatest characteristic of successful people is their punctuality. Being punctual is an integrity issue that illustrates whether or not one can be trusted. Personally, I will not buy from a salesperson that is late for their appointment. 4. Make and use written lists. Every successful salesperson I know makes and uses written lists. Daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual lists. Lists engage the subconscious and help keep us focused on what needs to be done. Highly successful sales people have far too much going on to try and keep all the things they must do in their head. 5. Schedule your time in chunks. When planning your day schedule your time by blocking out important things first on your calendar. After the important chunks are blocked out go back and plug in the less important items. Be sure to plug in time for returning phone calls and planning. 6. Make use of idle time. Turn off the radio and turn your vehicle into a rolling university by listening to audio programs during commute time and driving to and from sales appointments. Carry reading material with you at all times and make use of the minutes that you now waste when you have to wait. 7. Minimize unplanned time. Learn to discipline yourself by living by a routine and schedule. Leave little to chance and schedule everything including leisure time. Doing this eliminates stress, makes you more focused and productive and most of all gives you peace of mind. Ben Franklin said it best when he said, “Do not squander time — it is the stuff life is made of.” The day of accounting will come and you will look back on your life and either be glad you managed your time well or you will regret that you did not.
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About Steve Clark Steve Clark aka, “The Sales Psychologist”, is the founder and CEO of New School Selling, an international business development and marketing consulting firm. He is the author of ‘Profitable Persuasion - Proven Strategies for Sales and Marketing Success’ and the CoAuthor of “The Ultimate Success Secret” with marketing Guru Dan Kennedy. To take a FREE Sales Quiz, and receive a customized personal analysis of your sales skills plus a set of 6 FREE Sales Training CDs go to:
Expert Interview: Kim Walsh-Phillips,
Queen Of Social Media RESULTS Steve: Today, I have with me the amazingly talented and brilliant Kim Walsh-Phillips. Kim: It’s always my pleasure, because you always say things like that to me. Steve: Well, that’s because I’m known as “Straight-Talk Steve,” so I speak the complete truth. In fact, that’s a tremendous understatement which, even very quickly during this interview, people will realize that I understated your brilliance. I first fell in love with you when I saw just the title of your book, “Awareness Campaigns are Stupid.” I’m holding that book in my hands right now. I have your “My Plan for World Domination” by Kim Walsh. I just love these titles of stuff, so I knew right away “I’ve got to get to know Kim more.” So, I’ve used your Facebook stuff. I’ve used your Linkedin stuff, which is even better for me because, as you know, I’m a B-to-B marketer, so I really connect with businesspeople on Linked In. But every time you come out with some more help and some more ideas about what to do, I can’t wait to get enough of it and to implement it right away. Kim: Thank you, Steve, and I appreciate your straight-talking self. So, thank you so much. Steve: So, let’s get right to it and put you right on the spot. Would you be so kind as to share with my audience one tip for success to make money and not just waste time on Facebook, for a businessperson? Kim: Yeah, sure. My pleasure. So, what’s incredible is that lots of people would say that you can’t track real dollars on social media; but the reality is it’s just a different channel, and it should be treated with the same kind of requirement and goals as every other channel. So, every dollar in should give you more than a dollar back, and it doesn’t matter that it’s on social media. If you’re looking at Facebook, specifically, it’s my favorite for tracking ROI, because they’ve given us so many tools to do
it. And one of the best things you can do right now is to create a conversion pixel. So now what you can do within Facebook is you can track what every ad is doing for you as far as what the results are. So, if you want to sell something from an ad, you can track how many people bought. If you want to just people to opt in, you can track that. If you want to get people to visit a website, play a video - whatever it is that you want them to do - you can now track exactly what they’re doing, how much it’s costing you per action, who’s doing the action - so, what gender they are, what age they are - if they came to you from mobile or if they came to you from desktop. And you can take all of that data and quickly convert it into streamlining your messaging. What I use it for is to scale our campaigns. We’ll do a test on social first, since we’re trying to decide, “Okay. What’s the call to action we want to do?” “What’s the headline?” “What’s the image?” Take one of those tests and run them as a Facebook ad campaign. Throw a hundred bucks or so on it and see which one gets you the most response. See what conversions you’re getting, and then take that and release it to the rest of your campaign. So, not only can you get results, but you can get research that you can take and leverage on all your other media channels. Steve: So, now I’m going to ask you to do the same thing you just did, to reveal one tip that will help people to make money with Linkedin. These are for people that are looking to connect and get clients and make money with more business-type of people, like B-to-B marketing and stuff. What’s the number one helpful tip for making money with Linkedin? Kim: Use the headline on your profile to place your keywords so you can be found by more people. Most people just use it for a title, but we recommend that you actually get your key words in it - the same keywords that you’ll pull from your Google analytics, because there are over a billion searches done every month on Linkedin. People are looking for products and services, and you want to be found. So, optimize your headline using your keywords to get more people to find you.
“Use the headline on your profile to place your keywords so you can be found by more people.“ Volume II Number 4 | Pg 5
Steve: Next and final question, because I see by the clock on the wall that we’ve got to go. So, let me ask this one: Google Plus. I signed up for this thing I don’t know, a couple of years ago when it first started, and I got my ring, or circles, or whatever - the this and the that and hangouts and whoknows. And I’m on there, and I see people add me to their circles. I get these notifications or something, and I really don’t do anything with Google Plus. What am I missing?
Steve: So, my next question - because we only have a few minutes left - here’s a question I want to ask. And, again, it goes back to the fact that every Tom-Dick-and-Harry, failedlife-coach and whatever on Earth just puts themselves out there and says, “Hey, I’m a social media expert,” and then teaches people how to waste time all day by tweeting and Facebooking and whatever. How did you first get involved and become - and realize you needed to put yourself out there as - a “social media marketing expert?” Kim: Oh, I was one of those people who were just wasting time. I had no idea what I was doing, saying I was the hardestworking poor person you could ever know. There had to have been much easier ways to be broke than what I was doing. But we were out there on social media just sharing awareness messages. And it wasn’t until we discovered that you could effectively - when I got to learn direct-response marketing, got to try it and see it work and had my first lead come to me on Linkedin without having to have gone to get it... We knew we had goals and realized, “You know what? There are a lot of direct-response marketers saying ‘social media can’t work.’ And there are a lot of social media people putting out garbage. So, we can actually take direct-response marketing to social and set ourselves up as experts and create a niche that doesn’t exist right now.” And so it was a huge opportunity. We were so very blessed that we were in the game. I was involved in social media actually, the back story: really early on, we did a lot of work in the hospitality industry in the Miami and Palm Beach area. And so they adopted social media pretty early. We did a lot on MySpace. So, we knew the technology well from the beginning, and then when we combined it with direct-response, it really became a powerhouse of content and ROI.
Kim: Okay. So, nobody is really using it. Or, you’re not there; and I don’t recommend actually spending any time on it - except for the fact that Google loves it because they created it, and its theirs. So, they will rank your content higher on search. So, the one thing I could recommend that everybody use it for is to just go ahead and post the same stuff that you are putting out on your blog or your other places. Post your title and a link to your article on Google Plus, because Google will rank that content higher than anything else of your searches, and it will just give you more web traffic because of it. So, you don’t have to bother to do all the networking stuff, but do go post your content on there. Steve: I was busy writing that down. I’m going to immediately do that and have my assistant immediately put - I’ve got hundreds of blog posts, so she now has a lot of extra work that she has to do. Kim: Don’t put them all up at one time, because Google Plus notifies everybody of everything you do on there. So, you don’t want to spam them by putting everything up all at one time, but start - you could do it twice a day and end up getting all your content up there. Steve: Okay. Very good. So, you have now helped me and our readers and listeners make money with Facebook, with Linkedin, with Google Plus. In the final couple of minutes here, I’m going to ask a question that I wonder if there’s even a possible answer to this one: But is there any possible way to have anything useful occur for a businessperson with Twitter? Kim: We do really well on Twitter! So, yeah. It’s interesting. It’s very good for getting people onto your opt-in opportunities. So we have found Facebook to do incredibly well to get people to go straight to a purchase, to using tripwires on Facebook which that does not work on Twitter. You cannot bring people into a sale. But you can promote a training event, a free report, some kind of opt-in opportunity. So, that’s how I use Twitter
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tribe, then you want to build up your Twitter followers.
you want to get more stories, and you want to utilize PR “asSo,anifinexpensive way to spread your message and build your
effectively with our firm and with our clients - is just to get email addresses, and to drive traffic to blogs. Steve: I love it. I’ve done the same thing. I’ve gotten all kinds of free stuff and blog posts and articles and free events and things like that have worked pretty well with Twitter. Also, another thing that’s happened with me is I’ve been contacted by some media people and whatever, saying, “Hey, I like the stuff you put on Twitter. Would you become a contributor to this?”That’s how I became a regular contributor to - “Crain’s Chicago Business” - and a couple of other great connections from it. So, just by putting out some good content on Twitter, maybe somebody influential even finds you. Kim: Yeah, I was going to say that - that media outlets love how you can connect with them to get stories. But also I have found that our clients that have stronger Twitter followings that can lead outlets to want to interview them, because they see them as having an audience. So, if you want to get more stories, and you want to utilize PR as an inexpensive way to spread your message and build your tribe, then you want to build up your Twitter followers. Steve: And as we close the interview today, I want to give you an opportunity to just share with the audience “What is coming up next?” There’s always something exciting next, so what’s coming up next in the world of Kim Walsh-Phillips? Kim: We have our “Spring Training,” as we call it. I have a free Facebook training that I’d love people to jump on and get these kinds of tips. And, of course, it’s a visual media, so I show you, step-by-step, how to do this stuff that you and I have been talking about, Steve. And that’s coming up on May 1st. It’s “How To Create A Killer Facebook Sales System In Three Steps: How To Turn Likes Into Sales.” To listen to the complete interview in its entirety, go to:
About Kim J. Walsh-Phillips Kim Walsh-Phillips is the award-winning speaker, author, strategist and CEO of IO Creative Group, a results-driven marketing and PR agency. She is a techie marketing geek with great shoes, a hatred of awareness campaigns and an obsession for marketing with a sharp focus on ROI. Kim has worked with brands such as GKIC Inner Circle, Sandler Training, Harley-Davidson, Chem-Dry, and Hilton Hotels to increase revenue through direct response marketing. Kim has been featured by NBC, CBS, FOX and NPR and is the author of best-selling Stupid Series, including Awareness Campaigns Are Stupid and Other Secrets to Stop Being An Advertising Victim and Start Monetizing Your Marketing and the upcoming book: Most Social Media Is Stupid: Strategies To Monetize Your Online Marketing While You Ignore Everything Else. Register for her free video training series, “How To Turn Facebook Traffic Into Buyers In Three Easy Steps” at:
Volume II Number 4 | Pg 7
The Amazing Power of Giving Stuff Away How do you make money online? You pick a hot market, you set up a website with a lead capture page (opt-in page), you sell products and you also collect those email address to sell those leads products or services in the future. The goal of your opt-in page is to get people to opt in and give you their email address so you can send them offers. So what’s the best way to get people excited and interested about giving you their information? It’s simple. You give away something valuable for free. Why would you give away something that is valuable for free? The simplest answer is because when you give away something valuable with no strings attached, people are going to be interested. They are going to be excited. Who doesn’t love to get free stuff? Not only will they fill out their email address to get your free product or free report, they are more open to buying something from you in the future. Your lead thinks, “If they gave me this great product for free, I can’t imagine what I’ll get when I give them my credit card information.” So you are capturing their email address, but you’re also capturing their attention.
By Matt Bacak
about sales funnels. I’m not going to give away my secrets but if you’re unsure of where to start, there is plenty of information out there to help you set yours up. Lastly, after they’ve been through your sales funnel, you’re going to follow up with them and send them an email sequence. This email sequence is where you’re going to sell them affiliate products and even your own products. I’m going to go into a lot more detail about affiliate marketing in my upcoming book, The Fastest Way, so keep an eye out for more details. But the point is: The whole process is started by giving away something valuable for free! There are many strategies to making money on the internet, but nothing makes sense unless you have a big list. Email marketing is the most profitable way to make money on the internet. When you build a list of hot and hungry prospects, you control your future.
Deciding on what to give away is up to you, but there are a couple of things I want you to take into consideration. I personally give away a free report in my opt-in pages. I know other big name internet marketers who give away other things like software. It’s really up to you as to what you decide. I’d just like to note, however, that the biggest reason I give away free reports and not software is because I haven’t had a team set up to create software until just recently. I can see myself leaning towards giving away free software in the future. I also think that many internet marketers will be headed in that direction in the years to come. The key thing to remember when deciding on what to give away is that it must be valuable and also congruent with the type of list you want to build. What do I mean by congruent? If you want to send out offers to your list about weight loss products, then your free gift on your lead capture page should be about weight loss. Now after you have captured their email address, the first thing you’re going to do is offer them a product to buy. Depending on whether they purchase that product, you’re going to send them to an upsell or a downsell. This is called your sales funnel. There is a lot of information on the internet
About Matt Bacak Matt Bacak is considered by many an Internet Marketing Legend. Using his stealth marketing techniques, he became a best-selling author with a huge fan base of over 1.2 million people in his niche as well as multimillion dollar companies. There are many strategies to making money on the internet, but nothing makes sense unless you have a big list. Email marketing is the most profitable way to make money on the internet. When you build a list of hot and hungry prospects you control your future. Discover how to use the internet and turn your computer into a cash gushing machine. Sign up right now for Matt Bacak’s FREE online newsletter to find out how to do exactly that - Go here:
Pg 8 | Money-Making Monthly Magazine |
Sales And Marketing Lessons From Barack Obama By Steve Sipress
Our current President possesses some extremely impressive skills, and all the way at the top of the list BY FAR is his skill at persuading Americans (he does, after all, hold the record for most votes ever received by an American political candidate – despite an almost complete lack of experience, a scandalridden administration and an extremely underwhelming track record).
(Will someone please let Apple, Google, Mercedes-Benz, Disney, Honda, Rolex, American Express, etc. etc. etc. know that they should stop all of their marketing efforts?)
I admire his stubborn persistence to continue trying all kinds of sales and marketing strategies to sell his signature piece of legislation to the American public.
If you truly believe that what you have is useful and valuable to your clients, then you have a moral obligation to try to serve them in every way possible.”
Some outspoken critics of Obamacare scoff at the various marketing campaigns, proclaiming nonsense like, “If something is good and useful, you don’t have to sell it” and “A good product sells itself.”
I’m convinced that President Obama and other progressive liberals actually believe that Obamacare is a good law. So even though I completely disagree with that belief, I admire their commitment to fulfill their moral obligation by trying everything they possibly can to sell and market it.
In last week’s post (at, I wrote about Jay Abraham’s famous pronouncement:
I wholeheartedly disagree. As does every successful business person. Pg 10 | Money-Making Monthly Magazine |
Don’t be fooled into focusing on “traffic” or “leads” or “hits” – focus on the only thing that actually matters: RESULTS. But despite all of his skills of persuasion, and all of the creative and persistent marketing being done by him, with him and for him, his attempt has been doomed to fail from the very beginning.
TIP: You may think you have a product or service that people NEED, but you will likely get very frustrated (and possibly go broke) trying to sell it. Find out what people WANT instead, and then offer it to them.
And that’s not just because Obamacare itself is a complete and utter train wreck of a law (as I first wrote about at www., but because of four universal marketing principles that even The Leader Of The Free World cannot overcome:
Sales And Marketing Lesson #2 You Should Learn From Barack Obama (if you didn’t know it already):
Sales And Marketing Lesson #1 You Should Learn From Barack Obama (if you didn’t know it already): People don’t buy what they NEED – they buy what they WANT. When Obama and his fellow progressive liberals campaigned and pushed for the passage of Obamacare, they repeatedly claimed that it would be the solution to the problem that 46 million Americans didn’t have health insurance. The latest fuzzy figures released by “the most transparent administration in history” say that 5 million people have signed up for healthcare since the infamous launch of Healthcare. gov. Of course, we don’t know how many of those qualified for medicaid, or how many of those actually completed their purchase of health insurance by paying their first month’s premium. But let’s use a figure that even the law’s most fervent supporters wouldn’t dare and project that by the enrollment deadline less than two weeks from now (more on that later), a total of 8 million previously-uninsured people will have obtained health insurance thanks to Obamacare. That would still leave about 38 million Americans still without health insurance – or about 83% of the group that Obamacare was specifically designed to help. In other words, only about 17% of those whom Obama and the progressive liberals claim “need” health insurance will have proven willing to buy it. The other 83% or so just don’t want it, and all the slick and creative sales and marketing our Commander In Chief can spend our tax dollars on won’t get them to buy it. Because people buy what they WANT – not what other people think they NEED.
“Leads” are not “sales.” Perhaps Obama’s most-famous and most-effective strategy to market his ironically-named “Affordable Care Act” was to film a 6:30 “Funny Or Die” video of a mock interview with comedic actor Zack Galifianakis a few of weeks ago. The video was released to the public last Tuesday and immediately went viral, tallying over a million views in just its first three-and-ahalf hours and breaking the 3 million mark in under six hours. Yesterday, it broke the 19-million view mark in its first week. Within hours of its release, the White House promoted the fact that the video was fulfilling its intended goal of driving a tremendous number of hits to the website (although “the most transparent administration in history” characteristically neglected to share any details about the actual number until nearly a week later, when Senior Advisor to the President Valerie Jarrett said it was about a million in the first day alone). That immediately made me think of the saying that sharp marketers have: “Hits” stands for “How Idiots Track Success.” Does anyone in their right mind believe that a million previouslyuninsured Americans (or even a meaningful fraction of that number) watched this video and then immediately purchased health insurance as a result? Remember: “Leads” are not “sales.” (On the internet, that translates to: “Hits” don’t mean “sales.”) TIP: Don’t be fooled into focusing on “traffic” or “leads” or “hits” – focus on the only thing that actually matters: RESULTS. Sales And Marketing Lesson #3 You Should Learn From Barack Obama (if you didn’t know it already): Selling “prevention” is a monumental, difficult, expensive undertaking.
Volume II Number 4 | Pg 11
believe that what you have is useful and valuable “ Iftoyouyourtrulyclients, then you have a moral obligation to try
to serve them in every way possible. In a “town hall meeting” last week, President Obama actually showed how little he knows about effective marketing when he tried to convince young people to buy health insurance instead of cable TV and cell phones, saying: “If you looked at their cable bill, their telephone, their cell phone bill… it may turn out that, it’s just they haven’t prioritized health care.” That’s right, Mr. President. And they never will. Because they’re humans. Newsflash: Health insurance is not a priority for healthy human beings. TIP: Even if you do sell “prevention,” you should come up with a way to present your “prevention” as a “cure.” *NOTE: That was the original plan to sell Obamacare: By purchasing it, previously-uninsured people would avoid having to pay a tax penalty. Unfortunately, this was an inept strategy, because the penalty is FAR less than the cost of buying the thing that uninsured people don’t want – insurance. (Not to mention that not only do young, healthy people not want to buy health insurance, but many of them also don’t want to be used to subsidize the needs of older, less healthy people just so that the whole system doesn’t fall apart.) Sales And Marketing Lesson #4 You Should Learn From Barack Obama (if you didn’t know it already): As I wrote in my blog post on how to compel people to action (at There is tremendous power in a deadline.
- Jay Abraham
*I won’t type everything out again, because you can easily just click on that link above and go re-read that post (and take ACTION on what I teach in it!). Pay attention over the next couple of weeks, because you’re likely to see not only a flurry of marketing by our federal government, but also the best enrollment numbers since Obamacare’s launch (not that we really know the true details). TIP: You should do the same: 1. ALWAYS set a deadline to go along with every one of your offers; and 2. Ramp up your marketing efforts as the deadline approaches, because that’s when people are most likely to take action. Here’s the bottom-line… The Leader Of The Free World (and quite possibly The World’s Most Persuasive Man) is having tremendous trouble – you could say “failing miserably” – selling his signature law designed to provide something that tens of millions of Americans supposedly “need,” despite the backing of dozens of major celebrities and athletes and almost all of the nation’s mainstream media, the help of some of the most creative advertising minds in the world and a budget of nearly $700 million of your tax dollars at work. Can YOU afford to make any of the many major mistakes that Barack Obama is making with his beloved Obamacare when it comes to the sales and marketing of YOUR product or service?
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Pg 12 | Money-Making Monthly Magazine |
Volume II Number 4 | Pg 13
This Month’s Money-Making Info
I’ve Been Workin’ On The Treadmill…
By Matt Bacak
Manny’s Blog
Your Website “Must-Have Features” Checklist By David T. Fagan
The Amazing Power of Giving Stuff Away
Are You Wasting Your Most Valuable Resource?
Sales And Marketing Lessons From Barack Obama By Steve Sipress
By Steve Clark
Expert Interview: Kim Walsh-Phillips, Queen Of Social Media RESULTS Publisher Steve Sipress Successful Selling Systems, Inc. 869 E Schaumburg Rd #237 Schaumburg, IL 60194 (p) 773-236-8134 (f ) 847-232-1535 Questions? Comments? Suggestions?
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Editor Jennifer Maks
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