Money-Making Monthly - January 2014

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Volume II Number 1 | January 2014 | $97

THE Monthly Magazine For Sharp Entrepreneurs

The Importance of Celebrating Small Victories By Matt Bacak Page 2

Do Facebook Ad Really Work? By Kim J. Walsh-Phillips

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Survival Strategies To Beat The Recession By Ted Nicholas



About the Publisher, Steve Sipress

If you want to grow your business slowly – or just maintain it as is, you’ll have to do that all on your own. But if you want dramatic growth in your income and lifestyle, then Steve’s out-of-the-box and time-tested strategies and tactics could be the keys to your dreams. You can benefit from Steve’s coaching experience and expertise to revolutionize your business – yes, even in this challenging economy – at one of the many in-person entrepreneur events he hosts, OR from the comfort of your own home anywhere in the world. You can also learn basic and advanced direct response marketing strategies and tactics from 150+ hours of video instruction, plus use any or all of Steve’s multi-million-dollar, proven “done-for-you” marketing materials when you take advantage of his 30-days-for-only-$1 trial offer at That website has been called The Single Most Powerful Client Attraction Program Available Anywhere, and you could be using it to skyrocket your income anytime you want, 24/7, along with hundreds of other sharp, successful business leaders. Steve is a successful and award-winning serial entrepreneur, who has created and built nearly a dozen successful companies of his own, and he can help you do the same – more quickly and easily than you’ve ever imagined. In fact, you can immediately use plenty of his simple and powerful strategies and tactics that work especially well in this current frustrating economy! Steve is a celebrated author, speaker and business coach who has established profitable businesses and helped thousands of ambitious and aggressive business owners, entrepreneurs, executives and sales professionals all around the world. He has written numerous newsletters and articles on sales and marketing for a wide range of publications and has appeared on radio and television, helping millions of people along the way. If you want the very best, hard-hitting, no-nonsense, caring advice and help you can get, then “Straight-Talk Steve” could be exactly what you and your business need most. If you’re in the Midwest, you can meet other like-minded business people in person and learn from the world’s leading entrepreneur experts at one of Steve’s many “Chicagoland’s Sharpest Entrepreneurs” live events that he’s hosted since September 2008. You also have the chance to work with other entrepreneurs, business owners, executives and professionals like yourself who want to learn better, more effective ways to market their businesses and grow their in es, thanks to Steve’s online group and personal coaching programs. Whether you’re a current or future business superstar, Steve can help you get exactly where you want to go as quickly, easily and powerfully as YOU want – with massive results both short-term and long-term.

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“An Incredible Experience!” "When we first started, I was terribly in debt and we were just a few months away from bankruptcy. We started seeing a boost right away in our business, we took what Steve's given me and we just started implementing and implementing, and it's just totally transformed my business. Steve has helped me with my laser focus, he helps me implement, he's taken my business to a whole new level. We went from a half a million dollars to a million dollars in two years. It's just an incredible experience to know that where you think you're just dead and things are horrible, to now anything is possible. I can see taking this to a whole new three or four types of businesses -- it's going to be huge. Steve is all business, he is an unbelievably smart, brilliant man. I can't say enough about him. Everything he's told me, I've made so much money it doesn't matter what it costs. They don't make enough money in this world that somebody could pay me so I would stop listening to Steve. Steve is the exact reason why I have a retirement fund now. It's probably illegal how much fun I'm having!"

Jon Bockman Owner, Bockman's Auto Care Sycamore, Illinois


Manny’s Blog

A Year BURSTING With Anniversaries


’ve been admiring my brand spanking new 2014 calendar, and I’m salivating over all the major anniversaries to write about. February 14 is the 25th anniversary of the first 24 GPS (Global Positioning System) satellites being placed in orbit. After a quarter of a century, humans STILL haven’t done anything with Duke Dachshund’s idea for a BPS (Bone Positioning System) or GCPS (Garbage Can Positioning System) to help absent-minded canines. July 25 marks the 25th anniversary of “Seinfeld.” It started out slowly, but soon millions of Americans were glued to their TVs and forgetting to feed their cats – not that there’s anything wrong with that! There are lots of 50th anniversaries coming up in 2014. “My Fair Lady” was a popular film in 1964, even though they missed out on the song “I Could Have Barked All Night.” The Surgeon General issued his famous report linking cigarette smoking to cancer; Steve and Michele kept waiting for the other shoe to drop, but the report on roadkill and table scraps never came. *Whew!* The first Ford Mustang rolled off the assembly line on March 9, 1964. I always thought The Great Society should have included letting elderly dogs hang around the automotive plants and chase the “sitting duck” cars as they came out. (President Johnson’s War On Poverty started 50 years ago, but has anybody ever done anything about Old Mother Hubbard? Noooooooooo.) 80 million Americans watched the Beatles’ U.S. debut on

“The Ed Sullivan Show,” even though they chickened out and didn’t perform the number “I Wanna Hold Your Leg.” The TV game show “Jeopardy!” debuted on March 30th fifty years ago. My grandpa said that the first “potent potable” was Ty-D-Bol. 75th anniversaries? Well, we have diamond jubilees for “Gone With The Wind,” “The Wizard of Oz” and Batman. When Scarlett swore, “I’ll never be hungry again!,” I’ll bet she had the BPS in mind! Family lore claims that prankster Toto was muttering to himself “Follow the yellow snow trail…follow the yellow snow trail...” during Oz filming. And the Caped Crusdader has shown us from the beginning that criminals are a cowardly, superstitious lot. Yeah, crooks are so funny…hey! Was that thunder???? I’ve even found some 100th anniversaries to celebrate. Babe Ruth made his major league debut with the Boston Red Sox on July 11, 1914. Not to take anything away from the Sultan of Swat, but one of my ancestors made a lot more “home runs.” Of course his girlfriend’s owner WAS after him with a shotgun. Finally, the Panama Canal was officially opened 100 years ago this August 15th. That is a prime example of the unfairness of life. Dig across an isthmus and you’re an engineering genius. Dig across a flowerbed and you’re banished to the dog house! *Sigh* I dredged up a few sore spots, but I expect 2014 to be a great year. Join me here next month and let me know how YOUR year is going.

Manny (full name “Emanuel” or “Dog With Us”) is Steve and Michele Sipress’ crazy, rambunctious cocker spaniel. He has a weak leg (despite a mostlysuccessful back surgery), grey hair, is totally deaf and partially blind. But he still enjoys barking at the mailman and landscapers, pulling dead frogs out of nearby ponds and chasing after his beloved squeaker toy. He loves everyone (even the mailman and landscapers), and everyone loves him.

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The Importance of Enjoying Small Victories By Matt Bacak


hen I started, I was nicknamed the Powerful Promoter. I didn’t do anything in the internet marketing world. I was doing wealth building. It wasn’t until 2001 that I started my first list. That was a pivotal moment for me. I started my list because I had things to sell and also because I wanted a platform where I could be a reporter. Maybe that sounds strange to you so let me explain. I started a newsletter called Millionaire Minutes. I never said I was a millionaire because I wasn’t at that point. It was my way of making friends and learning from the greatest minds in the internet marketing world. I leveraged my newsletter to get closer to the people I wanted to learn from.

I remember when I made my first hundred thousand. It was a huge success for me. As soon as I made that, I knew I just had to do what I did ten more times to make a million bucks. Within six months, I made my first million dollars online, from the time I made my first hundred thousand. It was such a great feeling. Without breaking my goal down into smaller steps, I may have never gotten there. So be realistic in your goals you set for the upcoming year. Big picture, you may want to make a million dollars but what small steps do you need to take to get there? Start at the beginning and celebrate every victory you have on your journey to your goal. Set your goals so you can have those victories to keep yourself encouraged. Then take massive action and make it happen.

The great thing about this newsletter is that I was able to bring value to not only my list, who subscribed to my newsletter but also to the people I was interviewing. I had something the millionaires desired. I had a list of people that wanted to buy their products. Now I tell you this story because I want you to understand how valuable your list is. Also, I wanted to share my experiences with you so you would understand where I came from. I didn’t start with a million dollars. Most people don’t. I started out with an idea and the desire to make a million dollars. The first thing I did was learn from the people who had gone before me. What is your dream? Is your goal to make a million dollars? Who can you learn from to get you where you want to be in life? When I started out on my quest to earn a million dollars, I would come home every day defeated. I would think, I didn’t make a million dollars, therefore I’m a loser. I’m a failure. A big moment for me was when I realized that I had to make my first dollar before I could make a million. From there, I had to make my first hundred dollars and then my first thousand dollars. I knew if I continued to only look at the bigger picture, I would stay defeated. I have to start cheering myself on and keeping a positive attitude. I had to celebrate the little victories along the way to stay motivated.

About Matt Bacak Matt Bacak is considered by many an Internet Marketing Legend. Using his stealth marketing techniques, he became a best-selling author with a huge fan base of over 1.2 million people in his niche as well as multi-million dollar companies. There are many strategies to making money on the internet, but nothing makes sense unless you have a big list. Email marketing is the most profitable way to make money on the internet. When you build a list of hot and hungry prospects you control your future. Discover how to use the internet and turn your computer into a cash gushing machine. Sign up right now for Matt Bacak’s FREE online newsletter to find out how to do exactly that - Go here:

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Survival Strategies To Beat The Recession By Ted Nicholas These are dangerous but exciting times.


’ve been getting lots of questions from people who have been worried about their business and finances over the past five years. Let’s take a hard look at what makes the world go ‘round. Money. Let’s examine the money situation as they apply to every first-world country, especially the U.S. There are currently eight million houses with negative equity in the U.S. right now. Millions of homeowners owe more on their house than it’s worth. Everyone has been hit - the poor, rich and middle class have all been severely affected. And it’s going to get worse before it gets better. About 11 million people are officially unemployed in the U.S. – and that’s not including millions more who have given up trying. Even undesirable jobs are tough to find. Consumers have reduced their standard of living for years by cutting spending. But as always, as an entrepreneur, because of the many options open to you, you can survive and even prosper during these times. To succeed in this environment you’ve got to look at the realities. And stop buying all the nonsense so-called experts and the media are currently reporting. Here is how I see it. Every 20 years or so we experience a recession. Recessions are therefore cyclical. And by their nature temporary. This recession is worse than most. But the medicine, the cure, the solution, is evident. In general, consumers as well as most business owners are tuning into and listening to the wrong music. You don’t have to follow the crowd. I’ve always made far more money during recessions than so-called good times. And so can you. I’m going to provide, in a moment, some tough love. I provide my suggestions on what action you can and should take. But for many, because the steps are not easy, some may be a bitter pill to swallow. Others will enjoy the process enormously. When you pass through these times unscathed, you will prosper like you never have before! It’s

a fact while many are suffering, there are some who are getting very rich. And you can be one of them. Here are some survival strategies open to you: Debt You must become debt-free as soon as possible. There are lots of untruths told about money. Here is the biggest money lie of all: You can spend your way to wealth by taking on debt, according to many people. English, European, Australian, Asian and American consumers have accepted this myth. This is, of course, ridiculous. The only long-range beneficiaries of uncontrolled consumer spending are banks and insurance companies. Consumers stay broke while lenders get rich. The only sure road to lasting wealth presently is the same as it ever was: via savings and investment. To be able to save you must take immediate steps to get out of debt. This includes paying off credit card debt and car loans. Finally, you must pay off your mortgage. Just imagine what life would be like for you without car payments, credit card payments and mortgage payments! You also must learn to generate several new streams of income. What rich people know that poor people do not is this: The best form of income is passive income. Poor people exchange time for money. They live paycheckto-paycheck their whole lives. Unlike poor people, rich people don’t work for money. Instead they invest their money and make it work for them. Thus they collect various forms of passive income. This includes rents, dividends and interest. The rich also recognize the very best form of passive income is from royalties. The resultant passive income from intellectual property is completely unique. You do the work once and collect royalties forever from books, newsletters, special reports, software and inventions. The most outstanding wealth-building vehicle of all is a business of your own. Every self-made millionaire and

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billionaire owns their own business. The good news. It’s easier, faster and costs less today to become an entrepreneur while holding down a job. You can start in your spare time while keeping your day job. And you can build a business working right out of your home. During a recession, some business categories actually perform much better than in good times. There may never be a better time to start a business than right now. But, as I’ve described, you must take steps to reduce debt and expenses at once. Only then can you fully cash in on all the opportunities that may be open to you. Savings You must master the art of delayed gratification. To become very wealthy, discover what has been correctly deemed the “8th wonder of the world” - compound interest. Save and invest 15% of your earnings from here on. I’ve been doing this since age 20. If you save just $1 a day from age 20 to age 60 you could retire with $1,000,000 in cash. Governments Don’t make the mistake of fully trusting any government on this planet. All work to perpetuate their power, not protect your rights and freedom. Employ a personal multi-flag system involving at least three countries. (1) live in one county; (2) set up your business in a second country; and (3) keep your money in a third country.

Skills Learn to sell. Effective selling may be the one skill that practically guarantees you will get or keep a job, especially during a recession. Business is selling. You cannot make money unless you master selling. This should be taught in school. But it’s not. Instead of honoring the selling profession, it is often criticized and even “put down” by professors, books, movies and plays, i.e., “Death of a Salesman” by Arthur Miller, etc. Contrary to common belief, effective selling is the highest paid job in the world. Even less well known is this: Selling using the written word is far more lucrative than personal sales. And copywriting is a learned - not an inborn - skill. Bottom line is this: You can learn how to become a wealthy and highly soughtafter copywriter. Many of my students earn $100,000, $250,000, $500,000 and more. Several are millionaires. During tough times copywriters tend to be busier during these times than ever. Why? To survive, business owners must continue to bring in new customers regardless of the economic situation. As a professional copywriter, you can write your own paycheck. And be completely free to create whatever lifestyle you choose. Sales are, of course, the lifeblood of every business. If you are working for a company and can prove you can bring in sales through creating sales copy, you will never be laid off or fired.

Investment Advice

The Most Important Investment Decision No One Talks About

Make sure your advisers are successful. Never take investment advice from anyone unless they can prove they are wealthy, or at least as rich as you. Make sure they have gotten rich by following their recommendations to you.

In what currency do you do business? The strength of the currency in which you keep your investments is crucial to your economic health. This includes shares, bonds, insurance annuities. Yet few advisers ever bring it up. The reality? Most have no clue or knowledge about its importance.

Many investment advisers who I’ve questioned have confessed to me their surprise that more clients don’t ask them questions about their own wealth.

It’s crucial to diversify the currencies amongst several strong ones in which you hold investments. The world’s wealthiest people utilize currencies such as the Swiss Franc, Australian Dollar, Norwegian Kroner and the Euro.

The Best Investment The best investment you can ever make is in your own real-world education. When you build your knowledge it can never be taken away from you. Invest in books, DVDs, CDs and seminars. I’ve invested over $50,000 annually for many years in my education. And it continues - life is a continuing learning process.

Unfortunately, the U.S. dollar has been one of the world’s weakest currencies - especially during the last few years. That’s why the super-wealthy such as Buffett, Gates and Soros have moved their cash completely out of U.S. dollars for years. I have not had a single investment denominated in dollars for several years.

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The market should be allowed to work and cleanse itself of ineffective companies and management. Government Bailouts I oppose government bailouts. Fannie Mae, Freddy Mac, IMG, the “Big 3” auto companies and many more got into bad shape due to poor decisions and ineffective management who made numerous blunders. Each of these companies needed to be completely restructured - not given billions of dollars to the same or similar weak, ineffective management that caused the problems. To put these same people who destroyed their companies in charge of billions made no sense whatsoever. That’s like putting the fox in charge of the henhouse and expecting a good result. The solution? I personally don’t think bankruptcy of troubled entities is the end of the world. Just like the airlines have done they could reorganize and restructure. They could bring in new management. And financing could be done on the free market. The market should be allowed to work and cleanse itself of ineffective companies and management. Instead, simply by giving money to these poorly-run companies, the U.S. tossed out the free market. And didn’t solve the basic problem in any way. This is a very dangerous road indeed. Free markets are what made the U.S. the envy of the world.

of President Obama was clearly a vote not for him, but against the enormously unpopular President Bush. I am actually happy about the historic choice of an AfricanAmerican U.S. president. This has and will continue to inspire in many ways the African-Americans, Latinos and other minorities in the U.S. and throughout the world. Finally, many racial barriers have been lowered. However, I’m also concerned about the near future. Not just for myself. But for my children, friends and clients who live in the U.S. Right now the U.S. needs lower taxes and smaller government. Obama favors higher taxes and bigger government. This clearly is the wrong direction and doesn’t work. I can only hope and pray that our President will somehow be persuaded by taxpayers as well as his advisers to reverse course on many big financial issues. I have shared my thoughts and suggestions with Obama. Whatever your views are, I hope you do the same. Especially if you are an American citizen. I trust your recession strategy will give your business a success margin.

About Ted Nicholas

There is a proven system in the U.S. for companies who need to reorganize. It’s called Chapter 11 under the bankruptcy law. What about consumers who are being foreclosed upon? I don’t wish them any more suffering. But what has happened to individual responsibility?

Ted Nicholas is a successful international speaker and author, an expert marketing consultant and one of the most successful and highest-paid copywriters in the world.

President Obama and the Democratic Congress

Get your copy of Ted’s free eBook, “87 Marketing Secrets of the Written Word” at:

As a libertarian I favor free markets, small government and maximum individual freedom. The original election

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Minimum Rage

By Steve Sipress


here’s a big cry these days from non-business owners for the government to raise the minimum wage.

• The town of SeaTac, Washington recently voted to require that over 6,000 workers in and around the nation’s 15th-busiest airport be paid $15.00 per hour – more than double the national minimum wage. • Fast-food workers all across the country have been marching and protesting to try to get the government to increase the minimum wage. • Wal-Mart has been the subject of much publicity about its “inhumane” treatment of its workers, including the low wages it pays its lowest-value workers. What has happened to our country, that people now aspire to the “minimum”? I’ve interviewed, hired and trained thousands of salespeople over the past 30+ years, and the kiss of death in any interview has always been when the job applicant asked me, “What does your average salesperson make?” I never was and never will be looking for someone interested in being “average” – I’m always on the lookout for superstars. And from what I see lately, millions of Americans are no longer even looking to be average – all the buzz is about the “minimum!”

The way I figured it, not only was I earning double what any of my friends were making (a whopping $184/week), but since I was working so much, I didn’t have a lot of time to waste going out and spending all of my money! So I was actually able to save a bunch of money that summer, which I spent on a kick-butt stereo system (you know, back in the days where the bigger the speakers, the better) and my first car (a 1973 Ford Pinto, thank you very much). If I had not planned on going to college, I would have performed so well at both of those jobs that I would practically have forced one or both of my bosses to promote me and give me raises. But I would NOT EVER have simply done whatever was the bare minimum required just to get by for years on end and then just complained that the government should mandate an increase in the minimum wage.

Can you imagine if someone ever walked into your office looking for a sales position and said, “Hey, I want to know one thing before I take this job: What’s the minimum amount of money that your worst salesperson makes, because that’s how much I demand to make?”

(*As it turns out, I got a pure-commission job hustling around Madison Square Garden hawking peanuts and popcorn during my junior year in high school, and was able to earn A LOT more money – and basically on my terms – for over a year-and-a-half before I went away to college.)

No adult should be concerned with what the minimum wage is. We’ve all had minimum-wage jobs, but we’re supposed to grow out of them.

As the late, great business philosopher Jim Rohn said: “Life is a ladder – not a bed.”

When I was 16 years old, my response to being dissatisfied with the minimum wage (which was then $2.30 per hour) was to work TWO full-time minimum wage jobs at the same time over the summer between my sophomore and junior years in high school.

The idea is not just to lay in one spot forever – it’s to move up. That’s the attitude that made America great – but sadly  it’s becoming increasingly rare.

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It’s outrageous that millions of Americans aspire to work a crappy job for their whole adult lives, and then complain for the government to mandate that they get better pay instead of dedicating themselves to do whatever it takes to provide more value to society and therefore earn more money.

• Making each current employee handle more tasks

Remember the movies, “Rudy” or “Urban Cowboy” or “An Officer And A Gentleman”? They’re all about the fact that people HATE the very idea of having to work in factories and how they’ll do just about anything to escape the life of being a factory worker. I don’t recall anyone ever saying, “Those movies make no sense. Factory jobs are great!”

• Cutting corners in production

So why is it that we let politicians get away with proclaiming pure nonsense like “We need more manufacturing jobs,” and brainwashing Americans into believing that?

• and more – basically, whatever it takes.

Of course the politicians themselves don’t even believe that. Show me one politician who wants his or her own children to work in a factory their whole lives, or to make the minimum wage as an adult. When you artificially raise the wage level, that causes a problem for business owners. And business owners are resourceful people. Our job is to solve problems. It’s what we do. Make no mistake: If the government decides to drastically increase the minimum wage, we WILL find a way around the problem of having to pay an artificially-higher wage for the lowest-level, least-value workers. Some of our solutions might include: • Raising prices • Charging additional fees • Providing fewer services

• Cutting staff • Using lower-quality ingredients • Using lower-quality equipment

• Providing smaller portions • Staying open for less hours • Some combination of one or more of the above

Some business owners may even decide to re-locate their business to somewhere that doesn’t require them to pay artificially-high wages, leaving that area without their business producing value for that community by providing goods and services, hiring employees, paying suppliers, paying utilities, taxes, etc. But make no mistake: Business owners will find a way around the problem of being forced to pay artificiallyinflated salaries. That’s their job. It’s what they do. There’s no such thing as “something for nothing.” In a perfect, fairy-tale world, everyone would get high pay, great healthcare and other benefits – and no one would have to pay the price for any of them. However, of course that’s not how things work in the real world – at least not in a capitalist system. Personally, this whole topic doesn’t affect any of my businesses, because I’m never looking to hire low-value workers or pay anyone low wages.

To find out more about Steve Sipress and how he can help you have more fun and make more money with your business, see the Inside Cover Page. To get new money-making strategies and tips every weekday from Steve and other top business-building experts from around the world, and to post your comment in response to this article, visit his highly-acclaimed blog:

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The TOP 5 Ways to Become a Highly-Paid

I AM...



By David T. Fagan


ou need to know that when I use the word “expert,” I am really referring to what I call an “Icon Advisor.” This is someone who has both expertise and a celebrity status as someone who gets results. And I am convinced that there really is a formula for becoming an Icon Advisor, as well as a formula for monetizing that Icon Advisor status. I know because I have done this for myself. I know because I have done it for others. Lastly, I know because I wrote the book on it, Cracking the Icon Code, and it is receiving rave reviews!

Here are the top five ways to become a highly-paid Icon Advisor: 1. The first thing – as well as the most important thing –

2. The next most powerful thing an aspiring Icon Advisor

is to have a very specific website that positions you as an Icon in your industry. You do that by providing a lot of great content for your specific audience, showcasing your awards, certificates, testimonials, endorsements, your accomplishments, media appearances, and high-profile affiliations. This Icon website should be the sun in your marketing universe. Everything orbits around it and is in its gravitational pull. We now live in a world where if you really catch someone’s attention, one of the first things they are going to do is go Google you. Will they find something that impresses them and engages them? Or will they be underwhelmed and uninspired by your lack of presence? If your site is old and outdated the feeling might be that your information and advice is old and outdated. If your site is basic and cheap people may think you are basic and aren’t successful enough to afford a better image. The internet is the great equalizer, and we must use it to our advantage!

needs to do is to write a book. Being published is still the ultimate business card, door opener, and income increaser. Your book is your chance to share your stories, your ideas, and your concepts with the world in a professional way. It quickly separates you from the competition and drastically improves your opportunities to speak in public. A book can give you tons of content for internet marketing and can give you a way to build a list of followers by providing limited amounts of that content through an opt in online. Stars, professional athletes, politicians, captains of industry, and scholars all write books. You want to join this elite group of people!

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Capture and record your compliments. Icons have fans! 3. Get featured in the media! (This may arguably be the top one.) Being seen on TV, heard on radio, or written about in print can be hugely powerful. After all, you’re in good company when you are highly visible. Visibility equals credibility. Don’t believe me? Just look at every crazy reality TV show star that goes on to make big money from their new found fame. These people are not always exceptionally bright or sophisticated. However they are fascinating, intriguing, and they are highly visible. Sometimes that’s all it takes to monetize your knowledge and experiences. The bigger the media outlet, the better! To be able to say in your message and marketing materials “As Seen On…” is a game changer. After all, very few people can say that.

4. Recruit and record as many testimonials and endorsements as you can. The more you have the better. After a while, people have to ask, “How can so many people be wrong?” Train yourself to become aware and conscious of compliments. Learn to respond to these compliments with something like, “Wow, thank you. That means so much. I’d love to capture that on video. It would really help me help other people.” Help people share their positive experience in writing or, even better, on camera. Capturing this is paramount in proving your success. This third-party social proof is priceless. I have hundreds of testimonials, most of which are at You want testimonials about your work, your integrity, your process, your system, your products, your events, and just about anything else you can think of. Capture and record your compliments. Icons have fans!

5. Win industry-specific awards. Every industry has them. Go find them and learn how to win them! LCO, the PR company I just acquired in a seven-figure deal, is known as an award-winning PR company for their Bull Dog Awards. Icon Builder Media has won multiple awards from multiple organizations, but I had to seek them out. Being recognized for your excellence by a third-party is more social proof that elevates your Icon status. And there are even more ways, but these are the top five! Others might include speaking on stage; earning certificates, diplomas, and degrees; and throwing big events. All of these Icon building strategies lead you to creating an unfair advantage over the competition that allows you to charge more and win more business. This is truly how you become a highly-paid expert or Icon Advisor.

About David T. Fagan David T. Fagan is best known as an expert in marketing, media and business development. His work has made people and products icons in their respective industries. He is the former CEO of Guerilla Marketing. As a Business Development Coach for Inc. 500 Infusionsoft, David strategized the company’s system and was able to turn Infusionsoft into a $14 million dollar company from a $7 million dollar company between 2008 and 2009. For more information, go to:

Volume II Number 1 | Pg 11


Do Facebook Ads Really Work? By Kim J. Walsh-Phillips

You hear this often from car commercials. It can be grating. And annoying. And have nothing to do with building relationships. And yet, so many brands take this same philosophy to Facebook and run similar ads all over the place with pitches akin to a snake oil dealer. They approach their prospects with buy, at “hello.” Your prospects don’t go shopping on Facebook like they do on Google, so messaging needs to be different. Effective ads on social media are created to work within the space of relationship building. And, done well, effective Facebook advertising has brought our clients revenue 1,000x over what they expected.

Here are 8 ways to create effective ads on Facebook: 1. Leverage Social Proof. Your audience is much more likely to believe your customers than they are you and Facebook is the perfect place to leverage social messaging to engage a new audience. Feature your customers in posts such as a “customer of the week” promotion and then run ads to that post through your Ads Manager. 2. Offer Something of Value. Instead of approaching prospects with “BUY!” approach by giving first and then asking later to use your Facebook ads to offer your prospects a free buyers guide, or how-to video

or gift certificate (coupon) that delivers real content while capturing a lead for you. 3. Create Exclusivity. Create Facebook offers with packages and promotions that are only available to Facebook users. Facebook offers are effective because they are time limited, exclusive and viral. This works best if it is just an offer that is created for the Facebook offer itself. Create your offer in the Ads Manager so you can target exactly who you want to see if for a maximum ROI.

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Effective ads on social media are created to work within the space of relationship building. 4. Use Video. By far, we have the most engagement when we incorporate a video into the Facebook ads we create. If you upload your video as a post, you can then run ads in the newsfeed and right-side toolbar to your targeted list. The ad can play from both spots and if done well, can quickly convert quality traffic to be leads for your business. 5. Customize. Use Facebook’s Custom Audiences to upload your email lists to Facebook and create ad campaigns that are specific to the other messaging you are sending them. Just sent out a promotion? Create an ad reinforcing that messaging. Launched a contest? Get more entries. Sent out a survey? Receive more responses. 6. Feature Faces. Of course it always goes without saying that each strategy needs to be tested for your specific business, but we have found time and time again, that actual faces of business owners and customers do better as ad images than anything else. Why? It doesn’t matter. They just do so use that to your advantage in creating your ads. 7. Target Wisely. Don’t let Facebook target for you. Instead use Facebook’s “Precise Interests” feature to target the habits, hobbies and preferences of your audience. For example, if your clientele is a local affluent market, choose to target those who like other pages that would match their tastes, such as high-end car dealers, upscale restaurants and other upper-end establishments. 8. Test, Test, Test. Use Facebook’s ad platform to create ad variations so you can test different images, headlines and audiences. Use unique trackable links for each ad so you can test not only traffic and clicks, but true conversions for each advertisement.

About Kim J. Walsh-Phillips Kim Walsh-Phillips is the award-winning speaker, author, strategist and CEO of IO Creative Group, a results-driven marketing and PR agency. She is a techie marketing geek with great shoes, a hatred of awareness campaigns and an obsession for marketing with a sharp focus on ROI. Kim has worked with brands such as GKIC Inner Circle, Sandler Training, Harley-Davidson, ChemDry, and Hilton Hotels to increase revenue through direct response marketing. Kim has been featured by NBC, CBS, FOX and NPR and is the author of best-selling Stupid Series, including Awareness Campaigns Are Stupid and Other Secrets to Stop Being An Advertising Victim and Start Monetizing Your Marketing and the upcoming book: Most Social Media Is Stupid: Strategies To Monetize Your Online Marketing While You Ignore Everything Else. Register for her free video training series, “How To Turn Facebook Likes Into Customers In Three Steps” at:

Volume II Number 1 | Pg 13


This Month’s Money-Making Info


A Year Bursting With Anniversaries Manny’s Blog


The Importance of Celebrating Small Victories By Matt Bacak



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Minimum Rage By Steve Sipress

The Top Ways to Become a Highly-Paid Expert By David T. Fagan


Do Facebook Ad Really Work? By Kim J. Walsh-Phillips

Survival Strategies To Beat The Recession By Ted Nicholas

Publisher Steve Sipress Successful Selling Systems, Inc. 869 E Schaumburg Rd #237 Schaumburg, IL 60194 (p) 773-236-8134 (f ) 847-232-1535 Questions? Comments? Suggestions?

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Editor Jennifer Maks

Layout & Design JDO of SPX Multimedia

Publisher’s Notice: Copyright 2014 Successful Selling Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any part of this work beyond that permitted by Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 U.S. Copyright Act without permission of the copyright owner is unlawful. Neither the author nor the publisher make any express or implied warranties concerning the legal or ethical appropriateness of any of the marketing documents, materials or instructions in or enclosed with the magazine and/or your use of the same. If in doubt about the appropriateness or legality of any materials or instructions, you should obtain competent guidance, just as you would with any marketing documents, materials or marketing plans you have developed or would develop on your own. In the interests of disclosure, we want to be open about how we may, from time to time, make money from this magazine. Certain third-party links contained in this magazine may be affiliate links for which we get paid a commission if you buy the product or service through the affiliate link.

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