Money-Making Monthly - March 2015

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Volume III Number 3 | March 2015 | $97

THE Monthly Magazine For Sharp Entrepreneurs

How To Give Your Customers Some Good Lovin’ By Kim J. Walsh-Phillips


JOEL WELDON 7 Simple Millionaire Fundamentals By Matt Bacak


About the Publisher, Steve Sipress

If you want to grow your business slowly – or just maintain it as is, you’ll have to do that all on your own. But if you want dramatic growth in your income and lifestyle, then Steve’s out-of-the-box and time-tested strategies and tactics could be the keys to your dreams. You can benefit from Steve’s coaching experience and expertise to revolutionize your business – yes, even in this challenging economy – at one of the many in-person entrepreneur events he hosts, OR from the comfort of your own home anywhere in the world. You can also learn basic and advanced direct response marketing strategies and tactics from 150+ hours of video instruction, plus use any or all of Steve’s multi-million-dollar, proven “done-for-you” marketing materials at That website has been called The Single Most Powerful Client Attraction Program Available Anywhere, and you could be using it to skyrocket your income anytime you want, 24/7, along with hundreds of other sharp, successful business leaders. If you’re just starting up your new business, you’ll want to take advantage of all of Steve’s training, guidance and resources at NewBusinessAcademy. org. Steve is a successful and award-winning serial entrepreneur, who has created and built nearly a dozen successful companies of his own, and he can help you do the same – more quickly and easily than you’ve ever imagined. In fact, you can immediately use plenty of his simple and powerful strategies and tactics that work especially well in this current frustrating economy. You can discover the basics of Steve’s powerful “The WOW! Strategy™: How To Solve All Of Your Marketing Problems” by watching a short video at Steve is a celebrated author, speaker and business coach who has established profitable businesses and helped thousands of ambitious and aggressive business owners, entrepreneurs, executives and sales professionals all around the world. He has written numerous newsletters and articles on sales and marketing for a wide range of publications and has appeared on radio and television, helping millions of people along the way. For over five years, Steve was the #1 “Dan Kennedy Certified No B.S. Business Advisor,” and was Runner-Up out of 25,000 members for 2010 GKIC Marketer Of The Year. If you want the very best, hard-hitting, no-nonsense, caring advice and help you can get, then “Straight-Talk Steve” could be exactly what you and your business need most. Whether you’re a current or future business superstar, Steve can help you get exactly where you want to go as quickly, easily and powerfully as YOU want – with massive results both short-term and long-term.

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www.Facebook .com/SmallBizHelp

“An Incredible Experience!” "When we first started, I was terribly in debt and we were just a few months away from bankruptcy. We started seeing a boost right away in our business, we took what Steve's given me and we just started implementing and implementing, and it's just totally transformed my business. Steve has helped me with my laser focus, he helps me implement, he's taken my business to a whole new level. We went from a half a million dollars to a million dollars in two years. It's just an incredible experience to know that where you think you're just dead and things are horrible, to now anything is possible. I can see taking this to a whole new three or four types of businesses -- it's going to be huge. Steve is all business, he is an unbelievably smart, brilliant man. I can't say enough about him. Everything he's told me, I've made so much money it doesn't matter what it costs. They don't make enough money in this world that somebody could pay me so I would stop listening to Steve. Steve is the exact reason why I have a retirement fund now. It's probably illegal how much fun I'm having!"

Jon Bockman

Owner, Bockman's Auto Care Sycamore, Illinois


HOW Super Bowl Ads By Steve Sipress Can HURT Small Business Comedian Andy Borowitz tweeted just before the Super Bowl a few years ago: “Super Bowl ads are worth every penny! My favorite from last year was the one with the car or the chips or something.” It’s only been about a month since the airing of this year’s crop of incredibly lame ads, and already most of them have been completely forgotten (while the game itself, ironically, was one of the most exciting Super Bowls ever, and will be remembered for a long time to come). The companies that spent the gross national product of some small countries to run the ads basically admitted how ineffective they would be on their own before they even hit the airwaves, by investing an unprecedented amount of time, energy and money into promoting the ads outside of their actual Super Bowl airings. Of course there was all of the usual media attention surrounding many of the ads that we’ve become accustomed to in recent years, both before and especially after the game itself. But this year, many of the advertisers launched extensive social media campaigns tied to their commercials, including YouTube videos, dedicated Facebook pages and special Twitter hashtags. There were also all kinds of contests and “extended versions” available online, all designed to get viewers to respond to the ads in some tangible way.

Take a car manufacturer, for example: If watching an absentee car-racer dad get into a crash while his horrified wife and son have to watch it happen on live TV somehow makes me consider buying a Nissan, then I still have to go visit a local dealership and wrangle with a highly-trained salesperson in order to actually make the purchase. Do you have hundreds of prohibitively-expensive brick-andmortar locations scattered all across the country, each full of dozens of employees and well-trained, killer sales pros? If so, then go ahead and run mind-bogglingly expensive national television ads full of celebrities, horses, dogs, a driving turtle and a flying pig, whose goal is simply to entertain and thereby hope to be remembered. But if you’re a typical small business owner, then you need to go one critical step further than the big companies: you need to present your product or service and also make the sale (or at least capture a qualified lead) at the same time. Which means that your ads must include all the elements of direct response marketing (offer, deadline, etc.) – something much more difficult to do in 30 or 60 seconds than just being funny or cute (or depressing – what the heck were THOSE advertisers thinking??).

But not a single ad suggested the viewer respond by making a purchase.

So the bottom-line is: The Super Bowl advertisers that spent millions of dollars on ad production, air time and elaborate pre- and postgame campaigns may see a return on their investment (although they have, for the most part, only fuzzy, insufficient tracking to try to determine that), but small business owners shouldn’t even think about trying to pull off that kind of advertising.

And that’s a luxury that small business owners just cannot afford. We need every dollar we invest in advertising to get a positive, quick return; one that can be accurately tracked to that particular ad.

If we’re looking to model our advertising off of anything on television, it must be the infomercials or one of the allshopping-all-the-time channels, where the emphasis is on selling – not just on entertaining people.

By contrast, big companies with national or worldwide locations and/or extremely sophisticated sales systems only need their ads to spark interest and desire – leaving their sales teams to do the rest.

Because as this year’s Super Bowl showed, sometimes the game itself can accomplish that goal all on its own – just like it’s supposed to. Our ads need to accomplish much, much more.

To find out more about Steve Sipress and how he can help you have more fun and make more money with your business, see the Inside Cover Page. To get new money-making strategies and tips every weekday from Steve and other top business-building experts from around the world, go to: Volume III Number 3 | Pg 1




Entrepreneurs think differently than most people. If you happen to live with one or have one in your life, you’re probably thinking, “You don’t have to tell me that. They’re a breed of their own!” The two entrepreneurial decisions. Over years of working with entrepreneurs, I’ve made this observation: Every one of them has internalized what I call the two “entrepreneurial decisions”: • They’re willing to take total responsibility for their own financial success and security. They expect no one else—an employer, the government, an institution— to do that for them. • They understand that they won’t get paid until they first create value. They live and work by the notion that they always have to make themselves useful to the consumer. Add to these two realities, this harsh fact: Even if what an entrepreneur has to offer consumers makes perfect sense in his or her mind, on paper, and in the marketplace, the clincher is that no matter how useful it might be, unless there is a buyer willing to write them a check, what the entrepreneur has to sell is absolutely worthless. Most people would find this an untenable way to make a living. An entrepreneur sees no other way. I always get a good laugh in my workshops or at speaking events when I say that entrepreneurs are doing what they do because they’re highly unemployable.

The reason for this likely lies in the fact that entrepreneurs do think differently than non-entrepreneurs—and very successful, highly innovative entrepreneurs are in a class of their own. They think differently than even other entrepreneurs. The legends. Here’s what every entrepreneur really wants to know: What’s the difference between entrepreneurs in general and highly successful entrepreneurs—the superstars we read and hear about in the media? What are the useful differences you can focus on to exponentially increase your own results? I use the term superstar because these entrepreneurs are dramatically different in their thinking and, as a result, dramatically bigger. These entrepreneurs, instead of trying to solve a problem or fill a gap in the marketplace, are only interested in creating new capabilities. If I were to put a number to it, I’d say that probably 95% of all entrepreneurs are attempting to problem-solve. That means it’s the client or customer who’s calling the shots and defining the activity of the entrepreneur instead of the ideal reverse of that. The greatest entrepreneurial role model ever. In my mind, Steve Jobs is one of the greatest role models in the history of entrepreneurship. Did you know that during the entire time he was with Apple (both times), he never used focus groups in the product development process? He never asked customers what they needed or what their problems were.

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“The reason for this likely lies in the fact that entrepreneurs do think differently than non-entrepreneurs — and very successful, highly innovative entrepreneurs are in a class of their own.” Instead, he looked at what new, really great capability he wanted for himself. Jobs believed that if he wanted a new capability for himself and it really worked for him, other people would want to have it too. Three ways he proved himself right: • Steve Jobs wanted to be able to use a computer without knowing code. He wasn’t a great tech guy; he just wanted to be able to click. He didn’t invent the “graphic user interface” or the mouse, but he sure made them the standard in the industry.

I’ve found that when you give entrepreneurs the two differentiating points of great entrepreneurs—the ability to create new capabilities they want and then wrap a single formula around them—they make very rapid progress in identifying capabilities that don’t exist and that they want for themselves, and they can also create an identifying formula they can be true to forever.

• Jobs asked, “Why do I have to buy 12 songs by an artist when I only like one?” Yes, other companies, like Napster, put music on the internet for downloading, but they were illegal and soon disappeared. Jobs didn’t invent the download capability, but did revolutionize the music industry by charging per song to download. • The idea of having the capabilities of the internet on his cellphone intrigued him. And the “app” was born. Cellphones were around long before the iPhone, but it was Steve Jobs who initiated this portable technological marvel and the Apple Store for downloading whatever application you wanted. All great entrepreneurs develop new capabilities like these examples for themselves. The second thing all great entrepreneurs do is build a formula around their capabilities. Wrapping a formula around it. For Apple, the formula is: We make beautiful technology that people love using. It has to be beautifully designed, beautifully packaged—and, most important, it has to provide a beautiful experience. No matter how technology in general changes or how the economy or the marketplace change, Apple has this single strategy to follow. It doesn’t matter what kind of capability is being developed, the formula stays the same.

About Dan Sullivan Dan Sullivan is founder and president of The Strategic Coach Inc. A visionary, an innovator, and a gifted conceptual thinker, Dan has over 35 years’ experience as a highly regarded speaker, consultant, strategic planner, and coach to entrepreneurial individuals and groups. Dan’s strong belief in and commitment to the power of the entrepreneur is evident in all areas of Strategic Coach® and its successful coaching program, which works to help entrepreneurs reach their full potential in both their business and personal lives. He is author of over 30 publications, including The Great Crossover, The 21st Century Agent, Creative Destruction, and How The Best Get Better®. He is coauthor of The Laws of Lifetime Growth and The Advisor Century. Find out more about Strategic Coach at:

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WELDON Steve Sipress: So Joel, tell me right up front. This is what I really want to know, and our listeners probably really want to know this. How did you get your start in speaking? Were you just always naturally a great speaker, and you were like the king of the debate team, and always giving talks and speeches all over the place, and naturally you just became a speaker as a career? Joel Weldon: Absolutely not, Steve. I was so shy, I couldn’t even lead my Sunday School class in silent prayer. After four years of high school, not once did I stand up in front of my high school classmates and give an oral report or a book report, or any kind of speaking. I was totally shy, self-conscious, had no confidence. As a matter of fact, three high school coaches asked me to try out for their sports team after watching me in PE, and I never went because I thought I couldn’t do it, I wasn’t good enough. So I had zero ability to communicate with others, had virtually no friends except the kid who lived next door, and I was a loner. I was good with my hands, and I ended up becoming a carpenter. I took a 2-year building instruction course at a high school, and worked with my hands until I was 25. And I had a life-changing experience. I was hired into sales, and you’re a sales and marketing guru, and you know how important it is to be able to communicate well as a sales person. I couldn’t, and I proved it because in the first four months, I made 1,200 sales calls, and one sale. I earned $48 on a commission. I was married at the time, expecting my first child, driving an old beat up Volkswagen and broke. I was given Earl Nightingale’s Strangest Secret record, and for our listeners, Earl Nightingale is long passed on, but in the 50s, he made this record that basically said, “We become what we think about most of the time.” And it hit me, Steve. All I thought

about was what I couldn’t do. I listened the whole week to that message with my wife Judy, and we wrote down ideas. And I thought, “What if I change how I thought? What if I thought about what I could do rather than what I couldn’t do?” So I went out with the same product at the same price in the same territory, and in four hours, I made two sales. I doubled four months of effort in four hours. I told you, I drove an old beat up Volkswagen. It had a crack in the rear view mirror, and I can still remember looking in the crack after that second sale, and I said, “I did it! I did it!” I tried to think, “What did I do? Same product, same territory, same price – a different way of thinking.” And that was the day my life changed. At the end of the year, I had become the number one salesmen out of 1,000 people working for Field Enterprises Educational Corporation. We were selling World Book and Childcraft door to door, and they made me a manager. Then I moved to Arizona from New York where I started, and I made my first sales meeting in 1969. I’ll never forget that day. A school teacher who was in the room came up afterward, and he said, “Joel, can I give you some feedback?” and I said, “Yes. I’d love feedback.” He said, “You are the worst speaker I have ever heard, and this is the worst sales meeting I have ever attended in my life.” And I cried. I was devastated. Then he put his arm around me and he said, “But if you’ll come with me Tuesday morning, I can help you.” And I said, “Well what’s going to happen Tuesday morning?” he said, “It’s a Toastmaster’s meeting, and it’s an international self-help organization to help people just like you improve their ability to speak in front of a group. And you need help.” So Steve, I went to that meeting in 1969 in Tempe, Arizona, right near Arizona State University. I joined that day, and I never

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Joel: Yes. I think we live in an age of the 4-hour workweek and instant success, and we hear about professional athletes making tens of millions of dollars right out of high school or the first year of college or second year of college. It looks like they’re in some successes, but they really aren’t. They spent years as a kid playing that sport. Or the Bill Gates story. People think, “He’s the richest man in America, and he was just a college dropout, and he did all this.” But from the time he was in high school, he was fiddling with computers. He put those 10,000 hours in.

missed a meeting for five years. Every Tuesday morning at 6:30, I was in that room, and I’d learned that speaking is a skill, and it’s like anything else that you do, whether it’s playing golf or learning how to type with all 10 fingers on a keyboard. It’s a skill, and I learned through Toastmasters. There were certain principles of speaking that I had never heard of before. And I started to find I had something to say. My wife encouraged me in the fifth year to enter a speech contest in our little club, and I won the contest, and then I went to the area contest, which was like five clubs. I won there. Then I went to the regional club, the state championship, and I ended up winning the regional competition in Kansas City, and went to the world’s final in 1974. Out of 60,000 competitors, I placed in the top three. The Arizona Republic wrote an article, “Young man conquers fear of speaking. Places in the top 3 in the world at Toastmasters International Speech Contest.” And people called and started asking me to talk. That was how my career began. Steve: That’s a fantastic story, Joel. And it’s inspirational for everybody. You’ve got to touch on a couple of things you just mentioned that are really hallmarks to me of your success. Number one is recognizing this is a completely learned skill, and that’s the best example I’ve heard of that. But also the way you are not afraid of hard work. You are a hard worker. You mentioned a couple of things. Going on 1,200 sales calls in a few months, especially without success. I mean, that’s just dedication, perseverance, hard work, showing up, not missing a Toastmasters meeting for five years every Tuesday morning at 6:30 am, being in that room. And if I know you, you were the first one there, and you were the last one to go, and you took notes on everybody there. Not only is it a learned skill, but it takes the right kind of effort to learn this skill. Am I right?

So yes, it does take hard work. And I think one of the things that your listener knows, because you deal with business people, many of them own their own business, or entrepreneurs. And if you’ve been around at least 10 years in the business area, I think you’ve figured out there’s no easy way, there’s no magic formulas, there’s no secrets to success, there’s no silver bullets. It takes hard work and dedication, but it also takes the right tools or skills or knowledge. And I think that’s what you provide in your coaching and training, is with the marketing and sales, and the creativity that you can shortcut this learning curve. And that’s what I do in my speech coaching too, and also in my seminars in speaking about it, that there’s no genie that’s going to show up and give you a wish and make everything come true. It’s up to us to do it. So yes, I am a very hard worker. I was poor. It was my mom and I. We lived in a tiny little apartment. She worked her butt off. I mean, she was gone all day and all night, so I was pretty much alone. No father, no brothers, no sisters, no pets; just work. I saw that, and I guess that became part of my nature. I did have the diligency to go out for 1,200 sales calls. I was stupid too, because I graduated in the half of the class that made the top half possible. We’ve heard that line before, but in my case, I was actually in the bottom quarter of my high school class. I think wherever our listeners started, it doesn’t matter where you start; it’s where you end up. If you are willing to put the time and effort in, if you’re willing to find the tools to help you, the people to coach you, you can cut that learning curve down, but you can’t cut out the hard work. I had to go to the Toastmasters meeting. I had to knock on those doors. Nobody else could do that for me. And it wasn’t easy. I told you that Judy was pregnant at the time with our first child, and when I was struggling so bad in those first four months, she  said, “What do you do?” and I said, “I knock on the door.” Volume III Number 3 | Pg 5


She said, “What are you saying?” and I said, “You don’t want to buy any books. Do you?” Steve: Oh, no. You didn’t say that. That was your sales pitch? Joel: She said, “Well you can’t say that.” I said, “Well what am I supposed to say?” She said, “You’re talking to people who love their children, and you want to show them some books. I’ll go out with you.” So with a big belly, she would knock. And I would make a tiny little knock, like I hoped nobody would hear it so I could run away and get back in my car and drive away and not have to talk to anybody. But she would bang on the door, and then she’d hide behind me and push me and make me say something. I had to get over my fear; the fear of rejection, the fear of failure. And the same thing in speaking. I was terrible when I joined Toastmasters. I couldn’t put five words together without going, “Um” and “Uh.” I couldn’t think of anything.

40s, I had gotten a boat, and I learned how to get up on two skis. Then I’d see people at the lake skiing on one ski, a slalom ski. I thought, “Well that looks like the next step. I should try that.” So three years, Steve. Every moment I could get away from the office, I would go to a local lake, and we have lots of lakes in Arizona, and I couldn’t get up. Three summers I worked, trying to get up on one ski. Now do you ski at all, Steve? Steve: I did waterski when I was a kid with friends. I didn’t even know this, what you just said, you were trying to get up on one ski. We did it the easy way. We got up on the two skis, which took me forever. But then we would just drop one. And

As you listen to this, think what label has somebody given you that you can’t do this or you can’t achieve that. That doesn’t have to happen. And that’s why I think what Earl Nightingale said today is still so true. And by the way, that Strangest Secret Record was the largest selling spoken word record of its kind, and still is today the largest selling recording of the spoken word message ever published. Steve: I was going to say. You’re not alone, that that helped spur you to massive success. Joel: Millions of people heard that message. And like you too, then you have to do something with it. You have to apply that. But if our listener would just take that, that you become what you think about. And my whole life is proof that these difficult things are possible. And I think that’s why I became such an effective speech coach, because I knew that if I could do this, anybody could do it if they were willing to put the time and effort in and saw the benefit of learning how to speak. And it’s true with anything. Waterskiing would be another great example. Since our listeners like to know about people that you interview, if there’s two things that I’m most committed to, aside from my family, my faith and my friends and my relationship to God, it’s waterskiing and speaking; speaking as a paid speaker and as a coach. Waterskiing as a competitive slalom skier and as a waterski coach. The reason I mentioned those two things, you heard how terrible I was as a speaker. You introduced me by saying, “Were you the valedictorian of your high school class?” I couldn’t even spell valedictorian, never mind be one. So speaking was answered. But take waterskiing. Why that’s so important for our listeners, so many people have tried to slalom ski. That’s skiing on one ski. Many people start off on two, and then they find it difficult. My story on waterskiing is exactly like speaking. I was in my early

then suddenly we’re on one ski. That’s how I got on one ski. You’re telling me you had to get up on one ski to begin with. I can’t even imagine such a thing happening. All I know is that if I stayed up on that one ski for even 10 seconds, I was lucky. Getting up on one ski, I wouldn’t even imagine trying it. Joel: Okay. That’s exactly what happened to me. I was trying to get up on one ski. So I found a coach. He happened to be a friend of mine. We were having lunch and we were doing some business together, and he said, “What’s going on?” and he said, “You know, you seem like you’re frustrated about something.” I said, “Yeah. I’m trying to get up on one ski. This is my third summer. I’ve got to figure out a way.” He said, “I could show you.”

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I said, “Really?” He said, “Yeah. I teach people how to waterski.” And I said, “Well how do you do it?” He said, “You drop a ski.” I said, “What does that mean?” So we practiced on the shore, then we practiced in the boat, then he put me in the water, and just like you, Steve, I got up the first time. Three years of struggle, nothing. First day, I’m up on one ski. Then I got the feeling. Then he said, “Now let me show you how to start on one ski.” So we went now with one ski. He gave me some lessons, I got right up the first time. Now I waterski between 90 and 100 days a year. We have a private waterski lake an hour from our home in Scottsdale that we have a home on that’s just for tournament waterskiing. And I’ve taught hundreds of people to get up on a ski because I couldn’t. One of the comments, they said, “Joel, you have so much patience.” I said, “Yeah, because I know how hard it is. I know how difficult it can be. I know how frustrating it can be.” And I think as our listeners think back in your life, what was hard for you? You have a lot of patience for people who are going through the same thing. Things that come easy to us are worth very little. The prize is always in direct proportion to the price. So if any of our listeners have tried to get up on one ski, yes dropping one of the two is a way, but the other most important thing since skiing and speaking are directly related, there are certain techniques and tools available. Steve, if you remember when you tried to get up on one ski, most of the time what happens is people fall forwards on their face. The reason is they’re trying to use their arms. So even though this is not a waterskiing session, the key is a little song I teach everybody to sing, “Arms straight, shoulders back, knees bent, push with your legs.” It’s all in the legs, it’s not the arms. You don’t pull yourself up; you push yourself up with your legs. And it’s amazing, my daughters have all slalom skied, my grandchildren all slalom ski because my daughters don’t want them to wake board or wake surf until they know how to slalom ski. There’s a technique and a skill to speaking, to waterskiing and to running a business. You teach people how to make more money in their businesses, I teach people how to be better speakers and communicators, and as a hobby, I also teach them to waterski. That would be a great way to kind of wrap this up with three suggestions for our listener. Number one, accept the premise that you become what you think about most of the time. So ask yourself, “What am I thinking about? What I can do, or what I can’t do?” Number two, we need a goal. We need something to aim for. My goal when I was struggling in sales was to learn how to sell

those books. Then once I did, I became so successful at it by changing my thinking, and then learning the skills. And then the third thing is that the improvement that you seek, whether it’s being a better speaker or communicator, using speaking as a tool to build your business. You need the right tools. You need the right techniques that will save you time if you’re willing to put the effort in. Then the results are going to be there for you. Steve: I love that, Joel. That’s a great start and a great end to this segment where basically what you’re saying is the real basic key to becoming a great speaker is to understand and realize that it’s not something that you had to be luckily born into. It is a learned skill that everyone can learn. To listen to the complete interview, go to

About Joel Weldon Some people can do and some people can teach. It’s the exceptional individual who can do both. Joel Weldon is one of those exceptional individuals. What Joel can Do is SPEAK…very effectively. He’s been paid to speak over 3000 times, he’s been inducted into the Professional Speakers Hall of Fame and he’s been awarded the highest honor in the speaking industry, “The Golden Gavel,” for his profound impact on business in America. What Joel can ALSO do exceptionally well is coach business owners and entrepreneurs on how they can take their presentation skills to that next higher level, using a special system that he created based on years of experience and expertise. Joel can help you multiply your revenue and profits by improving your ability to communicate effectively in any business situation. Get Joel’s free report “5 Common Mistakes Ordinary Speakers Make…And How To Avoid Them!” by going to:

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Manny’s Blog


Are your home and workplace all revved up for the NCAA Men’s Division I Basketball Championship, commonly referred to by the trademarked term “March Madness?” Also known as “The Big Dance,” this annual 68-team singleelimination tournament has been stirring up roundball fans since 1939 and has millions of Americans “filling out their brackets” right now. Me? Um…I guess it’s more a matter of filling out my jersey. I promise to lose weight later; there are just so many munchies to consume during the games! I love hearing about the Sweet Sixteen, Elite Eight, and Final Four. Most of the year all I hear around the house is caustic comments about the “Mismatched One.” Hey, I can’t help it if I forget where I’ve dragged the socks off to. I’m a real basketball fan all during the college and NBA seasons, although it’s a bittersweet experience. Most of my favorite teams have found their “forever home” – in the bottom of the rankings. *Sigh* There are also WAY too many teams with “cat” nicknames. I’ll root for anyone playing against the Bobcats, Wildcats, Lions, Tigers, Panthers or Cougars. And I’m a big fan of all of the Huskies, Bulldogs, Terriers, Greyhounds, Bloodhounds and Great Danes. I’m training my cousin’s son Poindexter to be my protégé. But he has an awful lot of misconceptions about basketball. (Granted, when I was first getting acquainted with the sport, I was worried that the tournament “seeds” included catnip seed.) When I mentioned jump shots, bank shots, and hook shots, Poindexter hid in his doghouse. Scoreboard: Poindexter one, vaccinations zero. He thinks a “fast break” is what happens to the vase when he

skids into the table, and a “home court advantage” is what entitles his master to dress up in black robes. For Poindexter, a “turnover” is what you do when you want a tummy rub. He thinks a “drive” should involve hanging your head out the window. Wait, there’s more. He thinks a “double dribble” warrants being threatened with two rolled-up newspapers. Poindexter thinks the “foul line” is a queue for standing in to wait your turn to roll in something foul. Coincidentally, he thinks a “save” is what you do with that dead squirrel you found on the road. And “layup” is what you do when you find a whole bunch of dead squirrels on the road. When I mentioned “free throw,” he thought I said “flea throw” and offered to operate the catapult. He thinks “forward” is what you’re accused of being when you pay too much attention to a visitor’s leg. A “tip-off”? In Poindexter’s mind, that means you’re sitting in a pile of pillow stuffing when your masters come home unexpectedly. He thinks a “pickup game” is when you try to see just how fast you can make your master operate the pooper scooper. Poindexter is learning, though. I hope you’ll join him in exhibiting some “madness” in March. But be sure not to drink a really frothy latte while doing it. Believe me, people will go all Old Yeller on you. There goes the buzzer for this month. Join me here next month; it’s a slam dunk that you’ll find fun and information!

Manny (full name “Emanuel” or “Dog With Us”) is Steve and Michele Sipress’ crazy, rambunctious cocker spaniel. He has a weak leg (despite a mostly-successful back surgery), grey hair, is totally deaf and partially blind. But he still enjoys barking at the mailman and landscapers, pulling dead frogs out of nearby ponds and chasing after his beloved squeaker toy. He loves everyone (even the mailman and landscapers), and everyone loves him.

Volume III Number 3 | Pg 9


How To Give SOME GOOD Your Customers LOVIN’

By Kim J. Walsh-Phillips

New customers are sexy. They are the hot thing most businesses focus most of their attention on. But, your current customers are where your real profit is hiding. When you can increase the sales of your current customer base and the referrals they give you to their networks, you grow your business in the most profitable way possible. A key to making this happen is making your customers feel loved on an on-going basis. They should be treated better than non-customers and made to feel special for choosing to do business with you. The best way to show your customers the love is to create systems and automation so these things are not skipped. It is easy to put these plans in place and just as easy to let them slip if you allow the urgency of going after new customers to get in the way.

portal. We feature our clients and customers in our social media with client spotlights and links to their promotions.

2. We have a private Facebook Group for our clients and Marketing Insiders Elite members for networking and idea sharing and to get their questions answered about marketing.

3. Our current customers and clients are an uploaded audience in our Facebook Ads Manager, so we can segment them and run offers, promotions and messages just to them. Our goal is to make them feel as special as possible. Because they ARE special to us. They have chosen to give my team and me their valuable resources of time and money, and should be consistently thanked because of it.

A few offline ways we automatically thank our private clients and customers: (Tweet this)

1. Every private client of ours gets a complimentary membership to our Marketing Insiders Elite club. This process is automated through an internal form our Account Managers enter when the client starts with our firm.

2. We send a welcome gift, a bonsai money tree, to symbolize financial growth over time (our goal for their account). Again, this is automated through the same form as above. The florist receives an email to send the plant.

3. They receive complimentary tickets to events before we release them to prospects. Just GKIC’s SuperConference and InfoSummit alone are worth thousands of dollars, and our clients are offered tickets to attend these events for free.

4. As a founder of a business, I know how meaningful your launch date is. In honor of that, we recently started to send all of our clients a birthday cake on the date of the founding of their company. Chances are, we are the only vendor recognizing that date. A few online ways we automatically thank our private clients and customers: (Tweet this)

1. Our customers and clients get promotions first before they are released to my entire list and/or advertised. From discount codes, to new free reports, to webinar events, our current clients and Marketing Insiders Elite members receive notice of specials before the rest. We also occasionally upload surprise bonuses to their membership

About Kim J. Walsh-Phillips Kim Walsh-Phillips is the award-winning Speaker, Author, Strategist and CEO of IO Creative Group, a results-driven marketing and PR agency. She is a techie marketing geek with great shoes, a hatred of awareness campaigns and an obsession for marketing with a sharp focus on ROI. Kim has worked with brands such as GKIC, Sandler Training, Harley-Davidson, Chem-Dry and Hilton Hotels to increase revenue through direct response marketing. Kim has been featured by NBC, CBS, FOX and NPR and is the author of the best-selling Stupid Series, including “Awareness Campaigns are Stupid,” “Other Secrets to Stop Being An Advertising Victim and Start Monetizing Your Marketing” and the upcoming book: “Most Social Media is Stupid: Strategies to monetize your online marketing while you ignore everything else.” Watch her free training video, “How To Turn Facebook Likes Into Customers In Just Three Steps” at:

Pg 10 | Money-Making Monthly Magazine |

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Jon Bockman Sycamore, IL

“Steve is all business. He is an unbelievably smart, brilliant, brilliant man. I can't say enough about him. Steve has put probably more, I would say, thousands, and thousands, and thousands of dollars... I mean, I probably can't even put a true figure on it, because it keeps coming back, and keeps coming back, just more and more money all the time.”

“One suggestion that Steve gave me, well, without question, put $300,000 more in my bank account. And we are going to be using it forever. This is not a one-time deal. We’re going to be using this idea that Steve helped us with... and we’ll be using it until it doesn't keep working like it is. And so, the value over time could literally be way over even the $300,000 number.”

Mary Forte Bensenville, IL

Keith Lee Seattle, WA

“He's helped me learn how to market my business, and today I can say that we're more successful than we've ever been… I needed to learn how to market the business better to create more revenue, and that's what Steve has helped me with. The financial difference is considerable. We've probably close to doubled our revenues. We're on track now to do another close to $500,000 more than we did last year. So that's awesome. I do owe all of that to Steve.” Volume III Number 3 | Pg 11


How to BUST THROUGH “Mental Revenue BLOCKS” By Perry Marshall

I got this email from a guy the other day… Hey Perry, I had a question for you and I didn’t know if you had either a blog post or product that answers it…. Do you ever have any issues with a “mental block” when it comes to getting past certain revenue numbers in your business? How do you deal with it? My big goal this year is scaling from 200k+ business to the 500k-1M+and I feel like I’m having trouble shifting my mentality to getting around those numbers. Does that make sense? Any strategies you’ve used in getting past that?

Second, the price should make you swallow hard. If the cost doesn’t make you gulp, you won’t take it as seriously as you should. Never pinch pennies when it comes to who you associate with, who you listen to, who you’re accountable to. Get the best you can (barely) afford. I’ve said it many, many times but I’ll say it again, “I’d never be caught dead NOT in a good mastermind group”. I’m usually in at LEAST two. Pay attention to your inner procrastinator, deal with your head trash, get in a powerful, butt-kicking mastermind…and you’ll bust through those mental revenue blocks!

Thanks, JR Yes, JR, that makes total sense. I think “mental revenue blocks” are often more powerful and impenetrable than the marketing blocks, or staffing blocks, or product blocks. And here’s my advice on how to blow them out of the water….

1. 1. Listen your inner procrastinator. Why? Because he or she will tell you exactly what you should be doing… by trying to distract you from it! Mine tells me I need to get a haircut when I start to think about implementing big plans. Crazy.

About Perry Marshall

2. Deal with your “head trash”. Every successful entrepreneur reaches a point where their “inner orphan” throws a tantrum…or the values they were taught as a child start to mess with their success. When I was a kid, I was told that the only truly noble professions were “ministry” callings. Church stuff. Every other profession was somehow inferior. Took me a while to “reprogram” myself and realize “that’s a lie”. There are plenty of noble callings. Making lots of money in a secular profession is nothing to feel guilty about.

3. Get in a good mentoring/mastermind group. How do you know if it’s a good group for you? First, if you’re the richest, smartest guy in the room…bad group. You’ll only bust through your mental revenue blocks if you’re one the smallest guys in the room. Push yourself. You should feel a little (maybe even a lot) intimidated.

Entrepreneur Magazine says: “Perry Marshall is the #1 author and world’s most-quoted consultant on Google Advertising. He has helped over 100,000 advertisers save literally billions of dollars in Adwords stupidity tax.” He is referenced across the Internet and by The New York Times, The Washington Post, USA Today, the Chicago Tribune and Forbes Magazine. Get your free course, “5 Steps To Mastering The Most Powerful, Cost-Effective Way To Attract New Customers And Build Your Company’s Credibility With White Papers! … And How YOU Can Write a White Paper in 1-2 Days, Not Weeks or Months!” by going to:

Pg 12 | Money-Making Monthly Magazine |



People always want to know how to make a million dollars. That seems to be a pretty standard goal for most people. I can’t tell you exactly how to make a million bucks, but I can tell you the hardcore fundamentals I’ve used to get me where I wanted to be - making boatloads of cash each year. These are simple tricks that anyone can adapt to their business and to their life to start achieving the success they desire. So take a look at the 7 tips I’ve compiled to get you started thinking in the right direction. 1. Specificity. The truth is you can be a big fish in a little pond or a little fish in a big pond. Which one do you want to be? A big fish in a little pond, right? Whether you are starting up your business or you’ve been at it for a while, you will benefit when you zero in on what you and your business are about. Have a laser-like focus for your business. If you try to have too many projects in too many areas, you will fail. It’s only a matter of when. 2. Create and fine-tine your flagship product. This goes hand in hand with specifying your market. Take a good long look at your business before you nail down exactly what you want your flagship product to be. Your flagship product should not only be a source of income for you, but drive home to people what your business is all about. Focusing on a core product will also help you figure out what complimentary products you should sell and what products you should stay away from.

3. Fail fast. It doesn’t have to be right, you just have to get it going. I tell this to my employees all the time. I don’t care if you aren’t perfect at something right away. Just get on with it. The sooner you get started, the sooner you can fail. The sooner you fail, the sooner you can start doing it right and perfect it. 4. Be aggressive. So often we hear that being aggressive is not OK, but that’s crap. In marketing, internet marketing specifically, you have to be aggressive. If you don’t put yourself out there constantly, you won’t get any results. You have to stay on top of sending out email, driving traffic and closing sales. If someone doesn’t like your perceived forwardness, then so be it. The product or service you’re offering isn’t for them anyway. 5. Always know your numbers. Every time something happens in your business, you should know about it. Whether it’s when you’ve made a sale or your conversion rates are decreasing, you need to know these numbers. Knowing what your numbers are, where they should be and where they shouldn’t be is key to maintaining success and pushing forward to achieve higher goals.

By Matt Bacak

6. Systems. This is a big mistake I see a lot of entrepreneurs make, especially internet marketing newbies. The trick to streamlining your business is to create systems. From who does what, how they do it, how your numbers are tracked, even the tiniest details of your organization should have a system in place. 7. Don’t ever stop making and achieving goals. If you stop creating goals, you’re going to become stagnant. Once you stop striving to achieve, your business is over. Even if you don’t reach the goals you set out to achieve, that’s okay. Just don’t stop. There are many strategies to making money on the internet, but nothing makes sense unless you have a big list. Email Marketing is the most profitable way to make money on the internet. When you build a list of hot and hungry prospects you control your future.

About Matt Bacak Matt Bacak is considered by many an Internet Marketing Legend. Using his stealth marketing techniques, he became a Best Selling author with a huge fan base of over 1.2 million people in his niche as well as built multi-million dollar companies. Matt is not only a sought-after internet marketer but has also marketed for some of the world’s top experts whose reputations would shrivel if their followers ever found out someone else coached them on their online marketing strategies. There are many strategies to making money on the internet, but nothing makes sense unless you have a big list. Email Marketing is the most profitable way to make money on the internet. When you build a list of hot and hungry prospects you control your future. Discover how to use the internet and turn your computer into a cash gushing machine. Sign-up right now for Matt Bacak’s FREE online newsletter to find out how to do exactly that - Go here: Volume III Number 3 | Pg 13

MONEY-MAKING MONTHLY Volume III Number 3 | March 2015

This Month’s Money-Making Info SUPER BOWL ADS CAN 1 HOW 10 HURT SMALL BUSINESS By Steve Sipress

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By Kim J. Walsh-Phillips





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JOEL WELDON Publisher Steve Sipress Successful Selling Systems, Inc. 869 E Schaumburg Rd #237 Schaumburg, IL 60194 (p) 773-236-8134 (f ) 847-232-1535 Questions? Comments? Suggestions?

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Editor Michele Tiberio

Layout & Design JDO of SPX Multimedia Publisher’s Notice: Copyright 2015 Successful Selling Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any part of this work beyond that permitted by Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 U.S. Copyright Act without permission of the copyright owner is unlawful. Neither the author nor the publisher make any express or implied warranties concerning the legal or ethical appropriateness of any of the marketing documents, materials or instructions in or enclosed with the magazine and/or your use of the same. If in doubt about the appropriateness or legality of any materials or instructions, you should obtain competent guidance, just as you would with any marketing documents, materials or marketing plans you have developed or would develop on your own. In the interests of disclosure, we want to be open about how we may, from time to time, make money from this magazine. Certain third-party links contained in this magazine may be affiliate links for which we get paid a commission if you buy the product or service through the affiliate link.

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