Volume I Number 4 | May 2013 | $97
THE Monthly Magazine For Sharp Entrepreneurs
Business-Building Expert MaryEllen Tribby REVEALS...
“The 8 Key Elements of a Successful Business Plan... & How to Make Them Work For You” Page 8 Feature Articles:
Is Selling Evil? By Joe Polish
Page 2
The Gigantic Horrible Lie About Education By Perry Marshall Page 5
About the Publisher, Steve Sipress If you want to grow your business slowly – or just maintain it as is, you’ll have to do that all on your own. But if you want dramatic growth in your income and lifestyle, then Steve’s out-of-the-box and time-tested strategies and tactics could be the keys to your dreams. You can benefit from Steve’s coaching experience and expertise to revolutionize your business – yes, even in this challenging economy – at one of the many in-person entrepreneur events he hosts, OR from the comfort of your own home anywhere in the world. You can also learn basic and advanced direct response marketing strategies and tactics from 150+ hours of video instruction, plus use any or all of Steve’s multi-million-dollar, proven “done-for-you” marketing materials when you take advantage of his 30-days-foronly-$1 trial offer at That website has been called The Single Most Powerful Client Attraction Program Available Anywhere, and you could be using it to skyrocket your income anytime you want, 24/7, along with hundreds of other sharp, successful business leaders. Steve is a successful and award-winning serial entrepreneur, who has created and built nearly a dozen successful companies of his own, and he can help you do the same – more quickly and easily than you’ve ever imagined. In fact, you can immediately use plenty of his simple and powerful strategies and tactics that work especially well in this current frustrating economy! Steve is a celebrated author, speaker and business coach who has established profitable businesses and helped thousands of ambitious and aggressive business owners, entrepreneurs, executives and sales professionals all around the world. He has written numerous newsletters and articles on sales and marketing for a wide range of publications and has appeared on radio and television, helping millions of people along the way. If you want the very best, hard-hitting, no-nonsense, caring advice and help you can get, then “Straight-Talk Steve” could be exactly what you and your business need most. If you’re in the Midwest, you can meet other like-minded business people in person and learn from the world’s leading entrepreneur experts at one of Steve’s many “Chicagoland’s Sharpest Entrepreneurs” live events that he’s hosted since September 2008. You also have the chance to work with other entrepreneurs, business owners, executives and professionals like yourself who want to learn better, more effective ways to market their businesses and grow their incomes, thanks to Steve’s online group and personal coaching programs. Whether you’re a current or future business superstar, Steve can help you get exactly where you want to go as quickly, easily and powerfully as YOU want – with massive results both short-term and long-term.
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“An Incredible Experience!” "When we first started, I was terribly in debt and we were just a few months away from bankruptcy. We started seeing a boost right away in our business, we took what Steve's given me and we just started implementing and implementing, and it's just totally transformed my business. Steve has helped me with my laser focus, he helps me implement, he's taken my business to a whole new level. We went from a half a million dollars to a million dollars in two years. It's just an incredible experience to know that where you think you're just dead and things are horrible, to now anything is possible. I can see taking this to a whole new three or four types of businesses -- it's going to be huge. Steve is all business, he is an unbelievably smart, brilliant man. I can't say enough about him. Everything he's told me, I've made so much money it doesn't matter what it costs. They don't make enough money in this world that somebody could pay me so I would stop listening to Steve. Steve is the exact reason why I have a retirement fund now. It's probably illegal how much fun I'm having!"
Jon Bockman
Owner, Bockman's Auto Care Sycamore, Illinois
What’s Up
Coolest Events this Month May 2013
Thursday 2
Saturday 3
May 2 – 5, San Diego, California “Online Marketing Mastery” Hosted By: Mario Brown Featuring: Frank Kern, Mike Filsaime, James Malinchak
“Online Marketing Mastery”
May 9, Live Online Webinar Hosted By: Steve Sipress and Mike Lewis of Nomad CEO Publishing “How To Plan, Write, Publish and Market Your Very Own #1 Best-Selling Book!”
May 13, Naperville, Illinois May 14, Wheeling, Illionis “Live Workshop & Peak Performers Training” Hosted By: Steve Sipress “How To Write The Perfect Salesletter”
May 16 – 18, Orlando, Florida “The Coolest Marketing Event Ever” Hosted By: Omar Martin “Real Interaction With Genuine Marketing Experts”
June 2013
June 8th - “Millionaire Entrepreneur Secrets” Hosted By: Steve Sipress Special Guest: James Malinchak “How To Think Like, Act Like And Become A Millionaire”
Volume I Number 4 | Pg 1
Is Selling Evil?
By Joe Polish
How changing the stigma of selling could benefit your business
Mention “selling” to some people, and it automatically conjures up a guy in a cheap suit trying to pressure them into buying something they clearly don’t want. Selling is greedy… selling is corrupt… selling is manipulative, these people think. As entrepreneurs, business owners, salespeople and/or marketers, we face this stereotype daily. Sometimes our audience is so ingrained to think selling is bad that they’ve already said “no” before we get a chance to sell them on anything. Why Does Selling Get a Bad Rap? My favorite definition of selling comes from a very successful, brilliant friend of mine, Dan Sullivan. I love the way he defines it: “Selling is getting someone intellectually engaged in a future result that is good for them and getting them to emotionally commit to take action to achieve that result.”
people give up on breathing? Is the logical conclusion that suddenly oxygen is evil? Ridiculous. Yet, when someone says, “Selling is evil,” it makes about as much sense as saying, “Oxygen is evil.” You can’t survive without oxygen; likewise, no business can survive without selling. No free economy can survive without sales. Selling is the “oxygen” that infuses life into it all. Are there people who contaminate good salesmanship with sleazy tactics? Yes. Are there people who use selling, or the “engagement” of others, for selfish purposes? Yes. Are there people out there using manipulation to rip off people? Yes. But should those “pollutants” have the right to mar the whole reputation of selling? No way. Changing Perceptions
With that definition in mind, look back at the past 100 years. How many breakthroughs would have been made without selling?
So what is the problem with selling? It’s the association many people have with it. “I went to a car lot, and some slick guy talked me into something I didn’t want.”
Martin Luther King Jr. got people intellectually engaged in a future result that got people to commit to take action. So did Mother Teresa and JFK. So did Henry Ford and Steve Jobs.
That means your job as a “salesperson” is to change these associations, alter these perceptions. Because perception is reality.
But then again, so did Hitler.
How do you do this?
Hitler got people intellectually and emotionally engaged in a future result that murdered people.
Through your sales and marketing, of course.
Yes, that was inarguably evil, but does that make selling evil? On a much lighter note, what about the nightmare of a salesperson with his foot planted in your doorway, pouring on the pressure and not taking “no” for an answer? Does that make selling evil? Selling took place on all accounts. The only variable in these equations was whether the person doing the selling offered a future result that was good for all the parties who were involved. Let’s look at this, because it’s profound. Sullivan’s definition of selling, again, is “getting someone intellectually engaged in a future result that is good for them.” Remove the words “good for them” from that definition of selling, and what do you have? A parameter that allows the abuse of salesmanship. But put the “good for them” back into that definition, and suddenly selling becomes something beneficial. Selling is helpful. Selling is progressive. Selling is helping to create a better future.
When you approach your market to sell, remember: People love to be sold, but they hate to be pressured. So out with the hype, arm-twisting and high pressure, and in with the proven formula that turns “selling” into a great experience for all parties involved and provides: 1. Education. 2. Benefits. 3. Value. How do you feel when you are in an environment where someone is educating you and offering you something you really want? You don’t even perceive it as being sold; it’s enjoyable… even fun. This is the selling environment you need to create to be successful in a skeptical, cynical marketplace. The Power of Education Good salespeople have always used education to gain trust and build rapport with their market.
The Oxygen of Our Economy
Be it cars, electronics, plumbing or carpet cleaning… a crackerjack salesperson knows that educating prospects on the ins and outs of products and services is the quickest path to a sale.
Think about this: Just because the air outside sometimes gets polluted with allergens and makes people sneeze, should
Is there a course in college on how your DVD player works? Or how your washing machine operates? Or the construction
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and care of your sofa? No. That’s an education you get from excellent salespeople. Through the proven means of direct mail, the Internet, and the power of video and print, today you have the chance to be an education-based salesperson to your market… even while you sleep. Here is the secret to being super-successful at marketing and dispelling the “evils” of selling: Build rapport, educate, help, teach and give your prospects something of value before you ever even ask for a sale. Follow this recipe, and your prospects will actually enjoy the process of being sold. Good vs. Evil? Imagine that a prospect just came across an ad that screams “hype.” It’s got the usual muddle of pictures and the “we are the best because blah, blah, blah... ” copy in it. What does he or she do? Although this ad is not exactly evil, it doesn’t provide anything that is good for the prospect, either. So it probably gets tossed aside. Another stinker of an ad, another selling stereotype perpetuated. Now imagine if it had gone this way: Prospects come across an ad that catches their attention because it “speaks” about benefits to them. It simply gives them all the information they need to make a good buying decision and even offers them a free, no-pressure, no-obligation sample so they can test out the product/service/relationship. Prospects perceive this experience to be good for them. The client enjoys being “sold.” The same principles can apply in face-to-face selling, too. A salesperson who approaches with genuine interest and questions, offers valuable information, and creates a good rapport provides a much better experience than the one who swoops in with the classic high-pressure lines and hard closes. Always aim for that future result to be a good one but also keep the process of reaching that result (i.e., your sales and marketing) in the best interest of your prospect, and you will never, ever be identified with the evils of selling. And to the naysayers who are anti-sales, I ask: What would this world look like if someone didn’t sell and market? Where would the jobs be with no selling? Where would the entrepreneurs be? Where would the small businesses be? We would live in a dictatorship or communism. That’s not the world I want to live in. The irony is that the people who talk trash about selling and marketing are selling their ideas to you. But the real paradox is that they don’t realize that everything that exists in the world (that they benefit from)—from light bulbs to chairs to cars to music to the food we eat—exists because of selling. Selling is the oxygen of our economy. Salespeople are the saviors of commerce. And selling… or getting people to engage in a future result that is good for them… is the path to progress.
About Joe Polish Joe Polish is the Founder and President of Piranha Marketing Inc. He is also the creator of the Genius Network® Interview Series, founder of The Genius Network Mastermind® , and co-founder of I Love Marketing®, a highly popular free weekly podcast on iTunes, and with Dan Sullivan. Joe has an Entrepreneurial Focus on Value Creation, Connection, and Contribution. His marketing expertise has been utilized to build thousands of businesses and has generated hundreds of millions for his clients, ranging from large corporations to small family-o wned businesses. Joe’s marketing audio program with Nightingale-C onant, “Piranha Marketing”, has continued to be their #1 best selling marketing program for nearly a decade. The Genius Network® interview series taps into the wisdom of some of the greatest entrepreneurial and marketing minds on the planet. Best selling authors from Bill Phillips to David Bach, marketing pioneers from Joe Sugarman to Gary Halbert to John Carlton, and perhaps the best-k nown high-a drenaline entrepreneur, Sir Richard Branson. Joe’s I Love Marketing® podcast with marketing consultant and productivity expert, Dean Jackson, has become a world wide phenomena with I Love Marketing Meetup groups throughout North America, Europe, Asia & Australia. Joe’s passions today are continuing to develop his high level Genius Network Mastermind® group, a marketing “brainstorming” group for highly successful entrepreneurs, and his charitable fundraising mastermind which has raised well over three million dollars to date for Virgin Unite to help fund entrepreneurial schools and humanitarian programs.
Volume I Number 4 | Pg 3
Why Relying on Motivation Alone SUCKS! By Brittany Lynch Have you ever set a goal and felt like nothing in the world could hold you back from accomplishing it? Maybe it was losing 20 pounds, or making money online?
with “ability”. When your motivation is very high, you have the ability and mental strength to persevere and do more difficult things - such as running for 45 minutes.
The day you set that goal you probably felt really motivated, and maybe you even exercised 45 minutes or started to build a website. The next day you’re still working away, but day-by-day, your progress slows to a halt. You wake up months later and realize that you haven’t worked towards that goal in ages. In other words, tomorrow never came.
When your motivation is low, you have less ability and lower mental strength to accomplish difficult tasks.
This is what happens when you rely on motivation alone to accomplish a goal. The problem with motivation is it comes in waves. There are peaks and lows. When you’re at a motivational peak, it feels like you can take on the world. When you’re at a motivation low, good luck getting anything done! Plain and simple, relying on motivation alone sucks - but I’ve got good news for you. I’m going to give you a surefire strategy for accomplishing more than you ever thought possible… and it’s actually a lot simpler than you might think. To put this in perspective, you should know that over the next year I have committed myself to achieving 12 goals in 12 months. This is my Ideal Me Challenge. I’ll be seeking out the top experts, info and products to reveal the true cost of success – and showing you exactly what it takes to achieve maximum results in minimal time. As you can imagine, I can’t make excuses or choose not to complete a task because my motivation is low. But armed with this strategy, attempting to achieve ‘the impossible’ feels more than possible. At the heart of the strategy is the idea that you must balance “motivation”
So how do you compensate for this? Easy – when you are feeling very motivated, get on that treadmill and run. When you’re not feeling motivated, you need to reduce ability and make that task easier for you to accomplish – so instead of running 45 minutes, run for 10.
By adjusting to your body’s natural motivation waves you’ll actually find that over time you’re able to get a lot more done. And something else interesting happens…
As soon as you reduce ability you’ll find your mind relaxes and that guilt you were feeling about skipping a day working towards your goal melts away – because at least you’re doing SOMETHING. Something is always better than nothing. By adjusting to your body’s natural motivation waves you’ll actually find that over time you’re able to get a lot more done. And something else interesting happens… When you rely less on motivation, you’re able to accomplish a lot more. Your ability really does increase. At first you’re running just 10 minutes on a low motivation peak, then one day you set out to just run 10 minutes but you end up running 15, it’s mentally getting easier for you to run. 15 minutes turns in 20, then 30, then 45. Your ability will increase over time and you’ll be less reliant on motivation alone and this will happen in a very natural way. So my advice to you is to never just rely on motivation. Doing this is a recipe for disaster. Try and balance ability and motivation and you’ll be able to get a lot more done, and you’ll be developing much better work habits towards your goals.
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Brittany Lynch Brittany Lynch is a 25-year-old entrepreneur who grew her marketing business into a 7-figure venture after leaving her job working at Google. She’s now headed to L.A. on a mission to help you achieve your ideal self by revealing the true cost of success.
The GIGANTIC Horrible Lie About Education By Perry Marshall In public education there’s an idea that there are certain things everyone is supposed to know in Kindergarten. Then there’s some other things all the kids are supposed to learn in first grade and some more things in 2nd grade and so on. Then when you finally graduate from high school, you know all the stuff you’re “supposed to know.” How’s that plan been working for you, anyway? What capability does a high school kid possess on the day he crosses the stage with his diploma at his graduation ceremony? Generally, he possesses the ability to get a $7 per hour job at Wal-Mart or TGI Friday’s. Wow. What a milestone that is, after 13 years of academic achievement. Really inspires you to do what the principal was droning about at the graduation ceremony – strive to be a student for the rest of your life. No wonder most people spend the next 40 years of their colorless existence watching re-runs of 3rd Rock from the Sun. OK, so here’s the problem with the “this is the list of things everybody should know” theory: It turns living, breathing, unique human beings into commoditized, dehumanized hunks of flesh. 140 pounds of human capital. Where your highest aspiration is to get a few more right answers on the test than everyone else in the class. Where everyone knows how to do all the same things and compete with 100 other people for the same dumb job.
If the very thought of that makes you want to run out of the room screaming, good. It’s a sign the beast hasn’t gouged every last ounce of self-respect out of your soul. Rage against the machine. When you watched Morpheus offer Neo the red pill and the blue pill and Neo took the red pill, you said to yourself, he’s right baby, you better believe he’s right. I know, cuz I took the red pill myself, and yessiree Bob, the rabbit hole goes deep…. Imagine, incubating your children in a dark cavernous mindfarm where their curiosity and ambition are snuffed out for the purpose of nourishing some bulbous impersonal machine. Most people, after 13 to 17 years in the educational meat grinder, are firmly convinced that 5% of their class is an elite group that’s superior to everyone else, and the rest of us are doomed to fight over the scraps. Life on the wrong side of the 80/20 tracks. That’s Just The Way It Is, mourns the Bruce Hornsby song. I don’t look at it that way. It’s a lie. This is how it really is: If you apply ANY test to ANY group of people, it’s gonna shake down to 80/20. Doesn’t matter if it’s history or math or Pokemon or soccer or belly dancing or model trains, 20% of the people have 80% of the capability.
When people are empowered to pursue their own uniqueness, almost all of them are a genius at something. Volume I Number 4 | Pg 5
But the top girl in math is rarely the top girl in belly dancing and the top soccer player is rarely the #1 guy in Pokemon. When people are empowered to pursue their own uniqueness, almost all of them are a genius at something. So the most important thing your kid can know is: He has the potential to be a genius at something. He needs to believe he’s got something special inside. Here’s what I believe: There are 6 billion people in the world and every single one is a diamond in some stage of being polished. Life is either going to polish you up or grind you down. And the difference between the two lies in how much hope you have, how much faith you have in the fact that you do
carry something special on the inside, that’s waiting to get out. Many give up, not knowing they were only 10 minutes from triumph. Your job, should you choose to accept it, is to discover your uniqueness. The other day we got an email from a guy who’d read a recent Renaissance Club members newsletter which was describing how mediocre most businesses and employees are. He said, “I’m in the bottom 60% of my industry and in all honesty, I think 40% of the vendors in my industry do better work than me and provide a better service than me. So why should I market myself? All I’ll be doing is spreading around more mediocrity.” He went on to say he didn’t think he could be good at anything. How sad. The antidote to mediocrity is inspiration. If he can’t do that business with excellence, surely there is SOME business he can do with excellence. Yes, he should find something he CAN do well. There is always something. Who taught him that he’s got no choice but to be a member of the bottom 60%? He didn’t get that from me, that’s for sure. One more thing: There’s a set of elitist snobs who would like us to believe the world is overpopulated. There’s not enough water, not enough food, not enough air, not enough land. All those useless homo sapiens, taking up too much space in the biosphere. Of course I don’t see any of those elitist snobs volunteering to move themselves out of the way. There’s an entire media machine that only tells you the bad news, neglects to tell you the good news, and fills your head with traumas that have no relevance to your life what-so-ever. They do that because they like to manipulate people, and fearful, hopeless droids are a lot easier to manipulate than leaders who know where they’re going. Here’s what I believe: I believe there’s always enough water, always enough
For some people reading this article, I have a major role to play. For some people, the skills I teach are the exact skills you need to learn and the best thing you could do is buy every product and join coaching program I’ve got. Pg 6 | Money-Making Monthly Magazine |
food, always enough air, always enough land. The real resource is ingenuity and ingenuity comes from people. Have you ever considered… the world might actually be ‘overcrowded’ because there’s not enough people? Not enough geniuses. Not enough problem solvers. Not enough innovators and inventors. Not enough coal being polished into diamond. PREDICTION: By the time the world has 10 billion people, a handful of geniuses will have been born by then who in turn will have figured out how to feed 12 billion people. There’ll be enough food left over for 2 billion. Time to go make some more geniuses. Hey mom and dad, why doncha pull yourselves away from your computer for a few minutes and get busy? You might enjoy the break from the usual routine. OK, so anyway, here you are running your online business. Doing whatever it is that you do. And you wonder, what is THE formula? What is THE secret? There is no “THE” formula. There is no “THE” secret. There is only YOUR formula, YOUR secret. YOUR Unique Selling Proposition. Which is your singular collection of talents and passions and ways to contribute to our burgeoninng planet of under-utilized geniuses. For some people reading this article, I have a major role to play. For some people, the skills I teach are the exact skills you need to learn and the best thing you could do is buy every product and join coaching program I’ve got. If everything you’ve bought from me so far has helped you, maybe you’re one of those people. For others, I’m just one voice along the way who sent them forward with a little encouragement and inspiration. And a little more mojo to go find THEIR right path to success. If whatever you’ve bought from me so far has been off the mark, maybe I’m not the right guy for you. I send you on to greener pastures with a blessing. Whichever person you are, I want you to remember every single day of your life that you’ve got skills, inclinations, aspirations, sparks of genius inside. Only YOU can do the things that YOU are destined to do. Never let some elitist snob keep you from doing ‘em.
About Perry Marshall Entrepreneur Magazine says: “Perry Marshall is the #1 author and world’s most-quoted consultant on Google Advertising. He has helped over 100,000 advertisers save literally billions of dollars in Adwords stupidity tax.” He is referenced across the Internet and by The New York Times, The Washington Post, USA Today, the Chicago Tribune and Forbes Magazine. Get your free course, “5 Steps To Mastering The Most Powerful, Cost-Effective Way To Attract New Customers And Build Your Company’s Credibility With White Papers! … And How YOU Can Write a White Paper in 1-2 Days, Not Weeks or Months!” by going to:
Volume I Number 4 | Pg 7
The 8 Key Elements of a Successful Business Plan ...& How to Make Them Work For You
By MaryEllen Tribby
“I don’t have one” was Dave’s response when I asked to see his business plan for his new company. You may think this is normal for a first time entrepreneurial adventure. But what if I told you that Dave has started many companies in his 20-year tenure as an entrepreneur? And with all the companies Dave started, none of them have ever exceeded revenues of a million dollars. Many of them failed and Dave was forced to shut them down within the first year of business. Does this mean Dave is a terrible businessman? Not necessarily. What it means is Dave did not understand the purpose and the value in creating a business plan. And unfortunately this is pretty typical of many entrepreneurs. They think flying by the seat of their pants and relying on their street smarts and intuition is the spirit behind entrepreneurship. This could not be further from the truth.
If you don’t plan for growth . . . Now, I know what you are thinking. You are thinking that you and other entrepreneurs you know have never developed a business plan and you are doing “ok” – right? Well here is the big secret – you can always do better. I know for me – “ok” simply is not good enough! If you don’t plan for growth you may still grow, but chances are good you will not be able to sustain it. Planning for growth is essential. According to PricewaterhouseCoopers, two thirds of the CEO’s of fast-growth organizations develop some type of business plan. It is actually the exercise of drafting the business plan that is important – sometimes more important than the plan itself. Writing a business plans forces you to focus on the important and essential elements of your business. It makes you think through your next steps and specific strategies and tactics. But more importantly, it forces you to face the facts. Because the most critical element in success is this:
MaryEllen is the proud Founder and CEO of Working Moms, the world’s leading media company for the empowerment of the working mom. Prior to founding WMO, MaryEllen was Publisher & CEO of Early to Rise where she was responsible for growing the business from $8 million in sales to $26 million in just 15 months. Before that, she served as President of Weiss Research where she led the company to $67 million in sales from $11 million in just 12 months.
About MaryEllen Tribby
MaryEllen is a highly sought-after business consultant, speaker, and author. Her first book, which she co-authored with Michael Masterson, is Changing the Channel: 12 Easy Ways to Make Millions For Your Business. It hit #1 on Amazon. com within just 10 hours of its release.
Because of her impressive track record of reengineering companies and making them profitable, she is known as the “go to” business consultant for digital and traditional publishing ventures. To get her hot-off-the-press special report with the exact strategies she uses to build multi-million dollar companies again and again, go to: MaryEllen currently resides in Boca Raton, FL with Patrick, her husband of 17 years, and their three beautiful children, Mikaela, Connor, and Delanie and their crazy boxer Coco.
Pg 8 | Money-Making Monthly Magazine |
A good entrepreneur/executive has the ability to face the facts! This does not mean when the facts suit you – it means all the facts all the time. I know so many entrepreneurs and business owners who make excuses for the failures within their business. Sadly, so many of those failures could have been avoided with the construction of a business plan. Who am I? My name is MaryEllen Tribby. I’m a wife, CEO, author, consultant, and serial entrepreneur. I’ve more-than quadrupled the sales of several companies (in a matter of months), founded my own highly-successful businesses, and taught thousands of men and women how to make more money for themselves than they ever did working for “the man.” To get the exact blueprint I used to build three multi-million dollar companies out of thin air, go to:
The Eight Key Elements Of A Business Plan 1. Executive Summary: Within the overall outline of the business plan, the executive summary will follow the title page. The summary should tell the reader what you want. This is very important. Clearly state what you’re asking for in the summary The statement should be kept short and businesslike. It should be kept to ½ of a page to 1 full page, depending on how complicated the use of funds may be. Within that space, you’ll need to provide a synopsis of your entire business plan. 2. Market Analysis: This section should illustrate your knowledge about the particular industry your business is in. A market analysis forces the entrepreneur to become familiar with all aspects of the market so that the target market can be defined and the company can be positioned in order to collect its share of sales. A market analysis also enables the entrepreneur to establish pricing, distribution and marketing strategies that will allow the company to become profitable within a competitive environment. In addition, it gives an indication of the growth potential within the industry. This will allow you to develop your own estimates for the future. Begin your market analysis by defining the market in terms of size, structure, growth prospects, trends and sales potential.
3. Company Description: This section should include a high-level look at how all of the different elements of your business fit together. The company description should include information about the nature of your business as well as the crucial factors that you believe will make your business a success. 4. Organization and Management: This section includes your company’s organizational structure, details about the ownership of your company, descriptions of your management team and qualifications of your panel of experts or board of directors. 5. Marketing and Sales Strategies: This is the lifeblood of your business. Marketing creates customers and customers generate sales. In this section, define your marketing strategies. Start with strategies, tactics and channels that you have used to create your greatest successes. Next, branch out to others that may be working for your competitors. Remember that this section will be constantly updated based on your results. 6. Service and/or Product Line: In this section, describe your service and product. What is it that you are actually selling? Make sure to emphasize the benefits (not the features). Establish your unique selling proposition. This means you have to show not only how your product is different but also why it is better. 7. Funding Requirements: In this section, state the amount of funding you will need to start or expand your business. Include best- and worstcase scenarios. Be realistic. 8. Financials: Develop the financials AFTER you have analyzed the market and set clear objectives. You should include three to five years of historical data. A good business plan is meant to be written more than once. And a good business person understands that this plan continuously evolves along with your business and environment. Changes in the economy, marketing campaigns that succeed or fail, new competitors, and many other factors will cause you to shift tactics – and update your business plan accordingly. Re-visit your plan at least quarterly, monthly is best. And remember you do not have to go it alone. Bring your plan to lunch with a mentor or colleague. Ask questions and present data accurately. Once you start this process you will find yourself looking forward to reviewing and updating your plan.
Volume I Number 4 | Pg 9
Manny’s Blog
Family Movie Night Gone Bad
Steve and Michele and I watched both “Cats & Dogs” and the sequel, “Kittie Galore’s Revenge.” Of course these cinematic milestones involve nefarious cats who want to take over the world and who must be thwarted by intrepid secret agent dogs. The films built upon the general understanding that felines are sneakier than dogs, but dogs can be pretty cunning as well. I started scratching my head about what it would be like if dogs staged a coup and took over the world. (Okay, maybe I do just like to sit around scratching, but I did in fact do some pondering as well.) In an essay I like to call “The Woof Is At The Door,” I came up with these possible outcomes:
• Mount Rushmore: the faces are replaced with more
• The Great Wall of China becomes the Great Doggie
recognizable rear ends.
Bulletin Board.
• Whenever a political candidate is “vetted,” he actually
• Congressional Medal of Honor is replaced with a pat
gets distemper shots, de-worming, and all that.
• If “every dog has his day,” he’s entitled to that day coming
on the head and a hearty “Good boy!”
• Every performance of “Riverdance” requires one dog
before a three-day holiday.
for each leg.
• Doggie motels would feature – instead of “Magic Fingers” – beds that turn around three times before you lie down.
• Scientists would be required to change the Periodic Table of Elements to the Periodic Table of Scraps. And the “food pyramid” would be a more accurate term when changed to include Egyptian roadkill.
• Insurance finally covers the new high-tech MRI device that tells whether your nose is cold and wet.
• Rolled-up newspapers listed as Weapons of Mass
• Entitlements include free GPS, so you’re never barking up the wrong tree.
• Clothes dryers would be reengineered to shake the water all over the living room.
• Canines would cultivate a more highbrow image via paintings of dogs playing chess.
• Congress would provide more funding for research into “tickle spot” bypass surgery.
• Computer-generated special effects would be used to update classic movies, for instance inserting Jar Jar Binks as the doomed hero in “Old Yeller.” The Death Star would be given a doggie door. Forget Tom Cruise – Snoopy and his Sopwith Camel would be inserted into “Top Gun.”
• All Justin Bieber music would be played at a frequency only HUMANS could hear.
• Bureaucratic red tape would be reduced, providing the poor dog a bone without all the “knick knack paddy whack.”
• Texting abbreviations would see some
• Lassie’s family finally gets city water and plugs up the
changes for ROFL (Rolling On Foul Leftovers) and OMG (Only Moderate Gassiness).
doggone well!! Well, maybe not ALL of these changes would come about if canines got the upper paw, but I know there’s one thing that WOULD be put into place: The international distress signal in Morse Code would be changed from SOS to TAAC (They Adopted A Cat!).
Manny (full name “Emanuel” or “Dog With Us”) is Steve and Michele Sipress’ crazy, rambunctious cocker spaniel. He has a weak leg (despite a mostly-successful back surgery), grey hair, is totally deaf and partially blind. But he still enjoys barking at the mailman and landscapers, pulling dead frogs out of nearby ponds and chasing after his beloved squeaker toy. He loves everyone (even the mailman and landscapers), and everyone loves him.
Pg 10 | Money-Making Monthly Magazine |
How To Find The Money Whenever You Want | MAY 2013
How To Find The Money Whenever You Want By Mara Glazer For 99.9% of the people reading this article, there has probably been at least one moment in the span of your business’s existence where you really wanted to invest in something, whether it be a product, program, piece of technology, or even a coach, and you felt like you couldn’t afford it. Ever say to yourself… “If only I had the money!” Yep, thought so! Here’s the thing… if you really want something… and want it bad… you will figure out how to get the money. Not having the money is total BS! If you are really committed to the success of your biz, and making it “work”, you can find the money to get what you want in your business whenever you want it. You NEED to have money to make money in business. No business survives without some sort of funding. When I first started my business I funded it off of my savings account, plus sold 7 VIP coaching days at 10k a pop to get in some more cash in fast! If I hadn’t done that I wouldn’t be where I am today. What I am going to share with you today are a few ideas about how to find funding for your biz so that you can start to invest in whatever it is you need to grow. 1. A J-O-B – Many entrepreneurs want to start a biz so they can lave their job, however jobs give you the security of having good consistent cash flow. If you need to, keep your job until you get your biz off the ground. 2. Tapping Into Your Saving And Other Investments – This is exactly what I did and I don’t regret
it for a second. It gave me what I needed to jumpstart my biz and the return is much higher than any interest I would receive from a bank. 3. Credit Cards – When people think of credit cards they think of debt and interest… and it scares them. When I think of credit cards I think of an easy way to fund your dream. Now don’t get carried away… be smart about how you use them by keeping track of your spending and having a plan to pay them off, but when used right they can definitely work in your favor. 4. Sell Your Sh*t – 2 of my very close biz friends generated their funding by selling their stuff on Ebay and now they both have multi-million dollar businesses. Sell off the stuff you don’t need and use the money as an investment. 5. Tighten Up Your Budget – I bet if you looked at the money you spend every month to live, there are things you are buying that you just don’t need. And while I am all for having a fun and fulfilling life, you may need to make a few sacrifices in the beginning to get what you really want in the end. Take a good deep look at your monthly spending and see what can go (daily trips to Starbucks perhaps?!) So the next time you think you can’t afford something to help you build your biz, ask yourself this exact quesiton: “Where can I find the money NOW to get what it is I want?”
About Mara Glazer Mara Glazer is a marketing and social media strategist, public speaker, and like many of her fans, followers, and friends, highly-successful woman entrepreneur. Mara started in her industry working alongside her father, Bill Glazer, at the company he founded, Glazer-Kennedy Insider’s Circle (GKIC). During her two years at GKIC she had access to the top training and Offline & Online Marketing Experts in the world. These two years were equivalent to a Ph.D. in marketing and the latest social media strategies. Since then, she has been featured in hundreds of marketing training videos, traveled the country speaking about marketing and money making, and has launched two sister companies, and Mara Glazer: marketing + social media consulting. is Mara’s daily e-mail publishing company known for delivering bizzness breakthroughs daily to an active community of women entrepreneurs. Through Bizzy-Buzz. com, Mara brings her personal rolodex of business, mindset, and lifestyle experts who she personally knows and trusts into her special online community where they share the latest buzz, tools, tips, and finds for bizzy women entrepreneurs who want to build their business. Experience working with Mara by enrolling in her complimentary virtual training course, “The Bizzy Women Entrepreneur’s Guide To Making More Money In Just 1 Hour Each Night.” To access the complimentary training, go to:
Volume I Number 4 | Pg 11
How To Become A Published Author In 30 Days By Mike Lewis
Steve Sipress is about to publish a sequel to his hugely successful anthology, Ultimate Entrepreneur Success Secrets: Inspiring Stories Of Triumph From Chicagoland’s Most Successful Entrepreneurs. Steve and 13 other entrepreneurs contributed chapters to the book, and each author experienced tremendous personal, business and financial growth as a result. Now he’s hired me to act as his “compiler,” overseeing the planning, layout, artwork, writing, editing, publishing and marketing of his new book, Ultimate Entrepreneur Success Secrets: Chicagoland’s Top Entrepreneurs Share Their Best Business Strategies. All that’s left is for Steve to pick 20 select entrepreneurs to contribute chapters and become expert authors 30 days later. I’ve worked with hundreds of the world’s top entrepreneurs and thought leaders over the past decade, and have helped publish over 100 books for over 700 authors. In this article, I’m going to answer the most frequently asked questions I’ve gotten over the years about anthologies. Q. What is an anthology? A collection of literary pieces, short stories, songs, works of art, etc., by various authors. Q. How do you put an anthology together? The project leader, or “compiler,” organizes a collection of shorter works by multiple authors rather than an entire work by a single author. Q. What is the purpose of an anthology? In the business world, anthologies are high-impact books that use a broad scope of expert input. Experiences culled from the lives of many people strengthen the impact for the reader and enforce the authors’ messages.
Q. Who should participate? Aspiring and published authors, entrepreneurs, business coaches, executives, sales professionals, industry experts from any field and specialized professions. Essentially, everyone who would like to create the authentic and powerful opportunities in their businesses that occur when they become a published author. Q. What are the benefits to individual authors in an anthology? There are multiple benefits for authors who participate in an anthology. In fact, many of them are dramatically superior to the positives of an individually-authored book. Leverage – As an author published in an anthology, you can leverage the collective efforts of not only the publisher, but also every other author in the book. This means you and your expertise – through your story – travel (and market!) to people and places you may not otherwise ever see. The distribution channels are compounded, and generate opportunities you had little or nothing to do with. Impact – Impact determines income. Let’s face it. We don’t buy, associate or recommend something unless it impacts us… and nothing leaves a “wow” factor like a book. Imagine this… Your name is on the front of your book. You meet with a prospective client. As soon as you sit down together, you hand them a signed copy of your book, and tell them you’re glad to meet them. That’s impact! Credibility – Perhaps nothing establishes credibility as quickly and securely as the words: “Published Author.” You’ll gain membership to this exclusive club. The prestige you get from being part of a published project changes the game of marketing and selling.
Mike Lewis has over 35 years of experience in marketing, finance, construction and real estate. He previously owned and operated several companies in the southeast area of the U.S., including a $100 million land development company. Because of the downfall of the housing market, he had to reinvent himself. He is now one of the world’s top ghost publishers, turning business owners, speakers and coaches into expert, published authors with printed books in less than 30 days with no writing required on their part.
Pg 12 | Money-Making Monthly Magazine |
Marketing – It’s been said that marketing is too important to leave to the marketing people. The truth is, you’re responsible for marketing, regardless of how much support your company provides. Brochures get little attention. Business cards get thrown away. A book, however, packs a powerful punch. A book can market you and your business in so many ways that we could write a book about it! (Hey, that’s a good idea – The Nomad CEO Guide To Marketing. We’ll let you know when we’re accepting submissions.) Once you have your name on a book, you can do things a little differently. Give them away to potential clients. Send them as gifts to important people you want to meet. Tout your writing credentials on your business cards, in marketing material, in your email signature, etc. Heck, if you’re single, you can probably land a few more dates! Contribution – Sure, you’ll get exciting marketing and promotion ideas from participation in Steve’s anthology book. But the most important tool you’ll get is our encouragement,
hope, inspiration and motivation. Steve and I both exist to serve other people. Steve’s book gives you an incredible tool to positively impact and influence other people, build your business, gain new clients easier than ever before, and profit financially. Plus, you’ll also be able to leave a part of you behind. When we leave a book with someone – especially a book with a personal story about ourselves that shares an important aspect of who we are and what we stand for – we deploy leverage, credibility, marketing impact and making a contribution at the same time. Think participating in Steve’s upcoming book could be right for you? Steve and I will be holding an interactive web seminar at 7:00pm Central Time on Thursday, May 9th. We’ll explain all the details about how you could participate in Steve’s anthology book and we’ll answer any questions you have. For full details, go to:
“People looked at me a whole new way after my chapter was included in Steve’s book and I instantly became a published author. People saw me as more of an “expert” right away, and that got me lots of business from new prospects and referrals. I had no idea how valuable being in Steve’s book would be for me - what a great boost to my business!”
“The value of thirty-seven years of experience in my niche business was totally trumped by the results I saw when Steve Sipress offered me the opportunity to be a featured author in his last book. Being a published author immediately catapulted me to expert status, and while breathing that delicious air, HUGE new business came rolling in, including one valued at over $2,000,000! If he does another book, if you have to knock somebody down to get a chapter… DO IT. I’ll see you there!”
“It’s been such a huge success for me. People are absolutely impressed and thrilled, and it makes them remember me, because of course it’s much better than a business card. Just by handing out this book to potential clients, I got three new clients in one year that netted me over $20,000. So using this book instead of just passing out a business card is worth its weight in gold. Thank you, Steve, for inviting me to be a part of your book!”
Jeff Tideman, CEO
Phil Brakefield, CEO
Rainmaker Success Marketing
Sasha Spinner, CEO
Volume I Number 4 | Pg 13
MONEY-MAKING MONTHLY Volume I Number 4 | May 2013
This Month’s Money Making Info
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What’s Up?
Coolest Events This Month
Is Selling Evil? Joe Polish
Why Relying On Motivation Alone Sucks!
Brittany Lynch
The Gigantic Horrible Lie About Education Perry Marshall
The 8 Key Elements of a Successful Business Plan MaryEllen Tribby
Family Movie Night Gone Bad Manny’s Blog
How To Find The Money Whenever You Want Mara Glazer
How To Become A Published Author in 30 Days Mike Lewis
Publisher & Editor Steve Sipress Successful Selling Systems, Inc. 869 E Schaumburg Rd #237 Schaumburg, IL 60194 (p) 773-236-8134 (f ) 847-232-1535 Questions? Comments? Suggestions?
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Layout & Design JDO of SPX Multimedia
Publisher’s Notice: Copyright 2013 Successful Selling Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any part of this work beyond that permitted by Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 U.S. Copyright Act without permission of the copyright owner is unlawful. Neither the author nor the publisher make any express or implied warranties concerning the legal or ethical appropriateness of any of the marketing documents, materials or instructions in or enclosed with the magazine and/or your use of the same. If in doubt about the appropriateness or legality of any materials or instructions, you should obtain competent guidance, just as you would with any marketing documents, materials or marketing plans you have developed or would develop on your own. In the interests of disclosure, we want to be open about how we may, from time to time, make money from this magazine. Certain third-party links contained in this magazine may be affiliate links for which we get paid a commission if you buy the product or service through the affiliate link.