Money-Making Monthly September 2013

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Volume I Number 8 | September 2013 | $97

THE Monthly Magazine For Sharp Entrepreneurs

My Top Three Steps to Winning the Facebook Gold Rush By Kim J. Walsh-Phillips



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Positioning vs. Prospecting, Motivated Selling vs. Tactical Marketing By Perry Marshall

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About the Publisher, Steve Sipress

If you want to grow your business slowly – or just maintain it as is, you’ll have to do that all on your own. But if you want dramatic growth in your income and lifestyle, then Steve’s out-of-the-box and time-tested strategies and tactics could be the keys to your dreams. You can benefit from Steve’s coaching experience and expertise to revolutionize your business – yes, even in this challenging economy – at one of the many in-person entrepreneur events he hosts, OR from the comfort of your own home anywhere in the world. You can also learn basic and advanced direct response marketing strategies and tactics from 150+ hours of video instruction, plus use any or all of Steve’s multi-million-dollar, proven “done-for-you” marketing materials when you take advantage of his 30-days-for-only-$1 trial offer at That website has been called The Single Most Powerful Client Attraction Program Available Anywhere, and you could be using it to skyrocket your income anytime you want, 24/7, along with hundreds of other sharp, successful business leaders. Steve is a successful and award-winning serial entrepreneur, who has created and built nearly a dozen successful companies of his own, and he can help you do the same – more quickly and easily than you’ve ever imagined. In fact, you can immediately use plenty of his simple and powerful strategies and tactics that work especially well in this current frustrating economy! Steve is a celebrated author, speaker and business coach who has established profitable businesses and helped thousands of ambitious and aggressive business owners, entrepreneurs, executives and sales professionals all around the world. He has written numerous newsletters and articles on sales and marketing for a wide range of publications and has appeared on radio and television, helping millions of people along the way. If you want the very best, hard-hitting, no-nonsense, caring advice and help you can get, then “Straight-Talk Steve” could be exactly what you and your business need most. If you’re in the Midwest, you can meet other like-minded business people in person and learn from the world’s leading entrepreneur experts at one of Steve’s many “Chicagoland’s Sharpest Entrepreneurs” live events that he’s hosted since September 2008. You also have the chance to work with other entrepreneurs, business owners, executives and professionals like yourself who want to learn better, more effective ways to market their businesses and grow their in es, thanks to Steve’s online group and personal coaching programs. Whether you’re a current or future business superstar, Steve can help you get exactly where you want to go as quickly, easily and powerfully as YOU want – with massive results both short-term and long-term.

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“An Incredible Experience!” "When we first started, I was terribly in debt and we were just a few months away from bankruptcy. We started seeing a boost right away in our business, we took what Steve's given me and we just started implementing and implementing, and it's just totally transformed my business. Steve has helped me with my laser focus, he helps me implement, he's taken my business to a whole new level. We went from a half a million dollars to a million dollars in two years. It's just an incredible experience to know that where you think you're just dead and things are horrible, to now anything is possible. I can see taking this to a whole new three or four types of businesses -- it's going to be huge. Steve is all business, he is an unbelievably smart, brilliant man. I can't say enough about him. Everything he's told me, I've made so much money it doesn't matter what it costs. They don't make enough money in this world that somebody could pay me so I would stop listening to Steve. Steve is the exact reason why I have a retirement fund now. It's probably illegal how much fun I'm having!"

Jon Bockman

Owner, Bockman's Auto Care Sycamore, Illinois


Positioning vs. Prospecting Motivated Selling vs. Tactical Marketing

By Perry Marshall

A prospect who "finds" you first is more likely to buy from you, than if you find him.

He doesn’t find you, you find him. And when you do see him, he tells you what medicine you need to take and you take it. If he says you need surgery, you might seek a second opinion, but you’re willing to pay good money for that opinion. And most likely you end up taking the advice, no matter how painful or inconvenient it is. Do your customers respect you as much as they respect their doctor? Why not? They don’t know him any better than they know you. His diagnoses of problems are not correct more often than yours is. You went to school. You have expertise. You know how to solve difficult problems. So what’s the difference?

Positioning vs. Prospecting The difference is positioning. The doctor is perceived to be an expert, so you seek his counsel. You believe what he has to say while your premiums go up every year. The truth is, the medical industry knows things about marketing and positioning that most people in our industry are simply ignorant of. Most people just imitate their competitors, and everyone just gets dumber every year. In the world of corporate sales, people are still doing things the exact same way as they did 20, 30 or even 50 years ago! And they consume enormous amounts of effort! But when you replace manual labor with automation, the difference  is dramatic.

Do your customers respect you as much as they respect their doctor?

Why not?

Has your medical doctor ever called you on the phone during dinnertime, asking if you might be looking for help fighting a flu bug?

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The Decoy of Sales Motivation. I endured a bitter struggle with this before I finally figured it out. I thought the problem was that I wasn’t motivated enough. I listened to tapes constantly. I learned the Power of Positive Thinking. I smiled everywhere I went and shook people’s hands. I remembered their names. I chatted with them about golf and fishing and their grandkids and the plaques in their office. I looked at myself in the mirror every morning and said "I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and doggonit, people like me." Isn’t that pretty much what most salespeople learn how to do? Believe great things, be nice to people, work like a banshee and think positive, until success sweeps you off your feet and your bank account is filled with cash? Stop and think about it for a minute. Does it really work? That’s what I did, and I was working very hard at it. But it wasn’t working, and every month I was falling further and further behind. You can only do that for so long before something finally gives. And I knew I was close to the breaking point. "Motivation is NOT your real problem" But I remember exactly when and where I found the answer I was looking for. It was May 7, 1997. I was at anall day sales seminar in Peoria, Illinois, where I was, once again, trying to get more motivated. I had robbed Peter to pay Paul, just so I could be there that day. They had all kinds of speakers who were going to motivate me to achieve great things in my career.

But the last speaker of the day did not talk about motivation at all. He talked about how to bolt a marketing turbocharger on the front end of your sales organization, so that your customers would call you instead of you having to call them. He said if you had a steady stream of qualified prospects to talk to, you wouldn’t have a motivation problem in the first place. Now I’d be lying to you if I told you that this speech instantly solved all of my problems. But it WAS the tip of the real iceberg. It radically, permanently changed my perspective on the entire problem and finally pointed me in the right direction. I eventually realized that this whole motivation thing was a huge decoy. Why? Because I was already motivated to begin with. The problem was, I was trying to dig a basement with a shovel when I really needed a bulldozer. I didn’t need to be more motivated! Why? Because no matter how motivated you are, the laziest guy in the world can still move more dirt with a borrowed bulldozer than you can with a shovel! I went on a mission to study the most brilliant minds in marketing today, across dozens of industries and professions. And what I discovered was that with a good marketing system, you can have people lined up to have you help them solve their problems. You can be a welcome guest instead of an unwelcome pest.

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My problem was that I was spending so much time prospecting, I didn’t have time to sell.

You should only spend time with qualified, interested potential clients, discussing your solutions to their problems.

Why My Sales Career Was So Miserable I began to understand why the old way was not working. In hindsight, these were the problems: The companies I was selling for did have marketing and advertising budgets. And they certainly did attempt to generate sales leads. But here’s the problem: Most technical, industrial and businessto-business marketing and publicity is simply terrible. Abysmal. Everyone just copies everyone else, and the whole industry gets dumber and dumber every year.The sales leads were low quality and there wasn’t nearly enough of them. If you’re going to get better results than everyone else, you’re going to have to do something different. You shouldn’t spend your time prospecting any more than absolutely necessary. Your time is too valuable and expensive. You should only spend time with qualified, interested potential clients, discussing your solutions to their problems. A good marketing system, which helps customers find the salesman, can do this for far less money than paying the salesman to find the customers. My problem was that I was spending so much time prospecting, I didn’t have time to sell. Once an effective marketing system is in place, you can spend twice as much time in front of interested customers and double your income. There’s a hidden benefit to this: When the customer finds you, instead of you finding the customer, his perception of you is different. He perceives you as a consultant, not a peddler. Customers don’t respect peddlers as reliable information sources. I was improperly positioned as a ‘peddler’ and could never accomplish what I was trying to achieve. Over time I discovered an arsenal of powerful tools that cause people to see you as a "valuable resource" instead of "unwanted pest." Each customer has a unique category for you in his mind, and you’re no longer "just another salesman."

About Perry Marshall Entrepreneur Magazine says: "Perry Marshall is the #1 author and world's mostquoted consultant on Google Advertising. He has helped over 100,000 advertisers save literally billions of dollars in Adwords stupidity tax." He is referenced across the Internet and by The New York Times, The Washington Post, USA Today, the Chicago Tribune and Forbes Magazine. Get your free course, “5 Steps To Mastering The Most Powerful, Cost-Effective Way To Attract New Customers And Build Your Company’s Credibility With White Papers! … And How YOU Can Write a White Paper in 1-2 Days, Not Weeks or Months!” by going to:

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Manny’s Blog

More Pencils, More Books...

It seems hard to believe, but summer is gone and the human children in the neighborhood are already starting back to school. One of the first assignments the elementary school kids will receive is the old “What I Did On My Summer Vacation” essay. I would like to see someone do an annotated version of those: “First, we went to Six Flags…AND LEFT THE DOG BEHIND. Then we went to visit my grandma in Wyoming…AND LEFT THE DOG BEHIND. Then I read a newspaper story about a kennel magnate getting a big fat bonus…” After the freedom of summer, the kids will have to go back to something called a “dress code.” All I know about a dress code is that I have to signal S-O-S if I ever get my muddy paws on Michele’s dress! The dress code is just one of many rules. Kids even get punished for passing notes. Hey, the teachers should be relieved that the kids don’t pass notes the same way Rex and Spike do. Yes, as the students come afoul of regulations, they will lose privileges or have to stay after school in detention hall or write 500 times “I must not talk in class.” I really can’t see the value of a repetitious activity like that. It’s downright …Hey! My tail needs chasing! Kids have enough to worry about, just keeping up with all their books and gear. I’ve never understood why they obsess over lockers, when they could just bury their stuff in that big gone-to-waste playground. If they went the outdoor route, they wouldn’t have to worry about

combinations. Mmm… roadkill and garbage cans… now there’s a combination! Sorry. My mind wandered. As usual, canines will become the scapegoats and take the blame for eating homework. Honestly, we don’t go in for such low-tech work. Although many of us do get paid for chewing novels into edited form for the Cliff’s Notes people. There certainly are a lot of bells in school: come-to-order bell, recess bell, lunch bell, end-of-school bell. I always wondered how the kids managed not to SALIVATE all day. Then I saw the Soybean Surprise in the cafeteria. Never mind. Ah, my patriotic spirit swells within me as I think about those youngsters reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Dogs and kids are really good with allegiance. Cats? Not so much. They have more of a Pledge of “What’ve You Done For Me Lately?” and “Oh Yeah, That Hairball Needs Tending To.” So the kids are starting all sorts of new activities to be recorded for posterity in the school newspaper and yearbook: sports milestones, club activities, fundraisers, hallway silliness. Ah, school pictures. Y’know, I’ve never worried about not having OPPOSABLE THUMBS. I just wish I could make a decent pair of DEVIL HORNS at Kodak time. The kids will learn about math and history – just as you’ve learned to read Money-Making Monthly every month for business and marketing tips, and my column in particular for the lowdown on life! See ya in October!

Manny (full name “Emanuel” or “Dog With Us”) is Steve and Michele Sipress’ crazy, rambunctious cocker spaniel. He has a weak leg (despite a mostlysuccessful back surgery), grey hair, is totally deaf and partially blind. But he still enjoys barking at the mailman and landscapers, pulling dead frogs out of nearby ponds and chasing after his beloved squeaker toy. He loves everyone (even the mailman and landscapers), and everyone loves him.

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My Top Three Steps to Winning the Facebook Gold Rush By Kim J. Walsh-Phillips


of businesses on Facebook receive no return on their marketing investment. None. Zilch. Zero. That is the bad news. The good news is that 31% of businesses are. So how do you become one of the top tier online marketers? Here are three of my top strategies for monetizing Facebook. 1. Don’t be that guy. We’ve all been to a cocktail party or networking event, and been taken hostage by someone who immediately starts trying to sell us something, whether it be insurance, cosmetics, timeshares, etc. This type of behavior makes us feel uncomfortable and yearning to get out of the situation as quickly as possible. Customer partnerships are built with initial bonding and rapport and a period of relationship building. Only when there is enough time to gain the prospects trust should there be a request for the sale. Trying to sell on your Facebook page is similar to that immediate sale at first introduction at a party. It isn’t advised and won’t be effective.

that is very useful to them is necessary in order to capture this information. We have placed a free report offering on every one of our private client pages and have been able to drive leads directly into their marketing and sales funnels. 2. Make it all about them. Have you ever gone out to dinner and looked forward to a nice meal and an evening out with a friend or loved one, only to have the waiter or waitress spend a majority of the night telling you about his or her problems? Perhaps you found yourself nodding along with a sympathetic response, but in your head you were thinking, “If I knew I was going to get this experience when I went out tonight I would have stayed home.”

Of course you do want to sell at some point, so if not on social media, you have to capture contact information for your network so you can communicate with them outside of your page. In order to do this, I advise offering a compelling reason for them to give it to you. Reasons include: a. b. c. d.

Enter a contest Get a copy of your latest white paper, e-book or podcast Receive a coupon or gift certificate Take a quiz

And, no, offering them an “opportunity to sign up for your e-news” is not enough. An additional incentive

The same thing is true when we try and self-promote or sell too often on our Facebook page. Your target audience is in the space of their network to read up on what friends or family are doing, be amused by a funny post or two and play a game of Farmville. They are in that space to be entertained and to escape from the outside world for a time. They are not online to hear all about you. Not that they might not care about you, just that they care about themselves more. When creating your content calendar, stay true to this formula-- your content should be 85% PBS and 15% QVC, meaning you should not self-promote or sell more than 15% of the time. The other 85% of the time should be all about your target market and their needs.

Trying to sell on your Facebook page is similar to that immediate sale at first introduction at a party. Pg 6 | Money-Making Monthly Magazine |


About Kim J. Walsh-Phillips Kim J. Walsh-Phillips (@prgurukim) is the award-winning Speaker, Author, Strategist and CEO of IO Creative Group, a resultsdriven marketing and PR agency. She is a techie marketing geek with great shoes, a hatred of awareness campaigns and an obsession for marketing with a sharp focus on ROI. 3. K.I.S.S. - Besides reaching the largest media channel in the world, a compelling reason to include Facebook in your overall marketing strategies is because when you are engaging your target market in a conversation, you are doing so while they are “hanging out” with their friends and family. Any interaction they see with you will also be seen by those they surround themselves by. The way to get your content shared with others is to follow the new K.I.S.S.: Keep it Simple and Share-able. This means it must be in bite sizes pieces that are fresh and delicious. Develop content that is original and new for your audience that is so useful that if you weren’t giving it away for free, they would pay for it. Not sure what they would find useful? Survey your target market, ask questions, and check the profiles of some of your top clients to take an assessment of what other pages are they fans of to get a better sense of what you can add to the mix to bring value to their newsfeed. Then when they find useful information, they will be much more likely to share it with their network by reposting on their own profiles.

Kim has worked with brands such as GKIC Inner Circle, Sandler Training, HarleyDavidson, Chem-Dry, and Hilton Hotels to increase revenue through direct response marketing. Kim has been featured by NBC, CBS, FOX and NPR and is the author of bestselling Stupid Series, including Awareness Campaigns are Stupid and Other Secrets to Stop Being An Advertising Victim and Start Monetizing Your Marketing” and the upcoming book: Most Social Media is Stupid: Strategies to monetize your online marketing while you ignore everything else. Want to learn more about how to leverage Facebook to increase your marketing and sales success? Sign up now for the upcoming free webinar, How to Create A Facebook Sales System” with Steve Sipress and Kim Walsh-Phillips on 9/26/13 at 1pm CT at FacebookSalesEvent.

It isn’t advised and won’t be effective.

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I am so excited about this day. It’s been months in the making, and I barely slept in the few days coming up to this, knowing that I have Jermaine Griggs on the line with me. Jermaine, thanks so much for agreeing to come on and do this interview.

Jermaine Griggs:

Hey Steve, the pleasure is mine.

Steve: Every time I hear your voice, I’m taken back with such great memories of the very first Internet marketing seminar that I ever attended. It was just after the late, great Cory Rudl passed and the torch was passed to Derek Gehl over at the Internet Marketing Center and he came to Chicago and they held a conference. Lo and behold, you were basically the star of the whole conference. You were a really young kid, and it was so inspirational to see. Why don’t you tell the people reading this magazine or listening to the audio, if they don’t know your story, could you tell a little bit about your story, how you got started? Jermaine: Yeah, absolutely. It started back when I was just a young boy, growing up in the inner-city of Long Beach. I was always selling lemonade, selling stationery. I joined Olympia Sales Club in the back of National Geographic Magazine. I called the number, and I was selling things for them at $2 an item. Then it just went on, I answered ads in the Pennysaver, Nickel Magazine, for Avon. My grandma had won this piano off The Price Is Right in the early ’70s, and I wasn’t even born yet. I would begin to play that family piano. I just had this knack for playing music. I could hear it, and I could play it. So, by the time I got to age 17, I said, “I’m going to go for it,” and I launched this website, HearAndPlay. com. I could hear, and I could play, and I could also teach and my goal was to teach people out there in cyberspace how to listen to music and play it. Unfortunately, my dreams and goals didn’t meet up with what I really wanted to happen, and we struggled for several years, from the time I launched and played to when I was in my freshman year at the University of California, studying Law. That’s where Cory  Rudl came in. Volume I Number 8 | Pg 9


I woke up one day, March 2nd, 2002, and I had $1,100 in sales. Prior to that, I had never seen $1,100 in one place. It’s like I went to bed, having changed my site, taking Cory’s advice, and woke up and now the same people that were saying no were now saying yes! That was the day that really changed my life. We went on to do six figures my first year, making more than the professors, but I decided to stay in school because my grandma wanted to see me get an education. Steve: We have so much in common, and probably so many of my readers also—having that entrepreneurial bug at an early age and doing whatever it was to make money. What would you say would be the main thing that took you from the hit-or-miss sales coming in once a while to the steady stream of sales coming in? Jermaine: Right. Well, there were a few things. The main thing was copyrighting and I think, before that, just learning how to be persuasive. I think the big lie is you get used to reading catalogues and you think it’s a picture and just a couple sentences that’s supposed to sell this thing, that’s supposed to cause people to take our their wallets and trust you and to transfer that money online to you, someone they’ve never met.

I was naïve to think that I could just put up this website with my work books, and they’re going to buy it. Everybody thinks they’re a marketer because it’s one of the few things out there that everybody’s exposed to, but it really takes skill and really studying the attributes of persuasion and there’s psychology in it. I think, just in the copyrighting process that Cory first exposed me to, was huge for me. And it was counter-intuitive, because you’re telling me I’m supposed to go from my paragraph and book to 14 pages? So, that was a paradigm shift for me, to start this thing out with a headline and then to go and look at his suggestive headlines. Now, it became a game, so now, I needed the best headline to capture their attention. I think my first was “Discover The Secrets To Playing Any Song You Want By Just Listening – 3-Step Process…” or something like that. Steve: I’d like to get into a real turning point, you mentioned previously, when you really started to put your focus on automation and duplication systems instead of doing everything yourself. When did you make that change and what did that change do for you? Jermaine: So, at some point and especially in the beginning, I was juggling a lot and I developed this automation philosophy or this perspective, not because I just found it early but because I had to. I’ve always had people working for me, whether it was family or people I hired. I had to create systems

I found him through his course, The Insider Secrets to Marketing Your Business On The Internet, and I bought it. I bought his course for 200 bucks and I ripped that thing apart.

We have an affiliate program, but I’ve always taken the evergreen approach and we’re here 13 years later doing the same old thing.

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and structures that worked without me, and I really saw the power of auto-responders. Auto-responders are not new, they’ve been around in varying ways, but it’s this idea of setting up a whole campaign, a whole marketing system. It’s gotten to the point where now, when people join my list, they’ll swear I’m sending out these emails and they’ll say, “Hey, man. I noticed you launched that course last week, that course was sweet.” I’ll say, “Man, I haven’t touched that course or promotion in years, that was launched in 2009. You’re just now seeing it again, because you’ve now gotten into this funnel and it seems like it’s new and live and real, like it’s here and now, but it’s not.” One thing I notice is that, especially in the internet marketing community, is people will launch products and they’ll get JV partners and affiliates to promote it and it’ll be this big huge thing, lots of cash will come in. Don’t get me wrong, they’ll make a lot of money, but then it’s over. There’s no continuity, it’s not evergreen. We have an affiliate program, but I’ve always taken the evergreen approach and 13 years later, we’re here doing the same old thing. Steve: Well, I‘ve got to tell you. That’s almost exactly my experience. You were such a superstar in my eyes, early on when I was first getting into using the internet for marketing and the whole direct-response marketing world. One of the things I really love is what you do with personalization and segmenting the list. Without getting into tremendous detail, can you talk about that. Jermaine: Absolutely. I think segmentation is very important so that you can be able to have the right message to the right person at the right time. I believe that’s the lifeblood of many of our operations and it starts by asking questions. So, at some point and especially in the beginning, I was juggling a lot and I developed this automation philosophy or this perspective, not because I just found it early but because I had to. To listen to the complete 95-minute recording of this month’s expert interview, go to:

About Jermaine Griggs Jermaine Griggs, 30, is a minister, musician, entrepreneur, and public speaker. Having grown up in the inner city of Long Beach with just his mom and sister, he always envisioned life on the other side of the tracks. At 16, he started Hear and Play Music, an instructional music company specializing in teaching piano by ear. With only $70, he bought the domain name and launched the company that would not only change his life, but hundreds of thousands of musicians around the world through his books, DVDs, and online training courses. Today, more than two million aspiring musicians download his online lessons every year, and over 301,700 loyal students receive his regular newsletters. Having seen his company grow from a few hundred dollars a month into a multimillion dollar business, he now shares his story with entrepreneurs all over the country and recently launched in 2012 as a place to share his marketing automation philosophies and strategies. For a free 4 video sequence on how to automate your business to make more while working less, go to:

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THE KEY TO MAKING A LOT OF MONEY ONLINE By Matt Bacak There are a couple of ways you can build your business and if you think about it, the most successful models out there can pretty much can be narrowed down to two types: those with big-ticket items and those with continuity streams. Big-ticket items Selling big-ticket items is probably one of the biggest and easiest ways to make a lot money, and we are not just talking about a hundred thousand dollars, we are talking about making a million dollars this way. From big-ticket items, you are getting the big pots of money all at once. Continuity streams With continuity or memberships, less money is coming in, but it’s coming in every single month, providing cash flow all month long. But, the people who make the most money online use a combination of both. In the beginning, when you’re just starting out there’s certain markers of success. What does it take to cover your personal bills, such as your mortgage and other monthly bills? Then, what does it take to run the business every single month, month after month? Your first goal is to cover your personal expenses and stuff like that. And then, after you get there, you need to cover your business expenses. So that’s two markers: making enough money to cover your personal bills, and then your business expenses. Focus on getting a continuous stream of income with a low-ticket membership program. Just focus on that income source, before trying to sell off big-ticket items. After you have that mastered, then you move add the other income source – the big-ticket items. That way you’ve got your expenses covered instead of letting your current business decline while starting up a new venture of selling high-ticket items I think out of all the models I have ever seen, when someone really singly focuses on one income source, then moves into the other source, they are more successful.

About Matt Bacak Matt Bacak is considered by many an Internet Marketing Legend. Using his stealth marketing techniques, he became a Best Selling author with a huge fan base of over 1.2 million people in his niche as well as built multi-million dollar companies. Matt is not only a sought-after internet marketer but has also marketed for some of the world’s top experts whose reputations would shrivel if their followers ever found out someone else coached them on their online marketing strategies. There are many strategies to making money on the internet, but nothing makes sense unless you have a big list. Email Marketing is the most profitable way to make money on the internet. When you build a list of hot and hungry prospects you control your future. Discover how to use the internet and turn your computer into a cash gushing machine. Signup right now for Matt Bacak’s FREE online newsletter to find out how to do exactly that - Go here:

Volume I Number 8 | Pg 13

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*A $2,000+ Bonus Package is available for one day only: September 5, 2013 $3,500+ worth of Bonuses will still be available after the launch date


Lessons From My Lake County Fair Experience By Steve Sipress Record-low temperatures fell upon the Chicagoland area recent, but that didn’t stop my beautiful wife Michele and I from following through on our plans to attend the annual Illinois Lake County Fair.

I got up-close-and-personal with a couple of hardcharging rhinos:

Unfortunately, thousands of other would-be fair-goers chose to stay home, leaving the fairgrounds eerily nearempty. On a positive note, that would allow the vendors to engage in more substantial interaction with us and other fair-goers, right? Wishful thinking. Two summers ago, I wrote a post about the downright horrendous marketing strategies and tactics used by the overwhelming majority of business people who set up booths at these type of events. Unfortunately, nothing has changed in the past two years. The continued frustrating and stagnant economy doesn’t seem to have motivated small business owners to seek solutions instead of just continuing to complain and blame. (*If you know of and care about any of those folks, feel free to alert them to the existence of this website, and my $1 Scholarship Offer at!)

And one lazy, contented cow:

Michele and I dressed as if heading out on a chilly October day, and set off for the Lake County Fairgrounds. On the way, we discussed our plans to buy some fresh, locallygrown produce and spices and to play a few carny games like darts and ring toss. Oops! As we discovered upon examining the map (and inquiring at the Information Table), none of those opportunities existed at this particular fair. Undaunted, we decided to make the most of our adventure (and we snapped some photos for your enjoyment)…

We felt that the “Chicago Flower & Garden Show” was a disappointment, since there were very few displays. Most of those were excellent, however, including one by a former favorite client of mine, Cindy White of the nearby 

Volume I Number 8 | Pg 15


Country Bumpkin Garden Center:

Next, I took advantage of the opportunity to flash my trusty Joe Sugarman Batman Credit Card in front of the actual Batmobile. A few people enjoyed the interactive show as a classic pitchman hawked his cookware (and heckled me for taking this photo):

We watched a little bit of the pig auction and petted some goats, then headed inside to the Expo Building to my favorite part of the Fair: the chance to interact with the businesspeople manning the various booths! First up, I met this well-dressed gentleman:

I asked him if the record-low temperatures were due to Global Warming, but got no response. Then I decided to hand over my money to him before he tried to take it to redistribute to others who don’t take as much of the right actions as me. (*The “Lake County Democrats” weren’t too pleased with this “renegade” choice of pose.)

…while the host at another booth was so bored (and incompetent) that he stood there staring at his phone with his back turned, ignoring me for at least a full minute before I gave up and moved on:

Most vendors at the Fair made the same mistake as almost all small business owners and sales professionals: Thinking that people shop mainly by price. One booth practically chased away anyone not looking for the lowest quality merchandise, because their signs proclaimed “Buy One For $19.99, Get TWO FREE!”Yikes! That sign might as well have said, “Please Buy Our Crappy Sunglasses.” More than one of the contractors

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couldn’t believe that I didn’t want their free estimate or free diagnostic test. “But it’s free!” they repeated in disbelief when I chose to move on to the next vendor. They also made the common mistake of being unable to get out of their own heads to see things from the viewpoint of their prospects. I asked the contractor at the booth below: “How would I know if my ducts looked like that?” His response? “We come to your home and take photos of them.” Ouch. Alas, that was the best he could do…

Finally, I met local inventor Fred Martin, and bought a test packet of his “Colorful Fire.”

The timing was excellent, as we made a fire that night to take some of the summer chill out of the air. This photo doesn’t really capture the full, exciting effect of this fun product:


I really enjoyed Fred’s entrepreneurial When I suggested Fred try to get passion, drive and dedication — and onto the “Shark Tank” show to vault himself and his product into the big his product, too. time, he replied “Why would I want BUT… to give up a piece of my company to I also noticed that Fred made one of them?” – I made that mistake several classic, unfortunately all-too- myself with my first multi-million common mistakes: dollar company, wrongly thinking that He was almost completely focused owning 100% of my small company on his product vs. the marketing would be better than owning 55% of it – His website is easily found on of a MUCH larger company. It wasn’t Google (for the relatively few people until years later that a business coach who would actually search for it), taught me that “The only reason to but otherwise he told me that his start a business is to sell it.” I often have main sales strategy is simply to keep to correct my own coaching clients, traveling to fairs and events, doing reminding them that “your business manual labor to educate and sell. is NOT your baby — it’s a business!” He failed to collect my contact And now my final lesson from the recent information, even though we spoke Lake County Fair… for at least 10 minutes, AND I even It comes from a comment on my bought his product – Michele and I Facebook post that day where I enjoyed our Colorful Fire that night, suggested that I thought very few and immediately decided we wanted vendors would collect my contact more, so wouldn’t it have made sense information for follow-up purposes. for Fred to use a “Thank You” email The commenter wrote: “better and/or phone call to follow-up our question—-how many of “their” purchase with an offer for a repeat contact info will YOU collect for follow order and request for a testimonial up and consulting to show them how and/or referral? (How easy a sale would you can take them to another level? THAT be? About a zillion times easier than humping around every weekend, My answer is fairly simple — yet it’s a setting up booths at all kinds of events key to marketing success than many, to try to sell to new prospects who are many business owners ignore: completely unaware of his product.) I don’t cold call or otherwise “chase” Same goes, of course, for those who prospects. Instead, I implement stopped by his booth and discovered powerful “attraction marketing” his product, but weren’t yet ready to strategies and tactics — the same buy (it was the middle of summer, ones I teach to my clients — that after all). cause my ideal prospects to approach me, asking for my help.

1. Do you have a system for attracting all the ideal customers, clients or patients you can handle — without you ever having to engage in the ugly, unpleasant, uphill battle of cold prospecting? 2. Do you recognize the fact that “the money is in the list,” and focus all of your efforts on gathering the contact information of more and more prospects and customers and building a solid relationship with them, so you can then sell to them over and over without the need for extra grunt work or advertising costs?

In closing, I ask you a couple of questions, dear reader:

Most vendors at the Fair made the same mistake as almost all small business owners and sales professionals: Thinking that people shop mainly by price.

About Steve To find out more about Steve Sipress and how he can help you have more fun and make more money with your business, see the Inside Cover Page. To get new money-making strategies and tips every weekday from Steve and other top business-building experts from around the world, visit his new blog: Volume I Number 8 | Pg 17

MONEY-MAKING MONTHLY Volume I Number 8 | September 2013

This Month’s Money-Making Info


Positioning vs. Prospecting, Motivated Selling vs. Tactical Marketing Perry Marshall

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More Pencils, More Books



The Key to Making A Lot of Money Online Matt Bacak

Manny’s Blog

My Top Three Steps to Winning the Facebook Gold Rush


Interview with Marketing Maestro Jermaine Griggs


Lessons From My Lake County Fair Experience Steve Sipress

Kim J. Walsh-Phillips

Publisher Steve Sipress Successful Selling Systems, Inc. 869 E Schaumburg Rd #237 Schaumburg, IL 60194 (p) 773-236-8134 (f ) 847-232-1535 Questions? Comments? Suggestions?

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Editor Jewels Phraner

Layout & Design JDO of SPX Multimedia

Publisher’s Notice: Copyright 2013 Successful Selling Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction of any part of this work beyond that permitted by Section 107 or 108 of the 1976 U.S. Copyright Act without permission of the copyright owner is unlawful. Neither the author nor the publisher make any express or implied warranties concerning the legal or ethical appropriateness of any of the marketing documents, materials or instructions in or enclosed with the magazine and/or your use of the same. If in doubt about the appropriateness or legality of any materials or instructions, you should obtain competent guidance, just as you would with any marketing documents, materials or marketing plans you have developed or would develop on your own. In the interests of disclosure, we want to be open about how we may, from time to time, make money from this magazine. Certain third-party links contained in this magazine may be affiliate links for which we get paid a commission if you buy the product or service through the affiliate link.

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