Volume IV • Number 4 • April 2016 • $97
To Get Rich
MANY’S BLOG: Tax Time: Can You Dig It?
Surround Yourself with Supporters
, The Solvay MASTERMIND expert interview with
April 2016
About the Publisher, Steve Sipress If you want to grow your business slowly – or just maintain it as is, you’ll have to do that all on your own. But if you want dramatic growth in your income and lifestyle, then Steve’s out-of-the-box and time-tested strategies and tactics could be the keys to your dreams. You can benefit from Steve’s coaching experience and expertise to revolutionize your business – yes, even in this challenging economy – at one of the many in-person entrepreneur events he hosts, OR from the comfort of your own home anywhere in the world. You can also learn basic and advanced direct response marketing strategies and tactics from 150+ hours of video instruction, plus use any or all of Steve’s multi-million-dollar, proven “done-for-you” marketing materials at SSSMarketingUniversity.com. That website has been called The Single Most Powerful Client Attraction Program Available Anywhere, and you could be using it to skyrocket your income anytime you want, 24/7, along with hundreds of other sharp, successful business leaders. If you’re just starting up your new business, you’ll want to take advantage of all of Steve’s training, guidance and resources at NewBusinessAcademy.org. Steve is a successful and award-winning serial entrepreneur, who has created and built nearly a dozen successful companies of his own, and he can help you do the same – more quickly and easily than you’ve ever imagined. In fact, you can immediately use plenty of his simple and powerful strategies and tactics that work especially well in this current frustrating economy. You can discover the basics of Steve’s powerful “The WOW! Strategy™: How To Solve All Of Your Marketing Problems” by watching a short video at www.SteveSipress.com. Steve is a celebrated author, speaker and business coach who has established profitable businesses and helped thousands of ambitious and aggressive business owners, entrepreneurs, executives and sales professionals all around the world. He has written numerous newsletters and articles on sales and marketing for a wide range of publications and has appeared on radio and television, helping millions of people along the way. For over five years, Steve was the #1 “Dan Kennedy Certified No B.S. Business Advisor,” and was Runner-Up out of 25,000 members for 2010 GKIC Marketer Of The Year. If you want the very best, hard-hitting, no-nonsense, caring advice and help you can get, then “Straight-Talk Steve” could be exactly what you and your business need most. Whether you’re a current or future business superstar, Steve can help you get exactly where you want to go as quickly, easily and powerfully as YOU want – with massive results both short-term and long-term.
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When we first started, I was terribly in debt and we were just a few months away from bankruptcy. We started seeing a boost right away in our business, we took what Steve’s given me and we just started implementing and implementing, and it’s just totally transformed my business. Steve has helped me with my laser focus, he helps me implement, he’s taken my business to a whole new level. We went from a half a million dollars to a million dollars in two years. It’s just an incredible experience to know that where you think you’re just dead and things are horrible, to now anything is possible. I can see taking this to a whole new three or four types of businesses -- it’s going to be huge. Steve is all business, he is an unbelievably smart, brilliant man. I can’t say enough about him. Everything he’s told me, I’ve made so much money it doesn’t matter what it costs. They don’t make enough money in this world that somebody could pay me so I would stop listening to Steve. Steve is the exact reason why I have a retirement fund now. It’s probably illegal how much fun I’m having!”
Jon Bockman
Owner, Bockman’s Auto Care Sycamore, Illinois
April 2016
The Quickest, Surest, Most-Effective Way
to Business Success (Part II) By Steve Sipress Last month, I wrote about the tremendous value every small business owner and entrepreneur can get from participating in a well-run Mastermind Group with other sharp, ambitious peers, and I started to explain what The WOW! Strategy™ Mastermind Group is all about, and what makes it so special. So exactly what is The WOW! Strategy™ Mastermind Group all about? (or, “How do small business owners and entrepreneurs get results faster than they’ve ever known with the help of me and their peers?”) It’s like five beneficial business-building experiences in one program: 1. Facilitated, accelerated learning and application of The WOW! Strategy™ for marketing and overall business success 2. Friendly accountability and encouragement 3. A Mastermind Group experience: Creative Thinking Multiplied 4. Peer Advisory: “Sounding Boards” 5. Opportunities for co-operative alliances with other sharp business people Last month, I went into detail about #1 on the list. Now here is an in-depth look at the other parts of the experience…
2. Friendly Accountability & Encouragement (Good news: You’re your own boss. Bad news: You’re your own boss!) Every athlete and every coach knows performance, productivity and results automatically improve when there is accountability to someone other than yourself. In The WOW! Strategy™ Mastermind Group, you’ll have “an environment of accountability.” You will be given new ideas, strategies and tools to apply in your business, and will consistently be reporting back, to your “coach” and to the group, what you got done and how things worked out. You’ll also be sharing your own innovations, your own changes, your own successes. Friendly competition within the group to be “Git ‘Er Done’ers” motivates all of us to take action and follow through on our good ideas and intentions. 3. A Mastermind Group Experience: Creative Thinking Multiplied The “mastermind concept” is widely credited to Napoleon Hill, author of the all-time best-selling success book, Think And Grow Rich, chronicling the common ideas and success strategies of several hundred great achievers of Hill’s time, including Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, and Thomas Edison. Hill discovered that Henry Ford, Harvey Firestone and Thomas Edison had a
formal “mastermind alliance,” and met regularly in away-from-business locations, to creatively brainstorm about all of their businesses and interests. These men enunciated to Hill the belief that putting their three minds together in harmonious, progressive thought multiplied their power exponentially. Hill subsequently found the same principle at work in other “mastermind alliances.” One modern place this is at work is in the Disney companies, where teams of “Imagineers” are brought together to brainstorm new opportunities, solve problems, and develop projects. Each meeting is, in part, a mastermind process. Similarly, every challenge, goal, and opportunity brought to the table by myself and your fellow The WOW! Strategy™ Mastermind Group members will be given the “brainstorming process” and lively, open discussion – leading to breakthrough ideas and solutions for everybody. 4. Peer Advisory: “Sounding Boards” In many corporate environments, there are different kinds of “Peer Advisory Boards” – for example, venture capital fund managers from different industries form a group to advise each other on legal, financial and management issues. Organizations you may have heard of or been part of, like the CEO Clubs, YEO or YPO, all function as peer advisory groups. The idea is to have objective, frank and
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knowledgeable “Sounding Boards” for your ideas and issues – including things you may not openly discuss with employees, friends or even family. It’s just good to have a “Sounding Board” with no axe to grind and no agenda that you can bounce ideas off of, talk out problems with. The unique thing about THIS peer advisory group is their common interest in and understanding of direct response marketing and effective entrepreneurial strategies, based on The WOW! Strategy™. This puts everybody in the group on the same page in a unique and powerful way, leading to phenomenal results and business breakthroughs. 5. Opportunities For Co-Operative Alliances With Other Sharp Businesspeople This should be the LEAST of the reasons to join, but there are many opportunities for 2, 3 or all of the sharp entrepreneurs and business owners in the group to come together and work co-operatively on business ideas, to cross-promote each other’s businesses, to share leads, etc. I will also open up my vast Rolodex to make strategic connections for you with anyone you want in my sizable network, and will also coach you through any of the programs and courses that you want from my huge-and-always-growing library. Furthermore, I am always looking for people to speak on stages at my live events, to host webinars with, and to promote via my monthly magazine and daily podcast. In all likelihood, this “little” benefit alone will more than give you a 10x return on your investment to participate in the group! So… Who is The WOW! Strategy™ Mastermind Group for? Only an Entrepreneurial Business Owner who… •
Provides an excellent product or
• • • • •
• • •
service with 100% integrity Has an honestly open mind and opportunity-minded attitude Is extremely busy and needs a time-efficient way to learn and grow Is highly motivated to make improvements in marketing and sales methods Is eager to substantially increase income Is eager to bend the business to facilitate personal and lifestyle preferences – to be its master, not its slave Is willing to share ideas and experiences, and help other likeminded businesspeople Values being part of a creative process Is a practitioner of the “principle of slight edge” – a successful person always seeking improvement Can be counted on to participate
Who should NOT Participate? • • • •
Set in your ways, stubborn, fearful of change Satisfied with or married to your present advertising, marketing, sales, business methods No need or desire for increases in income, wealth, business value Selfish or dishonest
Mastermind Group include some of the sharpest business owners and entrepreneurs from all over the world, all working together to take their incomes and lifestyles to new heights.
My big, bold Guarantee is that every participant will experience at least ten times their investment at the end of one year in the group, or else I refund double their investment back to them. That is why I am extremely selective about who is allowed to join the group. If you have any interest, you can get more information, see success stories, and for a short time only, apply for membership at a special introductory rate by going to: www.SteveSipress.com/mastermind After you complete the Questionnaire, we’ll get on the phone and figure out whether or not you would be a good fit for the group. If so, I look forward to helping you transform your income and your lifestyle.
To find out more about Steve Sipress and how he can help you have more fun and make more money with your business, see the Inside Cover Page.
The WOW! Strategy™ Mastermind Group presents an organized system for transforming marketing for any business, designed for immediate, practical and profitable application. It is fun, entertaining, shocking, provocative, bold, exciting, and different than any other business group. My methods, teaching, coaching, guidance, resources, and connections make creating big marketing and money breakthroughs a process that everyone enjoys… that everyone CAN do, regardless of how they feel now about “marketing” or their marketing aptitude. Members of The WOW! Strategy™
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To get new money-making strategies and tips every weekday from Steve and other top business-building experts from around the world, go to:
Steve Sipress The WOW Strategy™ Creator
To find out if you qualify to join The WOW! Strategy™ Mastermind Group, go to:
Jon Bockman Sycamore, IL
“Steve is all business. He is an unbelievably smart, brilliant, brilliant man. I can't say enough about him. Steve has put probably more, I would say, thousands, and thousands, and thousands of dollars... I mean, I probably can't even put a true figure on it, because it keeps coming back, and keeps coming back, just more and more money all the time.”
“One suggestion that Steve gave me, well, without question, put $300,000 more in my bank account. And we are going to be using it forever. This is not a one-time deal. We’re going to be using this idea that Steve helped us with... and we’ll be using it until it doesn't keep working like it is. And so, the value over time could literally be way over even the $300,000 number.”
Mary Forte Bensenville, IL
Keith Lee Seattle, WA
“He's helped me learn how to market my business, and today I can say that we're more successful than we've ever been… I needed to learn how to market the business better to create more revenue, and that's what Steve has helped me with. The financial difference is considerable. We've probably close to doubled our revenues. We're on track now to do another close to $500,000 more than we did last year. So that's awesome. I do owe all of that to Steve.”
RECLAIM the Magic
expert interview with
Steve Sipress: Lee Milteer, what an absolute phenomenal pleasure it is to have you here on The Rhino Daily Podcast! Lee Milteer: Thank you so much, Steve. It’s great to actually talk to you. We actually know each other very well. You were in my Peak Performers group for a number of years, and you were always so much fun! Steve: Well, I appreciate that. I don’t think I hear that a lot or a lot of people would describe me as a lot of fun in a business meeting. But that’s really what makes you so much different, and stand out, and so much better than other typical business meetings… is the way you approach it. And I have to tell the audience what you just did; I’ll second the notion of the positive impact and effect that you’ve had on my beautiful wife Michele and our life in general. So I thank you for that. Enough of the gushiness. I want to get right into the point that your latest book here as we record this… I love the title: Reclaim The Magic: The Real Secrets To Manifesting Anything You Want. Who’s going to resist a title like that! And yet, do you hear anybody, or do you just know that people have got to be pushing back on that in a business setting and thinking, “How froufrou is that, with this ‘magic’ and ‘manifesting-anything-you-want’ nonsense!” Like, “Just tell me how to build a website, will you?”
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Anybody who is doing what they used to be doing last year or the year before, you’re already losing, because our whole world right now is about creating new magic.
Lee: Well, see… That’s very old school thinking, because the truth is creativity is the name of the game right now. And anybody who is doing what they used to be doing last year or the year before, you’re already losing, because our whole world right now is about creating new magic. There are more inventions and more changes that have happened in the last five years than have happened in history. If you’re not constantly cutting-edge, changing, replenishing your mind with possibilities… And there are… You’re right, Steve, there are a lot of people who think, “Oh, this is froufrou,” but I’m definitely a very earthbound person. I’ve written 13 books, over 150 educational products, I’ve spoken to over a million people. I am a person who really understands how to run a business. The reason I named the book Reclaim The Magic is literally people have let the magic of the excitement and the possibility and the opportunities flow out of them, because the world has been poisoned by the media so badly that “things are bad and they’re only going to get worse.” If you allow that kind of poison to flow in your veins enough, it affects you on a cumulative basis. Your enthusiasm… Your ability to scan the landscape and to literally search for new possibilities… Because today, it’s
all about how can you leverage your talents, your abilities, your skills, your wisdom, and your knowledge? How can you leverage it in a way that makes money, and promote your business, and get you some PR, and get you in a place that people can notice you? What magic really is, is your excitement and enthusiasm about life. Sadly, a lot of entrepreneurs, a lot of business owners, without even knowing it, become very jaded and negative and skeptical really, of their own ability to manifest what they want in life. Since I am a student of Dan Kennedy and one of his best friends for over the last twenty years, I know all kinds worlds are available to you. It’s really: Do you give yourself permission to tap into that energy? Because we have energy around us, and people are attracted to people with high energy, and high intellect, and high creativity. This book is really about sharing with people how to get back to that enthusiasm that is within you – that “possibility thinking” kind of attitude. Because that’s where all the inventions and creativity comes from. Steve: I agree 100%. People who know me know that I’m constantly saying, “You cannot control the overall economy. Who cares about the overall economy? I can control my own economy.” That’s what you’re talking about – this whole negative… the media feeding us this stuff about how “the economy is bad” or “this is bad…” Not my personal economy. Your personal economy is doing pretty good, isn’t it? Lee: My personal economy is fantastic, and I’m so excited about life, because with change comes opportunity. A lot of people don’t see life like that. They think something is being taken away from them. Whereas, if you’re constantly literally scanning the landscape of your reality and looking for new trends and looking for new ways to take your services, your products, and what you do in life, and
April 2016
tweaking it so that you’re enticing the interests of your customers, your clients, your patients, what happens is that you’re kind of an exciting person. An interesting thing, Steve, is that like attracts like. Enthusiastic people like other enthusiastic people. Negative people like negative people. So you’ve got to make a decision: Are you attracting the kind of customers, clients, and patients that you want – you know, really good ones – because of your attitude? And not to count the fact that your team – your employees, your staff, all those people around you – are very affected by you, because you are Big Mama/Big Daddy to them. Most of our staff are really children. If they were meant to be self-employed, they would have been self-employed. They are really programmed and wired to have leaders. And as a leader, how you walk in in the morning… You can always ask people, “When you touch the doorknob of your office, are you open for business?” What I mean by that is: Are you really projecting the leadership qualities of getting people excited about working for you? Because your staff are the ambassadors, and if you’ve come in pensive and down and angry and
People have let the magic of the excitement and the possibility and the opportunities flow out of them, because the world has been poisoned by the media so badly that “things are bad and they’re only going to get worse.”
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depressed, that infects them, and then that will show in the way they answer the phone, the way they use customer service… So it really is on your shoulders as a business owner to stop being jaded and letting the media poison you, but to really get excited about what the heck you can create! Steve: I’m with you 100% there. Anyone that’s ever eaten at a restaurant with me that has bad service, or a non-courteous waitress, or waiter, or whatever, knows that my immediate reaction is: “Wow. There’s something going on with the manager.” I don’t fault the busboy himself for the rude comment. I’m like, “Wow. The manager here is really causing things.” So what you talk about for us being self-employed or heads of our business is that’s how things are going to move through us, to our employees, and to our customers, to our entire business. Which, of course, comes back and affects our entire life. So I love what you said about how change is occurring at record speeds these days, and it behooves all of us to look at change in the right way, and to not only roll with the change, but to understand and… I hate to use the word “force change” – but to embrace change, to look for it, and to trust the magic word that… We’re almost at the end of today’s segment, but I want to get into it tomorrow, because I don’t know if you remember, but I had this big battle when you were helping guide me with the word “intuition” and the whole concept of intuition, because for my entire adult life up to that point had been purposefully ignoring my intuition in favor of thinking, “I’ve got to rationally analyze everything and make the right decisions.”
Enthusiastic people like other enthusiastic people. Negative people like negative people. So you’ve got to make a decision: Are you attracting the kind of customers, clients, and patients that you want – you know, really good ones – because of your attitude?
of intuition. So I want to get into that in tomorrow’s segment. I just want to finish by pointing out how you talk about “creation.” Well, I’m going to bring that up tomorrow also, because we’re really at the end of today’s segment. It’s just flew by, and I know tomorrow’s is going to be fantastic as well. Could we get into this concept of intuition? Lee: Absolutely. It’s one of my favorite topics. And I remember you having this challenge big time. You were a great example for the entire group, actually, Steve.
And it wasn’t until you opened my eyes that I was doing myself, and my family, and my customers, and my business, and everybody, a big disservice by ignoring this whole concept and power
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show and Untamed Success: Positive TV.
Steve: You know, I don’t remember that. I believe it, because I really was a brick wall of not allowing my… not recognizing patterns, not going with my gut, not doing all the things that you taught me so well. And now… Well, you’ve always been doing it, if people pay attention, through your writings, your teachings, your events, just who you are. You teach people to do – which, to me, is one of the greatest things that happened in my life, so I thank you for that, and let’s get into that a little tomorrow. To listen to the full interview, go to: www.RhinoDaily.com/podcast
Lee Milteer is an internationally-known and celebrated entrepreneur, visionary, best-selling author of 11 books (including one with Steve Sipress), award-winning professional speaker, TV personality, and intuitive business mentor. She provides business and success advice and resources to nearly 250,000 people around the world as the founder of the Millionaire Smarts® Coaching program, and has hosted the America’s Premier Experts TV
Lee speaks all over North America and Europe in conventions, private companies, and entrepreneurial and niche market events. She has counseled and trained more than a million people in her speeches, and has been featured in Woman Millionaires. Sign up for Lee’s Gems Of Wisdom newsletter at:
April 2016
Star was more a factor in their success than their raw talent.
By Perry Marshall
Do you think nuclear reactors are important? Wouldn’t have happened without these folks. Do you think transistors are important? Those wouldn’t have happened either. Do you think nuclear weapons are important? No nukes without these guys. (Yeah I know, nobody likes nukes. Except when Japan is utterly unstoppable. Then perhaps…)
There were 27 members of the Solvay Mastermind Meeting in 1927 in Brussels. 17 of these guys received Nobel Prizes. Collectively they turned the world upside down.
Everybody knows who he is, even if they don’t know the other guys. You’re thinking, this is high cotton. Has nothing to do with me or my world.
Some folks probably couldn’t afford to come. So they weren’t there. Some were too busy. They had weddings and funerals to go to, birthday parties to attend, windows to wash, lawns to mow, cars to repair. They weren’t there either. Oh well. But at least they had good intentions. People wish. Oh, do they wish.
I realize comparing the Solvay Mastermind to anything you or I might do may seem like a bit of a stretch. Albert Einstein turned up, after all.
Think again. I’m here to suggest that what was most extraordinary about this group was NOT that every single person in the room was a genius. There was something else at play. These guys were in the right place at the right time, in the right profession. Physics was a STAR BUSINESS then – a hot, hot field growing at doubleand triple-digit rates and these guys were discovering and inventing. THEIR group was the STAR in a growing field.
How about submarines? Or modern light bulbs? These guys made it happen. They gave birth to trillions of dollars of industry. We truly stand on the shoulders of giants. Collectively they represented the #1 company in their industry and Star Principle was at play. Star was more a factor in their success than their raw talent. Yeah, I know, that’s not what you’ve been taught to believe. It’s not what you’ve been conditioned [by a system inhabited by chronic sleepwalkers – public schools – media – Department Of Transportation – Department Of Revenue – Food and Drug Administration] to think. Inhabitants of The Matrix would utterly reject such a silly idea. “These men were really special men with very special gifts not available to mere mortals.” That is what those who control The Matrix want you to believe. I say: They put themselves (for some, found themselves) in the right field, the right hot growing opportunity… a place where urgent, baffling
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questions were seeping through the walls, windows and doors. Waiting for people to pick them up and answer them. I say, Star Situations and Star Environments create giants. More so than individual talent or work habits. Oh, and there’s something else that they did right: They hung together. They stuck together. They arm-wrestled together. They got up early and stayed up late. They held their meetings. They went to dinner. Then they went to the bar after the meeting. They shared early-morning coffee before breakfast. They talked, argued, fought, smoked cigars. Pissed each other off. They drew diagrams on chalkboards, checked and double-checked their numbers, they told jokes, they solved problems. They entertained vain imaginations and considered what a world beyond their present knowledge might be like. And it was pure joy! Hours slipped by unnoticed as they literally solved the world’s problems. Nero fiddled as Rome burned. As for these guys – the world fiddled while their brains burned. The power of a Mastermind.
I myself find that there are only certain, very specific times when my brain is plastic enough, elastic enough, to re-form and point me in a new direction. I have to reach BRAIN ON FIRE THRESHOLD.
observation. Most of the time, knowledge doesn’t translate into action because your current grid is too brittle to allow the change to take place. Your world, your schedule, your assumptions, your systems, whatever – they don’t have enough ‘give’ to flex and make room for the new paradigm. So you stay in the old one. Sometimes for years. Most people try to fix this through selfcondemnation and flagellation. I went to “Fantasy Drum Camp,” a seminar where some of the world’s most esteemed percussionists held four days of intense workshops and played concerts at night. On the last day, when everyone was preparing to head home, I overheard a guy say to his buddy, “This is so depressing. I always go to these things and then when I get home I don’t practice, and when I come back I’m no better than I was before.”
Seminar syndrome. Ever witnessed that before?
Right now you have a set of very, very specific habits, patterns and beliefs. Those habits, patterns and beliefs have gotten you to where you are. For better or worse. You have things you know and you have things you do. You also have things you think you know. But you don’t really know them, because you don’t do them. You have knowledge but you don’t have belief.
Now if you’re the kind of person I’m truly speaking to today, you’re actually past that. You don’t come home from seminars and do nothing. But you’re still struggling to hit that elusive boiling point – where the water goes from 211°F to 212. From 99°C to 100. From roiling waves to superheated, piston-pushing steam.
Yeah I know that sounds judgmental. It’s not, though. It’s just an
You’re a high-achiever. Self-motivated. Overly analytical. Prone to getting paralyzed by choices. You’ve hit rock bottom a few times. Got things
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figured out and built a successful business. You grew rapidly but leveled off. Maybe getting some slow linear growth, but wanting to experience that hockey stick again. You’re pretty sure you can “see” how to get where you want to go. But you’ve “seen” that every year for the past five, and the transcendent goals and big plans don’t seem to pan out. You get distracted and fall down on implementation, or the ground shifts and your plan has to shift with it. These days you fight cynicism and skepticism about your own ability to execute and create that kind of dynamic again. On some days, you have trust issues – you don’t trust yourself or the process anymore. I myself find that there are only certain, very specific times when my brain is plastic enough, elastic enough, to re-form and point me in a new direction. I have to reach BRAIN ON FIRE THRESHOLD. Then, suddenly, it happens. I can name a dozen times when this happened to me. Most of the time it was in a concentrated diesel-enginecompression, iron-sharpens-iron crucible with other people.
DO YOU KNOW HOW A DIESEL ENGINE WORKS? Diesels don’t have spark plugs. Diesels spray fuel into the cylinder when it’s
fully extended. Then, the momentum of the turning engine pushes the cylinder back in and the compression increases the temperature. Just when the cylinder is at the top of its stroke (all the way “in”), the increased pressure and temperature cause the fuel to ignite. The diesel fuel explodes and the cycle begins again. There is no spark. Rather, it’s the compression that causes the fuel to ignite. Compression drives business too. When you’re popular, when you’re in demand, when there’s less of you than the world wants, that triggers compression that propels you forward. When you’re in a room full of 100% turned-on, tuned-in people, wired and ready to receive and give, you also create another kind of compression. It’s creative compression. Boiling point, even when there’s no spark.
Finally, one day I’m in a Roundtable meeting doodling on a piece of paper. I seem to recall Glenn Livingston was talking. Once again I started trying to set up that problem. Suddenly I saw how to solve it. It was so simple. Why didn’t I see it before? Why? Because my brain wasn’t boiling before. Neurons weren’t burning before. They hadn’t been FLUID ENOUGH, they weren’t mobile enough. They couldn’t get un-stuck. So they just stayed. But somehow, in that group, it was suddenly possible. The electrons were right, the energy was right, the vibe was right, the fluidity was right, I could solve it. I went home, hired someone online to chug through the rest of the problem (that was the easy part) and the 80/20 Curve was born.
April 2016
I submit to you, dear friend, that this is how YOU are going to solve YOUR problem. Your insight is likely going to hit you at an unexpected time when you are surrounded by other entrepreneurs who are also immersed in a Star Environment. Magic unfolds when those sparks fly. It’s like watching steel cut through steel in a darkened room. You reach that special tipping point, the brain cells re-arrange, new connections are made and life begins anew. What was complicated before is suddenly simple. You’ve been through the fire, you’ve arrived at the other side. You 2.0. Boiling point. Compression zone. Diesel fuel. Solvay conference. Stretched rubber band never returns to its original size. Oh, and let us single out a vital element:
This is the compression that delivered Nobel Prizes to 17 out of 27 scientists at the Solvay Conference. This is the compression that ignited the original Saturday Night Live cast – John Belushi, Dan Akroyd, Bill Murray and Chevy Chase. Will simply gathering together with other people guarantee that this will happen? Emphatically NO. But not gathering is a sure guarantee that it WON’T. If you’ve read the last chapter of my 80/20 book, you know the strange story of how I met Vivian (think “Oracle” in the movie The Matrix). She said I was working on a math problem (without having been told; actually, nobody knew about this, except possibly my wife) and she said: You’re gonna solve that problem. Well I would work on it and work on it, and get stuck. Back on the shelf it would go for a few months. Then I would attack it again. And get stuck. On and on this went, for 3½ years. I would make a run at it and fail.
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April 2016
RISK That boiling point, compression zone, that diesel effect never happens when you feel completely SAFE. Life is not Disneyland. Life is risk and adventure. The risk brings the boiling point to fruition. You don’t know what’s around the corner. You’re deliberately journeying to the EDGE because this is no academic exercise. You’re not there for entertainment. You’re there because all is on the line. Your business is on the line. Your future is on the line. Repeated immersion in the risk zone alters your brain and your reality. In fact eventually this becomes a normal habit that you cultivate. Extreme excursions into the unknown become your normal even though they aren’t anybody else’s normal – not anybody else you normally encounter in normal life. Your next door neighbor doesn’t do that. Your church pals don’t do that. Your former colleagues from work don’t do that. The people you meet on the non-profit board don’t do that. But you do. Nothing burns experience into your brain like accepting those dares. And nothing burns a new pattern into your brain than taking that risk and hitting PAYDIRT. What sets your brain on fire?
Your insight is likely going to hit you at an unexpected time when you are surrounded by other entrepreneurs who are also immersed in a Star Environment. most powerful learning experience. I can trace my own forward leaps as a marketer to decisions made at live immersion experiences – more than any other single thing. Because it’s one thing to get information. Being IMMERSED in a total community experience is an entirely different animal. If you drive a few hours, fly across the country or cross the ocean blue for an immersion, what do you get? The information you come home with isn’t just floating aimlessly in your head anymore. Suddenly you’re no longer alone, your business no longer exists at your desk or in your office where you live. There’s a brand new dimension, a context of time and place. You break out of your normal, boring routine and your mind is in a receptive mode. You remember and implement that information so much better. It’s total immersion. That’s the thing that makes the knowledge
“Regular people” know nothing of these disciplines, these habits. They commute to their Larry Lunchbox job and they sleepwalk through their day. They assume most of what they see and hear on the news is roughly, at least somewhat true. Alas, it is not. When you are in that RISK zone, when you’re on the edge, what do you do? You devour hot new books, eavesdrop on pivotal conversations. You read newsletters and listen to podcasts late at night. Right? Listening to a talk while you drive around is great. Reading a book or eBook on the latest thing is great. But nothing even comes close to TOTAL IMMERSION. It’s the
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stick. Everyone there has the same purpose and your mind is focused in a way that’s impossible at home. Being an independent entrepreneur, sales person or online marketer can be a very lonely existence. It’s just you, answering emails, issuing directives or doing whatever. It’s easy to feel isolated and frustrated, and when you hit an obstacle, sometimes there’s no one to turn to. But at a live mastermind, you make important new connections. You vibrate. You brainstorm. When you get home, you stay in touch. There’s nothing like having a buddy system. And having that buddy to rely on is a lot less expensive than always paying a ‘guru’ every time you get stuck! Your mind shifts into a different, more creative gear. Ideas and inspiration flow like water. Puzzle pieces suddenly fall into place. Solutions to difficult problems materialize.
Entrepreneur Magazine says: “Perry Marshall is the #1 author and world’s most-quoted consultant on Google Advertising. He has helped over 100,000 advertisers save literally billions of dollars in Adwords stupidity tax.” He is referenced across the Internet and by The New York Times, The Washington Post, USA Today, the Chicago Tribune and Forbes Magazine. Get your free course, “5 Steps To Mastering The Most Powerful, Cost-Effective Way To Attract New Customers And Build Your Company’s Credibility With White Papers! … And How YOU Can Write a White Paper in 1-2 Days, Not Weeks or Months!” by going to:
April 2016
TO GET RICH, Surround Yourself with Supporters By Loral Langemeier Truly believing that you will become wealthy means that you are on your way with a positive vision for what you want to achieve. For many of you, this means that you are now engaged in what I call “no-limit thinking.” No-limit thinking will keep you moving forward. So share this positive vision. Surround yourself with people who believe in you and in your vision. Remember, positive thinking attracts positive people who will support you. Once you’ve committed to that vision, which will change your life, get into new conversations around money and believe in yourself. After that, the next most important building block is team. You need a team to become a millionaire. I don’t care what anyone else says, there’s no such thing as a “self-made” millionaire. A good team will share your vision, enthusiasm and positive thinking – that’s who you want to attract. Lone Rangers don’t last, so building and leading your team is critical to keeping yourself on track and achieving your goals. Everyone’s team is different. Professional advisers, colleagues and field partners with opportunities, not to mention lawyers, accountants and supportive partners, are crucial to creating wealth. Your team will fill the gaps where you lack the knowledge and expertise to keep moving forward. Mentors are critical for everyone’s team. Since the first day I went out on my own, I’ve had mentors and coaches who have helped me with my psychology. They still keep me from tripping over my own biases and old, habitual ways of thinking.
Nobody can change their thinking without some outside reference point. Your mentors will provide this different perspective, and will tell you when your thinking is skewed or limited. You will want a mentor or two right from the start – someone who has already been where you want to go. A good mentor shares your vision and helps you get back on track should you lose focus or stumble along the way. Loral Langemeier is a money expert, sought after speaker, entrepreneurial thought leader, and best-selling author of five books who is on a relentless mission to change the conversation about money and empower people around the world to become millionaires.
VALUES AND VISIONS Now, let’s get back to visions and values. Beware of any negativity that pops up within your team as your needs and business change. Beware of hidden agendas and changes in attitudes. If your positive outlook, your vision, and values are not shared by one or more of your team members, jettison them right away. Positive attracts positive for teams, as well as for individuals. Remember and recognize that doubts and fears will come up. Your mentors will help here, as well. They will help allay your fears and reassure you through those moments of doubt. Listen to them and let them help you when you are feeling a little shaky. Remember, it was your positive attitude, vision and excitement that got your team on board in the first place. Stay positive, whatever happens along the way. And when you need help, ask for it. That is why you have a team. Share your vision, and your team will help it become a reality.
The CEO and Founder of Live Out Loud, Inc. – a multinational organization — Loral shares her best advice without hesitation or apology. What sets her apart from other wealth experts is her innate ability to hone in on the skills and talents of everyday people to inspire them to generate wealth. She has created, nurtured, and perfected a 3-5 year strategy to make millions for the “Average Jill and Joe.” To date, the company has served thousands of individuals worldwide and created hundreds of millionaires through wealth building education keynotes, workshops, products, events, programs, and coaching services. To get your free subscription to The Millionaire Maker Newsletter, go to:
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April 2016
TAX TIME: CAN YOU DIG IT? With so many of us procrastinating about filing our income tax returns, I thought it appropriate to write about the IRS this month.
because an overzealous auditor misinterpreted something he overheard. When I said I was getting things “under the table,” I meant french fries and cocktail wieners. Sheesh!
Yes, I said “us.” I have to file returns myself, because of my blogging and my vast real estate holdings. (At least I made it clearly known that I own this street and the next street and the park. Some clueless canines want to dispute it. As does Mother Nature, with her stupid rain.)
The tax law has grown from 11,400 words in 1913 to over 7 million words today. Could you imagine if dog trainer commands had all the subparagraphs and loopholes of tax law? By the time you got through telling a dog to “Fetch!” a stick, you’d have time to grow a whole new tree.
Of course there are some subtle differences in the way humans and dogs are treated by the IRS. I don’t have to worry about the Earned Income Credit, but I do have to familiarize myself with the Begged Income Credit. And I used to get to claim umpteen fleas as “dependents,” until Steve and Michele started using that doggone anti-flea stuff.
Did you know that President Lincoln and Congress enacted the first U.S. income tax in 1862 to pay Civil War expenses? Now you know why Honest Abe wrote the Gettysburg Address on the back of an envelope, instead of on those meal receipts from the Rail Splitters Convention.
My cousin Rudy thinks that paying taxes is our patriotic duty. Of course he also says, “One must sometimes fall back to Plan B, which involves keeping a Cayman Islands bank account and just shooting off a lot of firecrackers.” You should consider yourself lucky that my friend JoJo didn’t write this blog. He thought an “income” tax was a toll for using the doggie door. When I asked him about his bracket, he started spouting off some nonsense about Villanova and the University of Kentucky. He assumed a “joint return” involved defective goods at a marijuana dispensary. I’ve been audited by the IRS only once, and that was
The IRS employs twice as many people as the CIA and five times as many as the FBI. That’s right: don’t worry about North Korean dictators or gun-wielding bank robbers. Let’s take care of the klutzes who spilled grape juice on their amortization schedule. A trivia site says that the ancient Greeks revered the tax collector as the noblest man in society. Keep in mind that those zany myth-loving knuckleheads also thought “lather, rinse, repeat” was the proper way to treat snakes. Next time I’ll tell you about “depreciation.” I’m an expert on things losing their value. Wait! Don’t throw out my favorite blanket! It’s in mint condition, I tell you! No, wait – that’s a dust bunny. Blankie, where are you????”
Manny (full name “Emanuel” or “Dog With Us”) is Steve and Michele Sipress’ crazy, rambunctious cocker spaniel. He has a weak leg (despite a mostly-successful back surgery), grey hair, is totally deaf and partially blind. But he still enjoys barking at the mailman and landscapers, pulling dead frogs out of nearby ponds and chasing after his beloved squeaker toy. He loves everyone (even the mailman and landscapers), and everyone loves him.
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July 2015
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RHINO MONTHLY www.SteveSipress.com/magazine
Volume IV Number 4 | April 2016
The Quickest, Surest, Most-Effective Way to Business Success (Part II) By Steve Sipress
The Solvay Mastermind By Perry Marshall
Get Rich, Surround 11 To Yourself with Supporters By Loral Langemeier
Time: 12 Tax Can You Dig It? Manny’s Blog
Reclaim the Magic
Publisher Steve Sipress Successful Selling Systems, Inc. 20701 N Scottsdale Rd Ste 107-509 Scottsdale AZ 85255 (p) 773-236-8134 (f ) 847-232-1535 Questions? Comments? Suggestions?
w w w.AskSteveSipress.com
Layout & Design Bobbie Miltcheva www.33graffics.com
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