Rhino Monthly Magazine - August 2015

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Volume III Number 8 I August 2015 I $97

Are You a TORTOISE or a HARE?


Is Manny’s Park WORSE Than This Bite?

3 Behaviors of the

Do you resist



expert interview with


Top 1%

of Successful Marketers on Facebook

MATT BACAK Internet Marketing Superstar

August 2015


About the Publisher, Steve Sipress If you want to grow your business slowly – or just maintain it as is, you’ll have to do that all on your own. But if you want dramatic growth in your income and lifestyle, then Steve’s out-of-the-box and time-tested strategies and tactics could be the keys to your dreams. You can benefit from Steve’s coaching experience and expertise to revolutionize your business – yes, even in this challenging economy – at one of the many in-person entrepreneur events he hosts, OR from the comfort of your own home anywhere in the world. You can also learn basic and advanced direct response marketing strategies and tactics from 150+ hours of video instruction, plus use any or all of Steve’s multi-million-dollar, proven “done-for-you” marketing materials at SSSMarketingUniversity.com. That website has been called The Single Most Powerful Client Attraction Program Available Anywhere, and you could be using it to skyrocket your income anytime you want, 24/7, along with hundreds of other sharp, successful business leaders. If you’re just starting up your new business, you’ll want to take advantage of all of Steve’s training, guidance and resources at NewBusinessAcademy.org. Steve is a successful and award-winning serial entrepreneur, who has created and built nearly a dozen successful companies of his own, and he can help you do the same – more quickly and easily than you’ve ever imagined. In fact, you can immediately use plenty of his simple and powerful strategies and tactics that work especially well in this current frustrating economy. You can discover the basics of Steve’s powerful “The WOW! Strategy™: How To Solve All Of Your Marketing Problems” by watching a short video at www.SteveSipress.com. Steve is a celebrated author, speaker and business coach who has established profitable businesses and helped thousands of ambitious and aggressive business owners, entrepreneurs, executives and sales professionals all around the world. He has written numerous newsletters and articles on sales and marketing for a wide range of publications and has appeared on radio and television, helping millions of people along the way. For over five years, Steve was the #1 “Dan Kennedy Certified No B.S. Business Advisor,” and was Runner-Up out of 25,000 members for 2010 GKIC Marketer Of The Year. If you want the very best, hard-hitting, no-nonsense, caring advice and help you can get, then “Straight-Talk Steve” could be exactly what you and your business need most. Whether you’re a current or future business superstar, Steve can help you get exactly where you want to go as quickly, easily and powerfully as YOU want – with massive results both short-term and long-term.

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www.SteveSipress.com www.SSSMarketingUniversity.com www.NewBusinessAcademy.org www.Facebook.com/SmallBizHelp www.Twitter.com/SteveSipress

When we first started, I was terribly in debt and we were just a few months away from bankruptcy. We started seeing a boost right away in our business, we took what Steve’s given me and we just started implementing and implementing, and it’s just totally transformed my business. Steve has helped me with my laser focus, he helps me implement, he’s taken my business to a whole new level. We went from a half a million dollars to a million dollars in two years. It’s just an incredible experience to know that where you think you’re just dead and things are horrible, to now anything is possible. I can see taking this to a whole new three or four types of businesses -- it’s going to be huge. Steve is all business, he is an unbelievably smart, brilliant man. I can’t say enough about him. Everything he’s told me, I’ve made so much money it doesn’t matter what it costs. They don’t make enough money in this world that somebody could pay me so I would stop listening to Steve. Steve is the exact reason why I have a retirement fund now. It’s probably illegal how much fun I’m having!”

Jon Bockman

Owner, Bockman’s Auto Care Sycamore, Illinois


August June 2015 2015

Are You a TORTOISE or a HARE?

By Steve Sipress I was recently interviewing a VERY smart and EXTREMELY accomplished entrepreneur for my Rhino Daily Podcast. He’s written multiple best-selling books and build several multi-million dollar business from scratch. When I asked him how he can possibly get so much done, he told me,

Of course, I chuckled at such absurd modesty – and complete selfmischaracterization. That reminded me that so many of us were taught as children that the key to success was to “get good grades, get into a good school, and then get a good job.” Thankfully, many entrepreneurs are building businesses – and becoming extremely rich in the process – faster than ever before.

“I’m more of a tortoise than a hare.”

But for some reason, that general concept is frowned upon in our society. In fact, almost always the words “get rich quick” and “scheme” go hand-in-hand. People are actually taught that making money quickly is somehow evil. We’ve all heard the famous story, where a turtle actually defeats a rabbit in a race. Did you ever really stop to think about it? If I went to the nearest pet shop and bought a turtle and a rabbit, then put

them down on the ground, do you really think the turtle would win ANY race of ANY distance? Of course NOT. Aesop gave us all a little clue as to the reality of his stories when he called them “fables!” According to the dictionary, a fable is “a story not founded on fact...an untruth, falsehood...a false, fictitious or improbable account; a fiction or lie.” Ouch.

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August 2015


Successful entrepreneurs are mavericks and renegades, always looking for new and better ways of doing things.

Seriously, we all know that pumpkins don’t turn into stagecoaches, frogs don’t really turn into princes, and ducks don’t grow up to be geese. And, as historian Anita Brooker wrote:

“In real life, it is the hare who wins. Every time. Look around you. And in any case it is my contention that Aesop was writing for the tortoise market.”

But that’s not a recipe for success in business. In fact, it’s the complete opposite. Successful entrepreneurs are mavericks and renegades, always looking for new and better ways of doing things. And business success is all about speed: taking massive action and getting things done quickly. As Joe Vitale succinctly put it: “Money loves speed.” In fact, success in anything loves speed:

In my opinion, it goes further than that. The American institutions of schooling, military and unfortunately, many families, are all designed to condition compliance. As children and still as adults, we are rewarded for following the rules and doing as we were told. 2 I RHINO MONTHLY I www.SteveSipress.com

If you see a great deal on a property, be the first to offer the seller’s asking price – before it’s sold to a faster action-taker. If you hear about a job opening that you want, make sure to apply quickly – before it’s filled. If you want tickets to the next big rock concert, get to the box office fast – popular concerts in big arenas often sell out in a manner of minutes. If you think you’ve found the

person of your dreams, don’t just sit there and wait for him or her to call you – you’ll lose out to someone else who takes action. And so on. I don’t ever recall succeeding at something because I got there last. The world is full of all kinds of B.S. business advice that tells people that the first thing they need to do is put together a complete business plan, marketing plan, etc. But reality is quite different. Did Mark Zuckerberg put together a complete business plan before he launched Facebook from his college dorm room? Was Bill Gates drafting a formal marketing plan in his garage before he started Microsoft? Was Steve Jobs an expert in plodding and planning – or a brilliant action-taker? I’ve counseled thousands of small business owners over the years to get moving in the right direction, to start


taking action, and then course-correct as circumstances change. To take it to its extreme, many successful business people make sure to start marketing, advertising and selling products and services before creating them – sometimes even before they’ve even started to create them! That way, if response is low or non-existent, we save all the time, effort and expense of even creating the product or service, and move on to another! I have helped MANY clients make BIG money FAST with exactly that strategy. Let your competition sit around planning and over-thinking everything. You want to be taking massive action. That’s what gives you the motivation to take more action, to solve problems, to overcome obstacles. Those who insist that “slow and steady wins the race” and wait to take action “until everything is in place” rarely take any action at all. Those are the people who always say, “I thought of that idea a long time ago” whenever an action-taker successfully brings an idea to market. I have a saying, that I’ve had made into a poster that hangs in the room at all of my entrepreneur-related events:

To find out more about Steve Sipress and how he can help you have more fun and make more money with your business, see the Inside Cover Page. To get new money-making strategies and tips every weekday from Steve and other top business-building experts from around the world, go to:


August 2015

IDEAS MAKE YOU FEEL GOOD, BUT ONLY ACTIONS MAKE YOU MONEY. And the faster you take those actions, the quicker and more certainly you will get to the money. For people who take things slow, time is their worst enemy. The more they hesitate, the more time they give for circumstances to change and new obstacles to pop up. And the more likely it is that quicker-acting competitors will beat them to the punch. But fast action-takers get more done, experience more success and have less-stressful lives. You might think that maintaining a constant feeling of urgency to accomplish more would be stressful, but in my experience I’ve found the opposite to be true: I feel more stress when I procrastinate, when I’m not doing what I know I should be doing. By making the most of every single day, I find that I sleep best at night. Of course, there will be times when moving too fast can end up hurting you. But in my experience, the benefits of taking fast action far outweigh any problems and losses that result from too little planning. So when you fall – and you will fall – just pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and take more action. Success couldn’t care less about mistakes. Success loves action. Money loves speed - not tortoise-like behavior. Now don’t think about this too much – just get out there and start taking massive action!

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August 2015


expert interview with

MATT BACAK Internet Marketing Superstar

Steve: So great to have you on this call. I know you’re going to help my listeners unbelievably, but I want to start out with the next book you’re writing. You’re calling it Win Before You Begin. That just sounds great, and it sounds like everyone wants that, so can you tell my readers: What does that mean? Matt: Well yeah. Actually, let me just put it this way: I read a couple of books years ago about lead generation, stuff like that. A lot of people don’t know anything about it, and I wanted to create “The Great Game Of Marketing.” I was going to have my subtitle be Win Before You Begin, and everyone said, “You gotta change it – it’s gotta be Win Before You Begin – The Great Game Of Marketing.

Steve Sipress: Matt Bacak! What a joy it is to have you here. Matt, years ago you were the very first guest expert I had on the stage, other than me, speaking to my group in Chicago about, I don’t know, what was it, 5, maybe 6 years ago? You were the first person that said, “Hey, Steve, I’ll come and speak to your group.” Do you remember that? Matt Bacak: Yeah, I do actually, because I remember you brought me a bunch of Guinness. Steve: Yeah, you know, that’s right. I like to give a personal thank you gift to everybody, and I know you’re a Guinness man. We didn’t actually do

Irish Car Bombs there, but we had a couple of cases of Guinness and – what else? Oh yeah, I also gave you a black t-shirt, because that’s all you wear is khaki shorts and black tee shirts. Is that still the case? Matt: Yeah. And I actually had my first Chicago pizza with you. Steve: That’s right, that’s right. Afterwards I said, “Do you want to get something to eat?” You said, “I have to have a Chicago pizza.” So we went and had the Chicago deep-dish pizza. Oh, those were the days! Matt: And it’s just the beginning.

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Just to be clear what we’re talking about here, because of course pretty much everybody is teaching you do to their leadership, their marketing, and things like that. But, with that being said, the premise, where I am going with this is, everyone says the key to marketing is – well, not everybody, but a lot of people, say “The key to marketing is your Unique Selling Proposition or USP” – or whatever that people do. “And to get that, you simply follow the three following questions: Who should pay attention to you? Why people should pay attention to you? Why should I believe in you? Why should I act now? However, they miss out on the most important key, which is: Who is it? The WHO. And what most target market people talk about is nothing but a bunch of mumbo-jumbo really, when it comes


down to it. It’s often way too general. Small business owners, a lot of people focus on, or stay-at home moms, and they forget to narrow it down to one specific person. It rarely goes deep into the psychology of the customer that you really want to target. What we are talking about here is the persona, the avatar, the character that you create. Knowing this part first is going to put you in the best position to win. That’s the gist of it. Steve: So to Win Before You Begin, the first thing you have to do is figure out not only who your WHO is – your target market – but pretty much psychologically everything about them. I think you’re right: Most people stop at the shallow, demographic stuff. They say, “I know, they’re this age, and they live in this area, and they make this much money, and they have two kids.” But what you’re saying is that they have to dive a lot deeper than that, right?

Matt: Oh yeah. According to the Small Business Association, 95% of small businesses fail within the first 5 years. One of the main reasons, I believe, is businesses fail from the lack of a clearly defined target audience. If you ask many small business owners, kind of like I said, they will say that their target audience is something bigger, like “stay-at home moms,” or “college students,” and “middle-aged men.” But, it’s way too general of an audience for the end result to be profitable. It‘s really important – creating your ideal avatar, your ideal persona, will really guarantee that your marketing efforts are targeted and much more cost-effective.

We’re talking about profiling the customer. Things like that – really getting deep inside the mind of who exactly we’re targeting.

August 2015

To give you an example, just to give people some clear direction. You and I talked… Let’s get back to Facebook for a second. This is real life: Just two days ago, I’m doing a webinar with a guy named Howard Berg, which is… You know him. You said you had him speak at your event a couple of times, which is cool. I’m doing a webinar with him, and it’s interesting enough, because I started running Facebook ads. I called him, and I said, “I want to ask you a question. I have a couple of questions for you, but one important question I have is before you’re about to run some ads: Who in the world are your buyers? Who in the world are they? Are they stay-athome moms? I was being general, but I wanted to get clear: “Who exactly are they?” Because I wanted to figure out who the avatar was that I needed to focus those ads to. He said, “They’re professionals – doctors’ offices, doctors... They’re professionals who have kids. It makes it a no-brainer decision.” I said, “Okay, well if you give me that… Then I started thinking about: “What are the things that are going through their heads?” Once he told me his idea of the avatar, then I started really defining who in the world they are. As an example, I started going through and just thinking of: What would this person want to hear in that message? What do they spend their time in a week doing? Really getting into thinking about exactly who they are. Listing out the demographic side of things, the psycholographic traits, basically I was just brain dumping as much information as I could think of about that person he talked about. Steve: And that’s how you came up with the great message that you posted, because you just told the story about how you hired Howard and it helped your daughter get like… What did she get, a $100,000 scholarship to college or something? Matt: Yeah. She got 104, or something like that. Yeah. It’s funny because right

August 2015


when he did tell me, I was like, “Oh my god, I’m your avatar!” He said, “People who are making over this much…” I said, I’m your avatar. This is gonna be easy! I just gotta get deep inside this, like what are the things that are going through… And I asked him, “Does it matter? Women? Who are the main buyers? If I could waive a magic wand and get these people on the webinar, who is it? I told him at the end, “Listen, I don’t care if we have… I’d rather have 100 of the right people on than 1,000 of the wrong ones.” He was like, “Yeah, you’re the marketer – not me.” That was funny. Steve: That’s Howard! Matt: It was great. It helped me design… And basically I started creating a story for my ideal customer avatar, and who it is. I started thinking about: What do they use? What things are they using? And I created this fictitious character, which actually kind of was me! I named it “Matt.” Getting down to this one ideal person is really the key to doing this, and most people don’t do that. They’re not specific about the story of the avatar.

Steve: In the next segment, can we go and dive in a little bit to what you just said? Matt: Yeah. And actually I want to get deeper, and I’d really love to give people some questions they want to make sure they’re asking themselves. Here’s the big warning for everybody and why you want to listen to the next segment, is the fact that marketing to the wrong customer results in money being

Sometimes you can have more than one, but I created one and I just basically thought about this one person that I wanted to do. I created a story for it, doing brainstorming exercises, and I started thinking about different things from that just to start building it. Steve: You have just covered so much, Matt. And I also should have cautioned my listeners right away that they need to somehow slow down the speed of the listening, if they have any device that does that, because Matt is going to pack an hour and a half of teaching into a five-minute statement. We are at the end of this first segment, but I want to cover in a little more detail, a couple of things you just mentioned. Matt: Yeah, good.

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flushed down the toilet. Steve: Ouch! That is a great reason, because we want to flush the toilet, but we don’t want to have money in there when we do it. So, let’s get into that in the next segment. To listen to the complete interview, go to: www.RhinoDaily.com/podcast

Matt Bacak is considered by many an Internet Marketing Legend. Using his stealth marketing techniques, he became a Best Selling author with a huge fan base of over 1.2 million people in his niche as well as built multi-million dollar companies. Matt is not only a sought-after internet marketer but has also marketed for some of the world’s top experts whose reputations would shrivel if their followers ever found out someone else coached them on their online marketing strategies. There are many strategies to making money on the internet, but nothing makes sense unless you have a big list. Email Marketing is the most profitable way to make money on the internet. When you build a list of hot and hungry prospects you control your future. Discover how to use the internet and turn your computer into a cash gushing machine. Signup right now for Matt Bacak’s FREE online newsletter to find out how to do exactly that - Go here:



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August 2015


Do you resist

GREAT advice? By Perry Marshall

A while back at one of my “4-Man Intensive” sessions, someone in the group was dispensing some REALLY good advice to a surgeon. He adamantly resisted it. His procedure was 94% successful, but he was afraid of creating false expectations for the other 6%. He was afraid of being unethical. We ended up having a long conversation about that, including full disclosure about the 6% failure rate. He’s a rarity among surgeons, because he’ll do the procedure over again for no charge, if necessary. Several weeks later he emailed me, reporting that he’d completely thought through the issue. He apologized to me for his resistance, copying the rest of the group members. He said now that he’d sorted out his hesitation, he was now ready to take his foot off the brake and start selling his procedure in earnest. What I admired about the guy was… 1. he was at least HONEST about the fact that he was resisting, instead of pretending to listen but ignoring everything he was being told, and 2. he went home, talked to his wife and straightened himself out.

Nobody talks about it much, but this is a VERY common problem. The issue could almost be anything, but almost everyone has to emotionally adjust to opening up their sales throttle 100%. Almost everyone struggles with this, and to be honest, if you don’t, you might be a psychopath. But you still must finish the struggle, in order to prosper to the fullest extent possible. Hey, that’s just life. The notable “Mindhacking” guru P.J. Eby came to one of my seminars a few years ago with his wife. He said something I thought was really interesting: “We pay close attention when we feel ourselves blocking great ideas that we just received. When we notice ourselves doing that, we circle back to it during breaks or dinner and ask ourselves why.” What advice have you been given that you are resisting? What future event, seminar or learning experience will be better if you go into it knowing that something is gonna make you queasy, and you need to talk it through and sort it out, so you can plunge forward into success without reservation?

Entrepreneur Magazine says: “Perry Marshall is the #1 author and world’s most-quoted consultant on Google Advertising. He has helped over 100,000 advertisers save literally billions of dollars in Adwords stupidity tax.” He is referenced across the Internet and by The New York Times, The Washington Post, USA Today, the Chicago Tribune and Forbes Magazine. Get your free course, “5 Steps To Mastering The Most Powerful, Cost-Effective Way To Attract New Customers And Build Your Company’s Credibility With White Papers! … And How YOU Can Write a White Paper in 1-2 Days, Not Weeks or Months!” by going to:


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How Tom Hanks Taught Me to Sell By David T. Fagan

You may not know this, but Tom Hanks does not audition. Of course, he still gets plenty of roles in movies and yet he never auditions anymore. He hasn’t auditioned for close to two decades! You see, his awards, his star power, his ticket sales and his overall body of work speaks for themself. You know what you get when you hire Tom. There really isn’t a need to ask him a whole lot of questions or have him read lines to you. His history speaks for itself, and every director and studio knows that they would be lucky to have him. All you really have to do is decide if you want him, then figure out if you can afford him, and ultimately see if he wants to work with you. The truth is he never really tries to sell anyone, and neither do I. Rather, I have worked hard to create a body of work that speaks for itself. I work even harder to make sure that I continue to create high quality, very valuable results for my clients. So many people want the “pitch” and want me to persuade them, convince them, or even sell them. I know many times people are brought to me or referred to me with the hopes that I might sell them. Of course that’s not what I do. I don’t listen for objections and then craft some amazing comeback perfectly worded so that I might then overcome those objections. That’s just not me. The truth is that I don’t even want to talk to people until they have seen some of my websites, they have watched the media

August 2015

Do you have a body of work that speaks for itself?

reel of me on national TV shows, played some of my many testimonials, or read part of one of my books. These forms of social proof do all the selling I will ever need. If, after hearing me speak to a group or experiencing some of my social proof, I answer some questions or even write a custom proposal. That’s about it. I don’t really audition. That might sound arrogant, but it’s the most efficient way to run a business IF you have the body of work to back you up. If they have watched me on the Neil Cavuto Show, The Today Show, The Five, Fox and Friends, read my book, heard me speak, watched my testimonials, seen the finished product of happy clients, and reviewed the awards I have won, what else could I possibly say to try to convince them of my effectiveness? Not much. You could try to go out and learn more about how to be a great salesperson, or you could should go out and build the social proof you need to be a celebrity expert or an Icon in your industry. It’s up to you, but people like Tom Hanks, Al Pacino, Jim Carrey, Meryl Streep, Jennifer Lawrence, and Julianne Moore don’t audition. You just know what you are going to get when you hire them, and I believe it’s the same with me. Do you have a body of work that speaks for itself? The greatest thing you could do in your business is to stop selling and to start building social proof that sells for you. It’s how Tom Hanks taught me to sell.

David T. Fagan is best known as a Speaker, Author, and Entrepreneur as the Icon Builder with his marketing and PR company based out of Beverly Hills, CA. He is the former CEO of Guerrilla Marketing that sold over 23 million books in 62 languages all over the world. He’s also the former owner of LCO Communications that has represented 58 Academy Award Winners, 34 Grammy Winners, and 43 New York Times Best Sellers. David owns Icon Builder Media, is a guest lecturer at UCLA, and has been recently featured in Fox & Friends, The Washington Post, Forbes, The Today Show, Fox’s the Five, Your World with Neil Cavuto, The Doctors Show, ABC’s 20/20, Investor’s Business Daily, Yahoo! News, The Wrap, the Daily Mail, the Los Angeles Business Journal, and many more media outlets. David is an International Speaker in places as far away as Bangladesh and Australia. David has shared the stage with Former Secretary of Defense Dr. Bob Gates, Mark Victor Hansen, Dan Kennedy, Harry Dent, and John Assaraf to name a few. David also has a passion for training Teen Entrepreneurs and for a movement he calls Guerrilla Parenting: How to Raise an Entrepreneur, which is his latest book. For information about his next live event, go to: www.TheBookBootcamp.com

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3 Behaviors of the Top 1% of Successful Marketers on Facebook By Kim Walsh-Phillips

FACT: There are more than 28 million advertisers on Facebook. The reality is most are wasting their time and money. Case in point…I recently attended #ICON, a conference about Infusionsoft, a Marketing and Sales Automation software. One of the sessions I attended was put on by someone at Facebook. So, we are 1,000 pretty geeky marketers in a room and when the presenter asked how many have used the Facebook Ads Manager or Power Editor, only five or so people raised their hand. The other 995 of them had only hit “Boost Post” – haphazardly throwing their money at the network. There is Good News The 1% of marketers are getting a return on investment and they continue to scale their spend and find more ways to reach their target market.

So what are they doing differently? 1. They start by giving, not selling. Facebook wants you to lead off with content first, sales second. Thankfully, this translates into cheaper clicks and more qualified leads. Some of our best performing client campaigns follow this funnel:

Blog  Opt-in  Monetization A recent ad we ran for one of our clients had a 2.156% click-through rate. In one ad from this sub-funnel, 100 people ordered the lead magnet at a cost of $6.36 per conversion and a conversion rate of 45%. This meant that our client obtained 45 members for $14.13 each… from cold traffic including the blog click.

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2. They measure EVERYTHING. How do we separate the winners from the losers? Dollar-measured results, that’s how. From our client Justin Yule and his wife Janelle of Fitness Revolution in Chanhassen, Minnesota: “Knowing the average monthly membership for our group personal training program is $175/month for a 12-month agreement, I knew each new Member would be worth AT LEAST $2,100 -- that number goes up with back-end offers throughout the year. Of course, the majority of our Members renew at the end of the year, but I purposely chose not to focus on the lifetime value for this experiment.”

The results: • • • • •

$2,979 spent on Facebook ads $2,139 brought in on the Front End Offer $15,719 sold in Memberships $17,858 total Revenue $14,879 in Profit for a 500% ROI


Results are the only thing you should use to determine your spend and marketing direction. This is why EVERYTHING needs to be tracked and checked EVERY DAY. 3. RESULTS RULE. Period. There is an endless supply of conjecture by social media “experts.” Be very cautious whenever you hear a universal truth about any type of social media marketing. My IO Creative Group team places thousands of advertising dollars each day for clients across industries, geography, and products and what we have found is that NOTHING can be deemed a universal truth, not even within the same industry. Results are the only thing you should use to determine your spend and marketing direction. This is why EVERYTHING needs to be tracked and checked EVERY DAY. Our client reporting tells them exactly what they spent for ads, for our fee, and how many qualified leads or customers resulted – so they always get an exact ROI on their spend. We then use this data to make their ad campaign more effective. Any other information is fluff and should be ignored.

Kim Walsh-Phillips is the award-winning Speaker, Author, Strategist and CEO of IO Creative Group, a results-driven marketing and PR agency. She is a techie marketing geek with great shoes, a hatred of awareness campaigns and an obsession for marketing with a sharp focus on ROI. Kim has worked with brands such as GKIC Inner Circle, Sandler Training, HarleyDavidson, Chem-Dry, and Hilton Hotels to increase revenue through direct response marketing. Kim has been featured by NBC, CBS, FOX and NPR and is the author of bestselling Stupid Series, including Awareness Campaigns are Stupid and Other Secrets to Stop Being An Advertising Victim and Start Monetizing Your Marketing” and the upcoming book: Most Social Media is Stupid: Strategies to monetize your online marketing while you ignore everything else. Register for her free video training series, “How To Turn Facebook Likes Into Customers In Three Steps” at:


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August 2015


Is Manny’s Park Worse Than This Bite? I took an advanced obedience school class in preparation for the trip, because I knew there would be long lines. I had to learn to “Stay…inch forward…stay…inch forward…stay…”

Kamira / Shutterstock.com

Actually, for a while there, I cheated and used my own version of the “express pass.” All it took was a little shaving cream around my mouth, and people were making room for me. And dropping their food. And throwing their cameras in my general direction. Good thing I had my vaccination records on me, or the humorless guards could have made trouble for me. I haven’t seen those so-called “Blue Man Group” guys yet. I texted my vet and he said maybe their collars are on too tight. I loved Harry Potter’s Wizarding World and Diagon Alley and all that magical stuff. Don’t care for the name of the school, though. When I visited cousin Cletus on the farm, guess what passed for table scraps? Yep, hog warts! The magic word became “Hocus pocus, calling Domino’s is now the focus.” This is your old pal Manny reporting live from Orlando, Florida – specifically from Universal Studios Florida and Universal’s Islands of Adventure. How am I vacationing where most canines never get to go? Because of my exemption as a service dog – for the service I perform for the world with my monthly articles for this magazine (he says modestly). Even at that, having Steve and Michele fully searched and inspected before entry to the theme parks was a hassle. I’m still trying to figure out what kind of contraband they were searching for. Maybe they’re trying to protect the classic “Universal Monsters.” Yeah, they’re afraid someone is trying to smuggle in silver bullets, wooden stakes, and flaming torches. That’s it! Lots of visitors are delighted to snap pictures of the iconic Universal logo, but it leaves me with mixed emotions. The big globe sloooowly turns on its axis. Sort of reminds me of Grandpa chasing his tail. *Sigh*

So far I’ve especially enjoyed the Incredible Hulk roller coaster and attractions involving Shrek, E.T., and the Minions. The raft ride at the Jurassic Park section was fun, but I just couldn’t get too excited about the T-Rex. Sure, his jaws looked ferocious, but those tiny little arms were so useless. He might as well have had cats growing out of his shoulders! I know I can write it off as a business expense, but the food prices can be a little intimidating. I ordered a simple hamburger, and I wanted to paraphrase a slogan from the Simpsons area and exclaim, “Hey, man, I didn’t have a COW.” Brave, virile pooch that I am, I’ve been sort of condescending toward visitors who get sidelined by the restrictions. “Not recommended for expectant mothers.” “Not recommended for those with neck problems.” “Not recommended for those with heart problems or high blood pressure.” Ha! I’ll just keep blithely working my way through the line and… “No security blankies past this point”??? Oh nooooooo!

Manny (full name “Emanuel” or “Dog With Us”) is Steve and Michele Sipress’ crazy, rambunctious cocker spaniel. He has a weak leg (despite a mostly-successful back surgery), grey hair, is totally deaf and partially blind. But he still enjoys barking at the mailman and landscapers, pulling dead frogs out of nearby ponds and chasing after his beloved squeaker toy. He loves everyone (even the mailman and landscapers), and everyone loves him.

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July 2015

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Jon Bockman Sycamore, IL

“Steve is all business. He is an unbelievably smart, brilliant, brilliant man. I can't say enough about him. Steve has put probably more, I would say, thousands, and thousands, and thousands of dollars... I mean, I probably can't even put a true figure on it, because it keeps coming back, and keeps coming back, just more and more money all the time.”

“One suggestion that Steve gave me, well, without question, put $300,000 more in my bank account. And we are going to be using it forever. This is not a one-time deal. We’re going to be using this idea that Steve helped us with... and we’ll be using it until it doesn't keep working like it is. And so, the value over time could literally be way over even the $300,000 number.”

Mary Forte Bensenville, IL

Keith Lee Seattle, WA

“He's helped me learn how to market my business, and today I can say that we're more successful than we've ever been… I needed to learn how to market the business better to create more revenue, and that's what Steve has helped me with. The financial difference is considerable. We've probably close to doubled our revenues. We're on track now to do another close to $500,000 more than we did last year. So that's awesome. I do owe all of that to Steve.”

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RHINO MONTHLY Volume III Number 8 | August 2015




Are You a Tortoise or a Hare? By Steve Sipress

Do you resist great advice? By Perry Marshall

9 10 13


How Tom Hanks Taught Me to Sell

By David T. Fagan

3 Behaviors of the Top 1% of Successful Marketers on Facebook

By Kim Walsh-Phillips

Is Manny’s Park Worse Than This Bite?

Manny’s Blog


Internet Marketing Superstar

Publisher Steve Sipress Successful Selling Systems, Inc. 869 E Schaumburg Rd #237 Schaumburg, IL 60194 (p) 773-236-8134 (f ) 847-232-1535 Questions? Comments? Suggestions?

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