Rhino Monthly Magazine - December 2016

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Volume IV • Number 12 • December 2016 • $97

Manny Beats the Buzzer Again!





expert interview with

Ryan Chapman Text Message Profits

December 2016


About the Publisher, Steve Sipress If you want to grow your business slowly – or just maintain it as is, you’ll have to do that all on your own. But if you want dramatic growth in your income and lifestyle, then Steve’s out-of-the-box and time-tested strategies and tactics could be the keys to your dreams. You can benefit from Steve’s coaching experience and expertise to revolutionize your business – yes, even in this challenging economy – at one of the many in-person entrepreneur events he hosts, OR from the comfort of your own home anywhere in the world. You can also learn basic and advanced direct response marketing strategies and tactics from 150+ hours of video instruction, plus use any or all of Steve’s multi-million-dollar, proven “done-for-you” marketing materials at SSSMarketingUniversity.com. That website has been called The Single Most Powerful Client Attraction Program Available Anywhere, and you could be using it to skyrocket your income anytime you want, 24/7, along with hundreds of other sharp, successful business leaders. If you’re just starting up your new business, you’ll want to take advantage of all of Steve’s training, guidance and resources at NewBusinessAcademy.org. Steve is a successful and award-winning serial entrepreneur, who has created and built nearly a dozen successful companies of his own, and he can help you do the same – more quickly and easily than you’ve ever imagined. In fact, you can immediately use plenty of his simple and powerful strategies and tactics that work especially well in this current frustrating economy. You can discover the basics of Steve’s powerful “The WOW! Strategy™: How To Solve All Of Your Marketing Problems” by watching a short video at www.SteveSipress.com. Steve is a celebrated author, speaker and business coach who has established profitable businesses and helped thousands of ambitious and aggressive business owners, entrepreneurs, executives and sales professionals all around the world. He has written numerous newsletters and articles on sales and marketing for a wide range of publications and has appeared on radio and television, helping millions of people along the way. For over five years, Steve was the #1 “Dan Kennedy Certified No B.S. Business Advisor,” and was Runner-Up out of 25,000 members for 2010 GKIC Marketer Of The Year. If you want the very best, hard-hitting, no-nonsense, caring advice and help you can get, then “Straight-Talk Steve” could be exactly what you and your business need most. Whether you’re a current or future business superstar, Steve can help you get exactly where you want to go as quickly, easily and powerfully as YOU want – with massive results both short-term and long-term.

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When we first started, I was terribly in debt and we were just a few months away from bankruptcy. We started seeing a boost right away in our business, we took what Steve’s given me and we just started implementing and implementing, and it’s just totally transformed my business. Steve has helped me with my laser focus, he helps me implement, he’s taken my business to a whole new level. We went from a half a million dollars to a million dollars in two years. It’s just an incredible experience to know that where you think you’re just dead and things are horrible, to now anything is possible. I can see taking this to a whole new three or four types of businesses -- it’s going to be huge. Steve is all business, he is an unbelievably smart, brilliant man. I can’t say enough about him. Everything he’s told me, I’ve made so much money it doesn’t matter what it costs. They don’t make enough money in this world that somebody could pay me so I would stop listening to Steve. Steve is the exact reason why I have a retirement fund now. It’s probably illegal how much fun I’m having!”

Jon Bockman

Owner, Bockman’s Auto Care Sycamore, Illinois


for Small Business Owners By Steve Sipress

Despite the false and damaging beliefs and actions of the current, lame-duck “You didn’t build that” regime, small business is the backbone of America – not Big Business and Big Government. The middle class in general, and small business owners in particular, have been getting crushed under a mountain of ever-rising taxes and regulations for the past eight years. So will that oppression finally come to an end, leading to a dramatic turnaround of the U.S. and world economies? The American people defied the established leadership of both entrenched major political parties, the overwhelming majority of media pundits and outlets, nearly a billion dollars spent on negative political ads, and the most powerful and corrupt political machine in history to send a business owner to the White House starting in January 2017. However, it is likely that not even Donald Trump himself knows from one day to the next exactly what he stands for and what he will do regarding a multitude of issues.

Is he a Republican or a Democrat (or neither)?

Is he conservative or liberal? Does he believe in the Constitution, or want to step all over it?

Will he be a champion of all Americans – or will he divide the nation further (if that’s even possible after these past eight years)?

Is he fundamentally unfit to serve, or does his five decades of experience as a successful business executive and public figure make him ideally suited for the massive turnaround task that faces this country?

Will he be a danger to the United States itself, or will our enemies fear and respect us for the first time in years?

I don’t know which, if any, of his campaign promises he’ll actually follow through on. And as to the overwhelming majority of them, I see them as nice, but not nearly necessary.

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December 2016


Will he build a border wall – and make Mexico pay for it?

Will he deport millions of illegal immigrants living in the U.S.?

Will he fix the complete mess known as the VA?

Will he allow the many investigations into the improprieties and illegalities of the Clintons to continue?

Will he “drain the swamp” and clean out the corrupt cesspool known as Washington, D.C.?

Will he cancel or renegotiate major international trade deals, and impose stiff tariffs on offenders?

Will he renegotiate the incredibly weak Iranian nuclear agreement?

Will he quickly destroy ISIS?

Will he make arrangements to avoid conflicts of interest with his own personal business?

Will he temporarily end all immigration from areas with heavy terrorist influence?

Will he fix our embarrassing school system, bring back lost manufacturing jobs, eliminate our absurd national debt, get our NATO allies to “pay their fair share?”

These are only a very few of the many, many promises and proclamations that Trump and his supporters repeated, loudly and forcefully, throughout his presidential campaign. With his trusty Twitter account in hand, he continues to make more and more bold and controversial statements all the time. But are any of these actual “promises?” Or, is the truth closer to what Trump himself has famously stated: “Everything is negotiable”? Only time will tell. There is only one issue I care deeply and passionately about, and it’s why I was a single-issue voter in the recent election: I am a small business owner, I serve small business owners, and I love small business owners. All I really care about is that there is an end to the choking taxes and regulations that have been destroying small business owners for the past eight years – and, of course, that includes getting rid of the utter disaster known as Obamacare.

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None of us (not even a President Trump) can control the overall economy. But every one of us can control our own personal economy. Especially small business owners. No matter what Trump does or doesn’t do, we all have the power to thrive, both personally and professionally. We can’t possibly know what Trump will actually do. But we do know what Hillary Clinton would have done, which would have been to make sure that the small business-killing tax and regulatory attitude and actions of the federal government continue. So I’ll take my chances that small business owners might actually get some relief over these next four years over the certainty that we wouldn’t have. Now here’s the good news… None of us (not even a President Trump) can control the overall economy. But every one of us can control our own personal economy. Especially small business owners. No matter what Trump does or doesn’t do, we all have the power to thrive, both personally and professionally. Are you using the right strategies, and taking the right, massive actions? Do you have the right team in place to grow your business, no matter what politicians do or don’t do? It is my sincere hope you do, and that you have a fantastic next four years, and beyond.

To find out more about Steve Sipress and how he can help you have more fun and make more money with your business, see the Inside Cover Page. To get new money-making strategies and tips from Steve and other top business-building experts from around the world, go to:

RhinoDaily.com or LessonsLearnedFromDonaldTrump.com


December 2016

Manny Beats the Buzzer Again!

While fetching a topic for this month’s blog, I learned that the game of basketball is celebrating its 125th birthday James Naismith invented it on December 15, 1891, and the first actual game was played six days later. I know, I know. The same revisionists who like to disassociate Abner Doubleday from baseball claim that James Naismith had nothing to do with the invention of basketball. “Look closely at the seal of the dollar bill and you’ll see that the Illuminati buried the real inventor of basketball under the U.S. Capitol,” and all that jazz. Then, of course, you have the Naismith-skeptics who say “the whole first game was a fake, filmed somewhere out in the desert.” True, someone has produced a scratchy Edison audio recording with the sounds of a basketball slowly leaking from cactus punctures and of someone talking about “man-to-iguana defense;” but I’ll stick with the official version for the purpose of this blog. Legend has it that basketball was first played with peach baskets. There was actually a progression of proto-baskets, including strawberry trays (ball wouldn’t fit) and banana boats (too easy). At least Harry Belafonte liked the banana boat option. (“Day-o!”) Not many people realize it, but the invention of basketball had just as big an impact on the economy as the development of assembly lines and the electric light bulb. Go to the newspaper archives and look up the classified

ads. You won’t find much of a demand for “freakishly tall bank tellers” or “freakishly tall cab drivers.” Basketball has opened up many entertainment options for canines. Now we can sit back and listen to the TV announcer say, “He shoots! He scores!” Before 1891, all we ever heard was, “He shoots! He gets his dog to carry a –yuck!—dead duck in his mouth!” I’ve learned quite a bit about the rules and regulations of basketball, but my friend Skippy is way behind. When he hears “traveling,” he thinks, “Somebody is going to have to ride on top of the car like Mitt Romney’s dog.” Skippy also thinks that a “moving violation” involves scooting along the expensive carpet, a “bank shot” has something to do with Bonnie and Clyde, a “backboard” is a piece of wood helpful in an itch situation, an “air ball” is a formal dance with music provided by air guitar players, a “pick-up game” involves a human and a Pooper Scooper, and a “flagrant foul” is something that always gets blamed on the dog. I prefer to watch basketball from the comfort of home, but every now and then I use my celebrity status to watch a Lakers game with Jack Nicholson. It can be a harrowing experience. (“Okay, Jack. You were in Cuckoo’s Nest. You were Batman. You were in The Shining. But right now you’re in my line of vision!!! Heeeeere’s Manny’s teeth!”) Whew! Another all-nighter produces another blog. Daylight come and me wanna go home.

Manny (full name Emanuel or “Dog With Us”) brought non-stop joy, affection, and energy into the lives of Steve and Michele Sipress for over 13 years. He also shared his wit, humor and insights with readers here every month. Thankfully, as he got on in years and knew that his time on this Earth was growing short, he poured himself into his writing, leaving many, many columns behind, so that his fans can have the continued pleasure of being entertained and enlightened by him for a long time to come. He is no longer physically with us, but his memory lives on…

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expert interview with



Steve Sipress: Ryan Chapman! This has been a long time coming. It’s great to have you here on the Rhino Daily Podcast! Ryan Chapman: Yeah, it’s been too long. It’s time to go. Steve: Well, we are curing my mistake right now, because I’ve known you for a while, and you are always coming up

with the latest and greatest incredible thing to help small business owners, so you’re the most natural guest of all time here on the Rhino Daily Podcast. Let’s get right into it. The latest thing you’re doing is this phenomenal, to me, super-ninja crazy thing where you are helping people out with converting their smart phone… We all know we have one, and how

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great it is that we can text or Facebook or email on it, or take photos or videos or waste time on it, whatever we want to do. But for business it can be a really extremely powerful tool for business. In fact, that’s the direction the whole world is headed, is it not? Ryan: It is. Here’s the phenomenal thing: If you’re a small business owner today, you really have to count your


I think we should all give some token gratitude to Steve Jobs for starting the revolution, because today, because of the smartphone, we can connect with people extremely quickly, and in a way that is very personal and intimate. lucky stars, because it’s never been better for small business owners to be able to market their product or service, get in front of people, and be able to connect with them. And because there’s so much data coming in, people tend to be more loyal than ever – if you can connect with them. And that’s the exciting part about the mobile phone is, especially the explosion of the smart phone. I think we should all give some token gratitude to Steve Jobs for starting the revolution, because today, because of the smartphone, we can connect with people extremely quickly, and in a way that is very personal and intimate.

15 years ago. But, in that process of smartphones coming into play, and this whole internet thing that has stuck around, what has happened is we’ve also lost our way, too. So part of what I’d like to talk with you today, and with the listeners, is about the real power of the phone, because we’ve kind of forgotten about that as we’ve gotten to this idea that we would never have to talk to people again, if you know what I mean. Steve: Yes. And I say it all the time: It’s crazy to me that they even call it a phone.” It’s one of the least used parts of the thing. Does anyone really take it out and dial numbers and call people? There’s 9 million other things they’re doing on it, most of which they’re not even thinking. I know you know them all, but I see the studies, and it always amazes me, how few seconds a day anyone is more than two feet away from their phone, how it’s the first thing they grab when they wake up, it’s the last thing before they go to

December 2016

sleep, it’s always in their pocket, it’s always in front of them. You can’t go to a restaurant now without everybody putting their phone right down on the table – and again I call it a phone, but it’s really like a super-computer… If you compare it to 10 years ago, it’s probably more powerful than any desktop computer we had 10 or 20 years ago. It’s a really powerful thing. Ryan: Absolutely. And because of that, there’s all these intimate communication channels that we have now that weren’t available to us as small business owners. One of those I think we should get into, because it’s so powerful, is text messaging, which I’ll be totally honest: Six years ago, I remember this guy was talking to me about text messaging. I scoffed and walked away, because I was like, “That’s nothing. There’s no future in that.” [laughterI have to laugh at myself, because that’s the way I thought, like, “How would that even work?”

In the past, as a small business owner, if you wanted to try and do something like that, you’d normally have to rely on email. And we know that email is extremely competitive, there’s lots of technical aspects to it to be able to make sure it actually gets delivered, and people see it, and they actually open it up and read it. And all those things complicate our ability to communicate our message with the marketplace. So the development of the smartphone really has changed the rules. So between the smartphone and Facebook, smart businesses have been given this huge gift today that frankly didn’t exist five years ago in the way it does today. Certainly, it didn’t even exist on the horizon 10 to

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Most people have one cellphone number. Now they may have a cellphone for work and a personal cellphone, but personally, as an individual, most people only have one number. And because of that, that’s the most unique identifier you have for contact.

But today, fast forward six years, we’ve taken that media and we’ve made some pretty incredible things possible with it. One of the things I want to point out to everybody, too, is you’ve got to recognize that while people may have multiple email addresses, most people have one cellphone number. Now they may have a cellphone for work and a personal cellphone, but personally, as an individual, most people only have one number – they don’t have multiple personal phones. And because of that, that’s the most unique identifier you have for contact. This is really powerful, especially because of security concerns, because what’s happened is, because more and more systems are using the cellphone number as a form of two-factor authentication – just in case that’s a technical term you’re not familiar with, it means when you log in, you can have some systems like Google, or Facebook, or whatever, send you a text message with a confirmation code

that you then enter in to make sure that nobody can hack into your email account, for example. Steve: Yeah, I get that all the time. I’m one of these real Luddites. I don’t do this whole texting thing, but that’s one of the things I have to, when I log into my bank accounts or credit cards or something, and they’re like, “You need an authorization, we’ll text it to you.” Then I’m like, “Oh, now I gotta go turn on my cellphone and get a text.” But for most people it’s all they talk about, “Oh text me, text me, text me.” That’s what everyone says, it’s so accepted now, You’re making so much sense. Why wouldn’t a business owner want to have that kind of intimate type of relationship where people are saying to a business owner, “Hey text me your specials?” Ryan: Well, that’s the thing. What we’ve grown accustomed to is being able to have things on our terms, right So with a text, what happens is I don’t

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have to respond immediately, but I can respond when I’m ready. So, if I’m busy, I’m in a meeting I’m on a phone call, or maybe I’m just trying to get something done, the last thing I want to do is get on the phone and wait on hold for a customer service representative, right? We would probably prefer that most of the companies we do business with would do texting, because it would simplify our lives significantly. This is why you see – if you are not aware of it – Facebook has made a big play with their messenger, trying to get people to use the messenger for businesses and business communication. I would get excited about that, because it opens up people’s awareness to the fact that messaging is an option for businesses. Now, the interesting part is, on every single smartphone and dumb phone that is out in the world, all of them come pre-installed with a text messaging app. Meaning even if you’ve got the dumbest of dumb phones, you can still for most all of them send a text message. Of course, your smartphones do it as well. Steve: The phone might be smart, but what if the user is dumb? [laughter] See that? There’s no hope for me. Ryan: It doesn’t matter, everybody can learn how to text. In fact, even my grandparents are texting.


Steve: That’s really true. I can agree with that, because I even figured out how to do it. I couldn’t do it in the beginning. I was like, “Where do you put the number and where do you put the words?” I still to this day do it backwards, I’m like, “What? Oh wait, I’ve got to put that down here” or whatever. Ryan: That said, you figured out Facebook messenger. That’s how you asked me to come on to your podcast. Steve: That I do. But that I figured out in the same way: I figured it out by somebody first sending me a message, and the thing pops up. I log into Facebook, and there’s like six things all popped up of people talking to me. So I can type in and talk back. And what you’re saying that it could be and should be the same thing for businesses; that you can be popping up on their text, and they can read it, they can respond, they can take advantage of your offer that you’re sending to them, they can engage with it if they want and when they want. Ryan: Absolutely. In fact, what we’ve seen is people actually quadrupling their conversation when it comes from a sales perspective, by using text in conjunction with phone calls. So, instead of just calling and pounding people with a phone call, by incorporating a text message into that process, we quadruple the number of conversations per dial. Which may not mean something to everybody, but for those that use the phone to do business, being able to quadruple the number of conversations you have means the potential to quadruple the number of sales that you have as well. Steve: Well yeah, it means a heck of a lot to me. Wait a minute. So, in other words, that’s because people feel like they’re more in control, like, “I can get to that when I feel like it.”

December 2016

With a text, I don’t have to respond immediately, but I can respond when I’m ready. So, if I’m busy, I’m in a meeting I’m on a phone call, or maybe I’m just trying to get something done, the last thing I want to do is get on the phone and wait on hold for a customer service representative, right? Ryan: Yeah. Think about this: Nobody wants to be sold, but everybody loves to buy. What happens is, when we call somebody to do a sales call, what happens is people go on the defensive. So from a psychological standpoint, they’re preparing for battle. They don’t want to be sold. Of course, they love to buy, but they don’t want to be sold. So when we get on the phone with people, they feel as though someone is going to be using some verbal jiu-jitsu to take them out and extract money out of them, and make them buy something that maybe they don’t really want. But when we start with text, what happens is it’s a protective shield for the person. So they’re able to warm up. People that might not normally respond to a phone call will actually respond very well to a text, and then segue into a phone call to speed up communication, and ultimately create the relationship. So, it’s a very powerful way to open up doors that maybe you

haven’t been able to open in the past. Steve: Man, oh man! I’ve got to start using this texting thing. Ryan: Do you follow that? Steve: All I know is I’ve got to start doing it, and I’ve got to pay attention in the next few days here on the Rhino Daily Podcast to figure out what and how the heck to do it. So I can see we’re at the end of today’s segment… Ryan: Yeah, we’ll get into that more. Steve: It’s got to start with… I’m now thinking that I’ve been very remiss, because I didn’t even collect people’s cellphone numbers. So, I’d like to even talk tomorrow, if we could, about how you even get started doing this whole thing. Ryan: Absolutely.

Ryan Chapman is founder of Fix Your Funnel, and the creator of several ingenious automated marketing tools that help explode the growth of his own companies, plus thousands of others that also use his solutions. Start experiencing a huge increase in leads and sales with a $1 Trial to his automated SMS text message marketing system by going to:


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While this arena is going to change dramatically, we forget how much food has already changed over the past two centuries. In 1790, farm jobs accounted for 90% of U.S. jobs, compared to <2% today. While farming jobs have been lost to automation, the global food supply (per capita) has steadily increased. As we move towards a world of food abundance, here are the top two disruptions shaping the future of food production: 1. Bioprinting of Meat: In 2016, it took 63 billion land animals to feed 7 billion humans. It’s a HUGE business. Land animals occupy onethird of the non-ice landmass, utilize 8% of our water supply and generate 18% of all greenhouse gases.

By Peter H. Diamandis Food and agriculture account for about 5.9% of global GDP. Global food retail sales alone account for about $4 trillion a year, and food accounts for 15% of what American households spend each year. It is an industry ripe for disruption. Here are some ways that converging exponential technologies are reinventing food. Let’s feast!

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Modern Meadow, a Singularity University company, hopes to disrupt that industry by using bioprinting (tissue engineering and 3D printing) to grow meat (beef, chicken and pork) and leathers in a lab. In 2016, the Brooklyn-based company raised $40 million with the goal of becoming the top source of leather for the world’s makers of fashion and accessories, luggage, sporting goods, upholstery and furniture. Bioprinting of meat (beef, chicken, pork) has huge advantages for humanity. By bio-printing meat, we would be able to feed the world with 99% less land, 96% less water, 96% fewer greenhouse gases and 45% less energy.


2. Genetically Engineered Crops (GMOs): There has been a lot of outcry from the uneducated public about GMOs. After 30 years of research, a great many of our fears about genetically engineered products have been quieted. The fact is that GMOs have allowed us to feed the world -- saving millions of lives and -- to my knowledge, have never caused anyone medical harm. Humanity will increasingly rely on genetically engineered crops. In 1996 there were 1.7 million hectares of biotech crops in the world; by 2010, the number had jumped to 148 million hectares. This 87-fold increase in hectares makes genetically engineered seeds (GEs) the fastest-adopted crop technology in the history of modern agriculture. In 2016, over 75% of crop yield in the United States was genetically modified. More than a trillion GMO meals have been served, and not a single case of GE-induced illness has turned up. So where might scientists engineer GMOs crops in the future? How about: • • • •

Crops that grow faster, using sunlight more efficiently Crops able to grow in saltier waters as sea levels rise Crops able to grow in more arid lands Crops packed with specific nutrients


The United States consumes nearly 1 billion meals per day and spends an average of 10.5 million minutes on food preparation and cleanup each day. Here are the top two disruptions shaping the future of food preparation: 1. 3D Printed Food: Companies like 3DSystems, Natural Machines, Print2Taste, and others are experimenting with 3D printed food. While 3D printing in chocolates and sugars is well underway, we’ll soon see 3D printed starches, proteins

(and even new proteins like algae and insects) and spices. In fact, the military wants to “customize nutrition” for each soldier in the next few decades, and it’s betting on 3D printers to do it. “Food could be printed with the exact requirement a warfighter needs,” says Lauren Oleksyk, a food technologist at the US Army’s Natick Soldier Research, Development and Engineering Center. 2. Personalized Nutrition: Our genome, microbiome and even our blood type determine how we respond to certain foods/nutrients. Imagine if a 3D printed meal was custom produced depending on the amount of exercise you had that day, and your vitamin blood levels. Advanced biosensing will drive your diet and close the loop.

December 2016

Domino’s pizza delivery has already began in New Zealand earlier this year. “It doesn’t add up to deliver a twokilogram package in a two-ton vehicle,” said Scott Bush, a general manager for Domino’s Pizza Enterprises. “In Auckland, we have such massive traffic congestion it just makes sense to take to the airways.” In New Zealand, Domino’s only sells pizzas in one size, which simplifies the challenge of a drone trying to fly in windy conditions with a large pizza box. How are you going to capitalize on the changing food economy? As technology converges, the future will be a tasty and abundant one.


Latest estimates suggest that over a million meals are requested for delivery on apps like GrubHub, Postmates, Doordash and UberEATS. Here are the top two disruptions shaping the future of food delivery: 1. Food On Demand: Press a button and food will be at your doorstep in minutes. PitchBook Data reports that companies involved in delivering groceries and meals in the region attracted $433 million in funding last year. That’s up from about $68 million in 2013 and only about $21 million in 2012. Companies like UberEATS, Munchery, and many others deliver high-quality, restaurant and chef-prepared food to your doorstep on demand. Since launching last year, UberEATS has partnered with hundreds of restaurants and made tens of millions of deliveries.

Recently named one of the “Top 50 World Leaders” by Fortune Magazine, Dr. Peter H. Diamandis is an international pioneer in the fields of innovation, incentive competitions and commercial space. In the field of Innovation, Diamandis is Chairman and CEO of the X PRIZE Foundation, best known for its $10 million Ansari X PRIZE for private spaceflight.Today the X PRIZE leads the world in designing and operating large-scale global competitions to solve market failures.

2. Drone Delivery: The commercial drone market is worth an estimated $552 million in 2016. There is a lot of buzz about drone delivery in Silicon Valley from companies like Amazon and Google, particularly with legislative strides made by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) this past August.

Sign up for Peter’s video and email blogs at:

Diamandis is the New York Times Bestselling author of Abundance – The Future Is Better Than You Think. Abundance was #1 on Amazon and #2 on New York Times.


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RHINO MONTHLY Volume IV Number 12 | December 2016




Hope for Small Business Owners


Manny Beats the Buzzer Again!

By Steve Sipress


Reinven�ng Food By Peter H. Diamandis

Manny’s Blog



Ryan Chapman Text Message Profits

Publisher Steve Sipress Successful Selling Systems, Inc. 20701 N Sco�sdale Rd Ste 107-509 Sco�sdale AZ 85255 (p) 773-236-8134 (f ) 847-232-1535 Ques�ons? Comments? Sugges�ons?

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