Volume III Number 5 | May 2015 | $97
How To Get Your Audience Members To Sign Up For Your
FREE Offer
I Love You , M om!
By Felicia Slattery
By Steve Sipress
About the Publisher, Steve Sipress If you want to grow your business slowly – or just maintain it as is, you’ll have to do that all on your own. But if you want dramatic growth in your income and lifestyle, then Steve’s out-of-the-box and time-tested strategies and tactics could be the keys to your dreams. You can benefit from Steve’s coaching experience and expertise to revolutionize your business – yes, even in this challenging economy – at one of the many in-person entrepreneur events he hosts, OR from the comfort of your own home anywhere in the world. You can also learn basic and advanced direct response marketing strategies and tactics from 150+ hours of video instruction, plus use any or all of Steve’s multi-million-dollar, proven “done-for-you” marketing materials at SSSMarketingUniversity.com. That website has been called The Single Most Powerful Client Attraction Program Available Anywhere, and you could be using it to skyrocket your income anytime you want, 24/7, along with hundreds of other sharp, successful business leaders. If you’re just starting up your new business, you’ll want to take advantage of all of Steve’s training, guidance and resources at NewBusinessAcademy. org. Steve is a successful and award-winning serial entrepreneur, who has created and built nearly a dozen successful companies of his own, and he can help you do the same – more quickly and easily than you’ve ever imagined. In fact, you can immediately use plenty of his simple and powerful strategies and tactics that work especially well in this current frustrating economy. You can discover the basics of Steve’s powerful “The WOW! Strategy™: How To Solve All Of Your Marketing Problems” by watching a short video at www.SteveSipress.com. Steve is a celebrated author, speaker and business coach who has established profitable businesses and helped thousands of ambitious and aggressive business owners, entrepreneurs, executives and sales professionals all around the world. He has written numerous newsletters and articles on sales and marketing for a wide range of publications and has appeared on radio and television, helping millions of people along the way. For over five years, Steve was the #1 “Dan Kennedy Certified No B.S. Business Advisor,” and was Runner-Up out of 25,000 members for 2010 GKIC Marketer Of The Year. If you want the very best, hard-hitting, no-nonsense, caring advice and help you can get, then “Straight-Talk Steve” could be exactly what you and your business need most. Whether you’re a current or future business superstar, Steve can help you get exactly where you want to go as quickly, easily and powerfully as YOU want – with massive results both short-term and long-term.
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“An Incredible Experience!” "When we first started, I was terribly in debt and we were just a few months away from bankruptcy. We started seeing a boost right away in our business, we took what Steve's given me and we just started implementing and implementing, and it's just totally transformed my business. Steve has helped me with my laser focus, he helps me implement, he's taken my business to a whole new level. We went from a half a million dollars to a million dollars in two years. It's just an incredible experience to know that where you think you're just dead and things are horrible, to now anything is possible. I can see taking this to a whole new three or four types of businesses -- it's going to be huge. Steve is all business, he is an unbelievably smart, brilliant man. I can't say enough about him. Everything he's told me, I've made so much money it doesn't matter what it costs. They don't make enough money in this world that somebody could pay me so I would stop listening to Steve. Steve is the exact reason why I have a retirement fund now. It's probably illegal how much fun I'm having!"
Jon Bockman
Owner, Bockman's Auto Care Sycamore, Illinois
Why Rhino? It was the summer of 1992. I was struggling in the early days of what would become a 9-year door-to-door sales career. My days were filled with disappointments, challenges and frustrations — but not many sales. It was just then, at one of the lowest points in my life, that I looked for help from one of my more experienced and successful colleagues, and he promised to share his secret to success. Did he give me a lesson in the features and benefits of the products we were selling? No. Did he share his most-effective sales techniques? No. Did he disclose some kind of “tricks of the trade?” No. He handed me a tattered, well-worn little paperback book, and told me to read it. “It has big print and lots of pictures, and it’ll only take you about an hour to read,” he said, in an attempt to overcome the disappointed look on my face. “It’s a really fun book.” “And what’s the point of it?” I asked. “All the top performers, leaders and owners of the company have read it, and live by it.” I was now more puzzled than ever, but that was good enough for me. That night, from the moment I opened it and read Page 1, I tore through it until I reached the end. Sure enough, it changed my life. I’ve read it (and the two other books in the series by the author) over and over in the decades since then, and have given out over 100 copies to entrepreneurs, business owners, sales professionals and friends I cared about. Many of them have had the same experience as me. By now, you’re probably wondering, “So what’s this amazing, lifechanging book, Steve?”
heads down, grazing on the same grass their whole lives. They have very thin skin and can even be “tipped” over by mischievous kids. All that keeps them on the farm is one thin strand of wire and the expectation that they will be cared for and told what to do for their entire lives. Nothing much good or bad can happen to a cow in its basic, mundane existence. Then there’s the rhino. Rhinos live in the jungle, where every day is different and danger can lurk around every corner. That means the rhino must remain alert at all times and on the lookout for both opportunities and danger. The rhino doesn’t need anyone to feed or take care of him. He has two-inch-thick skin, so it takes a lot to bother him. And if he falls or gets knocked down, he gets right back up again and keeps charging at his goals. He isn’t guaranteed success or happiness – he prefers to hunt for both of them. Bottom-line: If you put a rhino onto a farm, he would simply burst through the flimsy wooden walls of the barn, charge through the inadequate fence around the pasture and gain his freedom. If you dropped a group of cows into the middle of the jungle, they would simply stand there and become lunch. As Scott Alexander writes… “The secret of success is, naturally, becoming a rhinoceros…The first order of your day as a rhino is to charge. Hopefully, you have something to charge at. You must have some goals that will add purpose to your life as a rhinoceros. If you have been getting up every morning, to work all day, just to buy yuccayucca bushes for dinner and pay the rent, then it is time to get mad. It is time to get disgusted! It is time to say, “I have had ENOUGH of being a lazy cow grazing in the pasture day after day! I am fed up with doing nothing, seeing nothing and accomplishing nothing! I woke up this morning as a rhinoceros! I am going to sacrifice the security and complacency of the pasture and live a rhinoceros life of excitement and adventure in the jungle. I am going to be a rich rhino!”
Its title and message inspired the name of this magazine, as well as my podcast and blog: “Rhinoceros Success” by Scott Alexander. I HIGHLY recommend you pick yourself up a copy and read it for yourself.
If you want the full dose of Scott’s fun and motivating point of view, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you get yourself a copy of his book immediately, and also follow him on his blog at www.ScottRobertAlexander.com.
For now, here’s its basic message… There are two kinds of people in the world: Rhinos and Cows.
And roam around the jungle that is www.RhinoDaily.com, where you’ll find motivating stories and priceless advice from me and some of the other leading entrepreneurs of the world – rhinos, one and all – updated for you daily, in both blog and podcast form. And of course, keep reading every issue of Rhino Monthly!
Cows live on a farm, depending on a farmer to house them, feed them and basically tell them when and where to get up, go out, come back to the barn and sleep. They move very slowly, with no real direction, around the same field day after day, with their
CHARGE!! Volume III Number 5 | Pg 1
MOM! I sent flowers to arrive 5 days early before my Mom’s birthday, because I didn’t think she would make it that long. They arrived this morning, and then about an hour later my Mom drew her last breath and moved on from this world.
10 days ago my beautiful w i fe Michele and I flew to spend two fantastic days with my Mom and say our goodbyes. We all knew she was leaving her building for the last time as we enjoyed her favorite meal at her 2nd favorite restaurant (her favorite is not wheelchair-accessible). The next day we ate lunch and dinner in the restaurant inside her building, and Michele painted her nails. We laughed, we loved, we enjoyed each other’s company for the last time.
By Steve Sipress
My Mom was awake for only a few minutes on Thursday, and again yesterday. Her longest lifetime friend Joan (they met the first day of Kindergarten) had flown in from California to be with her - but all Joan could do was sit by my Mom’s bed for two days. Joan wok e my Mom up yesterday to put her on the phone with m e, and after the all-too-brief conversation told me that was the only time my Mom really perked up at all for those two days. We told each other “I love you” (I think I said it about 10 times), and my Mom went back to sleep. She never awoke. Of course, no words could possibly express what my Mom meant to me. She loved me, cared for me, raised me, taught me, led me, guided me, and molded me into the man I am today. She was a Fighter - a true renegade, who taught me by example how to fight the system when it was unjust and how to stand up for what was right, even when everyone else said not to and did nothing. My Mom loved everyone, and everyone loved my Mom. For decades, she taught English As A Second Language to high school kids and adults who came to America as refugees from all over the world. Many of those immigrants went on to become business owners and all kinds of successful people, and going anywhere in my hometown with my Mom was like the movie “Mr. Holland’s Opus” - “Your money is no good here, Mrs. Sipress,” seats and popcorn and candy at the movie theater, the best tables at restaurants, and the owners always coming out to share stories of how my Mom was like a second mother to all of these extremely-accomplished people, and how much they owed her that they could never repay.
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Ahhh... But they were just my Mom’s students. I actually got to be her son. Her first-born child. No one on Earth ever had it as good as I did. My Mom fought Multiple Sclerosis for over 60 years. The ironic thing about that disease is that one’s brain is actually fighting against oneself. Then, a few months ago, that brain dealt my Mom one final, crushing blow: it developed an inoperable, incurable “glioblastoma” - known as “the most common and most aggressive malignant primary brain tumor in humans.” The brain cancer specialist estimated that she would only have about 90 days left to live. And live she did. She was constantly visited by friends and family. She continued to make the trek into New York City to see Broadway plays and have dinners. She played Mah Jong and Bridge right up until weeks before her death. She had fought the crippling effects of MS for decades - refusing to use a wheelchair or move to an assisted living home, or even hire a home healthcare aide, no matter how difficult that made even the most basic aspects of life that most of us take completely for granted - and she wasn’t going to stop just because she was near the end of her life, and everything was far more difficult than ever. My Mom was a fighter. A Champion Fighter. What a tremendous example she set for all the world to see, and what a positive and everlasting impact she had and will continue to have on everyone fortunate to have had any contact with her. Life will go on. Just not nearly as full and rich and wonderful as it was before. Today is a new day for me - I’ve never not had a Mom. Even though she is finally done fighting the good fight on this Earth, I know that she is still with me. And through me, she will continue to be with everyone I will ever come into contact with. If I could only be 1/1000th the person that my Mom was. I’d like to think that somehow I could - but I know that’s not possible. I love you, Mom! To find out more about Steve Sipress and how he can help you have more fun and make more money with your business, see the Inside Cover Page. To get new money-making strategies and tips every weekday from Steve and other top business-building experts from around the world, go to: www.RhinoDaily.com Volume III Number 5 | Pg 3
CUSTOMER CARE MULTI-MILLIONAIRE Steve Sipress: Dean, one thing I want to say right away is that you are well-known, you have an amazing reputation, and I can vouch for it firsthand that you care more for your customers than anybody in your entire industry. In fact, possibly in any industry. Can you tell me: Why is that such a passion of yours? Dean Graziosi: First of all, thanks, Steve. You’re awesome, and it’s a pleasure to be here. I think there’s a couple of reasons. People listening right now, it doesn’t matter where you are in business; if you’re just starting or you’re going to another level, or you’re running a monster company. In this world of marketing and this immediate reaction, it’s instant gratification, it’s these short snippets. I think everybody’s fighting over what is the latest craze to get someone to buy. If you’re online, is it a blue button, is it a red button, is it above the fold, below the fold? If it’s marketing and advertising, how do you do it quick and fast and bigger and glitzier and shinier?
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I think what people forgot is when you obsess on the way people feel, and you supply a product so damn valuable, no matter what it is or whatever your service is that you feel you’re ethically obligated to get in people’s hands, that changes everything. It changes the way your client feels when they get delivered, it changes the way the people in your company feel about the client, it takes a person from being just this person who gives you money to a human being. I know that might be a broad answer, and we could narrow it down. People always say to me, “Dean, I’ve seen you on TV for years. You’re the best salesman ever. How are you so good?” I say, “Because when I turn on a camera, Steve, I feel obligated to get people involved in my program” because I know I’m going to take care of them and deliver something amazing, and if I don’t get them engaged, then they might go to a competitor who sucks, or not do anything at all. If you just want more sales, I’d say care more. If you want people to not refund, and refer your product and be more
Just set a standard so damn high that they have to step up or step out, as far as your competitors, and make your clients feel so damn important that they refer you and want more. excited, then just care more, and your marketing gets better, your advertising gets better. I know that was broad. I hope that’s a good start for our conversation though. Steve: Of course, it’s fantastic. Anywhere a conversation goes with you is going to be fantastic for my listeners. I gotta ask: Maybe I’m dating myself, but I remember back in the 80s for sure, and maybe even earlier, the TV. You just mentioned being on TV, and I know you’ve been on TV every day for the last 10 years in a row. Dean: 15, actually. Steve: Every minute of every day or whatever. I just remember nonstop watching these “no money down” infomercials – I won’t mention any names. I want to know: How did you build so much trust in an industry that is filled with so many criminals and flim-flammers and fly-bynights? You know that your industry is seen as a cesspool. How did you rise above that fray? Dean: That’s an amazing question. I remember when I first got in. So first of all, being naïve. There is nothing better than being naïve. When the world tells you, “You can’t” so many times, so many of us believe it. And I’d suggest
to anybody listening if you’ve been in business too long, you’ve had too many partners, too many things and you’re afraid of that next level, remember when you first went in business. You just had blind faith because you were naïve as crap. If you want to know the truth, I never was online. Online wasn’t even available when I first started. I never did direct mail. I never ran an ad. I never did one thing until I started on TV, and I just remember thinking I was this broke kid who was able to transform my life from cars and real estate, and I wanted to share it. That’s a whole story that we all have of the ups and downs, and borrowing money to get on TV. But I remember the exact moment you just asked, Steve. The moment I got in this business and I started to get momentum, I met the number one guy on TV at the time. I won’t bring up any names. He got in a lot of trouble, and yeah. I met him, and he said, “Oh, you’re on your way up, kid.” He said, “Let me just tell you this. In the infomercial business, you sell what you can in the first 30 days, and then never talk to them again, or else you’ll kick a sleeping dog, and they’ll want their damn money back.”
Steve: Wow.
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Dean: This is the number one guy on TV, and I remember saying to myself, “If that’s what this business is, I’ve got to get out. I want to change people’s lives. I want them to refer me and love me, and I want to provide a good product.” That was a tipping point for me to say, “I’m just going to be different than everybody else.” About nine years ago now, I was on TV for about six years, but nine years ago I believed in what I sold so much that I threw out my scripts. I stopped with the, “Wait, there’s more. Then you get this, and plus you get this,” and I did a live infomercial, meaning no scripts, no specific questions. Kind of like this interview. And I did that for a half hour. I remember my media buyers and people I worked with said, “God, that’s not going to work. There’s no testimonials. There’s no promises. There’s no ‘Wait, there’s more.’” And it was probably the biggest infomercial that ever hit. That show did, to just put a measuring stick, it did over $100 million in sales. I sold a million copies of my book, and we transformed a lot of lives. I just remember at that moment, the more you care, the more you want to provide value. Forget about what your competitors are doing. Just set a standard so damn high that they have to step up or step out, as far as your competitors, and make your clients feel so damn important that they refer you and want more. Once I got addicted to that, Steve, it was an obsession to change this industry. Not that I’ve done a great job of changing the industry, but I know I’ve set a standard. Steve: Well, you’re understating yourself as typically as you do, because with the size you’ve been able to build your business now, you certainly changed… Well, you’re probably right. There’s still a lot of flim-flammers out there. I don’t know if I remember that infomercial, if I saw that one, but I do remember one where I just saw you get in your car and drive around. I was like, “There is no script.” It was just what you just said. I’m like, “Clearly he can’t be reading a script, or else he would hit a telephone pole.” You were just talking, and it seemed like you were going
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to your office, and it ended exactly on time. You just spoke and you just talked, and I was like, “That is so different.” Like you said, from the, “Oh, here’s my cars and boats and rings, and this and that, and blah, blah, blah.” I mean, how…? Dean: I have to be honest. Most of my competitors… I lost all of my competition over about a 7-year run. Most of them are gone because of that. Because you can’t watch a guy with this “hypey” pitch with the cars in the background, just what you said, and then somebody who’s just saying it like it is. The other thing too that I would suggest to anybody is be a product. Joe Polish, a good friend of both of ours, always says, “Make sure you eat your own dog food.” I still invest. I own 500 houses. I still invest. I’ve got 40 deals going on right now. Even though I’m in the education business and I run a big company and I have to worry about my next New York Times best-seller or my next TV show or going on a live talk show, I’ve got to worry about those things. Right? But when you forget what you’re providing for people, if you’re not still in the game, you don’t get sharp. If I stopped doing real estate 10 years ago, I wouldn’t be giving good advice. I’d be a good marketer giving stuff that used to work, and that’s what my competitors did. A lot of them made money in real estate 20 years ago, and now they just learned to be a marketer. You’ve got to be in the game. This is two words I think everybody should take away – two sentences that I think will help everybody. I hope I can deliver some great value today. But one is: “Live inside the mind of your prospect. Camp out inside of the mind of who’s going to buy, and then camp out inside of the mind of your client.” I know that is said so much, but most people forget it. We get involved in what we create, what our company needs, what our numbers need to do, what sales need to hit, customer service; how do you lower refunds… No. Live inside their head, and make them feel good, and all those problems go away. Your byproduct is more profits when you camp your tent inside the mind of your prospect
Live Your insidebyproduct their head,isand make them feel good, and all more those problems go away. Your byproduct is more profits when whenprofits you camp youryou tentcamp inside the mind of your prospect youreverybody tent inside the if you’re successful or on because on this phone, yourmind way up, live in a different demographic than ofyou yourmight prospect... who you’re selling to, so your problems aren’t their problems. because everybody on this phone, if you’re successful or on your way up, you might live in a different demographic than who you’re selling to, so your problems aren’t their problems. The second thing is people buy from you when they feel understood. That has transformed every… Before I go on TV, it’s not about me. It’s not about me telling how great I am, how great my product is, what I can do. I want them to go, “Wow! This guy gets me.” When your client says, “This company, this product, this person get me,” you become a loyal friend, and they’ll continue to do business with you. Steve: Well I love that. You mentioned (now again I’m not going to mention any names), but there was the feeling – or I probably didn’t just feel, I probably read it or heard it somewhere – that these guys that were teaching, I’m talking, I’d say, way back, but back in the 80’s at least, it was thought that what they were teaching – just like what you said – it no longer works. So now the only way they can make money with that is to sell it for thousands of dollars to lots of people – something that doesn’t work. But in your case, you’re still in the trenches, like you say, every single day. Here’s my question: A lot of people are really talented and skilled, and really good at what they do, but very few people feel the passion and the desire and have the ability to teach. What made you want to do both?
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Dean: I get asked that a lot. I think going back… I’m just going to give you a quick snapshot of my childhood: My parents split when I was three, my mom worked two jobs to support me and my sister making about $90 a week, and I just remember making it, being a kid, being broke, and I always wanted to take care of my mom. I was a latchkey kid, and I wanted a way to retire her and not work so hard at six years old. So I think if I look back, that was this youthful drive I had, and I wasn’t that smart in school. I was in special reading until 11th grade, but I knew I was passionate and wanted to do it.
this education. I know that’s your passion, is to get as much knowledge out of your head and into others.
When I started getting momentum, I was lucky enough to do “no money down” real estate deals in my teens. Before I was 20, I had done a handful of deals. In my early 20s, I started doing deal after deal, and I remember thinking, “How great would it be if I could teach people what I did and help people like my mom?”
Dean: I’d love to, Steve.
But then as I got in this game, I realized if you don’t become good at marketing, then no one gets to hear your message. You go into Barnes & Noble. Do you know how much amazing wisdom are on those shelves? And what is it – the majority of books sell under 500 copies? 95% of books in the world sell under 500 copies? That wisdom isn’t getting distributed, so I knew if even if I had the best education in the world, I’d better get damn good at finding a way to get it in people’s hands. I was equally obsessed with my marketing and my ability to communicate as I was with the product, and I think in most cases unfortunately people especially, they’ll come out of college and they’re green, and they have that “Field of Dreams” delusion that, “If I build it, they’ll come.” And that’s just not the way it is. You can build the greatest widget – any tool, restaurant, life, pizza place, painter, house painter or online marketing or online product. But if you build it, they’re not going to come without some really fantastic communication. If I was going to teach anybody, I would start with authenticity, and love your product so much as your foundation, rather than trying to be a slick marketer. Steve: You mentioned a Barnes & Noble or a brick and mortar book store, but now thanks to this modern technology, people call it a phone, but it’s this handheld computer that has the complete compendium of the lifetime of knowledge in everyone’s hands. Like you said, it’s still not getting distributed. All they do is sit there and Facebook and chat and text message and whatever with the thing, and they’ve got in the palm of their hands all
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Now you’ve come to the point where you just came back from Australia speaking at the Tony Robbins event, which I know you do. I can see by the clock on the wall, our time is up for this segment. But I want to get into the next segment, this whole turn for the better in my opinion that you’ve taken towards teaching and speaking and helping people with this whole Success Mindset thing. Can we talk about that?
To listen to the full interview, go to: www.RhinoDaily.com/podcast
About Dean Graziosi Dean Robert Graziosi is a well-known American real estate investor, expert and leading trainer throughout the world. He has appeared daily on American TV for nearly 15 years, and is a highly respected Businessman, Entrepreneur, multiple NY Times bestselling author and Inspirational speaker. Graziosi is perhaps best known for his long running interview style TV shows and the leading real estate educator in the world. He has reached viewers in America and around the world who number in the millions. He has written five books which have dominated the real estate book sales space starting in 2006. Books authored by Dean Graziosi have been on The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Amazon and the New York Times bestseller list. As a devout proponent of entrepreneurship, business education, investing, Dean Graziosi has made a commitment to provide weekly inspiration and education at no cost through his Weekly Wisdom videos, accessible to all at: www.DeanGraziosi.com
Manny’s Blog
Dear Manny: I need you to rescue my marriage plans. My girlfriend Brigitte and I have built up a really good relationship over the past three months, although we got off to a rough start. I had worshipped her from afar for a long time, but she didn’t even know I was alive. Literally. She thought I was roadkill. I have GOT to stop taking my siestas so close to the highway. Things couldn’t be better between the two of us, but I’m nervous because I’m going to meet her parents for the first time. They come from a whole different social circle and are extremely snooty and judgmental. I’m sweating bullets. (Or did I dislodge the BB that bratty neighbor kid shot at me?) I’m from the wrong side of the tracks; their masters OWN the railroad. I can’t make ends meet (maybe if I chased my tail just a little faster…), but they are rolling in money. Literally. They’ve been on top of so many “dead presidents” that the Secret Service keeps them under constant surveillance. Their ancestors go back to the Mayflower. (They intermarried with Native American canines who were disciplined with smoke signals instead of rolled-up newspapers.) Brigitte’s parents’ wall is lined with awards and higher degrees; but I never even finished obedience school. I’m afraid if they invite me to “Sit!,” I’ll wind up digging in the flower bed or something. Brigitte is the best thing that has ever happened to me! Please give me some advice for a good first meeting. Your fan, Rusty.
Good to hear from you again. I’m sure we can FIX this. (Sorry. Politically incorrect term.) Don’t talk about superficial things like summer homes and bank accounts. Let Brigitte’s parents know what’s inside you. (You DID undergo that deworming regimen I recommended, didn’t you?) Tell them you have connections to the Egyptian pharaohs. (Don’t mention that it’s because of your Uncle Bruce’s pyramid scheme.) Don’t get bogged down in past circumstances. Let her parents know you have Big Dreams. (No, not the one about chasing 40-pound rabbits.) Show them your unbridled optimism. Let them know you see the toilet bowl as being half-full instead of half-empty. Let them know that as a concerned citizen you are shocked by current events. (You don’t have to tell them your last “current event” involved a shock from chewing the cord on the lamp your master bought at the secondhand store.) Let them know you have a keen interest in politics. (It’s not necessary to mention that it pertains only to who can get elected dog catcher.) Showcase your educational aspirations. Let them know you plan to attend trade school. (“Trade you this drumstick for that half-eaten piece of pizza.”) At least make plans to get your G.E.D. You don’t have to tell them it stands for Garbage Eating Diploma. Give it your best shot – and save me some wedding cake! - Manny
Manny (full name “Emanuel” or “Dog With Us”) is Steve and Michele Sipress’ crazy, rambunctious cocker spaniel. He has a weak leg (despite a mostly-successful back surgery), grey hair, is totally deaf and partially blind. But he still enjoys barking at the mailman and landscapers, pulling dead frogs out of nearby ponds and chasing after his beloved squeaker toy. He loves everyone (even the mailman and landscapers), and everyone loves him.
Volume III Number 5 | Pg 9
By Dr. Will Moreland America’s #1 Leadership Life Trainer
Several years ago, I had the pleasure of leading a mentorship group of young men. While I was preparing for the course, I came up with the concept of “LEADYOURSHIP™.” It was a play on the word “LEADERSHIP.” In the course, I wanted to emphasize the importance of taking personal responsibility for your life, actions and outcomes. The course was a hit, and I knew I was on to something. Since then I have taught the “LEADYOURSHIP™“ concept to companies around the world. People who know me well know that I love the subject of leadership. I don’t think there is one single thing that impacts life, companies, organizations or nations more than leadership. I know that’s a BOLD statement, but when you get to the heart of any problem or solution, you will find the root cause being either bad leadership or good leadership. For almost 20 years, I have been teaching people that “Everyone Is A Leader” regardless of a title or position,
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“Everyone Is A Leader.” And since this is the case, the only logical question is,
“WHAT KIND OF LEADER ARE YOU?” Pause for a moment and think about that. It’s very easy to identify what kind of leader others are, but have you ever asked yourself, “What Kind of Leader Am I?” There has been much study done in the area of “Leadership Styles” over the years and even on the subject of “Leadership Levels.”Those two subjects are not my focus when I talk about “LEADYOURSHIP™“ Styles and levels deal more with your interaction with others, I want to focus on YOU! How well are you leading your ship, and “ship” is a metaphor for your life. At the heart of any success or failure in our lives, you can trace it back to our individual leadership. Any student of personal development, success psychology or Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) will tell you that personal responsibility is the key to all lasting transformation.
So if “Everyone Is A Leader” as I suppose and the most important question is “What Kind of Leader Am I?” How do we effectively measure our leadership? I’m glad you asked. Just as a ship has many moving parts, so does our life. There are parts of a ship that are seen by everyone, the outside, the deck and so on. Then there are areas that only a few people see. Whether the parts are seen or not seen, they are essential to the overall success of the ship. Many times we give more attention to the parts that will be seen by everyone, and less time to the parts we only see. It is usually the unseen that impacts us the most. When we neglect those hidden parts, we are in danger of causing the whole ship to sink. Some years ago, my mentor taught me that I could not rise higher than my personal leadership. He said, “You may sneak to the top, but eventually your personal leadership will bring you down.” If you are going to “LEADYOURSHIP™“ well, there are 5 Key Components you must have in place. When I was in the military, we had to do a PMCS which stood for “Preventative Maintenance Checks & Services” on our equipment every Monday. Now I was stationed in Germany, so this meant going outside in weather that sometimes reached 20 below. I, like many of the other soldiers, would complain to our leaders about the necessity of going out each week. We would say things like, “We just checked it last week and we didn’t use the equipment, so nothing should be wrong with it.”
About Dr. Will Moreland Growing up in Compton, California at a time where the drug problem, gang violence and murder rate were at an all-time high, Dr. Will Moreland made a critical CHOICE in his life. He wasn’t going to let his start determine his finish.
Our leaders would always remind us, you don’t want to find out something is wrong with your equipment when you get ready to use it, you need to know before you go to battle that your equipment is working right.
Over the last two decades, he has studied and implemented the tools, habits and mental perspective it takes for ANYONE to achieve success in life. He has read over 500 books and listened to countless audios and video recordings on the subject of personal development, leadership and success.
I have seen failure occur in families and organizations because a PMCS was not conducted on a routine basis. When you want to “LEADYOURSHIP™“ the right way, you will implement these 5 Key Components:
Dr. Will is a serial entrepreneur, having started or helped start over 15 companies. He currently oversees three companies: Will Moreland International, LLC, More-Land Investments and Moreland Enterprises.
1. Desire
If you are ready to set Big Bold Audacious Goals for yourself and your business, you need to join Dr. Will for his 4-Week Training called “10X GAME CHANGER.” He will walk you through how to get over your selflimiting beliefs, how to create a winning attitude, how to defeat the doubt in your mind, and so much more. To learn more about this training and secure your limited spot, log on to:
2. Vision 3. Discipline 4. Accountability 5. Maintenance Remember that the key to any lasting success in life is predicated on your ability to take personal responsibility.
Volume III Number 5 | Pg 11
Pg 12 | Rhino Monthly | www.SteveSipress.com
How To Get Your Audience Members To Sign Up For Your FREE OFFER By Felicia Slattery How to Get Your Audience Members to Sign Up for Your Free Offer In the years I’ve been teaching the Signature Speech™, one of the main issues I deal with is helping experts understand that the speech is only the beginning of the conversation with the people in the audience who want to know more. In fact, one of my clients told me yesterday that from one speech she delivered, she booked $16,000 in consulting business within a week or so of the event. Had she insisted on being paid a speaking fee, she would not have been welcome to that stage where her PERFECT clients were sitting in the audience. Speaking for free, selectively and strategically gets results EVERY time. (Of course you can get the same results speaking for a fee, but sometimes the events that don’t pay can yield the greatest profits!) So that leads to the question about how to ethically get people to join your email list community so you can keep in touch with them to make great things happen and serve them? Thanks to client and friend Shelley Hitz, book writing coach, who inspired this post by asking: “Do you give [the audience] a link to sign up [for your list] or get them to sign up on a signup sheet?” Here’s how I answered: I ALWAYS use a sign-up sheet passed around the room. I do it that way for several reasons. • People physically commit to receiving your information in their own writing. That cements for them that they really do want to know more. • I save those pages and keep them as proof to show any autoresponder service (or even the person himself) later on that they did sign up, if ever there is a challenge of any kind. It’s a way to make sure I’m safe and protected because most people are awesome, but every once in a while you’ll get the occasional mean person who wants to create trouble for you rather than just hitting the unsubscribe button. And yes, some people will reply to your messages and say they never signed up. So it’s easy to show them their own handwriting if they get testy about things. And then hit unsubscribe for them! • No other method works as well to get everyone in the room who is interested in what you have to offer on your list. I usually get 100%. The mobile app and text people will tell you their way is better, but I have tested every way known to business speakers, and there is something powerful about a plain old sheet of paper with a growing list of names on it being passed to you. You see, there is a psychological trigger of being excluded that comes along with seeing everyone
else’s name on a list and the feeling (more than the thought even) that “everyone else is getting this, I don’t want to miss out” because they can see everyone else signing up on the spot. It’s also a concept known as social proof. You don’t get that with mobile because we all know people can be checking their email, Facebook, or texting their friend about dinner plans. No social proof there. It’s powerful for such a simple, old school thing.
About Felicia Slattery Felicia J. Slattery lives her life with energy, passion and enthusiasm because she realizes each moment is precious. During her first two years she built a thriving and growing business. She knows the value of just one life and seeks to serve her clients as they serve others. Her enthusiastic passion for communication is contagious because she knows that one important message delivered with power can transform a life. Felicia has shared the stage with many notable names in the Internet marketing arena including: Carrie “Barefoot Executive” Wilkerson, Kevin Nations, Adam Urbanski, Bob “The Teacher”Jenkins, John DiLemme, Bob Burg, Joel Comm, Perry “Ask Mr. Video” Lawrence, Paul Evans, Melanie Benson Strick, Lynn Terry, Frank Sousa, Dave Lakhani, Brendon Burchard, Simon Leung, Mari Smith, and many (many!) others. Most notably, in April 2010 at Extreme Business Makeovers, she had the honor of sharing the stage with a living legend of motivational speaking, Mr. Zig Ziglar himself. To read more about Felicia and her passion for communication, please visit her website at: www.FeliciaSlattery.com Volume III Number 5 | Pg 13
RHINO MONTHLY Volume III Number 5 | May 2015
Rhino Monthly Info
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I LOVE YOU, MOM! By Steve Sipress
10 13
LEADYOURSHIP™ By Dr. Will Moreland
DEAN GRAZIOSI 4 CUSTOMER CARE MULTI-MILLIONAIRE Publisher Steve Sipress Successful Selling Systems, Inc. 869 E Schaumburg Rd #237 Schaumburg, IL 60194 (p) 773-236-8134 (f ) 847-232-1535 Questions? Comments? Suggestions?
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Editor Michele Tiberio
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