Rhino Monthly Magazine - August 2017

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Volume V • Number 8 • August 2017 • $97

Being About Something


Manny’s Blog



DONE RIGHT expert interview with


August 2017


About the Publisher, Steve Sipress If you want to grow your business slowly – or just maintain it as is, you’ll have to do that all on your own. But if you want dramatic growth in your income and lifestyle, then Steve’s out-of-the-box and time-tested strategies and tactics could be the keys to your dreams. You can benefit from Steve’s coaching experience and expertise to revolutionize your business – yes, even in this challenging economy – at one of the many in-person entrepreneur events he hosts, OR from the comfort of your own home anywhere in the world. You can also learn basic and advanced direct response marketing strategies and tactics from 150+ hours of video instruction, plus use any or all of Steve’s multi-million-dollar, proven “done-for-you” marketing materials at SSSMarketingUniversity.com. That website has been called The Single Most Powerful Client Attraction Program Available Anywhere, and you could be using it to skyrocket your income anytime you want, 24/7, along with hundreds of other sharp, successful business leaders. If you’re just starting up your new business, you’ll want to take advantage of all of Steve’s training, guidance and resources at NewBusinessAcademy.org. Steve is a successful and award-winning serial entrepreneur, who has created and built nearly a dozen successful companies of his own, and he can help you do the same – more quickly and easily than you’ve ever imagined. In fact, you can immediately use plenty of his simple and powerful strategies and tactics that work especially well in this current frustrating economy. You can discover the basics of Steve’s powerful “The WOW! Strategy™: How To Solve All Of Your Marketing Problems” by watching a short video at www.SteveSipress.com. Steve is a celebrated author, speaker and business coach who has established profitable businesses and helped thousands of ambitious and aggressive business owners, entrepreneurs, executives and sales professionals all around the world. He has written numerous newsletters and articles on sales and marketing for a wide range of publications and has appeared on radio and television, helping millions of people along the way. For over five years, Steve was the #1 “Dan Kennedy Certified No B.S. Business Advisor,” and was Runner-Up out of 25,000 members for 2010 GKIC Marketer Of The Year. If you want the very best, hard-hitting, no-nonsense, caring advice and help you can get, then “Straight-Talk Steve” could be exactly what you and your business need most. Whether you’re a current or future business superstar, Steve can help you get exactly where you want to go as quickly, easily and powerfully as YOU want – with massive results both short-term and long-term.

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When we first started, I was terribly in debt and we were just a few months away from bankruptcy. We started seeing a boost right away in our business, we took what Steve’s given me and we just started implementing and implementing, and it’s just totally transformed my business. Steve has helped me with my laser focus, he helps me implement, he’s taken my business to a whole new level. We went from a half a million dollars to a million dollars in two years. It’s just an incredible experience to know that where you think you’re just dead and things are horrible, to now anything is possible. I can see taking this to a whole new three or four types of businesses -- it’s going to be huge. Steve is all business, he is an unbelievably smart, brilliant man. I can’t say enough about him. Everything he’s told me, I’ve made so much money it doesn’t matter what it costs. They don’t make enough money in this world that somebody could pay me so I would stop listening to Steve. Steve is the exact reason why I have a retirement fund now. It’s probably illegal how much fun I’m having!”

Jon Bockman

Owner, Bockman’s Auto Care Sycamore, Illinois

“Discount Marketing” DONE RIGHT By Steve Sipress

Offering a deep discount – or even taking a slight loss – in order to attract a new customer can be a very smart and profitable way to build a business. And it’s a strategy that can work in virtually every kind of business. But a word of caution: There are a few very specific “rules” that must be followed for the business owner to avoid the frustration and financial failure of doing it wrong. RULE #1: KNOW YOUR MATH Before you do a deep-discount offer – or any advertising or marketing, for that matter – you absolutely MUST know “the numbers” of your business. And the most important number you need to know is your average Lifetime Customer Value. That will tell you how much you can happily invest to get a customer (*HINT: The higher that number, the easier it will be for you to trounce your competition in the all-important battle for new customers). RULE #2: TARGET ONLY NEW CUSTOMERS Deep discount offers, such as Groupons, should only be targeted to prospects – and not current customers. Yes, of course some of your current customers are going to find

your deep discount offers, but you shouldn’t make it easy for them to do so by drawing attention to them in your emails or newsletters that go to your current customers. RULE #3: HAVE A STRONG “BACK-END” SYSTEM IN PLACE Sadly, about 98% of small business owners concentrate the vast majority of their time, energy and money trying to profit from the very first sale they make to a new customer, but then failing to execute a long-term plan to maximize the revenue and profit from every customer they get. They believe that the purpose of getting a customer is to make a sale. But the sharpest, most successful, small minority of business owners knows that the purpose of making a sale is to gain a customer. Then, once the new customer is acquired, multiple systems are put into motion in order to maximize the longterm value of each and every customer acquired by building life-long relationships with them. RULE #4: HAVE THE RIGHT MINDSET Instead of viewing your deep discount new customer acquisition campaign as an income generator, look at it as if you’re “getting paid to advertise.” www.SteveSipress.com I RHINO MONTHLY

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August 2017


Let’s use Groupon as an example. Whenever you do a Groupon, you will have to (a) craft a no-brainer, deep discount, Irresistible OFFER, and then (b) settle for only about 40-45% of the revenue your new customers pay to get it (with Groupon keeping the rest). In other words, while you will get some cash in return for selling your Groupons, you cannot for one second consider that the reason to do the Groupon. Instead, view your Groupon as a fantastic way to build brand awareness and acquire a lot of prospects in a VERY short time, without having to invest hard-earned out-of-pocket dollars as you would if you did a yellow pages, newspaper, radio or other “traditional” ad instead. Then, some of these new customers will stick with you for the long-term (especially if you’ve followed Rule #3 above), thereby making your deep discount campaign a big winner. (*NOTE: That is a very healthy way to view ALL of your marketing and advertising to prospects!) RULE #5: PROMOTE YOUR DEEP DISCOUNT OFFER LIKE CRAZY! Whether you do a Groupon, or use any other medium for your deep discount new customer acquisition offer, don’t just stop there and put all the pressure and responsibility on that one medium to make or break your success. Instead, make sure you ramp up a strong supporting multi-media promotional campaign. *NOTE: Remember, as discussed in Rule #2 above, NOT to promote it to your current customers by using email or your newsletter. Here are just a few of the ways you SHOULD promote your offer: • Post it to your business’ Facebook Fanpage • Have all of your employees post it to their Facebook pages • Leverage your relationships with other business owners and entrepreneurs to have them promote your offer to their lists and/or in their places of business

To find out more about Steve Sipress and how he can help you have more fun and make more money with your business, see the Inside Cover Page.

RULE #6: HAVE A WELL-ROUNDED MARKETING SYSTEM You can’t put all your eggs in one basket by depending only on a Groupon – or any other single new customer acquisition strategy – to be a miracle-worker for your business. The smart business owner looks at this as just one weapon in his or her arsenal of business-building strategies, and is constantly implementing new customer-acquisition methods.

To get new moneymaking strategies and tips from Steve and other top business-building experts from around the world, go to:

Bottom-line: Follow these six Rules for a successful “deep discount” new customer acquisition campaign, and you’ll be raving about the results of using such a strategy – instead of being just another cautionary tale of failure and frustration!

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RhinoDaily.com or LessonsLearnedFromDonaldTrump.com


August 2017

Lights! Camera! Kibble! Lip-smacking good news, folks! I’m this close (it’s doggone hard indicating “this close” when you don’t have opposable thumbs) to hosting my own TV cooking show, aimed at both humans and pets. I’m so good at brainstorming titles, I’m having difficulty settling on the project’s official name. Okay, “Made From Scratch” could have negative connotations for those with flea problems, so I guess it needs to go on the reject pile. One of my friends suggested “Bone Appetit,” but I’d rather viewers think about whisking and marinating rather than the Heimlich Maneuver. On the other hand, “Forget Air Bud! It’s Taste Bud!” has possibilities. “Iron Chef” always sounded too inflexible to me. Maybe my show could be “Frisbee Chef.” Or perhaps the multi-species angle could be played up with “From Gravy Boat To Gravy Train” or “Garlic Rubs and Tummy Rubs.” I’ll have to think up a catch-phrase, as well. Emeril’s “BAM!” reminds me too much of the sound neighbor Brown’s shotgun made when I was doing my neighborly Neighborhood Watch duties in his flowerbed. Maybe “Cooking so good it’ll make you take a rolled-up newspaper and lovingly discipline your momma” would resonate with the public.

magazine and operates the can opener. I want to have a really open format for my show. I’ll certainly talk about my inspiration for a particular dish. (I’m awake. What more inspiration do I need?) Maybe there will be a section about the gathering of the ingredients, something like “Look At What The Cat Dragged In.” (Gotta keep those cat lady demographics in mind.) Friendly arguments over cooking styles would fit into a portion of the show called “Table Scraps” or maybe “Braising A Ruckus.” We could showcase common culinary mistakes in a segment called “Baking Up The Wrong Tree.” The show couldn’t be done live, because I couldn’t help sampling a lot of the dishes that make me drowsy. That’s in the “Nappetizers” portion of the show. Certainly, there will be a competition angle, like maybe “Catch It Before It Hits The Floor.” There could be a “Recipe of the Year” award, perhaps called “Howl We Ever Top This?”

No reasonable fashion tips will be refused, but I do already have my wardrobe figured out. I’ve purchased a lifetime supply of “Slobber On The Cook” aprons.

Of course, I would need a sponsor for the program. Maybe I could get that famous canine tummy ache cure, Alpha-Dog Seltzer. (“Plop! Plop! Fizz! Fizz! Wonder where the Pooper Scooper is?”)

I’ve wanted to be a celebrity chef ever since I was young and met canine celebrity Julia Pup, the French Poodle Chef. I’ve come a long way since those early days. I used to think MasterChef was, well, that guy who puts me into this

My distant cousin might even get a spin-off: “Frying Wolf.” Wait! I just settled on the title for my own show! If you’re in the mood for “pooched eggs” and all the rest, watch for “I Came, I Sautéed, I Conquered!”

Manny (full name Emanuel or “Dog With Us”) brought non-stop joy, affection, and energy into the lives of Steve and Michele Sipress for over 13 years. He also shared his wit, humor and insights with readers here every month. Thankfully, as he got on in years and knew that his time on this Earth was growing short, he poured himself into his writing, leaving many, many columns behind, so that his fans can have the continued pleasure of being entertained and enlightened by him for a long time to come. He is no longer physically with us, but his memory lives on…

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expert interview with

Andrea Albright Health & Energy Tips For Entrepreneurs Steve Sipress: What a spectacular pleasure this is to have Andrea Albright here on Success Story Saturday on The Rhino Daily Podcast. When you talk about success, you are a success in so many different ways, Andrea, and that’s why you’re ideal to introduce to my audience, because my audience are small business owners, entrepreneurs, and we’re known to – as you know, because you’re a spectacularly successful entrepreneur

yourself also – we have the tendency, we have to fight the temptation to work too hard, and not really pay attention to our health, and not pay attention to how much we sleep. We pay more attention to how much we work, or how much pressure is on us from having to track everything and test everything, and constant changes, and ups and downs that go along with the life that we have opted in for as an

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entrepreneur. And yet, you manage to be not only a successful and extremely busy entrepreneur – doing so many different things all over the place for so many people – but you’re one of the world’s foremost fitness experts. So, that combination is amazing. I’m so glad to have you here to introduce to my audience, and I would love – because I know I will not do it anywhere near justice – I’d love for you to share your story.


I’ll just say that, when I first met you years ago, in a group with extremely successful entrepreneurs, I was like, “Yeah, there’s the typical blonde bombshell California blonde. There she is, beautiful looking, everything is perfect.” And then I got to know your story, and I was like, “Oh my goodness! I am blown away!” That must be typical for you. I must not be out of the ordinary that people would think you were born that way, it just came perfectly easy and natural to you, and that’s just the way it is, so it’s easy for you to be a fitness expert. But your story tells a big difference, doesn’t it? Andrea Albright: Yes, absolutely! And thank you so much for having me. This is such an important topic, and I am so honored to be connecting with your audience. I myself am an entrepreneur. I am self-made, and I have also created the body and the fitness that I have today. I actually started off as a yoyo dieter, throughout my teens and twenties, and I was nothing of what you would consider to be a health expert. I was even at one point addicted to diet pills. I was on this extreme diet rollercoaster, where I would lose a bunch of weight, but I would have to sacrifice my energy and my health, and I would lose relationships over it. And forget about trying to run a business or work on my career, because I had no mental energy and no mental stamina, and I was irritable and depressed. But hey, I was like, “I’m losing weight, so it must be worth it, right?” Well of course it never worked. It was never a longterm plan, and then, whenever I would go back to the way I was living and eating before, I would binge, I was an emotional eater, I didn’t have any ways to regulate my stress levels, so I would end up gaining all the weight back that I had lost, plus more. This is what they call “yo-yo dieting.” It’s very destructive to

the metabolism. In fact, you can actually destroy your metabolism if you do it too many times. But most importantly, it’s really damaging to your self-esteem, and you actually begin to believe that, “I’m broken,” and “I don’t have any willpower, I’m just not strong enough to keep the weight off.” Well, thankfully I had an awakening and I started focusing on learning health. So instead of an obsession with losing weight, counting calories, weighing myself all the time, I became a health expert. And today, I’ve kept the weight off for over 16 years, and most importantly, I have more energy and health today, at going on 40 years young, than I ever did when I was in my twenties. Steve: Now you’re hitting the nail on the head, this thing about energy. First of all, that story, every time I hear it, I’m still amazed. Again, back to my initial first impression of, “Oh yeah, she has it easy, she’s spectacularly beautiful, and blah, blah, and in an incredible shape.” And then, your story like you just told it, you pretty much have a similar background to all of us. Most of us, we’re not born a perfect model. But your story gives hope to me, and hopefully to all the listeners and the readers that there is hope, and that we are right to question when we think about diets. I love the term you

August 2017

used, the “yo-yo diet,” where we’re up and down. And I love also what you say, because I think we’ve all been there, we lose heart. “Nothing’s gonna work,” and “Forget it,” and “Let me just concentrate on my business, because at least there I get positive feedback when things go well and I’m doing my business, and I’m going to stay away from this whole ‘trying to be healthy’ thing, because it creates more stress in my life.” But I love how you teach not only not “yo-yo dieting,” but I guess pretty much your program is all about how you can eat tons of food! You talk about how we can still lose weight and still have more energy and still be more healthy than ever. Now those are magic words, I’m sure, to everybody on Earth: You get to eat tons of food that is delicious and that you love. So, are you saying that we should sit at our computer all day and munch potato chips and we’ll lose weight and be healthy? Andrea: [laughter] No. In fact, what I want to do is to get a steady supply of nutrition coming into your body and fueling your brain. What that’s going to do is it’s going to give you sustained energy throughout the day, so you’re not going to have those crashes where you want to turn to caffeine and sugar in order to give you an artificial pick-me-up. When you have nutrition throughout the day, you said it exactly: you get to eat more often, so you’re not starving, you’re not hungry, and you don’t go into that irritability, starvation mode that most dieters have to experience. You actually have more energy, more health, you think faster, you remain calm, because you have the hormones that keep you stable. And what this does is it has a huge impact on your business. Because I don’t know if you’re the face of the business or not, but you definitely have to interact with people, whether that’s your customers or your

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August 2017


business clients, or your partners, or even your team. And I don’t know how many business owners I’ve heard, that they say that, “Oh, I can’t attract a good team. There’s no good people out there,” or “Oh, my customers are always giving me so many problems,” or “Oh, I can’t find any business partners.” I have to think, how have we not looked at our source, which is ourselves. We are the only thing we can impact, and if you don’t sustain your health throughout the day, then you are causing this negative impact with everyone you interact with. And as entrepreneurs, we think, “Oh, if I just push harder, push harder, push harder, I’m going to get there.” So what happens is we actually become addicted to stress. Stress is addictive because it releases certain hormones that give you a rush of energy. But that is a temporary energy, and it also creates very chaotic thinking, so you’re not focused or calm, and you can make more mistakes that end up causing more time and energy in order to fix them. So, unfortunately, we somehow adopted this mentality in our work culture, that if you just push harder, that you’re somehow going to succeed faster. But it’s actually the opposite that’s true. Because when you care for yourself, when you nourish your body, when you feed your brain with nutrients, you are actually able to work faster and smarter, and you are more calm when you communicate with others.

When you care for yourself, when you nourish your body, when you feed your brain with nutrients, you are actually able to work faster and smarter, and you are more calm when you communicate with others. the body. And you’re saying that it’s way beyond that to where it’s almost a responsibility of an entrepreneur: If you want to give your business your best, and, like you said, your customers, your suppliers, your clients, your prospects, your team, your patients, your family, everybody – and yourself – then you’ve got to also think about how you’re feeding your brain, maintaining a lack of stress and a calmness, so you can function well. And also, isn’t it also all about – I think you said in there – a consistency? Andrea: Yeah.

Steve: You’re hitting so many points there. I’m pretty sure you’ve got everybody’s attention. The one that really hits home with me is this whole concept of “feeding your brain.” I’ve heard it before, and I know I’ve heard it from you, but clearly, speaking of the brain, it went in one ear and out the next. There must be nothing in there for me. But let’s just take me: When I think of eating, I’m thinking of weight loss, and eating, and food, and

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Steve: So it’s not, like you hear so many people say, “First thing in the morning, I’m grumpy” or “Late in the day, I crash.” And you can help people – or you do help people... So, you could help me and my listeners and readers to have a consistent flow of calm, energy, clear thinking, all through how we approach what we eat and how we live our life? Andrea: Absolutely. And the problem is that we’ve made it so complex... To listen to the complete interview, go to SteveSipress.com/magazine

Andréa Albright is a natural weight loss expert, author, and motivational speaker. She shows her students how they can eat TONS of delicious foods, like avocados, olive oil, and even delicious “treat” foods like wine, chocolate, and peanut butter, without gaining weight! In fact, she shares how eating these foods actually HELPS people slim down. Since 2006, her internationally bestselling natural weight loss system has become the go-to alternative to yo-yo dieting, pills, diet foods, and diet scams. Her unique approach to losing weight has inspired millions of people around the world to Count Chemicals Not Calories™ and Throw Away Your Scale! in order to achieve 100% natural and healthy weight loss that LASTS. Discover How To Make Your Water Detox More Fat From Your Body by getting your free Slim Down Water Recipe at: SlimDownWater.com

Steve Sipress The WOW Strategy™ Creator

To find out if The WOW! Strategy™ Results Group could be right for you, go to:


Jon Bockman Sycamore, IL

“Steve is all business. He is an unbelievably smart, brilliant, brilliant man. I can't say enough about him. Steve has put probably more, I would say, thousands, and thousands, and thousands of dollars... I mean, I probably can't even put a true figure on it, because it keeps coming back, and keeps coming back, just more and more money all the time.”

“One suggestion that Steve gave me, well, without question, put $300,000 more in my bank account. And we are going to be using it forever. This is not a one-time deal. We’re going to be using this idea that Steve helped us with... and we’ll be using it until it doesn't keep working like it is. And so, the value over time could literally be way over even the $300,000 number.”

Mary Forte Bensenville, IL

Keith Lee Seattle, WA

“He's helped me learn how to market my business, and today I can say that we're more successful than we've ever been… I needed to learn how to market the business better to create more revenue, and that's what Steve has helped me with. The financial difference is considerable. We've probably close to doubled our revenues. We're on track now to do another close to $500,000 more than we did last year. So that's awesome. I do owe all of that to Steve.”



Each year, the Chick-Fil-A restaurant chain, famous for its tongue-in-cheek ads featuring cows urging folks to “eat more chicken”, has a Cow Appreciation Day. Customers who come in dressed up as cows eat and drink for free. Anybody wearing anything with a cow pattern – hat, cap, shirt – gets

a sandwich free. This year, about 1,600,000 people came in dressed up as cows. The guy who started this chain was a bona-fide Renegade Millionaire. Even though many of their shops are in malls, they’re all closed on Sundays

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nationwide, because he believes in rest and time with family on the Sabbath. If a mall won’t let them close, they don’t go in the mall at all. Hasn’t hurt them. According to the American Customer Satisfaction Index Restaurant Report of 2016, it is America’s Favorite Fast Food Restaurant, and it generates more


revenue per restaurant than any other fast food chain in the U.S. At mid-year, they were up system-wide by about 12% in same store sales vs. prior year, the chain is growing, the company profitable. I believe it’s the founder’s son running the show now. I saw him on Fox-Financial, cheerfully and goofily dressed up as a cow, pitching Cow Appreciation Day. A lot of people let ego, often undeserved ego, stand in the way of achievement. They envy others their wealth, but aren’t willing to totally put themselves out there to get it for themselves. On the other hand, a lot of people operate without underlying principles and a strong navigational system, so they are easily blown off course. The folks running this particular company have clear, firm values. One is that customers have fun. That’s something missing from too many businesses: nobody’s having any fun. The experience of being a customer is, at best, ordinary; at worst, terrible.

I like to ask business owners what their business is about.

August 2017

the skyline of New York City. Well, that’s something. When you tell people that’s what we’re all about here, you can capture their imagination. That has juice.

A lot of people let ego, often undeserved ego, stand in the way of achievement. They envy others their wealth, but aren’t willing to totally put themselves out there to get it for themselves. What they’re doing. Small-thinking shopkeepers always answer in terms of core deliverables. We clean carpets, we cut hair, we sell insurance. Slightly more sophisticated students of marketing tend to give boilerplate marketing message answers: we help people protect their financial futures. Executives at big dumb companies usually quote the vaguest of mission statements. But there’s little juice in any of that. At one point, now-President Trump set out to change

I set out in 1975 to introduce more people to “success education” than any other person or company ever had, and I believe I’ve done that, although I’m not quitting just yet. That has juice. And it’s navigational; you can ask about everything you might do, is it fulfilling that purpose? It’s good to be about something significant and inspirational. Then, when somebody asks you what you do, and you tell them, they get that you’re about something interesting and will want to know more about it, may be interested in helping you, or being a part of it somehow, if only as a customer. One of the essential ingredients of the Magnetic Marketing® that I’ve taught is creating something that is magnetic. Most businesspeople are thinking too much about how to sell their stuff – not enough about to make it and themselves magnetically attractive, so the selling of stuff occurs naturally.

Dan S. Kennedy is a serial, multimillionaire entrepreneur; highly paid and sought after marketing and business strategist; adviser to countless first-generation, from-scratch multimillionaire and 7-figure income entrepreneurs and professionals; and, in his personal practice, one of the very highest paid direct-response copywriters in America. As a speaker, he has delivered over 2,000 compensated presentations, appearing repeatedly on programs with the likes of Donald Trump, Gene Simmons (KISS), Debbi Fields (Mrs. Fields Cookies), and many other celebrity-entrepreneurs, former U.S. Presidents and other world leaders, and other leading business speakers like Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy and Tom Hopkins, often addressing audiences of 1,000 to 10,000 and up. His popular books have been favorably recognized by Forbes, Business Week, Inc. and Entrepreneur Magazine. Check out Dan’s Elite Gold Crown Program and receive his Look Over My Shoulder Newsletter by going to: www.EliteGoldGrownProgram.com

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RHINO MONTHLY Volume V Number 8 | August 2017




“Discount Marke�ng” Done Right


Lights! Camera! Kibble!

By Steve Sipress


Being About Something More Than Chicken By Dan Kennedy

Manny’s Blog



ANDREA ALBRIGHT Health & Energy Tips For Entrepreneurs

Publisher Steve Sipress Successful Selling Systems, Inc. 20701 N Sco�sdale Rd Ste 107-509 Sco�sdale AZ 85255 (p) 773-236-8134 (f ) 847-232-1535 Ques�ons? Comments? Sugges�ons?

w w w.AskSteveSipress.com

Layout & Design Bobbie Miltcheva www.33graffics.com

Publisher’s No�ce: Copyright 2017 Successful Selling Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduc�on of any part of this work beyond that permi�ed by Sec�on 107 or 108 of the 1976 U.S. Copyright Act without permission of the copyright owner is unlawful. Neither the author nor the publisher make any express or implied warran�es concerning the legal or ethical appropriateness of any of the marke�ng documents, materials or instruc�ons in or enclosed with the magazine and/or your use of the same. If in doubt about the appropriateness or legality of any materials or instruc�ons, you should obtain competent guidance, just as you would with any marke�ng documents, materials or marke�ng plans you have develop ed or would develop on your own. In the interests of disclosure, we want to b e op en ab out how we may, from time to time, make money from this mag azine. Certain third-party links contained in this magazine may be affiliate links for which we get paid a commission if you buy the product or service through the affiliate link.

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