Volume V • Number 10 • October 2017 • $97
TRICK MY CLIENTS expert interview with
Jason Myers
Guerilla Marketing Success
October 2017
About the Publisher, Steve Sipress If you want to grow your business slowly – or just maintain it as is, you’ll have to do that all on your own. But if you want dramatic growth in your income and lifestyle, then Steve’s out-of-the-box and time-tested strategies and tactics could be the keys to your dreams. You can benefit from Steve’s coaching experience and expertise to revolutionize your business – yes, even in this challenging economy – at one of the many in-person entrepreneur events he hosts, OR from the comfort of your own home anywhere in the world. You can also learn basic and advanced direct response marketing strategies and tactics from 150+ hours of video instruction, plus use any or all of Steve’s multi-million-dollar, proven “done-for-you” marketing materials at SSSMarketingUniversity.com. That website has been called The Single Most Powerful Client Attraction Program Available Anywhere, and you could be using it to skyrocket your income anytime you want, 24/7, along with hundreds of other sharp, successful business leaders. If you’re just starting up your new business, you’ll want to take advantage of all of Steve’s training, guidance and resources at NewBusinessAcademy.org. Steve is a successful and award-winning serial entrepreneur, who has created and built nearly a dozen successful companies of his own, and he can help you do the same – more quickly and easily than you’ve ever imagined. In fact, you can immediately use plenty of his simple and powerful strategies and tactics that work especially well in this current frustrating economy. You can discover the basics of Steve’s powerful “The WOW! Strategy™: How To Solve All Of Your Marketing Problems” by watching a short video at www.SteveSipress.com. Steve is a celebrated author, speaker and business coach who has established profitable businesses and helped thousands of ambitious and aggressive business owners, entrepreneurs, executives and sales professionals all around the world. He has written numerous newsletters and articles on sales and marketing for a wide range of publications and has appeared on radio and television, helping millions of people along the way. For over five years, Steve was the #1 “Dan Kennedy Certified No B.S. Business Advisor,” and was Runner-Up out of 25,000 members for 2010 GKIC Marketer Of The Year. If you want the very best, hard-hitting, no-nonsense, caring advice and help you can get, then “Straight-Talk Steve” could be exactly what you and your business need most. Whether you’re a current or future business superstar, Steve can help you get exactly where you want to go as quickly, easily and powerfully as YOU want – with massive results both short-term and long-term.
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When we first started, I was terribly in debt and we were just a few months away from bankruptcy. We started seeing a boost right away in our business, we took what Steve’s given me and we just started implementing and implementing, and it’s just totally transformed my business. Steve has helped me with my laser focus, he helps me implement, he’s taken my business to a whole new level. We went from a half a million dollars to a million dollars in two years. It’s just an incredible experience to know that where you think you’re just dead and things are horrible, to now anything is possible. I can see taking this to a whole new three or four types of businesses -- it’s going to be huge. Steve is all business, he is an unbelievably smart, brilliant man. I can’t say enough about him. Everything he’s told me, I’ve made so much money it doesn’t matter what it costs. They don’t make enough money in this world that somebody could pay me so I would stop listening to Steve. Steve is the exact reason why I have a retirement fund now. It’s probably illegal how much fun I’m having!”
Jon Bockman
Owner, Bockman’s Auto Care Sycamore, Illinois
By Steve Sipress
You hear it all the time: “America is more divided than ever.” Studies show that there are more people with extreme beliefs these days, and far less “in the middle” – on many different issues – than in recent history. But this is actually nothing new. People have always voluntarily and enthusiastically divided ourselves in terms of our viewpoints, hobbies, and interests. In marketing terms, such different groups are known as “sub-cultures,” and laser-targeting your marketing and advertising to such specialized groups is a key to efficiency and effectiveness. It only makes sense that the more your messages speak
to your audience so that each recipient feels as if you are speaking directly to and about him or her, the more impactful they will be. Furthermore, narrowing down your list of recipients of your messaging is, of course, more cost-effective and far less wasteful than simply “spraying and praying” your messages to a wide audience and hoping that some of the right people consume it. So the first way to profit from “being divisive” is to be ruthless regarding what is known as “segmenting your list.” Most small business owners make the mistake of sending the same exact letter or newsletter to their entire database. Far more effective is using what is known as “versioning” – creating slightly different versions of each of your emails, newsletters,
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October 2017
Always make sure to create an enemy for yourself. This can be a competitor who acts unethically and/or provides lousy service, or it can be an entire group of your competitors.
advertisements, etc. to laser-target the different segments of your audience. Politicians do this by changing the tone and content of their speeches depending on where they are speaking and who their audience is. Musicians do this by injecting into one or more of their songs and/ or between-songs comments the name of whatever city they happen to be performing in that night. Advertisers do this by highlighting different uses of their products depending on which publications those ads are running in. And sharp business owners and entrepreneurs (hopefully, this means YOU), send slightly different emails and newsletters to different segments of their lists – at the very least, speaking differently and making different offers to current clients, former clients, non-clients, VIP clients, etc. The second way to profit off of “being divisive” is to use divisiveness to gain attention. Business owners who are uneducated in the ways of effective marketing often live lives of frustration and limited financial success because they put forth the same plain, milquetoast messages as everyone else in their industry. Being one of 20 different Plumbers in your town who are all “Family Owned and Operated” or “Licensed and Bonded” or who “Truly Care About Our Customers” and who all have nearly-identical, boring, obvious bullet-point lists of the type of work they do (“We do sinks, tubs, drains, etc. etc. etc.” – ya think?) is most definitely NOT the way to get any attention and stand out from the crowd.
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One sure way to stand out and get attention (which, of course, is the first step to getting people to consume your sales materials and become customers, clients, patients, or members) is to be controversial and/or divisive with your messaging. Politicians, entertainers, and members of the media are excellent at doing this. The ones who get lots of attention do so by making divisive, outrageous, and inflammatory statements all the time. And, as we saw in our last Presidential election, often simply getting lots of attention – positive or negative – can be the key to succeeding and winning. One way to do this in your business is to always make sure to create an enemy for yourself. This can be a competitor who acts unethically and/or provides lousy service, or it can be an entire group of your competitors. It can even be a large organization that you can join your audience in disliking, which will lead to them liking you instead. As you can see, there are many advantage to being “divisive.” The key is knowing when and how to do it, and how to do it in the right way.
To find out more about Steve Sipress and how he can help you have more fun and make more money with your business, see the Inside Cover Page. To get new moneymaking strategies and tips from Steve and other top business-building experts from around the world, go to:
RhinoDaily.com or LessonsLearnedFromDonaldTrump.com
October 2017
TRUTH, JUSTICE, AND THE AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB WAY It strained my budget, but I bought a huge collection of old comic books at a neighborhood garage sale, and I’m excited about the next step in my plan to be Master of All Media. My second-paw treasures included several old Superboy comic books featuring the Space Canine Patrol Agents (SPCA). Besides Krypto, members included (I am not making this up!) Tail Terrier, Mammoth Mutt, Tusky Husky, Paw Pooch, and Prophetic Pup. You guessed it – I’m going to start my own comic book company and create a roster of new super-heroes. (I’m still trying to trademark the term “scooper hero.”) If I’m successful, I can also use the characters in movies, TV, and merchandising. I’ll be rolling in money (which is my second-favorite thing to roll in, in case you’re doing your Christmas shopping). I’m currently brainstorming origin stories. Maybe one hero was bitten by a radioactive mail carrier. Another studied under an ancient master of the mystic arts. (“Sit. Roll over. Levitate.”) Perhaps one was sent to earth from a doomed planet, via a rocket – or at least the luggage rack on top of the rocket. Maybe one is a mutant outfitted with an adamantium skeleton. (No, cousin Larry, you can’t be in my book just because you found a squirrel skeleton.) There might be a cyborg who is half canine and half La-Z-Boy recliner. Perhaps one of the heroines could have a golden leash that forces nefarious villains to tell the truth when bound by it. (“I admit it! I was feeding you generic kibble out of a name-brand bag!”)
Of course, I’ll need some catch phrases for my heroes. Maybe “With great power there comes invisible fences that will knock you for a loop.” Or “Criminals are a cowardly, superstitious lot…hey, what was that noise? Are you sure it was just a car backfiring?” Or maybe “You wouldn’t like me when I’m mangy.” I have a lot of applications for artists, and I can get all the “SOCK! BAM! POW!” sound effects I need dirt cheap. I’ll just record cousin Tubby’s stomach while he’s snoozing after getting table scraps. (Hey, “intellectual property” doesn’t all have to come from the brain.) My heroes will have to be ingenious in protecting their secret identities. Fake eyeglasses? Give me a break! My heroes will use Pampers to keep their co-workers from recognizing them. Some of the heroes will engage in cosmic quests, while others will handle grim and gritty street-level crime. (My friend Jojo can consult on below-streetlevel crime. I’ll never let him live down that openmanhole incident.) I look forward to sharing tales of gangsters, mad scientists, and alien invaders. Keep watching the newsstands for my first issues. And say a little prayer for my writers. It’s one thing to have a human somberly announcing, “I’m Batman.” Writing dialogue with gravitas for dogs is almost like herding cats. (“I’m Hero Hound. Could you please have your henchman toss me that tennis ball? Huh? Huh? Let’s be friends!”)
Manny (full name Emanuel or “Dog With Us”) brought non-stop joy, affection, and energy into the lives of Steve and Michele Sipress for over 13 years. He also shared his wit, humor and insights with readers here every month. Thankfully, as he got on in years and knew that his time on this Earth was growing short, he poured himself into his writing, leaving many, many columns behind, so that his fans can have the continued pleasure of being entertained and enlightened by him for a long time to come. He is no longer physically with us, but his memory lives on…
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expert interview with
Jason Myers GUERILLA
MARKETING SUCCESS Steve Sipress: Jason Myers, what an absolute pleasure it is to have you here with us today on The Rhino Daily Podcast!
this consummate business investor, invigorator, turnaround-success-maker, person that you are today? How did that get started?
Jason Myers: Thanks, Steve.
Jason: It started when I was a child. I was actually very interested in everything entrepreneurial from a very young age, and I actually started my first brick-and-mortar business when I was 16. It became successful virtually overnight, and I thought that I knew everything. For quite a while, I was very successful with that. I went on to start
Steve: I am looking forward to this because first of all, as people just heard, you are involved in… we’d be better off making a list of how many businesses you’re not involved in. So I just gotta ask you: How did this start? Where did you get started with who you are today,
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another business after that, so I learned a lot really just on the battlefield of entrepreneurship. Steve: I gotta ask, because I’m sure my listeners are really curious: What was that first brick-and-mortar business when you’re 16? I mean, is that even legal? I was working at a fast food place for about $3.00 an hour. Holy cramole! What were you doing? Jason: Yeah, the good old days. Back when we were that age it was probably
like $3.35 an hour, something like that, and now people are barking they want 15 for minimum wage, right? It was an arcade. I had been writing computer code and learning how video games work, and actually re-engineering the computer code for the video games to play the way I wanted them to play. I had a friend who knew somebody that worked in an amusement company, and they had pinball machines and the stand-up arcade games, and all the skill cranes, and all of the different games that you put quarters into. I had gotten the opportunity to take the tour, and during the tour I asked them, “What does it take to open an arcade?” These machines are very expensive, and I don’t know if people know this, but when these games came out – and they still make them today, obviously – tens of thousands of dollars for these games. So every one of them was like a car, or a house, or whatever, depending on the game, and it just seemed completely impossible to me that somebody would buy all of these games and put them into an arcade. And they educated me that it was actually a joint venture, and that if I had a location, they would bring the machines, and all I had to do was bring traffic. The traffic would put quarters into the machines, and they would come around once a week and they would empty out the quarters and they would give me half, so we were in a 50/50 joint venture. So I quickly found a location, and called them and said, “Bring the machines,” and I was off to the races.
my lunch money in arcades my whole life, I was never smart enough to do that. So talk about an enterprising, entrepreneur mind… Okay, let’s skip ahead to now. One of the recent acquisitions you’ve made is one of my favorite brands/marketing concepts, the late, great Jay Conrad Levinson with his Guerilla Marketing. You’re now building that brand to bigger and better than it ever was. How did that come about? Jason: Absolutely. So you go all the way back to that first business when I was 16. I did that after the first Guerilla Marketing book came out. I’d heard about it, saw it at the library, read it, deployed those weapons and tactics into growing that first business, into growing my next business, and into really every business that I’ve been involved in my entire adult life. So it’s always had a special place in my heart, it’s helped me to get involved in companies, help them ascend to the next level, break through to the next level. So along the way, watching the brand develop into more than 50 books, translated into like 62 languages around the world, selling 23+ million copies of books, really just became a publishing empire, and took on almost a life of its own.
October 2017
Jay, a lot of people don’t realize this, but it was really just a retirement gig for him. He started that book when he was teaching at Berkeley, and it just kind of took off from there, and he created a platform that allowed him to go around and speak on stages and be one of the gurus before we termed people “gurus” in the marketing realm, to really be one of those thought leaders and people that commanded a lot of respect and attention in the marketplace. He never really set out for that to be a business – he just wanted to serve. So he put a lot of content out there, and it moved beyond marketing. Guerilla Marketing was the first book, but then it became Guerilla Deal Making and Guerilla Joint Ventures and Guerilla Parenting, and all of these different “Guerilla” concepts that really permeate every part of our life. “Guerilla” is more about a mindset and a way of thinking about accomplishing a whole lot with very little, being very industrious, being very focused on results and not so much just on the “flash.” One of the things that big companies get wrong is that they have these huge budgets, and they operate from a place of if they don’t spend it, they’ll lose it, they won’t get as big a budget next year, and part of your corporate ego is tied to how big your budget is,
Steve: Brilliant! I know that’s how it works, but I certainly didn’t know that when I was 16. And even if I did… I was going into arcades and dropping… I think when I was 14 when “Pong” came out, and I dropped all of my quarters into what for 30 years we’ve known is a ridiculously simple, ridiculous game. But being the only video game on Earth, we were enraptured by it! But I certainly… Even though I dropped all of
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There’s Tony The Tiger, there’s Charlie The Tuna, they’re still all over the place! I just love it, and if anyone deserves a legacy, it’s him! So I love that you’re doing this and carrying on. So for someone who’s listening here, I think the ears perked up when you said that Guerilla Marketing is all about (for people that aren’t familiar with the concept), it’s grass roots, “guerilla.” Getting out there and getting something done without the big corporate budgets, and without having to be a big business, and that kind of stuff.
so you never want your budget to get smaller. And small business owners know that every penny you spend has to generate a positive return, otherwise you’re wasting money. It’s a completely different mindset. Along the way, just staying in tune with the brand, getting to know his wife Jeanie and the family, and being able to look at it and go, “How can we maintain what’s there, honor the legacy that Jay created, but set it up as a reinvigoration of a global brand for it to carry on for many, many more decades?”
Because I’m sure I speak for everyone, that we are bombarded with, “Hey, pay us ten grand for a website,” and “We’ll put you on page 1 of Google,” and “For ‘x’ amount – thousands a month – we can do Facebook ads, and Google, and this, and that… And it’s always lots and lots of big money, and then I hear all the time, from my clients and other people that I’m helping, “How can I compete?” Well isn’t Guerilla Marketing pretty much a big part of the answer? Jason: Absolutely, And a lot of people are confused, right? He was so successful early on at creating some momentum and inertia behind the term “Guerilla Marketing,” that it quickly
Steve: I love it, because I only had the chance to meet Jay once, when he was pretty much towards the end, and I made a beeline for when I heard he was speaking somewhere, and I got to meet him and Jeanie, and just the nicest… You talk about “gurus,” and you and I both know that there’s a lot of… We could do 20 podcast episodes on how many seeded, crooked, dishonorable, unethical people there are in this seedy industry, but Jay was one just fantastic, great guy, he loved helping people, on top of just being a genius! Not only is his Guerilla Marketing still living on – and now about to be thriving more than ever, thanks to your brilliance – but his beloved characters that he created, we’re still seeing them all the time!
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became something of a “Kleenex” or a “Q-Tip.” And when people started using the phrase, they started associating with only the cutesy outdoor advertising that people do in public spaces that grabs your attention. And the fact of the matter is, is that what Guerilla Marketing actually is, is it is focused on profits first – not ego. So it’s not about having something that’s cute, it’s not about having something that’s a big spend… Like you mentioned “first page of Google:” Being at the top of Google is an ego conversation, because it doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re going to be at the top of the profit pile, right? But if you go into your Google marketing as a “guerilla,” then you’re focused on the profits that you derive from it, not from the sheer placement that you derive from it. Does that make sense? Steve: Not only does it makes sense, but it’s also 100% correct. (That’s kind of a loaded question, because you know it’s 100% correct.) And it’s not just Google, it’s everywhere… To listen to the complete interview, go to SteveSipress.com/magazine
Dustin Jason Myers is a pilot, entrepreneur, multi-best-selling author and perpetual sponge for knowledge. He has been founder, leader and chief growth agent for many companies. He spends his time connecting entrepreneurs to the expertise and capital they need via CXO Collective, where he drives capital and wealth breakthroughs for businesses using his proprietary system that he has perfected continuously for decades. His passion for the finer things in life is only eclipsed by his passion to help others achieve their own definition of the ideal lifestyle. Connect with Jason by going to: JasonMyersMentor.com
HOW I TRICK MY CLIENTS By David T. Fagan people’s brains work and that they are programmed to believe that good things should be hard, so I play into that. Like me, it’s your job to have a delusional amount of confidence, but it’s not my job when coaching you to drink your Kool-Aid. I would be doing you a disservice if I did. It’s my job to challenge you, inspire you with proven ideas, and help you ask the tough questions that prepare you to receive the most promising profitable answers. Bonus: Here is something else I play into. You probably think it’s pretty bad to not only trick my clients but to actually celebrate it in an article. Well, keep reading and you just might want to start doing the same thing! And if you are offended by this idea, then you are not alone. Here’s the problem, and it’s really your own fault that I have to trick you – or at least most of you. A high percentage of you don’t believe that success is easy. You don’t believe that in a few small moves you can get big momentum or success. I play into that big time! So I just tell you that you will never do what it takes. I tell audiences that I present to that most people will never be successful. I just remain doubtful, or at best cautiously optimistic, about your goals. It’s funny how so many people respond better to my challenges of doubt and skepticism than my words of encouragement. Those empty words are everywhere, and rarely as helpful as people think. I actually help more of my clients by tricking them with words of “maybe” and “we will see.” Some might call it reverse psychology, but it really isn’t. I just know how most
I hold off on celebrating everything! People are way too fast to celebrate. They want to tell me about a new sale they have when really it’s just someone committing to work with them. They want to tell me about a TV show they are going to be on when really they just made a new connection, and so on. The problem with me celebrating the
wrong things too early with you is it causes you to take your foot off the gas, thinking you have crossed the finish line when in all actuality you have just seen a potential finish line for the first time. I’m not the guy who is going to high five you and coddle you with words of affirmation to stroke your ego. I’m the guy that is going to help you understand what things are and what they are not. Is it ok if I play head games with you if it helps you? Is it really a head game if I tell you my secret strategy? Many call me mean and not positive enough, but as long as I keep helping my clients cross real finish lines I’m not sure I really care. Keep expecting me to ask the tough questions and be skeptical about your upcoming success. I’ll let your mom tell you about pink ponies, unicorns, and how great you are.
David T. Fagan is a columnist for the Beverly Hills Times Magazine and the host of the California Cable TV show, The Hollywood Entrepreneur. He is also the former CEO of Guerrilla Marketing, which sold over 23 million books in 62 languages all over the world, as well as the former owner of LCO Communications, a Beverly Hills PR firm that has represented 58 Academy Award Winners, 34 Grammy Winners, and 43 New York Times Best Sellers. David is regularly sought out by the media on entrepreneur education and cracking the icon code. He has recently been featured on Fox & Friends, the Today Show with Matt Lauer, The Washington Post, Forbes, Investor’s Business Daily, Your World with Neil Cavuto, Fox’s The Five, and What’s Happening Now. And most recently won the award for Entrepreneur Educator of the Year from Infusionsoft. He is a best-selling author and an International Speaker in places as far away as Bangladesh and Australia. He has shared the stage with everyone from Former Secretary of Defense Dr. Bob Gates to Mark Victor Hansen. For more information, go to: IconCoach.com
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Fear Of Death:
Don’t Let This Fear Steal Your Life
By Tom Beal Warning! This fear could actually prevent you from living life, if you let it. Every soldier who goes onto the field of battle survives when already considering himself dead. They accept that it is possible. They accept that it is there and they do it in spite of that. Why? Belief. For a cause and a future that they may not be around to see, but they are highly desirous of it being. So they do it.
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Death is an assured thing. You can’t do it wrong. The proof that you’ve done it right is that you do it. Life and the expression of life very often can be so fraught with fear. Fear of death, fear of failure, or fear of effect, that it feels almost like death to attempt anything. And then it gets translated into, “Oh no! I’m going to die!” The answer is, “Yes! You are going to die.” It’s just what do you do between now and then that makes the difference.
Any success you have felt within your life, any little bit of joy, is not because you were frozen. It was because you participated. That’s the meaning of life: to feel a sense of joy every day, and feel a sense of your accomplishment, and affect the world in a way that you would like to. Don’t say, “Don’t be afraid of death.” Instead say, “Don’t be so afraid of death that you don’t live life.” Eventually every person you know will be dead. If you’re the last person you know, you’ll eventually be one of those persons you know. The world will go on without you. The question is, “What will you leave in the world that goes on after you?” Has it ever occurred to you that the reason people have children is because of fear of death? Has it ever occurred to you that the reason Christmas is what it is because of a fear of death? Has it ever occurred to you that the reason orgasm exists is to conquer fear of death and the pain of life? Has it ever occurred to you that people don’t struggle to prevent death? They struggle to retain life. Has it ever occurred to you that for every ultrarich person you see, eventually they are going to die? No amount of their money prevents it. Plus, their offspring are going to fight over it like carrion. Like vultures. And eventually those vultures are going to turn into old men and women and they are going to die. It’s a cycle. The only thing that divides death is life, joy, experience. Don’t expect it to go away immediately; the fear of death. Start thinking about death as something that waits, but not tomorrow. There is no pre-destined time. The spark of life exists in all of us, and it’s my belief that it stays until we no longer use it. If the spark of life is not igniting the fires of passion, we’re not using it. If the spark of life is
The spark of life exists in all of us, and it’s my belief that it stays until we no longer use it. If the spark of life is not igniting the fires of passion, we’re not using it. not getting us up in the morning and getting us going, we’re not using it. It’s my contention that if that happens for a long enough period of time, then there’s no purpose in having a body. The soul gets bored. The soul wants to observe its creations.
October 2017
The person who seems to be homeless in the park wandering around looking at the birds, may be feeling an intense sense of passion about his life, and het may live for a very long time, because he is observing creations. If you feel those little twinges of joy, a little laughter, a smile creeping across your lips, that’s acknowledgement of those creations. It’s only an illusion in the word “creation” that you think it has to be big. The Taj Mahal is a creation. When you look at the Taj Mahal that is a creation, too. When you marvel at how the architecture could occur at that period of time, that’s a creation also. When you look at the Mona Lisa, you don’t have to paint it to feel the same sense of awe. A child laughing is a creation. The parent hearing that laughter is a creation. Feeling a sense of joy is a creation. Make Today Great!
Tom Beal is a master of rising to the top amidst seemingly insurmountable adversity and assisting others in doing the same. After being born to teenagers, growing up on and off welfare, going to nine different schools by the 8th grade, and living through a childhood with four divorces and six marriages between his parents, Tom went on to become a success in numerous endeavors. Tom has been a National Bicycle Champion, the #1 Honor Graduate from USMC Boot Camp in Parris Island, South Carolina, earned 3 Meritorious Promotions in 4 years while in the USMC, wrestled in Quantico at the All-Marine Wrestling facility, ranked #1 in five separate sales organizations, assisted in producing tens of millions of dollars in sales since 2006 as VP of Marketing for Mike Filsaime, was then President of Strategic Profits from 2011 to 2013 working side by side with Rich Schefren, who’s known as “The Guru to the Gurus,” turning struggling opportunity seekers into successful strategic entrepreneurs, and is now motivating & inspiring thousands throughout the world online and on stages to step out of their comfort zones, and go for their dreams. Watch over 100 short videos on how to live life to the fullest while attaining great success & results by going to: YouTube.com/TomBeal
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RHINO MONTHLY Volume V Number 10 | October 2017
1 3
Divide and Conquer By Steve Sipress
Truth, Jus�ce, and the American Kennel Club Way Manny’s Blog
7 8
How I Trick My Clients By David T. Fagan
Fear Of Death: Don’t Let This Fear Steal Your Life By Brian Tracy
Jason Myers Guerilla Marke�ng Success Publisher Steve Sipress Successful Selling Systems, Inc. 20701 N Sco�sdale Rd Ste 107-509 Sco�sdale AZ 85255 (p) 773-236-8134 (f ) 847-232-1535 Ques�ons? Comments? Sugges�ons?
w w w.AskSteveSipress.com
Layout & Design Bobbie Miltcheva www.33graffics.com
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