MedPulse - 2nd Issue

Page 1

April 2019


Overthinking Interview: Dr Hatem ElEishy

Our bodies are our gardens our wills are our gardeners. William Shakespeare



Medpulse issue 2

We have an interesting issue this semester. It is all about us, what we feel, know and want to improve. Knowledge is power that is why we choose topics that are most relatable. One essay contains a practical approach towards dealing with procrastination. Another great writing is about overthinking and how we can be unaware of how much it affects our lives. Of course our beloved special topic is about Nutrition. We talk about nutrition from different aspects either types around the world, healthy habits to follow, diets in different ages and so on. As part of the SSS team, we are honored to dig deep in different topics and make a change that affects people’s lives. As medical students, we bear a huge responsibility over the years to alleviate people’s pains and educate the public about important health issues but we can only achieve that by working on ourselves and increasing our own knowledge. Have Fun and Enjoy the issue, Editor in Chief

Nada Kholeif




Medpulse issue 2








Medpulse issue 2

To sum up, as we grow older ,our body needs change the same as our thoughts, so always be aware of what you eat and believe that every time has its own diet as same as actions and don’t forget.. “Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.” -Mother Theresa

the World

Diets around

The Egyptian Diet Almost all occasions in Egypt are associated with certain food, mostly sweets, fats and meat, which encourages inhabitants to eat more leading to an increase in chronic diseases like hypertension and diabetes. Some of the popular foods in Egypt are koshary, mashed fava beans,and falafel with bread which is considered every family’s breakfast.

The OKinawan Diet Okinawa is a region in Japan where inhabitants have the longest lifespans on earth. The diet is mainly based on legumes, vegetables, especially soy, and complex carbohydrates. It is low in fat, sugar, or refined sweets.

The French Diet Although the French are generally lean and healthy, the French cuisine contains high saturated fat food such as butter, cheese, and cream which creates the French Paradox. Portion control is the key word in the French diet. The diet also includes small portions of meat, wine, and dark chocolate.

The American Diet One of the worst diets is the American model of fast food chains, which includes processed meat, pre-packaged foods, butter, fried foods, high fat, high sugar and high salt products. Countries that adopt the American food diet suffer from higher rates of obesity, heart disease and cancer.

“You are what you eat” A saying that we’ve heard a lot since our childhood days, but we usually don’t pay much attention to how accurate it is. Always in the aetiology of most diseases we have come across, we’ll find “improper diet” lurking around somehow which makes you wonder how can eating the

right food benefit your health?



Reducing the intake of fast food, drinks high in sugars as well as increasing physical activity prevents unhealthy weight gain and obesity.

Calcium and vitamin D (present in dairy products, salmons, lentils, eggs etc.) decreases the risk of osteoporosis and fracture risk.

Nutrition and prevention of diseases Decreasing salt intake helps in lowering blood pressure as well as eating less saturated and trans fats . Also eating fruits and vegetables help people who suffer of hypertension.

Eating fruits and vegetables regularly and whole grains -parallel to avoiding too much processed food, alcohol and tobacco- help in reducing some risk factors of cancer.

When kids are raised, parents do their best to raise themas they see fit. They judge who their kids meet, what they watch and when. But often, an element is neglected, although it has that deep effect on our mood and personality. What is it? …….Drums ……..Food!! Believe it or not food is one of the pillars of your personality , So when your friends call you a watermelon again…thank them And when they stop staring at you and calling you a weirdo for thanking them tell them this; “Foods, my friends, are chemicals; each has a different effect on the brain. They increase and decrease transmitters and block receptors or open them.” For example the watermelon,The sugar inside a water melon can get you high, happy and active “it’s even sometimes used to treat depression.” On the other side, the excessive amounts could impose feelings of anxiety, anger and even violence. That’s why, most kids throw tantrums when they have lots of candy or soft drinks. But what about other ingredients, Let’s name a few


leaves you anxious, ambitious


anger, passionate

Every food element has its minute yet changing effect on your behaviour and personality. So, next time watch what you eat!


Medpulse issue 2

Tomatoes lusty, anger


depressed and confused

Broccoli leaves you dead.... ”only on the inside”

Easy Easy tips tips to to kick kick start start your your shiny shiny new new fitness fitness lifestyle! lifestyle!

Keep it simple


Yes, move! Already Moving? Then move more! Always opt for tasks that requires your Cardiovascular system to get to work. Leave the elevator for the senile and (too much?), take the stairs! Save the shortcuts for the days you find yourself running late for class, take the scenic route instead! Instead of waiting for your next lecture, move around a bit, Kasr Al Ainy is an ample enough to explore!

Don't overcomplicate your plan. Don't sink deep into the contrast between strength training and hypertrophy training or God Forbid, the advantages of Paleo Diet vs Keto Diet! Keep your plan simple enough for you to be consistent, which brings us to tip number 3.

Be consistent Be real with yourself. One week of dieting or exercising won't do it, nor 2 or 3! Remember this, it takes 4 weeks for you to notice, 8 weeks for friends & family, and 12 weeks for the rest of the world.

Nutrition is Key

Face it, if you’re a junk food addict, you'll have a very hard time. You need to know your food. What's in it and what goes into making it? Yes, potatoes are an excellent source of good carbs, but frying them turns them evil! Know your macros (i.e. carbs, proteins and fats) and how much you need. Keep your diet plan simple, to the point and preferably easy for you to follow. And don't forget, be consistent with it!


No I mean it.. Start Now! Don't wait till tomorrow. Start now. You have an upcoming meal? Make it a healthy one. Got a free couple of hours? Go get that gym subscription and start with your first session. Take a step, even if a small one, just do it now.




Medpulse issue 2

snap shots of a messed up time




By: ow many times have you admired a movie or while hubristic pride related more strongly to

novel character , portrayed by the writer in

aspirations for popular fame and financial

such a way that you couldn't help it ; the way he

success ; facilitating individuals attainment of

stands or raises his eyebrows in response to a provoking comment while smiling sarcastically

dominance. It’s no wonder that quotes about pride are

, then blamed yourself for loving a 'so proud &

contradicted to a great extent;

arrogant' character ?. Maybe tried to convince

American-football coach, Paul Bryant said: “If

yourself that he's taking pride in his

you believe in yourself and have dedication &

achievements. After all , pride isn't a good trait, or is it?

pride and never quit, you'll be a winner. The price of victory is high, but so are the

Much research focused on determining whether rewards”. English poet, William Blake said: pride is good or bad. Researchers split pride “Pride is a personal commitment. It's an into two forms, hubristic pride and authentic

attitude which separates excellence from

pride.Tracy and Robins, who wrote a paper in

mediocrity”. On the other hand, some

2007, provided evidence of the semantic

described pride as cancer “Pride is spiritual

separability of these two sorts of pride. In their

cancer; it eats up the very possibility of love,

view, authentic pride derived from specific

contentment, or even common sense”.These

accomplishments or goal attainments and often quotes reflect the two facets of pride. focused on efforts made towards that It’s well known thatpride has a distinct, goal. Meanwhile,hubristic pride non-verbal expression that's recognizable by related to more global beliefs about

children & adults. Psychologists Tracy and

abilities & strengths,reflected

Robins found a prototypical look: small

in statements like “I do

smile, slight head tilt and puffed up

everything perfectly”. Authentic pride was found to be related to life-engagement and goal attainment. In addition to that, it facilitates attainment of prestige, a form of status that's based on deserved


respect for one’s skills and expertise ,

Medpulse issue 2

chest & posture. In the end, being proud of your achievements does not mean that you are arrogant. Self-confidence is a natural human trait that helps us pass failure. But being proud of something that is not earned is the real problem.

by : ontaser Mohamed M

1)Knowledge Application: Recalling knowledge is important for a doctor but applying the right piece of information clinically is even more important. Also doctors must be up to date with latest advancement and learn new information that helps them in their work.

2) Confidence:

A good doctor must be confident of his knowledge and abilities, this aspect is noticed well by patients thus being listened to and followed. Lack of confidence makes patients uncertain about their doctor's decisions.

3) Communication skills: Doctor's most work is about listening and talking.Knowing how to listen to people and ask the right questions affects the physician's diagnosis thus giving the proper treatment. Communication skills isn’t only about words, non verbal communication is also important, the body language, facial expressions and eye movement contribute to the patient’s idea about their physician.

4) Decision making skills:

Being a doctor isn’t easy as there’s always time when doctors face hard situations or fall in a dilemma so assessing the situation to make the best decision in the right time is a valuable skill.

5) Compassion:

Doctors aren’t robots. It isn’t only about diagnosing or performing complex surgeries. Patients react better to doctors who show care and empathize their needs, thus increasing the patient’s compliance. People are also affected by how doctors deliver bad news that contributes in minimizing or aggravation of their grief. Top 5 skills of a doctor 15


Nada Khaled Are you interested in genetics? Can you imagine to what extent has genetics reached? Let’s escape for a while and get ready for a cruise through one of the most fascinating, incredible and magical genetically infused/filled journeys you have ever experienced. -Alzheimer’s disease (AD), is one of the most critical diseases that scare most of us especially our beloved grandparents, but fear no more after this great breakthrough found Syrian hamsters. Cold and darkness can cause the animals to hibernate for 3-4 days at a time, interspersed with short periods of activity. Surprisingly, the hibernation spurts of these cute creatures could hold clues to better treatments for AD, so now we can start dealing easily with the idea that AD can reach one of our closest people.

-A consortium of scientists in California, Oregon and Asia detailed using the genome-editing technique CRISPR to repair DNA that causes a common genetic heart disease known as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. The team also uncovered a new and potentially important DNA repair mechanism that takes place in early embryo development. Actually, scientists consider this technique as an astonishing step that will help us later on to edit human embryos. This is really mind-blowing, isn’t it?

-We all know that neurons cannot regenerate , right? Actually, this can be considered a myth now, cause after this discovery, we can start saying that yes neurons can regenerate. A simple drug combination creates new neurons from neighboring cells by converting cells’ neighboring damaged neurons into functional new neurons, which could potentially be used to treat stroke, Alzheimer's disease, and brain injuries. personally, I guess the most significant advantage of the new approach is that a pill containing small molecules could be distributed widely in the world, even reaching rural areas without advanced hospital systems. To sum up, we cannot deny that genetics have an indispensable role in our lives as similar as the technology and the future depends to a great extent on the breakthroughs in genetics in almost all the milestones. Consequently, we have to be more aware of genetics and the advances happening around us every minute. Lastly, We might not have covered all the latest genetic discoveries but these are the most significant ones.


Medpulse issue 2

Can we cure it?

Habits in action by Hossam Negm

In our last issue, we covered the topic of procrastination and how much it is part of our human nature. However we haven’t really thought of ways to stop procrastinating while studying, which is probably one of the biggest concerns in our lives as medical students. First off, we have to understand how our minds work, When it comes to work. We have short attention-spans as we can’t concentrate on a certain task for a long time. Additionally, reward and punish system is the main way our brains work and we have to utilize this system to its full potential to get things done. Relying on passion and non-induced motivation only, leads to lack of consistency and will have its amazing ups and great downs. The key to success in our college has been, and will always be consistency. Personally, the best technique for me has been the “Promodoro” technique invented by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s. The idea is to break down our huge task into smaller tasks that take up smaller intervals of times called promodoros, traditionally 25 minutes, and then take a 5-minute break in-between promodoros. Additionally after 4 promodoros, we are allowed to take a 20 minute break.

However, keep in mind that this technique shouldn’t be used when listening to lectures or when reviewing them because it’s better to concentrate throughout the whole lecture. Additionally, we shouldn’t use this technique on exam nights because it will not be that useful as we are usually covering a really huge amount of material and don’t need many breaks. Don’t focus on details too much. More often, we will find that there is a small detail that we don’t understand -maybe it’s this drug that causes hyperkalemia- yet we spend too much time on these details. We shouldn’t try to search for answers to our questions unless we finish your studying sessions. Otherwise we will find ourselves spending a whole promodoro looking for a small piece of information, which will probably be forgotten a few days later, by the end of our session we will feel unfulfilled and end up procrastinating even more. Finally, good luck! And let’s all hope that we get rid of our procrastinating habits.

This technique is great for studying consistently throughout the semester. It is less daunting to say that we will study 3 pages in the next 25 minutes than to say that we will study 25 pages in the next 4 hours.

Can we cure it?



Medpulse issue 2






On your way back home, the red traffic light signifies an unnecessary disturbance to your awaited plans, while for others it is a chance to make a living and earn some bucks from selling tissue papers or flowers on the streets. Imagine the struggles of these children who eagerly await this colour. They are in a place full of violence and extreme levels of poverty, where affection is not given freely and abuse is the new normal, whether it is mentally, physically or even sexually. Let me take you, while you are still experiencing these projected emotions and feelings to a more intense one, where all of the above is displayed in the heart-wrenching performance in Capharnaum.It makes us fall in love with cinema once again, and believe in its power to change perspectives and may I dare say; change the world.

Capharnaum tells a story about a young, gusty boy born in a family of 10 with 7 other brothers and sisters from the slums of Beirut. Neither Zain nor his parents know his exact date of birth as they never received an official birth certificate. With smart wits and sharp tongue, he adapts to his surrounding and the situations he encounterswith skills of a man who has experienced all the hardships and grit life has to offer. He befriends an Ethiopian Women (YordanosShiferaw) who doesn’t possess any legal papers, and strikes a deal with herin which he gets to stay with her in exchange of taking care of her child Yonus while she is at her work. As the tale progresses, Zain is sentenced to prison, where at the courtroom he claims back his rights and sues his parents for the ‘’crime’’ of giving him life.

What comes as a shock is that Capharnaum was made by a cast of unprofessional actors with little or no acting background, whoselives closely resemble those in the movie’s plot. Their acting was guided by their own similar Capharnaum, translated in English as Chaos, offers a life experiences which brought on a realistic, beautifully look within an unfamiliar, unjust world. A 2018 Lebanese layered performance that will definitely pull on your drama film directed by Nadine Labaki, that displays the heartstring. society’s systematic inhumanity and injustice. A story about a neglected part of this world that we live Labaki’s heart-wrenching storyline focuses on these stories and how their circumstances dictated the unjust lives they in, where poverty and illiteracy prevails. Getting are living. The ambient feelings, screenplay and the essentials by all means conquers the luxury phenomenal acting of the prodigy, Zain al Rafeea all of affection. A story about lost children’s voice helped in the creation of this realistically raw, that will dig deep in to your psyche and tear emotionally filled movie that you can’t help but you from the inside out, in which a single sympathize with. look conveys so many emotions that you are drowning in the sorrow It leaves no wonder why this highly acclaimed within the eyes of Zain al movie was debuted at the 2018 Cannes Film Rafeea; the leading Festival, where it was selected to compete for the actor and star of Palme d'Or and won the Jury Prize. Iteven got this nominated in the 91st Academy Awards as Best masterpiece. Foreign Language Film. I end my words with an overly admiration of Mrs Nadine Labaki’s work on this astounding film. You don’t want to miss this and don’t forget to bring with you a box of tissues.

Written by

Arwa hany


Medpulse issue 2

‫ٔاه‬ ‫”ىىى ا‬ “““““““ ٔ​ٔ​ٔ ‫ زين‬-

Movie review


© All Rights Reserved to producers of Capernaum (2018)

About Us

It’s all about passion, we love what we do and we are blessed to be able to do it. We hope you enjoy reading the magazine as much as we enjoyed making it.

Editor in Chief Nada Kholeif

Arwa Hany Sharaby



Amira Ossama Farah Tarek Hossam Negm Mai Bahaa Marawan Hamdy Mohamed Montaser Nada Khaled



Medpulse issue 2

Hamsa Awny Abdallah Atef Paula Kenz Mostafa Attar

Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more.

If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough. Quote



24 Medpulse issue 2 © All Rights Reserved to Students’ Scientific Society

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