SSS Plan of Action 2008 - 2009

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Who we are... Students' Scientific Society "Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University" Important dates in our history:


It all began in 1968 when a bunch of medical students from the biggest and oldest medical school in the middle east, ;


Kasr Al Ainy School of Medicine, decided to build this

Foundation of the IFMSA

"Association" they called Students' Scientific Society with the acronym "SSS". "SSS" The name " Student's Scientific Society" ety is a very brief summary to its goals, as it was constructed for students of a scientific field, which is medicine, through which they have their own unique society thus sup-

...1968… Establishment of the SSS

plying them with the suitable atmosphere that qualifies them to be interactive medical students in their faculty, professional & skillful doctors in their society & creative insightful human beings in their lives. Our mission is to offer physicians a comprehensive introduction to global health issues, through our programming and opportunities. We develop culturally sensitive students of medicine, intent on influencing and improving their community & being able to interact with it.

...1972… SSS joins the IFMSA as the representative of the medical students in Egypt

...1994… Egypt hosts the biannual IFMSA General Assembly meeting

SSS aims also to raise the level of students' awareness of their undiscovered potentials & capabilities to serve their society. Through a variety of volunteer work (awareness campaigns, conferences, competitions , etc) we aim at unleashing the inner powers of the students by widening their horizons to learn that they are not merely powerless subjects in a rapidly internationalizing world, but that they are valuable individuals with a contribution to make to the well being of the people worldwide.

...2005.. Egypt succeeds in gaining the IFMSA trust and hosts another IFMSA meeting

Being a scientific association doesn't delete the social aspect of our activities, as vital need in the life of any association generally and a crucial need in the life of medical students specifically. That accordingly increases their productivity and makes them more liable for improvement and progress.

National & International Involvement Being a member of the IFMSAIFMSA-Egypt and hence, in direct affiliation to the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA) since 1972, SSS offers to its members the continuous presence in the international community. All over the world, medical students are working on global health issues through IFMSA. Hundreds of activities are planned, designed, and carried out each year on local, national and international levels. IFMSA also offers an increasing network of partnerships and collaborations with several international bodies concerned in health care.. WHO, UNICEF, UNAIDS top the list of IFMSA partners. The experiences in the IFMSA show that ideals of a better world are not just illusions; dedication and perseverance can achieve anything.

Provisional Plan for the term 2008 - 2009 Outgoing Exchange SSS (Students’ Scientific Society) is in direct affiliate to the IFMSA-Egypt and the IFMSA (International Federation of Medical Students’ Association) Mainly, the aim of this students’ exchange program – which is organized and run by volunteer medical students all over the world – is to give students from different parts of the world a chance to study in other countries. This chance gives a student the benefit of both; studying and meeting different cultures and experiences. The study plans (the scientific program) of the system is divided into two main forms according to the two committees representing the exchange system in the IFMSA; the SCOPE (standing committee on professional exchange) and SCORE (standing committee on research exchange). The two committees are represented on the international, regional, national, and finally local levels. The local level is represented by the local exchange officer and the local officer on research exchange; LEO and LORE. The scientific program provided differs from the professional to the research committee i.e. the professional studies include more subjects related to clinical and operational aspects, while the research studies are more of laboratory and academic studies. However, a student can always have the chance to find clinical subjects in both fields. The whole program is run through an internet international database that connects all the different parts of the program all together with the students taking part of it as well. Through this database, the student can enter his or her preferences concerning the city desired in the county he or she is going to attend their clerkship, the departments desired. And through the same database the students receives some of his or her official papers that inform him or him of the clerkship ship status and results of his or her choices. Requirements, terms, and regulations of the program (Exchange Conditions) differ from one country and one city to another. So provided online, there’s a database where students read all these terms before they participate in the program. In the local committee (LC) the students’ scientific society (SSS) the program is maintained by a written exam that is composed and approved by the local exchange officer. The exam consists of many different categories that mainly asses the students’ language skills and medical knowledge. The exam material is mainly extracted from trustful sources i.e. books. Students from this point are subjected to an interview with professors from the faculty of medicine. This interview also gives a better idea about their language skills, thoughts and desires. Terms and regulations of the program provided by the local committee (the SSS) is provided on the official website and are accessible to any student who needs to know more about the program or the requirements. Also a team working under the supervision of the local officer provides help to those who are interested and willing to know more about the program. Promotion for the exchange exam and the whole program is provided throughout the faculty of Medicine and all over the internet; mainly the official website of the SSS. Also sessions are given to introduce the program and answer clearly all the questions of those who are interested.

Incoming Exchange The SSS hosts an average of 60 medical students from around the world (105 countries, members in the IFMSA) in the bilateral exchange program. The system guarantees a mutual benefit for both sides ; the exchange fees paid by the Egyptian students traveling is used to cover the accommodation fees paid for the foreign students conforming with the non-profit nature f the SSS. We are responsible for arranging scientific and social programs during their stay. The scientific program is a one month training program in the hospitals of Kasr AL Ainy school of medicine. The departments include Internal medicine, General Surgery, Pediatrics. Radiology, Ophthalmology, Tropical Medicine and Emergency medicine. The Clinical training covers-according to specialty: -Inpatients rounds including hands-on examination -Outpatients’ clinic attendance -Operation theatre attendance -Emergency rotation attendance -Special units sessions e.g. Endoscopy, Ultrasonography etc.


Public Health SCOPH has been the organ of the IFMSA, IFMSA-Egypt and SSS that deals with Public Health issues. Ever since the committee was set in the SSS in summer 2006, the committee has been the most active and competitive at both the local (SSS) and national (IFMSA-Egypt) level, with the greatest number of activities and outreach in the faculty, university and community. Hepatitis National Campaign >October>October-December 2008 It was Under supervision of ministry of health, USAID,CHL ,targeted medical and non medical university students. It aimed at raising the awareness of viral hepatitis (B &C) by direct awareness in Cairo University, seminars, a sport event and offering low priced vaccinations for high risk groups in medical and nursing schools-Average of 2700 students took the 1st dose of HBV and 2000 took the 2nd dose. The closing ceremony for the campaign is planned to take place in Cairo University by next April. SSS celebrating World Diabetes Day >14th of November 2008. WDD is celebrated worldwide by over 200 member associations of the International Diabetes Federation in more than 160 countries. This year the SSS proudly shared in celebrating the World Diabetes Day.The day was organized in one of the most important and prestigious clubs in Cairo, Al Ahly Club in Zamalek. Direct awareness to the Club members about the disease, its complications and prevention was carried out by our members. In addition to that, measuring the blood glucose levels and blood pressure was done free of charge. Came next, a marathon was organized in the club's football track to emphasis on the importance of physical activity and physical exercises as a prevention to the different complications of the disease. The marathon was joined by many of the club members particularly children, which emphasized on the campaign's theme 'No child should die of diabetes' At the end of the day, Saleh Selim monument was lighted by the blue light, as one of the 930 iconic monuments worldwide that were chosen to light and mark the World Diabetes Day. Nosocomial Infection Campaign : November 20082008-March 2009 It aims at raising the awareness about hospital infections among nursing students mainly by giving them sessions about infection control. The main part of the project is based on conducting two research competitions between nursing students &medical students , which are national between 11 medical &nursing school and will end in a conference to honor the winners . ‘Media For Health’ ;Ongoing from January 2009 It aims at creating new channels for public health in media as making a website concerned with public health issues.

Beautiful Minds and Healthy Bodies >December 2008– 2008–March 2009 It targets medical students and aims at raising their awareness about healthy life style and how to cope with the stressful nature of studying medicine, through making a workshop that includes discussion of such topics. 1ST Aid Campaign for School Children> February 2009 It‘s based on Peer education principle. In this project, our team took training in RED CRESCENT and became certified for giving 1st Aid trainings for school children-mainly preparatory stage. AntiAnti-Technology effects Campaign >March>March-April 2009 It aims at assessing and increasing the general knowledge of young students and the public about the side effects of daily and over usage of technology devices. This’ll be done by conducting surveys (pre&post –campaign ) with direct awareness through interviews with public &students in Cairo University . July –August 2009 Helwan’s Aid project: It targets the public in slum areas as Helwan &it aims at raising their awareness about common health problem there as diabetes mellitus &hypertension. ‘Live longer’ project: It targets elderly in elderly houses to raise their awareness about their common health problems, healthy life style &proper using of medications.

Reproductive health including AIDS HIV/AIDS -Nationally a) Sharing in the national conference held by IFMSA-Egypt under the patronage of ministry of higher education & UNAIDS on enhancing medical education related to HIV in Alexandria December 18th. b) Sharing in sailing the Nile campaign (national campaign targeting mdgs) : tunnel event & closing ceremony november-decemeber 08. C) UNICEF certified peer education training on raising awareness on HIV/AIDS. -Locally a)awareness campaigns targeting medical students , non medical students in Cairo University, public in hyper1 , carrefour, Ahly club & Mubarak public library b) Seminars targeting non medical students & public in Cairo university &Mubarak public library c)Workshops in Mubarak public library

Reproductive neoplasms -Nationally a)Mr. breast-testis IFMSA project phase 2 :needs assessment through survey for medical students and the public October 08 b)Sharing in run for cure event in coordination with breast cancer foundation in Egypt (BCFE). -Locally a) Awareness campaigns, workshops and for the public in coordination with BCFE. FGM October> 08-february 09 Raising awareness of medical students and health care workers about the legal aspects of FGM and the laws punishing the act, in coordination with the Ministry of Health and National Centre for Maternity and Childhood through holding seminars and workshops.

Sexual education >March-April 09 Orientation of the public about anatomy and physiology of male and female genital systems, function & effect of sex hormones & awareness about sexual hygiene. International Women's day> March 09 -Nationally Sharing in national events -Locally Medical and public orientation about the female psychology. SCORA exchange >August 09

Child Health and Humanitarian Projects Cancer Children >October 08 - September 09 Visits to 57357 Hospital where we are given medical tours in laboratories, pharmacies and different departments including Radiology department. We are given lectures about cancer, its statistics in Egypt and the state of children with cancer. International Day of Persons with Disabilities >December 13th 08 Celebrating the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, SSS members took part in organizing a day for children with mental and physical disabilities. The day included a puppet show, a DJ, a majician, clowns and games like musical chairs and races. Also, free food, pullovers and blankets were distributed among the children. Patient's Rights > JanuaryJanuary- February 09 Statistics have shown that most patients in Egypt do not know their rights and that most doctors dont follow them. This campaign aims at increasing awareness of patient's rights among future doctors, paramedics and the patients themselves all over Egypt.

Eradicating Illiteracy: JanuaryJanuary- April 09 Aiming at providing basic education for homeless children in Manial region. Healthy Eating: March 09 With the increasing number of over/under weight children in Egypt, intervention becomes a must to prevent many diseases and psychological issues for the children. The project aims at teaching children, parents and school administrations the risks and dangers of abnormal BMI. The second stage of the project will be aimed at helping getting discounts at nutritionists and gyms for unable children thus helping improve the quality of their lives and giving them, and consequently their children, better futures. Orphan's Day : First Friday in April The SSS organizes a whole day for children at an orphanage. We provide the orphans free meals and organize games and fun activities. Psychiatric Disorders in Children: April 09 Children with psychiatric problems are the least attended to in Egypt. That is why the aim of this project is to increase awareness about such problems among teachers and parents, and also among healthy children to prevent or lessen the complications that may occur. Colorful Recovery: July 09 It is a well known fact that when a patient's spirits are high, his/her recovery rate is faster. This fact applies most to children. The project's cause is to help make children feel better by providing a less dull, sometimes frightening atmosphere for them in the hospitals. The main step would be painting Abo El Rish Children's Hospital with more colorful paintings hence helping giving them a speedier, colorful recovery. Child Friendly School Campus; August –September 09 This project is located right before and at the beginning of the new school year. Its goal is to spread awareness about easily transmitted diseases and ways for their prevention and to make the school playground a safer place for children to spend their school days with the least injuries and infections.

Publications Our commitment to intellectual leadership is evident in the academic and social publications authored by our members over the past several years. We have featured numerous journals, magazines; in addition, we author newsletter series on our news and different topics.

Medical Magazine (SSS Medical) Every inch of this publication is the outcome of extensive preparation and work, from material to fundraising, from concept to design, from management to team dynamics. The Students’ Scientific Society Kasr El Ainy rests on those fundamentals, proving that medical students can do anything they put their mind into. They proved that they are, truly, “an unprecedented flow of motivation, productivity and creative imagination”. Each issue of this biannual journal tackles, in a very simple and colorful presentation, a topic that has erupted as a concern for medical students. It presents the results of an assessment campaign usually assessing medical students’ awareness about that topic, along with various articles from eminent figures of the medical and cultural society, presenting their points of views about that issue Till now, we have successfully printed 4 issues of ‘”the SSS medical”, the latest is the SSS medical 4 discussing Hepatitis C virus and published December 2008 and distributed in the EFLDEgyptian forum for Liver Diseases that was held in Triumph Hotel. It was sponsored by RochePegasys

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