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Welcome to the 29th CROMAR Congress, a gathering of scholars and professionals committed to advancing marketing through research, practice and collaboration!
This year's theme, "Empowering the Future: Bridging Science and Practice through Collaboration" emphasizes the critical role of interdisciplinary synergy in developing innovative and effective marketing strategies.
NOVEMBER 13th AND 14th, 2025 synergy platform cons mer beha ior ncertaint cr cial u v , u y, u fields, e ent strategies to nspire thought-provoking
The Congress serves as a platform for advancing marketing knowledge through collaboration. In a time of digital transformation, changing consumer behavior, and economic uncertainty, it is crucial to integrate scientific research and practical applications to drive innovation. By bringing together experts from marketing and other fields, the Congress promotes collaboration between science and practice to tackle current challenges. The event aims to empower academics, industry professionals, and policymakers through interdisciplinary exchange, using the insights they need to develop forward-looking marketing strategies that create sustainable value.
Join us as we bring together researchers and practitioners to discuss emerging trends, share insights, and develop actionable solutions for the future of marketing. The 29th CROMAR Congress will inspire fresh perspectives and strengthen the link between scientific advancements and practical applications through engaging discussions, interactive workshops, and thought-provoking presentations.
Be part of this transformative experience and help shape the future of marketing!
University of Rijeka
Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management & Faculty of Economics and Business
Abstract submission-21 March 2025
Abstract acceptance-28 March 2025
Full papers submission-06 June 2025
Final paper acceptance-19 September 2025
Congress Proceedings with full papers will be published in electronic format with an ISBN reference.
Supporting journals:
Tourism and Hospitality Management p y g
Zbornik radova Ekonomskog fakulteta u Rijeci/Proceedings of Rijeka Faculty of Economics: Journal of Economics and Business bornik Economics konomski
Ekonomski vjesnik/Econviews - Review of Contemporary Business, Entrepreneurship and Economic Issues
Zbornik Veleučilišta u Rijeci/Journal of the Polytechnic of Rijeka
Naše gospodarstvo/Our economy: Journal of Transformative Dynamics in Economics and Business
Management: Journal of Sustainable Business and Management Solutions in Emerging Economies bornik Rijeci/Journal aše anagement: Management in Economies
*Please note that all supporting journals are subjecting submissions to the double-blind peer-review process The decision on publication will depend on the peer-review process Participants are advised to read the journal's scope and aim before deciding on a suitable journal
Please journal's
New trends in marketing
Consumer behaviour in a contemporary market ew onsumer market
New technologies in marketing and marketing research
Digital Marketing
Ethics in marketing
Social media and influencer marketing
Data-driven marketing and big data marketing
Marketing Communications
Marketing in the service sector
International and cross-cultural marketing
Non-profit and public-sector marketing
Marketing management
Marketing metrics
Sustainable marketing ew research igital thics ocial ata-driven arketing arketing nternational on-profit public-sector arketing arketing ustainable
B2B marketing
Crisis marketing
Tourism and destination marketing
Creative cultural tourism
Marketing in rural tourism
2B risis ourism reative arketing
*Scholars in other disciplines offering new perspectives on the congress theme are also encouraged to participate.
Scholars encouraged
CONTACTS: cromar2025@fthm.hr cromar.fthm.hr
ONTACTS: romar.fthm.hr
100. obljetnica UFI-ja
Osnovano 1925. godine, UFI, Globalno udruženje izložbene industrije, slavi ove godine svoju 100. obljetnicu pod temom „Poštivanje prošlosti, slavljenje sadašnjosti, oblikovanje budućnosti“. Obilježit će se UFI-jevo bogato nasljeđe 900+ organizacija članica u 90+ zemalja. UFI-jev logo 100 godina vizualni je simbol koji premošćuje stoljetno naslijeđe udruge s njegovom vizijom usmjerenom prema budućnosti.
„Ne razmišljamo samo o povijesti - mi je gradimo“, dodao je Chris Skeith OBE, UFI-jev generalni direktor i CEO. „UFI-jevo 100-godišnje nasljeđe dokaz je otpornosti i inovativnosti naše industrije“.