VOLUME XXVII No 2 26th February, 2010
MARCH Parish Trip to Greece meeting 5.45–7.00 pm
3rd th
Greek Orthodox Swimming Carnival JS
Scholarships & Student Leadership Assembly 8.45am
SCHOLARSHIPS Year 7 and Year 11, 2011 Applications are now invited from new and continuing students to sit for the following ACER Examination Scholarships:
ASISSA Swimming Carnival JS
Church, Opera House
Twilight Tours SS
Annunciation, School closed
Palm Sunday
Holy Monday
Holy Tuesday
Holy Wednesday Term ends for staff and students Early Dismissal
Year 6 (Year 7, 2011) A Year 6 Scholarship for the top Year 6 student applying for St Spyridon College will receive their tuition fees paid for four years, from Year 7 to Year 10. Year 10 (Year 11, 2011) Two scholarships for the two top Year 10 students will receive their tuition fees paid for two years.
APRIL Holy Thursday
Good Friday Public Holiday
Holy Saturday
Easter Monday Public Holiday
Closing date for applications is Friday, 9th April, 2010. ACER scholarship examinations will be held on Saturday, 8th May, 2010. Forms and information are available online on www.stspyridon.nsw.edu.au or from:
ACER Scholarship registrations close SS Year 12 Half Yearly exams begin Staff Development Day
Students return
Year 7 vaccinations
ANZAC Day public holiday
Principal Senior School Mrs A. Katsogiannis Tel: 02 9311 3340 Fax: 02 9311 4532 E: principalss@stspyridon.nsw.edu.au Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag
ST SPYRIDON COLLEGE The Head of College Invites you to the
SCHOLARSHIPS AND STUDENT LEADERSHIP ASSEMBLY Tuesday, 9th March, 2010 St Spyridon Church 8.45 a.m. for 9.00 a.m. start At this assembly we will honour the recipients of the following awards: The Professor Manuel Aroney Award For the highest ATAR in 2009 sponsored by Sydney University Greek Society University Entrance Scholarship Awarded to a student with an ATAR above 97 Sponsored by St. Spyridon Parish The 2009 Goldstein Awards for Leadership by Example in memory of the Late George N. Pappas A.M., M.B.E. and Marina Pappas Academic Scholarships Year 7, 2010, Year 11, 2010 Student Representative Council
FINAL TOTAL OF MONIES RAISED FOR 2009 2010 FUNDRAISING TOTALS Year To Date Fundraiser Total Raised Taverna Night $ 6 500 Easter Stall $ 3 000 Palm Sunday Lunch $ 3 000 Mother’s Day Stall $ 2 700 Mother’s Day Brunch $ 2 600 Entertainment Book $ 767 Sports Carnival $ 138 Father’s Day Stall $ 3 141 Father’s Day Raffle $ 800 Trivia Night $10 000 Open Day $ 1 033 Spring Fair $10 000 Taverna Night $15 000 Total $43 679
CASUAL BUS PASSES FOR THE SCHOOL BUS Casual bus passes can now be purchased for the school bus. One will cost $50 for five rides on the bus (one way) and the other will cost $20 which can be used 10 rides from School to School (one way). The bus passes can be purchased from the School Administration Offices.
TROLLEY BAGS A new manufacturer will be supplying the school trolley bags.
As a Committee, we would like to thank our wonderful President Anna Stamoulis who has been a great leader and inspiration to us all and as a result has won the respect of all our hearts.
If you would like to order a trolley bag please call Helen on 9313-6890.
Since our AGM is only a couple of weeks away Tuesday 9 March 2010, it would be nice to see some new faces join our remarkable P&F family.
DOOR TO DOOR There are still vacancies on the Cannon Shuttles bus. This bus provides door to door pick up service in the following areas: Sylvania, Blakehurst, Connells Point, Sans Souci, Kyeemagh.
The table below displays all events for Term 1 that the P&F will be fundraising. It also gives you an idea of the dates these Events will take place, some are yet to be advised, but flyers will be distributed to all children confirming finer details.
Cost is $60 per child per week. Mrs H. Simicos St Spyridon Parish
P&F Events 2010 Term 1 Term Ends Wednesday 31 March Lambathes (selling) Dates to be advised Easter Stalls Dates to be advised Palm Sunday Sunday 28 March
As the lambathes fundraiser has been a huge success for our school we will now be conducting lambatha workshops dates and location to be advised. All are welcome to assist. Proudly keeping with the P&F tradition the members look forward to organising the traditional Palm Sunday Lunch on Sunday 28 March 2010 in the Church Hall. Please make note of this special religious family gathering, and we look forward to bringing you further details in the flyer. So please remember to support the school that supports and cares for your children’s education! Until next time!
Our 2009 P&F Committee have now been in office for 1 year and we have had so much fun organising, preparing and co-ordinating for all our functions (mentioned below). From cooking and serving fish on Palm Sunday to fighting the down pour of rain on the day of the Spring Fair! Each Event that we have had has been memorable to us all and will always leave a smile on our faces! As the table below demonstrates what a successful and fun fulfilled year have had!!
Ms F. Kypreos P&F Secretary
A word from our President of the P&F.... Firstly I would like to thank our Parish, School Executives, School families and the community as a whole for your patronage and ongoing support for all Events that we have organised throughout 2009. Your support has been overwhelming and touching!! I feel honoured to have been the 2009 P&F President with so much achieved in funds raised for our school. I could not have done this without my wonderful Committee who have stood by me with all decisions and results achieved. I hope that the team spirit and fun that we have created over the past year will carry on to the 2010 Committee. Thanks again my wonderful committee love you all long time!!!!!!
Mrs A. Stamoulis P&F President
We sadly farewell Mrs E. Marinos of 2A who will be retiring on the 19th March.
Mrs Marinos was a founding teacher of the College in 1983 and proudly contributed to its development into one of the leading educational institutions in the Eastern Suburbs. We thank her for the love and consideration she has shown our students and wish her every happiness in her future life.
JUNIOR SCHOOL REPORT Lent has begun and we are called to reflect, repent and evaluate our actions and thoughts so that we may listen to the words of the Gospel and become better Christians. Harry Mavrolefterou of 3A reminded us how we can do this….
Mrs Marinos’ position has been advertised and a replacement will be employed to commence Term Two.
With the support of his mother, he made Κυρία Σαρακοστή and shared her story with the Primary at morning Assembly. He reminded us that it was a time of prayer and a time for being quiet and reflective. A time for peace and good will towards others.
ANNUAL SWIMMING CARNIVAL It is with great pleasure that we announce that the NEMEANS are the winners of the Junior School swimming carnival for 2010. We congratulate all students who participated, challenged themselves and had a go! We also thank the many parents who assisted us on the day. Your support is invaluable.
We often get bombarded with the pressures of juggling work and family commitments but must remember that our Church in Her wisdom supports us by giving us symbols and examples to guide us. Wishing you all Καλή Σαρακοστή!
Co curricular activities will begin the week of the 1st March 2010. The lists have been put up in the undercroft area and it is the responsibility of students to check to see what activity they are in.
The Infants School requests the assistance of parent / grandparent volunteers to assist with classroom activities. Volunteers will be required to undergo a Working with Children Check and participate in a training session regarding School procedures and protocols.
The activities commence at 3:30pm. Students are to meet the teachers in the Primary courtyard. Any child not collected promptly at 4:30pm will be placed into After School Care.
If you are available to assist for a few hours a couple times a week, please contact Mrs Kipriotis.
Please note it is not possible to change from one activity to another. Students will have to stay with the activity that they have nominated.
Mrs A. Synesios Acting Principal Junior School
As you are aware we are once again hosting a Spalding Course for parents. It will be run by Dr. Carole Margeson, the leading expert on The Spalding Method in Australia. It will include an introduction to phonograms, spelling rules, word building, sentence making, text writing, reading comprehension and literature appreciation.
As part of the unit "Cooperating, Communities," Year Four took a walk around Kingsford. We walked along Gardeners Road, through the park and along Anzac Parade, stopping every so often to record what we saw. Year Four were especially pleased to use an oldfashioned bubblegum machine to take out flavoured gum! It was enjoyable afternoon and Year Four will record their community research in the form of a descriptive text. Look out for some of these descriptions in the next newsletter.
The course will run from Tuesday 2nd March to Tuesday 31st March from 7pm – 9pm. If you are interested could you please register with the Office by Monday 1st March.
WASTE WATCHERS Waste watchers is a mobile Primary School education program which assists Councils to educate their local children on a wide range of waste and sustainability issues.
CODE OF CONDUCT The College has a code of conduct that students are expected to abide by so that learning is maximized. It is the responsibility of students to control their behaviour so as not to disrupt the learning of others. I would ask all parents to go over the necessary pages in the Study Planner (pp.9- 11 and 17) with their children. Parents there is useful information for you too in this section or you may consult the parent handbook.
Years Three and Four attended the fun and interactive workshop and learnt about the vitally effective measures they can take to protect and conserve our natural and built environments for the future.
If you have a concern about your child please make an appointment to see the classroom teacher. As educational professionals, the staff will be most happy to suggest solutions and work with you in the interests of your child.
Year four has spent some time picking up all the rubbish they have found that is NOT in a bin. We found so much rubbish! We would like everyone to make a big effort to pick up their rubbish and recycle. We love recycling!
As we are preparing for the 25th March celebrations, could I ask that you make sure that your child has the correct items of uniform.
We would like to help you recycle. We have provided a recycling box to each class. Please put your used paper in these boxes. Remember you can use both
sides of the paper before you recycle. Don’t forget you can also recycle paper from your cutting out!
PARISH TRIP TO GREECE 11th June, 2010 – 18th July, 2010
The Year Four recycle monitors will be coming to check how well you are recycling every Friday after lunch. If your class is great at recycling you can earn 5 stars every week. Which class will be the best at recycling?
A meeting will be held on Wednesday, 3rd March, 2010, St Spyridon Church Hall, 5.45 p.m. – 7.00 p.m. for all students and parents taking part on this trip.
Year Four will soon be back to tell you about Clean up Your School Day so we never find this much rubbish again.
The Half Yearly exams will be held from Monday, 19th April – Friday, 23rd April, 2010. A timetable will be issued next week.
Students will soon receive an Interim Report highlighting in particular subjects which require improvement or where there are issues of concern. Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School
MIDDLE SCHOOL NEWS "Without a quest, life is quickly reduced to bleak black and wimpy white, a diet too bland to get anybody out of bed in the morning. A quest fuels our fire. It refuses to let us drift downstream gathering debris." Charles Swindoll Life's journey is a quest to find yourself, to discover your ultimate purpose. We all ask ourselves the tough questions; Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going? What am I capable of? These self-searching questions need answers if we are to make each day count. The answers define us. Mrs Dimitrelis and Miss Bletsogiannis
Once upon a time tradition dictated a specific moment that signified a young person's transition from childhood to adulthood. This was a time when the frivolity of youth had to be released by venturing forward as an adult and a functional member of society, subject to the rules and expectations of the elders. As a result, the young person was sent on a quest, an adventure that would test their character, resourcefulness and maturity. The end of the journey marked their subsequent formal induction into the society proper. The quest was a rite of passage marking a change in one's social status.
YEAR 10 This week during Pastoral Care students received their Year 10 Assessment Handbook. They were given information about the Scholarships for 2011, the Parish Trip to Greece, the Progression Policy, Work Experience and dates to remember. The Expression of Interest forms to progress to Years 11 and 12 at St Spyridon College are due to the office at the end of Term 1.
Even today our society is rife with examples of 'coming of age' traditions. At the Senior School we 6
reading, students will have greater opportunity to strengthen their engagement with lesson content.
incorporate this philosophy into our Pastoral Care Program by providing students with markers and activities that challenge, celebrate and assist students to step up from one developmental stage to the next, so that they may reach their potential.
PASTORAL CARE All year groups have been focusing on leadership and the Student Representative Council over the past two weeks. Those who were nominated for election from each class presented speeches followed by a vote. The names of the 2010 elected SRC members will be published in the next newsletter and they will officially be presented with their badges at a special Leadership Assembly held at St Spyridon Church on Tuesday 9th March at 8.45am (Week 6) .
Every opportunity or challenge can therefore be seen as a quest. How much you learn and the overall outcome is dependant upon the efforts put in by the individual. A quest is designed to test every part of you. It forces you to rely on yourself and proves your mettle. At the end of the quest we are not the same. We are stronger, wiser, and mightier!
Don't be afraid of challenges as they present themselves.
Congratulations to all the Prefects for the efficient manner in which they conducted Pastoral Care Leadership talks and guided the SRC nomination process with all Middle School students.
The greater the quest, the greater the reward.
2010 IMMUNIZATION PROGRAM As part of the NSW Adolescent School-based Vaccination program, this week NSW Health is offering vaccinations for prevention of cervical cancer (HPV to all Year 7 girls in three doses), Hepatitis B to all Year 7 students, and Dipitheria, Tetnus and Pertussis for all Year 10. Any parent/caregiver who is not having their child immunized at school is advised to consult with their GP.
PREMIERS READING CHALLENGE (PRC) All Middle school students are once again encouraged to participate in this event which requires students to read as many books as they can from now until the end of September. If 20 books or more (15 from the PRC list and 5 of their own choosing) are read, students will qualify for a PRC Certificate. We promote reading at the Senior School as it helps improve student’s overall literacy. To encourage and remind students of the importance of developing their skills in this area, every week up to 15 minutes of each Pastoral Care lesson is set aside for silent reading. PRC books can be borrowed from any library including the schools’, which has a book bay specifically dedicated to this program. Additionally, students are expected to read at least half an hour each night/day on top of the time allocated for reading in Pastoral Care classes. Parents should monitor their child’s progress and reading routine. Words are the foundation stones of every course and subject. By improving literacy through consistent
The three Senior Prefects:- Alexander Vatiliotis, School Captain, Aleksandra Djordjevic, Vice Captain, and Angelina Flokis, Senior Prefect attended the annual Prefect Seminar hosted by SCEGGS, Darlinghurst. At this event student school leaders have the opportunity to liaise with Prefects from many varied Sydney Schools, listen to inspirational speakers and participate in leadership workshops. We look forward to reading their reflections of this event in the next newsletter. Ms G. Kokinelis Dean of Middle School
CAREER NEWS Year 12 students have settled back into their final year of schooling. Many of the students have already seen me to talk about what courses they may consider doing next year. I recently gave a talk titled “Career Options for 2011” to the whole year group. I gave each student the notes on the talk. They will need to continue their careers research throughout the year so that they will know which courses at which institutions will suit them best next year. The SSC Careers Website can be located on the school website www.stspyridon.nsw.edu.au on the top banner under ‘Elevation and Careers’. “Careers” will then appear on the left hand side banner. Click this to see the drop down menu. This allows students and parents easy access to hundreds of websites and information on careers. My suggestion for students is to start this process early while there are not so many pressures of assessments and exams. Read about courses and institutions as much as possible. Keep all the information, your ratings of the course and your feelings about them in one location so that you have easy access to it at a later date. I will need to see all
που είναι στη µόδα. Εµείς κολυµπούσαµε και χορεύαµε κάθε απόγευµα. Ελένη: Αχ, τι ωραία! Και τι άλλο έκανες εκεί; Μαρία: Το πρωί πηγαίναµε για ψώνια. Τα µαγαζιά εκεί είναι µικρά αλλά έχουνε πολύ ωραία ρούχα και κοσµήµατα! Εγώ αγόρασα µια ωραία, κόκκινη φούστα και ένα καταπληκτικό διαµαντένιο δαχτυλίδι! Οι τιµές στη Μύκονο ήταν λογικές. Ελένη: Μµµ, µου αρέσουν τα ψώνια πολύ! Και τα βράδια τι κάνατε; Μαρία: Πηγαίναµε σε ταβέρνες για βραδινό. Στη Μύκονο υπάρχουν πολύ ωραίες, παραθαλάσσιες ψαροταβέρνες. Φάγαµε το πιο φρέσκο και νόστιµο χταπόδι! Μετά το φαγητό, κάναµε έναν περίπατο στο νησί και τέλος πηγαίναµε στα νυχτερινά κέντρα. Η Μύκονος έχει πολύ καλή διασκέδάση. Χορεύαµε µέχρι το πρωί!!! Ελένη: Κι εµένα µου αρέσει πολύ να πηγαίνω σε νυχτερινά κέντρα και χαίροµαι ιδιαίτερα που οι γονείς µου δεν θα είναι εκεί για να µπορώ να ξενυχτώ. Για πες µου κάτι για το ξενοδοχείο σας. Μαρία: Μέναµε σε ένα ξενοδοχείο Γ΄κατηγορίας, πολύ φτηνό, αλλά πολύ καθαρό, µε πολύ πλούσιο πρωινό και όλες τις ανέσεις. Είχε άνετο µπάνιο, δορυφορική τηλεόραση, κλιµατισµό, θέα στην παραλία και ήταν κοντά στις ταβέρνες, την αγορά και γενικά κοντά στη ζωή του νησιού. Ελένη: Α! Είµαι πολύ ενθουσιασµένη τώρα! Σ’ ευχαριστώ πάρα πολύ και θα σε δω να τα πούµε όταν γυρίσω. Γεια σου! Μαρία: Γεια σου και καλό ταξίδι!
students at least once this term to review their choices. Enjoy this special year at school. TAX FILE NUMBERS (TFN) I will be running a program here at the College in Term 1 so that students can apply for their Tax File Numbers via the school. They will need these for part time employment now and in the future when they begin full-time work. Students will need to complete some forms with their personal details including their birth certificate details. Please talk to your parents if you think that you may need your TFN at some time in the future. The Application Period for TFN will take place in Weeks 5 and 6 of Term 1. Please collect the Application Form and Consent Form from Mrs Skerman as soon as possible. The final date for the Forms to be returned to Mrs Skerman is Wednesday 10th March. Mrs A. Skerman Careers Adviser
GREEK NEWS Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι, Στο τεύχος αυτό δηµοσιεύουµε τις εργασίες δύο παιδιών µας. Η µία ανήκει σε µαθήτρια της Γ’ Λυκείου, η οποία παρακολουθεί τα µαθήµατα των αρχαρίων στα Ελληνικά και είναι σχετική µε το θέµα: Ταξίδια και Τουρισµός. Η άλλη ανήκει σε µαθητή της Β΄Γυµνασίου και είναι σχετική µε το θέµα: Η Καθηµερινή µου Ρουτίνα. Καλή ανάγνωση! κ. Μ. Φαλέτα
Chariclia Alexandrou Year 12 – Beginners course
Είδος γραπτού κειµένου: ∆ιάλογος Ταξίδι στα ελληνικά νησιά Μαρία: Γεια σου, τι κάνεις; Ελένη: Καληµέρα, Μαρία, είµαι καλά και πολύ συγκινηµένη γιατί θα πάω διακοπές στα ελληνικά νησιά. Έχεις πάει; Μαρία: Α! φανταστικά! Ναι, έχω πάει στη Μύκονο. Είχαµε πάει πέρυσι το καλοκαίρι µε τις φίλες µου. Ήταν υπέροχα! Ελένη: Πώς ακριβώς ήταν και τι κάνατε εκεί; Μαρία: Κάναµε πολλά πράγµατα1 Πηγαίναµε στις παραλίες για κολύµπι και ηλιοθεραπεία. Το νερό στις παραλίες είναι καθαρό σαν κρύσταλλο. Επίσης υπάρχουν µπαρ µε δυνατή µουσική και µπορείς να κάνεις τοµπάνιο σου, να παραγγείλεις το ποτό σου και ν’ ακούς τη µουσική και τα τραγούδια
Είδος Γραπτού κειµένου: Αφήγηση Η καθηµερινή µου ρουτίνα Γεια σας! Με λένε Παναγιώτη και ξυπνώ στις πέντε η ώρα το πρωί, κάθοµαι στο κρεβάτι µου και διαβάζω ένα βιβλίο µέχρι τις έξι. Από τις έξι µέχρι τις εφτά, κάποιες φορές, βλέπω τηλεόραση ή ακούω µουσική. Στις εφτάµιση, κατεβαίνω τη σκάλα, πηγαίνω στην κουζίνα και τρώω πρωινό. Συνήθως έχω τοστ ή κορνφλέικς. Μετά ντύνοµαι και πηγαίνω στο σχολείο. Η µαµά µου µε παίρνει στο σχολείο µε το αυτοκίνητό της. Φτάνω στις 8.10π.µ. Έχω πέντε περιόδους την ηµέρα µε δύο διαλείµµατα. Το πρώτο διάλειµµα είναι στις 11.00
π.µ. και διαρκεί εικοσιπέντε λεπτά. Το άλλο διάλειµµα διαρκεί σαράντα λεπτά και αρχίζει στη 1.05µ.µ.
Matthew 6:16-18 16
"When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show men they are fasting. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. 17But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, 18so that it will not be obvious to men that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.
Στα διαλείµµατα µπορούµε να παίζουµε µπάλα, να κουβεντιάζουµε για πολλά πράγµατα ή να πηγαίνουµε στη βιβλιοθήκη. Μπορούµε και να αγοράζουµε φαγητό από την καντίνα. Εγώ συνήθως παίζω µπάλα µε τους φίλους µου. Το σχολείο τελειώνει στις 3.05 µ.µ. Η µαµά µε φέρνει πίσω στο σπίτι µας. Κάνω τη δουλειά µου, παίζω πιάνο, τρώω βραδινό µε την οικογένεια και παίζω. Περίπου στις 9.45µ.µ. ετοιµάζοµαι για ύπνο. Πρέπει να βάλω τα βιβλία µου στην τσάντα µου για την επόµενη σχολική ηµέρα.
Chrysanthi Diasinos Year 4
Στις 10.00µ.µ. είµαι στο κρεβάτι µου, κάνω την προσευχή µου, σβήνω το φως και κοιµάµαι µέχρι τις πέντε το πρωί. Αυτή είναι η καθηµερινή µου ρουτίνα από την ∆ευτέρα µέχρι την Παρασκευή. Αυτά για µένα. Panayiotis Kapodistrias Year 8
WE GROW THROUGH FASTING When Jesus wanted to be close to His Father, He prayed and fasted. We pray and fast to help us to be closer to God.
During the time of Jesus, fasting meant not eating anything for the entire day. Fasting for us means not eating certain foods at certain times. Fasting helps us to remember we need God more than anything else.
Corinthians Nicole Kalofonos Michael Lantis
Congratulations to the following 2010 House Captains.
Delphians Bianca Anastasas Steve Sfinas
We can fast from food, things we like to do and from doing and saying things wrong. When we fast together we take more time to pray. Prayer and fasting go together and when we do this we are following Christ’s example.
Nemeans Deanne Constantinou Alex Georgiou
Fasting helps us live God’s way. It is not easy. If we are sick or take medicine we do not have to fast form food but we can find another way to fast.
Olympians Denise Panigiris Peter Theodosi
Erin Giaras Year 4
Niko Fotopoulos: 14yrs 25m Freestyle: 13.12 14yrs 50m Freestyle: 29.28 14yrs 100m Freestyle: 1.07.50 14yrs 50m Backstroke: 36.66 14yrs 25m Butterfly: 15.00 14yrs 50m Butterfly: 34.28 14yrs 100m Medley: 1.16.66
The annual St Spyridon Swimming Carnival was held on Tuesday 23rd February at Des Renford Aquatic Centre. House Spirit and participation were the focus areas this year and both succeeded beyond expectations. Firstly, the enthusiasm of students to cheer on their team was outstanding. House Spirit was evident more than ever before which was successfully lead by the Year 11 House Captains.
Martha Spilioti 14yrs 50m Freestyle: 29.44 14yrs 50m Butterfly: 31.75 14yrs 100m Medley: 1.13.59 14yrs 100m Freestyle: 1.04.47 14yrs 50m Backstroke: 36.22 14yrs 50m Breastroke: 39.94
Secondly, participation had increased from previous years with the carnival running over time due to the number of swimmers competing and the highest total points achieved compared to recent years. Well done to all students who competed, your participation contributed to your team’s final result. Year 12 boys made a terrific effort with all lanes full in most races.
Finally, congratulations to all students who have qualified to represent St Spyridon College at the ISA Swimming Carnival held at Homebush Aquatic Centre Friday, March 5th 2010.
Thank you to Year 12 students who assisted on the day, in particular the following students; Phoebe Ganis, Felicia Kilias, Aleksandra Djordjevic, Patrice Calopedos, Connie Bouhoutsos, Anne Skolarikis, Natalie Pizanis, Sotiri Abouyanni, Gregory Lazaridis and Kosta Lialiaris, your contribution was vital in the success of the carnival.
M. Savic, E. Kapodistrias, P. Kapodistrias, S. Ioannidis, P. Contominas, S. Kerameas, G. Malomitis, N. Fotopoulos, M. Arfanis, D. Kontos, T. Kipriotis, D. Michos, L. Andrew, J. Andrew, B. Bergmann, S. Andrianakos, A. Tsounis, A. Vatiliotis, D. Panigiris, T. Faros, D. Roniotis, P. Zinopoulos, G. Sialepis, A. Georgiou, P. Kolistasis, A. Bogojevic, T. Thimakis, V. Papadopoulos, L. Nesterenko, A. Roniotis, M. Bletsas, Martha Spilioti, C. Georgiou, S. Mio, N. Michos, Y. Criticos, M. Mio, D. Flokis, E. Fotopoulos, Mariam Spilioti, Makrina Spilioti, A. Flokis.
In addition to Year 12 helpers we take this opportunity to thank staff for their assistance on the day, also special mention to the Teacher team which consisted of Mr Zafiropoulos, Mr Giles, Mr Meintanis and Mr Reynolds who along with Mr Mavrommatis their coach, were brave enough to display their skills to the school.
ISA SWIMMING 2010 Date: Friday 5th March 2010 Time: 3:00pm – 10:00pm Venue: Sydney Aquatic Centre, Homebush. Bus Times: Bus will be leaving St Spyridon College at 1:00pm(students need to be at school at 12:30pm the latest). The bus will be returning approximately 11:00pm (bus will pass the College and Brighton on the way back).
Congratulations to Nemeans the champion house who not only achieved brilliant placings in the pool but also showed admirable House spirit. 1st Place Nemeans 2nd Place Olympians 3rd Place Delphians 4th Place Corinthians Congratulations to the Champion of Champions Niko Fotopoulos and Martha Spilioti who both continue to amaze the school with their exceptional talent in the pool. Also to the students who broke many school records:
Students are to be dressed in their school tracksuits with sports T-shirt . Prefects need to be in their full school uniform. STUDENTS NEED TO WEAR ST SPYRIDON SWIMMERS.
Makrina Spilioti Opens 25m Butterfly: 14.06 Opens 50m Breaststroke: 39.06
Thank you to all staff who contributed to the teams as without you, the students participation in such a competition is not possible. Thank you Mr Meintanis, Mrs Koutsoukis, Mr Atteya and Mr Reynolds.
GIRLS ISA BASKETBALL Congratulations to Nansia Koukounaris who was selected to represent the ISA Under 16’s Basketball team. Nansia will compete at the NSWCIS Championships on Monday 3rd May; we wish her the best of luck for her further selection.
BOYS ISA BASKETBALL Congratulations to the Open Boys and 13’s who have progressed to the Boys Basketball Semi Finals on Saturday, 27th February. We wish them the best of luck.
We have reached the finals for the Basketball ISA Season with two of the five teams qualifying for the Semi finals to be held at Penrith on Saturday 27th February. Junior A’s qualified in 2nd position and will vs Blue Mountains Grammar School and Junior C’s (Yr 9) who qualified in 1st position and will vs St Pauls. Good Luck to both teams and congratulations for such a terrific achievement.
Open’s V Oakhill 2:30pm
Well done to all other teams who competed this season.
13’s (Year 7)
OPENS Finished in 5th position and unfortunately missed out on an opportunity to qualify for the Semi Finals due to another team being promoted into their division. Nevertheless a fantastic effort, thank you to Connie Bouhoutsos for her dedication and admirable leadership throughout the years. Connie has been a member of the Opens Squad for many years and also represented ISA; she will be greatly missed. The girls will continue to train for their next challenge - Greek Orthodox Colleges.
V St Patricks 8:30am Mr A. Condous Boys Sport
INTERMEDIATE These girls were a late addition to the competition and exceeded expectations. They continue to surprise themselves each week as their skills improved and they realised they could actually play Basketball. The girls managed to become undefeated for the 2nd half of the season but unfortunately narrowly missed out on a Semi finals position due to for and against. Their final position equal 4th with 9 teams in the competition an excellent result. GO WILDCATS!! JUNIOR C’S ( YR 8) Unfortunately, yet to secure a win these girls continued to approach each game with determination. The girls thoroughly enjoyed themselves throughout the season and were happy with small victories such as scoring a goal. They were a pleasure to watch and I look forward to watching them compete again next year as their improvement throughout the season was rewarding.
Ms K. O’Shea Girls Sport
ALL PARENTS & FRIENDS OF THE COLLEGE COMMUNITY ARE WELCOME! Everyone has something special and different to offer…. so please be in it for the education and future success of our children. 16