News 48-03a March 2010

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VOLUME XXVII No 3 12th March, 2010





Year 1 visit Children’s Hospital Randwick


Choir rehearsal at Belmore JS


Church, Opera House


Harmony Day JS Cultural Infusion incursion K-6


Twilight Tours SS Assembly 25th March 2pm in Church Hall JS


Annunciation, School closed


CIS Swim Carnival JS


Palm Sunday P & F Luncheon


Holy Monday


Holy Tuesday


Holy Wednesday Easter Focus Assembly 11am in Church Hall JS Term ends for staff and students Early Dismissal



Good Friday Public Holiday


Holy Saturday




Easter Monday Public Holiday


We congratulate Christopher Stasos College Captain and College Dux 2009 for his outstanding HSC and ATAR results. We wish him every success in his university studies and what will no doubt be a brilliant career. We congratulate Mark Xin, Prefect 2009 who together with Christopher was a Top All Rounder in the HSC. Indeed in their presence we commend the whole of the HSC Class of 2009 for their results, and we look forward to following their future progress through life. I repeat my challenge to the HSC Class of 2010 - To seize every opportunity to maximise your marks, achieving the best HSC result of the decade. You certainly have the capacity to do this - as is evident from your School Certificate results and last year’s preliminary examinations. The real test for you is whether you have the maturity and strength of character to dare to do the best you can do, and to be the best you can be. We your teachers and parents are here to help. But the journey and the challenge are yours - as individuals and as a group. At St Spyridon College, we cultivate academic success, naturally. Which school does not? But our students are “not just taught how best to pass a test” to quote Alexander Vatiliotis College Captain 2010. Above all, we have the ambition to contribute powerfully to the development of our students’ whole personality - mind, body and soul. Our ultimate goal is that the young people who enter this Church with pride and zeal - in other words with faith - will create a better world than the one we have put into their hands. We say in our school literature that St Spyridon is about building young lives.

9th 19th

Students return


Year 7 vaccinations




ANZAC Day public holiday



The Scholarships and Leadership Assembly is a key event in our College Calendar. Together with the Speech and Prize-Giving Afternoon, the Junior School Awards Assembly and Sports Presentation Evening, this Event inspires all of us - students, teachers and governing bodies, to strive for excellence.


ACER Scholarship registrations close SS Year 12 Half Yearly exams begin Staff Development Day


(Extract )

APRIL Holy Thursday



Critical contributors to building young lives are the parents and families, who share our values and who work with us for the benefit of their children. The P&F Association of 2009 has been outstanding - both in raising significant funds for the College and in its ambassadorial role. $43,000 was raised last year, for interactive whiteboards and computers. In all schools, it is the teachers who have the central role in ensuring that students learn to know, to do, to be and to live together. St Spyridon teachers present a powerful force of knowledge, expertise, competence and commitment to their chosen career. We commend Mrs Katsogiannis and Mrs Synesios, together with their teams for the exacting standards they set for themselves and for our students. The Parish and Board of Governors, as guardians of the school’s ethos and Mission, spend considerable energy to ensure that the resources needed for our students and teachers are planned for and well executed – including the buildings we need to best conduct the business of teaching and learning. At the heart of everything we do, is the Church - and the Blessings and constant vigilance of His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos. Today we salute the Very Reverend Father Steven who completes 30 years in the service of God and His people in the Parish of St Spyridon the Wonder-worker. So far I have mentioned the Church and Parish, the Board, the parents and the educators as key contributors to our school’s ethos. There is one more group we need to highlight. Indeed the most important group: You, the students of St Spyridon and Tomorrow’s Australian Leaders. The Prefects and Peer Supporters; the Sports stars; the Year 6 students, who bring the Kindies to Church for Divine Liturgy, holding their little hands; the Library monitors and members of the Logic Club; the quiet achievers and the dramatic extraverts. Each of you my dear students, who without any thought of reward or acknowledgement, from your own innate Φιλότηµο extends friendship and generosity to everyone around you. Distinctive to a St Spyridon Student’s character, are the qualities of Integrity and Compassion. This is why in the holidays, 50 of you board a bus for Cabramatta at a moment’s notice, to attend the funeral of a beautiful, brave boy, Gera - to be there for his memory and for his mother. This is why you show such generosity whenever any human person is in trouble. This is why, without pressure from any of us, 500 or so students will line up for Holy Communion at every School Divine Liturgy. In 2009, Christopher Stasos in his College Captain Address at this Assembly spoke about our Student Leadership program - its democratic and holistic focus on creating a culture of enthusiasm and opportunity. And this is true. As adults we do everything in our power to provide a culture of opportunity. Our Scholarships and Awards are exactly that - opportunities to work towards maximising your results. Today we honour Professor Aroney. Your contribution to the development of this school’s academic focus, your exacting logic at our Board’s deliberations, and your intellectual credentials, have added to the quality and prestige of this institution. We thank the Sydney University Greek Society and Mr Michael Comninos for offering the Aroney Award in the Professor’s Honour. We are pleased that the Professor is with us this morning with his family, as he has been on every other occasion when this Award is presented. We look around the Church today and though it is full, we feel an emptiness in our hearts - the absence of one person, Marina Pappas. Marina’s part in the life and development of our College was very different from that of her husband George. Her example of leadership was of a different nature. We could say that George and Marina were the original power couple - strengthening and encouraging each other, fully respecting the other’s role. While we remember George as a fierce campaigner on behalf of his community and his beloved Church, we remember Marina for her unconditional love of individual students. For the women of this community - for me, she was a loved and much admired role model – and she is very much missed. Marina attended every one of these Assemblies since the inception of the Goldstein Award for Leadership by Example in Memory of George Pappas AM MBE. We thank the Goldstein family for this award, and for honouring friendship and love in such a meaningful and lasting way. We are pleased that Dr Nicholas Pappas, their high profile son and member of our Board of Governors, is here with us, to pay tribute to his parents’ memory and to support the future development of our College.


We honour all those who in the past and present support the school’s good progress with good words, thoughts and right action. But in closing I want to stress that it is you the students who are our inspiration - our present joy and future hope. It is your enthusiasm, and your strength of purpose that breathes life into all our good intentions. And for this, on behalf of all the adults here present, I congratulate and thank you. Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag


Student and Scholarships Leadership Assembly Speech, One Year On – Christopher Stasos I said in my speech last year that I’d hope to see you all not too long in the future – and four months later I am once more privileged to be standing before you. Even now, I feel remarkably overcome and comfortable to be in front of you, my peers, once more. It is with great humility that I receive the Professor Aroney Award today. An award, which I have watched my predecessors receive over the past few years, and one, which I have always dreamed and been inspired to receive. I would like to thank Professor Aroney and the Sydney University Greek Society for this prestigious award and it’s sponsorship. There is however, no way I would have been able to achieve half of what I did were it not for some very special people in my life – those who I have learnt life lessons from, and who have influenced and shaped almost every aspect of my being. I thank my parents and my grandparents and my grandfather who now watches over me, the most powerful people in my world. My father who continually encouraged me, inspired me, and kept me focussed, and my mother, who stayed up on countless occasions, to listen to me revise for tests. I cannot thank you enough and are forever indebted to you. My brother Nicholas always kept me high-spirited and never ceased to put a smile on my face. To my family, I will love you always. To all my teachers from Kindergarten of February 1997, to the very end – thank you. With distinction, I thank my Year 12 teachers – Mr Condous, Mrs Koutsoukis, Mr Brindley, Mrs Melas, Mr Giles, and of course Dr Hickie for supporting me to the utmost of their abilities. For taking time out of their free periods, lunchtimes, recesses, and after school answering my incessant questions all day long I thank you from my very core. Such unquestionable dedication is to be applauded and our Year 12’s fantastic HSC results are a testament to you. You encouraged us to cultivate our profusion of innate talents, and make perfect our imperfections. Alongside our teachers, Mrs Stefanou, Mrs Katsogiannis, Mrs Kokinelis, and Mrs Michalski both enriched my learning, and acted as my reassurance and guidance throughout the HSC and high school. My Year Advisor Mr Kaldis, taught me what it is to be a good person. You were my mentor Sir, and were unperturbed in your efforts not only for me, but for our whole year. One thing, which will stay with me as long as I live was a lesson you gave our year in humility – that in ‘order to be first, we must first put ourselves last’. Of course, referencing our Holy Book, Matthew (20:27). On this note, I would also like to thank Father Steven and Father Andrew my spiritual guidance – your words, along with many prayers I am certain played a great role in getting me through. To Year 12 of 2010 – As this year progresses the intensity of work and study will only escalate. If at all you lack the motivation to push forward, to do more study, to read one extra chapter of a book. If at all you become engaged in a mentality of nonchalance and complacency, step back and take a moment to properly consider the state of our world – and our unrealised and very advantageous position in it. Out of over 6 billion people in this world, half the world’s population live on less than 2 dollars a day, in a poverty which is ironically perfect and absolute. Spare a thought for the 30,000 children who die each day, because of poverty-related, preventable diseases. Reflect on the fact, that almost a billion people are unable to read a book, or even to write their own names. Yet we think we have it tough when we have to open a book to study for an exam. The entire country of Haiti was flattened in moments, the people of Sudan are being subjected to mass genocide, wiped out by their own government, and other children around the world, just like us, run in and out of gunfire each day to get to school and learn so that one day, they can absolve themselves


from the havoc which acts as a concrete ceiling in their lives. Yet sometimes, we begrudge going to school, or feel as though the world is against us when we have four assignments instead of two. Life, and the HSC is not a written test to complete – but a test of character. Of an appreciation of who you are, and the wealth of opportunities you have been born into and are endowed with. When you study, be captivated by the material, and absorb yourself in it. Your material is more than words on a page, it is about taking what you learn and applying it – in the hope of one day fixing the aforementioned tragedies which plague our world. Be passionate about your work, and understand what you are learning. Employ a disposition not of frustration and apathetic indifference, but enrich and immerse yourself in your studies. The HSC is not just a test of intelligence, but of interminable perseverance, unqualified motivation, and an arrant drive to succeed. Keep an open-minded approach to your studies, enjoy yourself, and recognise just how lucky you really are. By inspired by your parents, who sacrifice so that you can be educated, and be inspired by our Lord, who protects and watches over us every second of our lives. Draw inspiration from the paraplegic who raises money at town hall station for deaf children, or from the brave little boy with the brain tumour who fought insurmountable odds, until the very end. Year 12, use your moral fibre with zeal and passion, and weave it like a thread through the world’s social fabric. All the things I tell you today, I tell you because it was St Spyridon College that taught me. My college was a source of strength and of self-improvement these past 13 years – and I will never ever, ever forget it. It empowered me, nourished me, befriended me, and gave me a second home. My college provided me with a voyage into an unparalleled domain of spiritual and cognitive illumination, and became a beacon of communal altruism. My college gave me boundless chords of memories, which I will hold dear to me for as long as I live. I sincerely hope that St Spyridon College gives to you everything it gave to me – and I am positive it will. Thank you very much Christopher Stasos

Goldstein Awards – Mrs A. Synesios Each year at this Scholarship and Leadership assembly we proudly present the Goldstein Prize for Leadership by Example, in memory of George N. Pappas AM MBE. This award recognises students from our Junior and Senior School who have contributed to the ethos and culture of our College. The Maple system is used to decide the person most eligible for this award. The MAPLE System ie: Managing a Positive Learning Environment, rewards students for sustained effort and improvement in their school work, courteous and cooperative behaviour, school representation, community service and leadership by example. In the Senior School the student who receives the greatest number of Maples in a given year from Years 7 – 9 is eligible for this award. In the Junior School the Maples accumulated in Years 3 to 6 go towards the criteria for the Despina Hatjinikitas Memorial Award for Citizenship which is awarded to a Year 6 student at the completion of their Primary schooling. This student is also the recipient of the Goldstein Award. This year we are pleased to announce that with the support of the Goldstein family, this prize will now be given in memory of George and Marina Pappas and we thank the family for this. Marina Pappas (nee Georgouras) was born in Australia in 1939 and passed away on 22nd July 2009. She was one of five sisters and grew up in a loving Orthodox family. She loved the Church and her family more than anything. She stood by her husband George’s side and supported him. Early in their marriage they worked towards the establishment of this church - St Spyridon Church and community.


Always conscious of her moral and civil responsibilities, Marina worked tirelessly as a scripture teacher in the public schools system for twenty five years and supported all Parish and College functions. After the death of her beloved husband George, she kept herself busy and took on volunteer work at the Junior School by providing support to individual students. The students in her care not only achieved academic growth but an increase in the confidence and self – esteem. She loved the children and they loved her in return. For those of us who grew up in the Parish and knew Marina personally, this is a fitting tribute to a proud Greek Orthodox Australian. Throughout their lives, Marina and George Pappas took on leadership roles in their community to make a difference. It is in this spirit that the Goldstein’s, their business partners and lifelong friends make this act of generosity. I would now like to call upon Dr Nicholas Pappas, Mr Hal Goldstein and Mr Michael Goldstein to present The Goldstein Prize for Leadership by Example for 2009 in memory of George N. Pappas AM MBE and Marina Pappas to Kalioppe Kefalas and Panayioti Kapodistrias.


The Challenge of Leadership – An Inner Journey Students and Scholarships Assembly Speech 2010 – Alexander Vatiliotis I stand here today as your College Captain not to inspire your confidence in me but rather to inspire confidence within yourselves; hoping that my speech can motivate all of you to believe in yourself just that little bit more and take full advantage of leadership qualities that you all possess. I’m here to inform you that, whether you like it or not, you are all leaders as every conscious decision you make impacts the people around you. Consequently, I challenge you to take the initiative and be the best individual leaders that you can be for the benefits to yourself and maybe, more importantly, for the benefit of those around you. Leadership is not an easy word to define. It is such a generic term that attempts to encompass such a large idea. Nevertheless I’ll attempt to shed some light on what I believe are parameters of a powerful leadership example. A leader is not just someone with superior rhetoric and charisma, someone that fronts a crowd or someone that simply acts in a responsible manner. If words aren’t followed by action these qualities are of little worth. It doesn’t take much courage or strength of character to lead a crowd when celebrating victory or when goals have been achieved by the group. It takes greater humility and a real test of leadership to push others in front when receiving recognition and praise. When someone takes the front line when there is danger, when people are afraid, when individuals are being held accountable for the mistakes of the entire group; this is when people will truly appreciate leadership. A man that the majority of us have grown up with agrees with me in this regard. A man that through a multitude of experiences has come to understand the true essence of an effective leadership example. Albus Dumbledore had this to say about leadership. “It is a curious thing, Harry, but perhaps those who are best suited to power are those who have never sought it. Those who, like you, have leadership thrust upon them, and take up the mantle because they must, and find to their own surprise that they wear it well.” Sometimes, the people that don’t think they are leaders or maybe don’t even have the desire to be leaders show the most promise in leadership roles. They lead because they want to make a better world for others without getting caught up in the formalities and power that accompanies their position. I’m here today to tell you that if you can recognise your own humanity before recognising humanity in others and have a desire to make this world a better place. Then you, my friend, have the capacity to be a leader. You may still be asking yourselves: “why should I get involved in leadership?” Maybe you have no desire to become “the leader”, a leader of a year group, a leader of an institution or even a leader of a nation. But being involved in leadership endows you with so much more than a title, so much more than recognition. It gives you an opportunity to develop your skills, an opportunity to develop your character, an opportunity to take control of your life and a means to positively impact the people around you. Every day examples of leaders can be found within the church – as Father Steven leads us in prayer and through advice, within the school – as


teachers lead us through experience and knowledge, and within our homes as our parents teach us, guide us, and make us feel loved and valued within our family. The array of skills that leadership helps refine do not just appear when needed. They need to be developed, little by little, through active participation. You have no doubt heard the proverb about the blind leading the blind. To some it is a cliché statement. To those working at General Motors or any of the companies that went under during the Global Financial Crisis it is perhaps a sad commentary on the leadership roles of management. But the context of the parable was intended to be far more personal. In Luke 6:39 Christ says this to His disciples: "Can the blind lead the blind? Will they not both fall into the ditch? A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone who is perfectly trained will be like his teacher." Christ's parable about the blind leading the blind wasn't intended to be used as a tool to gauge the leadership of others, but rather our own. The lessons we can learn from this parable are two-fold. Firstly, as human beings we have the choice to follow who we choose and these people that we follow will no doubt impact us in one way or another. Before taking that first step in the shadow of someone else it is important to judge whether the direction they are taking you is a positive one. Secondly, how good a job we do leading others is entirely dependent on how good a job we do at leading ourselves. If we fail to be good students, we fail to be good leaders. If we fail to be fully trained, our leadership in life will be compromised. The older students at our college must remember that they are already leaders, you are already being followed and the ends that you choose to pursue will no doubt be mimicked by the people around you. So let us as leaders not be blind and lead the students that we influence into a ditch. Lets take the initiative to be the best we can be, and unconsciously this will give others permission to do the same. Leadership gives you an opportunity to experience so much and often asks for so little in comparison. Through leadership roles throughout my life I have learnt from, and have been inspired by a variety of people. People that have been younger or older than me and people that at face-value I did not believe could be an inspiration. Not only have I been inspired by others but I have also formed ties with people within the school, within Australia and within the wider global community through shared experiences, discussion and working together to achieve common goals. I have learnt to motive others but more importantly I have learnt to motivate myself. And if I wasn’t involved in leadership how would I know what skills and experiences I have missed out on? I invite you all as Captain of our College to be leaders. I challenge you to “learn everything you can, anytime you can, from anyone you can because there will always come a time when you will be grateful for the things you have learnt.” As leaders of our school let’s make it our prime objective to make people feel that they are not alone. It is often about the small acts of kindness, which influence and change the lives of others. Remember a few of your younger peers’ names, ask them about their weekend, answer their questions sincerely. One of the greatest aspects of St Spyridon College is that people are individuals, not just a number on a sheet of paper. Everyone has an identity and Everyone has a story. If we could each take the initiative to impact just one person, make them feel important; then our leadership will have been worth while. Thank you.


Breaking through the Wall of Adversity Students and Scholarships Assembly Speech 2010 – Aleksandra Djordjevic As a Year 12 student, etching ever closer to the end of my scholastic journey, I cannot help but reflect on my 12 years worth of memories. The good and the not so good intertwine to form my individual and amazing experience at St Spyridon College. An aspect of our school which constantly permeates my reminiscing is the resilience and core strength of our college, not only as a whole community but the strength I see in each individual honoured to call themselves a St Spyridon student. This vigour not only comes from the school’s foundation of faith, culture and compassion but its unbreakable spirit in moments of hardship. There come times when we are propelled into situations head first and forced to endure circumstances that dare to shatter our fortitude. We may think that the only possible consequences are failure, disappointment and grief but whether these hurdles are as a school or individually, St Spyridon College lifts us up and we as a family break through the walls of adversity, emerging from the other side triumphant and more unshakeable than before. We cannot let these moments conquer our courage; we cannot let ourselves become overwhelmed with the circumstances we find ourselves in. They say “many hands make light work” for this reason we must grab the reigns of misfortune with a combined strength and guide each other onto a steady path. As a collective unit we can achieve things that may seem impossible at this point in time, but our school has been characterised as an institution that punches well above its own weight and our expectations of ourselves and each other should never cease to become greater and greater. Whenever we feel the burden is too heavy, or the bar set too high we must turn to the core of our existence; our religion, our traditions but especially our principles. School Principle Number 9 states, “We respond to the difficulties of life with patience, dignity and faith, never fearing to start again” This principle, one of many on which this college is founded upon, should resonate in each and every heart. It is easier said than done, but remember that the difficulties in life are intended to make us better. Fear will always be there, a danger to our progress but how can we progress if we do not tackle objectives we think we cannot achieve? Patience is essential, be prepared to fall, but be prepared to say that your attempts are not futile. When you miss a goal in soccer you do not give up and stop playing, you try harder, you run faster; you endure the whole 90 minutes for the satisfaction of one goal. Never have an “if only”, seize the opportunities you have been given and each obstacle should be thought of as a player to dribble around. Use this determination; endure the falls for the satisfaction of the accomplishment because the blood, sweat and tears will be worth it. No regrets, only lessons learned. Year 12 of 2009 encompassed this principle in every facet of their St Spyridon lives especially during their HSC year. During a time when obstacles are inevitable and in moments when the pressure causes you to doubt your own abilities, they were each other’s safety nets and pillars of support. Merging into a single driving


force they achieved outstanding HSC results but more importantly, they were an inspiration to the whole school community to fulfil our potential and to never back down from anything we undertake. Engraving their legacy in our memories we, their successors, have been left great expectations. Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.� Therefore, we should ask of ourselves to have faith, to trust in ourselves and in each other, to unite as brothers in arms and rise to every occasion because only through this act of individual and collective leadership can we weather any storm. As one, we will respond to the difficulties of life with patience, dignity and faith, and as one we will never fear to start again.




Students are to remain seated in their grade groups in the care of their teachers until the conclusion of the formalities.


At the conclusion parents are to collect their child from their Roll Teacher. Please inform the teacher so that your child can be crossed off the roll.

All students of St Spyridon College will be expected to attend Church with their teachers on Sunday 21st March and to march from Martin Place to the Opera House.

Staff supervision will conclude at approximately 4pm.


This is a compulsory event for all students Year 1 to 12. The march is optional for Kindergarten. All students are expected to be present until the conclusion of the program.

Students are to wear their summer uniform with the blazer to St Spyridon Church in the morning and the Cenotaph, Martin Place and Opera House in the afternoon. They need to bring their hats to wear when they get to the Opera House.

The program for the day is as follows: 9.45am: Junior School children to gather in class groups with their teacher in the Primary Playground. Senior School students Infants Playground.

Parents are to ensure that students’ shoes are polished, that buttons on blazers, shirts and dress are replaced and that hems are sewn. A reminder that hems of dresses should be knee length. Girls’ socks should turn over at the ankle. Anklet socks are not permitted.

10am: Children and staff enter the Church and proceed to the front. At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy, Father Steven will speak on the significance of the day. Poems will be recited by students from St Spyridon Senior, Junior and Afternoon School.

The combined Choir of students from the three Greek Orthodox Day schools will be performing at the 25th March celebrations.

10.45am: Children are dismissed to go home and have lunch and freshen up.

Choir students will march down with their school and assemble near the stage upon arrival at the Opera House.

1.15pm: Staff and students are to assemble behind our school banner in the assigned area at Martin Place. They are to first go to their roll class teacher to be marked present. Teachers will organise the students in their positions ready for the march. Parents are asked to move away from the line up area allowing teachers the space to assemble the students appropriately. Staff will walk on either side of their year group.

EARLY DISMISSAL HOLY WEDNESDAY 31st March 2010 All students will be dismissed at 1pm on Holy Wednesday 31st March. The private bus company has been notified and all private bus children will be picked up at 1pm.

We ask that parents please stay at a distance from the children and leave them in the care of their teachers while marching.

All parents must pick up their children from school at 1pm, as there will be no supervision after this time. Please also note that no lunch will be served on Wednesday 31st March by the canteen as the school will close at 1pm.

On reaching the Opera House the College will march through and be directed to its assigned area. The day is a special occasion for all, but particularly for our Orthodox Colleges as we are very much in the public eye for most of the day. We ask you, as parents, to reinforce what we are saying at school regarding appearance, behaviour and courtesy, so that we as a school community can be proud of our students. The P&F will provide water and a snack.

BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL CARE There will be no After School Care on Wednesday 31st March.

11 0/ To apply for the camp you need to download the following forms and documents: 1. Application Form 2010 2. Health Report 2010 3. Malesina Camp Info 2010

SCHOOL FEES Term 2 fees are due 26th March 2010. A $50 administration fee will be added to your account if fees are not paid by due date. Sports/co-corricular fees are also due at the end of Term 1.

Applications have to be submitted at the Education Office of the General Consulate of Greece in Sydney (219-223 Castlereagh Street, Sydney 2000. Phone: 9283 3800 Fax: 9283 3833 and email For more information on the camp please visit the ggae web site

CASUAL BUS PASSES FOR THE SCHOOL BUS Casual bus passes can now be purchased for the school bus. One will cost $50 for five rides on the bus (one way) and the other will cost $20 which can be used 10 rides from School to School (one way).

Please be aware that once in the camp children won’t be allowed to exit for the entire duration of the programme. For conditions and rules of the programme please contact the Education Office.

The bus passes can be purchased from the School Administration Offices.


TROLLEY BAGS A new manufacturer will be supplying the school trolley bags.




If you would like to order a trolley bag please call Helen on 9313-6890.

The P&F AGM was truly a most eventful evening! Father Steven Scoutas (Parish Priest), Mrs Stefanou (Head of College) , Mrs Mayson (Parish Vice President) and Mrs Stamoulis (P&F President) addressed the forum congratulating wholeheartedly the 2009 P&F committee for its outstanding achievements. They praised members not just for reaching a grand total fundraising profit figure of $43 000 but on the cohesion, unity, communication, respect and strong team spirit that was sustained throughout the year by this amazing group of parents.

CANNON SHUTTLES BUSES DOOR TO DOOR There are still vacancies on the Cannon Shuttles bus. This bus provides door to door pick up service in the following areas: Sylvania, Blakehurst, Connells Point, Sans Souci, Kyeemagh. Mrs H. Simicos St Spyridon Parish

The committee proudly presented to Mrs Stefanou a cheque for $20,000 to fund College resources for our students.


At the point of new committee nominations, there was great encouragement for the existing committee members to remain as well as a strong warm welcome for new members to join, expand and strengthen our team. The new committee has seen a healthy and pleasing growth in membership reaching 24. We thank the following people who attended the meeting and showed a genuine interest in joining the Association.

The General Secretariat for Greeks Abroad (GSGA) announces the hospitality program of children of Greek origin aged 8-12 (at departing time children must not have turned 12 years of age) at its camps in Malesina (Prefecture of Fthiotida, Central Greece). Deadline for lodging application forms and all relevant documents is the 29th of March 2010. For further information on the Hospitality Programme you can download the official announcement from


Congratulations to the following members of the community who form the P&F committee for 2010: President Vice President Treasurer Assistant Treasurer Secretary Assistant Secretary

Anna Stamoulis George Tsoukalas Mike Lisgaris Erenie Bourdaniotis Fiona Diakoumis Maria Pascalis

Jim Sialepis, Elena Albanakis, Rita Georges, Martha Nissirios, Conrad Nissirios, Alexia Stramotas, Andrea Borean, Maria Frazis, Vicki Denison, Fay Tzavaris, Angela Giaras, Yiota Zios, Julia Nikas, Sarah Poulos, Gina Panselinos, Anna Patsalis, Chrissanthy Natsakis. Mrs M Pascalis P&F Assistant Secretary

P&F UPCOMING EVENTS 2010 EVENT/ACTIVITY Lambatha Workshop Lambatha stalls

Palm Sunday lunch


DATE/PLACE Sat 13 March from 1pm – Bruce St Classrooms Wed 17, Thur 18, Wed 24 & Fri 26 March Infants and Junior school grounds Sun 28 March from 11:30am – Church Hall



We are half way through Term One already and Kindergarten have firmly settled into the new routine known as School. We have had Taverna Night, our own Swimming Carnival, World Maths Day, participated with other independent schools in the ASISSA and Greek Orthodox swimming carnivals and had students try out for ASISSA Netball, Basketball and Soccer teams. We have begun the Premier’s Reading Challenge and have had students participate in a Mathematics Challenge Camp. Our students are preparing for the 25th March celebrations and each class from Kindergarten to Year Six is preparing for Easter. We hope you can join us for our two assemblies in the hall on: 23rd March at 2pm and Wednesday 31st March at 11am. Co curricular activities have also begun for Primary students and the parents have begun their Spalding Parent Course.

CO CURRICULAR A reminder to parents that all students participating in co curricular need to be picked up at 4.30pm. If your child is not picked up at this time they will be placed in After School Care and billed accordingly. The list of activities are now finalised and no more changes will be allowed.


For Infants children as part of the rigorous education program they are undertaking, literacy and literature are key areas for success. You can assist you child at home :-

CONGRATULATIONS Alyssa Alas of 2A competed in the Brighton Baths Athletics Club Nippers Championships on Sunday 7th March. She came 2nd in the junior girls under 7’s, received a trophy and also a plaque for ‘most consistent’ throughout the entire season. Congratulations Alyssa we are very proud of you.

To hear each sound in a word • Sing songs and recite rhymes • Name things that start with the single sounds


To build their vocabulary • Talk about the story and the pictures found in their home reader • Ask your child to explain in their own words the meaning of different vocabulary found in their reader

Private music tuition is available with the following people. Parents wishing to have their child tutored in 2010 need to contact the individual tutor. Mr Leonidas Kourmadas for Piano, Guitar & Theory. Contact Number: 0421 198 747 Ms Janet Silverton for Piano. Contact Number: 0417 657 178

To learn about how stories work and develop narrative skills

Mr Sam Podjarski for Violin. Contact Number: 0411 366 058

Ask your child to retell a favourite story in their own words


On Saturday 27 and Sunday 28 March 2010 the fiftieth NSW Talent Enrichment Weekend Mind Quest will be held for primary students from Years 1-6 at St George Girls HS. These include gifted and talented students, gifted underachievers and students with above average ability with a special interest. Students will have an opportunity to participate in over 37 exciting, fast paced courses in the two day program. They include courses in chemistry, earth sciences, drama, lego robotics, art and much, much more. Many of these highly successful courses have been run in the past and students’ evaluations suggest that they have been challenged and enriched by the experience. The cost of the weekend is $160 (including GST). Contact the school office for a brochure or ring Shelagh Poray on 02 4233 2328.

Read a story and ask your child simple questions to help build their understanding

To learn about letters • Help your child to identify letters in their own name and in the environment • Provide your child with a variety of materials to create letters, such as paint, crayons and play dough • Talk about the individual sounds that each letter may make To build positive attitudes towards reading • Encourage your child to join a library • Listen to stories on CD in the car or before bed. Let your child see you reading and show them that it's an enjoyable activity.


Most importantly make the experience of learning to read an enjoyable one for both you and your child.

As parents, we are the first teachers of our children. They model themselves on what they see us say and do. When we drop off our children inside the school gates, we hand over the baton to the teachers. From the time the bell rings at 8:30am, the children are purposefully engaged in their learning and every minute is valuable. Could I remind you that teachers may not take time out to talk to parents, nor should parents be outside classrooms at this time or in the afternoons.

Mrs M. Kipriotis Infants Coordinator

PREMIER’S READING CHALLENGE 2010 Every year St. Spyridon children look forward to reading books for the Premier’s Reading Challenge.


εφτά εβδοµάδες πριν από το Πάσχα ένα παιδάκι κόβει από ένα πόδι µέχρι να φτάσει η Μεγάλη Εβδοµάδα. Κυράνη Σύρου Τάξη Ε΄.1

What is the PRC? The PRC was introduced to NSW children by a previous Premier, Mr. Bob Carr. The idea was to encourage all children to read and experience a variety of books, and at the end of the year, those children who had participated, would receive a Certificate signed by the Premier of NSW.

YEAR FOUR SCIENCE How Do Plants Use Water?

Who can participate? All children from Kindergarten through to Year 9. How many books do I need to read? Kindergarten, Year1 and Year 2 need to experience 30 books. – 5 of their own choice and 25 from the PRC list accessed on the web @ premiersreadingchallenge. They may read the books, or have an adult read to them.

Year Four investigated how plants use water by observing celery in coloured water. They recorded their observations at specific time intervals and formed conclusions based on their results. Do you think clear water and coloured water act the same way? Why? How did the celery use the water and where did it go? Just ask Year Four, they will be able to tell you the answer!

Year 3-6 need to read 20 books – 5 of their own choice and 15 books from the PRC.

Mrs Dimitrelis and Miss Bletsogiannis Year 4 Class Teachers

What do I do when I have finished reading? You need to return your reading log to Mrs. Bartlett in the Library, who will enter your details into the Department, to enable you to receive your certificate. These certificates are sent out at the end of year. Please note: all reading logs are due in the last week in August of each year. No late comers can be accepted as the site is closed on the 1st. September and access will be denied. If parents have any concerns or have any further queries, please contact Mrs. Bartlett on 96635363 during school hours. Mrs C. Bartlett Librarian Junior School Τάξη Ε΄1 Τι ξέρω για τη Σαρακοστή Για εµάς τους Ορθοδόξους Χριστιανούς, είναι πολύ σηµαντικό να νηστεύουµε τη Σαρακοστή. Η Σαρακοστή είναι οι σαράντα ηµέρες πριν από το Πάσχα. Με αυτόν τον τρόπο ετοιµαζόµαστε για το Πάσχα. ∆εν είναι υποχρεωτικό να νηστέψουµε. Μόνο εάν θέλουµε και βέβαια εάν µπορούµε και µας το επιτρέπει η υγεία µας. Το κάνουµε µόνο από καλή θέληση και πίστη. Αυτοί που νηστεύουν αποφεύγουν το κρέας, το γάλα, το τυρί, τα αυγά, τα γλυκά, ακόµα και τις σοκολάτες. Οι άνθρωποι που δεν µπορούν να νηστέψουν από όλα αυτά,µπορούν να νηστέψουν µόνο το κρέας. Η κυρία Ιεροκλή µας έχει µια κουκλίτσα που τη λέµε΄΄ Κυρά-Σαρακοστή.΄΄ Κάθε εβδοµάδα για

Mrs A. Synesios Acting Principal Junior School





WORLD MATHS DAY 2010 Wednesday 3rd March was ‘World Maths Day,’ which once again was an exciting event for our year 7, 8 and 9 students. It is an annual, global event involving 235 countries, 56 082 schools and over 2 million students! The World Maths Day challenge involves students from all over the world playing against each other in real-time battles of mental arithmetic. In every fastpaced game, the adrenaline is high as students have 60 seconds to answer as many questions as possible, scoring 1 point for every correct answer. This truly unique world event is a fantastic way of promoting numeracy within our school and enhancing our ‘global connections’ through mathematics. All our students involved were excited and determined to beat their international peers, and to help break the record, which indeed the world did. The total correct answers in 2009 was 452 681 681. This year students all over the world correctly answered 572 753 084 questions....smashing last year’s record! How our students performed: Total questions answered by Year 7-9 students: 89 726 Gold Award Recipients: (answering over 4 000 questions correctly!) Year 8 Panayioti Kapodistrias: 13 416 points Alexandra Tsesmelis: 6 387 points Year 7 Emanuel Kapodistrias : 11 128 points Christos Kollias: 4 004 points The top 10 students, who answered the most correct: Panayioti Kapodistrias (Year 8) Emanuel Kapodistrias (Year 7) Alexandra Tsesmelis (Year 8) Christos Kollias (Year 7) Evelyn Tzivakis (Year 7) George Karapanayiotidis (Year 8) Elena Ganis (Year 8) Anthony Vasili (Year 8) Christos Raptis (Year 7) Stephanie Mio (Year 8)

Ms Kalithrakas Mathematics Team Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School

Congratulations to everyone that participated and had fun on this day. “World Maths Day uniting the world in numbers.”




The first official meeting of the SRC was held on Thursday. These meeting will continue every fortnight throughout the year.

“Flatter me and I may not believe you. Criticise me, and I may not like you. Ignore me, And I may not forgive you, ENCOURAGE me, and I may not forget you�. William Ward

PASTORAL CARE Selected Year 11 students visited Year 10 Pastoral Care classes recently to reflect on their last year experiences, with view to assisting younger peers to learn from the positive and be aware so as to avoid any negatives. Feedback from both side was very positive

They say a teachers influence can span a lifetime, and can help propel a child towards realising their potential. Guidance, opportunity, inspiration, honesty and encouragement are key components of the teacher/student relationship that facilitate this growth . Additionally, with strong support of family and the a high level of personal drive, the end result can be further accentuated. At St Spyridon we pride ourselves in providing excellence in a caring environment. This was recently highlighted at this weeks Scholarship and Leadership Assembly through the speeches given by both present and past student leaders; Christopher Stasos , School Captain 2009, Alexander Vatiliotis, School Captain 2010 and Aleksandra Djordjevic, Vice Captain 2010. Through their many wise words, and the heartfelt advise given to assembled peers, leadership by example was clearly exemplified. Additional congratulations to all scholarship recipients, and newly appointed Student Representative Council Members.

SRC 2010 Well done to the following students who were formally acknowledged as the 2010 Student Representative Council for 2010: 7C 7M 7Z 8C 8D 8S 9G 9P 9A 10K 10B 10C 11G 11B 12

Aphroditi Zafiropoulos Maria Bletsas Christos Raptis Christina Andrew Cassie Georgiou Anthony Vassili Vicky Anagnostakis Dean Vukelic Leonidas Andrew Marielle Pizanis Giorgio Lambos Demi Flokis Evangelia Balayiannis Katina Georgas Alexander Vatiliotis Aleksandra Djordjevic Angelina Flokis



2 Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι, Στο τεύχος αυτό δηµοσιεύουµε τις εργασίες δύο παιδιών µας. Η µία ανήκει σε µαθητή της Β’ Λυκείου, ο οποίος παρακολουθεί τα µαθήµατα των Ελληνικών της Γ΄Λυκείου και είναι σχετική µε το θέµα: των προσφύγων και των δυσκολιών που αντιµετωπίζουν στη νέα τους πατρίδα. Η άλλη ανήκει σε µαθήτρια της Α΄Γυµνασίου και είναι σχετική µε το θέµα: Ο εαυτός µου και το περιβάλλον µου. Καλή ανάγνωση! κ. Μ. Φαλέτα

Ms G Kokinelis Dean of Middle School

Παρουσιαστής: Καληµέρα σας αγαπηµένοι φίλοι και φίλες, ακροατές και ακροάτριες στο ράδιο αρβύλα και πάλι, στα 107,8 FM στέρεο. Εκπέµπουµε και σήµερα από την πανέµορφη πόλη του Σύδνεϋ και θα σας κρατήσουµε συντροφιά µε διάφορα θέµατα της επικαιρότητας. Θα είµαστε µαζί για δύο ώρες και στη ραδιοφωνική συντροφιά µας θα έχουµε έναν πολύ αξιόλογο άνθρωπο, ο οποίος αψηφώντας τον κίνδυνο, κατάφερε να ξεφύγει από το τυραννικό καθεστώς της πατρίδας του και να έρθει µε χίλιους κόπους και βάσανα στην Αυστραλία σαν πρόσφυγας. Καλωσορίζουµε λοιπόν τον φίλο µας Άλεξ. Άλεξ: Καληµέρα σας και σας ευχαριστώ για την πρόσκληση που µου κάνατε να βρεθώ στο σταθµό σας και να αναφερθώ στα προβλήµατα που αντιµετώπισα όταν ήρθα στην Αυστραλία. Παρουσιαστής: Πες µας, Άλεξ, έχεις φέρει µαζί σου την οικογένειά σου; Άλεξ: ∆υστυχώς, άφησα πίσω τους γονείς µου και την αδελφή µου. Ήρθα µόνος µου να δοκιµάσω την τύχη µου σε µια πολιτισµένη χώρα, µε φιλικούς ανθρώπους – κατά κανόνα. Αισθάνοµαι πολύ τυχερός και ευγνώµων για την τύχη που είχα να έρθω σε ένα µέρος όπου µπορώ να ζω, να

CAREER NEWS Work Experience for Year 10 students will take place from Monday 21st to Friday 25th June during the last week of Term 2. The students who are going to Greece on the School Tour or with their parents at that time, will not be involved. Work Experience Information Packs which include all the forms and information about the procedures will be given to the students soon. Start thinking of the type of work you would like to do and contact some workplaces before the places have been taken by students from other schools. Please remember that the completed Information Form needs to be returned to Mrs Skerman at the latest, Monday of Week 3, Term 2. It will take about 5 weeks to complete all the paperwork re insurance, child protection, OH&S, etc before the placement is finally approved. Careers Days for students interested in Sport. The NSW Sports Federation is hosting special interactive sports careers days at Sports House at Sydney Olympic Park. Guest speakers will be from a variety of careers in sport from players to managers. See the website for more details. Visit and under “Education” and then “School Workshops” to see details of times and costs. For further information, please call 8116 9740 or email One session will be held during the Term 2 holidays on Tuesday 29 June. You will need to book your time asap. Mrs A. Skerman Careers Adviser


Λυδία: Καλά είµαι. Εσύ; Όλα καλά, οι δικοί σου καλά; ∆άφνη: Όλοι καλά! Έµαθα πως θα πας στην Aϊτή για διακοπές, αλήθεια είναι; Λυδία: Ναι. Ανυποµονώ τόσο πολύ! ∆άφνη: Τυχερούλα! Εγώ δε θα πάω πουθενά φέτος γιατί η αδερφή µου έχει πολύ διάβασµα για τις εξετάσεις της. Μα οι γονείς µου µού υποσχέθηκαν ότι θ’ αγοράσω ένα σκυλάκι να µου κάνει παρέα. Λυδία: Ελπίζω να είναι πανέµορφο. ∆άφνη: Τι άλλα νέα; Λυδία: Τίποτα το ιδιαίτερο. Να, τώρα πάω σ’ ένα πάρτυ γενεθλίων µιας παλιάς µου φίλης. Εσύ; Στο σχολείο πώς τα πας; ∆άφνη: Καλά! Έχουµε όµως πολλά διαγωνίσµατα αυτή την εβδοµάδα και δεν ξέρω αν θα προλάβω να διαβάσω. Λυδία: Ναι! Και µας, µας βάζουν πολλά! ∆άφνη: Αλλά δεν πειράζει, εντάξει, µπορεί και να υπερβάλουµε. Στο σπίτι όλοι καλά; Λυδία: Καλά, καλά. Αχ, πέρασε ο χρόνος και πρέπει να πηγαίνω. ∆άφνη: Εντάξει, δεν πειράζει. Χάρηκα που τα είπαµε. Λυδία: Αντίο! ∆άφνη: Χαιρετίσµατα στους δικούς σου. Τα λέµε. Γεια! Λυδία: Επίσης! ∆άφνη: Και καλό ταξίδι! Λυδία: Ευχαριστώ. ∆άφνη: Στο καλό! Αντίο.

σκέφτοµαι, να µιλώ και να δουλεύω ελεύθερα. Παρουσιαστής: Μια που ανέφερες τη δουλειά, πες µας, σε παρακαλώ, ήταν εύκολο για έναν άνθρωπο που δεν γνωρίζει καλά τη γλώσσα και τις συνήθειες των άλλων ανθρώπων εδώ να βρει δουλειά και να ενσωµατωθεί στο κοινωνικό σύνολο; Άλεξ: Πιστέψτε µε, δεν ήταν καθόλου εύκολο! ∆εν ήταν µόνο να βρω δουλειά, αλλά και να επικοινωνήσω µε τους γύρω µου για απλά πράγµατα, για παράδειγµα να ψωνίσω, να πληρώσω, να ζητήσω πληροφορίες ας πούµε για ένα λεωφορείο. Και τα πιο απλά ήταν δύσκολα τον πρώτο καιρό. Συνάντησα φυσικά και ρατσισµό και εκµετάλλευση, αλλά η αγάπη µου για την οικογένειά µου, µου έδινε και µου δίνει τεράστια δύναµη και κουράγιο να συνεχίσω να παλεύω στη ζωή µου και να ξεπερνώ κάθε δυσκολία µε ένα και µοναδικό σκοπό, να πετύχω! Επιτυχία για µένα θα είναι το να έχω τη δυνατότητα να φέρω τους δικούς µου ανθρώπους κοντά µου ώστε να ζήσουµε µια ελεύθερη και αξιοπρεπή ζωή. Παρουσιαστής: Άλεξ, θέλω να σε ευχαριστήσω για τη συντροφιά σου σήµερα και να ξέρεις ότι έχεις τις ευχές και την αµέριστη συµπαράσταση όλων µας στο να πετύχεις το στόχο σου. Καλή τύχη!

Natalia Tolios Year 7

LISTENING TO OUR STUDENTS SCEGGS PREFECT SEMINAR On Friday, the 26th of February, Alexander Vatiliotis (School Captain), Aleksandra Djordjevic (Vice Captain) and I, attended a prefects’ seminar hosted by SCEGGS Darlinghurst. Upon arrival, we were welcomed by the students of SCEGGS with afternoon tea and an opportunity to mingle and talk to the other leaders of the schools present.


Κι εγώ σας ευχαριστώ για την πρόσκληση. Παρουσιαστής: Εµείς, κυρίες και κύριοι, θα επανέλθουµε στο πρόγραµµά µας µετά τα διαφηµιστικά µηνύµατα. Benjamin Papadopoulos Year 11 Κουβεντούλα µ’ ένα φίλο

Once we entered the auditorium, we were addressed by three guest speakers, each giving their perspective of leadership and any strategies they might be able to guide us with.

∆άφνη: Γεια σου! Λυδία: Αχ! Γεια! ∆εν σε γνώρισα! ∆άφνη: Πώς είσαι, καλά;


All the excitement was of course for World Maths Day, a global initiative from the team behind Mathletics.

We then broke off into 8 groups, with a group leader and 10 students in each and we all had a different topic to discuss which we would present later on to everyone back in the auditorium.

During World Maths Day students were given to opportunity to log on to the World Maths Day website and compete against children from around the world in this new and fun way to improve mental arithmetic skills. This year 1,133,246 students and 56,082 schools from 235 countries have united to set a new world record by correctly answering 479,732,613 questions. Of those St Spyridon College Junior School answered 78,260 correct questions with 206 students participating!

Alexander’s group discussed how student leaders can lose the confidence of their peers. Through lengthy discussion it was clear that the one thing people disliked most about leaders is when they don’t “practice what they preach” and so this became the main theme when they presented their ideas to the rest of the students. Aleksandra’s group started off with a discussion, on how the Prefect Body is run in each leaders school and comparing the differences. This provided an opportunity for creative thinking on how we can improve the way our Prefect Body functions. The main focus of the group, however, was “Keeping it Real: Realising your values in every day”. As they worked together they formed their presentation with the values of sincerity, humility, leading by example, sacrifice and compassion. Aleksandra felt, “It was a very rewarding experience because we were all different personalities, but with our own approach to the task, this provided a lot of room for ideas. Overall it has inspired me to take more risks and to be as creative as possible.”

2011 will be even bigger with World Maths Day becoming part of the The World Education Games. Everyone is invited to unite the world in learning! Mrs Economou’s maths group went into the computer labs for World Maths Day. We were all very excited! We got to compete against people from different countries like Japan, China, and Canada. Some people got to compete with people from our maths group. We each took turns with our partner, trying to get as many points for our school as possible. It was so much fun the time past so quickly! Michael Hatzon 3A

My group discussed how the Prefect Body can make themselves more known to the student body. Some student leaders go through the year unseen, students claim that they ‘didn’t even know they were a prefect’. We came up with a list including participating in school events, holding assemblies, attending camps and hosting sports activities as ways to improve and build a stronger profile for the Prefect Body.

On World Maths Day I was very excited about competing for my school. We got time during the day to get on to the World Maths Day website and compete against people from all over the world – Even China! It was great fun to go up against people of different abilities!

Overall it was a very worthwhile experience. We gained a lot from working with other leaders and hearing about how things work in other schools. Also, it was great to meet new people and the hospitality shown by the girls at SCEGGS was much appreciated.

Tiffany Tsoukalas 3A

We would like to thank Ms Kokinelis for her guidance and support. Angelina Flokis Year 12

WORLD MATHS DAY 2010 On Wednesday March 3rd, St Spyridon College was a buzz with arithmetic and logic, measurement and data.


MATHEMATICS CHALLENGE CAMP On March the 1st to March the 3rd, two girls and two boys from Year 6 were selected to take part in a maths camp. We were taught to work like mathematicians and did enjoyable activities such as making a dome out of tall wooden sticks and made a strong chain out of a thin piece of pink paper and three stickers. We worked together with students from other independent schools to solving problems together. It was a great experience and we were happy to represent our school. Mariah Stavrou 6P Mr A. Condous Boys Sport




Saturday 6th March at Penrith Sports Stadium two girls Basketball teams competed in the finals, Junior A’s and Junior C’s unfortunately both teams were defeated.

Congratulations to all the boys basketball teams especially our 13’s who became ISA Boys Champions on 6th March. The 13’s comfortably defeated St Pius X College in the Finals at Penrith Basketball Stadium. Well done to the 13 Boys and their coach Mr Giles. The boys exhibited not only good sportsmanship on and off the court but endeared themselves to the many people who watched them play. So far this season what has been particularly memorable for me as a sports master was the resilient attitude and pride they adopted the moment they ran onto the basketball courts for their college.

Junior A’s: These girls are very talented athletes and were only defeated by one team in the competition Central Coast Grammar School who consisted of many representative players and were older than our girls. Many schools commented on their outstanding skill and congratulated them for having such a strong team. I anticipate much further success for this team and look forward to watching them in the future seasons. Special mention to Mr Lambos who devoted his time to train the girls on Thursday’s, travel to each game and push our girls to achieve their best. Thankyou to Mrs Kefalouros for your support and assistance at each game and to the parents that assisted with the Bench duty and supported the girls each week.

On behalf of all team members we would like to thank those who have supported us throughout the basketball season and all who made the effort to support us on such an important day. A special thanks goes out to Helen who has helped every team with a technical basketball techniques and trained the boys basketball teams and attended all games. Her knowledge and advice in basketball is much appreciated. The final thank you lies upon none other then our teachers (Mr Sobolevski,. Miss Savva, Mr Giles and Mr Georgoulopoulos) who leave their families to help, support and coach basketball teams. Their efforts throughout the basketball season have been incredible. Every member of each team appreciates all that the teachers have done. done for us.

Congratulations; Cassie Georgiou, Rena Lambos, Nansia Koukounaris, Nicola Demetri, Adrianne Efstratiou, Lena Nesterenko, Yianna Criticos and Natalie Michos Junior C’s:This team enjoyed such a smooth run into the finals only loosing one game all season. Unfortunately, finals present a different challenge, nerves, frustrations and true passion to win for themselves and their College. From this experience we can learn and hopefully if given the chance again achieve one better next time. These girls are to be commended for reaching the Finals as this is such an outstanding achievement in itself. Well Done.


Congratulations to all students and further results will be publish once they become available.

Thankyou to Miss Kalithrakas for coaching the girls to achieve this result, we are very grateful for your time and dedication to the girls. Congratulations; Lantou Georgou, Stephanie Pizanis, Estelle Krassas, Ellen Tsoukalas, Penny Bounatsos, Maria Mio, Constance Synesios and Joanna Karageorgas.

ISA SWIMMING CARNIVAL Friday 5th March many students from St Spyridon participated in the Annual ISA Swimming Carnival. Some outstanding results were achieved in particular the Senior Girls Division with 2nd place overall only missed out on 1st place by 5 points. Congratulations for the following achievements: ™ Martha and Makrina Spilioti both qualified to represent ISA at the NSWCIS championships. ™ Martha Spilioti broke the ISA record for 100m Freestyle second year running with a personal best time.


CROSS COUNTRY 2010 DATE: SATURDAY 20th MARCH, 2010 VENUE: CENTRAL COAST GRAMMAR SCHOOL TIMES: 9:45AM – 3:00PM BUS TIMES: Bus will be leaving Brighton RSL at 8:00am and will be passing St Spyridon Church at 8:15am. The Bus will be arriving at about 4:30pm. All Schools squads will be taken on a “Walk of the Course” at 10.00am sharp. Ms K. O’Shea Girls Sport









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