News 50-04 April 2010

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VOLUME XXVII No 5 29thApril, 2010

MAY UNIFORM CHANGE Cross Country trials JS


National Schools Event SS


5 –7



Mother’s Day




12 – 13

Χριστός Ανέστη


ACER Scholarship Exam

NAPLAN Yrs 3, 5, 7 & 9



CONGRATULATIONS MARTHA SPILIOTI Over the years Martha Spilioti has achieved excellent results within school and interschool swimming competitions. At the same time Martha has trained extremely hard for State and International competitions, most recently the Age Australian Championships. We are very pleased to inform you that Martha finished most successfully in her Age Australian Championships. She was awarded a Silver Medal in the 200m Butterfly with a personal best of 4 seconds and coming second in the whole nation missing out on the gold only by 0.4 seconds. Additionally she finished 6th in the 100m Butterfly. These results are truly outstanding. Martha is a dedicated and talented athlete, who devotes every morning and afternoon towards training at an elite level. Her talents are naturally fully supported by her family who should be justifiably proud. Furthermore, Martha successfully balances her studies and contributes to other areas of school sport such as Netball. Martha is an asset to her family and St Spyridon College. With her continued focus and dedication we hope to see her representing Australia.


Greek Play 6.30pm, St Spyridon Church Hall



Greek Play 4pm, St Spyridon Church Hall



Parent Teacher Conferences, Years 7 & 12



School Photographs





Half Yearly Exams, Years 10 & 11 begin


Fast of the Apostles begins



Assessment Period, Years 7 – 9 begins






Parent Forum, Year 11 2011


HSC & Careers Expo, Year 12



Parish Trip to Greece departs



Queen’s Birthday Holiday, School closed



Divine Liturgy



21 – 25




Work Experience, Year 10 (students not in Greece) Term ends for staff and students


GREEK ORTHODOX ARCHDIOCESE NATIONAL SCHOOLS EVENT On Wednesday 5th May, 2010 to Friday 7th May, 2010, some 350 student across the seven Greek Orthodox Archdiocese schools, will be hosted by St Euphemia College for the Annual National Schools Event. Students will compete in Basketball, Table Tennis, indoor and outdoor Soccer and Volley Ball. A Spoken Arts Festival will be held with presentations in Greek, Serbian and Italian. We wish all students every success together with Mr Meintanis, Mr Condous, Ms O’Shea, Mr Kaldis, Mrs Faletas and accompanying teachers.


Staff Development Day

19 th 20

Students return

Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag

Martha Spilioti


BUILDING BULLETIN We are pleased to give you a progress snapshot of the Sports and Performing Arts Centre. So far: • • • • •

Site has been stripped and built up to building pad level. Initial services rough in, plumbing and electrical has started this week. Stage undercroft is complete. Block work to undercroft is complete and being waterproofed at the moment. Water tanks have been installed and are ready for backfilling.

In the Next few weeks: • • • • •

Detail Excavation to ground floor slabs. Continuing with services roughin. Formwork and reinforcement to ground floor slabs. Poor concrete slabs. Delivery of first concrete panels.

In terms of the Junior School, tenders are being considered as we speak, to identify builders. Mrs C. Tsaconas Parish Executive Officer/Bursar





On Saturday, 24th April 2010, Father Steven Scoutas presided over the ANZAC Day Service. Master of Ceremonies for the occasion was Parish and Board Member, Mrs Sue Mayson. Special guests included the Hon. Minister Peter Garrett, Cr Ron Hoenig, Mayor of Botany and Cr John Procopiadis, Mayor of Randwick who was also speaker. St Spyridon College was represented by Mrs Stefanou, the College Captain, Vice Captain and Senior Prefect and the Junior School Captains. Dr Thomas Savoulis, Mr James Phillips, Board Chairman and other Parish and Board members were also present and laid wreaths.

Χριστός ανέστη εκ νεκρών, θανάτω θάνατον πατήσας και τοις εν τοις µνήµασι ζωήν χαρισάµενος. Christ is risen from the dead, by death trampling on death, and on those in the tombs bestowing life. SYMPATHY Our deepest condolences are extended to Miss Brocklehurst who lost her mother at the end of last term and to Ms Kokinelis (Dean of the Middle School) on the loss of her mother in the holidays. We offer both members of staff our prayers and support at this difficult time.

TROLLEY BAGS A new manufacturer will be supplying the school trolley bags. If you would like to order a trolley bag please call Helen on 9313-6890.

CASUAL BUS PASSES FOR THE SCHOOL BUS Casual bus passes can now be purchased for the school bus. One will cost $50 for five rides on the bus (one way) and the other will cost $20 which can be used 10 rides from School to School (one way). The bus passes can be purchased from the School Administration Offices.

CANNON SHUTTLES BUSES DOOR TO DOOR There are still vacancies on the Cannon Shuttles bus. This bus provides door to door pick up service in the following areas: Sylvania, Blakehurst, Connells Point, Sans Souci, Kyeemagh. Mrs H. Simicos St Spyridon Parish


National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy 2010 Letter to Parents In May 2010 the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) will be completed by all students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 in all government and non-government schools. NAPLAN has the support of all State and Territory Education Ministers and will assess the literacy and numeracy learning of students in all Australian schools. The results of the tests will provide important information to schools about what each student can do, and will be used to support teaching and learning programs. Parents will receive a report indicating their child’s level of achievement. Each student’s level of achievement will be reported against the national minimum standard. Background information (student name, gender, date of birth, language background and Aboriginality) will be collected as part of the National Assessment Program. This information is treated confidentially and held securely to ensure that every student’s right to privacy is maintained. The tests will be conducted across Australia for all students from 11-13 May 2010. TUESDAY 11 MAY Language Conventions (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar)



THURSDAY 13 MAY Numeracy (Number; Algebra, function and pattern; Measurement, chance and data; and Space)

In the Numeracy tests students do not require any measuring tools such as rulers or protractors. In Years 7 and 9 there will be two Numeracy tests: one where a calculator is allowed and one where calculators are not to be used. For the calculator test, the student should use the calculator that they currently use at school. Friday 14 May – A ‘catch-up’ day is scheduled for students who missed a test or were absent on a test day. Students may be considered for exemption from the tests if they are newly arrived in Australia (less than one year before the test) and with a language background other than English, or if they have significant intellectual and/or functional disability. All other students are expected to participate in the tests. Special provisions which reflect the student’s normal level of support in the classroom will be provided for students by the school. Large print, Braille and black and white versions of the test are available for students with vision impairment. Access to special provisions and exemption from the tests must be discussed with the school Principal, and a parent or carer consent form must be signed. Students may be withdrawn from the testing program by their parent or carer. This is a matter for consideration by parents and carers in consultation with the Principal. If you wish to withdraw your child from the tests you must sign a parent or carer consent form. Consent forms are available at your school. Please contact the Principal if you would like further information about your child’s participation in the National Assessment Program. Additional information about NAPLAN can be found at: html






WELCOME BACK to Term 2 children, parents and our teachers! We hope you had a Happy Easter with family and friends and also a well deserved break! We look forward to Term 2 being both educationally rewarding for our students as well as having an element of fun! EASTER ASSEMBLY The Easter focus Assembly was both spiritually and culturally rich and forefeeling for our families to experience. We were impressed with all the children from Year 4’s role play of the representation of Jesus’ path to crucifixion; to The Lamentations chanted by our Year 5; Year 1 confessions; to Kindergarten’s favourite Koulourakia song. Our sincere congratulations are expressed to the tireless efforts of all our Teachers and talented students for a memorable assembly. As you are aware Term 1 was very busy in terms of the P&F fundraisers. These were extremely successful and the outcome so far in terms of monies raised is something that not only our P&F is proud of but you as a school community should be proud for supporting and contributing to the achievements to date. EASTER LAMBATHES Our personalised Lambathes have proved to be an innovative product that have been purchased by our parents and parishioners who have commented on the amazing creations that our P&F Committee members have designed! We sincerely thank the Members who were involved with the preparation and selling of Lambathes and a special thank you to Mrs Pat Economou, Mrs Maria Kypreos and Mrs Angela Housea who were kind enough to sell Lambathes at Church Services. PALM SUNDAY LUNCH In keeping with tradition, our P&F Palm Sunday Lunch was an outstanding event that demonstrated the culinary expertise of our chefs in the kitchen and our wait staff on the floor. A warm thank you is expressed to Mrs Litsa Micos, Mrs Matina Samios and Mrs Susan Tsoukalas who are our regular generous contributors of fine home made mezethes, these made our lunch delicious and complete. Thank you to Maria Pascalis for single handedly making all the desserts for the day and the comments of how wickedly delicious they were! A special THANK YOU to Mr Nio & Tony Tsakirios of North Bondi Fruit Market for their generous donation for the supply of fruit and vegetables for this event. A sincere thank you to Mr Tom Parras for his generous contribution of nuts and dates. We were grateful for the positive feedback that the Committee received from our Parishioners. It was one of admiration and gratitude for all that was offered to all guests. Finally, we would like to thank you all for supporting the above events because without your patronage and contribution these events would not be as successful and profitable as they have been so far. The table on the left is the 2009 fundraising breakdown, the table on the right shows a running total of up to date funds raised for 2010. FINAL TOTAL OF MONIES RAISED 2009



Total Raised

Year to Date


Taverna Night $ 6 500 Taverna Night Easter Stall $ 3 000 Lambathes Palm Sunday Lunch $ 3 000 Palm Sunday Lunch Mother’s Day Stall $ 2 700 Mother’s Day Brunch $ 2 600 Entertainment Book $ 767 Sports Carnival $ 138 Father’s Day Stall $ 3 141 Father’s Day Raffle $ 800 Trivia Night $10 000 Open Day $ 1 033 Spring Fair $10 000 Total $43 679 RUNNING TOTAL Upcoming Events Term 2 Tuesday 20 April – Friday 25 June Mother’s Day Stalls (flyer to be sent to all Monday 3 May 2010 – Wednesday 5 May 2010 children) Trivia Night Saturday 19 June 2010

Mrs M Pascalis P&F Assistant Secretary


Total Raised $15 000 $ 2 700 $ 5 000

$22 700





Unfortunately, the school is experiencing a head lice outbreak. Please do not be alarmed if your child has contracted head lice. Although the condition is frustrating, it is easily treated with specialised products, which are available at your local pharmacy. As with all medicines it is important to follow the directions on the pack carefully for best results.

Χριστός Ανέστη! A warm welcome back to all our staff, students and parents. We hope you had an enjoyable break and are ready for the challenges of Term Two. This term we have NAPLAN in Years 3 and 5, ICAS Competitions in Science, Computers and Writing for Years 3 – 6, Life Education K – 4, Interrelate Years 5 & 6. Our Junior School Athletics Carnival, ASISSA Cross Country, Half Yearly Exams, Reports and Parent Teacher Interviews, School Photos, as well as our Kindergarten 2011 Parent Information Morning and Junior School Open Morning for prospective parents. It is therefore critical, that students are at school every day so that they do not miss these valuable learning opportunities.

MOTHER’S DAY ASSEMBLY The students of the Infant’s school will be hosting a Mother’s Day Assembly on Friday 7th May at 2pm in the Church Hall. We hope you can join us. JUNIOR SCHOOL PHOTOS School photos have been scheduled to take place on Tuesday 18th May 2010. Every student from Kindergarten to Year 6 should have received an Order Envelope and Package selection form this week. Please read carefully the instructions on the envelope on “How to order”. All envelopes with payment are to be handed to your child’s class roll teacher by Monday 10th May at the latest. The photographers will not accept any late orders.

I would encourage all students to get adequate sleep each night, daily exercise and good nutrition. WELCOME It is with great pleasure that we welcome three new students to our school: Jordan Roumbas (3S), Sarantos Makris (4C) and George Makris (4T). We wish them and their families a long and rewarding journey with us.

The Junior School Classes, Individual and Family Photos will be taken on Tuesday 18th May. All children must be in full school winter uniform. They must have their blazer and girls are to wear navy tights, not white socks. All students to be neatly groomed, girls’ hair must be tied back.

We also warmly welcome Mr. Basilios Psilacos who will be teaching Byzantine chanting to Years 3 and 5 for this year. Mr. Psilacos is a graduate of St. Andrew’s Theological College and a Chiropractor by trade. He has studied Byzantine Music in Greece and is Senior Chanter at St. Andrew’s Church, Gladesville as well as lecturer of Byzantine Music at the Theological College.

EASTER FOCUS ASSEMBLY Even though The Easter Focus Assembly has become an annual event, each year brings us renewed awe and reverence. It makes us reflect on our own personal journey through Holy Week. The traditional items were prepared by the students; the koulouria, lambades, palm crosses, lambropites, lazarakia, kouloures and red eggs. The remarkable thing is that these have remained unchanged since the establishment of the early Christian church but are made new each year and encourage future generations.

CONGRATULATIONS Our congratulations are extended to Mr & Mrs Aroney, Emmanuel (1T) and family, on the recent birth of the newest member of their family Dimitra. Να σας ζήσει. UNIFORM

Thank you to all staff and students for such a moving and special assembly.

Please note that students will need to change to full school Winter uniform on Monday 3rd May. Please consult the student planner regarding uniform requirements including grooming.


Mrs A. Synesios Acting Principal Junior School REDUCE REUSE RECYCLE! During Term 1 Year 4 students began a Recycling Initiative throughout the school. Each class was given a Recycling Box and was responsible for filling it on a weekly basis. At the end of each week Year 4 students emptied the boxes and scored the class to reflect how well they had recycled. This initiative has proven to be very successful as students and will continue in Term 2. It is encouraging to see students demonstrating environmental awareness. WALK SAFELY TO SCHOOL DAY Friday 7th May is National Walk to School Day. Now in its 11th year, this program promotes the vitally important message Active Kids are Healthy Kids. Our school is encouraging parents and grandparents to walk to school on Friday. If you drive your children to school we ask that you park a little further away and walk a couple of blocks to school. We hope that you will support this program and participate. Curriculum Coordinator Mrs S. Dimitrelis




Χριστός Ανέστη GOOD FRIDAY Congratulations to the students of Year 10 who chanted the Engomia at St Spyridon Church on Good Friday evening. They were joined by students across the years but in particular Year 11 and Year 12.


Thank you to Mr Mavrommatis (Year 12 Adviser) for preparing the students along with Ms Kalithrakas (Year 10 Adviser) for supporting the students.

WINTER UNIFORM Students change to winter uniform on Monday, 3rd May 2010. A reminder that blazers are compulsory and must be worn to and from school. On days students are allowed to come wearing sports uniform e.g. Thursday ISA training, students must wear their full tracksuit.

YEAR 12 – HSC TIMETABLE Students are now able to view their personalized HSC Timetable on Students Online. To access their timetable, they will need their PIN Letter Package, distributed from the Board of Studies by Mr Mavrommatis. Students are advised to pay particular attention to Examination starting and finishing times as they do vary. Misreading the timetable is not grounds for appeal. The complete timetable will be available on the Board of Studies website at from Monday, 3rd May 2010.

Congratulations also to the Year 11 boys: Anthony Antoniou, George Kirkis, Peter Kringas, Michael Lantis, Peter Fotopoulos, Bill Vlahopol, Peter Zinopoulos, Steve Sfinas, Alex Georgiou, Stamati Margelis, Chris Georgiades, for carrying the Epitaphios. Thank you Mr Kaldis for supporting the boys. A wonderful experience and blessing for all.

ACER SCHOLARSHIPS On Saturday 8th May, 2010, Year 6 and Year 10 students will have the opportunity to sit for the external ACER examinations on the basis of which Scholarships will be offered. Good luck to all students. Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School




There aren’t nearly enough crutches in the world for all the lame excuses”


Marcus Stroup

Monday 17th May – Years 7 and 12 only 3.30pm – 6.30pm

I’m tired I couldn’t be bothered It’s not my problem It’s your fault I don’t have enough for me I’m too busy My arm hurts I don’t have the time It’s too hard

Appointments are to be made directly with Teachers by the students. Parents are asked to attend the Parent Teacher Conferences with their child. Parent Teacher conferences for Years 8 – 11 will be held in Term 3. Years 10 & 11 Years 7 – 9

Wednesday, 26th July 2010 Monday, 21st July 2010.


Anna Roniotis, Aleksandra Bogojevic, Anja Djukic, Stephen Ioannidis, Kalioppe Kefalas, Simeon Kerameas, Kristian Kontakos, Angela Papaharitou, Christos Raptis, Sophia Rizzo, Michael Savic, Yvette Stemitsiotis, Christos Toras, Natalia Toliou, KaterinaDion Arvanitakis, Nikolas Baratsas, Cassandra Georgiou, Nicolette Gregory, Dane Ivanovic, Luka Kasalovic, Nansia Koukounaris, George Malomitis, Eleni Mavrolefteros, Natalie Michos, Lena Nesterenko, Pamela Prineas, Jovana Radic, Yianna Carpis, Andriane Efstratiou, Georgia Giatsios, Chloe Kourtesis, Stephanie Mio, Natalia Srnic, Alexandra Tsesmelis, Christina Andrew, Yianna Criticos, Nicola Demetri, Elena Ganis, Sophia Lee Georgas, Panayioti Kapodistrias, Dylan Kontos, Rena Lambos, Lena Sialepis, Evelyn Tzivakis, James Andrew, Leonidas Andrew, Zacharias Chrysostomou, Mathew Kambos, Sotiri Kastanas, Theodore Kipriotis, Costas Mavrolefterou, Dean Michos, Alexandros Moraitis, Andreas Nicholson, Peter Skoulis, Nicholas Stasos, Petros Stefadouros, Alex Stellatos, Valantis Toras, Vicky Anagnostakis, Filix Filix, Nicholas Fotopoulos, John Kirkis, Estelle Krassas, Natalija Mladenovic, Alexander Spiropoulos, Michael Arfanis, Penny Bounatsos, Peter Faros, Christopher Kolistasis, Maria Mio, Stephanie Pizanis, Edward Renouf, Dean Roussis, Daria Sheptitskaya, Constantinos Vukelic

As the fresh term begins all students once again have the opportunity to re-evaluate what has gone before….the good, and the not so good, including some of the excuses we have used to avoid certain situations. If we can come up with an excuse as to why we can’t do something it helps us live with ourselves. Even better, if we can blame someone else for why we are in the situation we are in, because it then absolves us of all personal responsibility. We can blame our genes, our parents, other people, the government, our environment, anything at all really for putting us in a bad situation. The truth is, we are not a product of all these factors, we are the product of the choices we made when faced with a challenge. We may not choose the challenges that life throws at us, but we can choose how we respond to them. Next time you are faced with an obstacle or seemingly insurmountable problem, before you take the easy way out and make an excuse, look for a solution. Set your default operating system to problem solver rather than excuse maker. If you really want to do something you will find a way, otherwise you will find an excuse. Year 7 Parent Teacher Conferences On Monday 17th May Year 7 Parent Teacher Conferences will be held. Students have been provided with a booking sheet. We ask parents to check with their children that appointments with particular staff members have been made in order to ensure the opportunity to discuss your child’s progress is taken. Teachers will be available from 3.30pm until 6.30pm

Silver Nicholas Makridopolus, Anastasia Maloukis, Allyssa Stemitsiotis, Theoni Thimakis, Anne Marie Xenos, Aphroditi Zafiropoulos, Jessica Antoniou, Maria Bletsas, Matthew Chiam, Darius Dadgostar, Emanuel Kapodistrias, Christos Kollias, Vicky Papadopoulos, Anna Roniotis, Aleksandra Bogojevic, Anja Djukic, Stephen Ioannidis, Kalioppe Kefalas, Simeon Kerameas, Kristian Kontakos, Angela Papaharitou, Christos Raptis, Sophia Rizzo, Michael Savic, Yvette Stemitsiotis, Natalia Toliou, Katerina-Dion Arvanitakis, Nansia Koukounaris, Pamela Prineas, Yianna Carpis, Chloe Kourtesis, Stephanie Mio, Elena Ganis, Panayioti Kapodistrias, Dylan Kontos, Rena Lambos, Lena Sialepis, Evelyn Tzivakis, James Andrew, Leonidas Andrew, Zacharias Chrysostomou, Theodore Kipriotis, Dean Michos, Nicholas Stasos, Petros Stefadouros, John Kirkis, Estelle Krassas, Natalia Mladenovic, Alexander Spiropoulos, Michael Arfanis, Peter Faros, Maria Mio, Stephanie Pizanis.

Middle School Assembly Congratualtions to all students whose positive efforts last term were formally acknowledged in the recent Middle School Assembly. Already records are being broken, well done and keep up the great work everyone!! MAPLE AWARDS Bronze Dion Alexander, Nikolay Balashov, Anastasia Diasinos, Suzanna Gavrilova, Johnny Karedis, Nicholas Makridopolus, Anastasia Maloukis, Niki Papaleonidas, Arina Sheptitskaya, Allyssa STemitsiotis, Theoni Thimakis, Ann Marie Xenos, Aphroditi Zafiropoulos, Jessica Antoniou, Maria Bletsas, Matthew Chiam, Peter Contominas, Darius Dadgostar, Nicholas Georgou, Stephanie Hatzis, Emanuel Kapodistrias, Christos Kollias, Erin Magoulias, Juliet Manolias, Vicky Papadopoulos,

Gold Theoni Thimakis.


Movie Draw Theoni Thimakis, Anastasia Maloukis, Kristian Kontakos, Darius Dadgostar, Luka Kasalovic, Elena Ganis, Georgia Giatsios, Stephanie Pizanis, Estelle Krassas, Leonidas Andrew. Pat on the Back Awards Theoni Thimakis, Kalliope Kefalas, Peter Contominas, Panayioti Kapodistrias, Pamela Prineas, Reiss Kyriakides, Sotiri Kastanas, Chris Kolistasis, Vicky Anagnostakis. Perfect Attendance Certificates The Institute of Chartered Accountants is holding two events for students who are interested in becoming accountants via a cadetship. (This is where you combine studying part time at university and working full time in an accounting firm for part of your degree. There is a special event for Year 12 students which will be held on Thursday 13 May from 4.30pm at the Sydney Convention Centre, Bayside Gallery, Level 1. Register at The other event is for Year 10 and 11 students. “Meet the Business Leader” is an opportunity for younger students to meet and network with young and experienced chartered accountants on Wednesday 18 August from 4.30pm at The Institute of Chartered accountants at 33 Eskine Street in the CBD. Register at

Nicholas Makridopolus, Anastasia Maloukis, Allyssa Stemitsiotis, Theoni Thimakis, Aphroditi Zafiropoulos, Maria Bletsas, Peter Contonminas, Nicholas Georgou, Stephanie Hatzis, Emanuel Kapodistrias, Christos Kollias, Stephen Ioannidis, Kalioppe Kefalas, Simeon Kerameas, Angela Papaharitou, Yvette Stemitsiotis, Nicola Demetri, Panayioti Kapodistrias, Rena Lambos, Evelyn Tzivakis, Cassandra Georgiou, Natalie Michos, Jovana Radic, Yianna Carpis, Chloe Kourtesis, Stephanie Mio, Alexandra Tsesmelis, Alex Stellatos, Valantis Toras, Chrisovalantou Georgou, John Kirkis, Peter Faros, Maria Mio.

CAREER NEWS Danielle Theodosi, HSC Class of 2008 at St Spyridon College came to the school to promote the UTS’s Bachelor of Accounting Scholarship Program on Wednesday this week. It was great to see her again and hear about what she has been doing over the last year. The degree is one of Australia’s premier business degrees. It was designed to meet the needs of employers for multi-skilled accounting graduates. It is an intensive three-year degree course which is made up of two years of full-time study and two separate half-years of full-time work training. Only about 30 new students are accepted each year. This prestigious scholarship is worth over $43,500 if the student decides to work at one of the sponsored companies after graduation.

UNSW Year 10 Subject Selection and Information Evenings provide information to current year 10 students on subject selection for years 11 and 12, as well as assumed knowledge, HSC Plus and Admission to UNSW. Representatives from all UNSW faculties, plus staff from the Student Recruitment Office, Admissions Office, The Co-op Program, Scholarships and student support services are available on the evening to answer your questions on programs and life at UNSW. The dates are as follows: May 3 – UNSW Kensington Campus Registration May 10 – UNSW Kensington Campus May 12 – UNSW Kensington Campus May 17 – Riverside Theatre, Parramatta Online registration - Online registrations will open on March 29th and will remain open until Monday May 3rd. Registration for


Στο τεύχος αυτό δηµοσιεύουµε τις εργασίες δύο παιδιών µας. Η µία ανήκει σε µαθήτρια της Α΄ Γυµνασίου και η άλλη ανήκει σε µαθήτρια της Γ΄ Γυµνασίου. Και οι δύο είναι σχετικές µε κάποιο βιβλίο που διάβασαν και που µας το παρουσιάζουν µέσω της εργασίας τους αυτής. Καλή ανάγνωση!

this event is essential as numbers are limited. Students will need to register as soon as they can to ensure we are able to post them parking vouchers. Parking vouchers are only available for events held at UNSW Kensington Campus. JMC Academy of Music will be holding a 2 hour Bass Guitar Workshop for high school students on Tuesday 18 May from 6 to 8pm at JMC, 15 Cooper Street in Surry Hills. This is a brilliant opportunity to learn from three guitar legends. The cost is $10 per student. Enquiries phone 9281 8899. Interested students must complete and send a booking form no later than 7th May. See Mrs Skerman for the form.

κ. Μ. Φαλέτα Το χελιδόνι και η πεταλούδα Περίληψη της πλοκής «Το χελιδόνι και η πεταλούδα» είναι µια υπέροχη ιστορία για δύο φίλους που βοηθάνε ο ένας τον άλλο, γιατί στην αρχή το χελιδόνι φοβόταν να πετάξει.

The Open Day at JMC Academy will be held on Saturday 15th May at 41 Holt Street. Two sessions are available at 11am or 2pm. Please register by phoning 9281 8899. JMC offer courses in Film and Television, Digital Media or Music.

Η ιστορία αρχίζει µε τρία χελιδονόπουλα, που µαθαίνουν να πετάνε από τους γονείς τους. ∆υο από τα τρία πουλιά πετούν, αλλά το ένα φοβάται να φύγει από τη φωλιά της οικογένειάς του. Όταν λοιπόν, όλη η οικογένεια πάει στο δάσος για να βρει τροφή, ο Φριφρής µένει στη φωλιά του και σε λίγη ώρα γνωρίζει ένα σπάνιο είδος πεταλούδας, µε το όνοµα Πλουµιστή και γίνονται φίλοι.

Work Experience for Year 10 students will take place from Monday 21st to Friday 25th June during the last week of Term 2. The students who are going to Greece on the School Tour or with their parents at that time, will not be involved. Start thinking of the type of work you would like to do and contact some workplaces before the places have been taken by students from other schools. Please remember that the completed Information Form needs to be returned to Mrs Skerman at the latest, Monday of Week 3, Term 2. It will take about 5 weeks to complete all the paperwork re insurance, child protection, OH&S, etc before the placement is finally approved.

Η Πλουµιστή βοηθάει τον Φριφρή να πετάξει, αλλά στην αρχή δεν µπορούσε, φοβόταν. Όταν τον ρωτάει γιατί φοβάται της λέει: « Μια µέρα είχε ανεβεί ως εδώ µια σαύρα, πιάσαµε κουβέντα και όταν άκουσε ότι ερχόταν η ώρα να πετάξω, µου είπε πράγµατα που µε τρόµαξαν και τώρα ούτε εγώ θέλω να πετάξω.» Η Πλουµιστή όµως του εξήγησε πως οι σαύρες δεν πετούν και ότι όταν πετάς είναι το πιο ωραίο πράγµα. Λοιπόν, η Πλουµιστή πέταξε σ’ ένα κοντινό θάµνο και περίµενε να έρθει και ο Φριφρής. Αυτός όµως είδε έναν άνθρωπο στους θάµνους που πήγαινε να πιάσει την Πλουµιστή, αλλά ο Φριφρής πέταξε και την έσωσε. Του άρεσε το πέταγµα.

Careers Days for students interested in Sport. The NSW Sports Federation is hosting special interactive sports careers days at Sports House at Sydney Olympic Park. Guest speakers will be from a variety of careers in sport from players to managers. See the website for more details. Visit and under “Education” and then “School Workshops” to see details of times and costs. For further information, please call 8116 9740 or email

Ο καιρός πέρασε και ήρθε το Φθινόπωρο. Αυτό σήµαινε ότι η οικογένεια του Φριφρή έπρεπε να φύγει σε µια άλλη χώρα µε ζεστό καιρό. Η Πλουµιστή ήξερε πως ο Φριφρής θα ερχόταν την επόµενη άνοιξη και έτσι θα ήταν πάλι µαζί µε τον φίλο της.

Mrs A. Skerman Careers Adviser

Χαρακτήρες Ο Φριφρής είναι ένα από τα πέντε χελιδόνια της οικογένειάς του. Στην αρχή ο Φριφρής φοβάται να πετάξει, αλλά µε τη βοήθεια της φίλης του, τα καταφέρνει και πετάει στο τέλος. Η Πλουµιστή είναι ένα σπάνιο είδος πεταλούδας. Η Πλουµιστή είναι πολύ καλόκαρδη και βοηθά τον φίλο της να πετάξει.

GREEK NEWS Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι, Χριστός Ανέστη!


παιδιά. Εκεί παίζουν, αλλά και εκεί µαθαίνουν για τη ζωή. Το βιβλίο είναι µία σειρά µικρών ιστοριών για το κάθε παιδί. Άλλο ένα κύριο πρόσωπο όµως είναι «ο παππούς» που κάθεται πάντοτε στο ίδιο παγκάκι της πλατείας. Ένας παππούς που αγαπάει τα παιδιά κι έρχεται εκεί για να τα δει και να χαρεί. Τα δικά του εγγόνια ζούνε σε µια χώρα µακρινή και γι’ αυτό ο παππούς έχει τα παιδιά της πλατείας σαν δικά του εγγόνια. Τους λέει ιστορίες και παραµύθια. Τα παιδιά τον αγαπούν πάρα πολύ. ∆εν µπορούµε να ξεχάσουµε βεβαίως τον «ήλιο» γιατί και αυτός είναι κύριο πρόσωπο της ιστορίας. Αγαπάει τα παιδιά και χαίρεται που τα βλέπει να µεγαλώνουν µε τη χαρά που τους δίνει. Η Ευτέρπη είναι το πλούσιο και κακοµαθηµένο κορίτσι της γειτονιάς, αλλά δεν είναι φίλη µε τα άλλα παιδιά.

Η Σαϊτα είναι η αδελφή του Φριφρή και είναι ένα από τα πρώτα χελιδόνια της οικογένειας που δοκίµασε το πέταγµα. Η Μητέρα και ο Πατέρας, γονείς του Φριφρή, της Σαϊτας και του Ψαλιδόφτερου. Βοηθάνε τα παιδιά τους να πετάξουν. Η Σαύρα είναι η σαύρα που τρόµαξε τον Φριφρή και µετά δεν ήθελε να πετάξει. Ο άνθρωπος που πήγε να πιάσει την Πλουµιστή αλλά την έσωσε ο Φριφρής. Ο Αγαπηµένος µου χαρακτήρας Ο αγαπηµένος µου χαρακτήρας από ολόκληρο το βιβλίο είναι η πεταλούδα γιατί βοήθησε τον Φριφρή να ξεπεράσει το φόβο που τον είχε κάνει να νιώθει η σαύρα και να πετάξει. Αυτό ήταν ένα µάθηµα που το χρειαζόταν ο Φριφρής. Στο τέλος γίνονται φίλοι και η Πλουµιστή περιµένει πότε θα έρθει η άνοιξη για να γυρίσει ο φίλος της. Η πεταλούδα ήταν λοιπόν, που έδωσε κουράγιο και δύναµη στον Φριφρή όταν εκείνος ένιωθε αδύναµος και φοβισµένος.

Αγαπηµένα πρόσωπα Όλα τα παιδιά έχουν το δικό τους χαριτωµένο χαρακτήρα και γι’ αυτό είναι όλα αγαπητά. Για µένα όµως ίσως το πιο αγαπηµένο πρόσωπο είναι ο παππούς. Μου αρέσει που αγαπάει και προστατεύει τα παιδιά – χωρίς αυτά να το καταλαβαίνουν καν. Με τις ιστορίες που τους λέει , τους δίνει µαθήµατα για τη ζωή, και τα βοηθάει µε το δικό του τρόπο να γίνουν καλύτεροι άνθρωποι όταν µεγαλώσουν. Καταλαβαίνουµε πως είναι σοφός και καλός άνθρωπος.

Θέµατα/Μηνύµατα Το θέµα του βιβλίου αυτού είναι ο φόβος που όλοι έχουµε όταν πρέπει να κάνουµε κάτι καινούριο, κάτι για πρώτη φορά. Το µήνυµά του είναι να µην φοβόµαστε να δοκιµάσουµε κάτι καινούριο, να προσπαθούµε να µαθαίνουµε καινούρια πράγµατα και ότι όλα είναι πιο ωραία στη ζωή όταν τα µοιράζεσαι µε φίλους.

Θέµατα και Μηνύµατα Το βιβλίο είναι πολύ διδακτικό. Μας δείχνει πόσο απλή και όµορφη µπορεί να είναι η ζωή για τα µικρά παιδιά. Μας δείχνει πως πολλές φορές τη µεγαλύτερη ευτυχία µπορεί να την φέρουν τα πιο απλά πράγµατα. Όταν οι γονείς του Μιχάλη δεν έχουν αρκετά λεφτά να του κάνουν µεγάλο πάρτυ για τα γενέθλιά του, τα άλλα παιδιά του δίνουν δύο απλά δώρα εκεί στην πλατεία. Ένα τόπι και µολύβια. ∆εν τον νοιάζει όταν η Ευτέρπη τα κοροϊδεύει αυτά τα δώρα. Της λέει ο Μιχάλης: «Μπορεί να µην έχω δώρα σπουδαία... όµως έχω σπουδαίους φίλους. Κι αυτό µου φτάνει! Τα παιδιά παίζουν απλά παιχνίδια, δεν έχουν ακριβά κοµπιούτερ, αλλά είναι ευτυχισµένα. Η πραγµατική φιλία είναι ένα από τα άλλα θέµατα του βιβλίου. Μπορεί να µαλώνουν καµιά φορά τα παιδιά, όµως πραγµατικά αγαπούν ο ένας τον άλλο όπως µας δείχνουν την ηµέρα που έχει ο Μιχάλης τα γενέθλιά του. Οι ιστορίες που λέει ο παππούς στα παιδιά τα µαθαίνουν να εκτιµούν αυτά που έχουµε όπως τις ωραίες εποχές µας στην ιστορία για τον αστροναύτη. Επίσης τα παιδιά µαθαίνουν να προσέχουν τη φύση όταν παλεύουν για να σώσουν το δέντρο της πλατείας. Το βιβλίο µας δείχνει ότι πρέπει να αγαπάµε και να

Kaliope Kefalas Year 7 Στη γειτονιά του ήλιου Το βιβλίο που διάβασα λέγεται «Στη γειτονιά του ήλιου» και συγγραφέας του είναι η Λότη Πέτροβιτς – Ανδρουτσοπούλου. Περίληψη της πλοκής Είναι ένα πολύ όµορφο βιβλίο που µας λέει για µία µικρή πλατεία. ∆εν ξέρουµε πού ακριβώς βρίσκεται αυτή η πλατεία. Μπορεί να βρίσκεται οπουδήποτε. Είναι όµως η αγαπηµένη γειτονιά του ήλιου. Κάθε απόγευµα, όταν ο ήλιος πέφτει, σταµατάει για λίγο εκεί, στην αγαπηµένη του πλατεία και σκύβει να ρίξει µια µατιά. Γι’ αυτό είναι «η πλατεία του ήλιου». Τα πρόσωπα του έργου Τα κύρια πρόσωπα του έργου είναι τα παιδιά, πέντε αγόρια, ο Αντώνης, ο ∆ηµήτρης, ο Σωτήρης, ο Μιχάλης και ο Φώτης και πέντε κορίτσια, η Ελένη, η Σοφία, η Μάρω, η Άννα και η Κατερίνα. Το βιβλίο µας δείχνει πως η πλατεία τα δένει µαζί αυτά τα


εκτιµούµε τα µεγαλύτερα άτοµα γύρω µας όπως τον παππού. Έχουν τόσα να µας προσφέρουν και τόσα να µας µάθουνε. Ο ήλιος βεβαίως είναι το σύµβολο της ζωής. ∆εν µπορούµε να ζήσουµε χωρίς τον ήλιο. Μου άρεσε πολύ αυτό το βιβλίο και µου έµαθε πολλά για την αγάπη, τη φιλία, την εκτίµηση και τον σεβασµό. Vicky Anagnostakis Year 9

Name: Aleksandra Djordjevic – Vice Captain



Year: 12

Name: Angelina Flokis – Senior Prefect

How long at SSC: Since kindergarten, so 12 years and this is my 13th. Subjects Currently Studying: Serbian, 2Unit Maths Advanced, Maths Extension, Chemistry, Biology, 2Unit English Advanced and English Extension Future Aspirations: International Studies or Medical Science at UNSW. Age:

Achievements: Academic achievements are those which I am most proud and becoming Vice Captain.


How long have you been attending SSC: Since Kindergarten Future Aspirations: journalism (sport).

Hobbies/Interests: Watching sports especially Soccer, Tennis, Volleyball and Basketball, reading, love watching Supernatural, Vampire Diaries, Two and a Half Men, Big Bang Theory and Glee.

Get into university and study

Favourite Superhero(es): Storm from X-Men because she is a girl that you wouldn’t want to mess with and her powers are extremely cool. Sailor Moon because I’ve liked her ever since I was a child.

Subjects currently studying: English Advanced, Extension 1, Extension 2, Ancient History, History Extension, Legal Studies, Music. Hobbies/interest: swimming, netball, dancing, playing the piano and guitar.


Favourite Sports Team: Arsenal and Red Star Belgrade.

Favourite superhero and why: Batman, he has superpowers but also relies on his own scientific knowledge.

Favourite Quote: “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle” – Plato “You must be the change you want to see in the world” – Mahatma Ghandi. "Those who stand for nothing, fall for anything" Alexander Hamilton.

Favourite sporting team: West Tigers Favourite quote: “In a world filled with hate we must still dare to hope. In a world filled with despair we must still dare to believe”. – Michael Jackson

Role Models: My mum, Mahatma Ghandi, Nikola Tesla, Martin Luther King, Patriarch Pavle.

Achievements: Swimming 2005-2010, Netball 2005 – 2010, Greek Play 2007 – 2010, Music/Snapshots 2005 – 2010, Choir 2005 – 2010 Role Models: Christopher Stasos




Activity and Time


Blessing/Opening Ceremony 8.15am arrival 8:30am –9:15am

St Euphemia Church 6-12 East Terrace, Bankstown NSW 2200

Basketball (Boys and Girls) 10:00am - 3:40pm

Bankstown Basketball Stadium Third avenue Condell Park 2200

Table Tennis (Boys and Girls) 10:30am - 2:00pm

Hurstville Aquatic Centre corner King George Road & Forest Road. Hurstville, 2220

Spoken Arts Festival 4.30pm – 6.30pm

St Euphemia College 202 Stacey Street, Bankstown

Netball (Girls) 9:30am – 4:00pm

Anne Clark Netball Centre Church Street Lidcombe, 2141

Outdoor Soccer (Boys) 10:30am – 3:00pm

Belmore Sports Ground+ Peter Moore Oval, Belmore, 3 Edison Lane

Social Dinner 7:00pm – 10:30pm Indoor Soccer (Boys) 9:00am- 2:30pm

St Euphemia College 202 Stacey St, Bankstown Debbie & Abbey Borgia Recreation Community Centre next to Steel Park, 531 Illawarrra Road, Marrickville

Indoor Soccer (Girls) 9:30am- 1:35pm

Hurstville Aquatic Centre corner King George Road & Forest Road. Hurstville, 2220

5th May

Thursday 6th May

Friday 7th May

Volleyball (Boys and Girls) 10:00am – 3:00pm

Bankstown Basketball Stadium Third avenue Condell Park 2200

Presentations and Concluding Ceremony 4:00pm 5:00pm

St Euphemia College 202 Stacey St, Bankstown

Boys and Girls Basketball and Table Tennis – Wednesday 5th May Bus Leaves St Spyridon College at 7:00am and return at St Spyridon College at about 4:30pm Girls Netball and Boys Soccer – Thursday 6th May Bus Leaves St Spyridon College at 8:00am and return at St Spyridon College at about 5:30pm Dinner – All students involved– Thursday 6th May Students need to make their own way Boys and Girls Indoor Soccer – Friday 7th May Bus Leaves St Spyridon College at 8:00am and return at St Spyridon College at about 6:00pm Boys and Girls Volleyball – Friday 7th May Bus Leaves St Spyridon College at 8:30am and return at St Spyridon College at about 6:00pm

Students are to be dressed in their full school uniform with blazer at all assemblies and matches. Mr A. Condous Boys Sport

Ms K. OShea Girls Sport


Το Θεατρικό Εργαστήρι Του

ΚΟΛΛΕΓΙΟΥ ΤΟΥ ΑΓΙΟΥ ΣΠΥΡΙ∆ΩΝΑ σας παρουσιάζει την ηθογραφική κωµωδία των:

Αλέκου Σακελλάριου & Χρήστου Γιαννακόπουλου

«∆εσποινίς ετών 39»

Σκηνοθεσία: Μαίρη Φαλέτα Date: Friday 14th May 2010 – 6.30pm Sunday 16th May 2010 – 4.00pm Venue:

Cost: $15 (Adults) $10 (Seniors & Students)

St Spyridon Church Hall 72 – 76 Gardeners Road Kingsford NSW 2032

Tickets can be purchased from St Spyridon College, Senior School Office at 1130 Anzac Parade, Maroubra - Ph: 9311 3340 15


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