St Spyridon News 114 14a 2013

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VOLUME XXX No 14 20th September, 2013




Staff and students return


HSC Begins Year 4 visit


Yearly Exam Week JS



OHI Day Celebrations Church Years 7-9 P & F Spring Fair


NOVEMBER Years 4 – 6 Camp


Years 3 – 6 Camp

7th – 8th

Year 5 visit


Parent Forum Year 7 2014


Junior School Musical Showcase


P & T Interviews K-4 & 6


P &T Interviews K-4 & 5


Divine Liturgy K-12


DECEMBER Year 6 Graduation


Christmas Carols Afternoon JS


Term ends for students K-12 PRIZE GIVING K – 12 11.30am, SPACe


Staff Development Day


St Spyridon Vespers


St Spyridon Day


YEAR 12 CLASS 2013 FORMAL DINNER Extracts from Speech Tonight we gather to farewell you, with every good wish for your HSC success and future happiness. Mrs Katsogiannis, Principal of the Senior School and I, would like to thank the Reverend Father Steven Scoutas and Father Sotiri, for their spiritual guidance to you, and the Parish President Mrs Sue Mayson and Board of Directors for their work as guardians of the school’s mission and ethos. We thank Mr Frank Kaldis, your Year Adviser for setting the highest standards for you, for his professionalism, hard work, and persistent, not to say relentless attention to your needs. Thank you Mr Kaldis. Our thanks also go to Mr Picardi, your Home Room teacher. He has been a wonderful support to Mr Kaldis and our Year 12 students. We express our gratitude to your Year 12 teachers for being there for every step of the way on your exciting HSC journey. I am proud to see 25 of your teachers here with us this evening. And this is not because you have never made a mistake or that there were not moments where they felt that you were a handful. Είμαστε εδώ διότι είστε τα δικά μας παιδιά, και σας αγαπάμε. You are ours and we love you. Your Junior School teachers are represented here by our Acting Principal Mrs Synesios and Infants Coordinator, Mrs Kipriotis. They are here as proud parents this evening as well as a teacher. We also acknowledge Mrs Mio who is here as a mother. To all our dear parents that have worked so hard to give you the best start in life and to make you into the fine young people you are today, we say congratulations, να σας ζήσουν; και να τα δείτε και να τα καμαρώσετε όπως επιθυμείτε. I think we would all agree that we are truly blessed in our Principal of the Senior School Mrs Katsogiannis. I can think of no one we can so utterly and completely trust with your education and moral upbringing.


We commend the Prefects for their leadership of the student body and acknowledge our College Captain Mathew Kambos, the Vice Captain Leonidas Andrew and Maria Mio, Senior Prefect, as well as our two Sports Captains Stephanie Pizanis and James Andrew. Your leadership has been outstanding. When we think of the Year 12 Class of 2013, what comes to mind is the big boys’ class with a small group of very strong - not to say formidable young women; that the students of this Class have a sense of loyalty to one another that is truly remarkable; in fact your code of silence, would put the Mafia to shame. We know you would do anything for your friends. And your team spirit is legendary. We also note that many of you are no strangers to misfortune and loss. You have already shouldered responsibilities in a way that brings honour to you and your families. And so you have a wisdom beyond your years, because you already know, that no one owes you an easy life and there is no one on God’s earth who hasn’t shed a tear. A Russian aristocrat, who had lost everything in the Revolution, was asked why he still had such a zest for life and such love of country. He said that the Russian soul never confuses living with life. Life is the joy that emanates from the beauty of nature, from music, from love of family, from sharing true friendship. It has nothing to do with what you own, what you eat, even what you suffer. I think we can say that we all identify with this perspective. Tonight my wish for you, η ευχή μου για σας, is that you live life in joyful gratitude, for what is freely given to us by God above. I pray that your faith will help you face every difficulty with integrity and determination; and I encourage you to cultivate a garden of serenity in your own hearts. We trust that at St Spyridon, together with your loving families, we have given you the strength of character to stand well, to stand for what is right and what is good, and to make a difference. Go out into the world and make it better for all of us my dear children. As you leave us, we pray you take happy memories with you, and that in turn, you leave some of your goodness here with us. May God and St Spyridon bless you and keep you safe. Thank you. Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag









P & F for their tireless fundraising, good humour and support of all that we do.


Thursday, 19th September

Wishing you all a well-deserved break.

A reminder to pay fees by the due date. If fees are not paid on time, an admin fee of $50 will be added to every account.

FAREWELL This week we congratulated our Year 12 students who completed 13 years of schooling. The Senior School marks this milestone with three events; the 7 – 12 Student Assembly, the K -12 Doxology and the Formal Dinner. The smiles on the students’ faces said it all. They were blessed to have His Grace Bishop Iakovos officiating at the Doxology Service along with our Very Reverend Father Steven and Father Sotiri. At the conclusion of this service, the students were presented with The Orthodox Study Bible by His Grace. What greater blessing could we ask for our children. This is a fitting gift. My congratulations are extended to the Year 12 parents whom I have had the pleasure of sharing this journey with, as my daughter Constance is part of this cohort. I also wish to congratulate my coworkers Mrs Mio and Mrs Kipriotis for their children Maria and Theodore who also completed their secondary education. To Mrs Stefanou, Mrs Katsogiannis, Mr Kaldis and the Senior School staff, I extend the thanks of all the Year 12 parents for the love and guidance you have given our children and for ensuring that they become the best that they can be.

Mrs C. Tsaconas Business Manager

UNIFORM SHOP TIMES: 8.30 am to 10.00 am and 2.30 pm to 4.00 pm – Wednesday only school term.

UNIFORM SHOP – Volunteers needed from Term 4. Help is needed every Wednesday morning between 8.30 am and 10.00 am. If you are interested in helping please call Helen on 9313-6899.

JUNIOR SCHOOL REPORT With Term Three drawing to a close, I wish to thank and congratulate all the students for their hard work and dedication this Term. Their successes can be seen in their academic and sporting achievements but most importantly in their social interactions.

To Year 12, I wish you continued good health, love and lots of happiness in your future lives. May you achieve your personal goals. I pray that the light of Christ and the love of St Spyridon guide you and protect you always.

For us as parents, our primary goal is for our children to be good people who demonstrate their Christian values through their love of others. I acknowledge that this is only possible with the support of parents who instil this in their children and with the purposeful and planned experiences prepared by the teachers so that students can experience and role play these situations in their Personal Development and Orthodox Studies lessons.

CONGRATULATIONS Our congratulations are extended to Mrs Liakatos and her husband Peter on the birth of their daughter Patricia. We wish them a long and happy life filled with many wonderful adventures. CONDOLENCES

Congratulations to the teachers, the Peer Support facilitators, Miss McCarthy and Mrs Economou and, the Year 6 students for the wonderful program on “Living Positively”.

Our deepest and heartfelt sympathy is extended to our Head of College Mrs Stefanou-Haag, her husband Kevin and the Haag family on the recent passing of their sister-in-law and sister Ann. May Christ give

My thanks are also extended to the wonderful


Gregory Tsoukalas Christopher Vougioukas Valentina Spyridopoulos

rest to her soul and strength to them at this most difficult time.


Year 5: Panagiota Kappatos Nicki Kondou

159 students from Years 3-6 participated in the International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) English Skills during Term 3. St Spyridon College Junior School students have achieved excellent results; 33 were awarded Certificates of Credit.

Year 6: William Georgas Connor Giavis Sophie Ioannidis Kristina Poulos Peter Nikas Theoni Apostolopoulos Jade Capitanelis Georgia Veryinis

The International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) English exam assessed skills and knowledge in the areas of:  Reading- literary texts  Reading- factual texts  Textual devices  Syntax  Vocabulary

Congratulations to all our certificate recipients and all who participated. Ms D. McCarthy & Ms T. Bletsogiannis Mrs A. Synesios Acting Principal

Parents wishing to find out more about the English Assessment can download a PDF copy of the ICAS English Skills Assessment Framework using the URL below: english-framework.pdf


The following students received a Credit: A number of events were organised to farewell Year 12 students:

Year 3: Adriana Drakoulis Sophia Economou Sia Manos Evangeline O’Reilly Jorge Cooney Jamyson Gouveros Patricia Hardas Stephen Koutoulogenis Eleni Nicholas Nicholas Papas Anika Vlahakis Lucia Zois

  

Years 7 – 12 Farewell Assembly K-12 Doxology in the presence of His Grace Bishop Iakovos of Miletoupoulis Year 12 Formal Dinner for Year 12 students, teachers, parents and family.

As we farewell Year 12 we wish them every success in their HSC examinations and future careers and life choices. May God always bless you.

Year 4: Teoni Antonopoulos Emmanuel Aroney Mary Diamond Anastasia Dougenis Christo Keramitzis Gianni Keramitzis Peter Petrides Anastasi Poulos

TERM 2 Term 2 begins on Tuesday, 8th October, 2013 with a WEEK B timetable. Students are to wear their Summer uniform. Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School




Learning is finding out what you already know, doing is demonstrating that you know it, teaching is reminding others that they know it as well as you do. We are all learners, doers, and teachers. Richard David Bach

UP COMING YEARLY EXAMINATIONS All students and parents are reminded that in Week 5 of next Term all Middle School Students will sit Yearly Examinations in most subject areas. While it is important that students take a well-deserved break from their studies in the coming weeks, they should also take advantage of the opportunity to organize their papers, set up a study timetable and begin to prepare for the busy days ahead in Term 4.

MIDDLE SCHOOL ASSEMBLY This Term’s assembly was hosted by two bubbly SRC’s Year 7, Felicity Ginis and Bianca Frazis. Though small in stature, they did a wonderful job in ensuring proceedings flowed seamlessly. Leadership roles such as this once again prove that when students are provided with opportunities to develop their skills, build their confidence and step up when faced with deadlines and challenges, they rise to the occasion. Well done girls! Congratulations and many thanks must also be extended to two Year 9 Middle School students who entertained us during the assembly: Patrick Langlands with his piano performance of the ABBA hit “Money, Money, Money” and Alexander Cardamis who played “The Piano” by Mychael Nyman.

STUDENT LEADERSHIP We begin next Term with two Leadership Development training days. The first will be for Year 9 on Thursday 10th October. It will focus on Peer Support and mentoring skills, while the second, for Year 11, is on Friday 11th October, and aims to prepare them for their new roles as the most Senior Student Leaders, and Prefects. Year 9 students will have received notes detailing these events this week and Year 11 via the mail. Please ensure notes are read and all money due is returned by the first day back next term, i.e., Tuesday 8th October, 2013. Ms G Kokinelis Dean of Middle SchooL




Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι, Στην έκδοση αυτή θα σας κρατήσουμε συντροφιά μόνο με φωτογραφίες των μαθητών της Β΄ Γυμνασίου από την πρόσφατη εκδρομή τους στο εστιατόριο «Μύθος», που βρίσκεται στο Λάικαρτ. Τα παιδιά παρέλαβε από το σχολείο ένα διώροφο μπλε λεωφορείο και με αυτό ταξίδεψαν ως το εστιατόριο ακούγοντας ελληνική μουσική και τραγούδια.

Καλές σχολικές διακοπές. κ. Μ. Φαλέτα

Στη συνέχεια, τα 54 από τα 58 παιδιά αυτής της χρονιάς, που πήραν μέρος σ’ αυτή την εκδρομή, έφαγαν ελληνική σαλάτα με φέτα, ελιές, αγγουράκι και άλλα ζαρζαβατικά, ψωμί/πίτα και ταραμοσαλάτα, τζατζίκι, χαλούμι, σπανακοπιτάκια, καλαμαράκια, πατάτες τηγανητές, ψάρι και σουβλάκια κοτόπουλο και χοιρινό. Για γλυκό είχαν λουκουμάδες και φυσικά απεριόριστα αναψυκτικά.



SCHOOL HOLIDAY WORKSHOPS AND INFORMATION SESSIONS These should prove to be both informative and enjoyable experiences for those students who are interested in these areas:

Μετά το φαγητό ακολούθησε χορός που ξεκίνησε στους ήχους του Ζορμπά. Στην συνέχεια χόρεψαν πολλούς ελληνικούς αλλά και μοντέρνους χορούς και πέρασαν μια πολύ όμορφη μέρα.

National Institute of Dramatic Art: Spring School Holiday Workshops Saturday 21st September to Sunday 6th October Various locations throughout Sydney. NIDA are holding a variety of courses for all ages throughout the spring school holidays. These include intensive skill-focused programs, creative play programs, or programs for beginners. Contact: (02) 9697 7626 urseList.aspx?TYP=234

Η εκδρομή αυτή γίνεται κάθε χρόνο με τους μαθητές της Β΄Γυμνασίου μέσα στα πλαίσια των ενοτήτων «Ας φάμε ελληνικά» και «Γιορτές και Τροφές».

Sydney College of Event Management: Information Session Wed 25th September & Fri 25th October, 6:30pm Level 9, 28 Foveaux Street, Surry Hills Contact: 1300 725 846 or pus/information-sessions Macleay College Industry Days September 23rd to 27th Macleay College Industry Days are FREE sessions to help students get a better understanding of future career paths. The


Graduate Certificate in Small Business Management alongside their degree. Find out more at

sessions are conducted by industry professionals and are based on real-life work scenarios. Further information is here: or call 1300 939 888. Limited to 20 places per course.

Architectural Careers – is a new online Architectural Education Portal that has been developed to provide concise and practical information about a career in architecture, and what courses are available in Australia (as well as further afield). welcomes any feedback from CAA members on additional information that would be useful for students considering a future career in architecture. The site can be found at:

International Film School Sydney: Open Day Saturday 21st September, 10am to 3pm 41 Holt Street, Surry Hills Explore the new campus, visit working sets and live productions, and speak to current students and lecturers.

Antipodeans Abroad GapBreak spots for 2014 are filling up! 1 - 6 month placements are available throughout Asia, Africa, North and South America, and Europe. Our 2014 Summer Camp Applications are now open. Information Nights: Sydney: 6.30-7.30pm, Wednesday 25th September, 303a / 282 Victoria Ave, Chatswood NSW 2067. Online Webinar: 16th September 6pm - 7pm; Register online at or call (02) 9413 1522.

JMC Academy: September School Holiday Workshops Friday 27th & Monday 30th September, 10am to 4pm JMC Academy is holding three workshops during the September school holidays for secondary school students. The workshops cover music, audio and entertainment, animation and game design, and film and television production. Filmmaking courses at Australian Film Television and Radio school (23 September – 4 October), see www. for details.

UNSW: New Undergraduate Degrees in 2014 The University of New South Wales has launched a number of new undergraduate degrees which will be starting in 2014. Some new degrees on offer include Bachelor of Science (Environmental Management) and a range of new double degrees.

CAREERS AND COURSES INFORMATION Nursing Information Evening- Tuesday, 24th September, 4.00 – 7.00pm at Notre Dame University, 160 Oxford St, Darlinghurst (near St Vincents Hospital). For information and to RSVP, phone 82044404 or email:

Bond University 2013 Medicine Information Evenings Information sessions: Sydney : Swissotel, 68 Market St ,Sydney Monday 23rd September at 6.00pm. Contact: Tabitha Lauret, Marketing & Events Officer, Faculty of Health Sciences & Medicine

Careers in Pharmacy - At Charles Sturt University, 98 per cent of our Bachelor of Pharmacy students gain full time employment. Our smaller class sizes give students the opportunity to develop close learning relationships with their teachers and our facilities are cutting edge. Our trail-blazing curriculum includes a mental health first aid course and vaccination certificate, to ensure our pharmacy graduates are well-rounded and job ready, and students can prepare to manage or own their own pharmacy by studying a

University of Technology Sydney: Summer School Program. The Summer School Program run every January school holidays offers Year 11 students from U @ Uni partner schools the chance to attend intensive two-week summer schools. These summer schools cover subject


For more information, contact: Joanne McFarland Senior Project Officer (02) 9367 8218

areas like short filmmaking, engineering and information technology, design, nursing and midwifery, and science. Contact: Lisa Aitken on or 9514 1084.

A reminder also that I am available Tuesday to Friday during Term and will be available at school on 18th and 19th December when the HSC results and ATAR scores are released, and in mid- January when university offers are made.


Ms G. Hakos Careers Adviser

A reminder that on-time UAC applications for University close on 27th September. Notre Dame University applications also close on this date. Also, many University scholarship applications close on 30th September.




Kindergarten Jade have been very busy at school and we would like to share some of our “Weekend Recounts” and photos with you.

UNSW has sporting scholarships available, as well as Co-op scholarships. Students are encouraged to finalise applications as soon as possible.

On the weekend I went to the movies. I went with my mum and my dad. I played X-Box and it was fun. I won a running race. I went to the shop and I went to the park. I had a lovely day.

They are holding a Year 12 Parent and Student Information Evening on Wednesday 13th November. See their website for more information and to register to attend.

Emmanuel Moros KJ

HSC De-stress run by Randwick City Library Services For HSC students Free! Friday 11 October, 2.30pm - 4.00pm, Bowen Library

On the weekend I went to my yiayia’s house and my sister came and we went to the shops. I went to buy some things for me and my sister. I bought some clothes and shoes. Then we went home because we were tired. When we woke up we played Master Chef together.

Need a relaxing and scrumptious break from the intensity of your exam preparation? Chill out from study stress and join us for fun, relaxing and delicious chocolate dipping. Guaranteed to boost your study performance! All equipment will be supplied. This is an unstructured event, so feel free to drop in and leave as you like. Just bring your sweet tooth! Bookings appreciated, for catering purposes, on 9314 4888.

Georgia Karatasos KJ On the weekend I went to George’s party. George’s party was at bowling, and I came last. When I was finished I went to go and eat. After I finished eating, the lady gave me tokens but I didn’t play with them because I wanted to play on the rides. I had a fantastic day!

NSW BOARD OF STUDIES The Board's HSC results services begin soon after the release of results online and by SMS on Wednesday, 18 December 2013. HSC Results Inquiry Centre – 1300

Andriana George KJ


On the weekend I went to bowling because it was George’s birthday. I went with my mummy and daddy. I played with George and I had fun. The food was very yummy and I had cake. I went in the games room and I won a lolly. Finally I went home.

On the weekend I went to the shops. First I got some strawberries. Then I got some games for the TV. Next I went to look for more games but I couldn’t find any more for the TV. Finally I got to see my brother, sister and my mummy.

Georgia Tsoukleris KJ

Ellie Liaskos KJ

On the weekend I went to my yiayia’splace. First I watched TV. Then I had some water. Next I played some games. After that I sat down. Finally I went home in my car with my family and my dad drove.

On the weekend I went to see some cars and to the shops. I went with my family. First I got dressed. Then I got in the car. Next I saw the cars. After that my mum gave me a chocolate Kinder Surprise egg. Finally I got to see what was inside the egg. I had so much fun!

Joshua Tsoukalas KJ

Peter Winnel KJ

On the weekend I went to the shops. I went with my dad. First I dressed up and I ate some food. Then I went shopping so I could buy more food. After that I bought some flowers for my mum. Next I went to my house to rest. Finally I had fun. Spyridoula Karagiorgou KJ On the weekend I went to my grandmother’s house. I ate some cake. First I got dressed. Then I went in the car. Next I put my shoes on. Finally I went home and I went to sleep in my bed. I had fun. Peter Mangafas KJ On the weekend I went to Emmanuel’s house. First I got dressed. Then I went in the car. Next I got there. After that I went home. Finally I had a lot of fun. I went with my mum. Cara Diamond KJ On the weekend I went to the park because it is fun there. I had a play there and it had a pirate ship. It was lots of fun. Themi Papadakis KJ


NRL CLINICS The National Rugby League clinics involved all Year 6 students during Term 3. The clinics taught Year 6 about the rules and game of Touch Football. Blake was our NRL development officer. He coached Year 6 students along with Miss McCarthy, Mr Volas, Mrs Diavatiotis and Miss Robinson. The NRL clinic sessions were non-contact, skill based and a lot of fun. The focus of the clinics was to develop motor skills and movement. Year 6 students learned to negotiate rules and design our own game of Rugby League or League Tag. The sessions ended with a Gala Day at Kensington Oval between 8 teams of Year 6 students. The competition was fierce but fun! At the end of the Gala Day, Blake rewarded each player with a free football to take home! The NRL clinics were enjoyed by all the students and were worthwhile. This is because many of us love NRL and the clinics gave us the opportunity to play football! Our school should definitely continue to do the NRL Clinics in the future. Yana Vergotis 6P and Dyana Chakos 6M



“We had tea and a fortune cookie. The fortune cookie was very nice! I like the Chinese Gardens the best.”


On the 9th September 2013 Year Three went on an excursion to the Maritime Museum and the Chinese Gardens as part of our H.S.I.E unit People and Their Beliefs.

Daniel Guirguis 3S

At the Maritime Museum, students were educated about different boats, ships and vessel used throughout history. They were given a tour of the museum and even went on a treasure hunt! Ms Xenos Year 3S Class Teacher “We learnt about lots of different things including cannons and how people used to use them! We also went on the James Craig ship and got to look for treasure!” Taylysse Knight 3S “We went into the museum and saw an enormous anchor they used on ships, a cannon and even a stuffed shark! On the James Craig ship we learnt a lot of history about the boat and even went on a treasure hunt! We had a fantastic day and I can’t wait until I go back again with my family. Now I can say I have been the Maritime Museum and the Chinese Gardens” Anastasia Lambrou 3S “We went into the Chinese Gardens and we saw a lot of nature. All of Year 3 used maps to get around the Gardens. We started at the top of the map and even took a photo in front of the Chinese temple. Then we had green tea and fortune cookie. Ms Xenos also threw a coin into the Dragon wall fountain and we all made a wish” George Grillakis 3S “Year Three got to see the Lake of Brightness, the Lotus Temple, the Dragon Tower and Sleeping Boy Buddha… My partner was Daniel for the day, I thought the day was wonderful!” Lucas Leondaris 3S


Nicole Adam- 3rd in 14yrs Shot Put, 3rd in 14yrs 100m A runner Nicholas Kollias- 1st in 12yrs High Jump, 1st in 12yrs Discus, 2nd 12yrs Long Jump, 3rd in Junior Triple Jump Jennifer Contominas- 3rd in 12yrs 800m, 3rd in 12 yrs 400m Nathan Adam- 2nd in 12yrs 800m George Contominas- 1st in 14yrs 800m Christopher Kolistasis- 2nd in 18yrs 100m B runner, 3rd in 18yrs High Jump James Andrew- 2nd in 18yrs 100m A runner Cassandra Georgiou- 2nd in 18yrs Shot Put, 2nd in 18yrs Discus Joanna Skouteris- 1st in 12yrs Javelin Antonia Katerinas- 3rd in 13yrs 100m A runner Lia Albanakis- 3rd in Intermediate 1500m Steffie Papadopoulos- 3rd in 14yrs 400m Sophia Rizzo- 2nd in 16yrs 400m

We had a wonderful time going to both these venues and look forward to our next excursion!



ISA ATHLETICS 2013 Last Tuesday 10th September approximately 70 students attended the ISA Athletics Carnival held at Homebush Athletics Centre. The students were eager to improve on their performances at the school and Invitational Carnival. With all students well prepared for their events due to the six week training program conducted by NSW Athletics officials the students seemed more confident and less overwhelmed prior to their events. The ISA competition is very competitive particularly in Athletics. The students were encouraged to improve their personal best times or scores and to try their best. Some exceptional individual results were achieved and no doubt contributed to the most successful Athletics season in years.

Congratulations to the following students who broke school records: Nicholas Kollias- 12 yrs Discuss 21.89m George Contominas a record broken from 1992- 14 yrs 800m Run 2.26.75

Some Individual placing in Division 2 include:

Peter Contominas- 16 yrs 800m Run 2.34.39

Rhea Tsimboukis- 3rd in Junior 3km run Anastasia Hatzidis- 3rd in 12yrs High Jump Chyrstal Christie- 3rd in 15yrs Discus, 3rd in 15yrs 200m A runner, 1st Intermediate Triple Jump, 1st 15yrs 100m A runner, Alexander Cardamis- 3rd in 15yrs 100m B runner Simeon Kerameas- 2nd in 16yrs 100m B runner George Karapanyiotides- 3rd in 17yrs Shot Put Nikolas Baratsas- 3rd in Senior Triple Jump, 1st 17yrs High Jump Anthony Pascalis- 3rd in 12yrs 200m B runner, 3rd in 12yrs 100m B runner Zac Prelec- 3rd in 12yrs 200m A runner, 2nd in 12yrs 100m A runner Constantinos Kollias- 3rd in13yrs 200m B runner Anastasia Gousetis- 2nd in 15yrs 200m B runner Yianna Criticos– 2nd in 17yrs 200m B runner, 3rd in 17yrs 100m B runner Nansia Koukounaris- 2nd in 17yrs 200m A runner, 3rd in 17yrs Javelin, 2nd in 17yrs Discus

Further congratulations to the following students who were selected to represent ISA in the NSWCIS Athletics Championships on Wednesday 18th September:


James Andrew for 100m

Cassandra Georgiou for Discus

Chrystal Christie for Triple Jump

Nicholas Kollias for High Jump

Junior Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Overall results achieved were as follows:

GIRLS DIVISION 2 Junior Place 1 2 2 4 5 6


Points 325 311 311 260 228 147

Intermediate Place School 1 TSS 2 OXL 3 SPGS 4 ASC 5 SPY 6 SMGS

Points 221 214 196 187 157 129

Senior Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Overall Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 7



Points 202 178 135 119 117 86 61

Points 676 656 584 568 536 362 202

Ms K. O’Shea (Girls Sport) and Mr F. Kaldis (Boys Sport)



Points 335 332 286 255 254 224 210 134 98

Intermediate Place School 1 SSC 2 ASC 3 SPGS 4 RFC 5 TSS 6 BMGS 7 SPY 8 RED 9 SMGS

Points 231 208 215 198 182 161 140 129 73

Senior Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


Points 218 216 198 190 164 152 143 84 10

Overall Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


Points 779 682 650 578 568 559 537 506 181


Theodore Kipriotis





Favourite colour:


Number of years at St Spyridon College: 13 Subjects studying:

Advanced English, General Mathematics, Business Studies, Legal Studies, Information Processes Technology, and Information Technology


Going out with friends, exercise

Favourite sports team: Canterbury Bulldogs Favourite quote:

‘Yesterday you said tomorrow’ – Nike


Numerous academic awards and swimming representative for the school at ISA competitions.

Role Models:


Last $50 would be spent on:

Another $50 until I can figure out what to do with it.







St spyridon college Spring fair 2013 Junior school

Sunday 27 october 11am – 5pm You are all invited! OFFERING YOU SO MUCH FUN… with OLD FAVOURITES & NEW SURPRISES

Thrill seeking rides – dodgem cars, water balls, aero jump, jumping castle & more! Entertaining greek music & greek dancing! FUN ACTIVITIES – airbrushing body art, Face painting, meet & greet peepa pig & new challenging games! Fabulous food & DRINKS – Lamb & chicken souvlakia, sizzling sausages, bbq haloumi, SENSATIONAL SEAFOOD, LOUKOUMADES, cupcakes, COFFEE , Greek SAVOURY PASTRIES & SWEETS, fairy floss, gelato & more! Shopping stalls to satisfy all- JEWELLERY, bags & accessories, spring flowers & plants, artworks, BILINGUAL BOOKS, gifts, CHILDRENS ACCESSORIES, toys, Fairy accessories, Treasured goods & more! FAMOUS STUDENTS’ ARTWORKS! TOO GOOD TO MISS! 22

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