News 117 17a 2013

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VOLUME XXX No 17 15th November, 2013

DATES TO REMEMBER NOVEMBER Fasting for Christmas begins


Junior School Musical Showcase, SPACe


Orientation Day Year 7 2014


P & T Interviews K-4 & 6


P &T Interviews K-4 & 5


Divine Liturgy K-12


DECEMBER Year 6 Graduation evening Church Hall


6.30pm Christmas Carols Afternoon JS


Term ends for students K-12 PRIZE GIVING K – 12 11.30am, SPACe


Staff Development Day


St Spyridon Vespers


St Spyridon Day


Christmas Day


Boxing Day


JANUARY Staff Development Days

Please note Scholarships for Year 5 and Year 9 28 –29 th


Years 1 to 7, 11 and 12 commence


Kindergarten and Years 8-10 commence




in particular. Entries close on Monday, 10th February, 2014.




You will not be permitted to leave your seat during the performance or to take photos or video. A DVD of the event will be produced. If you would like to order a DVD, please complete the order form handed out last week and return with payment to the School Office no later than Thursday 21st November.

UNIFORM SHOP TIMES: 8.30 am to 10.00 am and 2.30 pm to 4.00 pm – Wednesday only school term.


We hope to see you on the 20th November where we will be entertained by the students. Bring your family and friends as it is an event not to be missed.

The program for the upcoming December Vacation Care period (9th to 20th December 2013) is now available and a copy has been attached to this newsletter.

Monday 18th November – Dress Rehearsal: Infants (K-2) are to be dropped off by their parents in the morning by 8:45am at the latest, at the Senior School. Teachers will be on duty from 8:15am. Please drop children off at the grassed area near the SPACe. Children are to come dressed in their costume and bring their Sports Uniform in their sports bag. Lunch orders may be placed but only cold food eg. sandwiches, rolls etc. Children will be bussed back to the Junior School by 11am. Parents (Infants K-2) are to collect their children from the Junior School at 3:00pm.

We will be open again after the New Year on Thursday 2nd January and operate till Wednesday 29th January 2014. The January holiday program will be ready in 2 weeks and we will be taking bookings for January after that. Please note the booking form MUST be filled out and returned should you wish for your children to attend vacation care, whether it be a permanent or casual booking. Bookings will only be accepted if we have a completed Enrolment form as it is against National Law to accept children into our care without a form.

Primary (Yrs 3-6) are to come to the Junior School in the morning as normal. They are to come dressed in Sports Uniform and bring their costume and sports bag. Lunch orders may be placed but only cold food eg. sandwiches, rolls etc. Children will be bussed up to the Senior School at 11am. Parents (Primary Yrs 3-6) are to collect their children from the Senior School at 3:15pm.

JUNIOR SCHOOL REPORT MUSICAL SHOWCASE In preparation for the Musical Showcase, The Greatest Music of our Time, the children will be travelling to the Senior School campus, 1130 Anzac Pde, Maroubra for rehearsals on Wednesday 13th and Monday 18th November.

Wednesday 20th November – SHOWTIME ! K – 6 are to come to the Junior School as normal. Children are to come dressed in their Sports Uniform and bring their costume and own lunch in sports bag. Canteen will only be open for recess. No lunch orders will be taken on this day. Children will be bussed to the Senior School Campus at 10.30am. Parents are to collect their children from the Senior School at the end of the performance.

The Musical Showcase will commence promptly at 12:30pm on Wednesday 20th November. We ask that all parents and friends be seated by this time. Doors will open at 12pm and you will be able to purchase your tickets at the door. Cost $20 per adult. Please note that all children not attending the College will need to be seated with their parents. Under no circumstances are children permitted to walk around the centre during the performance.

NB: Costumes need to be clearly labelled with the child’s name and class and stored in a suit bag.




Due to the extensive damage to the Betta Electricals (Retravision) site, our Kindergarten and Year One students have been relocated to the Primary side until we have been given every assurance that the site is safe for our children to return. I am pleased to report that our children are resilient and have been unaffected by this move. If anything, they have embraced the challenge and are enjoying the adventure.


I extend my thanks to you, the parents for your patience and support at this inconvenient time. If I could remind you to leave the school grounds as soon as you have collected your child so that we ease the traffic congestion.

Students will attend workshops on managing the Board of Studies paperwork, study skills, the literacy demands of the HSC, spiritual enlightenment and good works in the community, first aid and global connections. They will be introduced to their subjects for Year 11 and receive guidelines about their Year 11 Assessment.

Monday 11th November – Thursday, 5th December, 2014 The program is designed for the Year 10 students who will be continuing their studies at St Spyridon College for Years 11 and 12.

Congratulations also to the teachers for maintaining a calm and safe environment for the children. Thank you to Year 2, Year 3 and their teachers for sharing their rooms. We will keep you informed of developments.

PARENT TEACHER INTERVIEWS Parent Teacher interviews will be conducted on Friday 22nd November for K – 4 & 6 and on Monday 25th November for K – 5. These interviews are not compulsory but I would encourage all parents who would like some advice about what they can do to assist their child to make an appointment with the teacher. You will receive your child’s yearly report in the coming week along with this year’s formal examination papers.

The program was opened by Mr Con Livissianis, Treasurer/Director of the St Spyridon Parish, Managing Director, Exemplar Performance Advantage.



This year as we do every year, the children of St Spyridon College are asked to spread the Good News of Christ’s birth by singing carols to parishioners in their homes. Years 2 – 6 have received a note with all the details. I would encourage you and your child to participate. It is a lovely tradition that builds the Christmas spirit in your home. Dates: 9th, 10th, 12th & 13th December.

On Tuesday, 5th November, Year 11 students and their parents attended a Parent Forum. Students were presented with their Year 12 badges by Mrs Stefanou. Mrs Michalski (Board of Studies Liaison Officer) spoke about the Higher School Certificate. Ms Hakos, Careers Adviser, spoke about Post School Pathways. The College HSC 2013 Assessment Handbook was distributed along with important dates 2014.

Mrs A. Synesios Acting Principal



Year 12 2014 are reminded that they must attend school for the normal school hours i.e., 8.23 a.m. – 3.05 p.m. even if they have study periods at the start or end of the day. The only exception is every Thursday - students not involved in ISA or other lessons may sign out through the Administration office at 1.25 p.m.


“We are all the sum of the people we meet and the journeys we take” Anonymous On any given day: Your heart will beat 95,000 times. You will take 28,800 breaths. You will blink 23,000 times. You will have 50,000 thoughts. The earth will rotate once. The sun will set and it will rise. You will have 86,400 seconds to MAKE YOUR MARK!

We wish the Year 12 Class of 2014 all the best as they begin their HSC Assessment tasks.

YEAR 12 FUNDRAISER Year 12 class of 2014 are conducting their first fundraising event with the raffle of a 10kg Cadbury Dairy Milk Chocolate. If you would like to purchase tickets please speak with Ms O’Shea or a member of the year group.

Yesterday is gone, you can't go back. Tomorrow is not here yet. We now find ourselves at a time called today. Turn today into your best day yet. Forgive that person. Say sorry. Encourage someone you love or barely know. Smile at a stranger. Reflect, change, turn a negative into something positive. Don’t get stuck in regret……life is a journey of lessons we have to make. Maximise every moment!

Ticket costs are as follows: 1 ticket $2 or 3 for $5 The Raffle will be drawn at Middle School Assembly Week 9 Term 4. Good Luck!

YEARLY EXAMS END All Middle School students have now completed their Yearly Examinations and I am sure this is a great relief to them. Over the next week or so students will have the opportunity to reflect on their performance as they begin to receive results. Positives and negatives need to be considered so that new goals can be set for future development. It is also important to note that both reflection and evaluation are a necessary part of the learning process. If students do not acknowledge what they do well and where they can improve, progress will be difficult. Parents can assist their children by taking time at home to discuss exams and results.

Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School

YEAR 5 VISIT This week we had some very excited Year 5 students visit the Senior School for their second Transition Day. They all enjoyed lessons in Science where they mixed chemicals, watched reactions and got their ‘Bunson Burner Licences’; in History where they learnt to write in hieroglyphs, and in Food


Condous for all their efforts and to the Year 9 leaders who assisted with setting up, welcoming guests, serving guests, cleaning up and making Year 7 welcome. Well done everyone!

Technology where they made some very artistic pizzas! Thank you to Mr Croft and Miss Hafner (Science), Miss Hudson (History), Mrs Grillakis and Mrs Lambi (Food Technology) and the Year 8 SRC’s for a successful day and for making the students feel special.

YEAR 7, 2014 BBQ and PARENT FORUM On Tuesday 12fh November our annual BBQ and Parent Forum for Year 7, 2014 and their parents, was held at the Senior School SPACe. It was very exciting to see the group meet for the first time and the efforts made by all to get to know one another. Parents who attended are reminded that the documentation included in the specially marked envelope found in the ‘Information Pack’ needs to be filled and returned to the school on Orientation Day next week, and that the camp permission slip, medical form and money are due on the first day of school on Thursday 30th January, 2014. A special ‘Thank You’ must be given Mr Zafiropoulos, and Mr

GIRL RISING As the end of the school year draws closer it is important to remember the power and strength within each of us help those less fortunate than ourselves, and to initiate change, not only within ourselves, but also in the lives of others. While reflecting, we should all give thanks for


all that we have and the experiences and lessons that life has given us.

ORIENTATION DAY Next Friday, on the 22nd November we look forward to welcoming Year 7, 2014, back for their Orientation Day. Parents are reminded that all forms included in the big envelope found in the ‘Information pack’, must be returned on this day. Students are to wear their current school sports uniform, bring a bag containing their pencil case as well as food and drink for recess and lunch. On arrival all students must assemble on the lawn at the side of the Administration building by 8.45am so that we may begin the program by 9am. Pick up will be at 2.30pm from the school oval area.

On Friday during Pastoral Care the film called ‘Girl Rising’, was shown to students. The film is part of the Pastoral Care Program - Global Connections focus and is aimed at making our students aware of the inequalities that exist in the world today. Especially in regard to the lack of access girls have to education in disadvantaged and developing countries, and the difference education can make to lives when available. All students who viewed the film were asked to make a $5 minimum donation. The proceeds will be sent to the Girls Rising Campaign for distribution to organizations that help girls around the world get into and stay in school. If you would like further information please look at A donation will also be made to the St George Monastery Bushfire appeal.

YEAR 7 CHRISTMAS CARDS At this time, as we prepare for the Holy season - Year 7 students make Christmas cards for the residents of St Basils Nursing Home. These are delivered on their behalf by Year 10 as part of their Preparing for the Preliminaries Program. Students enjoy being creative and are always happy to contribute knowing that their efforts bring a smile to the faces of the elderly who receive their card. We thank them for their efforts.

INTERVIEWS for PREFECTS of 2014 Panel interviews of short listed students will occur next week. At these interviews students will be presenting portfolios of their achievements and answering questions from panel members- Mrs Katsogiannis, Ms Kokinelis and Ms O’Shea. The final selection of Prefects for 2014 will be made following this and announced at the K-12 Speech and Prize Giving Assembly to be held on Thursday 5th December, in the SPACe.

Ms G Kokinelis Dean of Middle School



As we near the end of Week 6, there are important events occurring here at school for our Senior students. Year 10 students have completed their final assessments and have begun their ‘Preparing for the Preliminaries’ course, as they look towards ‘stepping up’ to the challenges of their Stage 6 subjects in Year 11.

PEER SUPPORT This week Year 9 Peer Support leader applicants who have moved through to the next round, assisted with the Year 7 BBQ and Parent Forum and began the next stage of their training. This group will be assisting Year 7 during Orientation Day next week. This will involve:- helping students become familiar with the Senior School campus, facilitating group sessions that encourage students to ‘Get to Know’ each other, and accompanying groups to the days ‘taster’ lessons. Next year Peer Support Leader will continue the process of developing relationships and familiarization with schools routines and expectations.

Year 11 students (now officially called Year 12 2014) are now well underway in their HSC subjects and are preparing for their first HSC assessment tasks scheduled for the coming weeks. So it is an exciting but challenging time. It is timely to be reminding both groups of the importance of time management (amongst other things), if they wish to achieve their


potential in the coming year and a study timetable is an invaluable aid for this.

For school leavers: UNSW Year 12 Parent and Student Information Evening: Wednesday, 13th November 5.30pm for 6.30 pm start. Register to attend at: udents.schedules_search?p_event_id=28&p_hi gh_school_id=742&p_session=###

TAX FILE NUMBERS I have recently had several requests for application forms for Tax File Numbers. These can be obtained from me, completed and returned to school and are then signed by the Principal and sent in to the Tax Office. The Tax Office takes about 28 days to process the applications. To expedite this process, I plan on organising a program for applications early next year for all students in Years 10 to 12. If any student needs one before then, I encourage them to see me in the careers office as soon as possible.

UTS Year 12 Parent and Student Information Evenings: Wednesday, 13th November (Kuring-gai), Thursday 14th November (City) and Wednesday 4th December (City). See registration information at:


Macquarie University School leavers information evening: Wednesday 11th December. Register at: aduate/coming_events/school_leaver_info_eve ning/

A DAY@UNSW: 12th December, 2013. A great opportunity to spend a day at UNSW. This day, during the school holidays, is free of charge, lunch and campus tour included. Register to attend at:

Please contact me if you have any queries, udents.splash

Ms G. Hakos Careers Adviser

UNSW Architecture- Creating Spaces workshop: For students in Years 10-12 who are interested in architecture, 19th November. Go to: udents.splash for more information and to register.




Year 4 Students Should not be Allowed to Stay Home by Themselves Do you think Year 4 students are old enough to stay home on their own? We certainly do not! They need to be supervised at all times. Year 4 students are not responsible enough, mature enough or experienced enough to look after themselves.

UTS Discover Architecture Summer school: For Year 11 high school students interested in architecture, Monday 13th to Thursday 23rd January,2014. For registration details, go to:

To start off with, Year 4 students should not stay home alone due to safety reasons. For example, children are highly likely to cause an accident, such as breaking a window or starting a fire, and will hurt themselves in the process. Furthermore, there are many electrical appliances and dangerous objects in the house (such as knives and scissors), which could certainly harm them. Also, a careless child

Studying Medicine at Bond University: see information about their application process at: c/@pub-admissionsdomgen/documents/image/bd3_028422.pdf


responsible, caring parent, you would definitely agree with us. At the end of the day, Year 4 students are simply children who need a constant role model to teach them responsibility. This role model is you!

could leave the doors and windows unlocked, allowing a dangerous criminal to intrude and hurt them. Secondly, it is crucial that Year 4 students are not left at home alone, for their health will be at risk. For example, they might have a deadly anaphylactic attack or an asthma attack and will not know the right method to treat themselves.

An Exposition by 4C




Another health issue is the children’s diet. We know that children love to eat junk food which is extremely unhealthy. If parents are not at home to supervise, their children are bound to indulge in unhealthy snacks.

CIS GYMNASTICS CHAMPIONSHIPS On Wednesday 6th November the Primary School CIS Gymnastics Championships took place at Tara Anglican School for Girls.

There is another concerning health issue for Year 4 students who believe that they can look after themselves, that is, the issue of personal hygiene. Because Year 4 students are lazy and can’t be bothered with the daily routines of brushing their hair and teeth or having a shower, they won’t do it unless a parent is there to control it. Therefore, if a Year 4 student is left at home alone, they will end up looking and smelling like pigs!

Tara provided a superb venue for the final CIS Gymnastics Championships and there were many talented gymnasts jumping, swinging, tumbling, balancing and performing last Wednesday. The standard of competition in both the Artistic and Rhythmic Gymnastics sections was incredibly high with spectators amazed by the impressive display of skill.

Now let’s talk about trust issues. Do you trust a Year 4 student to stay home alone and not get into any mischief? You should definitely not! Parents might think that their child is at home doing homework, but they are most probably on the computer sneakily playing violent, mind-wrecking games. Apart from not attempting to do their homework, unsupervised Year 4 students are capable of damaging precious household items such as crystal vases and other valuable ornaments. They can also make prank calls, steal money from their parents, waste electricity and water and hundreds of other mischievous activities. Leaving an irresponsible Year 4 student at home alone, will surely be an expensive mistake. Do you seriously believe that children care about how much the electricity bill will add up to? The most concerning trust issue is, will the children actually stay at home by themselves, or will they find the perfect opportunity to wonder off? In this case, they could get lost, be kidnapped or they could die! To sum it up, we strongly believe that Year 4 students need to be watched carefully at all times for their own safety, health and for everyone’s own piece of mind! If you are a

Congratulations to Deahna Simos from Year 6 who proudly represented St Spyridon College. Deahna took part in Level 5 Beam, Vault, Floor and Bars. She was awarded a third place medal in her floor routine! Well done Deahna.

Mrs C. Diavatiotis Sports Convenor


game especially Gabriel Cassimatis, who started to score baskets. Jordan Costopoulos also made an outstanding effort in rebounding which helped the team substantially. In the end Kyriacos Kladakis scored an overall of 17 points and Gabriel Cassimatis scoring an overall of 12 points, leading the boys to a 3621 win over St Pius X College. Gabriel Cassimatis

BOYS ISA BASKETBALL 2013 Round 3 2nd of November In round 3 our Boys basketball teams performed exceptionally well to be competitive in all games. All boys’ teams travelling were outstanding ambassadors of the College. Student reflections on the games can be found below. 13 Blue Last Saturday 2nd November the 13 blue team played St Patricks College. At the beginning of the game we were down 14-0. In the second half of the game we made a comeback and it was only a 5 point game. They were a tough opposition so we ended up losing by 7 points good work from all the boys - as in the last 10 minutes they didn’t score one point. We are looking forward to our next game. George Gemisis

15 white Our U15 boys played a much improved game of basketball from the previous week. The effort and attention to the game was much better and despite losing 38-12, the boy’s enthusiasm and passion did not fail. This team possesses great fighting spirit and a real passion for success. Their first win is definitely not far off.

13 white The boys played a very determined St Pius X College winning narrowly in a tight game 4744. Both teams had excellent shooting and were very organised. It will be an interesting return fixture when the boys meet again. One of the best players in this game was Yiannis Lekkas. Congratulations to the boys who remain undefeated.

Another exciting game of basketball this week. A courageous performance by Steven Ioannidis who was playing with an injured ankle, still managed to run fast breaks with Nicholas Georgou and score some valuable points between them. A strong defensive effort from the boys with special mention to Simeon Kerameas for his tireless efforts in facilitating turn overs which led to us scoring points. The message that came across at the end of the game was not making the most of our opportunities. This will be something that we will be concentrating on this week and hopefully we can come back with the win next week. Christos Raptis

17 Blue 17B’s vs St Patricks College lost 18-20

14 Blue On Saturday 2nd November 14 B played a much improved game against St Patricks College. It was great to see us leading most of the game but unfortunately we lost by only 1 point. Great effort from all the boys (Michael C, Stanley, Dimitrios A, Nicholas X, George A, Leon, Joel R, George R and Shivan). Man of the Match was Michael. Well done and this week we will concentrate on free throws and shooting. Stanley Condous

Opens Last week the Open Boys basketball team played their second game, and the first away game of the season against St Pius X. The boys showed great camaraderie and sportsmanship throughout the whole game, playing together and unselfishly resulting in a great 49-30 win. Nikolas Baratsas and Matthew Chiam must be commended for an outstanding performance both playing brilliantly. Thanks must be extended to our coach Theo for the extra hours of training and excellent coaching and to Mr Kaldis for coming and supporting the boys over the course of the day. Luka Kasalovic

14 white On Saturday 2nd November 2013 the under 14 white’s travelled to St Pius X College. The boys started off slow, only just keeping the lead at the half time break. Kyriacos Kladakis scored 10 points in the first half giving us the lead. We played as a team and should be congratulated. Also during the first half Panos moved the ball around to the team effortlessly. In the second half the boys picked up their


Round 4 Saturday 9th of November 2013 This week was our second home game for the boys basketball season, and perhaps one of the more memorable for the great atmosphere and strong Collegial support experienced by all because of the strong presence of the many parents and friends of the College who attended and helped organise and manage the day.

As of this season we have also been able to provide an after match function for our boys in line with the Open boys football after match function. This has added to the day and the occasion for our most senior team. I would like to thank all the parents for their contributions to this initiative and to Mr Zafiropoulos for managing the formalities.

The presence of our parents in the canteen and their attendance at the BBQ has helped to not only raise funds for sport but more importantly created a positive atmosphere for not only the benefit of our students but also helps to improve the hospitality we provide for visiting schools. Thank you in particular to the following parents for dedicating time on the day Mr and Mrs Kasalovic, Mr and Mrs Adam, Mrs Margelis, Mrs Hatzakos and Mr and Mrs Baratsas.

Thank you also to the tireless efforts of our College staff for making sport the success that it is. Mr Zafiropoulos, Ms Gonzalez and Ms Kladakis spent most of their day supporting boys sport.

I would also like to thank Mr and Mrs Kladakis for their kind donation of the chocolate dipped strawberry platter which Ms Kladakis arranged and managed throughout the course of the day helping to raise $170 towards sport. Congratulations to the winner Mr Karagiannis.

All the boys’ teams have their individual team goals to go with the St Spyridon boys basketball goal of season 2013-2014 which is to keep improving. This week was about those individual goals for many of our teams this was evident in their performances but also in their passion and determination. U13’s and U 14’s This week our younger students missed out on training because of Examinations, the boy’s lack of preparation did have an impact on their overall performance, however the boys managed to perform to their best. The U13 white team are yet to lose a game this season and this week was no different. The boys defeated Blue Mountains Grammar comfortably 36-22. This team has made a habit of winning, with strong weekly performances


Constantopedos and Dean Avdalis performed very strongly in their close defeat.

from all boys, and the contribution of all boys valued. This week Michael Bosnijak had a great game scoring 8 points and was impressive in defence. Alexander Gousetis also had a great game following from his strong performance against a very impressive St Pius X College team last week.

The U 15 White team were looking for their first win of the season and after their last home game defeat the boys were very eager to succeed. While last week’s performance was an improvement from round 2, this week there was no stopping the boys and their passion and determination was there for all to witness. The boys started the better and were not be outdone, outshooting their opponents and winning more rebounds than Blue Mountains grammar. Despite the 15-10 lead at half time the boys remained focused and while Blue Mountains won the second half 13 -12 the boys did enough to secure their first victory of the year 27-23.

Our U13 Blue team although disappointed last week, were looking at trying to bounce back against Redlands College. The boys played a tight game in defence and their strong shooting throughout the game helped them to a 32-19 victory taking them to two wins and 1 loss for this season.

U17 Blue team had a tough contest against a very strong Oakhill team defeating our boys 24-6. The final score did not reflect the positive effort and attitude these boys have. The boys now have the opportunity to bounce back with another home game this week.

Our U14 white team as a team goal were looking to try and make it two in a row and the boys did exactly that winning the game 35-20. Both Gabrielle Cassimatis and Kyriacos Kladakis of Year 8 equal scored with 12 points each. This result helps the boys in the overall standings.

The Open Boys came up against a Blue Mountains team that will most probably feature in the Semi-finals. Our boys were eventual winners 44-37, making the most of quick turn arounds and strong rebounding from Christos Kollias. In what was a close game our boys showed great composure and strong performances from Luka Kasalovic and Nicholas Baratsas helped the team cross the line. The boys will need to remain focussed and determined to maintain their unbeaten form for season 2013-2014. Our boys will be playing at home for the next two weeks and we look forward to the continued support from all parents and friends of the College. Boys’ team photos will also be taken this week.

The U14 Blue team went to the break against Oakhill College with a 10-9 lead, unfortunately the boys shooting success rate fell in the second half and they were narrowly defeated 25-20. Despite this Michael


GIRLS ISA BASKETBALL Open C’s Round 3 Saturday 2nd November the girls were able to deliver a competitive performance, reducing their foul count and improving their accuracy in shooting resulting in a nail biting game. Stand out performances from Theoni Thimakis with her aggressive drive to the basket no doubt contributed to this positive performance. Final Score St Spyridon 9 Redlands 18.

Open A’s Round 3 Saturday 2nd November found the girls up against the championship winning team for season 2012/13 - Redlands a team consisting of many representative players. However, the girls did not let this deter them and their performance was exceptional holding a 17point lead in the first quarter. Redlands were not going to rest easy crawling their way back into the game with the half time score of 33-34. Unfortunately, the girls were unable to retain the lead with Redlands execution most certainly improving as the game progressed. Final score St Spyridon 51- Redlands 70.

Round 4 Saturday 9th November the girls travelled to St Andrews Cathedral and were defeated 24-9. Many thanks to Mrs Xenos for her assistance with the girls this week.

Most pleasing was the contribution of players within this team each individual contributing their strengths to the team thus producing an exceptional team effort each week. Stand out performances from Rena Lambos with strong rebounding, Yianna Criticos with her determination and aggression in defense and Nansia Koukounaris for her accuracy in shooting. Round 4 Saturday 9th November - the girls travelled to Central Coast Grammar School but were unfortunately defeated 48-31. This result was not due to a lack of effort but more due to lack of execution as the girls were unable to successful make their shots with a strong defensive effort from CCGS. Rena Lambos continues to have exceptional performances with her persistent effort and body line defense, and Andriane Efstratiou was a stand out player demonstrating her ability to bring the ball down the court with a strong trapping defense.

Intermediate A’s Round 3 Saturday 2nd November the girls had another close game against Redlands. This season has proven competitive for the girls but no doubt confirms their position in division 1. Unfortunately defeated by Redlands 21-27 the girls played well and are beginning to mold as a team unit. Areas of improvement in their focus and consistent approach throughout the entire match will no doubt allow them to improve further. Round 4 Saturday 9th November the girls travelled to Central Coast Grammar School and secured an initial 10 point lead. Central Coast Grammar were unlikely to allow them to rest and continued to fight back but the girls maintained the lead and successfully defeated CCGS 31-29 in another close match.


Junior C’s Round 3 Saturday 2nd November the girls had two matches to be played against Redlands with a double header. Despite this challenge they were able to defeat both Redlands A 28-16 and Redlands B 46- 5. The convincing win allowed the opportunity for new players such as Felicity Ginis, Briannon Walker, and Michaela Mounehis to further develop their skills. Well done to all the girls for starting the season so strong and hopefully they continue the success for the remainder of the season.

Intermediate B’s Round 3 Saturday 2nd November showed signs of improvement each week although defeated the girls played well and all players contributed equally to the teams’ performance. Final Score St Spyridon 10 Redlands 24.

Round 4 Saturday 9th November the girls again had two matches to be played against St Andrews Cathedral with another double header where they won both matches. Defeating SACS 1 23-17 and SACS 2 20-8 these results have placed them undefeated for the season. Well done girls!! Junior B’s Round 3 Saturday 2nd November was the closest match this season with the girls unable to hold their lead narrowly loosing 16-13 to St Andrews Cathedral School. Stand out players included Christiana Kilias with her exceptional rebounding performance, Tina Ventoura and Larissa Andrianakos forming strong connection in attack and Deyarna Xenos aggressive in defense. Round 4 Saturday 9th November the girls travelled to Central Coast Grammar and were faced with a very strong undefeated opposition. Despite a slow start the girls were able to gain some confidence throughout the second half when they began to score some much needed baskets. Unfortunately they were defeated 60-13.

Thank you to all parents who assisted: Mrs Albanakis, Mrs Adam, Mrs Contominas, Mrs Lambos, Mrs Demetri and Mrs Gousetis - your support is much appreciated. Thanks must be extended to all staff and students who go beyond each week to help contribute to the successful running of the days’ events in particular Mr Zafiropoulos, Sophia Rizzo, Sandra Milisavljevic and Yianna Criticos. Ms K. O’Shea (Girls Sport) and Mr F. Kaldis (Boys Sport)








2014 DATES

Monday 27th January 2014

Australia Day Public Holiday

Tuesday 28th January 2014 Wednesday 29th January 2014 Thursday 30th January 2014 Friday 31st January 2014

Staff Development Day Staff Development Day Years 1 to 7, 11 & 12 commence Kindergarten and Years 8 – 10 commence

Tuesday 25th March 2014

Annunciation. School Closed

Friday 11th April 2014

Term ends

Friday 18th April 2014 Sunday 20th April 2014

Good Friday Easter Sunday

TERM 2 Monday 28th April 2014 Tuesday 29th April 2014

Staff Development Day Students return

Monday 9th June 2014

Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday

Friday 20th June 2014

Term ends for Staff and students

TERM 3 Monday 14th July 2014 Tuesday 15th July 2014

Staff Development Day Students return

Friday 15th August 2014

Dormition of the Theotokos - school closed

Friday 19th September 2014

Term ends for Staff and students

TERM 4 Monday 6th October 2014

Public Holiday

Tuesday 7th October 2014 Wednesday 8th October 2014

Staff Development day Students return

Thursday 4th December 2014 Friday 5th December 2014

Term ends for students Staff Development day


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