News 125 7a 2014

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VOLUME XXXI No 7 16th May, 2014


MAY Parent Teacher Conferences 19th

School Photos SS Greek Attainment Certificate JS


School Photos JS Class and Sibling Photos


Years 3 & 4 to NIDA Performance


Half Yearly Exams Yr 11 begin


Half Yearly Exams conclude JS Australian Futsal NSW Schools Championship – Penrith JS


ASISSA Cross Country JS


Careers Expo Years 11 and 12


JUNE ICAS Science Competition Years 3-6


Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday School closed


Parish Trip to Greece departs


Australian Futsal NSW School Championship – Marrickville JS


P & T Interviews K – 4 & 6


P & T Interviews K – 4 & 5


Divine Liturgy K – 12


Term ends for staff and students


JULY Students return


Parent Teacher Conferences Year 7


Parish Trip to Greece returns


Parent Teacher Conferences Years 8 & 9



Year 12 3.30pm – 6.30pm SPACe K2015 Information Morning



Extract from speech at the Presentation Ceremony of the National Schools Event (NSE)Friday, 9th May, 2014 Your Grace, distinguished guests all, students of the Greek Orthodox schools of Australia. When Mr Peter Meintanis set off for St Johns in Melbourne on that first interstate competition in 1996, he had a vision. His vision was for a strong national and annual sporting competition that would embrace the students of all the Schools of our Greek Orthodox Church in Australia. Today, in the presence of His Grace Bishop Seraphim, and all other dignitaries, we can celebrate the realisation of that vision. Over the last three days, we have had the great joy of seeing some 400 young people come together, in a spirit of shared faith and commitment to excellence in Sports and in the Arts. Every year, our schools take it in turn to host this wonderful event, which for the last few years incorporates the arts as well as sports recalling Ancient Greece where the performing arts were an inseparable part of all Olympic Games. We commend and congratulate all students who participated in this year’s outstanding Spoken Arts Festival. A huge team of people, across the States, works all year round to make these three days happen. Just today the Heads and Principals sat down together to lay the groundwork for the National Schools Event in 2015. We wish St Euphemia College every success as you begin your preparations as the host school for 2015. So why do we give this event such a place of honour in our calendars, our budgets, and in the sheer volume of work that a national event of such proportions demands? The answer is simple: we do it for you my dear students; Because you are the focus of our every waking moment. Because for us, your coming together in a spirit of friendship and shared faith


gives us hope for the future; hope that you will go out into the world and make it a better place, because we did our job; because we helped to bring you up as people of faith, people of discipline and people of tradition. The NSE strengthens ethos, character and reputation for all of our Orthodox Schools. It is builds shared pride in our Church and is a valued tradition for all of us. Some teachers and students have been active contributors to this tradition for many years. Today we must sadly farewell our Year 12 NSE participants for the last time. You go with our every good wish for your final examinations and for your future happiness. Among the teachers of each of our schools, there are past students from across the Greek Orthodox Schools. Indeed some of you were past participants in this Event. Across our seven schools, from Perth to Adelaide, from Melbourne to Sydney, there are strong bonds of family, friendship and faith that transcend geographical distance. In New South Wales at least, Greek Orthodox Schools Alumni are great contributors to all the University Greek Societies. They have built strong networks in education, business and politics. Only the wilfully blind, the envious and the lost, can fail to see the strength, and power and beauty of the schools of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese. Your Grace we thank You for Your leadership of all our Schools. We are honoured that You are here to celebrate with us the closing of this Event, as You were in Blessing its commencement. We ask for Your prayers for all the participating students as they make their way home. We ask for a special blessing for the Year 12 students of our Colleges for whom as we have said, this is their last National Schools Event. Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag







THANK YOU JIM SIALEPIS FOR YOUR GREAT CONTRIBUTION TO P&F Members of the P&F committee, former and current, wish to sincerely thank Jim Sialepis, parent of St Spyridon College for over 15 years and now in his final year. Jim is father of George, currently pursuing his University studies and famously known for his impressive Greek comedy performances and father of Lena, who is currently working hard and completing Year 12. Jim has been a long term, loyal member of the P&F committee for at least 12 years and during that time served as President and more recently as Vice President. He has been well known for his hard work ethics, great team spirit and friendly nature. His passion and forte was to run the BBQ at every Spring Fair. Jim often expressed how rewarding it was to work in a P&F role and view the great benefits for the children of the College with the countless resources that were provided for them through fundraisers he contributed to over the years. He truly valued the friendships and fun, social aspect of the P&F experience and always commented about it fondly. We truly miss him already in his recent absence and the invaluable contribution he made to the committee, the students and the College. We thank him wholeheartedly and express our best wishes for the good health, success and prosperity for himself and his family. Γειά σου Τζίμη!

Mrs M. Pascalis for the P & F Committee


JUNIOR SCHOOL REPORT MOTHER’S DAY ASSEMBLY Kindergarten thoroughly enjoyed sharing with us the love that they have for their mothers through the assembly they presented on Friday 9th May. Mrs Karpouzos, Miss Sotiras, Ka. Christina and Ka. Anna are thanked for preparing the children. Our thanks are also extended to the P & F for hosting the annual Mother’s Day stall and for the wonderful gifts on offer, especially the ‘diamonds’ which were a huge hit with the girls.

DEBATING Last week we hosted St Catherine’s Girl’s school for two debates. We congratulate the students and their teachers, Mrs Economou and Ka. Anna for their preparation and determination resulting in two wins. A most successful start to Term Two!

GOOD LUCK Our best wishes are extend to Ms Xenos and Mrs Diavatiotis as they commence Maternity Leave. We thank both teachers for their dedication and professionalism and for the significant contribution to the children in their care and to the College. Our best wishes are also relayed to their husbands as they await the safe arrival of their children, the first for both couples. Καλή Ελευθερία!

WELCOME We welcome back Ka. Stella Georgakopoulos a highly respected Greek educator with many years of experience who will be taking the majority of Ka. Christina’s classes. Ka. Anna will be taking Kindergarten and Year Five Group 3 Greek. Ms Xenos will be replaced by Miss Hogan who is very familiar with our school and Stage 2. Miss


Please note that the parking rangers have been called to book any parent doing the wrong thing. I would encourage you to consider what you are teaching your child by disregarding rules and by being discourteous.

Hogan worked at the school for many years. We hope both ladies enjoy their time with us. Mr Amditis will replace Mrs Diavatiotis as the Greek Coordinator and Mr Volas has taken on the Sports coordination. Both men have done these roles before and are very competent and talented in these areas. We wish them καλή αρχή!

Mrs A. Synesios Principal Junior School


SCHOOL PHOTOS A reminder that School Photos will be taken on Wednesday the 21st of May. All children will need to have their blazers on. Please check that the uniform is neat and tidy, shoes are polished and that all buttons have been replaced.

Χριστός Ανέστη ASSESSMENT PERIOD Year 11 students will be sitting examinations beginning Monday 26th May, 2014 for one week. Timetables have been distributed to students. The examination rules are printed on the reverse side of the timetable. Students need to be aware of these requirements.

HALF YEARLY EXAMINATIONS Half Yearly Examinations will be held from the 19th – 30th May. The examinations are to test what the children have learned in English, Mathematics, Science and HSIE. It is about revising the topics in class and applying this knowledge. All students in Years 3 – 6 should have received their study guide and exam timetable. Please see your class teacher if you have not received it.

Students in Years 7 – 10 have assessments at various times but mainly in weeks 5 & 6. Semester 1 reports will be issued at the end of Term 2.



On Wednesday, 7th May, 2014 to Friday 9th May, 2014, we hosted the Annual National Schools Event.

The Junior School has formulated a Code of Conduct for all players, spectators and officials. This Code is based on the guidelines used by the Independent Sports Association (ISA). If your child is involved in one of sporting teams, they will receive this early next week. I encourage you to read through the guidelines with your child and discuss them.

Congratulations and thank you to Mr Kaldis, Convenor of the Event, and Mrs Faletas Convenor of the Spoken Arts Festival. Congratulations to all of the students who attended along with Mr Meintanis, Mr Kaldis, Ms O’Shea, Ms Gambriell, Mr Zafiropoulos, Mr Georgoulopoulos, Ms Kalithrakas, Mrs McCoy, Ms Kladakis, Angelica Meintanis, Demi and Angelina Flokis and Mr Koulouriotis (external Basketball coach). For the Spoken Arts, thank you also to Mrs Belajcic, Mrs Haskas and Ms Savva.

CHANGE OF DATE Please note the Australian Futsal NSW Schools Championship scheduled for the 22nd May has been moved to the 28th May.


We are pleased to report that St Spyridon College came first in Netball, Girls Basketball, Boys Basketball and Boys Futsal. A full report may be found in the Sports section of this Newsletter.

Unfortunately there are a few parents who disregard parking rules, frustrating neighbours and putting the lives of children at risk.

St Euphemia College will be hosting the 2015 Event.

Just to reiterate the Vet Parking and neighbour’s driveways are no stopping and no parking areas. The angled parking outside the Primary playground in Mary Hamer Lane is Private Parking strictly for teacher use.

Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School







“Each time a person stands for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, a tiny ripple of hope is sent, and crossing each other from a million different centres of energy and daring, those ripples build a current which can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance”. Robert Kennedy This Term St Spyridon students will be continuing the ripple effect by building on their strengths, working to their potential in the classroom, playing their best on sporting field, and taking the time to consider the needs of others while exploring different ways of giving back to their community. In the coming weeks students will help raise funds for the Cancer Council by supporting the SRC’s “Biggest Morning Tea”, Year 9 will be beginning Soup Kitchen Duty and focus their learning in Pastoral Care on appreciating the effects of poverty and homelessness, while Year 10 representatives will be attending the A Social Justice Awareness Raising Day at the Australian Catholic University, MacKillop Campus in North Sydney NAPLAN Over the past three days Year 7 and 9 students sat the NAPLAN tests. I am happy to report that we had almost full attendance in both year groups on those days.


Things I have enjoyed Things I am most proud of  My efforts and  Participating in getting full marks lessons and playing for my assignments soccer with fiends and teachers every  Always doing my lunch time best  Making new  My school is the friends best. I love it  Receiving awards  Coping with all the at the end of term work, we get lots  The freedom and  Adjusting well to not being babied high school life  Having different  Not one negative teachers comment in my planner  Technology lessons  My math marks  Everything  Becoming more confident  Building stronger relationships  Taking more chances  Learning different things  Proving I am a good all-round  The variety of new student subjects and rooms  Attending every  Friendly and kind day teachers  Keeping up to date  Doing better at school with all my homework and  All my classes assignments because they don’t feel like a waste of  Realising anything time is possible, as long as I try  The amount I have already learnt and  Surviving the term amount of fun I’ve had The Most Effective Learning Technique Known to Man Do you spend too much time studying for what you are learning? Do you forget a lot of what you’ve learned in a few days? Do you obtain test/exam marks that do not reflect your effort or potential? Do you develop mind blanks in tests and examinations? Would you like to find a way of learning that enables you to commit more knowledge to memory in a shorter amount of time?

Last Term Year 7 were asked to reflect and evaluate their journey now that they been with us for more than a term. After reading their comments it is clear that all have settled comfortably into their new environment and have enjoyed their interactions with new teachers and peers. Everyone was also able to express pride in at least one aspect of schooling. Below are some of their comments.

If you answered YES to one or more of the above questions, then chances are that you have been engaging in ineffective and time consuming learning techniques!


and therefore which sections of the course require greater attention.

So how do you commit knowledge to memory? Do you quietly read your notes and/or textbooks underlining or highlighting key points as you come across them? Do you re-write materials until you know them “off by heart”?

Learning in this manner will also decrease study time by at least 5 fold. This means that you will commit 5 times more information to memory in any set period of time!

If you are using either of the above techniques when preparing for tests and exams, you are engaging in the most ineffective and timeconsuming learning techniques known to man! And these are the most common strategies used by students to prepare for tests and examinations!

Note: In general, after 24 hours, people retain: - 10 percent of what they read or re-write (typical learning techniques adopted by students) - 20 percent of what they hear (audiotapes) - 30 percent of what they see (flip-charts) - 50 percent of what they hear and see (as in the case of school classes and revision lectures!) - 70 percent of what they say and discuss - 80 percent of what they say and do (i.e. questions & teaching)

Re-writing and/or reading silently are relatively simple tasks that do not engage many zones in your brain. It is therefore easy to stray or think about unrelated matters – impairing the amount of information that can be input to memory. As an example, whilst reading a book, have you ever reached the bottom of a page and asked yourself: "What did I just read?"

Ms G Kokinelis Dean of Middle School

Writing, re-writing and silent reading are only effective (and then only moderately so) when the materials being attended to are of great interest, which is usually not the case when preparing for tests and examinations.

TERM 1 SRC REPORT At our first SRC meetings we were informed about the roles and responsibilities of SRC students. These include: interacting with dignitaries and school guests as requested by the Principal, organising and managing fundraising activities, being good role models, wearing the College uniform correctly and with pride, assisting with various activities throughout the year including end of year concerts and special assemblies, fundraising, discussing matters of concern brought up by our peers at fortnightly SRC meetings, and writing Newsletter reports like this. While all of this may seem like a lot we are very happy to carry out all these extra responsibilities.

So what method should students be using to effectively commit knowledge to memory? Research shows that we remember more of what we learn when we involve more parts of the brain. And there is no technique that uses more of the brain than DOING, which includes: (a) Working through examination style questions (80-85% retention rate) (b) TEACHING (90-95% retention rate). When teaching or explaining what you are learning in your own words (and out loud), we are engaging in a technique known as elaborative rehearsal. This technique has been shown to be instrumental in transferring information from short-term memory to the higher levels of longterm memory, as it enables the brain to draw strong connections between what you are trying to remember and what you already know. Not only will TEACHING improve how much you understand and remember, this learning technique also improves how effectively you are able to apply your knowledge In addition, when trying to rephrase concepts in your own words, you will very quickly realise what you do and do not know,

The first event we as SRC’s were asked to help out at were the Twilight Tours, and it was a fantastic experience! We really enjoyed and appreciated the fact that we were trusted enough to take members of the public around our school telling them about its different aspects. As a result we look forward to hopefully participating again next year. Throughout the tour, we were asked various questions such as: What are the teachers like? Are students more academic or sporty? How large are the lockers?


able to raise $1,250. Year 9 will be delivering the cheque on behalf of all students to Father Nektarios when they begin their community service at the Soup Kitchen next week.

Overall at the Twilight Tours most of the families who visited seemed very happy and impressed. Since 2007 as part of the school’s Easter focus, students are asked to donate food to disadvantaged people in our community. The donated items are sent to the Greek Welfare Centre for their Easter Appeal. This year’s donations were the largest amount ever collected by the school. We like to think that it was because of the great job we did in reminding everyone at roll call every day to bring in donations which we collected and placed on the tables opposite the teachers’ staff room. Everyone who brought in a donation received a pizza discount card and a maple for every food item. This proved to be a good incentive, especially for students in Middle School. Some Year 7’s brought in more than 50 items!

At our most recent meetings we have been discussing how we can help charities and other groups like Rotary. This Term in week 6 the SRC will hold a cake day as part of the Cancer Councils Biggest Morning Tea event. All 43 SRC’s will bring in home baked cakes, slices and other goodies. Hopefully everyone will buy on the day so that we can make a generous contribution. Written by Year 7 SRC’s: Katherine Raptis, Mark Grillakis, Marie Vasilakis, Yana Vergotis, Eleni Preketes, and Tiffany Tsoukalas


One of the goals of last year’s SRC team was to sponsor a child from a disadvantaged country that does not have the basic necessities such as clean water, nutritious food and education; things that we are lucky to have access to. The 2014 SRC hopes to continue this tradition by raising more funds to put towards supporting the World Vision sponsor child from Zimbabwe, Africa for another year. Recently we received information about Anotida Biningu our sponsor child. He is five years old and was born on the 28th of February 2009. Anotida lives with his parents and brother in the Chihota Area Development program in Zimbabwe. Anotida’s father and mother are unemployed which makes life very hard for them. Anotida enjoys playing ball games and does not attend school because he is too young. Because of our contribution, Anotida will have the chance to go to school, gain access to healthcare, clean water and enough food for all of his family. Thanks to World Vision and schools like ours that contribute funds, the community has completed its plans for the next five years. These are mainly progressive projects such as economic development, education and healthcare. At SRC meetings we are given updates about Anotida, but can also log into the World Vision website to find out more and if we want, also send letters to our sponsor child.


Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι, Πρώτα –πρώτα θα ήθελα να ευχαριστήσω όλα τα παιδιά που πήραν μέρος την περασμένη εβδομάδα στο λεγόμενο Spoken Arts Festival, το οποίο διεξήχθηκε στο σχολείο μας, με τη συμμετοχή όλων των Ελληνορθόδοξων Κολλεγίων της Αυστραλίας καθώς και τους συναδέλφους που βοήθησαν σ’αυτό. (Mrs E. Gambriell, Mrs L. Davis, Mr G. Georgoulopoulos, Miss C. Savva and Mr V. Zafiropoulos) Στην έκδοση αυτή θα σας κρατήσουμε συντροφιά με το γραπτό ενός μαθητή για την καταστροφή της Σμύρνης το 1922. Καλή ανάγνωση. Μ. Φαλέτα ΘΕΜΑ: «Φαντάσου ότι είσαι ο ίδιος ο ρεπόρτερ που μεταδίδεις τα νέα της καταστροφής από την παραλία της Σμύρνης. Τώρα βρίσκεσαι στο καράβι με τους πρόσφυγες και κουβεντιάζεις μαζί τους. Γράψε στο τετράδιό σου μια συνέντευξη που παίρνεις από έναν τραυματισμένο πρόσφυγα.» Χρήστος: Είμαι τώρα με μια τραυματισμένη πρόσφυγα την κυρία Μαρία. Κυρία Μαρία, μπορείτε να μας περιγράψετε τα φρικτά γεγονότα της καταστροφής της Σμύρνης από τη δική σας εμπειρία; Κυρία Μαρία: Θα προσπαθήσω, αλλά συγχωρήστε με αν κλαίω γιατί είναι πολύ τραγικό όλο αυτό που έζησα.

Last Term Year 9 brought in Easter eggs and bunny’s to create 4 fantastic hampers for an Easter Raffle. The money raised would go the Soup Kitchen at Newtown. The SRC’s role in this was to distribute raffle tickets to all students in our Home room Groups and make sure that they tried their best to sell them. In total we were


Χρήστος: Σας ευχαριστούμε πάρα πολύ κυρία Μαρία! Κυρία Μαρία: Παρακαλώ!

Χρήστος: Εντάξει κυρία Μαρία. Αλίμονο να μη συγκινείται κανείς με την κατάσταση αυτή. Λοιπόν, πες μας όσα θέλεις και όσα μπορείς γιατί καταλαβαίνουμε τον πόνο σου. Κυρία Μαρία: Όχι! Εσείς δεν καταλαβαίνετε τον πόνο! Δεν έχετε πάθει τίποτα! Δεν έχετε χάσει παιδί και άντρα όπως εγώ. Χρήστος: Συγνώμη κυρία μου! Δεν το εννοούσα! Κυρία Μαρία: Το ξέρω! Το ξέρω! Δεν το εννοούσες έτσι, αλλά τι έχετε πάθει εσείς οι δημοσιογράφοι; Καθόσαστε πάνω στα καράβια σας σαν αυτούς …….αυτούς ………, δε θα πω τη λέξη, τους «συμμάχους»! Τουλάχιστον, εσείς έχετε την καλοσύνη να πάρετε επιβάτες και να τους φροντίσετε. Ήμουνα στο σπίτι μου. Είχα μόλις κρύψει το μικρό Γιαννάκη μέσα στο ταβάνι για να μην τον πάρουν οι Τούρκοι, όταν άκουσα φωνές! «Φωτιά! Φωτιά! Τρέξτε να σωθείτε!» Μόλις τότε μπήκε και ο άντρας μου και με πήρε από το χέρι και τρέξαμε. Για τη ζωή μας! Ξαφνικά, θυμήθηκα το Γιάννη! «Ξεχάσαμε το παιδί! Ξεχάσαμε το παιδί!» Αλλά και να θέλαμε, τι μπορούσαμε να κάνουμε; …… (Κλαίει) Συγνὠμη!!! Χρήστος: Άμα δε θέλετε να πείτε περισσότερα δε χρειάζεται. Κυρία Μαρία: Όχι! Θα συνεχίσω. Τρέξαμε στην παραλία να μπούμε στη βάρκα του άντρα μου. Ήταν πολύ καλόκαρδος, δεν ήθελε ν’αφήσει κανέναν στα χέρια του Κεμάλ. Αλλά, η μικρή βαρκούλα δεν μπορούσε ν’αντέξει και αναποδογύρισε. Ήξερα λίγο κολύμπι και κάπως γατζώθηκα σ’ ένα γαλλικό πλοίο. Αλλἀ, αντί να με βοηθήσουν, με πέταξαν στη θάλασσα να γίνω γεύμα των ψαριών! Αυτοί οι κακούργοι! Χειρότεροι ακόμα και από τους Τούρκους είναι! Μόνο για τις δικές τους ανάγκες ενδιαφέρονται! Δεν τους νοιάζει άμα καταστρέφεται ολόκληρη πόλη χιλιάδων ανθρώπων! Αλλά, όπου είναι το χρήμα, εκεί βρίσκονται! Λοιπόν, πάλι προσπάθησα ν’ανέβω πάνω, αλλά ένας μου έδωσε μια στα χέρια με ένα ξύλο που μ’έκανε να πέσω πάλι μες στη θάλασσα! Ευτυχώς που εκείνη τη στιγμή περάσατε εσείς και σας φώναξα να με σώσετε. Ελπίζω να με πάρετε ακόμη, αν και δεν έχω τραυματιστεί βαριά. Χρήστος: Ο άντρας σας είναι εδώ; Κυρία Μαρία: Πνίγηκε! Δεν τον ξαναείδα! Χρήστος: Συγνώμη! Αλλά είμαστε ευγνώμονες κυρία Μαρία που μας δώσατε αυτήν τη συνέντευξη! Κυρία Μαρία: Τι άλλο να κάνω; Το έκανα αυτό για να καταλάβετε τον πόνο που εμείς οι πρόσφυγες έχουμε περάσει! Ελπίζω να με ακούσουν όλοι οι ακροατές σας και ν’ ανοίξουν τα σπίτια τους για να φιλοξενήσουν τους συμπατριώτες τους.

Christos Kollias Year 11 (Accelerated, Year 12 for Mod. Greek)



YEAR 10 Over the coming weeks, Year 10 students will be involved in some career exploration activities and information sessions to help them in their selection of subjects for Year 11. There are also some information evenings for Year 10 students and their parents being held by universities to assist in this process: UNSW – 3rd June. Information and register at: Sydney Uni - 4th June, 12th June. Register at:

YEAR 11 AND 12 Next Monday (19th May), Jonathon Strauss from UNSW will be speaking to Year 11 and 12 students at lunchtime. This should be a very informative and worthwhile session. There are several upcoming events at different institutions which I encourage interested students to attend: UTS:

Co-op Scholarship (Accounting) Info Evening 20th May Sydney Uni: Info Evening 21st May Macquarie Uni:Law Info Evening 21st May Notre Dame: Law and Business Info Evening 21st May NIDA: Open Day 17th May Cadetships: Info Evening 22nd May HSC ‘Ride the Wave’ revision lectures are being offered at local libraries during May. These cost $5 each and bookings are essential through the libraries. Additionally, students in Years 11 and 12 will be attending the HSC and Careers Expo at Moore Park on Friday 30th May.


girls was inspirational and they are to be commended for their commitment to school sport.

SCHOLARSHIPS AND EARLY OFFERS Applications for some scholarships (e.g. UNSW Co-op and UTS B. Accounting Co-op scholarship) have already opened. Also, Macquarie University is offering admission through a new ‘Global Leadership Program’, which considers leadership and extra-curricular engagement as well as academic results. This is a highly competitive program and current Year 12 students are invited to complete an expression of interest. Students are reminded to check university websites and to start thinking about preparing their applications. Remember to see me for assistance and to have them checked before submitting.

Both Junior teams have displayed tremendous improvement with Junior A’s narrowly defeated in Round 1 by Chevalier B’s and again a very close defeat in Round 2 against St Andrews Cathedral School. Junior B’s experienced a difficult first round against Chevalier B’s as they tried to develop team dynamics but were successful in Round 2 winning against St Andrews Cathedral School. The Intermediate A’s girls are keeping their coach and spectators on the edge of their seats. They just defeated Chevalier B’s in Round 1 by 2 goals and come from behind to have a 34-34 draw against St Andrews Cathedral School Round 2.


The Intermediate B’s remain undefeated, comfortably securing wins against Chevalier B’s and St Andrews Cathedral School.

New courses being offered in 2015 include: B. Hellenic Studies, B. Archaeology, B. Security Studies. These all sound very interesting and may appeal to some of our students.

All Netball teams travel to Blue Mountains Grammar School for Round 3 of competition we wish them the best of luck.

Macquarie University includes the PACE program in all courses. This is industry work placement, which gives valuable opportunities to develop skills and often leads to employment.

Girls Football have both had one loss and one win. Open Girls finding it hard to secure a win as they were missing their keeper and striker losing 3-1 to Oakhill. No doubt their next match will be closer. Round 2 the Open Girls had home ground advantage defeating St Pauls Grammar School 42.

USEFUL WEBSITE We have subscribed to this careers information site, which provides regular newsletters about a wide range of events related to careers. Parents and students can access the information by going to the Log In on the right side of the web page. (Username: spyridon Password: careers)

Junior Football girls were also defeated in Round 1 against St Andrews Cathedral but had a convincing win at home in Round 2 against Chevalier winning 4-0 with Nikki Cardamis scoring 3 goals.


The Football Girls travel to Redlands for Round 3 of competition we wish them the best of luck.

A reminder that I am available if you wish to have an interview during these sessions on Monday 19th May.


Ms G Hakos Careers Adviser


The Greek Orthodox National Schools Event is most certainly a highlight for most sporting teams at St Spyridon College. This year we had the privilege to host the competition.



BOYS FOOTBALL Finally the anticipation was over, the National Schools Event was upon us. Our Open Boys Football team was well prepared in having played four matches as a team prior to this event. We

It has been a positive start to the ISA winter season with our Opens beating Barker College with only 7 players and no reserves after a massive week of sport; the efforts shown by the


match in the coming years. Credit also must go to Georgia Koukounaris, Lia Albanakis, Nicole Adam and Sophia Rizzo who demonstrated that they are ready to step up when this amazing team leaves school. Most Valuable player was Nansia Koukounaris, her tremendous skill and leadership were integral in the team’s success.

arrived with passion and song and St George College was our first opponent. Many chances went astray and goals did not come - it was to be the day we would have all day chance after chance. In Football luck plays a big part as well as skill and determination. Our boys did not lack either of these. We continued to play with vigour and excitement as we went down to Oakleigh College and All Saints Grammar with draws to finish a disappointing day. The National Schools Event was also a chance to try new players that we will depend on in the future and they certainly enjoyed the experience. Most Valuable player went to George Karapanayiotides. Mr V. Zafiropoulos NETBALL St Spyridon Opens Netball team competed in 6 games of Netball with all Greek Schools participating. Over the years the level of competition has improved with all schools striving to beat our exceptional record. Our participation in the ISA competition places us at a tremendous advantage in terms of skill level in comparison to other schools. However, Greek Orthodox Colleges National Schools Event is a unique competition where mentality overrides skill. The girls maintained exceptional composure and are to be commended for their display of maturity and class throughout the days proceedings. The girls remain undefeated champions once again. Most Valuable player was Cassandra Georgiou, her talent and exceptional leadership was present throughout all games.

Ms K. O’Shea TABLE TENNIS We also had Sophia Rizzo, Alexia Rizzo, Ivana Bogojevic, Aphroditi Zafiropoulos, Peter Contominas, Anthony Vasili, Panayioti and Emmanuel Kapadistrias, compete in the Table Tennis competition and despite not much preparation the students had fun and were happy to be a part of the games. Most Valuable player went to Aphroditi Zafiropoulos (Girls) and Panayioti Kapadistrias (Boys).

Mr G. Georgoulopoulos BOYS BASKETBALL On this occasion the Boys Basketball meet was at the Hurstville Aquatic Centre. The schools involved had congregated in eager anticipation of a challenging and exciting day of basketball.

GIRLS BASKETBALL Open Girls Basketball Squad had 4 games of Basketball to play. The girls played exceptionally well securing convincing wins against all schools. All girls are to be commended for their contribution to school Basketball as this would be the last time this team plays for St Spyridon College. The success they have earned is to be commended and will no doubt be difficult to

The ground was impeccable and the organisation was seamless. The various teams participated with a great deal of verve and good-spirited sense of competition. All the schools were able to achieve


some degree of satisfaction and ultimately the point of the exercise was not about winning or losing but rather the fact that an opportunity was given to all the Colleges of the Australian Greek Orthodox Archdiocese to participate in an event where the spirit of friendly competition and mutual respect were paramount. At the end of the day all the teams were able to face each other, battle against each other and ultimately recognise that the point of the exercise was to partake in the common fellowship that binds us all – common values and common faith. The competition was fierce and the end result was that St Spyridon Boys Basketball won the shield on the day. All the teams played in an atmosphere of fair play and it was difficult to separate them – until the end. The Most Valuable Player on the day was Luka Kasalovic. The St Spyridon team was coached by Theodore Koulouriotis and assisted by Mr Georgoulopoulos. This was the final basketball game for the Year 12s representing the College and we wish them well in the future.

BOYS FUTSAL For a team that was totally disappointed the day before they wanted to prove not to anyone but themselves that the events of the Outdoor Football were beyond them. We started with a hard win against St Euphemia and thought this could be our day. In this National Schools Event the team and or School that starts well usually finishes well. Our most courageous game was against All Saints Grammar a loss here would mean the end of the tournament. The boys rallied behind me and pushed as hard as they could - we were down 3-1 at half time and the game was almost gone. We came together with hands in bound together as one team, not to win not to lose but to be beaten by a better team. The boys ‘yelled’ united as one St Spyridon it almost knocked the roof of the centre. Finally goals came not like the day before and we were victorious 4-3 in what turned to be the Grand Final match. We won our next two games quite comfortably waiting on the result between All Saints Grammar and St George College. All Saints were victorious giving St Spyridon College the Futsal Championship. Most Valuable player was Dane Ivanovic. I would also like to thank the presence of staff and parents that supported us on this memorable day and to our coordinators and event personnel that made this whole event possible. Lastly I cannot but forget my players who muscled up and played with dignity and passion and remembered what this event was all about. Thank you so much reminding us teachers why we give up so much time for you our students may god bless all of us and to next year good luck.

Mr G. Georgoulopoulos GIRLS FUTSAL “So close but yet so far”. After solid wins against St George, Oakleigh and St Andrews it came down to the two last games. A hard fought win against St Euphemia meant that all we needed was a draw in the last game to win the Championship. Unfortunately, All Saints took their chances and deservedly defeated our girls. The girls gave there all and in the end were equal first but second on count back. All girls played well but it would be remiss of me not to mention Theoni Thimakis, Most Valuable player and Chrystal Christie who did not stop trying and Natalie Michos, our Captain, who was inspirational. Despite being disappointed with their third consecutive 2nd placing in this competition the girls must use this disappointment to motivate them to prepare for the State Titles and persevere to win next year.

Mr V. Zafiropoulos GIRLS VOLLEYBALL Volleyball competition allows the girls to unwind from the previous two days of gruelling competition and training involved in Basketball and Netball. Emphasis is purely to have fun and enjoy the spirit of the games. Expectations were slightly higher due to our successful 1st place position last year. However, it was clear that other schools were determined to prevent the girls from taking out the championship again. Despite remaining competitive with many games going to three sets the girls were unable to win the championship again. Nevertheless a fun and exciting day and perfect finish to the competition. Most Valuable player was Andriane Efstratiou.

Mr P. Meintanis

Ms K. O’Shea


BOYS VOLLEYBALL Volleyball is a team sport in which two teams of six players are separated by a net. Each team tries to score points by grounding a ball on the other team's court under organized rules. St Spyridon was able to come equal third and can truly say they were there for the enjoyment of the game. The players all had an opportunity to play and to exhibit their skills. The Most Valuable Player for the day was awarded to Christos Kollias for his determination, good sportsmanship and focus.

To our court convenors Ms Gambriell, Mr Condous, Ms Kalithrakas and Mr Zafiropoulos your support and superior control at the events were integral in the smooth running of the competition. Your assistance and cooperation were greatly appreciated. Thank you to the Parents and Friends for their support at the grounds, Mrs Faletas for her organisation of the Spoken Arts, Mrs Katsogiannis, Mrs Stefanou-Haag, Mrs Tsaconas and the parish for their support of the event. A special mention to our ex-students Demi and Angelina Flokis who travelled around the grounds capturing all moments on film and producing a slide show and video for all students to have as a memento. Their willingness to give back to the school is appreciated.


Mr Georgoulopoulos Overall, it gave us much joy to watch over the students for the three days of competition. The dedication and pride displayed by the students for their school is clearly evident and is to be commended. All students were well behaved, respectful for others and epitomize the purpose of the National Schools Event. Watching over them reminds us of how privileged we are to have such respectful students who demonstrate the values and morals of our teachings here at St Spyridon College. To the Year 12 students your commitment to sport and in particular participation in the National Schools Event was valued over the years and it is with much sadness witness your final year. We wish you the best of luck in your future sporting endeavours. Many thanks to all teachers who coached the students Ms Davis (Girls Volleyball), Ms Kladakis (Table Tennis) Mr Meintanis (Girls Basketball and Futsal), Mr Georgoulopoulos (Boys Volleyball and Boys Basketball), Mr Zafiropoulos (Boys Futsal and Boys Football) also to Angelica Meintanis an ex-student and coach for the Opens Netball team and Mr Koulouriotis external Boys Basketball coach.



- St George College

Boys Futsal

- St Spyridon College

Girls Futsal

- All Saints Grammar

Boys Volleyball

- All Saints Grammar

Girls Volleyball

- Oakleigh Grammar

Boys Table Tennis

- All Saints Grammar

Girls Table Tennis

- All Saints Grammar

Girls Basketball

- St Spyridon College

Boys Basketball

- St Spyridon College


- St Spyridon College

Congratulations to Cassandra Georgiou who was selected in the OPENS ISA Netball Squad with the team to be finalised later in June.

ISA REPRESENTATIVE NEWS Congratulations to Nicole Adam and Chrystal Christie (Year 10) who were selected to compete for ISA at the NSWCIS Football Championships

Congratulations to Zac Prelec (Year 8) who was selected for the Under 13’s Junior Bunnies Rugby League Development team. He will now travel to Forster for a training camp and play against Balmain, St George and Wests. Ms K. O’Shea (Girls Sport) Mr F. Kaldis (Boys Sport)

PREFECT PROFILE Name: Age: Number of years at St. Spyridon College: Subjects currently studying: Hobbies: Favourite Sports Team: Favourite quote: Achievements:

Aspirations: Role Models: Last $50 would be spent on:

Chloe Kourtesis 17 2006-2014 (8 years) General Mathematics, Standard English, Business Studies, Legal Studies, Food Technology and Drama Drama and reading Manly Sea Eagles (NRL) “A lot of us would like to move mountains, but few of us are willing to practise on small hills” and “fear not, believe only”- Jesus Christ Various placing awards since Year 8, NIDA (National institute of Drama Arts) awards for participating and being elected roles in many plays (Midsummer night dream and Treasure Island), sporting achievements for Basketball 2009-2013 and various dancing awards. Business Studies and Drama teacher. Hopefully open up my own Performing Arts school. Jesus Christ, and also my grandfather Yiakomi (Jack), Fall Out Boy Buying a present for a disadvantaged person, hoping to make their day slightly better.


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