News 139 3α 2015

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VOLUME XXXII No. 3 6th March, 2015

DATES TO REMEMBER MARCH Swimming Carnival JS (Years 3 – 6)

Forgiveness: Not the power to remember, but it’s very opposite, the power to forget, is a necessary condition for our existence.



Independent Schools Expo University of Sydney

7th & 8th

ISA Swimming Carnival


25th March Celebrations


Year 6 25th March Assembly 2:30pm in Hall


Annunciation School closed


Year 12 Half Yearly Exams begin


Twilight Tours SS Information Morning JS


APRIL Term ends


Public Holiday – Western Good Friday


Western Easter Palm Sunday


Orthodox Easter


Staff Development Day


Students return Term 2


Anzac Day


K2016 Information Morning


MAY Futsal Regionals JS


National Schools Event School Photos JS NAPLAN

6th – 8th 12th – 14th

School Photos SS ICAS Digital Technologies JS


Appreciating Culture Lecture



St Basil the Great

HOMILY FOR GREAT LENT 2015 In the Gospel according to St Matthew, we read that immediately after His baptism in the River Jordan, our Lord Jesus Christ “had fasted for forty days and forty nights” in the wilderness (Matthew 4: 2). This fast is the foundation of the Church’s forty day Lenten period before the Great feast of Pascha. It is during this period of time that our Lord Jesus is tested with hunger, but does not sin. Our Lord Jesus fasted to overcome temptation, giving us an example of our own power and limitations in the face of temptation. The hunger of Christ’s flesh does not control Him. Rather, Christ controls His flesh by annihilating temptation - therefore offering to us His own example during this Lenten period. Great Lent is a time for self-examination and self-denial – a time for taking control of our lives and our bodies. St Isidore (4th Century) teaches us that: “Fasting in respect of food is no benefit for those who fail to fast with all their senses; for whosoever is successfully waging their battle must be self-controlled in all things.” Ultimately, the purpose of the Lenten fast is to give us a greater awareness of our dependence on God. It is a time to improve our relationship with God and our fellow human persons. It is a time to reassess our identity as Orthodox Christians. It is a period of purification through prayer, fasting, confession and Holy Communion at its peak. This Great Lent, we are called to cleanse ourselves –in mind, body and soul– through the physical and spiritual fast, keeping a Christian attitude in all that we say and do. All this is done to prepare us for the Great Feast of Pascha – our Lord’s three-day Resurrection from the tomb. I wish you, one and all, a blessed and fruitful Great Lent 2015. Mr A. Picardi Orthodox Studies Teacher


P & F NEWS Καλή Σαρακοστή to all our students, teachers, parents and friends!

THE ROLE OF THE P&F IN OUR COLLEGE COMMUNITY The P&F Committee is an integral part of our College community. It is entrusted with four critical roles and responsibilities as follows: - To raise funds for the development of our College, buildings, facilities and resources; - To be positive role models to our students by our active community service; - To provide a forum for social interaction of our parent body; - To support and promote the good name of our College and its values and beliefs.

P&F TARGET LIST FOR 2015 Our aim this year is to raise $75,000 towards the costs of the following:  Computer Ultra books  Tech. Support for performances  Senior School Sports  Graduation Cakes  Dux Prize JS  Artificial Grass SS  Robotics Equipment  Music Equipment  Quadrangle Canopy We encourage all of you to participate in our events and support our fundraisers this year. Your support goes a long way for the benefit of our students both in the Junior and Senior schools.

TRIVIA NIGHT We had the pleasure of a former parent of the College, and past President of the P&F Committee, Mr George Magoulias, return as our Trivia host on the night! Laughter and witty banter were the highlights of the evening, as George ensured we had our thinking caps on! The competition was fierce, culminating with prizes for the winning team, and, the losing team, earning their wooden spoons. (κουταλες!)


A warm thank you to all those who attended, and to all the people and businesses who donated prizes, we deeply appreciate your support of our College! The P&F is pleased to announce, we raised a total of $7,500.00, a good start to our fundraising for 2015!


UPCOMING P&F EVENTS Easter Stall - 23 March – 2nd May 2015 Our popular Easter and Lambatha stalls will be running during this time for everybody. Palm Sunday Lunch – 5th April 2015 Mrs A. Vergotis (Asst. Secretary)



Name: Yvette Stemitsiotis Age: 17 Number of years at St Spyridon College: 13 years Previous leadership roles: Year 10 Peer Support leader and Year 11 SRC Leader Subjects I am currently studying: English Advanced, Drama, General Mathematics, Legal Studies, Business Studies and Modern History. Hobbies: Swimming, going to the cinema and spending time with family and friends. My Future Aspirations: To further my studies at University in the field of Media. My Role Models: My Mother, Father, Sisters, Grandparents Favourite Quote: “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them". Walt Disney. One thing I am most proud of achieved: Chanting at St Spyridon Church for the Holy Friday Epitaphios Service. One piece of Advice I would give younger students: Never take anything for granted.





Orthodox Studies teacher Ka. Ierokli. They were told about the significance of this tradition and of the miracle performed by St Theodore of Tyron. The students assisted with the preparation of the Kollyva and the writing of the memorial list. We are blessed to be able to share these traditions and pass them on to the next generation as has been the custom since c.360 – 364.

Arrangements for Church Attendance on 22nd March for Annunciation and Independence Day Please note that as a result of increasing numbers of students K-12, the following classes only will be representing St Spyridon College in Church in the morning of the 22nd March, 2015: Years 5, 6, 7, 8 and 12. Representatives from Year 11 will represent the College at the Archdiocese. All students K-12 will be expected to attend the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese commemorations at Martin Place and from there will march to the Opera House. Further details to follow.

UNIFORM SHOP TIMES 8.30 am to 10.00 am and 2.30 pm to 4.00 pm – Wednesday only school Term.

UNIFORM Boys’ blazers are now available at the Uniform Shop.

JUNIOR SCHOOL REPORT We warmly welcome Chanele Bteddini and her family who have joined us in Year Six. I am sure they will quickly feel the warm embrace of our St Spyridon family. We wish you a rewarding journey with us.

ORTHODOX TRADITIONS All Orthodox Christians observe Saturday of the Souls during Great Lent and before Pentecost. Saturday being the traditional day for prayer for the dead because, Christ lay dead in the tomb on Saturday. On these days, we are devoted to prayer for our departed relatives and all other faithful Christians. The students of Year 6 were privileged to have the opportunity to learn about this from their


SENIOR SCHOOL REPORT SWIMMING CARNIVAL Congratulations to Nemeans who won this year’s Senior School Swimming Carnival.

P & F TRIVIA NIGHT The P & F held a very successful Trivia Night on the 21st of March. This was largely due to the great support they had from the many sponsors who donated prizes and to those parents and friends who attended. I encourage all parents to support the P & F by attending as many functions possible. Not only do they raise money but it is a wonderful opportunity for all parents to relax and get to know the other parents across the school. The next event is Palm Sunday lunch on the 5th April. I look forward to seeing you there. Thank you P & F for all your hard work.

A BIG THANK YOU Many thanks to Mrs Leondios (John’s mum), and Mr Tsoukalas (Greg’s dad), for their assistance in edging material that we are using next term for embroidery. Between them, they did 56 pieces. Year Six are very grateful.

Olympians – Middle School Champions

YEAR 10 Last week during Pastoral Care students received their Year 10 Assessment Handbook. They were given information about the Board of Studies, Teaching and Education Standard NSW (BOSTES) and the Progression Policy.

MUSIC TUITION Private music tuition is available with the following people. Parents wishing to have their child tutored in 2015 need to contact the individual tutor.

The Expression of Interest forms to progress to Years 11 and 12 at St Spyridon College are due to me at the end of Term 1.

Mr Sam Podjarski for Violin Contact Number: 0411 366 058 Ms Janet Silverton for Piano and Violin Contact Number: 0417 657 178 Mr Leonidas Kourmadas for Piano, Guitar & Theory Contact Number: 0421 198 747 Mrs Helen Ferguson-Coyne for Singing Contact Number: 0404 027 702

YEAR 11 Year 11 Assessment Handbooks have been distributed to students. It is important that students familiarize themselves with their responsibilities.

Mrs A. Synesios Principal



CONGRATULATIONS… …to Mrs Irene Koutsoukis’ son John and his wife Esmae on their recent wedding.


Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others. —Jack Welch

May God shower them with His Blessings.

THE STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE COUNCIL (SRC) In Pastoral Care numerous students from all year groups presented speeches after which a vote occurred to elect the class SRC’s for 2015. If their speeches are anything to go by, the above quote is well on the way to being fulfilled. Well done to everyone who stepped up to show their willingness to represent their peers and be leaders. The 2015 SRC will be announced at an upcoming assembly and the first SRC meeting for this Year will be held on Tuesday 10th March (week 7).




Most text books can be downloaded onto the home computer. Students can use this electronic textbook to complete any homework that has been set. It also means that text books can be kept at school in lockers for use in class, thus eliminating the excess weight in school bags. The instructions for how to download can be found in the front of each text book.

HOME STUDY ... it is NOT just about the

Mrs Koutsoukis with her sons John(HSC 2005) and Nicholas (HSC 2008)

Homework In order to assist students become more selfdirected and to work effectively in order to maximize learning, Middle School Pastoral Care lessons this Term have been dedicated to setting goals for the year, creating a study timetable, setting up a good learning environment, and following a solid a 1 ½ - 2 ½ hour HOME STUDY routine each night.

Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School

Home Study is made up of:1. HOMEWORK completion. 2. Working on assessment tasks and or preparing for upcoming tests.


3. Revision of the days lessons/topics, creating study notes (summaries). **if point 3 cannot be done because points 2 & 3 took up all the home study time, then perhaps set aside a slot over the weekend to do this **Also before sleeping, students should READ for half an HOUR Parents can assist their children by reinforcing the importance of these practises, having regular conversations about the school day and what is being learnt, being aware of when assignments are given and due for submission, as well as checking all home study is being completed. Regular review of the student planner will assist with monitoring.

WHAT HAPPENS WITH WORK THAT IS MISSED DUE TO ABSENCE? All students are expected to catch up on all work missed when absent so that they do not fall behind and are able to perform at their peak at all times. The process for this may include calling a peer to find out what was missed from each class, and consulting the teachers during break times on the first day of return to get any handouts and notes. If absence is prolonged, parents may ring the school and ask the Year Adviser to collect and forward missed work.

YEAR 7 and THEIR YEAR 10 PEER SUPPORT LEADERS The first of a series of Peer Support lessons facilitated by Year 10 leaders will begin next week. The aim of these will be to strengthen the bonds between all students, enable Year 7 to gain greater understanding of the word ‘resilience’ and build greater awareness of the role that friends and peer support leader can have in helping individuals get through difficult times. The Peer Support lessons also develop Year 10 Peer Support Leaders by enabling them to step up to the challenges that come with trying to manage and engage younger students, along with improving their own self confidence in practicing leadership skills.

YEAR 7 FRIENDSHIP DAY Recently students had a wonderful day getting to know each other better, setting some goals and working well as a team. Key messages from the day included… GET TO KNOW NEW PEOPLE, RESPECT EACH OTHER, THINK WE NOT ME, USE WORDS THAT BUILD PEOPLE UP, HAVE A GO, TAKE A STAND, ENTHUSIASM IS CONTAGIOUS, SET GOALS, WORK WITH EACH OTHER.

Ms G Kokinelis Dean of Middle School




Τα στέφανα συμβολίζουν τη στέψη του γαμπρού και της νύφης. Ο κουμπάρος, που είναι ο καλύτερος φίλος του αδελφού μου, άλλαξε τα στέφανα τρεις φορές στο κεφάλι τους, στο όνομα της Αγίας Τριάδας. Οι μπομπονιέρες, σαν σύμβολο, συμβολίζουν τη γλυκιά ζωή μαζί, που ευχόμαστε στο ζευγάρι. Οι μπομπονιέρες μοιράστηκαν στην εκκλησία από μερικές από τις παράνυφες.

Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι, Στην έκδοσή μας αυτή τη φορά θα σας κρατήσουμε συντροφιά με το γραπτό μιας μαθήτριας της Γ΄ Λυκείου σχετικά με τα ήθη και έθιμα του γάμου. Καλά να περνάτε! Κ. Μ. Φαλέτα Θέμα: «Γράφεις στο ημερολόγιό σου αναπολώντας το γάμο του/της αδελφού/ής σου, που ήταν πριν λίγες μέρες.» Αγαπητό μου ημερολόγιο, Χτες, παντρεύτηκε ο αδελφός μου ο Γιάννης. Το Μυστήριο έγινε στον ιερό ναό του Αγίου Σπυρίδωνα, στη μία η ώρα το μεσημέρι. Ο γάμος, όπως ήδη αναφέρθηκε, είναι ένα από τα επτά Μυστήρια της Ελληνικής Ορθόδοξης Εκκλησίας.

Ο Γιάννης και η Σοφία ήπιαν μια γουλιά κρασί από από το «κοινό» ποτήρι, που συμβολίζει ότι από εδώ και πέρα θα μοιράζονται τα πάντα στη ζωή, καλά και άσχημα. Τέλος, χόρεψαν το χορό του Ησαϊα, που συμβολίζει τη μεγάλη τους χαρά που θα είναι για πάντα μαζί, αλλά και τα πρώτα τους βήματα ως ζευγάρι στο δρόμο του Θεού.

Σου εξομολογούμαι πως νυστάζω πάρα πολύ επειδή ο γάμος τελείωσε στη μία η ώρα το πρωί. Περάσαμε πολύ ωραία αλλά τώρα είμαι πολύ κουρασμένη! Τα φαγητά στη δεξίωση ήταν πολύ νόστιμα, η λιμουζίνα καταπληκτική και η παρέα με τις παράνυφες και τους παράγαμπρους απίθανη! Στο γάμο, οι Έλληνες χρησιμοποιούν πολλά σύμβολα και θα στα περιγράψω τώρα, εδώ, παρακάτω: Ο κουμπάρος φέρνει δυο ομορφοστολισμένες λαμπάδες, που συμβολίζουν το φως του Θεού να είναι μαζί τους, δηλαδή με το ζευγάρι κι επίσης αυτοί να είναι αθώοι και καθαροί μεταξύ τους σαν το φως.


Στη δεξίωση, όλα τα τραπέζια ήταν στρωμένα με ροδοπέταλα. Η νύφη, η Σοφία ήταν πανέμορφη στο μακρύ, λευκό νυφικό της και έδινε την εντύπωση «βασίλισσας»! Είμαι πολύ χαρούμενη που ο αδελφός μου διάλεξε τη Σοφία για γυναίκα του επειδή είναι γλυκιά και καλόκαρδη κοπέλα.

UPCOMING EVENTS: MEDICINE UNSW: Year 12 Medicine Information Evening Thu 12th March, 6.30pm, Sir John Clancy Auditorium, UNSW The Year 12 Medicine Information Evening provides students with a general overview of the UNSW Medicine degree, as well as detailed information on their application and admissions process from current staff and students in the Faculty of Medicine. The Faculty will also provide ACER's tips and tricks on how to prepare for the UMAT exam. udents.schedules_search?p_event_id=57

Ο γάμος είχε πολύ γλέντι! Όλοι μπήκαν στο χορό και όλοι φαίνονταν χαρούμενοι! Το μενού ήταν υπέροχο και το καλύτερο απ’ όλα, ο γάμος ήταν μια ευκαιρία ν’ ανταμώσουμε με όλους τους συγγενείς μας. Πέρασα μια αξέχαστη μέρα κι ελπίζω ο αδελφός μου να περάσει μια χαρούμενη ζωή με τη Σοφία. Θα τα ξαναπούμε.

University of Notre Dame: Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery Information Session Sun 22nd March, 12.00pm, 160 Oxford St, Darlinghurst Tue 19th May, 6.00pm, 160 Oxford St, Darlinghurst The sessions are designed to help prospective students learn more about the admissions process, gain an overview of course content, meet current students and view the facilities. Contact: 02 8204 4404 or

Με αγάπη Πασχαλιά Lia Albanakis - 12GK



As always, there is much information to pass on to students and parents. This newsletter is emailed to the school email address of all students in Years 10, 11 and 12, so I would encourage all to read this column on a regular basis, so no opportunity is missed.

UNSW YEAR 10 INFORMATION EVENINGS UNSW is holding Year 10 subject selection and Information evenings in May (early in Term 2), which students and parents may wish to attend. Registrations are now open and fill up quickly. Go to the following to register: udents.schedules_search?p_event_id=42&p_hi gh_school_id=742&p_session=

I will be completing my interviews with year 12 students over the next week or so. During these interviews, we have discussed their progress so far, researched pathways and courses for their future careers, clarified their individual goals for this year and discussed strategies to achieve these (including study timetables). It has been wonderful to see the commitment and motivation of the students as they progress through this busy time. Year 11 students are enjoying their new senior subjects and learning the demands of their studies. I will be having sessions with them in the near future to develop their résumé and interview skills. Year 10 students will be having several sessions during pastoral care throughout the year to discuss subject choices and career exploration, as well as individual interviews with me.

OTHER UNIVERSITY NEWS: UNSW: Built Environment Parent and Student Information Session Wed 25th March, 6.00pm – 8.30pm, A valuable information session where students can:  Learn about degrees within the disciplines of Architecture, Design, Construction and Planning


number of Business courses available at the University of Wollongong. Further information can be found at the UOW College website via or via 1300 367 869.

Hear about the career paths within the Built Environment  Have any questions answered about studying at the faculty of Built Environment at UNSW


UNSW School of Civil and Environmental Engineering High School Work Experience Program Mon 15th – Fri 19th June, UNSW Kensington Campus The program allows Year 10 students to experience engineering projects firsthand across five areas of the civil and environmental engineering field. Importantly, students must have an interest in pursuing a career in engineering, be self-motivated, reliable and punctual. Students who

BUSINESS: Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand (formerly known as Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia) are running their annual Meet The Business Leader on Wednesday May 20 from 5 -8 pm, at the exciting location of Luna Park! In 2014 this was run as “Cadetship Evening”. The event will be for year 12 students and is an opportunity for them to meet top employers and hear from industry experts on topics such as the recruitment process and insights into a career in business. Contact Valeska Halpin Careers Engagement Coordinator – NSW D: +61 2 9290 5708 M: +61 434 335 670

UTS Discover Sessions: Nursing and Midwifery Discover Midwifery: Tue 14th April, 6.00pm Discover Nursing: Tue 30th June, 6.00pm Learn more about nursing or midwifery by attending an interactive workshop.

Metro Screen Sat 7th March, 257 Oxford Street, Paddington Art in the Digital World 2.00pm – 3.00pm Metro Screen in partnership with The Australian Centre for Photography and UNSW Art & Design present a high profile panel of artists, writers, photographers, filmmakers and TV professionals to discuss their practice and its digital evolution.

University of Western Sydney: The Academy Scholarships The Academy at UWS offers substantial financial support for high-achieving students who are committed to academic excellence and to making a contribution to their community. Scholarships include the VC Leadership Scholarship, valued at $10 000 per year, and the Dean’s Scholarship and Academic Excellence Scholarship, valued at $5 000 per year.

Billy Blue College of Design Open Day Sun 3rd May, 10.00am – 2.00pm, 46-52 Mountain Street Ultimo Explore purpose built facilities, meet lecturers and current students, experience design first hand and get important course and enrolment information. Contact: 1300 851 245 or

UOW College - Places Available in the Diploma of Business (Sydney Business School) The UOW College has a number of places available in our March Intake for the Diploma of Business (Sydney Business School), located in Circular Quay, Sydney. This Diploma can be used as a pathway to a


Sydney Design School Information Session Thu 26th March, Level 2, 40 Oxley Street, St Leonards The Information session will run for approximately 40 minutes, and will cover the courses available at the design school and the career opportunities available to graduates. Contact: 02 9437 1902

CATC Design School Open Day Sat 2nd May, 10.00am – 2.00pm, 46-52 Mountain St Ultimo Explore the course options available at CATC Design School and learn about the career opportunities in Graphic Design, Interior Design and Photography. Contact: 1300 661 111 or

Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School Discovery Days Mon 20th April – Wed 22nd April Mon 13th July – Wed 15th July Wed 7th October – Fri 9th October Wed 2nd December – Fri 4th December Discover what a career in hospitality is like by attending classes and living with students as part of a three day residential program. very-days/

AIE: Industry Experience Day Sydney: Wed 8th April, Fri 10th July, Wed 30th September Industry Experience Days are a great opportunity to learn about local and international game development, 3D animation and visual effects industries. Attendees can also hear about the different pathways to get into the industry, what should be in a portfolio and get creative in practical workshops using industry-standard 3D animation and game development tools.

Australian College of Physical Education – Campus Tour Tue 10th March, 1 Figtree Drive, Sydney Olympic Park Speak to staff and view the campus facilities.

College of Event Management Information Session Fri 27th March, 6.30pm, Level 9, 28 Foveaux Street Surry Hills Speak to lecturers and staff to learn about the course and exciting career opportunities available after graduation. Contact: 1300 725 846 or pus/information-sessions

APM College of Business and Communication: A Day in the Life Thu 16th April, 10.00am – 4.00pm, The Rocks, 1-5 Hickson Road Get a taste of life in the industries of Marketing, Event Management, Public Relations or Business Management. Meet current APM students, speak to lecturers and network with industry professionals. Contact: 1300 880 610 or

Taronga Zoo – Meet a Keeper Wed 20th May, Wed 19th August, Thu 10th September, Wed 28th October Attendees will have the opportunity to learn about all aspects of zoo keeping including:  Qualifications required  Career opportunities  Care responsibilities  Career structures and wages  Mystery behind-the-scenes tour Early booking is recommended.

FIA Fitnation Open Day Sat 20th June, 10.00am – 12.30pm, 815 George St, Level 3 Discover what separates FIA Fitnation from other fitness career providers.


pharmacy, physiotherapy, podiatry and psychology.

Women Rock-IT Cisco TV Series Thu 23rd April, 3pm (AEDT) Tune in to a free live online TV broadcast to hear women at Cisco talk about their experiences working in careers in technology. nrock-it.html#~Agenda

Hobsons Course Finder: Year 12 Survival Tips t-news/Getting-into-university/Year-12survival-tips#.VO0GvvmUeW4

Australian Defence Force Gap Year Applications Open Mon 2nd March The ADF Gap Year program provides an opportunity for young Australians who have finished year 12 or equivalent, aged between 17 and 24, to experience military training & lifestyle whilst gaining new skills over a paid Gap Year. To apply, visit: Year/

Martin College Martin College offers courses in Business, Marketing, Events, Tourism, Design and Technology. They have year-round intakes, with one beginning on the 16th of March. They also offer online study options. MyFuture Q and A Series Throughout 2013 and 2014, MyFuture had a number of live webinars with professionals from a range of careers speaking about the highs and lows of their occupations, their career path and the industry in general. Recordings of these webinars are still available for online viewing.

SOME USEFUL WEBSITES TO EXPLORE: Graduate Careers Australia: GradStats – Employment and Salary Outcomes of Recent Higher Education Graduates This report reveals the results of Graduate Careers Australia’s survey regarding the study and work activities of 2013 higher education graduates, four months after graduation. 4.pdf

APPRENTICESHIPS It is predicted that there will be a shortage of people working in trades in the future, too few to meet the demand. For those interested in finding out more, some related information is below:

A Career in Radiation Oncology Students interested in a career in radiation oncology or those exploring their options can use this site to gain better insight into the field of radiation oncology and what the job entails. Students are able to read career stories and learn how to start a career in this field. u/

School Holiday Trial-a-trade at William Angliss Institute, Surry Hills. These sessions are short, two-hour glimpses into the exciting careers available within Cookery, Patisserie, Coffee and Hospitality/Events/Travel. Please register on

My Health Career: Health Career Videos This webpage contains videos of health professionals, students and industry experts speaking about career opportunities and study pathways within their field of health care. Selected videos are available covering the disciplines of dentistry, dietetics, medicine, nursing, occupational therapy, optometry,

Apprenticeships - Begin Your Journey Apprentice stories can be found at GDW8. The video highlights young apprentices who relate their stories visually and with humour. Search ‘’ to access support materials on State Training Services website. Each apprenticeship stakeholder has resources


Girls Futsal Monday morning 7am – 8am (SPACe) Cross Country squad are training at the school every Wednesday and Friday morning from 7am -8am Greek Orthodox Colleges Open Girls Basketball training SPACe every Thursday 7.15am -8am ISA Swimming Squad training Tuesday and Thursday at All Sorts from 6:30am – 7:30am

accessible from this page. For further information contact State Training Services on 13 28 11. MIGAS: Apprentices and Trainees MIGAS works with Australian schools within their branch regions to ensure students understand and gain opportunities in apprenticeships, traineeships and school-based traineeships. MIGAS lists apprenticeship and traineeship vacancies on their website: White Card Training We run the WorkCover NSW White Card, 6 1/2 hours, face to face. Discounted course fees for all secondary school students and staff. Courses run on campus and in public venues Find out more or ring (02) 43823055 mobile 0438 823055

SPORTS INFORMATION EVENING Monday 16th March 2015 there is a planned Sports Information Evening for all families from 6pm - 7pm in the School Sports and Performing Arts Centre for all families with children either playing sport or joining the Saturday sports programme this year.

SOCCER All boys’ soccer teams will be finalised this week and team lists placed on the school notice board.

SCHOOL HOLIDAY EVENT: Sydney Dance Company: Two-Day April School Holiday Workshop A two-day dance workshop with Sydney’s leading choreographers and dance teachers featuring contemporary, lyrical, JFH, Hip Hop and Theatre Jazz. Contact: Tamara Wheeler on 02 9258 4818 or

Congratulations to all the following boys who will be representing the College in Boys Football in the ISA.

BOYS FOOTBALL FIRST XI 2015 Steven Antoniou Alexander Stamoulis Alexander P Cardamis Simeon Kerameas Elias Hatzon Adonis Tsoutsas Alex Michos Michael Savic Jacob Mavrolefterou Lewis Athanasopoulos Kristian Kontakos Michael Hatzon Christos Kollias Nicky Georgou

Ms G. Hakos Careers Adviser



The following teams are training on the following days in preparation for the various carnivals, interschool sporting days over the coming weeks:

Congratulations and good luck to the Open Boy’s futsal team at the upcoming NSW Futsal Regional Tournament in Penrith.

Boys Football every Tuesday afternoon from 3:05pm to 4:30pm (School Oval) Girls Netball every Friday morning from 7.15am -8am (SPACe) Boys Futsal Tuesday morning 7am – 8am (SPACe)



U 13 WHITE The Under 13 White team were fortunate to be playing semi-final basketball after a very poor start to 2015. The boys headed into the semifinals with 0 wins and 4 losses for 2015. Despite this the boys worked hard at training and stuck to a good game plan helping them defeat St Pius X College and setting up the final against Blue Mountains Grammar. Dimitri Dimas was the stand out player this week, high scoring for the team but also winning most rebounds for the team. Although a low scoring game 17-14 the boys’ resilience and execution of the game plan helped them secure a memorable victory.

Alexander P Cardamis Jacob Mavrolefterou Alexander Stamoulis Michael Hatzon Adonis Tsoustas Lewis Athanasopoulos Steven Antoniou Jordan Makridopolus Kristian Kontakos

BOYS BASKETBALL SEMI FINALS With the Under 15 Blue team already in the Grandfinal, the other St Spyridon College boys’ teams were involved in semi-final basketball at either Penrith Sports Stadium or St Pauls Grammar School. The day proved to be very exciting for the boys who were very determined and motivated to succeed. The standard of boys’ basketball has improved thanks to Mr Koulouriotis the external coach, Mr Karagiannis and the staff either managing or coaching the boys on Saturday. As the coordinator of boys sport I was very fortunate that I was able to witness nearly all the semi-finals and was very proud of the boys achievements.

U 14 BLUE Semi Final week usually brings out the best in all students and this was no different for the U14 Blue team. Although a mixed year in terms of results the boys produced an excellent win against St Pius X winning 27-22 and now go on to set up a final against Oxley College.

U 13 BLUE The Under 13 Blue team were exceptional in their semi-final against Central Coast Grammar winning the game in a very close contest 28-25. This team have had a wonderful introduction to Basketball this season and their effort on the weekend was rewarded with the opportunity to play in a Final. This Saturday the boys will be playing against very strong opponents in St Patricks College.

Many of the boys basketball skills have improved over the last couple of seasons and these boys are now in a position to trial for spots in next year’s U15 white team.

U 14 WHITE Last year’s winners are looking to make it back to back titles and their semi-final victory 40-11 against St Pius X College sets up what promises to be a very exciting game against Oxley College. These two teams have played each other twice with each winning one game. The final will ultimately decide bragging rights for season 2014-2015. The boys will need to improve on their last performance against Oxley and are aware that the real challenge of playing their personal best lies ahead.


This week Finals are all going to be played at Penrith Sports Stadium in Cambridge Park. Students will be provided with the weekly hard copy of game times and bus times as well as the regular email that is forwarded to all families.

U 15 WHITE The Under 15 White team were gallant in defeat on the weekend losing to a very determined and proud St Pius X College outfit. Unfortunately the boys conceded too many early points. They were down 9-0 in the first 4 minutes of the contest and struggled to claw their way back. That said they did manage to take the lead and had ample opportunity to win the game, however the boys decision making let them down and their opponents could do no wrong. This was a disappointing end for the boys to what was a very promising season. The boys will need to now look forward to trialling for the Open boys Basketball team for season 2015-2016.

On a personal note, I would like to extend my thanks to all parents who helped to score during the semi-finals as well as congratulate the coaches and staff of all teams. It has been another wonderful year of basketball and although there is one game left, having 6 from 8 teams make the final, it is a wonderful achievement and a real positive for boys sport. After narrowly missing out on promotion last season it looks as though the boys will move up a division for basketball for next season. I would like to wish all the boys good luck for their final game of the year.

OPEN BOYS The Open boys were the final game on the draw for the day and attracted the most interest as the oldest boys’ team in the College. The boys did not disappoint winning the game 36 28 to set up what will be a very difficult game against Blue Mountains Grammar. The boys were exceptional taking the lead early through Christian Ishaks 4 consecutive three point shots.

SWIMMING CARNIVAL On the 21st February the Annual Senior School Swimming Carnival was held at Des Renford Aquatic Centre. Our newly appointed House Captains had worked hard to not only increase House Spirit but also to increase participation in the carnival. This was clearly evident as the number of entries for each house has drastically improved from last year’s entries. Holding the carnival in the 25m pool allows for all students regardless of their ability to participate to their potential. It was overwhelming to see so many students involved. The House Captains aim was to also increase house spirit, some House Captains prepared cheers, held additional house meetings and organised banners and posters for their team. The students responded to this

The boys were always in control of the contest frustrating their opponents and winning not only easy baskets but also foul along the way. Our Open boys are trying to win back to back titles in the Opens competition - a feat the College has not achieved.


demonstrating the best house spirit we have seen in years. With the competition under way we saw many close races and exciting results. Watching our new students and ÎĽear 7 students immediately embrace the school spirit by participating in races was extremely pleasing. We had some fantastic results throughout the day with some incredible swims at this meet. A number of school records were broken. Congratulations to all students: Student Alexander P Cardamis Chrystal Christie Nicola Skouteris Christian Jenkins Lena Tsalikis Vivienne Hatzigiakoumis Nicholas Frazis

George Contominas Keira Kipriotis Eve Barton Dion Alexander Jordan Frazis Desi Kapodistrias Kaity Bounos Lia Albanakis

Alexander Cardamis

Event Boys 17 25m Free Girls 17 25m Free Girls 17 50m Free Girls 12 25m Breast Boys 13 25m Breast Girls 13 25m Breast Girls 14 25m Breast Boys 15 25m Breast Boys 15 25m Back Boys 15 25m Fly Boys 15 50m Free Boys 15 50m Breast Boys 15 50m Fly Boys 15 100m Free Boys 15 100IM Boys 16 25m Breast Boys 16 25m Back Boys 16 100m IM Girls 16 25m Breast Girls 16 25m Back Girls 17 25m Breast Girls 17 50m Breast Boys Opens Breast Boys 13 25m Back Girls 13 25m Back Girls 14 25m Back Girls 17 25m Back Girls 17 25m Fly Girls 17 50m Back Girls 17 50m Fly Girls 17 100m Free Girls 17 100IM Boys 17 25m Fly Boys 17 50m Free Boys 17 100m Free


New Record 13.65 16.21 36.42 22.93 20.18 21.23 21.82 16.72 15.05 13.89 27.19 37.16 29.88 59.94 1:09.56 17.42 16.84 1:18.38 20.87 19.87 23.07 52.45 24.91 18.18 19.47 20.11 20.31 20.87 47.47 52.93 1:36.61 1.55.28 16.14 31.88 1:17.97

Old record and Year 14.29 2014 19.63 2014 42.38 2014 New Record New Record New Record New Record New Record New Record 14.10 2002 28.09 2011 37.50 2002 31.51 2002 1:01.16 2001 1.10.84 2002 New Record New Record 1.31.16 2009 New Record New Record New Record New Record New Record New Record New Record New Record New Record New Record New Record New Record New Record New Record 16.75 2014 32.45 2014 1.19.42 2014

The House relays created an exciting atmosphere with Double points awarded to the winning team. Results in the relays are below; 12-13yrs Girls 1st Delphians 2nd Nemeans 3rd Corinthians 4th Olympians 12-13yrs Boys 1st Olympians 2nd Nemeans 3rd Corinthians 14-16yrs Girls 1st Nemeans 2nd Corinthians 3rd Olympians Delphians 4th 14-16yrs Boys 1st Olympians 2nd Nemeans 3rd Corinthians 4th Delphians

The last event Champion of Champions is always the most exciting. This is where we see the fastest swimmers over 50m Freestyle compete for the title of Champion of Champions. This year in the girls race we saw a change of hand with Natalia Amequitza of Year 9 win the race defeating students in the year groups above. Nicholas Frazis continued to show his domination with a school record time of 27.19 to win the title once again.

At the conclusion of the event all students eagerly awaited for the final results as they were so close throughout the day. The overall results were as follows:


Middle School 1st 1354 2nd 1202 rd 3 841 4th 668

Olympians Nemeans Delphians Corinthians

Upper School 1st 683 2nd 333 3rd 287 4th 207

Nemeans Olympians Delphians Corinthians

Overall 1st 1886 2nd 1687 3rd 1128 4th 875

Nemeans Olympians Delphians Corinthians

Congratulations to all students for their attendance and participation. These are the days that are often remembered during your schooling life. Whether you compete or not being involved in some capacity helps to foster strong school spirit, which is important. Well done to the Year 12 students your involvement on the stands you most certainly inspired the younger groups to show the same enthusiasm and passion for their teams. Thank you to the Year 12 students and teachers who assisted with duties on the day, your help contributed to the event running smoothly. Finally, many thanks to all the parents who watched and supported their children, I hope that you enjoyed the event.


defeated by a large margin both games, so they were most certainly facing a challenge. The girls took an early lead, however were down by 8 points at half time. They continued to persevere and are to be commended for their calm approach to the game. With 30 seconds left St Spyridon secured a 1 point lead and their level of composure ensured that they won the game 23-22. Congratulations to both Mr Contominas and the Year 9 girls for their efforts throughout the season, attending early morning training and juggling 11 players receiving fair playing time. This team won the Junior C division last year and as a result were promoted to Junior B, to play in the Grandfinal is an accomplishment in itself.

ISA SWIMMING CARNIVAL Congratulations to the following students who, based on their exceptional results at the School Swimming Carnival, will now go on to swim at the ISA Swimming Carnival to be held on Wednesday 11th March at Homebush Aquatic Centre. Students have been preparing at squad training each Tuesday and Thursday morning with our swim coach Ms Flokis. We wish the students the best of luck at this next level. Alexander Cardamis, Alexander Michos, Anastasia Hatzidis, Anastasia Mylonas, Briannon Walker, Charlie Christofides, Christina Vlahos, Christos Raptis, Chrystal Christie, Desi Kapodistris, Eve Barton, Florence Georgas, George Contominas, Hariloas Pappas, James Zouroudis, Johnathon Kan, Jordan Frazis, Kaity Bounos, Keira Kipriotis, Lena Tsalikis, Lia Albanakis, Marko Gacevic, Michael Constantopedos, Michael Savic, Natalia Amezquita, Nathan Adam, Nicholas Frazis, Nicholas Georgou, Nicholas Kollias, Nicholas Makridopolus, Nicola Skouteris, Nicoletta Tsimboukis, Phoebe Dalakiaris, Sebastian Zois, Simeon Kerameas, Spiros Zafiropoulos, Vivienne Hatzigiakoumis, Vivika Lynch.

As the ISA Basketball Season comes to an end I would like to congratulate all teams for their success and efforts. We had 5 out of 6 teams qualify for the Semi–Finals all finishing in 3rd place to play 2nd place teams. Semi-final results are below: Junior B SPY 23 def SACS 22 Junior C RED 27 def SPY 20 Intermediate B RED 1 19 def SPY 13 Open Girls B OXL 39 def SPY 14 Open Girls C BMGS 22 def SPY 14 Much appreciation must be given to the parents who support their daughter’s involvement in ISA Sport. Whether it was driving them to games or supporting on the sidelines without your support the girls would not be able to play. Furthermore, the level of involvement from parents has been a positive change this season whether it was assisting on the bench, in the canteen, providing morning tea or other donations it has been overwhelming and hopefully can be continued in the Winter season.

ISA BASKETBALL This Saturday 7th March the Finals for the Basketball ISA Season will take place at Penrith Sports Stadium. Girls Basketball have had one team qualify which is the Junior B team consisting of Year 9 students. This team finished 3rd overall and played 2nd position St Andrews Cathedral in the Semi Finals last

To our parent coaches Mr Contominas and Mr Vergotis a big thanks, you have gone above and beyond to help the girls develop their basketball schools and as the school grows your support is vital.

NETBALL AND FOOTBALL TRIALS As Basketball Season has come to an end the girls have been trialling for Netball and Soccer in their PE and ISA lessons. The Year 7 and Opens Netball teams have been finalised and students will be receiving a registration sheet

Saturday 28th February. Throughout the season they played St Andrews twice and were


to be completed and brought back to Ms O’Shea.

GIRLS FUTSAL A selected number of girls have been training each Monday in preparation for the Regional Futsal Championships to be held on the 18th March at Penrith Sports Stadium. The same team will compete at the National School Event to be held in May:

Congratulations to the following girls who have been selected for the Greek Orthodox Colleges Netball team to compete next Term at the National Schools Event: Lia Albanakis (C), Georgia Koukounaris, Rhea Tsimboukis, Sophia Rizzo, Tina Ventoura, Anastasia Gousetis, Larissa Andrianakos, Erin Hennessey, Maria Krassas, Christiana Kilias, Anastasia Mylonas.

Lia Albanakis, Theoni Thimakis, Chrystal Christie (C), Anja Djukic, Tiana Milisavljevic, Yovana Stosic, Sonya Paradisis, Victoria Zois, Nikki Cardamis. Ms K. O’Shea (Girls Sport) and Mr F. Kaldis (Boys Sport)



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