News 147 11a 2015

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VOLUME XXXII No. 11 7th August, 2015



AUGUST Specialty Photographs JS


The Dormition of the Theotokos


IPSHA Performing Arts Festival JS


Father’s Day Stalls JS Vet Work Placement Year 11


Fundraising for Nepal JS


ASISSA Athletics Carnival JS


HSC Success Program begins


Congratulations to Mrs McCoy, Director, Ms Savva, Musical Director along with the cast, crew of our Musical ‘Over the Rainbow’.

SEPTEMBER JS Performance


Father’s Day Doxology and Breakfast JS


Father’s Day


Year 11 Preliminary Course Final Assessments begin


Cocurricular ends for JD


Year 12 Farewell Assembly K-12 Doxology


Greek Orthodox Athletics Carnival JS


Year 12 Formal Dinner


Vaccinations SS


Sports Presentation Evening


Open Day JS Term ends


OCTOBER Staff Development Day


Students Return SS and JS


HSC begins




Trial HSC ends



To lovers of the truth, nothing can be put before God and hope in Him. St Basil the Great 1




P & F NEWS JUNIOR SCHOOL EVENT Father’s Day Breakfast – 3rd September, 2015 Please come along, with your child(ren) and celebrate Father’s Day at the morning Doxology at St Spyridon Church, followed by a delicious buffet breakfast in the Church Hall. This is the first time this event is being held, and we look forward to seeing all the fathers, grandfathers, uncles, and all father figures of our students from the Junior School.

SSC UMBRELLAS The P&F Committee, as part of its continued fundraising, have available for purchase, umbrellas with the school logo. These may be purchased at the College front office, and will also be on offer at the Junior School assembly, every Wednesday morning. Small folding Umbrella: $25 (available now) Large Golf style Umbrella: $40 (available mid-August)

ST SPYRIDON COLLEGE BUSINESS DIRECTORY The P&F Committee is pleased to announce our latest fundraising project, being the St Spyridon College Business Directory. It is a Directory of the valuable network of services, skills and businesses available among our parents and friends, to be distributed to our College and Parish community. It is a unique opportunity for parents and friends to network and support each other. Our offer includes: *One half page listing for 2 years. * Name of business. (No Logo) * Description of principal business: services/skills/goods offered. * Address/email/website and contact details Cost: $50 We welcome your support and encourage you to take advantage of this unique offer. The directory will reach at least 1000 people within our College and, more, in our Parish community. An information letter and Registration form will be sent home with students. Angela Vergotis (Asst. Secretary)


K - 12 NEWS

privilege to hear him leading the chanting at every school liturgy.


May God console Father Steven, his mother Maria and his whole loving family. May His memory be eternal.

SCHOOL FEE RECEIPTS As from Term 4 all receipts for the payment of fees will be emailed.

JUNIOR SCHOOL REPORT KINDERGARTEN 2016 Interviews for Kindergarten 2016 have commenced. If you have forgotten to enrol your child, please see Mrs Estelle Kerameas at the Junior School Office as soon as possible.

FUTSAL My congratulations are extended to the Senior girls and boys of our Junior School who took part in the State Futsal Competition last week. I applaud them for their enthusiasm and for spirit with which they played the game. My thanks are extended to their coaches Mr Amditis, Miss Sirmanoglou, Miss Galanis and Mr Knight and to the parents for supporting them on the day and by ensuring they were at the training sessions. We look forward to the 2016 competition.

IPSHA PERFORMING ARTS FESTIVAL Our choir and a group of Year Six Greek Dancers will be performing at the Town Hall on Wednesday 19th August with students from other independent schools. A number of tickets are available at the Junior School Office. If you are interested in attending, please see Mrs Estelle Kerameas. Cost $30.


We extend our sincere condolences to Father Steven Scoutas and his whole family, on the passing of his father, Savvas Scoutas. Savvas was loved and respected by all who knew him. His gentle nature and good words to every person who approached him are very much missed.

We encourage all families of our College to support the Year 6 Teddy Bear’s Picnic on the 25th August which will raise funds to help rebuild the Chaurikharka School that was damaged with the Earthquake in April. A collection tin will be placed in the foyer of our Senior Campus for Senior students and their families. Any amount big or small will certainly go a long way. I thank you in advance for your generosity.

Until only recently, the students and teachers of our College - since its foundation - had the

Mrs. A. Synesios Principal



Nicolas Anastasiia

Every year our Primary students are given the opportunity participate in the International Competitions and Assessments for Schools. Once again our students have produced commendable results that we are proud of. As a school we earned 11 Distinctions, 47 Credits with a further 11 Merits. Below is a list of students that extremely well. Year 3 Connor Kristallis Sarah Constantinidis Dean Foundis-Borrett Isabella Koutoulogenis Myles O'reilly Gabriella Gouveros Jordan Haramis Dimitra Kasmas Elizabeth Notaras Nio Pateras Harrison Andrews Alexandra Bizannes Chrysa Kirkis Julia Costa Catherine Coutts Julia Kamaras Cehloe Kristallis Georgia Miller Dean Vlahakis Andrew Dalessis Jenna Perdikakis James Kefalouros Stephen Varvaritis

Distinction Distinction Distinction Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Merit Merit

Year 4 Jennifer Katerina Christie Sophia Nektarios Alexander Alexander Sienna Natalia Christian Amelia Nicholas Charlie Nicholas Theoni

Distinction Distinction Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Merit

Pyliotis Alexandratos Kalis Karatasos Kollias Kumar Marinos Tsoukalas Constantinidis Lynch Raptis Bastas Georgas Notaras Asproukos

have fared

Giallafos Mihajlovic

Merit Merit

Year 5 Adriana Paul Jorge Fotios Joanna Stefan Alex Lucia Angus Efstathios Vasili William Tiana Nicolas Stephen Nicholas

Drakoulis Giavis Cooney Konitsas Kourgialis Gemisis Stamoulis Zois Chellos Gatsis Giaras Iliopoulos Natsikas Kalligiannis Koutoulogenis Papas

Distinction Distinction Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Merit Merit Merit

Year 6 Teoni Vicki Greg James Anastasi Mary Valentina Mihalis James John Christopher Evan Billy Juval

Antonopoulos Synesios Hatzon Bletsas Poulos Diamond Spyridopoulos Dovellos Valmas Leondios Vougioukas Hatgis Bourdaniotis Mikhail

Distinction Distinction Distinction Distinction Distinction Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Credit Merit Merit Merit

Mr A. Dookie Deputy Principal

PREMIERS READING CHALLENGE The cut-off date for the Reading Challenge is fast approaching. All entries need to be sent to Mrs Bartlett by Friday 21st August. No entries can be accepted after this date as the Challenge site is shut down and cannot be accessed.

CHILDREN’S BOOK WEEK Just a reminder of the visit by author/illustrator Michael Salmon on Friday 28th August. He will be visiting the Junior School from 12pm - 3p.m. Any parent who would like to attend is most welcome.


To raise funds for this worthwhile cause, we are hosting a Teddy Bears’ Picnic on Tuesday 25th August. On this day, the students are asked to come to school dressed in their pyjamas and with their favourite teddy bear or stuffed toy. Students may also want to bring a picnic blanket and a teddy bear themed lunch. There will be fun activities and competitions on the day, and a stall where students will be able to decorate a biscuit with icing, sprinkles and lollies, and purchase a drink for just $2.

Michael will be bringing along a selection of his books which will be signed by him for the children to purchase. The prices are as follows: Activity/fun books $3.00; Activity/ sticker books $5.00; Chapter books $10.00; Picture-story books $8.00-$10.00; and Large format/ flap books $20.00 We are all looking forward to welcoming Michael Salmon to our School.

Most importantly, we ask you to dig deep into your pockets and wallets and donate generously, to help repair the Chaurikharka School. Let’s give students, just like ours, the chance to learn and to build a brighter future!

Mrs C Bartlett Librarian


We thank Mrs Yatman for bringing The Himalayan Outreach Project to our awareness. We also thank our Year 6 students Theresa Sevastopoulos and Alexia Costa for creating and organising the Teddy Bears’ Picnic Fundraiser.

On Wednesday 29th July, a special assembly was held for our upcoming fundraiser for Nepal. Mrs Yatman, a parent from our College, gave a powerful presentation on the aftermath of the devastating earthquake in Nepal. Below is some of the information Mrs Yatman presented.

St Spyridon College Teddy Bears’ Picnic for Nepal

“On April 25, a crippling earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 rocked the country of Nepal. Amid the rippling aftershocks, another devastating earthquake struck on May 12, with a magnitude of 7.3.

When: Tuesday 25th August 2015 Where: School Playground What to Wear: Pyjamas with sport shoes (If you are catching the bus to school you may want to wear a tracksuit instead of pyjamas)

More than 8,000 people died in the disaster, many remain homeless and many schools are not safe to reopen. The earthquake also triggered an avalanche on Mount Everest, killing at least 19 people, making it the deadliest day on the mountain in history.

What to Bring:  Your favourite teddy bear or Stuffed toy  Teddy bear themed lunch  A picnic blanket  A generous donation

Over 3 million Nepali have been displaced. Thousands of people are still living in makeshift tents and there are fears they will not survive the heavy, summer monsoon season, which could lead to further landslides and the threat of disease. The Himalayan Outreach Project seeks to aid those affected in harder-to-reach mountain areas. Fundraising support by St. Spyridon College will help enable The Himalayan Outreach Project to embark on a special project: Help Repair The Chaurikharka School. This school, started by Sir Edmund Hillary is still only one of two schools in the Everest region that can provide a complete education through to Grade 12. About 350 children throughout the mountains trek up to three to four hours a day to attend classes or live “on site” in stone dormitories and return home to their villages during vacations.”

Miss Bletsogiannis Curriculum Coordinator


HANDS - ON MATHEMATICS MEETS ART IN STAGE 3 Mathematics and Art have a long historical relationship. The Ancient Egyptians and Ancient Greeks employed Mathematics to plan monuments including the Great Pyramid, the Parthenon and the Colosseum. Artists have used Mathematics, especially the mathematics of proportion, since at least the time of the Greek sculptor Polykleitos in the 5th century BC. In his Canon, Polykleitos prescribed a series of mathematical proportions based on the ratio 1:√2 for carving the ideal male figure, according to his concept of proportion or Symmetria. Italian painter, Piero della Francesca, made pioneering use of Mathematics for perspective and applying this knowledge in his paintings. Polyhedra have appeared in Western art from the Renaissance onwards, including in Albrecht Dürer's much-analysed engraving Melencolia I. In modern times, the graphic artist M. C. Escher made intensive use of tessellation and hyperbolic geometry.

Mr Davies (Maths Stage 3) and Mrs Bennett (Numeracy Support)

SENIOR SCHOOL REPORT DORMITION - WORLD VISION 40 HOUR FAMINE 2015 On the 15th of August each year, the Orthodox Church celebrates the Dormition or Falling Asleep of the Most Holy Theotokos. The Virgin Mary has an important position in the Church because it was the Theotokos who, by the divine Grace of the all-Holy Spirit, gave birth to the Son of God and from her took His humanity (Luke 1: 35). In preparation for this feast, we are reminded of our Lord’s teaching in the Sermon on the Mount regarding the three key pillars of Christian virtue - prayer, fasting and charity (Matthew 6: 1-18) – which help each of us grow as Orthodox Christians. Prayer allows us to praise God for His beautiful creations and to thank Him for the gifts that He has given us.

Based on the relationship of Mathematics and Art and always looking for ways to make Maths lessons hands-on and engaging, Year 5 was asked to create a function machine. It all started with a plain boring box which the students turned into amazing function machines using different materials such as crepe paper, glitter glue and egg cartons. The students had one hour to create their function machine in partnerwork. A function machine applies a function rule to the Input (numbers). Numbers go in, a set rule is applied to the number and then come out changed according to the rule. Learning about function rules is an essential part of the topic “Patterns and Algebra”. Another hands-on activity were the chatterboxes that Years 5 and 6 created in order to challenge their peers with tricky questions about percentages and angles. Creating a Sales poster showing off their percentage knowledge was also very popular with the students and they applied their knowledge of layout and use of colour for effect.


It also allows us to ask God for the things that are important to us. Fasting enables us to control our senses and physical weaknesses. It is also a means by which we purify our souls and bodies.

Elias’ Dramatic Adventure On July the 2nd I embarked on an adventure that tested my limits and enhanced my abilities. I applied for the Summer Conservatory at the American Musical and Dramatic Academy, out of the 3000 applicants worldwide only 70 lucky people got accepted, and I was one of them.

Charity allows us to renew and strengthen our relationship with God and our fellow human being through acts of kindness, mercy and assistance to the less fortunate. The last virtue is very significant because St. John Climacus in his work, “The Ladder of Divine Ascent” teaches us: “He who loves the Lord has first loved his brother, because the second is proof of the first” (The Ladder of Divine Ascent, Step 30: Concerning the linking together of the Supreme Trinity Among the Virtues). This year, World Vision 40 Hour Famine 2015 coincides with the feast of the Dormition and as we fast in preparation for this feast, we are reminded of the importance of helping those who are poverty-stricken in the world today. It is only through giving that we can cultivate the proper Christian attitude towards the world that we live in and truly appreciate everything that God has truly given us.

The audition process consisted of early morning phone calls from America and over 100 takes of audition videos. After receiving the confirmation email that I was accepted, everything changed. I was ready to depart the cold winter of Sydney and arrive in the sunny Los Angeles. I stayed on campus which was situated in Hollywood, a street away from Hollywood Boulevard and right across the road from Capitol Records where I saw everyone in the music industry, ranging from pop star Katy Perry to the cast of the new TV musical ‘Empire’. For 3 weeks I studied everything there was to know about singing, acting and even dancing. The days consisted of very extensive hours from an 8 am start and a 10:30 pm finish. I was taught by Chandra Lee Schwartz who played Glinda in the Broadway show ‘Wicked’. Each day, we were lucky to have a special guest teacher come and take the classes. I was honored to be taught by many talented, well known performers but the few who were a highlight for me were Jason Derulo and Jesse Tyler Ferguson who plays Mitchell on ‘Modern Family’. It was such a privilege being able to absorb all that they offered and improve my skills.

Mr A. Picardi Orthodox Studies Teacher

CONGRATULATIONS International Scholarship Winner Year 11 student, Elias Hatzon was accepted to do a course at the Summer Conservatory at the American Musical and Dramatic Academy in Los Angeles. During his time at St Spyridon, Elias has been involved in musical and drama productions such as a Time To Shine and most recently Over the Rainbow. He has proven to be a dedicated, talented performer who exhibits a passion in the arts. At the end of the course, Elias was accepted as an International Student and provided with a full scholarship for a 4 year Bachelor’s Degree. Upon his completion of the HSC, he will be given the opportunity to study in New York and in Los Angeles. We congratulate Elias and wish him all the best in the future.

Ms E Gambriell Year 11 Adviser

On the weekends we were taken to Santa Monica Pier and Venice Beach as it was over 45 degrees Celsius every day! Furthermore, we were able to participate in extra-curricular activities after our classes were over. I joined the Stage Combat and Improv classes which were definitely a highlight. Close to the end of the program, the Administration office gave us an opportunity to audition for the College. After gaining so much and improving as a performer, I was successfully accepted as an International Student and provided with a full scholarship for a 4 year Bachelor’s Degree which I will get the opportunity to study in both Los Angeles and New York City. I think it’s safe to say the highlight of the trip was undoubtedly the friendships that I made. It’s unbelievable how close everyone got within a short period of time and it’s obvious how close we will be for a very long time. This trip wouldn’t have happened without the support of my encouraging parents and my siblings. Without their help I wouldn't be doing what I am doing. I also feel like most of the credit should go to my drama teacher Mrs McCoy, because without Mrs McCoy pushing me to audition for the musical ‘A Time to Shine’ when I was in Year 7 I wouldn't be



standing here today talking about the passion I have and the surreal experience I had.


Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι, στην έκδοση αυτή θα σας κρατήσουμε συντροφιά με το γραπτό μαθήτριας της Γ΄ Λυκείου. Πρόκειται για τα διαγωνίσματα αυτού του τριμήνου από το προχωρημένο επίπεδο - Modern Greek Extension course. Το θέμα θα το δείτε μαζί με την εργασία του παιδιού. Σύντομα θα είμαι κι εγώ πίσω μαζί σας. Καλά να περνάτε και καλή ανάγνωση. κ. Μ. Φαλέτα Θέμα: «Γράφετε μια έκθεση για την εφημερίδα του σχολείου σας εκφράζοντας τις απόψεις σας με θέμα: Λέμε ΟΧΙ στην ενδοσχολική βία». Αγαπητοί αναγνώστες και αναγνώστριες, το θέμα του σημερινού μας άρθρου έχει να κάνει με την ενδοσχολική βία. Ως μαθητική κοινότητα δεν επιτρέπουμε την ενδοσχολική βία να συμβαίνει στο σχολείο μας και γι’αυτό «Λέμε ΟΧΙ στην ενδοσχολική βία». Η μαθητική κοινότητα του σχολείου μας είναι πολύ μικρή σε αντίθεση με τις κοινότητες άλλων σχολείων. Το γυμνάσιό μας αποτελείται μόνο από 300 μαθητές κι αυτό σημαίνει πως δεν υπάρχει καθόλου χώρος για ενδοσχολική βία.

Elias Hatzon Year 11

Στην χώρα που ζούμε, όλοι μεν είμαστε Αυστραλοί υπήκοοι, όμως όλοι καταγόμαστε από μια άλλη χώρα. Αυτό σημαίνει πως όλοι διαφέρουμε στο χρώμα, στα χαρακτηριστικά και εμφανισιακά στοιχεία, αλλά και πολλοί διαφέρουμε ακόμη και στον τρόπο της ομιλίας μας και φυσικά στη γλώσσα. Όλοι έχουμε διαφορετικά ήθη κι έθιμα, διαφορετικό τρόπο μαγειρικής και όλα αυτά είναι που μας κάνουν διαφορετικούς.

RAFFLE RESULTS – Over the Rainbow 1st Prize: Christian Lynch Year 4 The Dorothy Doll 2nd Prize: Kirby Mamo Year 7 The Wizard of Oz DVD plus Entry passes into Des Renford Leisure Centre 3rd Prize: Stavros Haralambides Year 4 The Wizard of Oz DVD plus Entry passes into Des Renford Leisure Centre

Η διαφορετικότητα είναι καλό πράγμα, δίνει ενδιαφέρον στην καθημερινότητα. Φανταστείτε να πηγαίνατε σε ένα δάσος και όλα τα δέντρα να είχαν τις ίδιες αποχρώσεις του πράσινου. Αυτό δεν θα ήταν βαρετό; Ή εάν όλα τα δέντρα είχαν το ίδιο σχήμα και δεν υπήρχε ποικιλία, η φύση δεν θα ήταν βαρετή;

SPINE SOCIETY OF AUSTRALIA Scoliosis (spinal curvature) is an important health problem for adolescent girls and 25 per thousand are at risk of developing a significant curve. Three girls per thousand require active treatment (spinal brace or surgery). Because in the early stages the condition is most often asymptomatic, screening in the age range 11-13 years is a sound preventative health measure. When school screening for scoliosis was abandoned the Self-Detection Program was introduced as a practical alternative. For more information go to:

Λόγω της παγκοσμιοποίησης, οι νέοι πλέον μιμούνται ο ένας τον άλλο και όλοι ντύνονται το ίδιο, χτενίζονται το ίδιο, βλέπουν τις ίδιες ταινίες, ακούνε την ίδια μουσική. Αυτό μας κάνει όλους «όμοιους». Η ομορφιά όμως δεν βρίσκεται στην ομοιομορφία, αλλά στην διαφορετικότητα. Τις περισσότερες φορές, αν δούμε κάτι διαφορετικό, το κοροϊδεύουμε και δεν το αποδεχόμαστε. Αυτό είναι λάθος. Πρέπει να αποδεχόμαστε ο ένας τον άλλον έτσι όπως είμαστε. Δεν πρέπει να κάνουμε τους

Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School


άλλους να φοβούνται επειδή ντύνονται διαφορετικά ή επειδή έχουν διαφορετικές αρέσκειες και γούστα. Κανένας δεν μπορεί να καθορίσει τι είναι κανονικό και τι δεν είναι.



Όλοι έχουμε ελαττώματα, κανείς δεν είναι τέλειος και για αυτό τον λόγο δεν έχουμε το δικαίωμα να κρίνουμε κανέναν. Το να κρίνεις και να κοροϊδεύεις κάποιον, και ο στόχος της ζωής σου να είναι να κάνεις τη ζωή κάποιου άλλου μίζερη, τότε εσύ είσαι αυτός με το ελάττωμα.

Students sitting for this year’s HSC will need to achieve at least three Band 5 results (>80%), including one in English, to enrol in a teaching degree. Universities have a range of alternative entry options for students who want to enrol in a teaching degree but do not meet the HSC requirements.


Το σχολείο είναι ένα μέρος, στο οποίο οι μαθητές πρέπει να νιώθουν ασφάλεια και να ευχαριστιούνται όταν πηγαίνουν. Εάν κάποιος μαθητής είναι λιγότερο καλός σε κάποιο μάθημα, αντί να τον/την κοροϊδεύετε, βοηθήστε τον/την. Γιατί στην Γ΄ Λυκείου, όλοι πρέπει να δουλεύετε μαζί σαν μια ομάδα και όχι ο καθένας μόνος του. Και ύστερα, αφού τελειώσει το σχολείο θα νιώθετε πάντα άσχημα και με τύψεις που κάνατε την σχολική ζωή ενός άλλου μαθητή πάρα πολύ δύσκολη.




After the HSC trial examinations have been completed, Year 12 will be having a session with me when I will explain the online application process for university and they will view an instruction video from UAC as well. Students have been advised to have a list of preferences ready before they begin their application, however once they have applied, students can change their preferences as often as they wish, including after their ATAR is released, up until 6th January 2016.

Εξαιτίας της ενδοσχολικής βίας, δημιουργούνται ψυχολογικά προβλήματα. Πολλές φορές τα ψυχολογικά προβλήματα είναι χειρότερα από τα φυσικά. Εάν κάποιος τραυματιστεί επειδή έπεσε και χτύπησε, η πληγή του θα φύγει σε λίγο καιρό. Η πληγή όμως των ψυχολογικών τραυμάτων δεν φεύγει εύκολα. Καθόλου εύκολα μπορώ να πω! Πολλοί άνθρωποι επειδή βίωσαν ενδοσχολική βία, όταν μεγαλώσουν βρίσκουν τη λύση στα ψυχολογικά τους πια προβλήματα στο αλκοόλ, στα ναρκωτικά και στο να κάνουν φιλίες με τους λάθος ανθρώπους. Για σκεφτείτε, θα θέλατε να ζήσετε το υπόλοιπο της ζωής σας γνωρίζοντας ότι είσαστε η αιτία που ένας άνθρωπος θα τελειώσει έτσι τη ζωή του;

Students will also be reminded to apply for the Student Recommendation Scheme (SRS) for early offers to some universities, also through the UAC website. Those students who have experienced any disadvantage to their studies in years 11 or 12 are also encouraged to apply through the Educational Access Scheme (EAS). There are several categories under which students can apply and eligible students need to see Mrs Katsogiannis for the relevant forms.


Για ξανασκεφτείτε το λοιπόν! Η ενδοσχολική βία δεν είναι ένα αστείο! Το να είσαι διαφορετικός είναι καλό πράγμα και κανένας δεν πρέπει να φοβάται να δείχνει τον πραγματικό του εαυτό! Τουλάχιστον όχι στο σχολείο μας στο οποίο δεν υπάρχει θέση για εκφοβισμό και βία.

Opens 5 August . To students without the ATAR needed for entry but have the commitment for the Uni discipline. For students at a low socioeconomic school as identified by the government, or with financial hardship at the time of application. tml

Hara Lavdioti Year 11 (Modern Greek Year 12 Extension)

ACU EARLY ACHIEVERS PROGRAM Opens 10 August; Closes 19 October . Make a community contribution at school or workplace, local community organisation, cultural and/or religious group and you may receive offer before tertiary admission announcements.


Soak up the atmosphere, attend seminars, enjoy the entertainment and check out the facilities on a guided campus tour. Visit entry/early_entry



Applications for Early Offers are also open at Macquarie University, through the Global Leadership Program. These close on 15th August. See getting_in/entry_schemes_and_pathways/global leadership_entry_program/

Saturday 29 August, 9:00am to 3:00pm Visit our Broadway or Darlinghurst Campuses. Learn about Notre Dame and its unique admissions process and meet current students and graduates. Discuss course options with our academic staff and enjoy entertainment, activities, workshops and Campus tours. Register at



Saturday 29th August. As a pathway provider into UTS Degrees, UTS:INSEARCH will also have a presence once again this year. See

The UOW College will also be exhibiting at the UOW SYDNEY CBD OPEN DAY on 29th August at the Sydney CBD Campus located in the Gateway Building, Circular Quay. We will be available to discuss the UOW College Diploma of Business (Sydney) which is run once a year at the CBD Campus. Further information can be found at


UNSW OPEN DAY is on 5th September. See UNSW Actuarial Studies Student/Parent Information Evening 16 September, 5.30pm to 7.30pm UNSW Business School Lounge, UNSW Business School Building, Level 6, West Wing Info on degrees and the Actuarial Studies Co-op Scholarship. Contact: (02) 9385 3507 or

SYDNEY TAFE OPEN DAY Saturday 29 August 9.00-4.00pm Visitors will be able to receive one-on-one advice, meet industry, current students, graduates and teachers, watch live demonstrations, go on behind the scenes tours, attend career and course information sessions and check out the entertainment, activities and food. For more information please email or call 02) 9217 5015

UOW OPEN DAY 2015 at the University of Wollongong (Wollongong Campus) on the 15th August 2015. To register and more information, please visit – UOW College Open Night 7 October. 6.00pm to 8.00pm Building 30, University of Wollongong l UOW New Course: In 2016, UOW will welcome students into the new Bachelor of Pre-Medicine, Science and Health degree Macquarie University New Bachelor of Clinical Science

ACU NORTH SYDNEY OPEN DAY Saturday 5 September, 8.30am-2.30pm Open Day is more than learning about your study options – experience campus life and soak up the atmosphere! The Nova Casanovas will be on site to provide entertainment and there will be range of outdoor games and activities on the day. Join the fun ACU has to offer, and top it off with delicious food from the variety of vendors on site. Visit


Two year fast track for a biomedical, pathology, physiology career in the medical, allied health or medical research professions. r-of-clinical-science

Saturday 12 September, 8.30am-4pm Open Day is a great way to find out everything you need to know about studying at ACU. You will meet staff and current students, discuss entry option and talk to experts about your career goals.


the AIE Open Day on Sunday 16th August. AIE campuses will be opening their doors to visitors eager to find out about full-time and part-time courses starting February 2016. The day will run from 10am to 3pm –

UNIVERSITY OF CANBERRA UC 4 Yourself University Experience Days 25 November, 10.30am to 3.30pm, 26 November, 10.30am to 3.30pm Building 1, Level B Room, Refectory. Bringing high school students from schools across NSW, familiarising students with UC university environment

Register now for the MACLEAY COLLEGE OPEN Day on Saturday 22 August! Experience the Macleay College difference at Open Day on Saturday 22 August. Learn about our courses in Journalism, Advertising and Business from lecturers working in the industry. Speak with current and past students about internships and careers after graduating. Take a tour of our amazing facilities and see our very own TV Studio in action!

BOND UNIVERSITY: Sydney Medicine & Biomedical Science Information Evening Mon 17th August, 6.00pm – 8.00pm, Swissotel, 66 Market Street, Sydney. Bond University is hosting a special information evening, providing insight into study pathways and career opportunities in the health industry. Attendees will be able to meet the Dean of the Medicine program and the Program Head of Biomedical Science, as well as other Bond University staff.


on Sunday 16th August, from 10am to 2pm, at 151 Darley Rd, Manly. Register online at


College has their next Information Session on Sunday 13th September at 11 am at their newly renovated premises at Level 1, 65 York Street, Sydney. Register on the website:

12 September, 10am to 2pm Surry Hills. Come to our Open Day to find out more about our courses in Patisserie, Cookery, Travel & Tourism, Hospitality and Events. Watch a demo from a celeb chef, tour the campus, meet our students and staff and hear from industry experts. Trial-a-trade sessions will also be held in Cookery, Patisserie, Coffee.




29 August 41 Holt Street, Surry Hills Join an acting workshop, learn audition preparation, see actors , speak to current students. Contact: 02 9213 4500

25 August, 7.00pm to 8.30pm 29 September, 7.00pm to 8.30pm Bankstown Airport, 628/23-25 Airport Bankstown Largest flying school in Australia

AFTRS Open Day 5 September Building 130, The Entertainment Quarter, Moore Park See leading facilities and learn how to prepare an application to study at AFTRS.




Providing alternative pathways to university, accepting students who have completed Year 11. Assistance with entry into University of Technology Sydney, University of Wollongong, University of Western Sydney, Australian Catholic University, and others. Courses at North Sydney campus or online.

Sydney Film School Open Day 12 September, 2.00pm to 5.00pm, 82 Cope St, Waterloo portant-dates/open-days,-tours-info-nights.aspx

AUSTRALIAN COLLEGE OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION OPEN DAY 12 September, 10.00am to 2.00pm8 Figtree Drive, Sydney Olympic Park

AIE OPEN DAY Sunday 16th August Discover the courses designed to get you started in game development, 3D animation and visual effects at



Engineering Link Group Year 10 and 11 Projects Sydney 1 and 2 October. Fun hands on workshops with engineers, surveyors and scientists.

4 September, 6.30pm Level 9, 28 Foveaux Street Surry Hills Contact:1300 725 846 campus/information-sessions

SCHOLARSHIP NEWS THE ROBERTSON SCHOLARS LEADERSHIP PROGRAM Applications for a fully paid college education in the USA are now open. The Robertson Scholars Leadership Program Scholarship seeks to assist students who have demonstrated passion and potential to become great leaders in college and beyond. All Australian applications are made through the UNSW Scholarships office.

MARTIN COLLEGE NEW DIPLOMAS Diploma of Advertising Diploma of Business Administration Diploma of Interior Design and Decoration Change your story at MIT Study Accounting, Management, Marketing, Information Technology and IT Networking. Fast track options allow students to finish Bachelor degrees in 2 years. Women in Physics Lecture Tour 24 to 27 August

UNSW Scholarships would like to invite you to join current Robertson Scholar, Matthew Waller and his father for a Q&A session at the UNSW Kensington Campus. During the session you will learn more about the Robertson Scholarship and have an opportunity to ask Matthew and his family about their firsthand experience with the program and studying in the USA. Students, parents and teachers most welcome. Hugh Dixson Theatre, AGSM Building (near Gate 11, Botany St) 12.30pm - 2.30pm Friday, 14th August 2015. Go to the following site to register for the event.

NIDA courses and experiences for Young People Closes 30 September . Drama, Acting on Screen, Music Theatre and Public Speaking to the Young Actors Studio. Residencies for Young People aged 15 to 18 years. phic/Young+People

Teach.NSW Scholarships Teacher Education Scholarships Closes 18 September . Up to 220 Teacher Education Scholarships are available to future teachers of mathematics, science (with physics), selected Technological and Applied Studies (TAS) subjects or special education (K-12).These provide $5000 per year of full time study, $3000 appointment allowance and a permanent teaching job upon graduation.

SCHOOL HOLIDAY EVENTS UNSW Women in Engineering Camp (11- 16 January 2016) Applications close on 27 September. If you know a bright scienceminded girl going into year 11 or 12 in 2016, please encourage her to apply. The five-day long residential camp involves hands-on workshops, site visits and networking opportunities. The registration fee is $200. More information can be found at

Teach.Rural Scholarships Closes 18 September. Wanting to become a primary or secondary teacher in a rural or remote NSW public school? Receive $6000 per year of full time study, $5000 appointment allowance and a permanent teaching job upon graduation. S P Jain Offers Full Tuition Scholarships for Undergraduates

Projects Abroad High School Volunteer Programs Online Information Session Projects Abroad invites you to join them on Wednesday 19th of August for an Online Info Session about High School Volunteer Projects over the summer of 2015/16. These programs are designed for students in years 10 & 11. It is a free, interactive evening for students, parents and advisors alike. Register here

Australia's number 1 business school for Bachelors of Business Administration, Bachelor of Business Communication and Bachelor of Economics. Contact / 02 8970 6842 or


information, add any missing details and submit.

UNIVERSITY SCHOLARSHIPS A reminder to Year 12 students that applications for university scholarships are now open. See individual websites for more information and to begin preparing your application online. Students are encouraged to see me for any assistance with these.

TAX FILE NUMBERS Students beginning part time jobs and those wishing to enrol at university or other tertiary institutions will need a Tax File Number. These are no longer available through schools, however you can apply for one through the Australian Tax Office website.

MEET A KEEPER TARONGA ZOO One-day program for students 14 years and over with an interest in a career at the Zoo or zoo keeping: qualifications, career opportunities, core responsibilities, careers structures and wages. For booking forms and information visit

Ms G. Hakos Careers Adviser





APPRENTICESHIPS 1300 Apprentice and Traineeships: 2015 Intake Interviews Tue 22nd September – Thu 24th September and Tue 29th September – Thu 1st October 1300 Apprentice will be holding their annual intake for school students and will be conducting interviews during the September – October school holidays. To express interest for an apprenticeship or traineeship, send an email with STEINTAKE15 in the subject line as well as your resume and cover letter to the following address: Contact:

Wonderland is a very crazy place, it can be scary when you see all the crazy things, but at the same time it’s magical! It kind of depends on how you choose to look at it.


Now I’m not going to bore you with the details, let’s get to the point. Personally at first I was pretty scared, but then I realised how magical and fun Wonderland was. I remember coming across a magnificent garden, it was breathtaking, I can’t really describe it other than, well magical…

Wonderland, in my opinion, is very mysterious and magical. I know because I have been there, in fact I was with a little friend of mine called Alice. When we first went we were very curious, we came across a little hall and I admit I was a little scared… okay, maybe more than a little. But you can’t blame me, I mean; we didn’t really have a way out! But I faintly remember seeing a cat appear out of nowhere and placing a key on the table.

Below is some information from the Australian Tax Office about lodging tax returns online: Lodge your tax return with myTax - it’s easy MyTax • is the fastest way to lodge • is easy to access (via tablet, smart phone or computer) • already includes some of your personal information (pre-filled from employers, banks, government agencies and more).* How to lodge • Get your tax file number and your birth certificate, passport or citizenship certificate ready. • Create a myGov account at • Phone the ATO on 13 28 61 and press 5 at the prompt to get your unique linking code. • In the myGov Services page, link to the ATO with the unique linking code. • Lodge your return through myTax by 31 October. *Most pre-fill information is available in the last week of July, so it’s easier to wait until then to lodge. Then you only need to review the

When I came across ‘That Cat’ with Alice, I was intrigued. He seemed very mysterious, kind of freaky, but still a mystery. The creatures there called him Cheshire Cat. Now if you love freaky and mysterious things, you should DEFINITELY meet the Cheshire Cat. I would say that one of the freakiest things about him is his cheeky grin. Seriously, that smile can scare the living daylight out of you! So yeah, I guess Wonderland can be scary, but let’s move on to something more pleasant. It might be a while before I can think of something nice, hmmm… just kidding! There really are some lovely creatures there, like the ones Alice and I met when we did the Caucus Race, although they offered us back an item of our own for winning the race that everyone won… anyways, then we have the Mad Hatter!


arrived at Penrith at around 9:30am but our first game wasn’t until 11:30am. While we waited we watched the boys play their game and we had a training session with Mr Knight. It was then time for our first game. We won 3-1, which was a great start. We were very happy!!! Our second game was against St Johns. They had a great team and were a very difficult side. We lost the game 2-0 but we were still very excited for the next game.

Hence the name, he is completely and utterly mad! He is always having tea 24/7 (no joke) along with the Door mouse and the March Hare. It’s all really hmmm… what’s the word? MAD, although his randomness is quite entertaining. So if you enjoy randomness and anything totally mad, I suggest seeing the Mad Hatter.

Our third game was against Clovelly White. We played our hardest because if we lost this game, we couldn’t have made it to the finals. Clovelly was good, but with our amazing teamwork we beat them 2-1. It was time for our last game at 1:00pm. The other team was very good and we lost 6-0. We were happy though because we tried our best and at the end of the day it isn’t all about winning! When both teams finished their games we boarded our bus and headed back to school.

He really isn’t scary, but I’ll tell you who is… The Queen! Dun, dun, dah… she will be chopping off people’s heads- left, right, front, centre, up and down, any direction you could imagine! Seriously, she’s got issues. Just stay out of her way ‘cause I’m pretty sure you want to keep your head…

Overall we had a great day, we all had a lot of fun and we can’t wait for next year!!

From my point of view, Wonderland is really magical and fun. And I know I’m supposed to be persuading you to decide if Wonderland is either a place that is fantastic or feared but it really depends on how you look at it. If you love adventures and don’t mind total craziness, I suggest going to Wonderland for a holiday. Whereas, if you get easily scared by crazinessand- just –plain-freakiness, maybe Wonderland isn’t the place for you. But one thing is for sure, Wonderland will never change and it will ALWAYS, and I mean ALWAYS, be a magical and crazy place! Anastasia Dougenis 6M

Krissy Bourdaniotis, Sophia Karatasos & Sienna Tsoukalas (4C)




Similarly, the boys had an invaluable experience. Not only did they compete against the best teams from around the state of New South Wales but they were also the youngest of the teams competing.

JUNIOR SCHOOL SPORT GIRLS FUTSAL TOURNAMENT On Tuesday 23rd July 2015, the St Spyridon College senior girls and boys futsal teams went to the Penrith Indoor Sports Centre for the Futsal NSW State Championship.

Unfortunately, the pool they were in was extremely strong. They comfortably won the first game but lost the next two games. In the last game they came very close to snatching victory coming from behind. Our boys fought gallantly but for lack of experience they were defeated.

Firstly, we met at school at 6:30am for roll call and we waited for the whole team to arrive. When everyone was present we boarded the bus and took off on our road trip to Penrith. We


moments of the game. Despite their loss the boys acknowledged that the possibility for success next year is very high and although they were runners up this year, they are all looking forward to trying to go one better.

All in all, the experiences our boys gained out of this Futsal competition will help them develop as athletes and individuals.

Members of the U14 NSW SCHOOLS FUTSAL RUNNERS UP TEAM INCLUDE: Connor Giavis, Nathan Adam, Hessan Soufi, Nicholas Kollias, Nicholas Tsintominas, Spiros Zafiropoulos, Jonathon Lynch, Emmanuel Tzanakes (absent), Maksim Kasalovic. The boys were awarded their runners up medallions at assembly. Congratulations again to all the teams. I would also like to thank the parents who attended over the three tournaments; your support and encouragement on all three days helped to encourage and support the students sporting endeavours.

Mr A. Amditis Futsal Couch


ISA BOYS FOOTBALL Round 8 and 9 of the competition were both crucial rounds for all teams in the context of qualifying for the semi-finals.

Last week the College was represented at this years State Futsal tournament in all three boys age groups. Our Open boys competed well in their pool winning 1 game, losing one as well as a draw. Unfortunately only the first team in each pool progressed into the Quarter final. Despite not progressing the boys should be proud of their performance and deserve to be commended on making the State titles again.

Round 8 all boys teams played against St Patricks College at Chifley Reserve. All teams competed positively and the results were also very pleasing with the U14 white team, U15 boys and U16 boys winning their respective games. The 2-1 win to the U15 boys team as well as the 3-2 win to the U16 boys team helped to make a significant difference to their chance of making the semi-final in this year’s competition.

A vote of thanks to the Year 12 boys in the team (Adonis Tsoustas and Michael Savic) who played their last futsal tournament for the school.

Perhaps the highlight of the week was the U16 win. The U16 boys’ team started the game very well taking a 2-0 lead at half time thanks to greater possession in the middle of the park and outstanding attack on the channels from Panos Bounos. After the break the St Patricks team came back strong and the 50/ 50 balls that the boys were winning in the first half were now going the other way. After intense pressure the boys were unable to withstand the St Pats attack and not before long they levelled the score 2-2. With only minutes remaining the boys regained their composure and Peter Giokas scored what was the winning goal.

The U16 boys did well winning all three games in their pool. The boys topped their table and played against Mudgee High School in the quarter final, unfortunately the boys lost 3-2 in a close game. Despite leading 2-0 the physical presence of their opponents was the difference and the boys did not cope well in the second period. Despite this the boys must be commended on a wonderful tournament. They played exciting Futsal and thoroughly deserved their spot in this year’s State titles. The U14 boys were perhaps the most fortunate team this year, progressing to the State titles as a wild card entry. The boys were disappointed after their quarter final loss at the regionals and they were out to make amends and make most of their chance in this year’s tournament. The team went through undefeated and made the NSW SCHOOL STATE FUTSAL FINAL unfortunately they were defeated by The Illawarra Grammar school 3-2 in the dying

Round 9 of the competition was a week to remember in boys football, best described as courageous and determined .This was evident in all games with the U13 White team getting their first result of the year in a close game 0-0. The boys have shown significant improvement throughout the year and after this year’s experience the boys will no doubt be better for it.


With only one round to go in the competition the boys are playing at home this Saturday 8th August at Chifley Reserve against Oakhill College. With semi-finals scheduled for Saturday 15th August at various venues. Many of the teams will be playing in competitive games in the semi-finals and favourable outcomes from these games will result in a finals place to be played on Saturday 22nd August at Oakhill College grounds.

The U16 Boys were up for the challenge, after losing to this team 4-0 they managed a hard fought 0-0 draw and while the boys were disappointed at not being able to win the game, in many ways this result was a win for St Spyridon leading into the semi-finals. The U13 Blue team were also unlucky not to win, the boys managed a 2-2 draw. After a slow start to Term 3 the boys now need a strong performance next week to ensure that they take good form into the semi-finals.

All families are reminded to please check your emails and help your child/children prepare adequately for game day - this includes packing water, sun protection and medication.

The U14 White team were victorious winning comfortably 6-0. Despite their strong performance there is still room for improvement and no doubt the team will be tested this week against an in form Oakhill College who are currently placed in 2nd position.

ISA BOYS BASKETBALL TRIALS With the basketball season approaching all trials will be held during ISA timetabled lessons (at the conclusion of the football season) and either before school or after school. Students will be notified at this week’s ISA lesson, and posted on the school notice board.

Perhaps the highlight of this round was the Open Boys game. The boys were outstanding in somewhat difficult circumstances. With no lines people and only a centre ref, offside calls frustrated the boy’s style of quick attacking football in transition. Nevertheless the Open boys were resilient and very unlucky not to go in front after 4 chances went astray. Despite their dominance in front of goal the Redlands team scored first after being awarded a penalty late in the second half. With only seconds remaining in the game the boys continued to press and Kristian Kontakos (Year 12) scored the eventual equaliser with a beautifully struck left foot strike that hit the top right hand corner of the goal leaving the keeper motionless; this was to be the last play of the game and the boys were deserving of nothing less than a point from the game. This was Kristian’s second goal of the year and as with his first against St Andrews it could not have come at a more appropriate time. It is also appropriate that I give my vote of thanks to all the Year 12 boys who attended on Saturday despite being in the middle of their trials. The boys were outstanding and their application and commitment to boys’ football sets a very high benchmark for next year’s team.

ATHLETICS TRAINING ISA Athletics training dates have been distributed to all students and they are all reminded that they must make an effort to attend in order to adequately prepare for this year’s ISA Carnival Training will be held on the school grounds from 3:30pm- 5pm on the following dates: Tuesday 4th August , Thursday 6th August, Tuesday 11th August, Thursday 13th August, Tuesday 18th August, Thursday 20th August, Tuesday 25th August, Thursday 27th August. Congratulations to all students who qualified for this year’s Athletics squad and good luck.

ISA NETBALL This Saturday 8th August all Netball teams play their last round of and we have the following teams trying to secure a position in the semi- finals - Opens, Junior C and B. We wish them the best of luck. As for the Junior A and Intermediate B and C teams they will play their last match this Saturday. They should be congratulated for their efforts this year. The Junior A team consisting of Year 8 students were the only Netball team entered in Division 1 and although they did not qualify for semi-finals they most certainly were competitive each game. The experience and development these girls gained through their involvement in a challenging division certainly outweighs any trophy. On behalf of the girls I would like to thank their coach Demi Flokis for coaching the girls and her continual support throughout the year.



The Intermediate B team who consist of Year 10 girls had a difficult challenge with the absence of some key players promoted to the Opens. However, this allowed other players to showcase their skills and leadership abilities. All girls should be congratulated on their efforts and sportsmanship each week. This team in particular show a genuine interest in improving their skills. Thank you, to Deanne Constantinou their coach for her dedication in developing their netball skills.

This Saturday 8th August we still have Open Girls Football trying to secure a place in the Semi Finals. They play Oakhill College, the last time these teams drew 1-1 so we wish the girls the best of luck as they try to qualify for the Semi Finals. Junior A girls will play their last round match this Saturday against Redlands. There are many positives to come from the 2015 ISA Girls Football season. The inclusion of a Junior Team in the ISA again shows the growth of girls football within the school.

The Intermediate C team who consist of Year 9 girls most certainly demonstrate the ideals of sport. Each week they apply maximum effort and enthusiasm despite the score line. Their progress was evident with only losing some games by a small margin. Their determination and passion to compete for their school is to be admired by all. Thank you to Ms Gonzalez, their coach, for her enthusiasm and passion.

Secondly, this being the first time we have entered a Junior team in Division 1 and similarly with the Division 1 Junior Netball team the experience achieved through participating in a challenging division far outweighs any trophy as long as the girls are within their ability. Despite not winning many matches the girls remained competitive with majority of the girls in Year 7 competing in a Year 7-9 competition against schools with much larger numbers. I look forward to the continual growth of Girls Football in 2016. Thank you to Natalie Michos for coaching the girls.

Good luck to the Opens, Junior B and Junior C teams.

ISA GIRLS BASKETBALL As the ISA Winter season closes we will be holding trials for Girls Basketball in the next coming weeks. Any parents that are interested in coaching are encouraged to contact me. The commitment includes training at least once a week and Saturday games in Term 4 2015 and Term 1 2016. Ms K. O’Shea (Girls Sport) and Mr F. Kaldis (Boys Sport)




Name: Aphroditi Zafiropoulos Age: 17 Number of Years at St Spyridon College: 6 Previous leadership roles: SRC in 2010, Nemeans House Captain 2014 Subjects I am currently studying: English Advanced, Legal Studies, Music, Drama, Geography and Ancient History. Hobbies: Singing, Performing, Playing Sport, Exercising My Future Aspirations: To go to university and further my musical education, go into the field of performing or media studies and communications. My Role Models: Beyoncé, My parents Favourite Quote: “Do what you were born to do. You just have to trust yourself.” –Beyoncé One thing I am most proud to have achieved: Getting the lead role in the school musical “A Time to Shine” in 2012. One piece of advice I would give to younger students: Don’t stress too much, just keep trying your hardest and in the end you will achieve the best of your ability.



TERM 1 Tuesday 26th January 2016

2016 DATES

Australia Day Public Holiday

Wednesday 27th January 2016 Thursday 28th January 2016 Friday 29th January 2016 Monday 1st February 2016

Staff Development Day Staff Development Day Years 1 to 7, 11 & 12 commence Kindergarten and Years 8 – 10 commence

Friday 25th March 2016 Monday 28th March 2016

Annunciation. School Closed Western Good Friday, Public Holiday Western Easter Monday - Public Holiday

Friday 8th April 2016

Term ends

TERM 2 Monday 25th April 2016

Tuesday 26th April 2016

Anzac day, Public Holiday Holy Monday

Wednesday 27th April 2016

Staff and students return Holy Tuesday Holy Wednesday

Thursday 28th April 2016 Friday 29th April 2016 Saturday 30th April 2016 Sunday 1st May 2016 Monday 2nd May 2016

Holy Thursday – school closed Good Friday- school closed Holy Saturday Orthodox Easter Easter Monday- school closed

Monday 13th June 2016

Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday

Friday 24th June 2016

Term ends for Staff and students


Monday 18th July 2016 Tuesday 19th July 2016

Staff Development Day Students return

Friday 23rd September 2016

Term ends for Staff and students


Monday 10th October 2016 Tuesday 11th October 2016

Staff Development day Students return

Thursday 8th December 2016 Friday 9th December 2016

Term ends for students Staff Development day


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