News 148 12a 2015

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VOLUME XXXII No. 12 21st August, 2015






Father’s Day Stalls JS VET Work Placement Year 11


Commerce Market Day Year 9


ASISSA Athletics Carnival JS


Greek Play


HSC Success Program begins


SEPTEMBER Father’s Day Breakfast JS


Father’s Day


Year 11 Preliminary Course Final Assessments begin


ISA Athletics


Year 12 Farewell Assembly


3-12 Doxology


Greek Orthodox Athletics Carnival JS


Year 12 Formal Dinner


Vaccinations SS


Sports Presentation Evening


Open Day JS Term ends


OCTOBER Staff Development Day


Students Return SS and JS


HSC begins


Εισιτήρια πωλούνται στο Κολλέγιο Αγίου Σπυρίδωνα ή στην είσοδο του θεάτρου Τηλ: (02) 9311 3340.

We encourage all families to come along to the 2015 Greek play “The Yellow Gloves”. This delightful comedy would be a real treat for all grandparents who may remember the black and white film of their youth. Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag


P & F NEWS FATHER’S DAY BREAKFAST – 3rd SEPTEMBER, 2015 Please come along, with your child(ren) and celebrate Father’s Day at the morning Doxology at St Spyridon Church, followed by a delicious buffet breakfast in the Church Hall. This is the first time this event is being held, and we look forward to seeing all the fathers, grandfathers, uncles, and all father figures of our students. There will be great raffle prizes to be won on the morning, along with a goody bag to take away with you. If you are intending to come along, please let your child(ren) know and rsvp now! RSVP date: 24th August 2015

OVER 18 EVENT Back to Old School Retro Night - 12th September 2015 @ 8.30pm Come along and bring your friends! DJ Harry Wild will have everyone on the dance floor to tunes we loved back in the day. We promise you a night filled with cool music and great company. Early bird tickets selling now!


FATHER’S DAY STALLS – MON 31st AUGUST – FRIDAY 4th SEPTEMBER 2015 The P&F will be holding our annual Father’s Day stalls at the Junior School campus during these dates, from lunchtime onwards. All students are invited to purchase a gift. A display of gifts will be available at $10, $15 and $20.

ST SPYRIDON COLLEGE BUSINESS DIRECTORY A letter of offer and Registration Form have now been sent home with students. The St Spyridon College Business Directory is a valuable list of services, skills and businesses available among our parents and friends. It will be distributed to over 1000 people within our College and Parish Community. We welcome your support and encourage you to take advantage of this unique offer. Our offer includes: * One half page listing for 2 years. * Name of business. (No Logo) * Description of principal business: services/skills/goods offered. * Address/email/website and contact details Cost: $50

SSC UMBRELLAS The P&F Committee, as part of its continued fundraising, have available for purchase, umbrellas with the school logo. These may be purchased at both the Senior and Junior College front office, and will also be on offer at the Junior School assembly, every Wednesday morning. Small folding Umbrella: $25 Large Golf style Umbrella: $40

Angela Vergotis (Asst. Secretary)


K - 12 NEWS NAPLAN RESULTS We are very pleased to announce that the NAPLAN results for 2015 have been received showing that St Spyridon College students have achieved outstanding results. Some highlights;  

Years 3 – 9 results were significantly higher than the State and AIS sector averages. Year 3’s grade average in Grammar and Punctuation was ‘off the chart’.

Congratulations to our students and their teachers as well as to the parents who support the academic focus of our College.

SCHOOL FEE RECEIPTS As from Term 4 all receipts for the payment of fees will be emailed.

JUNIOR SCHOOL REPORT IPSHA PERFORMING ARTS FESTIVAL Last Wednesday evening, the choir and Year Six Greek Dancers joined students from Trinity, St Catherine’s, Macarthur Anglican, Danebank and Amity College at the Town Hall for an evening of musical entertainment. My congratulations are extended to all students for their enthusiasm, exceptional behaviour and wonderful performance. Congratulations to Mrs Coyne, Miss Hogan, Ka Haska and Miss Helen for the thorough preparation that resulted in an outstanding performance. My thanks are extended to Mr Dookie, Miss McCarthy, Miss Bletsogiannis, Mr Arnott and, Ka Anna for supervising the students.


OPEN DAY The Junior School Festival of Learning will be held on Friday 18th September from 10:30am – 1:00pm. Come and visit the classrooms and see children engage with their learning.

JUNIOR SCHOOL PERFORMANCE The Junior School performance scheduled for the 2nd of September has been moved. The performance will now be held at the SPACe on Wednesday 25th November at 1pm. Please adjust your diaries.

CLASS LITURGIES The class liturgies have begun again. I encourage all parents to join us to celebrate the Divine Liturgy. It is a wonderful opportunity to learn more about the service as the Fathers conduct the service on the solea. Next service will be held on the 8th of October from 8:45 – 10:00am. With the inspiration of these Liturgies and the Byzantine chanting lessons conducted by Mr Psilacos, our boys are having the courage to join the chanters at their own Parishes. I congratulate James Cardamis and James Valmas for being the first to participate.

CONDOLENCES Our sincere condolences are extended to Miss Brocklehurst and her family on the passing of their beloved father Henry. May our Lord grant rest to his soul and strength to his family at this difficult time.

COCURRICULAR ACTIVITIES All cocurricular activities will conclude for the year on Wednesday 9th September. We hope that your child has enjoyed their after school activity and that they have developed many new skills. We look forward to bringing you many new activities in 2016. If you have any ideas, please see Mr Dookie. There will be trials for 2016 Sporting teams in Term Four. More details to follow. Mrs A. Synesios Principal Junior School


SHOE LACE TYING On Friday 14th August, Kindergarten and Year One students had the pleasure of Ms Susan Elliott from The Athlete’s Foot Eastgardens teach them a fun and easy way to tie laces. All students were very eager and excited as they learnt this valuable life skill, they even got a take home shoe box to practice at their leisure. Students worked through 8 steps of tying laces. These steps include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Pull laces Cross laces Tuck under Pull Make a tree Wrap around Poke the knot through Pull the knot and the tree

“Some tips for parents teaching shoe lace tying… Short shoe lace tying sessions – spend 10-15 min on shoe lace practice tying then come back to it later. Position yourself behind your child – sit behind your child so you have the same perspective. Draw on real shoelaces with a sharpie - when transferring the shoe lace tying skill from the shoe lace box to the child’s shoes, draw on the laces with a sharpie or permanent marker as regular textas smudge. Master each step before progressing to the next step – work on one step at a time, once the child masters that step then add another step. Review all previous steps.” View video on YouTube: Kids learn how to tie their shoes easily We thank Ms Susan Elliott from The Athlete’s Foot Eastgardens, Mr Levy, teachers and students involved for assisting students with their shoe lace tying lesson. Mrs Mantsis Kindergaten Jade Teacher



Following this, the Theotokos returned to her home and prepared for this event, also praying that the Apostles would be informed accordingly.


By divine grace, the apostles were gathered and finally Christ Himself appeared in divine glory escorted by the ranks of angels so that they may transport to Paradise the Mother of Life. St John of Damascus’ brother, the bishop and poet St Kosmas (8th Century A.D.) speaks of the Virgin’s Dormition as a joyous event: “a crossing into a better and eternal life, one from this mortal life to that which knows no end and is indeed divine, where the Theotokos may look with joy upon her Son and Lord.” The sacred body of the Theotokos was then buried by the Holy Apostles in the Garden of Gethsemane, and on the third day, was translated into God’s heavenly kingdom. Regarding this, St John of Damascus (8th Century A.D) teaches us that: “The earth could not accept her divine body and dissolve it, as with other human beings...although it was necessary that the Theotokos leave this world as do other human beings. After three days, her body was delivered immortal into the hands of God’s angels. She becomes immortal, rises and is translated to heaven to stand before Her Son and God in a living body to pray for the salvation of the world.” May God, through the intercessions of His all-pure Mother grant us all eternal life. Amen. Mr A.Picardi Orthodox Studies Teacher

On the 15th of August each year, the Orthodox Church celebrates the Dormition or Falling Asleep of the Most Holy Theotokos. The information given to us regarding the feast of the Dormition has been passed down to us through Holy Tradition. It was St Juvenal the Patriarch of Jerusalem (5th Century A.D) who related to the Byzantine Empress St Pulcheria the earliest traditions concerning the translation of the relics of the Theotokos to Paradise. At the end of the 6th Century A.D, Emperor Maurice (582-602 A.D) dated the Virgin Mary’s honorable dormition as the 15th of August and ordered that the feast be celebrated throughout the Christian world.

EVENTS TO FAREWELL YEAR 12, 2015 A number of events have been organised to farewell our Year 12 students:  

Following the Resurrection of her Son, the Virgin Mary would dwell for many years among the first Christians. Through her personal presence and sweet words, the early Christians would receive strength, energy and comfort. Epiphanios the monk (1015 A.D) tells us that the Theotokos: ‘healed many sick people and freed those overcome by impure spirits; she gave money to the poor, to the orphans and to widows.” Holy Tradition teaches us that three days prior to her earthly departure, the all-Holy Theotokos was visited by the Archangel Gabriel who foretold of her approaching death.

Wednesday, 9th September: Year 7-12 Farewell Assembly 12.25 pm, SPACe. Friday, 11th September: Years 3-12 Doxology in the presence of His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos or His delegate, St Spyridon Church – parents and family are welcome and encouraged to attend – 8.45am. Tuesday, 15th September: Year 12 Formal Dinner for Year 12 students, teachers, parents and family.

Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School




Facebook θα ντρεπόσασταν αν ήσασταν στη θέση μου. Αναρωτιέμαι, δεν έχουν καρδιά και λογική αυτά τα παιδιά; Πάντως, οι βαθμοί μου έχουν πέσει και οι καθηγητές μου θα χάσουν την εκτίμηση που μου είχαν, όταν δε πάρουν οι γονείς μου τον έλεγχό μου θα γίνει το «έλα να δεις!» Τι να κάνω; Μπορείτε να με βοηθήσετε;

Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι, Πρώτα –πρώτα χρόνια πολλά σε όσους και όσες γιόρταζαν πριν λίγες μέρες, στη Χάρη Της όπως λέμε. Γεροί, δυνατοί και η Παναγιά μαζί σας! Στην έκδοση αυτή θα σας κρατήσουμε συντροφιά με την εργασία μιας μαθήτριας της Γ΄ Λυκείου. Η εργασία γράφτηκε στα πλαίσια των διαγωνισμών του Β΄ εξαμήνου, τα λεγόμενα “Trials” και την παραθέτουμε παρακάτω.

Ευχαριστώ Ένας απελπισμένος Αγαπητέ απελπισμένε, Ευχαριστώ που εμπιστεύτηκες εμένα για να στείλεις το γράμμα σου και να ζητήσεις τις συμβουλές μου. Καταλαβαίνω γιατί δεν είσαι χαρούμενος και θέλω πάρα πολύ να σε βοηθήσω στα προβλήματά σου. Από αυτά που έχεις γράψει, πιστεύω ότι δεν έχεις αυτοπεποίθηση και δεν φταις εσύ για αυτό. Όλοι έχουμε κάποια προβλήματα που μας κάνουν να μην αρέσουμε στους άλλους, ειδικά τα παιδιά στα σχολεία. Όμως πρέπει να κάνουμε ό,τι μπορούμε για να υπερνικούμε αυτά τα προβλήματα και τις δυσκολίες. Λοιπόν, πρώτα –πρώτα, ξέρεις ότι είσαι τώρα 17 χρονών και έχεις μόνο ένα χρόνο ακόμα στο σχολείο. Σε πληροφορώ ότι ο καιρός θα κυλήσει γρήγορα. Αν δεν έχεις καθόλου φίλους, μπορείς ν’αρχίσεις να πηγαίνεις στη βιβλιοθήκη για διάβασμα και για να κάνεις εκεί τις εργασίες του σχολείου. Αν το κάνεις αυτό καθημερινά, θα μπορείς να προλαβαίνεις να τελειώνεις τη δουλειά σου στο σχολείο. Μπορείς επίσης να πλησιάσεις τους καθηγητές σου και να ζητήσεις τη βοήθειά τους και την καθοδηγία τους έτσι ώστε να βελτιωθούν οι βαθμοί σου. Έτσι και οι γονείς και οι καθηγητές σου θα είναι ευχαριστημένοι και πάλι μαζί σου.

Καλά να περνάτε. Κ. Μ. Φαλέτα Το παρακάτω κείμενο ήταν το κείμενο στο οποίο έπρεπε να απαντήσουν γράφοντας περίπου 200 λέξεις στα Ελληνικά. Answer the following question by writing approximately 200 words in GREEK. You are “Pythia”. Write a response to the letter you received. Αγαπητή Πυθία, Γράφω σε σένα με την ελπίδα να βρεθεί μια λύση ώστε η ζωή μου να γίνει καλύτερη γιατί όπως είναι τώρα δεν την θέλω πια! Είμαι ένας νέος 17 χρονών και γεμάτος προβλήματα που δεν μ’ αφήνουν να χαρώ μια μέρα! Είμαι παχουλός, φοράω γυαλιά, έχω μπιμπίκια στο πρόσωπο και φοράω σιδεράκια. Λόγω εμφάνισης έχω καταντήσει ο περίγελος του σχολείου. Μικροί μεγάλοι μόλις με δουν φωνάζουν: «Να ο χοντρός, καλώς τον χοντρό, να κι ο γυαλάκιας» και στην καλύτερη περίπτωση «τι κάνεις χοντρέ»;

Επίσης μου είπες ότι είσαι «παχουλός» και φοράς γυαλιά και σιδεράκια. Καταλαβαίνω ότι δεν σου αρέσουν τα σπορ, αλλά, υπάρχουν άλλες μέθοδοι να χάσεις βάρος. Για παράδειγμα να τρως καλά φαγητά, όπως φρούτα και λαχανικά. Σχετικά με τα γυαλιά, βάλε φακούς επαφής, αλλά με τα σιδεράκια, όμως, πρέπει να είσαι υπομονετικός γιατί δεν θα τα έχεις για πολλά χρόνια. Όταν φύγουν, θα έχεις τα πιο ωραία δόντια από όλους! Αυτά τα παιδιά που σε κοροιδεύουν, δεν το καταλαβαίνουν τώρα, αλλά θα το δούνε και θα σε ζηλεύουν…

Αν στα παραπάνω προσθέσουμε ότι δεν μου αρέσει ο αθλητισμός, αλλά προτιμώ το διάβασμα ίσως να κατάλαβετε την καζούρα που περνώ κάθε μέρα στο σχολείο. Κάποιες φορές μου έρχεται να τους αρπάξω και να τους ρίξω ένα καλό χέρι ξύλο, αλλά σκέφτομαι το μετά…. και συγκρατούμαι.

Σήμερα τα παιδιά δεν ξέρουν πώς να χρησιμοποιούν τα κοινωνικά δίκτυα ή και δεν έχουν κάτι καλύτερο να κάνουν με τον ελεύθερο χρόνο τους. Αν δεις ότι λένε κάτι κακό για σένα, να πας αμέσως στους γονείς σου, να το πουν στους καθηγητές σου. Και καλύτερο και από αυτό, δεν χρειάζεται να έχεις Facebook. Το μόνο που δημιουργεί είναι προβλήματα. Καταλαβαίνω ότι είναι πολύ δύσκολο, αλλά αν τα κάνεις αυτά, δεν θα σπαταλάς την ώρα σου σε βλακείες. Λοιπόν, θέλω να ξέρεις ότι πιστεύω πως είσαι ένα έξυπνο παιδί, ότι έχεις πειθαρχία και μπορείς να

Ήμουν πολύ καλός μαθητής και οι γονείς μου, αλλά και οι καθηγητές μου συνήθισαν να έχουν μεγάλες απαιτήσεις από μένα. Τώρα όμως… τώρα έχουν έρθει τα πάνω κάτω! Δεν αντέχω αυτή την κατάσταση, δεν έχω ένα φίλο, νιώθω απομονωμένος και αποξενωμένος! Αν βλέπατε τι γράφουν για μένα ο ένας στον άλλο στο


Are you a bright science minded girl going into Year 11 or 12? The five-day long residential camp involves hands on workshops, site visits and networking opportunities. The registration fee is $200. Visit

βελτιώσεις όλα τα προβλήματα εμφάνισης, αλλά θα πρέπει να περιμένεις και να είσαι υπομονετικός. Θέλω να μην πάρεις δραστική απόφαση, να σκέφτεσαι τη μελλοντική σου καριέρα και τις επόμενες εξετάσεις σου αντί να θέλεις «να σπάσεις μερικούς στο ξύλο.» Μην κατεβείς στο δικό τους επίπεδο.

Macquarie University Open Day 12 September After starting the day at MUSE, Macquarie’s exciting social learning space, visitors can find out everything they need to know about studying at Macquarie with lectures running throughout the day. They include the introductory Macquarie 101, industry partnerships and advice on getting into Macquarie. Find out more at

Εδώ σε αφήνω και περιμένω την απάντησή σου με καλά νέα σε ένα μήνα από τώρα. Καλή τύχη! Πυθία Anita Vergotis Year 11 (Modern Greek Year 12)


Sydney Conservatorium of Music Open Day Sat 29th August, Macquarie Street Receive one-on-one advice, attend a lecture or masterclass, and bring an instrument to participate in the wind symphony and choir performances. Contact: 1800 793 864


Once again, there are many upcoming events to advertise, including Open Days and information sessions at universities, TAFE and private colleges. Some private colleges are also holding free workshops in particular career areas during the September school holidays. Students in Υears 10, 11 and 12 are encouraged to attend any of those which may interest them.

University Exchange Programs Most universities offer exchange programs, which involve already enrolled students studying for a half or whole year at a partner institution of their own university. Study abroad programs are slightly different, and do not involve studying at a partner institution; this means students sometimes need to contribute extra funds towards their tuition fees. As an alternative to exchange, some universities also offer short study tours, or the option to study at an international campus of their own. Most universities offer various forms of financial assistance to students going on exchange. Below are some links to the international study options offered by a number of universities. Macquarie University: ge/ The University of Sydney: UNSW: CSU: ANU:

UNIVERSITY NEWS Notre Dame Nursing Information Night Getting to Know Nursing 6:00pm, Tuesday 1 September 2015, 160 Oxford St, Darlinghurst NSW (map) You will have the opportunity to meet academic staff, tour the campus and find out what a career in Nursing is really like. Register at or contact by phone 8204 4404 or for further information UTS Engineering Bonus Points Questionnaire Questionnaire closes Fri 11th December Students applying to a UTS engineering degree could be eligible for up to 5 bonus points by completing the UTS Engineering Year 12 Bonus Points Questionnaire. Early round offers will also be made on the basis of this questionnaire. UNSW Science Information Day 5 November, 9.00am to 3.00pm UNSW Kensington Campus Activities on life as a science student. UNSW Women in Engineering Camp Held in January, 2016. Applications Close 27 September

UWS: Academic Literacy Workshop UWS runs a range of free preparation programs to help all new and continuing students. Two-day, four-day, and online workshops are available to assist students with academic style of writing, essay writing at university, research, time management and more. students/services_and_facilities/study_and_life_skills_ workshops/bridging_programs2


UOW Management Cadetship Program Closes 6 September Work and study in finance, marketing, and student administration, receive an annual salary. @web/@unia/@cadet/documents/doc/uow1264 10.pdf

English Extension: Thu 19th November, 8.45am, Building 20 foyer See what university feels like while also attending a series of tailored sessions designed to help students achieve their potential in either History Extension or English Extension.

Australian Institute of Architects Want to build cities of the future? Ever thought of becoming an architect? 11 September , 10:00am to 4:00pm. 3 Manning Street, Potts Point

USA UNIVERSITIES Georgetown, Princeton, Duke, Columbia and Northwestern Universities will be visiting Sydney on these dates : At Cranbrook School, on Wednesday, 2 September, from 5.30pm. Please email David Berridge at dberridge@cranbrook.nsw.eduau – for further details and to register. At MLC Burwood, on Thursday, 3 September, from 5.30pm. Please email Loretta Toole at – for further details and to register.

Come and meet the four university schools of Architecture: Newcastle, UNSW, Sydney, and UTS and learn about your architectural career. See the displays, hear an overview of studying architecture, learn how to prepare your portfolio, explore flexible pathways to studying architecture, find out where an architecture degree can take you, learn about post graduate FREE Lunch and drinks provided. Seating is restricted so register now at y-tickets-17914145692 Enquiries: UTS Open Day Interactive Workshops Anyone attending UTS Open Day, Saturday the 29th of August, can participate in a one hour Landscape, Architecture, or Photography workshop. To register visit: Landscape: Architecture: Photography:

Studying Overseas Information Evening 19 August Alexander Hall, Kambala, New South Head Road, Rose Bay Application process for USA, Canada and UK. Workshops on writing personal statements for selective UK unis. /7/31/Information-evening-on-studying-overseas Reach for a career in the ADF The Women in Defence team invite you to “REACH for a career in the ADF” by joining the team for an evening with current serving ADF Females and Indoor Rock Climbing. 23 September at 6pm Northern Beaches Rockhouse 4E/9-13 Winbourne Road Brookvale 24 September The Climbing Centre Penrith Unit 3, 16 Borec Road Penrith RSVP to with your name, phone number by 11 September.

UTS: Business Undergraduate Info Night Tue 17th November, 6.00pm – 8.00pm, Thu 26th November, 6.00pm – 8.00pm, City – Haymarket, CB08 Dr Chau Chak Wing Building, Building 8 An opportunity for those considering a professional career in business, accounting, economics, finance, management, marketing or related fields, to explore study options from students and academics.

PRIVATE COLLEGES AFTRS: Summer School AFTRS will be running an expanded and extended summer school program between November 2015 and February 2016. Introductory and intermediate level film, TV and radio courses, offering practical and hands-on learning will be available. Bookings made before October 1 will receive a 20% discount.

UOW: English Extension and History Extension Study Days History Extension: Wed 18th November, 8.45am, Building 20 foyer

Flight Centre Travel Academy Information Session Thu 27th August, 2.00pm, Level 13, 33 Berry Street, North Sydney


Flight Centre Travel Academy allows students to participate in real-world training in a blended online and offline mode.

Learn how Le Cordon Bleu’s culinary, hospitality and management programs open the door to global opportunities. SIBT Open Day Sat 29th August, 9.30am – 12.30pm, Level 1, 11 York Street, Sydney Attend an information session on diploma programs and pathway options, participate in one-to-one consultations, meet with current and past SIBT students.

AIT Information Night Tue 18th August, 6.00pm – 8.00pm, Level 2, 7 Kelly Street, Ultimo An interactive seminar providing an opportunity to learn more about the curriculum, course requirements and study pathways at AIT. Academy of Information and Technology Scholarship Closes 29 January Use any media to “describe your life as a…” $7,600 off tuition fees in Bachelor of Interactive Media or Bachelor of Information Technology (Mobile Applications Development).

Raffles College of Design & Commerce: 8 Scholarships offered for 2016 Applications close Fri 6th November Applications are open to all current year 12 Australian high school students for 2016. Scholarship awards are based on outstanding creative abilities. One full-fee and one half-fee scholarship is available for the Bachelor of Design, Bachelor of Arts (visual communication), Bachelor of Accountancy and Bachelor of Commerce. Contact:

Academy of Information Technology Free Digital Workshops 17 October, 14 November, 5 December, 10.00am to 4.00pm Level 2, 7 Kelly Street, Ultimo Intro to 3D Animation, Intro to Film Editing, Intro to Concept Design, or Intro to Game Design

Avondale College of Higher Education Nursing Campus Open Day Sun 30th August, 11.00am – 2.00pm, Sydney Adventist Hospital, 185 Fox Valley Road, Wahroonga Tour the Clinical Education Centre Facilities, participate in interactive sessions, learn about courses available and get some HSC study hints and tips.

International Screen Academy Open Day 19 September, 10.00am to 3.00pm 242 Young Street, Waterloo State of the art facilities in action. Australian Academy of Beauty and Spa Therapy: Open Nights Kogarah: Tue 25th August, 7.00pm Learn more about the courses available by speaking to staff. http://www.australianacademyofbeautytherapy. com/

National Art School Open Day Sat 29th August, 10.00am – 4.00pm Explore real working artist studios, take part in a range of interactive art workshops, attend information sessions and view the campus. Whitehouse Institute of Design: 2016 Bachelor of Design Enrolments Now Open The Bachelor of Design is an industry-facing multidisciplinary program designed to develop students’ design thinking and creative output within a range of specializations. To apply, prospective students are required to attach their most recent academic results and resume, prepare a creative portfolio, and attend an interview.

St Patrick’s Institute of Education: 2016 Diploma Information Session Sun 13th September, 11.00am – 1.00pm, Level 1, 65 York Street Learn about applying for the Diplomas in Business, Management and Business Administration for study in 2016. D=28580 Le Cordon Bleu Open Day Thu 20th August, 3.00pm – 6.00pm, 250 Blaxland Rd, Ryde

Australian Institute of Fitness: Open Day NSW & ACT Sat 22nd August, 10.00am – 3.00pm, Parramatta, Rockdale, St Leonards, Canberra


Learn what it’s like to be a student at the Australian Institute of Fitness by visiting a campus and speaking to staff.

THINK’ EDUCATION EVENTS The Festival of Change will be an inspiring day of workshops and talks from industry professionals in the areas of Health, Beauty, Wellbeing, Design, Hospitality, Business and Entrepreneurship. School Leavers receive free VIP Admission which includes a free entry into the featured event with Trent Maxi Maxwell and Jesse Polock from Bondi Rescue, and a complementary VIP Exam Survival Kit. Event Details Date: Saturday, 22 August 2015 Location: 46- 52 Mountain Street, Ultimo Cost: FREE for School Leavers using Promo Code 'SCHOOLVIP' How to Register as a VIP Guest • Visit • Select the event or workshops you want to attend • Once you have selected your ticket, enter ‘SCHOOLVIP’ in the promo box on the booking page • Collect your FREE Exam Survival Kit at The Festival of Change on the day!

JMC Academy: Information Session Wed 9th September, 6.00pm, 561 Harris Street, Ultimo Receive personalized advice and guidance to plan a future in the creative industries. ion-sessions/jmc-academy-informationsessions-(1) Macleay College: New Bachelor of Advertising and Media Degree Developed in consultation with key industry leaders, the new degree aims to be up-to-date with dynamic industry change and prepare graduates for careers in the areas of marketing, management, creative, social media, digital production, and media.

UOW: Management Cadetship Program Applications close: Sun 6th September The University’s Management Cadetships provide an opportunity to combine work and study. Cadets work in a number of areas across the university including finance, marketing, and student administration, while also undertaking a relevant undergraduate degree. Cadets receive an annual salary and undertake a specialized placement relating to their degree major in their final two years. @unia/@cadet/documents/doc/uow126410.pdf

Sage Institute of Education Open Day 15 August, 10.00am to 4.00pm 234 Sussex Street, Sydney Courses in Child Care, Fitness, Massage and Aged Care. Australian Government Department Cadetships, Scholarships and Work Experience Opportunities

TAFE & Apprenticeships Unique Student Identifier From January 1 2015, all students doing nationally recognized training (e.g. a TAFE course) need to have a Unique Student Identifier (USI). A USI is a reference number which creates a secure online record of nationally recognized training and qualifications gained anywhere in Australia from different training organizations. To learn more, visit:

Gap Medics Program 2016 Prospective medicine students . Two week hospital placement in Tanzania to Thailand, Croatia and Poland. Endeavour College of Natural Health Manual Therapies Showcase 19 August, 5.30pm to 7.00pm 815 - 825 George St, Level 2 Cert 4 in Massage Therapy Endeavour College of Natural Health Scholarship Program Closes 30 November Full year scholarships for Bachelor of Health Science in Naturopathy, Nutritional Medicine, Acupuncture, Musculoskeletal Therapy, Bachelor of Complementary Medicine.

McDonald Jones Holmes Cadetships The Cadetship program enables participants to work within different departments in the company including Sales, Customer Service, Sales Estimating and Production Estimating, while also completing a Certificate III in Business and a Certificate IV in Building and Construction (Estimating). Applications are open to those who will be completing the HSC this year, or have completed their HSC within the last two years. Contact: Mark Maguire on (02) 4918 2645

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Sydney TAFE: Parent Information Night for Year 10, 11 and 12 Students Tue 8th September, 5.30pm – 7.30pm, Sydney TAFE, Building W: Ground Floor, Customer Service Centre Information will be provided on choosing the best career, steps for getting into TAFE, pathways to university, apprenticeships and traineeships.

Western Sydney Apprenticeship & Traineeship Expo 1 September, 4.00pm to 9.00pm Penrith Panthers Exhibition Marquee, Mulgoa Road, Penrith Over 90 industry, businesses, group training companies with traineeship or apprenticeships.


TSFX HSC Exam Revision Lectures Sat 19th September – Wed 30th September, The University of Sydney, Camperdown Each lecture will review and then extend on knowledge taught at schools, demonstrate how examination questions are marked, how answers must be presented, and finally provide attendees with detailed course notes complete with model exam responses. Lectures will be available on a number of HSC subjects.

Sydney TAFE: Graphic Design Information Session Wed 2nd December, 4.00pm – 6.00pm, St George College, Building M, Level 1, Room 3 (M1.3), 19 Montgomery Street, St George Learn about studying graphic design at Sydney TAFE in 2016. hic-design-information-session-3

TSFX Mastering the Exams Lecture Sun 30th August, 10.00am – 3.00pm, The University of Sydney, Camperdown . A free lecture designed to provide students with the best opportunities to maximise examination marks. Students will learn vital skills that will help optimise examination performance as well as strategies that will maximise learning and cut down on study time.

Qantas Apprenticeship Program Applications open in August/September of each year. Qantas Engineering offers a number of aircraft maintenance and other trade apprenticeships based at Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane Airports. Each year, apprenticeships are offered in a range of fields including Aircraft Instrument Systems, General Electrical Systems and Environment Control Systems. es/apprentice-overview/global/en#non-aircrafttrades

HSC in the Holidays: HSC September Workshops Mon 21st September – Fri 2nd October, Macquarie University, UTS Broadway, UOW Wollongong, UOW Southern Sydney, University of Newcastle Learn about the most effective way to prepare fully for the final HSC exams, clarify course content, and work through potential HSC questions in small groups and with expert teachers. Workshops are available in a number of HSC subjects.

The University of Western Sydney Early Learning Limited Traineeships The University of Western Sydney Early Learning Limited (UWSELL) offers traineeships commencing each year in February. The traineeships provide the opportunity to earn money and gain experience in childcare whilst also completing a nationally recognized Certificate III in Children’s Services.

USEFUL SITES UAC Educational Access Schemes: For those who have experienced long-term educational disadvantage for at least six months during Year 11, 12.

To be eligible, applicants have to be willing to obtain a working with children police check, be motivated and enthusiastic, well presented and well spoken, and have a passion to work with young children. Contact: Vantage Automotive Apprenticeships Interested in an apprenticeship in the motor industry visit

University Exchange Programs for NSW Universities: When on JobJump select My Courses. Then open Uni and click on the Overseas Exchange option Labour Market Information Portal This resource provides up to date labour market information to help better understand which industries


are employing in your


relevant qualifications for job outcomes. Designed for school-leavers, the information sheets showcase over 15 industry sectors related to manufacturing.


Employment Outlook to November 2019 The Department of Employment’s annual employment projections forecast the job outlook by industry, occupation, skill level and region to November 2019.

SCHOOL HOLIDAY WORKSHOPS Day In the Life Workshops - September All workshops are week of September 21st. Day In the Life Workshops are a day-long workshop that allow students to get a taste inside their industry of choice. The day will include hands-on activities, industry insights, campus tours and more. These workshops are great for students who are still a bit unsure about what they want to do after school. Click on the links below for event details: APM College of Business and Communications William Blue College of Hospitality Management Billy Blue College of Design CATC Design School A website providing opportunities and advice for students interested in taking a gap year. A Career as a Veterinarian About the life a new graduate might expect. Also with a list of Australian universities for Veterinary Science.

AUSTRALIAN THEATRE FOR YOUNG PEOPLE: Audition Monologue Techniques: Mon 21st September – Wed 23rd September, 10.00am – 4.00pm, The Big Education Centre Investigative Scene Work: Mon 28th September – Fri 2nd October, 10.00am – 4.00pm, The Big Education Centre Race Down Under: Mon 28th September – Fri 2nd October, 10.00am – 4.00pm, The Big Education Centre

Youth Central Career Information Learn about what careers in a variety of industries are like.This site lists a number of jobs within: Agriculture, Automotive, Defence, Finance ,Manufacturing, IT & more ction Hobsons Course Finder: Five Tips for Tackling Open Days

SYDNEY DANCE COMPANY: SCHOOL HOLIDAY WORKSHOPS Contemporary Lyrical: Mon 28th September – Tue 29th September Jazz, Hip Hop, Theatre Jazz, JFH: Wed 30th September – Fri 2nd October Sydney Dance Company, The Wharf, Pier 4, 15 Hickson Road, Dawes Point

Discover Hospitality This online resource has advice about starting a career in the hospitality industry, with real-life success stories and insights from industry leaders. It also has a job search section where you can look for jobs or training opportunities in your area and to suit your education and lifestyle.

CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY EMPLOYMENT Super Retail Group is offering Christmas casual opportunities for students with their iconic brands in locations across Australia. Students will be required to work weekends and extended trade times over the Christmas Period. Shifts will be determined in accordance with the trading pattern and hours of each store. The rewards are: On the job training & support; Competitive Hourly Rates; Possibly the best Team Member discounts schemes on offer across all their brands. For more information and available jobs, see : 63/unwrap-a-great-job-this-christmas

Fair Work Ombudsman: Young Workers & Students This webpage outlines the responsibilities and rights of young people and students in the workplace. Information can also be found on starting a job, beginning an apprenticeship or traineeship, and ending employment. My Skills Australia: Information Sheets My Skills Australia’s Information Sheets help explain manufacturing career paths by highlighting the key skills, specializations and

Ms G. Hakos Careers Adviser





immediate change of the tide, the sea of blue that had attacked their opponents with the severity of a storm had relinquished, instead the pounding waves in the first half that deserved a 3 nil lead now were only ripples and Oakhill pounced on the opportunity. Their sustained pressure and relentless attack on the goal gave them every hope they would recover, and that they did scoring 2 goals to win the game. Although a disappointing end, the boys now need no reminding that the waves of blue and white that helped to create the first half storm need to be sustained throughout. These boys will now need to step up and represent the College as members of the First XI Football team in 2016.

YEAR 4 LITURGY On Thursday 13th August 2015, Year 4 visited Saint Spyridon’s Church for a Liturgy. During the year, Year 4 has been learning to Chant Hymns of the Service and the importance of these words to enable us to participate in the Liturgy. Children were chosen throughout the Service to Chant parts of the Liturgy and the rest of the students followed their lead.

In the First XI game Oakhill at first seemed cautious, however, after 10 minutes the stampede began and their intentions were clear, they expected to easily and effortlessly break through the barriers. What they did not expect was the strong resistance offered by our boys. The stampede soon abated and the St Spyridon team took control of the field. In the middle of the park Kristian Kontakos together with Alexandros Michos and Lewis Athanasopoulos steered the task of winning the middle ground. The boys enjoyed an equal share of possession and created their fair share of opportunities. Despite our strong resistance and the excellent leadership of Adonis Tsoustas in defence, it was Steven Antoniou in goal who had all the spectators watching rise to their feet in awe of his incredible agility and mobility to save many attempts and possible goals by the Oakhill team. Steven enjoyed the opportunity to showcase his effortless gliding and defiance of gravity or at least so it seemed. Steven’s efforts kept the score line 0-0 at the break. With 40 minutes remaining the team had to search for more inspiration, a flying Steven could not secure goals and so in the second half the team went in search of the elusive goal to take our First XI team to a grand final. Steven and all the defence including incredible efforts by Christos Kollias and Simeon Kerameas as well as Billy Retsas would serve the cause and Michael Savic continued to search for the much needed goal. It seemed an eternity since the last stampede and it felt that with only a minute left of regular time that the contest would be decided in either extra time or penalties but for a late goal by Oakhill.

We also learnt that Holy Communion and attending Church in general isn’t just about receiving bread and wine but has a lot more significance for our Church and Orthodox Faith. We enjoyed Chanting as a grade together and are looking forward to learning more Hymns in the future. Alexander Marinos Year 4



ISA BOYS FOOTBALL SEMI FINALS Boy’s football continues to grow at the College, with 7 of the schools 8 teams making this year’s semi-finals. Although, not all teams played at the same venue in this year’s semi-finals, this was an advantage in disguise, with the schools colours of blue and white spread across many ISA schools. The emotion driven pre match huddle and roar of ‘St Spyridon’ echoed at the many grounds served as a reminder that the willingness for improvement in the boys sport program is unceasing. Oakhill College hosted three of the Colleges teams: the U16 white team, our Open D’s and the school’s First XI. The U16 boys team had in their previous 3 years experienced unrivalled success in the Division 2 competition winning 3 grand finals as 13, 14 and 15 year olds - the challenge would be to try and win a Division 1 title. Fast flowing attacking football and close confrontations in the first half, reminded the boys that their opponents would not surrender and their defensive defiance would require a real zeal and need for an uninterrupted wave of attack. Our boys persistence paid off with a beautifully crafted goal late in the first half. The second half was very different with the

This would be the last game for the Year 12 boys, but the first step in a real resurgence in the quality of football needed to be competitive. While for them the empty feeling is difficult to accept it is not all lost, if anything on this beautiful winter’s day the Year 12 boys created a new sense of pride, a real committed and passionate plea to all their peers who played alongside them to help the College scale the heights of success in the Division 1 competition. I congratulate the boys and extend my thank you to them for inspiring, leading and sharing their


slowed down but still managed to score after initially conceding early in the second half.

enthusiasm for the sporting ideals we seek to instil in all the boys.

The U14 boys white team is the only St Spyridon College boys team to progress to this year’s final and they will hopefully be able to go one step further on the weekend. Their opponents St Patricks College will be a difficult opposition to overcome but with determination and a real passion to excel the boys will give themselves every opportunity. Congratulations and good luck to the team and their coach Dane Ivanovic (First XI Soccer Captain 2014).

3rd XI What a great year the Thirds have had. It was great to see them make it to the semi-finals but unfortunately lost 1-0 to Oakhill College. Our boys performed exceptionally well and giving 100% every time, in particular in attack in the first half with Stanley Condous and Christian Ishak creating opportunities but unfortunately didn’t score any goals in the semifinals against Oakhill. I would like to thank all the students for their dedication to the team and Jordan Stojkovic for bring lollies at half time at every game this year. Great effort and well done The Team consisted of: Michael Constantopedos (Captain), Stanley Condous(Vice captain), Joel Dean, George Raptis, Shivan Raj, Shaye Ramdutt, Jacob Krasadakis, Yianni Laliotis, Joel Richardson, George Andrianakos, Christian Ishak, Con Gouskos, Jordan Stokovic, Anthony Mina, Christopher Denize, Phillip Protos, Anthony Moufarrege, Leon Kouzoukas , Dimitri Stamios, Mark Mikhailov , James Stathis Coach: Mr Condous

U14 White It is not often that a team can boast that after 10 rounds they remain undefeated in the ISA Division 1 Boys Football competition. That said this is exactly what the U14 white team have achieved and after their strong performance against Oakhill College in the semi-final the boys are now one game away from winning this year’s championship winning title. Despite missing a couple of boys that were out due to injury, the team excelled on Saturday. The boys took a deserving 3-0 lead at the break with Steven Stamoulis scoring the opening goal. In the second period the boys

U15 A Although we did not have the best start to the season, we still managed to secure a place in the semi-finals. Despite having more losses than wins, we scrapped in to finish 4th. Our wins included a 1-0 victory and 2-1 victory against St Andrews Cathedral School as well as defeating St Patricks College 2-1. In the semi-finals


before school or after school as well as during the school timetabled ISA lesson.

we played against St Pius X College. We started slowly and nervously knowing that this could be the last game that we play together as a team. In the first half they scored two goals including a penalty and their defence was very tough to break. In the second half we were ready and fired up to fight back, despite coming close on many occasions we were unable to capitalise and Pius went on to score three more goals. Despite this loss we enjoyed the experience of playing Division 1 against some very strong opponents. Written by: Dean Albanakis and Luke Richardson

There are three scheduled trials in total before teams are announced. Students are asked to please check the notice board for the final teams and meeting time.

BOYS ATHLETICS MEET As an addition to our Athletics meet a number of boys will this year represent the College in a School Relay competition to be held at SOPAC on Tuesday, 25th August, 2015. We wish the boys all the best in this additional competition.


13 B The 13 B’s soccer team had an extremely successful season. They had made it through to the semi-finals but unfortunately lost the game against St Patricks College 4-0. All the boys tried their best throughout the year, with the help of Mr Zouroudis.

The Netball World Cup is held every 4 years and Sydney, Australia was hosting the event this year. This event is the most acclaimed World Netball Competition where 16 countries battle it out to win the Netball World title. This year, the event was held at Sydney Olympic Park and featured 10 days of netball from 7th August until 16th August, 2015.

The boys in the team included: Michael Vlahakis, Dylan Kelesis, Reece Malanos, George Kalergis, Reece Kalergis, Thomas Mouratides, Steven Mangafas, Peter Ganis, Matthew Panin, Zali Albertiri, Chad Bteddini, George Hatzidis, James Zouroudis, Harry Mavrolefterou.

The St Spyridon Girls’ Netball squad were fortunate enough to attend the opening matches on 7th August at Netball Central. Upon arriving, we were greeted by netball officials who were also welcoming other schools. They gave us streamers and a bag which contained some netball merchandise. At the match we were entertained by some terrific, fast paced netball playing.

It was a fantastic year for the 13B soccer team, hopefully achieving this same outcome next season.

The first game we watched was Fiji vs Wales. The athleticism and the physicality of the game made it riveting to watch. Wales was ahead and looked like they would win comfortably, but the determination of the Fijian team saw them make a comeback and catch up to Wales. Unfortunately for Fiji, the gap was too big and Wales secured the match, winning 59-52. The other games that we watched were Singapore vs Sri Lanka and Uganda vs Zambia.

Special thanks to: Mr Kaldis, Mr Zouroudis, and all other people who helped support the U13 B’s soccer team Dylan Kelesis 14B On behalf of the 14 blue team I Dimitrios Dimas would like to thank all teachers and parents for allowing the boys to play in this year’s Divison 1 football season. It was a great season with lots of fun and many challenges to overcome. We ended up in the semi-finals but unfortunately lost to Chevalier College. Thanks to all the boys for their effort and intensity throughout the year. Thank you also to Mr Zafiropoulos for all his support and help in coaching our team this season. Dimitrios Dimas

From watching these elite teams play we were able to observe the intensity and skill required to play the game. Not only were the netball players fast and agile, they were also incredibly strong. Thank you to Ms O’Shea for organising this excursion. It was a great opportunity for everyone to further deepen their understanding of the game.

BASKETBALL TRIALS All boys Basketball trials began last week either before school or after school. It is expected that all age groups will trial at least twice either


Angelina Flokis Coach

Rhea Tsimboukis Year 9

After a strenuous season with this wonderful group of talented and motivated girls, I can truly say that I have seen each of them excel on the netball court, as individuals they listened to what they were told and executed that on the court. Having a group of 15 girls was difficult week in week out to choose the appropriate team to play. I’m truly grateful that all the girls understood when I didn’t choose them to play and they were on the sidelines supporting their teammates. As for the semi–finals, it was tough seeing my girls not get the win, but I know they all tried their little hearts out and that’s all you want to see as a coach. I hope the girls had fun and enjoyed the season as much as I did.

Congratulations to all students on a successful ISA winter season we had 4 out of 8 teams qualify for semi-finals. The following placings were as follows: Girls Netball Opens-4th Intermediate B- 6th Intermediate C-5th Junior A- 6th Junior B- 3rd Junior C- 2nd What a year for our Open netball team. The girls came together as a playing group a month before the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia National Schools Event in May. It is our youngest Opens team in years and the girls knew that it would be a difficult task this year. After a tough ISA season in Division 2, the girls made the semi-finals last Saturday. This was an achievement and was well deserved as the girls put in a lot of effort over the year to get to where they currently are as a team. The semifinal was competitive up until the last quarter when fatigue became a factor and the girls were outclassed by a great Oakhill outfit. One of the highlights of the season was their win against St Andrews Cathedral at home. It came after some difficult losses and the achievement on everyone’s face was great to see. I am very proud of the way the girls held themselves this season, and while it was very hard at times, they showed composure and have grown so much as a team. I look forward to seeing them continue this road in the years to come, as they continue to grow stronger as a unit.

Cassandra Georgiou Coach


Eleni Preketes Vivienne Hatzigiakoumis Sonya Paradesis Nikolija Jovanovic Peter Vasillis


Opens- 2nd Juniors – 5th

The Open girls Football Team were successful in their semi-final defeating Chevalier 4-0. The girls played outstanding as a team with some brilliant goals coupled with some strong defence. The girls will now go on to play Barker in the Grand Final this Saturday 22nd August at Blacktown International Sports field. Good luck to all the girls in particular the Year 12 students who have dedicated so many years to girls football.

Year 9 Rhea Tsimboukis Desi Kapodistrias Anastasia Hatzidis Maria Krassas Dayna Konstantakis Felicity Ginis Victoria Zois Yovana Stosic Nathan Adam John Trovas Christopher Kumar Zac Prelec Anthony Pascalis Nicholas Kollias Jordan Bond Alex Gousetis Nicholas Frazis Harris Pappas Sarantos Makris George Makris


Year 10 Billy Retsas Panos Bounos Lewis Athanasopoulos George Contominas Gabriel Cassamatis George Andrianakos Constantinos Gouskos Jordan Makridopolus Constantinos Kollias Peter Giokas Steffie Papadopoulos Larissa Andrianakos Antonia Katerinas Michael Constantopedos

Congratulations to all students who were selected to represent St Spyridon at the ISA Athletics. Year 7 Chloe Drougas Efthimia Kollias Nicoletta Tsimboukis Vivika Lynch Katerina Darras-Samaras Alexi Kounnas Lena Tsalikis Panagiota Kappatos Marko Gacevic Michael Dimitrakopoulos Zali Albertiri Maksim Kasalovic Michael Konitsas George Hatzidis Dylan Ingrisano Jordan Frazis Anastasia Reeve

Year 11 Tiana Milisavljevic Katie Thimakis Georgia Koukounaris Chrystal Christie Lia Albanakis Isidora Stevanovic Ivana Bogojevic Alexander P Cardamis George Mandilis Isaac Mavrolefterou Steven Antoniou Christian Ishak Sebastian Zois Alexander Stamoulis

Year 8 James Kourtis Chris Vlachos Christian Jenkins Spiros Zafiropoulos Melanie Bounatsos Christina Vlahos


Year 12 Anja Djukic Nikolay Balashov Simeon Kerameas Christos Kollias Michael Savic Adonis Tsoustas Students have been attending training each Tuesday and Thursdays after school with the help of an outside coach Mr Glenn Howell. Students will also attend an invitational carnival.

Invitational meet held on: Date: Saturday, 29th August, 2015 Time: 9am- 2.30pm Venue: ES Marks Field Moore Park Students will be required to attend a half day training session Date: Wednesday, 2nd September, 2015 Time: 7.45am-12pm Venue: Hensley Athletics Field (opposite Eastgardens) Students are required to make their own way to Hensley Athletics field and a bus will transport them back to school for Period 4 & 5.

THE ISA ATHLETICS CARNIVAL IS HELD ON: Date: Tuesday 8th September 2015 Time: 9am- 5.00pm Venue: Sydney Olympic Park Thank you to all parents who have supported the Winter ISA sports program. Basketball selections will continue next week please see dates below: Year 7 – ISA Periods Year 8 – ISA Periods Year 9, 10, 11 – Tuesday, 18th and 25th August 7.30am-8.25am Ms K. O’Shea (Girls Sport) and Mr F. Kaldis (Boys Sport)





2016 DATES

TERM 1 Tuesday 26th January 2016

Australia Day Public Holiday

Wednesday 27 January 2016 Thursday 28th January 2016 Friday 29th January 2016 Monday 1st February 2016

Staff Development Day Staff Development Day Years 1 to 7, 11 & 12 commence Kindergarten and Years 8 – 10 commence

Friday 25th March 2016 Monday 28th March 2016

Annunciation. School Closed Western Good Friday, Public Holiday Western Easter Monday - Public Holiday

Friday 8th April 2016

Term ends


TERM 2 Monday 25th April 2016

Tuesday 26th April 2016

Anzac day, Public Holiday Holy Monday

Wednesday 27th April 2016

Staff and students return Holy Tuesday Holy Wednesday

Thursday 28th April 2016 Friday 29th April 2016 Saturday 30th April 2016 Sunday 1st May 2016 Monday 2nd May 2016

Holy Thursday – school closed Good Friday- school closed Holy Saturday Orthodox Easter Easter Monday- school closed

Monday 13th June 2016

Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday

Friday 24th June 2016

Term ends for Staff and students


Monday 18th July 2016 Tuesday 19th July 2016

Staff Development Day Students return

Friday 23rd September 2016

Term ends for Staff and students


Monday 10th October 2016 Tuesday 11th October 2016

Staff Development day Students return

Thursday 8th December 2016 Friday 9th December 2016

Term ends for students Staff Development day




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