News 150 14a 2015

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VOLUME XXXII No. 14 17th September 2015



SEPTEMBER Festival of Learning JS


Term ends


OCTOBER Staff Development Day


Students Return SS and JS


Year 6 Divine Liturgy


HSC begins


Yearly Exams for Primary

19th– 29th

OXI Day Doxology


Year 5 Divine Liturgy


NOVEMBER Final Assessment Period Begins Years 7-9


K2016 Orientation Morning


Year 4 Divine Liturgy


Final Assessment Period Year 10 Begins


Parent Forum Year 7 2016


Divine Liturgy


Orientation Day Year 7 2016


JS Performance


DECEMBER Year 6 Graduation


Academic Excellence and Student Leadership


Assembly Year 3-12 Term Ends




Extract from Year 12 Dinner speech This evening, we come together with your parents and families to celebrate your rite of passage, from your school to the world; And the end of what we hope has been an exciting and joyful learning journey for you. And what a journey! You have weathered every storm, beginning with leaving Mum and going to kindy. You have faced great challenges, learned much, cried a little and laughed a lot. You have most definitely left your mark. In your case my dear students, small is indeed beautiful! The smallest in number as a Class, you attracted the largest Byzantine Choir at your farewell Doxology. Eighty eight chanters, to be exact. We thank His Grace for His blessings, together with Father Steven and Father Sotiri. We thank Mr Picardi for leading the chanting. You saw the affection and admiration the younger students have for you. They look up to you and are proud, as we your teachers and parents are proud. And how many people are there at this dinner? 190! This is the power of a few good people, Ladies and Gentlemen, to inspire the many. His Eminence reminds us that Jesus Christ saved the world and he had only twelve disciples. Ms Kalithrakas has been a truly outstanding Year Adviser for you. You can be in no doubt as to her devotion to your well-being and future success. She has been relentless, in every endeavour that might enhance your results and your well-being. Thank you Ms Kalithrakas. You certainly took their farewell assembly to another level. We also acknowledge the work of our very fine home room teacher, Mrs Grillakis. Thank you to our Deans, Mr Meintanis and Ms Kokinelis.

We thank each and every one of your wonderful teachers for the work they have done above and beyond the call of duty. We express gratitude for the work of our Principal Senior School, Mrs Katsogiannis, strong and exacting, and at the same time kind and loving in her attention to your needs, her dedication to your academic progress, and moral character.


The Rev Father Steven, the Parish and the Board, represented here tonight by the Vice President Mr Con Livissianis, Mrs Tsaconas- everyone here is proud to share this evening with you. We thank the student leaders! Christos Raptis, College Captain; Calioppe Kefalas, Vice-Captain; Matthew Chiam, Senior Prefect; Adonis Tsoustas and Sophia Rizzo, Sports Captains; and The Prefect Body. All of you, outstanding ambassadors for your College and community. The Year 12 Class of 2015, strongly symbolises the ethos and character of St Spyridon College. Small in number you are formidable in action. In sports - never daunted: whatever the odds may be. On stagescintillating. In academics - determined and focussed. In manners impeccable and charming. In character brave, honourable, loving. It has been a privilege to have shared in your youth and your enthusiasm for life. And now that you are leaving us, we want you to remember: be careful out there among the wolves in sheep’s clothing. As His Grace Bishop Iakovos said at the close of the Thanksgiving Service, the world is a beautiful and exciting place. But it is also full of danger. Full of temptations and false prophets. Here we have tried to teach you, to be in Jesus’ words, as innocent as the doves, and as wise as serpents. We have every confidence that you, as people of faith, people of discipline and people of compassion, will make the right decision and that you shall pass every test. In a confused and conflicted world, you are our singular hope for the future of our people and this planet. We hope that you will heal some of the many wounds inflicted on this earth by past generations. Above all this, we hope that you will create serenity and harmony within your own hearts; and your own homes -because this really is where true happiness resides. We, your teachers and parents look at you this evening and feel at peace with our own conscience. Yes, we worked hard, we worried and stressed about you, we made sacrifices. Tonight we can say with pride and joy, that you have been more than worth our best efforts. You go with our blessing. Go out into the world and make it a better place for all of us my dearest children. We hope that when you look back, you will remember us with kindness. That you will reflect with affection on the time you spent here with us, in the care of our College, and the protection of our Patron, Saint Spyridon the Wonderworker.

Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag



FAREWELL SPEECHES TO YEAR 12 2015 Good afternoon Mrs Stefanou, Mrs Katsogannis, Deans, Teachers, students, and especially Year 12.

Year 7 Nicholas and I, Marissa, would also like to congratulate and farewell the Year 12 class of 2015. Although we have only known you for a short period of time, you have been great role models. Thank you for being nice to us, smiling, stopping to saying hi, caring and taking the trouble to make us feel welcomed. We also appreciated your leadership of the Friday assemblies and SRC meetings, as well as seeing your enthusiastic involvement in drama and musical productions, the Greek play, ISA sports, and of course the dedication you have shown towards your studies. YES we did notice you in the library working and looking stressed sometimes ‌..We also often saw you sitting outside of staffrooms talking about your work with teachers. Thank you for all the good examples you set and for showing your fun and mischievous side as well‌you made us laugh! Six years ago some of you were probably standing where we are today saying similar things to Year 12 of 2010. It must be really exciting and a bit scary knowing your school days are nearly over and a whole new beginning is waiting. You have gone to where we are heading and it gives us comfort to see that you all made it through just fine. In conclusion, we would like to thank you for all you have done for us over the 3 fantastic terms. On behalf of year 7, we wish you all the best in the HSC and for the future. Thank you.

Year 8 In 2010 most of you entered the Senior School gates as the schools youngest students; ready to start a new chapter in your schooling with the enthusiasm and the excitement that goes with all new beginnings. Fast forward 6 years to now, the time where being in the familiar surroundings of classrooms, supportive teachers and the loving care provided by our St Spyridon College family is coming to an end. You have achieved 13 years of schooling, 13 year of memories and 13 years of wonderful friendships. We hope all the experiences will be stored in a special place in your hearts and that when we reach Year 12, we will be just as proud and confident as you all seem to be. We have many memories but one of our fondest this year would definitely have to be all the sporting events that were brought to life by the personalities of special people like Adonis and the anthems that were createdI may not be in the Olympians, but still, the house spirit extended throughout all the houses, and made each individual desperate for victory.


You are a great and inspiring year group. Congratulations Year 12, good luck for the HSC and best wishes for a whole new adventure out in the real world. All our very best to you Year 12.

Year 9 Year 12, congratulations on the completion of your 13 years of schooling. We remember when we came to this school in Year 7 and you were our peer support leaders. You created enjoyable activities for us and allowed us to meet new people from our year group, and helped us make new friendships. We thank you for the influence you have had on us and the good role models that you have been. Whether it has been on the sporting field, in the playground, your academic achievements, your leadership or just your general friendly, fun and at times strange behaviour, we have shared some great experiences with you, and for this, we are thankful. I’d like to thank you Peter for being a role model. It may not seem like it, but George and I really look up to you. We will always remember your spirited Sydney FC chants on the buses and in the playground that lifted us as a school community. To my brother Christos, thank you for your encouragement in all aspects of my schooling and sporting life and thank you for bringing some quiet in the house, “sorry about the noise.” On behalf of Year 9, we wish you all the best in the future years to come. It is a great achievement and we hope that you excel in your future endeavours and studies. Thank you for being great role models for us, we appreciate your hard work to make the school a better place to be in. We will miss you.


Year 10 Throughout our Senior School journey, Year 12 have been wonderful role models and have supported and helped us from the time we were in Year 7. They have taught us the valuable lesson of what it means to be leaders in our St Spyridon school community. As role models they have carried themselves with pride and shown us the wisdom of their experiences, especially when it comes to studying and being focused in their preparations for the HSC. We really admire the calm way you all have handled yourselves in the pressured times you have had this year and the hard work you have put into trying to achieve your goals. Today even though we are here to farewell Year 12 of 2015, and while there are always mixed emotions in saying goodbye, we are happy and looking forward to emulating your attitude, application to your studies, and the devotion you have shown to each other and the school. We believe this is especially significant for us as we are now in Year 10. We are sad to be saying goodbye to our role models and still can’t get over the fact that you are already finishing. This makes us all realize how fast we read through chapter to chapter of our lives and how quickly our schooling years pass. So, on behalf of Year 10, we wish you all great success in your HSC and most importantly your life long good health and happiness in all your future endeavors. Goodbye Year 12 and thank you.

Year 11 Although it may be hard to believe…. One day you’ll be at your last ISA Saturday game. One day you’ll be taking your last test and eating your last school lunch. One day you’ll be at your final Friday morning assembly. One day you’ll receive your final HSC mark. And one day you’ll be walking out of the school gates for the last time forever. Year 12, for you, today is this day. After 6 years, 2100 and 91 days, 3 million 155 thousand and 40 minutes and after 189 million 302 thousand and 400 seconds you have completed your journey here at St Spyridon. During their 6 years here at St Spyridon, Year 12 have played a vital role in becoming our role models. The bond and memories that we have created and shared with each and every one of you will forever remain in our thoughts. You will be remembered as a happy and joyful year group who always brought a smile to our faces. We would like to reflect back on some good times and many memorable experiences that Year 11 have had the pleasure of sharing with Year 12. From ISA Sport, to the Greek Orthodox National School Events, you have always shown motivation and passion whilst you proudly played and represented your school in soccer, netball, basketball and athletics.


However, one of the most unforgettable experiences would definitely have to be the opportunity to embark on the Pilgrimage to Greece in 2014. The long bus rides, the late DNMS and the summer that we shared together will never be forgotten. There was a night in Greece, where all the girls sat in the room in Corfu talking and laughing about all the memories that we had created thus far, we spoke all night regardless of having to wake up at 6 am so that we can get ready for our next adventure. Year 12 2015 are leaving behind a legacy of high achievements unparalleled to anything the school has previously experienced. This void sets a high standard for the rest of us to follow in their footsteps but we will try our best. Today is not a sad occasion, as Year 12 will always continue to be part of the St Spyridon family, instead it is a joyful event as they enter the “real world� and face new challenges. Thank you for demonstrating that you can truly achieve what you want in life if you persevere and have fun along the way. While all of Year 12 have always been there for us, we would like to mention 2 people who we will especially miss- our sisters Sophia and Aleksandra. Sophie, you are the one person I can go to for absolutely everything and after 13 years of our shared schooling experience it is all coming to an end. Waking up every morning and walking to school together is something that I will miss. I would like to thank you for always supporting - whether it was helping me with an essay or giving me money to go to the canteen. Soph, you are so pure, kind and nurturing and you deserve the best that life has to offer. I know that you will finish school to do amazing things. Aleks, on behalf of Daniella and myself, we will miss you. A part of us will miss not having our older sibling here, to rely on to give us quick pep talks before exams and in general to guide us and encourage us to excel and to always strive for our very best. We wish you all the best in the future. We may not say this often, but we look up to you as our role model. Year 12, we wish you all the best in your HSC and your future efforts. Good luck and you will always be remembered. Thank you for everything!


Year 12 – Christos Raptis – College Captain – Dinner Speech Good evening Very Reverend Father Steven, Mr Livissianis, Mrs Stefanou, Mrs Katsogiannis, Mrs Synesios, Mrs Tsaconas, Ms Stamoulis, distinguished guests, teachers, parents, grandparents, other family members and last but definitely not the least, my fellow Year 12 peers. Thank you for all coming here tonight to celebrate one of the final chapters that is coming to a close on our schooling life. When asked to prepare a speech for tonight’s formal dinner and having discussed with my peers as to what exactly to include in it, I came to the conclusion that it is virtually impossible to sum up 6 years of Senior School, let alone our whole schooling journey. Whatever is said tonight will not do justice to the amount of memories, good and bad, that we have shared as a year group. It’s hard to fathom that we began our Senior School journey all the way back in 2010, with little understanding of all the tasks and challenges that were laid before us. Since then, we have achieved so much as individuals and as a year group and made many funny and memorable moments that we will cherish forever. Tonight is a celebration of all that we have accomplished and achieved from Year 7 to 12, as well as thanking all those that made the journey a fulfilling one. To begin with, I’d firstly like to acknowledge Father Steven and Father Sotiri for guiding us spiritually and bringing us closer to God. Your words of wisdom and knowledge will hold us in good stead for the future. To the Board of Governors thank you for the facilities and resources you have provided for us – The Sports and Performing Arts Centre was built in our time and it made a huge difference to sport and the performing arts as well as all our special assemblies. The amount of hard fought battles of indoor soccer, basketball and netball that were played in the SPACe, along with the much loved performing arts productions that put on display our talents would not have been accomplished if it wasn’t for your generosity and kindness. To Mrs Synesios and the Junior School Teachers, on behalf of all those that attended the Junior School we are privileged to have been taught and guided by you, as you laid the perfect foundation for those of us heading to the Senior School. Our Senior School years were influenced by many teachers that had the opportunity to work with us and guide us to where we stand today. Mrs Stefanou and Mrs Katsogiannis, I thank you for all the effort and time you have devoted to us as a year group, as well as each of us individually. A thank you must also be given to Mr Meintanis, for the many timetables, room changes, and keeping the perimeters safe Ms Kokinelis, thank you for your efforts in being our Year Advisor in Year 7 and for making the transition from Junior School to the Senior School as smooth and as exciting as possible. The work that you put in to integrate the new students into our year should be commended, as we feel as if we have known them forever. During this time we were finding our feet as a year group, with events such as our Year 7 camps allowing us to bond together and create new friendships. It was hard at times, but overall we came out a lot closer and definitely more comfortable with each other. Thank you also for leading the Prefect Body and SRC over the years. Year 8 and 9 consisted of adjusting to a life of writing essays and solving equations which was tough at times. With the guidance of Mr Condous during this time as our Year Advisor school was made fun through the things we did during class time and at recess and lunch. Lunch times consisted of the girls finding a shady spot and socialising, while the boys had some exciting and memorable battles playing rugby league and court soccer. Thank you Mr Condous for all that you have done for us. From Year 10 till the end of Senior School, we were fortunate enough to have Ms Kalithrakas as our Year Adviser. During this time, she was not only our teacher, but a mentor and a close friend. Our relationship with you began a bit shaky to say the least. You knew that we would be a challenge and we certainly delivered. Some of us would get into trouble for the most ridiculous and odd things. The constant pep talks on motivating us to strive and do better in the HSC and in our lives is what we love most about you. Each of us individually has come to you for advice, whether it was about maths, friendships or just for a conversation. You were always willing to give us some much needed guidance, and like a true mathematician, you had a solution for every problem. All of us cannot thank you enough Ms K. You motherly influence on us all, in particular with the girls whenever it was necessary was appreciated, as they always turned to you when they


were fed up with us guys, or if they just wanted to talk and have a chat. A special thank you must also be given to you from the girls that attended the Greece Trip of 2014. The memories you allowed them to have will always hold a great place in their hearts and they will always remember you for that. I along with the year group will never forget some of the funniest quotes you happened to either say softly or loudly. Whether it was reminding us that “Year 12 is a different ball game,” stating that there’s “plenty of jobs stacking shelves at Coles” or my personal favourite “Why are you TALKING!” The lessons we learnt as individuals and as a year group came down to not only our Year Advisors but the teachers we had around us. I’d like to thank all of our Year 11 and 12 teachers that we have had, but in particular the ones that are here tonight. Mr Zafiropoulos Mrs Grillakis Kuria Vana Mrs Hakos Dr Hickie Mrs Belajcic Mr Croft Mrs Dalakiaris, Mrs Mio Kuria Faleta Mr Giles Mr Georgoulopolus Mrs McCoy Mrs Petzler Ms Gonzalez Mrs Kefalouros Mr Kaldis Ms Savva Ms Pringle Mrs Koutsoukis Mrs Pavlakis Mr Kollias Since the beginning of Senior School, we have been challenged both physically and mentally, and have learnt many lessons along the way. We as a year group have accomplished so much over the years. All of the things that we have achieved thus far in our lives is brought down to the dedication, love and support our families have given us since the very beginning. We wouldn’t all be here if it was for you having the faith and trust in this College to guide us and become strong minded individuals. Thank you for all the early mornings, packing us lunch, fixing and ironing our uniforms, paying for school fees, driving us to school and sport and the list goes on. Your endless advice and guidance is what holds us together, and we will always look up to you as our role models and as our best friends. I’d like to take this moment to personally thank my year group. Thank you for being who you are, and for making Senior School such an unforgettable time. I wish every single one of you the greatest of success for whatever you chose to do in the future. We have formed so many lifelong friendships and have shared many memories together. Each of us are now ready to take on the new challenges and opportunities that will grace our paths. I think that we would be remembered as a year group that brought much academic, sporting, dramatic and musical success to the school, as well as laying a strong platform for the years below us to try striving and achieving for. So for this final time I address you, I thank you all for the endless memories we made together and that I will cherish forever. May God bless you and guide you throughout your lives and your future endeavours. Thank you and enjoy your night.











P & F NEWS As Term 3 draws to an end, we would like to report our progress so far this year. We wish to express our thanks and appreciation for your continual support of our events and fund raising for our College. Your support benefits our students both in the Junior and Senior schools.

P&F Target List for 2015 Computer Ultra books Tech. Support for performances Senior School Sports Graduation Cakes Dux Prize JS Artificial Grass SS Robotics Equipment Music Equipment Quadrangle Canopy At the end of Term 3, the P& F has raised: Trivia Night $ 7,242.00 Lambatha Stall $ 6,000.00 Palm Sunday Lunch $ 6,342.00 Mothers’ Day Stall $ 5,075.00 Mothers’ Night Out $ 9953.00 Jr.Athletics Carnival Canteen $ 1,280.00 Fathers’ Day Stalls $ 4505.00 Fathers’ Day Breakfast $ 4656.00 Running Total $45,053.00

Upcoming Event: 7th November, 2015 Outdoor Cinema Night to be held at the Senior School campus. Come along with your family, children and friends. Food, drinks, sausage sizzle, popcorn, fairy floss, gelato, all will be available on the night. (Flyer to be sent home with students. Please also check the SSC fb page)

SSC UMBRELLAS The P&F Committee, as part of its continued fundraising, have available for purchase, umbrellas with the school logo. These may be purchased at both the Senior and Junior College front office, and will also be on offer at the Junior School assembly, every Wednesday morning. Small folding Umbrella: $25 Large Golf style Umbrella: $40

ST SPYRIDON COLLEGE BUSINESS DIRECTORY A letter of offer and Registration Form have been sent home with students. The St Spyridon College Business Directory is a valuable list of services, skills and businesses available among our parents and friends. It will be distributed to over 1000 people within our College and Parish Community. We welcome your support and encourage you to take advantage of this unique offer. Our offer includes: *One half page listing for 2 years. *Name of business. (No Logo) * Description of principal business: services/skills/goods offered. * Address/email/website and contact details Cost: $50 (cash or cheque only) We wish you all a good Spring break, and to enjoy the school holidays. Angela Vergotis (Asst. Secretary)


K - 12 NEWS



We farewell and thank Mrs Karpouzos who has been taking Year 5 & 6 Orthodox Studies whilst Ka. Ieroklis has been on leave. We thank her for bringing her own touches to the program and for ensuring that the learning continued uninterrupted.

Our sincere condolences are extended to Reverend Father Sotiri, Presvitera and family on the passing of their beloved brother.

We also thank Ka. Stella, who has filled in for Mr Volas whilst he was on Long Service Leave. Through her creative and artistic talents, she developed in the students a greater love for the Greek language, its culture and history. Year 4 look forward to presenting the play that she wrote them at the Junior School performance in Term 4.

May God grant rest to his soul and strength to the family at this difficult time.

UNIFORM CHANGE Children are to return to school next term in their Summer uniform. Please ensure you have the necessary items.

Mrs Diavatiotis will take over Ka. Stella’s groups.


Miss Besir after a long career at St Spyridon College will be taking Long Service Leave during Term Four. We thank her for instilling in the students a ‘can do attitude’ and pride in all that they attempt. We wish her a well-deserved rest.

The uniform shop will be opening on the following days for back to school purchases. January 2016

We warmly welcome Miss Govender, an experienced teacher who will be taking 3A during Term Four.

Wednesday, 20th January, 2016 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. Monday, 25th January, 2016 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. Wednesday, 27th January, 2016 8.30 a.m. to 10 a.m. and 2.30 p.m. to 4.00 p.m.

GREEK ORTHODOX ATHLETICS CARNIVAL Congratulations to Mrs Diavatiotis and the students of our Junior School who so ably represented us at the recent Greek Orthodox Athletics Carnival hosted by St Euphemia, Bankstown. We are pleased to report that we have secured the trophy for another year. Our thanks are extended to Mrs Bennett, Miss Sirmanoglou and Mrs Scarcella for supervising the students on the day.

JUNIOR SCHOOL REPORT Schools are growing organisms and a place of renewal. During this last term, the children have enthusiastically engaged with all the wonderful new learning experiences provided by their teachers, and have used these to make gains in their learning. More importantly, they have developed spiritually, emotionally and socially. Now is the time to rest and reflect so that we can begin again with renewed vigour in Term Four. I wish you all an enjoyable break and with God’s grace look forward to your safe return in Term Four.

YEAR 12 It was my pleasure and honour to celebrate with Year 12, the completion of their education at St Spyridon College this week. On behalf of the Junior School we pray for their continued good health and happiness in all that they chose to do.


SENIOR SCHOOL REPORT YEAR 12 2015 A number of events were organized to farewell Year 12 students:   


Year 7 – 12 Farewell Assembly Year 3 – 12 Doxology in the presence of His Grace Bishop Iakovos of Miletoupoulis Year 12 Formal Dinner for Year 12 students, teachers, parents and family.

As we farewell Year 12 we wish them every success in their HSC examinations and future careers and life choices.

As you are aware from a recent bulletin, there has been a change to the arrangements for Before School Care. The new service, Early Morning Care, will be run by the College in the Library from 7:30 – 8:15am each morning.

May God always bless you.


For the safety and welfare of all students, any child that arrives before 8:15am will be cared for by this service. The cost will be $5 per child per day and parents will be billed through the school for this service. Please note there is no Family Benefit subsidy available.

Term 2 begins on Wednesday, 7th October, 2015 with a WEEK B timetable. Students are to wear their Summer uniform. Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School

Please be advised that if you drop your child off prior to 8:15am when duty commences, you agree to your child being looked after by the Before School Care Service with its associated costs.

MIDDLE SCHOOL REPORT “There's a sad sort of clanging From the clock in the hall And the bells in the steeple, too So long, farewell Auf Wiedersehen, goodnight Adieu, adieu To you and you and you”

If you require Early Morning Care on a permanent basis, please contact the Junior School Office.

LOST PROPERTY There are many items of clothing in the office as well as keys and wallets. Please come and check to see if any of it is yours.

From the Sound of Music


Mrs A. Synesios Principal

Last week we formally said our goodbyes to yet another Year 12 group who have been instrumental in providing great leadership to all their younger peers. We thank the Prefects of 2015 who carried out their assigned duties with dignity and efficiency. It has been a pleasure to have worked with all of you, especially Christos Raptis (College Captain), Calioppe Kefalas (Vice Captain) and Matthew Chiam (Senior Prefect). You have been a great team that served to bind both your year group and the Prefects Body together. I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone the very best of luck in the Higher School Certificate and in all future endeavours. We look forward to hearing good news of your future achievements.

DONATIONS TO LIBRARY A very special thank you to the Nikas family (Demi & Peter), for their wonderful donation of books to the Junior School Library. Their donation is very much appreciated and will be enjoyed by many students to come. Thanks again Demi & Peter. Mrs C. Bartlett Librarian


NSW CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION Once again this year our school has been invited to send one Year 11 student to NSW Parliament House to take part in the State Constitutional Convention. At this event, school representatives from across the State have opportunity to discuss and debate constitutional matters of concern. The current discussion topic will be about the role of the Senate. Mariah Stavrou from Year 11 will be our representative in 2015. We look forward to hearing further about her experience next Term and when we shall also learn if our school was successful in being elected to represent NSW at the National Constitutional Convention to be held in Canberra next year.


Our Year 9 students have continued their Community Service activities at the SOUP Kitchen and at school through their FLAG Duty throughout Term 3. Well done everyone

Many students are unnecessarily carrying excessive weight in their school bags. This is generally because they are either not packing their bags correctly, not using their locker effectively and or, they have not downloaded electronic versions of their text books onto the computer at home (Downloading text books means they use electronic version at home for homework and so can leave the hard copy in their locker at school and not carry them back and forth). We urge parents to check their child is school bag and advise them accordingly

MIDDLE SCHOOL ASSEMBLY Tomorrow we celebrate the achievements and positive efforts of Middle School students at the Term 3 Middle School Assembly. Numerous Bronze, Silver, and Gold certificates will be given along with merits for Perfect Attendance, No Negative Comments and Year Adviser Pat on the Back commendations. We also had the privilege of listening to three wonderful piano pieces played by Myrto Falelakis (Yr 7) and Jordan Collins Liburd (Yr 8). Congratulations and well done.


Year 8 Anthea Condous, Peter Nikas, Marie Vasilakis, Sophie Ioannidis and Georgia Bull.

Perfect Attendance Year 7 Peter Ganis, Marcos Hanna, James Hristeff, Victor Kezalas, Alexi Kounnas, Vivika Lynch, Thomas Mouratidis, Matthew Panin, Frances-Lee Pascalis, Lisa Stamoulis and Georgia Varvaritis.

Year 9 Dean Albanakis, Jennifer Eve Contominas, Ben Dean, Anastasia Hatzidis, Natalia Amezquita, Kaity Bounos, Carissa Frazis, Bianca Frazis and Nicholas Kollias.

Year 8 Melanie Bounatsos, Anthea Condous, John Dalakiaris, Christine Frangoulis, Adam Geortsis, Vivienne Hatzigiakoumis, Nikolija Jovanovic, Bowen Liu, Adam Massa, Cleo Mihail, Katherine Raptis, Marie Vasilakis and Spiros Zafiropoulos.

Ms G Kokinelis Dean of Middle School



Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι, Στην έκδοση αυτή θα σας κρατήσουμε συντροφιά με το γραπτό μαθητή της Γ΄ Λυκείου. Το γραπτό αυτό γράφηκε επίσης κάτω από τις συνθήκες των μεγάλων διαγωνισμών του Β΄ εξαμήνου για την τάξη αυτή.

Year 9 Natalia Amezquita, Jennifer Eve Contominas, Florence Georges, Luka Jovanovic, George Makris, Sarantos Makris, Eleni Mastroperos, Luke Richardson, Rhea Tsimboukis, Lefteri Valmas and Keni Xu.

Καλά να περνάτε! Κ. Μ. Φαλέτα

No Negative Comments Year 7 Stephanie Andreou, Panagiota Kappatos, James Zouroudis, Fotoulla Hadjiparaskeva, George Kalergis, Elena Tsallas, Peter Ganis Marissa Kouzoukas and Nicoletta Tsimboukis.

Οδηγίες: Γράψε την ομιλία που δίνεις ως μαθητής στη συγκέντρωση του σχολείου με θέμα: «Μόνο με αποδοχή προς τους άλλους τα σχολικά μας χρόνια θα είναι ειρηνικά, ευτυχισμένα και παραγωγικά.» Αγαπητοί καθηγητές και συμμαθητές, Σήμερα, ως Αρχηγός του Μαθητικού Συμβουλίου, αποφάσισα να σας μιλήσω με φόντο ένα θέμα που αφορά και εμπλέκει έμμεσα ή άμεσα όλους μας όσο είμαστε μαθητές. Το συγκεκριμένο θέμα σχετίζεται με την αποδοχή των άλλων στη διάρκεια των σχολικών μας χρόνων, κάτι που θα φέρει ειρήνη, ευτυχισμένα και παραγωγικά χρόνια σε όλους μας αν αποφασίσουμε να αποδεχόμαστε τους συμμαθητές μας με σεβασμό προς την προσωπικότητά τους.

Year 8 Anthea Condous, Stella Ktenas, Eleni Preketes, Melanie Bounatsos, Peter Synesiso, Sophia Katerinis, Mark Grillakis and Ephemia Damianos. Year 9 Dean Albanakis, Harris Christofa, Jennifer Eve Contominas, Anastasia Hatzidis, Elian Prayster, Joanna Skouteris, Rhea Tzimboukis, Deanna Tzivakis, Briannon Walker, Bianca Frazis, Florence Georges, Christina Hatgis, Thomas Kourtis and Carissa Frazis.

Κατ’αρχάς, κακά τα ψέματα, οι περισσότεροι από μας έχουν φτάσει σε ένα σημείο στη ζωή τους που ακόμα και άθελά τους απομάκρυναν κάποιο/α συμμαθητή/ρια από κοντά τους, μόνο και μόνο επειδή μπορεί να ήταν διαφορετικός/ή.

Pat on the Back Awards Year 7 Chloe Drougas, George Kalergis and Jordan Frazis.

Όπως όλοι γνωρίζουμε, χώρες όπως η Βόρεια Αμερική, η Νότια Αμερική, κυρίως όμως η Αυστραλία, αλλά και άλλες χώρες, μετά από κάποια συγκεκριμένα γεγονότα έγιναν καταφύγιο για πολλούς ανθρώπους, οι οποίοι επέλεξαν για τον ένα ή τον άλλο λόγο να αφήσουν τη χώρα τους για μια νέα αρχή στις χώρες αυτές. Αρκετοί από εμάς, λοιπόν, προερχόμαστε από κάποιο διαφορετικό μέρος του πλανήτη και αυτό που μας ενώνει δεν είναι μόνο το ίδιο σχολείο στο οποίο φοιτούμε, αλλά και η ηλικία. Πρέπει λοιπόν, να μάθουμε από μικροί να σεβόμαστε τους άλλους με τις ιδιαιτερότητές τους γιατί απλά και μόνο επειδή σε ολόκληρο τον πλανήτη δεν υπάρχει άλλο ον που να έχει τα ίδια δακτυλικά αποτυπώματα με εμάς, νομίζω ότι δείχνει πως δεν μπορούμε να είμαστε όλοι ίδιοι ή να απαιτούμε από τους άλλους

Year 8 Jade Capitanelis, Melanie Bounatsos, James Kourtis and Christine Frangoulis. Year 9 Christopher Denize, Pandelis Tsangaris and Deanna Tzivakis. Principals Awards Year 7 Jordan Frazis, Panagiota Kappatos, Nicola Skouteris, Georgia Vararitis, James Zouroudis, Fotoulla Hadjiparaskeva, George Kalergis, Peter Ganis and Marissa Kouzoukas.


one-day workshop participants have the opportunity to develop their own games, learn about digital media, sound, image and video manipulation and even create smart phone applications.

γύρω μας να μας μοιάσουν. Κάτι τέτοιο θα ήταν πολύ άσχημο γιατί, όπως εγώ έχω κάποια πιστεύω, κάποια ήθη κι έθιμα, τα οποία διδάχτηκα από την οικογένειά μου και θέλω αυτοί που με ξέρουν να τα σεβαστούν, έτσι θα πρέπει όλοι μας να σεβόμαστε τους γύρω μας όποιοι και να είναι αυτοί όπως και να είναι.

Who: For female students in high school interested in Computers and Information Technology, with or without programming experience. Term 4: Sunday 1 November 2015 (School term week 4) Where: School of IT Building, University of Sydney Cost: Free. / National Computer Science School (2016) An intensive 10-day computer programming and website development summer school. Who: Students entering year 11 or 12 in 2016, and teachers When: Sunday 3rd - Tuesday 12th January, 2016 Where: School of IT and The Women's College, University of Sydney Cost: $440 per student or teacher (including GST)

Στα σχολικά πλαίσια, ειδικά τώρα, κανένας από εμάς δεν έχει το δικαίωμα να κοροϊδέψει κάποιον άλλο επειδή ας πούμε δεν του αρέσει να αθλείται ή του αρέσει πολύ το διάβασμα. Κανείς, απολύτως κανείς δεν πρέπει να προσπαθεί να επιβληθεί σε κάποιον για οποιοδήποτε θέμα και ιδιαίτερα να πιέσει τον άλλο να συμβιβαστεί και να συμφωνήσει. Όλοι έχουμε τις ιδιαιτερότητές μας και πραγματικά πιστεύω ότι αν ο καθένας από μας κάνει μια έστω μικρή προσπάθεια να αποδεχτεί τους άλλους με τα προτερήματα και τα ελαττώματά τους, με τις ιδιαιτερότητες και την κουλτούρα τους, θα μπορέσουμε να συνυπάρξουμε ειρηνικά στα σχολεία μας, θα είμαστε ευτυχισμένοι εφόσον δεν θα υπάρχει ενδοσχολική βία και παραγωγικοί αφού θα είμαστε απερίσπαστοι στη δουλειά μας.

SYDNEY UNIVERSITY SCIENCE EXPERIENCE The Science experience event is held in January at Sydney University in association with rotary clubs and with the support of the Young Scientists of Australia as well as the Australian Science Teachers Association and is administered by the Science Schools Foundation. Students will employ real science skills to help solve a ‘murder mystery’ on campus. This will appeal to students who enjoy problem solving and science.

Ευχαριστώ που με ακούσατε κι ελπίζω να υιοθετήσετε τις συμβουλές μου. Adonis Tsoustas Year 12 Modern Greek Extension



As the school holidays approach, it is timely to remind year 12 students to ensure they have applied online through UAC for entry to university courses for 2016. After 30th September, the application cost increases significantly. Course preferences can be changed online at any time up until 6th January.

The cost is $120. Further information can be obtained by contacting Jessica Morris at 9114 0825 or E Students who are about to start Year 10 or 11 in 2016 can apply online at

There are several events being held during these holidays as well as in January, at universities and private colleges, which should be of interest to many students.

UNSW: 2015 Portfolio Entry Workshops Tue 29th September, 10.00am – 12.00pm Thu 1st October, 10.00am – 12.00pm Paddington Campus, CNR Oxford St & Greens Road, Paddington A free workshop for prospective students to learn how to prepare and develop their own portfolio.

HOLIDAY EVENTS UNSW: Cochlear Science event: Monday 21st September . For students in Years 9 to 12 and parents. Free admission UNSW: The ConocoPhillips Science Experience: Mon 28th to Wed 30th September. For Year 9 and 10 student. Cost is $120 To register, see

Assessment staff will be available to provide personal feedback, guide students through the best possible portfolio, and offer step-by-step advice on portfolio submission.

SYDNEY UNIVERSITY EVENTS: IT AND SCIENCE Girls' Programming Network The Girls' Programming Network (GPN) is an extracurricular program run by girls, for girls. In this


Contact: 1800 117 262 or

UNSW: Campus Tours Fri 2nd October, 3.30pm – 4.30pm, Commerce Courtyard, UNSW Kensington Sat 3rd October, 10.00am – 11.15am, Central Lecture Block, UNSW Kensington Highly trained and experienced student ambassadors will guide participants through the ins and outs of study at UNSW, while showing all that the university has to offer. The tour on Saturday the 3rd of October will also begin with a 15 minute presentation on the university.

University of Sydney Engineering Leadership Scholarships Applications close: Fri 9th October Students will receive an annual stipend of $18,000 and take part in an annual structured professional experience placement with a leading firm. Scholars will also receive leadership insights through working with the University of Sydney’s John Grill Centre for Project Leadership and by having direct access to an industry mentor. Contact: aduate/future/leadership.shtml

CQ University: Online Information Session Tuesday 1st December, 3pm - 6pm (AEST) @ Online This online information session allows students to have questions answered without attending an information session in person.

SAE Institute Scholarship Program Applications close Fri 18th December. SAE Creative Media Institute offers scholarships to outstanding creative media applicants. SAE Scholarships are awarded to recognise creative talent coupled with academic excellence and outstanding leadership.

Ace the HSC Seminar: Term 4 2015 Sunday 1st November, UTS, Broadway Campus Sun 8th November, UTS Macquarie University An opportunity for Year 11 students who are beginning their HSC Year and their parents to gain insight into the most important aspects of HSC success. The seminars will cover how to maintain a stress free year, secrets to HSC success, HSC English (Standard and Advanced), and Mathematics (General and 2 unit).

National Summer Art Scholarships 2016 Applications close Wed 30th September Scholarships allow students in Year 11 to spend a week over summer (9th – 16th January 2016) at the National Gallery of Australia, Canberra. This provides an opportunity to engage with staff at the National Gallery as well as other arts professionals, artists and peers from around the nation. Two students from each state and territory will be selected to participate in the program. Contact: (02) 6240 6632 or

Essential Guide for Graduates The Workforce Development Services team has produced the third Essential Guide for Graduates called - 25 things your future boss needs to tell you; Applying for the right job; and Time to get a job. The resource was written by a university student to provide some tips and tricks for students who are about to complete their course from school, university or technical college/institute.

Western Sydney University Scholarships Vice Chancellor’s Leadership Scholarship and Aspire (Group A) applications close: January 2015 UWS Sports Scholarship (Group A) applications close: January 2015 Donor Funded Scholarship (Group B) applications close: January 2015 Western Sydney University awards a number of scholarships to recognize attributes including leadership, academic excellence, sporting achievement and community involvement, as well as a number of equity scholarships to support students. welcome/why_recommend_uws/scholarships

SCHOLARSHIPS Nursing and Allied Health Undergraduate Scholarship and Support Scheme Applications close Monday 21st September Available to students who intend to enrol in an accredited/approved undergraduate allied health course in 2016.

My Health Career: ATARS for Exercise Science and Dentistry Courses Throughout September My Health Career will be publishing the ATARs for every undergraduate health course in Australia.

Successful applicants will receive up to $5,000 per year for full time students ($2,500 for part time) as a contribution towards the cost of study to a maximum value of $30,000.


ATARs for every Exercise Science course in Australia: ce/exercise+science-atar ATARs for every Dentistry course in Australia: R-for-dentistry

Individual appointments are also available and can be booked at: Original Photo ID is required for entry to the Consulate. Sydney TAFE: Information Sessions Gymea Campus: Tue 15th September, 7.00pm, Block E, Ground Floor, Cnr Hotham Road and Kingsway Gymea Loftus Campus: Wed 16th September, 7.00pm, Block D, Ground Floor, Rawson Avenue, Loftus Sydney TAFE Bachelor of Design: Tue 13th October, 6.00pm – 8.00pm, Design Centre Enmore, Exhibition Space, 110 Edgeware Rd Enmore Interior Design and Decoration: Thu 12th November, 6.00pm – 8.00pm, Design Centre Enmore, Exhibition Space, 110 Edgeware Rd Enmore Hospitality: Wed 2nd December, 11.30am – 6.00pm, The Apprentice Restaurant, Level 7, Building E, Corner of Harris and Thomas Street, Ultimo Graphic Design: Wed 2nd December, 4.00pm – 6.00pm, St George College, Building M, Level 1, Room 3 (M1.3), 19 Montgomery Street, St George

Defence Jobs Australia: Information Sessions Sydney – Trade Careers: Mon 7th September, 6.30pm, 9 George Street, Parramatta Canberra – Defence Careers: Tue 8th September, 6.00pm, Level 1, 64 Northbourne Avenue Sydney – Army Reserve: Tue 8th September, 6.30pm, DFRC Parramatta - Level 4, 9 George Street Sydney – Women in Defence: Thu 10th September, 6.30pm, Level 22, Darling Park 2, 201 Sussex Street Canberra – Navy Careers: Tue 15th September, 6.00pm, Level 2, 64 Northbourne Ave Canberra – ADF Fitness: Thu 17th September, 6.00pm, DFRC Canberra, Level 2, 64 Northbourne Ave ents

Sydney TAFE: Apprenticeship Days Tue 10th November, 1.00pm – 7.00pm, Sydney TAFE, Gymea Campus, Cnr of Hotham Rd and the Kingsway Thu 12th November, 1.00pm – 7.00pm, Sydney TAFE, Ultimo College, Jones Street Mall, Ultimo

Basair Aviation College and Sydney Aviators are holding an Open Day on Sunday, 20th September 2015 from 8:30am to 4.30pm and would like to invite you to join us. Learn about careers as: - a COMMERCIAL PILOT, and - a REMOTE PILOT (Drones / UAV.) If you would like to come and see what our college has to offer and book a trial introductory flight please register on or call 02 9793 8900.

Australian Training Company: 2015 School Leaver Information Sessions Apprenticeships: Tue 22nd September, 7.00pm – 8.30pm, Homebush Apprenticeships: Wed 30th September, 7.00pm – 8.30pm, Blacktown Traineeships: Tue 15th December, 9.30am – 11.00am, Homebush Traineeships: Wed 20th January, 7.00pm – 8.30pm, Homebush Discuss future traineeship and apprenticeship opportunities in a variety of industries. The sessions will conclude with one-one-one interviews. Contact: Jade on (02) 9704 1500 or (02)

US Undergraduate Information Session + Sport Scholarship Information Sessions Dates : Friday, September 25, 2015 and Monday, September 28, 2015 Time: 1:30 for 2:00-4:00pm Location: EducationUSA, US Consulate General, Level 10, MLC Centre, 19-29 Martin Place, Sydney Intended Audience: High school students aiming to compete in NCAA college sport + parents and students interested in learning about the US undergraduate application process. Other Information: A free general information session on the US undergraduate application process and NCAA eligibility process. RSVP is essential by Wednesday, September 23 (places may be filled before the RSVP deadline).

Australian Training Company: Information Technology Traineeships for 2016 Information Session: Tue 8th September, 4.00pm – 6.00pm Information Session: Wed 9th September, 4.00pm – 6.00pm Aengus Kavanagh Education & Equity Centre, Mt Druitt

RSVP: NCAA sponsored sports are listed under the sports tab at:


Traineeships provide the opportunity to attain a nationally accredited Certificate III and IV in Information Technology, along with 2 years of industry experience in a growing computing environment. There are additional opportunities for further accreditation with industry recognised Microsoft, Apple and Cisco certifications. Contact:

Whitehouse Institute of Design: 2016 Summer Holiday Workshops Commencing on January 4 2016, Whitehouse will be offering a series of 2, 3, 5 and 10 day workshops for those looking to build technique and skills in Fashion Illustration, Interiors Illustration or Image Styling.

Echo Entertainment Apprentice Chef Program Applications close: Wed 30th September Apprentice chefs will be exposed to the best that The Star Hotel & Casino has to offer with exposure to their broad range of signature restaurants as well as a culinary brigade of over 200 chefs. Echo is seeking candidates with a positive outlook, team player mentality, hard-working attitude, natural flair for flavour and ingredients, and an understanding that being a chef is a way of life, not just a job. tice-chef-now-accepting-applications

Actors College of Theatre and Television: Upcoming Auditions Advanced Diploma of Stage and Screen Acting: Wed 7th October, 9.00am – 5.00pm, Advanced Diploma of Stage and Screen Acting: Sat 10th October, 9.00am – 1.00pm, Advanced Diploma of Music Theatre: Sat 10th October, 9.00am – 1.00pm Advanced Diploma of Music Theatre: Mon 12th October, 9.00am – 5.00pm Macleay College: Evening Classes Available from February 2016 From February 2016 Macleay College will offer evening classes four nights a week from 6.00pm – 9.00pm. Evening classes will be available for all Diploma and Bachelor courses at both the Sydney and Melbourne campuses. Students who enroll into the evening course will study two nights a week during the trimester period.

HIA youthBUILD Adviser Program HIA youthBuild offers advice on a range of different trades including typical duties, training requirements and desirable personal qualities. Sydney TAFE: Information Sessions and Courses Learn a Language 10 Week Course: Sat 12 September, 10.00am – 12.00pm Ultimo College Graphic Design Information Session: Wed 2nd December, 4.00pm – 6.00pm, St George College

Bedford College Book before 6 Oct for next intake. 1 year Diplomas in Business, Leadership & Management and Early Childhood Education. Automatic entry (with Uni credits) into a number of universities. For more information call us on 1300174174 or visit

PRIVATE COLLEGES Australian National College of Beauty: Day in the Life Workshop Sat 26th September, 9.30am – 12.30pm, Wellness Centre, 235 Pyrmont St, Pyrmont A ‘Day in the Life’ Workshop is a half-day session packed with invaluable insights into the world of Beauty Therapy. The session will help attendees learn about make-up artistry, aromatherapy, manicure, massage, and the retail skills needed for a career in Beauty Therapy.

Think Education Early Entry Program Year 12s can pre-enrol in desired course before exams. The program is available for students wishing to study at the Billy Blue College of Design, William Blue College of Hospitality and Tourism, APM College of Business and Communication, Australasian College of Natural Therapies, Jansen Newman Institute, Australian National College of Beauty, Southern School of Natural Therapies, and CATC Design School.

Nature Care College: Health Careers Day Sat 21st November, 11.30am – 4.00pm, 46 Nicholson Street, St Leonards The healthy careers day will include a college presentation, informative talks with a course advisor, and an opportunity to tour the campus. Contact: 02 8423 8333 or p?id=6

AIT Information Night 15 September, 6.00pm to 8.00pm 13 October, 6.00pm to 8.00pm Level 2, 7 Kelly Street, Ultimo


also love my Dad because he gets lots of money when he works. Michaela

AIE AIE's Information Evenings are a fantastic way to find out how to launch your career in the games, 3D animation and film FX industries. The evening on 17th September will run from 6pm to 8pm at Level 2, Wentworth Park Grandstand, Wattle Street, Ultimo NSW 2007 phone 8514 8800

My Dad’s name is Erik. He is 39 years old. He has black hair. My Dad has exactly the eye colour as me, he also has a little car. My Dad’s favourite colour is blue. He is so good at playing soccer. I like to play a lot of games such as tennis and hide and seek with him. I love my Dad because he loves me and we always stay together. Eva

Ms G. Hakos Careers Adviser




My Dad’s name is Peter. He is 40 years old. He has brown straight hair. My Dad has brown eyes and beautiful eyelashes. My Dad likes to go on trips and holidays and his favourite holiday is Queensland. My Dad’s favourite colour is blue. He is good at playing soccer with the ball and watching the football. We like to go to the football stadium. I love my Dad because he is special to me. Sometimes his stresses but I still love him because he is the best Dad in the whole wide world. Deme

MY DAD My Dad’s name is Mark. He is 47 years old. He has long black spiky hair. My dad is very fit because he exercises every day. He is taller than my mum. My Dad’s got black eyes. My Dad is very very silly like my mum because he tells funny jokes and makes us laugh. My Dad’s favourite colours are: aqua, blue, red and light green. My Dad is very good at soccer and trying to take the ball off another player to score a goal. I really like going for walks with my dad. I love my dad because he loves me and gives me hugs and kisses. Khrysa

My Dad’s name is Anthony Antonas. He is 38 years old. He has short grey hair. My Dad has a short beard and a short moustache. He is short. My Dad always loves me and he is a great person. My Dad’s favourite colour is blue. He is good at keeping me safe and teaching me new things. We like saying jokes and we like playing footy in the backyard. I love my Dad because he loves me very much and he is very funny. George

My Dad’s name is Emmanuel. He is 24 years. He has short hair. My Dad has brown eyes. He is strong and fit. My Dad is very tall and his taller than my Mum. He makes funny jokes and laughs at them. My Dad’s favourite colour is red. He is so good at soccer and basketball. I like to play PlayStation with him. I love my Dad because he plays with me like soccer, swimming and golf. Ethan

My Dad’s name is Matthew. He is 38 years old. He has black spiky hair. My Dad has a dark brown eyes and he is very tall. My Dad is a nice person and he is always happy. My Dad’s favourite colours are: black and white. He is good at every sport because when he was a little he played rugby. I like watching television and I like watching rugby with my Dad. I love my Dad because he looks after me. Mitchell

My Dad’s name is Chris, he is 35 years old. He has brown flat spiky hair. My Dad has brown eyes and black eyelashes. He is taller than my mum and he has hair on his legs. My Dad’s favourite colours are white and blue because he goes for them on the television. My Dad is good at building houses and I always see him every day at work. My Dad always stays with me and plays with me so much. My Dad loves me so much and I love him because he buys me toys and I really like it. Nicole My Dad’s name is Nick. He is 39 years old. He has straight black hair. My Dad has a short spiky beard. My Dad is funny but he is sometimes strict when he is working. My Dad’s favourite colour is light green. He is good at soccer but he is also good at making sound effects. We like having ice-cream and doing things when my mum does not know. I love my Dad because he lets me do anything I want. I





personal best time breaking the 50sec for the first time. At the end of the day all students tried their best and the team effort was rewarded with an overall placing of 4th out of 9 schools, the Junior boys and Intermediate boys finished 3rd in their respective divisions and the Opens finished 4th. This was yet again a wonderful meet for the boys.

BOYS ISA ATHLETICS RESULTS The 3000m event marks the beginning of the ISA athletics carnival and this year the first event of the day produced a very memorable moment for the College, with Nathan Adam representing the College from Year 9 placing 2nd overall from 16 competitors in the junior boys’ event. Nathan ran a very calculated race, managing to stay with the leaders group throughout the race and in the final 2 laps putting in an extraordinary effort to finish the race in 2nd place in a new school record time of 11.09.31 seconds. Nathans effort earned him an incredible roar from one of the schools largest ever Athletics teams 78 in total. There were many other excellent performances on the day with Nicholas Kollias placing 3rd in the U14 discus and in his favoured event the High Jump the school current record holder in the U12, U 13 and U14 placed 1st on count back with a jump of 1.55m. Although not his best meet, Nicholas still managed to make the ISA team for 2015 and had the opportunity to compete at this year’s representative carnival. Spiros Zafiropoulos also qualified for the ISA team placing first in the U13 Shot Put with a throw of 11.28m and 3rd overall in the discus. Spiros is buoyed by his efforts last year. Our Year 7 boys also participated well in their first ISA Athletics carnival with strong performances from all the track and field athletes. Perhaps the greatest moment in the meet was watching the Year 12 boys compete in their last Athletics carnival led by their school Sports Captain Adonis Tsoustas. Michael Savic, Christos Kollias and Nikolay Balashov all deserve immense recognition for their efforts in not only this carnival but all their contributions throughout the many years in the Senior School. If the day could not get any better Zac Prelec in the U14 was successful in making the very competitive 100m with a time of 12.21 and 200m with a time of 25.54, on the day Zac finished overall 3rd in each event helping him qualify for the ISA team. With Zac’s inclusion the College has 4 male competitors in the ISA squad for 2015. Zac’s achievement is a major feat for the College as there are roughly 32 competitors competing in each of these events. Our Junior boys relay team also did very well finishing 3rd overall but only the top two were successful in competing in the next level. Nevertheless the boys deserve credit in achieving a


BASKETBALL All boys are reminded that registrations are now overdue for the basketball season. Also the U13A, U14A, U15 and Open Boys basketball teams will be training in the holidays on the 30th September at the school in the SPACe.

GIRLS ISA ATHLETICS RESULTS Last Tuesday 8th September approximately 70 students attended the ISA Athletics Carnival held at Sydney Olympic Park Athletics Centre. The students were eager to improve on their performances at the school and invitational carnival. With all students well prepared for their events due to the six week training program conducted each Tuesday and Thursday and the Half Day training session. The ISA competition is very competitive particularly in Athletics. The students were encouraged to improve on their personal best times or scores and to try their best. Some exceptional individual results were achieved and no doubt contributed to the success on the day. Some girls Individual placings in Division 2 include: Yovana Stosic - 2nd in 15yrs Shot Put, 3rd in 15yrs Javelin Chyrstal Christie - 1st in 17yrs Long Jump, 1st in 200m and 100m, 17yrs High Jump,1st in 17yrs Triple Jump Efthimia Kollias - 2nd in 12yrs 200m, 1st in 12yrs 100m, 2nd in 12yrs Long Jump Chloe Drougas - 1st in 12yrs 200m and 100m, 1st in 12yrs Javelin Vivika Lynch – 1st in 12yrs Shot Put, 2nd in 12yrs Discus Antonia Katerinas – 3rd in 16yrs 200m and 100m Nicoletta Tsimboukis – 2nd in 12yrs 800m, 2nd in 12yrs 400m Desi Kapodistrias - 3rd in 13yrs 800m, 3rd in 13yrs 400m Rhea Tsimboukis - 3rd in 14yrs 800m Victoria Zois – 1st in 15yrs 800m Ivana Bogojevic – 2nd in 17yrs 800m Felicity Ginis - 3rd in 15-16yrs Triple Jump, 2nd in 15yrs 400m Christina Vlahos - 3rd in 14yrs 100m, 3rd in 14yrs Long Jump, 2nd in 14yrs 400m Vivienne Hatzigiakoumis – 3rd in 14yrs Discus Larissa Andrianakos - 3rd in 16yrs Javelin Steffie Papadopoulos - 3rd in 16yrs Long Jump Girls 4x 100m Relay 3rd Congratulations to the following girls who broke school records at the ISA Athletics Carnival


Chrystal Christie for Triple Jump and Long Jump

Women 18 and Under 3000 Metre Run 14:15.07 Jennifer Eve Contominas Girls 17 years Long Jump 4.38m Chrystal Christie Girls 17 years 800m 2:51.46 Ivana Bogojevic Girls 12 years Long Jump 3.95m Efthimia Kollias Girls 17-18 years Triple Jump 9.10m Chrystal Christie

Christina Vlahos for 400m

Efthimia Kollias for Long Jump

Ms K. O’Shea (Girls Sport) and Mr F. Kaldis (Boys Sport)





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