News 151 15a 2015

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VOLUME XXXII No. 15 16th October, 2015



OCTOBER Yearly Exams for Primary

19th– 29th

OXI Day Doxology


Year 5 Divine Liturgy




NOVEMBER Final Assessment Period Begins Years 7-9


K2016 Orientation Morning


Year 4 Divine Liturgy


Final Assessment Period Year 10 Begins


Parent Forum Year 7 2016


Year 4-6 depart for Camp


Year 3 depart for Camp


Year 3-6 return from Camp


K2016 Orientation Morning


Divine Liturgy HICES Maths Tournament


Orientation Day Year 7 2016 Parent Teacher Interviews K-4 & Yr 6


JS Performance@SPACe


‘Tales to Share’ Parent Teacher Interviews K – Yr 5


DECEMBER Year 6 Graduation – Dinner Dance


Botany Pool Year 6


Academic Excellence and Student Leadership Assembly Year 3-12 Term Ends


Staff Development Day


Our P & F Committee works tirelessly for our College Community. One of the many projects the P & F has supported is the new Senior School sign above, installed on Wednesday, 13th October.

We thank the P & F and encourage all our parents to attend the Outdoor Cinema Evening on the 7th November, 2015. Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag





Junior School Athletics Champions receiving their award from Mr C. Livisiannis

Boys Athletic Champions receiving their award from Mr P. Meintanis

U12 Girls Futsal Regional Champions receiving their award from Mr P. Meintanis

ASISSA representatives at CIS swimming carnival receiving their award from Father S. Scoutas and Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag


National Schools Girls Basketball Champions receiving U15 NSW Athletics School Relay Tournament receiving their award from P & F President Mrs E. Bourdaniotis their award from P & F President Mrs E. Bourdaniotis

ISA Open Girls Football Champions receiving their Award from Mr C. Pavlou

U15 Blue Boys Basketball Champions receiving their award from Mr C. Pavlou

ISA Opens Boys Basketball Champions receiving their award from Mr C. Pavlou

U14 Blue Boys Basketball Champions receiving their award from Mr A. Dookie

ISA Intermediate Boys Swimming Champions receiving their award from Mr A. Dookie

Best & Fairest Boys Basketball receiving their award from Mr C. Livisiannis


Best & Fairest Girls Basketball receiving their award from Mr C. Livisiannis

Best & Fairest Netball receiving their award from Mr C. Livisiannis

Boys Swimming Age Champions receiving their award from Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag

Girls Swimming Age Champions receiving their award from Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag

Boys Athletics Age Champions receiving their award from Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag

Girls Athletics Age Champions receiving their award from Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag

ISA Athletics Representatives receiving their award from Father S. Scoutas and Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag


College Sportsman and Woman of the Year receiving their award from Father S. Scoutas and Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag


Adonis Tsoustas receiving his Pierre de Coubertin award from Mr C. Pavlou

P & F NEWS The P&F Committee would like to wish our Year 12 students, the very best for the Higher School Certificate examination. May God guide every student, to achieve their best result, through prayer, study and determination, together with the continued support of teachers, parents and family. Upcoming Event: 7th November, 2015 Outdoor Cinema Night : “Paper Planes “ to be held at the Senior School campus. Come along with your family, children and friends. Food, drinks, sausage sizzle, popcorn, fairy floss, gelato, all will be available on the night. [A Flyer has been sent home with students. Please also refer to the SSC fb page] St Spyridon College Business Directory The St Spyridon College Business Directory is a valuable list of services, skills and businesses available among our parents and friends. It will be distributed to over 1000 people within our College and Parish Community. We welcome your support and encourage you to take advantage of this unique offer. Our offer includes: *One half page listing for 2 years. *Name of business. (No Logo) * Description of principal business: services/skills/goods offered. * Address/email/website and contact details Cost: $50 (cash or cheque only) SSC Umbrellas The P&F Committee, as part of its continued fundraising, have available for purchase, umbrellas with the school logo. These may be purchased at both the Senior and Junior College front office, and will also be on offer at the Junior School assembly, every Wednesday morning. Small folding Umbrella: $25 Large Golf style Umbrella: $40 P& F funds raised, to date: Trivia Night


Easter Stall


Palm Sunday Lunch


Mothers’ Day Stall


Mothers’ Night Out


Jr Athletics Carnival Canteen


Fathers’ Day Stall


Fathers’ Day Breakfast


Open Day Junior School


Running Total


Angela Vergotis (Asst. Secretary)


K - 12 NEWS Year 7 Applications are now invited from new and continuing students to sit for the following ACER Examination Scholarships:

Whooping cough starts like a cold and progresses to bouts of coughing that can last for many weeks. The infection can occur even in fully-vaccinated children. Older children may just have a cough that is persistent and may be worse at night.

Year 6 (Year 7, 2017) A Year 6 Scholarship for the top Year 6 student applying for St Spyridon College will receive their tuition fees paid for four years from Year 7 to Year 10.

Children with these symptoms should see a doctor. If your doctor diagnoses whooping cough in your school-aged child, please let the school know and keep your child at home until they have taken 5 days of antibiotics. Keep coughing children away from babies.

Year 10 (Year 11, 2017) Two scholarships for the two top Year 10 students will receive their tuition fees paid for two years.

Your local public health unit can provide advice about whooping cough on 1300 066 055 or visit the NSW Health website gh/Pages/Information-for-childcare-and-schools.aspx


Closing date for applications is Monday, 8th February, 2016. ACER scholarship examinations will be held on Saturday, 27th February, 2016.

CONGRATULATIONS We congratulate Mr & Mrs Mantsis on the birth of their daughter Kiara on the 12th October at 5:01am. We wish them a long life filled with happiness and good health.

You may register now online: follow the links to Online Registration.




Many students with a current SSTS pass won’t need to reapply, as a new pass will be issued automatically. However, you will need to complete an application form if:  Applying for the first time  Enrolling in Kindergarten  Progressing from Yr 2 to Yr 3  Progressing from Yr 6 to Yr 7  Changing name, school and/or address  Requesting a new additional pass as a result of a new shared parental responsibility situation.


Application for 2016 SSTS passes starts from Monday 2nd November 2015. More information can be found online at

The uniform shop will be closed on Wednesday, 28th October 2015.

UNIFORM SHOP January 2016


The uniform shop will be opening on the following days for back to school purchases.

Whooping Cough (Pertussis) Outbreak

Wednesday, 20th January, 2016 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. Monday, 25th January, 2016 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. Wednesday, 27th January, 2016 8.30 a.m. to 10 a.m. and 2.30 p.m. to 4.00 p.m.

There is an outbreak of whooping cough (pertussis) in NSW, mainly affecting school-aged children. Coughing spreads the infection to others nearby. Whooping cough can spread to anyone at home, including younger brothers and sisters. Whooping cough can be especially dangerous for babies.



their 25 years of service to the Greek Community in Australia. The Year 4 students brought tears and smiles to these valuable members of our community with their singing and dancing, and their performance in Greek of a short play written by Κυρία Στέλλα. All present agreed that it was a memorable comingtogether of the older and new generations. The students each received heartfelt thanks and a small gift for their commitment to Greek culture.

Welcome back to Term Four and the busiest term of them all. The Dates to Remember section on the front cover of the newsletter will assist you with your planning.

JUNIOR SCHOOL PERFORMANCE K – 6 will be presenting their musical extravaganza, Tales To Share on Wednesday 25th November at 12:30pm. The performance will take place at the SPACe. Tickets will need to be purchased and, are available now from the Junior School Office. Cost $20. Please note you will need to have your ticket with you to gain entry on the day. No responsibility will be accepted for lost or misplaced tickets. More information will follow via bulletin regarding rehearsal times and procedure for the day. We hope you will be able to join us.

“OXI” DAY COMMEMORATION The Year Six student Leadership Team and K – 2 are expected to attend the OXI DAY service at St Spyridon Church on Sunday 25th October. Students will be required to meet their teachers in the Primary Courtyard at 10:00am and be dressed in their Full School Uniform (including blazers).

KALANTA The traditional singing of the kalanta to the parishioners will be held this year between the 7th and 9th of December. A note will be sent home to all students in Years 2 – 6. It is a rewarding experience which binds generations and spreads the Good News of Christ’s birth.

SPECIALTY PHOTOS Specialty photos are now available to order. Please collect order form from the Junior School office. Payment options are listed on the order form. All orders with payment must be placed by Friday 23rd October.

Mrs A. Gambierakis Greek Co-ordinator

Mrs A. Synesios Principal

YEAR 4 GREEK PERFORMANCE AT 9th NATIONAL GREEK WELFARE CONFERENCE It was with great anticipation and pleasure that a group of 30 Year 4 students along with their teachers, Κυρία Άννα, Κυρία Στέλλα and Ms Sirmanoglou, visited the Little Bay Community Centre on Tuesday 13th October to perform for the attendees of the 9th National Greek Welfare Conference who had gathered there to celebrate


SENIOR SCHOOL REPORT OVER THE RAINBOW DVD The DVD for our Musical ‘Over the Rainbow’ is now on sale at the Administration Office for $25.00 each.

PARENT FORUM YEAR 12, 2016 On Tuesday, 27th October, 2015 at 6.00 p.m., a meeting will be held for all students of Year 11 and their parents. Students will hear information about the HSC and the College HSC Assessment Handbook will be distributed on the night. It is expected that all students of Year 11 will attend with their parents. Students are to wear their full school uniform as they will be presented with their Year 12 badges.

WORLDS GREATEST CUT The Mentis Family would like to thank St Spyridon College for helping Kalliopi raise a total of $741.00


Kalliopi has finally cut her hair. This was an emotional time for her after 3 years of growing it.

On Sunday, 25th October all Middle School students are expected to attend the Church service at St Spyridon, which also includes the commemoration of OXI Day. Students will need to assemble in the Junior School playground by 10 am in full school uniform including blazer. Parents will be expected to pick their children up promptly from the front of the Church at the conclusion of the service.

What a great achievement for the Year 9 student, to donate her hair so they can make a wig, for someone in need, during their treatment. Total raised $3,519.00

Year 11 representatives will be attending the celebrations at the Archdiocese.

NATIONAL ART SCHOOL COURSE Chrystal Christie and Danae Kyriakaki spent five days during the September school holidays at the National Art School in Darlinghurst completing the HSC Intensive Studio Practice course. Chrystal completed the Module 2 in Ceramics and Danae was studying Life Drawing. The girls gained knowledge and technical conceptual skills necessary to prepare the body of work for the HSC in 2016. Both girls were especially proud of the exhibition for family and friends at the end of the week.

Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School




Katsogiannis (Principal), Ms Kokinelis (Dean of Middle School) and Mrs Gambriell (Year 11 Adviser) will be informed shortly.



"You don't face your fears, you stand up to them."

This week the role, duties and process involved in applying for the position of Peer Support Leader were explained to Year 9. Those interested in taking on this leadership role were provided with a guide for writing their letter of application. This letter is due on Wednesday to Mrs Dalakiaris.

Unknown There once was a boy called David who came face to face with a 3 metre high giant (Goliath). This giant was a savage warrior that caused the rest of David’s family to tremble with fear and retreat. David however did not do this. Instead, he picked up a sling and a stone, the only tools he knew how to fight with, and ran towards the giant with great courage. While everybody else thought the giant was too big to hit, David thought he was too big to miss. The rest is history; he hit the giant between the eyes and that was the end of that.

In preparation for the move into the Upper School and the Leadership roles on offer, all Year 9 will participate in Leadership and Peer Support Training Day on Friday, 23rd October. The selection of Peer Support Leaders for the incoming Year 7 2016 cohort will be finalized later in the term and formally acknowledged at the Middle School Assembly.

The point of retelling this story is to remind Middle School, especially Year 7, not to panic as the ‘giant’, the Yearly examinations approach. Instead take a strong stance, don’t just face your fears, stand up to them!! Be like David, take a shot, start making plans and set goals every day to chip away any fears you may have. The more you do now, the more confident and successful you will be in achieving great results.




On Tuesday, 10th November, we will once again be hosting a welcome BBQ for Year 7 2016 and their parents. This will be followed by a Parent Forum in which important information will be given to ensure the smooth entry of students next year. The BBQ will begin at 5.45pm and be followed by the Parent Forum at 7.15pm. We are very much looking forward to meeting all our new students and their parents on this occasion.


If anyone is unable to attend this event please contact the School Enrolment Officer Mrs Angela Kringas on 93113340.

In Week 5 Middle School students will be sitting examinations in most subjects. Subsequently, the term ahead will be full of new and old challenges for everyone. Students have begun to receive Exam Notifications outlining what will be tested.

Ms G Kokinelis Dean of Middle School

In Pastoral Care over the coming weeks, all students will be focussing on further developing their academic skills by preparing effectively for this important time. We encourage parents to support their children by overseeing their study routine at home and discouraging any counter-productive distractions such as Skype, Facebook, mobile phones, and playing electronic games.



Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι, Στην έκδοση αυτή θα σας κρατήσουμε συντροφιά με το γραπτό μαθήτριας της Γ΄ Λυκείου. Το γραπτό αυτό γράφηκε επίσης κάτω από τις συνθήκες των μεγάλων διαγωνισμών του Β΄ εξαμήνου για την τάξη αυτή.


Καλά να περνάτε! Κ. Μ. Φαλέτα

PREFECT SELECTIONS The second round of Prefect voting by staff and students has occurred following the presentation of speeches by Year 11 applicants. Congratulations to all for your efforts. Those who are successful in moving on to the panel interviews with Mrs


Μ: Κι εγώ! Και τώρα, τι απέγινε με τον Πάνο;

Question (a) Write an advertisement for your tourist destination. Write in Greek, 50 – 100 words.

Ι: Τα ξανάφτιαξαμε, αλλά θα σου πω την ιστορία άλλη φορά, χα, χα, χα!

ΕΛΑΤΕ ΣΤΗ ΣΑΝΤΟΡΙΝΗ Αν σκέφτεστε να ταξιδέψετε αυτό το καλοκαίρι, δεν γίνεται να μην επισκεφτείτε την υπέροχη και μαγευτική Σαντορίνη. Με φανταστικά και οικονομικά δωμάτια στα πιο τέλεια ξενοδοχεία δεν θα μπορείτε να πείτε «όχι».

Μ: Πρέπει να φύγω, να πάω φροντιστήριο οπότε θα μιλήσουμε αύριο και θα μου την πεις τότε, δεν ξεφεύγεις… Ι: Έγινε, φιλάκια! Christina Balayiannis Year 11 (Modern Greek Year 12)

Σε όποιο ξενοδοχείο διαλέξετε από τη λίστα μας, θα έχετε πανοραμική θέα και θα είστε κοντά στα καλύτερα εστιατόρια του νησιού.


Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες καλέστε στον αριθμό 698 031 5504. Ελπίζω να δεχτείτε αυτή τη μοναδική ευκαιρία να επισκεφτείτε τις Κυκλάδες. Question (b) Write the discussion you have with your friend after a fight in a common effort to rectify the situation amongst you. Write the dialogue you have in Greek, 150 – 200 words.


As Year 12 2015 are sitting for their HSC examinations, the students in Year 11 (Year 12 2016) are embarking on their final 12 months of study at school. Any of these students who wish to drop a subject should consider their preferred courses and careers for the future, as well as their progress and results in all their subjects before making any final decisions. It is recommended that students have an interview with me to discuss all options when considering their HSC study program.

Μ: Ιωάννα θέλω πρώτ’απ’όλα να σου ζητήσω συγνώμη που ανακατεύτηκα στο θέμα με τον Πάνο! Πραγματικά, δεν ήθελα να βρεθώ σε δύσκολη θέση, ήθελα μόνο να βοηθήσω τον Πάνο να καταλάβει πως η ζωή συνεχίζεται μετά από το χωρισμό και ότι θα μπορέσει να το ξεπεράσει.

There are several events and information sessions about different careers and courses coming up in the near future which should prove worthwhile:

UNIVERSITY NEWS AND EVENTS University of Notre Dame: Getting to Know Nursing Mon 2nd November, 6.00pm – 7.30pm, 160 Oxford St, Darlinghurst Students attending this session will learn about nursing as a profession and the varied areas in which nurses are able to practice. Contact: 02 8204 4404 or /getting-to-know-nursing-nov

Ι:Καλά, αυτό το κατάλαβα, αλλά την ημέρα που τσακωθήκαμε δεν ήξερα ότι απλά τον βοηθούσες, μου είχαν βάλει άλλοι στο μυαλό πως τα είχατε φτιάξει! Και γι’αυτόν τον λόγο, ζητώ εγώ συγνώμη, που σου έβαλα τις φωνές μπροστά σε όλους. Μ: Το εκτιμώ πολύ που το ξανασκέφτηκες επειδή δεν θέλω να χαλάσει μια υπέροχη φιλία για μια ασήμαντη παρεξήγηση. Επίσης καταλαβαίνω το γιατί μου έβαλες τις φωνές, επειδή τότε δεν ήξερες την αλήθεια. Γι’ αυτό, πολλές φορές, δεν πρέπει ν’ ακούμε τους άλλους γιατί ούτε αυτοί ξέρουν την αλήθεια και πολλοί το κάνουν επίτηδες για να μας πληγώσουν. Ι: Τώρα το έχω μάθει αυτό καλά και δεν θα το αφήσω να επαναληφθεί ποτέ! Έχουμε μια φιλία, που πολύ απλά δεν γίνεται να χαλάσει! Είμαστε κολλητές εδώ και δέκα χρόνια και δεν θέλω να αλλάξει τίποτα σε αυτή τη σχέση.

University of Norte Dame: New Bachelor of Business Administration With electives in areas such as Business Research Methods, Event Management, HR Development and Finance, students are provided with an extensive mix of theoretical and practical experiences taught by leaders of their fields. Applications for Semester 1, 2016 are now open. To apply or for further details visit our website or call the Prospective Students Office on 02 8204 4404.

Μ: Δεν ξέρω γιατί κλαίω, μάλλον επειδή σε νιώθω σαν να είσαι αδερφή μου. Σ’ αγαπώ πολύ και χαίρομαι που βρήκαμε την ευκαιρία να μιλήσουμε. Ι: Κι εγώ σ’ αγαπώ Ιωάννα! Σου το υπόσχομαι πως δεν θα αφήσω ποτέ κάτι τέτοιο να ξανασυμβεί.

UTS: Info Days Fri 18th December, 10.00am – 3.00pm, UTS City Campus, Broadway Tue 5th January, 10.00am – 3.00pm, UTS City Campus, Broadway


An opportunity to speak with university representatives about course options for 2016.

UNSW Business School invites Year 11 and 12 students to visit the new Barangaroo commercial precinct to join Deloitte and Westpac to explore the options of a technology career. Students will participate in an interactive workshop to discover how cutting edge technology and information systems underpin Deloitte’s and Westpac’s success. Contact: Julie O’Brien on 0411 542 268

UTS: Men in Nursing Thu 12th November, 5.30pm, City - Broadway Learn about what can be achieved in a career as a male nurse. A panel of industry experts will be in attendance to debunk common misconceptions about men in nursing, as well as speak about gender issues in the health industry more broadly. Contact:

Western Sydney University New Bachelor of Business ts_home/ug/business/bachelor_of_business Bond with Bond University Sydney 10 November, 6.30pm to 8.30pm Sheraton on the Park, 161 Elizabeth Street Prospective students and parents evening if considering attending Bond in 2016. Contact: (07) 5595 3090 or

UTS: New Bachelor of Health Science A flexible and innovative degree that equips students with qualifications to help make a difference across diverse health care settings.

Ace the HSC Seminar Term 4 2015 1 November UTS, Broadway Campus and 8 November UTS Macquarie University Advice for Yr 11s going into Yr 12.

UTS Sydney: Year 11 Law Discovery Day Thu 19th November & Thu 26th November, 9.00am – 2.00pm, UTS Faculty of Law, Cnr of Quay St and Ultimo Rd, Haymarket The day will include workshops and hands-on practical activities, as well as an opportunity to listen to professionals, academics and current students speak about all facets of law. Thu 19th November: Thu 26th November:

SYDNEY TAFE: INFORMATION SESSIONS AND COURSES Saturday Public Speaking Course: Sat 17th October, 9.30am – 12.30pm, Harris Street, Ultimo Bachelor of Applied Management Info Session: Wed 21st October 6.15pm – 7.30pm, St George College Diploma of Audiometry Info Session: Sat 31st October, 9.00am – 11.00am, Randwick College Skills and Literacy Assessment Day: Sat 31st October, 9.00am – 2.00pm, Randwick College Information Technology Info Session: Wed 11th November, 6.00pm – 7.00pm, Petersham College Diploma in Early Childhood Education & Care Info Session: Wed 25th November, 6.00pm – 7.00pm, Petersham College Bachelor of Applied Management Info Session: Wed 25th November, 6.15pm – 7.30pm, St George College Diploma in Early Childhood Education & Care: Thu 26th November 10.00am – 12.00pm, Loftus College, Petersham College, Randwick College Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care: Thu 26th November 10.00am – 12.00pm, Loftus College, Petersham College, Randwick College To find out more, go to:

UNSW Minerals Summer School Camp Students entering years 11 or 12 who are studying Physics and Mathematics are eligible to attend this 3-day camp where they will enjoy activities and excursions related to mining engineering. The cost is $200. More information and registration is available through this link: UNSW Art & Design Undergraduate Guide 2016 Course info, entry requirements, scholarships offered. s/atoms/files/2016_unsw_art_design_undergraduate _prospectus_.pdf UNSW: Deloitte and Westpac Workshop Mon 9th November, 9.30am – 12.30pm, Tower 2, International Towers, Barangaroo South.


Illustration, Image Styling and

SYDNEY TAFE APPRENTICESHIP AND TRAINEESHIP OPEN DAYS These are being held at: Sutherland College, Gymea – Tuesday 10 November, 1pm-7pm; Ultimo College- Thursday 12 November, 1pm-7pm. Displays, information and one-on- one advice about a large variety of trades and other areas of interest will be available. Booking is essential, go to: %2c69AW%2c1&_


College of Event Management Information Session Fri 16th October, 6.30pm, Level 9, 28 Foveaux Street Surry Hills Speak to lecturers and staff to learn about the courses on offer and career opportunities available after graduation. Contact: 1300 725 846 or s/information-sessions

PRIVATE COLLEGES AIE Open Day Sat 21 November, 10.00am – 3.00pm, Canberra & Sydney Learn about the courses designed to get careers started in game development, 3D animation and visual effects. The day will include a presentation on different areas of industry to get into as well as information about AIE full-time and part time courses.

St Patricks Institute of Education Information Session 15 November, 11.00am to 1.00pm Level 1, 65 York Street For Diplomas in Business, Management and Business Administration. 17 Top Education Institute Sydney City School of Law Information Evening 26 November, 5.00pm to 7.00pm Suite 1, Biomedical Building, 1 Central Avenue, Australian Technology Park, Eveleigh. ?Bck=Y&EventID=9&m=0|0&DisplayType=C

Sydney Aviators and Basair Aviation College Open Day Sun 1st November, Bankstown Airport Learn about getting a commercial pilot licence, a remote pilot license, view the campus, and take a discounted trial instructional flight. Contact: 02 9793 8900 121

GAP YEAR INFORMATION Lattitude Global Volunteering: Last Minute Availability for 2016 There are still a small number of placements available for programs departing 2016. You can be a teacher in China or Fiji, a medical assistant in Japan, an Outdoor Activities Instructor in the UK and many more.

Sydney Design School: Information Sessions Fri 30th October, 1.00pm Level 2, 40 Oxley Street, St Leonards Hear a presentation from Director Amanda Grace, to get a clear idea of what it’s like to study at the school as well as information on some of the career opportunities available upon graduation.

Student Exchange Australia and New Zealand Information Session Wed 21st October, 7.30pm, Belconnen Arts Centre, 118 Emu Bank, Belconnen Learn about the countries available for exchange and have questions answered by staff.

Sydney Design School Open Day Sat 14th November, 10.00am – 12.00pm, Level 2, 40 Oxley Street, St Leonards An opportunity to hear a presentation from the director about their courses, speak to educators who work in the professional world of design, discuss post-graduation options, and enroll in a course.

AFS Intercultural Programs: Information Sessions Sun 8th November, 11.00am – 1.00pm, Civic Library, London Circuit. Civic Square, Canberra AFS provides international exchange programs in more than 52 countries around the world. Visit an AFS Open Day or Night to learn more about the programs.

Whitehouse Institute of Design: Summer Workshops Mon 4th January – Fri 15th January, 2 Short Street, Surry Hills Whitehouse will be holding two day to two week workshops in Fashion Illustration, Interiors

Premed Projects Premed Projects provides opportunities for high school students planning on studying medicine, nursing, midwifery or dentistry to do hospital placement in the


Jump, Triple Jump and Junior relay. This alone is a significant contribution to represent St Spyridon College at the next level. From the ISA carnival both girls were selected to represent ISA at the NSWCIS carnival Chrystal in Triple Jump and Long Jump and Christina in the 400m. Both girls competed at this carnival with pride and Chrystal Christie went on to achieve 3rd overall at NSWCIS in 17yrs Triple Jump which allowed her to compete at the NSWALLSCHOOLS Athletics Championships at Sydney Olympic Athletics Centre in Homebush on Saturday, 10th October. The competition was amazing at this State level with such talented athletes. She came 8th overall and did her best with every jump.

UK, India or Thailand. These projects provide students with the opportunity to see what working in a hospital is really like, as well as relevant work experience that looks great on a med application! Students need to be 16 or older to participate. There are programs throughout 2016 still available for application.

USEFUL WEBSITES How Preferences for University Work This webpage provides a general idea of how the UAC application process works. ACPE Community Health. Future Boom Industry Careers with Woolworths Woolworths, Big W, BWS has apprenticeships and casual, part time or full time positions.

STUDY TIPS UNSW: Stay Motivated During STUVAC with These Study Tips 36137/stay-motivated-during-stuvac-with-thesestudy Macquarie University: Six Tips for Getting the Most out of Your Study Time s_facebook/6_tips_to_get_the_most_out_of_your_st udy_time TSFX EXAM/Study Tip: The Smartest Way to Work Through Past Exam Papers Ms G. Hakos Careers Adviser




Chrystal Christie was selected to represent the ISA Girls Football team at Monash University in Melbourne from Friday, 18th to Sunday 20th September, 2015. This was a great opportunity for Chrystal as not only did she travel interstate and compete against representative teams from Victoria and Queensland she made many friendships with students from other ISA schools.

Both Chyrstal Christie and Christina Vlahos have had a successful Athletics season with progression through the school representative pathway. Their journey commenced at our school carnival back in July where they were both standout competitors on the day allowing them to represent St Spyridon College at the ISA Athletics Carnival in September. At this carnival the girls had a heavy schedule competing in many events for our school. Chrystal competing in Javelin, 200m, 100m, High Jump, Shot Put, Triple Jump, Discus, Long Jump and 400m and Christina in the 100m, 200m, 400m Long

ISA BASKETBALL Summer season of sport begins this Saturday, 17th October with all teams travelling away. We have 6


against students across all school systems. Nicholas jumped 1.75m and placed 4th overall after a count back, only narrowly missing out on a place to represent the NSW schools Athletics team at the annual Australian schools titles in Melbourne this year.

girls’ basketball teams this year. Good luck to all teams for the season. The season draw has been sent to all families and can be found on the College website. Boys Sport

ATHLETICS Last term the College celebrated school sporting success at the annual Sports Presentation Evening. While team awards and individual award recipients were recognised the success of our athletes in athletics deserve a special mention in this edition of the Newsletter. After a successful ISA carnival Nicholas Kollias U14 (Discus, High Jump) of Year 9, Spiros Zafiropoulos U13 (Shot Put, Discus) of Year 8 and Zac Prelec U14 (100m, 200m) of Year 9 and Nathan Adam (3000m) all competed in the CIS Athletics tournament. This tournament is a prestigious event in its own right with students competing in all athletics events from all Independent Schools.

Spiros Zafiropoulos like Nicholas Kollias also competed at the CIS Carnival finishing 2nd in the shot put with a personal best and new school record of 12.24m. This is the second year running that Spiros has been named in the CIS Athletics Merit team. Spiros continues to work hard and train periodically for this event and his efforts helped him qualify for this year’s NSW All Schools at Homebush. At this event Spiros like Nicholas had very tough opposition from all the boys. Despite this Spiros achieved another PB of 12.93m and broke his own school record placing 4th overall and like Nicholas narrowly missing out on a spot in the NSW team.

Athletics track events are usually over in a fleeting moment, weeks of training and effort all come down to one effort. Zac Prelec seized that moment in the 100m and 200m with excellent results achieving not only his personal best but also beating school records along the way. Zac achieved a time of 11.94 sec in the U14 100m event and 25.00sec in the 200m event. The 3000m event is one of the most difficult events on the programme. This year the school was fortunate to have to Nathan Adam achieve a very impressive result qualifying 3rd in the ISA for the CIS event. With very little preparation for the event, Nathan managed to achieve a personal best at this year’s ISA carnival and a new school record for the event in a time of 11:09.31. At the CIS carnival Nathan also did very well achieving a time of 11:24.02. This is a commendable effort for a very difficult event. Congratulations.

Congratulations to all the boys but in particular Nicholas and Spiros who have managed to forge a very formidable pairing to represent the College in what is the best Athletics individual performances the College has achieved over the last couple of years.

Athletics field events require precision, accuracy, strength and either high levels of concentration and visualisation or attention skills. Nicholas Kollias after a successful athletics season last year, achieved an incredible jump in the High Jump event of 1.80m a school record and very close to a new CIS record. This was the 3rd year in a row that Nicholas Kollias represented the College at the CIS Athletics Carnival and after his 1st placing this year was yet again nominated on the CIS merit list for 2015. Nicholas went on to compete at the NSW All Schools Tournament at Homebush competing

BASKETBALL SEASON 2015- 2016 The boys basketball season begins next Saturday, 17th October 2015 against St Gregory’s College at the school SPACe. This year the boys have earned the opportunity to compete in the Division 2 competition and the contests will no doubt be very difficult. Training has begun at school and for a number of teams a second training session has also been included in order to strengthen team dynamics.



On Saturday 10th October the St Spyridon College First V Basketball team competed at the annual ISA Open boys gala day. This competition is designed to give all the Division 1 and 2 teams an opportunity to prepare for the season in a pool structured competition.

Students who placed orders for new basketball uniforms at school, and only those students, are asked to please ensure that they have purchased their garments from the school administration staff. Students will need the correct money placed in an envelope with their name and roll call class.

The school’s First V team competed against Chevalier College and St Pius X College (Division 1 schools). The boys were certainly not daunted by the task and were very competitive in both games.

Ms K. O’Shea (Girls Sport) and Mr F. Kaldis (Boys Sport)

The boys’ attitude was very pleasing throughout the day as they did not lose confidence and their passion defeating St Pauls in their next game, and again in their final game defeating St Andrews Cathedral School. I would like to congratulate all the boys on a wonderful pre-season tournament and wish our Firsts all the success in the season ahead.


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