News 156 5a 2016

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VOLUME XXXIII No 5 1st April, 2016





25th March Celebrations Church, Martin Place, Opera House


Walkathon JS


Term ends for Staff and students Palm Sunday


ANZAC Day Holy Monday School closed


Staff and Students Return


Holy Tuesday Holy Wednesday


Easter Focus Assembly JS Early dismissal 1.30pm Holy Thursday – School closed


Good Friday – School closed


Holy Saturday


ISA Sport

MAY Orthodox Easter


Easter Monday – school closed Staff and students depart for Perth


Students return in Winter Uniform


National Schools Event Staff and Students return from Perth

3rd – 4th 6th

National Schools Event Mother’s Day


Year 7 Vaccination


NAPLAN Years 3, 5, 7 & 9


NAPLAN Years 3, 5, 7 & 9


NAPLAN Years 3, 5, 7 & 9 P & F Mother’s Day Dinner







SCHOLARSHIPS ACER Scholarship Winners Year 7, 2017 – Year 10, 2020

On Sunday, 3rd April we will commemorate Greek Independence Day and The Annunciation of The Virgin Mary.

Congratulations to Adriana Drakoulis, Year 6, who has been granted the 2017 four year scholarship for Years 7 – 10.

We remind parents that due to the significant growth in our school population, the following arrangements have been made: 10.00am: Years 5 and 6 to meet their teachers in Mary Hamer Quadrangle and Years 7 and 12 in the Primary School playground. The students will represent the School in St Spyridon Church for the memorial service. At the conclusion of the service, Father Steven will speak on the significance of the day. Proems will be recited by students from St Spyridon College Junior and Senior School and the Afternoon School. At the conclusion: Children are dismissed to go home, have lunch and freshen up.


12.45pm: All K-12 students are to assemble behind our school banner in the assigned area at Martin Place Cenotaph. The teachers will assume responsibility of their class and mark the students present. Parents are asked to move away from the line up area allowing teachers the space to assemble the students appropriately. When the march commences, we ask that parents please keep their distance. Teachers will be walking alongside their class. The students will proceed along Pitt Street to Sydney Opera House for the afternoon celebrations.

Congratulations to Rhea Tsimboukis and Joanna Skouteris who have each been granted a two year Scholarship for continued study in Years 11 and 12.

Rhea Tsimboukis

The day is a special occasion for all, but particularly for our Orthodox Colleges and we will be very much in the public eye for most of the day. We ask you, as parents, to reinforce what we are saying at school regarding appearance, behaviour and courtesy, so that we as a school community can be proud of our students.

Joanna Skouteris

The scholarships are based on the results of ACER Scholarship exams held on Saturday, 27th February. There was a strong field of candidates from other primary schools, our Year 6 and Year 10 students.

The P & F will provide water and a snack to the students on their arrival at the Opera House.

We commend all students who attempted this challenging exam.

Students are to remain seated in their grade groups in the care of their teachers until the


conclusion of the formalities which will be at approximately 4.00pm. No student may leave before this time.

If your doctor diagnoses whooping cough in your school-aged child, please let the school know and keep your child at home until they have taken 5 days of antibiotics. Keep coughing children away from babies.

At the conclusion parents are to collect their child from their Roll Teacher. We ask parents not to approach the teacher until the close of the ceremony; so that your child can be marked off the roll.

Whooping cough vaccines give good protection against infection but immunity fades with time. Check that all your children are up to date with their vaccines, due at 6 weeks, 4 months, 6 months, 4 years and 12 years of age (offered to all Year 7 students through the NSW school-based vaccination program). A booster is also recommended at 18 months of age.

Uniform Students are to wear their summer uniform with blazer. Please note that if an item of your child’s uniform eg: hat, socks tunics are worn or faded, they need to be replaced prior to Sunday. Parents are to ensure that students’ shoes are polished, that buttons on blazers, shirts and dresses are replaced and that hems are sewn. A reminder that hems of dresses should be knee length. Girls’ socks should turn over at the ankle. Anklet socks are not permitted. Junior School students are to bring their new broad brimmed school hat with them. Hair ribbons are also available from the Uniform Shop.

A booster dose of vaccine is also recommended for adults that are in contact with young children, such as school staff and parents. Pregnant women are recommended to have a booster dose during each pregnancy and this is funded by NSW Health. Those who are new parents or carers of babies should consult their general practitioner about appropriate immunisation. Your local public health unit can provide advice about whooping cough on 1300 066 055 or visit the NSW Health website pingcough/Pages/Information-for-childcareand-schools.aspx

The combined Choir of students from the three Greek Orthodox Day schools will be performing at the 25th March celebrations.

WHOOPING COUGH ALERT There is an outbreak of whooping cough (pertussis) in NSW, mainly affecting schoolaged children.

UNIFORM CHANGE Students are to wear Winter Uniform from Tuesday, 3rd May, 2016. Please ensure that you have all the necessary uniform items.

In suspected cases please keep your children at home and consult your Doctor before they return to school.


Coughing spreads the infection to others nearby. Whooping cough can spread to anyone at home, including younger brothers and sisters. Whooping cough can be especially dangerous for babies.

8.30 am to 10.00 am and 2.30 pm to 4.00 pm – Wednesday only school term.


Whooping cough starts like a cold and progresses to bouts of coughing that can last for many weeks. The infection can occur even in fully-vaccinated children. Older children may just have a cough that is persistent and may be worse at night.

ANNUAL P & F LAMBATHA EASTER STALLS & RAFFLE As you may be aware, the Easter and Lambatha Stalls have begun this week at junior school playground! Orthodox Easter is just under a month away now, and a reminder

Children with these symptoms should see a doctor.


that the stalls will run across two terms this year.


A flyer has gone home with the students last week. The stalls will be held under the mango tree from 2.30pm- 3:30pm (or in wet weather in the undercroft) on the following dates:

The Mothers Night Out is an enjoyable and successful fundraising evening.

Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Monday Wednesday

It's a night when all the mothers, grandmothers and all females of our school community and their extended friends, can sit back and relax and enjoy great food and good company. This year we have a new venue for the evening - Stacks Taverna at Darling Quarter. It promises to be a prize, fun-filled evening.

31st March 1st April 4th April 5th April 6th April 7th April 26th April 27th April

Tickets are $75 and are selling fast, so get in early to avoid disappointment.

Attached to the flyer you have received at home with your children will be some raffle tickets. These are $1 each. Please don’t forget to return the attached tickets with your full name, contact number and payment directly to the JS office by Wednesday 27th April at the latest. The prizes will be drawn at the Easter focus Assembly on this day. Thank you to our wonderful donors for the prizes.

Pre-bookings & payment is essential. No walk-ins will be allowed on the evening as numbers need to be confirmed with the venue when Term 2 returns.


Finally, a reminder that end of next week, (ONLY 1 WEEK LEFT!) will see the close for registrations for our SSC Business Directory fundraiser. With over 70 businesses registered so far from our school community, don’t miss out. Please refer to the end of the newsletter to print off a copy, or approach any P&F committee member for further assistance.

Please call or SMS Erenie 0410 318 053 or Angela 0407 061 940 for a booking. All welcome!


Palm Sunday lunch will be held in the St Spyridon Church Hall on Sunday 24th April at 11:30am. We will be serving a delicious Lenten menu of entrees, main, including whole fish, and desserts. We invite you to join us with your family and friends. Bookings must be made in advance to help with catering.

Angela Kasmas & Olga Gouveros


For bookings, please call Erenie: 0410 318 053 or Anna: 0405 683 320 Cost for Adults (13yrs +): $45 donation Children (4-12yrs): $20 donation

With the term end drawing near, I remind you to check Dates to Remember which can be found on the front cover of the newsletter to assist you with your planning. I draw your attention to the 25th March Celebration and the IPSHA Walkathon in support of Juvenile Diabetes. Both these events are compulsory for students.

MOTHER'S DAY STALLS Once again the ever popular mother's day stalls will be back early Term 2. The dates for these are Tuesday 3rd May through to Friday 6th May. A flyer will be with you before Term 1 ends. The children will have an opportunity to purchase beautiful gifts for their mother's, grandmothers, mother figures, godmothers etc.

We warmly welcome to our St Spyridon family, Mario and Zakari Vukoman and their parents who have joined us this week.


Our congratulations are extended to Mr & Mrs Diavatiotis on the birth of their daughter Helaina. May Our Lord’s blessings be showered upon them.

PERASTIKA You may have noticed Ka Haska’s recent absence from our school, even more noticeable as she has missed only a handful of days over the last 25+ years. Our best wishes are extended to her as she recuperates from recent surgery and look forward to her speedy return. We miss you Ka. Haska! My thanks and congratulations are extended to Ka. Anna for supporting our community projects with the Senior Citizens and Miss McCarthy for her work on Harmony Day at the Junior School.

STAFF CHANGES Mrs Pavlidis will replace Mrs Tsitiridou at the commencement of Term Two. Mrs Pavlidis has over 30 years’ experience of teaching Greek across all school sectors. We thank Mrs Tsitiridou for her work with the students this term.

CONGRATULATIONS Our School Captain Adriana Drakoulis was selected to represent her school in a Harmony Day project created by our local member Matt Thistlethwaite.

VISIT TO GREEK ORTHODOX SENIOR CITIZENS It was with great anticipation and pleasure that once again a group of Year 6 students visited the War Memorial Hospital Waverley on Monday 21st March to sing and chant for the Greek Orthodox Citizens who had gathered there to celebrate Greek National Day and the Annunciation of our Theotokos. The students brought tears and smiles to these older members of our community as they proudly carried on these wonderful traditions.

We congratulate her on the confident and proud delivery of her Harmony message in Greek (We pay tribute to the first Australians who cared for and nurtured our land for thousands of years). The Clip can be viewed on ideos/1048703721863210/?video_source=page s_finch_main_video

All present agreed that it was another memorable coming-together of the old and new generations which undoubtedly should be repeated in the future. Anna Gambierakis Coordinator of Modern Greek



Career Pathways.

A reminder to Year 10 that the Expression of Interest forms to progress to Years 11 and 12 at St Spyridon College are due to me at the end of this Term, Friday, 8th April, 2016. All students are expected to attend the Parent Forum with their parents. Students may wear appropriate casual clothes.

TWILIGHT TOURS Congratulations to all the Student Leaders and volunteers who were able to assist with Twilight tours last week. An overwhelming number of visitors attended this year, which is testament to the positive impression and interest our College is generating in the community. Students warmly welcomed visitors and enthusiastically conducted tours of the school campus, impressing all with their honest and positive commentaries. Thank you to Ms Kokinelis for coordinating the students.

THANK YOU P & F We thank the P & F Committee for the purchase of furniture for the College Cafeteria. Very much appreciated. Mrs A. Synesios Principal Junior School


PARENT FORUM Year 11 2017, for Year 10 students and their Parents A Parent Forum will be held on Tuesday, 5th April, 2016, SPACe, 6.00 pm – 7.00pm. To be discussed: - Progression Through Schooling Years 10-12 - Preparing for the Preliminaries Course - Year 10 Subject Selection for Stage 6 - BOSTES Requirements for the HSC



FROM THE ART ROOM This fortnight the focus is Year 8. In this unit we have been looking at Aboriginality and varying ways of representing a culture. The main task has been working in groups, producing a Western Desert style dot painting. The task requires co-operation and the consideration of another point of view to create a successful work.

On the 12th March, Nicholas Kollias from Year 10 competed at the Australian Junior Championships for high jump (U16’s) held in Perth. He was one of two boys competing for NSW. According to Nicholas the atmosphere at this event was amazing! He finished the competition in 9th position with a jump of 1.70 metres. Although, it was short of his personal best, Nicholas said he was extremely happy and felt privileged to have the opportunity to not only represent the State, but also the “chance to meet other boys that were competing, to visit a different State and to experience the high standard from around the country”. Nicholas is hopeful that in the future he will once again be chosen and do even better next time. He is also grateful and thankful for having the support of his parents and coach, who always encourage him to do his best regardless of the result and who accompanied him to Perth.

Mrs H. Dalakiaris Year 10 Adviser


Ms M. Pringle Visual Arts Teacher


During the holidays all students Years 7-11 will receive and Interim Report on their progress so far.

In this report we share what is going well and in particular highlight issues of concern. Parents will be able to make time to discuss their child’s progress at the future Parent Teacher Conferences. Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School




with intolerance. Students from a variety of cultural backgrounds and schools from the Public and Independent schools’ sector were involved. The Day-long program included peer group discussions and activities, power point presentations from participating schools about their school & backgrounds, short film clips. All students need to be commended for the way they conducted themselves on the day. During group sessions our students distinguished themselves through their interactions and leadership. In fact, eleven of the fifteen groups nominated a St Spyridon student as the spokes-person for their group reporting back to the bigger audience. Well done everyone!!

TWILIGHT TOURS It was wonderful to see the huge interest in the Senior School recently with almost 300 parents and children attending our Twilight Tours and the record number of new students registering for the entrance exams for Year 7, 2017. These will be held at the Senior School on the 13th and 14th of April. Over 50 students, made up of SRC’s, Peer Supports Leaders, Prefects and other volunteers led groups around the school. Feedback received from both parents and students was very positive. Congratulations students on the enthusiasm and efforts shown!

RESPECT, UNDERSANDING & ACCEPTANCE DAY On Tuesday 29th March, 20 Year 9 representatives participated in a program called ‘Respect, Understanding and Acceptance’, which aims to address the issue of cultural and religious ignorance associated



A few weeks ago each student was been given a $5 raffle ticket book to sell to family and friends. All money, ticket butts & any unsold tickets needed to be returned by Thursday 24th March. As there were a large number of outstanding tickets yet to be returned, students were given until this Thursday to do so.

As a result of the school growing in size, on Sunday 3rd April only the students in Year 7 and 12 will be required to attend the Church formalities. Students will assemble in the Junior School playground at 10 a.m. prior to entering St Spyridon Church at the end of the Divine Liturgy. Full school uniform MUST be worn including blazer.

Prizes will be drawn in the last week of term at the Middle School assembly on Friday 8th April.

After this, everyone from Years 7 through to Year 12 is expected to make their way to Martin Place, Sydney and report to their Home Room Teachers on the side of the Epitaph by 1.15pm. The school will then march to the Opera House where there will be speeches and cultural performances. Parents may collect their children from Year Advisers between 3.45 – 4 pm (this is when speeches and dancing should conclude). Last week an information letter was sent home with students advising parents of these details. If a student is unable to attend on this day, a note to the Year Adviser along with any supporting documentation needs to be provided. (e.g., medical certificate, party invitation, competition sport program etc).

1st Prize:- $200 RED BALOON GIFT CARD. 2nd, 3rd & 4th etc prizes - Chocolate Easter Hampers of varying sizes Ms G Kokinelis Dean of Middle School



Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι, Και πάλι μαζί. Αυτή τη φορά θα σας κρατήσουμε παρέα με μια εργασία μαθήτριας της Β΄ Λυκείου, που όμως παρακολουθεί την ύλη της Γ΄ Λυκείου στο μάθημα των Ελληνικών. Στην ενότητα διάσημες ελληνικές προσωπικότητες, είχαμε την ευκαιρία να γνωρίσουμε τους: Οδυσσέα Ελύτη, Γιώργο Σεφέρη, Μελίνα Μερκούρη, Κωνσταντίνο Καβάφη, Μίκη Θεοδωράκη και άλλους καλλιτέχνες. Ασχοληθήκαμε και με το ποίημα «Η Πόλις» του Κ. Καβάφη και πάνω στο ποίημα αυτό στηρίζεται η παρακάτω εργασία.

WHY DO WE HAVE AN EASTER RAFFLE ? As Easter approaches and as Lent continues, students are made aware of the need to be thankful for the sacrifices our Lord made for humanity and the privileged life of plenty we enjoy. This time of year is also when we think of others and do good by giving back to our community, especially to individuals and families who are going through difficult times.

Καλή ανάγνωση. κ. Μ. Φαλέτα Topic: Your friend wants to leave home, leave the city she is born and raised in and go start somewhere else from the beginning. You try to change her mind, advising her to stay and try here.

Since 2007 students in Year 9 have been given the opportunity through Pastoral Care, to assist in serving lunch to those in need at the Soup Kitchen run by St Constantine & Helen’s Church in Newtown. Furthermore, these students also lead by example by organizing an Easter Raffle. The proceeds of which go to the Soup Kitchen for the purchase of food, equipment and whatever other resources are needed there. .

30 / 3 / 2016 Αγαπημένη μου Στεφανία, Πάλι σε βλέπω στενοχωρημένη κι οι γονείς σου μου είπαν ότι σκέφτεσαι να φύγεις γι’ άλλη πόλη. Σκέψου το καλά! Αν φύγεις από εδώ και μετακομίσεις αλλού, τι θα πετύχεις; Το πρόβλημά σου δεν είναι το μέρος στο οποίο μένεις. Όλες οι πόλεις είναι ίδιες και τα άτομα δεν αλλάζουν επειδή άλλαξαν πόλη. Το


πρόβλημα θα το κουβαλάς μαζί σου όπου πας, όσα χρόνια κι αν περάσουν.



Έχεις άραγε αναλογιστεί ποτέ τις δυσκολίες που θα αντιμετωπίσεις αν μετακομίσεις σε καινούρια πόλη; Τα πράγματα θα είναι πιο δύσκολα για σένα. Δεν θα ξέρεις κανένα, θα πρέπει να βρεις καινούρια δουλειά, θα πρέπει να νοικιάσεις κάποιο μικρό, άχαρο ίσως διαμέρισμα και το πιο σημαντικό δεν θα έχεις τους δικούς σου ούτε ΕΜΕΝΑ κοντά σου! Ποιος θα σε ακούει, ποιος θα σε συμβουλεύει όταν χρειάζεσαι μια δεύτερη γνώμη; Ποιος θα σε προσέχει και θα σου μαγειρεύει μουσακά όπως εγώ; Σημείωσε πως αν τελικά φύγεις, δεν θα σου δώσω τη συνταγή μου, χα! χα! να αστειευτούμε κιόλας.

There are many upcoming events which should be of interest to students and parents, including school holiday workshops and information evenings at different Universities and Colleges. Next Tuesday, 5th April, there will be a Parent Forum at school for Year 10 students and parents to discuss the process for transition to Year 11, including subject selection and the pathway to the HSC and beyond. An information flyer has been sent home with the students and I look forward to meeting Year 10 parents then. UNSW EVENTS UNSW: Art and Design School Holiday Workshop: 12th - 15th April 2016, 10am-5pm UNSW Art & Design Campus, Paddington. The different workshops on offer include creative coding, illustrator and your essential design building blocks, creative computing and build the best possible portfolio. Registrations can be made online.

Κι εγώ, εμένα με σκέφτηκες καθόλου Στεφανία; Τι θα κάνω εγώ χωρίς την καλύτερή μου φίλη; Όταν ήσουν στενοχωρημένη, πάντα εγώ προσπαθούσα να ελαφρύνω την κατάσταση και να σε κάνω να χαμογελάς κι εσύ έκανες το ίδιο για μένα. Τώρα, πώς τα βάζεις όλα στην άκρη και θες να φύγεις μακριά; Πιστεύω πως πρέπει να το ξανασκεφτείς και να ψάξεις να βρεις ποια είναι η βαθύτερη αιτία του άγχους σου, τι είναι αυτό που σε κάνει τόσο δυστυχισμένη εδώ. Δεν μπορεί να είναι η καθημερινότητά σου. Το πρόβλημα μάλλον θα είναι αυτή η εσωτερική διαμάχη που έχεις κάθε τόσο με τον εαυτό σου.

UNSW Year 10 Subject Selection & Information Evenings: 5th May, 10th May, 18th May 6.15pm - 7.30pm. John Niland Scientia Building, UNSW Kensington Campus Register to attend by following the link:

Στεφανία, μην προσπαθείς να ρίξεις ευθύνες στους άλλους. Αν δεν είσαι χαρούμενη με τη ζωή σου, δεν φταίει η δουλειά σου, οι φίλοι σου, το σπίτι σου, η πόλη σου… Πρέπει να ψάξεις μέσα σου και να συζητήσεις με τον εαυτό σου για να βρεις ποιος είναι ο λόγος που σε «τρέπει σε φυγή.» Αν θέλεις κάτι, ποτέ να μην ξεχάσεις ότι εγώ και οι δικοί σου θα είμαστε πάντα εδώ για σένα στα εύκολα και στα δύσκολα.

MACQUARIE IN A DAY: SPEND A DAY AT MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY 21st April 2016, 8:30am to 3pm, Macquarie Theatre, Macquarie University The day offers students a chance to choose which classes they are interested in attending, experience practical sessions and tutorials and ask staff and students about university life. quarie-in-a-day-2/

Εδώ σ’ αφήνω και περιμένω να σκεφτείς όλα όσα σου γράφω παραπάνω. Να θυμάσαι: Η φυγή δεν είναι συνήθως η λύση. Η αντιμετώπιση του προβλήματος είναι.

NOTRE DAME UNIVERSITY EVENTS: 2017 EARLY OFFER PROGRAM FOR YOUNG ACHIEVERS Applications for the 2017 Young Achievers Early Offer program are now open and will close at 5:00pm on Friday 29 July 2016.

Με πολλή αγάπη Η φίλη σου Ροδόπη Rothopi Nicolaou Year 11 (Modern Greek Year 12)


Applicants are able to apply in one of four categories: Commitment to community and/or church; Commitment and excellence in cultural pursuits; Commitment and excellence in sporting achievements; or Academic excellence

University of Notre Dame: HSC Study Week 11th to 15th July 2016, 104 Broadway, Chippendale The study week has teachers with marking experience, senior and head teachers and senior markers. The week includes instruction on subjects each day as well as workshops on stress and time management. The program cost is $290 per student.

The soft copy version of the Early Offer Program is now available on the website. Please refer to the following link: 2017 Young Achievers Early Offer Program. Hard copies of the booklet and application forms have not arrived yet, but will be available from the careers adviser’s office in the coming weeks. Applications will close on the 29 July 2016.

UTS EVENTS: ‘Discover’ Information Sessions These sessions include interactive workshops that allow anyone interested in a career in nursing or midwifery to attend and find out more about the courses and potential career paths. Nursing: 16th June 5:30pm, 20th July 5:30pm, 16th November 5:30pm Midwifery: 28th April 5:30pm

NOTRE DAME PATHWAYS TO UNI INFORMATION SESSION Tuesday 19 April, 10.00 -11.30am. For more information and to register to attend, see NOTRE DAME PARENT INFORMATION SESSION Tuesday 3 May, 6pm. To register to attend, see

SYDNEY UNIVERSITY HOLIDAY EVENTS: ENGINEERING AND IT There are several events coming up for students (from year 9 up) who are interested in engineering, project management, robotics, IT /programming . Some are being held in the July holidays or over the summer holidays. For more information, follow the link:

GETTING TO KNOW NURSING Tuesday 7 June , 6pm. To register to attend, see TWILIGHT TOURS AND COURSE INFORMATION EVENING 8 June / 9 June 5.00 -7.00pm. To register, see

BUSINESS CADETSHIPS: INFORMATION EVENING Meet The Business Leader (MTBL) is your opportunity to explore some of the exciting possibilities a career in business offers, from the people living it. It’s also the perfect opportunity for Year 12 students to secure a cadetship while undertaking university studies. Hosted by Chartered Accountants ANZ, MTBL is on Wednesday 11 May, 5-7.30pm at Luna Park. Register today for this free event.

University of Notre Dame: A Day in the Life of a Nursing Student 6th July 2016, 10:30am to 2pm, 160 Oxford St, Darlinghurst For prospective students interested in nursing, the day allows students to meet academic staff, join in with clinical activities, campus tour and lectures. Students can register by following the link and completing the attached form.

AIT: Free IT Holiday Workshops 16th April 2016, 9:30am to 4pm 30th April 2016, 9:30am to 4pm 28th May 2016, 9:30am to 4pm 25th June 2016, 9:30am to 4pm


The sessions offered on these dates include intro to game design, intro to concept art, intro to film editing and intro to 3D animation.

Karl Von Busse Institute of Design: Work Experience The work experience program is designed for high school students interested in a creative career. The areas of focus include fashion, graphic and interior design. There is a program fee of $100.

AIE Industry Experience Days in Holidays: 20th April, 15th July, 28th September AIE's Industry Experience Days are a great opportunity to learn about the local and international game development, 3D animation and visual effects industries. Students will get the opportunity to learn about the different pathways to get into the industry, what should be in a portfolio and will be able to get creative in practical workshops using industrystandard 3D animation and game development tools. Register to attend at:

Whitehouse Institute of Design: Certificate III in Design Fundamentals 11th to 15th April 2016, 2 Short Street, Surry Hills The course is run in intensive blocks during school holidays, specifically for high school students. It is run in two stages, the first over the April, July and September holidays and the second stage run over the January holidays.

The Academy for Makeup Artist: School Holiday Courses Makeup Career Course – 11th to 13th April 2016, 10:30am to 4:30pm Intro to Special FX – 17th April 2016, 10:30am to 4:30pm Advanced Special FX – 19th to 22nd April 2016, 10:30am to 4:30pm Personal Grooming Workshop – 15th April 2016, 10:30am to 4pm

Sydney TAFE Degrees Sydney TAFE offers Bachelor and Associate Degrees in a range of subject areas including accounting, applied finance, applied management and property valuation. These degrees provide the opportunity to gain skills, real world experience, to study on your terms and the opportunity to make connections.

ICMS Professional Scholarship Program The program has numerous scholarships available. These include ANZ Scholarship, Hostplus Scholarship, Hostplus Hospitality Scholarship, Michael Hill Scholarship, NSW Rugby League Scholarship, PGA IGI Scholarship and ICMS Sports Management Scholarship. These close 25th November 2016.

Game Design Workshop – Zero to Hero 9th April 2016, 9am to 5pm, Bradfield Senior College The workshop will enable those interested to see how to create games, try innovative technology workshops, and learn new skills. RSVP is by the 6th of April 2016. ntItem.aspx?EventId=303

Ella Bache College Open Day 16th April 2016, 11am to 1pm, 77 Berry Street, Level 2, North Sydney Open day provides the opportunity to tour the campus, meet trainers and learn about careers that a Diploma of Beauty Therapy can lead to. Registrations are essential and can be booked by completing the form available on the website.

Networking Workshop – The Internet of Things 9th April 2016, 9am to 5pm, Bradfield Senior College The workshop will introduce networking and communication technology. RSVP by the 6th of April 2016. ntItem.aspx?EventId=305



3D Workshop – Design: Build: Play 9th April 2016, 9am to 5pm, Bradfield Senior College The course will teach how to design and build 3D printed objects. The day will also include competition against other teams. RSVP by the 6th of April 2016. ntItem.aspx?EventId=304

Graduate Opportunities 2016 ebook Graduate Opportunities E-Book is a Jobs Directory that contains Graduate and Undergraduate Programs from employers and other organisations for students and graduates. The online copy is free and can be downloaded by visiting:

APPRENTICESHIPS Apprenticeship Central Apprenticeship Central advertises full- and part-time apprenticeships as well as a number of opportunities for school-based apprenticeships.

Graduate Careers Australia – Career Profiles For Secondary School Students, Careers Advisers, Parents, Teachers and University Graduates - the website offers an insight into a range of careers in a multitude of different industries. nningandResources/careerprofiles/index.htm

Hobsons Course Finder: Five Advantages of Apprenticeships and Traineeships st-news/Getting-into-university/Fiveadvantages-of-apprenticeships-andtraineeships

My Health Career My Health Career contains articles relating to health careers and also general health and study related resources. Some of the topics include all-nighters for studying and what being a successful health practitioner means.

POLICE CAREERS Changes to Police Officer Recruitment Process The main changes to the recruitment process include no minimum academic requirement, introduction of a University Certificate in Workforce Essentials, the entrance exam is now known as the Police Entrance Exam, copies of transcripts and other mandatory documents need to be certified by a Justice of the Peace, online application via JobsNSW and a case officer will contact applicants once applications are received. me

Health Careers Kit This guide covers information about various health programs offered throughout NSW in addition to the options available to assist rural high school students with university. Hard copies are also available.

FIRE AND RESCUE WORK EXPERIENCE Work Experience at Fire and Rescue NSW provides school students in Years 10 to 12 with the opportunity to develop industryspecific and generic work skills in an authentic work environment at the State Training College, Alexandria.

US Standardised Test Requirements for US Universities Internationally Educated goes through the new requirements for the SAT and ACT. Those students interested in attending university in the US, should look into these testing requirements. Further information can be found by following the link.!l earn/cfpx

The practical program covers the roles of Fire and Rescue NSW and its firefighters. Through this program, school students gain insight into the organisation and develop employment related skills to enhance their vocational

FUTURE CAREERS: SPOTLIGHT ON ICT The information below is worth reading! It reinforces the need -and benefits- for future workforces having skills in technology and


rate to 2020 of 2.0% (compared to 1.4% for the workforce as a whole), resulting in 695,000 ICT workers by 2020.

also reminds us of the importance of encouraging studies in STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) in our students.

While there is significant demand in the Australian labour market for technical roles such as software engineers and developers, demand is also high for occupations that integrate ICT systems and processes with the broader business, such as business development managers and business analysts.

UPDATE FROM DELOITTE: Weekly economic briefing - 22 March 2016: Australian economic briefing by David Rumbens. This section of the briefing provides a snapshot of key economic data and issues of relevance to Australia. Digital pulse The low growth in employment comes amid recent increases in the consumer unemployment expectations index, pointing to raised concerns about job security.

Digital skills and literacy are becoming increasingly important in today’s workforce, even for workers who are not employed directly in ICT roles. According to the OECD’s definition of broad ICT employment, around 2.5 million Australian workers are required to use ICT regularly as part of their jobs, reflecting the increasing pervasiveness of ICT skills in the Australian economy. The ICT workforce under this broader definition is also expected to grow rapidly over the coming years.

Despite this, an area of particular strength in the labour market is ICT employment, which has been examined in further detail in Deloitte Access Economics’ latest Australia's Digital Pulse report for the Australian Computer Society (ACS). Australia’s digital economy is expected to grow significantly over the coming years, fuelled by new waves of technological developments. The contribution of digital technologies to the Australian economy is forecast to grow from $79 billion in 2014 to $139 billion in 2020. This represents an increase in the digital economy from 5% to 7% of Australia’s GDP.

To position the Australian economy to take full advantage of the opportunities presented by new technologies, we must ensure that the workforce is equipped with the ICT skills required for innovation and growth. ICT degree graduates represent only 1% of the existing ICT workforce each year. This suggests that our greatest resource for developing the digital skills demanded by Australian businesses now and in the future is the current workforce.

Digital disruption is dramatically changing industries and occupations across the economy. The rapid pace of technological growth means that up-and-coming technologies could have a significant impact in facilitating change across many industries. Examples of new technology that might impact upon businesses, consumers and workers include 3D printing, drones, robotics, wearables and driverless vehicles.

Women continue to be relatively underrepresented in Australia’s ICT workforce, with no improvement compared to the previous year. Females continue to comprise only 28% of all ICT workers, compared to 43% of individuals working in professional industries. Overall, the growing demand for digital skills in Australia – with respect to both ICT workers and the broader workforce – highlights the importance of ICT-related professional development.

In 2015, there were around 628,000 ICT workers in Australia, with 53% of this ICT workforce employed outside of ICT-related industries such as in professional services, public administration and financial services.

Workforce training and development will be critical for ensuring that Australian workers are equipped with the necessary ICT skills required to drive economic

Growth in Australia’s ICT workforce is expected to outpace general workforce growth, at a forecast average annual growth


Overall this was an enlightening experience as it allowed us to gain a greater understanding of a variety of different cultures and religions as well as bonding with other students from different backgrounds. We also were exposed to the harsh reality of racism in today’s society and learn how we can show active citizenship and abolish racism.

growth and innovation in the face of future technological change fBk Ms G Hakos Careers Adviser




RESPECT AND UNDERSTANDING On Tuesday the 29th of March, 20 students across Year 9 were fortunate enough to attend the Respect, Understanding and Acceptance seminar at the Jewish Museum in Darlinghurst. At this seminar students were able to get introduced to students from a wide variety of different schools and cultural backgrounds including- Armenian, Jewish, Muslim, Orthodox and Catholic. We first engaged in some ‘ice breaking activities’ in order to get to know each other better and bond on common ground. Later, each school gave a presentation talking about their culture and religious makeup and how that is incorporated in their school lives. We were fortunate enough to deliver the presentation on behalf of our school. Later on in the day we were introduced to types of racism still happening in our society and formed into small groups discussing if we had ever experienced it and ways we can deal and prevent it. Our seminar was concluded by Vic Alhadeff, the CEO of the Jewish Board of Deputies who spoke to us about racism and how prevalent it still is in today's society. He gave us examples of racist acts which recently took place, such as the racist abused hurled at a Malaysian news reader on a Sydney bus in front of his daughter. Then he told us about an act of acceptance; where a group of teenagers were playing a competitive baseball game in the park, they compassionately let a boy with a severe disability on their team and he ultimately won for them. This shows that even though there can be acts of racism towards others, there are people who come together and respect, understand and accept. And we should learn from these kind deeds, promoting a more accepting and uniting society.


When it was raining all wet and an indigenous mother wanted to give baby a bath, the men would carve a whole into a rock and they would have a little bit of clay as the plug. They would fill it up with water and that would be baby’s bath. The convicts carved the letters MD in stone. I got a fern leaf and brought it back home, my mum was confused! (it keeps the mosquitoes away!) If everyone was aboriginal there would be no wars no fights just harmony. Tim showed us animal skins! When it was winter the aboriginal people would slide the animal skins across their heads and that would keep them warm. Tim also showed us two killing boomerangs (they don’t come back though) both used for killing. The edges are very sharp. Tim also showed us oval shaped wood, with some rope threaded through it and it makes a very loud noise.

Stella Ktenas and Sophie Ioannidis Year 9 YEAR THREE GUIDED INDIGENOUS TOUR Year 3 embarked on a guided indigenous tour of La Perouse. The tour involved learning about the bush and how Indigenous people use the natural environment for survival. They also learned about the significance of the land to Aboriginal people and their culture. This was a great learning experience and added to the students understanding of concepts that are now covered in the new History syllabus. They listened attentively and engaged in the activities, showing their enthusiasm by asking questions and being respectful of indigenous culture.

Overall it was one of the best learning experiences ever!!! Franklin Skouteris 3S Firstly we got on the bus to La Perouse. Then we met two guides called Tim and Grant.

Recount of the excursion

Secondly Tim had some clay and then wet it and painted a dot of the clay on our heads.

First we arrived at La Perouse. Then we met the guides Tim and Grant. Next Tim painted clay paint on our foreheads. Then we went into the bush. She showed us a plant that could be used as a spear and lit for a candle and to set things on fire. There was a red leaf that has a liquid in it that stops you from being hungry. They made us pancakes with cream and native berry jam.

Thirdly Tim took us on a bush walk and taught us about fire. Aboriginal people use charcoal for brushing their teeth. Next Grant gave me a leaf to suck on called sasperella and it tasted like fresh honey. After that we had recess and sat on a huge rock then he told us a story about graffiti. After he told us a story about animal skins. While the story was going on he let us feel lots of skins.

Later we went to a big rock to have recess and then we went hiking. There was a fern leaf that keeps the mosquitoes away. Sadly we left the great view and then we went for a toilet break.

Later Tim got a rock and ground the rock he also got some water and poured it into the ground. This way the women can wash their baby. Finally it started raining. Then we ran on the sand and it got in my shoes all sandy but it was fun. Then we found some cover and had lunch.

After that we went down to the beach for a while and it started to rain, but no one felt it. We learned that fire helps plants to grow, charcoal can be used as a toothbrush and toothpaste.

Overall I had a fantastic day.


What is Harmony Day? Harmony Day is a multicultural event held nationally on the 21st of March, but at our school we held it a week later on March 29th. Harmony Day is a day for all people; no matter what race, gender, religion or beliefs, to come together and promote living in peace. All cultures within Australia celebrate Harmony Day. Harmony Day’s thematic message in 2016 is “Diversity is Our Strength”. Harmony also coincides with the United Nations End to Racial Discrimination Day, which is also the meaning of Harmony Day. The continual message of Harmony Day is 'Everyone Belongs'. Harmony Day’s History Harmony Day was first held across the World in 1999 as the United Nations International Day to End Discrimination. Harmony Day has been criticised by many people. Nicolas Kalligiannis 6P

Savannah Giallafos 3S


Diversity is Our Strength Lyrics (6P)

Diversity is Our Strength Lyrics (6M)

We are different, but we are the same, Diversity is our strength, and our main game.

We are Australian Diversity is our strength Diversity is our strength We are Australian

We are different, we are different Barbecue, gravy or tzatziki, We are of different cultures, Arabic, African, New Zealand, We are black we are white Yet together we’re dynamite!

You help me and I help you (Rap same lyrics) Harmony Day rules! (Rap same lyrics) Multicultural (Rap same lyrics), Multicultural, (Rap same lyrics) Multicultural rules! (Rap) American, Asian, European, African (Rap) They all live here (Rap) In Australia

We are different, but we are the same, Diversity is our strength, and our main game. Students listen up, To people being rude, We all live as one In our Aussie school. We ARE different Yet we are all the same We are one; so holler loud: Be your best self now!

We are Australian Diversity is our strength Diversity is our strength We are Australian One: peace, Come in peace Gotta work on this Two: peace, all in this No stoppin’ it! D.I.O.S. Spell it out loud Let’s all be proud Now stopEverybody is different and unique Don’t compete As we are Australians We respect all different cultures and religions And live like kings and queens We need to be grateful for things Being different is the strength that counts Everybody has the same amount That’s something without a doubt We are Australian Diversity is our strength Diversity is our strength We are Australian

We are different, but we are the same, Diversity is our strength, and our main game. Hey you, why you lookin’ at me? I may be tanned, you may be white, Yet inside we are both bright. I accept you Do you accept me? We could be friends And even family! We are different, but we are the same, Diversity is our strength, and our main game.

Out on the patio, we sit And the diversity, we sing We watch the culture, hum over cities, And then party, this is Australia!


Harmony Day @ Junior School !




CROSS COUNTRY The ISA Cross Country meet was held last Saturday 19th March at Chevalier College, Bowral. A squad of 12 girls have been preparing each Monday and Wednesday morning at the school and their efforts were rewarded with some very pleasing results. Particularly, we congratulate Eleni Haralambides from Year 7 who finished 10th in the 12 year old event and qualified to represent ISA at the NSWCIS carnival.

U14S AND U16S GIRLS FUTSAL TRIALS Over the past two weeks, the Under 14s and Under 16s girls have been trialling for their relevant futsal teams and will compete in Term 2 at the NSW Regional Futsal Championships. All trials are now completed and names and training dates will be up on the notice board on Friday.

NETBALL AND FOOTBALL SEASON Netball and Football trials for the winter season have officially concluded. Our coaches have started training the girls during ISA periods. All contracts are now overdue. If you haven’t already handed in your contract, please see Ms O’Shea.

Other results included: Jennifer Contominas – 13th out of 39 participants Victoria Zois – 14th out of 41 participants Rhea Tsimboukis – 20th out of 39 participants

Congratulations to all girls selected in an ISA Team. 2016 Winter ISA season has 6 netball teams and 2 Girls Football teams. Students will be notified when uniforms arrive. Girls Sport Coaches for 2016 Opens Netball Miss Flokis Intermediate B Demi Flokis Intermediate C Mr Meintanis Junior A Cassie Georgiou Junior B Nansia Koukounaris Junior C Adriane Efstratiou Girls Open Football - Chyrstal Christie (Captain Coach) Girls’ Junior Football - Natalie Michos

Most pleasing was the supportive and encouraging approach displayed by all students as they cheered for their school as they completed the course and achieved their individual goals.


Netball and Football Trial Game vs St Andrews Cathedral Our first netball and Opens football trial will take place this Saturday 2nd April against St Andrews Cathedral at Sydney University. All teams are to make their own way to the venue. These trial games are an essential part of preparing for the season, as it is an opportunity for the coaches to look at aspects of their team’s game that needs improving before the official start of the season next term. We wish all our girls the best of luck! For more information about the trial games see Ms O’Shea.

ISA FOOTBALL TRIAL –Saturday 2nd April 2016 Saturday 2nd April 2016, all the boys’ football teams are playing a trial match against St Andrews Cathedral School. All families should have by now received emails regarding this fixture. If there are families who have yet to receive details regarding boys winter sport can they please call the school and get in touch with Mr Kaldis.

Ms A. Flokis and Ms K. O’Shea Girls Sport

BOYS FOOTBALL CIS CUP In round 2 of the Combined Independent Schools Football Cup (CIS) the boys Open team defeated Shore 3-2 in round 2 of the competition.

FOOTBALL COACHES FOR 2016 I would like to take this opportunity to welcome and thank all our football coaches for 2016. This year we have 3 parent volunteers as well as 4 ex-students who will be supporting various boys’ teams.

After their first round Bye the team was looking forward to playing their first game together. From the outset the team from Shore had every intention to play attacking football. Our team rallied behind our Goalkeeper Steven Antoniou and made every defensive opportunity count. There were some very close calls in defence but it was in attack that we caught out the Shore team, with Jordan Makridopolus scoring the opening goal and only goal in the first half. In the second half we conceded an early goal and not long after a second followed. Down 21 the game took another turn when we had a man sent off. Despite these setbacks Michael Hatzon of Year 12 and Nicholas really pushed forward and Michael scored what were two beautifully crafted goals helping the boys move to round 3 of the competition to play against St Phillips Cristian College, who are based in Newcastle. Congratulations to the boys on a wonderful result and a good first up game.


ISA CROSS COUNTRY 2016 On Saturday 19th March the College participated in the annual ISA Cross country carnival which was this year held in Bowral at Chevalier College. The team attended morning training sessions at school in an attempt to help prepare all the students for this event. Well done and congratulations to all the students on their excellent performances throughout the day. The following were some of the results recorded on the day. Neofytos Tsakirios placed 26th from 39 participants in the 12 years boys 3km race, Franklyn Pyliotis placed 51st in a field of 86 in the U13 year old boys, Dylan Kelesis was the best of the U14 year old boys placing 41st in a field of 67 in the 4km race, William Georgas was our best placed male in the U15 boys 4km event, Ioannis Lekkas placed 34th in a field of 59 boys in the 6km event.

Families with any concerns regarding sport are kindly asked to please speak to Mr Kaldis rather than approaching any of the coaches. Also, if there are any families who would like to sponsor sport through a financial contribution you are asked to please forward all enquiries to Mr Kaldis.

Cross Country is a very challenging day for all athletes. I would like to commend all the participants on their outstanding commitment in representing their College and applaud their determination and persistence in events that are contested by a large number of boys across all ISA schools.

ISA BOYS BASKETBALL With the basketball season over, I am happy to announce that the boys have managed to maintain their involvement in the Division 2 competition. The boys avoided relegation and will now be playing their second year in the very tough competition.

Mr F. Kaldis Boys Sport

Congratulations to all the boys and the coaches on a wonderful season.

PREFECT PROFILE Name: Lia Albanakis Age: 17 Number of years at SSC: 13 Previous leadership roles: Junior School Captain 2010, SRC, Peer Support Leader, House Captain, Sports Captain, Prefect Subjects I am currently studying: English Advanced, Mathematics, Business Studies, Legal Studies, Modern Greek Continuers Hobbies: Playing sport, hanging out with family and friends My future aspirations: Physiotherapy, Exercise Sports Science My role models: Parents and teachers Favourite quote: Hard work beats talent, when talent doesn’t work hard. My proudest moment: Junior Sports Person of the Year 2008 One piece of advice I would give to younger students: Work your hardest to produce results.


PREFECT VOICE The Student Principle for this week was number 6 in our school planners. It says that “We look after our health and respect our bodies. We care for our surroundings and the natural environment.” This is important as we must remain healthy in order to continue learning. As the ancient Greeks once said “A Healthy Mind in a Healthy Body”. These are both needed if we are to perform at our peak. Furthermore, respect of our surrounding environment, both natural and physical is an extension of the value to RESPECT, which we try to follow at all times and in all settings. Our student of the week showed good citizenship and cooperation in assisting a police investigation recently. Congratulations to…Jordan Bond! We always get excited to hear that students of our school are showing good qualities. The fact of the week… “If you could unwrap the DNA you have in all the cells in your body, you would be able to reach Pluto!” That is such a crazy thought! Good luck to all students especially my fellow Year 12s who are currently undergoing their half yearly examinations.

Chrystal Christie College Captain



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