News 174 5a 2017

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VOLUME XXXIV No 5 30th March, 2017

APRIL Year 12 Half Yearly Exams Greek Orthodox Swim Carnival JS

3rd – 7th





Parent Forum Year 11 2018 – 6.00pm Year 5 visit to Senior School


Year 6 visit to Senior School


Easter Assembly JS 1pm in Church Hall


Term ends PALM Sunday


Holy Monday


Holy Tuesday


Holy Wednesday


Holy Thursday


Good Friday


Holy Saturday




Staff Development Day


Anzac Day School Closed


Term 2 begins for students All student to return in Winter Uniform


MAY Co-curricular recommence Wk 2 Term 2


School Photos JS Full School Winter Uniform


National Schools Event

3rd – 5th

NAPLAN Yrs 3, 5, 7 & 9

9th – 11th

School Photographs SS


Half Yearly Exams Yr 11 begin


In this the last Newsletter of the Term we wish our whole school community

Καλό Πάσχα.









Congratulations to Mrs Katsogiannis, Principal of our Senior School, for her exceptional work as MC.

ACER SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS Years 11 and 12, 2018-2019

Thank you to Mrs Bourdaniotis, the P&F Committee and the wonderful parents of our College for bringing our banner to us and for providing us with some refreshments after that long walk.

Congratulations to Peter Nikas and Connor Giavis who have each been granted a two year Scholarship for continued study in Years 11 and 12.

UNIFORM CHANGE All students are to wear their winter uniform from the 26th April.

UNIFORM SHOP TIMES 8.30 am to 10.00 am and 2.30 pm to 4.00 pm – Wednesday only school term. Peter Nikas

Term 3 – Uniform Shop Please note: The uniform shop WILL NOT BE CLOSED as previously stated in the last Newsletter on Wednesday 19th and Wednesday, 26th July 2017. Open as usual every Wednesday during Term between 8.30 to 10 am and 2.30 to 4 p.m.

Connor Giavis

Year 7, 2018 – Year 10, 2021 Congratulations to Kosta Giitsidis of Earlwood Public School granted the 2017 four year scholarship to St Spyridon College. The scholarships are based on the results of ACER Scholarship exams held in February. There was a strong field of candidates from other primary schools, our Year 6 and Year 10 students.


We commend all students who attempted this challenging exam.

Kindergarten 2018 is almost full. If you have not enrolled your child yet please see Mrs Kerameas in the Office as soon as possible.

25th MARCH


My congratulations are extended to all K – 12 students for their exemplary behaviour at the 25th March Commemorations.

WET WEATHER In the event of wet weather in the morning, Years 2 – 6 are to proceed straight to their classrooms. Kindergarten and Year One children from Kiss & Go will gather near the Music Room and will be taken across the road by one of the teachers on duty.

Well done to Katerina Alexandratos, Year 6, Georgio Svolos and Constantinos Kollias, Year 12, who recited their poems with such conviction in Church. I also congratulate our Senior Leaders along with Junior School Captains Sienna Tsoukalas and Charlie Georgas for the respect they showed to our fallen during the wreath laying at Martin Place Cenotaph. Well done to the students in the Combined Greek Orthodox School Choir and to ka. Anna for supervising them.

ARRIVING AFTER 8:30am Kiss n Go concludes at 8:30am. If you arrive after this time, it is the parent’s responsibility to bring their child into school. Please DO NOT drop the children off at the gate, especially Infants children.


and the Annunciation of our Theotokos. Year 6 brought tears and smiles to these older members of our community as they proudly continued the wonderful tradition which began two years ago. Senior citizens of Spanish background also participated in our celebrations which they had heard so much about!

FLOW OF TRAFFIC Doran St is one way from Mary Hamer Lane to Doncaster Ave for school traffic. It is two way for residents. Please give them way. Mary Hamer Lane is one way from Borrodale Rd to Gardeners Rd. PRIVATE PARKING The angled parking area on Mary Hamer Lane near the Primary playground is for staff parking only. Please do not park your cars there.

All present agreed that it was another memorable coming together of the old and new generations which has become a tradition. The students were more than happy to participate and share in the all-important double celebration of the 25th of March.

CO CURRICULAR WET WEATHER In the event of wet weather, some outdoor activities may need to be cancelled. The children will be supervised by a teacher till they are picked up. The procedure is: - Parents are informed via SMS. If you are able to pick up your child earlier, you may do so. - All children to sit with the teacher on Afternoon Duty. - At 3:45pm, any co curricular child not picked up will be supervised by the teacher in charge of that co-curricular or placed under the supervision of another teacher till 4:30pm. If your child is to be picked up by someone else, please call the office and let us know. Please note: Co curricular activities will continue until the end of Term 1 and resume Week 2 of Term 2.

FAREWELL We farewell Mrs Pavlidis who has been teaching Greek for the last year in place of Mrs Diavatiotis. We thank her for her contribution to the Greek program and for encouraging a love for Greek language, history and culture.

Mrs Gambierakis Coordinator of Modern Greek

PREMIER’S READING CHALLENGE 2017 Once again the PRC is off to a great start with a record number of children entering into the Challenge.

VISIT TO SENIOR CITIZENS It was with great pleasure that once again a group of St Spyridon College Year 6 students visited the War Memorial Hospital - Waverley on Monday 20th March to sing and chant for the Greek Orthodox Citizens who had gathered there to celebrate Greece’s Independence Day

Congratulations to those children who have already handed in their Challenge lists. Your names have been entered into the computer and you can look forward to receiving your certificate towards the end of the year.



There is still plenty of time for the children to enter as the Challenge finishes in August.

PARENT FORUM - REMINDER Year 11 2017, for Year 10 students and their Parents

Mrs C. Bartlett Librarian Junior School


A Parent Forum will be held on Tuesday, 4th April, 2017, SPACe, 6.00 pm – 7.00 pm.

I have made a series of observations that involve some parents approaching teachers for impromptu meetings either in the morning after the bell has been rung, as they try to move off to class or worse during Prayers and Anthems.

To be discussed: - Progression Through Schooling Years 10-12 - Preparing for the Preliminaries Course - Year 10 Subject Selection for Stage 6 - NESA Requirements for the HSC - Careers Pathways.

Approaching a classroom teacher in the morning for an interview generally does not allow you time to unpack what you need to say in an appropriate and confidential environment. As a result of disrupting morning procedures in this way, even if it’s ‘only for a moment,’ a teacher’s attention can easily be diverted from the class.

A reminder to Year 10 that the Expression of Interest forms to progress to Years 11 and 12 at St Spyridon College are due to me at the end of this Term, Friday, 7th April, 2017. All students are expected to attend the Parent Forum with their parents. Students may wear appropriate casual clothes.

There should be no matter of concern urgent enough to warrant distracting a teacher from their post at that specific time. Have you considered the following options as an alternative? - Leaving a message at the office - Writing a brief note in the planner if appropriate - Asking to see the teacher by going to the office 10 minutes before the bell has been rung - Requesting to speak to a friendly member of the management team who would be most willing to assist you - Making an appointment at a time convenient to you both or asking for a call back if possible

CONDOLENCES Our sympathy is extended to Mr Steve Roussis and his children, Dean, Irene (Year 12) and Tony on the recent loss of their wife and mother, Ourania Roussis. May God rest her soul.

CANTEEN The canteen has continued with selling its Global Greetings food. Italian

By using one of the above options, you are given an appropriate platform to convey your message in a safe and responsible manner and the teacher is able to focus on the job at hand, supervising the class. Mrs M. Kipriotis Infants Coordinator Mrs A. Synesios Principal Junior School



Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School




Στο τεύχος αυτό θα σας κρατήσουμε συντροφιά με την εργασία ενός μαθητή της Γ΄ Λυκείου. Με την εργασία του αυτή καλωσορίζει ως Πρόεδρος των Επιμελητών (School Captain) τους μαθητές της Α΄ Γυμνασίου. Αξίζει να σημειωθεί ότι η εργασία αυτή παρουσιάστηκε ως ομιλία στα πλαίσια προφορικής εξέτασης.

Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι, Την Πέμπτη 23 Μαρτίου, το προχωρημένο τμήμα των Ελληνικών και το τμήμα που κάνει Σχέδιο & Τεχνολογία της Γ’ Γυμνασίου επισκέφτηκε την έκθεση «ελληνικής φορεσιάς» που διοργάνωσε το Λύκειο Ελληνίδων. Τα παιδιά είχαν την ευκαιρία να δουν αυθεντικές φορεσιές από διάφορα μέρη της Ελλάδας , να τις συγκρίνουν μεταξύ τους και να διαπιστώσουν τον λόγο πίσω από τις διάφορες διαφορές τους. Συγχαρητήρια, λοιπόν στα παιδιά μας και στην άψογη συμπεριφορά τους στην έκθεση αυτή.

Καλά να περνάτε. κ. Μ. Φαλέτα Καλημέρα αγαπητές κυρίες, Στεφάνου και Κατσογιάννη, καθηγητές και συμμαθητές μου του κολλεγίου του Αγίου Σπυρίδωνα. Ως αρχηγός του Μαθητικού Συμβουλίου, δηλαδή με τον τίτλο «αρχηγός» αλλά και σαν απλό μέλος, μαθητής, της Γ΄ Λυκείου, έχω την υπευθυνότητα να θυμίσω σε όλους σας ότι σήμερα βρισκόμαστε εδώ, στην αυλή του σχολείου μας συγκεντρωμένοι για να καλωσορίσουμε τα παιδιά της Α΄ Γυμνασίου, «τα πρωτάκια μας» στο σχολείο μας. Εκ μέρους όλου του σχολείου λοιπόν, σας καλωσορίζω θερμά, όλους εσάς, τα καινούρια παιδιά του Γυμνασίου μας και σας εύχομαι κάθε επιτυχία στα επόμενα, σχολικά σας χρόνια εδώ. Θα ήθελα να σας πω μερικά λόγια, δίνοντάς σας συμβουλές, που είναι καρποί της εμπειρίας μου. Ελπίζω, ακούγοντας τα λόγια μου να ηρεμήσετε και να αισθανθείτε πιο άνετα στο καινούριο για σας περιβάλλον.

Επίσης συγχαρητήρια στους μαθητές της Γ΄ Λυκείου, Γεώργιο Σβώλο και Κωνσταντίνο Κόλλια για την καταπληκτική απαγγελία τους στο ποίημα του Αχιλλέα Παράσχου, «ο Γερμανός υψώνει τη σημαία» για την εθνική μας επέτειο της 25ης Μαρτίου.

Έχετε ήδη κάνει ένα μεγάλο βήμα φτάνοντας ως εδώ. Αυτό σημαίνει ότι τώρα θα πρέπει να αποδείξετε και ότι έχετε ωριμάσει αρκετά. Αυτό θα φανεί από την συμπεριφορά σας. Θα πρέπει από εδώ και πέρα να δείχνετε σεβασμό στους καθηγητές σας, στους συμμαθητές σας και το κυριότερο, να σέβεστε τον εαυτό σας. Για να προοδέψετε ακαδημαϊκά, πρέπει μαζί με τον σεβασμό προς τους άλλους, να σέβεστε και την ΠΑΙΔΕΙΑ. Με άλλα λόγια, όταν είσαστε είτε στο μάθημα είτε στο σπίτι, να μην σπαταλάτε την ώρα σας, αλλά να εμεταλλεύεστε τον χρόνο σας για να μαθαίνετε περισσότερα. Επίσης πρέπει να θυμόσαστε ότι είσαστε σε Ελληνορθόδοξο σχολείο και είναι απαραίτητο οπωσδήποτε όχι μόνο απλά να μαθαίνετε και να σεβόσαστε την Χριστιανική μας πίστη,


αλλά να ζείτε αυτή την πίστη κρατώντας και το ελληνικό ήθος ψηλά. Τώρα που έχετε ακούσει αυτά που πρέπει να βάλετε σε πράξη, είναι ώρα να ακούσετε και το τι να περιμένετε από αυτό το καινούριο και πιστεύω λίγο «εκφοβιστικό» προς το παρόν περιβάλλον. Σας βεβαιώνω ότι δεν έχετε να φοβάστε τίποτα! Όπως εσείς έχετε κάποιες υποχρεώσεις έτσι έχουν και τα άλλα μεγαλύτερα παιδιά, που οφείλουν να δείχνουν ιδιαίτερη προσοχή και φροντίδα στα νέα μέλη του σχολείου, δηλαδή σε σας, μην ξεχνώντας ότι και αυτοί οι ίδιοι έχουν περάσει από την ίδια θέση όπου βρισκόσαστε εσείς τώρα και έχουν νιώσει το άγχος που ζείτε εσείς τώρα. Εμείς εδώ, στο Κολλέγιό μας, είμαστε μια μεγάλη οικογένεια με αρχές, αξίες και ιδανικά. Οπότε σας εύχομαι ό, τι καλύτερο για την εκπαίδευσή σας και γενικά για τα μαθητικά σας χρόνια τώρα και στο μέλλον. Ευχαριστώ για την προσοχή σας και ΚΑΛΗ ΧΡΟΝΙΑ, ΚΑΛΗ ΔΥΝΑΜΗ ΚΑΙ ΚΑΛΗ ΕΠΙΤΥΧΙΑ!

Congratulations Senior Debaters Congratulations must be extended to the senior team, made up of Year 9's Chloe Drougas, Eleni Preketes, Stella Ktenas, George Stavrou. Even though I was unable to stay to watch, the feedback and comments from their teachers Mrs Mulligan and Mrs Laskas was simply glowing! The teams’ topic was “That Schoolies should be banned” (they were the negative team).

Georgio Svolos Year 12



The happiest people in the world are the givers, not the getter”…Anonymous

They presented strong arguments and received very positive feedback from the adjudicator who declared them winners!! This is the senior team’s second win so far! We look forward to hearing more about their efforts in future.

DEBATING Last week I had the pleasure of going to Moriah College to watch our Junior debating team argue the topic "performing arts should be studied by all". It was thrilling to watch our Year 7 students: Eleni Kaldis, Christina Pascalis along with Year 8 students: Billy Bourdaniotis and Maria-Angela Patsalis … speak for The Affirmative with such clarity and confidence. I felt very proud of the students’ efforts. Well done on your fabulous effort.

LATE TO SCHOOL PROCEDURES It has come to our attention that some of our Middle School students are arriving late for Roll Call and not getting a late stamp from their Year Adviser, presumably to try and bypass the system in order to avoid losing their days Maples. While it is heartening to see such keenness in maintaining a clear planner record, students face more serious consequences by not being honest and deliberately trying to avoid being penalised.


10P Manny Giokas and Christina Mazis 10S Dimitrios Dimas and Sophie Ioannidis

YEAR 7 PARENT FORUM A very well attended Year 7 Parent Forum was held at the Senior School on Tuesday evening. Parents listened to a presentation by a representative from Elevate Education on how they can assist their children to develop good academic skills. Students from Year 7 through to Year 12 experience a number of seminars by this group. The skills they are introduced to are then reinforced in both Pastoral Care and in classrooms across all curriculum areas, with a view to leading our students towards even better educational outcomes.

11A Erin Giaras and Florence Georges 11B Kalliopi Mentis and Christopher Denize 11H Joanna Skouteris and Rhea Tsimboukis 11K Anastasia Hatzidis and Nicholas Kollias Honourary Positions go to College Captain: Constantinos Kollias Vice Captain: Larissa Andrianakos Senior Prefect: George Raptis

SRC 2017 The SRC for 2017 was recently announced at assembly. Students will have their first meeting next Monday.

Ms G Kokinelis Dean of Middle School

Congratulations to: 7J George Grillakis and Damascus Economou 7L Stefan Gemisis and Kira Papamihalis 7M Stephen Koutologenis and Dyllon Polyzos 7S Sia Manos and Fay Dimitrios 7Z Adriana Drakoulis and Ben Hickman



There are many upcoming events for students in Years 10, 11 and 12. Some are in the April holidays, whilst others are later in the year. Save the dates for relevant events and register to attend those you are interested in.



The students in Year 10 who completed the Morrisby Online test are now able to view their results on the website Just log in to see the report, which we will be further exploring in a careers session early next term. A printed copy of the report will be distributed to parents at the upcoming Year 10 Parent Forum on 4th April.

8G Taylor Marinos and Christos Keramitzis 8H Evan Tsiokas and Chanele Bteddini 8P Elise Georgiou and Maria-Angela Patsalis 8V Stephane Bousoutis and Elleni Mouskos 9F Alexia Moufarrege and Thomas Mouratidis 9M Zali Alberteri and Jordan Frazis 9O George Hatzidis and Michael Xeras

MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY “DAY AT UNI� Year 11 and Year 12 students can spend a day at Macquarie on Wednesday 19 and Thursday 20 April (they only attend on one day). Students will have the chance to taste what a day in the life of a Macquarie student is really like. They will be able to: - get a feel for the campus - sit in on lectures and demos - experience practicals and tutorials

10F Tiffany Tsoukalas and Georgia Bull 10K Adam Geortsis and Stella Ktenas



choose their own subjects and plan their own day - ask lecturers and current students questions about uni life at Macquarie. Also, lunch and some freebies are included. Email or call (02) 9850 7257.

UNSW SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION EVENING 7 June. 6.15pm to 8.00pm Sir John Clancy Auditorium, UNSW Kensington The Scholarships Information Evening provides depth and detail on the range of scholarships at UNSW and the application process. The evening is aimed at Year 11 and 12 students and their parents and will consist of an information session that includes: - General introduction to UNSW scholarships and application process - Co-op Program opportunities and how to apply - Q&A panel to answer all your questions - An opportunity for one-on-one discussions about specific scholarships To make the most of the evening be sure to have a look at the Scholarships and Co-op Program websites before attending.

UTS BACHELOR OF ACCOUNTING (BAcc) Co-op Scholarship - Information Evening for Year 12 students Tue 16th May, 6.30 – 7.30pm @ Aerial Function Centre, UTS Building 10 (level 7), 235 Jones Street, Ultimo Meet current students, graduates, sponsors, and staff of this elite program. Closing date for Round 1 applications: Friday 2 June 2017 Closing date for Round 2 applications: Friday 20 October 2017 (Places for Round 2 applicants will be limited)

This is always a popular event, so register now to secure your place. arships-information-evening-0

UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY SCHOLARSHIPS YEAR 12 INFORMATION EVENING 20 June. 6.00pm to 8.00pm ABS Auditorium Abercrombie Street & Codrington Street, Sydney This is an informative evening where current students and staff will answer the important questions on scholarships: What scholarships are offered at the University of Sydney? What does it take to submit a successful scholarship application? What are the broad range of opportunities available to scholarship holders? Representatives from residential colleges and Elite Athlete Program will also be on hand to answer any further questions you may have.

UNSW INFORMATION EVENING FOR MUSIC, THEATRE AND PERFORMANCE FOR STUDENTS AND PARENTS 30 May. 6.00pm to 8.00pm Io Myers Studio, UNSW Kensington Do you have a passion for music, theatre and performance, but are unsure of the opportunities a tertiary degree can grant you in the future? This event will shed light on the diverse career pathways available through studying these disciplines. You will experience student performances and hear from UNSW academics, current students and graduates on the merits of studying in the creative arts. -paths-music-theatre-and-performance

UTS LAW UNDERGRADUATE INFO EVENING FOR YEARS 11 & 12S AND PARENTS 21 June. 6.00 to 8.00pm UTS Haymarket Campus - Building 5, Block B. Corner of Quay St & Ultimo Rd, Haymarket, Sydney. Register:



10 May. 6.15pm to 7.30pm


Location: ACPE Sydney Campus, 10 Parkview Drive, Sydney Olympic Park Register for the Course Information Evening - Thursday 6 April

23 May. 6.15pm to 7.30pmM .au/year-10-subject-selection-informationevening-23-May 25 May. 6.15pm to 7.30pm u/year-10-subject-selection-informationevening-25-May 31 May 6.15pm to7.30pmhttps://www.futurestudents.u

SYDNEY TAFE YOUR BUSINESS COURSE FOR CAREER DEVELOPMENT INFO SESSION 6pm, 31 May & 14 June @ Building A, Ground Level, Room AG.01 Corner Hotham Road and The Kingsway, Gymea ormation-session-your-business-course-careerdevelopment-1 ormation-session-your-business-course-careerdevelopment-2

SCIENCE 50:50 / WOMEN IN ENGINEERING STEM CAREERS WEEK FOR GIRLS 10 July 2017 - 9:00am to 14 July 2017 4:00pm @ UNSW For female Year 10 students. The week will consist of site visits to eight companies or organisations where scientists and engineers work, plus activities on the UNSW campus.


Enrolments are now open for the April intake for the full-time Diploma courses in BSB50215 Business and BSB50415 Business Administration. There is a dedicated Information Session for the Full-Time Diplomas April Intake on Monday, 10 April from 11am to 1pm at the City Campus. Meet the Director of Education, Anne Fairhall, and find out more about the 'St Patrick's Pathway to Success' through their tailored business curriculum, professional development workshops, Job Placement Program and Career Partner Network

Spaces are limited and the number of applications from a single school may be restricted, based on availability. Applications open 31 March.



St Patrick’s Institute of Education (SPIE) is a registered training organisation providing Diploma and Certificate courses in business, marketing, disability, community services work, aged care, hospitality and more.

Biology, chemistry, economics, exam preparation, legal studies, music, visual arts, business, design and technology, English, history, mathematics and physics. Dates for courses throughout the year at: c



SPIE provides high-quality education and training to full time Diploma students at stateof-the-art premises in the heart of Sydney. Many of these students go on to secure careers in the business sector, or pursue further study. Prospective full time students can study fulltime Diploma courses in: Business Administration, Marketing, Business, Management . Sydney Campus: St Patrick’s Institute of Education Level 1, 65 York St (corner of Barrack Street) Sydney Email:


Join us for a course information night and Q&A session on 6 April 2017. Take the opportunity to meet with ACPE's Admissions Advisors to discuss your study plan and career goals. Parents and friends also welcome. Date: Thursday 6 April 2017 Time: 7:00pm to 8:30pm


Australasian College of Natural Therapies Open Day 10am – 2pm, Saturday 29 April @ 235 Pyrmont Street, Pyrmont Sydney

Professional Cadetships Australia Videos The videos provide a really good insight into the cadet experience. s-cadetships-video.asp ring-technology-cadetships-video.asp

CG Spectrum 2-Week Trial CG Spectrum is offering a free 2-week trial for any of their courses. If you’re thinking of studying digital art or animation, think about signing up to the trial to see if studying with CG Spectrum suits you.

PRIVATE COLLEGES Career Taster Day with a difference – April 10: Yr 11 & 12 Students will join sessions to discover more about their personalities, strengths and what careers they are best suited to. This will be followed by tailored sessions on: -Journalism -Advertising -Digital Media Business -Entrepreneurship MONDAY 10 APRIL 10am-2pm Macleay College Level 2, 28 Foveaux St Surry Hills (200m from Central) Lunch is provided RSVP here:

Whitehouse Institute of Design - Open House 2017 10am-3pm, 5 August Come to Open House 2017 to see students' work from the Bachelor of Design with exhibits from Interior Design, Creative Direction & Styling, and a runway featuring collections from Fashion Design students. There will also be information presentations for each specialisation. Contact:

CATC Design School Open Day 12pm – 3pm, Saturday 29 April @ 46-52 Mountain Street, Ultimo Creative activities, student exhibitions, industry presentations, and course and enrolment information about our flexible creative courses in: CUV50311 Diploma of Graphic Design MSF50213 Diploma of Interior Design & Decoration CUV50411 Diploma of Photo Imaging

JMC Academy Open Day On Saturday 29th April 2017, from 9:30am to 2:30pm, students will have the chance to take a campus tour, undertake a focused overview of their course of interest, speak first-hand with current students, scholarship winners and the course Heads of Department. Students will also be able to view JMC student work, listen to bands and even see live audio and film production in action.

APM College of Business & Communication Open Day 10am – 2pm, Saturday 29 April @ 1 Hickson Road, The Rocks Discover courses in Business, Marketing, Communications and Public Relations, Event Management, Project Management.

JMC Academy offers courses in Contemporary Music Performance, Audio Engineering and Sound Production, Entertainment Business Management, Animation, Game Development, Digital Design, Film and Television Production and Songwriting. achers+-+Works

William Blue Hospitality Open Day Sydney 10am – 2pm, Saturday 29 April @ 1 Hickson Road, The Rocks

TSFX Edge Online Edge Online is an online resource portal that provides exclusive resources designed to

14 tv - g/c/3633F81EDF17D51E Skills in Demand for the Future Hays Quarterly Report 32

provide students with the best opportunities to optimise their Year 11 and 12 scores. Edge Online members receive over $300 worth of resources at no charge. Western Sydney Uni HSC Study Sessions FREE HSC Study Sessions for Year 12 students 3 July - 7 July 2017 sessions/hsc_study_sessions

Industry Career Information & Quizzes Careers, industry information, practice aptitude quizzes and more. This page provides a range of career information and resources under specific industry titles.

Lattitude Global Volunteering Lattitude organize global volunteering adventures for young people aged between 1725. You can be a teacher in China or Fiji, a medical assistant in Japan, an Outdoor Activities Instructor in the UK and many more. Applications for 2018 programs are now open and there are still a small number of placements available for programs departing in 2017.

TSFX Exam/Study Tip 1 Ms G Hakos Careers Adviser





Defence Information Sessions 3 April – Parramatta: Defence Careers 5 April – Parramatta: Australian Defence Force Academy 11 April – Parramatta: Army Reserve 12 April - Parramatta: Pilot & Aviation Careers 18 April - Parramatta: Women in Defence Q&A Panel 26 April - Parramatta: Royal Military College stralia/events/


On Wednesday 29th March, 19 Year 9 students went on an excursion to the Jewish Museum for the annual Respect, Understanding and Acceptance Day. There were many different schools from different cultures present such as Moriah College, Amity College, Granville Boys High School, St Pauls Catholic College, Ravenswood and Galstaun College. Throughout the day we got to learn about the different religions and cultures of students from these schools and how we are all similar in many ways including some of our beliefs. We had the opportunity to talk to some of these students, make friends and listen to presentations about their schools, religions and culture. Many really interesting things were learnt, such as; Islam means peace and that for Armenian schools students, chess is a compulsory school activity because Armenian’s are good at chess….Who would have known?

USEFUL WEBSITES Tips for juggling study, work and your passion How to become a Chartered Accountant EducationUSA YouTube Channel EducationUSA’s YouTube channel has stories about what it’s like to study in America, the visa process and more. If you’re considering studying in the USA, check out the videos.

By the end of the day we heard from the CEO of the program, and he related some stories to us about how some people were disrespected for their cultures and how there are also other people in our community and world that are



showing kindness, respect and understanding of others who are different to themselves. We also got to brainstorm the various ways we think we can counter racism. Overall, we had a great day, we learnt a lot and we would love to do this again.


ISA WINTER SEASON All ISA winter teams for both Girls football and Netball have now been finalised and teams are published on the sports notice board. Registration sheets are overdue and need to be submitted to Ms O’Shea as soon as possible. If your daughter requires a Uniform for either sport, an email will be sent home informing parents when they will be available for collection at the uniform shop. This season we will be trialling TEAM APP. It is strongly encouraged to download this free app using the instructions provided in the registration sheet. Whilst emails will be sent home weekly with playing fixture the TEAM APP is designed for communication to be an easier and more accessible communication method particularly for last minute changes or cancellations. If you have any issues downloading this APP feel free to contact me and I can help you through the process. In preparation for the ISA season the Open Girls Netball played a trial fixture against Kambala School Senior Netball team on Monday 27th March. St Spyridon hosted the match after school from 4.30pm – 6pm. This was a great opportunity for the girls to play under competition conditions and develop their match fitness prior to the ISA competition. Playing against a school not affiliated with the ISA also widens our sporting relationships with the greater community. The game was played in excellent spirit and while the score was not important the girls demonstrated exceptional effort and produce a gallant performance only losing buy 8 points.

The Open and Junior Girls football will also play a trial this Saturday against St Andrews

Marissa Diakoumis and Chloe Drougas, Year 9


The boys had their first trial last week with over 25 boys attending. It is both pleasing and exciting being able to offer an opportunity for the students to compete in another competitive sport and one that is very popular in Australia. In the coming weeks the school will be announcing its first ever First XI Cricket team and then the hard work begins with training scheduled 1-2 times a week in preparation for the season that begins in Term 4.

Cathedral School at Wentworth Park. Fixture sheets have been issued.

SOCCER The boy’s football season is well underway and all boys’ teams have been training and preparing for the season ahead. Students will be trialling for the final time this Saturday in scheduled trials at Chifley sports fields on Saturday 1st April. All families should by now have received an initial email outlining details regarding the season as well as the trial of a new app as additional means of communicating with all families. This season the school will be fielding 10 boys football teams: 3 - U13 football teams 2 - U14 teams 2 – U15 teams 1 - U16 team 2 - Opens teams

STUDENT PROFILE Spiros Zafiropoulos and Christian Jenkins Congratulations to Christian Jenkins and Spiros Zafiropoulos for winning the Under 15s division 1 SEJCA Cricket competition against Randwick. This was their first win in this very good competition that they have been playing in for some time. Spiros was also awarded best batsmen for the year and is seen here with Australian international Nic Maddinson.

We wish all the boys the best of luck for the year ahead. Dates for the regular season include: Round 1: Saturday 29th April 2017 Round 2: Saturday 6th May 2017 Round 3: Saturday 13th May 2017 Round 4: Saturday 20th May 2017 Round 5: Saturday 27th May 2017 Round 6: Saturday 3rd June 2017 Round 7: Saturday 17th June 2017 Round 8: Saturday 22nd July 2017 Round 9: Saturday 29th July 2017 Round 10: Saturday 5th August 2017 Semi Finals: Saturday 12th August 2017 Finals: Saturday 19th August 2017

I congratulate the boys on a wonderful season and commend them for their determination and perseverance in a sport that is widely recognised and regarded as one of Australia’s premier sporting competitions. I also look forward to the boys’ involvement in the school’s first ever First XI cricket team. Both boys will be integral members and leaders of the team. Congratulations to both boys well done.

CRICKET This year the school is embarking on an ambitious sporting goal that being to register an Opens boys cricket team in the ISA competition. This has been a long term goal for the school and one that we feel we are ready to proceed with. The school has invested in constructing a practise cricket pitch and accompanying net as well as investing in cricket gear to help in this process.


After competing at the ISA Carnival 2016, Nicholas qualified for the NSW CIS Athletics Carnival where he placed 1st with a jump of 1.85m. From there Nicholas qualified and took part in the NSW All Schools Athletics Championships 2016 where he placed 2nd in NSW with a jump of 1.88m. Nicholas then qualified for the Australian All Schools which took place in Canberra. Nicholas jumped 1.88m and placed 6th in Australia. At the start of the year Nicholas also participated in the NSW Juniors Championships where he placed 3rd in NSW with a jump of 1.85m. From there Nicholas qualified for the Australian Championships which took place in Sydney last Sunday. Nicholas placed 7th in Australia with a jump of 1.85m.

Nicholas Kollias- Athletics – High Jump

Congratulations Nicholas and best of luck in all your future events.

Nicholas continues to perform at the highest level in High Jump competing in various competitions as listed below achieving excellent results in a sport that demands high levels of concentration and focus. Nicholas has a competitive drive for success and I look forward to watching Nicholas perform in the schools athletics competition in 2017.

Ms K. O’Shea – Girls Sport Mr F. Kaldis – Boys Sport


PREFECT PROFILE Name: Larissa Andrianakos I joined St Spyridon College in: Kindergarten Previous Leadership Roles: Prefect (Year 6), Delphians House Captain (Year 6 and Year 11), SRC, Peer Support Leader and Vice-Captain (2017) Subjects I am currently studying: Advanced English, Mathematics General, PDHPE, Legal Studies, Drama, and Art. Hobbies: Watching movies, listening to music, going to the beach and socialising. My future aspirations: To have a lifestyle different to others. My role models: My mum because she showed me that kindness is the best medicine and my dad who shows me how to live a happy life. Favourite quote: “Surround yourself with people who love you and who you love” My proudest moment: My proudest moment would have to be in Year 6, when I was awarded the “Leadership Award” from former MP Kristina Keneally with my mum watching in the audience. Also getting elected Vice-Captain. One piece of advice I would give to younger students: Do your homework as soon as you get home so you have the rest of the night to relax! Also, start studying even before you get your assessment notification so you’re one step ahead! Student Principle: 3. We work together to achieve a school community whose distinguishing characteristics are those of friendship, compassion, and decency. I have chosen this principle as it has impacted on me heavily throughout my schooling. I was inundated by both physical and mental support which encouraged me to continue to be strong, comforted by the compassion of the school community. This is extremely important in a community such as ours because it forges an environment that promotes confidence for all students to express their feelings, with the knowledge that they will be cared for.






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