St Spyridon News 89

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VOLUME XXIX No 8 25th May, 2012



MAY th

Greek Play 7 p.m.



Greek Play 4pm


Half Yearly Exams Yr 11 begin


Open Information Morning & Tours 9.30am – 11.00am


HSC and Careers Expo Year 12



JUNE Musical - A Time to Shine 5.30pm


Musical - A Time to Shine 3.30pm


School Photographs SS Anti-bullying Show: Power of One JS


Athletics Carnival SS ICAS Science Comp JS Futsal Championship JS





Parish Trip to Greece departs


Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday – School closed


Peer Support Training JS at SPACe SS



12 – 13 14

Vaccinations Year 7


VET Work Placement ICAS Writing Competition JS Parent Teacher Interviews JS


Year 6 visit to Senior School Parent Teacher Interviews JS


Divine Liturgy Middle School Assembly SS


Term ends for staff and students



CONGRATULATIONS MRS HAMER The Australian Hellenic Educators’ Association is the state-wide body of educators involved in Hellenic Studies, predominantly Modern Greek language and culture at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels. Since 1995, the Association has presented a range of awards to students and teachers, in recognition of their achievements in the field of Classical and Modern Greek Studies (language, literature and history). On the 20th May, the association recognised Mrs Hamer with the “Kosmas o Aitolos” Category for Educators promoting/teaching Greek language and Hellenic culture, for her 30 year commitment to the Greek language program at St Spyridon College. This auspicious occasion was even more significant as the awards were held in the SPACe and attended by staff. Congratulations Mrs Hamer on behalf of all parents, staff and students (past and present) on this wonderful achievement. We look forward to the next 30! We thank the Hamer family for supporting Mrs Hamer on her mission and Mrs Faletas for nominating her for this award.


Junior School Athletics Carnival






ROTARY PRIDE OF WORKMANSHIP AWARDS “The Pride of Workmanship” award allows organisations through the Rotary Club of Burwood to recognise those special people in our organisation who go over and above what is expected of them. These people in our community like our teachers and secretaries, police, nurses, volunteers etc who are rarely recognised for their work and effort. Rotary’s motto is “Service above Self” and St Spyridon College is “Forever Excelling” both Mrs Kipriotis and Mrs Kerameas are obvious candidates for these mottos. Both ladies were awarded “The Pride of Workmanship Award” on Monday 21st May in recognition of ‘Vocational Excellence, Personal Dedication and Effort’ at St Spyridon College Junior School. Thank you to the Kipriotis and Kerameas families, members of our teaching and secretarial staff and Mrs Stamoulis and Mrs Pascalis representing the P&F who came to celebrate and honour these two wonderful people who have given over 20 years of dedicated service. Congratulations and every success and happiness for the future.


Mrs M. Hamer Principal Junior School




NEW UNIFORM SHOP HOURS… …are as follows:8.30 am to 10.00 am and 2.30 pm to 4.00 pm. every Wednesday during school Term.


Miss Bletsogiannis Stage 2 Coordinator

JUNIOR SCHOOL FUNDRAISING STARLIGHT DAY A SUCCESS! Can You Hear a Butterfly Flutter By? The Junior School Year 6 class hosted a successful fund raiser for Starlight Day on May 4th, raising more than $1200 towards Starlight Foundation’s various programs to assist the lives of kids in our community with Cancer. Donations are still open online at celling . The Deafness Foundation designs and sells Butterfly Badges to raise public awareness and funds to support the Deaf and hearing impaired community. The butterfly is the emblem of the Deafness Foundation because butterflies, too, are deaf and are very beautiful and much loved by the community.

Year 6 worked extremely hard throughout the planning and preparation stages for their STAR PARTY event. Year 6 are very pleased with not only the funds raised, but with the participation of the whole school who dressed up in stars, purple and gold for the occasion and gave as much money and energy to the activities and dancing as they could. In addition, congratulations to all the guessing competition winners!

The Year 4 students took on the responsibility and showed keen interest in selling the badges during their own lunch time. They selfishly fluttered about the playground selling and promoting the colourful butterfly badges. The badges sold for just $2. There was a choice of six colour combinations and the designs were new and unique for this year, as they are every year.

Thank you to Year 6 for their keen and positive attitude towards Starlight Day. Also, thank you to all staff and parents who got involved. You all contributed to its tremendous success!

The St Spyridon students proved, yet again, just how generous and kind they are by digging deep and supporting those who are less fortunate. All 400 butterfly badges were sold in just 2 days, raising $800 for the Deafness Foundation!

The Starlight Day Star Party will now become an annual event hosted by Year 6 leaders in the future.

Thank you for your generosity and support once again and God bless.


BUILDING LEADERSHIP CONNECTIONS WITH THE SENIOR SCHOOL Year 6 School Captains and Prefects visited the Senior Campus recently to share and develop their leadership skills and roles with the current Year 12 Prefect Group. The workshop session began with a fish and chip lunch, followed by introductions from various staff and students. Subsequently, in an afternoon of group work, the Year 6 and Year 12 students worked collaboratively to devise a shared motto and emblem for their leadership goals for 2012. Year 6 showed great confidence and ability at this workshop with Year 12 by leading by example and also learning from St Spyridon’s best senior student leaders. This is the first time St Spyridon College has used this particular initiative as a vehicle to better connect the Junior School with the Senior School. It was so very successful that the teachers and students involved look forward to future workshops and meetings that promote a strong K-12 relationship. Final decisions on the joint motto and emblem will be made by these students in the coming few weeks. The St Spyridon school community definitely looks forward to the final results!


Students in Years 7-10 are rehearsing in preparation for the Musical and ex students, along with current students, have been preparing for the Greek Play. Congratulations to everyone who participated in all these activities.

PARISH TRIP TO GREECE A meeting will be held on Wednesday, 30th May, 2012 at St Spyridon Church Hall, 7.00p.m. The Parish Trip to Greece will consist of 40 students accompanied by Mr E. Ecomonou, Mrs C. Tsaconas, Mrs M. Faletas and Mr G. Georgoulopoulos. We wish them a safe journey. Tickets will be issued and final details will be discussed.

ASSESSMENT PERIOD Year 11 students will be sitting examinations beginning Monday, 28th May for one week. Timetables have been distributed to students. The examination rules are printed on the reverse side of the timetable. Students need to be aware of these requirements.

Ms D. McCarthy Stage 3 Coordinator


Students in Years 7-10 have assessments at various times.

If you enjoy covering books with contact and have some time to spare, we would appreciate your help.

Good luck to all students.


We have a number of new Greek Readers that need to be covered prior to the commencement of Term Three. Please see Mrs Bartlett if you are able to assist either at school or at home. Many hands make light work!

‌to Desi Kringas and Dimitri Siozos, both exstudents of our Senior School who were married at St Spyridon Church on Saturday, 5th May, 2012. May God bless them both.

CO CURRICULAR Co curricular for Term 2 will conclude on Wednesday 6th June.

SENIOR SCHOOL REPORT A BUSY TIME The lives of St Spyridon College students are generally very full and busy. However, over the last few weeks the pace has been frenetic. Numerous students participated in the Greek Orthodox National Schools Event (including the Spoken Arts Festival) and won a number of events. Years 7 and 9 sat for the National Assessment Program, Literacy and Numeracy tests, (NAPLAN), ISA winter sport has begun.

Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School




Morning Tea at recess on Wednesday 30 May. All money raised will go to the Cancer Council. Teachers make a donation in order to attend their morning tea, whilst students pay $4 for a hot chocolate with marshmallows, a muffin or large cookie.

Fear is the tax, conscience pays to guilt George Sewell Whenever anyone moves into unfamiliar territory they often experience fear. Usually this fear goes hand in hand with another emotion called guilt. Often, both these states are tied to insecurities we feel about our abilities, efforts, or the actions we have taken in a particular situation. Fear may cause us to give up and not try our best. It may cause us to miss out on a valuable experience, and it may also result in us acting unjustly towards another person by saying or doing something that is hurtful. The resulting guilt and anxiety is evidence of recognising, on some level, that we have not done the right thing.

WOOLWORTHS EARN AND LEARN The Senior School is following the lead of our younger students and joining the Woolworths Earn and Learn Program. This involves shopping at ‘woolies’, and asking for Earn and Learn stickers (1 sticker for every $10 spent). Students then stick these onto a card they were provided with last week. When the card is full it is brought back to school and placed in the special collection box outside Ms Kokinelis’ office. When the competition ends, we will tally and send in the cards stickers. The more points we earn the more sports equipment and other resources the school will be entitled to. So, start collecting your stickers, fill in your card AND bring in !

To move forward, certain steps need to be followed. Firstly, we must accept responsibility. Next, we need to try to figure out why we acted as we did. Lastly we must build bridges within ourselves or between ourselves and others. This may involve talking positively to ourselves, improving the way we communicate with others, working harder, and even saying sorry to someone. Everyone of us makes mistakes occasionally. The trick is to try and learn from them, so that we can become stronger, wiser and better people.

PARENT TIP A VALUABLE WEBSITE FOR PARENTS – COMMON SENSE MEDIA In a world where children spend more and more time engaged in media and digital activities, Common Sense Media aims to help parents and educators make informed choices by providing non-partisan information, education resources, tools and recommendations.

BULLYBUSTERS Year 7 were entertained and educated by the Class Act Theatre Group though their performance of the play ‘Bully-busters’. In this play students were able to see ten different types of bullying behaviours in action, gain insight into how these affect the victim, and why the bullies behave as they do. This Term Year 7 will continue to explore this topic through Pastoral Care. At the Senior School, students throughout their middle years receive significant anti-bullying education. Happy and safe students thrive and perform at their optimum, when they are not burdened with the negativity that comes from bullying.



As well as information and advice on big issues, reviews of movies, games and apps popular with young people, there is also a Digital Literacy and Citizenship curriculum designed to empower students to think critically and make informed choices about how they create, communicate and treat others in an ever-evolving, 24/7 digital world. Visit for more. Ms G Kokinelis Dean of Middle School




Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι,

On Tuesday 29 May the staff at the Senior School will be hosting our annual Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea event, while our Student Representative Council will be holding a

Στο τεύχος αυτό δηµοσιεύουµε µια εργασία µαθητή της Γ΄Λυκείου. Η εργασία αυτή γράφηκε κάτω από συνθήκες διαγωνισµού για το επίπεδο


βρουν στέγη, τροφή και ιατροφαρµακευτική φροντίδα γι’ αυτούς και τις οικογένειές τους. Το γεγονός ότι µιλούν άλλη γλώσσα, πιστεύουν στη δική τους θρησκεία ή έχουν άλλο χρώµα από µας δεν µας δίνει το δικαίωµα να τους φερόµαστε άσχηµα και να τους δυσκολεύουµε τη ζωή ακόµη περισσότερο µε τις ρατσιστικές επιθέσεις µας.

των Προχωρηµένων Ελληνικών.(Modern Greek Extension) Επίσης σας υπενθυµίζουµε ότι στις 25 και 27 Μαϊου ανεβαίνει η θεατρική µας παράσταση «Ο Αχόρταγος» του ∆ηµήτρη Ψαθά. Αν έρθετε θα γελάσετε µε την καρδιά σας και θα τιµήσετε και τις προσπάθειες των πρώην και νυν µαθητών µας. Καλή ανάγνωση! Μ. Φαλέτα

Πρέπει πάνω απ’ όλα να υπάρχει ισότητα µεταξύ µας και για να γίνει αυτό πρέπει όλοι να έχουµε την ελευθερία του λόγου, το δικαίωµα να συνεχίσουµε τη ζωή µας όπως επιθυµούµε, µε τη γλώσσα, τη θρησκεία και τα ήθη και έθιµά µας. Πρέπει να είµαστε ανεχτικοί και να δεχόµαστε τους άλλους γύρω µας µε τις ιδιαιτερότητές τους. Πρέπει να υπάρχει αλληλεγγύη και αγάπη µεταξύ µας. Πρέπει να θυµόµαστε ότι είτε µας αρέσει είτε όχι, όλοι είµαστε παιδιά του ίδιου Θεού ανεξάρτητα από την εµφάνιση, τη γλώσσα και τη θρησκεία µας.

Θέµα: «Πρόσφατα ήσουν αυτόπτης µάρτυρας µιας ρατσιστικής επίθεσης εναντίον του νέου σου γείτονα. Το γεγονός αυτό σε παρότρυνε να γράψεις ένα γράµµα στην τοπική σου εφηµερίδα υποστηρίζοντας ότι ο ρατσισµός είναι ακόµη υπαρκτός στην κοινωνία µας κάτι που καταδικάζεις.» Αξιότιµε κύριε Καµπούρογλου, Γράφω σε σας και στην εφηµερίδα σας για να εκφράσω τα συναισθήµατά µου, τις σκέψεις µου και τις ανησυχίες µου επειδή έτυχε να δω µια ρατσιστική επίθεση στον γείτονά µου. Ο άνθρωπος µόλις ήρθε στην Αυστραλία, κατάγεται από το Αφγανιστάν και είναι πρόσφυγας. Είµαι πάρα πολύ θυµωµένος και λυπηµένος που ο ρατσισµός συνεχίζει να υπάρχει στην κοινωνία µας. ∆εν λέµε καθηµερινά ότι ζούµε στην εποχή της ελευθερίας και της αποδοχής των άλλων γύρω µας;

Ευχαριστώ για τη φιλοξενία Με εκτίµηση Αντρέας Νικολιδάκης Andreas Nicholson 12GK



University of Sydney Year 10 Information Evenings will be held at the University on Wednesday 6 and Tuesday 12 June at the Eastern Avenue Foyer from 6 to 8pm. You must register to attend. Type into the blank url space to get the webpage where there is information about the evening with the link to register.

Η Αυστραλία και γενικά ο ∆υτικός κόσµος είναι µια κοινωνία πολυεθνική στην οποία υπάρχει η ποικιλία, η πολυµορφία. Μαζί ζουν άνθρωποι από διάφορες εθνικότητες, θρησκείες και γλώσσες. Κάθε άτοµο έχει τη δική του ιδιαιτερότητα και τη δική του άποψη για κάθε τι. ∆εν θα έπρεπε να µπορούµε πια να σεβόµαστε τη διαφορετικότητα των ανθρώπων γύρω µας, που άλλωστε σηµαίνει και οµορφιά;

Study Assist is a website that provides information to students about Australian Government assistance for financing tertiary study. Find out about HECS-HELP and FEE-HELP at

∆υστυχώς, το επεισόδιο που είδα µας δείχνει ότι δεν υπάρχει αποδοχή και ανεκτικότητα στην Αυστραλία. Οι νέοι µετανάστες δεν νιώθουν άνετα ανάµεσά µας. Υπάρχει κάποια εχθρικότητα προς τους νέους µετανάστες αντί να υπάρχει αµοιβαία εκτίµηση και σεβασµός. Έχω δει αρκετές περιπτώσεις ρατσισµού στην Αυστραλία, όπως τα επεισόδια στην περιοχή Κρονάλλα και λυπάµαι και ντρέποµαι για όλα αυτά.

UMAT 2012 Undergraduate Medicine and Health Sciences Admission Test is a 3 hour multiplechoice test developed and used specifically to assist with the selection of students into medicine and some health science degree programs at undergraduate level. It will be held on 25 July this year. Refer to the websites of the universities to which you intend to apply and for more details. Registrations close on 1 June.

∆εν µπορούµε να δείξουµε συµπάθεια για τις δυσκολίες που αντιµετωπίζουν οι νεοµετανάστες και οι πρόσφυγες που έρχονται εδώ; Οι άνθρωποι αυτοί τον πρώτο καιρό έχουν µεγάλα προβλήµατα όπως να βρουν εργασία για να µπορέσουν να

The School For Excellence (TSFX) is a private educational institution that provides educational services to Year 11 and 12 students. These


services include revision courses and study skills lectures. See the Careers Adviser’s area. For more information,

NIDA OPEN DAY will be held on Saturday 2 June from 10am to 4pm at 215 Anzac Parade Kensington. You will be able to discover more about NIDA’s full-time courses, public programs and productions. You will see students rehearse for their next production, watch screen acting classes in a film and TV studio, check out fiery pyrotechnics demonstrations, and elaborate lighting displays and tour the props areas. There will also be a dedicated session to learn about the new course for 2013 – Bachelor of Dramatic Art (Staging). Mrs A. Skerman Careers Adviser

Academy of Information Technology (AIT) have organised a School Holiday Program which will run from 2nd to 6th July. Students can attend from 1 to 5 days, $95 per day or $427.50 for all sessions. Each day will focus on a different area. In order of days, Graphic Design, Filmmaking Challenge, Intro to Animation, 3D Modelling & Animation, Express Games Design. See poster on careers noticeboard or

SYDNEY MORNING HERALD HSC AND CAREERS EXPO 2012 will be held from Thursday 31 May to Sunday 3 June at the Royal Hall of Industries, Moore Park. There will be over 150 organizations providing HSC, tertiary courses, career, study skills and gap year information and resources. Exhibitors include all of Australia’s major universities. The Expo also features 110 seminars on HSC subjects, tertiary courses, careers and study advice. St Spyridon College will be taking our Year 12 students on Thursday from noon. The students will be able to return to the Expo on any other day free of charge. Admission is $10 or $25 for families of 3 or more. Children 14 or under are free.




YEAR 2 WRITING FUN Year 2 students have been very busy this term exploring different text types. One text type that we have been learning about are DESCRIPTIONS. 2A chose to write a fabulous description about Mrs Hamer, where they had to describe the many wonderful characteristics about her. Here is what they had to say… Miss Sotiras Year 2A Class Teacher

NSW MOUNTED POLICE OPEN DAY will be held on Saturday 21 July at the Mounted Police Stables, 7 Baptist Street, Redfern from 10am to 2pm – Week 1 of Term 3. Many of the special units will have displays – Rescue and Bomb Squad, Police Order & Riot Squad, Dog Squad, Marine & police Diving Unit, PCYC activities. Students who may be looking at a career in the Police Force are encouraged to attend.

THE AMAZING MRS HAMER Mrs Hamer is the Principal of St Spyridon College Junior School. Mrs Hamer is medium in height and she has hazely brown eyes. She has light brown hair which is short and wavy. She sometimes wears glasses to help her see better. Mrs Hamer wears pretty dresses. Our favourite is the one with beautiful coloured flowers on it.

BOND UNIVERSITY at the Gold Coast are holding a free information session in Sydney on Wednesday 6 June on Level 1, 190 George St CBD from 4 to 5pm. The choice of the right university for your studies is an important decision and it’s equally important to understand what each University offers you before making your choice. At this session you will find out about Bond University, Australia’s first private not-for-profit university. You’ll hear about: scholarships, the degrees you can study, the unique 3 semester-per-year schedule meaning you finish your degree at least one year sooner and more. It’s free to attend but you need to register by phoning Terry Crotty, Senior Regional Manager on 0420 937 317.

Mrs Hamer works very hard in her office dealing with school matters. She likes to come out at big lunch and remind us of the school rules. If there is a problem she will always have a solution. Mrs Hamer took time out of her very busy schedule to come with us on our excursion to see the “Gruffalo’s Child”. We loved that she joined us because she is very kind and we had so much fun together.


Mrs Hamer loves to take care of us. If we have fallen over in the playground and need a band aid she will kindly put one on us.

Junior B’s- (Year 8 & 9) Currently Undefeated and have now been promoted to Junior A Div 1 Bye vs St Pauls Win 63-24 vs Redlands C – Win 38-27 vs Redland D Win 41-30

Mrs Hamer is an amazing person because she cares so much about the students of this school. We LOVE you so much!!!

Junior C’s – ( Year 7 & 8) vs SACS loss 17-4 vs BMGS Won vs Redlands Drew 15-15

By Year 2A

Good luck for the rest of the season!! Each Tuesday two teams consisting of Year 8 girls and Year 10 girls have been competing in an afternoon School Netball competition held at Moore Park. They have been successful and in particular the Year 8 girls have been impressive in their performance. Well done girls in representing your school in yet another competition.

ISA FOOTBALL As ISA Girls football continues to develop we have grown with two teams this year which although at times is difficult to play with no substitutions, it has allowed the girls to have maximal time on the field and further develop their skills.


Junior A’s- (Year 9) vs Redland lost 1-2 vs CCGS lost 5-4 vs Chevalier B Win 5-2


Junior B’s (Year 7 & 8) Vs Redlands Draw 2-2 Vs CCGS Win 4-0 Vs Chevalier D Win 7-3

ISA NETBALL Well done to all Girls who have had a positive start to the season. After 3 rounds the following results have been achieved:


Open A’s- Currently Undefeated vs Oakhill Win 53-49 vs BMGS Win 39-30 Bye

Selected students from all Greek Orthodox Colleges around Australia participated in the Annual Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia National Schools Event hosted by St George College Adelaide. The event aims to build friendships amongst students who share beliefs and values through a competitive yet friendly sporting tournament. St Spyridon College, defined as the team to beat in many sports due to

Open B’s –(Year 12 and Year 11) vs Oakhill Loss 24-44 vs BMGS Loss 26-40 vs Redlands Win 30-10 Inter B’s-(Year 10) vs SACS Win 18-15 vs St Pauls Loss 19-39 vs Redlands Loss


its past successes, students had a hard task at hand to fulfil expectations.

Day 3- Table Tennis and Indoor Soccer Both girls and boys surprised themselves in their ability in an unfamiliar sport such as Table Tennis. However, in true St Spyridon spirit our students endeavoured to be competitive narrowly missing out on a finals position.

Day 1- Basketball Girls and Boys Champions After an early start and less than favourable slowplaying surface, our girls were challenged in the first game with a close match against St Euphemia. However, the girls’ pride would not let them be beaten. They continued the day with superior skill. Most enjoyable was to watch their smiles and laughter as they shared their love for the game. The girls remained undefeated champions and have held this record since 2001. With a team consisting primarily of Year 10, their success is bound to continue. Recognition to Erin Criticos and Irene Koukounaris outgoing Year 12 students who played their last Basketball game for St Spyridon College.

A much harder task than in previous years as the team dynamics have changed with many junior players. The team consisted of girls who have not travelled away with the school and therefore that was exciting in itself. With the most Senior player from Year 10 retaining the undefeated championship was going to be difficult. However, the aim was different this year with primary focus on development and based on their performance the future looks positive. The girls finished second overall. Day 3 – Indoor Soccer Boys Champions The Boys Indoor Soccer was a highlight with the boys determined and well prepared to win. Current Under 16 NSW State Champions the Greek Orthodox championship has been at arms reach but the boys have not quite managed to secure the trophy. However, this year was always different as the boys dedicated many lunch times to formulate specific game plans to outplay their opponents which proved successful. The boys were undefeated champions and their games were extremely emotional and exciting. Well done boys for a well earned win!!

Boys Basketball has been successful in all other championships. However, they had yet to achieve the title of Greek Orthodox champions. Despite a narrow loss in their first game to St Euphemia the boys managed to secure first position and successfully become champions. Day 1 - Volleyball Volleyball both Girls and Boys were not lacking in effort. Students did their best to transfer their skills in an unfamiliar sport and were able to win a game each beyond expectations. With further preparation, teams could be more successful next year.

Congratulations to the following students who received the Most Valuable Player in their sports.

Day 2- Netball Champions The Girls Netball team were well prepared and determined to bring back the Netball Championship. The girls were outstanding in their performance and demonstrated their exceptional skills in all games. Recognition from other schools was received as they were truly impressed with the girls’ performance. Girls were undefeated and 2012 Netball Champions.

Leonidas Andrew & Chyrstal Christie - Indoor Soccer Mathew Kambos & Rena Lambos- Table Tennis Erin Criticos- Netball Nikolas Baratsas & Nansia Koukounaris Basketball Andrew Sigrimis & Lia Albanakis- Volleyball James Andrew – Outdoor Soccer

Day 2- Soccer Boys had a difficult task as defending champions to try and emulate their performance from last year. After a good start to the tournament with wins against All Saints and St Johns and a draw against Oakleigh, the boys matched up with St George hosting school in what was to depict the overall winner. After being down 2-0 they lost narrowly by 3-2. Whilst saddened by their loss this made them hungry for the Indoor Soccer and more determined for next year.

Day 3 – Spoken Arts Special recognition to Demi Flokis and Alexander Moraitis who both performed a musical piece at the Spoken Arts Performance their performance was enjoyed by all schools. Thank you to Ms Gambriell, Mr Zafiropoulos, Mr Kaldis, Ms Gonzalez, Mr Georgoulopoulos, Angelina Flokis and especially Mr Meintanis for taking time from their families to assist in the week. Thank you to all parents who supported the


and as a result other schools have responded to these expectations. This has allowed for the competition to become stronger.

students at the events, your presence was encouraging for all students. Thank you to Mr and Mrs Mio for sponsorship which allowed us to have a beautiful dinner - your generosity is much appreciated. Furthermore, thank you to all parents for allowing their children to participate in such an event as it is a very memorable event in their school life and one that they will cherish.

The students most certainly delivered to expectations with their hard training and dedication, all students represented the school with pride and must be commended not only for their outstanding results but their behaviour.

The level of competition has most certainly improved over the years in the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia National Schools Event. St Spyridon has set the benchmark in many sports

Ms K. O’Shea Girls Sport



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