St Spyridon News No. 96

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VOLUME XXIX No 15 7th September, 2012


SEPTEMBER Year 11 Preliminary Course Assessment Week

10th - 11th

ISA Athletics 1E/1T excursion to Childrens Hospital Year 6 Art Gallery excursion


CIS Athletics Carnival JS


Greek Orthodox Colleges Athletics Carnival JS


Year 5 excursion to Art Gallery


Year 12 Farewell Assembly


K-12 Doxology 8.45am St Spyridon Church Year 12 Farewell Dinner 6.45pm St Spyridon Church Hall Year 1V excursion to Childrens Hospital


Term Ends Open Day JS House Gala Day SS


Staff Development Day




SPORTS PRESENTATION EVENING 2012 On Tuesday, 4th September, 2012, we celebrated the sporting achievements of our students Years 3-12. The keynote speaker on the night was The Hon. Kristina Keneally, Chief Executive Officer of Basketball Australia, who attended with her husband Mr Ben Keneally.

OCTOBER Students and staff return


HSC Begins


HICES Junior and Senior School Principals meeting


Divine Liturgy of St James


OHI Day Celebrations Church Years 7-9 P & F Spring Fair


Mrs Keneally with Sports Captains

Other guests included Father Steven Scoutas, Mr Elia Economou, Parish President and Chairman of the Board of Governors, Mr Con Pavlou, Senior Relationship Manager Bank of Cyprus, Cr Scott Nash, Mayor of Randwick, Cr Anthony Andrews, Ms Stamoulis, President of the P & F and Mr Coudounaris. The following were acknowledged for their support of Sport: Mr & Mrs Mio, Mr &Mrs Albanakis and Mr Nissirios. Congratulations to all students who received awards. Thank you to our coordinators of Sport Ms Theodossiou Junior School, Mr Condous and Ms O’ Shea Senior School.


Junior School Swimming Age Champions

Junior School Athletics Age Champions


ASISSA Representatives

NSW Futsal Regional Champions and State Runners Up

ASISSA Representatives


NSW Futsal Regional Champions

National Schools Event – Basketball

National Schools Event - Netball


ISA Basketball

ISA Netball

ISA Football


NSW Futsal Regional Champions

NSW Futsal Regional Champions

Eastern Suburbs Private Schools Netball Premiers


Senior Individual Awards

Best and Fairest Awards

Pierre de Coubertin Award





also. We also have the Government funded Active After School Communities program that runs each Monday and Wednesday afternoons.


For enquiries or to book your children in, please call Christine on 0410 505 524.

…are due 14th September, 2012. Please pay school fees by due date. If fees are not paid by due date a $50 admin fee will be added to every account.

Please Note: Before your child begins attending care, please ensure an enrolment form is filled out and returned to staff at the centre. A copy can be emailed to you enquire via to receive a copy.

Mrs H. Simicos


Miss P. Doyle

Our vacation care program for the fast approaching Sept/Oct Holiday period is available and we are now taking bookings. The program is attached to this newsletter. Should you wish you enrol and book your children in, please call Christine on 0410 505 524 or email

JUNIOR SCHOOL REPORT FATHERS DAY Thank you to the parents who purchased and wrapped gifts for the Father’s Day Stall. We also would like to thank the parents who manned the stall.

As you may note on the event program, Greek Welfare Centre has revised their Vacation Care fee structure which will come into effect Monday 24th September. Vacation Care will now be $40 per day for booked care. The casual rate will be $45 per day. We will require you to give at least 24 hours notice when booking in your child/ren, in order to be paying the set daily fee. If you are unable to give 24 hours notice, you will be charged the casual rate of $45 (child care benefit applies here also).

The gifts were snapped up quickly and surely delighted the dads who received them. Congratulations to Year One for the humorous Father’s Day Assembly they presented. It was wonderful to see so many dads present.

As it is the nature of our centre to have fluctuating attendance numbers, I ask that parents please book your children in ahead of time to ensure your child’s position at vacation care for that day and to ensure the correct staff/child ratio is met for the day.

AFTER SCHOOL CARE After School Care fees are $18 per day and we are able to reduce fees if your family receives the child care benefit. Your family may be eligible to receive help with the cost of child care. Our operating hours are 3.30pm-6.30pm in the white house on the Infants Campus. At after school care children are given the opportunity to complete homework and play games. There are art and craft activities and a nutritious afternoon tea is served


Alexander Marinos 1V

Congratulations also to the winners of the Father’s Day Raffle.

Year 3 and 4 were asked to make a bus from recycled materials, to go with the Book Week Prize Winner “A Bus called Heaven” by Bob Graham. Incidentally, not only was this Book named Picture Book for 2012, but also received the St. Spyridon Children’s award.

Andrew Papandrew (5I) - (15B) Green Stavros Haralambides (1T) - (70B) Yellow Stephanie Vardakis (2A) - (22F) Green Jorge Cooney (2A) - (95D) Yellow

Award winners were: Emmanuel Aroney 3S Nicolette Tsimboukis 4C Year 5 and 6 were required to do some reading from a group of Morris Gleitzman titles. They needed to read the first chapter of 6 books, and then answer questions in the form of a Readers Cup Competition.


The following students took out the award: Connor Giavis 5I Joanna Skouteris 6M

Please note: all co-curricular activities will conclude on Wednesday 12th September for this year.

Two other students who deserve a mention are Dominic Augoustis and Dean Albanakis, who tied with Joanna but were beaten on a play-off.

Mrs A. Synesios Deputy Principal

Well done to everyone who participated.

BOOK WEEK 2012 Once again, the children celebrated Book Week within their grade during Library lessons this year. Apart from the very successful musical play, each grade had a different activity to help make Book Week meaningful to them. K-Year 2 worked on decorating the Library with their colourful display on the theme: “Champions Read”. The following children received an award for their contribution: James Cardamis 2A Sia Manos 2I George Grillakis 2C Kindergarten awards went to: Georgia Miller KC Connor Kristallis KJ Year 1 awards went to: Thalia Papademetriou IT Natalia Constantinidis 1E


Mrs Bartlett Librarian

CROSS CAMPUS CONNECTIONSFINAL PREFECT LEADERSHIP EMBLEM Last Friday, 30th August, four students from the Junior Campus went to the Senior School to design the emblem to represent the St. Spyridon K-12 Prefect Leadership Group for 2012. The student prefects who attended were Erin Giaras, Dean Albanakis, Sarah Hatzon and Despina Carpis. They were joined by House Captain Dominic Augoustis and Year 6 representative; Felicity Ginis. The students met in the Art room to design an Emblem that embodies the winning Prefect Leadership Motto and Symbol. This Emblem will now be used as a focus for Leadership in 2012 and beyond. Thank you to Despina for giving up her time, before the HSC, to guide a talented group of Junior School Leaders and Artists and for teaching new skills in using various media too!


PEER SUPPORT UPDATE Session 4 In this session, children focus on the importance of support networks and the role that friends play in each other’s lives. Children construct a visual representation of this during the session. Encourage your child to identify friends they have who can provide support for them if the need arises. Session 5 Here children look at how to play in a friendly way in order to maintain friends and build positive relationships. Through various activities children discover the importance of taking turns and having consistent rules throughout a game. Help your child practise these skills by encouraging them to play games with siblings, family or friends. Session 6 Now children focus on exploring how to join groups and how to accept others into their friendship group. The activities give children a chance to practise these skills, as well as to say no in a respectful way, cope with being told no and inviting others to join them. Encourage your child to discuss with you the importance of saying no to people in a respectful way so that they don’t lose friends. Also discuss with your child various options they have at school if they should find themselves without anyone to play with during break time. Miss D. McCarthy Stage 3 Coordinator


SENIOR SCHOOL REPORT THE HUMAN CALCULATOR – Scott Flansberg On Monday, 3rd September, the Human Calculator visited us with his mathematical brain powers. He could multiply, divide, add and subtract sums within 20 seconds! His highest known record for multiplying sums on and on is 15 seconds. He tried beating the record in the SPACe but was too pressured by the enthusiastic children. He told us his favourite number was number 9 because if you have 50, 5 + 0 = 5 then you have 50 minus 5 which equals 45, 4 + 5 = 9. Try it! We had a lot of fun and took in a lot of knowledge. Now we can show off this method to our families and feel smart. We thank him for his attendance to the school all the way from America.

Emanuel Kapodistrias receiving his medal for 6th place in Australia in World Maths Day

YEAR 12, 2012 A number of events have been organised to farewell our Year 12 students:  Monday, 17th September: Years 7-12 Farewell Assembly  Tuesday, 18th September: K-12 Doxology in the presence of His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos, in St Spyridon Church – parents and family are welcome and encouraged to attend  Tuesday, 18th September: Year 12 Farewell Dinner for Year 12 students, teachers, parents and family.

Larissa Andrianakos 7K

As we farewell Year 12 we wish them every success in their HSC Examinations and future careers. Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School

Panayioti Kapodistrias – NSW Ambassador receiving his Certificate for 20th in the World in World Maths Day



Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to give something back by becoming more” Anthony Robbins

YEAR 7’s………. WELCOME IN SPRING This week Year 7 organized a sausage sizzle to welcome Spring and mark the beginning of the Indiction and raise money for the Professor Chris O’Brien Lifehouse at RPA, a world class cancer

….with Year 9 students


treatment and research facility set up to assist cancer patients, their families and carers.

PAPER RECYCLING The first phase of the SRC paper recycling initiative has now begun at the Senior School. Six council paper recycling bins were delivered last month, and in the coming weeks “Paper Only” bins will also be placed in each classroom. Not only are we saving resources and doing our bit to reduce landfill, it is hoped students will also develop a greener conscious through the simple act of making a choice to drop paper into the correct bin.

Professor Chris O’Brien (1952- 2009) was a man of leadership, vision and courage. He inspired people both through his work as a cancer specialist and through his own battle with an aggressive brain tumour. The Lifehouse project (later named the Chris O’Brien Lifehouse) was his idea. Year 7 and all who supported the sausage sizzle are pleased to be able to donate all profits towards the Lifehouse building project, which will be completed and fully operational during 2013.





A number of Middle School students have once again finalized their reading logs for entry into this years’ Challenge which ended on 31 August. To qualify students needed to read 20 books in total during the year, 15 from the PRC list and 5 of their own choice. Every week students are reminded of the importance of reading by spending the beginning of each Pastoral Care lesson doing just that. All who qualified will be eligible for a certificate which will be issued to them at the end of year special assemblies.

Last Friday Year 12 & Year 6 Prefect representatives, along with Ms McCarthy, Stage 3 Coordinator and teacher of Year 6, gathered at the Senior School to design the emblem and motto voted upon in Term 2, representing the combined student leadership teams of 2012. The students spent the afternoon in the Senior School Art rooms experimenting with ideas. We look forward to seeing the emblem and motto “TO ACHIEVE YOU MUST BELIEVE” displayed in the Senior Common Room to mark the beginning of ongoing leadership collaborations between current and future Senior and Junior School leaders.

WOOLWORTHS STICKER CARDS Thank You to all students and staff for collecting the Woolworths Sticker cards. We collected 185 cards. This equates to approximately 5,500 points, the equivalent of a spend value of $55,000 (each point represents $10 in shopping). The cards have now been sent off for validation, and once this occurs some great resources will be chosen from the Teaching Aids catalogue. Ms G. Kokinelis Dean of Middle School



Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι,


Στο τεύχος αυτό θα ήθελα πρώτα πρώτα να συγχαρώ τις μαθήτριές μας: Καλλιόπη Κεφάλα, Μαρία Μπλέτσα, Άννα-Μαρία Ξένου από την Γ΄ Γυμνασίου και την Κατερίνα Αρβανιτάκη από την Α΄ Λυκείου για τα θαυμάσια αποτελέσματά τους στον ελληνικό διαγωνισμό «Ελληνομάθεια 2012». Πρόκειται για διαγωνισμό που οργανώνει η Ελλάδα για όλο τον απόδημο ελληνισμό και

The tally of funds raised by students and their family and friends has now reached $3,900. This is a good effort. Well done and thank you to all who actively took part by giving something up over the 40 Hour Famine weekend in August, and to all those who donated. 100 people in disadvantaged communities will be assisted through your contributions.


βαθμολογούν Ελλάδα.



The political system is also credited for the rise of the Athenian Army which is credited for their success. Art and Sculpture glorified the human achievements of this period. Whilst the styles did not change the quantity and perfection of the work improved. The purpose of Art was to honour the gods and the state and not for individuals. Greek Art emphasised dignity and nobility and served religious and civic purposes.


Επίσης να δημοσιεύεται μία από τις εργασίες μαθητών της Γ΄ Γυμνασίου σχετικά με το μάθημα των Αρχαίων Ελληνικών. Καλή ανάγνωση κ. Μ. Φαλέτα The political system of Athens in 5th Century BC

Architecture also thrived during this period and whilst many Athenians lived in relatively poor homes they were prepared to invest in temples and other public buildings. The period saw:  The reconstruction of the Temple of Zeus.  The reconstruction of the Temple of Apollo in Delphi.  The restoration of the Acropolis in Athens.

Δημοκρατία: the word Democracy forms from the words «Δήμος» (=people) and «Κράτος» (=force/power/state), the function of giving people the power to vote and a freedom of speech. In early 5th century BC, Greece was not one unified country, but instead made up of independent city states including Athens, Sparta, Corinth and Thebes. Athens the eventual winner of the Persian became the most prominent of the Greek city states and formed one of the first known democracies in the world.

Phidias was a sculptor of this time and is considered to be the greatest sculptor of this era. He created Athena in the Parthenon and Zeus in Olympia.

The Athenian Democracy developed in the central city state of Athens and the surrounding territory of Attica in 508 BC, which formed an Assembly (Εκκλησία) which gave a voice to all citizens. During this period, citizenship was only granted to all males aged over 20, born from Athenian parents. It is estimated that 6,000 participated, gathering in front of the Acropolis. The Εκκλησία occurred forty times a year.

Theatre reached is peak in this period and Athens became the great city of Greek theatre. It has been said that Western drama owes its beginnings to the Greeks. Greek festivals were not held just for entertainment but were ritualistic, produced to honour the gods. Sophocles was one of the dramatic poets of this era. The 5th century political era also featured some of the most renowned philosophers of all time. Socrates, Plato and Aristotle all came from this period. In this age, Athens was the school of Greece and was also the capital of eloquence.

The Assembly decided on laws and policies with bills voted on in two stages. Once the Assembly decided on a policy, the Council or Βουλή would then give the definite approval. The Council/Βουλή consisted of 500 members, fifty from each tribe, functioning as an extension of the Assembly.

This was certainly a Golden time for Athens. The political system of Athens in the 5th BC century had an impact on the development of the state, bringing rule and a freedom of speech. It also was responsible for the development of its culture and has had a lasting affect until today. The Golden period did however cause some dissatisfaction and the civilisation declined with the start of the Peloponnesian War which lasted for 27 years.

The move to democracy reflected other changes in 5th BC century Athens with respect to the development of Athens in areas of Art and Culture, Architecture, Philosophy and Literature. This was a Golden Age for Athens, especially under the rule of Pericles. The economy was based on commerce and manufacturing and the state oversaw all religious festivals.

Democracy was restored in Athens in 402 BC. The history continues from this period and the story of Alexander the Great. Ann-Marie Xenos Year 9




UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME is a private Catholic university with two campuses in Sydney. Applications are made directly to the University and students cannot apply through the University Admissions Centre (UAC). Applicants are required to supply the following by 28 September:  a completed “Undergraduate Application for Admission 2013” nominating your course preferences – available in Prospectus,  a Personal Statement in the form of an essay of approximately 300 words in length, outlining the reasons for your preferences  relevant supplementary documentation  full academic records for year 11 and Semester 1 and/or trial results of year 12 – if available. Each application is considered on an individual basis. Applicants who have met admissions requirements, will be invited for an interview which will be conducted by a member of the academic staff. After the interview, the university will decide whether they make you an offer to one of your preferences. New Courses for 2013. Bachelor of Advertising and Media, Bachelor of Advertising and Media, Bachelor of Philosophy/Bachelor of Theology (course information coming soon), Master of Business Administration, Master of Business Administration (Executive), Master of Business Leadership. Further information regarding these courses is available from ‘Discover Nursing at Notre Dame’ is an opportunity for prospective students to see the great facilities and to meet the academic staff from the school of Nursing. Thursday 20 September from 6 to 8pm at aaaund 160 Oxford St Darlinghurst.

On Thursday 23 August, I gave a presentation, talk and handout to all the Year 12 students during Pastoral Care. This talk covered the various aspects of post Year 12 options – universities, TAFE Colleges, private colleges and university colleges and the procedures for applying to them. Parents should ask their Year 12 student to show them the notes of the talk and to discuss what options that they are looking towards. I am hoping to interview all of the Year 12 students in the next few weeks now their Trials are over. Please make an appointment now during one of your study periods to see me.

OPTIONS FOR 2013 and Beyond

An OPEN DAY DISPLAY has been arranged on the noticeboard near the careers room. Come and see “WHAT’S ON” at the Various Colleges, TAFE and Universities. Students in Years 10, 11 and 12 are encouraged to attend these days as they can be lots of fun as well as being informative. Ask a couple of friends to go with you or go with your parents *Saturday 8 September #Design Centre Enmore 10am to 3pm 110 Edgeware Road Enmore #Macquarie Uni #Australian International Conservatorium of Music 114 Victoria Rd Rozelle #Raffles College of Design and Commerce 99 Mount St North Sydney 10 to 2pm #Australian Catholic Uni at Strathfield campus *Saturday 15 September #The Hotel School Sydney 9am to 1pm 60 Phillip St Sydney CBD to register #Bedford College 9.30am to 3pm 54 Parramatta Rd Glebe (opposite Syd Uni) Business and Child Care courses *Sunday 16 September St Patrick’s Cnr Devonshire & Riley Sts Surry Hills Courses in Marketing and Business 11am




MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY’s “Uni in a Day” Program on Thursday 27 September is your chance to get a taste of university life. Year 10 and 11 students will be able to choose your own subjects, plan your timetable and see what happens in a normal day on campus. It is completely free. See Mrs Skerman for a copy of the program. Register at This should be a great event!


Applications for 2013 now open. Prestige scholarships See for more details.

The Optus Engineering Cadet Program 2013 is a combination of paid on-the-job learning and TAFE studies over 3 years. Applications for this program will close on 15 September. The


whom were these questions addressed BG (before Google)? # The first commercial text message was sent in December of 1992. Today, the number of text messages sent and received every day, exceeds the total population of the planet. To end this segment on a lighter note, during a period of 5 minutes, 67 babies were born in the US, 274 were born in China and 395 were born in India and 694,000 songs were downloaded illegally.

assessment and selection process will occur in October. If you are interested in engineering and technology, are sitting for the HSC in 2012 and want to combine on-the-job training with studying at Lidcombe TAFE in telecommunications networks and engineering, then look at to see an overview of the cadet program.


Mrs A. Skerman Careers Adviser

The Master Builders Association is running this ‘building and construction industry evening’ for students and their parents on Tuesday 18th September from 5.30pm to 7pm. It will take place at Master Builders Association NSW 52 Parramatta Road, Forest Lodge. It will give parents the opportunity to find out how their child can get an apprenticeship/ traineeship, how to help their child with career choices, learn about 25 trade careers and the chance to talk to building industry experts and find out about Master Builder Group Training.




On Monday, 27th August, Year 11 Physics class went to IMAX Theatre to watch an exciting and intriguing documentary on the hubble telescope. This was an exciting and very educational experience which gave an insight on the dynamics of the Universe. Furthermore, it correlates with our topic of study ‘The Cosmic Engine’ which helped explain the theories, hypothesis and current facts about the origin of the Universe.

These are some very interesting facts I have uncovered. I am not sure about the reliability of them but they certainly made my brain engage. We must realise that we now operate in a global community and this has changed the rules and the way we live. Our Year 12 students are entering a very different world than when their parents started their working lives. # If you are a “1 in a million” person in China, there are 1300 people like you. # China will soon become the number 1 English speaking country in the world. # The 25% of India’s population with the highest IQs … is greater than the total population of the USA. This means that India has more ‘honours’ kids than America has kids. # The top 10 in-demand jobs did not exist 6 years ago. # We are currently preparing students for jobs that don’t yet exist, using technologies that haven’t been invented yet, in order to solve problems we don’t even know are problems yet. # The US Department of Labour estimates that today’s learners will have 10 to 14 jobs by the age of 38. # 1 in 4 workers has been with their current employer for less than a year. 1 in 2 has been there less than 5 years. # There are 31 billion searches on Google every month. In 2006, this number was 7.7 billion. To


Year 11 Physics




On Tuesday the 28 August 2012 we attended the Community Relations Commission Symposium held at Parkroyal Hotel Parramatta to develop a greater understanding of social and multicultural issues in conversation with other peers from across the NSW education system and community youth sector. The workshop we attended was “Making it happen”. As a group we discussed strategies and


on a tour of the establishment. We were separated in two groups and taken right down to the basement of the tower, where the kitchen was located. There we visited the pantry room, where we discussed the dynamics and structure of particular areas. We walked through the industrial kitchen and observed all the chefs preparing all the different foods. This was an excellent experience as we could actually see what happens behind the scenes of a restaurant, how food contamination occurs and career paths available. Soon after, we were taken back to the top of the tower, where the restaurants were located. There are 3 restaurants, we visited the 360 Bar where every so often, the floor would rotate around so that the people who dine there will be able to observe the view of Sydney from all directions, hence the name of the restaurant. This restaurant had an ‘a la carte menu’ which is a set menu, which was used more for formal settings, whereas the other restaurants were more relaxed and casual. Next was lunch !!! And it was a buffet!!! We got to experience sitting in the revolving restaurant and enjoyed the view as well as our food!!! There was a wide range of food and it was a very difficult decision as everything looked amazing and presented attractively. To mention some of the food there was: seafood, curries, salads, chicken, kangaroo, crocodile and even camel. Some of us were adventurous enough to try the latter and surprised it tasted quite good. Dessert was spectacular and delicious, there were fruits, mini pavlovas, lavender mousse, custards, and ice-creams and of course we tried it all! On behalf of Year 10 and Year 11 we would like to thank Mrs Grillakis for organising this amazing excursion and to Miss O’Shea for accompanying us.

opportunities for young people to find purpose, set agendas, add value and take progressive steps to realise our personal and professional goals. One of our Presenters Gracia Ngoy, wrote a book called “A little recipe for success”. She presented us with this question: What (or who) stops you from becoming the person you want to be? Many students responded by saying the media, attitude, and age and even our peers. We were shocked to hear that yourself is what is stopping us from becoming the people we want to be. To be able to ‘make it happen’ we must have 3 things: Vision, Choice and purpose along with the essential tools which include attitude, self belief/empowerment and goals. Vision is knowing where you are going, purpose is why you are going and choice is how you are going to get there. We were able to meet a range of different students from multiple schools and were able to talk about issues that are affecting young people today. Attending this event was a very worthwhile experience and we recommend it to anyone else who may be asked in future to attend.

Constance Synesios and Maria Mio Year 11



On the 20th August, the Food Technology and Hospitality students of Year 10 and Year 11 went to the Sydney Tower Restaurant, which is located in the heart of Sydney, for an excursion. When we arrived there, we met the staff who were taking us

Chloe Kourtesis and Stephanie Mio DEBATING REPORT Year 10


Another season of debating has come to an end. This, being our second year participating in the Friday IPSHA Debating Competition has been both eventful and rewarding. The debates were held on our school grounds or at neighbouring schools. This allowed the children the opportunity to meet many children and to present before a variety of adjudicators.

“Debating has been a great experience and I can’t wait until next year.” William Georgas (5I) “Debating has helped me with my English writing skills.” Laura Pitharoulis (4T) “My writing skills have improved because I’ve had to research, write speeches and rebuttals about various topics.” Katherine Tsingos (4C)

It has been wonderful to see how much the children have improved from last year’s season. The debating team have won numerous debates and have certainly challenged many of their opponents. A significant increase in the children’s confidence when arguing their team’s cases has been evident throughout the season. Our debaters are definitely very persuasive!

“Even though it has been challenging at times, I’ve learnt a lot and had lots of fun!” Anna Papas (4C) Miss A. Orfanos and Miss K. Galanis

Following are words from our debaters, we are so proud of them!

Public Speaking, Debating and Mock Trial Holiday Workshops for Junior Students in Waverley

“My public speaking skills and power of persuasion have improved tremendously!”Nicholas Drakoulis (4T)

Public Speaking, mock trial and debating workshops that Speak Out Education are holding at Waverley in the Spring school holidays for students in Years 3-6.

“I have learnt to listen carefully at what others say and respond with appropriate rebuttals.” George Makris (6P) “Debating has increased my Emmanuel Constantopedos (4C)

Speak Out Education was founded two years ago by Sydney University students who wanted to improve the speaking skills and confidence of school students through fun and interactive workshops. In the Winter 2012 holidays, we taught over 75 students on the North Shore and in the Eastern Suburbs. Our surveys indicate that all participants believed our programs were fun and had improved their speaking skills.. For further details about us please visit our website


“My rebuttals are stronger this year and my public speaking skills have improved so much.” George Stavrou (4T) “My general knowledge has improved and I’m more confident with my public speaking.” Marcos Hanna (4T) “Debating has made me more confident in both academic and social situations.” Dean Theodorakakis (6P) “Debating has been both challenging and fun.” Jordan Bond (6M)


“I’ve enjoyed debating against children from other schools.” SarantosMakris (6M)

On the 13th August, 2012, Years 5 and 6 went to the Church hall to hear a talk by the outstanding Paralympian, Sarah Stewart of Maroubra. Sarah plays in the Women’s Wheelchair Basketball Team known as the ‘Gliders’. This year she will compete with the Gliders in her third Paralympic Games in

“The stress involved with debating has definitely been worth it!” Michael Vlahakis (4T)


London. Sarah told us her story of life before and after her accident. She is so positive and open to what life may bring. She has definitely inspired Stage 3 with her positive attitude and outlook on life! When Sarah Stewart came to visit our school she was very friendly. We remain grateful that she took the time to come and see us on the day before she left for Europe. Sarah explained the game of Wheelchair Basketball and told us that this year will be her third visit to play in the Paralympics; hopefully to win gold! She told us the rules, answered our questions about the rules and explained her position on the court. In addition, Sarah spoke of her two existing Paralympic medals; 1 silver from the Athens games in 2004 and 1 bronze from Beijing in 2008. At the end of the talk, Sarah let us all look at and hold both medals. This was very special! We loved meeting Sarah and taking photos with her; together we had a lot of fun. On behalf of Stage 3, we wish Sarah and all the Gliders lots of luck in the 2012 London Paralympics and we hope they bring back gold! Written by Deanna Tzivakis and Christina Hatgis in 6M


It is an American Folk tale. The paintings give this classic tale an added sense of depth and wonder. All readers of all ages will be delighted by Angela Elwell Hunt’s retelling of this story. This is a lovely tale with vivid imagery. It will give you vigorous imagery.

YEAR 4 ‘The Tale of the Three Trees’ – Retold by Angela Elwell Hunt ‘The Tale of The Three Trees’ is an old folk tale that has been passed down for many generations. This is a very touching story. The three trees sat on a mountaintop discovering their destiny and luckily for them their destiny surpassed their wildest dreams.

James Hristeff 4C POEM ‘Rays’ Pitter- patter The rain is falling down. Oh I wish it would stop! Drip-drop! Falling over town.

I think this is a lovely book and hope that this book will live on throughout future generations. This book will capture its readers and make you want to read it again and again. I think you should definitely read this book. I rate it 9 out of 10. Peter Agiasotis 4C

Not to worry! It’ll soon be done! And when it is, We’ll have a bottle of Fizz To celebrate The glittering rays of the sun.

‘The Tale of The Three Trees’ by Angela Elwell Hunt, is the best book I have read. It is an exciting book and also a very good book for Easter, Christmas and every other day. It evokes feelings of gratitude and strengthens our faith in God.

There it is! Up it comes! Over the skyscraper’s top. Look at the height Up in the sky To set beneath the shop.

If I had to rate it, I would give it a true 10/10. It made me think about good things and about God. It is appropriate for all ages, for adults, elderly and children. It makes everyone feel happy and believe in themselves. Probably thousands of people have read this didactic story. Many people tell me that they enjoy it. The illustrations contribute to the book and it is touching in many ways.

Sadly, it ends And the moon takes its place It goes in a hurry Exact like a flurry Is the sun’s case.

So all readers should get the book called ‘The Tale of Three Trees’. It is the best book in the world!

Rose Economou 4C

Fotoulla Hadjiparaskeva 4C

What I Have Learned About The First Settlers The Aboriginals

Engage with this traditional folk story, it won’t just touch you, it will make you want to read more and more. Is it a story that is about three trees that have wonderful dreams.

On Wednesday the 25th July, Mr Hamer brought in real aboriginal spears, some clapping sticks, a boomerang and a decorated didgeridoo. He showed some videos on the computer about aboriginals, they were really informative and interesting.

This traditional folk story is retold by Angela Elwell Hunt and the illustrations are by Tim Jonke. This is a story for Christmas, Easter and all year round.

On that day Mr Hamer taught us how to play the didgeridoo, most kids played it, they played it really well.


2012 under 14 league champions earning a spot to play their first grand final against Pagewood.

We also learnt how the aboriginals use to catch fish and animals. They use to bend their knees and stab fish, that’s how they use to catch fish. They use to also bend their knees, walk wave their hands if they see an animal and then throw the spear, that’s how they use to catch animals.

After playing two thirty minute halves the game was a draw. They played a further two ten minute halves for the golden goal with no score. The game then went to a penalty shoot out with the boys loosing by one goal.

Stephanie Andreou 4C

We are all extremely proud of you boys. Alexander Cardarmis, Themis Giaras, Billy Kalergis, Archie Lambrinos, Patrick Langlands, Paul Langlands, Manuel Margelis, Paul Mandadakis, Alexander Michos, ZacPrineas, Alexander Stamoulis.

In the afternoon, Year 4 got to do some plays using the aboriginal tools. The first one was using fishing rods and the second using aboriginal musical instruments. Another group used the spears and they had to pretend to hunt food and they had put up their hand up where they saw movement.

Special thanks to the club, the parents for the support over the years and everyone who came to the game. Also a special thank you to the Coach Steve Langlands and the Manager Steve Lambrinos for being supportive and great mentors to our boys.

Jordan Frazis 4C I learnt that aboriginals weren’t allowed to leave their groups or they would get killed. THIS WAS ONE OF THE BEST LESSONS EVER!!! Aboriginals were the first Australians they came thousands of years ago when Australia was connected with Papua New Guinea, Indonesia and Tasmania. Efthimia Kollias 4C We also learnt a lot about aboriginal paintings and the land. Paintings Aboriginals use natural materials to create paint. They mostly do dot paintings. The painting tells dreamtime stories that tell you how life began. Land Aboriginals move place to place when their area has no more food. Then they come back when all the food is restored.


Andrew Karaniki 4C

On Thursday 30th August the ASISSA Athletics Carnival took place. Great results by the St Spyridon Athletes!

OLYMPIC EAGLES U14 BOYS The U14 boys have been playing together since Kindergarten. They have stuck together through lows but at all times enjoyed the game. This year was their year, finishing on top of the division-

Most of our students received ribbons for their events but we also had some outstanding achievers who came in the top 3 overall in their event!


John Dalakiaris, Harry Mavrolefterou, Rose Economou, George Andrianakos, Panagiota Kappatos, Spiros Zafiropoulos, Anika Vlahakis, Anastasia Lambrou, Demi Micos, George Mitropoulos, Anthony Hatzigiakoumis, Dimitra Katsidis, George Stavrou, Danae Margaronis Lopez, Nicholas Michos, Michael Vlahos, Georgia Athanasopoulos. Good luck to all those taking part!

Thank you to all the parents who helped out on the day and to our teachers Mr Volas and Miss McCarthy. Well done to our students who made it through to the next stage. The following students came 1st , 2nd and 3rd in their event and will be representing the ASISSA team at the CIS Athletics Carnival on Wednesday 12th September:  Dominic Augoustis: Boys 12-13 Yrs Long Jump  Stephanie Augoustis: Girls 10 Yrs 100m, 8-10 Yrs 200m, 8-10 Yrs High Jump, 8-10 Yrs Long Jump & 8-10 Yrs Shot Put.  George Andrianakos: Boys 12-13 Yrs Discus Throw  Nicholas Kollias: Boys 11 Yrs High Jump, Discus Throw & Long Jump  Katherine Tsingos: Girls 9 Yrs 100m  Christina Vlahos: Girls 11 Yrs 100m, 200m & Long Jump  Sophia Micos: Girls 12-13 Yrs 200m, 8-13 Yrs Javelin  Juval Mikhail: Boys 9 Yrs 100m  Anthony Pascalis: Boys 11 Yrs Long Jump  Alexandros Gousetis: Boys 12-13 Yrs Long Jump  Spiros Zafiropoulos: Boys 8-10Yrs Shot Put  Maree Nikitopoulos: Girls 12-13 Yrs 800m

Miss C. Theodossiou Sports Convenor

NATHAN ADAM 2012 JUNIOR MALE SPORTSPERSON Congratulations Nathan Adam, our Nemean House Captain, for being awarded the prestigious 2012 Junior Male Sportsperson of the Year at Pagewood Botany Football Club. The Board of the Pagewood Botany Football Club awards this honour to an individual each year for services and contribution to the team, club and community which embodies the spirit and pride of the club. Pagewood Botany has over 1,000 Junior Football players aged between 5 and 16 and to receive this award is a tremendous honor and achievement which underlines Nathans distinguishing characteristics of friendship, respect, compassion and leadership qualities.

We wish them the best of luck at the CIS Carnival.



The Greek Orthodox Athletics Carnival will take place on Thursday 13th September at ES Marks.

Nathan was presented with his award by The Honorable Ron Hoenig MP, member for Heffron and former Mayor of City of Botany Bay.

The following students have qualified: Stephanie Augoustis, Alyssa Alas, Melanie Bounatsos, Katherine Tsingos, Andrew Papandrew, Juval Mikhail, Jordan Frazis, Chris Vlahos, Christina Vlahos, Sophia Micos, Christine Frangoulis, Nicole Stramotas, Dominic Augoustis, Jordan Bond, Aaron Nissirios, Nicholas Frazis, Adriana Drakoulis, Athena Demetriou, Paul Giavis, Neofytos Tsakirios, Stefan Gemisis, Nixon Kounnas, Efthimia Kollias, Valentina Spyridopoulos, Nicola Skouteris, Valandi Michael, Peter Petrides, Emmanuel Aroney, Katerina Darras Samaras, Sonya Paradisis, Deahna Simos, Anthony Pascalis, Nicholas Kollias, Nathan Adam, Manny Giokas, Elaine Andrew, Felicity Ginis, Dominique Koukos, Nicoletta Tsimboukis, Jennifer Eve Contominas, Rhea Tsimboukis, Connor Giavis, Maree Nikitopoulos, Alexander Nissirios, Roza Papas, Alexandros Gousetis, Taylysse Knight,







The following students were involved in the ISA Boys U13’s Football Team dynamics in 2012 were extraordinary. The 13’s made it to the finals undefeated and became ISA Champions defeating Blue Mountains Grammar School 4 -1 in a nerveracking penalty shoot out. The boys did well to lead 1 – 0 at the end of first half. Unfortunately, Blue Mountains Grammar came back in a gripping second half to lead 2-1 with 20 seconds to go until full time, our boys managed to score (George Dimas) to equalise and go into extra time. There was no score in extra time, and the game went into penalty shoot out. We won the penalty shoot out convincingly with our shooters George Dimas, George Contominas, Billy Retsas and Peter Giokas. This was the most exciting and tense game of the season, making it a fitting grand final. All the boys played their best and refused to give up, even in the dying seconds of the game. I congratulate the boys for their efforts and commitment to attendance every Saturday. They are a team of champions and do not deserve anything less. The many people who watched them play would certainly agree. What best characterizes season 2012 is not only excellent sportsmanship on and off the field but also determination, passion and pride, especially from the Captain Peter Giokas. In Football as in many other team sports it is always comforting knowing that as a team you have done all you can on any given day.

On Tuesday 8th August St Spyridon College Under 14’s Futsal team defeated Figtree High School 4-1 in the final of the Boys State Futsal Championships held at Penrith Sports Stadium. After winning three round games St Spyridon progressed to the quarter final comfortably scoring many goals with Michael Hatzon top goal scorer. Having won the quarter final against Galston 6-2, they continued onto the semi-final against Illawarra Grammar school 5-4. The semi-final was a tough game and the boys managed to secure a close victory at 5-4, with creative goals by Michael Hatzon and talented goal keeping by Steven Antoniou. The first half of the final against Figtree H.S proved to be a close encounter, however after not making last year’s tournament they were motivated and determined to succeed and this helped them put on a gusty second half performance bringing them to a victorious win and the State Championship title for 2012. The team dynamics and their approach throughout the tournament was very positive and the boys performed exceptionally well against tough opponents. The State finalist were: Steven Antoniou, Lewis Athanasopoulos, Daniel Arzani, Alexander Cardamis, Michael Hatzon, Ethan Tsiribas, Jordan Makridopolus, Jacob Mavrolefterou and thank you to Mr Kaldis for coaching the team before the competition and during the competition to victory and Mr Meintanis for his support.

Congratulations to the whole team! Well done! Division 2 Panayiotis Bounos, Gabriel Cassimatis, Stanley Condous, Michael Constantopedos, George Contominas, Jordan Costopoulos, George Dimas, Giorge Gemisis, Peter Giokas (Captain), Tristian Hollink, Michael King, Constantinos Kollias, Anthony Moufarrege, James Panayiotakis, George Raptis, Billy Retsas, Nicholas Xeras.


ATHLETICS CARNIVAL Congratulations to all students who participated and of all the teachers who helped make this years carnival a huge success in terms of participation and attendance. A special thanks goes to the Prefects who helped out with different tasks and made the job for staff easier. House T shirts were introduced many years ago and it was wonderful to see of our students wearing their house colours. We also witnessed sporting excellence with a number of records broken. Below are the final house points. House points Upper School Nemeans Corinthians Delphians Olympians

1st 169 points 2nd 127 points 3rd 114 points 4th 59 points

Middle School Nemeans Olympians Delphians Corinthains

1st 575 points 2nd 534 points 3rd 484 points 4th 253 points

Mr A. Condous Boys Sport



Champions of Champions

Winning House Nemeans




Congratulations to the following students who have qualified to represent St Spyridon College at the ISA Athletics Carnival to be held Tuesday 11th September 2012 at Sydney Athletics Centre Olympic Park from 8.30pm-5.00pm. Further information was given to students in regards to their events. Good luck to all participants on the day.

DATE: Tuesday 11th September 2012 TIME: 8:30AM - 5:00PM VENUE: SYDNEY ATHLETIC CENTRE OLYMPIC BOULEVARD, SYDNEY OLYMPIC PARK (HOMEBUSH) BUS TIMES: One bus will be leaving Brighton RSL at 7:00am and another bus will be leaving St Spyridon College at 7:00am. Both buses will be returning at approximately 5:45pm at Brighton RSL and St Spyridon College.

Nicole Adam, Lia Albanakis, Dion Alexander, Sophie Andreou, James Andrew, Larrisa Andriankos, Daniel Arzani, Nikolas Baratsas, Chrystal Christie, Stanley Condous, Michael Constantopedos, George Contominos, Peter Contominos, Erin Criticos, Yianna Criticos, Anja Djukic, George Dokos, Andriane Efstratiou, Cassandra Georgiou, Peter Giokas, Anastasia Gousetis, Michael Hatzon, Michael Horafios, Mersina Hristeff, George Janjetovic, Bill Kalergis, Joanna Karageorgis, George Karapanayiotidis, Antonia Katerinis, Simeon Kerameas, Peter Kolistasis, Christos Kollias, Constantinos Kollias, Tristian Kontakos, Georgia Koukounaris, Nansia Koukounaris, Patrick Langlands, Peter Magoulis, Nicholas Makridopolus, George Malomitis, George Mandilis, Natalie Michos, Lena Nesterenko, Danielle Petrakis, Stephanie Pizanis, Phillip Protos, Christos Raptis, Sophia Rizzo, Michael Savic, Andrew Sigrimis, Dimitri Stamios, Alexander Stamoulis, Andrew Toras, Ethan Tsiribas, Aiden Xydis.

HOUSE GALA DAY The House Gala Day will be held on THURSDAY 20th September. The aim of the Gala day is to promote a friendly tournament where students can compete with each other and unwind from their daily routines during the term. The sports being participated in are Indoor Soccer and Basketball - students must participate in both sports. Remember teams can only consist of people in the same Year and Gender. Students are to wear full sports uniform and team colours are optional. You will be allowed to change into their colours after Roll Call. At the end of the day there will be a finals series, where Junior and Senior Champions will be decided. There will also be a basketball All-Stars team vs. Teachers match.

The following students broke school records at the recent Athletics Carnival

Entry Sheets have been circulated and are due now. There will be a $2 coin entry fee per student and this will be collected prior to the event.

Athletics Records 2012 14 years Long Jump 15 years High Jump 14 years Long Jump 16 years Long Jump Open Long Jump

Christos Kollias


Simeon Kerameas

1.63 m

Chyrstal Christie

4.72 m

Daria Sheptitskaya

4.34 m

George Janjentovic

5.90 m

There will also be a barbeque on the day $2.50 Can of Drink $3 sausage on a roll $5 Combo All money raised will contribute to the purchasing of Gym Equipment such as Treadmills, Exercise Bike etc. Kind regards

Ms K. O’Shea Girls Sport

Year 10 Physical Activity and Sports Studies Class





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