Newsletter 204 15 2018

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VOLUME XXXV Nยบ 15 26th October 2018


OCTOBER OHI Day Celebrations Spring Fair and Greek Welfare Centre Walkaton Year 4 visit to Senior School

28th 29th

NOVEMBER Kindergarten 2019 transition


Kindergarten 2019 transition


JS Disco Dance


JS Showcase


Divine Liturgy JS


Orientation day Year 7 2019


Year 4 depart for Camp


Year 3 depart for Camp


Years 3 & 4 return from Camp Years 5 & 6 depart for Camp Divine Liturgy SS


Years 5 & 6 return from Camp Reports to Parents



DECEMBER JS Parent/ Teacher Interviews K-3 & 5


Year 6 Graduation Dinner


JS Parent/ Teacher Interviews K-4 & 6


Term ends for students Academic Excellence and Student Leadership Assembly Years 3-12 St Spyridon Day



Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag









K-12 NEWS DEEPEST SYMPATHY Exchanges Exchanges will only be permitted at the Uniform Shop.

Our sincere condolences to Father Sotirios Drapaniotis and their family on the passing of their beloved wife and mother Presvitera Melanie Drapaniotis.

OHI DAY On Sunday, 28th October, Junior School Prefects and students in Years 3, 4, 8 and 9 will be expected to attend the OHI Day commemoration at St Spyridon Church. All students are to be in full school uniform, including blazer. Year 8 and 9 students must meet their Home Room Teachers and Year Advisers in the Junior School playground at 9:45am. At this event Middle School students will recite poems at the end of the Church Service.

May her memory be eternal.

Year 11 Student representatives will also attend the Service and read poems at the Archdiocese Sunday and at the Greek Welfare Centre OHI Day commemoration in Newtown.




Junior School students will meet their teachers in the Junior School playground at 9:45am and they will be picked up from there by their parents at the completion of the Service.

Wednesday 23rd January, 2019 - 9.00am-4.00pm Tuesday 29th January, 2019 - 9.00am-4.00pm Wednesday 30th January, 2019 - 8.30-10am & 2.30-4.00pm Orders by Email now available Orders can now be made by email through SpySchool. Please download form from Parent portal through SpySchool. Complete the order form and email to: All orders will be collected from the Admin Office of the Junior School for Kindergarten to Year 6 or the Senior School for Years 7–12. Orders will be available on Thursdays only after recess. Please email orders by Tuesday 3.00pm the latest for Thursday pickup. Orders placed after Tuesday 3.00pm, will NOT be available for pickup until the following Thursday.


P&F NEWS Julia Eliopoulos & family Kasmas family Katsiaras family Kim Georgas KMF Accounting Lending Association Little Darlings Kitchen Louie Papadakis & family Lucy & Angela Bastas Maria Lynch & family Maria Tzavaras Marika Gouveros & family Mary Aravonopoulos & family Matina Samios MBS Sand & Cement Nick Papas & family Nikki Sigrimis & family Rallis family Sally Notaras & family Sam & Jenny Matandos Vassalo family


Our amazing President and Vice President have worked tirelessly to secure all age rides and 43 (yes, that’s right, 43!) stalls. This event is going to be fantastic fun for the whole family.

The final countdown to Spring Fair is on… this Sunday! We would like to take this opportunity to thank our volunteers, donors and sponsors once more. They have helped make this event affordable to all of our community:

Tell your teens! Bring your extended family and friends, it will be a fun day of dancing, rides, shopping and of course eating. If you pass a P&F member take the time to pat them on the back. They will be volunteering all day Saturday and all day Sunday to make sure this event runs smoothly.

Agiasotis family Ando & Evan Kritikos Angela & Peter Vergotis Aroney family Bank of Sydney Bebonis family Bessiris family Bill Constantinidis & family Bourdaniotis family Century 21 Eastern Beaches Maroubra Coutts family Desma Spyridopoulos Despina Michael Durrant family Eleni & George Roumanous Eleni Psichopeda Encore Productions Frutex Australia Golden Top Bakery Gregory family IM Lingerie

Thank you again for supporting our events this year. All donations, big or small, are very much appreciated. Everything counts! Calendar reminders Don’t forget there is more Christmas Shopping night at Estee Lauder on Thursday 15th November 2018.

Desma Spyridopoulos P&F Assistant Secretary 10

JUNIOR SCHOOL REPORT Welcome back to a very busy and exciting Term 4. On Sunday 28th October students from Year 3 and 4 will represent the Junior School with our Year 6 Captains, Prefects and House Captains in Church. Students will be required to meet their teachers on the Junior School playground from 9:45am for Roll Call, dressed in their Full School Uniform (including blazers). All students will enter the Church with their teachers at approximately 10:00am.

Distinctions: Year 3 Nikolaos Dovellos Year 4 Emmanuel Moros Year 5 Chrissy Drakakis Year 6 Gabriella Gouveros Catherine Coutts

SPRING FAIR The P&F have been busy preparing for our Spring Fair which will be held at the Senior School Campus from 11am to 5pm. Please bring your family and friends to share in the fun activities on the day.

Credit Year 3 Diana Bastas Noah Kiriakos Vivien Kotsohili Christian Liaskos Nicholas Soumilas Bettina Winnel

Please note: This is a compulsory school event and all students must attend. Greek Dancing: K-6 students are to meet their teachers outside the SPACe (Senior School), to assemble for Roll Call at 1:30pm. After Greek Dancing has completed, you may collect your child/children from their teachers; please make sure you notify the class teacher for names to be marked off the Roll. We look forward to seeing you there.

Year 4 Christian Billiris Zac Boutsalis Michael Boutsalis Vakina Cilmi Jonathan Gouveros Panayiota Kranidiotis Peter Soumilas

ICAS – MATHEMATICS Year 5 Amali Roumanous George Agiasotis George Alexandratos Peter Baroutis Alster Dhamari Spyridoula Karagiorgou Aston Roumanous

In order to gauge our student’s progress in relation to students from other schools in and around Australia we participate in external assessments and competitions. ICAS Mathematic hosted by UNSW Global Assessments is one of those. Our students have produced very favourable results with awards ranging from a High Distinction to Credits. Of the 106 students from Years Three to Six, we achieved 1 High Distinction (top 1% of all participants), 5 Distinctions (the next 10% of all participants), 25 Credit (Next 25%) and 11 Merit (next 10%). Below are the names of the high performers.

Year 6 Ellie Tsoukalas Angelique Drakakis Ciana Foti Dimitra Kasmas Elizabeth Notaras

High Distinction: Alexandra Bizannes (Year 6) 11

Μιχάλης Μπουτσάλης/ Michael Boutsalis Δημήτρης Κουττς/ Mitchell Coutts Κωνσταντίνος Χατζηπαρασκευάς/ Constantinos Hadjiparaskeva Σταύρος Πριμικίριος/ Stavros Primikirios Κρανιδιώτη Παναγιώτα/Kranidiotis Panayiota Παρασκευή Διαμαντή/ Eve Diamadis Ειρήνη Χατζητουλούση/ Erene Hatzitoulousis Χρυσοβαλάντου Ψυλλάκη/ Khrysa Psillakis

«Το Ταξίδι μιας ζωής» Οι μαθητές της Δ΄ Τετάρτης Τάξης Δημοτικού του Αγίου Σπυρίδωνα, συμμετείχαν στο «8ο Μαθητικό Κινηματογραγφικό Φεστιβάλ 2018» που διοργάνωσαν οι Ελληνικές Ορθόδοξες Κοινότητες της Αυστραλίας, με την ταινία: «Το ταξίδι μιας ζωής», εξιστορώντας την προσωπική ιστορία, μιας πρόσφυγα, της κυρίας Πετρού, που ήρθε από την Κύπρο το 1974 και έχει ζήσει στο Rosebery για 44 χρόνια. Γεννήθηκε στο χωριό Άσσια που είναι η γενέτειρα του Αγίου Σπυρίδωνα και της κ. Μαίρης Χέιμα, της πρώτης διευθύντριας του σχολείου μας.

Σενάριο & Βίντεο/ Scenario & Video Στέλλα Γεωργακοπούλου - Δασκάλα των Ελληνικών Mrs Stella Georgakopoulos – Greek Teacher

Συγχαίρουμε τους μαθητές για το σεβασμό που έδειξαν στην «κυρία Πετρού» και το ήθος τους, όπως προβλήθηκε στη μεγάλη οθόνη. Επίσης ευχαριστούμε την κυρία Γιαννούλα Μάκη, που υποδύθηκε τη μητέρα της, γυρνώντας πίσω το χρόνο! “The Journey of a lifetime” The Year 4 students, Group 1, participated in the "8th Student Film Festival 2018", which was organised by the Greek Orthodox Communities of Australia, with the film "The Journey of a Lifetime". The short film reports the personal story of a refugee, Mrs Petrou, who came from Cyprus in 1974 and has lived in Rosebery for 44 years. She was born in Asha, which is also the homeland of St Spyridon and Mrs Mary Hamer, our school’s first principal. We congratulate our students for the respect they have shown to "Mrs Petrou" and their ethos, as aired on the big screen. We also thank Mrs Giannoula Makis, who impersonated her mother, turning back time! Στην ταινία πήραν μέρος οι μαθητές The participated students in the film: Ζαχαρίας Μπουτσάλης / Zac Boutsalis Τσαμπίκα Σουμίλα/ Bianca Soumilas Αθηνά Χάρδα/ Athina Hardas Χριστίνα Πρεκετέ/ Krystal Preketes Ηλίας Ντεγκάμπριελ/ Louis Degabriele Γιώργος Γεωργαντζάκος/ George Georgantzakos Εμμανουήλ Μώρος/ Emmanuel Moros Μιχαέλα Ιμισίδη/ Mikaela Imisides 12

Phillip Preketes - Year 5 Curtis Constantinou - Year 5 Angelo Mastroperos - Year 5 Reserve: Julian Stathis - Year 3 Well done boys.

St Spyridon College Kindergarten & Year 3 students entertain our Greek Senior Citizens at the Greek Welfare Centre event at St Spyridon

Mrs C. Bartlett Chess Co-ordinator

On Thursday 25th October a wonderful tradition was repeated. The Greek Welfare Centre invited our Kindergarten & Year 3 students to entertain our Greek Senior Citizens with Greek songs celebrating our culture and religion. Our youngest students greeted our παππούδες και γιαγιάδες with the song Καλημέρα and Χρώματα. Our 60 Year 3 students sang Ένας παλιάτσος and Παναγιά μου. Their singing brought tears to the eyes of our παππούδες και γιαγιάδες who were overwhelmed with pride and joy. They noted how much they look forward to this event every year as our students never fail to perform their best.

Mr A. Dookie Acting Principal Junior School

Και του χρόνου, λοιπόν! Mrs A. Gambierakis Coordinator of Modern Greek

CHESS COMPETITION 2018 Congratulations to our St Spyridon Intermediate Chess Team who won their division beating Mt. Sinai, Coogee Prep, Claremont College and St Therese at Mascot. The boys in this team were: George Agiasotis - Year 5 13

SENIOR SCHOOL REPORT allowing the faithful to observe the liturgical actions that are taking place. Thirdly, the faithful receive the elements of Holy Communion separately, as the disciples did at the Last Supper (Matthew 26: 17-30). The faithful receive the Body of Christ from the presiding bishop, and then commune the Blood of our Saviour directly from the Holy Chalice.

DEEPEST SYMPATHY Our deepest sympathy is extended to Mrs M. Diakanastasis and her family on the passing of their beloved father, husband, grandfather and great grandfather, Mr George Sarigiannis. May his memory be eternal.

Year Ten’s participation in this unique service forms part of their study of Topic 3, the Liturgical Life of the Orthodox Church.


Mr A. Picardi Orthodox Studies EARTH ECHO EXPEDITION: PLASTIC SEAS EarthEcho International is a nonprofit organisation founded on the belief that youth have the power to change our planet. Established by siblings Phillipe and Alexandra Cousteau in honour of their father Phillipe Cousteau Sr and grandfather, the legendary explorer, Jacques Yves Cousteau, their mission is to inspire young people worldwide to act now for a sustainable future. Congratulations to our Careers Adviser Ms G. Hakos on the birth of her grandson Henry Pitsikas. May Christ bless her family with good health and long life.

Led by founder Phillipe Cousteau Jr, EarthEcho International brought educators from all over Australia to the frontlines of Australia’s unique ecosystems to look at the devastating impact of litter and plastic pollution on the organisms that call Australia home. EarthEcho Expeditions: Plastic Seas, held in Melbourne, 1-5 of October, 2018, selected twenty-five STEM teachers (known as Expedition Fellows) from around Australia to join local scientists and community leaders to create a collaborative curriculum that introduces students to the innovative engineering and technology solutions that are being implemented in Australian ecosystems, water and waste facilities, schools and urban centers.

DIVINE LITURGY OF ST JAMES On Tuesday 23rd October Year 10 students attended the Divine Liturgy of St James at the Greek Orthodox Parish of Saint Nicholas in Marrickville. This liturgical service is the most ancient form of the Divine Liturgy and stands firmly in the apostolic tradition which the local Church of Jerusalem had developed in the first few centuries following the Resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. The Divine Liturgy of St. James is very unique for a number of reasons. Firstly, it is celebrated once annually by a bishop and twelve priests representing our Lord and His twelve disciples. Secondly, the liturgy is performed outside of the altar on the solea in the nave (the main body of the Church)

Expedition Fellowes participated in on-site video production for a documentary presented by Phillipe Cousteau, classroom content creation and will participate in post-Expedition publication, distribution and evaluation of adventure-based STEM learning modules to their own and other classrooms across the world. 14

One of those 25 teacher fellows selected to join the expedition was our very own Dr McPhee who is now busy working to incorporate all that he learnt during the expedition into a sustainability-based STEM program for students of St Spyridon College and elsewhere around the world to learn about what we can all do to address our global plastic problem that has such devastating effects on our environment, wildlife and personal health. Dr McPhee regards the highlights of the expedition to be meeting the other inspiring and motivating fellows, contributors and organisers (such as Phillipe Cousteau) of the expedition, snorkeling with playful seals, observing little penguins feed, and learning from some of Australia’s best scientists and specialists in their field at a variety of institutions such as Sustainability Victoria, Plastic Pollution Solutions (run by Anthony Hill, who will be running an incursion at St Spyridon College this term to further inspire us all!), Parks Victoria, Port Phillip Bay Eco Centre, University of Tasmania, Tangaroa Blue, Marine Mammal Foundation and Melbourne Zoo.

Mrs A. Katsogiannis Principal Senior School Deputy Head of College

Dr McPhee with Phillipe Cousteau 15

GREEK COLUMN Αγαπητοί γονείς και φίλοι,

Προνοίας και όλων των ενοριών του Σύδνεϋ και Γούλονγκονγκ. Η όλη γιορτή διεξήχθη στην Κυπριακή Κοινότητα στις 11 Οκτωβρίου. Παρακάτω παραθέτουμε απόσπασμα από την ομιλία της κυρίας Αλεξανδροπούλου.

Να που φτάσαμε αισίως στην αρχή του τελευταίου σχολικού τριμήνου για το τρέχον έτος. Στην έκδοση αυτή θα ήθελα: 1. Να ευχαριστήσω μέσα από την καρδιά μου όλους τους μαθητές που πήραν μέρος στην παράσταση του σχολείου μας τον περασμένο Σεπτέμβρη. Συνολικά 13 παιδιά πήραν μέρος παρουσιάζοντας την Τρίτη πράξη της πολυσυζητημένης κωμωδίας «Ὁ Ηλίας του 16ου».

«... Ο πατέρας, η μορφή του, ο ίσκιος του, η παρουσία του στη ζωή του κάθε παιδιού ως ιδέα και ως πραγμάτωση καταυγάζει τον ορίζοντα της σκέψης του και φωτίζει τα βήματά του στον ανηφορικό δρόμο της ζωής του. Το πρόσωπο του πατέρα ήταν ανέκαθεν κυρίαρχο στις παραδοσιακές κοινωνίες. Στη Χριστιανική Θεολογία το πρόσωπο του πατέρα αποτελεί την αρχή της Θεότητας, την αιτία του Υιού. Η ανθρώπινη πατρότητα είναι εικόνα αυτής της θείας πατρότητας.... Βιολογικά όπως έλεγε και ο Γάλλος παιδαγωγός Ρουσσώ, όλοι μπορούμε να γίνουμε εύκολα γονείς, αλλά καλοί γονείς είναι μία διά βίου πάλη και μάθηση με αβέβαιο αποτέλεσμα καθώς η απόφαση να κάνεις παιδί είναι πραγματικά βαρυσήμαντη... γιατί τότε αποφασίζεις συνειδητά να αφήσεις την καρδιά σου να κυκλοφορεί έξω από το σώμα σου για πάντα... «Μπαμπά η πρώτη λέξη μου, πατέρα η τελευταία, τα πόσα ζήσαμε μαζί θυμάμαι αυτή τη μέρα, όλου του κόσμου τις χαρές να ‘βρισκα τρόπο να ‘χεις για να σου πω ευχαριστώ, μονάχα που υπάρχεις.»

Οι μαθητές και μαθήτριες ήταν: Αναστασία Γκίκα, Μιχάλης Ντοβέλλος, Δημήτρης Βαλμάς, Λευτέρης Βαλμάς, Ελένη Μαστροπέρου, Παντελής Τσανγκάρης, Ειρήνη Κουρλιάφτη, Φράνσις Πασχάλη, Βασίλης Αβδάλης, Ελένη Πρεκετέ, Αυγουστής Παπαδόπουλος, Σταύρος Μανγκαφάς και ο Χρίστος Βλάχος που ανέλαβε το ρόλο του λίγες μόνο μέρες πριν από την παράσταση αντικαθιστώντας κάποιον που αδυνατούσε να πάρει μέρος την τελευταία στιγμή. Συγχαρητήρια σε όλα τα παιδιά, που έκαναν τον εαυτό τους, την οικογένειά τους και το σχολείο τους περήφανους με την συμμετοχή και την άρτια απόδοσή τους στους ρόλους που ενσάρκωσαν.

2. Να ευχαριστήσω την κυρία Βάνα Αλεξανδροπούλου που συμμετείχε ως η κύρια ομιλήτρια για την γιορτή του πατέρα που οργανώνει κάθε χρόνο η κυρία Δήμητρα Μιχοπούλου εκ μέρους του Ελληνικού Κέντρου

κ. Μ. Φαλέτα 16

SPORTS COLUMN The Open B team were involved in a Pre-Season Gala day held at St Andrews Cathedral School. They competed against both Division 1 and 2 schools in a number of games which gave them the opportunity to improve both their match fitness and their team cohesion. The Opens team has a number of new players who have been promoted form the younger grades and I am positive they will relish in the opportunity that has been given to them. Their final results from the pre-season competition demonstrated that the Division 2 competition is very competitive and they will need to work hard to earn success this season. I look forward to watching them this season.

GIRLS SPORT This week marks the commencement of the ISA Summer season. Last term we finalised our teams and had many girls trialling for both Basketball and Touch Football. St Spyridon will enter 5 Basketball teams and 1 Junior Touch Football Team. This 2018/19 summer season is the inaugural season of Girls Touch football in the ISA competition. It has taken many years of deliberation and organisation to finally get Touch Football included in the ISA Saturday sport competition. Due to the popularity of the sport and the high number of students wishing to be involved the request could no longer be ignored and the ISA have agreed to a draft season. Touch Football is most certainly a sport that is not very familiar with our St Spyridon girls but with approximately 25 girls trialling from years 7-9 it was very exciting to see their desire to be involved. This year St Spyridon will enter 1 Junior Team in the competition and they have been training hard to grasp the fundamental skills and understand the rules of the game.

The Junior Teams were also given an opportunity to develop their team cohesion where they played the Year 6 St Spyridon Girls Basketball team at All Sorts on Tuesday morning. This game allowed us at the Senior School to continue to build strong relationships with the Junior School through sport. The girls benefited greatly from this opportunity as the teams consist of Year 7 and 8 students so any chance to play as a team will assist them in preparation for the ISA competition.

Whilst the girls are at the beginners level they are dedicated to having fun and trying their best and their improvements have already been evident in this very short time. The girls will travel to Scots All Saints College in Bathurst this Saturday to compete in a Gala Day with all the other ISA Schools. We wish them and their coach Cassandra Georgiou the best of luck. Girls Basketball will also commence this Saturday for Round 1 of the ISA competition. St Spyridon has entered the following teams: All information and season fixtures are placed on the Team App both St Spyridon Girls Basketball and St Spyridon Touch Football.

Open B: Coach - Nansia Koukounaris Open D: Coach - Larissa Andranakos

We wish all the girls the best of luck as they begin their ISA Summer Season.

Intermediate B: Coach - Lia Albanakis and Georgia Koukounaris

Ms K. O’Shea Girls Sport

Junior B: Coach - Tina Ventoura Junior C: Coach - Rhea Tsimboukis




At this year’s NSW All Schools Athletics Championships, the College had a number of boys compete in various events. With Benjamin Hickman competing in the 800m, Kamuta Vakafua in the Shot Put, Michael Vlahos in the Discus, Leon Kalyvas in the Shot put, Discus and Hammer Throw and Nicholas Kollias in the High Jump. SENIOR SCHOOL AND JUNIOR SCHOOL BASKETBALL

Leon Kalyvas was successful in the U12 boys shot put, placing 3rd with a throw of 11.82m. Leon also went on to place 2nd in the 12 years boys Hammer throw with a throw of 26.07m. Leon has enjoyed a great Athletics season in his first year at the Senior School. These results are definitely positive and reflect his committed approach and dedication to a very challenging sport.

On Tuesday 16th October the Senior School U13 boys basketball team and the boys Junior school basketball teams played a trial game in preparation for their respective competitions. This presented another opportunity for the school to foster greater sporting ties between the two campuses and greatly assists all the students in their preparation for the basketball season. We now look forward to renewing this Collegiality in the new year with our first combined event being the combined swimming carnival to be held early in the new year.

Our other successful student was Nicholas Kollias, who in his last year competing for the College, Nicholas placed 1st in the U17 boys high jump, with a jump of 1.98m. In doing so, Nicholas qualified for the Australian School Athletics Championships to be held in Cairns, in early December. We congratulate Nicholas and wish him all the best in what will be his last schools based tournament.

SENIOR SCHOOL BOYS BASKETBALL GALA DAY AND TRIALS On Saturday 20th October all the boys’ basketball teams were involved in trial games with the First V team playing in the annual ISA gala day at Oakhill College. I am pleased to report that this opportunity was well received by all the teams and was definitely needed to help ascertain where we could focus our attention in our training. 18

The First V team was competitive throughout the day applying themselves in every game and found that they have many areas to work on for the upcoming season. As for the other boys teams there were definitely good signs of improvement particularly with the U15s who were clinical in both attack and defence.

Jehad Albarahmeh, lift 127 kg, win gold. Aussie Jarred Kent had achieved his personal best, lifting 121 kg which we were very fortunate to watch. Sarah Sliwka was kind enough to allow the girls to hold her precious gold medal and take a photo with us. We had an extremely enjoyable time and loved the uplifting and inspirational event.

We now look forward to round 1 of the basketball competition as the school hosts Redfield College in all grades. We wish the teams and their respective coaches the best of luck for the season ahead. FIRST XI CRICKET Congratulations to Nicholas Lisgaris for being named in the School’s First XI cricket team. The team presented Nicholas with his whites and his baggy blue during the school holiday training. We wish Nicholas and the team the best of luck for the upcoming season.

Stephanie Bousoutis, Elleni Mouskos and Lexine Turner Year 9 Upcoming Sports events:


During Year 9 PASS we have been studying sport for specific athletes. On the 24th October 24, 2018, Mr Kaldis and Mr Magoulias took the Year 9 PASS class to the Invictus Games complimenting the unit of work we’ve done in class. The word ‘Invictus’ means unconquered and at the games our wounded warriors come together to compete in events to show off their skills and to be acknowledged for their efforts.

  

We were lucky enough to watch the women’s and men’s Ip4 seated powerlifting finals. We witnessed Australian Sarah Sliwka lift 67 kg winning the gold medal for the women’s event as well as the Jordanian man, Ahmed Hashem

Round 1 ISA Boys Basketball Saturday 27th October v Redfield College @SPACe Round 1 ISA Cricket v Blue Mountains Grammar @BMGS Round 2 ISA Boys Basketball Saturday 3rd November v St Stanislaus College @Bathurst Round 2 ISA Boys Cricket v Chevalier College Saturday 3rd November @Coral Sea Park, Maroubra

Mr F. Kaldis Boys Sports 19





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