St Spyridon Stylus No.13

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The voice of St. Spyridon College

| December 2011 | NUMBER 13 |

Celebrating the

beautiful things in life

Artwork by Michael Arfanis. Photography by Mr Anthony Condous and Mike Flokis Photography

stylus Upcoming

Events Term 1 – 2012

Term 2 – 2012

Staff Development Day

Fri – 27th Jan

Staff Development Day

Mon – 30th Jan

Staff Development Day

Mon – 23rd Apr

Students return

Tue – 24th Apr

Years 1 – 6, 7, 11 and 12 commence

Tue – 31st Jan

ANZAC Day public holiday

Kindy, Years 8 - 10 commence

Wed – 1st Feb

Junior School Athletics Carnival

Fri – 27th Apr

ACER Scholarships registrations close

Mon – 6th Feb

National Schools Event

Tue – 1st May

Wed – 15th – Fri 17th Feb

National Schools Event

Wed – 2nd May

Thu – 23rd Feb

National Schools Event

Thur – 3rd May

Fri – 24th Feb

National Schools Event

Year 9 Camp Senior School Swimming Carnival Senior School Swimming Carnival ACER Scholarship Exam

Sat – 25th Feb

Lent Begins

Mon – 27th Feb

Wed – 25th Apr

Fri – 4th May

Uniform Change Whole School

Mon – 7th May

Year 10 Last Day and Dinner

Thu – 24th Nov

Annunciation – School Closed

Sun - 25th Mar

School Photographs Whole School

25th March Celebrations – Opera House

Sun – 25th Mar

Mothers Day

Senior School Twilight Tours

Tue – 27th Mar

Parent Teacher Conferences Year 12

Year 12 Half yearly exams begin

Mon – 2nd Apr

NAPLAN Years 3, 5, 7 & 9

Tue – 15th May

Year 7 Parent Teacher Conferences

Mon – 2nd Apr

NAPLAN Years 3, 5, 7 & 9

Wed – 16th May

K – 6 Easter Focus Assembly

Thu – 5th Apr

NAPLAN Years 3, 5, 7 & 9

Thur – 17th May

Term ends for Staff and Students

Thu – 5th Apr

Open Day Tours Junior School

Western Good Friday – Public Holiday

Fri – 6th Apr

Lazaros Saturday

Sat – 7th Apr

Western Easter

Sun – 8th Apr

Palm Sunday

Sun – 8th Apr

P & F Palm Sunday lunch

Sun – 8th Apr

Holy Mon – Western Easter Mon – Pubilc Holiday

Thu – 12th Apr

Holy Wednesday

Wed – 11st Apr

Holy Thursday

Thu – 12th Apr

Orthodox Easter Easter Monday

Mon – 14th May

Tue – 29th May

Parish Trip to Greece departs Queens Birthday Public holiday

Thu – 7th June Mon – 11th June

Terms end for Staff and Students

n Internal Event

Fri – 22nd June

n Public Event

Mon – 9th Apr

Holy Tuesday

Holy Friday

Tue – 8th May Sun – 13th May

Fri – 13th Apr Sun – 14th Apr Mon – 15th Apr

The term Stylus is used to describe a myriad of different devices used in computing, science, medicine, art and technology. In ancient times, a stylus was the bone or ivory pen used to write on wax or clay tablets. Stylus is also the Greek word for pillar, denoting strength and grace.

Address From Head Of College


he focus of this edition of the Stylus is the cultivation of “The Beautiful Things in Life” – the Arts in all forms. In this year’s Appreciating Culture Lecture, the Hon. Peter Garrett, Minister for

School Education, Early Childhood and Youth spoke on the “Power of Music in Education”. The SPACe was simultaneously hosting the Arts Exhibition on the theme of the Elements and the Environment. To honour the “Power of Music”, the Senior and Junior Schools held spectacular showcases, featuring the talents of students and hard work and professionalism of our teachers K – 12. The Parish Gala Dinner hosted VIPS, community members and teachers for a glittering evening of acknowledgement and entertainment in our new SPACe. Once again the P & F came through with a delightful Spring Fair at which spirits were raised as well as funds for our Computers & Information Technology Program. It is amazing to think back to the fact that in the midst of these events, solid teaching and learning across the key learning areas is happening at a high level, preparing students to reach their potential in the academics and in the HSC. Yet it all happens; because we pull together as one family and give of our best in all that we attempt. For this I can only express my gratitude to everyone who works to make St Spyridon College a place of light and learning. Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag Head of College


Learning to Know Academic Achievement ACER Scholarship Winners 2011 The Scholarships are based on the results of ACER scholarship exams held on 14th May, 2011. There was a strong field of candidates from other primary schools, our Year 6 and Year 10 students. We commend all students who attempted this challenging exam.

Scholarships Years 11 and 12 2012-2013 Congratulations to Mathew Kambos and Estelle Krassas who have each been granted a two year Scholarship for continued study in Year 11 and 12.

Scholarships Years 7, 2012 – Year 10, 2015 Congratulations to George Raptis who has been granted the 2012, four year scholarship for continued study at St Spyridon College.

Consul-General’s Hospitality to Special Olympic Champions Three of our Food Technology Hospitality students, Erin Criticos, Irene Koukounaris and Natalia Fallas volunteered to serve refreshments at the home of His Excellency Vasilios Tolios and Mrs Tolios for the function held in honour of the Special Olympic Champions held in Athens in June, 2011. We thank the girls on their commitment and time which earned the praise of the Consulate General and his family.


A Hospitable School Year 11 Hospitality students

Mrs Lambi with Hopitality students Sarah Hatzon and Targreed Asaad

Budding Chefs! We have learnt many different recipes from savoury to sweet, and really enjoy tasting all the little treats!

Chefs and have made things such as Cheese Twists, Muffins, Pizzas, Scones, Cakes, Scrolls and many more.

We have now become Junior Master

Miss Rogaris and Miss Besir


Global Connections World Vision Global Leadership Convention Does anyone realize that East Timor, a country that is 1 hour away from Darwin, and one of our closest neighbours; is one of the poorest countries in the World? And, that right now in the African countries of Kenya and Somalia there is a devastating drought bringing starvation, hardship and unfortunately death to millions. These are some of the global issues we were recently made aware of. Theodore Kipriotis, Constance Synesios, Maria Mio and I accompanied by Miss Kladakis, attended the World Vision Global Leadership Convention at Homebush. The guest presenters at the convention as Daniel has already said, were very honest and moving in talking about their countries and life experiences. The first speaker was Grace. She was brought up in Northern Uganda and was trained to fight along side other children who were abducted to fight in the war. Here the LRA also known as the Lord’s Resistance Army in Uganda somehow used God’s will as justification for killing thousands.

Following this we saw the world statistics on hunger and poverty. Hunger is the biggest killer in the world. Diseases such as HIV, Tuberculosis and Malaria together, still can’t compete with Hunger. 22,500 children alone die daily due to hunger. In Bangladesh 50% of the family income is for food in comparison to Australia where 20% of the family income is for food. One of the most thought provoking things we learnt was that there was enough food and water for every country and every individual on Earth, but because of greed and fear, some countries become more powerful than others and they monopolize resources. Power seems to drive everyone crazy and it ends up with them becoming less humane. We strongly encourage everyone to participate in the 40 hour famine this year and every year. Daniel Daneshzand & Maria Mio Year 10 Student Council Representatives

Visit by Wuhan Sunshine Culture and Arts School Study Tour The Senior School hosted The Principals and students from the Wuhan Sunshine Culture and Arts School as part of a Study Tour organized by the Australian Centre for International Education. The day included: tour of the Senior School, performance by our visitors, performances by music and drama students, lunch prepared and served by Year 11 Hospitality students.


P&F Spring Fair A Glorious Day of Fun P&F members took pleasure in observing the empty spacious school yard transform into a potentially fun filled amusement park with dodgem car and aero bungee jump facilities being erected- to name a few. The excitement and strong team work spirit grew as members came together in the kitchen to be faced with one small challenge out of a countless many others which involved preparing 110 kilos of large fresh octopus for the BBQ stall for the next day. The tasks to follow were endless but exciting! The arrival of rain, twice, with a harder and heavier drop the second time, was not able to dampen the energy and enthusiasm of all involved. Stall holders bravely and immediately wiped up and freshened up their stalls to reinvite their guests. Skin creations treated you to some face therapy while Angela’s airbrushing decorated your body, and Step into Life prepared you for outdoor personal training, while Mary’s flowers brightened your spirits, while Fuss and White Castro accessorised your image, while Replicas R Us and Nikos Art took you to the world of Greek warriors, while Bank of Cyprus handled your money matters. The experiences were many more and diverse. Indulging in real fun fair food from gelato to fairy floss from Floss Boss to cupcakes by Minis was great! Our Greek popular food favourites still included BBQ souvlaki, BBQ octopus, mouth-watering loukoumades and

the delicious homemade Greek sweets. We sincerely thank our regular generous donors whose efforts made a great contribution to the success of the day. We look forward to thanking them individually very soon. The performers ranging from All Sorts dancing to Belinz zumba kids parties to the Greek duo instrumentalists – Christos Evripidou and Sam Christodoulides - to our talented students Greek dancing, created such fun fair atmosphere which made it impossible for visitors to pull away from on the day. A special thank you is expressed to our volunteers who worked hard to prepare for the Fair and/or man stalls. A final thank you to all the staff who supported P&F efforts and requests especially Mrs Tsaconas, Father Steven, Father Sotiri, Mrs Stefanou, Mrs Hamer, Mrs Synesios, Ms Giannakopoulos, Mrs Kerameas, Mrs Simicos, Mrs Doyle, Mrs Balayannis and our hardworking General Assistants and College cleaners. Thank you to Mr E Economou for his MC role and organisation of the sound system. The success of the day created a great profit of $15,000 which we look forward to presenting to the College at a key moment in the near future. Mrs Maria Pascalis P&F Assistant Secretary


Learning To Love Farewell Father Peter Mavrommatis


ather Peter began at St Spyridon College fourteen years ago, as a teacher of the Greek language. During this time he showed himself to be a passionate team member with a deep love of the Greek Culture and language. This was evident in the interest he stirred within his students. At this time he was an undergraduate of St Andrew’s Theological College. It was a natural progression that he became the incumbent custodian of Orthodox Studies within the College. Here we all witnessed his leadership, drive and active steps in developing a common Orthodox Studies programme and a comprehensive resource base (ie. textbooks) for all Greek Orthodox Colleges to implement. He lifted the profile of Orthodox Studies by having it approved as a Board endorsed course with the Board of Studies. He has an innate love of sport which he bridged the themes of spiritual and physical health as a teacher of PDHPE.


In his role as Year Adviser over many years, he provided a support system and touchstone to address the needs of each of his charges. He was always available and willing to listen and provide advice and guidance. He was pivotal in establishing the school choir chanting the Engomia on Holy Friday and during the Doxology Year 12 Farewell. This is now an ingrained tradition for all to follow through. Father Peter was supportive in activities that ventured beyond the classroom. Visits to St Basil’s, ESTIA and St Andrew’s Theological College were all coordinated by him. Even bodies beyond the College acknowledged his ability and yearning to help all students. The ISA and CIS sporting bodies all engaged his services as a soccer coach/manager. He will always be remembered for his efforts to instil in the students self respect and respect and love for others. Mrs C Mio & Mrs M Faletas

Parish Gala Dinner


n Saturday 5th November, St Spyridon Parish held its Gala Dinner to celebrate the opening of the Sports & Performing Arts Centre (SPACe). The SPACe was partly funded by the Federal Government though its Building Education Revolution (BER) initiative for which the community is most appreciative. Among the guests for the evening were The Hon. Peter Garret MP, Minister for School Education, Early Childhood and Youth; Senator Matt Thistlethwaite; The Hon. Marie Anne Ficara - Parliamentary Secretary NSW; The Hon. Michael Daley – Member for Maroubra and Mrs Daley; Cr Scott Nash – Mayor of Randwick; and Detective Superintendent Arthur Katsogiannis, Commander Gangs Squad, NSW State Crime Command. Master of Ceremonies for the evening was Dr. Nicholas Pappas, Archdiocesan Council, Chairman of South Sydney Football Club and Chairman of Powerhouse Museum. In his welcome the Parish President, Mr Elia Economou thanked the Government as well as the many benefactors who have supported the growth of the College over its 28 years of progress. Acknowledgments were given to the following: The Estate of the Late Professor Manuel Aroney – who had been on the Board of Governors of the College for 28 years, and who had bequeathed $60,000 from his Estate to the College Building Fund, received on behalf of his family by his son and daughter in law, Steven and Sophia Aroney. The Estate of the Late Mrs Marina Pappas – who pledged $50,000 to the College Building Fund prior to her sudden passing in 2009. Her son & dauther in law, Dr Nicholas and Elleni Pappas honoured her pledge from her Estate and received a commemorative plaque in recognition of this donation. AHEPA NSW pledged $30,000 to the College’s Building Fund, as well as a commitment for ongoing support to the College’s Scholarships and Bursaries Program. Mr John Theodorides, NSW State President of AHEPA was acknowledged for this announcement. The Parents & Friends Association of the College also announced that their fundraising contribution for 2011 was $50,000. The P & F Committee led by their President Ms Anna Stamoulis were warmly acknowledged. Other speakers for the event were The Hon. Peter Garrett; The Hon. Marie Anne Ficarra; and Senator Matt Thistlethwaite who presented the Australian Flag to Mrs Stefanou – Haag. Parish Priest Rev. Father Steven Scoutas closed the formal part of the evening by reminding all those present that St Spyridon College welcomes students from 20 different cultural backgrounds, all of whom are valued and cherished members of their learning community. The evening closed with live music and dance and was enjoyed by all. STYLUS Page 7

The Beautiful things In Life Prima Ballerina Many of our students at St Spyridon College have interests outside of school in which they excel. One example is Eleni Mavrolefteros from Year 9. Eleni has been learning classical ballet since she was three years old. She attends Academy Ballet which has recently moved its studios from the French School in Maroubra to Alexandria. She has been studying and completing yearly examinations under the RAD Syllabus (Royal Academy of Dance), which is internally standardised. She also studies Russian character dance, contemporary, jazz ballet, classical repertoire and musical theatre. Last year she was offered a position as a part-time student at Academy Ballet. She has been selected to compete as a soloist in yearly eisteddfods over the past four years and in classical and character groups over the past six years. Eleni’s studies in dance have offered her enormous opportunities to develop a healthy body and mind, and encourage an enjoyable discipline in the pursuit of excellence. Congratulations Eleni.

National Art School Newsletter Article At the beginning of 2011 I was nominated by my Visual Arts teacher Ms Pringle to apply for a place at the National Art School to participate in the Preliminary HSC intensive art studio practice. For my application I sent in four pieces from my portfolio which consisted of drawings, paintings and 3D pieces. Out of hundreds of applicants across the State of NSW I was one of the one hundred of the most talented art students in the State that was selected and given a scholarship to the National Art School. The course required me to attend NAS during the holidays for two weeks. As I was accepted into the discipline of ceramics, I worked with clay and was able to experiment with different sculptural forms. The class was given an assessment which required us to create a body of work relating to and exploring the themes of nature and the man made world. We also were required to submit an essay on an STYLUS Page 8

artist of our choice who had explored similar themes through their artworks. Once the bodies of work were completed, our artworks were placed in a group exhibition at the art school that was open to the public. A photo of my work in progress was used on the invitation. At the exhibition our teachers then critiqued and marked our artworks. Overall the experience was incredible as I learned different ways to create artworks and improve my art making skills which will assist me in creating my major work in Year 12. I had a wonderful time at NAS as I made many new friends and met many amazing practicing artists. The experience was very fulfilling and motivating as it will never be forgotten. Despina Carpis Year 11

Alumni Players Take On A “Wasted Youth” Congratulations to Mrs Faletas and all Allumni and present students as well as support staff for a wonderful Greek Theatre performance, attended by many community and VIP members including the Honourable Vasilios Tolios, Consul General of Greece and Mrs Tolios.

Cast: Heather Pappas HSC Year 2007 Mathew Kambos Year 10 George Sialepis HSC Year 2010 Yanna Arvanitakis HSC Year 2007 Andrew Charlambous HSC Year 2006 Sotiris Abouyanni HSC Year 2010 Maria Tsalikis HSC Year 2010 Angelina Flokis HSC Year 2010 Anastasia Pizanis HSC Year 2010 Alexander Yules HSC Year 2006 Alexander Moraitis Year 10 Makrina Spiliotis HSC Year 2010 Phoebe Ganis HSC Year 2010 Director Mrs M. Faletas Support Staff Ms E. Gambriell Ms A. Tsintiridou

Wasted youth – definitely not! Highly talented are our performers! On behalf of the College community, the P&F committee wishes to wholeheartedly congratulate the impressive talents of all Alumni and present students who performed impressively in the play Wasted Youth. The community is waiting for an encore performance – such was its popularity and success. Congratulations to the tireless Mrs Faletas and all the staff who supported this performance.


The beautiful things in life The aim of the Appreciating Culture Lectures is to establish St Spyridon College as a centre of excellence-lifelong learning and intellectual endeavour, not only for its teachers and students but for the community at large. The first was held in 2003, to celebrate the school’s 21st birthday.

Appreciating Culture 2011

The first speaker, was the late Gavin Brown, then the ViceChancellor and Principal of Sydney University. In 2008, the then Attorney General NSW, John Hatzistergos spoke to us about the importance of the Eureka Stockade, as a force of impetus for the development of the Australian Constitution.

Of course we all know him as the lead singer in the Australian band Midnight Oil. Their thirteen-album career culminated in the ARIA lifetime Achievement Award in 2006. Through their music and Peter’s distinctive voice and persona, they reshaped Australia’s values and our nation’s identity.

In 2005, His Eminence Archbishop Stylianos of Australia defined for us, what were the “Priorities in True Culture”.

Peter was President of the Australian Conservation Foundation serving two terms. He received the Australian Humanitarian Foundation Award in 2000. In 2003 he received the Order of Australia for his contribution to environment and the music industry. In 2009, Peter was awarded the prestigious French Government Officer of the Order of the Arts and Letters. He has been acknowledged as a leading green thinker by the Green Building Council of Australia. In 2010, the World Wildlife Fund Australia and International, presented Peter with their Leader for a Living Planet Award.

Peter was born in Waroonga, NSW and attended Barker College. He holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree from ANU and a degree in Laws from the University of New South Wales. Peter was elected to the House of Representatives for Kingsford Smith in 2004 and 2007. Prior to this he held Ministerial appointments as Minister for the Environment, Heritage and the Arts, and Minister for the Environment Protection, Heritage and the Arts. With Labor in opposition, he was Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Reconciliation and the Arts, and Shadow Minister for Climate Change, Environment and Heritage and the Arts. Peter is a man of principle and compassion. He is a relentless champion for the truth, no matter how unpalatable it may be. He has been a powerful champion for the disadvantaged and dispossessed, for social justice and the care of our beleaguered planet.

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Peter Garrett spoke on the “Power of Music in Education”. Thank you Minister. Mrs E. Stefanou-Haag


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Senior School Showcase

Showcase Superstars Oh what a night and what impressive talent. Every Showcase performance item was unique and special. The P&F committee would so proudly like to congratulate each and every performer for their energy, talent and confidence in delivering a great variety show. Congratulations to all the performing arts teachers and all staff involved with the preparation of this most memorable night. We admire their commitment, drive and tireless efforts especially the ‘Spirit’ band who did so brilliantly to teach and inspire their students by example and appear on stage in a knock-out finale.

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This night is also a great credit to Mrs Stefanou and Mrs Katsogiannis who drive and power such a mammoth event behind the scenes. While seated in the Sports and Performing Arts Centre, we truly praise Christina Tsaconas and the Parish executive for completing and providing a magnificent facility, which stands to enhance, share and celebrate the amazing drama, dance, singing and musical talents of our students. Its moments like these that place the Building Fund in a positive lime light. Maria Pascalis - P&F

1. Vocal - Greek Aigaio, Alkistis Protopsalti

3. Co-curricular Choir

Ain’t No Mountain High Enough, Marvin Gaye

Jessica Antoniou Stephanie Hatzis Suzanna Gavrilova Erin Magoulias Anastasia Maloukis Vicky Papadopoulos Angela Papaharitou Anna Roniotis Arina Sheptitskaya Allyssa Stemitsiotis Yvette Stemitsiotis Ann Marie Xenos Aphroditi Zafiropoulos

Demi Koutelis, Voice Year 9 Panayioti Kapodistrias, Keyboard Year 9 Eleni Mavrolefteros, Keyboard Year 9 Alexandros Moraitis, Bouzouki Year 10 Matthew Chiam, Percussion Year 8

2. Greek Theatre Antigone, Sophocles

Leah Balayannis Ben Papadopoulos Leonidas Andrew Alexander Stamoulis Valantis Toras Katerina Arvanitakis Elena Ganis Georgia Giatsios Eleni Mavrolefteros Lena Sialepis

Year 12 Year 12 Year 10 Year 7 Year 10 Year 9 Year 9 Year 9 Year 9 Year 9

Year 8 Year 8 Year 8 Year 8 Year 8 Year 8 Year 8 Year 8 Year 8 Year 8 Year 8 Year 8 Year 8

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4. Piano

7. Drama Ensemble

All The World’s A Stage

Written by Ms L Davis with extracts from Shakespeare

Dion Alexander Jessica Antoniou Suzanna Gavrilova Nicolette Gregory Stephanie Hatzis Kalioppe Kefalas Kiri Kondou Chloe Kourtesis Rena Lambos Archie Lambrinos Anastasia Maloukis Manuel Margelis Eleni Mavrolefteros Lena Nesterenko Angela Papaharitou Arina Sheptitskaya Yvette Stemitsiotis Allyssa Stemitsiotis Michael Tsintominas Anthony Vasili Aphroditi Zafiropoulos

i. River Flows in You, Yiruma Edward Renouf Year 10 ii. Russian Rag, Elena Kats-Chernin iii. Sonata in C Major First Movement, Mozart Sofija Belajcic Year 11, HSC Music

5. Drama Dualogue

A Master and his Servant – using traditional Commedia Dell’Arte script and Lazzi

Stephanie Hatzis Aphroditi Zafiropoulos

Year 8 Year 8

6. Contemporary Dance

Turning Tables, Adele

Choreography by Eleni Mavrolefteros Christina Balayannis Eleni Mavrolefteros Lena Nesterenko Alexia Rizzo Anita Vergotis

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Year 9 Year 7 Year 9 Year 9 Year 7 Year 7

Year 8 Year 8 Year 8 Year 9 Year 8 Year 8 Year 7 Year 9 Year 9 Year 7 Year 8 Year 7 Year 9 Year 9 Year 8 Year 8 Year 8 Year 8 Year 7 Year 9 Year 8

8. Guitar Ensemble

11. Year 7 Vocal & Dance

Bamboleo, Gypsy Kings

Putting on the Ritz, Irving Berlin

Steven Antoniou Nicholas Baratsas Yani Baratsas Matthew Chiam Christos Kollias James Koutelis Manuel Margelis

Mr Anatoli Torjinski - Co-curricular Guitar Teacher

Nicole Adam Lia Albanakis Penelope Aleyiannis Christina Balayannis Alexander P Cardamis Themis Giaras Elias Hatzon Bill Kalergis Aaron Paul Kostantakis George Mandilis Manuel Margelis Zac Prineas Mariah Stavrou Isidora Stevanovic

Singers: Steven Antoniou, Milos Arsenic, Yiani Baratsas, Anastasia Barton, Eve Barton, Alexander Cardamis, Nicholas Frangos, Anastasia Gousetis, Nicholas Hatzakos, Michael Hatzon, Erin Hennessey, Keira Kipriotis, Kiri Kondou, Georgia Koukounaris, Archie Lambrinos, Jorge Lialiaris, Peter Magoulias,Paul Mandadakis, Kristen Mournehis, Alexia Rizzo, Tori Stamatopoulos, Alexander Stamoulis, Michael Tsintominas, Anita Vergotis, Sebastian Zois

Year 7 Year 9 Year 7 Year 8 Year 8 Year 8 Year 7

9. Vocal – Modern

Beautiful, Christina Aguilera

Demi Koutelis, Vocal Year 9 Stamati Margelis, Acoustic Guitar Year 12

10. Greek Medley

Alexandros Moraitis, Bouzouki Stephen Magoulias, Bouzouki Matthew Chiam, Drums Valantis Toras, Percussion Stamati Margelis, Bass Guitar

Year 10 Year 10 Year 8 Year 10 Year 12

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12. Spirit

i) Rolling in the Deep, Adele ii) Respect, Aretha Franklin

Ms Ferguson-Coyne, Lead Voice Ms Davis, Voice Mr Giles, Bass Guitar Mr Sobolevski, Electric Guitar Mr Zafiropoulos, Drums Ms Savva, Keyboard

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Students Step Up & Out Thanksgiving and Farewell

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St Spyridon Sports Stars Sports Presentation Evening

Keynote Speaker – Dr Steve Georgakis

Mr Mio with Principal Senior School, Mrs Katsogiannis

Mr C. Pavlou with Deanne Constantinou, Sports Captain and Pierre De Coubertin Awardee 2011 Mr John Volas - JS Sport Coordinator

Mr Elia Economou & Father Steven Scoutas present Dr Georgakis with a gift

ASISSA Representatives

Futsal Regional and State Champions

JS Swimming Champions

JS Athletics Champions

Girls Basketball Champions

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stylus Sports Captains, Deanne Constantinou and Nicole Kalofonos with their Sports Co-ordinator, Ms K. O’Shea Mr Nissirios with Sports Captain

Winners of ISA Colours

Hopitality Teacher, Mrs Grillakis gets hug from Irene Koukounaris

Boys Football Champions

ISA Best and Fairest

Girls Indoor Soccer Champions

Senior Awards

Boys Futsal Regional & State Champions

Junior Awards STYLUS Page 23

Junior School Showcase The Junior School Showcase held in the new SPACe, saw every one of the 360 students K – 6, on the stage to sing, dance, play and generally perform with great gusto and confidence. Mrs Helen Coyne and every single Junior School Teacher is to be congratulated for the energy, talent and attention to detail that led to such a spectacular event. Thank you to Mr Elia Economou who as always was there to help us with all things light and sound. Thank you to the Year 9 boys and Mr Zafiropoulos for their tireless work also.

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It’s all about building young lives

1130 Anzac Parade, Maroubra NSW 2035, PO Box 462, Maroubra NSW 2035 Phone: 61 2 9311 3340 Fax: 61 2 9311 4532 Email: Website: Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia, St Spyridon Parish of South-East Sydney A.C.N. 000 410 891 A.B.N. 84 480 080 247 CRICOS Provider Numbers: Junior School ~ Years K-6 ~ 061558A Senior School ~ Years 7-12 ~ 02319E

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