Teacher hand book 3 workplace health & safety

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Handbook 3 Workplace, Health & Safety

January 2013

CONTENTS Preamble…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..1 Work Health and Safety Policy Statement .............................................. 2 Management System ........................................................................ 4 Work Health & Safety Committee ........................................................ 5 Premises & Buildings - Disability Discrimination Compliance Policy ............... 6 OHS Responsibility Statements for Position Descriptions ........................... 7 Consultation ................................................................................... 9 Environmental Management ............................................................... 10 Risk Management ............................................................................. 11 Emergency Management .................................................................... 13 Critical Incidents and Emergency Evacuation – Junior School ...................... 14 Critical Incidents and Emergency Evacuation – Senior School ...................... 15 Security Management ....................................................................... 19 Maintenance Management ................................................................. 20 Storage Management ....................................................................... 21 Traffic Management ......................................................................... 22 Outdoor Management ....................................................................... 26 Volunteer Management ..................................................................... 28 Document Management .................................................................... 29 Student Management ....................................................................... 30 Appendices ................................................................................... 31

Preamble This Handbook provides St Spyridon College educators and other staff with guidelines and support in managing a safe environment for students within the context of the College Mission, the St Spyridon College Student Principles and the Code of Conduct. It provides advice to teachers and other staff on security with specific reference to students, buildings, facilities and evacuation and emergency procedures as well as management and maintenance.

It should be read in conjunction with the following documents: •

Teacher Handbook Part 1 – Personnel.

Teacher Handbook Part 2 – Managing a Positive Learning Environment.

Parent Handbook.

Study Planner

National Professional Standards for Teachers.

The content of these handbooks forms the basis of the St Spyridon College Induction, Professional Development and Appraisal Program. By implementing the guidelines and advice in this handbook, Teachers will be able to demonstrate that they are proficient in line with the National Professional Standards for Teachers and Standard 8 pertaining specifically to St Spyridon College: “Standard 8: Teachers align themselves to the ethos and culture of the school, actively contributing to shared goals and values.”

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The work health and safety of students, all persons employed within St. Spyridon College and those visiting the College are considered to be of the utmost importance. Resources in line with the importance attached to work health and safety will be made available to comply with all relevant Acts and Regulations and the workplace is safe and without risk to health.


The promotion and maintenance of work health and safety is primarily the responsibility of management. Management at all levels is required to contribute to the health and safety of all persons in the workplace. To this end, it is the responsibility of the school’s management together with the Proprietor to develop, implement and keep under review, in consultation with its employees, the College’s OHS Program.

SPECIFIC RESPONSIBILITIES a) PRINCIPAL - Junior and Senior School The Principals are required to: • ensure that the OH&S policy and the OH&S Program is effectively implemented in their areas of control • support Executive staff and hold them accountable for their specific responsibilities

b) PARISH EXECUTIVE OFFICER Is responsible for ensuring action is taken to minimise risk through prompt and timely maintenance management.

c) EXECUTIVE STAFF, CURRICULUM LEADERS AND SUPERVISORS Each member specified above is responsible, and will be held accountable, for taking all practical measures to ensure: • that in the area of their control the OH&S Program is complied with and school staff are supervised and trained to meet their requirements under this Program; • that school staff are consulted in issues which affect their health and safety and any concerns they may have are referred to management.

d) TEACHERS AND EMPLOYEES All school staff is required to co-operate with the OHS Policy and Programs to ensure their own health and safety and the health and safety of others in the workplace.

e) CONTRACTORS AND SUB-CONTRACTORS All contractors and sub-contractors engaged to perform work on the College premises or locations are required, as part of their contract, to comply with the OH&S policies, procedures and programs of the College and to observe directions on health and safety from designated officers of the organisation. Failure to comply or observe a direction will be considered a breach of the contract and sufficient grounds for termination of the contract.

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WORK HEALTH AND SAFETY PROGRAM In order to implement the general provisions of this policy, a program of activities and procedures will be set up, continually updated and effectively carried out. The program will relate to all aspects of work health and safety including: • OH&S training and education • work design, workplace design and standard work methods • changes to work methods and practice; including those associated with technological change • emergency procedures and drill • provision of OH&S equipment, services and facilities • workplace inspections and evaluations • reporting and recording of incidents, accidents, injuries and illnesses • provision of information to employees, contractors and sub-contractors.

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St. Spyridon College is committed to the implementation and maintenance of sound OH&S practices. This document outlines the systems and organization St. Spyridon has implemented, or will implement, to fulfil its obligations under the OH&S Legislation.


The implementation of this management system is done so in context with the AIS Work Health, Safety and Injury Management, Support Manual for Independent Schools


This management system will encompass the following areas: • Consultation • Environmental Management • Risk Management • Emergency Management • Maintenance Management • Storage Management • Traffic Management • Out door Management • Volunteer Management • Documentation Management • Student Management • Security management Other areas of OH&S Management may be added to this list if needed in the future.

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WORK HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEE The OHS Committee of St. Spyridon College will comprise of the following: • Head of College • Parish Executive Officer • Principals of The Senior School and The Junior School • OH&S Officers (one from the Junior and one from the Senior School) The OH&S Officers are convenors to this committee.


This committee will meet once per term. All business will be conducted via published agendas and published minutes. Membership will be for a period of at least one school year.

SUB COMMITTEES The role of these sub-committees is to identify and act upon OH&S issues and refer these to the OH&S Committee if necessary. There are two sub committees. One for the Senior School and one for the Junior School



(Junior School has elected representative not a committee complying to Legislation)

(Senior School has elected representative not a committee complying to Legislation)

Staff or Visitors may raise OH& S matters with the OH&S Officer or a member of staff. It is the OH & S Officer’s responsibility to table the item and follow up with The Parish Executive Officer to rectify the problem. Staff are informed of this procedure at the first Staff Development day of the year and may also add items to the weekly staff meeting agenda.

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The Parish Executive Officer/Bursar is responsible for monitoring and assessing the current standard and the state of repair of the School buildings, premises and facilities, taking into account current building requirements, including the Disability Discrimination Act 1992, Disability Standards 2005, the Explosives Act 2003 and Work Health and Safety Act 2000.


The Parish Executive Officer/Bursar is responsible to check that any development applications for school premises/buildings comply with all relevant legislation at the time of occupancy.


The Parish Executive Officer/Bursar will arrange annual fire safety assessments which comply with Part 9 Division 5 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000.

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OHS RESPONSIBILITY STATEMENTS FOR POSITION DESCRIPTIONS The following statements provide specific OH&S responsibilities for key roles.

The HEAD and PARISH The Head of College and the Parish have a responsibility to: • • • • • •

Publish policies and procedures explaining the management approach to OH&S and RTW. Ensure mechanisms are provided for effective OH&S consultation with all staff. Ensure organization compliance with OH&S and Workers Compensation legislation. Ensure an effective OH&S Management Plan is in place including objectives and targets. Ensure appropriate resources and budget allocations for training and equipment. Monitor OH&S performance including compliance with external regulations and standards and internal policy and procedures.

The Principals and Parish Executive Officer The Principals and Parish Executive Officer responsibilities include • • • • • • • •

Implement the RTW Program of the school. Review the RTW Program to ensure it is updated as required. Advise the workers compensation insurer of any injured or ill worker within 48 hours of being made aware of the matter. Negotiate, coordinate, implement and monitor the return to work of injured / ill staff cases to ensure an effective outcome. Refer to nominated rehabilitation providers and approve and monitor their programs where appropriate. Liaise with all key players regarding the rehabilitation of the injured worker including insurer, nominated treating doctor, treating providers, coordinator and worker. Provide education to staff regarding the RTW Program. Provide information to management about the RTW Program and workers compensation costs.

Executive Staff, Curriculum Leaders and Supervisors Executive staff, Curriculum Leaders and supervisors have responsibilities on behalf of the school, but must also comply with their requirements as employees. It is their responsibility to: • • • • • •

Adhere to OH&S policies and procedures. Consult with staff and representatives on OH&S issues. Ensure that staff are equipped with the information, instruction, training and supervision that they need to work safely. Identify, assess and control hazards within their area of responsibility. Access sources of OH&S information and systematically disseminate information to all staff. Ensure that staff and contractors are aware of, and abide by, all relevant health and safety procedures, particularly those relating to the operation of plant and equipment.

Maintain professional knowledge of OH&S issues.

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St Spyridon Parish Specific responsibilities for OHS include: • • • • • • • • • • •

Contribute to the development of the OH&S Management Plan for the school. Identify, assess and control hazards. Access sources of OHS information and systematically disseminate information to all staff. Maintain professional knowledge of OH&S issues. Develop a schedule of maintenance procedures for buildings, plant and equipment. Develop safe work procedures as required and ensure adherence to procedures. Identify training needs of staff for safe work procedures. Ensure that training records are maintained for property staff. Maintain plant, equipment and property maintenance records in accordance with OH&S Regulation 2001 and school policies and procedures. Ensure that all contractors associated with property / facilities of the school adhere to contractor management procedures. Ensure that staff and contractors are aware of, and abide by, all relevant health and safety procedures, particularly those relating to the operation of plant and equipment.

Teachers / Employees Teachers / Employees have a responsibility to: • • • • • • •

Participate in the development of a safe and healthy workplace. Comply with instructions given for their own safety and health and that of others, in adhering to safe work procedures. Co-operate with the school management in its fulfillment of its legislative obligations. Take reasonable care to ensure their own safety and health and that of others, and to abide by their duty of care provided for in the legislation. To report any injury, hazard or illness immediately, where practicable to their supervisor. Not place others at risk by any act or omission. Not willfully or recklessly interfere with safety equipment.


Head of College – Mrs. Efrosini Stefanou - Haag Parish Executive Officer – Mrs. Christina Tsaconas Principal of The Senior School - Mrs. Amelia Katsogiannis Principal of The Junior School - Mrs. Mary Hamer OH&S Officers o Senior School - Mr. Peter Meintanis o Junior School – Mrs. Aristea Synesios


Mrs. Aristea Synesios - OH&S Officer


Mr. Peter Meintanis - OH&S Officer

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St. Spyridon College is committed to a process whereby the employer and employees can openly discuss issues of OH&S in confidence and with an atmosphere of support.


The implementation of this management system is done so in context with the AIS Work Health, Safety and Injury Management, Support Manual for Independent Schools


St. Spyridon College recognises the need for a consultation process that allows all staff the opportunity to raise matters in relation to OH&S. It is intended that staff be given professional development opportunities in areas of OH&S that are appropriate to the needs of the school. The documented goals for this college are: • nil accidents • nil incidents • nil unsafe work practices • all hazards to be assessed and prioritised for further action


The College‘s OH&S Committee is the tool for making management aware of any concerns and the subsequent action that may need to be taken. All staff has access to their committee through their elected representative.

Matters requiring urgent action will be acted upon by the OH&S Officer who will notify the Parish Executive Officer. A report will be given at the next OHS Committee meeting.

The Maintenance forms, held in the office, is the way repairs will be noted and acted upon. Urgent maintenance will be noted as such and acted upon by the OH&S Officer who will then notify their Principal or delegate using the documented Risk Management procedures.

The published agenda, minutes and actions of the committee will be made available to staff via the staff noticeboard and opportunities for response will be sought at appropriate staff meetings.

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St. Spyridon College is committed to a safe environment for all who use the school environment. The physical surroundings, conditions and circumstances form the basis to this management system.


The implementation of this management system is done so in context with the AIS Work Health, Safety and Injury Management, Support Manual for Independent Schools


St. Spyridon College acknowledges and is committed to the ongoing compliance responsibilities under the direction and intent of this ‘Environmental Management System’ through associated policies pertaining to individual management systems, found in various modules of St Spyridon’s OH&S policy.


The College’s OH&S Committee has been formed to actively pursue a consultative process where all stakeholders have a voice in their safety.

A Risk Management process, that includes the assessment, control, elimination and review of risks, has been documented and in place. (Appendix 1 & 2. Internal and External Work Inspection Checklist, pp. 32 – 37))

An induction program in OH&S Policy and practice will be conducted annually for both new and old members of staff. An induction program for new staff will form part of the general induction into the school, at the beginning of each school year.

An Emergency Evacuation and Critical Incident document is in place and known by all staff. (Critical Incidents and Emergency Evacuation pp. 14 and 15)

A Maintenance Process is in place and documented

Staff are offered an update in CPR and Basic First Aid. Those who complete these courses are issued with certificates, current for one and three years respectively. The OH&S Officer audits all staff annually to ensure qualifications are current.

At the Junior School fully stocked First Aid kits (Appendix 3. p. 38) are located in o The Administration Block (Sick Bay) and the Infants Staff Rm. Portable kits are available for Playground Duty excursions, sports days and special events. The secretarial staff maintain these kits and administer the first aid required by the students in the Sick Bay area. Injuries to Infants children are treated at the Infants staff room.

At the Senior School a fully stocked First Aid kit (Appendix 3, p.38) is located in the administration area of the school (Sick Bay). Portable kits are available for excursions, sports days and special events. The secretarial staff, maintain these kits and administer the first aid required by the students in the Sick Bay area.

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St Spyridon College is committed to a safe environment. Risk Management is the interactive process of planning well-defined steps, which support decision making in issues of safety. This risk Management process will be applied to any situation with the potential for danger or harm to our staff, students or visitors.


The implementation of this management system is done so in context with the AIS Work Health, Safety and Injury Management, Support Manual for Independent Schools


St Spyridon College is committed to providing a safe environment for the school community and wider school community. The school recognises the importance of the systematic application of management policies, procedures and practices to the tasks of, establishing in context, any risks that may impact on the school community. The sequence of risk management will be identification, analysis, evaluation, treatment, monitoring and communication.


Areas identified by staff, students or visitors will be entered into a Risk Management Plan Sheet (Appendix 6 pp 41-42) which will then be assessed by the OH&S Officer.

A Risk Register, comprising copies of the Risk Management Plan sheets, will be commenced and reviewed annually by the OH&S Committee in collaboration with the OH&S Sub Committees.

Initially, the staff as a whole will be asked to nominate areas of risk. The OH&S Sub Committees will then take action, based on priority, and report back on action to be taken.


• • •

The Principal investigates all incidents. The OH&S Officer will take immediate action if necessary to prevent similar incidents from occurring. She/he will identify trends or continuing problems and report same to the OH&S Committee as regularly as they meet and make recommendations to the Committee. The OH&S Officer will receive all hazard identification forms and ensure action is forthcoming. The OH&S Officer is responsible for the ongoing collection of data related to the programme and providing same to the Work Health and Safety Committee. The OH&S Officer maintains up to date audits on o First Aid o Child Protection o Internet Policy

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Receive the regular report from the OH&S Officer/s, evaluate same and initiate actions as necessary. Make recommendations to the Head, the Parish and appropriate local committees/personnel regarding risk management activities, policies and procedures. Disseminate information relating to current performance indicators on a regular basis. Undertake a comprehensive review of the Risk Management Programme at least annually.

The OH&S Committee will evaluate the program on an ongoing basis, according to its terms of reference. Data will be collected relating to:  Number of incidents  Number of each type of incident  Time lost due to incident  Classification of injured persons -patient, staff, visitor  Incidents related to cause  Incidents related to injury  Number of hazards identified  Percentage of identified hazards rectified  Percentage of incidents not investigated


Implement and practice effective work health and safety policies and procedures. All OH&S incidents are recorded in the St Spyridon Incident/Accident Report form and forwarded to the OH&S Officer as soon as possible, to enable timely action. Identify possible hazards, by completing the hazard identification form and forwarding this to the OH&S Officer as soon as possible. (Appendix 7: Hazard Report Form, p. 39)

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St Spyridon College is committed to a safe working and learning environment. This Emergency management policy will be implemented in the event of an emergency situation deemed to cause danger or conflict resulting in the requirement of some form of immediate action.


The implementation of this management system is done so in context with the AIS Work Health, Safety and Injury Management, Support Manual for Independent Schools


St. Spyridon College is committed to providing an operational and documented emergency procedure in the event of a critical incident. The Critical Incident Plan, generic in nature, allows for all emergency situations to be acted upon immediately in a regular and familiar way. Staff actively participated in the drawing up of the Critical Incident Plan and is aware of the expected responses. Documented procedures and protocols assist the staff in carrying out their responsibilities.


A fully documented Emergency, Evacuation and Critical Incident Procedure has been published to staff and copies are placed in the Teacher Handbook.

A copy of the Emergency, Evacuation and Critical Incident Procedure is provided to all casual teachers in their ‘Day Package’. A signed declaration is obtained from every casual teacher that states they have read and understand this plan. This declaration is held in school records for the duration of each school year.

A copy of the Emergency, Evacuation and Critical Incident Procedure is provided to all Visitors who sign into the school. By signing in, each visitor acknowledges that they have read and understand the Plan and will comply with the directions contained within it.

Next to or on the door of every room in the school is a location map detailing where you currently are in the building and nominating routes to leave the building in case of evacuation. (Appendices 10 & 11 pp 51 - 53 – Junior School) (Appendices 16 – 19 pp 60 - 63 – Senior School)

As part of college routine, two announced and two unannounced evacuation practices will be conducted and evaluated by staff. These will normally occur twice per semester, four times per year. ( Appendix 12 Fire Drill Evaluation Report and Evacuation Drill pp 54 - 56)

The copy of the Emergency, Evacuation and Critical Incident Procedure will be reviewed at the start of each school year.

The Emergency and Evacuation Procedure will also be reviewed by the school’s OH&S Committee when incidents are reported from other schools or institutions that could impact and lead to improvement in St. Spyridon’s management systems.

All portable fire extinguishers are maintained under contract to Fire Protection Services

For emergencies of specific nature, e.g. flooding, bomb threats, gas leaks etc, please refer to (Appendix 8 pp.44 - 49)

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In the event of fire or any other reason for evacuating the school, the following procedures will apply: (see Appendix 10 & 11 Evacuation Routes Junior School pp 51 - 53) 1. A continuous BELL will sound. 2. The relevant authority or authorities – Fire Brigade – Police – Ambulance, etc – will be contacted by the Principal, Assistant Principal or the Secretaries. 3. If there is time, staff assisted by students will close windows and doors (in the event of fire) to eliminate draughts and confine the fire. 4. Students should move quickly, NOT run, under the direction of staff, to the following designated areas: Yrs 2 - 6: K & 1:

Move out t h r o u g h D o r a n S t . g a t e t o t h e o t h e r s i d e o f t h e street or to the front onto Gardeners Rd. Move out along Day Lane into Doran St. or onto Bruce St. Depending on where the incident occurs. Year 2: Year 3: Year 4: Year 5: Year 6: Library/ IT:


Through Quad to designated area or straight out the front to Gardeners Rd. Along Parish offices down the back steps (East) Walk out onto the other side of Doran St. Down back steps (West) Front steps (Gardeners Rd.) then through Quad or straight out the front to Gardeners Rd. Through Quad to designated area

Students should not leave the group to obtain possessions and must line up in their class groups. Teacher to take class roll for cross-reference of absentees The teacher should also count the students as they leave the room.

5. Toilets and other specialist rooms are to be checked by a teacher who has no class 6. Secretaries to bring class rolls to teachers. - Teachers are to mark the class roll. - Names of students known to be at school but absent at roll call should be given to the Principal or Assistant Principal. All isolated areas are to be searched by specialist teachers, i.e. Greek, Librarian etc. NB: Fire Drills will be unannounced under the direction of the Principal or Assistant Principal. Emergency Telephone Numbers:

Doctor (Dr Savoulis) (Dr. Tsingos) Ambulance Fire Hospital – Prince of Wales Work Health & Safety 2013


9667-2819 9383 -3939 000 000 9382-1111

Poison Info Line Electrician Plumber -

131126 0418 444 465 0412 863 890





In the event of fire or any other reason for evacuating the school, the following procedures will apply: 1. A continuous BELL will sound. 2. – – –

The relevant authority or authorities Fire Brigade Police Ambulance, etc – will be contacted by the Principal, Dean(s) or the Secretaries.

3. If there is time, staff assisted by students will close windows and doors (in the event of fire) to eliminate draughts and confine the fire. 4. Students should move quickly, but NOT run, under the direction of staff, to the Basketball courts: Sports and Performing Arts Centre: Exit the School via the Admin car park and walk along Anzac Pde to the Basketball Courts 100 Club: Exit Building via the closest door and proceed to the basketball courts via safest way A Block: Exit building via the closest doors and proceed to the basketball courts via the safest way Science Block: Exit building via the closest doors and proceed to the basketball courts via the oval or safest way Administration Building: Lock main door and move to the basketball courts via the oval or safest way Technology Building: Move to the basketball courts via the safest way E Block: Move to the basketball courts via the Oval.

Year 7: Year 8: Year 9: Year 10: Year 11: Year 12:


Court 1 Court 1 Court 2 Court 2 Court 3 Court 3

Northern Side Southern Side Northern Side Southern Side Northern Side Southern Side

(see page 25 - drawing) Students should not leave the group to obtain possessions and must line up in their home room classes. Teacher to take class roll for cross-reference of absentees The teacher should also count the students as they leave the room.

5. Toilets and other specialist rooms are to be checked by a teacher who has no class 6. Administration Staff to bring home room lists to Year Advisors. - Home room teachers are to mark the class roll. - Names of students known to be at school but absent at roll call should be given to the Principal or Dean of Senior Programs All isolated areas are to be searched by specialist teachers, Music Teacher, librarian etc. NB: Fire Drills will be unannounced under the direction of the Principal or Assistant Principal. Emergency Telephone Numbers:

Doctor (Dr Savoulis) (Dr. Tsingos) Ambulance Fire Maroubra Police Hospital – Prince of Wales Work Health & Safety 2013


9667-2819 9383 3939 000 000 9349-9299 9382-1111

Electrician Plumber Poison Info Line

0418 444 465 0412 863 890 131126


Lockdown / Lockout On rare occasions it may be necessary to seal off the school so that it cannot be entered from the outside. This is called a ‘lock-down’. If, for any reason, it is deemed that the school should be locked and secure, the procedures below will form the school’s policy and procedures for any ‘lock-down’ contingency. The school will ensure that staff and students are aware of these procedures and they are practised on a regular basis.

DEFINITIONS Lockdown – used when there is an immediate threat to the school eg school intruders. Lockdown minimizes access to the school and secures staff and students in rooms. Lockout – used to prevent unauthorized persons from entering the school when the threat is general or the incident is occurring off the school property. Lockout procedure allows school activities to continue as normal during outside disruption.

Procedures: Lockdown 1. If an intruder is identified by a staff member, the Principal or a person nominated by the Principal is informed and a lockdown announcement is made over the PA. “All staff are directed to keep students in their classrooms until further notice. Classes on the courts/oval will enter the buildings and proceed to the nearest available room and staff ensure the windows and doors are locked. This announcement will activate a process of locking the school’s classrooms, offices, and all outside doors of the school. 2 This will be followed by a message over the loudspeaker system indicating if this is an ‘Orange Alert’ or a ‘Red Alert’. Orange Alert – Staff and students to remain in locked classroom until the all clear signal is given. Red Alert – Turn out lights and move to less visible parts of the room and/or take shelter under furniture. Keep as quiet as possible. 3 At the given signal the students remain in the room they are in and the staff ensure the windows and doors to their classroom are locked 4

Principal or Administration staff calls 000 and stops automatic bells.


All exterior doors and entrances are locked.


Only authorized personnel will be allowed access to school premises.

7 The Principal with the Assistant Principal and the Infants Coordinator ensure that there are no students or staff remaining in the playground or outside school ground. 8

Staff in rooms secure doors and windows and calm students.

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9 If practicable staff should notify the front office by phone(staff room phone), by email or mobile phone (if necessary), that they have entered lockdown. NO ONE SHOULD MOVE ABOUT THE SCHOOL. 10 Any students in corridors, toilets etc should be directed by staff to nearest classroom. 11 Staff record names of all students in their room. 12 When it is ascertained that there is no threat or danger to the children, another signal is given over the P.A. system to inform staff that normal school programs and procedures can resume. If lockdown goes beyond normal school hours, The Principal notifies parents and the community with the support of Police. 13 As soon as possible after the lockdown teachers return to their homeroom classes and conduct a roll call and notify the Principal immediately of any students not accounted for 14 Under the direction of Police, parents can pick up students at a designated area. Lockout Similar procedures to a lockdown except that it is presumed there are no intruders are in the school premises. The procedure for lockout will be the same as for lockdown, with the exception that all perimeter gates will be locked. Only access to the school should be through the main entrance. The Principal or a person nominated by the Principal must ensure all gates are locked. Staff Roles 1 The Principal or front office staff member locks the Administration office’s front door, all windows and other entrances. 2 The Dean of Senior Programs at the Senior School or the Assistant Principal at the Junior School or a person nominated by the Principal ensures the perimeter gates to the school are locked. 3a At the Senior School The Dean of Senior Programs or a person nominated by the Principal ensures the gates into the Technology Building, the Science labs and the assembly area are locked 3b At the Junior School the Assistant Principal or a person nominated by the Principal ensures the “Roller” gates, “grey” gates leading to the Assembly area and 1st floor are locked 4

Individual teachers lock classroom door(s) and windows.

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Action Flowchart Announcement made on PA

“All staff are directed to keep students in their classrooms until further notice”.

Go To Lockdown Remain in classroom Or Go to nearest room (lock all windows and doors)

Red Alert Take shelter in room

Orange Alert Await further instructions

(turn out lights, shelter under furniture, keep as quiet as possible)

Await further instructions

Actions as directed

All Clear “Normal school programs and procedures may resume”

Go to home room Conduct roll call Advise Principal Work Health & Safety 2013



St Spyridon College is committed to ensuring the security of the school community and environment against the threat of intruders.


The implementation of this management system is done so in context with the AIS Work Health, Safety and Injury Management, Support Manual for Independent Schools


St Spyridon College recognises the need for appropriate security measures to be undertaken to protect staff, visitors and property. To assist in ascertaining the security measures to be undertaken, an annual review of security measures will be undertaken by the schools OH&S Committee. Through a consultative process the college community will be given the opportunity to raise security issues and assist in the implementation of security risk control measures.

SECURITY MANAGEMENT At St Spyridon College the following measures are operational in Security Management: •

NYCON Security are contracted to the school to provide back to base security with security guard call out to operate from 6pm – 6am Monday to Friday and 24 hours Saturday, Sunday, School holidays and Public holidays. The cleaner sets the alarm at the conclusion of the daily cleaning schedule. All teaching staff and the cleaner have codes to override the alarm system for out of hours access.

Access to the Junior School from Gardeners Rd is via an intercom system, operated from the secretarial office. All visitors to the college, who may have unsupervised access to the students, are required to sign in at the secretarial office. The sign in book contains copies of the OH&S Policy and the Evacuation and Critical Incidents procedures.( see Appendix 9 p. 50 Access to Grounds and Buildings during School Times)

Access to the Senior School from Anzac Pde is via the Administration office. Deliveries to the canteen are taken directly to the canteen via the gates at the northern end of the school. All visitors to the school, who may have unsupervised access to the students, are required to sign in at the secretarial office. The sign in book contains copies of the OH&S Policy and the Evacuation and Critical Incidents procedures.

All visitors, after accepting the conditions of entry printed on the front of the sign in book, are issued a Visitors Badge, to be worn at all times while on the premises and returned to the secretarial office when leaving the building. During the day, all students on messages or using toilets move around the college in pairs (Junior School). Only when accompanied by staff, are students taken from the building for sport, to Church or to the Church Hall (Junior School only.)

A playground roster is provided for staff, ensuring that at all times students are outside the school building, teacher supervision is present. The college publishes Supervision times to parents as between 8.15am and 3.45pm for the Junior school and between 8.30 – 3.05 for the Senior School

An Emergency, Evacuation and Critical Incident Policy is in place to manage such incidents. These guidelines are available to full time, part time and casual staff.

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St Spyridon College is committed to maintaining all existing school facilities including plant and equipment as well as taking into consideration environmental responsibilities as it pertains to this school site.


The implementation of this management system is done so in context with the AIS Work Health, Safety and Injury Management, Support Manual for Independent Schools


St Spyridon College recognises the need for a programmed maintenance system to be implemented. The system includes both pro-active and re-active measures which are undertaken depending on circumstances. The role of the Parish is to ensure that all maintenance works are carried out. Staff, volunteers and contractors have both the opportunity and responsibility to bring to the attention of the school any issues that require maintenance. Maintenance Forms will allow for notification, rectification and review.


A Maintenance file is available through the school office for the notification of all maintenance items. Urgent issues are to be immediately brought to the OH&S Officer’s attention or in his/her absence to the school office. The OH&S Officer reviews the Maintenance File every two weeks for non-urgent issues and brings all outstanding maintenance issues to the attention of their Principal. The Parish consults the school before large maintenance works are undertaken. Maintenance jobs completed are recorded in a Maintenance Completion Folder, for review purposes. In case of serious Maintenance items, the area is secured to minimise risk of injury. The Parish maintains a pro-active program of on-going maintenance and servicing.

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St. Spyridon College is committed to a safe environment for staff and visitors. The management of storage issues, including the method of storage and space restrictions of the college site, are areas of interest to the OH&S of the college.


The implementation of this management system is done so in context with the AIS Work Health, Safety and Injury Management, Support Manual for Independent Schools


St Spyridon College recognises its duty of care to all persons entering the workplace. The need for safe and appropriate storage protocols is the responsibility of all staff. It is acknowledged that storage may be limited due to infrastructure of the site. Through risk management protocols potential hazards are assessed and appropriate control measures are implemented. An annual risk assessment of all storage areas is reviewed in Term 1.


designated storage areas have been established within the school and are only to be used for the designated item;  furniture  sports equipment  cleaning equipment  stationery / stores  curriculum resources  musical instruments and props  library / literacy teaching resources  chemicals storage (for science)

in each storage area, flammable and combustible materials must never be stored together

all flammable materials must be stored in the cleaning cupboard only. No flammable substance is to be stored in classrooms.

flammable substances, essential to the Art & TAS program, may be stored in a locked and easily identified cupboard or in the store room.

substances such as “Spray and Wipe” are stored in the sink area of the staff room and are not stored in classrooms

students are not permitted in any storage area without direct staff supervision

items such as bean bags or pillows must not be stored near a power outlet or near an operating heater

Work Health & Safety 2013



St. Spyridon College is committed to a safe environment for pedestrians and for the safe and efficient movement of traffic entering the school environment.


The implementation of this management system is done so in context with the AIS Work Health, Safety and Injury Management, Support Manual for Independent Schools


St Spyridon College is committed to providing a safe environment for the school community and wider school community, especially in higher risk times of drop off and pick up of students. To facilitate this process, St Spyridon College has developed processes to advise parents of the expectations of the school in regard to safe Traffic Management. This is done via the College Newsletter, Parent Handbook, Yearly Study Planner, Parents and Friends meetings. Traffic Management measures are also in place for deliveries to the college and for the arrival of expected visitors. This management plan will be reviewed each semester by the college’s OH&S Committee.


Appropriate safety signs eg “No Parking” have been installed to aid the flow of traffic and remind drivers of the presence of children.

Randwick Council has responded to both school and parent concerns about traffic movement around the school. Safety signs and speed zones have been installed as a result of these representations.

Police regularly patrol the Speed Zone in Gardeners Rd. during designated school zone times.

Limited staff parking is available on site – Day Lane. All extra vehicles park on the street


Strict observance of the following rules will greatly assist in the smooth flow of traffic and the safety of the students. 1. ALL cars are to come to the college via DONCASTER AVENUE, then turn into DORAN STREET. 2. After entering DORAN STREET all cars must EXIT through DAY LANE - turn left to Kensington or right to Gardeners Road. 3. Under no circumstances must cars come TO the college through DAY LANE. 4. Parents MUST NOT park in any driveway either of the neighbours or of the college at any time. 5. The practice of parking or stopping in the middle of the road is prohibited. 6. Attention is drawn to the extreme danger of leaving motors running while leaving the car to deliver or pick up students from the college gate - particularly when other smaller children are left in the car. 7. Parents may pick their Infants child up in the afternoon from the Infants playground and their Primary child from the Primary playground – Undercroft Area. Parents are asked to drop off their child in the morning and leave immediately. Parents are also expected to leave immediately after picking up their child in the afternoon. These procedures are necessary due to the limited parking space surrounding the college. Work Health & Safety 2013


Traffic Flow St. Spyridon College Junior School Bruce St

Key St. Spyridon College Infants Campus

Day Lane

D o r a n S t

†St. Spyridon College Primary Campus



Traffic Direction


Church Gates

Doran House

Doncaster Ave.

Drawing not to scale

Notice to Parents Please abide by these simple rules. The safety of YOUR CHILDREN is our deep concern and your responsibility. With one minute's extra effort each day the problem can be overcome. However, if parents do not observe these rules, then the College reserves the right to take appropriate and if necessary severe action.

Work Health & Safety 2013



Appropriate safety signs eg “Shared Zone” and “No Parking” have been installed to aid the flow of traffic and remind drivers of the presence of children.

Randwick Council has responded to both school and parent concerns about traffic movement around the school. Safety signs and speed zones have been installed as a result of these representations.

Police patrol the Speed Zone on Anzac Pde. during designated school zone times.

Staff parking is available on site – behind and next to the basketball courts. All extra vehicles park on the street


Strict observance of the following rules will greatly assist in the smooth flow of traffic and the safety of the students. 1.

Cars entering the school must do so from the entry closest to the basketball courts.


After entering the school all cars must drive carefully towards the car park.


Parking is not permitted outside the school between 8.30am – 9.30am and from 2.30pm – 4.00pm.


Parking is not permitted on the grass strip on Anzac Pde. (Rangers and police officers regularly patrol this area)


Parents MUST NOT park in any driveway of the school at any time.


Attention is drawn to the extreme danger of leaving motors running while leaving the car to deliver or pick up students from the school gate - particularly when younger children are left in the car.

Parents are asked to drop off their children in the morning and leave immediately. Parents are also expected to leave immediately after picking up their child in the afternoon. These procedures are necessary due to the limited parking space available at the front of the school and the quantity of traffic that flows on Anzac Pde during the day. What also needs to be noted is that on a regular basis the Police Ambulance and Fire Brigade are called to the jail and therefore it is imperative that when parents drop off or pick up their children they do so in a manner that does not stop the flow of traffic on Anzac Pde.

Work Health & Safety 2013


Notice to Parents Please abide by these simple rules. The safety of YOUR CHILDREN is our deep concern and your responsibility. With one minute's extra effort each day the problem can be overcome. However, if parents do not observe these rules, then the College reserves the right to take appropriate and if necessary severe action.

Bottom Carpark


Traffic Flow St. Spyridon College Senior School

Court 1 Northern End

Court 2 Northern End

Court 3 Northern End

Court 1 Southern End

Court 2 Southern End

Court 3 Southern End

Technological Wing Main Oval

Administration Office

Executive carpark

Drawing not to scale

Work Health & Safety 2013



St Spyridon College is committed to a safe environment for staff and visitors. The management of areas and activities outside the school building is of importance in OH&S management. This area encompasses playground, sport, excursions and camps.


The implementation of this management system is done so in context with the AIS Work Health, Safety and Injury Management, Support Manual for Independent Schools


St Spyridon College recognises its duty of care to all students, staff and visitors by monitoring the safety and suitability of sites for activity outside the college building. Duty of Care regulations, parental permission and on-site assessment of risks will govern the viability of any on-site or offsite activity.

OUTDOOR MANAGEMENT – Junior School Playground • • • • •

School supervision in this school is advertised as 8.15am –3.45pm. No school supervision is provided outside these times. Class activities that take place in the playground are supervised by the class teacher. At recess and lunch a duty teacher/s is rostered to supervise students. Supervision and Duty of Care guidelines are provided for staff in the Teacher Handbook 1. Expectations of student behaviour whilst in the playground are published in the Student Planner, the Teacher Handbook 2 and the Parent Handbook.

Sport • • • •

The class teacher supervises all sporting activities within the school. When sporting teams go off-site, a mobile phone and portable first aid kit accompany the supervising staff. Students who travel off-site must have a signed parental permission note. This parental note will state date/s, times of leaving and arrival, mode of transport and costs. All sport instructors, have fulfilled Child Protection requirements.

Excursions and camps •

Excursions and camps are held within the guidelines stated in the school-based Excursion Policy.

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OUTDOOR MANAGEMENT – Senior School Playground • • • •

School supervision in this school is advertised as 8.30am –3.05pm. No school supervision is provided outside these times. At recess and lunch a duty teacher/s is rostered to supervise students. Supervision and Duty of Care guidelines are provided for staff in the Teacher Handbook 1. Expectations of student behaviour whilst on the playground are published in the Student Planner, the Teacher Handbook 2 and the Parent Handbook.

Sport • • • •

All sporting activities are held within the guidelines stated in the school based Sports policy At times, when sporting teams go off-site, parents may also be asked to assist with the supervision of the group; however a teacher always accompanies the group. At all off-site events, a portable first aid kit accompanies the supervising staff. During ISA training students are supervised by a teacher All sport instructors, have fulfilled Child Protection requirements.

Excursions and camps Excursions and camps are held within the guidelines stated in the school-based Excursion Policy.

Work Health & Safety 2013



St. Spyridon College is committed to a safe working environment for all volunteers in this college. A volunteer is any person who voluntarily undertakes a task or offers their services without a return of money or kind.


The implementation of this management system is done so in context with the AIS Work Health, Safety and Injury Management, Support Manual for Independent Schools


St Spyridon College recognises its duty of care to all persons entering the workplace. Therefore volunteers, (referred to as visitors under OH&S legislation) are actively encouraged to participate in the health, safety and well being of the college community. Volunteers are encouraged to participate in the consultation process by raising OH&S issues as deemed necessary.


Volunteers to the college are signed in the ‘Visitors’ Book’ and are issued with a Visitors Badge. The Visitors Book contains a notice that in signing in, that person has received a copy of the OH&S Policy Statement and the Emergency Evacuation guidelines that are stored in the front of the Visitors Book and will comply with the College’s requirements.

All volunteers to the college, who are likely to have unsupervised contact with students, are required to sign a Child Protection Declaration form, which is stored in the administration office under the provisions of the Documentation Management Policy.

Classroom based volunteers need to participate in a short briefing session given by the Principal in regards to privacy and confidentiality matters that operate in this college.

Volunteers who operate regularly in the college are assigned an executive staff member to liaise and seek support from at anytime. It is normal college practice to also write a brief role description for such volunteers.

Volunteers in sporting activities need to be briefed by the Sports Coordinator as to what is appropriate behaviour and conduct, in addition to their allocated duties.

Work Health & Safety 2013



St Spyridon College is committed to an efficient working environment that meets all requirements of the education and legal systems


The implementation of this management system is done so in context with the AIS Work Health, Safety and Injury Management, Support Manual for Independent Schools


St Spyridon College is committed to its obligations under the OH&S Act 2001, to validate its commitment to Work Health and Safety through relevant and concise documentation. Such documentation will take its direction from site specific OH&S Management System and the AIS Work Health, Safety and Injury Management, Support Manual for Independent Schools To support this policy, staff are expected to maintain certain documents in an accurate and timely manner.


The college has a fully operational OH&S Policy, supported by a Risk Management Assessment Plan, Consultation process and comprehensive college-based documentation.

College documents, such as Admissions Register and Child Protection documentation, are kept locked within safety room

At the Junior School Attendance records are kept in iwise and checked each term by the Assistant Principal. These records are kept on site for five years.

At the Senior School, Attendance Roll Books are kept in the staffroom and the Senior School Attendance records are entered into iWise. Student attendance is checked by the Dean of Middle School.

Financial records, that are non-computer based, are kept on site for the mandatory time period.

Student records are kept on site for a period of two years after the student has left the school.

Student records will be passed onto another school with the parents’ written permission.

College staff operate within published policy documents, be they AIS, BOS or college based. They policy documents are made available to staff in personal Policy Folders and Teacher Handbooks.

Work Health & Safety 2013



St Spyridon College is committed to a safe environment for students. The management of student work health and safety needs and the inclusion of students in OH&S issues is the goal of this policy.


The implementation of this management system is done so in context with the AIS Work Health, Safety and Injury Management, Support Manual for Independent Schools


St Spyridon College recognises its duty of care to all persons entering the workplace. Therefore students, (referred to as visitors under OH&S legislation) are actively encouraged to participate in the health, safety and well being of the college community. The student body is encouraged to participate in the consultation process by raising OHS issues as deemed necessary.


Students are encouraged through the prefect body, to voice their concern and suggestions about the well being and development of the college. The teacher conducting such meetings, will inform the Principal of any urgent issue, or use the OHS Committee to bring forward students’ issues.

At other times students may bring matters of OH&S to the attention of the Principal, their class teacher or a duty teacher to have action taken through the established process.

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Work Health & Safety 2013


Appendices 1.

Internal Environment ........................................................... 34


External Environment ........................................................... 38


First Aid Contents ................................................................ 40


Incident Report Form for OH&S ............................................... 41


CCI School Accident Form ...................................................... 42


Guidance in Completing the Excursion Risk Management Plan ......... 43


Hazard Report Form ............................................................ 45


Specific Emergencies Procedures ............................................ 46


Access to Grounds and Buildings During School Times ................... 52

10. St Spyridon College Junior School Primary Campus (Yrs 2-6) Evacuation ......................................................................... 53 11. St Spyridon College Junior School Infants Campus Evacuation ......... 55 12. Fire Drill Evaluation Report ................................................... 56 13. Work Health and Safety Declaration – Casual Teachers .................. 59 14. Work Health and Safety Declaration – Visitors ............................. 60 15. Fire Safety Equipment Site Map ............................................... 61 16. Existing Facility Map Senior School ........................................... 62 17. Evacuation Exit Points Senior School ........................................ 63 18. Evacuation Plan Level 1, Technology Wing Senior School ............... 64 19. Evacuation Plan Ground Floor, Technology Wing Senior School ........ 65 20. Existing Facility Map Junior School ........................................... 66 21. Sports & Performing Arts Centre Senior School Ground Floor .......... 68 22. Sports & Performing Arts Centre Senior School Mezzanine Floor ...... 69

Work Health & Safety 2013


Work Health & Safety 2013


Appendix 1

Internal Environment Workplace Inspection Checklist

Work area -------------------------------------------- Date of inspection ----------------------Completed by --------------------------------------- Time------------------------------------------

Internal Environment Security





Adequate locks on all external doors Adequate locks on all external windows Key register Alarm system provided Security screens for windows & doors Valuable items such as cash and video players are stored when not in use

Floors, aisles, exits Entrance / steps in good order Hand rails where appropriate Floor coverings in good repair Floors even, uncracked, no holes Floors clean & not slippery All entrances, doorways & stairs kept clear at all times Cords secured & clear of walkways Walkways free from rubbish

Stairs & landings Lighting adequate Good visual contrast between steps Slip resistant strips on edge (nosing) of steps Handrails present & at correct height Minimal variation between step height & step depth

Indoor climate Temperature appropriate for the workplace Air conditioning filters cleaned regularly (if appropriate) Air quality acceptable e.g. free of fumes & smells, replacement frequency adequate

Bathrooms / toilets Adequate toilets for male / female Toilets for people with disabilities provided Cleaned regularly Well ventilated Soap & hand towels / driers provided Sanitary facilities provided

Work Health & Safety 2013


Kitchen / lunch room





Suitable eating / tea break facilities Stock stored appropriately Food is stored appropriately i.e. refrigerated Cooking facilities clean & in good working order Work benches clean Locked cupboard / drawer for knives & sharps Staff are wearing protective clothing Gloves are used when handling food Exhaust fans over cooking units are clean Electrical equipment is in good repair Anti-slip floor surfaces

Lighting Lighting in the workplace suitable for the work performed Accessible light switches Task lighting provided for detailed work Overhead lights shielded to minimise glare Stairwells & exits well illuminated Faults such as flickering globes, blown globes replaced repaired immediately Glare minimised in the work area Good natural lighting Emergency lighting works Exit signs are illuminated

Housekeeping Work areas kept clean & tidy Materials & equipment stored safely Rubbish bins emptied regularly Workers provided with personal protective equipment for cleaning e.g. gloves Appropriate container provided for disposing of “sharps� Procedures in place to ensure that any accidental spills or leakages are immediately cleaned up

Hazardous Substances Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for all hazardous substances Register of hazardous substances kept Chemicals disposed of correctly Locked cupboard / drawer for hazardous substances Emergency procedures in place & communicated Workers instructed in correct use of hazardous substances

Storage Materials stored in racks or bins wherever possible Storage designed to minimise manual handling

Work Health & Safety 2013


Floors in store areas free from rubbish & packing Files stored appropriately

First Aid





Kit easy to access for all staff Staff aware of where Kit is located Kit clearly labelled Adequate stocks kept Name of first aid officer clearly displayed Current first aid certificate held by first aid officer Gloves used for treatment of all injuries Register of injuries kept

Noise Equipment regularly maintained Noisy equipment enclosed or isolated

Workstations / office furniture No broken items No sharp edges Filing cabinets / cupboards stable or secured to walls to prevent tipping Furniture not blocking doorways

Chairs Height adjustable Back rest adjustable Seats adjusted for the person using them

Work surface Desk at correct height for work performed Footrest provided Sufficient leg room under desk

Workplace layout Document holder provided for continuous keying work Phone connections nearby Sufficient individual storage space All frequently used items within easy reach Cables secured behind work surface VDU screen at correct height Keyboard & mouse positioned correctly Desk uncluttered Adequate space between furniture

Electricity Plugs, sockets & switches in good repair No frayed or defective leads Adequate number of power points for the appliances in use Earth leakage protection installed All electrical equipment is tagged

Work Health & Safety 2013


Photocopiers Located in a well ventilated room Located away from workers to minimise noise

Office environment - general




Adequate space for staff & clients

Fire exits & procedures Smoke detectors & alarms Accessible fire exits Uncluttered fire exits Appropriate signs Unlocked during working hours Fire extinguishers located appropriate to risk Appropriate to the conditions & exposures Regularly serviced & date noted Fire blankets provided where appropriate Regular fire drills with documented staff attendance


Work Health & Safety 2013


Appendix 2

External Environment Workplace Inspection Checklist Workplace ---------------------------------------Date of inspection ------------------Inspection completed by-------------------------Time---------------------------------

External Environment Vehicle parking area





Entrances & exits clearly marked Surface of parking area & driveways free from potholes & cracks Well drained to prevent flooding & pooling of water Drainage grates in good order Direction of traffic well defined Traffic & speed restrictions signs clearly defined & free from obstructions Adequate lighting installed & operational Intersections & pedestrian areas identified Potential vehicle damage areas, corners, guardrails & entrances effectively marked “No Parking� areas clearly identified Parking for drivers with disabilities provided

Pedestrian Areas Continuous clear accessible pathway ie. no barriers No raised curbs or changes in the pathways Surface free of holes & projections Well drained to prevent flooding Adequate illumination of walkways, stairways & ramps Anti-slip surfaces Steps & changes of level clearly defined Emergency entrance & exits clear, well defined & lit Waste bins provided & regularly emptied

Walls / gates / fences In good order No protruding nails or loose palings Childproof locks fitted where needed

Sun protection Adequate protection from sun provided Staff are encouraged to wear hats

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Mustering area for emergency evacuations clearly marked Gardens are in good order – debris, fallen branches removed, lawns mown regularly Gardens are free of sharp objects (broken glass, metal, wood splinters, needles etc) Containers provided for smokers (If smoking allowed) Play equipment safe (Check with child care agencies to identify criteria) Storage sheds tidy & locked

Vehicles safety Vehicles in good repair & working order Vehicles regularly serviced & records maintained First aid kit is in good order

Security Outdoor security lights triggered to operate after dark Areas around the organisation where an aggressor could hide have been identified

Comments -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Work Health & Safety 2013


Appendix 3 FIRST AID KIT CONTENTS First Aid Kit A For places of work at which 100 or more persons work. All kits must contain a list of required contents and a cardio-pulmonary resuscitation flow chart.



Adhesive plastic dressing strips, sterile, packets of 50


Adhesive dressing tape, 2.5 cm x 5 cm


Bags, plastic, for amputated parts:







Dressing, non-adherent, sterile, 7.5 cm x 5.5 cm


Eye pads, sterile


Gauze bandages:

5 cm 10 cm

3 3

Gloves, disposable, single


Rescue blanket, silver space


Safety pins, packets


Scissors, blunt/short nosed, minimum length 12.5 cm


Splinter forceps, stainless steel


Sterile eyewash solution, 10 ml single use ampoules or


sachets Swabs, prepacked, antiseptic, packs of 10


Triangular bandages, minimum 90 cm


Wound dressings, sterile, non-medicated, large


First aid pamphlet (as issued by the St John


Ambulance or the Australian Red Cross Society or any other first aid pamphlet)

Work Health & Safety 2013


Appendix 4 Incident Report Form for OH&S To be completed by OH&S Officer 1.

Name Time


a) Nature of injury

b) Where did it occur?


OHS issues a) What caused the injury? b) What has been done to address the issue?


Work Health & Safety 2013



Appendix 5

CCI - School Accident Report Name of School: ___________________________________________________ Policy No.: _________________ Address: __________________________________________________________ Client No.: _________________ _________________________________________________________ Telephone: __________________ Suburb: __________________________________________________________ Facsimile: __________________ Contact Person: ____________________________________________________ Email: ___________________

Details of Injured Person Name: _________________________________________________________ Student/Parent/Visitor (Circle one) Address: _______________________________________________________ Male/Female (Circle one) Date of Birth: _____________________________________________________ Age (in years): Year Level (if applicable) ___________________________________________

Details of Incident/Occurrence Date of Incident: Type of Activity*: Brief Details:

Time of Incident: Accident Description*:

Accident Site*: Name of Teacher(s) on Duty.

Parent Notified (Date)

Names of Witnesses:

Name of First Aide:

Details of Injury Nature of Injury*: ______________________________________ Location of Injury*: _______________________ Severity of Injury*: ______________________________________ Treated by Dr.: _____________________________________________ Hospital: _______________________________ Has Student/Parent/Visitor made a claim? Yes/No: When? ___________________________________________________________________________ Details of claim: _________________________________________________________________________________

Signed: ___________________________________________ (Please print name)

Dated: _________________ Work Health & Safety 2013


Guidance in completing the Excursion Risk Management Plan Proforma

Appendix 6 Hazard Identification The following may assist with identifying hazards relating to activities at each stage of an excursion. Consider what could go wrong, that is, the potential injuries or illnesses that could occur. Hazards are the sources of these potential injuries or illnesses. Travel – Consider aspects of travel that may present a hazard such as walking to and from the train, crossing the road, transport to the venue Venue – Consider aspects of the excursion venue that may present a hazard such as location near water, cliffs, crowds, slippery floors Excursion Program Activity – Consider the activities of the excursion program that may present a hazard such as hazards of bushwalking, collecting leaves, observing animals, swimming, singing at an eisteddfod, climbing

Risk Assessment Matrix How serious could the injury be?

How likely is it to be that serious? very likely



very unlikely

Death or permanent disability





Long term illness or serious injury





Medical attention and several days off





First aid needed





Severity – is a measure of an injury, illness or disease occurring. When assessing severity, the most severe category that would be most reasonably expected should be selected.

Likelihood – is defined as the potential that an accident will happen that may cause injury or harm to a person. When making assessment of likelihood, you must establish which of the categories most closely describes the probability of the hazardous incident occurring.

Legend 1 and 2 Extreme risk; consider elimination of the activity. Otherwise determine controls that are reasonably practicable to minimise the risk. 3 and 4 Moderate risk; determine controls that are reasonably practicable to minimise the risk 5 and 6 Low risk; manage by routine procedures.

Equipment – Consider any equipment that may present a hazard such as sporting equipment, high risk equipment at the venue Environment – Consider aspects of the environment that may present a hazard such as weather conditions, natural hazards such as bushfires, floods or storms, the nature of the terrain, plants and animals People – Consider aspects of people that may present a hazard such as poor behaviour, the nature of participants such as maturity, age and skill, child protection issues, medical conditions or disabilities Accommodation – Consider aspects of accommodation that may present a hazard such as insufficient supervision, standard of accommodation and amenities, meal menus and allergies, security and child protection issues Other – Consider other hazards related to specific excursions.

Elimination or Control Measures

Hierarchy of Controls

Eliminate the risk, or if this is not reasonably practicable, control the risk to the fullest extent possible by using the following hierarchy of controls. Eliminate the hazard: Remove the hazard. Change the activity or stop using it e.g. do not undertake a particular high risk activity such as abseiling in high wind; do not use high risk equipment. Substitute the hazard: Replace the activity, material, or equipment with a less hazardous one e.g. choose an easier bushwalk.

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Isolate the hazard: Isolate the hazard from the person at risk; isolate through distance e.g. select a lunch location well away from the water; check if a coastal walk has fencing. Use engineering controls: Consider hiring coaches with seatbelts and ensure these are worn if available

Excursion Risk Management Plan Proforma Name of school:


Name of principal:

Name of excursion coordinator:

Description and location of excursion:

Contact number:

Date(s) of excursion:

Accompanying staff, parents, caregivers, volunteers:


Hazard Identification Type/Cause

Risk Assessment Use matrix

Number in group/class:

Elimination or Control Measures



Venue and safety information reviewed and attached: Yes / No Plan prepared by:



Prepared in consultation with: Communicated to: Monitor and Review - Monitor the effectiveness of controls and change if necessary. Review the risk assessment if an incident or a significant change occurs.

Work Health & Safety 2013


Appendix 7

Hazard Report Form (To be completed by Supervisor / Head Teacher) 1. Who reported the problem? Time


2. What is the problem?

3. What has been done to rectify the problem?



4. What further action needs to be taken?

5. Referred to Business Manager for information or action Signed

Work Health & Safety 2013



Appendix 8 Specific Emergencies Procedures Fire - other than Electrical or one resulting from flammable liquid Immediate notification of the emergency to the OH&S Officer or in his/her absence the office staff as soon as the fire has been seen or has occurred. The secretary will notify the Fire Brigade. The Principal, Head of College and Parish Executive Officer will then be notified. METHOD

For any fire inside a building or outside of any building, the following action should be taken by the nearest teachers: a) Evacuate all students and staff from the area. b) Without endangering personal safety, if possible, attempt to control/extinguish the fire with installed fire fighting equipment (portable extinguishers, hose-reels, hose / hydrants-systems). Should the fire escalate, or threaten personal safety, immediately stop fire-fighting operations and leave the area, closing doors and windows if possible to confine the fire and smoke to its area of origin. Note:

It is emphasised that fire-fighting measures by staff with installed equipment is purely a "First Of Measure" pending the arrival of the Fire Brigade.

Explosion - Flammable Liquid, Gas Immediate notification of the emergency to the OH&S officer or in his/her absence the office as soon as the emergency has occurred. The secretary will notify the Fire Brigade. The Principal, Head of College and Parish Executive Officer will then be notified. .


Should any explosion involving flammable liquid or gas occur, the immediate action to be taken is as follows: a) Evacuate all students and staff from the area. b) If known, report the identification of the liquid or gas involved to the OH&S officer or in his absence to the office staff who will advise the Fire Brigade c) Do not attempt to fight any fire in this situation.

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Flooding Immediate notification of the emergency to the OH&S Officer or in his/her absence office staff as soon as the emergency has occurred. The secretary will notify the Fire Brigade. The Principal, Head of College and Parish Executive Officer will then be notified.


Should flooding occur, the immediate action to be taken is as follows: a) Evacuate all students and staff from the area. b) Attempt to find the source of flooding however if situation is dangerous (eg live wires) leave the affected area. c) The OH&S Officer will make arrangements to prevent water damage if possible.

Leakage of Gas and the Gas is on Fire Immediate notification of the emergency to the OH&S Officer or in his/her absence the office staff as soon as the emergency has occurred. The secretary will notify the Fire Brigade. The Principal, Head of College and Parish Executive Officer will then be notified.


Where the gas leakage is on fire, Make no attempt to extinguish the fire. The following steps should be taken by the nearest supervisor: a) Evacuate all student and staff from the area. b) If possible the flow of gas should be stopped. c) IMPORTANT The OH&S Officer, will effect immediate liaison with the Fire Brigade for the necessary advisory support.

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Leakage of Gas without Fire Immediate notification of the emergency to the OH&S Officer or in his/her absence the office staff as soon as the emergency has occurred. The secretary will notify the Fire Brigade. The Principal, Head of College and Parish Executive Officer will then be notified.


Treat all gas leaks as very dangerous in potential. Where a serious leakage without fire has occurred, all sources of ignition should be removed. The following steps should be taken by the nearest teacher: a) Evacuate all students and staff from the area. b)

Put out any fires in the area.

b) The flow of gas should be stopped. c) Be aware that gas should be dispersed - open doors, windows, etc. Should the gas build up "into pockets" or fill an enclosed area, it could detonate, the result being similar to a bomb detonation.

Leakage from Steam or Hot Water Immediate notification of the emergency to the OH&S Officer or in his/her absence the office staff as soon as the emergency has occurred. The secretary will notify the Fire Brigade. The Principal, Head of College and Parish Executive Officer will then be notified. METHOD

In the event of a leak of steam or hot water, the immediate action to be taken is as follows: a) Evacuate all students and staff from the area. b) Do not attempt to enter the affected area. c) Without endangering personal safety, the leak of steam or hot water should be stopped if possible.

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Bomb Threat METHOD

Be aware of the following instructions which you are required to follow if you should receive a Bomb Threat. Please note that the sequence is important.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Do Not Panic Do Not Raise the Alarm Do Not Discuss with anyone before or after making your report. 1. Take the TELEPHONE THREAT CHECK LIST from under your telephone and ask the questions which are listed. 2. As soon as the caller has concluded, quickly but carefully complete the remainder of the form. 3. Report the call directly to the OH & S officer or in his/her absence the office who will contact (a) the Principal. The Principal will instruct the secretary to call the Police 4. Due to the sensitivity of explosive devices, on-site communication for evacuation may not be sounded by an alarm. For this reason mobile phones and radios must not be used. 5. The OH&S officer or in his/her absence an office member will check that the evacuation area, basketball courts – Senior School and Doran St - Junior School, are safe 5

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Students and staff will be instructed to go to the Evacuation Assembly Point.


TELEPHONE THREAT CHECKLIST EXACT WORDING OF THREAT …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… QUESTIONS TO ASK 1. When is (threat) to take place?


2. Where is it taking place? ………………………………………………………………………………………. 3. What sort of threat is it? …………………………………………………………………………………… 4. Why are you making this threat? ………………………………………………………………………….. 5. What is your name? ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 6. Where are you? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

LANGUAGE Well spoken

( )


( )


Message read

( )


( )


( )

BACKGROUND NOISES Aircraft ( ) Voices

( )


Local Call

( )

Long distance

( )


CALLER’S VOICE Accent: Local ( )

Foreign ( )

Impediment: Yes

( )


( )



( )


( )


Fast ( ) Medium ( ) Slow ( )



( )


( )

Taped ( )

Machinery ( )

( )


( )

Manner: Calm ( ) Emotional ( ) Aggressive ( ) Work Health & Safety 2013








( )

( )

( )

( )


( )

( )

( )

( )


( )


( )

Estimate age: ………………………………………………… CALL DETAILS Date: Time: Duration of call: Number called: RECIPIENT Name: Telephone number: Signature:

Work Health & Safety 2013


Appendix 9 ACCESS TO GROUNDS AND BUILDINGS DURING SCHOOL TIMES. St Spyridon College is committed to providing a safe environment for the school community and wider school community. The school recognises the importance of the systematic application of management policies, procedures and practices to the tasks of, establishing in context, any risks that may impact on the school community. SUPERVISION

A playground roster is provided for staff, ensuring at all times that when students are outside the school building, teacher supervision is present. The school publishes duty times to parents as between 8.15am and 3.45pm.

During the day, all students on messages or using toilets move around the school in pairs (Infants). Only when accompanied by staff, are students taken from the building for sport, to church or to the church hall


Access to the school from Gardeners Rd is via an intercom system, operated from the secretarial office. All visitors to the school, who may have unsupervised access to the students, are required to sign in at the secretarial office. The sign in book contains copies of the Work Health and Safety Policy and the Evacuation and Critical Incidents procedures.

All visitors, after accepting the conditions of entry printed on the front of the sign in book, are issued a Visitors Badge, to be worn at all times while on the premises and returned to the secretarial office when leaving the building.

PARENTS Parents who come into the school grounds during school hours MUST report to the office and follow the above procedures that apply for Visitors. • Under NO circumstance are parents to walk through the school grounds looking for their child. They need to report to the office and request to see their child. • Engaging in any form of discussion or conversation with other peoples’ children is inappropriate. GATES Infants: Gates at the infants’ campus will be locked in the morning and will open after the completion of morning assembly (8.30am). At 8.45 am gates will be locked again. To gain access to the campus (late children), parents will need to report to the office, sing a late arrival note and take their child to the class. Gates will remain locked throughout the day. In the afternoon gates will open at 3.00pm. Wet weather: gates will be open at 8.15am. Parents to take children to their class. Primary: Gates at the primary campus will be open during the morning for children to enter the school grounds. We ask parents to remain with their child until supervision begins at 8.15am. The gate on Gardeners Rd. will open at 8.15 am. and lock at 8.45am. All other gates will be closed but not locked. Parents will need to report to the office after 8.45.

Work Health & Safety 2013


Appendix 10

Spyridon College Junior School Primary Campus (Yrs 2-6)

Science Room + Year 5Iris Home Room

Stairs to Ground floor

Board Room

Exit Points

Year 5 English + 5 Amber Home Room

Fire Extinguisher Fire Hose/Reel Kitchen

Fire Blanket

Parish Greek Room Middle School Maths + 6 Pearl Home Room Year 6 English + 6 Magenta Home Room



3 Amethyst

3 Sapphire


Support Room

Stairs to Ground floor

First Floor - Evacuation Work Health & Safety 2013



St. Spyridon College Junior School Primary Campus (Yrs 2-6)


Toilets 4T

Stairs to 1st Floor

4C Steps to Playground

Computer Room

Canteen Assembly Area WC TOILETS Boys





Fire Blanket

Store Rm


Exit Route

Staff Rm Kitchen

Administration Office

Fire Extinguisher Fire Hose/Reel Fire Hydrant

Steps to 1st Floor

Gardeners Rd

Work Health & Safety 2013

Ground Level

N 54

Appendix 11


St Spyridon College Junior School – Infants Campus (K-1)


Drawing not to Scale

Infants Support



1T B R U C E



Office KR


Staffroom WC



Exit Route


Fire Extinguisher


Work Health & Safety 2013


Appendix 12

FIRE DRILL EVALUATION REPORT Fire point of origin (Bldg./Floor/Room): Location evaluated (Bldg./Floor):

__________________________________________ ________________________________________________

Day: Date: ________________ OHS officer __________________ responsible:



Evaluated by:


Time Start:

Drill or Alarm:


Time Terminated:


Thur Fri







Containment of Smoke and Fire 1. 2. 3. 4.

Closed all doors and windows: Closed all doors and windows: Closed all doors and windows: Closed all doors and windows: Multipurpose 5. Closed all doors and windows: 6. Closed all doors and windows: 7. Closed all doors and windows:

Middle School & Year 3 Year 2 K–1 Doran House – Year 4 & Cottage (Infants) Administration Building IT Rm and Library

Use and functioning of fire alarm Transmission of alarms

8. Knew emergency phone numbers? 9. Dialed emergency phone number to alert fire department?

Transfer to areas of refuge Preparation for building evacuation 10.

Staff knew evacuation routes?

Yes Yes Yes

No No No

In-Service In-Service In-Service


Yes Yes Yes Yes

No No No No

In-Service In-Service In-Service In-Service


Yes Yes

No No

In-Service In-Service










Yes Yes Yes Yes

No No No No

In-Service In-Service In-Service In-Service


Fire Extinguishment 11. Staff knew location of fire hydrants

Specific fire-response duties? 12. 13. 14. 15.

Removed person(s) in danger Staff knew evacuation procedures Staff knew assembly area Took roll after evacuation

Work Health & Safety 2013



Corrective actions taken:

Topics to be covered at in-service:

Names of persons participating in the drill:

Work Health & Safety 2013


Evacuation Drills - 2011 Two Evacuation Drills done each term. One announced and one unannounced.





Term 1


Term 2


Term 3


Term 4





















Work Health & Safety 2013


Appendix 13

ALL CASUAL TEACHERS TO ST SPYRIDON COLLEGE WORK HEALTH AND SAFETY DECLARATION In accepting work as a Casual Teacher to this school, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and will comply with the following school documentation: • •


Copies of these documents are available inside this folder for your inspection. Name_______________________________ Signed ______________________________ Date________________________________

This declaration remains valid for the school year ______

Work Health & Safety 2013


Appendix 14

ALL VISITORS TO ST SPYRIDON COLLEGE WORK HEALTH AND SAFETY DECLARATION In signing in as a Visitor to this school, you acknowledge that a copy of the OHS Policy Statement has been made available to you and that you will comply with the following school documentation: •



Copies of these documents are available inside this folder for your inspection. Name_______________________________ Signed ______________________________ Date________________________________

This declaration remains valid for the school year ______

Work Health & Safety 2013


Appendix 15


FIRE EXTINGUISHER/S FIRE HOSE/ REEL FIRE HYDRANT FIRE BLANKET (School Plans indicating location of above attached)

Work Health & Safety 2013


Appendix 16

Work Health & Safety 2013


Green = Exit Points

Appendix 17 17 Appendix

Basketball Courts This way

Work Health & Safety 2013


Appendix 18

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Appendix 19

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Appendix 20

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Appendix 21

Work Health & Safety 2013


Appendix 22

Work Health & Safety 2013


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