Welcome back everyone, we hope that the families of Saint Francis have enjoyed our recent spring break. Lent at Saint Francis began with our Ash Wednesday liturgies at Canadian Martyrs Catholic Church. As a community we have been asked to understand and accept our imperfections and to focus on creating meaningful, purposeful and lasting change to become more Christ-like in how we interrelate with each other. During Lent, each TA group participated in raising funds for the Children’s Wish Foundation and Kid’s Cancer Care. Father Vincent TuanHa and Father Gabriel Arihi of Canadian Martyrs Parish presided over our Holy Week liturgies as our school community came together to celebrate and prepare for Christ's resurrection. The coming months will be filled with anticipation for our upcoming graduation events. The initial graduation newsletter was mailed in March to our graduating students regarding payments, times and dates of all ceremonies. Graduates and parents can expect a second communication, the banquet newsletter, in the mail after Easter break with further details and explanations. You may also check our school website for up-to-date information at https://www.cssd.ab.ca/schools/stfrancis/ Students/Graduation/Pages/default.aspx. Students received their report cards on Wednesday, April 12, during morning TA block. Parent/Teacher Conferences can be booked online using the Conference Manager site below. Parents are encouraged to book an appointment with teachers for Thursday, April 20, 4:00—7:30 p.m. and Friday, April 21, 9:00 a.m.—2:00 p.m. https://stfrancis.schoolsoft.com/ login.jsf;jsessionid=B5C3387B3E09D939D65FF1B1EFEC66F4 At Saint Francis we have much to be thankful for and proud of in our school community. We have received our January diploma results and are pleased with the collaborative achievement of our students and teachers. These results, along with our April and June exams will be shared with the public once the Minister of Education releases them in the fall. The winter sports season has come to a close and we are pleased with the success of our teams. All teams made it to the quarter finals while our Junior Girls Basketball team advanced to the Division 1 Semifinals. Best of luck to our athletes as we move forward with our spring sports; badminton, rugby, field hockey, boys soccer and track and field. The school choirs and bands will be traveling to Sun Peaks Resort in British Columbia April 27-30. We wish our students and staff safe travels and success with all their performances. We look forward to our spring Fine Arts performances in Music, Dance and Drama. Please refer to this newsletter, our website, the daily and our reader board for event dates and times. In closing, the school staff have been busy preparing for the Modernization project starting in July. Currently, new temporary administration and counselling offices have been built. Once the district’s proposed design plans are approved by the Alberta Government, Saint Francis families will be receiving a modernization communication document outlining the scope of the project, timelines and answers to common questions. We are very excited about the improvements that benefit future Saint Francis students and staff. Finally, as a result of the modernization project, there will be no summer school offered at Saint Francis. The district has opened Bishop Carroll high school to accommodate summer school students. The district offers several high school locations for students to access their courses. Please use the following link to access summer school programing. https://www.cssd.ab.ca/Students/academic-services/summer-school/Pages/default.aspx Please enjoy the Saint Francis newsletter. We wish everyone an enjoyable and restful Easter break. Mark Berger, Principal
Saint Francis High School 877 Northmount Drive NW Calgary, AB T2L 0A3 Phone: 403-500-2026 Fax: 403-500-2226 https://www.cssd.ab.ca/schools/stfrancis
CCSD Calendar link: https://www.cssd.ab.ca/Parents/ Calendars/Pages/Default.aspx
Happy Spring Saint Francis Students and Families,
At the February 28, School Council meeting we received valuable input from students to speak as representatives of the student body about their Saint Francis experiences and what we as the community can do to support them. Here are some highlights from our discussions:
Legacy of the school is important. They are proud to be at Saint Francis and realize their time is special here. It's a special place of learning and activities. So much so, they couldn't imagine going to any other school. Saint Francis is deeply rooted in tradition and alumni who give support with time, experience, funding and heart for programs and activities.
Social media has a huge impact on student's lives. Families are having a hard time coming together and connecting. The distractions and unhealthy behaviors related to cell phone use often outweighs its advantages. Creativity is subdued as phones need to be present for many students. Social skills are dominated by cell phone use.
There is awkwardness in social interactions, especially alone when a cell phone is not present. We discussed pressures from Instagram.
Parental boundaries are okay - especially with no cell phones at the dinner table. At least one time a day, the family comes together without technology is a good thing. Please Google Simon Sinek - cell phones. He has presentations on YouTube, of how cell phones impact relationships.
Stress is very high. Depression in one grade/gender demographic is more than 1-in-3, especially prevalent with girls.
There is a big push to get into University more so than trade school. Pressure and support from parents exerts the greatest influence. Parents are the leading guide in student decisions, not peers. Then teachers and coaches. Students love the school and want to come back and be involved as Alumni.
The district is working on "Champion" strategies with the administration team to provide teacher and administrative supports so there is always trusted people students can turn to. These staff members bring different backgrounds and skills to compliment the different personalities and challenges that students face. There's never been a better time to join our council and engage in our round table group to discuss strategies to support our students and the Saint Francis Community. With Thanks. John Volponi, School Council Chair
Second semester has been very busy for Student Council. Here are some of the events and activities we have worked on: Candy Grams 220 Candy Grams brought greetings of friendship and love on Valentine’s Day. These delicious heart shaped boxes were thoughtfully cut out, formed, filled, and packaged. Then each individual box was sold, addressed and delivered to someone special.
Black History Month In celebration of Black History Month, Student Council hosted a Game Show which quizzed contestants about famous Canadians who made a great contribution to their community by challenging the status quo and improving the lives of others.
Antibullying - Pink Shirt Day Our Antibullying concept this year incorporated this year’s welcoming theme of Rise to the Challenge. Student Council encouraged the entire school community to show their support by wearing a pink shirt. Also the Smile Club encouraged students to write Antibullying messages on pink paper shirts which were posted in the main showcase to motivate student to stop bullying.
Lenten Message Lent is a time for deepening our spiritual life through sacrifice, forgiveness, prayer, charity, service, and kindness. This message encourages our community to live the Word of God which will enhance the world around us. It communicates Pope Francis’ Lenten focus which asks us to recognize that people are gifts. Meaningful relationships are those that gratefully recognize a person’s value. Therefore, Lent is the season for renewing our connection with Christ, living God’s Word, and appreciating our neighbors.
Student Council Election Once again the Student Council Election process took place with great success. Students were encouraged to run for the executive offices of President, VicePresident, Treasurer and Secretary. The Campaign trail began on March 7 and our Candidates gave rousing speeches on March 15. Voting took place on March 16 and all students and staff were encouraged to vote. Congratulations to Next Year’s Executive Council 2017-2018 Student Council Executive: President: Vice President: Vice President: Treasurer: Secretary:
Jeziah Altare Antonio Ambrogiano Aidan Suran Joseph Girgis Dominique Yong
Mrs. Hobor and the ES ll class were kept busy with the holidays! Here we are lacing our hearts up with Love for Valentine’s Day and making sure we don’t forget about St. Patrick’s Day as well!! A big thank you to Mrs. Hobor!
The International Languages Department celebrated International Languages Week in March with different activities that the students actively participated in. We kicked off the week with the sale of chocolate croissants and cappuccino before classes. Students had the opportunity to start off the day with a delicious pastry and hot chocolate or cappuccino symbolic of the Italian and French cultures. We had our Karaoke challenge which opportunity to showcase their musical talents, singers and, most important, have fun by singing in or in any other language of the world.
gave our students the share their favorite songs and English, French, and Spanish
We also had our annual Salsa Recipe Showdown, which allowed our participating students to share their culinary talents by creating a salsa recipe which was tasted, judged and voted on by the school community to select the winner. Our students actively participated, had fun and shared their skills based on a traditional and cultural symbol of the Hispanic world.
To wind up the week, the students had a challenge related to the wonderful Italian gastronomy; the Spaghetti Eating Contest! Students, teachers and administrators enthusiastically participated, but ultimately, it was the students who were victorious. It was a delicious and fun activity to celebrate Italian culture in our Franciscan community. The activities were enjoyed by all and contributed to the spirit of cultural diversity among us.
Shrove Tuesday is the Tuesday (February 28) before Ash Wednesday which is the first day of Lent. It's a day of penitence, to clean the soul, and a day of celebration as the last chance to feast before Lent begins. Saint Francis students enjoyed pancakes and sausages served up by students, parent volunteers and Saint Francis staff in preparation for Lent.
Congratulations to Culinary Team #2, Stephanie Hall, Kathy Niu and Claudia Ranieri, for winning the Bronze Medal in the annual Hot Foods Culinary Challenge on March 3. Team #1 consisted of Olivia Volponi, Megan Vaughan, and Charmaine Mah. Both teams had to prepare a three-course meal from a set menu with a timed deadline. Their meals were judged by professional chefs on skills including preparation, taste and presentation.
On March 8, the Saint Francis PE department, hosted its first annual All Girls Active Living Day. It was a full day of guest speakers to inspire, educate and motivate the Saint Francis girls to choose healthy and active options as they move forward into adulthood; and as an added bonus it coincided with International Women’s Day. We were fortunate to have fitness instructors, ambassadors, aspiring athletes, business owners and community leaders volunteer their valuable time. In Block 1, we had Kirsten Fleming – Executive Race Director of the Calgary Marathon, Co-owner My Yoga Calgary, and Lululemon Ambassador, Kasia Gruchalla Wesierski – Fast and Female Ambassador, Marin McCue and Erinn Thomas – YYC Cycle Motivators. In Block 2, Kirsten Fleming and Kasia Gruchalla Wesierski did a second talk and they were joined by Grace Dafoe – Skeleton athlete and Revolution Human Performance athlete, and Carla Robbins – Strength and Fitness Coach at Revolution Human Performance. In Block 3, we had in attendance Randi Kennedy – IFBB competitor, Online Fitness Coach and Blogger, Julia Perkins – Jewel Yoga, Tammy and Jeanette – co-owners of Surfset YYC, and Leslie McKernon – co-owner of Vagus Fitness. In Block 4, Leslie McKernon and Julia Perkins stayed for a repeat talk and they were joined by Kim Winsor – head trainer at Orange Theory Fitness Royal Oak and Tammara Francis – leader of November Project YYC and Lululemon Ambassador. All in all we had 424 girls in attendance! That is over half of our entire female student body. The goal of the day was to reach as many girls as possible and to connect them with mentors in Calgary. To say the day was a success would be a massive understatement. The feedback from the girls was nothing but positive and we can’t wait to provide this opportunity again next year!
On Thursday, April 6, students had an opportunity to participate in Musical Chairs with their TA class. The Musical Chairs TA Challenge was in honour of Joel Zukowski, who passed away October 3, 2015, after a long battle with cancer. This year, 2017, would have been Joel’s graduating year. Funds were raised for Kids Cancer Care and the Make-AWish Foundation.
GRADUATION To have your name on the Saint Francis Grad list and participate in the Graduation Ceremonies (Friday, June 2, 2017), students are required to be passing all courses set by Alberta Education and Saint Francis High School. Counsellors are available to meet with students and/or parents to answer any questions relating to course requirements for graduation. Appointments can be booked through Peggy Pilon in Student Services at 403.500.2026, ext. 7346. ALBERTA HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA REQUIREMENTS Courses
Minimum Requirements
Although Grade 10 and 11 students have submitted their course selections for the next school year, it is not uncommon for students to require changes. Students can meet with their assigned counsellor to discuss and potentially change their course selections. POST-SECONDARY AND SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION
Students can receive up-todate post-secondary and scholarship information by signing up for REMIND.
56 Credits
REMIND instructions are as follows: On your cell phone, text this number: 403-800-0409
Religious Studies 15, 25, 35
Grade 12 students, text this message: @286fa6
Grade 11 students, text this message: @ag9bkb
SUMMER SCHOOL Summer School Dates Monday, July 3—Friday, July 28, 2017 (5 credit courses) A variety of high school courses are being offered through the District’s Summer School again this year. Students are able to take direct instruction classes at seven different locations throughout the city and/or select online classes. Information and registration can be found at: http:www.cssd.ab.ca/students/academic-services/summer-school/ USEFUL RESOURCES Additions and Mental Health Services The following brochure is a comprehensive guide that can help families seek out information for anyone requiring support with mental health and/or additions. http://www.albertahealthservices.ca/assets/info/amh/if-amh-calz-know-your-options-brochure.pdf OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPTS Official high school transcripts can be acquired at myPass.alberta.ca. Diploma results can also be viewed on this site. SCHOLARSHIPS To view a full listing of scholarships available please view Content in D2L under Student Services. The Saint Francis website also has a full listing of scholarships under the Student tab.
Alexander Rutherford Scholarship
Office Hours:
Students can begin applying for the Rutherford scholarship at any time, but preferably before they begin their post-secondary studies. Information about the scholarship, including application process can be found at: http://studentaid.alberta.ca/scholarships/alberta-scholarships/ alexander-rutherford-scholarship/ Calgary Calabrian Cultural and Heritage Scholarship This scholarship valued at $2000 is available for application for any Grade 12 student of Calabrian descent, who excels academically and demonstrates strong citizenship, and plans to attend post-secondary within a year. DEADLINE: September 20, 2017. Information and application can be found on the school website at: https://www.cssd.ab.ca/schools/stfrancis/Students/Scholarships/ Pages/default.aspx UPGRADING at St. Anne’s Academic Centre
8:30—3:45 Monday—Thursday 8:30—2:00 Friday
Office Assistant: Peggy Pilon, Ext. 346 peggy.pilon@cssd.ab.ca COUNSELLORS: Coralie Bedier Coordinating Teacher, Ext. 345 coralie.bedier@cssd.ab.ca Marc Osenton, Ext. 347 marc.osenton@cssd.ab.ca Rob Schrauth, Ext. 344 rob.schrauth@cssd.ab.ca Karen Wadson, Ext 348 karen.wadson@cssd.ab.ca
St. Anne’s offers a variety of upgrading opportunities to students who have completed three years of high school. Appointment booking Career Practitioner: (Wed.—Fri. only) opens August 2 for appointments beginning August 22. For more Carolyn Campbell , Ext. 349 information and booking check out their website at: carolyn.campbell@cssd.ab.ca https://www.cssd.ab.ca/schools/stanne/About/Pages/default.aspx
CAREER DISCOVERY Are you a Grade 10 or 11 student interested in engineering, law, veterinary medicine, architecture or information technology? Students are invited to apply for a Career Discovery position (two week unpaid job shadow) in the summer in one of these areas. Students are eligible to earn three credits while exploring a potential career area. The application form is available on D2L. Students should book an appointment with Mrs. Campbell in Student Services to review the resume and cover letter. Student/Parent Meeting is May 3, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. at Bishop Carroll High School. Students applying for the Career Discovery are required to complete the HCS 3000 course prior to May 5, 2017. See Mr. Buckie or Mrs. Campbell to sign you up. Placement is not guaranteed for any of the summer programs. CONSTRUCTION CAREER EXPO Students interested in exploring careers in the construction trades went on a field trip on April 12. Students participated in trades activities and gained valuable knowledge about the trades. ALBERTA COLLEGE OF ART AND DESIGN Summer programs are available for high school students. The PreCollege Program is a visual arts and design immersion for serious art students between 16-18 years who have completed grade 10, 11 or 12. If you are a talented high school student who is serious about pursuing post-secondary studies in visual art or design, the Pre-College Program is your opportunity to become immersed in intensive art and design experiences at the college level that will focus your learning on the materials, skills and knowledge that are relevant to artists and designers today. It is a genuine opportunity for you to work like a professional artist/designer and to be mentored by professional artists and designers. Call to register at 403-284-7640. https://www.acad.ca/continuing-education/summer-art-programs
SAIT SUMMER PROGRAMS SAIT Summer Camps is a summer camp program for youth entering grades 4-12, located in Calgary, Alberta. Known for its hands-on learning environment and nontraditional offerings, SAIT Summer camps encourages youth to explore interests and future career options, learn new things and make connections. www.sait.ca/summeratsait SUMMER EMPLOYMENT If students need assistance with their resume/cover letter or interview skills please book an appointment with Mrs. Campbell For more information please contact carolyn.campbell@cssd.ab.ca
CSSD DUAL CREDIT PROGRAMS Dual Credit programs enable students to complete both a high school diploma and a post secondary certificate while in high school. To apply for all Dual Credit Programs students must be in Grade 10 and able to accommodate a Block 4 spare in Grades 11 and 12 with the exception of Nutrition Students (See Below). Transportation to and from each location is the responsibility of the student. Please go to D2L for the applications, brochures and detailed program requirements. For assistance with you resume and cover letter, please book an appointment with Mrs. Campbell in Student Services. PHARMACY ASSISTANT CERTIFICATE PROGRAM Are you considering a career in health care? Do you want to obtain a SAIT post secondary certificate while attending high school? Grade 10 students are invited to apply for the Pharmacy Assistant Program at SAIT. Biology 20 must be taken prior to semester 2 of Grade 11. An unpaid summer practicum is required at the end of Grade 12. Courses will be held at SAIT. The Student/Parent Information meeting will be held April 25, 2017, at 6:30 p.m. at SAIT in the Senator Burns Building Room NR112. HEALTH CARE AIDE CERTIFICATE PROGRAM Are you considering a career in health care? Do you want to obtain a post secondary certificate while attending high school? Grade 10 students are invited to apply for the Bow Valley College Health Care Aide Certificate Program. Students must complete English 10-1 or 10 -2. Students are required to attend courses at Bow Valley College. A summer practicum is required at the end of Grade 12. The Student/Parent Information meeting will be held April 26, 2017, at 6:30 p.m. at Bow Valley College in the BVC Lecture Theatre Room N124. VETERINARY TECHNICAL ASSISTANT CERTIFICATE PROGRAM Do you enjoy working with animals? Would you like to work in a veterinary office or at the Humane Society? Olds College is offering students the opportunity to complete the Veterinary Technical Assistant Certificate while in High School. Students must complete either Biology 20, Chemistry 20 or Science 20 by the end of Semester 1 in Grade 11. Classes will take place at Bow Valley College. The Student/Parent Information meeting is on April 27, 2017, at 6:30 p.m. at Bow Valley College, 7 th Floor South Tower Room S7025. NUTRITION FOR HEALTHY LIFESTYLES CERTIFICATE PROGRAM Train to become a nutrition consultant for health and wellness programs at fitness centres or weight management clinics through courses focused on nutrition, disease prevention and health coaching. Students must complete Math 20-1 or 2, English 30-1 or 2, Chem 20, Physics 20, Science 20 or Biology 30 by graduation. Students will be required to attend classes at SAIT four mornings per week for three semesters. Student/Parent Information Meeting will be in the Fall 2017. More information will be available in September 2017. Seats in all programs are limited. Applications are available on D2L. Applications are due to Mrs. Campbell in Student Services on Friday, May 5, 2017 at noon. All students applying for a Dual Credit program are also required to complete the HCS3000 course prior to Friday, May 5, 2017 at noon.
SUMMER WORK EXPERIENCE PROGRAM Are you planning to work, part time or full time, this summer? Are you volunteering at a summer camp or program this summer? Did you know that the hours you work or volunteer can help you earn credits towards your High School Diploma? As part of the Off-Campus program, worksites are approved, students are evaluated and a teacher supervises the students’ experience. Students involved in the program have the opportunity to: Earn high school credits (1 credit for every 25 hours worked, with a minimum 75 hours worked) Acquire the skills and work habits needed to succeed after high school. Credits can be earned in the following courses: HCS 3000: Workplace Safety Systems (1 CTS credit) Work Experience 15, 25 or 35 (3 – 10 credits per course) Career Internship 10 (3 – 5 credits). Of these credits, a total of 21 (1 CTS and 20 Work Experience) credits can be used toward the 100 credits required for a High School diploma. REGISTERED APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM (RAP) Is a career in the Trades something you might want to explore? RAP can help you “test drive” a trade to see if it is a career possibility for you. Working with Careers: the Next Generation, we find employers that are interested in hiring students for the summer. These are paid, full time summer positions and enable a student to earn credits based on the hours worked. Interested students will have to fill out a formal application and interview with the employer. This is a competitive process and students are not guaranteed a position. Applications are available on your D2L homepage under “District Academic Programs”. As part of the application students will need to include a cover letter, resume and a teacher recommendation. As part of the Registered Apprenticeship Program, Careers: the Next Generation is presenting two showcases to help students explore opportunities in lesser known career paths: SHEET METAL WORKER When: Thursday, April 27, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Where: SAIT Aldred Centre, Room CB 205, 1301—16 Ave NW, Calgary, AB Description: Students and parents connect with employers and industry. Participate in the Registered Apprenticeship Program. Learn how this skilled trade cuts, bends, forms, and welds sheet metal to manufacture and install air flow systems in buildings, railings, and even countertops. (10+ opportunities for potential RAP students this summer) INTERIOR SYSTEMS MECHANIC When: Wed, May 24, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Where: NAIT Calgary Facility 816—55 Ave NE, Calgary, AB Description: Students and parents connect with employers and industry! Learn about steel stud framing, various ceiling systems and acoustics, load-bearing steel stud wall and floor systems, exterior and interior dry wall and various curves and ornamental shapes. (15+ opportunities for potential RAP students this summer) For more information on these and other Off-Campus programs, please visit:
Special Note Summer Off-Campus programs require students to first complete the CTS course, HCS 3000: Workplace Safety Systems
https://www.cssd.ab.ca/Programs/Off-CampusEducation/Pages/default.aspx Or contact your Off-Campus Teacher: Mr. Don Buckie, Cell; (403) 880–1711, e-mail: don.buckie@cssd.ab.ca
Alleluia, Alleluia Christ is Risen. These are the joyful words that ring out on Easter Sunday. It is the most important feast of the Christian calendar as it marks the fulfillment of God’s promise to mankind. It is the celebration of the triumph of good over evil, sin and death. During Lent we are called to reflect on our own weaknesses and how we can make a concentrated effort to work on our relationship with God. We do this through acts of mercy, prayer and fasting. Easter is a time to celebrate this journey and to embrace the joy of the living Christ. "My old self has been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. So I live in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. I am not one of those who treats Christ's death as meaningless‌" ~ Galatians 2:20-21 We are lucky to live in a place where we are free to share our faith without persecution or prejudice. We do not need to hide our relationship with Christ. As we move forward to end of the school year let us reflect on how Christ is living in us. Are we keeping Christ alive in our lives? Thanks to the students from the Saint Francis Youth Volunteer club for their various initiatives during the Lent season. Our focus this year was on Kids Cancer. By working on acts of Charity we connect our faith to our everyday life. As Christians we are called to serve the needs of our community and we encourage students to make this a focus in their daily lives. We continue to have Mass Wednesday mornings at 8:15 in the Chapel. Everyone is welcome to attend.
The Testing Centre and Academic Centre are located in the Learning Commons B118
Follow me on Twitter Mrs.Hobor@SFLearn_CCSD
Tap into the following resources and items.. Book a conference room for students and teachers for group work or meetings. Borrow a book or three!
Clubs In the Learning Commons you can join the Book Club or the Knitting Club.
Borrow iPads and Chromebooks for the block or the day. Borrow a camera to create a presentation. Borrow a microphone to get your point across.
Saint Francis Student ID More services than just textbook rentals...
Student Spare Stickers VIDs Scan Bus Passes September—June any day, 8:30—2:00
Each year the parents of Saint Francis host a luncheon, Wednesday, June 21, for the school staff as a way to show our appreciation for the hard work they do all year with our students. The organizers collect donations from the parent community for the event. Donations can be made in the form of cash, gift cards or other gifts that can be used as “door prizes” for the staff. If you are considering a year-end “gift” for your child’s teachers, giving a donation in lieu of gifts is a great way to show your appreciation to the entire school staff. More information about the event will be coming at a later date. If you are interested in helping with the event or making a donation, please contact Rita Dube, Parent Council Volunteer Coordinator at dube.family@shaw.ca
Saint Francis High School Athletic Fundraiser Saint Francis is having a meat fundraiser to support athletic programs within the school. Saint Francis has 26 athletic teams competing throughout the year. A fundraiser is required to offset the rising costs of running a quality athletic program. In order to continue the strong tradition of athletic excellence that has meant so much to the culture of Saint Francis over its 50+ year history of our school we are asking for your assistance in raising money to support Saint Francis student athletes. The vendors we have chosen are Spolumbos and Community Foods. The product reviews and satisfaction have been outstanding. All of the Community Foods grass fed beef is Halal and all of the Spolumbos sausage product is gluten free. There are many quality products available – just in time for BBQ season!
Order forms can be downloaded from the Saint Francis website. The order deadline is Thursday, April 20. Orders can be picked-up on Wednesday, May 17, 4:00-7:00 p.m. at Saint Francis. Completed order forms and payment can be dropped off the Saint Francis Main Office. Thank you for your support.
We are excited to start our season this year building on our strong performances from last year and the year before. Our athletes have been training hard before school, at lunch and after school in running, throwing and jumping events, committing themselves to being better with each practice. This year we are excited to be taking a small team to Kamloops BC the weekend of April 28 and 29 to participate in the 2017 Battle of the Border. Apart from that, our first meets will be May 4, 10 and 12 where they will compete in the Dino Meets and then the Blue Divisional Meet on May 17. Top 6 finishers from each event will head to the City Championship on May 27 with the top 2 heading to Provincials the weekend of June 2 and 3 in Edmonton. Good Luck to all of our Browns competing this year in Track and Field.
Coaches: Michael Huggins, David Dziadyk, Melanie Clark, Heather McGowan, Francois Cousin, Wayne Meadows, and Don Marchuk
Spring has finally arrived. After a cold long winter, we are all excited for the snow to melt, the flowers to bloom and the weather to warm up. But the true meaning of spring at Saint Francis means the beginning of a new Rugby season. The Senior Girls Rugby team has been hard at work this spring preparing for the upcoming season. We are hoping to build upon our season last year, and we have set our goals high, hoping to win the Division 2 City Championship. We are lucky to have a strong group of grade 11 and grade 12 students coming back this year. Their veteran presence, combined with some new athletes from grade 10 has the coaches excited about the potential of Browns Rugby. We would like to invite all Saint Francis students, parents and alumni out to cheer on our girls at our home games on the back football field. Keep an eye out for the upcoming home game schedule. Go Browns Go!
There will be Junior and Senior Boys Rugby teams this season at Saint Francis. The teams will be finalized after Spring Break. The Senior team kicks off their season Tuesday, April 11, at Bishop O’ Byrne at 6:00 p.m. while the Juniors play their first game at Centennial High School at 5:00 p.m., Wednesday, April 12. We wish both teams “Good Luck” this season. Lets fill the Saint Francis field with enthusiastic fans at our home games who will cheer on the Browns. Go Browns Go!
The 2017 Browns Badminton season has gotten off to an exciting start, with the largest turnout of players we’ve ever seen! We experienced success during our Tri-Meet with St. Mary’s and Bishop Carroll last week. Our players are eagerly practicing, as we ramp up towards Divisionals in April. Go Browns Go!
CSHSAA Calgary Senior High School Athletic Association link below to follow all sport Activities
Saint Francis Soccer Coaches Meadows, Oliverio and Grzela are looking forward to a great season ahead! The varsity team is made up of student athletes from Grade 10, 11 and 12. We play a regular league schedule and play a handful of tournament games and friendlies. We have a strong core of returning players and will look to make-up for an injury-filled (and thus losses) 2016 season. Led by Captain Matteo ‘Piv’, Azubike, Jeff, & David we have a decent chance to 'make the finals’ if we own the field. We should go back to our previous years filling the ‘onion bag’ with goals from our M+M tandem of Zach and Zach potting pretty plays (and maybe a few from Ben Maxwell and our new players). Jaime M and Sebastian will backstop the roster minding the goal. We invite all fans, parents and staff to come cheer us on - hopefully on sunny after noons! Go Browns Go!
This year we have an amazing group of returning Grade 11 and 12 athletes. Under the leadership of many of those returning grade 12's and the exciting finish of the junior team last year, we are looking to have a strong season both on the field and among the team. All of the girls are excited and ready to work hard to fight for a spot on the division one playoffs. We look forward to seeing many students and parents come out to support their friends/daughters. Our schedule can be found online at www.calgaryhighschoolsports.ca Go Browns Go! Coach Scarpino
This year the junior girls field hockey team once again has the honor of having Jess Britton, a U of C Dino’s field hockey player to assist with coaching. With a mix of grade 10’s and 11’s and athletes with both field hockey and other athletic skills we will definitely be a team to contend with and you will be sure to have a pretty exciting game to watch.
Check out the schedule at www.calgaryhighschoolsports.ca and cheer on the girls. Coach Stephanie Gabel and Jess Britton
Friends of Saint Francis Football Dear Friends, Saint Francis High School has been providing excellence in football since 1962. Our program has seen tremendous success capturing twenty-six Senior City Championships and six Provincial Titles. In addition to the on field success, there are more important reasons why playing for the Browns means so much. Many athletes’ lives have been changed because of the great life teachings provided by the forefathers of this supreme program. Friends of Saint Francis Football is planning a special night for football alumni and friends to reconnect and celebrate the past, present and future. We hope to raise funds for the football program which is one hundred percent user pay. Each year we have football athletes who cannot afford to pay for fees to participate at both the junior and senior levels. In addition, there is a need to replace older football equipment, we also help subsidize costs of traveling to practices at Shouldice and out-of-town games. We want to purchase a portable generated lighting station to light up the field in the late fall, allowing teams to practice longer. This night of excellence will take place Saturday, May 13, from 5:30 p.m. until 11:30 p.m. at Saint Francis High School in the Brown Gymnasium. The event will be $50 which includes a buffet lasagna dinner provided by Roma Catering and a cash bar. There will be a live auction with items such as Spolumbo’s Backyard Barbeque experience and a Cadillac Experience (you get to drive a Cadillac for three weeks). In addition, there will be a Silent Auction. If you or your company can donate any items, please contact either John Doyle or Sam Stambene by phone or email. Further questions about the event, or Saint Francis Football can be answered at St.FrancisBrowns@gmail.com. Our Appreciation, John Doyle President Friends of St. Francis Football Jb.doyle@shaw.ca 403-863-7751
Sam Stambene Coach/Liaison Friends of St. Francis Football Sam.stambene@cssd.ab.ca (403 500-2026, ext. 373
The Saint Francis Browns Senior Girls Basketball Team entered the season as defending provincial champions. Game in and game out, the team faced the best their competition had to offer each and every game. This season was a fantastic learning experience for all the girls on the team, and the effort they put forth is one they can be proud of whenever they look back and reflect on the 2016/2017 basketball season. This is a close group of girls that share a respect for the game, they share a respect for each other, and they share a pride for the logo on their jersey. Well done Girls!
The 2016-2017 Senior Boys Basketball season was one filled with many high points and unfortunately a few challenges along the way. The team had a very good start which was highlighted by an exciting and successful SFI tournament. The Senior Boys did not disappoint the home crowds and participated in some thrilling games. The season also had a few obstacles, which included a few player injuries that impacted the team’s overall success. However, this young team which included 7 grade 11’s worked hard and enjoyed some key successes down the final stretch. All this was highlighted by celebrating our Senior Night and honoring our 5 grade 12 players who move on from high school next year. After some big wins at home the team finished off with a tough playoff loss on the road. Overall the team enjoyed the season and our returning players are dedicated to working hard and coming back next year.
The Junior Girls Basketball team had a very successful season. One of the top teams in Calgary that managed to beat everyone except the eventual city champions in the Div 1 semi-finals. The Browns finished 8-2 in the regular season, and won three tournaments: The Saint Francis and Bishop Grandin tournaments in December, and a thrilling win in the Bishop O’Byrne tournament in February. The team was anchored by three veteran Grade 11s, and featured an extremely strong group of Grade 10s. Watch out for these girls in the next year or two; the Senior Girls team has a bright future. Thanks to our coaches for their time. Michaela Allen-Gullion, Ms. Bourget & Mr. Osenton
This was surely a building year for SF Boys Basketball. While 55 boys tried out, the dozen member roster worked through a challenging schedule and trying year. Skills developed in practice were not always available in league games and tournaments. The team had a solid start going into the Christmas break on top of the league. 2017 was not kind though and between exam breaks and playoffs (and injuries), the team fizzled and failed to find the March Madness playoff hype. So the season came to end. Thanks for all the commitment by Coach Meadows, Coach Wildeman, Manager ‘Chuck’ and to the trainers. As they say, ‘wait ’til next year’!
Liturgical Celebrations CANADIAN MARTYRS PARISH Father Vincent and the parishioners of Canadian Martyrs Parish would like to invite the staff, students and parents of Saint Francis High School to participate in Canadian Martyrs 50th Anniversary Celebrations on September 23, 2017. Events include the Anniversary Open House and Mass at the Parish and the Anniversary Banquet at Varsity Community Centre. Everyone is welcome to attend any and all events. Contact Christina Candra, parish secretary, for more information at 403-284-3311 or e-mail, secretary@canadianmartyrsparish.ca
Weekend Masses Saturday - 5:00 pm and Sunday - 9:00 & 10:45 am Children’s Liturgy of the Word - (ages 3-7) held (Sept — June) at the 10:45 am Sunday masses except on holidays and long weekends of the Calgary Catholic Schools. Weekday Masses—Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 4:00 – 4:45 p.m. or any time by appointment. Adoration of Blessed Sacrament: Every Friday at 9:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Rosary: Sunday, 8:30 a.m. before Mass. Divine Mercy Chaplet We invite you to join us everyday @ 3:00 pm in the Church. Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotion: Friday morning 9:00 am Mass. WELCOME to all new parishioners. Please take a moment to fill out a registration form in the foyer. Our ushers will be happy to assist you.
CALGARY TRANSIT PASS REBATE FOR ELIGIBLE STUDENTS Students must meet the eligibility criteria in order to receive a rebate on the purchase of a monthly youth Calgary Transit pass. Refer to www.cssd.ab.ca and follow the Transportation link. Please complete the rebate form if you are eligible for a rebate and have not received a waiver from the school. The payment will be made by direct deposit. Students who are eligible must reside 2.4 kilometers or more from the school.
Submit the completed form to the school or to Calgary Catholic School District, Transportation Department, 1000-5th Avenue SW, Calgary, AB, T2P 4T9. Faxes are not accepted. A separate form must be completed for each student EACH YEAR. Students can check Calgary Transit’s website to see their route. Go to www.calgarytransit.com select “School Service” on the top menu and click on Saint Francis for all the routes.
By Ellie Enderl With second semester in full swing, the drama department is buzzing with tons of upcoming projects, and recent triumphs. Most recently, in the first week of March, Loose Moose Theatre held their 26th Annual Theatresports tournament. Ten different teams from both public and catholic schools came to compete against each other and with a stroke of luck, Saint Francis came out on top and took the championship title and trophy! Fast approaching is the Spring play, which features a one act play. “Dark Road� is the play being produced this year, being Directed (as always) by Mrs. Bedier. This main stage play will also be taken to Drama festival the first week of May to be performed, critiqued, and be given the chance to be nominated for awards. It will be playing at the school on April 25 and 26, and on May 3 at the University of Calgary. The last show of the year is the Musical Theatre review. This show features over 100 performers from various grades showcasing their talents in the triple threat arts. The show features songs from the musicals: Gypsy, Something Rotten, Ragtime, and Lion King. A lot of time, and hard work goes into making this show one of the most anticipated in this department, and we would all love to have big audiences to share it with. The show runs June 7, 8 and 9 at 7 p.m. Hope to see you there.
First Place Winners of the 2017 High School Theatresports Championship, "The Stanleigh Cup" - March 3. Jordan Wilson, Aidan Sura, Logan Hockley, Patrick Lynn, and Ellie Enderl
The Concert band played to a full auditorium on February 28, at the Alberta International Band festival and received two Rating of “Excellence” from both Adjudicators. Saint Francis had by far one of the largest bands in competition this year with an equally large parent contingent present. It is always great to see parents bursting with pride at their child’s effort and talent. The jazz bands and choirs are practicing very hard and eagerly awaiting the Calgary Performing Arts Festival in April.
All groups are getting ready for the Sun Peaks trip April 27-30, for our Road trip to Kamloops B.C.! The Saint Francis Jazz combo (6 advanced students from the jazz band) had the unique opportunity to perform at the Mayor’s lunch for Art Champions at the BMO Center on March 22. It was a sold out luncheon with over 1000 people in attendance! Congrats to the our Jazz combo “The Flying Shingles” which included: Russel Glenn, Dylan Vu, Kyla Altrogge, Justin Kiszczak, Anthony Giocoli, Francisco Bullrich, Jolene Knight, and Jacob Stanich.
The Saint Francis Dance Program is one of many Fine Arts options offered here at Saint Francis. Throughout the 15, 25 and 35 level dance courses students are able to showcase their dance abilities in the classroom and on stage. This semester students have been preparing for the ‘In the News’ themed Dance Show on May 25 and 26 at 7:00 p.m. With the help of spoken word poets, the students will take real life news and bring it to life through dance. The Saint Francis Dance Program also has the privilege of hosting Danceworks every year in our very own Browns Gym. Danceworks gives students of all ages a chance to showcase their dance talents. Being hosts of this amazing night gives younger students the opportunity and inspiration to join our dance program. This will be held on April 5, 4:30-6:00 p.m. Don't miss it!
The best thing about our dance program is the other extra-curricular dance opportunities. Every year during our ‘Browns Pep Rally's’, students audition to dance in the Pep Rally Dance Performance. This is where students have the opportunity to choreograph and perform in front of the school. These dancers represent our dance program and are often the students’ favourite part of the Rally. Be sure to check out one or all of these events! You won't regret it!
Isabella Staffa
POWERSCHOOL: PARENT VIEW Parents have quick and easy access to view attendance records, report card marks, and grade history. You must have two pieces of information to create an account. Your child’s Calgary Catholic School District ID number (6 or 7 digit number) and your child’s birthday with month, day, and year. (example: Jan 8, 1996 must be typed as follows: 181996 (month/day/year). Go to Saint Francis Website https://www.cssd.ab.ca/schools/stfrancis click on “Parent View” https://sis.cssd.ab.ca/public/ Click “Create Account” / Follow steps
If you have questions or concerns, please contact: Constable Enzie 403-500-2026
Cobs Bread Dough Raiser At the Crowfoot location please tell them you are with Saint Francis High School. Cobs will donate 5% of your purchase back to our school in June. It's a very easy way to support your school while enjoying delicious and high quality breads and treats. Crowfoot Corner Shopping Centre #107, 150 Crowfoot Crescent N.W. (403) 239-2666 Mon to Sat 7 a.m.—7 p.m. Sun 8 a.m.—6 p.m.
Panda Flowers When placing an order with Panda Flowers let them know you are with Saint Francis High School. A percentage of the sale will be donated back to the school in the form of flowers for Saint Francis events. Crowfoot Corner Shopping Centre #205, 150 Crowfoot Crescent N.W. (403) 239-7673 Mon to Fri 8:30 a.m.—8 p.m. Sat 8:30 a.m.—6 p.m. Sun 10 a.m.—5 p.m.
PHONE: (403) 282-2121 laura.addante@cssd.ab.ca
DID YOU MISS ORDERING YOUR GRAD JEWELRY ON ORDER DAY? Design & Order Your Jewelry @ www.jostens.com or contact your Jostens representative ($60.00 deposit) denise.kelly@jostens.com – 1.877.252.1774