Saint Francis December Newsletter 2017-2018

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To the families and staff of Saint Francis High School, Reflecting on the school year thus far, we are pleased to report that the first four months have been very exciting and enjoyable for both our students and staff. Coming into the school year we had some trepidations and concerns about how the modernization project would impact our school community. The student’s and staff’s positive nature, understanding and adaptability has assisted with the ongoing progress of the modernization. Our district construction and maintenance department, as well as the building contractors have done an amazing job ensuring that there is minimal impact on the school community. In the new year we look forward to moving into 13 renovated and improved learning spaces. In the next few months we should notice significant changes to the front end of the school. Our grade 10 students have added great energy and spirit to our school community. They are truly Browns, and they have already demonstrated their leadership within the school. The grade 11s and 12s are finding themselves very busy focusing on academics and school life. Overall, our students have been very purposeful in their work at Saint Francis with a notable heightened sense of engagement dedicated to learning. We wish all the students the best, and anticipate they will perform well, on their final exams. Saint Francis has recently hosted many great events showcasing the talents and gifts of our wonderful students. Some of the events include Browns Ball, Jr. Girls B-Ball tournament, S.F.I. 48, Saint Francis food drive, the music concert “A Christmas Celebration”, the drama production “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”, and the dance show “Cracked”. Our athletic teams have enjoyed a good run in the soccer and volleyball playoffs. The Jr. and Sr. football teams captured city championship titles and we enjoyed our best showing in the swimming pool in recent memory. In the Fine Arts, our drama students performed brilliantly on stage, bringing the complexities of William Shakespeare to life for the audience to enjoy. The dance performance “Cracked” incorporated aspects of Slam Poetry and the Nutcracker. Our music concert, “A Christmas Celebration” was truly worthy of the standing ovation the audience jubilantly provided. In the spirit of Christmas our students were able to provide 33 food hampers to Saint Francis families with over $4700 dollars in gift cards being distributed. Special thanks and recognition are provided to Mr. Geremia (Boardwalk Rental Communities) and our Student Council for donating the funds for the gift cards. Our Jr. Football team also pitched in to prepare the hampers and help deliver them to families at Saint Francis and Father Lacombe. Thank you parents for your support over the first half of this school year. We are very appreciative of the efforts and dedication of the School Council executive and all those parents who volunteer in our school community. Saint Francis has a long tradition of parents and staff working together to enhance the educational experience for our students. May God bless our families with peace and joy in the new year. May the holy spirit enter your hearts and bring you closer to the eternal harmony of being one with the Lord. Merry Christmas and happy New Year from the staff at Saint Francis High School. Mark Berger, Principal

Last day of classes before Christmas break: The Christmas Spirit was sung beautifully by the Choir as students entered the school. Many students proudly showed off their festive sweaters!

CHRISTMAS BREAK December 22-January 7—No Classes

GOOD FRIDAY/SPRING BREAK March 30-April 8—No Classes




PARENT/TEACHER INTERVIEWS April 23—9:00-3:30 pm—No Classes PARENT/TEACHER INTERVIEWS April 23—4:30-7:30 pm





DIPLOMA EXAMS January 22-30—No Classes



VICTORIA DAY May 21—No Classes

OPEN HOUSE February 7

DANCE SHOW May 24 and 25

TEACHERS’ CONVENTION February 15 and 16—No Classes


FAMILY DAY February 19—No Classes







Saint Francis High School 877 Northmount Drive NW Calgary, AB T2L 0A3 Phone: 403-500-2026 Fax:: 403-500-2226 website:

The November School Council meeting had a great turnout. The parents that attended were informed on the latest modernization update and learned about the results from the “Tell Them From Me”, survey that students participated in. The survey results were very enlightening and educational. Our next council meeting is February 27 at 7:00 p.m., please mark it down in your calendar. We would like to see as many parents participate as possible. This year’s Browns Ball saw over 40 parent volunteers and numerous staff members help make the event a success. There were many challenges faced by the planning committee with regard to the ongoing modernization. The volunteers played an integral part in making this event a memorable one for the students. We would like to thank all our volunteers who helped man the coat checks, supervise the Learning Commons, oversee the elevator or stood by in the dance area with ear plugs! Thank you to each and every one of you. The students were asked to bring Christmas hamper items to school for the annual Saint Francis Christmas Hampers. The hampers were delivered to deserving families in our school community by 12 volunteers. Thank you to everyone who participated and to all of our volunteer drivers. Our families in need will have a wonderful surprise this Christmas! Have a very Merry Christmas. Enjoy spending time with your families and friends. Claude Chretien - Chair

As members of the Saint Francis High School Students Against Drunk Driving (SADD) club, Francisco Godinez and I had the privilege of attending the regional SADD conference in Calgary on November 22, 2017. Various speakers were featured during the conference, ranging from survivors of crashes caused by drunk and/or distracted driving (one of whom is a Saint Francis Alumni), to family members of victims who lost their lives in road crashes, to a local celebrity who is reaching out to young Canadians to stop distracted driving. Pictured from left to right is myself (Noah Pacina), Parker Thompson (USF2000 racing Champion from Red Deer, Alberta and founder of Drive To Stay Alive), and Francisco Godinez (a fellow student at Saint Francis) sporting the SADD Alberta T-Shirt in support of the movement. The messages conveyed by the presenters at the conference were truly empowering. It was reinforced that as students, it is our responsibility to drive safe, to drive sober and make the right decisions which can save not only our own lives, but the lives of others with whom we share the road. The goal of the SADD club at Saint Francis is to ensure that our fellow students are aware of the risks and consequences of drunk/distracted driving, and to understand the choices they have to arrive home safe. Noah Pacina

Christmas is a joyful time of year, but also a stressful one. It is very easy to get weighed down by the demands of the season and the constant effort of trying to complete all of the tasks on our to-do list. It seems to be never ending. We scour Pinterest for the perfect Christmas dinner theme and decorating ideas. Here’s a thought, how about we make Jesus the theme? After all, that is what Christmas is all about. Why do we have to make things so complicated? We are celebrating the birth of Jesus, which actually was a pretty humble event in very modest surroundings. With all the craziness of Christmas we often forget to mark each Sunday of Advent. Students in each grade attended Mass to celebrate the Advent season and were encouraged to focus on the four virtues that Jesus brings to us: Hope, love, joy and peace. If we stop for a moment to think about where these virtues play out in our own life, we can find a deeper connection to the true meaning of Jesus in the world today. It is important to teach our children that the greatest gifts are not the ones that money can buy, but the ones that reflect these virtues. How do we bring love, joy and peace to the world? How do we offer hope to those in despair? On Christmas we light the final Christ candle in the center of the wreath. It symbolizes that Jesus is the light of the world. As we celebrate Christmas, let us celebrate the joy that this light brings to us. Merry Christmas to all and a joyful New Year.

Advent Mass

GIVING to others is always in STYLE….and Saint Francis’ STYLE shines brightly. The generosity of our school is inspiring!

2017 Christmas Hampers This year Saint Francis students and staff collected hamper items for families in need in our school community as well as helping families at Father Lacombe High School. A competition was held and TA’s were encouraged to collect as many items as possible. Congratulations to all who helped in this very worthy cause. We collected thousands of items and $700 in gift cards. We also want to thank Boardwalk Rental Communities for its generous donation of $2500 and our own Saint Francis Student Council for its donation of $1500. Thank you to the parents who took time out of their busy schedules and delivered the hampers to the families. We wish everyone a very Merry Christmas from our Community of Caring. Nicole Seneviratne & Stephanie Gabel

“You have no idea how awesome it was [receiving the extra hamper items]! It was load after load of more food to add to our hampers. We are doing over 140+ hampers and this will go such a long way in helping us to meet and we believe exceed our goal! Our community is so blessed to have such great advocates and supporters throughout Calgary. David Gowans Vice Principal, Father Lacombe High School

On November 22, 2017, Ms. Ponce’s Grade 10 Social Class was presented with a $600 cheque from The Educational Partnership Foundation. This grant was awarded to the class to help fund social justice projects that the students are working on throughout the semester. The projects raise awareness about issues such as clean water, gender equality and child labour, and involve a citizenship component where students raise awareness beyond the school community. The grant from TEPF is a huge help in funding these projects, especially with costly materials, and it will assist in making sure that more change is created, both within the school and around the community. Ms. Ponce’s class is so proud to receive this grant! By: Isabella DeSouza-Cook

To the Saint Francis School Community, Thank you very much for your exceptional donation to Jacket Racket! You have provided such a boost to the Jacket Racket program this fall—many children and their families will benefit immediately from nice, warm winter clothing. And special thanks to Ms. Filippetto and the Student Council, and to the students so kindly helped our volunteer load the coats. It is a pleasure to deal with Saint Francis! Here are donations at Kingsland School, coming in and then going out for delivery! Evelyn Carlyle Coordinator, Jacket Racket

“The Emperor’s Secret Garden” This year presented Student Council with a unique challenge in organizing Browns Ball considering that the front end of the school is under construction. We had to rethink the entire entrance to the dance and the various locations that could be used during the dance. This year students entered through the back school entrance. They navigated the stairs among a school of koi fish. At the top of the stairs they were greeted by a water dragon who welcomed them as they moved into the hallway. Cherry blossoms floated through the hallway leading the students through the Torii Gate to the waterfall and the Emperor’s Secret Garden. The Learning Commons was transformed into an Asian oasis with dragons, fans and lilies. As the students walked by the Emperor’s castle, they entered into the dance where they were enchanted by their favorite tunes being played by DJ Fayyaz with Pez Productions. As the evening drew to a close, grade 10 and 11 students left smiling despite their aching feet while the grade 12’s slowly exited, reluctant to see their last Browns Ball coming to an end. This enchanting evening would not be possible without the countless hours invested by Student Council and the many student volunteers. We were aided by administration, constables, teachers and the numerous parent volunteers who ensured that the evening was safe and enjoyable. To all those who invested time into Browns Ball, Thank You! Student Council

The Emperor’s S

Secret Garden�

“Thank you for this table.” Connor & Gaby Late November a special delivery arrived to the ES l and ES ll Classrooms. Our programs received a very generous donation from the Colborne family and we were able to purchase a motorized sit/stand table for each of our ES classrooms. We are very pleased and grateful to have received this generous gift and have already put our new tables to good use. Student comments: “It’s really nice and I like it so much and thank you.” Brandon “I like how we can finally stand up and work, so nice to have.” Elizabeth “It’s pretty tall and nice.” Ben “Awesome!!” Siena

A huge thank you again, to James and Mr. & Mrs. Colborne!

“They are amazing.” Mach

In the past few months, the Environmental Club has focused on the “Adopt a Plant” Campaign. We potted jade plants in the soil created by our compost program, and then distributed plants to teachers. The teachers than brought old ceramic coffee mugs to hold the plants, in an effort to reuse and recycle. Over 25 teachers received plants, making the school a more green and friendly environment. Thanks to everyone who showed interest in the program, with a special mention of Mrs. Konicki, who supplied some of the mugs, and Mrs. Kirilenko, who supports us in all of our projects. We are also continuing the compost program, and over the next few months will be transitioning it to the city-wide composting program. We hope that we will be able to start composting the paper towels, greatly reducing the waste created by the school. We will give another update after Christmas!

Since Thanksgiving the Saint Francis Volunteers Club (SFVC) has continued to participate in the Linkages program with Bethany Care Centre, the Atria Senior Centre’s ice cream and bowling socials, and Saint Francis peer tutoring. The student volunteers have helped at the Out-of-Province Post-Secondary Fair and the Alberta Post-Secondary Fair. Volunteers also assisted at FAST volunteering at Ranchlands Elementary. The SFVC also took part in Halloween activities in a haunted house at the Triwood Community Center. The SFVC held a bake sale to support the We Scare Hunger campaign. It also assisted with Students Against Drinking & Driving (SADD) awareness. The Club was helping the Veteran’s Food Bank, as well as selling Poppies to students. In addition, the SFVC is currently raising money to support the Inn from the Cold through bake sales and accepting donations from students. Thank you to all the volunteers and everyone who worked behind the scene to make these opportunities possible.

On October 26, 2017, a group of 15 grade 10 students including myself attended the Wavemakers Youth Summit hosted by the Center for Affordable Water Sanitation and Technology (CAWST). Various junior and high school students and teachers participated in this event. During the day we attended two workshops. Some of the workshops we got to choose from were about sickness in developing nations, water contamination, stereotypes about Africa, technologies to reduce water consumption in homes, schools and gardens, storm water in Calgary and watersheds. After the workshops we gathered with the rest of our school mates and started to plan and create an action plan about spreading awareness and fundraising. We have decided to go to Saint Vincent and Saint Basil grade 4 classrooms on Monday, December 18 to teach students about germs and sanitation. In April, we are planning a school wide Walk for Water. We are so excited to be doing this for our school and for the world community. By Malia Vitug

SEMESTER TWO COURSE CHANGES Students looking to make changes to their semester two timetables must do so by meeting with their assigned counsellor before the start of semester 2. By doing so well in advance of Semester Two start up, counsellors can provide information about course sequencing and selection, credit recovery, planning for next-grade and post-secondary planning. TUTORIALS/DIPLOMA PREPARATION Tutorials will be available at school during the exam break. Check with your subject teacher for available times. Together with tutorials, students writing diploma exams can sign up for CSSD’s Diploma Prep. Register at or phone 403.500.2012. Enrolment is limited. APPLICATION FOR GRADUATION Students have been submitting their completed graduation applications to Student Services since early December. Counsellors will be reviewing these applications in January and meeting with students whose applications contain irregularities so that a goal-tograduate plan can be created. POST-SECONDARY AND SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION Students can receive up-to-date post-secondary and scholarship information by signing up for REMIND. REMIND instructions are as follows: 1. On your cell phone, text this number: 431.800.0409 a. Grade 12 students, text this message: @286fa6 b. Grade 11 students, text this message: @ag9bkb SUICIDE AWARENESS PRESENTATION WRAP-UP Over the past six weeks, all of our grade ten students have had the opportunity to be part of our annual Suicide Awareness Presentation. Canadian Mental Health facilitators work with our counsellors so that students receive valuable and up-to-date information about the topic of suicide awareness. We are very grateful of the expertise that Canadian Mental Health brings to our students each year. Thank you CMH!

WORLD OF CHOICES On November 24, thirty-six Saint Francis girls attended World of Choices at Mount Royal University. In partnership with United Way’s All in for Youth, World of Choices is an annual event where young women are able to explore different career choices. Our young ladies joined 600 eager participants in a variety of round table discussions and speeches from various established women. CINDERELLA GOWN PROJECT The Cinderella Gown Project began in Calgary in 2005 as a small project at a local high school. Its goal then and now is to help teens attend their graduation celebration by providing a graduation gown for students who might otherwise not be able to purchase one. If you or someone you know might benefit from this program, please meet with your assigned counsellor on or before February 1, 2018. For more information about this program visit:

CAREER DISCOVERY PROGRAM Career Discovery is a two-week job shadow opportunity in the summer for students in Grades 10 and 11 to participate in the areas of Architecture, Engineering, Information Technology, Veterinary Medicine and Law. Although these are unpaid positions, students will earn 3 credits. Students are required to complete a resume and cover letter as part of their application. Applications will be available in early February on D2L.

DUAL CREDIT PROGRAMS Students in Grade 10 who are interested in pursuing a post-secondary certificate while attending high school may be interested in one of the Dual Credit programs. Dual Credit programs are available in the following area: Heath Care Aide (Bow Valley College), Pharmacy Assistant (SAIT), Veterinary Technical Assistant (Olds College), Nutrition for Healthy Lifestyles (SAIT) Carpentry (SAIT) and Welding (SAIT). Each program has different requirements that are clearly outlined on D2L in the District Programs widget. Applications will be available in the Spring of 2018, and will be due in late April of 2018. For additional information please see Mr. Buckie—Off Campus Teacher or Mrs. Campbell—Career Practitioner. OFF CAMPUS EDUCATION WORK EXPERIENCE Students involved in the program have the opportunity to: Earn high school credits (1 credit for every 25 hours worked, with a minimum 75 hours worked) and acquire the skills and work habits needed to succeed after high school. Work Experience allows students who have a part-time job to earn credits based on the number of hours they work. Hours spent volunteering and hours worked during summer may also be eligible for this program. Worksites are approved, students are evaluated and a teacher supervises the students’ experience. Credits can be earned in the following courses:  HCS 3000: Workplace Safety Systems (1 CTS credit)  Work Experience 15, 25 and 35 (3 – 10 credits per course)  Career Internship 10 (3 – 5 credits). Of these credits, a total of 21 (1 CTS and 20 Work Experience/Career Internship) credits can be used toward the 100 credits required for a High School diploma. REGISTERED APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM (RAP) Is a career in the Trades something you might want to explore? RAP may enable you to gain experience in a trade to see if it is a career possibility for you. These are paid, full-time summer positions and enable a student to earn credits based on the hours worked. Applications are available on D2L. As part of the application process students will need to include a cover letter, resume and a teacher recommendation. Please contact the school’s Off-Campus Teacher for more information on these programs: Off-Campus Teacher – Saint Francis Mr. Don Buckie E-mail: Cell: 403-880-1711 or go to under the “Off Campus Education” and “Dual Credit” tabs. ***Please note that in order to enroll in any Off-Campus program, students must have first completed the CTS course, HCS 3000: Workplace Safety Systems.*** Special Presentation Night—Nope to Dope All parents are invited to this drug presentation facilitated by Calgary Police and local parents. A moving and informative session, topics will include what to look for as parents and recent drug trends such as fentanyl. The Presentation will take place on Wednesday, January 24 at 7:00 pm in the TTT at St Francis.

Mrs. Campbell is the Career Practitioner for St. Francis, St. Martin de Porres and St. Timothy High Schools Email: St. Francis Hours: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and alternating Mondays Location: Student Services The Career Practitioner is able to assist students with the following: Career Planning - What would you like to do after high school? Self Assessment – Interests, Skills, Values and Personality Occupational Research Job Search – Resumes, Cover Letters and Interviews Post Secondary Exploration/Research/ Volunteer Opportunities WHAT IS CAREER PLANNING? Career planning is a unique, life long process for each person. The Career Practitioner is able to work with students to explore how interests, skills, values, and personality impact your choice of career direction. It is an active process that begins in the Career and Life Management Class and may continue with meetings with the Career Practitioner and Student Services Counsellor. Individuals will be making career decisions on a continuous basis through their lives. DOES THE CAREER PRACTITIONER OFFER CAREER TESTS AND ASSESSMENTS? Any “career tests” are tools for students to learn more about themselves and the potential careers that may be of interest to them. The “tests” are designed to provide career suggestions for exploration but there is not test that will tell a student what they should do as a career. The goal is for students to learns as much as they can about themselves and the careers that are available so they can make an informed decision about their first step after high school. WILL THE CAREER PRACTITIONER FIND ME A JOB? Students are given the tools to find their own jobs. The Career Practitioner is willing to edit resumes and cover letters, do practice interviews and provide information about job search skills. Students may receive Work Experience Credits for their part time jobs. Please see Mr. Buckie, Off Campus Teacher. ANY STUDENTS who are not sure of their plans for the year after high school are encouraged to book an appointment with Mrs. Campbell, Career Practitioner to explore one of the many options available. Students may wish to pursue a trade, upgrade their courses, travel, volunteer, work or a attend college, technical institution or university. Deadlines for post secondary institutions vary so there may still be an opportunity to apply. Many students struggle with their career decision making. Please use the Student Services resources to assist you with your Career Planning. POST SECONDARY FAIRS 2017 Students were able to explore a wide variety of post secondary options at the Out of Province Post Secondary Fair on October 25, and the Alberta Post Secondary Fair on November 14. Dates for the 2018 events will be announced in June. All students are encouraged to attend these events to learn about the wide variety of post secondary options at every level. There is truly something for everyone!

SUMMER CAREER DISCOVERY - Are you a Grade 10 or 11 student interested in engineering, law, veterinary medicine, architecture or information technology? Students are invited to apply for a Career Discovery position (two week job shadow) in the summer in one of these areas. Students are eligible to earn three credits while exploring a potential career area. The application form will be available on D2L in the Spring. Students are able to book an appointment with Mrs. Campbell, Career Practitioner in Student Services to review the resume and cover letter for any of the summer programs. WOMEN IN ENGINEERING: The University of Calgary will be hosting a Women in Engineering Day in February, 2018. Students are encouraged to sign up in Student Services in January. Students will be required to provide their own transportation to the University of Calgary. ANNUAL YOUTH HIRING FAIR: The City of Calgary Youth Employment Centre is preparing to host its 20th Annual Youth Hiring Fair! The 2017 event took place at the Big Four, Stampede Park and showcased over 80 employers from a variety of industries. 5500 youth between the ages of 15-24 attended the event, representing all skill and education levels. The upcoming Youth Hiring Fair will take place on Tuesday, April 3, 2018 from 1:30 - 6 p.m. at the Big Four, Stampede Park. For more information, visit PARENTS AS CAREER COACHES: On Wednesday, February 21 at 7:00 PM, Mrs. Campbell will host a presentation for parents who are interested in supporting their teen with career exploration and related post secondary planning. Mrs. Campbell will explore how to navigate the available resources. Please register by emailing by February 19. DUAL CREDIT WELDING PROGRAM: Grade 10 or 11 students considering a career in Welding maybe interested in the Dual Credit Welding program being offered by CCSD, SAIT and CBE. Interested students are invited to attend an Information Session on Wednesday, January 10, 2018 from 6:30-7:30 PM at SAIT in Room CS314 of the Aldred Building). Students will be required to attend classes at SAIT every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 8:30—11:30 AM. Applications are available on D2L and must be submitted to Mr. Buckie by Friday, January 19, 2018. Students are encouraged to meet with the Career Practitioner to complete the resume and cover letter required for the application. EXPLORE A CAREER IN THE TRADES‌ This opportunity is available from February 5 to May 31, 2018. Any interested students may explore a career in: Heat and Frost Insulation, Ironworker or the Pipe Trades (Female only also available). Students will be responsible for their own transportation to and from the training venues. All details and application for these exciting opportunities are available on D2L. This training is at no cost to the students and will require students to adjust their Semester 2 schedules.

800 Service during January High School Exams During the exams dates in January your 800 service buses will run as follows:


Classes or Exams

800 Service Provided

January 11 and 12th


Only AM

January 15-19

Regular Classes

Regular Service AM & PM

January 22-30


Only AM

In the afternoon on the exam dates, January 11, 12 and January 22-30 the students will use regular Calgary Transit service.

POWERSCHOOL: PARENT VIEW Parents have quick and easy access to view attendance records, report card marks, and grade history. You must have two pieces of information to create an account. Your child’s Calgary Catholic School District ID number (6 or 7 digit number) and your child’s birthday with month, day, and year. (example: Jan 8, 1996 must be typed as follows: 181996 (month/day/year). Go to Saint Francis Website click on “Parent View”

Click “Create Account” / Follow steps

Follow me on Twitter Mrs.Hobor@SFLearn_CCSD

Welcome to the Saint Francis Learning Commons

Saint Francis Learning Commons


You can use the following items:  Conference rooms available to students and teachers for group work or meetings.  IPads to borrow for the block or the day  Chromebooks available for the block or the day  Borrow a camera to create a presentation  Borrow a microphone to get your point across  Borrow books

In the Learning Commons you can join the Book Club or the Knitting Club.

Bus Pass Scanning is Located in the Learning Commons every Monday at Lunch U-Learning is located in the Learning Commons B118

Moving into a New Year! As we near the Christmas break our PE students are hard at work in their dance unit. Depending on the grade level, students are engaged in Social Dance (such as the Two Step, Cowboy cha-cha, and the Jive), So You Think You Can Dance competitions, or Create a Dance. It is an excellent opportunity for our students to break out of their comfort zone, yet still in a safe learning environment. Staying with the Christmas theme, our students are also “wrapping” up their semester projects. Our grade 10’s have been chronicling their healthy minutes and their unhealthy food choices, while our grade 11’s are doing a project on body image, and our grade 12’s are preparing a 3 month plan for life after high school and ways they can stay active. Our off campus activities are nearing the end as well. Our PE 20’s have just finished their swimming unit and our PE 30’s are learning Racquetball and Squash as well as taking a trip to Cor.Fit, newly located at Canada Olympic Park. Our PE 10 5-credit students finished their Bowling unit in October. We also hosted our First Annual “All Boys Day” symposium at St Francis on November 16, and it was a massive success. This event followed on the footsteps of our “All Girls Day” we hosted in March 2017. We had 13 local male leaders who inspired our boys with their presentations all day long. Thank you to Josh Sutton (ManTalks), Trevor Dahlen (UFC gym), Connor Curran (Local Laundry), Eddie Richardson (Genesis Basketball), Tyler Richard (Saucony Canada), Tyler McRae (Core Spin Club), Nathaniel Ernst (Nate Fit), Alex and Simon (Bold Athlete), Rafael Lopez (Wander Adventure Co.), Ron Jarrett (Mission Fitness), Kurt Kinnear (UofC Outdoor Centre) and Lance Milton (Athletic Edge) for making this an event so positive that our boys will never forget. On behalf of the PE department we would like to wish everyone and their families a Merry Christmas. CSHSAA Calgary Senior High School Athletic Association link below to follow all sport Activities

The Saint Francis Browns Senior Football team had an outstanding season. After going undefeated through the entire season they defeated Centennial to qualify for a City Final match against Henry Wisewood. After opening up a 24-0 lead, the Browns cruised into the semi-final match up against LCI from Lethbridge. Scoring on their first drive the Browns used an aggressive defense to basically shut down LCI’s offense and set their sights on the Provincial Final matchup against the Harry Ainlay Titans from Edmonton. Both teams came into the Provincial Final with undefeated records leading their respective conferences in points scored and points against. After holding onto a slim 3-0 lead the levee finally broke and the Titans scored on the last play of the third quarter. Unfortunately, the Browns offense could not respond and the final score was a 12 - 3 loss. Unable to secure a Provincial 3-peat, the Browns nonetheless celebrated a great season as City Champions and progressive improvements throughout the entire season. With a great City Champion Junior squad coming up, the Browns hope to make it 4 City Championships in a row next year and relish the opportunity of a rematch against Harry Ainlay next year.

The Junior Browns Football team capped off an undefeated season with a convincing 36-0 win over Centennial High School in the City Championship. The team was fast, hard-hitting and dynamic and could score in numerous ways. Outscoring its opponents by an average score of 37-3, the team never played behind. Known for its aggressive defense and balanced run-pass offense, the Junior Browns opponents were always on their heels, second guessing their every move. Not just football players, the team also had 1/3 of its roster on the school’s Academic Honour Roll and volunteered building Christmas Hampers for families within our school community. What a season it was!

Juniors Girls Volleyball ended when they lost a hard fought battle to Centennial High School in the semis. We are very proud of the girls. They worked hard, they developed their skills and they made lots of great memories. We won 2 tournaments, finished 2nd in our own and 3rd at U of C. We want to thank all the students, parents and faculty who supported our team. And a "special thank you" to our Minor Officials: Ana Yong, Dominique Yong, Martin Villanueva, Luke Friessen, Sam MacIntosh, and Luc Gamache. Coach Kelly, Coach Berze

The Junior Boys Volleyball team worked hard this season and put its best effort forward. The team developed skills, learned strategies and had fun representing the BROWNS! The team competed in three tournaments. It came up short and missed advancing to the quarterfinals by two points in set #5 of the last game!! Special recognition goes to captains Cole and Marco for their leadership, to Guy as most improved player, and to the effort and commitment by John. #GoBrowns Coach W. Meadows

The Senior Girls Volleyball had an amazing 2017 season. They captured wins at their home tourney and in Saskatoon amongst the best competition both

provinces had to offer. They finished second in league play and had an exceptional playoffs making it to the City Finals; losing a hard fought match to Western Canada. They qualified for Provincials in Medicine Hat and represented their school and themselves with pride. The girls finished in 10th place and it was a great way to cap off an amazing season! Congrats ladies!

The Senior boys finished their season matching up again Western Canada in Division 1. Even though we lost, the boys put up a great fight, going point for point with Western. We had a very competitive and entertaining season. Tournament wise, we had a very successful season. Finishing 3rd place, 2nd place and as consolation champs when travelling to Saskatoon. It was a pleasure to watch this team grow and develop over the season. We will be saying goodbye to our grade 12 athletes (Zach M., Austin S., Alex LM, Alex DM, Kasi A., Eric S., Cody B. and Kyle J.) and already looking forward to next season.

The 48th Annual Saint Francis Invitational Tournament (SFI) took place December 15 and 16. SFI 48 is a week long event that gets students involved in a “So You Think You Can Dunk” competition, “Team Shooting” competition, and a “Skills Competition Relay”. Peters’ Burgers were also sold in support of SFI. Teams from all over Alberta came to compete for the title of this year’s tournament. The Browns battled hard and secured 3rd place. Bishop McNally won the coveted SFI Championship title this year! Tournament All Star Chike Douglas

Slam Dunk Champion Chase Gibson, William Aber-

Congratulations to our St. Francis Browns Swim Team! City Swim Finals were held on December 6, at Repsol Sport Centre and the Browns had an excellent finish to their swim season with a 5th place ranking out of 19 schools! Our swimmers showed amazing sportsmanship to their teammates – cheering them on and encouraging everyone to do their best! Veteran swimmers coached and assisted newer swimmers to the marshalling areas. Despite the chaos of the day, some of our swimmers had personal best times and top 16 finishes which earned overall team points. Excellent job by all!

Thank you so much to our parent volunteers – this is the second largest high school sports event in Canada and it would not have been possible without the 100+ parent volunteers it takes to run an event this size. Thank you for your time and your commitment. Thank you to our coaches Deirdre Peters, Darryl Barth, Karen Wadson and Daniel Pullen. We will see swimmers on deck again in October 2018!

Fly On The Wall!

Junior Girls Basketball Launch Another Contending Season! Our Jr Girls basketball team looks to continue our tradition of success. This season, our team is full of athletic and experienced Grade 10s, with 2 veteran Grade 11s added to the mix. We’ve already begun our season with a convincing defense of our home tournament, defeating Crescent Heights, Bishop Grandin and Notre Dame to win the championship. We’re looking forward to another great season!

The 2017-2018 Junior Boys Basketball team is young and talented. As a group, they bring a great energy to the floor. With height and athleticism, they are looking to out-rebound their opponents and play a fast pace game. From the moment they step on the court, the boys will be looking to outwork their opponents. Come out and watch the exciting basketball this team will be able to produce.

The senior girls basketball team is off to a strong start this season. So far they’ve competed in two tournaments, coming in second in District Four and winning both of their December league games. The results come back to the hard work and dedication of the players and coaches who continue to work toward their ultimate goal – qualifying for provincials.

The 2017-2018 St. Francis Browns are a very athletic, hardworking and energetic team. With the leadership from six key returning grade 12’s and the addition of new talent in both 11’s and 12, the boys are looking to play an up-tempo game with some key shooters on the outside and lots of ball movement. With 5 games and a 3rd place finish at SFI under their belt, the boys are really starting to hit their stride and play as strong basketball as a team. With a team goal to outwork every team and play a high pressure defense, this years’ team will be very exciting to watch.

The first week of December was big for our theatre department at Saint Francis, we performed our fall production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream! We had junior high schools and our own drama classes come in for a special matinee show with a question and answer period at the end. After months of rehearsals, we finally took to the stage for our main performances on December 4 and 6. The production went off without a hitch thanks to our hardworking cast and the diligent crew, who ensured the success of all those onstage, we could not have pulled off the show without their help. Audiences consistently enjoyed our steampunk/Mad Max inspired adaptation of the classic Shakespeare story, and it truly was something to be proud of.

Our annual Gala night was on December 6, featuring performances from the Jazz Band and vocal jazz choir as well as a showing of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, dance performances, and a student art gallery. The advanced acting class is also presenting a show on January 18 at 7 PM, tickets will be available at the door for $5 so please come support their talented group of actors. As the fall production comes to a close I would, on behalf of the entire cast, like to give a special thank you to the technical theatre crew for helping the show run smoothly, to our wonderful directors Mrs. Duma-Lorincz and Ms. Miotti, all the volunteers who gave their time to assist with the show, and to everyone who came out to support our theatrical endeavors. It was a true privilege to work with such a talented group of actors, and I am proud to be part of the theatre department at Saint Francis High School. Since September, there was laughter and tears, good times and bad, hard work and reward. I am confident in saying that the close bonds formed as a result of this show made every second of our time worth it. Congratulations to everyone who made this show what it was. To the audiences who came to support us, we hope you enjoyed the show and we hope you continue to do so in the future. Hayley Hawkings

The St. Francis High School Music program has enjoyed an active and highly successful fall performance schedule under the direction of Dr. Schneider. The Concert Choir was part of a secret massed high school choir of over 500 student voices that surprised teachers and staff with the “Hallelujah Chorus” from Handel’s Messiah at Faith Day on November 1 at the BMO Centre (pictured in rehearsal).

The very next day, they braved bitter cold at the Field of Crosses on Memorial Drive to sing outdoors at an early Remembrance Ceremony that was broadcast on Global News and featured on their website.

The Concert Band performed for hundreds of elementary and junior high students, (future Browns!) at both St. Brigid and St. Basil schools on Wednesday, November 22, (pictured). The Jazz Band under the direction of Mr. Oberhamer performed in the Learning Commons for the Fine Arts Gala on Wednesday, December 6, featuring a strong collaborative number with the Dance 25 class directed by Ms. Miotti. Vocal Jazz performed as well, with a setting by piano accompanist Bruce Petherick.

Band students have been attending weekly rehearsals of the Prime Time Big Band and Calgary Wind Symphony that are held Monday and Tuesday evenings in S001 at SFHS. Choir has been leading the music ministry at Liturgies and Masses at Canadian Martrys Parish, including a new sung Psalm at every celebration. Technology is being upgraded in music spaces, and gradually implemented in rehearsals and assessement as new tools comeonline. The Concert Choir, Jazz Choir, Concert Band and Jazz Band all performed at the annual Christmas Concert Dec 19 at the Eckhardt-Gramatté Hall of the Uof C Rosza Centre. The music program greatly appreciates the support of the SFHS community in its annual Purdy’s chocolate sale, which funds clinicians, busing, instruments and equipment. We reached over 98% of our goal, and raised nearly $6,000! With the addition of cash donations in lieu of chocolate sales, together we reached out goal. Bravi! Many sincere thanks for the countless hours of service by the SF Music Society executive members: Derek Cook; Lonneke Mensen-Ward; Sue Barazzutti; Anita Koles; Darlene Senger; Carolyn Covey; Neil Hogg; and Grace Whitehead. Be sure to visit the NEW website at

Save These Dates Note: NO rehearsals the week of Jan 8; FULL rehearsals the week of Jan 15; optional rehearsals during exams Feb 6 & 7, (TBD) Concert Band workshop with Proteus saxophone quartet Feb 21 – 27, (TBA) Alberta International Band Festival Eckhardt-Gramatté Hall of the Uof C Rosza Centre Feb 23, 1 PM Fri Choir Collaboration Choirs Ambrose University Mar 6–9, (TBA) AIBF Festival Jazz Band TransAlta Performing Arts Mar 13, 8:45-10:40 AM Concert Choir at Choralfest (Knox United Church 506 - 4 St SW) Mar 28, (tentative) Feeder School Run-Out Concert Choir TBD Apr 28, 8:00—3:00 Bottle Drive in SFHS parking lot Apr 15—17, Edmonton Cantando Festival TRIP Jun 1, 10 AM Graduation Mass Concert Choir Jun 4, 7 PM Spring Concert – Eckhardt-Gramatté Hall of the Uof C Rosza Centre Jun 5, (TBA) Awards Jazz Band SFHS

Canadian Martyrs Catholic Parish Come celebrate with us...Christmas Schedule Advent Penitential Service: Monday, December 18 at 7:30 PM 4th Sunday of Advent: (Sunday Obligation) Saturday, December 23 at 5:00 pm Sunday, December 24 at 10:00 am Christmas Eve: Sunday, December 24 at 5:00 pm (Family Mass) Sunday, December 24 at 8:00 pm Christmas Day: (Holy Day-Obligation) Monday, December 25 at 10:00 am Year-end 24 hours Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Exposition starting Friday, December 29 at 7:00 pm until Benediction after the 5:00 pm Saturday Mass, December 30th Feast of the Holy Family: (Sunday Obligation) Saturday, December 30 at 5:00pm Sunday, December 31 at 10:00 am New Years Eve: Sunday, December 31 at 5:00 pm (Parish Potluck New Years Eve Party following Mass) New Years Day: (The solemnity of Mary, Mother of God- Obligation) Monday, Jan. 1 at 10:00 am

Constable Enzie Contact 403-500-2026 with any concerns

Main Office 403-284-3311 Parish Secretary, Christina Pastor Vincent TuanHa Rev. Tewelde Paulos Rev. Gabriel Arihi

Cobs Bread Dough Raiser At the Crowfoot location please tell them you are with Saint Francis High School. Cobs will donate 5% of your purchase back to our school in June. It's a very easy way to support your school while enjoying delicious and high quality breads and treats. Crowfoot Corner Shopping Centre #107, 150 Crowfoot Crescent N.W. (403) 239-2666 Mon to Sat 7 a.m.—7 p.m. Sun 8 a.m.—6 p.m.

Panda Flowers Order flowers from the Crowfoot location and mention Saint Francis High School. Panda Flowers will donate 5% of your purchase to our school. It's a very easy way to help support Saint Francis while enjoying your beautiful flower arrangement or graduation corsage. Crowfoot Corner Shopping Centre 205- 150 Crowfoot Crescent Northwest, Calgary, AB T3G 2W1 (403) 239-7673 Mon to Fri 8:30 a.m.—8:00 p.m. Sat 8:30 a.m.—6:00 p.m.

Sun 10:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. Donate today to help Saint Francis High School continue to deliver quality education! A charitable tax receipt will be issued for donations of $25 or more. Print the donation card below and return it to Saint Francis High School. Thank you for your generous contribution. YES! I want to help Saint Francis High School continue to deliver quality education! Here is my gift of






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A detailed Graduation Information Pamphlet will be mailed in February 2018, to the Parents/Guardians of the Grade 12 Graduates. Please contact the school should you need to update/change your mailing address.

Important Dates Graduation Banquet and Dance

Sunday, May 27

Principal’s Address to the Graduates

Wednesday, May 30

Graduation Mass

Friday, June 1

Graduation Ceremony

Friday, June 1

DID YOU MISS ORDERING YOUR GRAD JEWELRY ON ORDER DAY? Design & Order Your Jewelry @ or contact your Jostens representative ($60.00 deposit) – 1.877.252.1774

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