Saint Francis High School Winter Newsletter 2018

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Artwork by: Riley K.—Grade 10 Student



Dear Families and Friends In a few short weeks, we will be celebrating Christmas and our hearts grow in gratitude for the gifts that God has provided. Specifically, we will experience the fullness of joy and happiness that Christ brings. During the Advent season we take the time to appreciate the things that are most important in our lives. Let’s remember all those in our community experiencing illness, loss or struggle and may they be blessed with God’s compassion, comfort and love. Saint Francis has recently hosted many great events showcasing the talents and gifts of our wonderful students. Some of the events include Browns Ball, Jr. Girls B-Ball tournament, S.F.I. 49, Saint Francis food drive, the music concert “Celebrate the Sounds of the Season”, the drama production “The Outsiders” and the dance show “The Superheroes”. Our athletic teams have enjoyed a good run in the soccer and volleyball playoffs. Notably, our Sr. Girls Soccer team won’s cities and our Sr. Girls Volleyball team placed 6 th overall in the province. The Jr. football team were also city champions and our Sr. Football team defeated Harry Ainlay to be the Div. 1 Provincial Champions. For a second year in a row our Swim team improved their ranking among all other Calgary senior high schools. In the Fine Arts, our drama students performed brilliantly on stage, bringing the emotional personalities of “Pony Boy”, “Soda Pop”, and “Two Bit” to life for the audience to enjoy. The dance performance “The Superheroes” illustrates an antibullying message that every individual has the power within to stand up for themselves. The Music concert, “Celebrate the Sounds of the Seasons” was truly worthy of the standing ovation the audience jubilantly provided. In the spirit of Christmas, our students were able to provide 30 food hampers to Saint Francis families with over $4500 dollars in gift cards being distributed. Special thanks and recognition are provided to Mr. Geremia (Boardwalk Rental Communities), our Student Council and the 30 Hour Famine Relieve Project for donating the funds for the gift cards. Our Jr. Football team also pitched in to prepare the hampers and help families at Saint Francis and Father Lacombe. Thank you, parents, for your support over the first half of this school year. We are very appreciative of the efforts and dedication of the School Council executive and all those parents who volunteer in our school community. Saint Francis has a long tradition of parents and staff working together to enhance the educational experience for our students. May God bless our families with peace and joy in the new year. Merry Christmas and happy New Year from the staff at Saint Francis High School. Mark Berger, Principal

Our very talented Saint Francis Drama students sang Christmas carols every morning during the last week of classes.

30 Hour Famine

The Social Justice Club took part in a 30 Hour Famine, where students chose to go without food or their cell phones for 30 hours, in order to walk in the shoes of those who don’t have the luxuries and necessities many of us enjoy and take for granted. Students raised over $1,840 for their efforts, which went to Christmas hampers and other future hampers.

Water Conference

Students took part in CAWST’s annual Wavemakers Youth Summit to plan for the Social Justice’s upcoming water project. They also learned about their role in addressing water and sanitation issues both locally and globally.

Mustard Seed

As part of our 30 Hour Famine, participants took part in volunteering at the Mustard Seed in their final hours of the famine.

Making Treaty 7

Aboriginal Studies 30 students and the FNMI club enjoyed viewing a unique narrative of Making Treaty 7, which consisted of a combination of stories, songs, and history.

Alberta Council of Global Cooperation’s Together 2018 Conference

Social Studies 10-1 students made a trip to Edmonton for the conference, featuring keynote guest speaker Shiza Shahid. Shahid spoke eloquently about progressing the Sustainable Development Goals, and is the global ambassador of the Malala Fund.

Saint Francis High School 877 Northmount Drive NW Calgary, AB T2L 0A3 Phone: 403-500-2026 Fax:: 403-500-2226 Website: Twitter: @StFrancisCCSD

CHRISTMAS BREAK December 22-January 6—No Classes

GOOD FRIDAY/EASTER April 19-22—No Classes




SPRING PLAY April 25 and 26

DIPLOMA EXAMS January 14 and 15—No Classes




DIPLOMA EXAMS January 22-30—No Classes

VICTORIA DAY May 20—No Classes


DANCE SHOW May 23 and 24

OPEN HOUSE February 12


TEACHERS’ CONVENTION February 14 and 15—No Classes


FAMILY DAY February 18—No Classes






SPRING BREAK March 23-March 31—No Classes SCHOOL COUNCIL MEETING April 16


This year’s Browns Ball saw over 40 parent volunteers and numerous staff members help make the event a success. We would like to thank all our volunteers who helped man the coat checks, supervise the Learning Commons, oversee the elevator or stood by in the dance area with ear plugs! Thank you to each and every one of you. Our next School Council meeting is February 26, 2019 at 7 pm, please mark your calendars and join us if you can. Have a very Merry Christmas. Enjoy spending time with your families and friends. SaintFrancis School Council Claude Chretien – Chair Saint Francis PIZZA Night! Karen Koshman – Vice- Chair Tuesday, April 23 Mark Woitas – Treasurer Grace Whitehead – Secretary Order online at from the Arbour Mary Pat Senger – Volunteer Coordinator Lake and Stadium (2134 Crowchild NW) locations ONLY!

Mark Your Calendar...

Use PROMO CODE: STF15 Save 15% off Regular Price Orders—Papa John’s donates 15% to Saint Francis. Treat yourself to a no-cooking night & support Saint Francis! It’s a delicious WIN-WIN evening!

St. Francis Students Against Drinking and Driving Club (SADD) The members of the Saint Francis Students Against Drinking and Driving Club (SADD) paid tribute to the National Day Of Remembrance For Road Crash Victims on November 21, 2018. To get students to recognize this important event, members of the SADD Club and some students of the Volunteer Club wore signs on their chests to represent the statistic, “3 individuals are injured in a car crash every hour” in Canada. The students also participated in handing out pencils, key chains and other goodies to spread the awareness and to remind everyone to “Drive Safe”. The intent of the SADD Club at SaintFrancis is to ensure that our fellow students are aware of the risks and consequences of distracted/ drug/drunk driving and to understand the options they have, to drive responsibly or get a safe ride home.

For the Christmas season the SADD students want to remind individuals to stay safe over the holidays. To ensure they contribute to spreading the message of safe, sober and drug-free driving, they have created bags with positive messages on them such as “stay safe over the holidays” and “someone loves you, don’t drink and drive”. These bags will be distributed to a local liquor store on Northmount Drive and will be given to customers with their purchase. A huge thank you to Mrs. Shewkenek and the rest of the SADD club for spreading positivity and safety over the holiday season! Maddison Volponi - VP Juan Uribe - President Rodrique Abat - Graphic Designer And all the members of SF SADD club

“Do not be afraid; for behold, I proclaim to you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For today in the city of David a savior has been born for you who is Messiah and Lord.” These words come from Luke’s Gospel when the Angel proclaims the good news of Jesus’s birth. As we hurry through the Christmas season we often forget the great joy that has been given to us. At times it does not feel like a joyful season. We get stressed searching for the perfect gift, we worry about disappointing someone or ruining the Christmas turkey. In our hearts we know that it is about love and togetherness and rejoicing, but all that togetherness can be a bit overwhelming. But if we take a minute to reflect on the great joy that the Angel is proclaiming, it can help put everything into perspective. This year, more than any other year, I have really pondered the whole idea of what Christmas is about. This is the first year I will be celebrating Christmas without my Father. He passed away at the end of August and it seems unbelievable to me that he won’t be with us. It seems impossible to celebrate with such a big hole in our family. What is the point? How can we be happy? My dad loved Christmas so much. He truly embraced the spirit of Christ’s birth and he delighted in every minute spent with us. How can we make it through the season when that joyful presence is gone? These are the questions I have asked myself and they are questions that I know many of you who have experienced the grief of loss have also asked. These are difficult questions and I don’t know yet how it will all work out, but one thing I have realized is that Christmas is about hope. It is about celebrating the gift of Jesus. This gift was given to us by God so that we may have eternal life. This gift means that there is always hope and that even in the midst of sadness there is joy. It means that my Father and all our loved ones have not gone away, they have just changed and their life continues. They are celebrating this gift and would want us to celebrate it too. This Christmas, don’t forget to take time to rejoice in the most special gift of all, the gift of Jesus.

I wish you all very Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year. Students in all grades attended Mass at Canadian Martyr’s. It was a wonderful way to remember the meaning of Advent and the Christmas season. We thank Father Vincent and everyone at Canadian Martyr’s for always opening the door to our school.

Saint Francis honoured those who have fallen and those who service and protect our country and freedom. Remembrance Day Service at Canadian Martyrs Church.

SAINT FRANCIS—FOOD HAMPER COLLECTIION This year our Saint Francis community came together to support families in need. We raised money for gift cards and collected food items to make hampers. Our Junior Football team was put to work making the hampers and parents delivered them to needy families. We are grateful for everyone’s support.

Ms. Schewkenek’s TA food hamper collection.

Gratitude from Father Lacombe High School Hi Everyone, I just wanted to sincerely thank all of you at Saint Francis for your support with Christmas hampers this year! The need this year is remarkably high at 73 families and contributions from our student body were down. With your support families now have hampers that should definitely brighten their Christmas. Thank you for coming together, we are grateful! Take care and have a wonderful Christmas

The French students enjoyed a traditional French dinner with tortiere and butter tarts.

Dear students, parents and staff, Thank you so much for your generous contribution to Jacket Racket. Your support helps us provide warm winter coats to students throughout Calgary. You have made a difference in the lives of many children, teenagers and their parents. Jacket Racket depends on donations from caring schools such as yours, thank you for participating! Sincerely, Ann Clarke

Outfit of the Night

Photographer Emma A.—Grade 11

This year again Student Council was presented with a challenge in organizing Browns Ball considering that the front end of the school is still under construction. We had to rethink the entrance and the various locations that could be used during the dance. This year students entered through the A Hallway school entrance. As the students took their first steps under a canopy of starlight, they were transported to this year’s theme, “A Night under the Stars.” Dressed for a night of dancing, students were drawn into the celebratory atmosphere filled with laughter, excitement and music. Cellphones flickered everywhere capturing each special moment. The new gym shook from the vibrations of the music pulsating out of the speakers. Everyone danced to their favorite tunes being played by DJ Fayyaz with Pez Productions. In the Learning Commons, time flew by as students gathered under the Northern Lights with their friends to commemorate the night. As the evening drew to a close, grade 10 and 11 students left smiling despite their aching feet while the grade 12’s slowly exited, reluctant to see their last Browns Ball coming to an end. This starlit evening would not be possible without the countless hours invested by Student Council and the student volunteers. We were aided by administration, teachers, caretaking staff, parent volunteers, Coco Brooks staff, and some members of the school’s construction crew who ensured that the evening was safe and enjoyable. To all those who invested time into Brown’s Ball, Thank You! Student Council

ND Visitors

ES Classes

After missing for decades, spoken only in legend and myth, Saint Francis again has a Reach for the Top Team in 2018/19. Reach for the Top is a National Quiz show competition, where school teams are pitted against each other through a series of trivia questions. The questions address topics such as chemistry, math, physics, history, geography, literature, the arts, biology, sports and more. We had higher than expected interest, as our team actually needed to be determined through tryouts, and we’ve already begun to practice and compete in exhibition matches. Regional tournaments will be in March 2019, with a chance to compete in Provincials and even National finals later in the spring. We’re really excited to showcase our random knowledge!

Sam McIntosh Jesus Minakata George Tadros Joseph Aziz Jacob Artuso Jonathan Covey Frank Roth Keegan Thomas Tienna Deitsch Martina Min Valeria Salazar Sophia Ize-Iyamu Sonja Sward Coaches Mr. Osenton and Ms. Bourget

This year has been an important year for the Saint Francis Volunteer Club, as we are busy planning and coordinating many events. The major goal of these events is to help students become more involved in the community and provide love for all those who need it. Doing this helps students live the Peace Prayer of St. Francis and keep his legacy alive. A major task that the Volunteer Club took on this year is assisting with the start-up of the Mentorship Program; the goal of this program is to help students who might need to improve their social skills by providing a student mentor who can encourage these skills by creating positive experiences. Student volunteers took initiative to be the leaders of the program and become mentors to these students. Another program Saint Francis Volunteer Club members participate in is “ Linkages�. In this program, volunteers spend time with seniors in a care facility to provide them with companionship. With the many wonderful stories that the seniors share, the program helps build a friendship that extends across different generations. Every other week, students spend some of their free time visiting these seniors. Similar to this program, many students visit the Atria Senior Centre in Arbour Lake on Saturdays to either serve ice-cream or participate in carpet bowling with seniors. Since many of these seniors might not always have family members or individuals who will visit, the program provides them with the joy. One of the Christmas events held during the month of December is the annual Christmas card making party; volunteers are invited to spend a couple hours after school to make Christmas cards that will be given to the seniors at Atria. These are only some of the events that the volunteers have been involved in; other events include bake sales, community clean-ups, etc. As we continue this school year, students are eager to finish the task they have began in making a difference in the community.

Saint Francis now has a Tabletop Gaming Club! Since October we have been experimenting with different types of games. Social deduction games such as One Night Ultimate Werewolf and Deception have proven popular, resulting in some raucous battles of wits. Deck builders like Star Realms and area control games such as Smallworld have made for some friendly competition, and cooperative games like Pandemic see us working together to save the world from deadly diseases (hopefully!). We welcome anyone to come check us out—there are close to 100 games to choose from, so there is a game for everyone! We meet Thursdays after school.

SEMESTER TWO COURSE CHANGES Students looking to make changes to their semester two timetables must do so by meeting with their assigned counsellor before the start of semester 2. By doing so well in advance of Semester Two start up, counsellors can provide information about course sequencing and selection, credit recovery, planning for next-grade and post-secondary planning. TUTORIALS/DIPLOMA PREPARATION Tutorials will be available at school during the exam break. Check with your subject teacher for available times. Together with tutorials, students writing diploma exams can sign up for CSSD’s Diploma Prep. Register at or phone 403.500.2012. Enrolment is limited. APPLICATION FOR GRADUATION Students have been submitting their completed graduation applications to Student Services since early December. Counsellors will be reviewing these applications in January and meeting with students whose applications contain irregularities so that a goal-tograduate plan can be created. POST-SECONDARY AND SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION Students can receive up-to-date post-secondary and scholarship information by signing up for REMIND. REMIND instructions are as follows:

1. On your cell phone, text this number: 431.800.0409 a. Grade 12 students, text this message: @286fa6 b. Grade 11 students, text this message: @ag9bkb SUICIDE AWARENESS PRESENTATION WRAP-UP Over the past six weeks, all of our grade ten students have had the opportunity to be part of our annual Suicide Awareness Presentation. Canadian Mental Health facilitators work with our counsellors so that students receive valuable and up-to-date information about the topic of suicide awareness. We are very grateful of the expertise that Canadian Mental Health brings to our students each year. Thank you CMH! WORLD OF CHOICES On November 24, thirty-six Saint Francis girls attended World of Choices at Mount Royal University. In partnership with United Way’s All in for Youth, World of Choices is an annual event where young women are able to explore different career choices. Our young ladies joined 600 eager participants in a variety of round table discussions and speeches from various established women. CINDERELLA GOWN PROJECT The Cinderella Gown Project began in Calgary in 2005 as a small project at a local high school. Its goal then and now is to help teens attend their graduation celebration by providing a graduation gown for students who might otherwise not be able to purchase one. If you or someone you know might benefit from this program, please meet with your assigned counsellor on or before February 1, 2018. For more information about this program visit: RAP and SKILLED TRADES FAIR 2019 Students and Parents learn about the Registered Apprenticeship Program and careers in skilled trades. Connect with employers and industry. Wed., April 3, 2019, 6:30-8:30 p.m. @ James Fowler High School For more information see Student Services.

CAREER DISCOVERY PROGRAM Career Discovery is a two-week job shadow opportunity in the summer for students in Grades 10 and 11 to participate in the areas of Architecture, Engineering, Information Technology, Veterinary Medicine and Law. Although these are unpaid positions, students will earn 3 credits. Students are required to complete a resume and cover letter as part of their application. Applications will be available in early February on D2L. DUAL CREDIT PROGRAMS Students in Grade 10 who are interested in pursuing a post secondary certificate while attending high school may be interested in one of the many Dual Credit programs. BOW VALLEY COLLEGE Health Care Aide – September 2019 start Software Development (Application due December 14, February 2019 start) OLDS COLLEGE Hospitality and Tourism (On line courses – start anytime) Veterinary Technical Assistant (At Bow Valley College) September 2019 start SAIT Pre–employment Carpentry, Electrician, Plumbing, Welding – Sept. 2019 start Engineering – September 2019 start Nutrition for Health Living – February 2019 start Pharmacy Assistant – September 2019 start Applications and information is available at: See Mrs. Campbell, Career Practitioner or Mr. Buckie, Off Campus Teacher. EXPLORATORY PROGRAMS Interested students are encouraged to meet with their Off Campus Teacher or Career Practitioner as soon as possible as programs may fill. SAIT Exploring Wood Trades—September 2019 start Exploring Metal Trades—February 2019 start Building Trades of Alberta Exploring Iron Worker—February 2019 start Piping Industry Training School Exploring Pipe Trades (Female) - February 2019 start Exploring Pipe Trades—February 2019 start Alberta Carpenters Training Centre Exploring Carpentry—February 2019 OFF CAMPUS EDUCATION WORK EXPERIENCE Students involved in the program have the opportunity to: Earn high school credits (1 credit for every 25 hours worked, with a minimum 75 hours worked) and acquire the skills and work habits needed to succeed after high school. Work Experience allows students who have a parttime job to earn credits based on the number of hours they work. Hours spent volunteering and hours worked during summer may also be eligible for this program. Worksites are approved, students are evaluated and a teacher supervises the students’ experience. Credits can be earned in the following courses:  HCS 3000: Workplace Safety Systems (1 CTS credit)  Work Experience 15, 25 and 35 (3 – 10 credits per course)  Career Internship 10 (3 – 5 credits). Of these credits, a total of 21 (1 CTS and 20 Work Experience/Career Internship) credits can be used toward the 100 credits required for a High School diploma. REGISTERED APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM (RAP) Is a career in the Trades something you might want to explore? RAP may enable you to gain experience in a trade to see if it is a career possibility for you. These are paid, full-time summer positions and enable a student to earn credits based on the hours worked. Applications are available on D2L. As part of the application process students will need to include a cover letter, resume and a teacher recommendation. Please contact the school’s Off-Campus Teacher for more information on these programs:

Off-Campus Teacher – Saint Francis Mr. Don Buckie E-mail: Cell: 403-880-1711 or go to under the “Off Campus Education” and “Dual Credit” tabs.

Please note that in order to enroll in any Off-Campus program, students must have first completed the CTS course, HCS 3000: Workplace Safety Systems.

Mrs. Campbell is the Career Practitioner for St. Francis, St. Martin de Porres and St. Timothy High Schools Email: St. Francis Hours: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and alternating Mondays Location: Student Services The Career Practitioner is able to assist students with the following: Career Planning - What would you like to do after high school? Self Assessment – Interests, Skills, Values and Personality Occupational Research Job Search – Resumes, Cover Letters and Interviews Post Secondary Exploration/Research/ Volunteer Opportunities WHAT IS CAREER PLANNING? Career planning is a unique, life long process for each person. The Career Practitioner is able to work with students to explore how interests, skills, values, and personality impact your choice of career direction. It is an active process that begins in the Career and Life Management Class and may continue with meetings with the Career Practitioner and Student Services Counsellor. Individuals will be making career decisions on a continuous basis through their lives.

DOES THE CAREER PRACTITIONER OFFER CAREER TESTS AND ASSESSMENTS? Any “career tests” are tools for students to learn more about themselves and the potential careers that may be of interest to them. The “tests” are designed to provide career suggestions for exploration but there is not test that will tell a student what they should do as a career. The goal is for students to learns as much as they can about themselves and the careers that are available so they can make an informed decision about their first step after high school. WILL THE CAREER PRACTITIONER FIND ME A JOB? Students are given the tools to find their own jobs. The Career Practitioner is willing to edit resumes and cover letters, do practice interviews and provide information about job search skills. Students may receive Work Experience Credits for their part time jobs. Please see Mr. Buckie, Off Campus Teacher. SUMMER CAREER DISCOVERY Are you a Grade 10 and 11 students interested in exploring a 2 week summer job shadow in Law or Legal Assistant, Veterinary Medicine, Animal Health Technician or Veterinary Technical Assistant), Engineering or Engineering Technology, Architecture or Architectural Technology or Information Technology this summer? This is an excellent way to learn about careers you are considering. Students must complete HCS 3000 (Workplace Safety online course). Dates are flexible throughout the summer. Students will earn 3 credits. Please see Mrs. Campbell for assistance with your resume and cover letter. Applications and information are available on D2L and are due to Mrs. Campbell approximately the end of April. More information to follow in the New Year. FIRE CADET ACADEMY Are you interested in a career as a fire fighter? The Calgary Fire Cadet Program is an 18 month program for students in Grade 10–12 who are interested in learning about firefighting. Students will attend a weekly meeting, participate in volunteering and practice drills and experiences. Applications are DUE JANUARY 30, 2019 for the next program.

PARENTS AS CAREER COACHES Saint Francis High School will be hosting a workshop: “Parents as Career Coaches” on Wed., Jan. 23, 2019, from 6:30–8:00 in the Team Teaching Theatre. Find out how to assist your teens with career assessment and planning, post secondary research, career website information and information about various post secondary options. This workshop is intended for parents of students in Grades 10 to 12. This event will be hosted by Carolyn Campbell (Career Practitioner). Please email to register. CITY OF CALGARY YOUTH EMPLOYMENT - ANNUAL YOUTH HIRING FAIR The City of Calgary Youth Employment Centre (YEC) will be hosting the 21st Annual Youth Hiring Fair on Wed., Mar. 20, 2019 at the Big Four Building Stampede Park from 1:30 – 6:00pm. Approximately 80 employers representing a variety of industries will be in attendance. Students should bring resumes and dress appropriately to meet potential employers. POST SECONDARY APPLICATION GUIDELINES FOR CALGARY PROGRAMS BOW VALLEY COLLEGE – Applications are first applied, first qualified and first accepted for most programs. Applications for the fall of 2019 opened August 1, 2019. Students who are considering applying for a program for fall of 2019 are encouraged to apply as soon as possible. The Practical Nurse Diploma is currently full for the fall of 2019 and on December 1. BVC will be accepting applications for the January of 2020 Practical Nurse program. SAIT – SAIT has a wide variety of pre-employment certificates in the trades, career certificates, diplomas and two University degrees. Applications opened on October 1. Students who are planning to attend SAIT in the fall of 2019 should consider applying as soon as possible. Some programs fill faster than others. has excellent information on all available programs. Many of SAIT’S diploma programs have transfer options to specific universities. These are outlined in the “Program Details” on the program website. MOUNT ROYAL UNIVERSITY – Applications opened October 1, 2019 for the fall of 2019. MRU offers University Degrees, Diplomas, University Transfer and Career Diplomas. The following programs have a February 1, 2019 deadline: Bachelor of Education – Elementary, Bachelor of Interior Design, Bachelor of Nursing and Bachelor of Midwifery. All other programs remain open until they are filled. Students are encouraged to apply as soon as possible to receive earlier consideration. MRU uses Grade 12 estimated grades for high school students. Admission averages vary by program. Please check with your counsellor or Career Practitioner for more information. ST. MARY’S UNIVERSITY - St. Mary’s offers 3 and 4 year Bachelor’s degree in the Arts and Biology for students entering from High School. The admission average has been 65% on 5 – 30 level subjects. St. Mary’s accepts applications until their programs are full. Students are encouraged to apply before April 15 so they can apply for scholarships. UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY - Applications opened October 1, and students are encouraged to apply now. On the website students can research the wide variety of undergraduate/bachelor’s programs available. Admission averages vary by program. The deadline to apply to the University of Calgary is March 1, 2019. Please check with your counsellor or Career Practitioner for more information. Students and parents with questions about other post secondary options are encouraged to check the university website or contact the Student Services Counsellor. Please note most Ontario Universities encourage applicants to apply by January 15, through the site. Many have absolute deadlines that must be met.

800 Service during January High School Exams During the exams dates in January your 800 service buses will run as follows:


Classes or Exams

800 Service Provided

January 14 and 15


Only AM

January 16-18

Regular Classes

Regular Service AM & PM

January 21-30


Only AM

In the afternoon on the exam dates, January 14, 15 and 21-30 the students will use regular Calgary Transit service.

POWERSCHOOL: PARENT VIEW Parents have quick and easy access to view attendance records, report card marks, and grade history. You must have two pieces of information to create an account. Your child’s Calgary Catholic School District ID number (6 or 7 digit number) and your child’s birthday with month, day, and year. (example: Jan 8, 1996 must be typed as follows: 181996 (month/day/year). Go to Saint Francis Website click on “Parent View” Click “Create Account” / Follow steps

Welcome to the Saint Francis Learning Commons

When visiting the Learning Commons be sure to say hello to our new Librarian, Mrs. Mundy.

Saint Francis Learning Commons


You can use the following items:  Conference rooms available to students and teachers for group work or meetings.  IPads to borrow for the block or the day  Chromebooks available for the block or the day  Borrow a camera to create a presentation  Borrow a microphone to get your point across  Borrow books

In the Learning Commons you can join the Book Club or the Knitting Club.

Bus Pass scanning is located in the Learning Commons.

U-Learning is located in the Learning Commons B118

As we near the Christmas break our PE students are hard at work in their dance unit. Depending on the grade level, students are engaged in Social Dance (such as the Two Step, Cowboy cha-cha, and the Jive), So You Think You Can Dance competitions, or Create a Dance. It is an excellent opportunity for our students to break out of their comfort zone, yet still in a safe learning environment. Staying with the Christmas theme, our students are also “wrapping” up their semester projects. Our grade 10’s have been chronicling their healthy minutes and their unhealthy food choices, while our grade 11’s are doing a project on body image, and our grade 12’s are preparing a 3 month plan for life after high school and ways they can stay active. Our off campus activities are nearing the end as well. Our PE 20’s have just finished their swimming unit and our PE 30’s are learning Racquetball and Squash as well as taking a trip to the Beach YYC, newly located in Inglewood. Our PE 10 5-credit students finished their Bowling unit in November. We also hosted our Second Annual “All Boys Day” symposium at Saint Francis on November 14, and it was another great success. We had 11 local male leaders who inspired our boys with their presentations all day long. Thank you to Nathaniel Agoye (Prototype Fitness), Connor Curran (Local Laundry), Bruce Robertson (Crew Club Athletics), Ian Cantelo (Athletic Edge), Alex Allan and Simon Docherty (Bold Athlete), Andrew Obrecht (YYC Cycle), Nuke Kombian and Andy Nguyen (Kings of Hearts), Ron Jarrett (Mission Fitness), and Lance Milton (Athletic Edge) for making this an event so positive that our boys will never forget. On behalf of the PE department we would like to wish everyone and their families a Merry Christmas.

Official Online Store—Saint Francis BROWNS Spirit Wear CSHSAA Calgary Senior High School Athletic Association link below to follow all sport Activities

The senior browns football season was full of highs and lows. Tough for the team to build any momentum as they missed 2 games due to the other teams forfeiting. One of those games was made up by playing the Cochrane Cobras. The first time playing the Tier 3 team and they gave the team a good test, but the boys rallied and won, 53-26. The Browns regular season record was 3 wins and 1 loss to ND. The Browns played HWW in the playoff semi final and lost 12-11 in overtime. A disappointing loss as the Browns beat the Warriors 2 weeks earlier, 24-0. The Browns chance to win a 4th straight city title was gone. However, there was a chance for redemption and an opportunity to go to provincials and prove there was more fight left in the Browns. The team travelled to Lethbridge to play LCI in the southern provincial finals. They played very well and came away with a 40-0 win. In order to advance to the provincial finals, the Browns had played the city champions, ND. Again, the Browns came to play and handed ND their first loss of the season and knocked them out of the provincials. The Browns then had to travel North to Fort McMurray to play Harry Ainlay from Edmonton for the provincial title. Based on our previous history this would be a tense game. Saint Francis lost to Harry Ainlay in the 2017 provincial final and this was an opportunity to make right all that had gone wrong this season. Ainlay was undefeated for 2 years and had the highest scoring offense in the north. The Browns defense played outstanding, holding Ainlay to zero points and winning their 3rd provincial titles in 4 seasons. A fantastic and well-deserved finish for the Browns. The team proved they are once again the top football program in Alberta by beating the 3 championship teams from each quadrant of the province. Outstanding effort and character from the 2018 Browns. Thank you to all the coaches and players for their commitment and dedication. Go Browns!

When the Jr. Browns Football Team was formed in early September, the team had a mix of football experience. They quickly bonded with one another and remained focused on improving with every day that passed. The team put in countless hours on and off the field, studying film and in study hall, to ensure they maximized their potential. This work-ethic and commitment resulted in a successful season, where the team allowed a total of 6 points all year (on Special teams) and averaged over 30+ for. The team won the City Championship in convincing fashion, capping off an undefeated season. A fast, aggressive, tenacious team, the team allowed no points on defense all year long; a rare accomplishment for any level of football. On offense, they were able to score both on the ground and through the air, which caused problems for their opponents. The Jr. Browns truthfully had a season to remember.

The Junior Girls Volleyball team had a very successful season. They tied for second place in league play. They placed 2nd at U of C, 2nd at St. Francis but won Championship Gold at both the Red Deer tournament and the Dr. E.P. Scarlett tournament. Unfortunately, their season came to an end in the ¼ finals. Overall the team improved weekly and were a lot of fun to be around. A special “Thanks” to our volunteer coaches (Bernie and Ali), and Ms. Gallant who gave up countless hours to our team. And finally thank you to all our fans who came to our games and supported us.

The Senior Girls Volleyball team had a tremendous season. They finished in 1st place in Division 1. They placed 7th at the U of C, won Championship Gold at both the Bishop O’Byrne and Saint Francis tournaments and tied for 3rd at the Lindsay Thurber in Red Deer. Although the senior girls didn’t win Cities, they must be proud as they represented Saint Francis at Provincials in Grande Prairie where they placed 6th in the Province. A special “Thanks” to our loyal “one clap” fans, your enthusiasm and chants were very much appreciated. ASAA Sportsmanship Banner Winners! Congratulations to the Saint Francis Senior Girls Volleyball Team, Coach Berze and Coach Kelly for being chosen as the recipients for the ASAA Sportsmanship Banner for 4A Girls Volleyball at the 2018 Volleyball Provincials Championship. "from the moment this team arrived at Charles Spencer, this team was a class act. They were thankful and appreciative of the volunteers’ efforts (outstanding treatment of their host). Ironically, the evening after we chose the sportsmanship winners, the St Francis coaches thank us once again – further evidence of the grace with which this team carried itself." Organizing Committee 2018 4A Girls Volleyball Provincials

The 49th Annual Saint Francis Invitational Tournament (SFI) took place December 14 and 15. The SFI 49 is a week long event that gets students involved in a “So You Think You Can Dunk” competition, “Team Shooting” competition, and a “Skills Competition Relay”. Peters’ Burgers were also sold in support of SFI. Teams from all over Alberta and British Columbia came to compete for the title of this year’s tournament. The Browns battled hard. The Holy Trinity Trojans from Edmonton won the coveted SFI Championship title this year!

The 2018 Saint Francis Swim season was a great success! The first practice was held on a very snowy, Tuesday morning in October and we had an amazing turnout of over 30 swimmers! This year’s team had 46 swimmers of all levels and they endured early morning practices from 7-8 am at Sir Winston Churchill Pool. We say good bye and good luck to our graduating swimmers (there are a lot of you who have been on the team for all 3 years of high school) and we welcome our new Grade 10 swimmers! The City Swim Meet was held on Thurs., Dec. 6, at Repsol Sport Centre and Saint Francis had a 6th place finish overall! Some top place finishes include: Lucas Mazier – Gold in 50 Free, Silver in 50 Fly; Laura Albers – Silvers in 100 Free, 100 Fly and 100 Breast and Sophie Reed – Silver in 25 Breast. Congratulations to ALL our swimmers on a very successful season!! See you all at the Wrap Up Party on Dec 18 at lunch. We’d like to send out a very special thank you to all our parent volunteers – this is one of the largest high school swim events in Canada and without you, we would not have a swim meet at all!! Thank you as well to coaches Mr. Barth, Mrs. Peters, Mr. Pullen and Ms. Wadson.

BROWNS WIN! Girls Soccer Team 2018-19 City Champions!

Grace finished 11th in the intermediate girls division (Provincial Cross Country Running) running 5 km in 21 minutes and 44 seconds.

Our Junior Girls Team looks to build on our established history of success. We have a strong group of Grade 10s and 11s. Come support your Browns—this team is going to be fast, aggressive and entertaining.

The 2018-2019 Junior Boys basketball team is a fast and athletic team. As a group, they bring a hard working and never-quit attitude to the court. With height and athleticism, they are looking to out-rebound their opponents and play a fast break all game. This team will never stop working, pushing the pace of play and defend. Come out and support this exciting basketball team through the season.

This season the Senior Girls Basketball Team is returning 8 girls from last years team. They will look to play an up-tempo style and outwork their opponents on offense and defense. With the experience the players faced last season they will look to build on their 6th place finish in the city. Coach Taylor has high hopes this season as the girls have put in a lot of work to improve. They will be facing stiff competition on a nightly basis but are ready for the challenge. Go Browns Go!

The 2018-2019 Saint Francis Browns are a very athletic, hardworking and energetic team. With the leadership from 3 key returning grade 12s and the addition of new talent in both 11s and 12s, the boys are looking to play an up-tempo game with some key shooters on the outside and lots of ball movement. With a team goal to outwork every team and play a high pressure defense, this year’s team will be very exciting to watch.

It’s crazy to think we are already halfway through December and the fall play has come to an end. Not only have we created more friendships, but we created one strong family. The Outsiders is the play that fits our family ever so perfectly with having many strong male and female leads to improve and show off the Saint Francis Drama department. Many hours of hard work, sleepless nights and quick 7-11 runs is what made this show what it is: perfect. However, that’s not all that made the show run smoothly. We want to thank all the teachers and students promoting our play and making it three nights to remember. The grade 10, 11, and 12s have come so far in who they want to be as actors, students and individuals. It has helped us develop the meaning of patience and love for one another. I am so proud to be apart of this group and proud of everyone having the confidence to expose themselves into someone new. Also being able to break down the negative walls everyone creates and still being able to perform a great show that not only influenced the audience but everyone in the cast, the school and the community. Drama is different from everything else. You need a passion to not only be a character but also be yourself. Being apart of this play has created a sense of belonging you can not find anywhere else, which is why when you walk through the doors to audition, you’re already family. Emma Soares

A ‘Super’ Dance Semester Over the course of Semester 1, the dance programs at Saint Francis really excelled! From the Gala performance, Dance Show entitled The Superheroes, and of course the amazing pep rally dancers! All of the performances were phenomenal. During this enlightening opportunity, the dancers enjoyed themselves a lot and were able to grow as dancers as well as people. “I really enjoyed this great opportunity to grow, learn, and expand my knowledge of dance and learning new things. I built a stronger relationship with my classmates and was able to express myself”.-Sadie Jackson. Next semester there are going to be so many more opportunities to dance, such as Danceworks, a fantastic dance show, another great pep rally and a dance competition! Stay tuned for details! By: Celina Nelson, Gabby DeSantis, Jenna Decaire, and Andrea Calvinho

Congratulations to all the music students on a superb Christmas Concert , Dec. 11 at the Rosza Centre. It was a great night with music students and all ensembles performing so well ! Your dedication and leadership was outstanding! Thank you for attending- we sold out!

We had a special guest artist from Montreal, Deanne Matley, that sang with the Concert Band in the Final of the concert. The SENIOR Band Class performed at SFI49—great job!

Choir at Advent Liturgy

The concert band performed at two Junior High Schools, St. Vincent de Paul and Ascension of our Lord. They were received very enthusiastically by all the junior high students and performed very well. The Jazz Choir and Concert Choir performed at St. Jean Brebeuf on Nov. 29, to a packed gym of students. They performed very well!

Thank you to everyone who supported our Purdy’s chocolate fundraiser! We sold just under $20,000 of chocolate!

Christmas Mass Schedule Thursday December 20 Penitential Mass 7:00 - 8:00 pm Monday, December 24 Masses 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. Tuesday, December 25 Mass 10:00 a.m. Monday, December 31 Mass 5:00 p.m. New Year’s Eve Party afterwards Tuesday, January 1 Mass 10:00 a.m.

Main Office 403-284-3311

Pastor Vincent TuanHa Rev. Tewelde Paulos Rev. Gabriel Arihi

Constable Friesen Contact 403-500-2026 with any concerns

Cobs Bread Dough Raiser At the Crowfoot location please tell them you are with Saint Francis High School. Cobs will donate 5% of your purchase back to our school in June. It's a very easy way to support your school while enjoying delicious and high quality breads and treats. Crowfoot Corner Shopping Centre #107, 150 Crowfoot Crescent N.W. (403) 239-2666 Mon to Sat 7 a.m.—7 p.m. Sun 8 a.m.—6 p.m.

Panda Flowers Order flowers from the Crowfoot location and mention Saint Francis High School. Panda Flowers will donate 5% of your purchase to our school. It's a very easy way to help support Saint Francis while enjoying your beautiful flower arrangement or graduation corsage. Crowfoot Corner Shopping Centre 205- 150 Crowfoot Crescent Northwest, Calgary, AB T3G 2W1 (403) 239-7673 Mon to Fri 8:30 a.m.—8:00 p.m. Sat 8:30 a.m.—6:00 p.m.

Sun 10:00 a.m.—5:00 p.m. Donate today to help Saint Francis High School continue to deliver quality education! A charitable tax receipt will be issued for donations of $25 or more. Print the donation card below and return it to Saint Francis High School. Thank you for your generous contribution. YES! I want to help Saint Francis High School continue to deliver quality education! Here is my gift of






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A detailed Graduation Information Pamphlet will be provided in February 2018, to the Parents/Guardians of the Grade 12 Graduates. Please contact the school should you need to update/change your mailing address.

Important Dates Graduation Mass Graduation Ceremony Graduation Banquet and Dance

Friday, May 31 Friday, May 31 Sunday, June 2

DID YOU MISS ORDERING YOUR GRAD JEWELRY ON ORDER DAY? Design & Order Your Jewelry @ or contact your Jostens representative ($60.00 deposit) – 1.877.252.1774

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