Saint Francis June Newsletter 2018

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Walk for Water - April 13!



Dear Saint Francis Families, This year has been a wonderful year for our school community. We are so blessed and thankful for so much. Please enjoy our year end newsletter which highlights and celebrates the events and activities of our students and staff. We are very appreciative of the many efforts staff and students have made to minimize the impact of the Saint Francis modernization project. Our school community has shown great resiliency and adaptation in the face of road blocks and additional challenges. We can celebrate a very successful year and we all deserve a much-needed break summer will bring. The work crews are counting down the days until all staff and students vacate the building. There is so much work planned for the summer and we hope the crews will make lots of progress on many fronts. Within the first two months of the 2018-2019 school year, we hope to have the following areas updated and returned to use; Brown Gym, Fitness Centre, Art Room, Cosmetology, Science Labs, classrooms and the walls erected for the north end of the building. More information will be sent out to parents in the fall once we know the scope of the work completed. We thank and recognize many staff members who will be moving on to retirement or other assignments next year. We have been blessed to have dedicated and hardworking staff members willing to share so much of themselves in supporting the success of our students. We wish the following staff members every success as they move on to new challenges and opportunities. Best wishes to; Pat Toporowosky (Vice Principal), William Forte (Math), Hannah Blanchette (Sports Medicine), Stephanie Soto (Science), David Dziadyk (Biology - Retiring), Constable Mark Enzie (Transitioning), Sophie Yeomans (Lab Tech.), Anne Konicki (ES II), Christian Laird (Design), Jennifer Gordon (English), Stephanie MacLean (Foods), Robert MacKague (CTS), Julie Doucet (Extended French), Benjamin Schneider (Music), Derek Chudy (Computer Tech.). We also say farewell to Mary Flanagan and Sara Scarpino who are taking one-year leaves. The strong partnership between home and school has been a key factor supporting the success of students. We thank parents for their continued support and involvement. Our School Council and parent volunteers have done an outstanding job supporting a large number of school events and activities. The year end staff appreciation event sponsored by our parents was greatly appreciated by all our staff. We are blessed to have such a caring and dedicated group of parents willing to share their talents and time. This year over 500 students participated in our convocation ceremonies. The school community wishes our graduates every success in their future endeavors. You have blessed us with your talents, your commitment to learning and your friendships. Continue to live by the values of our patron saint, Saint Francis. God bless you as you face the challenges of tomorrow and work with others to bring peace and joy into our world. Best wishes for a safe and rejuvenating summer break. Mark Berger, Principal

In order from left to right: Jack Hill, Mark Berger, Pat Toporowsky, Darren Dudar, Melanie LeBlanc and Constable Mark Enzie.

STAGGERED ENTRY September 4 Grade 10—9:00 am—12:00 noon Grade 11—1:00 pm—2:30 pm Grade 12—2:00 pm—3:15 pm FIRST DAY OF CLASSES September 5 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DAYS Sept. 21, Oct. 5, Nov. 2 THANKSGIVING DAY October 8 FAITH DAY November 1 PARENT/TEACHER CONFERENCES November 12

Saint Francis High School 877 Northmount Drive NW Calgary, AB T2L 0A3 Phone: 403-500-2026 Fax: 403-500-2226

LAST DAY OF CLASSES BEFORE CHRISTMAS BREAK December 21 (full day) CCSD Calendar link:

By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. 3. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done. Genesis 2:2-3 Summer season is upon us. A time for vacations, long evenings, barbeques and most importantly, rest. In this Bible passage we see that God worked and when he had finished his work he rested. Not only did he rest, but he declared the seventh day a day of rest and He made it holy; a pattern of rest and work was established. Too often today we focus on the work and we forget the part about resting. God had finished the work but for us, it seems like the work never gets finished. We are connected to our jobs all day, every day. We live to work, rather than work to live. Family time gets interrupted by emails and texts and phone calls. There’s a myriad of reasons for this work all day mentality – demanding bosses, fear of missing something important, wanting to be extra productive and get ahead. However, God in his infinite wisdom, knew how important rest is and he declared it holy. We are God’s creation, his children, and he made it clear that we need time to rest. As parents we know how important this is for our children. When they are little we adhere to a bedtime and as they grow into teens we learn when it’s time to make them shut down the devices and we hassle them to get some sleep. We know how much happier and healthier are kids are when they are well rested. Summer gives all of us a wonderful opportunity to really embrace the sanctity of taking some time off. Think of your time sitting on the back deck doing nothing as a time of holiness. Embrace the road trip as a time to reconnect with your family without any distraction. Tell yourself that the work is done and give yourself permission to rest. God knew what he was talking about when he declared rest holy, so trust in God and enjoy a restful summer. Wishing you all a blessed summer filled with God’s grace.

As another school year has come and gone, we take the time to reflect on all the wonderful volunteers who made this year special for our students, teachers and staff. Without our volunteers, we would not have achieved the things we did. It seems like it all came together easily but it was actually a coordinated effort of hard work and caring. Thank you to everyone who volunteered with the school this year, your time and effort was greatly appreciated. The Council hosted some fundraising events this year; two Papa John’s Pizza Nights and a plant fundraiser. The Pizza Nights raised over $550 and the plant fundraiser raised over $2,210. These funds along with those received from Cobs bread in Crowfoot and Panda flowers allow the Council to help fund activities and needs within the school. Please continue to support our sponsors, Cobs Bread in Crowfoot and Panda Flowers in Crowfoot. Every time you purchase from these vendors, please let them know you are with St. Francis High School. Our Council for next year is still looking for a few members, a Plant Fundraiser Coordinator, Teacher Appreciation Lunch Coordinator and a Volunteer Coordinator. If you are interested in any of these positions or would like more information, please do not hesitate to contact Claude Chretien at or 403-465-1263. Enjoy the summer with your families and we will see you in the fall. Yours truly, Claude Chretien, Chair Karen Koshman, Vice-Chair

Mark Woitas, Treasurer Susan Herman, Secretary

Thank you so much for the wonderful Staff Appreciation Luncheon and all the generous gifts that make us feel special and blessed in so many ways. We are extremely appreciative for all that Mrs. Le Feuvre and her amazing team of volunteer parents do for our staff.

Saint Francis had a Staff Appreciations luncheon on June 21, we had an awesome gathering of staff. Thank-you to all the parents for donations of food items and great gifts for the staff door prizes and for the Volunteers who volunteered their time to make this event a huge success. Special thanks to local companies like Panda flowers in Crowfoot for the donation of center pieces for the tables and for flowers for the retiring, Cobbs Bread in Crowfoot also out done themselves. Wow! What an assortment of baked good, luncheon buns, scones! Thank-you to Starbucks in Brentwood for the donations of coffee and David’s Tea at market mall for their tea. Coop and Safeway in Brentwood for the gift cards that covered the fruit punch ingredients and added candy for the candy bar! Riverstone Pub catered the event, great salad and pasta dishes! I really think the staff enjoyed themselves! Thank-you to all the volunteers that came to the school today to help set up, be there to help during the event and also the clean up crew. A big thankyou to the staff who helped put the learning commons back in place. Have a great summer everyone. Dawn Le Feuvre, Staff Appreciation Luncheon Coordinator

William Forte Hannah Blanchette Stephanie Soto David Dziadyk (Retire) Mary Flanagan (DL) (Full year) Sara Scarpino (Maternity)

NEW STAFF: Jessica Blackwell Timothy Vandermeiden Teresa Bieche Tamela Martin David Neil Michael Ferrero

Anne Konicki Christian Laird Jennifer Gordon Robert MacKague Julie Doucet

RETURNING STAFF: Lisa O’Brien Hayley Lueke Brigida Battistessa

Benjamin Schneider Mark Enzie Derek Chudy Pat Toporowosky Sophie Yeomans

Mrs. FirstRider and Mrs. Ruben came to St. Francis to teach the ES classes how to make dream catchers. We learned that dream catchers can take away our bad dreams. We used hide, sinew, beads and feathers to make our dream catchers. Believe it or not they actually work! According to Jacob, he went to sleep and had no bad dreams. He dreamt that he was driving a 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air through a forest and it was sunny and warm. Thank you to Mrs. FirstRider and Mrs. Ruben for your patience and kindness as you taught us how to make our dream catchers. We really enjoyed your visit!

ES Appreciation Celebration On May 16, both ES classes held their annual ES Appreciation Celebration in the Learning Commons. This is an annual event where program partners, school staff and alumni from the ES programs come together to showcase their contributions and accomplishments. It is an opportunity to recognize and celebrate everyone who supports our ES Programs and are integral to our success. We are so grateful to be in partnership with such a wonderful supportive school community. ES l and ES ll Classes

The Walk for Water was the first event of its kind at St. Francis. For this reason, there was a small part of me that was afraid it might not be all that I hoped it would. On the day of the event, my worries were effectively forgotten as I looked around to find the walk’s starting point flooded with students from every grade, chatting, laughing, and dancing to the music that had been playing. The sky was blue and the sun was shining as they took off with their jugs of water to make the trek around what was then a very snowy, and a very wet golf course. The sight of this is certainly one I’ll never forget. It made me realize how immensely proud I am to be a part of such a caring community, how proud I am to be a Brown. All in all, St. Francis’ first Walk for Water was a huge success, and I’m so grateful to have been a part of it. I can’t wait to hear about the wonderful duplicate event that will no doubt take place next year! Written by Alex Lutzko

The Walk for Water has been such a central and immense event of my year. I was given the opportunity to be part of a team that will bring awareness to those around the world who don’t have access to water. I was ecstatic; I have done volunteer work before, and I have always gotten a rush of joy helping individuals in need but I’ve always wanted to be part of a project that will not only change few individuals’ lives but has the potential to change the world. Although I was ready to change the world, there was much planning and multiple different events to go to before the walk could take place. A major event that we attended was Water Day at Telus Park; as we set up a booth, proud to represent our school, we shared our vision of the walk and the importance of bringing awareness to this major global issue that tends to take a backseat to other political and economic issues. After this event, there were only a few weeks left leading to the walk to tie any loose strings; we made many posters, wrote letters, and folded lots of brochures. The day of the walk is a day I will always remember…one that proved how proud I am to be a brown. Many students left their fourth block classes and spares to carry a four litter milk jug full of water and walk a 5k route. Students who weren’t able to do the walk donated instead. Watching from afar as all those who came to participate walked down the snowy hills of the St Francis field, many fell and stumbled through the snow to reach the sidewalk on the other side. It brought a sight of a family that came together to carry out a common goal for the good of humanity. It took much planning and execution to get the walk in place, but every second that was spent and every ounce of energy given was worth it. Over $2300 was raised for those who are in need of access to clean water. Much planning has already gone into next year’s walk and we cannot wait for all those who couldn’t make it this year to come and join us next year. Sandra Amin

CANADIAN STUDENTS FROM CALGARY VISIT ORTONA [St. Francis and Bishop Grandin High Schools] Article that appeared in Italian by Ortona News “Ortona Notizie� April 2, 2018. A group of Canadian students from Calgary visited Ortona on Easter Sunday with the desire to deepen their knowledge of the battle of Ortono, which saw many Canadians in combat. The students also visited the location where the battle took place. Easter morning they visited the Canadian Cemetery in San Donato, guided by teacher Raniero de Iure [Bishop Grandin] who was born in San Leonardo and immigrated to Canada as a child. They were welcomed by Mayor Castiglione who brought greetings from the city of Ortona. [Castiglione was presented a gift from Calgary Mayor Nenshi.] At 11:00 am they participated in Holy Mass in the church in St. Leonardo. [The Priest recognized the presence of the Canadians at Mass.] Their Easter lunch was celebrated at the Sister Bar Restaurant in San Leonardo where Bruno Tenisci hosted a photographic presentation to help illustrate the battle of Ortono through the images of that era in Villa San Leonardo. After lunch, they continued on to Casa Bernardi then onto Ortona. Monday, they concluded their visit of Ortona by visiting the battle museum and strolling through the streets of Ortona. [The students also retraced the steps that the Canadian soldiers took during the Battle of Ortona during WWII. ]

OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPTS Official high school transcripts can be acquired by going to Diploma results can also be viewed on this site. SCHOLARSHIPS Alexander Rutherford Scholarship Students can begin applying for the Rutherford scholarship at any time, but preferably before they begin their post-secondary studies (Please Note: The site is suspended for a time in June/July for updates). Information about the scholarship, including application process can be found at: Calgary Calabrian Cultural and Heritage Scholarship This scholarship valued at $2000 is available for application for any grade 12 student of Calabrian descent, who excels academically and demonstrates strong citizenship, and plans to attend post-secondary within a year. DEADLINE: September 30, 2018. Information and application can be found on our school website at: UPGRADING at St. Anne Academic Centre St. Anne’s offers a variety of upgrading opportunities to students who have completed three years of high school. Appointment booking opens August 2 for appointments beginning August 22. For more information and booking check out their website at: PRE-REGISTRATION: Course Changes Students will be receiving their 2018-2019 course timetable in mid-August. Please review it to ensure courses have been correctly scheduled, that pre-requisites for all subjects have been completed and there are no courses missing. Keep in mind that grade ten student timetables must be completely scheduled. Any required change should be completed using the Online Course Change Application form that will be made available on the school website starting August 15. The online submission form must be used. Student may still get photos and VIDs done on these dates: Grade 12

Monday, August 27


Grade 11

Monday, August 27


Grade 10 (A-L) Tuesday, August 29


Grade 10 (M-Z) Tuesday, August 28


Look For It Online! CHANGE my TIMETABLE! Tuesday, August 15

FNMI (First Nations, Metis, Inuit) Graduation Every May the Calgary Catholic School District hosts an annual FNMI graduation. This year, close to 100 of the district’s FNMI graduates and their families participated in the evening’s program. Congratulations to the 2017 FNMI Graduates from Saint Francis: Mikasi Allen Nolan Brass Angel Goodale Gabriel Barton Judith Flamond Alexis Hamrack Madeline Chapman Chance Angel Zachary Cossette


Stay connected! To receive important info about post-secondary, grad, mental health, etc. via text messages from @StFrancisCCSD student services, text @stfrancisp to (431) 800-0409. Twitter – follow @SFGuidanceCCSD on Twitter for even more news!

Office Hours:

8:30—4:00 Monday—Thursday 8:30—2:00 Friday

Office Assistant: Peggy Pilon, Ext. 346 COUNSELLORS: Coralie Bedier Coordinating Teacher, Ext. 345

Marc Osenton, Ext. 347 Rob Schrauth, Ext. 344 Karen Wadson, Ext 348 Career Practitioner: (Wed.—Fri. only) Carolyn Campbell, Ext. 349

CAREER PLANNING: Grade 11 and 12 students who need assistance figuring out what they would like to do in the year after high school are encouraged to book appointments with Mrs. Campbell early in the Fall. Assistance with career and post secondary exploration will be provided. SUMMER JOBS: Students need to create targeted resumes focused upon their skills and abilities as they relate to the job they are applying for. It never hurts to write a good cover letter to go along with the resume. Mrs. Campbell is available throughout the month of June to assist with resume and cover letter writing. Also important are the interview skills necessary to seal the deal. Go to Click on Work and then Job Search for great information. UPCOMING FALL EVENTS OUT OF PROVINCE POST SECONDARY FAIR: All students are invited to attend to meet with representatives from Universities from outside of Alberta. Date and time: Wednesday, October 24, 2018, 9:00–10:30 AM Where: SAINT FRANCIS HIGH SCHOOL – BROWN GYM ALBERTA POST SECONDARY FAIR: Come and check out the many post secondary institutions (technical institutions, colleges and universities) available in Alberta. Date and time: Tuesday, October 2nd from 7:00 – 8:30 PM Where: SAINT FRANCIS HIGH SCHOOL – ORANGE GYM GIRLS IN AVIATION: CONNECT with other girls and women who are excited about aviation! EXPLORE the opportunities for work and play in the aviation and aerospace industry! EXPERIENCE the high flying fun aviation offers! Women from all walks of aviation will be available to talk to you about what being in the world of aviation is all about. Brought to you by Women in Aviation - Alberta Rocky Mountain High Chapter Date and time: Saturday, October 13, 2018, 1-3 p.m. Where: Mount Royal University Hangar, 143 MacLaurin Drive, Springbank, AB FIRE CADET ACADEMY: Are you interested in a career as a fire fighter? The Calgary Fire Cadet Program is an 18 month program for students in Grade 10–12 who are interested in learning about firefighting. Students will attend a weekly meeting, participate in volunteering and practice drills and experiences. Applications are available at and are due in mid November for the January 2019 program. CALGARY POLICE CADET CORPS: The Calgary Police Cadet Corps gives youth the opportunity to experience the world of policing. This is a multi year program for youth between 12 and 17 to develop leadership skills, citizenship and physical fitness while gaining an insight into law enforcement. This requires a weekly commitment from 5:45-9:00 PM from September to May. For more information visit Applications for the January 2018, start are due October 31.

MEN IN NURSING: The University of Calgary program is hosting a meeting for young men considering a career in Nursing. DATE AND TIME TBA DUAL CREDIT PROGRAMS: Students in Grade 10 who are interested in pursuing a post secondary certificate while attending high school may be interested in the Dual Credit programs. Dual Credit programs are available many areas including: Welding, Carpentry, Pharmacy Assistant, Health Care Aide and Veterinary Technical Assistant and Nutrition for Healthy Lifestyles (NHL). The NHL program will accept applications in the fall of 2018. Check out Students/Brightspace-(D2L)-Login/Pages/default.aspx See Mrs. Campbell, Career Practitioner or Mr. Buckie, Off Campus Teacher. WEBSITES TO CHECK OUT: This website provides excellent information about job search, occupation descriptions, career planning, post secondary planning and more. - This is a Career Planning website. The 4 steps of Career Planning are introduced. Students can complete 7 self assessment quizzes to assist them to learn more about themselves. - Come to Student Services to pick up the User Name and Password – Excellent post secondary and career website. Students can access the website with the activation code: “stfrancishs”.

Please note that registration for these programs begin in September 2018) Work Experience Work Experience allows students who have a part time job to earn credits based on the number of hours they work. Hours spent volunteering and hours worked during summer may also be eligible for this program. Worksites are approved, students are evaluated and a teacher supervises the students’ experience. Students involved in the program have the opportunity to: Earn high school credits (1 credit for every 25 hours worked, with a minimum 75 hours worked) Acquire the skills and work habits needed to succeed after high school

Credits can be earned in the following courses:  HCS 3000: Workplace Safety Systems (1 CTS credit)  Work Experience 15, 25 and 35 (3 – 10 credits per course)  Career Internship 10 (3 – 5 credits).  Of these credits, a total of 21 (1 CTS and 20 Work Experience) credits can be used toward the 100 credits required for a High School diploma. Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP) Is a career in the Trades something you might want to explore? RAP may enable you to gain experience in a trade to see if it is a career possibility for you. These are paid, full time summer positions and enable a student to earn credits based on the hours worked. Applications are available on your D2L homepage under “District Academic Programs”. As part of the application students will need to include a cover letter, resume and a teacher recommendation. For more information on these and other Off-Campus programs, please visit: Or contact the Off-Campus Teacher at St. Francis: Mr. Don Buckie Cell; 403 – 880 – 1711 e-mail:

In order to enroll in any Off-Campus program, students must have first completed HCS 3000: Workplace Safety Systems.


SAT EXAM– The SAT is a test for students considering U.S. colleges and universities. This year the SAT will be offered at Bishop Carroll. Check out the dates to write at

August 1, 2018

BOW VALLEY COLLEGE – Applications open 13 months in advance for students wishing to apply to programs beginning in September of 2019. Students interested in Practical Nursing are encouraged to apply on August 1st as seats fill very quickly.

Sat., Sept. 29, 2018 10:00 AM—3:00 PM

UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY OPEN HOUSE—MacEwan Hall See for more information. U OF C starts to accept applications on September 29. Students with higher grades who may qualify for scholarships or other scholar advantages should apply by December 1. Deadline to apply for all programs is March 1, 2019. MOUNT ROYAL UNIVERSITY starts to accept applications for the fall of 2017. Nursing, Education, Midwifery and Bachelor of Interior Design applications close on February 1. Other programs remain open until they are filled. OLDS COLLEGE starts to accept applications. Animal Health Technologist program is now competitive admission. Applications must be received by November 15 with all volunteer hours completed. ALBERTA COLLEGE OF ART AND DESIGN begins to accept applications. Deadline to apply is February 1. Portfolio and Letter of Intent deadline is February 15. ALBERTA POST SECONDARY FAIR at Saint Francis. Students and parents are invited to meet with representatives from Alberta post secondary institutions including colleges, technical institutions and universities in the Orange gym.

Mon., Oct. 1, 2018

Mon., Oct. 1, 2018 Mon., Oct. 1, 2018 Tues., Oct. 2, 2018 7:00—8:30PM Sat., Oct. 13, 2018 10:00 AM—2:00pm

ST. MARY’S UNIVERSITY COLLEGE - OPEN HOUSE. University degree programs and University transfer programs are available at the South Calgary campus. Applications accepted until programs are full.

Fri., Oct. 19, 2018 9:00 AM—4:00 PM

OLDS COLLEGE - OPEN HOUSE will offer guided tours, program information and opportunities to speak with students and staff. SAIT OPEN HOUSE—9:00 AM—4:00 PM – MAIN CAMPUS n the Heart Building from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Check out the programs and the campus to see if it is a good fit for you. Students will be able to apply for one program for free during the Open House days.

Fri. & Sat., Oct. 19 & 20, 2018 Saturday, October 20, 2018 Saturday, October 20, 2018

UNIVERSITY OF LETHBRIDGE OPEN HOUSE from 10:00 AM to 3:00PM Free on the spot admission. OLDS COLLEGE FASHION INSTITUTE in Calgary is hosting an Open House at their Bow Valley College location from 10:00 to 3:00 PM. Register now at

Saturday, October 20, 2018 10:00 AM—3:00 PM Saturday, October 20, 2018 Saturday, October 20, 2018

BOW VALLEY COLLEGE - OPEN HOUSE. Diploma and Certificate programs are available in: Health Services, Justice Studies, Administration, Business and Human Services. Applications are ongoing but applying early is advised.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018 9:00—10:30 AM Saturday, October 27, 2018 Ongoing

UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA - OPEN HOUSE at North Campus (Butterdome) and Campus St. Jean from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Deadline to apply is March 1, 2019. STUDY AND GO ABROAD FAIR – CALGARY - This free expo will feature universities and colleges from Canada and around the world, as well as student travel organizations for gap year and other experiential travel programs. Free seminars will also take place during the day, starting one hour before the expo opens. Expo hours: 1:00—5:00 PM. Seminars start at Noon at the BMO Centre at Stampede Park in the Palomino Room. OUT OF PROVINCE UNIVERSITY FAIR—SAINT FRANCIS HIGH SCHOOL—BROWN GYM. Representatives from 40 universities from across the country including Queens, Dalhousie, McGill, UBC and many others will be available. Visual ID is required for admission. MOUNT ROYAL COLLEGE OPEN HOUSE—9:30 AM – 3:30 PM—in the Roderick Mah building. OLDS COLLEGE DISCOVERY DAYS – Open House specifically for high students. Campus tours are also given every Friday afternoon (For tour, please call to register 403-507-7715) Note there are also days to discover specific programs


UNIVERSITY OF LETHBRIDGE - Calgary Information Session.


ALBERTA COLLEGE OF ART AND DESIGN is hosting an Open House UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY’S PRESTIGE SCHOLARSHIPS: Students interested in applying for University of Calgary Prestige Scholarships should apply for admission by December 1, 2018 to enable them to submit a scholarship application for the Schulich (Engineering) or Chancellor’s Scholarships (Arts and Science) or the Health Sciences Scholarship by December 15, 2018.

December 1, 2018

The Testing Centre and Academic Centre are located in the Learning Commons B118

Follow me on Twitter Mrs.Hobor@SFLearn_CCSD

Clubs In the Learning Commons you can join the Book Club or the Knitting Club.

Tap into the following resources and items. Book a conference room for students and teachers for group work or meetings. Borrow a book or three!

Borrow iPads and Chromebooks for the block or the day.

Bus Pass Scanning Will Be Available September—June!

Borrow a camera to create a presentation.

Borrow a microphone to get your point across.

POWERSCHOOL: PARENT VIEW Parents have quick and easy access to view attendance records, report card marks, and grade history. You must have two pieces of information to create an account. Your child’s Calgary Catholic School District ID number (6 or 7 digit number) and your child’s birthday with month, day, and year. (example: Jan 8, 1996 must be typed as follows: 181996 (month/day/year). Go to Saint Francis Website click on “Parent View” Click “Create Account” / Follow steps

The 2018 Rugby season was cut short this year due to an unseasonably long winter for Calgary. Due to the weather our Senior boys season was reduced to a tough 4 game pooled tournament. With perseverance and shear will power, a talented group of grade 11 players and our enthusiastic grade 12s finished undefeated in regular season play. After a tough win against Wise Wood in the Semis 19-11, we went on to defeat Bowness in a hard fought city final 14-5. The boys earned a spot in the Provincials and a chance to be crowned the best in the province. Our boys made it to the Provincial final and lost a hard game to Harry Ainlay (Edmonton). Thanks go to returning Coaches Marty Keough, Travis Murphy and John Gilmour. A special thanks to our Teachers Joanne Boissonneault and Hannah Blanchette. The Coaches would also like to thank our team Manager Cassandra Keough for always having the best interest of the kids in mind. Go Browns Go! saint-francis-high-school-browns-apparel

Congratulations to our Junior Boys City Champions 4x100!

CSHSAA Calgary Senior High School Athletic Association link below to follow all sport Activities

In May of 2018, the Musical Theater program at Saint Francis was lucky enough to go to New York for five days. We got to see three different Broadway musicals, go to three different workshops, and even met a Broadway actor! The first show we saw was Mean Girls, a stage adaptation of the classic movie. For most of us, it was our first Broadway show. The vocals were outstanding, the tech was impeccable, and even when there was a microphone malfunction, the actors handled it perfectly by having fun and laughing it off. The second show we saw was School of Rock, another stage adaptation of the classic movie. The kids in School of Rock were incredible, not only were they actually playing their instruments onstage, their energy was infectious, and by the curtain call, the entire theater was clapping along with the cast. The third and final show we saw was yet another stage adaptation of a movie we all know too well, Disney’s Frozen. Even though we all knew the movie songs and story by heart, there were a few surprises in store, such as new songs, new characters, and the amazing technical elements that made the show unforgettable. The trip was an extraordinary experience for everyone. It was educational, but also extremely enjoyable. Between the tours, dinners, and workshops, each activity we did only added to the experience. From this amazing opportunity, the musical theater students were able to learn and develop their performance skills. The Musical Theatre show, Musical Theatre Revue 2018, this year consisted of performances from the musicals Cabaret, The Great Comet of 1812, Jersey Boys and Mamma Mia! The students were able to use the techniques, advice, and knowledge that they studied in the workshops. The workshops provided a broadened perspective of how much work is put into each aspect of musical theatre. Students added to their characters and expanded their emotion in their pieces. Each student was able to use the tips they learned to improve their performance in the show. Musicals, such as Great Comet and Jersey Boys, used songs to progress the plot. Students had to dwell into the meanings, and stories of the songs in order to fully execute the pieces. All of this hard work culminated in a great show, with many standout soloists and strong ensembles. The students had the time of their lives, both on and offstage, and with the combination of old and new musicals, audience members of all ages were able to enjoy the show as much as the students did. Written by Alison Govier, Ainefe Penaranda, Isabel Py

The Saint Francis High School Band and Choirs concluded a busy performing schedule in 2017 – 2018 under Dr. Schneider as Acting Director, while Mrs. Battistessa is on deferred leave until September. The regional trip to the Edmonton Cantando Music Festival heard our students perform their personal best and enjoy clinics and workshops as part of the non-competitive atmosphere. Highlights were both performing and listening in the world-class acoustics of the Winspear Centre and All Saints Cathedral. Special thanks are due to our teacher and clinician supervisors who endured the demanding schedule starting on a Sunday: Ms. Bedier, Mr. Chen, Ms. Curry, Ms. Filippetto, Mr. Oberhamer, Mr. Petherick and Ms. Toporowsky. The Concert Choir enjoyed working with adult contemporary vocalist and recording artist Amy Bishop from television’s The Launch! as well as our own Anita Miotti who choreographed “Say Yes” by Michell Williams. The choir led congregational singing at the graduation Mass at St. Michael’s Catholic Community the morning of June 1, and the choir’s exposure to Ms. Bishop’s and Ms. Miotti’s professional insight was evident as they sang and danced at convocation in the afternoon. The Jazz Choir was able to work with local singer and recording artist Johanna Sillanpaa on improvisation and greatly developed student solos. The St. Francis Music Society concluded a successful fund-raising year with the Bottle Drive in April and WestJet voucher raffle in May, enabling them to fund educational enhancements to the program beyond those paid for by fees. Many thanks to: Susan Barazzutti, Derek Cook, Carolyn Covey, Anita Koles, Lonneke Mensen-Ward and Darlene Senger. CONGRATULATIONS to all music students on their spring performance June 4 in the Eckhardt Gramatté Hall of the University of Calgary Rozsa Centre. Special thanks to our Jazz Director, Mr. Brandon Oberhamer; our accompanist, Mr. Bruce Petherick; and volunteer backstage teacher supervisors: Ms. Curry, Ms. Filippetto, Ms. Flanagan, Mr. Gordon, Ms. Hucman, Mr. Le Marquand, and Ms. Reece. Many thanks to Jazz Band members who performed the very next evening as a prelude to Awards Night at Canadian Martyrs Church. The “stage is set” for the fall and the trip to Anaheim, CA in April 2019. (YES – Disneyland!) Dr. Schneider thanks all the music students for their hard work, and their families who support them. Combibo minor codide!

The Dance program at Saint Francis has had an awesome year. Our 35’s had the opportunity to perform at the opening of the Panda Passage at the Calgary Zoo in May. Our dance team and program dancers also performed at the Eastside Dance Festival at Decidedly Jazz Danceworks, where the Saint Francis Dance Team won the prestigious award for best Student Choreography. Our Spring dance show entitled “Women and Children First� included works by many different choreographers; student, teacher, and professional. And on the final day of the semester, students filled the dance room with balloons, performing final projects in the spirit of celebration and collegial inspiration.

Yoga finished up this year of relaxation and strengthening by participating in a mediation walk around the school grounds. Students enjoyed making body pretzels and learning anatomy and asanas (poses), as well as study and practicing in a variety of differing styles of yoga.

All senior high school students who attend their designated school and who live more than 2.4 km from their designated school are eligible to apply for a monthly Transit Pass Rebate on their purchased Transit Pass. The CCSD will provide a rebate of $54.90 per month per pass to eligible students who follow the district’s rebate procedure. This amount is equivalent to the amount the Government of Alberta subsidizes transportation for students who live more than 2.4 km from their designated school. The 2018-2019 cost of a monthly Calgary Transit Youth Pass is $70. Students attending a school that is not their designated school for the following programs are not eligible for a Transit Pass rebate: AP program; ISA program, and High School French Immersion Certificate program. Submit the transportation rebate form to Saint Francis or mail to Calgary Catholic School District, Transportation Department, 1000-5th Avenue SW, Calgary, AB, T2P 4T9. If the completed form is not received by June 29, 2017 (forms were sent home with students in June) your direct deposit payment may be delayed in the fall. Faxes are not accepted. A separate form must be completed for each student EACH YEAR. In order for the direct deposit process to be completed, students must have their monthly bus pass scanned in the Learning Commons. Students must check the Calgary Transit website after August 20 to see changes to their route. Go to, select ‘Schedules & Maps’ on the top menu, scroll to the bottom of the page and select ‘School bus express routes’, choose St. Francis from the drop down menu for all the routes.

Cobs Bread Dough Raiser At the Crowfoot location please tell them you are with Saint Francis High School. Cobs will donate 5% of your purchase back to our school in June. It's a very easy way to support your school while enjoying delicious and high quality breads and treats. Crowfoot Corner Shopping Centre #107, 150 Crowfoot Crescent N.W. (403) 239-2666

Panda Flowers When placing an order with Panda Flowers let them know you are with Saint Francis High School. A percentage of the sale will be donated back to the school in the form of flowers for Saint Francis events. Crowfoot Corner Shopping Centre #205, 150 Crowfoot Crescent N.W. (403) 239-7673

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