SAINT FRANCIS As we anxiously await warmer spring weather we hope you take the time to enjoy this edition of the newsletter and review all the exciting events taking place at Saint Francis. We have so much to celebrate as a school community and our hope is that this newsletter will capture the spirit of our community. On February 13, Saint Francis High School celebrated Shrove Tuesday. Parents and staff served over 2000 pancakes and sausages to our 1600 hungry students. I wish to acknowledge and thank our parent volunteers, front office staff, counselling team, and most importantly Ms. Gelinas, Ms. Addante, Mr. Dudar and our foods teachers, Ms. Marshall and Ms. Ledenko, for preparing this wonderful feast. We also celebrated the first day of Lent with Ash Wednesday liturgies taking place at Canadian Martyrs Catholic Church. As a community we have been asked to understand and accept our imperfections and to focus on creating meaningful, purposeful and lasting change to become more Christ-like in how we interrelate with each other. On March 27, we hosted a Musical Chairs TA Challenge at lunch in the Brown gym as part of our Lenten fundraising initiative to support the Centre for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology (CAWST). Father Vincent TuanHa and Father Gabriel Arihi, of Canadian Martyrs Parish, will preside over our Holy Week liturgies on Thursday, March 29. We look forward to celebrating and preparing for Christ's resurrection with our staff, families and students. The coming months will be filled with anticipation for our graduation events. The first graduation newsletter was mailed to our graduating students regarding payments, dates and times of all graduation events. Graduates and parents can expect a second communication following Easter break with further details. For up-to-date information you may also check our school website or select the link Graduation Information Students will be receiving report cards on April 18, during their TA block. Parent/Teacher Conferences will take place on Monday, April 23. The online booking system, Conference Manage, will open on April 17, at 4:00 p.m. to make appointments with teachers. Please follow the link provided to make your bookings Conference Manager. As a school community we have much to be thankful for. The January diploma results have been released and we are extremely pleased with the collaborative achievement of our students and teachers. These are, tentatively, some of the best results we have seen from the January exams. These results, along with our April and June exams, will be shared with the public once the Minister of Education releases them in the fall. The winter sports season has just ended and we are pleased with the success of our Browns. To recap the basketball playoffs, our Jr. Boys lost to Lester B. Pearson in Division 2 semi-final play. The Jr. Girls made it to the Division 1 semifinals where they, unfortunately, were defeated by Centennial. Our Sr. Girls lost to St. Mary’s in quarterfinal play and notably our Sr. Boys made it to the Division 2 city finals where they played Centennial. The boys received silver medals to celebrate their efforts for being city finalists. Thank you to all our coaches for dedicating many hours of their time supporting our athletes. Congratulations to our Jazz Band who played well at the AIBF earning a Gold Award with superior rating. Our Concert Band earned excellent and superior ratings for stage presence, deportment, instrument carriage, tempo, and rhythmic interpretation. Our students will be able to revisit their repertoire while on tour in Edmonton from April 15-17, and at our June 4th concert. Please refer to articles in this newsletter and our website for event dates and times. As the weather improves more modernization work is taking place at the front of the school. Crews are finishing the foundations and once the steel arrives we should see even more noticeable changes. Crews have finished breaking up the old weight room floor to allow for new plumbing. The wall separating the old cosmetology lab and weight room has been demolished, due to the location within the building the removal of the debris is time and labour intensive as it needs to be done by hand. The administration and counselling offices will move again to new locations to allow crews to access key areas for infrastructure upgrades. The Brown Gym modernization phase is expected to begin May 1. Crews will be removing the stage, flooring, bleachers and basketball nets to expand the gym area. We are hopeful this area will be ready when the school reopens in September. Finally, due to the modernization, there will be no summer school programming offered at Saint Francis. The district has once again opened Bishop Carroll High School to accommodate summer school students. For a complete listing of summer school courses and locations please use the link provided Summer School Courses To assist us in our efforts to better serve the needs of our families, we ask that our families complete the district’s Satisfaction Survey. The survey will close on April 20, 2018. Your feedback is essential to our success in education. We will receive the results on May 11, and they will become part of our school plans which are released in November. Please enjoy the newsletter and we wish everyone an enjoyable and restful Easter break.
GOOD FRIDAY/SPRING BREAK March 30-April 8—No Classes
DANCE SHOW May 24 and 25
PARENT/TEACHER INTERVIEWS April 23—9:00-7:30 pm—No Classes
VICTORIA DAY May 21—No Classes
CCSD Calendar link: https://www.cssd.ab.ca/Parents/Calendars/Pages/ Default.aspx
Saint Francis High School 877 Northmount Drive NW Calgary, AB T2L 0A3 Phone: 403-500-2026 Fax: 403-500-2226 https://www.cssd.ab.ca/schools/stfrancis
It never ceases to amaze me how fast the school years seem to go by. The School Council still has two meetings left in the school year, Tuesday April 17 and Tuesday, May 15 (AGM and Volunteer Appreciation Supper). The meetings are a great way to learn more about what is happening at the school and in the district and how the modernization is coming along. Please mark the dates in your calendar and try and join us. We love to have new ideas and faces join the council.
Spring is in the air and the Saint Francis School Council has several fundraisers to celebrate! This spring we are selling beautiful, locally grown plants to help raise money in support of School Council initiatives, such as enhancements to our Learning Commons and the annual year-end luncheon to thank our wonderful staff at Saint Francis. Plants are a great way to encourage our friends and family to get out into the garden while supporting our school. Take a look at the plants available and feel free to share the order form with friends and family. Print off the order forms from the link below and submit them to the Main Office with payment by Monday, April 30. Plants will be ready for pick up on May 23, at Saint Francis. Saint Francis Spring Fundraiser Plant Order Form We are also hosting two Papa John Pizza Nights, on March 29 and May 24. When you order online from the Arbour Lake or Stadium Papa John’s locations on these days, you will receive 15% off your regular price order and Papa John’s will donate 15% to Saint Francis. Just use the promo code STF15 at the start of your order. What a great excuse to not cook on these two nights! Feel free to share the promo code with your friends and family. I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter and enjoy your family time during the spring break. Claude Chretien President Saint Francis School Council
Each year the parents of Saint Francis host a luncheon for the school staff as a way to show our appreciation for the hard work they do all year with our students. This year, the event will take place on Thursday, June 21. At this time, we are looking to get our volunteers set up for the event along with those who are prepared to bless us with either a food item for the event or perhaps even donate funds to offset some costs. If you are interested in helping with the event or making a donation (signing up for a potluck item or a cash/card donation), please do so at www.volunteersignup.org/MWEXF More information with further details about the luncheon (caterer/potluck items needed, etc.) will be communicated with those who signed up. If you are considering a year-end “gift” for your child’s teachers, giving a donation in lieu of gifts is a great way to show your appreciation to the entire school staff.
Welcome to our School Fundraiser!
This Spring we are selling beautiful, locally grown plants to help raise money in support of School Council initiatives, such as enhancements to our Learning Commons and the annual year end luncheon to thank our wonderful staff at Saint Francis. Plants are a great way to encourage our friends and family to get out into the garden while choosing to support this worthwhile fundraiser.
We hope that you will see something you like while helping support our cause. Simply print, fill-in and submit your order form(s) to the Main Office at Saint Francis by 4:00 p.m., Monday, April 30, 2018. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Dawn LeFeuvre, Spring Fundraiser Coordinator, at dlefeuvre@shaw.ca or 403-828-4096.
Thank you so much for your support! Saint Francis High School School Council
Order Forms available on the Saint Francis Website!
Plant Delivery Date: Wednesday, May 23 @ Saint Francis High School
SAVE THE DATE March 29, 2018
Pizza Night with Papa John’s & Saint Francis High School On March 29, the team members of Papa John’s Pizza and Saint Francis High School want to make a dinner date with you! When you order from Arbour Lake or Stadium Papa John’s Pizza on March 29, not only will you be feeding your family, you will also be helping the school raise money! Receive 15% off any regular menu priced online order using promo code
(at the start of your order) AND Papa John’s Pizza will donate 15% of the net orders placed on March 29 by the families and friends of Saint Francis High School. It is a rewarding feeling for Papa John’s Pizza to give back to our community, it is also an inspiration to see parents, students and teachers coming together to help our schools. Papa John’s Pizza Night is a fun and delicious way to raise money for Saint Francis and a great alternative to cooking…put us on your menu for March 29! We look forward to a successful fundraising event, all we need is your support so let’s make this Pizza Night with Papa John’s one that pays back!
ONLINE ONLY 15% off any regular menu priced order
Use Promo Code: STF15 Valid at Arbour Lake and Stadium Papa John’s locations only Order online at papajohns.ca
Easter break is finally upon us. Even with snow still on the ground, the promise of spring is here. The dark days give way to sunshine and the days get longer. There is a sense of renewal and new life. This is the promise of Easter—resurrection and new life. The beginning of our holiday is the holiest three days of our liturgical calendar, the Easter Triduum. On Holy Thursday we commemorate the birth of the Eucharist and the priesthood, followed by the passion, crucifixion and death of Jesus on Good Friday. This culminates in the joy of the resurrection Easter morning. The resurrection is an invitation to look around and see transformation. Human life is good but it will end. Each of us will pass through a physical death but Christ’s suffering reminds us that we are not alone. Christ’s triumph over death offers hope and meaning. We cannot live without hope. As Christians, this hope is more than just a longing, more than just a vague metaphor for life after death. We are called to be the hope, to embody all that the resurrection has to offer us. Our world is a dark place at times. We only have to turn on the TV or pick up a newspaper to see how much suffering there is. As we approach the celebration of Easter, let us take time to think about how we can share the joy of the resurrection and bring hope to the world.
Easter Services at Canadian Martyrs Parish March 29th to April 1st Holy Thursday - 7:00 p.m. Good Friday - 3:00 p.m. Easter Vigil - 8:00 p.m. Easter Sunday 10:00 a.m. www.canadianmartyrsparish.ca
Second semester has been very busy for Student Council. Here are some of the events and activities we have worked on:
Olympic Spirit Day This year we embraced the Olympic Spirit by encouraging students and staff to wear their Olympic Pride as athletes strived for gold.
Anti-bullying - Pink Shirt Day
Student Council encouraged the entire school community to show their support by wearing a pink shirt.
Lenten Message Lent is a time for deepening our spiritual life through sacrifice, forgiveness, prayer, charity, service, and kindness. His message: “Because of the increase of iniquity, the love of many will grow cold.” (Mt 24:12). This message encourages our community to live the Word of God which will enhance the world around us. It communicates Pope Francis’ Lenten message which asks us to recognize that people are gifts. Meaningful relationships are those that gratefully recognize a person’s value.
Therefore, Lent is the season for renewing our connection with Christ, living God’s Word, and appreciating our neighbors.
Once again the Student Council Election process began. Students were encouraged to run for the executive offices of President, Vice-President, Treasurer and Secretary. The Campaign trail began on March 6 and our Candidates gave rousing speeches on the 14. Voting took place on March 15 and all students and staff were encouraged to vote.
Candidates Alexander Iwasyk Antonio Ambrogiano Sophia Ize-Iyamu Jasper Jordan Justine Lohmann
Congratulations to Next Year’s Executive Council 2018-2019 Student Council Executive are: President: Antonio Ambrogiano Vice President: Alexander Iwasyk Vice President: Sophia Ize-Iyamu Secretary: Justine Lohmann
March for Our Lives Students wore Blue on Thursday, March 22nd as a sign of solidarity for the students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida and other schools as they prepared to march on Saturday, March 24 to increase school safety by putting an end to gun violence and mass shootings.
Black History Month In celebration of Black History Month, we organized an event comprised of Spoken Word Poetry, singing, dancing and a fashion show, all highlighting and paying homage to our African Roots and Black Culture. Black History Month has always been dear to our hearts as a way of not only acknowledging those who came before us but celebrating those who continue on with the pride and triumph we were taught to have. Not only did we celebrated our history, we also entertained and educated our audience. We hope that this event will become a tradition at Saint Francis - #BHM. By Esther Magbadelo and Raissa Mounga
Shrove Tuesday is the Tuesday (February 13) before Ash Wednesday which is the first day of Lent. It's a day of penitence, to clean the soul, and a day of celebration as the last chance to feast before Lent begins. Saint Francis students enjoyed pancakes, sausages and hot chocolate served up by the Saint Francis staff in preparation for Lent.
Congratulations to... Annika Mackenzie Loran Scholar - 2018
Saint Francis High School would like to extend congratulations to one of its own, Annika M. is one of 34 Loran Scholar winners this year from over 5000 Canadian applicants. Winners were selected based on evidence of character, commitment to serving in their communities and long-term leadership potential. Annika’s involvement in school and her community clearly shone through. Annika is on the school track and field, cross-country and swim teams. As co-chair of the environmental group, she expanded her school’s compost program and developed new initiatives to raise awareness. Annika teaches alpine skiing to disabled students and leads a youth volunteer club. She plays clarinet in the concert band and volunteers as a German language school assistant.
The International Languages Department celebrated International Languages Week March 19-23, with different activities that the students enjoyed tremendously participating in. We kicked off the week with our sale of Chilean empanadas that the school community enjoyed for lunch and after classes. We had the opportunity to share a sample of the delicious Latin-American flavor with this traditional pastry turnover. On day 2 of international celebration, we had traditional chocolate croissants and gourmet coffees, cappuccino and hot chocolate to start our morning before classes as part of symbolic heritages from Italy and France. International festivities continued on with our traditional Karaoke challenge which gave our students the opportunity to showcase their musical talents, share their favorite songs and singers and, the most important of all, have fun by singing in English, French, and Spanish or in any other language of the world. The Tertulia group had its open doors practice to showcase some of the musical spirit of the Hispanic world. To wind up the week, students had a challenge related to the wonderful Italian gastronomy; the Spaghetti Eating Contest. Students, teachers and administrators enthusiastically participated, but ultimately, it was the students who were victorious. A delicious and fun activity to celebrate Italian culture in our Franciscan community. The activities allowed the community to celebrate our multicultural values and diversity.
February 27 ES students attended BE Brave Hitmen Hockey game. It was a sea of pink shirts at the Saddledome in support of Anti-Bullying.
We Believe; We Achieve;
In order to qualify for graduation, all students must:
Check with Student Services for diploma requirements.
Start Date: Wednesday, February 28th Final Date: Wednesday, March 14th
Be passing all courses necessary for graduation to have your name on the Graduation List.
Includes the following:
Pay all School Fees and return all outstanding textbooks to have your name on the list.
Remember to check the Graduation List posted outside the counselling office. Your name must be on the list by the end of classes on Friday, May 11th to be part of the 2018 Graduating Class of Saint Francis High School. Report any errors or omissions to Student Services. th
Payment of fees can be made on line using the ACORN system. (see the school website for additional information)
Please Note: All outstanding school fees must be paid and all outstanding textbooks must be returned prior to the school processing graduation and banquet fees. Any payments will first be applied to outstanding balances prior to completing the transaction.
Nomination forms for Class Valedictorian will be available on Monday, March 12th. Forms must be submitted to Mr. Sauer (Room A213) by Monday, April 9th at 3:45 p.m.
The successful candidate will be announced on Friday, April 27th during the morning announcements.
Candidates will meet Tuesday, April 10th at 12:00 p.m. Competition is scheduled for Thursday, April 26th at 3:45 p.m.
Graduation Retreat (lunch provided) Graduation Mass at St. Michael’s Catholic Community Rental of the Jack Simpson Gymnasium at the University of Calgary Diploma folder and tassel Graduation pin Rental of gown and stole Lighting, sound and instrument equipment rental Large “Year In Review” collage for the school Digital photos will be made available by Prestige Portraits by Lifetouch Framed class composite for the school
Student graduation gowns were ordered from March 12th to March 16th during TA. If you missed ordering your gown contact the main office.
Grad gown sizes are based on height without shoes. Students will pick up their gowns, stoles, etc. from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, May 30th. Gowns are worn at the Graduation Mass and at the Graduation Ceremony, Friday, June 1st.
Gowns and stoles must be returned immediately after the ceremonies at the Jack Simpson Gymnasium. Family photographs can be taken prior to this.
Friday, June 1st 10:00 a.m. St. Michael’s Catholic Community 800 - 85 Street SW Each student will receive two guest tickets in their graduation packages when picking up their gowns. All students and guests must be in St. Michael’s by 9:30 a.m. as Mass will commence at 10:00 a.m. sharp. All graduates are expected to attend the Mass and are required to wear their gowns during Mass.
Friday, June 1st 2:00 p.m. Jack Simpson Gymnasium University of Calgary
As this is a large facility, everyone is invited. Semi-formal dress is required for this event -- long pants or dresses and appropriate footwear. Students who are not appropriately dressed will not be permitted to participate. All students must be at the facility no later than 1:30 p.m. Please be aware that purses, electronics, water bottles, etc. are not permitted to be in the graduates possession during the ceremony.
All Grade 12 students are required to attend the Retreat on Monday, April 30th. Transportation is not provided. Students can take the local bus to Dalhousie Station and take bus #37 to St. Luke’s (corner of Northland Drive and Northmount Drive). Parking is available at St. Luke’s Church. Lunch will be provided at this event.
Gowns and stoles must be returned immediately after the ceremonies at the Jack Simpson Gymnasium.
Ticket Sales Start Date: Tuesday, May 1st Final Date: Friday, May 11th Tickets for the Banquet and Dance will be sold ON LINE using the ACORN System. At the time of purchase, students will select their seat and/or tables ON LINE. Further ticket and banquet information will be sent home in early April. Please note, the graduation fee does not cover the cost of the Dinner and Dance at the BMO Centre. There is a cost for parking at the Stampede Grounds; this is not included in the cost of the Banquet and Dance ticket.
The Graduation Ceremonies will start at 2:00 p.m. sharp. There is a cost for parking at the University of Calgary. This is not included in the graduation fees. While we welcome our guests to take pictures, guests are not permitted near the stage during the ceremony. ICON Photography will capture each graduate receiving their diploma.
Sunday, May 27th 5:30 to 10:00 p.m. BMO Centre, Calgary Stampede Grounds
Complete details and prices for the Banquet and Dance will be forthcoming in the next Graduation Newsletter.
Guest Speaker - Michael Chiasson
Monday, April 30th 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. St. Luke’s Church 1566 Northmount Drive NW
Each graduate will have a picture in the yearbook and on the wall composite. For those who wish to purchase individual graduation photographs, there is a sitting fee of $35.00. Students who have not booked a sitting should contact Prestige Portraits by Lifetouch at 403-255-5440 or via the St. Francis High School website. Due to difficulties in the past, we can no longer accept graduation photos from other studios or sources for inclusion in the yearbook.
GRADUATION RINGS Create your own piece of history with a class ring that captures your high school spirit and preserves your cherished memories. Jostens will accept orders for school rings at anytime at www.jostens.com.
Saint Francis High School promotes safe and sober graduation activities for our students. The Students Against Drunk Driving group will host activities to promote awareness and education about alcohol. All students are encouraged to participate in these activities.
Grad Fee Payment: February 28th to March 14th on-line payment Saint Francis website
Wed Graduation Fee
Graduation Fee
PD Day
Good Friday
Easter Sunday
Easter Monday
9 Valedictorian
11 18
17 24
26 Valedictorian
Parent/Teacher Interviews No Classes
30 Grade 12 Retreat St. Luke’s
Mid Term Grad List
Competition 3:45
PD Day
Banquet Tickets: on-line sale Saint Francis website
Tue 1
Wed 2
Thu 3
Fri 4
Sat 5
18 PD Day
Victoria Day
Grad Banquet/Dance
Principal’s Address to 11:15 a.m.
Graduation Gown Distribution
Fri 1
Graduation Mass
Sat 2
Graduation Ceremony Jack Simpson Gymnasium
Classes End
Final Exams Begin
Last Day of Exams
Family, friends, students and teachers please join us for a 5km Walk for Water around Confederation Golf Course on Friday, April 13, 2018, starting at 1:00 pm. Carry water filled jugs on this 5km loop to understand the plight 63 million people face each day when they have to walk at least 30 minutes for water. This promises to be a fun filled and educational event, complete with a bake sale and photo booth! Also, gather pledges for your walk and you can win a prize for the most pledges raised. The registration fee is $10, and all proceeds will go to CAWST, an organization based here in Calgary dedicated to providing education, training, and opportunities for people to access clean water and sanitation. Pick-up a brochure at the main office. If you have questions or want to sign up please contact Anna Ponce anna.ponce@cssd.ab.ca. Everyone is welcome! Malia Vitug, grade 10 student
If you are interested in participating in the walk please fill in the registration below and forward $10 to Anna Ponce.
REGISTRATION FORM FOR THE WALK FOR WATER ON APRIL 13, 2018 Name: __________________________________________________ Saint Francis TA ____________________________( if applicable) Address: ________________________________________________ Phone #: ______________________________________ Registration Payment:
Cheque (payable to Saint Francis High School – Attention: Walk for Water)
Waiver: In consideration of accepting this entry, I hereby for my self, heirs and administrators release and forever discharge the Saint Francis High School, it agents servants, representatives, successors and assigns and any other bodies corporate, firms, associations or persons connected with the competitors, of and from any and all rights, claims, demands and actions whatsoever that I may have for any and all loss, damage, or injury sustained by me or my equipment during said competition. I also give permission for the free use of my name and or my picture in any broadcast, telecast or other account of this event. I attest that I am physically fit.
Parent/ Guardian Signature: _______________________________________________ Student Signature:______________________________________________________ Date: ________________________
On March 8, the Saint Francis PE department, hosted its second annual All Girls Active Living Day. It was a full day of guest speakers to inspire, educate and motivate the Saint Francis girls to choose healthy and active options as they move forward into adulthood; coinciding perfectly with International Women’s Day. We were fortunate to have fitness instructors, ambassadors, aspiring athletes, business owners and community leaders volunteer their valuable time. In Block 1, our main speaker was had Joanna Magik - Co-founder, and Marketing Director UNDRCARD Boxing Studio and DJ, and she was joined by Sunny Britton – Rhythm and Resistance Consulting and Movement U Spin instructor, and Rae Laberge – Co-leader of November Project YYC. In Block 2, our main presenter was Carla Robbins – Owner of Vital Strength and Physiology and Performance Coach, and she was joined by Tammy and Jennifer - Co-owner and Nutritionist at Surfset YYC, Heather Crippens – owner of Crossfit 403 in Airdrie, and Deanne Jabs – owner of Leaping Dog Racing. In Block 3, our main presenter was Kristi Stuart – co-founder of Barre Belle Inc., and she was joined by Myles Maxey – owner of Little LionMan Leather, Leslie McKernon – owner of Vagus Fitness and Kristin Hallett – author and TV personality and Host for the Calgary Sports and Entertainment Group. In Block 4, our main presenter was Chemaine Linnie – Biohacker and Fitness and Nutrition expert, and she was joined by Kim Winsor – head trainer at Orange Theory Fitness Royal Oak, Kristi Stuart and Leslie McKernon. In year one we had 424 total girls in attendance…over half of our entire female student population. This year our total attendance was 698 girls with many coming for 2, 3 or all 4 blocks!!! The goal of the day was to reach as many girls as possible and to connect them with mentors in Calgary. To say year two was another success would again be a massive understatement. The feedback from the girls was nothing but positive and we can’t wait to provide this opportunity again next year!
On Tuesday, March 27, students had an opportunity to participate in Musical Chairs with their TA class. The Musical Chairs TA Challenge was in support of CAWST, an organization based in Calgary dedicated to providing education, training, and opportunities for people to access clean water and Musical Chairs Champion sanitation. Nicolas A.
GRADUATION To have your name on the Saint Francis Grad list and participate in the Graduation Ceremonies (Friday, June 1, 2018), students are required to be passing all courses set by Alberta Education and Saint Francis High School. Counsellors are available to meet with students and/or parents to answer any questions relating to course requirements for graduation. Appointments can be booked through Peggy Pilon in Student Services at 403.500.2026, ext. 7346. ALBERTA HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA REQUIREMENTS Courses
Minimum Requirements
Although Grade 10 and 11 students have submitted their course selections for the next school year, it is not uncommon for students to require changes. Students can meet with their assigned counsellor to discuss and potentially change their course selections. POST-SECONDARY AND SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION
Students can receive up-to-date postsecondary and scholarship information by signing up for REMIND.
56 Credits
REMIND instructions are as follows: On your cell phone, text this number: 403-800-0409
Religious Studies 15, 25, 35
Grade 12 students, text this message: @286fa6
Grade 11 students, text this message: @ag9bkb
SUMMER SCHOOL Summer School Dates Tuesday, July 3—Friday, July 27, 2018 (5 credit courses) A variety of high school courses are being offered through the District’s Summer School again this year. Students are able to take direct instruction classes at seven different locations throughout the city and/or select online classes. Information and registration can be found at: http:www.cssd.ab.ca/students/academic-services/summer-school/ USEFUL RESOURCES Additions and Mental Health Services The following brochure is a comprehensive guide that can help families seek out information for anyone requiring support with mental health and/or additions. http://www.albertahealthservices.ca/assets/info/amh/if-amh-calz-know-your-options-brochure.pdf OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPTS
Official high school transcripts can be acquired at myPass.alberta.ca. Diploma results can also be viewed on this site. SCHOLARSHIPS To view a full listing of scholarships available please view Content in D2L under Student Services. The Saint Francis website also has a full listing of scholarships under the Student tab.
Alexander Rutherford Scholarship
Office Hours:
Students can begin applying for the Rutherford scholarship at any time, but preferably before they begin their post-secondary studies. Information about the scholarship, including application process can be found at: http://studentaid.alberta.ca/scholarships/alberta-scholarships/ alexander-rutherford-scholarship/
Office Assistant: Peggy Pilon, Ext. 346 peggy.pilon@cssd.ab.ca
8:30—3:45 Monday—Thursday 8:30—2:00 Friday
Calgary Calabrian Cultural and Heritage Scholarship This scholarship valued at $2000 is available for application for any Grade 12 student of Calabrian descent, who excels academically and demonstrates strong citizenship, and plans to attend post-secondary within a year. Information and application can be found on the school website at: https://www.cssd.ab.ca/schools/stfrancis/Students/Scholarships/ Pages/default.aspx
Coralie Bedier Coordinating Teacher, Ext. 345 coralie.bedier@cssd.ab.ca
UPGRADING at St. Anne’s Academic Centre
Karen Wadson, Ext 348 karen.wadson@cssd.ab.ca
Marc Osenton, Ext. 347 marc.osenton@cssd.ab.ca Rob Schrauth, Ext. 344 rob.schrauth@cssd.ab.ca
St. Anne’s offers a variety of upgrading opportunities to students who Career Practitioner: (Wed.—Fri. only) have completed three years of high school. For more Carolyn Campbell , Ext. 349 information and booking please check out: carolyn.campbell@cssd.ab.ca https://www.cssd.ab.ca/schools/stanne/About/Pages/default.aspx
SUMMER PROGRAMS –CALGARY CATHOLIC SCHOOL BOARD CAREER DISCOVERY - Are you a Grade 10 or 11 student interested in engineering, law, veterinary medicine, architecture or information technology? Students are invited to apply for a Career Discovery position (two week job shadow) in the summer in one of these areas. Students are eligible to earn three credits while exploring a potential career area. The application form is available on D2L. Students should book an appointment with Mrs. Campbell in Student Services to review the resume and cover letter. Students applying for the Career Discovery are required to complete the HCS3000 course. See Mr. Buckie or Mrs. Campbell to sign you up. Placement is not guaranteed for any of the summer programs. The student parent meeting is scheduled for May 2, at 7:00 PM at Bishop Carroll High School. The due date is May 2. REGISTERED APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM: Are you considering a career in one of Alberta’s 52 trades. Grade 10 and 11 students are eligible to apply to participate in the RAP Program working in a trade for a minimum of 6 weeks in the summer. Students must complete HCS 3000, an application form, resume and cover letter. RAP is competitive and students are encouraged to apply early. Make an appointment with Mrs. Campbell if you need help with your resume and cover letter. Applications are due April 13, to Mr. Buckie, Office Campus Teacher. WORK EXPERIENCE: Are you planning to work this summer? Find out how to earn credits for you summer job. See Mr. Buckie, Off Campus Teacher to sign up for HCS 3000 and to register in the Work Experience Program. UPCOMING EVENTS CAREER SHOWCASES: An industry showcase helps students explore lesser known opportunities. Attending students are given first option to interview for Spring and/ or Summer positions. AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE TECHNICIAN: Thursday, April 12, 2018, at 6:30 PM at Kal Tire (6607 Macleod Trail SW). Learn about the typical duties and skill development with opportunities at Kal Tire. LATHER-INTERIOR SYSTEM MECHANIC: Thursday, April 19, 2018, at 6:30 PM at NAIT’S Calgary Facility (816 – 55 Ave. NW, Calgary). Learn about steel stud framing, ceiling systems, exterior drywall, curves and ornamental shapes. SHEET METAL WORKER: Thursday, April 26, 2018 at 6:30 PM at SAIT, Aldred Centre Room CB 205 (1301 – 16 Ave. NW). Learn how this skilled trade cuts, bends, forms and welds sheet metal to manufacture and install air flow systems in buildings, railings, and countertops. YOUTH EMPLOYMENT CENTRE HIRING FAIR 2018 - The Youth Employment Centre is hosting its Annual Youth Hiring Fair at the Big Four building in Stampede Park on Tuesday, April 3, 2018 from 1:30–6 PM. Youth ages 1524 years old get the chance to meet with a variety of different employers representing a wide range of industries who are looking to hire part-time, full-time, and seasonal employment opportunities. Bring your resumes, be
COMMUNITY PROGRAMS ALBERTA JUNIOR FOREST RANGERS - As a member of the Junior Forest Ranger (JFR) or Aboriginal Junior Forest Ranger (Aboriginal JFR) crew, you’ll participate in a seven-week summer work experience program that allows you an opportunity to explore career paths in forestry, natural resource management and earth sciences. A typical working day will not look like any other job you’ve had before! Check it out at www.albertaJFR.ca. Applications are due April 1. See Mrs. Campbell if you need assistance. CALGARY FIRE BUCKET BRIGADE SUMMER CAMPS - The Calgary Fire Department has a program for youth ages 14 to 18 to experience 4 days in the life of a firefighter and gives them a taste of the Fire Cadet Program. Students will learn a variety of firefighter skills and get a chance to: wear a self contained breathing apparatus, search a confine maze, hook up a hydrant and handle a hose and become certified in CPR and fire extinguishers and more. Check out the website for more information. http://www.calgary.ca/CSPS/Fire/Pages/Programs/Fire-Cadets/Fire-Cadet-bucket-brigade-camps.aspx ALBERTA COLLEGE OF ART AND DESIGN - Summer programs are available for high school students. The Pre-College Program is a visual arts and design immersion for serious art students between 16-18 years who have completed grade 10, 11 or 12. If you are a talented high school student who is serious about pursuing post-secondary studies in visual art or design, the Pre-College Program is your opportunity to become immersed in intensive art and design experiences at the college level that will focus your learning on the materials, skills and knowledge that are relevant to artists and designers today. It is a genuine opportunity for you to work like a professional artist/designer and to be mentored by professional artists and designers. https://www.acad.ca/ continuing-education/summer-art-programs Call to register at 403.284.7640. SAIT SUMMER PROGRAMS - SAIT Summer Camps is a summer camp program for youth entering grades 4-12, located in Calgary, Alberta. Known for its hands-on learning environment and non-traditional offerings, SAIT Summer Camps encourages youth to explore interests and future career options, learn new things and make connections. www.sait.ca/summeratsait SUMMER JOBS - Summer jobs will continue to be challenging to obtain. Students need to create targeted resumes focused upon their skills and abilities as they relate to the job they are applying for. It never hurts to write a good cover letter to go along with the resume. Mrs. Campbell is available to assist with resume and cover letter writing. Also important are the interview skills necessary to seal the deal. Students are encouraged to book a practice interview with Mrs. Campbell. Go to www.myblueprint.ca. Click on the Work Icon for information about resume writing, cover letters and interview skills. CSSD DUAL CREDIT PROGRAMS Dual Credit programs enable students to complete both a high school diploma and a post secondary certificate while in high school. To apply for Dual Credit Programs students must be in Grade 10 or Grade 11 (if space allows), able to accommodate either one or two spares within their schedule in Grades 11 and 12. Transportation to and from each location is the responsibility of the student. Please see Mrs. Campbell, Career Practitioner or Mr. Buckie, Off Campus Teacher for more information. APPLICATIONS ARE AVAILABLE ON D2L. SEE BELOW FOR DUE DATES.
PHARMACY ASSISTANT CERTIFICATE PROGRAM – Are you considering a career in health care? Grade 10 students are invited to apply for the Pharmacy Assistant Program at SAIT. Biology 20 must be taken prior to semester 2 of Grade 11. An unpaid summer practicum is required at the end of Grade 12. Courses will be held at SAIT Tuesday and Thursday Mornings from 8:30 – 11:30 AM in Grade 11. In Grade 12 the classes will be Monday and Wednesday 8:30 – 11:30 AM. Parent Evening TBA Check Daily Announcements for due date. HEALTH CARE AIDE CERTIFICATE PROGRAM – Are you considering a career in health care? Grade 10 students are invited to apply for the Bow Valley College Health Care Aide Certificate Program. Students must complete English 10-1 or 10 -2. Students are required to attend courses at Bow Valley College campus on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:00 – 6:00 PM. A summer practicum is required at the end of Grade 12. The Student/Parent Information meeting will be held Tuesday, March 13, 2018 from 6:30 – 7:30 PM at Bow Valley College Lecture Theatre N124. Applications are now due April 13, 2018. VETERINARY TECHNICAL ASSISTANT CERTIFICATE PROGRAM – Do you enjoy working with animals? Would you like to work in a veterinary office or at the Humane Society? Olds College is offering students the opportunity to complete the Veterinary Technical Assistant Certificate while in High School. Students must complete either Biology 20, Chemistry 20 or Science 20 by the end of Semester 1 in Grade 11. Classes will take place at Bow Valley College on Tuesday and Thursday from 3:30 – 6:30 PM. The Student/Parent Information meeting will be held Tuesday, March 6, 2018 from 7:00 – 8:30 PM at Bow Valley College 7th Floor South Tower Room S7044. Applications are now due April 13, 2018. NUTRITION FOR HEALTHY LIFESTYLES CERTIFICATE PROGRAM - Train to become a nutrition consultant for health and wellness programs at fitness centres or weight management clinics through courses focused on nutrition, disease prevention and health coaching. Students must complete Math 20-1 or 2, English 30-1 or 2, Chem 20, Physics 20, Science 20 or Bio 30 by graduation. Students will be required to attend classes at SAIT 4 mornings per week for three semesters. Student Parent Information Meeting TBA. More details to follow.
Pre-Employment Carpentry: Tuesday, May 1 @ 7:00 pm—Rm CB318 Aldred Building (3rd Floor), SAIT Campus In the Dual-Credit Carpentry Program, students will receive 375 hours hands-on skill development and classroom instruction at SAIT. This program is a 1 year commitment – students will attend classes in the morning both semesters of Grade 11 or Grade 12 (students will require morning spares in periods 1 and 2 to attend SAIT. Classes are Monday – Thursday, 8:30-11:30am. Students are responsible for their own transportation to and from SAIT). Students will receive 15 high school credits, a SAIT Dual-Credit Carpentry Certificate and will be eligible to challenge the Alberta Apprenticeship exam for first year apprenticeship. Pre-Employment Electrician: Tuesday, May 1 @ 6:00 pm—Rm CB320 Aldred Building (3rd Floor), SAIT Campus In the Dual-Credit Electrician Program, students will receive 375 hours of hands-on skill development and classroom instruction at SAIT. This program is a 1 year commitment – students will attend classes in the morning both semesters of Grade 11 or Grade 12 (students will require morning spares in periods 1 and 2 to attend SAIT. Classes are Monday – Thursday, 8:30-11:30am. Students are responsible for their own transportation to and from SAIT). Students will receive 15 high school credits, a SAIT Dual-Credit Electrician Certificate and will be eligible to challenge the Alberta Apprenticeship exam for first year apprenticeship.
Pre-Employment Plumbing: Wednesday, May 2 @ 7:00 pm—Rm CB320 Aldred Building (3rd Floor), SAIT Campus In the Dual-Credit Plumbing Program, students will receive 375 hours of hands-on skill development of classroom instruction at SAIT. This program is a 1 year commitment – students will attend classes in the morning both semesters of Grade 11 or Grade 12 (students will require morning spares in periods 1 and 2 to attend SAIT. Classes are Monday – Thursday, 8:30-11:30am. Students are responsible for their own transportation to and from SAIT). Students will receive 15 high school credits, a SAIT Dual-Credit Plumbing Certificate and will be eligible to challenge the Alberta Apprenticeship exam for first year apprenticeship. Pre-Employment Engineering Design and Geospatial Technologies: Thursday, May 3 @ 7:30 pm—Rm TBD Aldred Building (3rd Floor), SAIT Campus In the Pre-Employment Engineering Design and Geospatial Technologies Program, students will receive 300 hours of hands-on skill development and classroom instruction at SAIT. This program is a 1 year commitment – students will attend classes in the morning both semesters of Grade 11 or Grade 12 (students will require morning spares in periods 1 and 2 to attend SAIT. Classes are Monday – Thursday, 8:30-11:30am Students are responsible for their own transportation to and from SAIT). Students will receive 12 high school credits. SAIT courses taken in this dual-credit program may be applied towards the courses needed for a SAIT two year diploma in the Engineering Design and Technology, Civil Engineering Technology, or Geomatics Engineering Technology programs. Wood Trades Exploratory Program April 30 @ 6:00 pm—Rm CB305 Aldred Building (3rd Floor), SAIT Campus In the Wood Trades Exploratory Program, students will receive hands-on skill development and classroom instruction at SAIT. This program is a 1 semester (Sept. – Dec. 2018) commitment – students will attend classes in the afternoon of semester 1 of Grade 11 or Grade 12 (students will require morning spares in periods 1 and 2 to attend SAIT. Classes are Monday - Thursday 1:00 – 4:00 pm. Students are responsible for their own transportation to and from SAIT). Students will receive up to 12 high school credits, a SAIT Certificate of Achievement and will be better prepared to pursue potential opportunities for employment in the construction industry upon successful completion of the course. Construction Engineering Technologies Exploratory Program Thursday, May 3 @ 6:00 pm—Rm TBD—Program Dates TBD Please note that all Off-Campus, Dual Credit and Exploratory Programs require a formal application, an online application and completion of prerequisite courses. Please check D2L under “District Academic Programs” or the CSSD website for more details: https://www.cssd.ab.ca/Programs/Off-CampusEducation/Pages/default.aspx
U-Learn is located in the Learning Commons B118
Follow me on Twitter Mrs.Hobor@SFLearn_CCSD
Tap into the following resources and items.. Book a conference room for students and teachers for group work or meetings. Borrow a book or three!
Borrow iPads and Chromebooks for the block or the day. Borrow a camera to create a presentation. Borrow a microphone to get your point across. Bus Passes Scanning is every Monday during Lunch as well as B Hallway on the following dates: Saint Francis Student ID
Clubs In the Learning Commons you can join the Book Club or the Knitting Club.
April 9, 10, 11, 30
May 1, 2
June 4, 5, 6
NOTE: Wednesday, June 27, 2018 is the deadline to scan all 2017-2018 passes
Spring has finally arrived. After a cold long winter, we are all excited for the three feet of snow to melt from the field, the flowers to bloom and the weather to warm up. But the true meaning of spring at Saint Francis means the beginning of a new Rugby season. We are hoping to re-create the same success as last year that saw our team go undefeated and bring home the Division 2 Championship banner. We are anticipating a much harder road in Division 1 this year and will be leaning on our veteran grade 11 and 12 students to set the tone early. We have had an excellent start to our season so far with over 30 new grade 10 and 11 girls trying out rugby for the first time. We would like to invite all Saint Francis students, parents and alumni out to cheer on our girls at our home games on the back football field. Keep an eye out for the upcoming home game schedule. Go Browns Go!
It’ll take more than a little snow to stop the Saint Francis Boys Rugby Program. The Junior boys are returning to defend their City Championship Title; while the Senior boys are returning for another strong season. Let’s wish them luck and pray for some fields to play on. Go Browns Go!
The 2018 Browns Badminton season has gotten off to an exciting start, with our team participating in tri-meets at Notre Dame and St. Mary’s. Our players are eagerly practicing, as we ramp up towards Divisionals and City Finals in April. Go Browns Go!
CSHSAA Calgary Senior High School Athletic Association link below to follow all sport Activities
This year we have an amazing group of returning Grade 11 and 12 athletes. Under the leadership of many of those returning grade 12's and the exciting finish of the junior team last year, we are looking to have a strong season both on the field and among the team. All of the girls are excited and ready to work hard to fight for a spot on the division one playoffs. We look forward to seeing many students and parents come out to support their friends/daughters. Our schedule can be found online at www.calgaryhighschoolsports.ca Go Browns Go! Coach Scarpino
This year the junior girls field hockey team once again has the honor of having Jess Britton, a U of C Dino’s field hockey player to assist with coaching. With a mix of grade 10’s and 11’s and athletes with both field hockey and other athletic skills we will definitely be a team to contend with and you will be sure to have a pretty exciting game to watch. Check out the schedule at www.calgaryhighschoolsports.ca and cheer on the girls. Coach Marsha Gallant
The Saint Francis Browns boys are excited to start a new spring 2018 soccer season. Close to 60 students tried out for the Boys Soccer team this year. What will be chosen to represent Saint Francis on the Soccer pitch, will be a team of skill, quickness, and a high work rate. This year's team has a balanced distribution of gr 10's, 11's, and 12's. The team is looking to leverage last year's momentum and put together another successful season. The coaches are encouraged by what they have seen so far, and look forward to another great season of Brown's Soccer. If you are a fan of soccer, and want to see a high level of the "Beautiful Game" performed by these talented young men, come cheer on the Saint Francis Browns Boys Soccer team.
The Senior Girls Basketball team [AKA Browns Ballers] had an early end to a successful season of growth, teamwork, and competition. Competing in tournaments, both south of and across the city, allowed the girls to test their skill against some of the top ranked teams in the province. As coaches we look forward to next year and all the fun and opportunity it promises; however, our grade twelves will be sorely missed. A big thank you Lou, Zoe, Ori, and Sam for all the sweat and cheers! Thank you also to the parents, fans, scorekeepers, officials and administrators that made the season possible.
Congratulations to our Senior Boys Basketball team. They finished their season March 10, in the Division 2 City Final with a second place finish. The boys had a very successful season earning a 6 and 4 record in regular season play. They also captured 3rd at SFI. We wish the seniors leaving our program all the best in the future. You have shown great leadership and dedication to our Athletic Program.
The Junior Girls Basketball team had another successful season in 2017-18. Building on an established program, the Browns finished as one of the top Division 1 teams in the city. We started off the season by winning our home tournament, followed by strong showings in the Bishop Grandin & Bishop O’Byrne tournaments. Led by two returning Grade 11s and a group of talented 10s, we rolled to a league record of 7-3 and a top seed in the playoffs. Our team really defended well, and could shoot the lights out when we got hot. We beat Abe in the quarterfinals with a thrilling last minute 3-pointer, before bowing out in a tough fight in the semifinals to the eventual city champions Centennial. Our girls basketball program will be lucky to have these girls next year.
Junior Boys ended their season losing to Lester B Pearson in the semi finals. They advanced to the semis by upsetting William Aberhart in an exciting 81-78 victory. The Junior Boys entered 2 tournaments and finished second at the Bishop Grandin tournament. The boys battled in every game throughout the season and were great ambassadors of Saint Francis.
A huge "shout out" to all our Basketball Scorekeepers. We could not have asked for a better crew. Thanks for your time and commitment to the Saint Francis Basketball Program.
Cobs Bread Dough Raiser At the Crowfoot location please tell them you are with Saint Francis High School. Cobs will donate 5% of your purchase back to our school in June. It's a very easy way to support your school while enjoying delicious and high quality breads and treats. Crowfoot Corner Shopping Centre #107, 150 Crowfoot Crescent N.W. (403) 239-2666 Mon to Sat 7 a.m.—7 p.m. Sun 8 a.m.—6 p.m.
Panda Flowers When placing an order with Panda Flowers let them know you are with Saint Francis High School. A percentage of the sale will be donated back to the school in the form of flowers for Saint Francis events. Crowfoot Corner Shopping Centre #205, 150 Crowfoot Crescent N.W. (403) 239-7673 Mon to Fri 8:30 a.m.—8 p.m. Sat 8:30 a.m.—6 p.m. Sun 10 a.m.—5 p.m.
If you have questions or concerns, please contact: Constable Enzie 403-500-2026
In the St. Francis Fine Arts Department, there are many option and extra curricular classes that students can take; one of which is the Musical Theatre course. The Musical Theatre course consists of the talents and hard work of students, using class time to work as a whole on group numbers, and as individuals or smaller groups on contract pieces. Choreographers and Singing Mentors come in to do workshops with the students, and the students learn valuable skills from professionals that can be applied to their performances. This year, the show consists of four musicals: “Cabaret”, “Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812”, “Jersey Boys”, and “Mamma Mia”, taking select pieces from each musical to show a variety of talents and abilities instead of sticking to one musical. The performance dates are June 6th, 7th, and 8th at 7pm in the St. Francis Theatre in the school. Seat selection and tickets can be preordered by the students a few weeks before the shows. There are two extra curricular extensions from the Musical Theatre and Drama courses, of which the rehearsals run after school during the student’s own time. These extensions are the Fall and Spring productions, which showcases a recreation of a pre-written play. Any student can audition, whether they are taking a Fine Arts course or not, and may be given a role depending on the results from their audition. Last semester (the Fall Production) was a recreation of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, directed by Ms. Duma-Lorincz and Ms. Miotti. This Semester (the Spring production) showcases a recreation of 2 plays: The Brownstone and Shady Meadows, both directed by Ms.Bedier and Mr. Forte. The Spring play performance dates are April 25th and 26th at 7pm, in the St. Francis Theatre in the school. The Fine Art Department gives the students opportunities to visit professionals outside of the school setting, allowing them to experience acting, singing, and dancing in an environment that is completely immersed in those skills. The talents shown in the Musical Theatre course and the Fall/ Spring productions have given the students an opportunity to attend festivals such as DramaFest. The students who attend meet other directors and actors who hold workshops and activities to teach new acting techniques to the students. The students meet people of the same age who have the same passions as them, and learn from observing and watching other plays and productions. DramaFest is an opportunity only made possible by the Fine Arts courses at St. Francis and the support from parents and guardians.The student’s passion and hard work earns them the chance to experience what it’s like to perform, and what it’s like to work with professionals in this career.
The Saint Francis Dance program is one of the many fine arts options available at our amazing school. Throughout the 15, 25 and 35 levels, students work with professional choreographers, showcase their talents through major and minor performances, and have opportunities to perform at festivals and events throughout the school year. This year students are preparing for the Eastside Dance Festival. A community based competitive dance festival featuring Calgary’s finest high school level dancers from high schools across the city. The festival takes place at the Decidedly Jazz Dance School, with performances in the DJD Theatre each evening. This is an opportunity to share our talents and abilities with other high schools, and to take part in workshops and master classes offered by professional dance artists in Calgary’s vibrant dance community.
We are also working toward our spring show called, “Same Ship, Different Day!” Saint Francis’ finest dancers and actors telling the story of a shipwreck disaster. Turning our stage into an ocean liner and dancing on our ship’s deck is our next task! May 24 and 25, at 7pm. Don’t miss it! Finally, one of the best things about our dance program is the Saint Francis Pep Rally Dance Team. Our finest student hip hop dancers and choreographers come together to perform for and celebrate our sports teams. Truly an experience of school spirit second to none, our dancers show their love for Saint Francis through hard work and dedication to dance to inspire and be inspired by the hard work and dedication of our teams!
Just two weeks ago the Saint Francis High School senior improv team achieved the impossible. They won their second consecutive city championship down at the Loose Moose Theatre on March 2nd against Central Memorial High School. Coached by Saint Francis alumni, Anyssa McKee, team members Logan Hockley, Layne Labbe, Patrick Lynn, and Aidan Sura were able to beat all the other teams and get the biggest laughs to secure the championship for Saint Francis. Our team got off to a great start on their first night and capped off the round robin with an even stronger second night putting them into first place overall going into the semifinals. Then after the semifinals match against their rivals, Notre Dame, they were able to narrowly beat out Central Memorial to clinch first place. It was a hard fought tournament with weeks of preparation but it all paid off and these four students were able to finish their high school careers with another win under their belts. But have no fear for the future because backing them up is the Saint Francis junior improv team who were only 0.1 points away from making the semifinals which is absolutely incredible for them. The future of improv is bright for Saint Francis. We would like to thank everyone down at the Loose Moose Theatre and Dr. Larry Stanleigh for making this all possible and we can’t wait to defend our championship next year. Aidan Sura
The SFHS Yoga program is in full swing with students making their way to the Bodhi Tree Yoga Centre for a true yoga studio experience. Interested in being strong, calm and mindful? Check us out Monday’s after school from 3:45 – 4:45. All students, staff, and anyone from the community of St. Francis is welcome. Interested in deepening your knowledge and awareness of self, preventing injury, increasing flexibility, learning about anatomy and alignment? Our yoga program brings all that and more. Including handstands and backbends!!!
The Proteus Saxophone Quartet worked with the The Concert Band on Wednesday February 7, with insights from its members from Montreal, Vancouver and Calgary. The Concert Band performed two challenging pieces at the Alberta International Band Festival on February 27. They received "Excellence” or “Superior” ratings in multiple categories from both adjudicators, with valuable feedback as they continue to explore this repertoire. The Jazz Band received Superior ratings at AIBF and a Gold Award on March 7. Congratulations to Mr. Oberhamer, our jazz clincian of thirteen years, and the hard work of our Jazz Band members! They perform next in Edmonton, April 16, at 7:00 PM on Tuesday, June 5 for Awards Night at the church. SFHS Alumni Justin Kiszczak and Russell Glenn, both class of 2017, were members of the The University of Calgary Jazz Orchestra who performed Feb 23—24, at the 50th Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival at the University of Idaho. Congratulations to our Alums! The twenty-four pot lights in the S001 Music Room were upgraded to LED flat panel lights in February and March. We can SEE! Faculty from Ambrose University visited the grade 11/12 band class Wed., March 14, to share opportunities to study and play music after high school. CHOIRS The Concert Choir performed exceptionally well at the non-competitive Choralfest South on Tuesday, March 13, at Knox United Church. They enjoyed working Ms. Linda Beaupre of Ontario, Dr. Richard Sparks from the University of North Texas, and hearing choirs from Bishop O’Byrne and Foothills Composite High Schools. We are excited to announce that Dr. Schneider has reached an agreement with Amy Bishop, featured musician on the TV program "The Launch" in January, to work with the SFHS Concert Choir in a choir room workshop from 2:15—3:45 PM on Friday, April 27. Dr. Schneider is currently working on an exciting guest for Jazz Choir as well, the members of which are expanding their improvisation skills. The Concert Choir will sing for grade 12 graduation Mass and Convocation on Friday, June 1, from 8:00 AM–3:15 PM. MUSIC DATES see www.saintfrancismusic.com Course fees and instrument rental fees MUST be paid to fund our programs! Please visit your account HERE. Details of an exciting SF Music Society raffle of two airline tickets anywhere WestJet flies will be announced the week of April 11. Stay tuned…7:00 PM Thursday April 12, 2018, WorldRenown Count Basie Orchestra at the Jack Singer Concert Hall for participating students and parents. All ensembles continue to prepare for the Edmonton Cantando Festival April 15—17, in the world-class Winspear Centre. A reminder that Health Forms for Edmonton are now overdue! Visit Brightspace by D2L for extra copies. The Saint Francis Music Society Bottle Drive is 9:00—2:00 PM on Saturday, April 28, in the SFHS parking lot. Thank you to volunteers who will serve on this committee. We now need 15 parents and 55 students for each of two shifts from 9:00– 11:30 AM and from 11:30—2:00 PM. Families can sign up online, with more info and more dates at the Saint Francis Music Society website. Our Spring Concert 7:00 PM, Mon., June 4, at the UofC Rozsa Centre. Tickets go on sale online soon!
POWERSCHOOL: PARENT VIEW Parents have quick and easy access to view attendance records, report card marks, and grade history. You must have two pieces of information to create an account. Your child’s Calgary Catholic School District ID number (6 or 7 digit number) and your child’s birthday with month, day, and year. (example: Jan 8, 1996 must be typed as follows: 181996 (month/day/year). Go to Saint Francis Website https://www.cssd.ab.ca/schools/stfrancis click on “Parent View” https://sis.cssd.ab.ca/public/ Click “Create Account” / Follow steps
CALGARY TRANSIT PASS REBATE FOR ELIGIBLE STUDENTS Students must meet the eligibility criteria in order to receive a rebate on the purchase of a monthly youth Calgary Transit pass. Refer to www.cssd.ab.ca and follow the Transportation link. Please complete the rebate form if you are eligible for a rebate and have not received a waiver from the school. The payment will be made by direct deposit. Students who are eligible must reside 2.4 kilometers or more from the school. Submit the completed form to the school. Faxes are not accepted. A separate form must be completed for each student EACH YEAR. Students can check Calgary Transit’s website to see their route. Go to www.calgarytransit.com select “School Service” on the top menu and click on Saint Francis for all the routes.
We strongly encourage parents and guardians to review schools’ designated attendance areas, especially before considering a move to a new community. All CCSD schools have attendance areas which identify the schools in each community where students are eligible to register. Students are expected to attend the designated school for their community unless they decide to register at a program of choice school such as French Immersion or Fine Arts. For a list of programs, please click here. For these schools there are mandatory transportation costs based on residence of the family attending. To view the Calgary Catholic elementary, junior high and senior high school designated attendance areas for each community, please click here.
ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SCHOOL 50TH ANNIVERSARY GALA AND SILENT AUCTION Come and celebrate St. Vincent de Paul School’s 50th Anniversary with current and former staff and alumni. This Gala and Silent Auction is an adult only event which will be an opportunity to gather and share memories of great times at St. Vincent and tour the recently renovated building. Through our Silent Auction, we are raising funds to update the stage area in the gymnasium. So come on out and celebrate the past 5 decades with us as we “Look To The Future”. Tickets are $25 each and can be purchased through the St. Vincent de Paul School website. We are also looking for pictures from the past 5 decades so if you have old photos that we can use as part of the evening, please submit digital copies through the following link: https:// www.dropbox.com/request/AFn9oTh9rueIyFUobva5 or email jessica.blackwell@cssd.ab.ca and we hope you will join us in celebrating our 50th Anniversary.
Friday, April 20, 2018 7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. St. Vincent de Paul School 4525 – 49 Sreet N.W. Tickets - $25/pp – Available through the St. Vincent de Paul School website Includes Food and a Cash Bar is available Must be 18 years or older to attend