October Newsletter 2017 2018

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FALL EDITION 2017-2018


Welcome to the 2017-2018 school year. This year we welcome 1617 students to Saint Francis. Over the past few years, our school boundaries have been adjusted to keep our enrollment between 1600 and 1650 students. This is the capacity of students we know we can support without having the need to move students and teachers into portables during the modernization construction which is expected to last 2.5 to 3 years. Eliminating the decanting costs associated with portables has paid off and we have been able to enhance the scope of the modernization project for the long-term benefit and enjoyment to our current and future Saint Francis Families. Despite knowing and preparing for the modernization, it was still quite a shock for us to see the front half of the school gone when we returned in September. The staff and students have adjusted to the construction and we have been blessed to work with a contractor who is accommodating to our needs. The feedback we received from our staff and students is that it’s business as usual. In fact, students are spending more time relating with teachers as many staff have opened their classrooms over the lunch break. In some ways the construction project has brought the school community closer together. Today the project is proceeding as planned and the current focus has been the removal of the North side of the school and updating our heating control systems to be ready for winter. During the opening address to students, we focused on how the Peace Prayer of Saint Francis promotes love, kindness and the virtues of mercy and forgiveness. We are fortunate to be part of a school community blessed with a long history that is rich in tradition. Students were informed of the support the school community provides to ensure their success. We continue to encourage our students to engage in their school community by moving outside their areas of comfort and extending love and kindness to each other. Students were called upon to foster a school culture of effort by working together to raise expectations and prepare for success after high school. Our students know the qualities of what it means to be a Saint Francis student or as we say a “Brown”. Our students continue to demonstrate a great deal of leadership and growth. We are in the process of reviewing our Diploma and Accountability Pillar results and our October 6 Professional Development Day facilitated this process. We continue to improve our results and we feel that our school community has much to celebrate. Our school’s Three-Year Goals and Annual Educational Results Report (AERR) will be published on our website in mid-November. This information will be presented in detail at our School Council meeting on Wednesday, November 15, at 7:00 p.m. Our council parents are passionate about Saint Francis and our students, we invite parents to join our council and attend meetings. This year’s Spirit Week will be October 11-13. Students are asked to “Rise to the Challenge” and show their school spirit; Wednesday, October 11 – GET YOUR PLAID ON – Wear your favorite Plaid Shirt. Thurs., Oct. 12 – TIE-DYE SHIRT DAY – Wear your favorite Tie-dye shirt. Fri., Oct. 13 – WEAR YOUR SCHOOL SPIRIT – Wear your Brown and Orange! Many events were planned throughout the week cumulating in the Student Council’s sponsored Pep Rally event. The event showcased our school’s talented dancers and athletes and raised monies to support this year’s charity drives. Our Fine Arts department is showcasing “A Midsummer Night's Dream”. The play will run Dec. 5-7, with the Gala taking place on Dec. 6. Our Gala is a perfect opportunity to showcase our student’s artistic talents in music, drama, dance, culinary and art. Our fall sports activities are in full swing. Fall sports include: junior and senior volleyball, junior and senior football, swimming, girls’ soccer and cross-country running. So far, we have experienced great success at every level of our sporting events. The rivalry game between St. Francis Browns and ND Pride is Fri., Oct. 13. Both teams are currently undefeated! The Browns are ranked number 2 in the nation with the Pride being ranked 14. The past few years 3500-5000 fans have attended the Pride vs. Browns matchup. Tickets go on sale Tues., Oct. 10 during the lunch break in the main foyer. Tickets sold at the school are $2 and $5 at the gate, students are encouraged to purchase tickets for their families at the school. Game time is 6:30 p.m. and the gates open at 5:45. There will be no liquids permitted into the stadium. Students are advised to check D2L and the Daily on the website for all our event times.

Final Word Saint Francis is a community that is committed to learning excellence. We set high expectations for ourselves and our students. Our staff will deliver outstanding educational programming for your son or daughter to help them achieve their full potentials. To do so, we require the assistance and feedback from all stakeholder groups. Parents are welcome to volunteer their time supporting our many programs and events. Please feel free to contact the school 403-5002026 and let us know how we are doing.

The Staff of Saint Francis

Demolition Underway!

Our Future Look...

Congratulations Mrs. Auvigne Our New Administrative Secretary



GOOD FRIDAY/SPRING BREAK March 30-April 8—No Classes

DANCE SHOW December 18 and 20


CHRISTMAS BREAK December 22-January 7—No Classes BACK TO SCHOOL January 8 DIPLOMA EXAMS January 11 and 12—No Classes ADVANCED ACTING SHOW January 18 LAST DAY OF SEMESTER I January 19


DIPLOMA EXAMS January 22-30—No Classes

PARENT/TEACHER INTERVIEWS November 16—4:30-7:30 pm November 17—No Classes



TEACHERS’ CONVENTION February 15 and 16—No Classes

BROWNS BALL December 1

FAMILY DAY February 19—No Classes

FALL DRAMA PLAY December 5 and 7






Saint Francis High School 877 Northmount Drive NW Calgary, AB T2L 0A3 Phone: 403-500-2026 Fax:: 403-500-2226 website: https://www.cssd.ab.ca/schools/stfrancis

CCSD Calendar link: https://www.cssd.ab.ca/Parents/Calendars/Pages/Default.aspx

Welcome all returning and new families to Saint Francis. Your 2017-18 Saint Francis School Council is very excited about the new school year. There is so much happening at the school this year (especially with the modernization). A great way to stay connected with what’s happenings at the school is to attend one of the School Council meetings. Mark Berger, our Principal, attends every council meeting and brings a wealth of information and news to share with the parents. Our next meeting is Wednesday, November 15. Please consider joining us, we look forward to meeting you! There are many volunteer opportunities at Saint Francis. Janet Lymer is our Volunteer Co-ordinator and she is looking to fill her volunteer database for this school year. By adding your name to the database, you will receive emails of volunteer opportunities at the school. We do not send out mass emails regarding volunteer requests. Only those individuals signed up on the database will receive emails. If you think you might be interested in volunteering at the school, please add your name to our volunteer database. Throughout the year we require volunteers for Browns Ball, Teacher Appreciation Lunch, Awards Banquets and Breakfasts, Graduation and many other special events. If you are interested in signing up, please visit the following link: https://goo.gl/forms/kAqTdWCtz8AAGv5s2 Fundraising is always an interesting topic with School Council. Due to the current economic conditions in Calgary and the introduction of Bill 1 this school year, it is even more relevant (Bill 1 restricts schools from being able to charge instructional fees to families). The question arises as to how the short fall from these fees will affect our children. School Council may play a larger role in supplying funding for the programs that use to be funded by these fees. The Council has not done much fundraising in the past and instead has relied heavily upon donations from families to run many of our events. All donations are tax deductible and taxable receipts are issued for donations of $25 or more. This program is completely voluntary. If you are interested in donating to Saint Francis, please click on the link found on the school website. Cobs Bread in Crowfoot has been a supporter of the school for many years. Every time you make a purchase at Cobs Bread Crowfoot location, mention that you want the purchase linked to Saint Francis High School. A portion of all sales will be donated back to the school. In the past, some parents have donated their commissions from home-based businesses. If any parents have home based businesses like Epicure or Norwex and would like to do a Christmas order through the school please contact Claude Chretien (403-465-1263). Again, we are very excited about the upcoming school year. If you have any questions, concerns or comments, please feel free to reach any of the council members. Your 2017-18 School Council members are: Claude Chretien – Chair Karen Koshman – Vice-Chair Mark Woitas – Treasurer Susan Herman – Secretary Janet Lymer – Volunteer Co-ordinator For a full listing of School Council meetings and special events, please click on the following link: https://www.cssd.ab.ca/ schools/stfrancis/Parents/School-Council/saintfrancishighschoolschoolcouncil2016-2017/Pages/default.aspx

Thank you, Claude Chretien

Make a Difference! Student Council would like to welcome all new and returning students, teachers, staff and parents of our Saint Francis Community. Student Council is a group of dedicated, hard-working young men and women who ensure that there is always something interesting going on at school. Without this essential group, a school day at Saint Francis would just be another ordinary school day. Throughout the school year we are constantly planning special activities and events such as our Talent Show, Sports Rallies and Browns Ball. The activities and events we coordinate are vital in spreading school spirit as well as giving students a welcomed diversion from their classes.

Over the past month we have been very busy preparing student activities and planning upcoming events. This year our welcoming theme is “Discover Your Inner Champion.” The front hallway was covered with radiating suns in vibrant colours. Each sun had the name of a grade 10 student printed on it. We encourage all students to get involved and participate in activities that will enhance their school life and help to create fond and lasting memories. In September, we held two events to welcome the grade 10’s. Our first event was a Club Day in the Brown Gym which promoted various clubs offered this year. Then, at our second event we served frozen popsicles and ice cream desserts in the Orange Gym. We also held the Fall Sports Rally which introduced all the Browns Fall Sport teams. We were very fortunate to have Mr. Heath Brown, a former graduate, participate in the rally and act as our MC. He urged our athletes to excel and put forth their best efforts; and he encouraged all the students to attend games and cheer on their teams. Heath was thrilled to join us in our celebration and he told students, he has very fond memories of his time as a Saint Francis Brown and he hopes that they all feel very proud to be part of something truly special. Lachlan C., Charlene T., Andrew P., Erica L., Raluca T., Anhela F. at Club Day.

We encourage all students to participate and help enrich our school spirit by reading the Daily announcements, so they are aware of the various activities and events happening at the school. So try out for a school team, join a club, audition for a play or cheer on and support your fellow Browns.

Mr. Heath Brown at the Fall Sports Rally with DJ Fayyaz.

Student Council invites everyone to participate in Jacket Racket. WE encourage you and your family to go through your closets at home and find gently used winter wear that you no longer use. Coats, jackets, scarves, hats and mitts that you donate will be given to people who need warm clothing for the winter. Please bring your donation and drop it off in the main foyer anytime up to October 27. Carrying your donation to school one day means a warm winter every day for someone in need.


Welcome to a new school year. My name is Nicole Seneviratne and I am a teacher and the Chaplain at Saint Francis High School. Our Faith theme this year is “Ask and it will be given unto you.� I am sure as parents we encounter our children asking all the time. Sometimes we would be happy if they stopped asking! This theme is looking to encourage our students to engage in a more active prayer life. In a time of high stress and anxiety, taking time out to pray and ask God to help us with our struggles is something that could be helpful to our young people. Also, we like to encourage the students to be aware of those who are asking and how they can help out those in need. There will be a variety of opportunities throughout the year for students to be actively engaged in charity and social justice.

Liturgy Dates Throughout the school year students will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of Liturgies. October 4, was the Feast Day of Saint Francis and a Liturgy was held for our grade 12 students. We also sold animal cookies in honour of Saint Francis who was known to be a great lover of animals and nature. All proceeds went to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul at Canadian Martyr’s Church. Our grade 10 Liturgy will take place on October 12 with guest speaker Andy Thibodeau and the grade 11 Liturgy will follow on October 17 with guest speaker Masson Normand. We will also have Remembrance Day Liturgies for all grades on November 10.

Sacramental Preparation If your child has not received the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Holy Eucharist or Confirmation and they wish to prepare and receive any of them, please contact Mrs. Seneviratne as she will be able to help students prepare for these sacraments.

Welcome back! September is always a busy month for Student Services. We are pleased to report that our online scheduling system was a success this year and resulted in many more students coming back to satisfactory timetables. Students have been reminded to set up their MyBlueprint and MyPass accounts if they have not already done so. Alberta Education requires all students have a MyPass account to view and order transcripts and access diploma exam results. Once again, Students Services is offering twitter and remind to students and parents. Our twitter feed is @SFGuidanceCCSD and remind instructions text stfrancisp to number 431-800-0409. Students and parents may also access post-secondary and scholarship information in their D2L course labelled “General Course Student Services” under content. On Tuesday, September 26, Student Services hosted High School 101, an information night for parents new to high school. Saint Francis will be hosting many post secondary institutes during the school day and at lunch for student information sessions. On Wednesday, October 25, we will be hosting the Out-ofProvince Post Secondary Fair (OOPS) from 9:00-10:30 am which all students will have an opportunity to visit.


8:30—3:45 Monday—Thursday 8:30—2:00 Friday

Office Assistant: Peggy Pilon, Ext. 346 peggy.pilon@cssd.ab.ca COUNSELLORS: Coralie Bedier Coordinating Teacher, Ext. 345 coralie.bedier@cssd.ab.ca Marc Osenton, Ext. 347 marc.osenton@cssd.ab.ca Rob Schrauth, Ext. 344 rob.schrauth@cssd.ab.ca Karen Wadson, Ext 348 karen.wadson@cssd.ab.ca Career Practitioner: (Wed.—Fri. only) Carolyn Campbell , Ext. 349 carolyn.campbell@cssd.ab.ca

Post Secondary @ Saint Francis Sat., Sept. 23 Tues., Nov. 14 Wed., Oct. 11 Wed., Sept. 20 Wed., Oct. 4 Wed., Oct. 11 Thurs., Oct. 5 Tues., Sept. 19 Tues., Oct. 3 Wed., Oct. 25 Thurs., Nov. 2 Wed., Nov. 8 Tues., Nov. 7

Study and Go Abroad Fair ELAA Post Secondary Event Western University U of Alberta MRU U of Lethbridge SAIT U of Calgary BVC Out-of-Province Post Secondary (OOPS) UBC U of Saskatchewan U of Victoria

1:00 pm-6:00 pm 7:00 pm-8:30 pm 9:00 am-10:30 am 2:30 pm-3:30 pm 9:00 am-11:30 pm 12:00 pm-12:30 pm 10:30 am-12:00 pm 12:30 pm-2:00 pm 12:30 pm-2:00 pm 9:00 am-10:30 am 11:30 am-12:45 pm 2:00 pm-3:30 pm 9:30 am-10:30 am

Work Experience Work Experience allows students who have a part time job to earn credits based on the number of hours they work. Hours spent volunteering and hours worked during summer may also be eligible for this program. Worksites are approved, students are evaluated and a teacher supervises the students’ experience. Students involved in the program have the opportunity to:  Earn high school credits (1 credit for every 25 hours worked, with a minimum 75 hours worked)  Acquire the skills and work habits needed to succeed after high school Credits can be earned in the following courses:  HCS 3000: Workplace Safety Systems (1 CTS credit)  Work Experience 15, 25 and 35 (3 – 10 credits per course)  Career Internship 10 (3 – 5 credits) Of these credits, a total of 21 (1 CTS and 20 Work Experience) credits can be used toward the 100 credits required for a High School diploma. Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP) Is a career in the Trades something you might want to explore? RAP may enable you to gain experience in a trade to see if it is a career possibility for you. These are paid, full time summer positions and enable a student to earn credits based on the hours worked. Applications will be available on D2L in early February. As part of the application students will need to include a cover letter, resume and a teacher recommendation. *** Please note that in order to enroll in any Off-Campus program, students must have first completed the CTS course, HCS 3000: Workplace Safety Systems. *** For more information on these and other Off-Campus programs, please visit: https://www.cssd.ab.ca/Programs/Off-CampusEducation/Pages/default.aspx Or contact your Off-Campus Teacher: Mr. Don Buckie Cell: 403-880-1711 e-mail: don.buckie@cssd.ab.ca

Mrs. Carolyn Campbell is the Career Practitioner for St. Francis, St. Timothy and St. Martin de Porres High Schools. Email: carolyn.campbell@cssd.ab.ca Saint Francis Hours: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and alternating Mondays Location: Student Services The Career Practitioner is available to assist students with the following:  Career planning – What would you like to do after high school?  Self Assessment – Interests, Skills, Values and Personality  Occupational Research  Job Search - Resumes, Cover Letters and Interview Writing  Post Secondary Exploration  Volunteer Opportunities Summer Programs Book an appointment with Mrs. Campbell through Mrs. Pilon in Student Services. What is Career Planning? Career planning is a unique life long process for each person. Your Career Practitioner will work with you to learn more about how your interests, skills, values and personality impact your choice of career direction. It is an active process that students begin in their Career and Life Management class and continues with meetings with your Career Practitioner and your Student Services counselor. You will be making career decisions throughout your life. Does the Career Centre offer Career Tests and Assessments? Any “career tests” are tools for students to learn more about themselves and potential careers that may be of interest to them. The “tests” are designed to provide career suggestions for exploration but there is no test that will tell a student what they should have as a career. The goal is for the students to learn as much as they can about themselves and the careers that are available so they themselves can make an informed decision about their first step after high school. Will the Career Centre find me a job? We do everything we can to give students the tools to find their own jobs. That may mean assisting students with creating a resume and cover letter, doing practice job interviews and talking about job-search skills. Can I get High School credits for my part-time job or volunteer work? Yes, you can! You must see Mr. Buckie, Work Experience teacher in N112. NEWS FROM THE CAREER PRACTITIONER We are gearing up for a busy fall of exploration and research through the various upcoming events and activities. All students are encouraged to take advantage of these activities to learn more about the opportunities available to them after high school. OUT-OF-PROVINCE POST SECONDARY FAIR—Saint Francis will host the Out-of-Province Post Secondary Fair on Wednesday, October 25, in the Brown Gym from 9:00 am to 10:30 am. All interested students will have the opportunity to attend. Representatives from Universities throughout Canada will be available to answer questions and provide information. Parents are welcome to attend.

ALBERTA POST SECONDARY FAIR—On Tuesday, November 14, from 7:00 – 8:30 am in the Orange Gym, Saint Francis will host Alberta post secondary institutions including technical institutions, colleges and universities. Students and parents are invited to attend to check out all of the amazing opportunities for students after high school. WORLD OF CHOICES—On Friday, November 24 from 8:30 am–1:30 pm, Junior Achievement of Southern Alberta is hosting an exciting day for young women in Grades 10, 11 and 12. Students will have the opportunity to hear about different career opportunities from female career mentors. Transportation and a light breakfast and lunch will be provided. Students must come to Student Services to sign up using a QR code, pick up and field trip form and will need to register on line. Deadline to register is November 1. Space is limited to 25 students. FIRE CADET ACADEMY—Are you considering a career as a firefighter? The Calgary Fire Department offers students in Grades 10, 11 and 12 the opportunity to apply to join the Fire Cadet Academy. It is an 18 month program for students seeking to find out what it is like to be a firefighter through both classroom, community service and field activities. Students must attend 3.5 hour weekly meetings and community service activities. Admission to this program is competitive. Check out www.calgary.ca/firecadets to access the application and all of the program details. If students have any questions or require assistance with their application, please see Mrs. Campbell in Student Services. CALGARY POLICE CADET CORPS—Are you considering a career as a police officer? The Calgary Police Service offers students ages 12-18, the opportunity to participate in a cadet program focused on policing. Learn leadership skills, gain experience, enhance your physical fitness while developing positive relationships. For more information please contact cadetcorps@calgarypolice.ca. ZENITH ‘17—On Sunday, November 19, Project Pulse Calgary is hosting a conference for high school students interested in pursuing a career in the Health Sciences. This conference is designed to improve students’ knowledge of the Health Sciences and proves that it provides more than a career as a doctor. We explore the different Health Sciences such as Bioinformatics, Biocomputing Sciences, Biotechnology and many other branches! Zenith '17 brings different students and professionals from all sorts of Health Sciences careers to refute the misconceptions behind this science, and reinforce our attendee's understanding by hosting Q&A sessions, interactive demonstrations and opportunities related to the different Health Sciences branches. If students are interested please contact somithdas@gmail.com directly. NEW DUAL CREDIT PROGRAM - NUTRITION FOR HEALTHY LIFESTYLES—Do you want to earn a SAIT Certificate while obtaining your high school diploma. Students in Grades 10 and 11 who are interested in nutrition and health may be interested in this program. Check out www.sait.ca certificates for details about the program. Please see Mrs. Campbell in Student Services if you would like more information. This program requires students to have a Block 1 and 2 spare and to travel to SAIT for classes. Deadline to apply is November 13. The program begins in Semester 2. OTHER DUAL CREDIT PROGRAMS—The Calgary Catholic School District is offering Dual Credit programs in the following areas: Pharmacy Assistant (SAIT), Veterinary Technician Assistant (Olds College), Health Care Aide (Bow Valley College) or Pre-employment Carpentry (SAIT), Pre-employment Welding (SAIT) and Field Production Operator (SAIT) (an online program). Grade 10 students are invited to pick up information from Student Services about how to earn both a high school diploma and a post-secondary certificate by the time they graduate from high school. Applications will be available in February for a Fall 2018 start.


SAT EXAM—The SAT is a test for students considering U.S. colleges and universities. This year the SAT will be offered at Bishop Carroll. Check out the dates to write at www.sat.collegeboard.org/ register

Sat., Sept. 23

STUDY AND GO ABROAD FAIR – CALGARY - This free expo will feature universities and colleges from Canada and around the world, as well as student travel organizations for gap year and other experiential travel programs. Free seminars will also take place during the day, starting one hour before the expo opens. Expo opening hours: 1:00-5:00 PM. Seminars start at noon. BMO Centre at Stampede Park, Palomino Room, 1410 Olympic Way SE Calgary, AB

Sat., Sept. 30

UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY OPEN HOUSE 10:00-3:00 PM, MacEwan Hall See www.ucalgary.ca/ openhouse for more information. Applications open October 1. Deadline to apply for admission is March 1, 2018.

Sat., Sept. 30

UNIVERSITY OF LETHBRIDGE OPEN HOUSE 10:00-3:00 PM, www.uleth.ca Free on the spot admission.

Tues., Oct. 1

UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY starts to accept applications on October 1. Students with higher grades who may qualify for scholarships and other scholar advantages should apply by December 1. Deadline to apply for all programs is March 1, 2018.

Tues., Oct. 1

MOUNT ROYAL UNIVERSITY starts to accept applications for the fall of 2018. Nursing, Education, Midwifery and Bachelor of Interior Design applications close on February 1. Other programs remain open until they are filled.

Tues., Oct. 1

OLDS COLLEGE starts to accept applications. Animal Health Technologist program is now competitive admission. Applications must be received by November 15, with all volunteer hours completed.

Tues., Oct. 1

ALBERTA COLLEGE OF ART AND DESIGN begins to accept applications. Deadline to apply is February 1. Portfolio and Letter of Intent deadline is February 15.

Fri., Oct. 20

OLDS COLLEGE OPEN HOUSE 9:00–4:00 PM will offer guided tours, program information and opportunities to speak with students and staff.

Sat., Oct. 21

OLDS COLLEGE FASHION INSTITUTE in Calgary is hosting an Open House at their Bow Valley College location from 10:00-3:00 PM. Register now at oldscollege.ca/visit.

Sat., Oct. 21

ST. MARY’S UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OPEN HOUSE 10:00–2:00 PM. University degree programs and University transfer programs are available at the South Calgary campus. www.stmu.ca Applications accepted until programs are full.

Sat., Oct. 21

BOW VALLEY COLLEGE OPEN HOUSE 10:00-3:00 PM. www.bowvalleycollege.ca Diploma and Certificate programs are available in: Health Services, Justice Studies, Administration, Business and Human Services. Applications are ongoing but applying early is advised.

Wed. Oct. 18

SAIT APPLICATIONS OPEN OCTOBER 2017 – Some SAIT Programs admissions are on a first applied, first qualified, first admitted basis. SAIT offers degrees, diplomas, certificates, trades training and academic upgrading in a wide variety of health, technology and trades areas.

EVENTS AND DEADLINES FOR 2017 Sat., Oct. 21 Wed., Oct. 25 9:00–10:30 AM Oct. 27 & 28

UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA OPEN HOUSE 9:00-4:00 PM at North Campus (Butterdome) and Campus St. Jean from . Deadline to apply is March 1, 2018. OUT OF PROVINCE POST SECONDARY FAIR @ SAINT FRANCIS. Representatives from 40 universities from across the country including Queens, Dalhousie, McGill, UBC and many others will be available. Visual ID is required for admission. SAIT OPEN HOUSE,9:00-4:00 PM Main Campus in the Heart Building. www.sait.ca Check out the programs and the campus to see if it is a good fit for you. Students will be able to apply for one program for free during the Open House days.

Sat., Oct. 28

MOUNT ROYAL COLLEGE OPEN HOUSE 9:30-3:30 PM in the Roderick Mah building.


OLDS COLLEGE DISCOVERY DAYS – Open House specifically for high students. Campus tours are also given every Friday afternoon (For tour, please call to register 403-507-7715. Note there are also days to discover specific programs www.oldscollege.ca

Date TBA

UNIVERSITY OF LETHBRIDGE - Calgary Information Session – Time and location to be announced. www.uleth.ca

Tues., Nov. 14 7:00–8:30 PM

ALBERTA POST SECONDARY FAIR @ SAINT FRANSIC - Students and parents are invited to meet with representatives from Alberta post secondary institutions including colleges, technical institutions and universities.

Date TBA


Fri., Dec. 1

UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY’S PRESTIGE SCHOLARSHIPS: Students interested in applying for University of Calgary Prestige Scholarships should apply for admission by December 1, 2017, to enable them to submit a scholarship application for the Schulich (Engineering) or Chancellor’s Scholarships (Arts and Science) or the Health Sciences Scholarship by December 15, 2017.

This month the Saint Francis Volunteer Club had a great turn out during clubs day with many new and returning students signing up. We also participated in a community cleanup and started a peer tutoring group. Thank you to all the volunteers who made our first few activities of the year possible! Next month we look forward to many more fun activities. Peer tutoring will continue to run throughout October. We will also begin the Linkages program with the Bethany Care Centre and the Atria ice cream and bowling socials, both of which are amazing opportunities to connect with seniors in our community. The Volunteer Club will also take part in different events for Halloween including a haunted house at the Triwood Community Centre and a fundraiser for We Scare Hunger.

CALGARY TRANSIT PASS REBATE FOR ELIGIBLE STUDENTS All junior and senior high school students who attend their designated school and who live more than 2.4 km from their designated school are eligible to apply for a monthly Transit Pass Rebate on their purchased Transit Pass. The CCSD will provide a rebate of $54.90 per month per pass to eligible students who follow the district’s rebate procedure. This amount is equivalent to the amount the Government of Alberta subsidizes transportation for students who live more than 2.4 km from their designated school. The cost of a monthly Calgary Transit Youth Pass is $70 for 2017-2018. Students attending a school that is not their designated school for any of the following programs are not eligible for a Transit Pass rebate: IB program; AP program; Bishop Carroll self-directed program; High School French Immersion Certificate program; Hockey Canada Skills Academy; CTF programs; Home Schooling; students residing outside of Calgary but attending a Calgary school; etc.

Students must check Calgary Transit’s website to see the c ha nge s to the i r rou te . G o t o www.calgarytransit.com, select “School Service” on the top menu and click on Saint Francis for all the routes.

POWERSCHOOL: PARENT VIEW Parents have quick and easy access to view attendance records, report card marks, and grade history. You must have two pieces of information to create an account. Your child’s Calgary Catholic School District ID number (6 or 7 digit number) and your child’s birthday with month, day, and year. (example: Jan 8, 1996 must be typed as follows: 181996 (month/day/year). Go to Saint Francis Website https://www.cssd.ab.ca/schools/stfrancis click on “Parent View” https://sis.cssd.ab.ca/public/ Click “Create Account” / Follow steps

Follow me on Twitter Mrs.Hobor@SFLearn_CCSD

Welcome to Saint Francis Learning Commons

Saint Francis Learning Commons


You can use the following items:  Conference rooms available to students and teachers for group work or meetings.  IPads to borrow for the block or the day  Chromebooks available for the block or the day  Borrow a camera to create a presentation  Borrow a microphone to get your point across  Borrow books

In the Learning Commons you can join the Book Club or the Knitting Club.

Bus Pass Scanning is Located in the Learning Commons every Monday at Lunch U-Learning is located in the Learning Commons B118

September at a Glance The month of September has been a great jumping in point for our students in their quest to stay active, healthy and mentally strong as we begin the 2017-18 year at Saint Francis. Already our students have been modelling and leading healthy and active lifestyles. Our PE 20’s and 30’s have already participated in off campus field trips, including Golf, Tennis and currently Canoe and Kayak, and our PE 10’s are now fully immersed in our programs and are enjoying their activities. On September 29, we hosted our annual Terry Fox Run with many generous donations from local business, specifically Brentwood and Dalhousie Co-op stores and our amazing School Council. It has become a tradition at Saint Francis and one that our students take great pride in. Again, thank you to all those that donated their time, money and/or energy. Students have also begun work on their semester projects. Each grade has a project designed to cover curriculum areas that would otherwise take them out of the gymnasium and into the classroom. Our focus is to keep our students active and engaged and these projects allow us to maximize our activity times with all our classes. And finally, our PAWsitivity award is back again for its third year. During our Fitness Fridays our students not only get to work with their peers to accomplish activities such as obstacle courses and Cross-fit challenges but each block, one student is chosen to receive the PAWsitivity award. This is given out to the student who models an outstanding work ethic and is also supportive of their classmates in the most positive way. This award continues to bring out the best in our students and has reinforced attributes such as character, compassion and empathy in all of our students. Look for more exciting news from our Physical Education department in the coming months.


“Through the rain, heat or that one big hill during our races, these obstacles have only developed ourselves and our Saint Francis cross country team. No matter what, spirits are high as we cheer on our teammates to the end. During our races we may face temptation to stop, however we remind ourselves that we will start and finish as a Brown; strong and determined to cross the line no matter what!” By Alyssa Pepevnak—Grade 11

The cross country team welcomes students of all running abilities. We run as a team and strive for personal bests. The season includes 4 meets involving 30 Calgary-area schools and up to approximately 100 students per age-level race. In the first two meets, Saint Francis students have achieved two top-10 finishes as well as many top 40-finishes. At the team-level for senior boys, the Browns most recently placed third amongst all schools. City and Provincial Championships run October 11, in Cochrane and October 21, in Edmonton, respectively. See you out on the trails! Coaches: Mrs. Konicki, Mrs. Clark, Mr. Blischak and Mr. Le Marquand

The senior football team is off to a good start to this season, currently 2-0. The team is coming off a bye week and play Centennial High School on Friday, October 6. In the second half of the season the Browns will face their toughest competition. The outcome of those games will determine what kind of team the Browns have this year. The senior football team is led by a mature group of grade 12’s like Tyson R., Jacob B., Ethan W., and Nicolas A., as well as some excellent grade 11’s. The Browns coaches have high expectations and are looking forward to playing some tough opponents in the coming weeks.

This year’s junior football program seeks success, with an amazing start of 2-0. Having allowed no points scored against, the teams has a very strong linebacker core and explosive defensive line that drives until the whistle blows. The offensive line consists of big, hardworking kids that strive to protect their talented Quarterback and open holes for their excellent running game. When they are not driving down the field through explosive runs they are throwing the ball to their wide array of skilled receivers. Moreover, their Special Teams units are very strong and have provided scoring in both games. Not only do they make every effort toward a City Championship, they also look to uphold and do proud to the many years of tradition that the Saint Francis football team stands for. Written by Karson Moroz and Carter Ramos

CSHSAA Calgary Senior High School Athletic Association link below to follow all sport Activities


This year’s Junior Girls Volleyball Team is off to a great start. We are currently 2-0. We finished 3rd at the U of C tournament, and we finished 1st at the Lord Beaverbrook tournament defeating Centennial in the final 25-22 and 2826. Our goal is to make playoffs and ultimately win Cities for the second year in a row. Our next home game is at our tournament on October 13/14. Come out and watch some fantastic volleyball. Go Browns Go!

Pass, Set, Spike, Block, Dig!!! Our boys development team is made up of 12 Grade 10 and 11 student-athletes who have made a commitment to Browns’ athletic excellence. During league games, tournaments and training they know they perform to represent the school in a positive way…through fair play, hustle and teamwork. We hosted a tournament Sept 29-30, and saw many competitive matches.

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The Boys Golf Team competed on September 18, at Redwood Meadows at the provincial qualifier. Although the boys golfed well, they did not advance to Provincials. Great job boys, maybe next year will be our turn!

The 2017-18 Senior Girls Volleyball Team is already in midseason form and ready to challenge for a City Title. The team is led by Grade 12 Captain Alex H. and returning starters Emily F., Clarissa S. and Phoebe L. The girls are working hard on their craft and are pushing each other daily to improve. The energy and enthusiasm is fun to watch. Our girls are in many tournaments this year including a trip to Saskatoon. Look for big things to come as we near City play downs in November. Coach: Mr. Marchuk

With several returning Grade 12’s and an addition of strong Grade 11 talent, the Senior Boys are looking to be very competitive this season. Already off to a strong start, finishing second in two tournaments. They are a very enthusiastic, funny and entertaining team to watch. This team has some of the best camaraderie I have ever seen and I believe this will help carry us to a strong finish in Division 1. Our Home Opener is Oct. 12 at 6:30 p.m. vs. Bishop Grandin and Senior’s Night is Nov. 7 at 4:30 p.m. vs. Bishop O’Byrne. #gobrownsgo Coach: Mrs. Scarpino

The 2017 Saint Francis Swim season has begun! The first practice was held on the first snowy Monday morning in October and we had an amazing turnout of over 30 swimmers! Practices are 7-8 AM at Sir Winston Churchill Pool. We have 40 dedicated swimmers on the team and we are looking forward to another successful season. The City Swim Meet will be held on Wed.,Dec. 6, at Repsol Sport Centre. Parents are invited to watch this chaotic, but highly enjoyable and entertaining event. We are still looking for parent volunteers (no experience required). Thank you to all those who have already volunteered!

The Saint Francis Girls Soccer program saw nearly 40 girls tryout for the team this year. The Browns will be well represented on the fall soccer pitch this 2017 season. This is a relatively young team, that features some great new talent, they are extremely coachable, the team chemistry is excellent, and they play an exciting brand of soccer. The Browns Girls Soccer program is excited to present a young team that consists of eleven Grade 10's, nine Grade 11's, and one Grade 12 player. We are delighted with the insurgence of talent that has come out for the team, and we are excited to see what they can do together on the field this season. We will be one of the youngest teams in the league, but we know that this feisty group of girls are up for the challenge. This team of talented players are also a group of well rounded individuals. These girls are extremely coachable, respectful, and their early team chemistry is a pleasure to be around. At practice, they work hard, and know how to have fun. Practices function at a high pace, there are a few laughs, and this group of girls love the game and genuinely like each other. This team chemistry is transparent on the field, they move the ball around well, and play a fast paced style of soccer. We are excited to present the 2017 Saint Francis Browns Senior Girls Soccer Team. Coaches: Mr. Oliverio and Mr. Shannon

This winter, our theatre department is putting on a production of Shakespeare's famous comedy 'A Midsummer Night's Dream.' Students from Grades 10, 11 and 12 take on roles as mischievous fairies; conflicted lovers; kings and queens; and bewildered actors. With Mrs. DumaLorincz and Ms. Miotti co-directing, and choreography by Ms. Miotti, it's not a show to be missed. Rehearsals are in full swings, and it won't be long before the show itself has arrived! Performance dates are December 5 and 7. Tickets are $10. The Gala is December 6 and tickets prices are TBA. By Kerri Lawrence

The dance program got off to an amazing start with the Browns fall dance team performing at the pep rally. They will perform again at the Saint Francis Invitational in December. The St. Francis dance program is expected to perform Cracked—A Nutcracker Reboot. The dance show will take place December 18 and 20 at 7 PM, with a matinee December 19. Tickets are $7 for students and $10 for adults. As well, the gala dance performance will take place Wed., Dec. 6, during our Fine Arts Gala Evening. By Madeline Russo

The bands and choirs are off to a great Da Capo at Saint Francis! Please review and discuss the dates and events below in your music family: Most events will have students bused from SFHS, excluding the December and June UofC Rozsa Centre concerts, and the April CBO concert.

Fri., Sept. 29

3:00-5:00 PM SFHS Band / Choir Workshops* *a great success with 16 clinicians working with our students Fri., Oct. 20 2:45-4:15 PM SFHS Band Workshop Wed., Nov. 22 1:00 PM via bus from SFHS Feeder School Performance Fri., Nov. 25 3:00-5:00 PM SFHS Band / Choir Workshops Wed., Dec. 6 (evening TBA) SFHS Fine Arts Gala Jazz Band and Jazz Choir SFHS Learning Commons Tues, Dec. 19 7:00-9:00 PM UofC Rozsa Centre ALL Bands and Choirs Christmas Concert (call times TBA) Feb. 21–27 (TBA) AIBF Festival Concert Band UofC Rozsa Centre Fri., Feb. 23 1 PM Choir Collaboration Choirs Ambrose University, Airhart Theater Mar. 6–9 (TBA) AIBF Festival Jazz Band TransAlta Performing Arts Mar. 13–17 (TBA) Alberta Choralfest Concert Choir Knox United Church Wed., Mar. 28 (tentative) Feeder School Run-Out Concert Choir bus from SFHS Sun.-Tues., Apr. 15–17 Edmonton Cantando Festival Concert Choir, Concert & Jazz Band Francis Winspear Centre (trip forms and $100 ONLINE deposit are now OVERDUE!) Fri., June 1 10:00 AM Graduation Mass Concert Choir Mon., June 4 7:00-9:00 PM UofC Rozsa Centre ALL Bands and Choirs Christmas Concert (call times TBA) Tues., Jun 5 7:00 PM Awards Jazz Band SFHS Purdy’s Chocolate Music Fundraiser!!! Forms will be available soon in the main office to support music. Please watch and listen for an announcement in the Daily. Please ask a music student if you want pre-wrapped chocolate gifts for Christmas! *ALL order forms will be due in early November next month. NO late orders will be accepted. 7:00 PM Thurs., Apr., 12, 2018 World-Renown Count Basie Orchestra [optional activity] $20/person student and chaperone ticket fee. Field trip forms are now OVERDUE. CADME (Calgary Association for the Development of Music Education) will present a sponsored concert for students by the Count Basie Orchestra at Arts Commons’ Jack Singer Concert Hall. The Count Basie Orchestra is considered to be one of the most important and influential ensembles in the history of jazz. This opportunity to hear a life-changing ensemble will inspire and ignite musicians of all ages and from all genres of study! Tickets have been discounted to $20, which will be added to your account to pay online after you have submitted the permission form.

Canadian Martyrs Parish Daily Mass Weekend Mass

Monday – Friday 9:00 am Saturday 5:00 pm; Sunday 9:00 am and 10:45 am

Main Office 403-284-3311 Parish Secretary, Christina secretary@canadianmartyrsparish.ca www.canadianmartyrsparish.ca Pastor Vincent TuanHa Rev. Tewelde Paulos Rev. Gabriel Arihi

Constable Enzie Contact 403-500-2026 with any concerns

Cobs Bread Dough Raiser At the Crowfoot location please tell them you are with Saint Francis High School. Cobs will donate 5% of your purchase back to our school in June. It's a very easy way to support your school while enjoying delicious and high quality breads and treats.

Crowfoot Corner Shopping Centre #107, 150 Crowfoot Crescent N.W. (403) 239-2666 Mon to Sat 7 a.m.—7 p.m. Sun 8 a.m.—6 p.m.

Donations Donate today to help Saint Francis High School continue to deliver quality education! A charitable tax receipt will be issued for donations of $25 or more. Print the donation card below and return it to Saint Francis High School. Thank you for your generous contribution.

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